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x by Anon
"You're joking. You have to be..."
>"Nope! I got em right here dude. Honest injun!"
>Your jaw drops in shock.
>It's a plain old day in Equestria that's about to get much more interesting for you.
>You're Anonymous. Lover of music, The best at being human, and the only one able to do it.
>Press start to begin.
>What seemed like the beginnings of a normal day with your daily muffin, and newspaper under the big oak tree at "Horseshoe lake" became so much more when a certain sky blue pegasus whooshed in with two tickets to an exclusive DJ Pon3 concert this evening!
>While your greatest passion, music here is horribly dated. Luckily, you discovered Pon3, and have been a fan ever since.
>Her events are hella hard to get tickets for if that's any indication of her talent, and fanbase, and here is Rainbow Dash with a couple of tickets right here!
>You sit under the shade, staring at the pinkish tickets in her hooves. your mouth agape.
"H-how did you land those? Whose flare did you have to intake?"
>Rainbow kicks you in the shoulder with her hind leg as she hovers at face level.
>"Shut up! You know I don't do that kind of junk stupid! Vinyl is an old friend of Pinkie's, and she sent these to her!"
"Okay. How did YOU get them?"
>She rolls her eyes.
>"Duh. I'm Pinkie's amigo? She can't make the thing so she gave them to me! Probably because I'm awesome!"
>You lower your eyes, and sigh.
"Yeah. that's what it is. So? Who are you taking?"
>Pelting her with Butterfly kisses, you put on your cutest puppy dog face.
>Dash floats away slightly with a creeped out look.
>"Ugh. Stop with the cutesy animal deer eyes thing. You know I was gonna take you!"
>You squee.
>It's not gay! Guys can squee too!
"Oh Rainbow Dash! I take back every mean thing I've ever said about you!"
>You lunge up from your seat, and bearhug RD, who groans under your immense retard strength.
>"You said mean things about me?!"
>The bearhug stops for a moment.
"Uhhh...It wasn't me. It was mostly Rarity...yeah."
>Rainbow's face turns into an angry scowl.
>"That posh puffball! I knew she talked about me behind my back! Well! I'm glad I don't flush when I use her bathroom!"
>You grimace, and release her.
>Sorry Rarity.
>"Anyway, It's tonight at eight! Meet me by the Ponyville performance center!"
"I wasn't aware Ponyville had a center for this sort of thing."
>"Yeah? Well maybe if you walked around sometime, you'd know the attractions! All you ever do is stay at home, and write--what did Pinkie call them? "Ship-Post letters" to Princess Cadence? Don't know why you'd write about ships to her!"
"Ah that' know what? You're absolutely right. I should get out, and explore the city. I'll start with the concert tonight!"
>You hoofbump/fistbump.
>You're just standing there.
>Where do you go from here?
"So....see you later at the town hall, and we go from there?"
>"Sounds good to me!"
>The two of you awkwardly go off in opposite directions.
>Don't give me that look. How would you have transitioned to the concert? Eight o'clock is like seventy billion hours away!
>You can hear some stock beats coming from outside the massive dome. Looks like you made it just in time!
>Numerous ponies in fan shirts, and bracelets, glowsticks around their necks, and the such stand around, their collective chatter sounding like rumbling rapids.
>"I'm so pumped! This is gonna be so awesome! I'm gonna dance until my rump falls off!"
"Gross. Hopefully it won't suffocate the attendees,"
>Rainbow looks at you with narrowed eyes.
>"What was that?"
"I said I hope all of these ponies being in one big room won't be suffocating."
>"Oh! Yeah..Me too."
>Smooth as shit man.
>You notice Rainbow is dressed in her own form of fan merch.
"By the way. What are you wearing?"
>She blinks a few times, and beams proudly.
>"I see you noticed!"
>The two of you start walking for the entrance, as Dash begins to inform you of her amazing fashion.
>"What you see here Anon is the authentic official DJ PON3 T-shirt! Woven from 100% cotton, and washer friendly! Next on the list is the official DJ PON3 goggles with tinted lens! Only the most hardcore, loyal fans wear them, as you can see. I also have the official, one of a kind-"
>Oh my god. No one wants to read this shit.
>I'm using one more of these guys. I'm sorry.
>After what seemed like a solid hour of Rainbow Dash explaining her equipment set, you finally entered the humid interior of the performance center.
>It looks like the start of a big convention. The giant stage in front of you. Vendors selling snacks, and drinks.
>The very atmosphere fills you with excitement, even though you're quite literally a giant amongst ponies.
>There's a few Griffons, and Minotaurs as well peppered in the crowd.
>That just goes to show you how popular PON3 is!
>You feel Rainbow nudge you a little in your arm.
"What's up?"
>She points towards the stage towards a pale white coat unicorn with spiky electric blue mane speaking to some buff stallions in black security shirts backstage.
>"It's her! She's so cool!"
>Rainbow looks like she's about to faint right then, and there.
>She puts her foreleg hooves into her mouth, biting on them with a big smile.
"Who's cooler? Her or Spitfire?"
>Rainbow's fangirl grin suddenly drops into one of serious pondering.
>"Well..uh...Hm..That's a good question."
"Well why you think of it, I'm gonna get some cider."
>You leave Rainbow Dash to her inner battle of fangirl turmoil, and mosey over to a stand where plastic red cups of cider is being distributed.
>As you walk, your eyes keep flashing to DJ who seems to be giving orders to the staff
>It makes you think about her Cutie Mark. Is her story as lavish, and flamboyant as the others? Like creating a sonic boom that made your friends realize what they wanted to do with their lives?
>Who's to say that Sonic Boom didn't cause her to do the same?
>"Sup. What can I get you brah?"
>A shaggy maned, brown stallion with a fuzzy chin smiles at you.
"Cider. That's all you're selling here man."
>What a dumbass question.
>"Easy brah...I also sell life experience man!"
"Yeah..I'll just take a cider. Please."
>He shrugs, and hoofs over a cup filled with the brown fizzy liquid.
>You put two bits down on the table, and take the cup sipping on it.
"These guys don't have shit on the apple family brew. That's for sure."
>You come back to Dash, who's still thinking, with a fierce focused expression.
>The smell of smoke emanates from her ears.
"Are you alright? You look like you're constipated."
>"Oh shut up! I'm thinking about your question!"
>You roll your eyes.
"How about "They're both the coolest in their own way"?"
>"Hmm....Yeah..YEAH! That just might work!"
>What an idiot.
>She hovers leaning on on of her forelegs.
>"If only I could meet her though.."
"Welp. You should've got some backstage passes."
>She makes that constipated face, until it suddenly turns into a Grinch-like grin.
>Oh boy. You've watched enough cartoons to know that look.
"What are you thinking Dash..?"
>She rubs her hooves together deviously.
>"Oh you'll see'll see."
>The look on her face filled you with dread, but you weren't going to allow it to mess up your good time.
>You were going to enjoy this concert dammit.
>Music starts up, as the curtain lifts on PONE3 behind a set of turntables, bouncing her head to the beat.
>Rabid cheering, and stomping makes the dome shake in response.
>Yeah..their lingo is also dated. They talk like a Rave Master Manga.
>The crowd roars, and the dancing starts immediately.
>Wow. You forgot how terrible horse dancing looks to someone with two legs.
>They're swinging their legs around eyes closed, and throwing their heads around like Giraffes fighting.
>Rainy is no different. She's doing the same, while airborne.
>Still not gonna let that ruin shit for you.
>Good thing you took your dancing tips from Mass effect back on earth.
>Not the Renegade one. Oh god no.
>A Griffon dances close by, flashing you a smile every so often.
>You smile back.
>Oh she spoke to you.
>You take a quick look around to make sure no one is standing behind you or something.
>The only one nearby is Rainbow Dash who looks as if she's having a seizure, and point a finger to yourself.
>She nods, with half-lidded eyes.
>...Should you...?
>AHHH. Fuck it. Go for it. Worst she can say is no.
"I'll dance next to you. If you want to think we're dancing together, go ahead!"
>Her beak curls into a smirk.
>"I do want to think that! You dweeb."
>The griffon gets a little closer still jamming out to the beats, as they change up.
>Who knew Catbirds had moves like that?
>The humidity builds up, primal thrashing, and the stifling flow of oxygen makes you a little dizzy.
>It feels amazing. this is what the Nightlife is all about!
>Beats bumpin! Hearts thumpin! The joint jumpin!
>Not to mention this Griffon grinding on you is making the experience all the more intoxicating.
>Rainbow is high in the sky still doing her thing, and that's okay.
>She was bro enough to bring you here, and even more to let you do your own thing.
>Still, what does she have planned?
>"Holy crap. This feels amazing..!"
>The Griffon wraps her front paws(?) around your neck, and wraps her legs around your waist.
>This is getting dangerous very fast.
>The air, and the feeling of her rubbing her body against your own...It's like every nerve has awakened. Like every pore has simultaneously opened, and is begging for more stimulation.
>....What was in that cider?
"It does! It really does!"
>She licks her beak in your face, and throws her head back,releasing a lion's roar, that gets drowned out be the loud music, and stomping hooves.
>You feel her body tense up, and grip you tightly.
>Suddenly, your crotch feels insanely wet.
"Did you just--?"
>She touches her beak to your nose returning back to your vision.
>"My name's Gilda."
"Hello Gilda. Did you just cu-"
>"Let's go to the bathroom. I wanna keep this game going dweeb, if you catch my meaning..?"
>You're pretty sure she's not gonna whip out a game of Mousetrap anytime soon.
>You look up at Dash. Should you ditch her for a quickie with a cat bird?
>The music begins to slow to a halt, resulting in thunderous applause.
"It's over already? It felt like it went on for a few minutes."
>"I know right? Her stuff sends you to another universe, I swear. Now come on. I'm still ready from all that dancing!"
>She tugs your arm a little.
>Chants of "PON3" hammer into your ears, as she bows a few times, and trots off stage.
>The air is musky, and suffocating, as the familiar chatter of before you entered returns as they denizens begin to slowly pile out.
>"Aw crud! The bathrooms are gonna be packed now!"
>Gilda looks visibly enraged. You know that feel.
>She whips her head towards you.
>"Look uh...I don't usually do this, wanna hang out or something tomorrow?"
>You try to hide your chuckle by looking down.
>"It's not funny! Don't think you can make fun of me, just because I got a little hot, and bothered, and--"
>She came on you also.
"No! I'm not making fun of you! I just think it's a little funny considering where this was about to go.."
>"Oh..! Yeah..I suppose that is a little funny...I guess."
>She rubs the back of her feathery head.
>Speaking of feathers, you don't see Rainbow Dash anywhere.
>But to the matter at hand.
"I wouldn't be opposed to hanging out. Sure. Why not?"
>Gilda smiles with fierce eyes.
>"Sweet. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Sure. Do you want my add-"
>She holds up a taloned hand.
>"Nah. I can find you just fine. It's not hard to find a five foot hairless green guy."
"Fair enough."
>She looks away with grit teeth, as if deciding something.
"Are you going to kiss me?"
>"WHAT?! NO! YOU DWEEB! ARGH! I'll see you tomorrow!"
>Looks like you nailed it on the head.
>Her plumage fluffs outwards all at once, as she storms angrily from the building pushing ponies aside in her wake.
"She's an interesting one."
>You're glad you came.
>You almost got some catbird poon! That's something to brag about!
>The building becomes more and more empty with each passing moment, and yet still no sign of Dash.
>You scan the area for your buddy, weaving through lingering crowds of ponies, thinking on how Gilda is going to find you tomorrow.
>Won't lie. It's a safe bet she wants to finish what the two of you started on the dance floor, and if that roar from earlier is any indication, she's a screamer.
>You feel a tickle in your pants.
>Your still wet pants.
>This is why you make it a point to wear dark colors. If accidents or whatever, break out no one will see the change in dim lighting.
"Oh. There she is!"
>You spot Dash lurking behind a speaker watching the backstage door like a mare on a mission.
>A burly stallion with a buzz cut, and black suit jacket looms in front of the door, with an intimidating scowl.
>You approach Rainbow, and tap her back.
>She zips into the air, clutching the rafters.
"Was that really necessary? It's not like you're alone in this room."
>She looks at you with frantic eyes, that form into angered ones, before she descends back to ground level, bumping heads with you.
>"Anon! I swear to Celestia if you scare me like that again...I'll make you pay for it!"
>You roll your eyes again.
"Mhm. Duly noted. Now what the hell are you doing?"
>She covers your mouth with a hoof, and looks back to the backstage door.
>"Remember what I said about meeting DJ PON3?"
>She looks back to the guard again.
>"Here's my plan. We SNEAK in."
>Your hand screams for a facepalm right now.
>She removes her hoof, and smiles confidently at you.
"You can't be serious. You just can't be! Is that all?"
>She covers your mouth again.
>"Shh! Do you want everypony to hear you?!"
>She removes her hoof again.
"Dash. That's idiotic. This is the type of shit I tell Rarity about!"
"This is the type of shit Rarity tells me about."
>She frowns remembering what you told her about the Fashionista earlier.
>Sorry Rarity.
>"Forget that big mouth for a second! Listen to my plan!"
"Okay. Lay it on me."
>She looks left, and right for any potential eavesdroppers.
>Even though the place is pretty cleared out.
>"Okay. You sneak up on the guard, and judo chop him across the neck! Then take his clothes posing as a guard, and escort me to PON3's dressing room, where she'll sign my shirt, and totally think I'm awesome!"
>Take caution.
"So let me get this straight. I need to risk getting myself beaten up, or even worse commit a felony just so you can get PON3 to sign your fucking shirt?"
>"You got it dude!"
>You deadpan at her enthusiasm.
"You know what? Sure! Let's do it! Go team!"
>"Go team!"
>You stroll over to the guard, devising a plan of your own. You'll get Rainbow her autograph all right.
>On YOUR terms.
>You got someone coming by tomorrow, You can't afford to spend it in jail after all!
>Shout out to the pony jail thread.
>The guard looks you up, and down as you get closer, muttering something into his earpiece.
>"Can I help you sir?"
>You put your hands in your pockets, and look around leaning in towards him.
"There's a Pegasus hiding out over there man. She's talking about attacking DJ PON3, as soon as you go to use the bathroom."
>You motion to the speaker Dash is peeking from around with your head.
>He scowls, and trots towards Dash with an angry scowl, that turns into a gallop.
>You see Dash gasp, and immediately take off towards the exit.
>The guard foolishly gives chase giving a certain human free reign to enter the backstage.
>You coolly enter through the door, and look around.
>Stage hands work to clean the set up.
>Stage hands who are much too busy to bother with the lumbering man-child wandering the back.
"Now let's see..."
>A "Staff only" door catches your eye on the far side of the room.
>Any idiot can figure out where it leads to.
>Various electronics are getting packed, and stored, as you glide through the backstage as casually as you can.
>Sure you're doing this for Dash, but you're a fan of DJ PON3 also, so you're hype too.
>Just on the inside.
>The creed states one should hide in plain sight. Never kill innocents, and--
>Hmm. You played too many video games back on Earth.
>Nopony stops you, as you head through the staff only door like you belong there.
>The hall's environment changes for the dramatic once you enter.
>The walls are a dull, dark red, as well as the carpeted floors.
>There's several doors littered on both sides of the corridor, with weak lighting barely illuminating them, and not a security pony in sight.
>You feel like you're on your way to a final boss.
"Wait. Which room is DJ PON3's?"
>Furthermore, how are you gonna even approach a celebrity without looking like some kind of fucked up Axe murderer or something?
>You facepalm.
>And you say Dashie is the dumb one.
>Your ears perk...well not literally like a dog's but you did hear that sound from nearby.
>You tiptoe down the hall hoping to hear the sound again, until a cracked door, and a flash of blue stops you in your tracks.
>You peer through like some type of pervert through the small opening, and spot the back of DJ PON3's head.
"Found you.."
>You prepare to knock on the door. The best approach would be to appear as non threatening as possible.
>"Nnngh...! M-Master! I'm sorry! Please forgive me for being a terrible servant..."
>Your fist freezes in mid-air.
"What the fuck...?"
>Your trembling hand pushes the door out a little more, giving you a slightly better view. You don't want to be caught right?
>DJ PON3 leans back in a director's chair with some strange outfit on with her eyes shut softly, while in front of a well-lit mirror, and make-up table.
>"Please forgive Vinyl master...! She didn't mean to make a mess...!"
>Your breathing gets a little harder from her sultry tone.
>Not the only thing getting hard.
"I shouldn't be here...! I can't believe I'm watching this.."
>Her left foreleg goes up, and suddenly knocks over a container of powdery blush.
>It spills all over the crimson floor, kicking up a small cloud of the cosmetics.
>"Oh Celestia..I'm so clumsy..! I'm sorry master! Vinyl will clean it up immediately!"
>Who the fuck is Vinyl?
>She slowly slides out of the chair in her--
"She's wearing a maid outfit...?"
>It's true. It's a maid outfit! A maid outfit that looks very flattering on a horse like her.
>What the hell is wrong with you?
>She leans down in front of the mess on the floor with a dustpan, and broom you didn't see from your position, sticking her plot into the air.
>"S-see master? I'm cleaning it.."
>Her winking slit, and the small droplets of arousal that drip onto the floor...
>How her tail sways begging for someone to just plunge into her.
"Oh my god..."
>Your breath gets harsher, Your body is shaking all over, and your lower half is throbbing in pain.
>What you're witnessing right now, no one can say.
>But damn if it isn't hot.
>A feather duster levitates through the air wrapped in her magical aura, and slowly inserts itself into her sex, handle first.
>"NNH! M-Master! I-I'm a terrible Maid..! Please punish me more..!"
>The cleaning tool, slowly slides into her, and out gathering a fine coating of her fluids, as she attempts to clean the mess up.
>This feels so wrong. You shouldn't be watching this.
>She continues to thrust the handle down to its base, and slowly pull it out in front of you.
>Fuck drugs huh?
>You've always thought musicians did crank or shit like that to take the edge off, not this girl.
>She likes to pretend to be some dude's maid.
"She could be my maid any day.."
>You really shouldn't but--
>Could you call yourself a man if you didn't do what you're about to do right now?
>Don't act like none of you wouldn't.
>You hands hover over the zipper of your pants, as you continue to spectate.
>She turns the speed on practically smashing the tool against her slit, while you start out at your own pace.
>"Punish me..Puniish all of Vinyl's holes m-master..!"
"You've been a bad maid Vinyl..Master's going to teach you a lesson..."
>What a rare treat. You came to see a concert, and got so much more. You really owe Dashie for this.
>You stop, remembering what you originally came her for.
>Rainbow Dash's autograph.
>What a boner killer. Guilt.
>You look down, and frown.
>The sound of metal clanking screeches from down the hallway.
"Oh shit!"
>Someone's coming through the door, and you're standing here with your fucking dick out. Won't that make for a lovely impression?
>Without thinking, you duck into the nearest room, and close the door behind you.
>You press your back against the cold metal door, praying you weren't spotted.
>"SWEET CELESTIA! Who the tartarus are you?!"
>Oh right. Her room was the nearest room.
>Should've thought this out a little more.
>Hiding the duster behind her back, she stands on her hind legs glaring at you.
"U-uhm, I uh-"
>Her cerise eyes narrow in anger, as they travel from your face to your crotch.
>"W-were you watching me?! I had that door locked!"
"It's--This isn't what it looks like!"
>She crosses her forelegs.
>"It looks like some peeping tom was watching me unwind, while playing with his freakin skin flute!"
>You look down at your erected pillar of manliness, and cover up.
"Fuck..Okay, so maybe I was a little bit-"
>She cocks her eye.
>"He looks like you owed him money dude."
>Owed money--?
"It's not like that! It was just really hot, and I couldn't help myself and-"
>She lowers her eyes unamused.
>The door behind you bumps into your back several times, as the loud rattle of hooves against metal, stops your feeble explanation.
>"Ms. Scratch? Are you awake?"
>It sounds like that guard that was chasing Rainbow Dash.
>"Yeah, I'm up!"
>The door must be pretty thick, since they're yelling to each other.
"Look, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean for things to turn out like this! I'm really, really sorry! Please don't turn me in! I'll do anything!"
>She curls her lips, rubbing her chin with a hoof.
>You sigh in hope.
>"Okay. I want you to go to jail."
>She trots towards you, shedding her outfit, and bumps you to the side.
>Your heart starts to race in fear.
>She's about to have you hauled off to the pokey bro.
>All because you couldn't control you passion.
>Should you attack her?
>You could just choke her out right now!
>No. You're no killer.
>She touches the door handle with a hoof, as you panic.
>This is going to look beautiful in the headlines.
>She opens the door a smidge. Just enough to poke her head out.
>You guess she doesn't want the guard to see what she was doing, have a stage hand come clean up her mess, and discover what she was doing.
>What she was doing...
"That's it!"
>"Ms. Scratch, your ride is here to take you home. Are you ready?"
>"Yeah dude,but first could you get a--EEP!!"
>"I'm sorry..?"
>You took a gamble, and you're praying amidst your quickly shrinking manhood, and drenched clothes it was the right one.
>She looks back at you with crimson cheeks, grit teeth, and a look that says "If you stop, I'm going to rip you into chunks".
>"Ms. Scratch? Are you okay?"
>You've went this far. Better roll with it.
"Not one word "servant". Send him away."
>You jolt your arm.
>"H-haah..! Everyth-thing is co-cool..I'll b-be out in a f-few minutes."
>"Uhh...Okay? I'll be back in five then."
>She shakily closes the door, and leans against it.
>"I-I can't believe you did that..."
"I'm really sorry! I got desperate and-"
>You really were desperate. If every Chinese cartoon porn taught you anything, spontaneous is good.
>The sticky insides of the music unicorn try to push your finger out, as she shivers from the unexpected intruder in her anus.
>Yeah. You shoved your index into her ass.
>Fucking cuckoo.
>She glares at you.
>"It's too late to say that now! What happened to all th-that tough talk?! Calling me your servant..."
"Uh-I uh-"
>"A-as soon as I get that th-thing of yours out, I'm gonna kick y-your plot jerk!"
>Your eyes widen.
>Now what? You can't let her murder you right?
"Shit..uhm..Did I tell you to talk back maid?!"
>You jolt your arm again, getting a little yelp from Pon3.
>"Vinyl is sorry master! She won't speak out of turn again!"
>What happened to that surferbro dude talk from before? She's like a entirely different pony.
>You ball your lips up.
>Okay Anon. Think. What next?
"Holy shit this is getting hot..Uh..Clean up that mess!"
>You point to the powder from earlier, still keeping your digit tucked within her prison pocket, and walk her over.
"What type of maid are you anyway, that you can't even clean up a simple spill like this? I can't believe I hired you!"
>You begin to pump your finger in, and out slowly getting into your new role.
>"Master's r-right! Mnh..Vinyl is so clumsy..P-please Punish Vinyl!"
>And how do you do that?
>She leans down, and starts trying to sweep it up with the dust pan once more.
>Your eyes trail down to her dissatisfied face.
>"Are we gonna continue or what dude? I'm like a waterfall here."
>Your eyes dart left, and right.
"I'm n-not exactly an experience pro at this! I just kinda acted without thinking.."
>Vinyl sighs, and rests on her forelegs, a hoof on her cheek.
>"You were doing awesome for a second there. This is why I'm still single. Stallions without any BALLS on them."
"Excuse me?"
>"You got a celeb here with her pants around her ankles, and you act like a little wuss! If the horseshoe was on the other hoof, I'd be doing all sorts of things to you! Bent over the dressing room counter, all types of things shoved into you, telling you how poor of a maid you are ecetera.."
>Too much information! Waaaaay too much.
>This is DJ Pon3?
"Hey! I only got five minutes! I can't do anything like that in this little span of time!"
>She looks back at you with an unconvinced frown.
>"Yet you were bonkers enough to shove something up my tail hole."
>You sweat a little.
>Bullshit powers go!
>Just anything to keep her from pressing charges.
"If I had more time, I-I'd have you laying there in a puddle of your own juice! You'd freeze up, and melt each time you saw me afterward! You don't know what I'm capable of w-woman."
>"Pffft. I've heard that one before. You just don't want your salad tossed in the pen is all."
>She couldn't be more right, if her first name was Phoenix.
"Th-that's not true at all! I just don't want them to discover yo-you laying here broken from all the k-kink."
>"Is that so? Then put up or shut up milk toast."
"Milk toast?"
>"Yeah! Milk toast! That long word, that means wimp."
"I think you mean Milquetoast."
>She gives you a look that says it'd be best to shut your trap.
>Keep in mind she's kept your finger in her butthole, not to mention senior huevos is back in the game, and ready to go.
>"First off, shut your claptrap, and listen. Second--do you mind?"
>Her eyes flash to her rear a few times.
"Oh! Of course."
>With a slick pop, you remove your finger from her sticky innards and quickly smell it when she's not looking
>Don't act like you wouldn't do it.
>She cracks her back, stretching out, and slowly trots over to a closet on the far side of the wall.
>Geez dude. You couldn't have wet your doodley thing there first? Going in freaking dry..."
>She opens the closet up, and begins rooting through it, various items being thrown out behind her.
>You narrowly dodge a clown shoe.
>Why a clown shoe would be in her closet you have no idea.
>"Here we go!"
>She wheels around with a camera in her hooves, snapping several shots of you in a flash.
>"Say cheese!"
"What the fuck!"
>You put your hand up to try and shield your eyes from the blinding light.
>"Excellent. You take a good photo Milk toast!"
>You blink through the fluttering spots, and notice Pon3 with a few levitating pictures in front of her.
"What do you think you're doing...?"
>"I think it should be obvious dude. I'm getting some collateral!"
>You squint your eyes.
"Collateral? For what?"
>"Here's the deal milk toast. I'm gonna be in town for a few days before I leave on my next thing, so I'm gonna pay you a little visit!"
"A visit? To do what?"
>She groans and throws her head back.
>"Whaddya think?! To drink tea, and eat crumpets!"
"Oh! If that's all it is--"
>"It's not to drink tea, and eat crumpets dude."
"I-I knew that.."
>"Mhm. I'm going to see if you're able to back up your words. If you turn out to be nothing more than a lying back of manure, I'm going to give these pictures to the sheriff, and tell him you attacked me while exposing yourself, which to say isn't that far of a stretch."
>You look down, and realize you're still dangling in the wind.
>You quickly zip back up frantically, starting to sweat.
>Her eyes lower into an evil hate-filled glare.
>"So you can either show me a good time, and keep this totally awesome secret with me, or you can show me you were nothing but hot air, and live out your days in a tiny cell taking this secret to the grave!"
"You'd really do this to me?! It was all just an accident!"
>"Yeah. You just happened to stumble on me getting my groove on huh?"
"YES! I came here to try, and get an autograph for my friend Rainbow Dash-"
>Pon3 freezes.
>"Rainbow Dash? Like..Princess Twilight's friend Rainbow Dash?"
>"Even better! I'll give these juicy little numbers to Twilight then! Thanks for the info Milk toast!"
>You rub your eyes with an index finger, and a thumb.
>Fucking big mouth dumbass.
>"I'm tired of all you tough guys saying what you'll do to me, and not delivering. Well, now you're gonna pay the piper bucko, and his price is steep! I'll be coming by with my equipment tomorrow, so you better be prepared. If you disappoint me even in the slightest, consider your life finito! Capishe?"
>She grins at you, stacking the pictures together.
>You could attack her, and take them now. This IS your life at stake!
>She has no right to force you to have kinky, Dom/Sub sex with her in the comfort of your own house...
>To..spank that tender pale hide when she's being...naughty...Oh lord...or jam you raging nerve cluster into her winking slit, and--oh god.
>.....Are you a faggot?
"I gotcha.."
>"Sweet! See you tomorrow then!"
>She canters to the front door, and places a hoof on it.
"Wait! Don't you need my address?"
>She makes a shiggy diggy face at you.
>"I think finding the cottage of a giant two legged hairless pervert will be pretty easy dude."
"....Fair point."
>What a mess you got yourself into.
>She waves the photos in your face.
>"So I'll see you tomorrow hotshot? I hope you have some messes for me to clean up."
>She winks at you as she opens the door, stepping out into the hall.
>"Oh and- I wouldn't tell anypony about this Milk toast. It might turn out even worse for the both of us for you to be caught up in a silly scandal! You know?"
"But Blackmail is the bees knees?"
>"It sure is!"
>She snorts, and disappears outside. You can hear hers and the guards voices echoing from down the hallway.
>Well. Here you are.
>Obligated to indulge in a unicorns fetish because you wanted to get your friend a souvenir.
>A fetish, you're not exactly knowledgeable on for one.
>You never read Fifty shades of Gray.
>Fuck's sake, you've never even seen BDSM porn before.
>And now here you are wrapped up in some pony's fantasy!
>Not to mention if you don't show her the time of her life, some burly Minotaur in the cell will show you the time of yours.
>What a fucking stipulation.
>You take a seat on the semi-moist floor, and groan.
>You need research material. Someone with some modicum of experience in this sort of thing.
"Of course! The answer was so obvious!"
>There's one pony who would know all about being a submissive sack of self-pleasure!
>While she hides it well, there's no doubting that she is an expert in the field of being a sexual beta.
"Maybe if I hurry I can get there before she goes to bed!"
>We all know who this pony is right?
"Twilight Sparkle!"
>Twilight Sparkle!
>That's what I was going to say. Fuck you.
>You begin to feel a little better now that you're armed with a plan to get through this situation, and yet...
>Are you forgetting something?
"Oh right! Dash's thingie."
>You quickly scan the room, and locate a pair of Pon3's shades.
"She must've left them. It'll make a perfect gift!"
>Hooray for larceny!
>Who the fuck do you think you are? Some type of video game character? Picking up shit, and just putting it into your inventory without a care in the world?
>As you stash the glasses into your pocket, the feeling that you're seriously forgetting something continues to nag at you, as you head out into the hall next.
>The lights are still on, but it's gotten significantly quieter.
>Exiting out the way you came, you take note the stage-hands are absent as well.
>You might not have to stealth it out of here after all.
>The red letters of an exit sign will shave off some minutes of leaving through the front, and to Twilight's Playset castleâ„¢ Only $27.00 at your local stores.
>The moon is already out, and you can see scant few houses with lights still on.
>Of all the times to need a watch, or at least a cell phone with the time on it...
>Another inconvenience of living in Equestria, and their lack of advanced tech.
>As you begin a light jog, you don't notice any clouds with rainbow tails poking out.
>Dash must have went home, after being chased off.
"Eh. She'll love me after I give her these shades."
>A cool breeze flows against your face accompanied by the rustling of dead leaves, as you continue on towards the looming crystal castle easily seen from where you are.
>How can one princess live in such a huge thing with only an effeminate boy dragon?
>Well the answer is quite simple when you think about it.
>Just purchase The official Twilight Sparkle action figureâ„¢, and all her friends! Buy Rainbow Dashâ„¢ with projectile plastic lightning bolts for when she needs to take down the likes of Discordâ„¢, or the conniving Trixie Lulamoonâ„¢!
Could you imagine if this was a legitimate greentext story seliing toys to you?
>But getting back on track, the time zips on your route to Twilight's place.
>You can see a few illuminated lights. They must still be up! It's your lucky day!
>You take a few steps up the expansive walkway, and rap your knuckles against the door a couple times.
>Twilight is gonna question this desire for information at this time of night of course, so you have to wonder if it'd be a good idea to tell her what's going on.
>Again, is this such a bad thing?
>Yeah. It definitely is.
>She's blackmailing you into sex.
>It's a little hard to perform at optimal efficiency when there's a blade to your jugular.
>Plus, what if you tell her the truth, and she decides to cut out the middle pony, and haul you off to the dungeons herself? What if she HAS dungeons herself?!
"Yeah. Let's not tell Twiley."
>The door slowly opens with a booming creak.
>Castle must be emptier than you thought.
>A drowsy purple, dragon wipes his green eyes, before looking up at you.
>"Mnnh..Anon? What are you doing here so late?"
"Hey kid. Twilight awake?"
>He groggily nods, and backs away from the door, allowing you in.
>A yawn comes out of his little mouth, as you close the doors behind you.
"Did I wake you little guy? I'm sorry if I did."
>He shakes his head as his miniature legs scuttle along the polished castle floors, leading you down the main hall.
>"It's cool. I was about to hit the sack though.."
"That's uh..What's new with you, and Rarity?"
>He looks at you over his shoulder with a smile.
>"Weeeeeell....She touched me here, here, and here!"
>He perks up suddenly, pointing to various parts on his arms.
>"I think it's safe to say we're going steady."
>You chuckle, rolling your eyes.
>A one-sided conversation about him, and Rarity starts up, as you make various turns on your way to Twilight's room, down random hallways.
>Getting out is gonna be a bitch later.
>Or you can just thug it out. Break a fucking window, and jump through it.
>You finally come to a halt outside a large set of doors, with Sparkle's tramp stamp plastered over it.
>His little dragon knuckles pat against the thick doors, barely making a sound.
>The doors glow purple, and open with the same loud creak.
>"Who is it this late at night Spike?"
>You hear clopping steps come closer to the door, until the full visage of the purple princess of platonic relationships pokes through.
>Say that five times fast.
>"Anonymous! What an hour to be coming by!"
>Spike yawns again.
>"Good. Then I'm going to bed."
"Sure kid. I need to talk to Twi alone anyway. good night."
>He stretches plodding off back down the hall until he hits a corner.
>"Anonymous! Come on in! What can I do for you?"
>Getting invited into a Princesses room. Rawr.
>You slip in, and shut the door behind you, taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry to be here so late at night, but I need your help."
>She trots over to a desk filled with stacks of reading material, and parks herself in front of it.
>"Anything for a friend. What do you need help with?"
>You rub your arm, biting your bottom lip.
"I was...uh..I was wondering if you had any books on a specific subject.."
>She wheels around with newfound enthusiasm.
>"You need books on what?! Tell me! Tell me! I'd love to help you engross yourself in the wonderful world of literature!"
>She flies over to your face, touching noses with you.
"W-whoa. Calm down there Twilight!"
>You place a hand on her withers, and lower her to the ground.
"It's..oh boy. It's a pretty racy topic though."
>She waves a hoof at you.
>"Oh pshshaw. Nothing's too racy if it's in a book!"
>She's gonna regret saying that. Just like you're going to.
>You twiddle your thumbs, as Twilight stares at you.
>"Anon is something wrong?"
>You rub the back of your head.
"Uh...I need a book on BDSM..."
>Her eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, and blink a few times.
>"I'm sorry..? What did you say?"
>Oh shit. Maybe this was a terrible idea in hindsight.
>She gulps loudly, and begins to back away.
>"Wh-why would you figure I'd have books on something like th-that? Do you know what you're asking me?!?"
>You turn red in shame.
>"I'm a princess Anonymous! You can't just...just stroll into my home like this, and ask me for something s-so bad! Oh Celestia!"
>Your head goes down to the ground, looking to the floor ashamed of what you came here to get, while Twilight paces the room lecturing you.
>Jail is seeming too good for scum like yo-
"Wait a--"
>There's something on the ground by your shoe.
>"I don't ingratiate myself in such activities of ill repute Anon! I'm an untainted virgin of friendship, a-and I'd ask you to k-keep it that-"
"This is an ass plug."
>"And furthermore I--"
>She freezes, and looks to you with the same big eyes from earlier.
>You pick it up, and look it over like your last name is Phelps.
"This is a butt plug Twilight. Why is there a butt plug in your room?"
>She snatches it from your hands with her magic, and hides behind her back.
>"I-it's not a Plug! I-it's probably o-one of Spike's toys.."
"Are you kidding me? All that good shit you were talking, and I was right to come to you! You're a freak! You're a little horny purple freak!"
>She closes her eyes, and sits down plugging her ears with her hooves.
>"Stop it Anon! Okay! I'm into kink alright?! I'm sorry for lying!"
>You cross your arms with a look of disappointment.
"I get you're a princess and all Twiley, and I know you guys get lonely too, but that's no reason to lie about it. I'm not judging anyone for what they do."
"Except if you're into diapers. That shit isn't cool. I'm judging for that."
>She sighs, and frowns.
"Well now that we got all this out of the way, do you have any material on that "thing" I just asked about?"
>She looks off to the side rubbing her leg with a hoof.
>"Uhm..I lost them all after my last home got destroyed.."
>Twilight blushes, sliding her hooves along the ground.
"Wait! Do you think Celestia has anything on it? An old bag like her must have like the original tomes on that shit."
>"Anon! Don't call teacher an old bag! And I can't ask her for such a thing! It's embarrassing!"
"Dammit. I need something.."
>You bite your thumb, and pace the floor.
>"Why though? Why come to me out of nowhere, looking for this type of thing?"
>And there it is. The question you dreaded answering.
"It's for a--"
>Quick. Think!
"It's for a personal thing! I decided that I'd dedicate myself to learning one new thing a week! That's all! J-just trying to better myself!"
>She tilts her head.
>"Are you sure?"
>She starts to circle you, inspecting your body.
>"Why are you so nervous?"
"D-dah I-"
>"And why are you so sweaty?"
"Twi-I-I-I-I-I have no ide-"
>"And why are your pants so tight,and why are your teats poking through your shirt, and why do you---!"
>Twilight suddenly stops, as if realizing something, before giving you a shit-eating grin.
"No! NO! Wait! It's not what you think!"
>Twilight puts her forelegs on her hips still giving you the same smug smile.
"This is a big misunderstanding! You better listen to me Twilight!"
>She pokes your muffintop with her hoof.
>"You're into it also, aren't you Anon?"
>You're sweating more than a black man about to be read paternity results on Maury.
>But, this is a much better way out than saying "I was jacking off to a pony while she was mastaurbating from behind a door".
>You lower your head again.
"Y-you got me. I'm a pervert."
>"Aww. You're not a pervert Anon. You're curious is all!"
>A hoof touches your chin, lifting your head up.
>Twilight hovers at face height with you.
>"I think I can help you with this curiosity.."
"No, it's not that Twilight, I-I just need some tips on-"
>"Ssshh. It's okay Anon! I think I'm starting to understand why you're here now!"
"You do?"
>She puts a hoof on your lips, and grins.
>"You discovered my secret, and now you want to have a steamy, forbidden, master, and slave relationship with me! Just like in my novels!"
"Novels? You have--wait. That's not important. I think you're getting the wrong idea here! I don't-"
>Twilight wafts backwards to her bed, laying on her back spread eagle, with a coy look in her eyes.
>"You don't what..?"
"Oh. Wow. I didn't think I'd see this much vagina in the span of one day."
>Twilight covers her red face with her hooves.
>"Don't call it that out loud! I'm trying to be sexy!"
"But, why?"
>She peeks out at you.
>"Y-you said you wanted tips..?"
"Yes. Tips. This looks like it'll just lead to full blown sex."
>"Oh Celestia..! Try the third drawer by the window."
>You cock an eye at the dresser located near the window.
>Are you really about to do this?
>Didn't you just want to know how to satisfy Vinyl? This is turning out to be like some goofy dialogue smut movie.
>You move to the drawer, and open it up without thinking, and gasp at all of Twilight's "research material"
>Your hand pulls out a leather whip with several thin straps attached to it.
"What the hell is this Twilight....?"
>You double-take to her laying on her stomach.
>"O-our first lesson. Giving discipline, and rewards..?"
>She channels Fluttershy and hides her face., giving you free reign to dole out some fiery hot discipline if you so choose.
>You mouth opens and closes a few times like a fish out of water.
"I don't know what--Oh levels of muh right now."
>You grip the tool unsure of what to do next.
>Senior Huevos has some ideas though.
>You look at Twilight, and the whip, and close in on her, lifting it up.
>You comply immediately, just a few moments from bringing the leather down onto her purple backside.
>"You can't use that on me yet!"
"I-I'm sorry! I don't know any better!"
>You clutch the item close, with big nervous eyes.
>Twilight gives you an uneasy smile.
>"It's f-fine. You're learning! If you want to make this sort of thing w-work, you have to decide what roles you'll take. Depending on your personality, and your personal preferences! Like for instance if the idea of mild pain excites you or whether you're attracted to the idea of being submissive to another pony or if you-"
>Didn't think this would turn into a lecture.
>You suppress a yawn, as Twilight goes on, and on about Submissive, and Dominant roles in a relationship.
>You sit down on the floor. She's taken out research notes, and a dry erase board.
"Jesus christ. What did I get myself into..?"
>"And if you'll look at example Q, the "master" demands absolute obedience, and the "sub" is obligated to trust the master with their well-being, and any matter involving-"
>Senior Huevos is not pleased.
>Your freedom is at stake, and here you are listening to Twilight blather on about stuff you don't even need to know!
>"-use of a safety word. Such a s crabapple! Or banana! Isn't this neat to learn about?"
"Twilight I just need to know--"
>"Though, in some cases, a much shorter word is more acceptable, when a pony can call it out quickly! Things can get intense, and sometimes through moans you cannot say lengthy-"
>She scrunches her face up, recoiling from your outburst.
"I didn't come here for night school! I just need the fucking basics! Please!"
>Twilight shivers in response, her eyes tearing up.
>Well shit. You just made a princess cry! Way to go you colossal piece of shit,
>"I-I'm sorry master...I'm sorry! I deserve to be punished for overstepping my boundaries.."
"Huh? M-master?"
>A small puddle under Twilight begins to form.
>Really hoping that's not piss.
>"This is your f-first lesson Master Anonymous-"
>And Senior Huevos is back!
>But you're as clueless as to where to go from here. It's like playing Dark Souls without a walkthrough.
>You scratch your head, noticing you're still carrying the whip.
"So for all sakes, and purposes for this exercise, I'm assuming the role of the master. Right?"
>Twilight nods slowly with a bit lower lip.
>You remember what you did with Vinyl not too long ago.
"Uh...Get on the bed!"
>"Yes sir!"
>She hurriedly trots to her giant plush bed, and lays on her stomach spread out.
"Oh! That's kinda cool!"
>You grin, and think of what next.
"That;s right!"
>Twilight looks away, awaiting what dastardly punishment you have for her.
>She zips into the air, hugging her chandelier.
>"What the hay was that?!?!?!"
>The stand there confused.
"W-was I not supposed to do this?"
>"You shoved your finger into my butt you psycho!"
"Well it IS a punishment, isn't it?"
>She groans, and rolls her eyes floating back down to her bed.
>"You're not supposed to "punish" them in a way that hurts them Anon!"
"Then how am I supposed to do this?"
>"Well if you refer back to example 9K-"
>Not this again!
"Twilight! I just want the fucking basics!"
>The throw your arms up, and bring them down to your sides.
>You gasp, and look at Twilight's red lash across her cutiemark, and the whip in your hand.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Twilight! I didn't mean to hit y-"
>"-Do it again..p-punish me some more ma-master.."
>You were supposed to do that?
>Looking at Twilight's swelling cutie mark, and trickling genitalia-
>You begin to experience a loss of breath, and increase in tension.
>Your hand shakes uncontrollably, but you're not afraid.
"Twilight...I..don't feel...I feel odd.."
>Your lower half is numb, and rigid all at the same time.
>Your stomach tingles, and circulates through your entire body all the way into your lower intestines.
>She looks back at you with flushed cheeks, breathing hard as well.
>"Ar-are you okay Anon? D-do we need need to s-stop?"
"I feel like I'm going to throw a good way.."
>It's true.
>Its like you have to vomit, but if you do it'll feel amazing. Your body just wants to release anything from itself right now.
>Be it blood, or urine-
>Twilight repositions herself so she's facing you, a look of concern painted on her face.
>"Hey..Come sit down. Let me take a look at you."
>What's happening to you?
>The sight of Twilight's--the welt--
>Her thick musky scent..
>Is this what BDSM is?
>You flop down next to her, and fall back onto the bed staring up at the ceiling?
>"Was it too i-intense for you?"
"I don't know Twi...I just feel weird right weird."
>She places her ear to your chest.
>"Your heart rate is unbelievable right now! It's like a train engine on max speed."
"I feel like I drank too much coffee."
>She sighs, and smiles up at you.
>"Can I ask you something?"
>"Are you a virgin?"
>You cough a few times, and sit up.
"What?! No!"
>"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend! I just figured that if this was your first time, your senses may have overloaded! That's all!"
>You frown.
"I'm not a virgin. I'm just new to all of this stuff is all-"
>Your breathing starts to calm down, which is good.
>"I see. So just a little bit of whipping sets you off?"
>You blush.
"It's not that..It's just all the things laid before just kinda.."
>"Sensory overload. It's understandable!"
>You grumble.
"My senses weren't overloaded. I was just overwhelmed."
>"That's kinda the same thing."
"It's not."
>"It kinda is."
>Okay now she's being irritating again.
>"I believe what you were experiencing was a mild symptom of what is known as la petite mort, or "the little death". You became so aroused by the surrounding events you were about to faint."
"I wasn't going to faint."
>"Not yet you weren't! Luckily we were able to calm you down in time. Perhaps I can call over the doctor to take a look at you.."
"Twilight! You're seriously starting to piss me off. I'm fine. I wasn't going to faint! My senses weren't overloaded. I was just a little excited more than usual okay?!"
>She curls her mouth, and cocks her eyes.
>"Well I'm sorry you feel that way, but facts are facts Anon. I think we should stop for the night. Maybe until you can better handle such stimulation in the future-"
"Mother--I came here for information! You roped me into this! All night! All of you ponies talking down to me! Treating me like a fucking kid! I've had it!"
>Twilight puts a hoof on your lap.
>"Anon, calm down! I don't want you to get over-excited, and pass out or--"
>That's it.
>Once in every man's life he faces an opponent that makes him question himself. His way of life. A battle that either awakens his inner alpha or strengthens his outer beta.
>You rise to your feet, whip still clenched tightly in your hand.
"Stop talking down to me!"
>Her eyes widen as you bring it down onto her cutie mark. This time with intent.
>"HAH! A-Anon!"
"I'm not a baby for you to coddle!"
>"MNH! Y-Yes!"
"I'm not a little kid for you to dote over either! I'm a grown ass man!"
>Vivid red welts begin to form over her stars, as her legs flinch from each blow.
>The thick musk has returned, and a dark spot begins to form under her.
>"I-I'm sorry master! I'll never speak out of turn again! Please forgive me!"
>Twilight howls, and moans under your barrage of punishing blows, her eyes rolling back further, and further into her skull.
>You hand rises as high as it can go, and sits there.
"...What am I doing..?"
>The rage subsides, and all your left with is a immense feeling of regret.
>Twilight lays there panting, wincing, and whimpering in pain.
"Oh my god. Twilight! Are you okay?"
>You kneel on her bed, cradling her in your arms.
"Twilight! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I just kinda...zonked out there."
>She continues to pant, slowly blinking off into the distance.
>"Anon..I can't..."
"Can't what Twilight?! Can't move?!"
>If you broke her legs or something with what you did, you're even more fucked than with what Vinyl plans to do to you.
>So now you might get executed instead of locked up.
>Fucking perfect.
>"I can't hold back any...I can't hold back any longer..I need more punishment.."
>Your zipper feels as if it's being pulled down by someone's hand, as Twilight's eyes take on a solid purple, hazy state.
"Like I broke you.."
>Or maybe you just put the final nail into the coffin. Holding back all this desire by herself for god knows how long, until some stupid human male woke up her lust like a baking soda vinegar mixture.
>That feeling from before returns. Your crotch becomes numb, and tense all at once.
>"Please master Anonymous..please punish Twilight some more..!"
>You're hyperventilating. Your vision gets hazy as Twilight's magic parts your underwear, rooting for her desired prize.
"Twilight, Stop..Wait, I don't think we sh-should do this..I just want to know more about this, not a-actually do it.."
>Her pungent aroma is so intoxicating. It's making you dizzy.
>"You need to learn this Anon..You gave me discipline, n-now give me my reward..please?"
>You shut your eyes, and struggle through the sudden drowsiness.
>Your grab a handful of covers, as saliva mixes with the sweat of your midsection.
>Twilight howls, and moans under your barrage of punishing blows, her eyes rolling back further, and further into her skull.
>You hand rises as high as it can go, and sits there.
"...What am I doing..?"
>The rage subsides, and all your left with is a immense feeling of regret.
>Twilight lays there panting, wincing, and whimpering in pain.
"Oh my god. Twilight! Are you okay?"
>You kneel on her bed, cradling her in your arms.
"Twilight! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I just kinda...zonked out there."
>She continues to pant, slowly blinking off into the distance.
>"Anon..I can't..."
"Can't what Twilight?! Can't move?!"
>If you broke her legs or something with what you did, you're even more fucked than with what Vinyl plans to do to you.
>So now you might get executed instead of locked up.
>Fucking perfect.
>"I can't hold back any...I can't hold back any longer..I need more punishment.."
>Your zipper feels as if it's being pulled down by someone's hand, as Twilight's eyes take on a solid purple, hazy state.
"Like I broke you.."
>Or maybe you just put the final nail into the coffin. Holding back all this desire by herself for god knows how long, until some stupid human male woke up her lust like a baking soda vinegar mixture.
>That feeling from before returns. Your crotch becomes numb, and tense all at once.
>"Please master Anonymous..please punish Twilight some more..!"
>You're hyperventilating. Your vision gets hazy as Twilight's magic parts your underwear, rooting for her desired prize.
"Twilight, Stop..Wait, I don't think we sh-should do this..I just want to know more about this, not a-actually do it.."
>Her pungent aroma is so intoxicating. It's making you dizzy.
>"You need to learn this Anon..You gave me discipline, n-now give me my reward..please?"
>You shut your eyes, and struggle through the sudden drowsiness.
>You grab a handful of covers, as saliva mixes with the sweat of your midsection.
>You feel intense warmth cover your mid-waist as if absorbing your everything.
"Oh god..Twi..That feels amazing.."
>You rest a hand on her piston like head, taking a handful of her mane, and assisting with her head motions.
>It feels like your soul is charging up to blast into her mouth.
"Twilight..Oh my god..I'm, about to lose it."
>A slurping wet pop echoes through through the room.
>"Is Twilight doing good master?"
"Twilight is doing very g-good?"
>She resumes her suckling of your slitted teat, nearly lifting you off the bed with her head work.
>Your buttocks clench, as force begins to bubble up in your loins.
>Your thigh muscles tighten, and both hands grab tufts of two-tone man in a bestial orgasmic frenzy.
"Jesus Twilight! I can't hold it back! I can't--!"
>She removes her moist tastebuds from around your manhood, choosing to coax her reward from you with a hoof.
>"Please master! Give Twilight her gift for being a good pony! Fill up my mouth!"
>You grit your teeth, and arch your back, as everything stored within comes rushing forth like the bursting of damn walls.
>"Oh C-celsetia! Th-there's so much!"
>You can hear Twilight gurgling, trying to down as much of your milk as she can.
"Take it all Twilight, and don't you dare spill a dr-drop!"
>You shove her down onto your crotch, feeling her throat expand, and contract in defiance.
>Tears begin to flow from her eyes, and snot out her nose.
>She pats your leg repeatedly.
>"Anon--! Anon--!"
>You grin in dominance.
>"Anon. ANON! Helloooo? Equestria to Anon!"
>What? Wait--WAIT-
>Twilight shakes your shoulder.
"Twilight? What's going on?"
>You're sitting on the floor crossed legged, with the whip in your hand, and a distinctly dry crotch.
>"I was going over examples 112 through 727, and you kind of just,,zoned out there! Are you okay?"
>So all that-
>And Twilight sucking your-
>You sit there with a dropped jaw.
>You put your face into your hands and groan in frustration.
>It's okay though. Twilight is boring as all shit, and it's rather impressive she made sex so lame.
>"How about we call it the night? It's obvious we're both tired, and won't be able to scrape any enjoyment from this."
"Yeah. You're probably right. It's been a heinous few hours, and I'm feeling wiped."
>She places a hoof on your shoulder.
>"Heinous few hours? Is something happening?"
>You look into her caring shiny purple eyes.
>You'd love to tell her. Especially now that she's been so open with you, but in truth she's just under the wrong impression, and you did commit a crime. Even if Vinyl is holding you by the balls for it.
"It's nothing. Just some personal things on my mind."
>She places both on your shoulder, sliding into your lap.
>"We're partners in crime now Anon. You can tell me anything! You know that right?"
>That makes you feel a little better, but not much.
"I know. Thanks."
>The Princess of friendship allows you to rise to your feet with a confident smile.
>"So I'll come by tomorrow, and we can compare notes, and maybe discuss ideas we can try out with one another! Oh this is so exciting!"
"Yeah yeah. I'm thrilled."
>"I know! So am I!"
>A dark blue book is levitated from underneath her, bed, and placed into your hands.
"Uh...what's this?"
>"It's a book written by Princess Lu--er.."Moonpoon"."
"Moon what?"
>The title reads "The joys of Subs and Doms: A guide to getting your stable stuffed, and feedbag fuc-"
"What the hell is this?! I thought you didn't have any books on this?!"
>Twilight turns pink in the cheeks.
>"Well....I may have fibbed a tiny bit.."
"Remind me to pay you back for this later."
>You bonk her lightly on the head with the book, and head to her window.
>"Uh..What are you doing Anon? The door's behind you."
"And get lost in this cashgrab of a castle? You wish."
>You start to climb out without looking to see how high you are.
>Whatever. Like theirs death in Equestria, right?
>"Anon wait!"
"Have a nice night!"
>You try to descend the SMOOTH, CRYSTAL castle with no footholds.
>Nice job dumbass.
>Also there is in fact death in Equestria.
>Sombra. Tank.
"Oh shit. You're right."
>Nice epiphany to have, as you're plummeting towards the earth.
>You hit some well placed bushes, somehow avoiding the jagged spires at the base of the castle, because how stupid would it be for you to die now?
>Nah, you totally saw the shrubs there.
>"Anon! Are you okay?!?"
>Twilight's head pokes out the window. It's too dark to see what face she's making but it's an easy guess.
"I'm fine!...ow."
>"And the book?"
"It's intact."
>You hear a feminine sigh.
>She seems more relieved the damn moonpoon BDSM manual isn't fucking torn. Ain't that a bitch.
>"Goodnight then! I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Uh huh. Tomorrow."
>You get up, and dust yourself off, still not aware of what you just did, and make your way home, eyeing the book Twilight lent you.
"Who the hell is "Moonpoon"? What type of pen name is that?"
>Not to mention the silhouette on the cover.
>Could've sworn you seen it somewhere before...
>The sounds of crickets chirping, and frogs croaking helps ease some of the anxiety along the way.
>Tomorrow feels like it could be the last day of your life. If she tries to turn you in, there's no way you can let her just "go". You know?
>You don't want to hurt any ponies. especially one you love for their talent.
>Casa del Anon comes into view, a shining beacon in this miserable dark after some odd minutes of you muttering to yourself, and be it ever so humble baby.
>Before heading inside, you see you have some mail to collect.
>Should've done that before you left for the concert with Dash.
>She's gonna be so mad tomorrow, when she shows up.
>...What are you forgetting?
>You shrug, and stack the mail on the Moonpoon book, and head inside, slamming the door behind you.
>You flip on a lamp, and sit on your throne of throne.
>Well..second best throne.
>You toss the envelopes over your shoulder.
"Cats, and birds to loving home"
>Cat bird.
>Fucks sake. GET A CLUE.
"OH DAMN! Gilda is coming by tomorrow!"
>And Twilight.
>And Vinyl, and probably Rainbow Dash as well.
>You drop the book and letters suddenly realizing you accepted invitations from all of them to come to your home.
>Though to be fair Gilda was going to come first.
>Booty call..come first.
>hurr hurr hurr hurr.
>You slump in your seat, and place a hand against you head.
"How could I be so fucking stupid? What was I thinking?"
>You're so exhausted right now, and all you want to do is read, and go to sleep.
>Just a couple chapters, and then bed time.
>You crack open the book, immediately getting assaulted with glittery blue dust.
>Grogginess begins to overtake you, and sleep comes quickly.
"Oooh. Magic booooooooooooooooooooooo-"
>At least you got the rest you wanted.
"I suppose this is when the dream sequence starts? Like I haven't been through enough shit?"
>It's just a solid white room.
>Nothing is happening.
>Your voice echos for what seems like miles.
>The sound of a voice clearing comes from behind you, making you flinch.
>As you whip around a mysterious moustached pony looks at you with a stern gaze.
>Who is this pony?
>"Hello reader! If you are seeing this than you've purchased our book! Welcome!"
>Oh, it must be like an automated message.
>"You're having problems with your lover in the bedroom, and now seek the mighty Moonpoon's aide in spicing things up. Don't worry friend! Lunaaaaaahhhh uh, Moonpoon will show you the way!"
"This is highly stupid."
>A collar appears around your neck out of thin air.
"Whoa! Wait! What is this??!"
>"For the duration of this dream, you'll be my submissive partner, and us your master! Now get on all fours, and prostrate before us as we shove things up yonder hole!"
>Your anus clenches. You're not beta enough to let her jam stuff up your exit only exit only.
"Hey! This isn't what I need! I just need to know more about what this all entails!"
>Moonpoon's moustache wiggles.
>"One of us has to wear that collar, and be shafted! It's not going to be us!"
"You can understand me?!"
>The way Moonpoon was speaking it was as if it was some automatic effigy.
>Moonpoon begins to sweat.
>You begin to circle moonpoon, looking the pony over.
"You look awfully familiar..That way of speaking, and the way you're acting now..Level with me "moonpoon". This isn't a help book. this is a way for you to get your little rocks off, by invading people's dreams isn't it? That's why Twilight was so..tame! She had you in her dreams breaking her in!"
>"Uh..Erm...Moonpoon can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message after the beep....beeep."
>You materialize a table in this dreamzone, and flip it over.
>Moonpoon shields itself from your table flipping onslaught, and looks as if it's ready to bolt.
>Two massive wings spread out, and with one flap send wind gushing all over the place.
"You're not leaving right now! I'm gonna get some answers! I can't learn to be some sub for a beefy bull in the pen!"
>You leap into the air, and grab Moonpoon's whole body in your arms, and fall back to the nonexistant ground.
>Release us! Your dream is too annoying!"
>The acclaimed author kicks around under your grip.
>Something seemed off when the dust hit you, and you're tired of being the sap of today, as you seem to uncover more, and more of this BDSM ring that ponyville is seemingly hiding in the shadows.
>Actually you're more concerned about not knowing what to do after saying all that good shit, as well as juggle four potential visitors tomorrow.
>Why you get excited about this like anyone else?"
>"Get off!"
"No! I need your help!"
>"Then put on the collar!"
"No! Not that kind of help."
>You wrestle around for a good twelve minutes, each one trying to get the upperhand until a black curled item flies off to the side in the heat of combat.
"What the hell is that?"
>You pin Moonpoon down, and glance over at the black rag.
"Is that your moustache? It isn't real?"
>"No! Do not look at us!"
>Moonpoon turns away from you.
"You're..You're not a dapper gentleman at all! You're not even a man!"
>Moonpoon slowly turns her head to you.
"You're Princess Luna!"
>I'm liking that sound. Can we get a BWOOOONG also?
>The princess looks away saddened.
>"And we thought our disguise unparalleled.."
>Yeah sure. Maybe to anyone who rides short yellow buses.
"It was! I didn't know who you were at all!"
>Case in point.
>You let her up, facing her.
>"So you understand our plan."
"Drugging ponies, and proceeding to have dream intercourse with them? Yeah. Pretty much."
>"We didn't mean to hurt anypony! We just have needs that need to be fulfilled! Surely you understand! We have stood by as you enjoy your dreams of suckling the teats of Mrs. Cake while she bakes Éclairs in her rect-"
"OKAY. SSSH. I understand you!"
>Luna smiles.
>"We thank thee Anonymous."
by grapenut