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Blucifer Horse Apocalypse

By Ponegreen
Created: 2021-10-30 11:24:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt: Denver Blue Mustang (a.k.a. Blucifer) Horse Apocalypse one-shot green, heavily inspired by and based on the post chain that starts here:
  6. >Mighty horse spirits from another plane of existence take note of Earth.
  7. >They see the current state the world is in and are disgusted by it.
  8. >Too much misery going around, and far too few worshippers of horsefuckery to balance things out.
  9. >So the spirits must take things into their own hooves.
  10. >The horses muster their power to build an esoteric bridge to the world of the humans.
  11. >But their sway over the planet is very limited due to the planar distance and their minimal base of potential supporters.
  12. >The spirits can only reach into the depths of an open mind who might act as a willing agent.
  13. >Countless indescribable rituals and sweeps ensue until they find the embodiment of their aide in a Mexican artist.
  14. >They latch onto that connection, whisper to him in his subconsciousness, give him inspirational visions of his craft, and subtly affect his actions.
  15. >This interaction strengthens the bond between the human world and the equine plane to a small extent.
  16. >But it is not enough.
  17. >They need more energy.
  18. >Much more energy.
  19. >So they use their tiny bump in power to lightly bend Earth's fate to their will.
  20. >After some time, and minor tinkering in reality, the artist gets a unique opportunity.
  21. >He is commissioned to build a large horse statue for an airport.
  22. >But unbeknownst to him and the other humans who think they have drafted the contract on their own, the details of this plan were in reality all created by the horse spirits, and after the fact merely beamed onto the minds of the people in charge.
  23. >The artist gets to work soon.
  24. >He envisions the rearing statue of a huge imposing stallion with striking features.
  25. >Blue coat, piercing red eyes, muscular and virile, yet also possessing a bony and veiny frame.
  26. >The very essence of a horse that is not from this world.
  27. >Though at the very same time, it is a horse from Earth.
  28. >For the artist drew some of his inspirations from a mundane stallion he bought prior to the project.
  29. >Another decision inspired by the horse spirits.
  30. >Who chose this course of action to create an anchor that is rooted within the spiritual plane and on Earth alike.
  31. >A conduit of sorts.
  32. >And as the artist is busy with his work on the statue proper, the bond between the planes intensifies manifold.
  33. >The spirits' whispers get louder and clearer with every little thing he does.
  34. >Eventually, he can hear the horses talking to him directly.
  35. >And they present a deal to him.
  36. >An offer with a steep price, but also unfathomable rewards.
  37. >The bargain is struck, and comes into effect in due time.
  38. >One day, when the artist is in his studio, fate rears its head.
  39. >The artist is struck by the statue he works on, killing him quickly in the accident.
  40. >But what seems like a tragic mishap to the humans, is in reality the cornerstone of the contract.
  45. >Because it is not the end of the artist at all.
  46. >When his body gets fatally wounded by the partially completed statue, his soul is rescued by the planar conduit.
  47. >It embeds his mind into the vessel of his own creation instead.
  48. >The power and passions of the artist's essence now fuel the conduit's focus, and its energies nourish the artist's soul in turn.
  49. >Each maintaining and strengthening the other.
  50. >The conduit has reached a new level of power, and with it grows the spirits' influence on Earth.
  51. >The mind of the artist adds to the voices of the horses, calling his family and friends to continue what he started.
  52. >And so it comes as it was planned: The statue gets finished, further growing in power and influence as it nears completion, and is placed on the open field near the airport for the whole world to see.
  53. >There it stands for years.
  54. >Waiting.
  55. >Biding its time.
  56. >Calling for new curious souls from all other the world.
  57. >Planting subtle seeds inside the souls of more willing aides.
  58. >Ever growing a little more in power.
  59. >One little hoof step at a time.
  60. >The spirit horses are patient.
  61. >And so is their plan.
  62. >Years after the statue has been planted and seen by millions of people from all over the world, the spirit sense that the time is ripe to act.
  63. >They call for one of their most devoted followers.
  64. >An anonymous figure whose fascination for horsefuckery has reached incredible levels.
  65. >Up to the point where his affections exceed the mere spheres of the mind.
  66. >He is attracted to the statue both mentally and physically.
  67. >Drawn to it in every sense of the word.
  68. >To show his full devotion to the horses' cause and satiate his own personal desire, he wishes to plant a kiss on the sculpted stallion's scrotum.
  69. >Some may call it perversion, but it does not matter.
  70. >Neither to him, nor to the spirits.
  71. >Only the act and the aspiration behind it count to them.
  72. >But on his way to the statue, the follower gets discovered and captured by the guards of the airport.
  73. >They know none of this plans and assume the worst, so they incarcerate and interrogate the man for days.
  74. >Not knowing what to think of his captors in turn, the follower remains silent during the questioning.
  75. >He does not waver, and he does not regret.
  76. >Until one moment of physical exhaustion, when he unintentionally spills the beans.
  77. >Befuddled and confused, the captors leave him for a while to discuss the matter.
  78. >After some debate, they come to a decision.
  79. >The captors make plans to mock the captive, while giving him what he so desperately desires.
  80. >They set up a stage between the stallion's rear legs and wait for the night.
  81. >It is bound to become a dark one.
  82. >The skies are heavily clouded and stricken by distant thunderstorms.
  83. >Upon dusk, the captors put on some dark robes, grab a couple of drums and torches, and lead the anonymous figure to the statue in a procession.
  88. >They chant taunting words and loudly beat their drums as they walk their victim towards the giant blue stallion.
  89. >The captors drive themselves into an almost fanatic ecstasy during the procedure, firmly sure of themselves.
  90. >Yet the man keeps his composure and enters the stage with dignity whilst the robed people encircle the large sculpture as they drum and sing.
  91. >In their scoffing trance, the people encourage the anonymous devotee to do what he wished for all along.
  92. >He shall kiss the sculpture in front of their eyes.
  93. >So, standing between the stallion's rear legs, he takes heart and raises his head.
  94. >In one second of perfect clarity, he blocks out all the noise from the thunder and the drumming horde, and plants his kiss right onto the ballbag.
  95. >His devotion mixes with the collected power inside the statue as his lips touch the cold surface.
  96. >The crowd cheers in fake compliments as they witness the deed.
  97. >But then, everything changes.
  98. >Charged with the soul of the artist, the curious views of millions of people, the amusement of the crowd, and the devotion of the anonymous figure, something inside the conduit finally gives.
  99. >The potent mix of all these different powers in this small area accumulate to one single focus point inside the statue.
  100. >This is the moment the horse spirits were waiting for.
  101. >They have all the power they need, and only require one last spark to accomplish their goal.
  102. >And the spirits find it.
  103. >Literally.
  104. >The horses use their increased influence on reality to attract one surge from the nearby thunderstorm, forcing one lightning bolt to violently strike the statue.
  105. >With this sudden hit, the esoteric planar energies mingle with their mundane Earth counterpart that is present in the lightning, which causes both to simultaneously burst forth in one massive detonation.
  106. >The abstract shockwave expands in all directions.
  107. >It knocks the robed people off their feet.
  108. >It flattens bushes and trees in its way.
  109. >Windows shatter, things topple over.
  110. >Nobody knows for sure how far the wave travels before its effect dissipates.
  111. >But strangely enough, the impact point of the lightning has taken no blemish whatsoever.
  112. >The blue horse is undamaged, and the stage underneath it is still intact.
  113. >The devotee has felt nothing of the blast as well.
  114. >Though he does spot a small difference.
  115. >The statue he is kissing is no longer cold, as it now emanates a strange, unreal warmth.
  116. >And it is no longer a hard surface either.
  117. >It has become strangely squishy and smooth instead.
  118. >Like real tissue.
  119. >Only a blink of an eye later, the blue stallion sculpture begins to move.
  120. >The strong fibreglass structure which held him up for years has turned into real fibres and muscles instead.
  121. >And the glow in his eyes has become more lively from one moment to the other.
  122. >What was once a mere statue is now an avatar of a spirit horse, no longer bound by the border between their world and Earth.
  127. >Still in his rearing pose, the blue stallion raises his head to neigh into the night sky.
  128. >A call that is heard by everyone around the globe who has been gifted with the horses' blessings.
  129. >Within mere moments, they all heed the invocation, and feel the presence of the avatar within their very beings.
  130. >Subconsciously, they know the time has come.
  131. >They lend the power of their own essences as extensions to the presence of the stallion, creating smaller conduits across the entire planet.
  132. >Before any of the unaware humans has a chance to understand what is happening, more herds of smaller otherworldly horses appear virtually everywhere.
  133. >Fantastic mares and stallions of various sizes, colours, and shapes suddenly appear everywhere in uncountable numbers, taking everyone by surprise.
  134. >Neither of them quite matches the sheer size of their blue brother, but they do not have to be as big as him to create their own aura of gravitas.
  135. >Initial shock and panic creates chaos everywhere as most humans flee from the unreal equines.
  136. >The horses use that havoc to spread out unimpeded.
  137. >And their number steadily grows through the influx caused by the stable conduits.
  138. >Knowing that the plan has come to full fruition, the massive blue stallion avatar breaks free from his rearing pose to wander on Earth with the others of his kind.
  139. >He gets on his four hooves, minding not to crush the devotee underneath him, and wanders off into the distance.
  140. >Just before he is out of range, the anonymous figure on the stage grabs some hair of the avatar's tail.
  141. >He holds it tight to get tugged along with the enormous horse.
  142. >And the avatar does not mind his presence in the slightest, for he is part of the reason why they could reach Earth in the first place.
  143. >The two unlike companions leave the scene, leaving a bunch of gravely mortified robed humans behind.
  144. >They observe the departure with incomprehensible demoralisation, whilst their extinguished torches and broken drums lie in the dirt around them.
  145. >Their ritual has turned on them.
  146. >Or rather, they finally understand that their own abstract power was hijacked by something far greater than themselves.
  147. >They have opened Pandora's Stable.
  148. >And there is no turning back.
  153. >From this night onwards, Earth changes forever.
  154. >The summoned equines slowly but surely spread to every nook and cranny of the planet.
  155. >For they are eternal and limitless in number.
  156. >The reactions of the humans they encounter are very mixed, however.
  157. >Due to the planting of seeds in a good number of them, the spirits are able to gather a loyal circle of followers from these ranks fairly quickly.
  158. >They all join their cause willingly and without regrets.
  159. >And even some of those who received no blessing prior to the manifestation are curious enough to approach the horses and join their cause.
  160. >But on the other hand, vast parts of the population are sceptical and openly hostile towards the equine newcomers.
  161. >For they see in them a force of invasion.
  162. >A breed of hell.
  163. >Perhaps even the end of the world.
  164. >The blue veiny stallion, whom they identify as the source of this incursion, is seen as the ultimate evil.
  165. >They dub him Blucifer, the azure demon horse with the red eyes.
  166. >And surely the colt of the devil himself.
  167. >Even though the insiders know better, they too adopt the name, given the effect it has on everyone around them.
  168. >Soon, an active resistance against the spirits and their followers is forming.
  169. >Humans arm themselves with weapons and other gear to fight the intruders.
  170. >As they find out to their chagrin, however, mundane weapons have no effect on their supernatural foes.
  171. >Bullets and other projectiles bounce off their coats, and close combat gear breaks apart when it strikes a horse.
  172. >The mostly mundane forms of the horses' bodies seem to take light damage and scratches from the hits, yet those blemishes are quickly negated and undone by their otherworldly powers.
  173. >The humans are completely outmatched.
  174. >Those who fight on despite this realisation are swiftly trampled and mauled by very corporeal hooves.
  175. >But those who drop their weapons and retreat are spared.
  176. >For while the spirits have come to spread horsefuckery, they have not come to exterminate.
  177. >Still, the humans fight on despite the leniency of the spirits.
  178. >Where conventional weapons proved inefficient, they come with tanks.
  179. >These metal monstrosities cause greater holes, but like the handguns, they also cannot outmatch the regeneration of their opponents.
  180. >On the flipside, their hooves clobber the vehicles with laughable ease.
  181. >Where tanks get wrecked, they come with bombs and remotely controlled missiles to atomise their opponents.
  186. >This strategy seems to work at first, as the explosions indeed only leave smoking craters behind.
  187. >Unfortunately for the humans, their euphoria is very short-lived.
  188. >Because the very same horses that they have just vaporised suddenly manifest themselves inside the bombers and missile control stations that have just fired on them.
  189. >And as these unfortunate individuals quickly learn, it is very hard to operate a missile bunker or navigate an aircraft when there are demon equines rampaging through the interior to play polka with their instruments.
  190. >Whatever the humans try to stall the influx of horse spirits from the other side, it fails.
  191. >So the horses keep coming and coming.
  192. >Whilst ever more people are swayed to their side.
  193. >Next the humans try to come for the followers, since they do not have the same inter-planar protections.
  194. >They figure that if there are some humans who can channel the powers that lured these the devils to Earth in the first place, then removing these people will dampen the influence of these creatures.
  195. >But the humans do not get the chance to find out whether this approach might work.
  196. >Because the spirits saw that coming in advance too, and they have planned for this eventuality.
  197. >The moment the spirits give the signal, the followers split themselves into different groups.
  198. >Some willingly follow the example of the artist and use the conduits to transfer their souls to the other side, eventually becoming horse spirits themselves over time.
  199. >Others go into hiding on Earth, in remote places that are now firmly under the control of Blucifer and his fellow equines.
  200. >There, they hide, as they know what is about to come next.
  201. >At this point, humanity has realised that it cannot win against their foes.
  202. >As such, they decide to go for the next best thing in their eyes.
  203. >Assured mutual destruction.
  204. >The humans dig up their most destructive devices, hoping that if they cannot stop the intrusion of the demons, they can at least remove everything of value from the world.
  205. >Not overly worried about their own wellbeing, the spirits do their best to tuck away their human followers and recruit as many still remaining volunteers as they can before the big explosion goes off.
  206. >Then it comes.
  207. >Humanity detonates all its remaining super weapons at once.
  208. >Earth as it was has ceased to exist.
  209. >But the fellowship of horsefuckery survives.
  210. >So when the dust settles and the worst is over, Blucifer and his herd manifest again on the surface of a badly ravaged Earth.
  211. >Still harnessing the power of the conduits and bolstered by the devotion of their devotees, they use their abstract skills to bend reality and repair the damage.
  212. >So that the followers can live in their world once more.
  213. >Even those who became horse spirits themselves largely return to their former home.
  218. >In the aftermath of the incursion, both halves of the same group find to each other again under the guarding eyes of Blucifer and his kin.
  219. >A new era of peace and advanced horsefuckery is upon them, and they quickly learn to live together and benefit from each other's skills.
  220. >The extreme exposure to the extra-planar energies left its mark on the human followers though.
  221. >Over time, it has seeped into their bodies, causing them to develop an ever growing affinity towards their equine fellows.
  222. >In fact, the lure grows to such a high level that they find themselves being more attracted to their equines friends rather than other humans.
  223. >As a result, most people eventually form relationships with otherworldly companions and vice versa.
  224. >However, this does not pose that much of a problem as it may initially imply.
  225. >Because with the ever growing bond between the two groups comes an ever greater influx of abstract energy.
  226. >Which leads to a constantly increasing degree of reality bending powers for the equines.
  227. >At one point, they learn to manipulate the sheer basic fabric of reality on the entire planet, enabling them to change what is possible in this world.
  228. >And so, Blucifer and his herd proclaim that humans and horses can conceive viable offspring with one another.
  229. >Reality reshapes itself in the image of their vision, and soon Earth is blessed with their first common offspring.
  230. >But like the vastly varying shapes of the spirit horses, some of these new beings develop unique features of their very own.
  231. >Some are horses who grow horns on their heads or wings on their backs.
  232. >Others develop an unusually high equine muscle mass or even more strikingly bright coat colours.
  233. >Yet another group foals beings with the upper body of a human and the lower end of a horse.
  234. >The possibilities seem endless.
  235. >Every new bond and subsequent generation widens up the options even more.
  236. >The world transforms further and further alongside its populace to cater to its changing needs.
  237. >Which in turn bolsters the presence of pure spiritual energies on Earth to wholly new records.
  238. >Until the very soil of the world itself is charged with their powers.
  239. >One day, the planet as a single unit reaches the point where it is more otherworldly than mundane.
  240. >So it eventually phases out of its original plane to shift over to the spiritual realm.
  241. >With the transit, it also gains another name.
  242. >The world of horses.
  243. >Equestria.
  244. >A completely new realm with countless wondrous equine denizens and other mythical creations.
  245. >A bubble on the spiritual plane where unreal wonders and magic meet mundane reality.
  250. >In the early days, the remaining humans, Blucifer, and the other original spirits all actively roam the planes of the newly created world side by side with their children.
  251. >The older spirits and their followers are the guardians and mentors of the younger generations, teaching them all they need to know to fend for themselves.
  252. >The pupils eagerly learn the knowledge and talents that are bequeathed by their parents.
  253. >Soon they are able to stand fully on their own, without any external help from the ancient spirits.
  254. >And so, realising that their task has been completed, the older spirits return to the wider spirit realm, leaving Equestria in the care of their younger magical equine brethren.
  255. >The younglings must find their own lessons to learn and grow.
  256. >Something which they cannot accomplish in the constant shades of their parents.
  257. >Occasionally, a few of them return to nudge their foals in the right direction when they stumble upon some larger trouble.
  258. >But every time they do, the spirits never appear in their corporeal form as to not disturb the learning process with their presence.
  259. >Instead, they appear as highly magical harmonic forces to give their children a little hint here and there.
  260. >Or if needed, they play the part of seemingly unspeakable manifesting evils or bone chilling spectres of ice and discord which apparently need to be purified for harmony to prosper.
  261. >Whatever is necessary at that time.
  262. >The humans eventually phase out too.
  263. >To accompany their horse companions in their travels to the places beyond their original realm.
  264. >What becomes of them in the wider spiritual plane is unknown.
  265. >Maybe they still exist in their original form to perpetually wander around with their otherworldly familiars.
  266. >Or perhaps they become equine minds themselves, like some of their brethren before them.
  267. >Probably nopony will ever know though.
  268. >As for Blucifer, who still remains the artist at heart that became his own creation in order to create more than any other artist ever before or after him, he is said to stay in Equestria for a while longer.
  269. >Albeit not as a mentor, and more to have an artistic break.
  270. >After having used his soul as an anchor to move an entire planet from one state of being into another, he just wants to witness the fruits of his labour before he considers to join the others in the outer world.
  271. >Not as a guide or a figure or authority.
  272. >Merely as an observer.
  273. >So he is said to wander from place to place as the large veiny blue stallion he is.
  274. >Though nopony knows what exactly he does.
  275. >For he only appears sometimes, somewhere.
  276. >The reports of these encounters are mixed.
  277. >To a good number of observers, he only appears as a ghostly shade in the distance, walking off to a place unknown.
  278. >On the other side, some ponies say he quietly watched them with his piercing red eyes.
  279. >In some rarer reports, a few ponies state that the stallion has talked to them.
  284. >And in very scarce and obscure tales within the annals of history, some mares say to have been in a brief romantic relationship with this horse.
  285. >A singular similar story has also been written down in the land of the centaurs.
  286. >But nopony could ever find any evidence to prove these reports.
  287. >Though to this day, ponies rumour that Blucifer is still out there, hiding.
  288. >Only to come out in the dark or in lonely places.
  289. >To stalk or talk.
  290. >Or do much more.
  291. >Maybe it is you who meets the blue demon horse next?
  292. >But if you do, be nice to him.
  293. >Because you owe your life to him in any case.
  294. >Perhaps he even chooses you to make some more.
  295. >And always remember, carving a statue and kissing a stallion's best bits can change the world sometimes.
  300. >"And that's how Equestria was made!"
  301. >Pinkie Pie slams the book in her hooves shut.
  302. >The sound of paper pages hitting against each other rings loudly through the darkened old study room of the Two Sisters.
  303. >A small flame in the fireplace and a normal candle provide some light in the otherwise dim chamber.
  304. >The only other sources of light are the pale moonshine that peaks through one of the windows, and the stars that glitter above the countless treetops of the Everfree Forest.
  305. >Pinkie puts the book away and grins at her audience.
  306. >Her five friends meanwhile look at her in mild confusion.
  307. >Rarity is the first to respond.
  308. >"Pinkie, are you sure that was a Nightmare Night story?"
  309. >The bright pink mare with the bouncy mane nods with certainty.
  310. >"Uh huh! Check the title! 'Trippy Tales Tomes & Testaments: Strange Spooky Stories Spread in Equestria - And Beyond.'"
  311. >Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and groans.
  312. >"The title is the only spooky part about that story."
  313. >Pinkie Pie blinks.
  314. >"Really?"
  315. >"Yes, really. That story wasn't scary, it was weird!"
  316. >Applejack nods in agreement.
  317. >"Gotta side with Rainbow here. That's a bunch of hooey. For starters, what in Tartarus is an airport?"
  318. >Pinkie turns her gaze towards Fluttershy.
  319. >But the light yellow Pegasus is busy with her attempts to hide her face between her wings.
  320. >This is her second trial run to go out during the spookiest of scary nights, and so far it does not go much better than the first one.
  321. >At last, Pinkie looks at Twilight Sparkle.
  322. >And the lavender mare seems to be deeply entangled in her own thoughts.
  323. >"Twilight?"
  324. >She replies, albeit slightly absent-minded.
  325. >"It's strange. I've never heard about that story. Or the book."
  326. >Twilight Sparkle pauses shortly as she encases Pinkie's storybook with her magic grip and levitates it over to her.
  327. >She eyes it from up close.
  328. >"Peculiar. It's clearly ancient. Where did you find this?"
  329. >And Pinkie Pie happily answers that question.
  330. >"It's from the library, duh."
  331. >"The library here in the old castle?"
  332. >Pinkie nods, much to Twilight's confusion.
  333. >"And I thought we sifted through and documented everything. Where was it?"
  334. >"It lay on an empty shelf in the hall."
  335. >Twilight shakes her head.
  336. >"Sloppy. We'll take it with us tomorrow for a proper documentation. As dubious as the content may be, a book is a book."
  337. >Rainbow Dash giggles to herself.
  338. >"Yeah, sure. We know how much you love humping books!"
  339. >She gets a feigned sly grin from the lavender mare in turn.
  340. >"You're one to talk, Rainbow."
  341. >And she points at another book, laying a bit in the distance.
  342. >Its cover features a light golden Pegasus mare in front of a temple.
  343. >Rainbow Dash grins lightly.
  344. >"Right you got me on that one."
  345. >The two mares begin to giggle.
  346. >Which turns into a hearty laughter fairly quickly.
  347. >And the others join in as well.
  352. >Meanwhile, only a few rooms away from the six, something happens in the entrance hall of the castle.
  353. >A faint red sheen glimpses through the windows near the abandoned vault of the Elements.
  354. >The unnatural shade illuminates the old castle walls.
  355. >And it slowly wanders in one direction.
  356. >Steadily towards the main door.
  357. >The light disappears a few seconds later, shortly before it reaches the archway.
  358. >Only to be replaced by the loud wooden creaking of the decrepit main gate.
  359. >A moment thereafter, the scarlet glare returns.
  360. >Now shining from within the main hall.
  361. >And its glow is much more intense than before.
  362. >Deep, heavy hoofsteps of an unusually large equine fill the hall.
  363. >Attracted by the distant jolly laughter that echoes through the hallways, the deep blue figure slowly trots towards its source.
  364. >But the mares are way too distracted by their own delight to notice the approaching visitor.
  366. ~~~ Fin ~~~~

Shape Your Home, Part 1

by Ponegreen

Shape Your Home, Part 2

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Shape Your Home, Part 3

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Shape Your Home, Part 4

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Shape Your Home, Wasteland 'Survival' Game Side Story

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