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/jacky/ IF Scenario D: Dragon Mare Z

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-07-09 12:32:59
Updated: 2022-09-24 17:40:17
Expiry: Never

  1. >Finally
  2. >A long, painful week of work is over
  3. >Even better?
  4. >You have the weekend, and then all of next week is vacation
  5. >You are going to cuddle that mare of yours until she breaks in half and then splits into two separate little Jackies
  6. >Then you're going to cuddle the everloving shit out of them until they split into four
  7. >Physics and bones be damned, that is your goal
  8. >Hearing a distinct lack of vidya or music from your room, you gauge that everyone is in the living room while kicking off your boots
  9. >"Hey Anon, check this out!"
  10. >"Shhh, quiet."
  11. >"Come on, my legs are tired..."
  12. >"You think I'm not sore all over, and in the most annoying way?"
  13. >Yup
  14. >They're definitely definitely in the living room
  15. >Sounds like a new song and dance routine
  16. >You could go for that
  17. "Good thing I don't feel like going to my room, I guess I better go to the living room."
  18. >You speak as casually and as loudly as you can, much to the stifled joy of an earth pony
  19. >You round the kitchen corner to see both Shine and Jacky sitting ramrod stiff
  20. >Prism is laying near the furthest wall, her back to the pair and her eyes glued to a laptop screen
  21. "You aren't gonna watch?"
  22. >"I really don't want to."
  23. "That's rough. Alright, what's up?"
  24. >"Sit!"
  25. >They speak in perfect sync
  26. >You're a little blown away by that but alright
  27. >You sit down with your legs crossed
  28. "So what's up?"
  29. >"We know that you have all of next week off so we have prepared something for you."
  30. >Again, they speak in perfect unison
  31. >Even their tones are the same, though it makes them sound more neutral
  32. >Or is it focused?
  33. "You're gonna be mimes miming each other so it's like when you set up a mirror against itself?"
  34. >"Sorta."
  35. >Wow
  36. "'re good. So are we now one voice away from a barbershop quartet?"
  37. >"Anon?"
  38. "...yes?"
  39. >"I love you."
  40. >Hearing that from Jack is always a thrill
  41. >But
  42. >Sparkler said it too
  43. >Is that part of the gimmick?
  44. >While you wonder whether or not it's ok to say that back to both of them, then stand up
  45. >With practiced motions, they spin around once to their right and shoot up to standing on their hinds legs
  46. >"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."
  47. >They point their front legs away from each other
  48. >Like a windmill, they rotate their legs toward each other while taking a few skittering steps on their hind hooves
  49. >You'll admit, the frontal view you're getting really isn't bad
  50. >"sion?!"
  51. >Their outside hind legs hike up, leading to
  52. >Oh damn
  53. >They're actually balancing themselves quite well
  54. >Their front legs dart away from each other
  55. >Rather than think that they would be looking at you, they seem to be staring dead ahead
  56. >"HA!"
  57. >Their final pose involves them angling themselves against each other
  58. >The top of their front hooves clap together
  59. >Clop
  60. "Wow. That's some good syncing."
  61. >Only now does it hit you
  62. "Wait, isn't this from Dr-"
  63. >In an instant, both ponies are enveloped in such a brilliant light that you can't help but recoil and cover your eyes
  64. >The heat, too
  65. >It's like a bonfire was started with jet fuel not five feet from your face
  67. >It takes some time for you to be able to even attempt to open your eyes but the heat left as soon as it came
  68. >As cool as you'd like to be, you can't be anything more than a flashbang victim groaning while curled up on the floor
  69. >"Oh crap, I'm sorry Anon! I didn't think it would put out that much!"
  70. >That sound
  71. >They're still speaking in unison
  72. "No. No, good trick. Glad to know I can get nuked from a dance."
  73. >You'd like to be angry but you could settle for being able to see again
  74. >You feel what can only be Jack's hoof petting your head while you lay there
  75. >She's gotten a lot better at not accidently boxing you
  76. >When you feel the sun leave your ocular cavities you manage to get a glimpse at the prime suspect
  77. >Wait
  78. >Suspect
  79. >Singular
  80. "Oh my God."
  81. >Not only is the carpet singed, but the mare sitting before you isn't Jacky
  82. >It isn't Sparking Shine either
  83. >It's a bright orange unicorn with an almost blood orange mane
  84. >And her eyes
  85. >Pitch black, with a faint purple and green gleam behind them
  86. >"Hey there good looking. What's cooking?"
  87. >You feel a sickly weight drop in your stomach
  88. >You bring yourself to sit up, unsure of what the hell just happened
  89. "Oh my God."
  90. >Did they
  91. >Did they just fuse together?
  92. >Is this some Dragon Ball shit or are we talking Megami Tensei rules
  94. >Mistaking your shock for glee, the unicorn giggles and ignites her horn
  95. >And it does ignite, like a flare
  96. >Bright red aura that flickers yellow fills the space above her head
  97. >Until it begins to lower and spread throughout her mane
  98. >The grin she gives is one of absolute superiority
  99. >She stiffens her body, flexing in some ways
  100. >Only now do you realize that she's a mix between Jack's rock solid body and Shine's scrawny form and almost shaggier fur
  101. >"You better get ready for the fight of your life, Anon. Because I'm not holding back anymore."
  102. >The voice
  103. >That voice
  104. >It isn't just like it's both of them talking at the same time
  105. >The inflection
  106. >The tone
  107. >It sounds like Shine if she were more fulfilled in her desires
  108. >Or Jackenstein if she had that more devil-may-care attitude
  109. >Wait
  110. >She's an actual Jackenstein now
  111. "Oh my God."
  112. >You sound far more manic the third time around
  113. >Enough that it breaks her out of her show
  114. "Oh God! Are you two dead?!"
  115. >"W-what?! No, we're not dead you weirdo! We're just fused."
  116. >In an attempt to regain her mojo, the fusion mare stands on her hooves and strikes a pose of bring her front down, her rear up, and raising one of her front hooves
  117. >"I'm Lemon Burst!"
  118. "OH GOD YO-wait."
  119. >Granted, the pose has stirred up definitive reaction
  120. >But the name
  121. >You honestly forgot if Jacky ever told Shine that her name was Lemon Pepper
  122. >Whether or not it actually is, or ever was, you have no clue
  123. >But she said it was, so who are you to argue?
  124. "'re serious, aren't you? How..."
  125. >You have so many questions and not enough brain cells to articulate them
  126. "How did you do this?"
  127. >Burst lays down on her side, provoking you to gawk at her body
  128. >And you do
  130. >"Practice. And remember when we were playing that fighting game and I kept picking those characters that were actually fused from two others?"
  131. "And that I still kicked your ass? Damn skippy, and this new form isn't going to stop me from winning."
  132. >Fusion Mare frowns and rolls her eyes
  133. >The gleam makes them an absolute black hole for your attention
  134. >But the same could be said of nearly everything else about her
  135. >Even the horn is a fair bit longer, with the spiral three times as tight
  136. >"Well I brought it up with Jacky and then we decided that if magic can make me turn fire to ice, and if my limit so far has been imagination... why not try to fuse? That way I can do absolutely everything."
  137. >Burst grins again
  138. >"Which means that I'm no longer held back by this human world. I can follow you everywhere and not just be a burden. I can use my magic for something truly befitting of my status. And I can finally do everything to you that I've always wanted to."
  139. >The words she speaks are so violently charged with so many emotions you're wondering just how excited she is to rip you a new one
  140. >Or rip a part of you off
  141. >Or rip the world to pieces with the newfound ability to open doors and use utensils without requiring oral manipulation
  142. >...
  143. >Should you be worried about this?
  144. "I have? Many questions."
  145. >"Fire away, stud."
  146. "How did you know that this would work?"
  147. >"I knew it had to."
  148. >Well that just beats all
  149. >You sigh after a second of trying-and failing-to form words
  150. "Well fucking great job at it! You almost blew both of yourselves to ashes!"
  151. >"It's fine! We watched the anime that game was based off of and there was no issues there. We just had to be unified in our spirit and our goal."
  152. "Do I need to ask what that is?"
  153. >Before she can answer, you follow up
  154. "Lemme rephrase: should I ask what that is?"
  155. >"Yes, and yes."
  156. >Lemon Burst's horn finally starts to subside
  157. >Only in that the physical horn itself is shimmering, leaving her mane to droop
  158. >It's a completely unorganized mess
  159. >While it's befitting of Jack, you have to remember that Sparking-for some reason-always preferred her hair in roughly the same style
  160. >You aren't sure why she prefers it but you admit that you can't see her having it any other way
  161. >"My goal is simple. It's to be better."
  162. >The emphasis on "better" makes it sound like the final authority on the matter
  163. >An all-encompassing idea that you can relate to
  164. >"And judging by your gaze... I can tell that it is already working."
  165. >The way she lifts her higher hind leg away from the lower proves that...
  166. >Yup
  167. >Yes
  168. >Yeah huh
  169. >It's a better view
  170. >You inhale
  171. >Stare
  172. >Keep staring
  173. >...
  174. >...
  175. >...
  176. >Exhale
  177. "Maybe."
  178. >With a sniff you force all of your male brain to scramble into a flight or fight situation
  179. >You only choose flight for one reason; decency to third parties
  180. "PrIsM!"
  181. >You bark with a parched throat
  182. "Why did you let this happen?"
  183. >"They wouldn't listen to me and to be honest, I already know how Jacky sees you. I don't need to go deeper down that rabbit hole and I appreciate it if you leave me out of this situation."
  184. "Oh Christ."
  185. >Lemon Burst, picking up on your mixed dread and defeat, giggles again
  186. >"Wanna learn why I decided on Lemon BURST?"
  187. >This is going to hurt
  190. >Though you had your hesitations, you lack the capacity to resist Burst
  191. >The only pony who could help you instead raised the volume of her music to max
  192. >You'll remember this
  193. >After thirty seconds of being alone
  194. >"Yes... YES! Finally, a throne!"
  195. >...
  196. >...
  197. >...
  198. >After five minutes
  199. >"Ha, you lasted this long? Well take THIS!"
  200. >After thirty minutes
  201. >"You think I'll give up after this? Not a chance!"
  202. >...
  203. >...
  204. >...
  205. >After an hour
  206. >"Don't mistake this for a break, Anon. I have over two years of hunger, and you're going to feed me."
  207. >After two hours
  208. >"Remember our first time? I sure do... open wide!"
  209. >...
  210. >...
  211. >...
  212. >After four hours
  213. >"Ha ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA, YES!"
  214. >After eight hours
  215. >"This magic... I'll make it a part of you. Why else do you think you haven't been able to escape?"
  216. >...
  217. >...
  218. >...
  219. >After an... unknown... amount of time, you finally come to your senses
  220. >You aren't sure if you actually slept, or if you were just exhausted
  221. >As hazy as your memories are, you're not sure if you are more astonished by how everything tingles rather than feels numb
  222. >Or by the fact that the fused mare is still in one shape
  223. >Completely spent from the near one-sided war, she lays on top of your torso
  224. >Gently snoring
  225. >She doesn't at all look, feel, smell or even taste like your beloved dork
  226. >But...
  227. >It's familiar enough to confuse your mammalian brain
  228. >You can tell which plays were out of Jackenstein's book
  229. >But so much more was completely new
  230. >Nevermind the multitude of expressions and words
  231. >You struggle to lift your arm up
  232. >If you could just get to your phone to check the date...
  233. >Your strength falls short and your hand falls
  234. >The sound of the back of your hand hitting cell phone is enough to make Burst stir
  235. >"Hm... don't tell me, I..."
  236. >She looks genuinely confused at first
  237. >Even after locking eyes
  238. >"Anon? So what we did..."
  239. >You're not just embarrassed but far too drained to speak
  240. >She looks behind herself and grins
  241. >"So it wasn't just a dream. Finally!"
  242. >Lemon Burst nuzzles into your chest so ferociously she ends it with a sudden bite
  243. >"I'm not letting go of this. No more second best. No more dead weight. No more fear."
  244. >Though the gleam in her eye says that she could rip a bear apart for another round, the way her front legs shake when they stretch up to reach your face says that she put herself past her limit as well
  245. >They stop short and rest on your shoulders
  246. >"I'm perfect now. I'll never weigh you down. We can do everything, and go everywhere."
  247. >She yawns, going limp
  248. >"Perfection... tha t ' s . . . m e . . ."
  249. >Her fatigue reminds you of your own
  250. >Your eyes close soon after
  252. >You wake up with a sigh and a groan
  253. >Where was once tingles are now just little needle points of tenderness
  254. "Gah... I'm alive..."
  255. >You say that with some sense of relief
  256. >You really thought you were dead
  257. >Granted, if you could choose one way to go, it would officially have to be that
  258. >You reach down to pat Lemon Bu...
  259. >...
  260. >...
  261. >Wait a second
  262. >You recognize that mare mane
  263. >It's the mane of your main mare
  264. "...Jack?"
  265. >Your neck pops at the movement
  266. >Laying on either sides of you are Jackenstein, and Shiner
  267. >Both of them look severely roughed up beyond mere bed head
  268. >And...
  269. >There is an exceptional amount of evidence of the last few days on them both to an almost perfect mirror
  270. >At least you can establish that pony magic isn't playing on MegaTen rules
  271. >Where there are no rules
  272. "I... is this going to be weird?"
  273. >Shine is the first one to move
  274. >"Weird? What could ever be weird abo...?"
  275. >When she raises her head to look at you with the warmest smile on the continent, she notices that you and her are not alone
  276. >With a creeping sense of terror, she sees Jacky on your opposite side
  277. >Curled up and sleeping as peacefully as ever
  278. >"W... what?!"
  279. >Shine recoils, though her spindly limbs don't have nearly enough strength to cause her to stand, nevermind even sit up
  281. >The horror in her scream is genuine
  282. >"NO! NO, I... F̷̬̦̀U̷̦̲͊C̶̭̉͛K̴͇̈̾! JACKY, WAKE UP!"
  283. >"Mmm... next time I'm wearing your hat..."
  285. >The screeching makes her open her eyes
  286. >The first thing she sees is a desperately distraught Sparky
  287. >"...oh..."
  288. >Rather than sound fearful, she lets out a heavy sigh
  289. >"...don't tell me that I'm..."
  290. >You don't know when you have ever heard her sound this sad
  291. >Where do you step into this?
  292. >You can't just be a passenger
  293. "Hey, it's... it's a good thing that the fusion ended. Otherwise who knows how badly things could have turned out if something went haywire."
  294. >Both of them look to you
  295. >One stabbed with embarrassing defeat
  296. >The other crushed with reality that comes only from truly sweet dreams
  297. >"Who CARES if it went haywire? It was supposed to be permanent!"
  298. >"...I liked being able to hold you for a change, Anon."
  299. >How do you proceed?
  300. >When you're talking to one of them, it's always easy
  301. >Even when they were... technically one, it was simple enough to figure out
  302. >But both of them refuse to let go
  303. >Both of them were a part of that maelstrom of...
  304. >Whatever happened
  305. "Hey, why don't we..."
  306. >You need to be very careful with your wording
  307. "...lemme rephrase. Why don't I make us some breakfast? Then after that..."
  308. >Think, Anon
  309. >You know these girls
  310. >These dorks
  311. >Wait
  312. >DORKS
  313. "You've seen the Mortal Kombat games. But have you seen the movie?"
  314. >Both of them perk up
  315. >At what bait, who knows
  316. >"Isn't the story mode the movie?"
  317. >"You won't be long, will you?"
  318. >So much for their synced up minds
  319. >The way they curl up, almost defensively, shows that neither are ok with you getting up
  320. >Whether or not it's a good sign, their movements are mirrored flawlessly
  321. "I won't, I'll whip up something quick. And yeah, it is but I'm talking about the OG Mortal Kombat movie. The one that started it all."
  322. >They look at each other
  323. >Whether or not through some sense of empathy or lingering magic, they exchange a series of looks
  324. >"Hurry up."
  325. >"And bring juice."
  326. >They remain staring at each other while speaking
  327. "S-sure... any preference?"
  328. >"Orange."
  329. >They speak as one again
  330. >Well alright then
  331. >This is apparently going to be a thing
  332. "Alrighty then. In that case, why don't I..."
  333. >...
  334. >...
  335. >...
  336. "You, uh... you gotta let go of me first."
  337. >"I know."
  338. >Another unified answer
  339. "I mean it. And... maybe I should get a... a towel?"
  340. >"No."
  341. ""
  342. >"I'm not cleaning up."
  343. >Their gaze shifts to you
  344. >They share a look of intense focus
  345. "Alright...still gonna need to get up."
  346. >"In a minute."
  347. >If you weren't so used to them being weird you would find this concerning

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon