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The Continuing Adventures of Nova Spark: Adventure

By E4-NG
Created: 2021-10-24 10:50:23
Updated: 2021-10-24 10:56:20
Expiry: Never

  1. >Twilight places her tools on the table and steps back from the workbench, folding her mechanical claws back against her wing.
  2. >You turn your attention from the scenery outside the workshop-embassy’s window and step up and grab the part she just finished assembling, half-sitting on a free stool.
  3. >Flurry Heart cranes her neck to see over your arm, then squeaks as she pinwheels her wings to keep her balance.
  4. >Nova brings her wings up to stop Flurry from falling off her back, where the pink alicorn’s been standing.
  5. “Hey, no need to hurt yourself.”
  6. >You turn and hold the device in front of Nova and Flurry, who both look over it attentively.
  7. >In Flurry’s case, not for long. “What is it?”
  8. “It’s an eyepiece. We’ve got sight for blind ponies, but the system doesn’t really work for those who have just lost one eye. Your aunt and I are seeing if we can figure out if it would be worthwhile.”
  9. >You can tell the explanation hits Flurry and slides right off.
  10. >It doesn’t change her cheerful approach to the world. “Do you help auntie and uncle with this?” She looks down at Nova.
  11. >Nova turns her head up to meet her cousin’s eyes. “No, not really… Just simple things. This is fancy stuff.”
  12. >”Sounds boring!”
  13. >Nova blinks a couple times, then looks to the floor. “I think it’s interesting...”
  14. >Flurry jumps from Nova’s back up onto the workbench. You’re thankful Twilight keeps your workspaces so neat and orderly; there’s nothing here that can hurt her.
  15. >”You just put stuff together all day?”
  16. >”Not all day. And I just watch, a lot of the time.”
  17. >”My parents work is important!”
  18. >”Important means it’s even more boring!”
  19. >Nova eyes Flurry, who’s picking her way through the boxy lab equipment on the table. ”Means its better than goofing off all day.”
  20. >Flurry puffs up and turns back to face her cousin. ”Mom says goofing off is important for growing fillies.”
  21. >”Doesn’t that mean it’s boring?”
  22. >The alicorn deflates again, then makes a show of thinking about it.
  23. >You and Twilight trade smiles. The two will go on like this all day if you let them.
  24. “Alright, Flurry, you can think of this like part of Nova’s schooling. You do go to school, don’t you? Or get tutored?”
  25. >”Tutored!”
  26. “Wonderful. Nova learns some different stuff than you, that’s all. This is some of it.”
  27. >Flurry spins in place, looking at the desk’s contents again. “Why?”
  28. >”Because I want to.”
  29. >”Why?”
  30. >Nova half-closes her eyes and doesn’t respond.
  31. >Flurry frowns. ”Lame.”
  32. >”Now, Flurry,” Twilight says, walking over to the filly and helping her off the table, “we don’t talk about other ponies’ hobbies like that. I’m sure you do some things that Nova’s not interested in.”
  33. >”Sorry, Aunt Twilight.”
  34. >”I know you didn’t mean it.”
  35. >”I know Nova’s interested in what I’m interested in, though!”
  36. >Twilight smiles and sits back. “Oh? What would that be?”
  37. >”Adventures!” Flurry bounces in place, excitement plain on her face.
  38. >Nova still doesn’t say anything, but nods energetically.
  39. >”What kind of adventures would these be?” Twilight leans down to the filly.
  40. >”Exploring!”
  41. >”I hope you two make maps, I’d like to learn more about these adventures.”
  42. >Flurry shakes her head just as vigorously as Nova had nodded. “Nope! Secret!”
  43. >”I think plenty of ponies would be interested in hearing about your exploring.”
  44. >”That’s why we can’t tell them!”
  45. >Twilight laughs. “Alright then, keep your secrets. As long as you two look out for each other.”
  46. >Flurry’s “Yep!” is joined by Nova’s agreeing “Mhmm!”
  47. “How about you take her for some exploring right now? Mom and I need to do a little more work here.”
  48. >”Alright.” Nova turns and beckons Flurry towards the door with a motion of one wing. The pink alicorn trots to keep up with Nova’s adult stride, and the two exit outside.
  49. >You can see Tall Tail peel off from the guard he was talking to and follow the two fillies at a respectable distance.
  50. “Sometimes I wonder if Flurry’s a bad example.”
  51. >”They’re little fillies. Let them play.”
  52. “Oh, I love that they can play together. Nova usually acts so mature, it’s nice to see there’s someone her age she can relax around.”
  53. >”She’s only thirteen. It’s nice there’s someone who treats her like her age.”
  54. >You look over to Twilight as she hops up onto one of the stools around the workbench, next to you. She’s taller than you, once she’s on it.
  55. “Hey, you were just-”
  56. >”Oh, I know. I’m proud she’s interested in our work, and you were right that it’s an important part of her education. But she needs to relax sometime.”
  57. “Big talk, coming from you.”
  58. >Twilight laughs and leans towards you, bringing her eyes to your level. You grab the back of her head with your one free hand and pull her closer, kissing her nose. She turns the gesture into nuzzling the side of your face. “I don’t want her to pick up on my bad habits, okay?”
  59. “Then maybe we should rethink having Raven teach her alongside Celestia.”
  60. >”Raven’s irreplaceable. Besides, that work might be even more important than ours. Princesses need to know how to run the country.”
  61. “I’m surprised you get away with spending so much time in here.”
  62. >Once you pull away from her, you can see her eyes sparkling. “I’m spending time with you.”
  63. >You look down at the eyepiece, forgotten in your grasp. You sigh and place it on the workbench.
  64. “After all this time and you can still distract me from work.”
  65. >”Don’t think I don’t see the attention you pay to our daughter, too.”
  66. “You’re both works of art.”
  67. >Twilight laughs again. Every peal makes your chest lighter. “Anon, you’ve had me for years. The flattery isn’t necessary.”
  68. “How do you think you got me in the first place?”
  69. >Her smile turns into a wry grin. “I recall being the only pony in Equestria who would put up with your workshop whimsy.”
  70. “And here I’ve ensnared you-”
  71. >You emphasize the word with both arms around her back, hugging her to you while still looking into her eyes.
  72. “-to get stuck in right alongside me.”
  73. >She pushes your arms aside by spreading her wings, enveloping you in her feathers.
  74. >Those feathers are more than enough to surround you. They threaten to smother.
  75. “I’m still not used to the fact you’re still growing.”
  76. >She blinks in surprise, then lays her head across one of your shoulders. “I’ll be as big as Celestia, some day.”
  77. “Luna’s getting there. You’re as big as your sister-in-law was when I first saw her. I’ll be dwarfed by my own herd. To think you used to fit neatly in my lap.”
  78. >You can feel a bit of heat off her ears, at that. “That’s not why you sent those two away, is it?”
  79. “Clean your dirty mind, you goof. We do need to get back to work.”
  80. >Twilight pulls you closer with your wings, and you return the gesture by resuming the hug she broke.
  81. >Then you tilt your head up to that hot ear you felt near your face.
  82. “Tonight, though, is a different story.”
  83. >”Skies above, I’m glad Luna can take her when we go to bed.”
  85. * * *
  87. >”You wouldn’t tell anyone our secrets, would you Mister Guard?”
  88. >Tall Tail smiles at Flurry. “Never.”
  89. “They’re not that secret.”
  90. >He turns to you then. “Trust me, Princess, the stories I tell of your exploits are more entertaining than reality. Your reputation as adventurers of the highest caliber is safe with me.”
  91. >Flurry puffs herself up. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
  92. “I think it means we need to explore more.”
  93. >”We can do that!”
  94. >Tall Tail laughs, falling back behind you two on the walking path around the palace. “I’ll be right here if you two need anything.”
  95. >Despite her earlier huff, Flurry’s looking pleased. “He’s nice.”
  96. “He’s been my guard for a long time.”
  97. >Flurry’s quiet for a moment, before continuing, “He’s waiting for someone.”
  98. “What?”
  99. >”I can feel it. He enjoys being with us but there’s another pony he enjoys being with who isn’t here but will be.”
  100. >You duck your head down slightly to be closer to Flurry’s, and speak quieter.
  101. “It might be my night guard.”
  102. >”It feels like when our parents are together but different. I think he’s in looove!”
  103. “Come on, Flurry, are you going to gush over it like Aunt Cadance?”
  104. >”What if I do?”
  105. “Well...”
  106. >You recall some choice pictures and even a video you have saved in your head.
  107. “I think you’re totally right.”
  108. >Flurry grins, then looks back at the royal guard. ”It’s so weird you have ponies following you around all the time.”
  109. “Maybe you just don’t see yours.”
  110. >Flurry stops in her tracks. “What if they’re changelings?!”
  111. “That’s silly.”
  112. >”I could see Dad doing it,” Flurry mutters as she starts walking again.
  113. >The two of you stop where a thick stone wall separates the palace grounds from one of the more precipitous drops where the mountain’s slope is steep.
  114. >Flurry looks up at it only briefly, before backing up and launching into a running leap. A couple wingbeats sees her standing atop it, looking down at you.
  115. >You look back up at her, unmoving.
  116. “That’s dangerous.”
  117. >”Danger just means it’s another adventure!”
  118. “You’re not going to find anything up there!”
  119. >”How do you know?”
  120. “I’ve already flown all around the palace.”
  121. >”Come up anyway. You’re a big filly.” Flurry squints at you. “Really. Like you’re adult-sized.”
  122. “I know”
  123. >”So join me!”
  124. >You experimentally place a hoof against the wall, but it’s too tall for you to climb up.
  125. >You bunch your body down like you’ve seen cats do before jumping, then shove off the ground hard in a leap for the top of the wall.
  126. >You’re only rewarded with your hooves scrabbling against the stonework. Your forelimbs glow yellow as Flurry tries to haul you up, but she only succeeds in slowing your ensuing descent.
  127. >”Oh just fly up!”
  128. “You know the whole dumb routine I have to do. I already know there’s nothing up there.”
  129. >”Oh, you’re no fun.” Flurry turns around to peer down the drop on the other side.
  130. >Only to shriek and flail back as a voice shouts “Boo!”
  131. >Now your wings are locked and blades deployed, that same routine you were just reluctant to perform. Before you could start spinning up, however, you see what scared Flurry peaking over the top of the wall; the slit pupils and fangs of a batpony, set into a familiar face.
  132. “I think you found who Tall Tail was waiting for.”
  133. >”Not funny!”
  134. “It was totally funny.”
  135. >Catnip, wearing her night watch armor, flaps her leathery wings a few times to land on top of the wall. She puts her sun goggles over her eyes and looks down at Flurry. “Sorry, Princess, but it is dangerous up here.”
  136. >”Fine, fine, I’ll get down...”
  137. >Flurry hops down to your side, and Catnip glides off the wall to land by Tall Tail a dozen paces away.
  138. “You didn’t feel she was there?”
  139. >”Not as good as Mom yet. Hard to find ponies when they feel the same as others.”
  140. >The two of you share a wide-eyed look, then.
  141. >”Ooohhh they’re both in love!”
  142. “I said don’t tease them!”
  143. >”I bet they’ll kiss.”
  144. “They’ve never kissed in front of me.”
  145. >”Oh no! What if they don’t know!”
  146. “Stop it, Flurry.”
  147. >”I should tell them!”
  148. “Your mom will get mad if you mess with other ponies like that.”
  149. >Flurry harrumphs and slumps. “Yeah, you’re right. Dumb.”
  150. >Both of you look back at the two guards, in their very different armor.
  151. “Can you hear what they’re saying?”
  152. >Flurry shakes her head at first, but pauses. “Something about plans.”
  153. “Plans like what?”
  154. >She looks back at you and grins. “Maybe she’s taking him on a date.”
  155. “Stop being such a colt.”
  156. >”Stop sounding so old.”
  157. >The two of you stare at each other a moment, then both laugh.
  158. >You’re loud enough to get the two guards’ attention, and they both walk up to you. Tall Tail’s smirking. “Now you have to deal with both of us.”
  159. >Flurry’s laugh turns into a groan. “You gotta be kidding me.”
  160. “Can’t even fly away now, she’ll just follow us. Why are you so slow in the air, Flurry?”
  161. >”I wasn’t the one saying she didn’t want to get on the wall!”
  162. >The two guards are watching your theatrics with amusement.
  163. “Lets get moving again, at least.”
  164. >”We’ve walked around the whole place twice now.”
  165. “Maybe we’ll find something the third time.”
  166. >The two of you set off again, and the guards wait a respectful distance before trailing.
  167. “They know we’re joking, right?”
  168. >”Yep. They thought it was funny.”
  169. “Especially you getting scared.”
  170. >”Hey!”
  171. “Colty.”
  172. >But Flurry’s smiling. “Insults don’t work when I can feel you don’t mean it.”
  173. >You shake your head.
  174. “Can’t get away with anything.”
  175. >”One of these days you’ll have to visit. I can get away with everything.”
  176. >You look back at Flurry, who’s got that sparkle in her eyes like she can’t wait to cause some mischief.
  177. “Someday.”

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