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/kinderquestria/ Anon VS The Big Rock (from space)

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-04-22 04:38:03
Updated: 2022-04-30 12:31:34
Expiry: Never

  1. "Are you sure it'll be ok, Princess?"
  2. >"Of course, Anonymous. Remember that no matter which form of Equestria you find, you will always have me. If I don't remember you... tell me the name of my pet."
  3. "Philomena."
  4. >"Exactly."
  5. "Alright... I will find you."
  6. >That was then
  7. >But now?
  8. >"Go away!"
  9. "Princess, come on!"
  10. >"No!"
  11. "Your little ponies need you!"
  12. >"I don't care! They're dumb anyway!"
  13. "I already said Philomena a dozen times, that has to show you that I'm being honest!!"
  14. >"That doesn't mean anything!"
  15. >You found a way back into Canterlot
  16. >You talked your way through the palace rather... easily, now that you think about it
  17. >The guards weren't carrying their usual equipment
  18. >Princess Celestia's quarters were just where you remembered
  19. >But the chamber doors are locked
  20. >They have never once, to your knowledge, been locked
  21. "Come on... you trusted me with this."
  22. >You put your back to the pillar opposite of her doors and slide down
  23. >How could this happen?
  24. >You have never known the Princess to be so... stubborn
  25. >In this way, particularly
  26. >If you can't convince her, Equestria is doomed
  27. >You sit there, defeated and holding your head
  28. >You can't give up
  29. >You just can't
  30. >Just when you feel like you should leave, you hear the door click
  31. >...You had no clue that the palace chamber doors had locks that clicked like that
  32. >Rather than a flowing mane full of mystic wonder that comes out to greet you, it's flat and drooped over a white mare's face
  33. >The meticulous uniformity of the mane tells you that it had to somehow be deliberate
  34. "...Princess Celestia?"
  35. >"It's Celeste."
  36. >The irritation in her tone is apparent
  37. >"So... are you... going to come in or what? You won't go away until we talk anyway, right?"
  38. >She doesn't have anything resembling the tone you've always found comfort in
  39. >The voice of a Princess, leading the land into a bright tomorrow
  40. >You want to speak but you just can't make any words come out
  41. >She steps out, revealing that she is
  42. >Wait
  43. >She's hardly any larger than a normal mare
  44. >"...if you're going to just stare, forget it."
  45. "W-wait!"
  46. >Your hand shoots out in desperation
  47. >It was enough to make her jump
  48. "No. I mean, yes. We need to talk. It's as urgent as can be."
  49. >"Whatever."
  50. >With a heavy scoff, she shakes her head and goes back into her room
  51. >An open invitation into her own quarters
  52. >This is as weird as anything else, but you won't throw away your chance
  53. >You pick yourself up and enter the
  54. >Regal
  55. >Respected...
  56. >...
  57. >Why are there dresses and towels just laying all over the floor?
  58. >At least a dozen glasses are stacked into a pyramid shape on a desk
  59. >Above it is a tapestry of a sun cracked in half?
  60. "What in the world...?"
  61. >Princess Celestia doesn't turn to face you until she dead drops onto the massive bed, befitting that of an alicorn
  62. >With the finesse and grace of a freshly caught fish, she flops around until she's finally eye-to-mane-covered-eye with you
  63. >"So. What do you want? Is this about the cake ban?"
  64. >Cake ban?
  65. "I... why would you ban cakes? Don't you love them?"
  66. >"Last pony that gave a cake to me, it was thrown. I sent her to the moon."
  67. >Your blood goes ice cold
  68. >She couldn't have
  69. "You didn't."
  70. >Celestia grins under her mop of a mane
  71. >"That's riiiight... I did it. And I'll do it to you, too."
  72. >The playful tone in her voice tells you that she might actually be serious
  73. "You can't! Listen, Equestria is in peril. Princess Celestia-you-sent me to another version of there-here, because of an imminent meteor strike! Starswirl's tomes, the entire Canterlot library, nothing is big enough to protect everyone! The only answer are the Elements of Harmony. When we searched, we couldn't find all of them in time. Worse, we couldn't find any creature-pony or otherwise-to even use them!"
  74. >The memories are all too fresh in your mind
  75. >The losses still great a burden to bare
  76. >"Boooooooooriiiiiiiiing."
  77. "...come again?"
  78. >"I said that sounds BORING. Meteors are just dumb rocks. So kick them away."
  79. >Her attitude is, among other things, astonishing
  80. "How in the world could we kick away something hurdling toward us hard enough to turn the planet into one massive crater?!"
  81. >The bed-bound Princess smirks
  82. >"Just kick it with magic."
  83. "I..."
  84. >What do you even say to this?
  85. >"Oh, and I had the Elements of Harmony. They looked pretty dumb so I gave them to, like, some filly I tutored. She passed them out to her friends and stuff."
  86. >This revelation is enough to turn your hair white, as if the stress of countless adventures hasn't already done so
  87. "That... that's brilliant! Are they able to use the Elements?"
  88. >Celestia lets out a farting noise through her lips
  89. >"They let Luna free. So I guess."
  90. >Princess Luna!
  91. >Though you were not sworn to her, the two of you shared a strong bond indeed
  92. "Excellent! Where is Princess Luna?"
  93. >"Don't know, don't care."
  94. >You still aren't sure if you should be infuriated or in despair from her repeated dull snipes
  95. "Princess Celestia, I'm begging you!"
  96. >Your panicked shriek is enough to make her flinch again
  97. >After a few moments, she parts her mane
  98. >The look in her eyes
  99. >If her body wasn't proof enough, she still has the eyes of an innocent mare
  100. >Wings and horn she may have, she lacks the commanding and confident aura of a leader sharpened by centuries of trials and turmoil
  101. >"'re serious, aren't you."
  102. "Yes! Yes, I am!"
  103. >You never were one for controlling emotions adequately
  104. "Please, my Princess. I failed to save you before but... I... can't fail you now."
  105. >Mutual eye contact is shared before she sniffles
  106. >...Sniffles?
  107. >Two hics later and she starts to silently weep before you
  108. >You
  109. >Have never once seen Princess Celestia cry
  110. "A... are you alright, Princess?"
  111. >Your voice makes her bawl harder
  112. >"I sent my boyfriend to save the world! That's so romantic!"
  113. "W-WHAT?!"
  114. >"I can't believe it, I didn't die kissless-ess-essss!"
  115. >There are no words for your reaction
  116. >Of course, you had...
  117. >Maybe feelings for Celestia?
  118. >But you never let those confuse you from your duties and loyalties
  119. >...
  120. >Do you tell her that you never actually kissed her?
  121. "I... uh..."
  122. >Her increasingly loud, almost dramatic sobbing drains the energy out of the room
  123. >It continues to the point that you genuinely feel awkward to just stand there
  124. >Do you go... comfort her?
  125. >Are you allowed to do that to a Princess?
  126. "I... P-Princess, I... the Elements..."
  127. >You jump at how your words cause an explosion in the form of a new wave of ugly crying
  128. >You've been nearly torn in half by Discord but that wasn't as existentially painful as listening to this, and for various reasons
  129. >Resigning yourself to be there for her as you always have, you stand at attention
  130. >But not so... much at attention
  131. >Only when she finishes, entire minutes later, does she seem to calm down enough to speak
  132. >"...Anonymous, right?"
  133. "Y-yes, that's right. An odd name but I am also the only one of my kind, as far as I'm aware of."
  134. >"The Elements... I gave them as a gift. They should be safe and those that were handed out resonated with their owners."
  135. >With a heavy sigh, she speaks with a hoarse, yet calm voice
  136. >You can almost hear some of her age-old authority
  137. >Almost
  138. >"If... if you're being honest. And... I think you are. Then you must go to Ponyville. Look for a pony named Twilight Sparkle. She will help me. You."
  139. >She reaches up with a hoof to displace her hair again
  140. >Despite how red her visible eye is, she locks it onto you
  141. >"Us."
  142. >Sweet heavens above what is this tension you're feeling
  143. "I... I see. I will go to her now then, we don't have time to lo-"
  144. >"Wait!"
  145. >Celestia cuts you off
  146. >At least she isn't giving you the cold shoulder
  147. >"...before you go?"
  148. "Yes?"
  149. >"I need to ask you some things."
  150. "Of course. I was not told to keep anything a secret."
  151. >"Was I any good at it?"
  152. >Perplexed, your eyebrows scrunch
  153. "It?"
  154. >Her own face scrunches up
  155. >One of her dozens of pillows floats up and flies at you
  156. >"IT!"
  157. >Though it was launched at you with the intent to hit, you swooce out of the way with practiced reflex
  158. "I don't know what "it" is, Princess! You did so many things, it is impossible to keep track!"
  159. >That answer seems to be the best, or worst, answer possible
  160. >The entire mountain of pillows behind the Princess float up before firing at you
  161. >You can dodge the first one
  162. >Two, maybe
  163. >But the other ninety six?
  164. >They aim for your face and don't stop until you're buried underneath the pile of fabrics
  165. >"You can't just say THAT instead!"
  166. >You can still hear her despite her voice coming through to you muffled
  167. >She sounds more embarrassed than mad now
  168. >Something tells you that this is not going to be an easy journey...
  170. >Fading sunlight
  171. >A freshly made fire
  172. >Bark, twigs and leaves from esoteric sources to give an aromatic sense of serenity
  173. >You're applying your oils to your trident and axe
  174. >You may lack the magic of the Princesses, but your physique and long-honed skills make you far from the least useful of the trio
  175. >"Princess Luna will be leading us once the sun sets. Are you sure you're able to travel?"
  176. >You've been up for 37 hours now
  177. >Though fatigue is chewing at your body, you remain focused
  178. "Of course, Princess."
  179. >You give Princess Celestia a quick smile before you go back to your tending
  180. >"Anonymous."
  181. >The Princess rests her hoof on your forearm, stopping your polishing
  182. >You can tell that there is concern on her face but your eyes stay glued to your axe
  183. >The edge has been chipped
  184. >The finish is starting to wear down
  185. >Most disgusting of all, you found a small amount of pitting near where the steel meets the shaft
  186. >"You must remember to rest. We travel at your pace."
  187. "My pace is Equestria's pace, Princess. If I go any slower, we will lose everything."
  188. >Were this conversation had sooner in your life, you might have trembled
  189. >You fully believe your words
  190. >"If I lose you, I lose everything."
  191. >You fully believe her words as well
  192. "...Eleven more hours. Then we can set up camp."
  193. >A compromise
  194. >She smiles at that
  195. >"We will do in five what will take eleven. Then you will rest until you are fully revitalized."
  196. >Double time
  197. >You could do that
  198. "Of course, Princess."
  199. >You finally look up to her
  200. >She's tired as well
  201. >Far too tired
  202. >But she has said before that she can replace her energy with magic, to an extent
  203. >With you, and her, and Princess Luna, you will succeed
  204. >You will...
  205. >...
  206. >"Sir?"
  207. >...?
  208. >"Sir?"
  209. >Who is that?
  210. >"Sir?"
  211. >You can't sleep with this noise
  212. >"Sir?"
  213. "What... is it?"
  214. >You are agitated at how you were torn from your dream
  215. >You're
  216. >Oh
  217. >You're in a carriage
  218. >A carriage?
  219. >You sit up properly, inhaling
  220. >"We're here, sir!"
  221. >It only takes a second for you to remember
  222. >Ponyville
  223. >Princess Celestia and her... moods
  224. >You must have fallen asleep after leaving Canterlot
  225. "Excellent. I'm up. I'm just..."
  226. >Tired
  227. >You haven't truly slept by yourself in you don't even know how long
  228. >You exit the vehicle, which is thankfully large enough to house even you comfortably
  229. >You look down at the armored guardsmare
  230. >...You would not be so rude as to say it to her face, but she is a little on the runty side
  231. "When did we get here?"
  232. >"About six hours ago. I tried to call to you but you wouldn't wake up."
  233. >Six hours?
  234. "I... how long was the trip?"
  235. >"Only six hours, sir. It took only part of the night, then I remained here and tried to wake you up."
  236. >If you were out for twelve hours and it only took six to travel...
  237. "Are... you telling me that you sat out here for a quarter of a day to try to wake me up?"
  238. >"Yes, sir."
  239. "Did."
  240. >You look down at her
  241. >She beams, even if she looks a little tired
  242. "Did you spend six hours just trying to rouse me with your voice?"
  243. >"Yes, sir. It kinda got boring after the first hour but then I started trying it in different voices. I'm glad I packed extra water because it was very thirsty work!"
  244. >She sounds too proud of herself
  245. >You furrow your brow in...
  246. >Is it astonishment?
  247. >It has to be
  248. "Right... well. Good work, soldier. You've made the Princess proud."
  249. >The guardsmare giggles and rears up
  250. >"Yaaaay! Did I make you proud too, sir?"
  251. >What
  252. >Why would it matter what you think?
  253. >You've never truly held any office or title beyond your mere, meager duties
  254. "I..."
  255. >She looks like she's expecting only the best
  256. >So it is the best, she will get
  257. "I am very proud of you. I don't know many who have such dedication."
  258. >And you say this, from the bottom of your heart
  259. >"YAAAAAAY!"
  260. >The guardsmare bolts off, galloping around the carriage to the point she almost becomes a blur of shining metal and grey coat
  261. >You have no clue how to adequately communicate your confusion and mystified impression to this ball of duty and cheer
  262. "I am... alright. Ok. Can you tell me about where we are?"
  263. >Now that you're outside, you see that you are on the far outskirts of what appears to be a rather sizable town
  264. >You can't see too much from where you are, but there are countless simple buildings with appears to be a town civic center in the center
  265. >The guardsmare comes to a complete and sudden stop in front of you
  266. >Like a rubber toy, she vibrates
  267. >"We'Re RiGhT oUtSiDe My HoMeToWn, SiR! PrInCeSs CeLeStIa SaId AfTeR I tOoK yOu HeRe, I cOuLd HaVe A vAcAtIoN!"
  268. >The way her voice vibrates makes you think she's more toy than pony
  269. >You kneel down and put your hands on her shoulders
  270. >With a firm grasp, you help her come to a complete stop
  271. "You grew up here?"
  272. >Smiling as wide as she can, she nods
  273. >"Yes, sir! I come from a long line of Pens!"
  274. "Pens? Like the writing utensils?"
  275. >The soldier of questionable decorum giggles
  276. >"No, like the pony! I'll show you my entire family, Big Pen, Felt Pen, Empty Pen, and there's even more!"
  277. >She breaks free of your grasp and gallops
  278. >Hops?
  279. >It's a mix between the two actions
  280. "...huh. Very well."
  281. >You're close to your target, that is all that matters
  282. >You march at a brisk pace to keep up with the soldier
  283. "So tell me, if you're a Pen as well, what is your name?"
  284. >"Sharp Pen! But my mom calls me her Lil Sharpie!"
  285. >That's
  286. >Something
  287. >You really aren't one to speak on pony naming conventions
  288. >It's a breath of fresh air to see someone that is so carefree
  289. >"...and then there's Sugarcube Corner, the schoolhouse, I was taken to the hospital once when I fell into a muddle and got a bruise, the bookstore, Sugarcube Corner has a ton of muffins and cupcakes and then there's the train station and the theater and library and also, did you know there's a place called-"
  290. "Sugarcube Corner?"
  291. >Sharpie comes to a sudden stop and gasps
  292. >At least by now, you're in the town proper
  293. >Most of the ponies give you passing glances but none of them really seem to be paying attention
  294. >Which technically is a benefit
  295. >"How did you know?! Have you been there before too?!"
  296. "No, but I've heard from a certain pony that it's quite the place."
  297. >"Who was that?"
  298. >The genuine surprise on her face and in her voice
  299. >You
  300. >...
  301. >You couldn't dare tell her
  302. "'s a secret. Either way, do you know a pony named Twilight Sparkle? The Princess told me that I would find someone here who would help me."
  303. >While the guardsmare pouts at the inability to pry your secret from your steel trap of a will, she points down a road
  304. >"It's the big tree with windows and flowers and there's a picture of a book on a sign. I haven't gone there much because a bee bit me once before."
  305. "Don't bees sting?"
  306. >Sharpie shakes her head with strong defiance
  307. >"No, sir. It bit me."
  308. "...oh. Ok then."
  309. >You nod at her legitimate recollection
  310. "Well, thank you Sharpie. I suppose... have a good vacation? If I need your help, I will do my best to only seek your help when I'm at a complete loss."
  311. >"You too, sir! Please do your best for the Princess!"
  312. >You are given a salute
  313. >You return one in kind
  314. >The stand off remains
  315. >...
  316. >And remains
  317. >...
  318. >And
  319. >...
  320. >Remains...?
  321. >The serious expression on her face is quite something
  322. >It doesn't fit quite right
  323. >You glance around
  324. >Random ponies are starting to salute too
  325. >Some don't even look like they know how to salute
  326. >One pegasus is saluting with both of her front hooves
  327. >How are her eyes so... derpy?
  328. "I... are we done here?"
  329. >Sharpie finally lowers her hoof, causing you to relieve yourself
  330. >Only some of the ponies drop their stances and go back to whatever they were doing
  331. >"Yes, sir! I gotta go to the bathroom, I drank a ton of water trying to wake you up so bye!"
  332. >She practically phases through her armor and gallops off at high speed
  333. >The helmet hangs in the air for a second before falling
  334. "...well ok then."
  335. >You start for the library
  336. >"Hey!"
  337. >You pivot on your heel as soon as you hear the voice
  338. >"I wanna be saluted too!"
  339. >The pegasus scrunches her face and salutes twice as hard
  340. >Which is to say that even her wings fold to go above her hooves
  341. "I..."
  342. >The bubbles on her flank don't really tell you much about her
  343. "A... at ease, good mare."
  344. >She remains at attention
  345. >She can at least balance herself well, even if she's starting to wobble
  346. "...that means you can stop now."
  347. >She lets out a heavy breath and finally settles down
  348. >"At ease to you too!"
  349. "I... I appreciate that."
  350. >Why is every pony here so...
  351. >Odd?
  352. "...take care."
  353. >With no other way to end the conversation, you break contact
  354. >Behind you, you can hear multiple ponies telling each other to be at ease
  355. >They can't possibly be mocking you
  356. >At least this Twilight should able to help
  357. >If she were a pupil to the Princess herself, she must be quite powerful indeed
  359. >The tree is quite a sight
  360. >It stands out like a sore thumb, sure, but it looks undeniably cozy
  361. >You aren't rightly sure where the plant ends and the "building" begins
  362. >The only downside is that the front door is a little small for you
  363. >You knock on the candle carving directly
  364. >It is part of the door but it does actually seem to glow
  365. >...
  366. >Nothing
  367. >You knock a few more times
  368. "Is there a Twilight Sparkle here?"
  369. >You speak with your more deep, official tone
  370. >...
  371. >Still nothing
  372. >Well this is going nowhere fast
  373. >If she's out for the day, you'll just have to let yourself in
  374. >The half-door opens fine enough, though it could use a bit of oil on the hinges
  375. >Hunching over, you enter to see a purple pony laying on a purple and pink rug
  376. >A book is held up with purple magic
  377. "Excuse me, have you seen a pony na-"
  378. >"Shh. Book."
  379. "Ah-"
  380. >Did she just shush you?
  381. >Maybe it is indeed bad etiquette to interrupt reading but you can't bring yourself to just wind down
  382. >You look over the piles of books lined up in front of the pony
  383. >Most of them aren't the most entertaining reads
  384. >One book is even titled "Books: Why Read Them?"
  385. >You comb through the entire first floor at least three times before your patience runs thin
  386. >As much as you don't want to be a bother, you can't just sit and do nothing
  387. >You sit beside the pony and clear your throat
  388. "Please, Princess Celestia has sent m-"
  389. >The pony whips her head at you
  390. >She has the most neutral face but her eyes dilate to the size of the moon itself
  391. >"You know the Princess?"
  392. "I-I do."
  393. >The smile on the pony's face goes from small and demure to moderate to ecstatic and beyond, to the point you aren't sure if she's mocking you or just so excited she can't help it
  394. "I'm here to speak with Twilight Sparkle. Do you know her?"
  395. >The book calmly closes and sets itself down
  396. >Like a cat that discovered a pickle laying behind it, she leaps onto you
  397. >It isn't enough to knock you over but you're sure if she had a helmet she would have caved your chest in
  398. >For being a unicorn, her horn is a little bit stubby... so that helps
  400. >The speed of her nuzzling against your chest is almost enough to cause a fire
  401. >Though it takes some struggling, you pry her off of you and hold her up
  402. "...She fed you books?"
  403. >"She fed me with food you make in books."
  404. "...Like a cook book?"
  405. >Is this really a pupil of the Princess?
  406. >She squirms and fidgets until you let go of her
  407. >She splats on her rug and bounces up to stand on her hooves
  408. >"I'm Twilight! The Princess sent me here to read stuff and make friends with stuff and to get them to read too!"
  409. >You can't help but notice that the library is completely empty, aside from the two of you
  410. "I... I see. How's that been going for you?"
  411. >"Better than I ever could have imagined! My best friend wanted to read a book on weather, my BEST friend wanted me to read a dress book with her so she can make stuff, my BESTEST friend made me a book made out of apples that she called a "pie" and my SUPER BESTEREST friend borrowed a joke book yesterday!"
  412. >You're not too keen on the hierarchy of that but at least she's having a good time
  413. "Well, I'm glad for you."
  414. >"Are you sent here to read with me too?"
  415. "No, I-"
  416. >Hold on a bit, Anon
  417. >You don't really know if you're here to read or not
  418. >You've never been here, the Princess must have her pupil guarding severe secrets in plain sight
  419. "I mean... I might be? I'm here to talk to you about-"
  420. >"Book!"
  421. >A wooden book flies at your face and stops only inches away
  422. >The front cover reads "101 Literary uses of Would"
  423. >"Get it?"
  424. "I would. But is it better if I should?"
  425. >Twilight giggles and replaces the book with another
  426. >Wrapped in corn husks and smelling of syrup, it reads "Never Say Never: Unorthodox Applications And You"
  427. >Well at least someone was bold enough to make that
  428. >"Oh, oh! And don't forget this!"
  429. >It's just a binder with a picture of a book on the front
  430. >With ink and surprisingly good penmanship it reads "This Is A Book, By Twilight Sparkle"
  431. >At the bottom it also has a smaller "By: Twilight Sparkle"
  432. >You decide to pluck that out of the air before something else nearly smashes your nose in
  433. "I see, you're an author as well... what were you under tutelage for?"
  434. >Twilight twirls in place a few times before sitting on her rug
  435. >So far the first few pages are just loose thoughts and open questions about what lunches are easiest to eat and require the least amount of preparation
  436. >What in the world is a "Sinner's Sandwich"?
  437. >"Everything! She says that the world is going to end and that she's never had a kiss and some other stuff that I kinda didn't get because that's when she just starts to say that she could get a coltfriend if she tried but doesn't want to."
  438. >Those words in that specific order require a double take
  439. "...I'm sorry, what?"
  440. >"Yeah! She said all of that and more."
  441. >You can't help but feel a cold shiver go down your spine
  442. >Almost like you can hear the Princess wailing at your revelation
  443. "...Oh."
  444. >You have no other answer to that
  445. >"Yup! She says I'm gonna be awesome at stuff and take over because she saw the future and in it I was married and had a ton of foals and then she started saying stuff that I really shouldn't say because only Princesses can say those sorts of things."
  446. >The pride in her voice and the mumbling at the last part tells you that this doesn't bother her in the least
  447. "Well. That's. That's, uh. Good for you, Twilight."
  448. >Twilight doesn't say this sort of thing to everyone
  449. >Does she?
  450. >"Anyway, read with me! I wanna finish up these books before dinner and then we can put them up and-"
  451. "I would love to but-"
  452. >"But nothing, books are everything important and even more important than those things!"
  453. >Is that how that works?
  454. "Elements of Harmony."
  455. >You decide to blurt that out since she seems capable of out speaking you miles to inches
  456. >She freezes
  457. "That's why I'm here, Twilight."
  458. >Her horn sputters out some purple magic
  459. "...Are you al-"
  460. >In a moment, the entire first floor shifts
  461. >In a whirlwind of purple magic, everything rearranges until you're surrounded with stacks of books
  462. >These weren't here the first time you examined the shelves
  463. >"Now you HAVE to read with me! The Elements of Harmony are so cool, they look nice, they act as night lights and they're super duper powerful did you know that friendship is actually magic I mean really! And not just friends but having the best of friends did you know that I'm Princess Celestia's friend, that's why she taught me so much and I can't even remember everything half the time so I write things down and she tells me to not do those because a lot of what she says is secret but I tell her that I'm completely trustworthy because I'd never tell someone that she used to wear frilly dresses because she wanted to be a fairy pony princess instead of Princess Celestia and I told her that I'll take her dress instead but then she said "no, you can't because I thought of it first" and then I said "ok" but then she got really sad and then we had cake and it was all ok because, um, I'm her favorite."
  464. >Anonymous
  465. >What in the world is this pony
  466. >What has caused you to enter a form of Equestria that is so...
  467. >Unusual?
  468. >Although you do recall the Princess mentioning at least once that fairy wings looked cute...
  469. >That...
  470. >No
  471. >No way could there be any possible connection
  472. "...Ok. Where... uh. Where do we begin?"
  473. >"With this!"
  474. >She leaps onto your lap and wraps the rug around your shoulders
  475. >She nuzzles against you and pops her head out from right over where the corners of the rug cross
  476. >One of the books float down
  477. >It looks old and well-traveled
  478. >"The Elements of Harmony: These Things Really Do Work!" is what it reads
  479. >Well it has to be true, otherwise it wouldn't say it
  480. >"Read it with me!"
  481. >You furrow your brow and look down to her
  482. "Read it with you."
  483. >She looks up with a wide smile
  484. >"Read it with me!"
  485. "How? We probably read at different speeds."
  486. >"Then read it TO me!"
  487. "I..."
  488. >You are so uncomfortably out of your element you haven't the faintest clue of what to do
  489. >This is the Princess's pupil
  490. >Of course, you must treat her with only respect
  491. >But this is a bit...
  492. >Juvenile, isn't it?
  493. >Even the Princess seems so drastically different
  494. >Unsharpened, even
  495. >"Come on, pleaaaaaase? The last time anyone read to me, it was the Princess. Every night she would read an entire tome from front to back until I went to sleep."
  496. >The pleading in her voice and the trembling of her lip
  497. >You just can't say "no" to that
  498. >Even if it brings up base logistical questions like if they were actually read to coax her into sleep if there were no breaks
  499. "...well alright. But just one."
  500. >"Pile!"
  501. "Come again?"
  502. >"One pile!"
  503. >...
  504. "...Ok."
  506. >Reading to Twilight wasn't as taxing as you thought it might be
  507. >Not only was this new information to you, it gave you greater context behind their origin
  508. >Mysteriously, you had only ever heard of them at the first signs of the starfall
  509. >If they were so important, why weren't the entire resources of Equestria spent to find them?
  510. >You realize how impractical it is to ask that of everything and everyone
  511. >But you still do believe that any sacrifice would surely have been worth it
  512. >The idea that they only resonate with their wielder is an astonishing feat
  513. >Could it be that they weren't found because they did not have any users?
  514. >It makes as much sense as Twilight giving the Elements to her friends, and them being the users
  515. >But...
  516. >Have they even used the Elements?
  517. >Your mind clouds with doubt while you read in a calm, slow voice
  518. >Astonishingly you only give yourself time to pause after you finish your fourth book
  519. >They are large
  520. >But so is the text
  521. >All of the books have pictures as well
  522. >Impeccable drawings show the Elements as gemstones of various colors
  523. >You were never one for pageantry but the power of gems in Equestria is undeniable
  524. >You wonder if...
  525. "Twilight? I have to ask you something."
  526. >No reply
  527. >She has been quiet since you started, hasn't she?
  528. "Twi-"
  529. >You look down to see that the purple pony has curled up into a tight ball, where not even her head is visible
  530. >The rug she draped over your shoulder has formed a warm tent for her to hide in
  531. >Is this truly the best time for an idle nap?
  532. >You sneak your hand down to stroke her mane
  533. "Twilight, there are more books in the pile to read."
  534. >Her first response is a grumble and a nod
  535. >"I'm listenin'."
  536. >You chuckle at the way her word slurs
  537. "Is that true? You sure sound sleepy to me."
  538. >"Nu-uh."
  539. "Are you sure about that? If you're sleeping, we'll have to read another time."
  540. >She couldn't possibly be bored
  541. >"Nu-uh. I'm listenin'."
  542. "You said that already. Is that all you'd like to say?"
  543. >"Nu-uh".
  544. >You're starting to figure her out a bit more
  545. "So you're listenin'?"
  546. >"I'm listenin'."
  547. "Nu-uh?"
  548. >"Nu-uh."
  549. >You can't stop yourself from laughing
  550. "Alright... have it your way. I will keep reading, so you will keep listening. Ok?"
  551. >"I'm listenin'."
  552. >You can't stop yourself from smiling
  553. >You pluck another book from the to-read
  554. "So, book five... The Elements of Kindness: More Than Holding The Door Open. These are quite descriptive titles, aren't they..."
  555. >No answer
  556. >Maybe she's still just awake enough to pay attention
  557. >Quite a skill, if true
  558. >"I love you."
  559. >Twilight nuzzles your stomach and re-adjusts herself
  560. "I..."
  561. >She lets out a squeak of a yawn and buries her head against you
  562. >For everything you've experienced in your life, you have no answer to this
  563. >How could you?
  564. "L... let's get started then. The first chapter: "What does it mean to be kind?"."
  565. >Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to be done
  566. >You have a lot to learn, apparently
  567. >...
  568. >And maybe you want Twilight to nap just a little longer
  570. >"Anonymous? We are surprised you are not sleeping yet. What troubles you?"
  571. >You didn't expect anyone to find you here
  572. >You found a comfortable corner in Palace, overlooking Canterlot below
  573. "Ah... you found me."
  574. >Your unimpressed tone isn't what she was hoping for
  575. >It's Princess Luna
  576. >You have only the utmost respect for her realm
  577. >Not just of the night, but of dreams and even more forms of magic that you are sure only she knows of
  578. >You have always known her to be more reserved
  579. >Strategic
  580. >...
  581. >Not quite how Princess Celestia can be
  582. >Not that you would ever dare say that
  583. >Princess Luna sits beside you, her regal wings shifting to the point they look more like a cloak
  584. >"Is all well?"
  585. >You do not answer
  586. >It is in poor form to not answer your Princess
  587. >But you can't help it
  588. >You will be escorting the Princesses personally on this journey
  589. >You have argued against it but Princess Celestia assured you that a small party would be best
  590. >To help keep your movements hushed, no one else in Equestria is to know
  591. >Princess Celestia even proposed that she and her sister equip magic suppressors
  592. >To help stay under any proverbial radar
  593. "I understand the importance of this. But I am still not comfortable with you or the Princess putting yourselves in danger. With those suppressors, it will be genuine danger. Only I will be there to protect you. If something happens to me, or I fail..."
  594. >You have been selfless in your service
  595. >Wounds have healed
  596. >Flaws have been ironed out
  597. >"You will not fail, Anonymous."
  598. >Princess Luna's voice cuts through the ball of doubt stirring in your head
  599. >"Your martial abilities are truly one of a kind. Your size and the tools our finest craftsmares have made in a millennia make for a fearsome combination."
  600. >She smiles
  601. >It's a serene, comfortable smile
  602. >Not at all like her sister's
  603. >"...and do not count us out, either. Should something happen, we believe our sister values your life more than her own. It is..."
  604. >You feel your face turn warm despite the cool night air
  605. >"...cute to see."
  606. >You clear your throat
  607. >Of course, it isn't like that
  608. "I-I only seek to serve."
  609. >"Nay, of course. And we will forever be in your debt for such service. But even then, Celestia is ever more grateful than we could hope to be. Do remember that, Anonymous. It is no temper your prowess... with love."
  610. >Love...
  611. >...
  612. >Love...?
  613. >With a snort, your head snaps up
  614. >What in the
  615. >Where are you?
  616. >Why are you so warm?
  617. >Why are there two stacks of books in front of-
  618. >Oh
  619. >Of course
  620. >You must have fallen asleep while reading
  621. >Twilight is still in your lap
  622. >The book you were reading must had fallen from your hands, as it sits before you
  623. >Perhaps there-
  624. >Wait
  625. >You were reading to one pony
  626. >Where are there two more
  627. >A white unicorn with a rich purple mane is sleeping on her back, neck extended
  628. >An orange pony on her belly, legs kicked out
  629. >With one on either side of you, and Twilight in the middle, you're trapped
  630. "...Twilight? Wake up, I think you have some visitors."
  631. >You rest a hand on Twilight and gently rub her shoulder
  632. >She yawns after a moment of rousing and sticks her tongue out
  633. >She doesn't stop the yawn until she is completely out of breath
  634. >...Quite the set of lungs on her
  635. >"Huh? Visitors?"
  636. >She pokes her head out and sees the orange pony first
  637. >"Applejack, you're here!"
  638. >In an excited shout, she bounces off of your lap like a goat and lands on her...
  639. >What must be friend?
  640. >The shock wakes the runty-sized pony immediately
  641. >"C-consarn it, heck?!"
  642. >She scampers to her hooves and lurches to the side, launching Twilight off of her as if she were an unwanted rider
  643. >"You're here! Oh, and Rarity too!"
  644. >Twilight does not seem to actually mind being hucked into the air
  645. >With some form of grace, she lands on the sleeping so-called Rarity
  646. >Purple belly meets white face
  647. >...
  648. >You aren't sure of what to do
  649. >"Twilight, must you wake a sleeping beauty so?"
  650. >Her voice is muffled but the fatigue in her words tell you that this is not the first time she has been woken up in such a way
  651. "...Should I go?"
  652. >She said nothing about having friends over
  653. >You have your quest but...
  654. >It would be rude to insist on it at this moment, wouldn't it?
  655. >"Heccin' no, ya big ol' mountain! Who you might be?"
  656. >The twang in the orange pony is almost too strong to understand
  657. >Her loose yellow mane is surprisingly clean despite the traces of crushed leaves and soil on her hooves
  658. "I... huh? My name is Anonymous."
  659. >"Anony-who?"
  660. >She gives you a sideways smirk
  661. >The queer look in her eye doesn't help
  662. >"I ain't gonna say that every time so I'mma call you Anony. I'm Applejack, putter there!"
  663. >She sticks out her hoof with a proud smile
  664. >"I'm only Twilight's most best friend'in all'a Ponyville! And I'm also the key proprie... prorep..."
  665. >Her tongue-tied attempts to speak last for a few more rounds before she shakes her head
  666. >"And my family owns Sweet Apple Acres! Best apples'n all Equestria!"
  667. >Impressed, you shake her hoof
  668. "Well, it's nice to meet you Applejack. I'll have you know, I've eaten a good few apples in my time... I might have to see if you really mean it. I'm a very particular man."
  669. >"Ain't nothin' parti-cew-leer 'bout my apples, I'll tell you what! Five bits say you eat one and ain't never gonna wanna'nother!"
  670. >You have no clue what the little bumpkin just said but you think she set up a bet
  671. "...ok, deal."
  672. >"Heh heh heh... an' Granny Smith say'd bets don't work..."
  673. >As well animated as Applejack is, you can't help but wonder how the other two are doing
  674. >Twilight is just laying there, pleased as can be
  675. >"Wow, you read a lot of books! But you didn't finish this one up. Can we get back to it?"
  676. >"Twilight, please get up. Or at least get off of me."
  677. >At least the white pony is controlling herself well
  678. >"Oh! Heh, sorry. I was wondering why I was feeling something warm against my belly."
  679. >Twilight unceremoniously rolls off of Rarity and stops three rolls later, on her belly once more
  680. >Rarity rolls onto her side and assumes a more presentable posture
  681. >"I've already heard you introduce yourself. Nice to meet you, Anonymous."
  682. >Rarity holds up her own hoof
  683. >A bit more dainty and well-groomed
  684. >The way she holds it out, it's like she expects you to kiss it
  685. >...
  686. >Yeah, you aren't going to do that
  687. >You give her a hand-hoof shake just as you did with Applejack
  688. >Satisfied with that, she throws her head back to show how bouncy her mane is, even after having slept on it
  689. >"I am Rarity, only the most beautiful and-might I add-fashionable pony in all of Ponyville!"
  690. >"Pfft."
  691. >The small chortle from Applejack makes Rarity's face contort into something of sheer hellfire
  692. >But for only a moment
  693. >For a moment you felt like she might become a monster
  694. >"..anyway, and I am Twilight Sparkle's BESTEST best friend. Because I am ALWAYS happy to help. Unlike some who would rather toil in dirt and touch plants all day. But enough about me, tell me about you!"
  695. >The way Rarity leans against your knee and bats her eyelashes
  696. >You think she's trying to appeal to you
  697. >Before you can answer, Applejack snickers
  698. >"Don't you mind her none, Anony. Rarity ain't no good at work but she sure does make pretty stuff. That blanket is proof!"
  699. >"UuuuuuuuUUUUGH, Applejack. Please, it isn't a "blanket". It's a shawl."
  700. >Rarity nods with complete authority over the topic
  701. >You just thought it was a rug
  702. "Oh. Well... cool."
  703. >This little social circle is already more than what you can handle
  704. "Twilight, now that we've read, can we talk about the Elements?"
  705. >"Of Harmony? Why Anonymous, that's exactly why we're here!"
  706. >Rarity squees with glee and bounces in place
  707. >"...I thought we were here because you got inspired by all of them ponies outside salutin' each other and that made you want to do some sort of guardsmare get-up so you dragged me here 'cuz you said I looked best just standin' there and bein' silent and you wanted Twilight to give us some stories about Canterlot."
  708. >Applejack's dubious look leads to a bitter expression from her far more... feminine friend
  709. >"Applejack, this is why Big Mac is the brains."
  710. >Before Applejack can retort, Rarity winds up again for another spiel
  711. >"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY, Twilight! The Element of Generosity, of which I polish and admire every day-UNLIKE SOME PONIES-has been particularly shiny! Why, yesterday it was practically so bright it made a poor mare show up in the middle of the night because she thought I was still open!"
  712. >Twilight and Rarity are ignoring Applejack's grumblings and half-cocked warnings so you may as well too
  713. >"Bright shining? My Element of Magic has also been glowing an inordinate amount! None of my books explain why that could happen but I just thought that was me..."
  714. >With reading all forgotten about, Twilight scans over the closest books
  715. >"...None of these have anything about synchronous glowing."
  716. >The group ignoring is leading to even more colorful words from Applejack
  717. >"Wait, that's it! Anonymous!"
  718. "Yes?"
  719. >"The Elements! They must be reacting to you being here!"
  720. " we're done reading books then?"
  721. >"Anonymous, this is no time for books. If the Elements are reacting, then Equestria must be in trouble and if that's true then we need to go see Fluttershy! Come on girls, let's save the day!"
  722. >Completely broken away from her love of reading, she rushes out of the library with the more...
  723. >Dire...
  724. >Of skipping?
  725. >You've seen emergencies before but no one ever has ever reacted to them with such gleeful steps
  726. >This leaves you sitting there with the two other ponies
  727. " it just me or was that weird?"
  728. >"No, she's a weirdo alright. Makes me glad I'm the normal one."
  729. >Applejack gives you a smile
  730. >It's the sort of smile that says "you can't always pick your friends"
  731. >"I'm afraid so, darling... Twilight Sparkle really does get a rush out of helping other ponies. Let's help her at least with this and then we can go back to you."
  732. >Rarity rolls her head to the side at the mention of you
  733. "...I'm gonna get up now."
  734. >"Come on, we gotta catch up! Don't you worry Anony, Fluttershy's sweet as pie."
  735. >This isn't what you expected, but these two must have been given some of the Elements of Harmony
  736. >What could be the reason that they started reacting?
  737. >This Fluttershy may know something these three don't

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon