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An Afternoon With Pinkie (nsfw)

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2022-04-19 20:07:05
Expiry: Never

  2. >You have a mighty need
  3. >And there's only one mare that can satisfy it
  4. >You make your way to her, weaving between the other pedestrians while doing your best to hide that you're on your way to procure the services of a pony prostitute
  5. >Thankfully she's not too far from where you work, so you don't have to hide for long
  6. >The ponies watching out from the entrance of the alley indicate that you've arrived at your destination
  7. >They greet you with smiles on their faces, but their innocently-framed questions betray their true function as sentries
  8. >Since the ponies living here are all escaped slaves, it makes sense that they'd be cautious
  9. >They remember you from your prior visits, so you're waved through pretty quickly into the sort of shantytown that lies beyond
  10. >Cardboard boxes, upturned garbage cans, and dumpsters all serve as living space for the denizens of this alley that they've taken to calling 'Little Ponyville'
  11. >Those same denizens all greet you enthusiastically, and a few ponies rush up to your side to say hello
  12. >Four mares and a rather trappish-looking stallion
  13. >They know exactly why you're here
  14. >You tell them that you're here to see a 'friend', and they reluctantly disperse
  15. >You make your way further into the alley as other ponies try to hawk exotic illicit substances originating from Equestria
  16. >You turn them down as well; you were always scared that taking that weird magical stuff would turn you into a pony or something
  17. >At the end of the alley, you find what you came here for
  18. >Several makeshift tents are set up here, and you can hear the sounds of other clients enjoying themselves
  19. >One of them exits a tent off to your side, jumping in surprise when she sees you
  20. >A mare with a cream-colored coat and a crimson mane follows her out of the tent to thank her as she briskly walks away, trying her best to hide her face from you
  21. >Roseluck notices you and smiles
  22. >"Oh, hello Mr. Regular! Pinkie's ready for you in that tent over there."
  23. >You thank her and head towards where she's pointing
  24. >The thought that they think of you as a regular makes you kind of uncomfortable
  25. >At first you just came here because it was cheaper than going to a human prostitute, but Pinkie kept you coming back
  26. >You kneel down and move the cloth flap to peek into the space within
  27. >Pinkie looks up from the treat that she was frosting to meet your eye and beams happily
  28. >"Mr. Regular!"
  29. >She bounds towards you and wraps you in a big bear hug
  30. >You smile weakly and pat her back
  31. "Hey there Pinkie. It's good to see you again."
  32. >Part of you wanted to tell her your name, but keeping things somewhat impersonal was probably for the best
  33. >You're not sure if pony prostitution is even illegal, but you'd rather not find out from the backseat of a police car
  34. >She backs off a half-step before taking your hand in her hooves and leading you inside
  35. >"Come on in, make yourself at home!"
  36. >Unlike the tents the other mares work out of, this one has a pretty lived-in look
  37. >Mostly because she actually lives here
  38. >Various trinkets sit on makeshift shelves
  39. >There are several crude drawings of other ponies that you don't recognize next to her bed, as well as a rock
  40. >His name is Boulder, apparently
  41. >She always throws a handkerchief or a sock over him before she gets to work
  42. >Pinkie's kind of an odd pony, but that's why you like her so much
  43. >Most notable however is the small pile of old easy-bake ovens set up in the corner that she's designated as her kitchen
  44. >...Suddenly you notice that the tent seems like it's bigger on the inside than the outside
  45. >Whatever
  46. >Pinkie trots over to the crate that she was working at before and picks up one of her creations
  47. >"Um...Mr. Customer...before we do anything, would you like to try one of my treats again?"
  48. >She holds it out to you, and you frown
  49. >You immediately plaster a large, fake smile over it
  50. "Oh, uh, sure! I'd love too!"
  51. >Her eyes glimmer with anticipation as you take it from her
  52. >After a brief moment of hesitation, you bring it up to your mouth and take a bite
  53. >Huh
  54. >You're pleasantly surprised; it's actually not too bad
  55. >It's rather bland, and the texture is pretty strange
  56. >It's kind of between a cookie and a cupcake
  57. >But it's an improvement over last time
  58. "It's, uh, pretty good."
  59. >She smiles, but that gleam in her eyes fades
  60. >"Thanks! I'm getting the hang of this more and more every day!"
  61. >She almost hides the disappointment in her voice
  62. >You get the impression that she was a baker or something before she came to Earth
  63. >It's hard to say for sure; she doesn't like talking about her past, and her previous owner's brand has pretty much destroyed her cutie mark
  64. >Whatever the case, this alley lacked the tools and ingredients needed for her to ply her trade
  65. >Which is why she has to fuck people like you for money
  66. >You set the uneaten half of your cupcookie down on the table and sit down on her bedroll
  67. "Not that I don't appreciate your company or anything Pinkie, but I kinda can't spend too long here today."
  68. >She squirms uncomfortably
  69. >"Oh, yeah, heh, we should probably just get down to business, right?"
  70. >She puffs herself up a bit to appear more confident
  71. >"So! What're buyin' Mr. Regular?"
  72. "Just a blowjob today. Like I said, I need to get out of here pretty quickly."
  73. >She deflates
  74. >"O-oh. Are you sure? We can do other stuff pretty fast too. Um, I was thinking that maybe we could try a-anal? Would you like that?"
  75. >Okay, something was up.
  76. >You knew that Pinkie didn't do anal
  77. "What's wrong? Do you need money or something?"
  78. >She looks away and scratches the back of her head
  79. >"It's just...We all have to chip in, you know? Getting the food and the water we need here is kind of risky and expensive since we're ponies. And I've been making a lot of special requests for my baking...I just kinda fell behind..."
  80. >You reach forward and run your fingers through her poofy mane
  81. "How about this: I pay you double the normal rate, and you swallow this time. Would that work?"
  82. >She grimaces slightly, but smiles at your 'generosity' regardless
  83. >"Y-yeah, that would be great! Thanks Mr. Customer!"
  84. >You slide back more onto her bed and begin undoing your pants as she reaches into a bin stashed beneath a shelf
  85. >You free your cock as she retrieves her bottle of strawberry-flavored lubricant
  86. >She watches as you give your semi-erect shaft a few tugs until it grows to full size
  87. >You've been here so often that blood starts flowing to your dick as soon as you enter Pinkie's tent
  88. >She slides down between your legs and you reach down to stroke her bubblegum mane once again
  89. >It was wild and poofy, but you could tell that she took care of it to the best of her abilities with her limited resources
  90. >Overall she was pretty clean considering her situation, but was still noticeably dirty
  91. >Her mane and tail seemed kind of short, though
  92. >You guessed that her owner had cropped them or something, and she's been letting them grow back out ever since she escaped
  93. >She leans in and gives the tip of your dick a kiss before she begins speaking to it
  94. >"Good afternoon Mr. Penis! You look really stressed out. Don't worry, Mama Pinkie's here to make you feel better!"
  95. >She reaches for the bottle of lube, but you stop her
  96. "Do you think you could use a little less than you normally do? If I'm paying for you to swallow, I'd rather that you be able to taste it."
  97. >She frowns
  98. >"Oh, uh, sure. That makes sense I guess..."
  99. >She takes the bottle between her teeth and holds it above you, squeezing out a rather sparing amount by her standards onto your tip
  100. >Still, you reach down and wipe a bit of what you consider to be excess off with your thumb and offer it to her
  101. >She closes her mouth around it and gently suckles, swirling her tongue around the end to collect the fruity fluid
  102. >You pull your thumb out of her mouth, and she swallows the mixture of saliva and lube
  103. >"Alrighty then, are you ready Mr. Customer?"
  104. "Absolutely."
  105. >She grins before turning her attention to your tool and closing her eyes
  106. >First pressing her lips against the top of your head, she pushes down to engulf your cock, making sure to hug your shaft with her lips to help spread the lubricant
  107. >She totally bottoms out on the first stroke and makes a show of nuzzling your pubes before slowly pulling up, swirling her tongue around you as she does
  108. >The extra room afforded by her muzzle allows her to comfortably accommodate your average prick with a little room to spare
  109. >It's convenient for her, but you really wish that you could feel her throat
  110. >She makes it back to the top and begins to worship your head with loving strokes of her tongue and gentle suckles
  111. >And then she opens her eyes once again to stare into yours
  112. >She knew your weakness
  113. >Her large, bright blue eyes were so beautiful
  114. >She popped your dick out of her mouth and ran her tongue along the bottom, making sure to maintain eye contact the whole time
  115. >You had been idly scratching behind her ears, but your hand begins to run through her mane and down her neck to rub the whatever you can reach on her upper body
  116. >It takes a Herculean effort, but you manage to peel your eyes away from hers to look over the rest of her body
  117. >She takes the opportunity to look back down and focus on her job
  118. >Pinkie's master must have been pretty good to her
  119. >Branded flanks aside, her body totally lacked the scars that most ponies wore
  120. >Your eyes followed her curves to drink in her shapely body
  121. >She was a little thin, all of the ponies living here looked like they needed a sandwich, but the little fat that she did have ended up exactly where it needed to be
  122. >You grunt as Pinkie gets serious
  123. >She starts to suck a little harder, her tongue grows more adventurous, her saliva has become thick and viscous, and her head is bobbing up and down at a good pace
  124. >The moment you look back down, she locks her eyes to yours
  125. >Normally Pinkie tended to be slow and more theatric during oral sex, but either due to your time constraints or her apprehension for what she has to do next, she's simply trying to make you finish as quickly as she can
  126. >She bottoms out again and sucks on you like a piece of candy for a few seconds, presumably to rest her neck muscles or something
  127. >It isn't particularly stimulating, but you were just about at your limit anyway
  128. >As she's pulling back to resume properly blowing you, you grab the back of her head and close your eyes
  129. >With an embarrassingly unmasculine whimper, you reach your climax
  130. >You shoot a thick rope across her tongue, and then another
  131. >You can feel her tense up as the flavor crashes against her taste buds
  132. >She really doesn't like the taste of semen, but that only makes the fact that you're filling her mouth up with the stuff even hotter
  133. >Your cock pulses once again as it pushes another thick load out
  134. >You normally have to pull out and finish on her face or something, so your body's talking full advantage of this opportunity with a truly prodigious load
  135. >By the time your orgasm is finally over you feel like you've completely emptied your balls into this poor mare's mouth
  136. >You let go of her head and open your eyes as she pulls away
  137. >Her eyes are screwed shut, and her lips are pursed
  138. >She almost looks like she bit into a lemon or something
  139. "Could you open your mouth and let me see please?"
  140. >She tilts her head back and complies
  141. >With the large amount of saliva she had built up while sucking you off, it looked like there was almost half a cup of thick, milky fluid pooling in the back of her throat
  142. >Your cock twitches, but you remind yourself that you have places to be
  143. "You can go ahead and swallow it now."
  144. >She closes her mouth again and tries to do so
  145. >She seems to be having a bit of trouble though
  146. >Every time she tries, her head automatically tilts forward to prevent it
  147. >It's like watching a kid trying to take medicine
  148. >Eventually she manages to gulp it down, and her eyes open back up as she begins panting
  149. >She shudders as she feels your load arrive in her stomach
  150. >"Guh...D-delicious!"
  151. >She gives you an enormous fake smile, and you chuckle at the obvious attempt to hide her disgust
  152. "Maybe I should start eating more fruit before I make you do that again, huh?"
  153. >She dips her muzzle into a nearby bucket of water and takes a few swigs
  154. >Once she's sufficiently washed the taste away and caught her breath, she turns back to you
  155. >"H-how did I do, Mr. Regular? Did it feel good?"
  156. >You pat her on the side of her neck and smile
  157. "You did great Pinkie. That was absolutely incredible."
  158. >She smiles happily as you pull her in for a hug
  159. >"Thank you!"
  160. >She steps back, and her smile falters
  161. >"So, um, you said you would pay double if I, you know, swallowed?"
  162. >You grin as you reach into your back pocket
  163. "You've definitely earned it."
  164. >Opening up your wallet, you flip through the bills inside and pull out a twenty, passing it to her
  165. >"Thanks, Mr. Regular!"
  166. >She turns to put the money on the table, but freezes when she sees Boulder uncovered
  167. >He saw everything
  168. >You manage to get her attention again as you stand up and stuff your cock back into your pants and button up
  169. "I know here lately I haven't been visiting you very much, but work's been pretty crazy."
  170. >"That's okay Mr. Customer, I understand."
  171. >You kneel down in front of her and scratch along her jaw
  172. "Well, you see, since work has been so crazy, I decided to use a couple of my vacation days to take a break. And I was hoping that I could spend one of those days with you."
  173. >She lifts hoof uncertainly
  174. >"A-a whole day? Mr. Customer, I don't think-"
  175. >You hold up your hand to interrupt her, causing her to flinch slightly
  176. "Whatever you normally make in a day's work, I'm willing to pay it. Maybe even a little more."
  177. >Her eyes widen and her jaw drops
  178. >"MORE than a whole--b-but that's so much--I couldn't--"
  179. >You gently pinch her muzzle closed and smirk
  180. "How about we work out the details next time, huh? I've gotta run."
  181. >As soon as you release her, she tackle-hugs you
  182. >"Oh, thank you Mr. Customer! I promise I'll make it the most fun, most special day ever!"
  183. >You hug her right back and rub her withers
  184. >When you first met her she was basically just a pony-shaped hole for you to dump a few loads into after a rough day
  185. >But her cheery attitude and fun personality were infectious
  186. >You wished you had a pony like Pinkie back home
  187. >As much as you would love to wake up every morning to her beautiful eyes staring into yours, you find the effort and risk that she's taking to stay free almost inspiring
  188. >You both break off the hug and say your goodbyes before you exit the tent
  189. >You've got about two weeks until your vacation comes up
  190. >You're gonna have to stop by the market on your way home and stock up on fruit

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