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Caught in a Web [NEETpone] [Lime Wire/Keylime] [PART 2]

By punki
Created: 2022-03-10 22:46:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >brr brr
  2. >Huh.. Oh!
  3. >You are Paradise Skies, and you're currently sat on the couch with Anon watching some TV, only to have your intense focus on the koalas in your wildlife show broken by your phone vibrating on the table.
  4. >Reaching out, you swat your hoof at the table until you manage to swipe up on the screen and see that you have an email.. From Lime! Oooo!
  5. >Scrambling out of your position next to Anon, you grab your phone and plonk back into your place next to him.
  6. >"Woah, you alright there? Think that's the fastest I've ever seen you move"
  7. "Mhm! S-sorry Anon.. My friend emailed me back!"
  8. >Scrolling through your phone, you open up poneton mail and tap on the email excitedly and begin to read.
  9. >From lime@tartarus.equ: "sure, Town Hall Cafe at school? 12:30 tomorrow ok?"
  10. "Eee!"
  11. >Bouncing on the spot, you excitedly begin typing confirmation back to your friend.
  12. >With a raised eyebrow, Anon looks at you slightly confused.
  13. "She said yes, Anon!"
  14. >"Who said what to whatnow? Which friend is this, again? Gonna have to catch me up here, boss."
  15. "O-oh, she's called Lime.. You remember when my site went down 2 or 3 months ago?"
  16. >"Mhm.."
  17. "Y-yeah! Well.. That's who well.. pen-tested it.. S-sorta.."
  18. >"Wait, wait.. THAT'S who this is? Did you like, y'know.. Ask em to do it? You seemed pretty worried about it when they put up that deface page with the spooky skull on it."
  19. >Adjusting yourself in your spot, you sit up straight a little while you explain.
  20. "N-no! B-but she's really nice.. I think she's just lonely and didn't know how to ask if I needed the help.. Sh-she seems a little shy.."
  21. >"So she's a hacker then?"
  22. "S-security specialist.."
  23. >With a look of concern plastered across his face, he just uncomfortably looks down at you while pulling you in closer with his arm.
  24. >"Para, if you didn't ask her to do it, then I don't think she did it to help. She sounds like some little script kiddy trying to upset you."
  25. "W-well.. I thought that too.. But they left an email and I decided to reach out and we got talking.."
  26. >"Paradise.."
  27. "I know! I know! But.. Well, she's a pony too, and she goes to our university! I - I've been k-kinda asking her if she wants to get coffee or something.."
  28. >Going wide eyed, and slightly choking on his cup of tea, he places it down with a *tunk* on the table.
  29. >"I.. Para.. I mean, if you wanna do this, I'm like 100% behind you.. But are you sure this is such a good idea? Like, a REALLY good idea?"
  30. >Given just how dumb what you said sounded aloud, you completely get his concern, but you have a good feeling about this.
  31. >You know Lime's a little different, but you're a little different too, and everyone deserves a chance.
  32. "M-mhm! I - I think she could do with a friend.."
  33. >*sigh*
  34. >With noticeable worry plastered all over his face, Anon seems to fidget in his spot for a little bit before taking a deep breath.
  35. >"Right, but I'm cool with this on one condition: I get to come with, just to drop you off. I'll hang out for a couple of minutes until your friend arrives and after that I'll go off and do my own thing."
  36. >Can't argue with that.
  37. "Th-that would be fine.. To be honest, I w-was gonna ask you if you'd be able to w-walk me there anyways."
  38. >"Can't be having spooky internet strangers mare-napping you now can we! That's my job!"
  39. >Scooping you up with a faux "rawr!" He pulls you close to his chest and flops back into place while you scramble and wriggle around giggling to yourself in his arms.
  40. "Anoooon! Stoop!"
  41. >With a big grin, you both settle down into place giggling like a pair of overexcited fillies.
  42. >Brushing your mane out of your eyes, before begining to softly stroke your back, he plants a little kiss on your forehead before letting out a deep breath and resting his head back on the couch pillows.
  43. >"What do you know about this friend of yours anyways? What's she like?"
  44. "Well..."

Change of Pace [PART 1] [NEETpone #10]

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Change of Pace [PART 2] [ENDING] [NEETpone/PiE]

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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 1] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 2] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

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