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Erotic Orchestra - SymphonyAnon

By SymphonyAnon
Created: 2021-10-16 16:32:00
Updated: 2022-12-29 04:36:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >I actually met Anon a few years ago. His arrival 20 years ago was a veritable revolution, both for our kind and for me as well.
  2. >From Chemistry to Statistics, he apparently was a "Ree Searcher?" back home. Celestia, you should've seen that one alchemist's face on the train after he explained the atomic structure of matter.
  3. >I even heard about one alchemist that managed to chemically make cider.
  4. >He introduced a whole slew of concepts to pony-kind and taught me tons during his visit.
  5. >We never did develop advanced mathematics. Sure, schools taught how to multiply, subtract and all the good stuff, but most of us were left in the dark after.
  6. >I did hear about the states-ponies learning more advanced stuff, but it sounded way too complex for me. Some "all-goe-rhythms" to calculate public spending and populations and stuff.
  7. >One topic that he shared with me that peaked my interests was Frequencies and Resonance.
  8. >We all know how if you hit a crystal a certain way, it makes a sound, right?
  9. >I never even considered that you could tune a crystal to make a particular sound. Add some weights here and there, and that glass pane now sounds different when tapped.
  10. >You see, I'm a Crystal Pony, you can see where this is going. Do we crystal-folk make an actual sound?
  11. >I researched the topic, but I couldn't crack it.
  12. >I was stumped, until I saw a violinist mare scratch her back with a bow.
  13. >It made a tone! Very quiet, but it made a tone nonetheless. Vibrations. Vibrations made sound.
  14. >Your standard size young adult mare oscillates at about 8Hz, while a standard size young adult stallion oscillates at around 10Hz.
  15. >I never did figure how to make sounds with us before though, tapping or beating didn't work, since the crystal skin is soft and doesn't sound.
  16. >It was mating season and the mind was foggy, so I tried using a dildo. Set it to vibrate at 8Hz and sure enough, I started making a sound.
  17. >This gave me a very lewd, but possibly revolutionary idea. I started working on it immediately.
  18. >There are not many stallions in Equestria or the Crystal Empire, so most of us mares make do with another.
  19. >I found a few desperate mares and told them about my findings, asking if they'd be willing to help.
  20. >They, hungry for intimate touch, accepted, and we 5 went to the office together.
  21. >As soon as the door closed, the mares pulled out dildos from their saddlebags, I didn't even have time to explain what to do!
  22. >I interrupted them, to the chagrin of the group, and told them to set the dildos at 8Hz.
  23. >They didn't get it, so I had to manually set each dildo to that frequency.
  24. >After a few seconds, the office was filled with moans and hums, the kind you'd hear from a singing bowl.
  25. >Bingo. We had confirmation.
  26. >If the frequency dropped to half, the humming took longer to start, if it doubled, it took half the time.
  27. >The day after the surprise research orgy, I hurriedly went to the music shop and bought a piano.
  28. >Pianos work by hitting tuned cords and making the cords vibrate a specific way, right?
  29. >I figured, if I can make the cords vibrate by pressing a button, could I hook this up to the mare group and "play" some music?
  30. >It was worth a shot. That piano cost me 2 months worth of bits, so there was no going back.
  31. >While we waited for the piano to be delivered, I went and tested some more with the girls.
  32. >Turns out there was a link between age and "tone". Older mares sounded lower, while younger mares sounded higher.
  33. >Good thing we realized this before the piano had arrived. We were lucky that all the girls were on tune with the scale, Do, Re, Sol and Si. But we were missing a few members, namely Mi, Fa and La.
  34. >I asked the girls if they knew about some older mares, possibly mothers and some young adult mares.
  35. >They said they did and went to get them here after the day was over.
  36. >The Piano had arrived just in time, 88 Keys, only 7 mares. If this failed, I could always restore the piano and play it normally.
  37. >All the dildos had remote controls, so we hooked up the controls to the piano. Press a key and the circuit closed. Since we had fewer mares than keys, we hooked the different octaves to different speed multipliers.
  38. >It was time to finally test this. So I pushed all keys, one at a time, and sure enough, there was the correct note, accompanied by intense moaning.
  39. >We had done it. A mare based music "instrument".
  40. >After a session "jamming" with the girls, we had to decide on a name for the device.
  41. >We eventually settled on the "Maresical Engine".
  42. >It was a better name that my "Dildo Piano" suggestion, to be honest.
  43. >After a few weeks of learning how to properly play with the device, we coordinated a short performance for the townsfolk on the Amphitheatre. Adults only however.
  44. >We had to bribe some of the guard-mares to ignore us for the day, since it was a blatantly pornographic performance.
  45. >We prepared the stage with some cute carpets, both to make the place look better, and to hide the eventual stains.
  46. >At 8 O'clock, the show started.
  47. >Each note deliciously holding onto their rumps, raising not only a tone but some cute moans as well.
  48. >Meanwhile, the audience, lasciviously holding onto their seats, lips bitten or hooves on the groin, desperately watched the girls play for them, in both a sexual and musical sense.
  49. >After the last song, the audience asked for an encore, so we provided. The girls tired and with shivering hindquarters, yet hungry for more, agreed.
  50. >We earned enough that day to buy a proper studio, so we did. 7 mares in orgasmic bliss was enough to make us rich. What would happen if we extended this to the absolute limit?
  51. ...
  52. >It's been a few months since we performed and life has been kind to us.
  53. >Word of mouth had spread. We were the Erotic Orchestra, and people wanted us. Shows here and there helped us with funds for our increasingly sexual life.
  54. >A few more... needy mares have asked to join us, their lives hitherto boring and filled with sexual frustration.
  55. >While we would've loved to have all of them join in, we also had to test them first. We already had a base octave. Repeats would not go well.
  56. >Of note was a widowed mare, she must've been 50, but was desperate enough to join our exhibitionist act.
  57. >As our crew grew, so did our popularity. We eventually got asked to participate on some... private shows, if you get me.
  58. >Now, I can't tell you who those patrons were, but it's thanks to them that we can live comfortably.
  59. >Some of our patrons even offered themselves to join the crew, this was going to be a whole operation.
  60. >The original Maresical Engine wouldn't do. As much as we owe it our success, it's way too small for this project. The circuitry and machinery we need takes way too much space.
  61. >One of the girls, Strawberry Swirl, told us that her sister was a crafts-pony. So I went to see Strawberry's sister and ask for a specialized piano.
  62. >She was not fond of the idea, the fact that her sister was exposing herself was too much for her. Besides, she couldn't make the circuitry herself, she was a crafts-pony, not an electrician.
  63. >We eventually found an electrician stallion that could make us the circuitry we needed. Together, they'd make the ultimate piano, enough to rival a Concert Grand Piano of the highest caliber.
  64. >Variable global speed settings, RF emitter/receiver, emergency shutdown, all the good stuff. We had our ultimate piano on the works, the girls were all giddy with excitement.
  65. >As we were testing some performance issues on the dildos, Strawberry started out and out fucking herself with hers, we were about to complain when we noticed the tone. It had changed.
  66. >When she placed the dildo on the labia, the tone was more crystalline, while if the dildo was inserted into the vagina, the tone became more and more brass-like the deeper it went.
  67. >A whole new axis for our music. Not only could we play notes, but also change the "flavor" of the tone, depending on the location.
  68. >Hurriedly we rushed to both the electrician stallion and Strawberry's sister. This was grand, so we asked for a design change. A depth control for each key, so we could accurately tune as to where does the dildo vibrate.
  69. >Strawberry's sister was stumped. How could she make such a thing happen? The stallion was excited however, a whole new system to add to the contraption was a challenge he was happy to complete.
  70. >We ended with a side scroll and pressure switch design. If the switch was partially pressed, you could use the a wheel on the side to accurately control the depth of the held note, which wouldn't make a sound while tuning. If it was fully pressed, the scroll would affect all girls at once.
  71. >This was fine and all, but now we had a problem. A mayor one. Our "bows", were lacking. Sure, they were hard and... thick... with mare musk, which enticed our audience way before the shows began, but this new development required depth controllable dildos, and a way to remotely insert them into each mare.
  72. >As luck would have it, one of our patrons was into bondage and suggested some belts and modified strap-ons. She even gave us a few to test the designs.
  73. >None of the strap-ons would "move" though, only vibrate. So we had to rig a way to make the strap on pump in and out. With a few cranks and levers, we managed to do it well.
  74. >The last caveat was simple. To find and rig enough of these to fu... I mean, play properly. However, none of us were versed in the world of bondage, so we asked our patron again.
  75. >She told us where to buy these bondage items, you'd be surprised at how hard to find these were. Sure, you can buy dildos on the market a bit a dozen, but bondage parts had a stigma to it, so not many reputable merchants carried the stuff.
  76. >88 Mares. We needed 88 mares. We now had 21 excluding me.
  77. >A few days later, the Maresical Engine MKII was ready, the girls were horny and mounted, some were in a lordotic position, while others laid on their back, ready to be filled.
  78. >We started playing around with the settings. First by pushing the dildos in and out... In... and Out...
  79. >In and O... Sorry. As I was saying, first we pushed the dildos fully inside, then outside, they all worked, the girls were jubilous, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't long to be in their place.
  80. >Then we tested the tones, sure enough, at full dildo touching cervix depth, the tone was like hearing a crystal sax. As the dildos retracted, it gradually returned to the pure crystalline tone.
  81. >The girls were melting, begging me to pump again. So I did. Again. And again. And again.
  82. >Their pleasured faces and voices filling me with an indescribable feeling. As I pumped, one of the girls pulled out of the assembly, pulled open my legs and threw her face into my crotch. I saw stars that day, both figuratively and literally.
  83. >These girls, they were the best thing to ever happen to each other and to me. They had talent and a love so deep for each other that I'm sure they alone could keep the wendigos at bay, rest of Equestria be damned.
  84. >As thanks, we gave the original Maresical Engine, piano and dildos, to the patron who helped us with the bondage parts and the idea. She may or may not hold a very, very high position in government and magic.
  85. >88 keys on a piano. We needed 88 mares. There were 27 mares now.
  86. >But did we actually need 61 more mares? The girls were so full of passion for the act that I was not sure if adding more would go well.
  87. >I shared my worries with the girls and they all told me that more girls would always be better.
  88. >Reassured, I asked the newer girls if they know of any mares who'd be willing to join. They did, soon came friends, mothers and sisters of the girls, desperate for touch, for a sense of belonging, hungry for pleasure. 25 mares came, in more ways than one, but a few didn't match the necessary tones, so we sadly had to reject 4 of them. 21 mares joined.
  89. >48 mares. 4 complete octaves, including the ebonies. Halfway there.
  90. >We were 49 mares who spent almost all day together, playing with each other's bodies, bathing on the love and passion the group had.
  91. >We had reached critical mass. No longer could we live separated from each other, the desire to be together overpowering even reason itself.
  92. >So we made a plan. We'd play the best musical ensemble Equestria had ever seen. A show fit to make Celestia herself both blush and rejoice at the quality of the performance.
  93. >With the profits, we'd buy a place for all of us to live. Perhaps even settle a small village near the Crystal Empire's capital.
  94. >Thus we started to publicize the event, set for the next month. Every last bit we had, used to promote the event. From Manehattan to Cloudsdale, everyone heard about it, and we were in, all or nothing.
  95. >I had an old book about great musicians' compositions and, back when I was a filly, I dreamed of joining the legends. Perhaps this one would be my... No, our big break.
  96. >We composed a most delectable ensemble together. No longer me alone practicing the melody, but some of the girls chiming in what they felt sounded (and pleasured) them the best.
  97. >By this point, the original 7 and I were composing, not to pleasure the ears, but to pleasure the flesh. A wonderful cacophony of moans and hums, of orgasms and harmonic excellence.
  98. >2 days before the show was set to happen, we got confirmation. Luna herself would attend our show. If we could win her over, we'd be strapped for life. Everyone would know our name, and the fact that the royalty themselves approve and enjoy our performance.
  99. >We agreed to end the show with an arranged Bethooven's Moonlight Sonata, both as a nod to Luna herself attending and to give the girls a respite from the delightful, exhibitionist orgasmic agony they'd be subject to for those 3 hours.
  100. >They day had came. And so did we. Minds clear and bodies needy, we marched to the Crystal Empire's Royal Amphitheatre. 10 thousand ponies. 10 thousand ponies and then some would attend.
  101. >Or so we thought.
  102. >Yes, the Royal Amphitheatre did hold 10 thousand seats. But we didn't expect the pegasi to be so desperate to attend. The skies were checkered with clouds of pegasi, all in attendance, all hungry for music and release.
  103. >The Erotic Orchestra marched into the stage. Curtains closed, everyone went into position. Naturally, everyone was nervous, they'd perform in front of a sizeable chunk of the country's people. And in front of Luna no less.
  104. >I was a nervous wreck at the moment. Sure, the girls are the main attraction, but there I was, a generic crystal mare, born from a simple family, now both director and main performer for the most anticipated show this year.
  105. >We started testing our contraption and had brought a few spare parts in the event of emergencies. A low constant hum could be heard around the stage. The hum of four dozen mares getting pleasured, both in body and mind.
  106. >As soon as they all confirmed their parts were ready, both genital and musically, the curtains raised. A uniform gasp was heard from the crowd, they knew what they were going to see, but to see it themselves must've been a shock.
  107. >I gazed at the audience, scrolling through the attendees until I saw her. Luna herself on the Royal Balcony, a mere 30 meters away from us. She'd have a direct line of sight with me, and me with her.
  108. >I swallowed hard, bowed to the murmuring audience and sat on my seat...
  109. >The Ivories pressed and the melodic moans appearing. A wonderful ensemble of music and sexual satisfaction. Each note a different flavour of pleasure hitting the audience.
  110. >I inserted all the dildos at once and the audience gasped. 48 girls being musically fucked is not a show one sees every day.
  111. >Some of the girls squirmed, other relaxed. One of the girls pumped her hips with gusto, tears rolling though her eyes as she desperately tried to get one more centimeter of silicon inside her.
  112. >I almost went off-sheet and started messing her up, but I remembered Luna's gaze upon us and came back to my senses.
  113. >We had decided to use 800Hz for the dildos, so the notes came, literally, out of them in an instant.
  114. >We had reached the mid-time of the show and a pause on the performance. The curtains had closed and I could hear murmurs and the occasional moan coming from the audience.
  115. >The girls quickly unbuckled themselves and went to the bathroom, both to clean themselves and to hydrate. Cumming for 90 minutes dehydrates you a lot, you know.
  116. >A few of the girls had troubles with this however, their hindquarters trembling due to the intense orgasms they had been given.
  117. >I helped them walk to the bathroom and went back. I was given access to the royal bathrooms thanks to the important role I had. I was nervous and horny, so I thought I could sober myself in there.
  118. >I entered the bathroom and I saw her. Luna herself, blushing as red as blood. Her face purple due to the mixing colours. I was frozen.
  119. >Here was one of the most important ponies in Equestria and I just barged in on her. Was she mad? Disappointed? Horny? I did not know.
  120. >I quickly apologized and closed the door, begging my lucky stars she felt pity and not rage.
  121. >A few moments later, the door opened and Luna came out. She told me not to worry and walked back to her seat.
  122. >After gathering myself I noticed a trail of droplets that came out of the bathroom and followed Luna's path.
  123. >I crouched and inhaled. It smelled like lust.

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