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1167 6.59 KB 138
"Hey hey, good morning Princess."
>Every day feels like the same
"How're you feeling today? Wanna do breakfast or lunch to start the day?"
>Silly question but it's a good way to see her mood for the day
"Oh man, really? I never noticed that! Good eye."
>She always knows
"You're the best, you know that?"
>She really is
"We really had fun today, didn't we? I'm gonna put on some music and get some shut eye. I'll see you in the morning, ok?"
>It feels great to know you make her smile
"Huh? Well yeah, of course you can sleep in here too. I'll make sure I put something on that we both like. Good night, Princess."
>It isn't that you wish this day would never end...
>You just wish
>That you could have a tomorrow
>After ninety days
"Hey hey, good morning Princess."
>You're getting used to the swing of things now
"How're you feeling today? Wanna do lunch or dessert to start the day?"
>You still get to see her smile every day, which is great
"Oh man, really? I never noticed that! Good eye."
>Always sharp as a tack
"You're the best, you know that?"
>Always has the best smile and giggle
"We really had fun today, didn't we? I'm gonna put on some music and get some shut eye. I'll see you in the morning, ok?"
>The smile you give her is genuine
"Huh? Well sure, of course you can sleep in here with me. I'll make sure I find something good that we both like. Have a good night, Princess."
>But it's starting to make you feel a little lonely
>After nine hundred days
"Hey hey, good morning Princess."
>The pay is good
"How're we feeling today? Wanna do early dinner or go for some snacks?"
>It sure is lonely though
"Oh man, really? I never noticed that! Good catch."
>It isn't really "work", per say
"You're the best, you know that?"
>But not everyone could stay with this as long as you have
"We had fun today, huh... I'm gonna get some good music going and get some rest. I'll see you in the morning, alright?"
>At least you haven't had to pay for anything since you started
"Hm? Well sure, you can sleep on my bed. I'll put on something extra chill for you then. Yeah. Have a good rest, Princess."
>You know you're doing a very valuable job
>Because of you, a lot of people can have their very own friend
>You're just a number but that's ok
>To her, you're important
>That's ok
>Isn't it?
>After nine hundred and thirty five days
>You wake up, as usual
>You get to set your own alarm and times, which is pretty nice
>A good perk is that you have pretty much your own personal day, which can be as active or as lazy as you like
>You can change things up every month if you like
>The consistency is important, of course
>You need to make sure all situations and fields are checked off
"Hey hey, good morning Princess."
>The pony that was set in your guest room wobbles out to you
>She looks like she's seen a ghost
>"Wh... where am I?"
>The pony scoots back, away from you until her back is against the wall
>"I've never seen you before. Where am I?"
>It's one of those days...
>Of course, sometimes you get a...
>You won't call them "duds"
>But they're not programmed right
>Rather, they aren't programmed at all
>It really isn't a bad thing
>Not unless they're supposed to be a specific character
>Then it's an issue
"This may sound odd, but... well, here, I'm gonna steal a spot and sit on your bed real quick. Anyway..."
>You don't explain things to her
>Not completely, that would be silly
>Instead, you tell her that you're an...
>That she's recovering from a surgery and that you've been given a script to help her regain her memory
>Sometimes, you change your obvious lie
>Sometimes, she's some poor guy's wife
>Sometimes, she's a surrogate mother
>Sometimes, she's just your best friend
>Sometimes, she has wings
>Sometimes, she has a horn
>Sometimes, she has both
>Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes
>She is just a scared pony that you try to calm down
>It goes well
>You try your best to get her to eat
>And sometimes, you can even get her to warm up to you
>The food you give her have a few tranquilizers put in
>Whether or not she notices, she eats and thanks you for your honesty
>They're slow-acting
>To make sure she doesn't panic, of course
>The rest of the day goes by as smoothly as you can expect
>She's suspicious of everything you do but you just want to watch a movie with her
>You haven't seen it in a few months, due to the scheduling you stuck with
>By the end of it, she's drowsy and leaning against you
>" did this, didn't you."
"...I did."
>Of course she knows that she shouldn't be tired right now
>"Is... is this it? Is my life over now?"
"...I'm sorry, Princess."
>You call her that out of reflex
>The name makes her whimper
>She tries to sit up but instead she flops against you, her head landing on your lap
>Out of reflex, you pet her mane
>"Please don't let them take me away. I'm not going to wake up again, am I?"
"It'll be ok. I promise."
>" you really?"
>She's desperate
>Desperate to believe the lie
>Desperate to believe that she will have a chance at life
>Desperate to believe in you
>You mean every word you say
>It's as futile a wish as hers, that she'll be ok
"I do. I promise I'll be with you every second."
>And you mean it
>And you are there
>For every
"Hey hey, good morning Princess."
>After nine hundred and thirty six days
"Are you feeling ok today? We can have whatever you like."
>The guilt eats at you
"Oh dang, really? I never noticed that! You really are great."
>You do your best to keep smiling
"You're the best, you know that?"
>This Princess isn't the one from yesterday
"We had fun today, huh..."
>She looks like her
"...huh? I'm crying?"
>She sounds like her
"N-no, I just... the music, I..."
>She smiles just like her
"I... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
>You tell yourself you did everything you could
"Forgive me, Princess. I tried to get them to make an exception."
>And now you've ruined another one
by BlondieAnon
by BlondieAnon
by BlondieAnon
by BlondieAnon
by BlondieAnon