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The Slave Auction

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2022-04-19 19:54:53
Expiry: Never

  2. >Shit, this was legit?
  3. >You'd come down here out of curiousity, had fuck all else to do
  4. >But no, there was a small auction on, selling 'Intelligent' ponies
  5. >You could have sworn those pictures were shopped
  6. >Guess you'll find out
  7. >It was kept all hushed and directions were posted with no direct location specified
  8. >After all, fucking RSPCA and the police would have a field day with this
  9. >You look up at the makeshift stand some guy resides on
  10. >He's a skinny fellow, wearing a massive coat
  11. >It is pretty fucking cold, you note, tucking your hands into your own pockets
  12. >As you get closer, the crowd seems to grow, but there's likely not more than 30 people here
  13. >They give you looks between eyeing the guy up front and the really large box behind him
  14. >It's like an industrial crate for wild zoo animals
  15. >If these ponies are anything like they were described
  16. >'Sentient, and they speak English!'
  17. >Well, ponies talking was interesting, to say the least
  18. >If you couldn't afford one then at least you came, saw, and were awed
  19. >The guy hushes everyone that's speaking
  20. >"Alright, gents! I say gents 'cos I don't see no ladies here!"
  21. >There's a laugh throughout the crowd
  22. >You're not too surprised there's only dudes
  23. >All the ponies were female, apparently
  24. >"As I specified online, I came across these beauties by chance, and everyone here knows this is a very special oppurtunity."
  25. >"I trust you all have ways to get your purchases home without being noticed. If not, I do have a car, and can assist for a little extra cash."
  26. >Seems fair enough, dude is gonna make a fortune
  27. >"Due to the... rare nature, of this situation, each pony will start at a bid of £400 or more, at the minimum. Each one varies in price for reasons that will be stated."
  28. >"If anyone has any complaints, well, tough luck. It is what it is."
  29. >Fuck, that's almost as much as you brought with you
  30. >You have more in savings, but you really don't wanna dip into that
  31. >"Now, to bring you the merchandise!"
  32. >Moment of truth, you suppose
  33. >The seller moves back towards the crate, yanking it open and letting the cover fall to the stand floor
  34. >"Come on out, me lovelies!"
  35. >You can hear the heavy scrape of metal from chains
  36. >You audibly mutter a 'woah', upon seeing multicoloured ponies walking out from the confines of the box
  37. >Hell, there are Unicorns!
  38. >The chatter goes up immediately as they form a neat line, facing everyone
  39. >Again, the seller hushes everyone
  40. >"Now, now, shush yourselves, I know this is pretty cool an' all, but we can't start if you're all talking."
  41. >Everyone does indeed quiet down after that
  42. >"So, we have eight of these ponies, all different, all at an understanding, as it were."
  43. >"When I posted about them, I'd had them for a good month. Aint done nothing bad to 'em, just... told them how it was."
  44. >"So they should be well behaved for you!"
  45. >You had no doubts that most of these ponies were in for a bad time
  46. >Sans.mp4
  47. >That being said, you thought the idea of owning a slave was neat
  48. >You're not a massive arsehole, you'd like to think
  49. >You're weird, definitely, but you don't treat others like shit unless they do it to you
  50. >You wouldn't be a cunt to these cute little horses
  51. >If you bought one, that is
  52. >They're a range of colours, which is the most absurd part, really
  53. >The guy did say they were bright colours but you didn't believe it until now
  54. >Shit, one's even wearing a hat
  55. >That one was orange, the others were... purple, blue, pink, white, yellow, grey, and... also grey.
  56. >You like the grey ones, easy on your eyes
  57. >Although they both look pretty bored
  58. >One of them has their eyes going in opposite directions
  59. >The other is just... bored. She looks as if she's been watching rocks grow or something
  60. >The other 6 are fairly close together
  61. >They seem too exhausted to do anything, especially seeing the shackles around their hooves
  62. >The two winged ones: Pegasuses? Pegasi?
  63. >Their wings are bound
  64. >The Unicorns horns aren't covered though
  65. >That worries you
  66. >You've watched Thundercats, you know Unicorns got some dank magic skills
  67. >Then again, maybe it's just for show, like Narwhals
  68. >Still, the seller did say he'd sorted them out
  69. >And now you look, you see he has a... cattle prod?
  70. >You think it is, it's hooked on his belt
  71. >"We'll start with the least expensive. This one with the rainbow coloured mane."
  72. >"She's... spirited. I'll tell you now, these ponies have a lot of energy."
  73. >"For some reason, don't ask me why; they get extremely tired when you give them most types of paracetamol."
  74. >"Means this one won't be able to fly away if you unbind her wings, which you want to do, otherwise they'll get damaged."
  75. >You nod, birds constantly preen their wings to keep things in order, and to keep them clean
  76. >This one didn't look too pleasing, that mane was a tad silly, and her expression was dark
  77. >Well, she is being sold...
  78. >How the hell does a pony even have hair like that, anyway?
  79. >"As I say, we'll start at the minimum of £400. Bids will always increase by £20 or higher."
  80. >"Do I hear £400?"
  81. >You watch as several hands motion or people call out their bids
  82. >The other ponies are quite distraught, save for the two grey ones
  83. >You're not sure but you're very certain some of these guys want to use these ponies for sex
  84. >It's sad, but, you find for some reason that you're not that upset by it
  85. >You are here to buy a pony slave for yoursef after all
  86. >...Not for the sex, a pony slave is just... interesting
  87. >Lost in your thoughts, you barely manage to notice the winning bid, £640
  88. >Not too high, but either way, the seller is pleased
  89. >Certainly more than you'd get for a Pedigree breed of dog
  90. >The seller picks up something from next to the crate
  91. >A chain collar
  92. >You wonder just how prepared he was for this
  93. >He attaches it around the pony's neck and hands the end to the buyer
  94. >Damn, you feel for the blue pony
  95. >This fucker is a right fedora-tipper; he's obese, has shitty facial hair all over, acne, and is actually wearing a fedora
  96. >The shackles are undone and she's set to go
  97. >Fat fuck yanks on the chain as she looks back towards the others
  98. >Shit, she's crying, she says something but it comes out strangled from the collar
  99. >Off she goes...
  100. >The seller brings up the white one next, her coat is a off-shade of white, likely needing a bath
  101. >You're still focused on the blue one being lead away as she protests
  102. >She disappears around the corner, almost immediately you hear a car start up
  103. >You turn back to the next auction, a small pang in your chest
  104. >"Ah, now gents, this one truly is unique, even with their unique nature."
  105. >"Very elegant, this one, graceful. I noticed as she was with me, that she only ate certain things or slept in certain conditions."
  106. >"Of course, I helped her to understand that she can't always get a nice place to sleep, so she will be quite obedient."
  107. >The pony huffs
  108. >Literally scoffs and looks offended
  109. >Damn, sentient creatures indeed
  110. >"She does tend to run her mouth a little, when she does speak, so a firm hand and she'll play nicely, eh boys?"
  111. >A few laughs from the crowd
  112. >She is much more dolled up than the others, so she's likely going to be brought for sex
  113. >"As she is much more delicate and... usable, her price starts at a modest £600."
  114. >There's an immediate bid for £700, followed by a few other hands
  115. >You wait patiently, not really sure on which pony you'd like
  116. >This prissy type of pony isn't your style, you're not a neat person
  117. >You don't want the whiny type of slave that just complains every five seconds
  118. >Damn, do you even hear yourself?
  119. >The purple one meets your eyes as you look over the group
  120. >She looks away, but you stop a moment
  121. >She has a horn AND wings
  122. >The fuck is that? She's not a Unicorn or Pegasus...
  123. >Unisus? Pegacorn?
  124. >Huh, well, she looks nice... But she's likely going to be pricey with that combo she has
  125. >"No, please! Girls!"
  126. >You look at the white pony
  127. >That was her voice
  128. >It was very... posh
  129. >Her makeup runs as she cries, the collar going on
  130. >"Leave me alone, you brutes!"
  131. >...Definitely posh
  132. >Her voice is almost grating
  133. >A sharp pull on the chain connected to the collar and she stops for a moment
  134. >The seller pulls the prod from his belt
  135. >"Be quiet now, me lovely. You've been bought, so go along nicely."
  136. >The buyer is a very lean guy, wearing a thick hoody and some massive glasses, he tugs on the chain, not speaking, but gesturing awkwardly
  137. >The white pony eyes the prod, and looks between the buyer and the other ponies
  138. >"I... I-I'll go..."
  139. >She hesitantly does move towards the thin buyer
  140. >"I will miss you, ladies."
  141. >They're all crying as well, their responses all cancelling the others out, barely heard over the crowd talking
  142. >The seller ushers them away as he eagerly brings up a smaller yellow pony
  143. >She shrinks under the gaze of the crowd
  144. >"Next up, we have this little one. There's not a great deal I can tell you though."
  145. "She's extremely quiet, shy, and does as she's told. She's the perfect slave. ...Or toy."
  146. >She whimpers at that remark
  147. >"As she's so good, she'll start at the same price as the last one. £600."
  148. >"I can only hope she goes for the same amount, ha. Certainly wouldn't mind another grand."
  149. >Damn, the white one went for a grand? Just how much cash have people brought with them?
  150. >The bids come, albeit, a bit less now people know the average price these ponies come to
  151. >This one passes fairly fast, the bids are quick, apparently the prospect of a perfectly obedient slave is widely prefered
  152. >Wait, that's a point
  153. >Then again, shit, you'd have to dip into your savings just to meet the minimum bid, and it was already at just gone £700
  154. >Before you could blink it had gone to £900
  155. >And it finished on £1,280
  156. >Fuck, that was a lot of money for a small pony
  157. >The buyer in question looked rich as fuck anyway
  158. >Fucker was wearing a damn suit
  159. >At least, he looked nice? Maybe she'd have it easy, not like those other two, they were going to be used so much, and not to clean
  160. >The yellow pony cries softly as she's led away, if she's saying her goodbyes, you don't hear them
  161. >But she obeys as her buyer leads her along
  162. >She simply looks at the ground as she goes
  163. >Guy probably doesn't even need to 'break' her, one mean look and she'd likely do whatever was asked
  164. >"Well, this day is going better than I'd hoped for."
  165. >No shit, you've made a good 3k already, mate
  166. >"We'll take this grey one, next."
  167. >He brings up the one with strange eyes
  168. >She blinks but doesn't speak, looking around as if to assess the situation
  169. >"Not too bright, this one, but very friendly. I'm not too sure on just how useful as a slave, or toy, she might be, so she's on discount, as it were."
  170. >"Her bid starts at £200."
  171. >Well, that was in your price range
  172. >But... she doesn't look like she'd be a good slave... hell she doesn't look capable of posting off a letter, let alone cleaning some dishes
  173. >She can't be that smart if she hasn't flown away, her wings aren't even bound
  174. >Poor thing, you bet she doesn't really know what's going on
  175. >Well, you might not want her much, but you'll try to get her anyway
  176. >"Alright! Going once!"
  177. >Wait what?
  178. >Shit, you got lost in your thoughts again
  179. >What was the bid at??
  180. "£400!"
  181. >You shout it, and he looks to you
  182. >"Ah, £400! Well, I can't say I didn't expect this to go too high."
  183. >You have the highest bid now? Huh, guess no one wants her
  184. >"500!"
  185. >...Welp, maybe they do
  186. >"A new high bidder! Resting at 500!"
  187. >That went fast...
  188. >Should you dip into savings?
  189. >Eh... maybe
  190. >"Sold! For 500!"
  191. >Oh
  192. >Well shit, nevermind
  193. >The buyer is a very chipper young lad, all smiles
  194. >He gently pats the grey horse, even feeds her a sugarcube
  195. >He beckons for her to follow and she does
  196. >Didn't even need a collar
  197. >"Derpy, no..."
  198. >You turn, that came from the pink one
  199. >She sounds so... deflated
  200. >Well, she would be
  201. >You like her mane though, dark pink and perfectly straight, matches her coat
  202. >"Next up, gents, we have this... interesting pony."
  203. >"She don't speak a lot. Not a lot of emotion, but she does as she's told, which is good!"
  204. >He roughly pokes her in the side, and she doesn't even flinch, just keeps staring forwards
  205. >"Ow."
  206. >Fuck, that was so... lifeless
  207. >Her voice is monotone as fuck
  208. >"See what I mean?"
  209. >"But she's good. She likes to collect rocks too, I noticed. Always good to have a hobby, eh?"
  210. >"Because of her... different, nature, she'll start at the minimum. Do I hear £400?"
  211. >She looks very proper. She's the only one actually wearing clothing besides the hat the orange one has
  212. >You suppose you could try for this one
  213. "400!"
  214. >"We have our starting bid! Do I hear 420?"
  215. >Blaze it
  216. >"£460!"
  217. >Shit, that was from the dude to the right
  218. >He looks fairly rich judging by how he's dressed
  219. >You'll dip into savings you guess, this one looks to be a good slave
  220. "500!"
  221. >"600!"
  222. >Shit, already?
  223. >Well, nothing ventured...
  224. "620!"
  225. >"700!"
  226. >...Nothing gained. Fuck
  227. >You're definitely out there
  228. >The bid finally comes to £800
  229. >The pink one tries to move over to the sold horse, but her shackles stop her
  230. >She reaches towards the other, the other reaches back
  231. >It's quite upsetting, they must know each other
  232. >The snap of the collar around the grey ones neck seems to bring her out of her daze for a moment
  233. >She looks at the chain and back to the pink horse
  234. >A tear or two fall down her face as she gets turned around by her new owner
  235. >Dude looks like a businessman, probably thinks this pony is neat and organised
  236. >As it stands, only 3 ponies remain
  237. >The Pegacorn, the pink emo, and the cowboy
  238. >Well, cowgirl, that is, if the hat is anything to go by
  239. >"We're almost done, my friends. But we'll save the best for last."
  240. >"You notice how this one has both wings and a horn? She's exotic. Her bid is very high to start, so she'll be sold at the end."
  241. >"We'll go with this pretty pink one."
  242. >"She's changed a little since I came to find her. Her hairstyle is different, but she's still hard working."
  243. "She's slow to do things, currently, but she gets the job done."
  244. "I gave her quite the dose of paracetamol as she was extremely energetic, you can try using less, but I wouldn't recommend it."
  245. >"She makes jokes sometimes, but it seems to be rare now, also has a bit of a sweettooth."
  246. >"I'll start her off at £400."
  247. >She's cute, and a slow slave is still a working slave
  248. >You put in your bid for £400 again, but are outbid almost instantly
  249. >Upping it to £500 serves only to increase others bids as well
  250. >You're just not having much luck
  251. >But there are two guys really fighting over this one
  252. >The bid increases upto 1.3k, more than the yellow one made
  253. >Again, it surprises you just how much cash folk took with them
  254. >Either you're a massive poorfag or people are too damn rich for their own good
  255. >It's crazy, but it ends on £1,500
  256. >The winning bidder cheers as he wins it, as well
  257. >Much to the pink ones dismay
  258. >At least he doesn't look like a cunt
  259. >Fairly average dude, really
  260. >But rich, if he can just spend a grand and a half on a slave
  261. >The collar goes on, and the horse is so downcast that she doesn't even look back on the other two as she goes
  262. >But anyway, that aside, only one horse remains
  263. >Well, one that you might be able to get, that is
  264. >The crowd is thin now, people either got bored or left as the pony they liked got bought
  265. >You reckon most people were here for the white one as she was the most 'elegant' one, perfect for a sex slave
  266. >The small yellow one, too, she was really promising, but that ship sailed before you could blink
  267. >"This next one before the end is a good pick. Again, she might be trouble if you dont give her a steady dose of paracetamol, but she's a hard worker. A good, firm hand, and she'll do as you say."
  268. >"She's strong for a pony, able to lift a lot, if you need a slave for manual labour."
  269. >The orange pony did look tired
  270. >Her blonde mane was unkempt, falling free of its ponytail
  271. >Heh, pony with a ponytail
  272. >All those freckles were cute as well
  273. >If she wasn't expensive, you'd buy her
  274. >"I'll start the bid at £600. She's a keeper, this one."
  275. >Shit, you're gonna go home ponyless
  276. >You wait
  277. >...But a bid doesn't come
  278. >Do people not like her?
  279. >"Come now, gents; she's a hard worker, she'll do all you need!"
  280. >Still nothing, but eventually someone speaks up
  281. >"I got £200!"
  282. >Huh, guess others thought these ponies were going to go fairly cheap
  283. >Or about the same as a dog
  284. >"Alright then, gents, I suppose I can start this one at £200."
  285. >"I got 250!"
  286. >Guess the incremental bids are out
  287. >"I bid 260!"
  288. >Maybe you can win this, actually!
  289. "400!"
  290. >"Ah, good bid, sir! It's finally relevant!"
  291. >Wow, rude, not your fault you're poor
  292. >Well...
  293. >"Do I hear 420?"
  294. >Don't go blazing it... you can push to £500 if need be...
  295. >"No?"
  296. >Go on...
  297. >"Going once!"
  298. >Yeeeess...
  299. >"Going twice!"
  300. >Come on!
  301. >"Sold! £400, to the gent in a longcoat!"
  302. >Oh sure, draw attention to what you're wearing
  303. >But hey, we won a pony!
  304. >The cute orange pony with the cowgirl hat
  305. >You walk through the crowd as their eyes follow you
  306. >Stepping up onto the stage, you take the £400 from your wallet and hand it to the seller
  307. >He, in turn, places a collar around the pony's neck
  308. "Oh, no, it's cool man, don't need a chain."
  309. >"She's tough, I gave them a tablet each before coming, but she could still make a break for it."
  310. "Nah, I'll trust her."
  311. >The pony raises an eyebrow, but doesn't comment
  312. "Come on, please follow me, I don't want to use that chain collar."
  313. >She eyes said collar the seller is holding, looking back at the final pony behind her
  314. >"I'll miss ya, Twi."
  315. >She doesn't cry like the others did
  316. >Probably cries on the inside
  317. >Thankfully she does come along, so no need for that bloody chain
  318. >You walk away from the stand with the pony following you, but she's not pleased about it
  319. >Yeah... she wouldn't be
  320. >She talks when you near your car, a banged up piece of shit
  321. >"So ah'm a slave, yer slave, hope it was worth it."
  322. >Ouch, rub the salt in, why not?
  323. "Here, let me take that off."
  324. >She just grunts as you remove the chain collar the seller placed around her neck
  325. >She doesn't try to headbutt you or anything
  326. "I'm not going to say it wasn't. I wanted a pony, I got a pony."
  327. >You walk around to the front passanger seat and open it up for her
  328. "Hop in."
  329. >The car groans as she does so, old piece of junk
  330. >You close the door gently, moving around to the driver seat
  331. >The car makes even more noise as you get in
  332. >Not from your weight or anything, you're pretty skinny, the car is just really shit
  333. "Alright then, home we go."
  334. >"Yer home, not mine."
  335. >Damn, just keeping them coming, huh?
  336. >"Is there a reason yer wearing some kinda creepy getup?"
  337. >Hey, this is a nice longcoat, you paid a lot for a very gothic one
  338. "This is nappa leather, it's stylish as fuck."
  339. >"With that hood up, ya look like ya should be takin' ponies heads."
  340. "Not the first time I've been called a Grim Reaper."
  341. >"Also, wearin' animals skin is disgustin'."
  342. "For you."
  343. >She's not a big mare, though
  344. >With a sound like a dying cat, the car starts up, that annoying rattling coming from the driver window as the car vibrates
  345. >You hate this car
  346. >"This thing that gets ya places, ah seen others that look much better."
  347. "Yep, this is all I could afford."
  348. >"It goes with yer look."
  349. >Definitely not pulling those punches
  350. "Listen, I bought you, but I aint gonna treat you like shit. You don't got to be a dick about this."
  351. >"Yer kiddin' me, right? Ya BOUGHT me, like ah'm a shiny new toy, like ah aint got no feelins', think ah get t' be jus' a bit annoyed."
  352. >...Fair play
  353. "If that's the case, cowgirl, why don't you just run?"
  354. >She looks at you with a scowl
  355. >"Ah seen what yer kind can do."
  356. >Your mind goes dark places, human history isn't pretty
  357. >"Ah'd like t' continue bein' able t' walk n' talk properly."
  358. "I just said I wasn't going to hurt you."
  359. >"An' that rotten apple that done sold us said he was gon' help us."
  360. >Alright, no reason to be trusted
  361. >Off to a lovely start
  362. >The journey home is slow
  363. >But damn, you could have sworn you turned the heater on
  364. >But it's frosty as fuck in this car
  365. >The pony looks out the window, not meeting your gaze whenever you look to her
  366. >She hates you, not that you're surprised
  367. >You're not sure why, but you figured you could make friends with whomever you bought
  368. >Clearly that wasn't going to happen
  369. >...
  370. >At the very least, she listened, so as much as she hates you, she might actually do whatever she's told
  371. >You're not even sure why you did this now
  372. >You wanted to make life easer, have someone to clean up around the house was all
  373. >Your thinking was 'A slave will be cheaper than a maid in the long run'
  374. >Shit, this wasn't the best of ideas, was it?
  375. "I'm sorry about this, really, I am, but, it's done now, just need to... make the best of it."
  376. >Her head whips about, her eyes piercing yours with a very cold stare
  377. >"How 'bout ya let me go then, if yer so sorry? Hm? Well? No?"
  378. >"...That's what ah thought. Jus' stop diggin' this hole, it's real embarrasin' to watch ya try an' make nice."
  379. >Is she your slave? You could swear she's a fire specialist with all these fucking burns she's throwing your way
  380. >You decide that, yes, it would be a good idea to shut up
  381. >The car turns around a corner and you can see your street up ahead
  382. >At least it'll be nice to get home
  383. >...Maybe
  384. >You have a spare room you're certain was supposed to be a utility closet, but it was empty and pretty spacious
  385. >That'd be her room, but you weren't expecting her to be thankful, now
  386. >Damn, why did you ever think this was going to go so well?
  387. >You pull up, and park in the driveway, glancing around
  388. >No one to see the pony, so the coast is clear
  389. >You get out, walking around to her side
  390. >Carefully opening the door to reduce the squeeking, you motion for her to get out
  391. >She snorts at you, leaving the vehicle and walking towards your house
  392. >Her distrust is evident, she watches you out the corner of her eye as she goes
  393. >You get inside as fast as you can, closing the door once she also comes in
  394. >It's lovely and warm, you sigh in relief
  395. >Your very nice longcoat is hung up and you make your way into the kitchen
  396. >She follows you
  397. >...Fuck
  398. >The hell were you going to do now?
  399. "Uh, so, this is my home... I live here..."
  400. >Smooth
  401. >"Ya-huh, ah could guess, strangely."
  402. >Her sarcasm stung a bit
  403. >You still try and make nice
  404. "So... what's your name?"
  405. >"What's it matter to you? Aintcha jus' gonna call me 'Slave' or somethin'?"
  406. "I could if you want me to."
  407. >You aint gonna take this pony's shit, you're an arse for buying her, fine, that's fair
  408. >But you're not gonna just take her shit laying down
  409. "Can just call you that until you tell me your name, s'fine by me."
  410. >What now, pony?
  411. >"Fine. 'Slave' it is. Wouldn't wancha t' forget that ah'm yer property."
  412. >Oh, so it's like that is it?
  413. "If you're still gonna be a cunt about this, then don't expect me to care, alright? I said sorry, but it's how it is."
  414. >Shit, you don't mean that
  415. "Look, just tidy up, I need to sort out where you're sleeping."
  416. >"Aint got a nice lil' cage all set up already?"
  417. "Must of left it back at the pet shop, sorry about that."
  418. >"Dang idiot."
  419. >You didn't think ponies would be so mean
  420. >Guess slavery does that
  421. >You leave her where she is and go through to the hallway, on your left, lies the utility room
  422. >It's sparse, with just a small bed and a chest of drawers in it
  423. >You don't think the chest is needed, though
  424. >Unless she plans to fill it with hats
  425. >You don't think she wears clothes like that other one did
  426. >Making the duvet is quick, plus a few pillows
  427. >The beds a cheap single-mattress you picked up earlier in the week
  428. >It was certainly better than a cage
  429. >Plugged in the corner was a mini-fridge you'd forgotten about until now
  430. >It was your old one, good to store snacks in
  431. >It's hers now, if she wants to use it
  432. >You move back out into the kitchen to see her working your broom she found
  433. >She's using her mouth to steer it
  434. >Damn, that's a thought
  435. >How do ponies even do things?
  436. >You make a mental note to ask when she's in a better mood
  437. >If ever that day comes
  438. >She's sweeping the floor really well for a small horse that uses their mouth to do things
  439. >Must be hell on her teeth
  440. >But she's actually doing what you asked, so there's that
  441. "Hey, stop, come with me a sec."
  442. >She huffs, spitting the broomstick out
  443. >"Showing me t' mah cage?"
  444. "Fancier than a cage, but yeah."
  445. >"Lead the way, bucko."
  446. >Was that supposed to be a swear?
  447. >You let her into her new room, and she's not impressed, obviously
  448. "Hey, it's no cage, but I think you can make do."
  449. >She scoffs, looking at you with a steely gaze
  450. >...
  451. >Then her features go a bit softer
  452. >"H-hey... mind givin' me some time alone? After all, n-need to clean my cave."
  453. >Lame retort, but you can tell she definitely needs some alone time
  454. >You wordlessly close the door as she hops up onto her bed
  455. >You wait a moment, but mimick walking away onto the wooden lamenet
  456. >...
  457. >...Fuck, you can hear her sobbing
  458. >...
  459. >...Fuck...
  460. >Surely she's better here than with someone that'll treat her like a pet, right?
  461. >Right?
  462. >Keep telling yourself that, mate
  463. >You tiptoe away into the kitchen, least you can do for her is to feed her
  464. >You have quite a few vegetables, so you mix up a salad
  465. >Weird for you to do, considering you usually add a lot of meat in there and fry the veg
  466. >Stir fry's were based
  467. >You have a bowl of veg for her, but you include some alternate salad in the form of coleslaw on a smaller dish
  468. >Shit, even ponies gotta love coleslaw
  469. >Lettuce, carrot, cucumber, cheese, and mayo
  470. >Can't go wrong there
  471. >When you come back, the room is quiet, you knock to be polite
  472. >No answer, but you chalk that up to her being moody, coming in anyway
  473. >She's laying face down on the bed, not speaking to you
  474. >You place the dishes down gently on the dresser
  475. "Some salad, I dunno what you ponies eat. Gotta be different from horses. There's some coleslaw there too."
  476. >Based coleslaw
  477. >She doesn't glance up
  478. >But you feel like shit, really, after all this hassle
  479. >It's a shit dilemna
  480. >On one hand, you want a cute pony slave, which you have now
  481. >On the other hand, slavery is fairly cuntish, of which you are the cunt
  482. >You wanted someone around to help out, that was a definite
  483. >So maybe treat her like more of a 'housekeeper' than a slave
  484. >...
  485. >There's really no difference between that and a maid though, dummy
  486. >You paid so much for a slave to avoid having to pay endlessly for a maid
  487. >...
  488. >Still not sure what to do here
  489. >But you want a slave
  490. >But it's a dick move
  491. >But... slave
  492. >Urgh, forget about figuring this out now, you have some games to play, and she--
  493. >Oh, while you've been daydreaming she's actually started eating the food
  494. >Looking at you while you're off in lala-land
  495. "Sorry, spaced out."
  496. >Yeah... so... what now?
  497. "Uh... hey, cowgirl, I er, don't know your name still."
  498. >"Y'aint gonna, neither."
  499. >Really?
  500. "Really?"
  501. >You echo your thoughts, aye
  502. >"Well jus' 'cos ya gave me something t' eat don't make us besties."
  503. >"Want me t' make somethin' real clear, like?"
  504. >"Ah do not like you. Ya expect me t' work fer ya, as a slave."
  505. >"Y'aint gettin' nothin' from me but the work yer gonna be so intent on puttin' me t' doin'."
  506. >"That's how ah'm doin' this."
  507. >Well, alright, you guess, that's fair
  508. >You owe her something for all this
  509. >If this is purely business, that's... her business
  510. "That's fine, I suppose. You seem accepting of the situation all of a sudden."
  511. >"Ah'm fast t' sort things out. Ah can't run, nor can ah hurt ya. If ah do, ah'm stranded someplace ah aint got a hoof on knowin'."
  512. >"Ah aint got no clue as t' where mah friends are holed up, so ah'm stuck like a hogtied doggie there."
  513. >Weird saying
  514. >"On top o' that, ah don't trust you nor anypon-- eh, anyone else, an' from what ah gather; ah'm not from round these parts, clearly."
  515. >"Ah'd be done th' second ah walk out."
  516. >"Best ah can do is wait."
  517. >Wait?
  518. "Wait for what, exactly?"
  519. >"A darn miracle."
  520. >Well shit
  521. "Alright... well, not that it helps any, but..."
  522. >You have some spare stuff you could fill this room with, make things less boring
  523. "I have a spare TV, it's old but it has some channels, and--"
  524. >"Th' hay is a 'Tee Vee'?"
  525. >Right, magic pony land, probably live in fields or some shit
  526. "It's... a box, that has... moving pictures, basically."
  527. >"Ya think ah'd be happy with some fancy movin' pictures?"
  528. >Maybe
  529. "Well, I'm not saying that it's going to make you happy, just... you know, less bored."
  530. "I mean, aye, I'm asking you to clean stuff, but after that, you probably don't want to be anywhere near me--"
  531. >"Got that one right."
  532. "--so you'd probably come here to the privacy of your room."
  533. "And it is your room. You're not confined to it after all is said and done, you got free reign of my home."
  534. "That's the least I can do."
  535. >It really is, hell, you'd like her to pop in while you're playing games and stay out of curiousity
  536. >"So... yer bribin' me?"
  537. "What? No! I'm... trying to be nice."
  538. >She scowls again, crunching down on some carrot
  539. >"Ah don't care fer ya nicities, bucko. Only thing ah want, is t' go home."
  540. "This is--"
  542. >That outburst was accompanied by her throwing the food across the room
  543. >The plate never stood a chance
  544. >It smashed rather loudly against the wall
  545. >Such a mess
  546. >But damn, violent for a pretty little horse
  549. >She stops, tears threatening to spill from her eyes
  550. >"Ya... ya aint mah kin, an' ya aint a friend. An' ah don't wanna be no place 'cept mah home."
  551. >"This is Tartarus, an' yer th' Equomalo."
  552. >Equomalo?
  553. >Whatever that is, that doesn't sound nice
  554. >"Jus'... jus' go away. Leave me t' mah sorrow."
  555. >"Ah'll clean that up, an' th' house, jus' leave me alone."
  556. >Damn, you thought you could at least get on some goot footing
  557. >Guess not
  558. "Fine, fine. Sorry. I'm going."
  559. >You walk out and shut the door
  560. >Quietly
  561. >So, day 1 is a bust
  562. >You lament your bad decision making as you turn your PC on
  563. >You spend the rest of the night on the internet doing random shit
  564. >Halfway through an interesting thread, you hear a banging in the hallway
  565. >You turn about and see the door open
  566. >It's the orange pony
  567. >Well who else, dummy
  568. >She comes in, collecting some dishes
  569. >Cleverly, she's managing to use her tail to lift them, carring them on her back
  570. >That's... cool
  571. >"This room is a darn mess, bucko."
  572. >The pony speaketh
  573. "My name's--"
  574. >"Don't care, just sayin' was all."
  575. "Alright, well, thanks, for the cleaning."
  576. >"Last ah knew, ya didn't thank a slave fer doin' what's expected o' them."
  577. >That might be true, but you don't care
  578. "Well you're not a regular slave."
  579. >"Nope, guess not. After all, ah aint gettin' a smack fer talkin' back."
  580. "And I would never hit you anyway."
  581. >She scoffs as she deposits a few cups on the stack of dishes already piling up high upon her back
  582. >Damn, she's strong, that would be hell on someones spine
  583. >"Ah don't believe ya. If ah pushed hard enough..."
  584. "...I wouldn't hit you even then. In all honesty I'm a massive pussy, I couldn't bring myself to hurt a small pony."
  585. >"Th' heck is a 'Pussy'?"
  586. >Ha... oh wow, damn
  587. >Well, while we're being honest...
  588. "Another word for a womans vagina."
  589. >She rolls her eyes
  590. >"Ugh... Th' idjit that had me before this, he kept lookin' at us an' saying somethin' 'bout 'pussies', disgustin' feller."
  591. >Yep, that does sound like a dickish thing to do
  592. "Well, yeah, I'm never going to lay a hand on you."
  593. >"Whatever, jus' try an' make mah life easier an' keep this pigsty clean."
  594. >She tuts upon seeing more shit in the corner and trots out at a steady pace
  595. >Fairly fast walking considering the heacy load she's carrying
  596. >Well, the guy didn't lie about her strength
  597. >...Oh shit, the tablets
  598. >...Nah it's fine, she could use her strength to clean
  599. >And... you trust her not to hurt you
  600. >Strangely enough
  601. >...You're not right in the head
  602. >She would agree
  603. >She comes back in soon after, collecting more
  604. >She repeats this until all your dirty dishes are gone
  605. >When she returns next, she's looking a lot more tired
  606. "Hey, you feeling alright?"
  607. >"Th' heck d'you care? Jus' done in a bit after cleanin' all them dishes."
  608. >"S'like y'aint never heard o' washin' up."
  609. "Well, there is a dishwasher."
  610. >...
  611. >Fucks sake, she doesn't know what that is, retard
  612. >"Dish washer? Somethin' that washes dishes, ah'm thinkin'?"
  613. "Yeah... sorry, probably should of mentioned that."
  614. >You really should have mentioned that
  615. >"Celestia-danged idjit."
  616. "The fuck is Celestia?"
  617. >She glances at you, then walks away
  618. >"Come on, bucko, gotta show me this 'Dish Washer'."
  619. >Yep, you get up and follow her
  620. >When you enter the kitchen, you don't contain the 'Woah' from escaping
  621. >Place is cleaner than you've seen it in weeks
  622. >The floor is sparkling, the counters are clear, the dishes are clean and drying on the sink draining board
  623. >Good work, pony
  624. "Damn, you cleaned shop."
  625. >"Well yeah. Come on then, show me th' thing."
  626. "Right."
  627. >You move on over and give the dishwasher a light kick
  628. "Open this, place dirty dishes and stuff inside, put a cleaning tablet in that little... box container thing, close, and turn the dial on the front to number 4."
  629. >She raises an eyebrow at it
  630. >"An' this cleans 'em real nice?"
  631. "Yep, does it and dries them too, give it about an hour or so."
  632. >"...That's real slow, like. Faster t' do it by hoof."
  633. "That might be true, but this is easier."
  634. >"So not only are ya a lazy idjit, but yer a lazy idjit that don't even wash dishes."
  635. "Hey, human technology makes life easier, it's how we do things."
  636. >"That so?"
  637. "Yeah, we can't get from A to B fast by walking, so we made cars."
  638. "We wanted to preserve food for longer, so we made fridges."
  639. >"We got fridges in Equestria, bucko."
  640. "...But you aint got dishwashers?"
  641. >"No."
  642. "You sound like you're in a weird place, tech wise."
  643. >"Ah'd reckon so. Anythin' else ah should know 'bout while we're here?"
  644. "Well, there's the washing machine."
  645. >"Don'cha already got a dishwasher?"
  646. "Yes, but a washing machine is for clothing."
  647. >She looks towards the washing machine, currently holding some clothing
  648. >"That thing, ah assume."
  649. "Yeah, how'd you guess?"
  650. >"It has clothes in it, maybe?"
  651. >No need for the sarcasm
  652. >You open it, taking a step back from the smell
  653. "Shit, thought this was turned on."
  654. >You quickly pop through to your room, grabbing some clothing items
  655. >Pacing back through to the kitchen, you chuck them in and nod
  656. >You pick a washing tablet from its package on the side
  657. "We made these gel-tablets a while ago, fairly old now, but in terms of progression they're new; they're better than washing powder."
  658. >...She just stares at you blankly
  659. "Right, sorry. We still wash our clothes in this machine with a special powder, but we now have these--"
  660. >You hold up the gel-tablet
  661. "--They do what the powder does, only better, and its smaller, uses less."
  662. >She nods
  663. >"Alright, ah get it."
  664. "So, how do you wash clothes back where you're from?"
  665. >She looks at you with another one of her looks
  666. >"Dunno if ya noticed, but ah'm a tad devoid o' clothes."
  667. >"We got fur coats. The fancy folk o' Canterlot or whatever, they wear clothes as a sorta status thing, but we don't need 'em, really."
  668. >Alright, so it's purely a fashion thing
  669. "That's cool, I guess. I saw that grey pony wearing a frock, she from 'Canterlot'?"
  670. >Shit, she's scowling
  671. >"No, bucko. She weren't. Jus' tell me iffin' there's anythin' else ah should know 'bout."
  672. >Damn, talking to this orange pony was like treading a minefield
  673. >Had to step lightly on the subject of other ponies or her home, it seemed
  674. "Alright... well, there's the toaster--"
  675. >"Got 'em."
  676. "The stove?"
  677. >"Got 'em."
  678. >Huh... fine then, you guess it's a 1800's era world?
  679. "So... do you have trains?"
  680. >"Yup."
  681. "Do they run on electricity?"
  682. >"Why would they do that?"
  683. "Do you guys even have electricity?"
  684. >"Course we do."
  685. >This was a game of 20 questions and a half
  686. >You'd be here all day if you kept asking questions
  687. >That's good, but also bad
  688. >You had shit to do
  689. "Kay, so you're sorted, I guess."
  690. >Wait no
  691. "Wait, no, cleaning stuff."
  692. >"Ah already am."
  693. "No, I mean like, stuff to help you clean."
  694. >You grab a spray bottle full of bathroom cleaner from the cupboard under the sink
  695. "I assume you're going elsewhere, this room looks pretty done to me."
  696. >"Ya kiddin'?"
  697. >What? No...?
  698. >"Ya seen the state o' th' cupboards? Or th' walls?"
  699. >Shit, you don't consider that stuff
  700. "Huh, I suppose they are pretty icky."
  701. >"Darn right, how'd you live in this place?"
  702. "Easy, I just don't care."
  703. >"Yeah ah noticed."
  704. >She looks at the open cupboard where you took the bottle from
  705. >It's full of cleaning supplies you don't tend to use
  706. >She guesses, because she grabs a bottle of kitchen cleaner
  707. >It's all the same shit really, just different labels to sell more of it
  708. >At least, that's what you tell yourself
  709. >"Look, jus' go back t' yer own cave, yer 'slave' got work t' be doin'."
  710. >Jeez, you really don't get this. she's so stand-offish
  711. >She has a right to be so annoyed though, dummy
  712. >Stop thinking she owes you jack
  713. "Fair enough, have fun doing whatever."
  714. >"Bite me, bucko."
  715. >Now now, play nice
  716. >You move to take her hat, but she backs away before you get near
  717. >"Touch th' hat an' ah'll slap ya."
  718. >Rude
  719. "Whatever."
  720. >You walk away, back to the comfort of your room
  721. >The PC beckons
  722. >...
  723. >You should probably sleep, actually
  724. >It's like... 2am, now you glance at the time in the lower right hand corner
  725. >Then again, you're not tired
  726. >...Meh, sleep anyway
  727. >Your comfy-as-fuck bed beckons instead
  728. >...
  729. >Aaaaaaand crashed out after taking off your clothes
  730. >Must have been real tired
  731. >Your dreams are filled with ponies, which is laughable
  732. >Except you're not laughing, they're all enslaved
  733. >Fuckers like Mr. Fedora grinning while they drag off their own blue pony
  734. >Or whoever they manage to grab
  735. >Shit's creepy
  736. >When you open your eyes, the daylight pours in
  737. >Sunlight! No!
  738. >The day has come too soon!
  739. >Why are the blinds open?!
  740. >...Shit
  741. >She cleaned the rest of your room while you slept
  742. >The hell was the time, anyway?
  743. >You grab your phone from the side of the bed
  744. >...It's 2pm, fuck
  745. >She said she worked on a farm so she probably always gets up real early
  746. >May as well go have breakfast, fuck that it's way past lunchtime
  747. >You raise yourself, only for the bed to creak horrendously
  748. >...
  749. >Oh right, you threw yourself onto it last night
  750. >Probably broke it
  751. >You get down onto the floor and lift the mattress
  752. >Yep, as expected, you broke a few slats
  753. >Good job, you're a skinny fucker that managed to break an oak bed
  754. >Dumbass
  755. >...No... you also put a crack in the frame where the slats were
  756. >Bigger dumbass
  757. >You still had some cash coming in soon
  758. >You could always get another bed frame
  759. >Wooden beds were more expensive than metal ones
  760. >But metal ones didn't squeak
  761. >Easy choice
  762. >You power up the PC before going to the kitchen
  763. >Honestly never seen it cleaner
  764. >The counters shined and the walls were actually their proper lilac colour, as opposed to a dark shade of mauve
  765. >Impressive little pony, that cowgirl
  766. >Where was she, anywho?
  767. >Your mind doesn't immediately jump to the thought that she ran away
  768. >That would be rude
  769. >...
  770. >What if she did thou--
  771. >Oh, here she is
  772. >"Afternoon, Bucko. Y'aint a mornin' person, huh?"
  773. "Heh, I don't really like the sun. I burn easy."
  774. >"That why ya wear the nasty animal skin?"
  775. "I'll take overheating in the sun over burning from it, anyday."
  776. >"Seems stupid t' me, but whatever. Cleaned that bathroom o' yers. It was disgustin', same as yer room."
  777. >"How th' hay d'ya even manage t' get so much hair an' dirt about the place? Ya don't even got no fur!"
  778. >...You shave a loy
  779. >Like... a LOT, a lot
  780. >Not that you'd tell her that
  781. "I'unno, I just... don't clean too often."
  782. >"Have ya ever?"
  783. >She turns away, huffing
  784. >...You purposely look away as her tail flicks in annoyance
  785. >You didn't want to see mare vagina
  786. >Please turn back around
  787. >"Ah'm done with th' house. Y'aint got much of a garden t' clean, thankfully."
  788. >Oh right, you had one of those
  789. >The state of that--
  790. >"Th' state o' that garden is a crime, Bucko."
  791. "Not really."
  792. >"It is, aint no reason t' let weeds get that outta hand. Y'aint supposed t' let the bad nature overtake th' good."
  793. "Never really been a green thumb."
  794. >"If there's one thing ah am, it's a green hoof. That garden won't believe itself when it's all nice an' tidy."
  795. "You sound like you'll enjoy doing that?"
  796. >"Ah work on ah farm, ah take pride in bein' able t' work th' land. ...Even if it aint muh own land, s'the closest ah'm gettin'..."
  797. >Oh, shit
  798. >That means going outside
  799. "Ah fuck... uh, cowgirl, not sure how to say it, so, just gonna say it: You can't go outside."
  800. >She looks at you, but then stops
  801. >"...Oh, right. That."
  802. "Sorry?"
  803. >"Ya should be, Bucko. Ya should be..."
  804. >She trots off briskly, no doubt to her room
  805. >Fuck
  806. >You just keep doing so well here, dummy
  807. >You just turn towards the fridge and grab a pack of bacon
  808. >...Wait
  809. >You place it back and grab a box of cereal off the top of the fridge instead
  810. >She hated the coat, she'd hate the smell of dead, cooked pig, and seeing it be eaten, no doubt
  811. >A bowl of Weetos were fine though
  812. >But you wanted some Golden Nuggets
  813. >You fucking loved you some Golden Nuggets
  814. >You wanted to get some Lucky Charms
  815. >That super tasty American cereal, that shit was real gorgeous
  816. >You sing to yourself as you fill the kettle for a nice morning cup of tea
  817. "Drive the cloud away,
  818. We will fall from last to none.
  819. The dark before the dawn,
  820. The world will carry on.
  821. Look for the light that leads me home--"
  822. >"Nice singin' there, Bucko. What'cha brewin'?"
  823. >You awkwardly stop singing as your face flushes from embarrasment
  824. >You never were a good singer
  825. "Just making a cup o' charlie."
  826. >"Beggin' yer pardon?"
  827. >Pony don't speak cockney, ya twat
  828. "Tea, sorry."
  829. >"...Got green tea?"
  830. "Nah, don't like the taste."
  831. >"Shame. Guess ah'll... go t' mah room."
  832. >...Damn it
  833. >You really don't want her to have fuck all to do
  834. >The thought of entertaining her enters your mind again
  835. >Although you doubt she'll go for it
  836. "Hey, er, cowgirl, do... do you wanna come watch a film with me?"
  837. >She barely supresses the laugh
  838. >"Heck no. Ah'd rather be doin' nothin' in mah room than be 'round ya longer than ah need t' be."
  839. >Ouch, hurtful
  840. >But come the fuck on
  841. >Cut the shit
  842. "I'm trying to be nice here. I realise buying a slave was a bad move, but hey, think about it, better me; a scrawny piece of weakshit that wont hurt you, than some fat, greasy fucker like the guy that brought that blue pony."
  843. "For all you know, he could... he could be doing some pretty bad shit to her. He's probably keeping her drugged like the seller recommended."
  844. "From what I understand, you can't get home, otherwise you would have tore off and done it by now, and that sucks, I really, really do, feel for you. Honest truth there."
  845. >You pause, her expression is stern, but she isn't butting in
  846. "I aint drugging you, I aint... doing stuff to you. I just want you to clean house, that's all."
  847. "But that doesn't meant I want you to be bored and alone. I don't want you to... to be alone. That's really bad. No one wants to be alone, cowgirl."
  848. >You stop again, thinking over your words
  849. >The comment about the blue pony would likely piss her off, but you'd deal
  850. >And yes, originally you'd hoped, for some reason, that your fucking slave of all peopl-- er, ponies, would be happy and spend time with you
  851. >She just glares, and snorts in annoyance
  852. >"Ah don't care. Ah'd rather be alone than deal with ya at all."
  853. >That had to be a lie
  854. "You talk to me of your own accord. You don't like being alone. I can read people when they're being obvious."
  855. "You don't like me? Fine, that I can handle, but don't fuck yourself over on account of me, alright?"
  856. "Call me stupid all you want, but even a slave deserves friendship, right?"
  857. >You're not quite sure where all that came from
  858. >But it was the truth; no one should be alone
  859. >Hell, even Hitler had his wife and dog in the end
  860. >Wait, bad example, he killed them
  861. >The point was still there, sort of
  862. >Kinda
  863. >She just kicks a hoof
  864. "Look, like you said, we aint gonna be 'besties' or whatever, but that don't mean we gotta be enemies, aye?"
  865. "It might sound really gay, but... I just... you know, want you to be happy."
  866. >She looks you in the eyes, and sort of... scrunches up her face
  867. >You're not sure what she's doing, but she is thinking about something
  868. >"Hold up a darn sec."
  869. >Alright
  870. >"Ya... ya didn't jus' buy me fer cleanin', did'ja?"
  871. >Well... not really?
  872. >"Did... ya want companionship? From a slave?"
  873. >Yes! Er, well... sort of?
  874. >"Ya gotta be kiddin' me, Bucko."
  875. >Shit, her expression turned real dark
  876. >Oh fuck!
  877. >You barely have time to dodge the hoof as it flies towards you
  878. >...You also don't manage to dodge
  879. >Her hoof collides with your side and you cry out in pain as something definitely breaks
  880. >Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!
  881. >You're going to die at the hands of a pony!
  882. >Hooves, rather! Whatever!
  883. >You don't fight back, fuck that, she'd hurt you more
  884. >All you can do is cower, tighten into a ball, and hope she doesn't fuck you up too bad
  886. >Another hit, more pain, but nothing else cracks
  887. >Ribs really hurt...
  889. >You never wanted that! You... just wanted a friend...
  890. >You were in so much pain
  891. >The hits kept coming
  892. >They smack against your back, your legs... the arm that covers your chest, and the one protecting your head
  893. >No caved in skulls or sternums here, please
  894. >...
  895. >...It finally stops, everything hurts so much
  896. >Tears are just pouring down your face, but you refuse to cry like a little bitch
  897. >You remove your arm from your face, pain lancing through your body
  898. >She's sitting on her arse, crying her eyes out...
  899. >The fuck?
  900. >Why the FUCK is she crying?!
  901. >You're the one that just got your arse kicked by your little pony
  902. >She raises a hoof again, so you cover up, again
  903. >No hit comes, thankfully
  904. >She's back to pissing her eyes out
  905. "Why... the fuck... are you... crying..."
  906. >You manage it out between breaths, it's hard to speak
  907. >Kinda hard to do for some reason
  908. >Oh wait, the pony just fucked you over
  909. >That's why
  910. >But... there's no rage from you
  911. >You're not angry
  912. >Well, okay, you're a little angry; you're the one on the floor and SHE'S crying
  913. >You're mostly hurt, and confused
  914. "Fuck... this..."
  915. >You just about succeed in pulling yourself to your feet
  916. >Leaning against the wall and gingerly hugging your side, you move towards front door
  917. >You snatch the car keys from the side table when you manage to get there
  918. >Cowgirl pone continues to sob to herself
  919. >...You know what? Fuck her
  920. >Not literally, but just... forget about it all
  921. >She wants to go? You won't stop her
  922. "When I... get back... you... don't have... to be here..."
  923. "I don't... care... anymore..."
  924. >Fucking hell your ribs hurt
  925. >Using everything you can for support, you drag yourself to your rustbucket of a car
  926. >You aint even wearing proper clothes yet
  927. >You're still in a T-shirt and... tight boyshorts
  928. >Not the best clothing choice, really
  929. >Shit it's not like you planned to get your ribs broke
  930. >You get in your car and slam the door shut
  931. >...You take a breather for a moment
  932. >You didn't close the door, but fuck it, it doesn't matter
  933. >The car protests, but eventually starts up
  934. >The engine growls, and you go towards the local hospital
  935. >The journey takes time, much to your displeasure
  936. >Your side burns, and you can feel the other places cowgirl punched coming out in bruises
  937. >You carefully lift your shirt as you reach some red lights
  938. >The area where your ribs broke is a sickly, angry red, and the skin is ever so slightly broken
  939. >Fuck... pony hits hard
  940. >Her strength was... scary
  941. >Almost an hour and much pain later, you arrive
  942. >You park near A&E as opposed the car park around the way
  943. >Stepping out the car, you rest on the bonnet for support
  944. >Your determination is really the only thing that gets you to the doors of A&E without collapsing
  945. >...You do collapse when you get inside, thankfully against a wall
  946. "Doctor... I require...some... assistance... please..."
  947. >Yes you were using TF2 quotes, fuck off, you're allowed to, you're injured
  948. >A nurse rushes up to you with a wheelchair very quickly
  949. >"You look like you got into a fight with a horse!"
  950. >Oh lady, if only you knew...
  951. >She sits you down gently, wheeling you to somewhere where there is presumably a doctor or nurse that can treat you
  952. >"I'll need to know a few things; how did youget like this, for one?"
  953. >Oh that's easy, nurse; my little pony beat me up
  954. "Fell... down... some stairs..."
  955. >"That is what most people say, yes."
  956. >"If you don't wanna tell me that's fine, but whoever I take you to is going to be more direct."
  957. "No, really... I had... a few drinks... and fell... down the pub steps..."
  958. "I'm... a clumsy drunk..."
  959. >"Speaking pretty coherently for a drunk guy."
  960. >Shit why was this lady so intrusive?
  961. >She stops you as she nears a desk with a receptionist
  962. >"Is there anyone available in X-ray? I think this mans ribs are broken. He's having trouble speaking and his breathing isn't level."
  963. >She taps a few keys on her computer and looks up not a moment later
  964. >"Dr. Sturges is available in 5 minutes. She'll be in X-ray shortly."
  965. >The lady nods
  966. >"Good, good, thankyou."
  967. >And you're off again
  968. >You pass several wards, you lose track of how many turns you take though
  969. >Every hospital you go to, it always looks like the place was built piece by piece rather than built at one time, it's all a massive misjoined maze
  970. >Oh wait, X-ray, next turm
  971. >She wheels you in as a doctor enters from a side door
  972. >"Ah, afternoon, sir. I'll be seeing to you for this X-ray today, my name is Dr. Sturges."
  973. >Hey doc
  974. "Hey there, doc."
  975. >The nurse helps to lift you up, assisting you as you sit down onto the gurney
  976. >They both help you lay back, and neither one has commented on your current state of clothing, yet
  977. >"So, my first question to you, sir, is why are you half naked?"
  978. >...There is is
  979. >"Woke up... pretty late..."
  980. >"And then went straight to a pub half naked?"
  981. >Jesus, lady, shut up
  982. >"Let me guess, he 'fell down some stairs'?"
  983. >The other lady holds back a laugh
  984. >"Yep, he's also apparently pissed."
  985. >The doctor looks you up and down
  986. >"Doesn't look drunk to me."
  987. >The fuck is this, the C.I.A?
  988. "Damn... doctors are... way more... intrusive... these days..."
  989. >"Can't do our job well if we can't help fully."
  990. >Just scan me, lady
  991. >The nurse heads out as Dr. Sturges moves that scan machine over
  992. >You don't know its name, you just know it does a scan of your bones
  993. >"Hold still, please."
  994. >No problem there, doc, hurts if you move
  995. >...
  996. >...
  997. >...
  998. >"Alright, just stay there for now. I'll get these up."
  999. >You're left alone for a moment as she leaves to another room
  1000. >You need to think of something, they wont let this go, apparently
  1001. >Then again they can't hold you here
  1002. >...What should you say?
  1003. >You're obviously not going to say 'An orange pony with a cowgirl hat beat me up'
  1004. >Then again, she might buy that and think you're off medication or something
  1005. >But then if she thinks its hard drugs the police would get involved
  1006. >...She's back rather fast
  1007. >Placing the scanned images up onto a lightboard, you can see a lot of damage from where you lay
  1008. >"Hm. Damage to the Scapula, going from the 4th and 5th rib, going onto the 6th rib proper, damage goes onto the Costal Cartilidge, displaced on the Sterum, and a hairline fracture going through the lower Body near the Xiphoid."
  1009. >"That is very extensive. Did you piss off a donkey?"
  1010. >What is with these people today?
  1011. >"Nope... I just..."
  1012. >"Fell down some stairs? Yeah, got that part."
  1013. >"What about the bruises all up your arms and over your legs?"
  1014. >Shit, didn't notice
  1015. >"Look, I can deal with doctor-patient confidentiality just fine."
  1016. >"But I hate liars. So please just tell me the truth here, sir."
  1017. >She says this while grabbing a needle
  1018. >No! No! Fuck that!
  1019. "No... needles!"
  1020. >"Sir, you're very injured, you need something to lessen the pain. Our operating rooms are full right now and you'll need to wait."
  1021. "No... please! Just... just give me... a medi drink... or something..."
  1022. >"Sir, those are made for persons aged 15 or under."
  1023. "Then give me... a triple dose... or something... but fuck... needles... please..."
  1024. >She looks at you, but nods
  1025. >"Alright."
  1026. >Thank fuck
  1027. >It takes her a minute to grab what she needs and create the right dosage of the purple stuff
  1028. >You knock it back the second she hands it to you
  1029. >Tastes awful
  1030. >"While that kicks in... I need to ask you a few things."
  1031. >"This looks to me, like domestic abuse. Do you have a... boyfriend? Does he hurt you?"
  1032. >The fuck, woman?!
  1033. >You're not gay!
  1034. >Why does she think you have a boyfriend??
  1035. >"Not to openly assume, I just, you know; you're wearing womens boyshorts, you have long hair, you've shaved your arms and legs, and you're... well, effeminate?"
  1036. >Er, lady, you're REALLY assuming, there's a whole LOT of open assumption here!
  1037. "I'm not gay... Dr.... I just... don't like being... hairy... is all..."
  1038. "Looking nice... doesn't make... someone... a homosexual..."
  1039. >She raises her hands in defence, clearly seeing that annoyed you
  1040. >"I'm sorry, sir, shouldn't have assumed. Sorry. But I need to know, is it partner abuse?"
  1041. >"I really should have said partner, I'm sorry, I really do say silly things sometimes. Been warned before..."
  1042. >Well, at least she admits she's a twat sometimes
  1043. "No... no girlfriend either... I live alone..."
  1044. >She raises an eyebrow
  1045. >"There's no way you could do this to yourself... did you get into a fight, then?"
  1046. >Fuck, just roll with it
  1047. "Fine... fucks sake... fine... I got... into a fight..."
  1048. >"See? Was that so hard?"
  1049. >"I'll pass you to a ward until we can treat you, okay?"
  1050. >Whatever, you didn't care so long as you got out of here soon
  1051. >Not that you don't like hospitals or anything
  1052. >You just aren't wrapped up in several layers of clothing, so you're feeling exposed as fuck
  1053. >You hate feeling exposed as fuck
  1054. >Wearing a leather longcoat with a hoody might have made you look like an Altair wannabe
  1055. >But it kept you feeling safe
  1056. >...
  1057. >When did you get back into the wheelchair?
  1058. >Shit, those kiddie drugs must have been on an extra high disage just in case they didn't work
  1059. >Your head is swimming and you can't feel your side anymore
  1060. >So that's a plus
  1061. >Where was the witchdoctor?
  1062. >Wait, who?
  1063. >Just the doctor?
  1064. >Was she a witch?
  1065. >...The hell are you talking about
  1066. >Just make sure to let the fire extinguisher over there know you don't want any of his funny business
  1067. >Oh look, the doctor is back, she's giving you a funny look
  1068. >You let her know she is now a clown
  1069. >Hold up, everything's getting dark
  1070. >...
  1071. >...
  1072. >...
  1073. >...Where the fuck are you?
  1074. >Why the fuck are you in hosp-- Oh right
  1075. >How did you get from X-ray to... here
  1076. >"Ah, you're awake!"
  1077. >Hello new doctor
  1078. >"It seems Dr. Sturges didn't ask if you were on any medication, the painkillers she gave you reacted with whatever you already had in your system."
  1079. >"Suffice to say, you didn't have the most amazing reaction, but it worked in your favour."
  1080. >Upon saying that, you look down to see your side all bandaged up
  1081. "This isn't gonna scar, is it?"
  1082. >"Oh, no no, it was fairly straight forwards. You do have a very small metal rod in place to hold... well, in laymans terms, 'to hold your ribs to your other ribs'."
  1083. >Ah good, he sees you don't speak doctor like Sturges did
  1084. >The fuck was a Xiphoid?
  1085. "Cool... I can speak without breathing pains, so yay."
  1086. >"Oh yes, you should be fine now. We're keeping you a few more days just to oversee things, then we'll let you on your way.
  1087. >"You'll need check-ups though, as I'm the surgeon that worked on you, I'll be doing those, so book them for one 'Doctor Acula'."
  1088. "Gotcha."
  1089. >Wait, did he say--
  1090. >Where'd he go?
  1091. >...
  1092. >...Spooky
  1093. >But... fuck, this was done, but what about your home
  1094. >You left the damn door unlocked
  1095. >And the cowgirl probably fucked off
  1096. >Your house was free game for anyone
  1097. >Sure, you lived in a fairly nice part of town but you only trust people as far as you can throw them
  1098. >And you couldn't throw many things
  1099. >...Your side was really stiff
  1100. >Guess a piece of metal in your chest would do that
  1101. >You'll need to go the the airport just so you can say 'Nah, got a metal rod in there, pub fight'
  1102. >Oh, you
  1103. >You spy a TV up in the corner, and catch the remote lying on the cabinet next to your bed
  1104. >...Fuck all else to do
  1105. >You grab the remote and turn it on
  1106. >Oh sweet, they got Sky
  1107. >To the movies!
  1108. >...Why yes, LOTR will do nicely
  1109. >Take your mind off the fact that your 2k gaming rig is just sitting there ripe for the taking
  1110. >...
  1111. >Aragon's killing Lurtz, cool
  1112. >...
  1113. >Yadda yadda, dead Boromir, guy was a cunt
  1114. >...
  1116. >You can't stay here, you must protect your assets!
  1117. >The next time Dr. Acula comes in, (You swear there was some lightning accompanying his name), you ask him about leaving early
  1118. >"...I'm not too sure. We'd have to run some prelimanary tests, see if you could handle the long term. Early stages of having that rod in could prove problematic."
  1119. "How?"
  1120. >"Irritation, inflamation, infection, breathing troubles during sleeping, displacement of the rod--"
  1121. "Alright, alright, how about I take some drugs with me and phone in?"
  1122. >He doesn't look like he'd go for that
  1123. >"It's not usually done. Although there are so many young people these days wanting to leave hospitals."
  1124. >"It's strange, personally I love the atmosphere. So clean."
  1125. >What? Dude, you alright?
  1126. >"I suppose I can let you go, I'll write you a prescription for some Dihydrocodeine, it's a moderate pain relief opiate, we used heavier during the surgery, but it should suffice."
  1127. >Alright!
  1128. >"However, I need to know some things."
  1129. >Shit
  1130. >"Firstly, just need to know what you're currently taking. If it's off-the-books drugs, and I prescribe you this opiate, there could be drastic complications."
  1131. >Oh, why didn't you say so?
  1132. "Nah, doc, aint nothing illegal, I have a prescription from my local practice for Sertraline, is all."
  1133. >"Ah, anti-depressants. Might explain the reaction to the other drugs."
  1134. >"Very well, Dihydrocodeine should be fine in smaller doses. 30mg tablets instead of the usual 40mg."
  1135. "You're the doctor."
  1136. >"Indeed. Now, my other question; when I was rooting around in your chest to remove what splinters of bone had broke, I noticed an irregularity in the affected area."
  1137. >"You ribs had marks of sorts that indicated full force blunt trauma. And to be honest, I'm surprised your lung wasn't pierced, or that you didn't have any internal bleeding."
  1138. "Uh, guess I just got lucky?"
  1139. >"Hmm, it would seem that way. You admitted to Dr. Sturges that, yes, you did get into a fight."
  1140. >"May I ask how?"
  1141. >Shit, here we go, careful here
  1142. "Well, I wasn't entirely lying about falling down some stairs..."
  1143. >...He said, lying
  1144. "See, I got into a fight with some dude in my street, hece why I was only in a T-shirt and pants."
  1145. >"...Bit tight, aren't they?"
  1146. >Not you too, shut up, doc
  1147. "Anyway, he was a big guy, kicked me hard as he could in the chest. Threw a few punches, then buggered off."
  1148. >Dr. Acula, (Lightning strikes nearby), nods writing something down on a magically appeared clipboard
  1149. >"Very well, thankyou for telling me. Is this needing to be a police matter? Because I highly suggest you report it."
  1150. "Oh I will, doc. I don't like random arseholes jumping me."
  1151. >"Why did he attack you, do you know?"
  1152. "I was er... eating some Jaffa Cakes... I didn't give him any when he asked for some. If you can believe it."
  1153. >"...You don't happen to live in Glasgow, do you?"
  1154. >Alright, you both share a laugh at that one
  1155. >"Okay then, book a follow up 2 weeks from now, and grab this from your local pharmacy."
  1156. >Sweet, based doc
  1157. >You gingerly move around to the edge of the bed, pulling yourself up
  1158. >No pain, thankfully
  1159. >Things are just... stiff
  1160. >You take the prescription from Dr. Acula's hand
  1161. >His hand is very cold, eerily so
  1162. >You leave as fast as you can walk
  1163. >You find your car missing, asking about, and finding it was towed to the temporary parking spot for 'special circumstances'
  1164. >Apparently it's rare that paitents drive themselves in when that wounded
  1165. >Well, the fact you didn't want to die, it filled you with determination
  1166. >Once you get in the ol' rust bucket, you speed off home
  1167. >Not before having stopped by the pharmacy for your meds
  1168. >It's been about a day or so
  1169. >Hopefully nothing was taken
  1170. >Hopefully...
  1171. >Oh right, cowgirl
  1172. >She's gone, gotta be
  1173. >Well, not only is that £400 down the drain, but you also have no maid now
  1174. >Bit of a shit thought, first thing
  1175. >But it's true, your house had never been cleaner
  1176. >...
  1177. >...Fuck
  1178. >It was also nice, no matter how stand-offish, to have the company
  1179. >You never wanted to shag her, why'd she do this?
  1180. >Just don't think about it, you don't know how pony brain works
  1181. >You're surprised as you pull into the driveway to see the door shut though
  1182. >...Either the wind blew it shut or whoever nicked stuff closed it on the way out
  1183. >You power down the car and get out, the door doesn't close, so you force it with a slam
  1184. >It shuts
  1185. >But the mirror breaks
  1186. >Fuck you, car
  1187. >Meh, home
  1188. >You walk towards the door but your neighbour stops you with a call
  1189. >"Oh, there you are, dear!"
  1190. >She's a nice old lady who lives with her disabled husband
  1191. >"I saw you rush out the other day, you looked hurt, I closed your door for you. You alright, dear?"
  1192. "Fine, Mrs Nymphadora, thanks."
  1193. >"Alright, take care."
  1194. >With that you pace towards the door, open it, get inside, slam it shut
  1195. >...
  1196. >...Home
  1197. >...
  1198. >...Thank fuck
  1199. >You hated being outside too long
  1200. >You take a deep breath, starting to feel a slight pressure in your chest
  1201. >Gonna need those drugs soon
  1202. >You look to your left
  1203. >And fucking jump out of your skin upon seeing the orange pony there
  1204. "Holyfuckingcuntsticks!"
  1205. >You take a moment to calm the fuck down
  1206. >Heart reboots up and you just stare dumbly at the cowgirl for a few seconds
  1207. "Fuck me... why are you still here?"
  1208. >She just huffs, turning guilty
  1209. >"C-can... can we sit down? Ah need t' say somethin'."
  1210. >Shit, she wants to talk?
  1211. >There had better be a 'Sorry' in there somewhere
  1212. >You follow her through to your frontroom, not that you can call it that, really
  1213. >It's just a spaceful room with a big TV in it, some consoles, and a sofa
  1214. >You take a seat and she sits opposie you, almost human like in a way
  1215. >On the edge of the couch, with her forelegs between her hindlegs, which hang over the edge
  1216. >...You're totally not noticing her massive hips or anything
  1217. >Holy fuck, where does that come from when she's pretty muscled?
  1218. >That aside, she's all solemn, and she's taken her hat off, wringing it like it's a dishcloth
  1219. >...
  1220. >...
  1221. >...It takes her a few
  1222. >"Ah'm... Ah'm so sorry, ah didn't mean t' hurt ya so bad. Ya said ya weren't thinkin' nothin' perverse or nasty, but ah didn't listen an'... went too far."
  1223. "Damn straight."
  1224. >She winces
  1225. >Oh that's right, it's not magically fixed, cowgirl
  1226. >"W-Well... like ah say, ah'm real sorry, ah... ah coulda gone like ya said... but... ah aint got nowhere else..."
  1227. >Nope
  1228. >"So... ah thought 'bout it... an' ah do realise that ah... got it better than th' others. Not great, ah'm still a... ya know, slave."
  1229. >Well, yes, but at this point, you're on the fence about having a slave or getting a refund
  1230. >"Ah never did thank ya fer th' room. Ah do 'ppreciate it. An' fer feedin' me actual food. That feller what done sold us, he fed us... well, ah think it was biscuits, but like, fer pets."
  1231. >Eck, you wouldn't eat those if there was nothing else
  1232. >"Still, ah know what ah did was wrong. Ah am sorry, should never o' hit ya. Ah can see ya aint like most stallio-- Ah, yer kind."
  1233. >You what?
  1234. >"Ah mean, ya know, y'aint got much muscle, an' ah thought you'd, I'unno, fight back."
  1235. >"Ah was wrong."
  1236. >You suppose this actually makes you even
  1237. >A bit more in her favour, but you figure it's even
  1238. >...
  1239. >You're such a pussy, dude
  1240. "I brought you like I would a game. You beat the shit outta me. I figure we're about even."
  1241. >She looks up at you with those massive green orbs
  1242. >"Ah am real sorry. Ah was jus' so angry, an' ah couldn't hide it anymore..."
  1243. >"...O-one o' mah friends, she's smart... She said we might be 'ffected by this world, that it could change how we act sometimes."
  1244. >"Ah'm believin' her, ah'd never attack nobody out o' anger. Ah only ever fight when ah gotta protect mah friends an' family..."
  1245. >Mumbo Jumbo magic space shit?
  1246. >Fuck it, fine, lets roll with that for now
  1247. >Whatever, you just want this behind you
  1248. >You never did hold a grudge
  1249. "What's done is done, cowgirl."
  1250. "I'm fine now, mostly. So, whatever, we're cool. I'm gonna make myself something to eat."
  1251. >You get up, leaving a slightly stunned pony in your wake
  1252. >What? She seems genuinely sorry, and she doesn't look like she's gonna pull that again, so no reason to lose out on a pony maid and £400
  1253. >Speaking of which, the frontroom was really clean
  1254. >Now you notice it, the place is still sparkling as if it was cleaned just recently, like, an hour ago, tops
  1255. >You grab some stuff together to make some more coleslaw
  1256. >Nice ham and cheese sandwich with coleslaw? Fuck yeah
  1257. >Fuck her seeing the ham, you don't care if she does
  1258. >She doesn't come in until after you've put it away anyway
  1259. "Want some coleslaw?"
  1260. >"Are ya really jus' gonna act like it didn't happen?"
  1261. "Yep. Said we're even. You seem genuine in your apology. And I've never held grudges, that's my dad."
  1262. >She doesn't seem alright with that at all
  1263. >But meh, she can always just... uh... work harder?
  1264. >"Ah, er... sure, coleslaw sounds nice..."
  1265. >Good, now, back to your tasty as fuck sandwich
  1266. >After it's finished you make her a small dish of creamy coleslaw, throwing in some cubes of cheese, slices of cumcumber, other good stuff
  1267. >She's very surprised by this
  1268. >"Yer... very strange."
  1269. >Guilty as charged
  1270. "Yep. Not normal."
  1271. >She sits for a while, just content to eat the food you gave her
  1272. "So, what did you do while I was away?"
  1273. >She stops munching on a piece of cucumber to speak
  1274. >"Ah cleaned, jus'... not sure what t' do."
  1275. "Didn't look around?"
  1276. >"Heh... a little, maybe."
  1277. >"How d'ya keep the bits fer a place like this? Ya don't work, from what ah seen."
  1278. >Oh that's a simple one
  1279. "Parents died a year or so back, car crash. Got everything they had in their wills, including the house, which was already morgaged. So I just pay for the gas and electric, mainly."
  1280. >"O-oh... ah'm sorry."
  1281. "Don't be, you didn't kill them."
  1282. >"Ah meant fer askin'."
  1283. "Never understood that, personally. Aint gotta be sorry for asking a question."
  1284. >"So... how d'ya make yer money, then? Inheritence only goes so far."
  1285. "I'm an artist, if you can call me that. I draw what people want."
  1286. >She nods
  1287. >"Ah aint seen many folk stoppin' by. Yer work fallin' a bit?"
  1288. >Silly pony, the internet is a very real thing
  1289. "Come with me once you're done eatin' that."
  1290. >You finish your sandwich and go on through to your room. PC still safe where it was
  1291. >She might have looked around, but you can see other than the clutter, everything is untouched
  1292. >You power it up and log in, clicking onto Google
  1293. >You wait until cowgirl comes in, then point to the screen
  1294. "See this? It's a monitor, it shows you stuff. What's on it right now is called 'Google', it'll search for an answer to whatever you ask or look for."
  1295. >She raises an eyebrow
  1296. >"It can't know everything."
  1297. "It is limited by what we as humans know, yeah."
  1298. >She eyes the screen, the marker in the searchbar blinks
  1299. >"Can ya ask it about other ponies?"
  1300. >Wishful thinking
  1301. "I can, but it'll probably just turn up the ponies from our world, not yours."
  1302. >"There are ponies here?"
  1303. "Yeah, but they're not like you. More... like a dog?"
  1304. >She frowns, disappointed
  1305. >"That's bad news, probably get treated like animals."
  1306. >...Got somes news for you there
  1307. "Not to judge, but, you are an animal, to us, anyway."
  1308. "You do speak, and are intelligent, but a lot of people would still see you as a talking horse."
  1309. >Anyone with half a brain would realise she, or they, weren't normal ponies though, on account of the fur colour, the size, and the fact they spoke
  1310. >Sadly, most people would probably just freak out
  1311. >"Well, that's a load o' horseapples."
  1312. "Yeah, life's not fair."
  1313. >Well, life isn't fair, but you weren't doing too bad
  1314. >"So... you spend most yer day drawin'?"
  1315. "Pretty much, or doing random shit."
  1316. >"That... don't seem very fufullin'."
  1317. "It probably isn't, but it works for me."
  1318. >Tried of where the conversation is going, you fire up some Skyrim
  1319. >Heavily modded, of course
  1320. >Cowgirl has gone quiet, watching the game from where she stands
  1321. >You load up your latest save
  1322. >Orc female, warrior as fuck
  1323. >Based greatsword builds
  1324. >"Is this... ya know, them movies?"
  1325. >You can't help but laugh a little
  1326. "No, this is a game."
  1327. >"...Really? Games are different fer you then... we got chess an' such. This seems a tad... beyond."
  1328. >"Ah mean, that's a... green one o' yer kind, wi' a sword. That's... not really here, is it?"
  1329. "Nope, all in the game. I'm controlling it all with my mouse and keyboard."
  1330. >"Ya control it with a mouse?"
  1331. "Not a literal mouse. We just call this thing a mouse. Not sure why."
  1332. >She stops talking then, after seeing a dragon fly across the screen
  1333. >...And still doesn't speak after it starts to eat you and you kill it
  1334. >Still pretty much doesn't speak when you asorb the soul and are staring at a giant skeleton
  1335. >...
  1336. >"...That was so... amazin'. Ah mean, that was Ogre's n' Oubliettes, but... not on paper..."
  1337. >"Huh... Twilight's brother'd love it..."
  1338. "You alright, you're kinda spaced out?"
  1339. >"Hm? Ah'm fine, Bucko, jus'... real impressed. That game is... somethin' else."
  1340. >Well, you have found out how to keep pony entertained
  1341. >And all it took was for her to cave your chest in!
  1342. >Making progress at last
  1343. >She seems to be content
  1344. >It is strange, indeed
  1345. >You spend quite a while just playing your game
  1346. >She just sits, transfixed
  1347. >You could hear a few gasps and exclaimations at times from stuff that happens
  1348. >Man, fuck that vampire wanker
  1349. >...
  1350. >...Seems quiet actually
  1351. >You turn around from your chair and see she's asleep
  1352. >Tired pone falling asleep from watching Skyrim too long
  1353. >Well, it was... 1am?
  1354. >Fuck, where did the time go
  1355. >...
  1356. >...She's adorable though
  1357. >Her mouth is slightly open, her breathing even, she's sprawled out
  1358. >Not just gonna leave her there though
  1359. >You stealthily get out your roll-chair
  1360. >Which isn't too hard to do, but you have to roll it back slowly so it doesn't drag across the lamenet
  1361. >Comfy but noisy
  1362. >Her ears flick, but other than that, she stays snoozing
  1363. >Gently as you can, you crouch down and put your hands under her
  1364. >One hand resting just on her shoulder, head on your arm, and the other under her legs, resting on her flank
  1365. >You managed to avoid falling over while doing that
  1366. >Picking her up is diffcult though
  1367. >She's a small pony, but a small pony of almost pure muscle
  1368. >Plus, a lot of her is curved
  1369. >Well... one end of her
  1370. >How does a pony have the right mix of muscle and fat anyway?
  1371. >It's crazy, maybe something different with their physiology
  1372. >It's so soft on your arm
  1373. >Like, cushiony, and malleble
  1374. >...
  1375. >That aside, you carry her as carefully as you can
  1376. >It's really hard, you are not strong
  1377. >Really is mad, she barely stands as tall as your belly button
  1378. >You turn off some lights awkwardly while holding her, the darkness is always good
  1379. >Well, for you anyway, not sure how she works with sleep
  1380. >You use your foot to push her door open, thankfully wasn't shut all the way
  1381. >Her bed is neatly made, so your again, use your foot to yank the covers back
  1382. >Depositing her down, you pause, her eyes are open
  1383. >"Ther'a reason ya picked m' up?"
  1384. >It comes out half-asleep
  1385. "Yeah, just didn't wanna wake you."
  1386. >"Dummy."
  1387. >You still drape the covers over her so she doesn't have to
  1388. >"Thanks."
  1389. >Things are getting better
  1390. >And in a short space of time
  1391. >Then again, it could just be a one off
  1392. >Maybe she's just too tired to fight you
  1393. >Either way, you're pleased at least tonight was okay
  1394. >Even if you did come back from the hospital
  1395. >She was certainly nicer, and definitely guilty for the harm she caused you
  1396. >You suspect she wouldn't be sorry had you fought back
  1397. >But ha, like you could, you barely managed to lift her up just then
  1398. >Your arms are still burning, actually
  1399. >Clearly sit-ups and push-ups don't cut it for full exercise
  1400. >...When was the last time you actually did those?
  1401. >...
  1402. >...Meh, you'll start again at some point
  1403. >Your eyes are starting to droop as well
  1404. >So you decide a power nap is the ticket, you don't feel that tired
  1405. >You rest into your broken bed so not as further damage it
  1406. >Plus your side was starting to ache
  1407. >You could put up with it, you were gonna be laying down after all
  1408. >...
  1409. >You get nice and comfy, shutting your eyes
  1410. >When you begin to snooze off, cowgirl enters your dreams
  1411. >You say hello, but she ignores you
  1412. >And then she's on you, throwing punches
  1413. >Shit, you can't do anything, you're tied down!
  1414. >It hurts, and you're panicking
  1415. >She won't stop no matter how much you plead with her
  1416. >...It's not long before you awake in a cold sweat
  1417. >Bloody hell, you don't want this shit
  1418. >She wasn't going to fuck you up again
  1419. >...Right?
  1420. >Just... try and go back to sleep
  1421. >And try you do
  1422. >It doesn't work, no matter what you think about, it devolves into her hurting you somehow
  1423. >Fuck this
  1424. >You napped a bit, so up you get
  1425. >...
  1426. >Maybe you'll check on her
  1427. >Pacing through the hallway, through the kitchen, you come to her door
  1428. >It's slightly ajar, as you left it
  1429. >You poke your head in as your eyes adjust to the gloom
  1430. >She's way in the land of nod, a kind of cute noise between a snore and snooze emanating from her
  1431. >Her ears flick and she turns
  1432. >You do too, her arse pointed towards you, then
  1433. >She's fine
  1434. >...Back to your PC, you got games to play
  1435. >...
  1436. >You open your eyes, staring at a random tab on your browser
  1437. >Did you fall asleep?
  1438. >...The clock says it's 9-40ish, so yes
  1439. >Shit your back hurts, chairs are not good beds
  1440. >Your side is hurting as well
  1441. >Fuck, you gingerly pull yourself to your feet and make way for the kitchen
  1442. >You bump into cowgirl as you round a corner to your kitchen, surprising her
  1443. >She recovers quickly, adverting her eyes, however
  1444. >She even lowers her hat over her face slightly with a hoof
  1445. >...Alright, she's REALLY guilty about fucking you up
  1446. "Morning."
  1447. >You say it as you go, not meaning to be rude
  1448. >But currently your head is saying PAIN and FIX IT
  1449. >You make a dash for the opiates on top of the microwave, popping them from the packaging
  1450. >You down them with water, followed by a sigh
  1451. >The thought that you're going to feel better soon does make the ache hurt slightly less
  1452. >Cowgirl, curious as to your rush, has followed
  1453. >"Oh... yer side?"
  1454. "Yeah... burning like a motherfucker."
  1455. >She arches an eyebrow at the phrase, but doesn't say anything
  1456. >"Did ya sleep?"
  1457. >You shake your head
  1458. "Barely. Had some... er, nightmares."
  1459. >She nods, turning away to leave
  1460. "Why the concern?"
  1461. >You say it before you can stop yourself
  1462. >She also stops in her tracks
  1463. >She cocks her head back
  1464. >"Ah'm th' one that done hospitalised ya."
  1465. "And? Doesn't make you my nurse, not that I don't appreciate the concern."
  1466. >She turns back fully, tilting her head
  1467. >"If yer like most o' yer kind, then the way y'all act is strange. Ah do wrong by ya, an' ya questionin' me tryin' t' make things right?"
  1468. "Well, you were incredibly abrasive up until yesterday, so I'm just a bit confused."
  1469. "Not to say this isn't nice. I wish we could have started on this footing."
  1470. >She nods
  1471. >"Well... like ah said, ah thought 'bout it while you were gone. Ah was... stubborn. Ya were tryin' yer best, despite havin' done somethin' awful."
  1472. >"An' ah did somethin' awful too. So... s'like ya said, we're, sorta... even?"
  1473. >She scuffs a hoof
  1474. >"Ah dunno..."
  1475. >"...It's mighty weird. Ah... ah dunno, ah feel like, ah should still hate'cha... but mah Granny always said that hate was such a strong word an' emotion, ya should never hate someone 'less they done somethin' evil."
  1476. >She looks up at you
  1477. >"Well... y'aint evil. When ah calmed down after... ya know... ah realised that ya were trying t' be nice."
  1478. >"All ah saw was some shaved monkey tryin' t' use me fer his own needs. But, ya pretty much said all ya wanted was company... an' ah jus'... assumed ya wanted me... like that, an' ah jus' lashed out..."
  1479. >You cough
  1480. "Well, to be fair, I aint exactly done nothing to dissuade that thought."
  1481. >You do make a gesture
  1482. "...Except that my needs weren't and aren't sexual."
  1483. >She nods sagely
  1484. >"Yeah... ah understand that now."
  1485. >"All it took was me hurtin' ya real bad..."
  1486. >"Ah'm a real piece o' work..."
  1487. >You remember what she said when you got back though
  1488. "Didn't you mention your anger mighta had something to do with... this world?"
  1489. >She nods again
  1490. >"Yeah, but that's just a theory, mah friend said theory is unpractised science that needs testin'."
  1491. >Smart friend
  1492. "Your mate's an egghead, aye?"
  1493. >"Ya could say that, yeah."
  1494. >...
  1495. >And then there's silence
  1496. >...
  1497. >...At least your ribs don't hurt much now
  1498. >"Listen... ah'm all over the place, but... ah am sorry fer hurtin' ya, that's th' honest truth. An' if it means anythin', ah'll work hard t' make it up t' ya, alright?"
  1499. >You shake your head
  1500. "Nah, fuck that. We're even."
  1501. >She blinks
  1502. "Hell, at this point I don't give a shit what you do. I think this was a wake up call, if anything."
  1503. "You're not property. I shouldn't have brought you... On one hand, yes; you're safe here as opposed to elsewhere where someone might abuse you. But on the other; I know slavery is wrong, we as a species outlawed it hundreds of years ago."
  1504. "That auction, as well you know, was shady and behind a curtain, so to speak. It was secret."
  1505. "So for what it's worth, I'M sorry, aye? I'm glad, but also ashamed."
  1506. >She nods
  1507. >"Well, ah appreciate yer honesty. S'good trait t' have."
  1508. "Agreed. Although I can be honest to a fault."
  1509. >"That's a lot o' folk."
  1510. >Your conversation was nice after getting off the subject of what has been
  1511. >You made breakfast for the both of you as she spoke about what was to come
  1512. >"So... ya say ah aint property..."
  1513. "I mean, I refuse to own you any longer."
  1514. >"I'm free?"
  1515. "Pretty much, I mean, it sucks but, you still can't go, really. One person catches eye of an orange pony wearing a hat, and they'll freak out and phone the police, or they'll snatch you up, if they can."
  1516. >"Yeah ah figured..."
  1517. >She looks into her light salad
  1518. >"So... ya wanted t' watch a film?"
  1519. >You perk up, nodding
  1520. "Yeah, figured there might be something of interest to you. I'm a massive fantasy weirdo, so I've got a lot of stuff like that game you saw me play."
  1521. "And you seemed to like that."
  1522. >She chuckles gently
  1523. >...Shit, that's the first time you've heard her laugh
  1524. >It was cute as fuck
  1525. >"Yeah, it was somethin' else alright."
  1526. >She closes her eyes as she uses both hooves to chew on some carrot cubes
  1527. >You're really only just noticing that she's adorable
  1528. >In an adult kind of way, 'course
  1529. >You wonder if she likes scratches behind the ears...
  1530. >She's looking at you, actually
  1531. >"Feelin' fine there, Bucko?"
  1532. "Hm?"
  1533. >You mumble that, blinking away the daydream
  1534. >You space out too much
  1535. >Maybe it was the opiates actually
  1536. >Doesn't stop cowgirl from being very... charming?
  1537. >It wasn't cute in a 'Teehee Uguu' kind of way, but in a more striking manner
  1538. >Like, it's unexpected, but pleasant to see
  1539. >She's certainly pretty, and thankfully not in a frilly girly girl kind of way
  1540. >Those kinds of girls annoyed the fuck out of you
  1541. >Shit, she's staring again
  1542. >Stop spacing out, dumbshit
  1543. "Sorry, think these tablets pack a punch."
  1544. >She laughs again, damn that's nice to hear
  1545. "At least I can't feel my chest, that's a plus."
  1546. >...
  1547. >...You're... happy
  1548. >You hope she stays like this
  1549. >It's a good thing to have
  1550. >Company

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