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/yandere/ Painful Magic Journal Two

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-02-27 06:12:15
Updated: 2022-03-06 01:59:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >>Hello, journal. It's me, Anon. I really forgot to write in you for a while. Guess what? I live in Canterlot now! Even better, I live in Princess Celestia's castle too! I get to eat a whole lot of weird, funny looking foods. I get to drink a lot of new types of ciders, juices and even sodas. There's even a big library that I go to basically every day. I learn a lot every day. I think it has been... a month? Longer? Twilight told me to not pay attention to the days anymore since we have calendars. But personally? I don't like them. Some days feel longer than others, so what if they're wrong on a day?
  2. >>I miss Twilight, journal. She is always doing something with Princess Celestia, or is doing something that she says is a secret. I trust her. But I miss her. I love her as much as I always have. And I know she loves me. Her proof is the quill I'm writing with right now! But I miss her! The look in her eye... it worries me.
  3. >>I started working in the library now, journal! Because I have read everything in there, I asked if I could help. I don't get paid, I don't think? I've never gotten any money. But everyone is thankful and I feel happy to do what I do. The head librarian, Phoenix Down, is always happy to see me. She's a bright red pegasus that reads books! I thought pegasi were all about flying and stuff?
  4. >>I saw Twilight today, journal. I'm scared. The way she looked at me, I felt like she didn't even remember me. I know I didn't have to, but I did remind her that it was me. She knew it was me, of course. We spent two days together in her room. It was kinda scary! But fun. My body feels a lot stronger now. I think it's because I eat so much every day and get to walk around everywhere. I won't say I miss Twilight's library. But I miss when we were always together.
  5. >>Good news, journal! Phoenix got a lot of new books in. I'm going to help her after lunch today. I bet she would like Twilight, she's a big fan since word is getting out that she is Princess Celestia's protege. Or is it protégé? It is one of those two
  6. "Hey guys! Nice feather dusters! Wha-don't get mad it was a joke!"
  7. "Can I grab one of those grapes? I'm technically a guest too!"
  8. "Do you have to stand guard here too...? I can't go if I think someone's looking."
  9. >Life in Canterlot Castle has been a lot of fun
  10. >Your name, Anonymous, doesn't really fit in with every other pony
  11. >Your lack of a cutiemark gets brought up too but most seem ok with you saying that it's a secret
  12. >And it is!
  13. >It's a secret even to you
  14. >But it's alright
  15. >Now that you have gotten to know more ponies, you feel pretty safe
  16. >Even better?
  17. >There's an elevator you can use!
  18. >You're told it's for "service" but what is the point of an elevator if it isn't supposed to provide service to ponies with bathmophobia?
  19. >You learned that word in the library
  20. >You think that is what that word is
  21. >You aren't afraid of taking baths...
  23. >Your horn glows a bright green when you reach the library doors
  24. >They open flawlessly
  25. >Your grasp on magic has improved but you haven't learned how to do more... spells?
  26. >Are magic spells?
  27. >Or hexes?
  28. >Curses...?
  29. >You don't know
  30. >Whenever you try to read a book on magic, your head gets fuzzy and you end up closing the book out of reflex
  31. >It does bother you but you really don't need to know how to do certain things
  32. >Twilight once told you that a unicorn's horn exploded because he tried to use magic he could not handle
  33. >That...
  34. >Is enough for you to not want to try your luck
  35. "Hey, Fee! I'm here! Bring on the paper!"
  36. >Your voice rings out into the Canterlot castle library
  37. >You could get lost for entire days in here
  38. >In fact, you DID get lost here for two days when you were first introduced
  39. >"Incoming! Hit the deck!"
  40. >Out of reflex, you drop down to the floor
  41. >Phoenix Down swoops down from behind you
  42. >Her hooves hit the floor only a short distance from your head
  43. >Wide, strong wings haphazardly flap, acting as a parachute to stop her from
  44. >...
  45. >No
  46. >She still ends up unable to stop herself in time
  47. >She tumbles over a cart, crashing
  48. >But at least she missed you
  49. >This time
  50. "...woah. That? Looked like that hurt. You doing alright there?"
  51. >"I'm fine! Totally fine! Just... let me..."
  52. >Her cheerful voice resonates perfectly with the library's acoustic layout
  53. >You've learned about that in a book too
  54. >You eventually rise to your hooves and watch her pick herself up
  55. >The grey robe she wears is more of a safety cushion for her flying
  56. >You've also seen her pull out a lot of quills and tools from inside of there too
  57. >Her thick glasses are crooked but her smile is on right
  58. >Which is good!
  59. >You would hate to see her have some weird, lopsided face
  60. "You... sure you don't need help?"
  61. >"What? Me? Ohhh no no no, it's fine!"
  62. >She shakes herself like a wet dog, no less than four quills popping out from her robe
  63. >Or are they actual feathers?
  64. >"Check it out! The ol... wait..."
  65. >Phoenix spins around, two seconds away from a panic attack until she finds the book in question
  66. >She bites down on the fabric bookmark that seems attached to the cover itself
  67. >She trots up to you, her wings folding and slipping into the robe
  68. >She... doesn't see or fly so good
  69. >So she ended up in a library
  70. >You don't understand the details either
  71. >The book glows with your magic once it's close enough and it lifts from her mouth to the air between you
  72. >"A primer on alicorns! I remember you talking about Twilight Sparkle and how she's training and learning stuff from the Princess directly. Maybe this will help you figure out what all she's learning! Maybe she'll end up a Princess too!"
  73. "Heh, a Princess? I don't know about that..."
  74. >That would be impossible for just a normal pony to end up an alicorn
  75. >Even if Twilight really is beautiful and smart enough to be one
  76. >But that's just your opinion
  78. >"Think about it though! You know her better than anyone here in Canterlot! I bet you know her better than anyone in all of Equestria!"
  79. >That gets you into a blushing, giggling mess
  80. "Oh come on!"
  81. >It's always so exciting to hear other ponies talk about Twilight
  82. >It really reminds you of how lucky you are that she loves you
  83. >It also explains why it seems fitting that she is always... busy
  84. >You sigh and bring the book down to your side
  85. >You start your way to the nearest table
  86. >Phoenix follows you rather closely, the overturned tray and dozens of spilled books ignored
  87. "I may know her better than anypony else... but I still don't know much about her at all. She really does love me, I know it. And I love her. But sometimes I feel like I'm... not really there for her."
  88. >"Well, think about it this way. She's like... SuperStallion! Or WonderMare! She's so gifted at magic that she's the Princess's personal pupil! No doubt if even the sky was falling, she would probably be right there with Princess Celestia!"
  89. "That's..."
  90. >Could you even imagine the sky falling?
  91. >You still half expect the basement roof to be over your head, even now
  92. "Kinda scary to think about. But I guess she really is that powerful, huh."
  93. >"Yeah! She's..."
  94. >Her boundless energy finally mellows out
  95. >The awe in her voice reminds her of yourself
  96. >"Just the greatest. Especially since she has a... ah... oops!"
  97. >While you scan over the book, Phoenix takes a step back
  98. >"I, uh... hm. I-I'm gonna pick up those books! Don't worry about helping quite yet, go ahead and read through it more!"
  99. >Well that was weird
  100. >But you do take her up on her offer
  101. >If Twilight really could match the Princess for magical power
  102. >If she could end up as... an alicorn...
  103. >What would that make you to her?
  104. >Do you become an alicorn like her too?
  105. >Your mind continues to wander while you read through the most boring sections and table of contents
  106. >Most of it you will probably skip
  107. >You can't help but wonder
  108. >If she becomes an alicorn, will she get wings too?
  109. >And get even taller?
  110. >You thought it was your imagination
  111. >But last time you saw her, you were definitely taller
  112. >Maybe you should look up if magic causes mares to shrink
  113. >Anything to help you understand and help Twilight
  115. >Before you know it, you went from relying on the vibrant sunlight to a more meek, flickering candle
  116. >Phoenix must have set it up for you
  117. >You gotta thank her for that
  118. >"Hey, Anon? Are you gonna stay there all night? I finished up with everything."
  119. >Her voice is all that it takes for your focus to shatter
  120. "Huh? Oh. Really? It's not even..."
  121. >Your quizzical frown shows just how little you paid attention to the world outside the book
  122. "...that's weird. I guess that only really happens when I read something important. Mind if I just leave this on the table, even if it's new?"
  123. >Phoenix Down's giggle bleeds into a yawn
  124. >"Yeah right! I saw you put that much effort into a cookbook!"
  125. "Hey, it's not impossible that my cooking might save Equestria!"
  126. >"I've never once even seen you prepare tea!"
  127. "Y-we... tea isn't cooking anyway!"
  128. >You head out with her, both laughing at the other
  129. >Night time in Canterlot Castle used to be downright horrifying to you
  130. >Not only was everything so dark, the normally joyous chambers and halls were empty and as dead as a graveyard
  131. >Not that you've ever stepped into one
  132. >The only solace is when you find a night time guard or service mare
  133. >Avoiding all sources of stairs, you both stop at the grand entrance
  134. >"Well... this is it."
  135. "Yeah..."
  136. >You've promised Twilight that you would only ever leave the castle with her
  137. >Phoenix knows that
  138. >Everyone in the castle knows that
  139. >You're pretty sure everyone in Equestria knows that, given how you're treated with such foal gloves in town
  140. >"Hey, I have an idea!"
  141. >She clops her front legs down on the stone
  142. >"We're having a little party for Tough Duster tomorrow evening, and it'll technically be in the castle! Do you want to go to it with me? There will be cake and punch and it will be really fun to... see everypony there!"
  143. >She looks excited
  144. >It doesn't take much for you to get excited either
  145. "Cake!? Oh snap, and crackle. And pop! I'm in!"
  146. >You don't really need to know what type of cake it is to know you are all stomach
  147. "Tough Duster, too...? Man, she's like... old, old. Older than Princess Celestia, even!"
  148. >"I know! But she's as giddy as ever, she's really wanting to make this year special!"
  149. "If she means "special" by "me eating as much cake as I can get my hooves on", it sure will!"
  150. >You share a few more laughs before it dies down
  151. >She sighs, smiling
  152. >"Well. If you don't stop by the library tomorrow, I'll come find you. I'm looking forward to it already!"
  153. "Yeah! Have a great night, Phoenix, I'll skip lunch just to prepare!"
  154. >"Yeah... good night, Anonymous."
  155. >Like something is trying to stop her, she gives you one last smile and heads home
  156. >You've never seen her home
  157. >It's probably covered in feathers and books
  158. "Ahh... cake..."
  159. >Maybe it's chocolate
  160. >Or berry
  161. >Wait
  162. >Don't only pies have berries?
  163. >No, because strawberry shortcake is a cake
  164. >Right?
  165. >It's in the name
  166. >You struggle to recall the intricacies of the underground culinary world on your way back to your room
  168. >By the time you reach your room, Princess Luna is well into her duty of raising the moon and bringing the gloomy glory of night to the land
  169. >You know it IS a very valuable position, but you are never awake long enough to see all of the night happen
  170. >It must be as magical as the day
  171. >You sit on your pillow-chair-cushion
  172. >You really aren't sure what it is, but it's very comfy to write and read on
  173. >For some reason you keep wishing that it was a couch
  174. >Not like the ones you've seen in the waiting rooms
  175. >But something old, busted, and... tall
  176. >Taller than the ones in the waiting rooms
  177. >Some of the older books you used to read had couches in them
  178. >You think you even talked to Anon in Ponyville about one
  179. >You think?
  180. >It has gotten harder to remember those days
  181. "...Twilight, if I asked you to see me, would you?"
  182. >You speak aloud while looking out one of the frankly ludicrously tall windows
  183. >You used to panic at even looking outside
  184. >But it really is not as scary anymore
  185. >"Of course, Anon! What's up?"
  186. >The sudden voice behind you causes you to shriek and fall off of your cushion
  187. >You look behind you and see...
  188. >It is!
  189. "Twilight!"
  190. >Like an animal, you dive for her
  191. >"Anon, n~"
  192. >You successfully tackle her, thankfully onto one of the dozens of rugs around, and pelt her with kisses from her chest to her face
  193. >"Anon, please! You're acting like I haven't seen you in weeks!"
  194. "But it's been DAYS!"
  195. >You eventually stop, only for her to steal a kiss
  196. "What's up? Are you stopping by just to say "hi"? Are you taking a vacation? Can we go do something outside of the castle? I've missed you."
  197. >"Well, I have been with the Princess for a long while and... well, let's just say that progress is really coming around. I think we're getting close to... a breakthrough. Of sorts."
  198. >She pushes her front hoof against your chest and you back off
  199. >Despite the powerfully painful throbbing that has come out of nowhere
  200. >She
  201. >Has that effect on you
  202. >You sometimes wonder if it is on purpose
  203. "That... that's awesome, Twilight."
  204. >You're happy for her
  205. >Of course you are
  206. >But you still genuinely have no clue what she is even doing
  207. >All you know is that it has something to do with the Princess
  208. >The thought of Twilight looking good enough to eat transfers your mind to cake
  209. >The birthday!
  210. "Twilight!"
  211. >You cheerfully call out with an equally pleasant pulse
  212. >The smile she gives you is nice and naughty all at once
  213. >"Mmm... yes, Anon?"
  214. "Phoenix Down and I are going to a party together, it's to celebrate Tough Duster! It's gonna have cake and punch and probably even more things than that!"
  215. >Your lower wand flares up with it's own magic
  216. >"...with who, Anon?"
  217. "Phoenix Down! She's the head librarian, she and I work in the lib-"
  218. >A bright, swirling purple vortex goes over your lower body
  219. >The sweet, succulent smile she had turns...
  220. >Frightening
  221. >"What are you doing with another mare? Do you want to abandon me, Anon?"
  222. >You try to speak up but her magic strangles... some of you
  224. >She takes a step toward you, until her head is right below yours
  225. >"Do you? Answer me."
  226. "N-no! Never!"
  227. >You nearly scream your words
  228. >Last you recall, you at least had your door closed
  229. >But you worry about the open air windows...
  230. >"Look at me, Anon."
  231. >You do as you're told
  232. >You are taller than her
  233. >Especially when you sit up straight
  234. >The second your eyes meet, she stamps her hoof onto your wand
  235. >"Am I your princess, Anon?"
  236. >What in Equestria is-
  237. >She twists her hoof
  238. "Ye-AH-YES!"
  239. >You're sure she could have severed something if she tried harder
  240. >"Say it."
  241. "P-princess Twilight!"
  242. >"Say it!"
  243. "You're my princess!"
  246. >You don't know when but she started giggling
  247. >But not the "that was so funny" sort
  248. >The way she's leering at you
  249. >Staring
  250. >Looking down at you, somehow from below
  252. >The magic swirls harder
  253. >You can feel it start to raise up to envelop your chest
  254. >Your answer is a scream you're sure only dogs can hear
  256. >You obey
  257. >A blinding, stupefying battle between green and purple magic takes place before your eyes
  258. >Or is it inside of them?
  259. >You hear a magic bubble audibly pop, followed by the sound of liquid hitting something
  260. >"HA HA YES! GOOD BOY!"
  261. >You can smell it
  262. >You don't have the senses or comprehension to stop your body from hitting the floor
  263. >You think you landed on stone instead of a rug
  264. >The giggling wraps into your head, coiling around your brain like a constricting ribbon
  265. >"Now Anon... I will gladly go with you to the party. But. We will go together. Do not go with her. No matter what. Do you u̸̗̓n̴̾d̶͈͑é̶̦r̸͚͌ś̵ͅť̴̩a̸͇͒n̴̖̈d̴̜̎?̴̛̠"
  266. "̶̻͝Y̵̡͐e̷̫̐s̶̞̋ ̴͔̓p̶͕̚r̶̳̃í̶̮n̷̺͛c̶̹͆e̸̺͠s̸̝̃s̸̨͒.̴̗͑"̵̨̏
  267. >̶̞̀Ỷ̵͈o̶̝͒ű̷̘ṟ̵͋ ̵̩̋c̵̪̈́o̸̭͛n̷̜̾ŝ̶̩c̶͈͋ĭ̵̬ŏ̶͚u̵̺̒ṣ̸̊n̸͙̐ẹ̵̈s̷̺̒s̸̙̿ ̴̬̒f̵̟͂ḁ̵̃d̴̨͝e̸̗͊s̵̛͎,̸̰͑ ̸̤͊a̷̘͒l̶̘͝l̶͇̓ ̶̜͆o̸̳̊f̶̠̉ ̷͚̔t̶̢͋h̸̒ē̷̠ ̵̭͂s̶̖̃ẗ̴̥r̵̗͆e̸͉n̶̪̏g̸̠͐t̶̙̀h̴͍̀ ̷͈̚f̷̹̿ó̸̺r̷͍̔c̶̈ē̵̥f̵̢͠u̴̮̐l̸̩̽l̸͕̈́y̵͎̍ ̶̱̚m̴̰̏į̸̓l̵͕͊ǩ̶ͅë̷̱́d̴̫͌ ̸̹̈́f̷̪͝ȑ̴̺o̶̺͐m̸̠̊ ̶̺̇y̶̝̕o̷̜͋ǘ̸̟r̷̻̽ ̵̱͘b̵̻̌o̶̼͋d̴̫̿y̵̿͜
  268. ̴͝>̴͕̓Ẃ̸͇ọ̷̀r̵͕̄ś̸̳e̸̫̕,̷̞̊ ̶̫̊ý̷͈o̴̬͛ù̷̦ ̴̪̄ċ̶̦a̷̹̕n̷̟̄ ̷̻̉s̷̟̈́t̷͌͜ḭ̵̀l̸̘̿l̵̙͋ ̸̰̍f̴͖̈́e̸̦̓e̷̯͝ḻ̶͒ ̶̣͛h̴͓̑e̷͚͋ȓ̸̢ ̸̙m̷̫͋a̷̝̒g̶̬͐i̸̗͌c̴͈̿ ̵͇͋ṱ̴̃ṳ̴̉g̵͔̀g̷̳̑ī̷͈ṅ̵̥g̵̩̉ ̴̦̃a̵͉͐n̴̫̽d̶̹͌ ̵͖͗w̷̘͋r̸̞̂e̷͍̊ń̶͇c̵̠̾h̸̜̑ị̸̓n̷͔͒g̶͇͛ ̶͍̀a̸̜̾t̷̨́ ̶͈̑y̶͕͆ò̸̼u̵͍͐
  269. ̸͖͗>̴̪̾Y̴̗̋o̶̜̾u̶̦͝ ̵̼͋d̸͖̐o̶͓͑ ̵̧̈n̷̜̓o̷̭͛t̵̩͆ ̶̨̛h̶̭̎à̵͙v̷̩̎e̴͇͂ ̷̖̈́ṯ̴̽h̴͝ͅe̸̖ ̵̼̈́ȩ̶̕ǹ̴̫ȇ̷͙r̸̻̈́g̴̮͂y̶̨̓ ̵̹̓t̶̨̄o̸͉ ̴̰̀s̸̈́ͅt̴͚̍o̶͇̿p̴̿ ̴͖̃í̷͉t̸̨̒
  270. ̴̮͊>̵̦̈T̷͈͑w̷͙̄ị̶́l̴̗̚i̸̱g̵̺͛h̷͈̓ẗ̷͙
  271. ̴̜̂>̷̞͂Ẅ̴͙́h̶̬̆y̸̝͘ ̷̟̓d̷͕̒o̶̭͋e̶̡͋s̵͕̿ ̸̻͊ḯ̶̼t̷͕̀ ̷̑h̴͖̒á̴̘v̵̪̀ê̴͜ ̵͍́t̷̹̒ȏ̶͔ ̵̹̚h̵̽u̸̻̽ŕ̸̩t̵̙͑ ̶̰̋l̶͖̉i̶̡̋k̴͈̈́ẻ̶̫ ̶̼́t̸̝̐h̸̰̿i̸̥̔s̸̙̓
  273. >>Good morning, journal! I think I fell asleep on the cushion. Again. I really should use the bed one of these nights, shouldn't I? I feel so sore all over... am I getting old?! Nah... it can't be that. Maybe I should go to the infirmary and get a checkup. But until then, there's a birthday today! Twilight told me about how one of our oldest service mares is having a huge blowout with cake and punch and... well, whatever people have at those! I can't wait to go with her. I want to skip breakfast but I'm so hungry I could eat a castle! But maybe I shouldn't write that sort of thing. The guards look at me funny enough as is. It's not like I can actually eat that much, right? And what can eat stones and books anyway?
  275. >Your morning journey to the library is a calm one
  276. >Only now have you realized that you forgot to eat dinner last night...
  277. >And you haven't eaten anything for breakfast
  278. >You can't
  279. >Because party foods are waiting for you with your name on them
  280. >They will most likely have Tough Duster's name on them but that's fine too!
  281. >As happy-and hungry-as you are, you can't help but notice that some of the service mares are looking at you funny
  282. >Less "on man, Anon you sure are a hoot" funny
  283. >And more "ew, he's here" funny
  284. >You try to ignore the awkward glances until you end up galloping into a service elevator right before it goes down
  285. >A maid mare wasn't expecting you and the look on her face says she hoped you wouldn't be so fast
  286. "Good morning! Today is Tough Duster's birthday, isn't that cool?"
  287. >She answers with a sheepish smile
  288. "That's awesome... I hope my birthday will be like hers."
  289. >No reply
  290. >Is it just you or is this elevator slow?
  291. >You can feel the awkward energy like it is a magic wall
  292. >You try to not look at her
  293. >...
  294. >...
  295. >...
  296. >Nope
  297. >You can't not ask
  298. "H... hey. Why is everyone looking at me funny today? You're doing it too."
  299. >The maid mare grimaces at your question
  300. >"..."
  301. " one's suddenly forgotten about me, right? I've lived here for months now!"
  302. >No reply
  303. >Oh no
  304. >Is it possible that they forgot?!
  305. "...M-my name is Anonymous. If you've forgotten."
  306. >"Please stop talking to me."
  307. >It's less a mean comment and more a plead
  308. >That somehow makes it hurt so much worse
  309. "...oh... ok. I'm really sorry."
  310. >That short, painful response is enough to make you feel like you're still in Ponyville
  311. >Just like how everyone used to treat you the first time you went outside
  312. >But things aren't like that now
  313. >Right?
  314. >Those thoughts and the grumbling in your empty belly keep you occupied on your way to the library
  315. >At least the library is safe
  316. >No one ever even goes there unless they're scholars or a from a class of magic students
  317. >Phoenix Down is at the front desk, scribbling something down with a quill
  318. >The quill might be made from one of her own red feathers
  319. >She'll know how to help cheer you up
  320. "Hey, good and morning!"
  321. >You prop your front hoofs up on the desk with your best winning smile
  322. >Phoenix stops and smiles at you
  323. >Is she blushing
  324. >She quickly scribbles down what was left and lets the quill drop
  325. >"H-hey there! I'm... uh, surprised to see you up and around."
  326. >She's acting funny too
  327. >But not like the others
  328. >This doesn't stop you from feeling better but it pokes a hole in your balloon
  329. "Now you're saying weird things... what's going on? Do I have something on my face?"
  330. >"What? No, your face is fine!"
  331. "Did I hurt someone's feelings?"
  332. >"Why would you say that?"
  333. "Because everyone's acting like I'm a weirdo!"
  334. >Some might call it petty
  335. >But it is too important to you to merely ignore
  336. " one wants to even look at me today!"
  337. >As if you declared a challenge, Phoenix squints hard and stares at you
  338. >She's
  339. >She's uh...
  340. >Kinda really staring you down
  342. >You stretch your head to the right
  343. >Her eyes follow
  344. >You stretch your head to the left
  345. >Her eyes still follow
  346. >You lower your head until just your eyes and mane are over the edge of the desk
  347. >Her eyes widen and she lifts her head up to look down at you
  348. >Alright, that is pretty scary
  349. "O-ok, I get it! But... that doesn't help explain why I'm suddenly the horse with eight legs or something."
  350. >Phoenix giggles
  351. >"Well, I don't know about eight..."
  352. >A cold panic washing over your body, you look down at yourself
  353. >Two front legs
  354. >Two back legs
  355. >Your tail isn't nearly big enough to count as a leg
  356. >And it isn't even the same color as your legs
  357. "...well no? Just four legs?"
  358. >The bookmare sighs
  359. >"Do you really not know?"
  360. "How could I know?! What is there to know?"
  361. >You examine your sides while speaking
  362. >Just in case there's a weird growth
  363. >Or a second horn growing
  364. >"Word around the castle is that last night you got pretty loud and... uh..."
  365. >Loud?
  366. >Your head darts up
  367. >This time you don't hit the desk
  368. >Nice reflexes, Anon
  369. "Loud about what? I usually just read in my room. Or sleep. I do a lot of sleeping in my room."
  370. >Somehow, Fee's face looks far more red than normal
  371. >Which is funny because her fur is already red
  372. >Al-red-E
  373. >You should write that one down, that would make for a good joke
  374. >"You were having a one-pony party, Anon! And you were so loud I think even I heard you from way down in town!"
  375. >She practically screams at you, ending her burst of voice with her wings poofing out and her front legs going to cover her face
  376. >A one-pony party...?
  377. >That doesn't...
  378. >Ỷ̵̞ò̵͙ù̵̡ ̴̛̳d̶̦̏ö̴̼́ ̴̢́n̸͎̄o̷͉͒t̶̜̔ ̷̧̃r̵̮͝ė̴̗c̸̩̊a̷̯̒l̴̟̎l̴̥̂
  379. "I... that's weird. If I did, I would have brought food. And I didn't have anything to eat."
  380. >Your lack of awareness or shame causes her to peek out from behind her hooves
  381. "I guess I did dream about Twilight... but I don't talk in my dream... do I?"
  382. >"You do look a little on the sleepy side... are you saying you really weren't...?"
  383. "Weren't doing what?"
  384. >If this is a game, you are not having any fun
  385. "I wasn't having any sort of... parties. That's supposed to be for tonight! And parties have food anyway!"
  386. >Phoenix's hooves and wings slowly drop down
  387. >Her wings seem to twitch upward every so often on the way down
  388. >"...maybe it was just a dream then that you had. Or a nightmare."
  389. >You shrug
  390. "I wish I knew. I went to sleep, woke up, wrote in my journal as I always do, came down here and... now I'm talking to you. I kinda do that sort of thing almost every day. Where do I have the time to go to a party without at least inviting my best friend in the castle?"
  391. >Red pegasus wings spread out again, catching you off guard
  392. "Gah! Easy with those things! They're massive."
  393. >Her wings are very big...
  394. >It's nice
  395. >It's a nice trait to have, rather
  396. >"S-sorry. I guess I'm... uh... oh hey!"
  397. >She scrambles at her desk for a moment before revealing a fancy looking piece of paper
  398. >"Good news, and perfect distraction!"
  399. "Distraction from wha-"
  401. >"I SAID A DISTRACTION! Twilight's having some ponies send flyers out all around the castle! Tough Duster's party is gonna be even bigger than we initially planned! Twilight got one of the bigger conference chambers to house the party instead of letting it be in the kitchen or the cafeteria! Look at it!"
  402. >She punches it at you, nearly hitting your face
  403. >You hold the paper with your magic to read it safely
  404. >No changes to the party plans
  405. >Extra bits are being paid so the party planner can bring even more food
  406. >A local pair of young bucks are going to play a rock concert about Canterlot's history?
  407. >AND that even doubles as a grade for their history class?!
  408. "...oh wow."
  409. >All of it is officially signed by Twilight Sparkle
  410. "I guess it makes sense that she asked me to go with her."
  411. >You hear a gasp behind the paper
  412. >You lower it to see a surprised expression on the red mare
  413. "What's up, Fee?"
  414. >"I thought... well, I mean..."
  415. "You're going to be there, right? It wouldn't be right if you weren't there."
  416. >The shock melts into a smile
  417. >"Abso-positively-lutely! Ha ha, I guess you can't deny someone like her if she asks you for something huh... ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵉˣᵖˡᵃᶦnˢ ˡᵃˢᵗ nᶦᵍʰᵗ..."
  418. "What was that?"
  419. >"Nothing! Nothing at all."
  420. >She looks around the library
  421. >After a few seconds of feeling like you're missing something, you look with her
  422. "What? Who's there?"
  423. >"You're a complete dork, Anon... and I guess you really do mean it when you say you love Twilight."
  424. "I do! I absolutely love Twilight."
  425. >"Yeah... ᵐᵘˢᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵉᵃˢʸ ᵇᵉᶦnᵍ ᶜᵉˡᵉˢᵗᶦᵃ'ˢ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳᶦᵗᵉ ᵃnᵈ nᵒᵗ ᵉᵛᵉn ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵃ..."
  426. >She mutters under her breath
  427. >Are you not supposed to hear her?
  428. >Because you can not tell what which word is where
  429. >"Before you go back to your desk... Anon, can I ask you something?"
  430. "Go for it!"
  431. >Your desk really isn't all that different from a normal library table
  432. >Only she has the real desk in the entire library, since it is official and more business-like
  433. >"If... you didn't love Twilight. Is there another mare that you would love? Or really like?"
  434. "Well sure! Why do you ask?"
  435. >"No reason. I know the party is tonight but..."
  436. >She leans forward and squints
  437. >She speaks out of the corner of her mouth
  438. >""I... uh... snuck a cupcake from the first batch. It's on your desk. Green icing and a pair of raisin oatmeal cookies."
  439. >This information makes the entire morning go from crummy to golden crumbly
  440. "For me?!"
  441. >Like it is a castle secret, she keeps her serious face and nods twice
  442. >"Better gobble up the evidence before any witnesses see it."
  443. "Awesome! Aw man, you're the best Fee!"
  444. >You gallop toward your desk
  445. >Well, you gallop for maybe two steps
  446. >Then you remember that this is a library
  447. >No running or galloping allowed
  448. >So instead you trot really fast
  449. >Phoenix really is great
  450. >You should absolutely introduce her to Twilight

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon