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/bootleg/ Twilit Starsky 2: Farmer's Boogaloo

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-05-28 18:08:12
Updated: 2023-04-14 23:57:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Alright, Mr. A. We got water?"
  2. "Check."
  3. >"Got grub?"
  4. "Check. And aren't we going to get grub?"
  5. >"Yeah but... cooked grub is better. Got gas?"
  6. "Yup, full tank."
  7. >"Haa... Mr. A's got gas."
  8. >You cap off the checklist with a mocking laugh
  9. >Today's the day
  10. >Finally
  11. >Starsky's leading you to that farm she mentioned a while back
  12. >For all the talk of gift baskets and helping out, it has amounted to her and you spending weeks just watching TV and "totally vegging out"
  13. >Her goofy vibes have been rubbing off on you
  14. >Enough that spending time in the living room no longer feels like a violation
  15. >You still default to the basement
  16. >But if she's in the living room, you'll stick to there
  17. >She is...
  18. >Better
  19. >You think
  20. >When it comes to random talking time, she has a thousand stories to tell about her good ol' days with Lizzy
  21. >A lot of them are at least retold through fond tones and smiles, even if most of the stories have a bittersweet element to them
  22. >She's very articulate when she wants to be
  23. >You didn't give her a lot of credit before but she...
  24. >She really is pretty keen
  25. >You couldn't really help it
  26. >She still acts like she's just a leaf on the wind but you know she has a pretty big rudder
  27. "Alright, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. You sure she won't mind us stopping by? It'll be late lunch time if we get there on schedule."
  28. >Starsky shakes her head
  29. >Now that she's gotten used to her shorter mane, she uses every occasion to whip it around
  30. >In effect, it has given her a sort of supermodel vibe at times
  31. >Her tail is still far too long, and still drags on the ground
  32. >She still has some sort of complex about you cutting it so instead you just set it up in a bun
  33. >For the most part, you don't get distracted by her motions or words anymore
  34. >For the most part
  35. >"Naaah, it's fine. Ms. H and I shoot each other emails like every day now. I think she would be pretty happy to see you."
  36. "That sounds promising."
  37. >With the address punched in, you set off on the first leg of your road trip
  38. >To be honest, you could use an outdoor trip
  39. >You've been hopping from job to job since you moved back home
  40. >It has all been a blur not worth remembering
  41. >"Mr. A, you're scowling. Not a fan of crows?"
  42. "Eh?"
  43. >You have no clue what she meant by that
  44. "No, uh. I just hope that I'll make an alright impression. You sure she's ok with just giving stuff away?"
  45. >The way Starsky is side-sitting in the chair, you can't escape her easy eyes
  46. >"Ha, that's funny. Did I ever tell you about my FFA days?"
  47. "Not beyond you were a show pony."
  48. >"Not true, dude! Lizz tried to make me a show pony."
  49. "Oh, right. Silly me."
  50. >"Totally, sill you. Anyway, so Ms. H actually had a farm. Or rather, she was part of a family that had a farm. And they're legit too, not just a few garden pots full of cherry tomatoes and thyme. You wanna know the first rule of farming, Mr. A?"
  51. "Iiiiiiii... don't know. Don't plant where you sleep?"
  53. >"Nah, man, learn to share! Whether it's tools or stuff, sometimes you have too much for yourself. So you share and make friends that way."
  54. "You lost me. You can have too many tools?"
  55. >"Well, you can have backup tools. Like, do you have just enough spoons for yourself or could you afford to let someone else use one?"
  56. >As unusual as her example is, you're learning to roll with her logic
  57. "Sure. But if I don't know you well, I won't give you a spoon?"
  58. >"Yeah, you get it! And how do you get to know me better so you'll give me a spoon?"
  59. "I... ask for a fork?"
  60. >Starsky lets out a mock gasp
  61. >"Mr. A! Asking for a fork from a girl you barely know... you're a fast mover."
  62. >You can't help but feel a little embarrassed
  63. "I... I didn't mean it like that. I'm talking cutlery."
  64. >Her chuckling lets you know that she's at least three steps ahead of you
  65. >"I am too."
  66. >You're lucky you have to keep your eyes on the road or you'd...
  67. >She ignores your underbreath grumbling
  68. >"But really, yeah. It's like that. You build up a neat network through stuff like that. And when it comes to big, strong tools and assisted forking..."
  69. >She lingers on the last syllables
  70. >Your lips widen into a grimace
  71. >You aren't taking the bait
  72. >"Remember Mr. A, pitchforks are essential tools."
  73. >Not taking it
  74. >"Thick poles on those forks too."
  75. >Nope
  76. >"Sometimes they require more than just two hands."
  77. >Oh how you wish you could give her just a single brake check and watch her fly out your windshield
  78. >"And you know hooves don't grab so well..."
  79. "The point, man!"
  80. >Your outburst reeks of desperation
  81. >You can't handle this sort of teasing
  82. >"Ha... my point is pretty obvious, dude. If you have a farm, there's totally no way you'll ever be able to eat everything you make. So you share and trade the excess for other things. Next thing you know, you got a whole lot of stuff going for you. And it means that you can give someone the most important thing, next to air and water. The cool thing? They got trees and bushes too so, like, they aren't even just normal vegetable farmers. They got fruits too."
  83. "...oh. Well I guess that is obvious."
  84. >"Seriously. Sometimes I wonder just how you tie your shoes."
  85. "Well we're going out and it isn't in town so I am wearing my boots. Those don't have laces."
  86. >"See! It's a completely legit thing to wonder."
  87. "Oh whatever, man."
  88. >This mare scrambles your head with such ease you're not sure how you deal with it
  89. >But she does make you smile
  90. >She actually makes you smile a lot
  91. >That sort of weaponized disarming silliness is formidable
  92. "So what's in the care package, anyway?"
  93. >"That's a secret. So much a secret that she didn't tell me anything about it either. But she said to bring back the basket once we're done. So get ready for more trips."
  94. "Not twice a week, I hope. We're burning almost a full tank on this round trip."
  96. >"Nahh, that would be weird. But like, once a month hopefully?"
  97. >Drive to a farm once a month for things?
  98. >Depending on how big the basket is, you could probably spread it out longer than that
  99. >As if she is picking up on your thoughts, she interjects
  100. >"I mean, I wanna see her at least once a month if that's ok with you?"
  101. "Huh? Oh, well..."
  102. >Let's be honest
  103. >You don't do anything but work anyway
  104. >You could stand to get some sun
  105. >And it would make her happy
  106. "Yeah. I'm not complaining, just keeping logistics in mind."
  107. >"Awesome! You're the best, Mr. A."
  108. "Yeah... nah... nah."
  109. >You shrug away the attempted compliment
  110. >You tend to feel the happiest when you aren't thinking
  111. >You've thought that lately, anyway, which can be a bit of a paradox
  112. >"I mean it. And hey, they might even be able to spare you some gas too! They got, like, a gas station only five miles away. Really convenient for getting stuff. Not so much when you gotta hoof it yourself."
  113. >That draws your attention
  114. "You've had to walk five miles for gas?"
  115. >"Me? Nah. But Ms. H did once. So I went with her to help out. They had a spare set of saddlebags so I ended up carrying a few gallons too. It was nice though."
  116. >Sounds to you like she had to walk five miles for gas
  117. >But you'll keep that to yourself
  118. >"It sounds like it's a long distance. Because it's like... five miles, twice. But it's not ten. Because you have the break between and then when you're loaded up that second five feels like ten. You know?"
  119. >You begin to nod
  120. "I have absolutely no clue."
  121. >"It's fun. We should do that one of these days."
  122. "Why not just drive the car to the gas station?"
  123. >"Because it's the journey, man, not the destination. That's the fun thing."
  124. >If she says so
  125. >After the first half hour, you're out of town proper
  126. >Industrial plants and fields take up most of the horizon
  127. >As well as the ever-expansive two-lane road
  128. >It looks pretty nice
  129. >For some reason the sparse number of cars sharing your direction makes you feel like you're in a convoy
  130. >Farmers probably have convoys
  131. >Hell, they probably have a really strong sense of community too
  132. >They probably know everyone in a twenty mile radius, at least on a surface level
  133. >Meanwhile you don't even recognize your own neighbors
  134. >They aren't the people you grew up with
  135. >You certainly haven't been social either
  136. >Only Starsky made an attempt to be around
  137. >And the reasoning for that...
  138. >"Mr. A, did I ever tell you that I kinda wished that I could be a farmer?"
  139. "I don't think so. Aren't you too tech-savvy to work out in the fields and all that?"
  140. >"Nah man, not like... a hard working farmer. But the sort who just has like... a greenhouse. Because if you wanna do food, just have like a barrel or two and grow potatoes."
  141. "You can grow potatoes in a barrel?"
  142. >"Bro, potato barrels are like the coolest things. But I don't mean those."
  143. "Alright, so what do you want to grow in a greenhouse?"
  144. >"Like... garden variety stuff."
  146. >One of these days this mare is going to give you mental whiplash so hard you'll see her point
  147. "O...k. Name a few things."
  148. >"Like spearmint, normal mint, lemongrass, ginger, garlic. Not... the important stuff. But the little things. Ever had a steak before with fresh herbs on it?"
  149. "I haven't. Not outside of that dry rub stuff and other mixes you've had."
  150. >"See? That's why I would do those. Those things smell nice too, you know? They're little things, but they matter. They're like... the details to the big picture. The happy little bushes that bring out the best in the mountain."
  151. "In the mountain or around the mountain?"
  152. >"Well in this case, they're bushes that the mountain eats."
  153. "But if the bushes are the herbs and the steak is the main course... then don't we eat the mountain?"
  154. >"That's silly, Mr. A. Mountains don't eat bushes."
  155. >This repeated moon logic makes you smirk
  156. "Alright wise guy, what do mountains eat then?"
  157. >"Cave explorers that get lost. Obviously, right?"
  158. >She never doesn't sound amused
  159. "Right... that's rather morbid, isn't it?"
  160. >"Well I mean it's not like it's plucking them out of their homes."
  161. "Yeah because that would be weird."
  162. >"Totally. And you know that weird is weird."
  163. "S'yeah... like, totally."
  164. >You start to adopt her inflections
  165. "Like... shut up, do you ever think of... like the trees that eat the nutrients from the mountain too?"
  166. >Starsky giggles
  167. >"Bro, I TOTALLY think that! And it's true, too! Because-and dig this-the minerals get eaten up by the trees... but then they die and the mountain claims it back. And then other trees slurp them back up. They're like... farmers. But without farmers."
  168. "Woooaaahhh... you like... blew my mind."
  169. >"Legit, Mr. A. It's kinda spooky to think of how well nature gets along without us."
  170. >You let out a loud, long sigh
  171. "Ahhhh Starsky. You're weird. Grab me a bag of those sausage sticks."
  172. >"The bag you drowned in red pepper flakes?"
  173. "You know it."
  174. >"Sure, lemme get them. And... uh. Head's up, they're all yours."
  175. >She crouches down and bites down onto one of the four bags of snack meats you grabbed
  176. >Maybe you got too much variety
  177. >But it was a good excuse to spend nearly twenty bucks per bag
  178. >She lifts up her head, corner of the bag hanging from her lips
  179. >You swipe it and finagle the ziplock seal until you get a stick pushed out and ready for chomping
  180. "Not a fan of hot stuff?"
  181. >"Nah, Mr. A. It ain't like that at all. I can handle some peppering."
  182. "What is it like then?"
  183. >The first stick goes by too fast, so you go for a second
  184. >"I just don't want you to see me panting and drooling before dinnertime."
  185. >You nearly choke on your chunk of flaky beef
  186. >That, in turn, leads to you swerving hard into the oncoming lane
  187. >Thankfully the only other person on the road is a half mile in front of you
  188. >You won't dare say it for fear of smart remark, but maybe you should muzzle her
  191. >The vast majority of the time spent driving takes place on lonesome roads
  192. >You know you were in the country when it got to the point that there's maybe a mailbox every other mile
  193. >"Alright, we're getting pretty close. That tractor over there? The dude who owns it got super miffed one day because he broke a cheap wrench and a bit got stuck. So he said "consarn it rusty varmint!" and let it sit to rust."
  194. >She adopts a heavy southern twang for just those four words
  195. >You slow down enough for her to get up and point to it
  196. >Sure enough it looks like it has been sitting outside for decades
  197. >If not centuries
  198. "Why didn't he sell it?"
  199. >"Iunno. Wrench guys are kinda funny like that."
  200. "I guess so... how much further?"
  201. >"Like, another five minutes? Or miles. You'll recognize it because Ms. H got the barn painted purple."
  202. "That's... an odd color. Why purple?"
  203. >"Because you can see purple pretty easily if everything is covered in white snow."
  204. >Your first response is a heavy sigh
  205. "Alright, so why did she paint it purple instead of the normal color of red?"
  206. >"Oh!"
  207. >Starsky giggles and nods
  208. >"Because... like, I'm purple too."
  209. "See, that I get."
  210. >With that in mind, you creep back up to your normal speed
  211. >Purple barn...
  212. >This Ms. H figure must be a pretty valuable friend
  213. >More valuable than a druggie
  214. >Starsky hasn't been asking if you've seen her
  215. >You're sure she goes out for a walk at least once or twice a day
  216. >And if she saw her, she'd probably tell you
  217. >She seems the sort that's too open to hold secrets like that
  218. >Not that you were counting, but after five minutes of music, you see a purple building on the horizon
  219. >"Dude, check it out! Awesome!"
  220. >Starsky stands up and leans against the dashboard
  221. >"See, I told you! Aw, it looks even better now. Come on, Mr. A, pedal to the metal!"
  222. "Riiight... you got it."
  223. >You increase your speed from sixty to... sixty two
  224. >Cruise control is a glorious thing to have
  225. >Rather than a rocky path, you turn into a neatly flattened dirt... parking lot?
  226. >It doesn't look like a proper entryway to the farm but more the entrance to an orchard
  227. >"$15 per basket, visit the store to pay!"
  228. >So says an old wooden sign
  229. >The colors are vibrant but you can tell that they're starting to wear from the repeated years
  230. >"Aw sweet, the sign is still there too! Come on, Mr. A, let's check it out!"
  231. >You open the door just in time for Starsky to hop on your thighs and bounce off onto the dirt
  232. >And just like that the meticulously made bun of her tail comes undone
  233. >Oh well, at least her mane is managed
  234. >You get out and you can't help but notice that she's making a straight gallop over to a...
  235. >Shed?
  236. >It's too small to be a cabin
  237. >But too big to be a tool shed
  238. >The old style door and windows help keep to you vaguely confused about the purpose of the...
  239. >Let's call it a shack
  240. >"Aw man, I remember when I spent a fall helping out here! We were selling the apples, bags of pre-picked apples, apple butter, apple muffins, jams, jellies."
  241. >Starsky runs around the entire perimeter of the shabby structure
  242. >It looks like it could at least contain around a dozen people
  243. >You peek in through one of the windows and see a little counter area set up with a good dozen shelves
  244. >Definitely a basic storefront but the rustic appearance must be pretty neat for customers
  245. >And cheap to maintain
  248. "It looks pretty clean, outside the windows."
  249. >You can see a ceramic cup on one of the counters
  250. >It isn't covered in spider webs quite yet so it can't have been left there for too long
  251. >Starsky stops behind you, bouncing with every step
  252. >"Totally! I was even around to help clean it. Right before we open it to everyone, we scrub it from top to bottom. Brush, mop, wipe, lacquer, the works!"
  253. "Sounds like you really loved it here."
  254. >You wait for Starsky to make another circuit around the shack before she stops in front of you
  255. >Her tail has already caught a random twig in it
  256. >It's gonna take a while to get that clean again
  257. >"I really like it here, Mr. A."
  258. >That plain, uncomplicated statement says a lot
  259. "Yeah, I bet. Ready to see your friend?"
  260. >"Nah."
  261. >She maintains a lukewarm smile while answering
  262. "Huh?"
  263. >Her smile isn't different
  264. >But her eyes
  265. >Something in her eyes are off
  266. "Why not?"
  267. >You certainly have no intention of going back empty-handed
  268. >That doesn't sound right
  269. >It's more... you're not going back without her getting to see her friend again
  270. >You don't have a huge interest in seeing how to ration out a bushel of greens
  271. >"Anon, I'm kinda spooked."
  272. >Her lack of usual inflection takes you off guard
  273. "What? Why?"
  274. >Rather than directly answer, she turns to where you see where she was injured
  275. >"Be honest, man... can you tell they were there?"
  276. >Your first gut reaction is that you can
  277. >The slashes around her ribs
  278. >The one that went up to her neck
  279. >If that one had gone deeper...
  280. >They are no longer visible but her coat is very cleanly affected by the scarring
  281. >It's been only what, maybe two months since then?
  282. >Has it really been that long?
  283. >"That bad, huh."
  284. "Wha-"
  285. >Crap, you were on a timer
  286. >You were caught up in your own head
  287. "No. I mean... I... I guess I botched it. But they were pretty big marks."
  288. >Cuts
  289. >They were cuts, Anon
  290. >And no matter your thoughts, you can only presume that they weren't supposed to simply harm
  291. >"Nah... you didn't botch it at all. I kinda lied about having the bleeding stopped. You can only lick wounds so much until the taste makes you sick."
  292. >Her static smile twitches into a smirk
  293. >Enough of her cheek raises to show it is an attempt at a smirk at least
  294. >"...just kidding. My neck was too stiff."
  295. >You are at a loss
  296. "They're... I can tell that they're there. But they aren't really bad. And to be fair, I saw them when they were fresh. I guess I can't really separate that."
  297. >In such a short time, the entire vibe of this changed
  298. "I mean. You told her what happened, right?"
  299. >"...basically. I kinda left out some details."
  300. >She left out most details with you too
  301. >Not that you necessarily asked for them
  302. "Well... we're here. Why don't we just roll with it? If she asks..."
  303. >Be honest?
  304. >Tell a lie?
  305. >Deflect it with humor?
  306. >"When she does, will you be able to help me?"
  307. >Help her?
  308. >How?
  309. "You got it."
  310. >Her expression finally melts into more genuine relief
  311. >"Thank you. I don't know if I can do it alone."
  312. >The both of you stand there for an uncomfortable amount of time
  313. >It hasn't escaped you that you've temporarily lost your status of "Mr."
  314. "So are you ready to show this city slicker a good time? I'd love to see your grapes."
  315. >Your comment causes Starsky to recoil
  316. >You can tell that she didn't expect that from you
  317. >She lets out a soft exhale of a "haaaaa"
  318. >"Dude, you're a rowdy one. They don't have grapes here, but I can give you some juice when we get back."
  319. "To be honest, I'm more a jelly sort of guy."
  320. >"Then we'll split the different and just jam?"
  321. "Heh."
  322. >That seems to deflate the tension
  324. "Let's just see what happens, alright? Worst case scenario, we weird them out because you're stuck to me like white on rice."
  325. >"Don't worry, that dynamic isn't so weird out here."
  326. >You want to pry more on that... but this is certainly not the time or the place
  327. "So you're good?"
  328. >Starsky takes a few deep inhales
  329. >"We've dressed to impress, let's go make a mess."
  333. >With renewed confidence, you make way for the purple barn
  334. >You weren't sure what to expect at first
  335. >Now that you know what is on the line and on her mind...
  336. >Well you don't want to lie
  337. >But you don't want to not help her more
  338. >You frown
  339. >Was that a proper thought or was it a Starskyism?
  340. >"Woo! Heeeeeey, Star! Starrr!"
  341. >The sudden call snaps you back to reality
  342. >Starsky's ears perk up
  343. >"Dude! Ms. H!"
  344. >Your head tracks the sudden diversion the pony takes
  345. >She drops into.. a brisk trot toward a mellow green pony with a golden brown mane
  346. >The pony does the same
  347. >Maybe it's just you but she seems a little big around the belly
  348. >You adjust course and follow behind to the inevitable scene of the friendly crash
  349. >Despite the energy in their voices, they visibly hesitate when they get closer as if they're taking in their mutual conditions
  350. >If you can tell that Starsky got hurt, there's no doubt that one of her supposed friends can tell too
  351. >"Bro... you weren't kidding. You look like you're gonna pop any minute now."
  352. >"Ohh I am noooot! I got, like, another three months? But given how dad is, who knows? And you look..."
  353. >You reattach yourself like a free-floating magnet to her side
  354. >That pony is absolutely pregnant
  355. >"I mean, you look great! Let your coat grow a little and it'll be fine."
  356. >Between the two, you have no clue what is genuine
  357. >The appropriately-titled Ms. H has the voice of more of an active valley girl
  358. >What seems odd to you is that it feels a little off
  359. >"Haa... yeah, I don't know about that. Mr. A seems to like it more when I'm more mushy than bushy. Ain't that right?"
  360. "W-what?"
  361. >The two of them look up at you, snickering
  362. "I. I cut her mane. I think it looks better shorter."
  363. >Ms. H grins and squints
  364. >Like she found a key tactic
  365. >"'Lit Star trades her locks for loooove, huh? I didn't think he'd make that his introduction..."
  366. >Ms. H's tongue flickers out at the "duction"
  367. >Starsky leers up at you with a similar face
  368. >Dear God no
  369. >"Believe it or not, but Mr. A's a big ol' softie... when he's soft."
  370. >"Ooooh... you telling me that he's got a bit of a hard streak in him?"
  371. >You can feel the menacing aura come from these two creatures of predatory intent
  372. >You fight with every fiber to maintain a poker face
  373. "'s nice to meet you, Ms. H. I'm Anon. I'm Starsky's..."
  374. >The moment you trail off, they both grin into something downright sinister
  375. >You glance at Starsky for a cue
  376. >There is a cue, isn't there?
  377. >...
  378. >...
  379. >...
  380. >She's seriously leaving you hanging
  381. >The dopy mean girls cackle at your painful awkwardness
  382. >Ms. H politely bows, only after stifling herself to a gentle giggle
  383. >"I am very pleased'ta meet'cha, Anon. Star has told me a lot about you, I'm sure most of it's true too."
  384. >The valley girl is still there
  385. >But it sounds tempered with some sort of... mature sense
  386. >"My name's Autumn Barley. But you can call me Harley."
  388. >Harley?
  389. "Oh! So that's where the "H" comes from. Nice to meet you."
  390. >Harley's low giggle tells all
  391. >"Good thing he's cute, huh Star."
  392. >Starsky's answer is a soft sigh
  393. >"It sure is... it's fun to see him get all confused."
  394. >Now this is just minor bullying
  395. >And you...
  396. >Don't know if you're going to take it
  397. >Ah, screw it
  398. "I wasn't sure how you'd be but now that I see you two at it, I can't imagine you'd be any different."
  399. >There's just a tiny speck of aggression in your voice
  400. >It's enough for both of them to start laughing again
  401. >"Oh, most-defs, man. I mean, she and Lizzy may have been a dream team but when we were together it was all cream in between."
  402. >Harley's mention of the human woman causes a flicker of Star's ear
  403. >"And-sorry I didn't reply to your last email-but... she hasn't come here either. Before, she was never not welcome but... well. You know how we kinda started to run with different crowds since prom."
  404. >Starsky's body is rigid
  405. >You can tell because of the way her legs are locked
  406. >Towering over them has advantages
  407. >"N-no, that's alright Ms. H. I mean, it's not like I'd want her to come out here and bug you any. I guess I..."
  408. >She trails off
  409. >"It's been years since prom, hasn't it?"
  410. >Harley nods
  411. >Compared to Starsky's solemn one, Harley's reaction seems comfortable
  412. >"It sure has. You were always the smart one, Star. Like the "The More You Know" sign. C'mon, let's go introduce you two to dad."
  413. >Dad?
  414. >You shouldn't feel so proud of your insight but she probably means the guy who
  415. >...
  416. >Wait
  417. >It wouldn't be a guy, right?
  418. >Not a human guy
  419. >"Heeeey, Cartman! Can you stop with the baling and come say "hey"?!"
  420. >From around the corner of the barn you hear a shrill whine
  421. >"But Meeeeeeeeeeeeeem, I'm almost done with the baling so they can get shipped ooooooooooout!"
  422. >Starsky giggles at the spot-on Cartman impersonation
  423. >You're amused but also confused
  424. >"No "but"s, mister! Out here, now!"
  425. >The two voices are moving closer
  426. >You hold your breath and expect-
  427. >A human beats Harley to coming around the corner
  428. >A man who sure looks older than you, wearing a pair of overalls with rubber boots so high they go to his shins
  429. >"But MeeeeeeeeeHHHHHHHHHHH!"
  430. >His rising whine matches Harley's own ear-piercing tangent that has no end in sight
  431. >They both go silent the moment he drops to one knee
  432. >Given the stain on his overall, he favors his right
  433. >"Woah... Carter, it is you! You've gotten all sorts of buff, haven't you?"
  434. >He's not that buff
  435. >It isn't jealousy that caused that thought but the man does look like he's more lean than you
  436. >"Wow, Harley wasn't kidding! Hey hey, Star. It's been a while since the FFA days."
  437. >"Totally! You were such a dork back then."
  438. >"Hey, that's my man you're talking about! I'll have you know he's still a dork now too."
  439. >"Woah now, this dork is expanding his land in three years. I'm a successful dork now."
  440. >"Yeah, that's not the only thing you're expanding these days, huh?"
  441. >The mares erupt into laughter
  443. >Without an ounce of awareness, you state what can't possibly be the obvious
  444. "Wait, you impregnated Harley?"
  445. >The laughing stops when all three of them look at you
  446. >It then begins again, with renewed energy
  447. >Carter scratches the back of his head, embarrassed
  448. >But the smile says he's proud
  449. >"I reckon so. This'll be our first. I don't know why it took so long bu-"
  450. >"Oh shush, you know exactly why it took so long."
  451. >Harley pokes an accusatory hoof at the man
  452. >"Anxiety?"
  453. >From the tone, Starsky's setting Harley up to knock another one out of the park
  454. >"Heck no, he's never gotten so excited over anything else! It's... you know."
  455. >Harley crosses her eyes, rears up on her back legs and gives a little screech while her front legs flail
  456. >"I-it wasn't that!"
  457. >"Oh it totally was, Mr. Farmer! Harley told me alllllllll about it."
  458. >"You what?!"
  459. >"Even Mr. A knows, don't you?"
  460. >The high speed ping pong ball of momentum slaps the side of your head
  461. >This is all so alien you can only react by instinct
  462. "You can do that?"
  463. >The momentum dies with your genuine question
  464. >"...Well yeah, it ain't rocket science."
  465. >Carter is a little less than friendly with his comment
  466. >Starsky takes a step back, nudging your side with her head
  467. >"Hey, you gotta go easy on the guy sometimes. He's, like... pure."
  468. >Pure what?
  469. >This situation is so uncomfortable
  470. >It isn't her friend that seems like a natural foil
  471. >It isn't her friend's man who is decidedly the father of their...
  472. >Child?
  473. >Foal?
  474. >It feels weird because you're such an outsider
  475. " what are the logistics?"
  476. >Carter and Harley look at each other after you ask
  477. >Harley speaks up for the both of them
  478. >" the... mechanics?"
  479. >You aren't sure if she's about to laugh or is just that taken aback
  480. "N-no. Not that. I mean..."
  481. >You shrug off what embarrassment you can
  482. "I mean, are you two married already? Is it official?"
  483. >The couple look at each other again
  484. >Their lack of immediate answer is not promising
  485. >"Hey Star, why don't we go get some baskets so we can start picking stuff? We got some early stuff that's grown. Think two bushels will be enough?"
  486. >Starsky looks up
  487. >Wasn't the plan to not be separated?
  488. >"You won't get lost without me leading you around, right Mr. A?"
  489. >Your hands are tied
  490. "Nah, I'll be fine. Worst case scenario, I start screaming."
  491. >That gives her some form of relief
  492. >"Yeah, let's go grab 'em! You better have my favorite one in mint condition."
  493. >"The one you got a splinter from? Oh, you know it."
  494. >"Haa, nice. I'll have you know, I'm a lot stronger now."
  495. >"Tell me about it! It had to take a lot of willpower to let him chop your mop like that."
  496. >The two stroll off, bantering like a pair of pros
  497. >It leaves you with Carter
  498. >Or rather, they left him... with you
  500. >He stands up, not too impressed
  501. >"So, city boy. Wanna walk and talk? Harley'll find us soon enough."
  502. "Sure. Where are we going?"
  503. >"Trees. Got apples, pears, and I wanna see how our plums are doing. Might be good enough time for you to grab some for yourselves."
  504. >You follow behind, getting the vibe that he's not so friendly
  505. "You know, I'm not talking anything bad about your kid."
  506. >"Yeah?"
  507. "Yeah. I... well, I've seen a few ponies but I've never really been around one up until recently."
  508. >"You saying you and Starsky aren't "old friends"?"
  509. >Was that part of her story?
  510. "I..."
  511. >You know what?
  512. >Fuck it
  513. "Listen man, my father died recently enough where I still expect to see him stop by and act like he owns the place. I'm still not sure if I'll ever see Lizzy pop up like some maniac, and I already feel like I'm a third wheel. Do me a favor and ease up off my nuts, huh?"
  514. >Carter stops and turns to you
  515. >You're not sure if you're going to cry just a tiny bit or start swinging hands around but by God do you need some sort of pressure relief
  516. >He holds out his hand
  517. >"...yup. You got a point. Sorry for your loss."
  518. >You reach and shake
  519. "Thanks."
  520. >"Let me..."
  521. >He inhales and visibly deflates with a sigh
  522. >"Let's restart, without those two clowns. Name's Carter Fredrickson. I suppose it's a bit of a legal grey area but yeah, Harley's basically my wife. We're... starting fresh, as it were. Lot of empty bedrooms home. But it's been a bit. Not all are gone, some just left."
  523. >You don't recall if you were told this detail or not
  524. "Anon. Anon Papadopoulos. I came back home not too long ago and it still doesn't feel real."
  525. >"I knocked up a pony after years of fighting on whether or not I should find a human woman. I'm half-concerned you're a figment of my imagination."
  526. >He smirks
  527. >You chuckle and give one last shake before letting go
  528. "Yeah. That's..."
  529. >You shake your head in disbelief
  530. "I mean, it's great, right? I just didn't know you could."
  531. >"Well, supposedly, it wasn't always the case. Or if it was, we didn't know about it."
  532. >Carter begins walking again
  533. >But at a slower pace to where you're now side-by-side
  534. >"Highschool was nice, before that was just... you didn't think about it. But apparently it is a thing, it just isn't brought up a lot."
  535. "Know why?"
  536. >"Well it's one of those... topics you just don't bring up all that much, you know? You either get a human or not, then there are other weird questions people have and..."
  537. >He huffs
  538. >"Gonna be honest, chief, but it's embarrassing at times. A place a few hours from here has the same thing; ponies involved in the family. Started as a labor thing. Next thing you know, turns out the oldest son was caught with a mare. Couldn't disown him, couldn't believe it, and before you know it-"
  539. >He makes a popping noise with his lips
  540. >"She gives birth to twins. Two humans, just like that. And, I mean, I ain't heard otherwise and I've seen them and... they're just normal. Don't make too much sense."
  541. "...but how?"
  543. >"That's the question, man. And no one has an answer yet. They'd rather ask the "why" first. Which..."
  544. "Is understandable."
  545. >"Yup. And the answer..."
  546. " understandable."
  547. >Carter lets out an awkward laugh
  548. >You join in until it's no longer awkward
  549. >It's a laugh of relief
  550. >"Damn straight, brother. I'm not gonna say I'm the most straight edge sort of man but it just sorta... happens."
  551. >You think back to some of the...
  552. >Situations
  553. >With Starsky
  554. >Thank God it isn't only you
  555. "So, real talk for a bit. Do you know Starsky well?"
  556. >"Well enough, I would think."
  557. >Now back in the orchard, you feel far more at ease
  558. >Not only do you see your car, but you don't see the girls
  559. "So... she kinda popped up out of nowhere."
  560. >"So I heard."
  561. "And she seems to really like me."
  562. >"Sure seems that way."
  563. "...I'm not saying anything, but Lizzy was a complete wreck. I'm not sure if I'll need cops or my dad's gun if I see her again."
  564. >"One, then the other."
  565. "She... isn't like that, I've noticed."
  566. >"No, she really isn't."
  567. >His quick answers make you wonder if he's just eager to talk to another human
  568. "What's she like? Really? As you've known her."
  569. >Carter doesn't answer until he stops in front of an apple tree
  570. >He plucks one after doing a quick scan of the branches and holds it out to you
  571. "Nah, not yet."
  572. >He shrugs and chomps into it
  573. >It must feel nice to have such free access to something like that
  574. >He eats more of the apple in silence
  575. >You would feel insulted but his face says that he's in a deep sense of thought
  576. >He ends up eating most of it before tossing the core away, eat bite becoming more vicious than the last
  577. >"Sorry, had to... think a second."
  578. >More like near two minutes but alright
  579. >"I'll say that I've known only a few ponies. Most of them girls. And they..."
  580. >His eyes meet yours
  581. >"They never make bonds casually. If you're a friend, they see you as a true blue companion. And if..."
  582. "Things escalate?"
  583. >"Yup."
  584. >That sounds like it would be too easy to abuse
  585. >"Starsky. From what I've seen, and what Harley has told me over the years. She found a way to fit in. Lizzy was always bad, but not terrible. Starsky and she were thick as thieves, but there was that disconnect."
  586. >This feels like it's getting to be a little too personal
  587. "...nevermind that stuff. But. I mean, what was she like in general?"
  588. >"In general, huh? Quiet, I guess. Big bookworm."
  589. "Her?"
  590. >Carter nods
  591. >"Better believe it. Ponies are freaks, man. They figure out what they're good at and they try to live it as hard as they can. You can try to stop them, emphasis on "try", but they still find a way. Harley, for example, smaller plants. Our greenhouse has turned into a mansion at this point."
  592. >He looks behind him, checking if she were around
  593. >"Don't say anything but she's going a little seed crazy. Trying to make a hybrids all the time."
  594. >You chuckle and speak without thinking
  595. "Gee, can't imagine what caused that."
  597. >"Right? It's a mystery. All I did was sow the seeds."
  598. >He plucks off another apple and throws it to you
  599. >Screw it, you're hungry enough
  600. >You start to eat while his tongue goes over the front of her teeth
  601. >"Starsky's weird. She just liked reading things. Philosophy books, joke books, cook books. Don't know how her family managed to get her but they really didn't have the means to do a lot. So she just read a lot. 'course, back then she also wasn't so confident in herself so she'd explain her... thing, every now and again. I think she did more homework than Lizzy."
  602. "I'm glad she's around."
  603. >"I bet."
  604. >Chomp
  605. >Remember to swallow too, Anon
  606. "I guess I'm just worried. She wouldn't pull a fast one, would she?"
  607. >Carter frowns at you
  608. >"Her? No. I would be surprised anyway, why?"
  609. "I..."
  610. >Chomp
  611. >Everything tastes fine and fresh but you hope the meme about worms in apples are just memes
  612. "I just worry. She popped up out of nowhere for some food. Next thing I know, I'm hooked on her being around me and it..."
  613. >You finish the apple
  614. >Your apparent hunger matches Carter's
  615. >You now understand why he was so ravenous
  616. >Talking about this
  617. >Being so open about it
  618. >It's uncomfortable
  619. "It's like having a stray cat come by. And before you know it, she's home and it feels like home to you."
  620. >Now that you've said it, you feel a weight come off your shoulder
  621. "And... she's hot. I'm not gonna lie, and I think I've stopped pretending."
  622. >You stare at the core
  623. >There's no more for you to eat
  624. >You glance up to the farmer and he just shrugs
  625. >You shrug and throw it over your shoulder
  626. "I don't know. It feels too smooth. Too easy. Too quick and solid."
  627. >"You expect her to go back on it? Or for it to be some sort of trick."
  628. "Yeah."
  629. >Carter shakes his head
  630. >"Nope... it may seem like it. I think it's a pony thing. Or a pony chick thing."
  631. >He chuckles
  632. >"Shit, I don't know. But once, Harley told me that when we first... did stuff. You know."
  633. "Sure."
  634. >"She said that ponies were "one and done". That it's some sort of... instinct. And I believe it."
  635. >The obvious is poking the back of your neck like a splinter
  636. "So what happens if you're one, and then not done?"
  637. >He gives you a suspicious look but it melts after a few seconds
  638. >"Like a Lizzy situation?"
  639. "Like that."
  640. >"I don't know. Harley doesn't either. And we had a sit down and really put our heads together."
  641. >He looks behind himself again
  642. >Or tries to
  643. "We're still good."
  644. >He shrugs and relaxes
  645. >"My only guess is that it's going to take a while. Their friendships never fade, you know. Starsky hasn't been here in years but every year we have to paint that God damned barn the same shade."
  646. >He caps off his complaint with a "ha"
  647. >"Who else does that?"
  648. >That explains a lot
  649. >But that also brings up a concern
  650. "So does that mean that she may forgive Lizzy? I don't mean to be rude but-"
  651. >"Yeah, I see the marks. I hope she doesn't. Again, cops or gun. Preferably one after the other."
  652. "...but would she forgive me though, in that situation?"

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon