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By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2022-04-19 20:18:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >You are sitting on the floor.
  3. >Your hands pressed into your face you rest against the hard, cold wall.
  4. >Through your fingers you see the pale blue light from the monitor, not strong enough to brighten the room.
  5. >More of a night light than anything.
  6. >The music from the speakers is some sad pop shit.
  7. >Just a girls voice singing about love or loss or something.
  8. >You take a sip from your half-empty beer.
  9. >It's number five.
  10. >You started drinking again.
  11. >Alone.
  12. >Just after you got everything you thought you needed.
  13. >A job you like, the posessions you thought you wanted and with being in home-office you evade all the fucks at work and save time and gas.
  14. >Not enough money to feel rich but enough money and time to follow your passions.
  15. >You don't even feel the need for vacation.
  16. >And yet you feel empty.
  17. >Not even the booze is doing it anymore.
  18. >You know you are drunk but you feel strangely sober.
  19. >Why do you feel so shitty when everything is working out fine?
  20. >The most contact with other people you have is through emails and the clerks at the store.
  21. >All your friends are busy.
  22. >If they still consider you a friend.
  23. >Can't blame them if they don't.
  24. >You never were much of a friend.
  25. >When asked out you went out of politeness.
  26. >Was it politeness?
  27. >Gotta love yourself before you can love others.
  28. >And now people don't really do friendship anymore.
  29. >People do families or acqaintaces now.
  30. >People function.
  31. >You function.
  32. >But not right.
  33. >More like a stuttering enginge of a truck, pulling a load it should not pull, tires loosing track and blowing black smoke out of the exhaustion pipe.
  34. >You leave you beer on the floor and get up.
  35. >There is some cheap wine in the kitchen you got with pizza you ordered something.
  36. >Was it with the steaks or the pizza?
  37. >Doesn't matter.
  38. >You don't even care about pizza anymore. You don't like burgers anymore.
  39. >It's all so worn out. You could some tasteless grey mush it wouldn't make any difference.
  40. >You stumble into the kitchen and take a look at the sink wondering if you should drink some water.
  41. >Less headache tomorrow.
  42. >But also less drunk today.
  43. >You can sleep till 10 no problem and nobody notices or cares as long as you do your work tomorrow.
  44. >You open the cheap wine and take a swig.
  45. >You shake yourself from the intense sweetness.
  46. >God this is disgusting.
  47. >But it is something.
  48. >You should order the sweetest wine you can find.
  49. >You take another big gulp.
  51. >Be headache.
  52. >The buzzing of the doorbell wakes you from your slumber or black-out.
  53. >You try to raise your head off the sticky floor.
  54. >The music is still playing.
  55. >Slowly get up tring not to vomit.
  56. >The bell rings again.
  57. >You press your hands into your face.
  58. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkk! I'm coming!"
  59. >One wonky step at a time you make your way towards the door.
  60. >A delivery guy rushes inside with a big fucking smile and a giant packet on a wheeler.
  61. >You have never seen a delivery guy this cheerful.
  62. >Delivery guys should not be cheerful.
  63. >There are laws against this.
  64. >Shaking your head you ask yourself why the fuck he is in your appartment.
  65. "Your packet, sir!"
  66. >Taking the papers out of his hand you sign on the blurred line.
  67. "What time is it?"
  68. >"Quater past nine."
  69. >Still in time for work. Nice.
  70. >He takes the papers out of you hand and gives you a little bow.
  71. >The fuck?
  72. >Not sure if you like or hate this.
  73. >"Thank you for shopping at Equis Sales and have a nice day, Sir!"
  74. "Yeah, sure, whatever."
  75. >He turns around walks out with a spring in his step.
  76. >You decide that whatever you ordered can wait, time for a beer to fight the hangover.
  77. >So you fetch a beer out of the fridge and take a big gulp to counter the worst effects.
  78. >"Jerome, are we there yet," a high pitched voice asks.
  79. >That's not in your playlist.
  80. >"Jerome?"
  81. >You turn around as fast as your headache allows.
  82. "Are we there yet?"
  83. >You slowly approach the paket.
  84. >"Anybody there?"
  85. >You give the paket a small shove.
  86. >"Hey, who are you?"
  87. "Who THE FUCK are YOU!?"
  88. "What the fuck are you doing in my flat? What the FUCK are you doing in a box?"
  89. "Fuck this!"
  90. >You take a massive gulp from your beer.
  91. >You are too fucking sober or too fucking drunk to deal with talking packages.
  92. >"Hey, are you still there?"
  93. "Shut up, I'm trying to get drunk!"
  94. >"Can you let me out of this box, please?"
  95. "Not until I had my second beer."
  96. >"Please?"
  97. "Not until you tell me who you are and why this guy wheeled you into my living room!"
  98. >"I am Pinky Pie and you ordered me, silly."
  99. "What?"
  100. >"Pinkamena Diane Pie"
  101. >You rush over to your computer with wonky steps.
  102. >Your emails are open.
  103. >Dear customer ... yadda yadda ... thanks for putting trust in our ... yadda yadda ... invoice is attached... best regards Equis Sales
  104. >You hear this Pinko or whatever push against the inside of the cardbox.
  105. >"Are you still there? Please let me out!"
  106. >Click.
  107. "Holy fuck!"
  108. >You turn around and rip open the box.
  109. >Out comes one of the tiny horses that are all over the news.
  110. >The pink little fuck looks up at you and grins.
  111. >"Hi, I'm Pinky Pie, your new slave!
  112. >You empty the rest of the beer.
  113. "What?"
  114. >"Im Pinky, it's a pleasure to meet you!"
  115. >The pink little pony extands an arm. Or a leg? How do ponies acutally work?
  116. >You look at her extended appendix and slowly extend you arm to grab it.
  117. >Her hooves grab your hand and she starts shaking it.
  118. >Violently.
  119. "Pink! Stop!"
  120. >Ohh shit your gonna vomit all over her!
  121. "Stop! I'm gonna throw-"
  122. >You rip your head to the left and vomit some foam on the floor.
  123. >"I have never seen such greeting!"
  124. "Shut up," you say wiping your mouth with your forearm.
  125. >Looking at the pubble on the floor you mourn for the lost beer.
  126. >You exhale sharply.
  127. >Okay.
  128. >You raise a finger at her, "YOU stop moving, stop doing anything until I say otherwise!"
  129. >"Okie dokie lokie!"
  130. >You a grab a dishtowel and wipe up the puddle you left on the ground.
  131. >The salty, sour smell almost makes you vomit again.
  132. >You open a window to get let some fresh air in.
  133. >You take a quick shower.
  134. >To your amazement the pony is still sitting right where you left her when you step out of the shower.
  135. >You dress up and take your last beer out of the fridge and take a small sip.
  136. >No experiments.
  137. >Back in the living room you face her.
  138. "Okay what is your name again?"
  139. >"Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everyone call me Pinky Pie or Pinky for short."
  140. "Hello Pinky, I am Anon but I won't shake your hand... or hoov. This is my last beer."
  141. >"Oh beer! Can I have some too?"
  142. "I'll order some later."
  143. >You take a deep breath.
  144. "Can you clean stuff?"
  145. >The pony nods with a wide grin.
  146. "This is unfair of me since I made the mess but would you do me a solid and clean the floor? It's sticky and I don't want stains."
  147. >"No problem, master!"
  148. "Ohh yes, so you are my slave now?"
  149. >"Yes! Also do you want to be my friend?"
  150. "I guess.."
  151. >Suddenly Pinky jumps up in joy and hugs you.
  152. "Stop, stop, stop! Pinky stop!"
  153. >This feels weird.
  154. >Not bad though.
  155. "Let go, pony!"
  156. >The pony lets you go instantly and plants her behind on the ground.
  157. "Okay," you take a deep breath, "follow me".
  158. >You show her the cleaning untensils under the sink.
  159. "Can you work with this?"
  160. >"Absolutely!"
  161. "Okay please clean a little and keep silent, I have to work. I will get to you once I have time."
  162. >She salutes.
  163. >"Will do, master!"
  164. >You scrath your neck as you look down at this creature.
  165. "Allright."
  166. >You get over to your computer and lauch your workspace.
  167. >"Anon, bright and early! This is what I like about you," your boss says.
  168. "Doing my best, sir."
  169. >"You don't look so good Anon, is everything allright."
  170. "I'm perfectly fine."
  171. >"You really don't look well."
  172. "It's no problem, really."

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