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/flaremare/ My Little Futa: Mr. Non's Magic Hands

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-09-05 03:07:33
Updated: 2022-10-19 06:57:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Oh... oh no! It's coming again! Again!"
  2. >One hand is tugging away at the purple mare's teat
  3. >The other is squeezing and combating the ferocious winking of her clit
  5. >With the speed of sheer reflex, you jerk your hand free while giving her nipple one last rough pull and focus on the towering marecock that is threatening to explode
  6. >You wring the length out, just below the flare that has expanded to at least twice as wide as your palm
  7. >These ponies sure are something else
  8. >The futanari mare lets out a choked scream as her body erupts
  9. >You hold the near magma-hot length at just the right angle that her scream is strangled out by her first blast of cum
  10. >You manage a smirk at how, in the span of a second, she went from shock, to some form of disdain, to some shameless zen of satisfaction
  11. >Most of them tend to enjoy that
  12. >You stiffen the hand against her female sex and violently twitch it against her, both simulating a mate ejaculating into her, and to further torture her grape-sized clit
  13. >The overstimulation leads to a gargling yelp that becomes quieter with every new volley that she sprays onto herself
  14. >You only relax your hands when the mare goes completely limp
  15. >While it isn't an official marketing point, you do like to sell the experience that they're satisfied completely
  16. >Sometimes that includes some overstimulation that leads to what you call "dead pony syndrome"
  17. >It's a good thing that you work in a basement environment
  18. >Without much concern, you let go of the mare and let her stew in her aftermath
  19. >Though it started as a masseuse table, you slapped on a thin mattress for extra comfort
  20. >It is, thankfully, waterproof so it'll just need to be wiped down
  21. >Given the puddle you step in as soon as you step away, you'll have to do some extra cleaning to make sure everything is picked up
  22. >But that can wait
  23. >You wash your hands in a basin and look in the full-width mirror
  24. >You look so completely
  25. >Absolutely
  26. >Painfully
  27. >Bored out of your skull
  28. >How did you end up as Ponyville's number one mare pacifier?
  29. >It started as you joking around when you were new about how your only real marketable skill was petting
  30. >That led to you offering services as a massage therapist
  31. >What were you a therapist for?
  32. >Who knew, ponies live the happiest of lives
  33. >But the petting worked
  34. >And you liked it
  35. >You liked it a lot
  36. >But now...
  37. >Your relatively new office almost always smells like sex
  38. >Sex and cider from upstairs
  39. >You begin cleaning the mare while she's still out like a light
  40. >Despite the semen clinging to her fur and orange mane, you can get it out
  41. >Despite her tongue lolling out from the side of her face and her eyes having rolled up in the back of her head so far she could be clinically dead... she looks cute
  42. >A lot of them do
  43. >But...
  45. "Alright. How're we feeling?"
  46. >Despite the twitching her body has from your grooming and cleaning, by the end of it everything from hoof to hair is spotless
  47. >Except for the marecum in her mouth
  48. >You don't go that far
  49. >"Sweet baby carrots and potatoes..."
  50. >The pony's ears randomly flap while her eyes struggle to focus
  51. >After too long of even roll over to sit up, she just lets her body go slack
  52. >"T-the girls weren't kidding about you."
  53. "Trust me, it makes me smile to know that I'm helping out so much. You seemed so backed up, it's a wonder you didn't explode at the door."
  54. >You keep a calm, smooth, professional voice
  55. >Even if it's a mask, you keep a nice smile and tone from the second they pop up at the door to the time it takes for them to leave
  56. >You sometimes do appointments but given the emergencies some mares have, your policy is more open-door
  57. >"I feel so light, I bet I could out-fly a Wonderbolt!"
  58. "Given you lack wings, that would be a beautiful sight. Just keep an eye on where you point that rudder, right?"
  59. >The mare giggles with a hint of hysteria
  60. >After another few attempts, she manages to sit up
  61. >"Whew... I'm beat. What was I even in here for?"
  62. "Something to do with a wagon?"
  63. >Rather than change mood, the mare's tongue goes over her mouth and swallows
  64. >"Oh yeah... my pa's wagon broke down... well, I said it would take a few days to come and go. He'll be fine."
  65. >The mare jumps down from the table
  66. >Just to botch the landing
  67. >She lands on her side
  68. >Between her swollen teats and testicles, you hear a pair of ᵖˡᵃᵖˢ
  69. >You try your best to maintain a smile as she gets up, legs visibly trembling
  70. >You open the door for her and step to the side
  71. >You really are hungry, now that you think about it
  72. >You could go for a pizza
  73. >Or a burger
  74. >Or anything that has weight to it
  75. >"I-I'll be back, don't you worry none!"
  76. "I'll look forward to it. My door will always be open to you."
  77. >You remain still as a statue while she walks out
  78. >You can hear how uneven her steps are, especially when she tries to ascend the flight of well-settled wood stairs
  79. >Only after a minute do you close the door
  80. >You've learned to only drop the façade when you know for a fact that they won't get a second wind and rush back in for another round
  81. >It happens
  82. "Ah... crap."
  83. >Able to decompress, you sigh and let your shoulders sink down
  84. "She was so cute too..."
  85. >You open up all of the vents you have, which are usually hidden by tasteful art of greenery and trees
  86. >For some reason sights like the ocean or mountains don't seem to do so well to most
  87. >Flicking on the ceiling fan already makes you feel better
  88. >It means that within a few hours, things will smell less dire
  89. >Only now do you grab the collection bowl near the door to check
  90. >That mare...
  91. >She paid at least four times your asking donation price
  92. >Was she supposed to?
  93. "Well, I certainly do appreciate the patronage..."
  94. >You pocket it
  95. >On purpose, by accident, as hush money or immense gratitude you can spend it all the same
  97. "Alright, rev up that oven. I could use an early dinner. And while you're at it, please tell me we have something on tap that's drinkable?"
  98. >The request comes out as a whine
  99. >Above your parlor is a...
  100. >Well
  101. >It isn't failing
  102. >But it certainly isn't successful
  103. >Every time you stop by, you're one of maybe a whopping half dozen customers
  104. >The reputation around the place as being the obvious front to your services certainly don't help
  105. >At least the place is a hit with old couples that just want a date night
  106. >The barmaid, a light blue mare with a short and fluffy pink mane grins
  107. >"She gonna be alive in the morning? I think you drained her by three sizes."
  108. "Oh shove off and get me something good to eat. I'm a paying customer."
  109. >With a teasing wink, she gets to work
  110. >Frozen Peetzer-brand pizza is on the menu and you're hungry enough where you consider it high cuisine
  111. >Made with REAL cheese
  112. >The face of a gleeful winking mare makes you wonder about that cheese
  113. >You set up a small stack of bits
  114. >Only half of what were paid
  115. >But she knows it's more than your usual
  116. >The first two visits a month tend to pay your "rent"
  117. >Even if she's often the first two visitors
  118. >"So what's on tap for this month is ma-woah!? Did you rob her too?"
  119. >Barmaid's face is one of absolute shock
  120. >You will admit, you enjoy how animated she is
  121. >It can really be hit or miss for customers
  122. >You get the odd feeling that it is more of a miss, given the atmosphere of the bar is supposed to be quiet and homey
  123. "I'd appreciate you hinting at that... and no. So, can that cover next month's rent and get me a bigger mug?"
  124. >Eyes sparkling with just enough salivating to make you question her mental state, she swipes up the stack faster than you can see
  125. >"Yeah... yeah this'll cover it."
  126. >Her face melts into the most sleazy grin
  127. >"But I'll still need my visits."
  128. "Low Breeze, look at me."
  129. >So that's her name
  130. >You usually call her something vaguely insulting, like Low Sleaze
  131. >But you remember the most unusual things when you're in your professional mode
  132. >Her front hooves rest on the bar
  133. >You lean forward, just enough that your voice can only be heard by her
  134. "Next visit, you'll need to close for a week to recover."
  135. >ᵀᴴᵁᴺᴷ
  136. >The muffled whap of something causes her face to turn bright red
  137. >As slimy a mare as she is at times, she just can't seem to handle it when she's on the receiving end of lewd words
  138. >"...y-yeah?"
  139. "Yeah. But only if a pony whinnies."
  140. >Your professional face morphs into something less professional
  141. "Does it?"
  142. >The mare stares at you like you revealed the galaxy's darkest secret to her and her alone
  143. >She attempts to make a variety of confused noises
  144. >Some of them could generously be considered a whinny
  145. >With a sniff, you drop your professional face and descend once more back into an apathetic Anon
  146. >Albeit with a victory smirk
  147. "Good landlady. Now, gimme drink. And not that "blueberry-tea-leaf-lemonade" batch you tried brewing. Gave me freaking nightmares last time."
  150. >"Oh yeah... YEAH! B-buck it! O-o-o-o-oooh... y-yeah, twist it there!"
  151. >You wanted to have the day off
  152. >Alas, you are a professional
  153. >You've noticed that pegasi tend to be different from normal earth ponies and unicorns
  154. >Due to them being so aerodynamic and focused on flight, certain parts are smaller on average
  155. >It isn't empirical and objective, but you've seen it enough to believe it
  156. >While you silently contemplate this, you repeatedly open your current client's vagina with your thumb, index finger and middle finger
  157. >The squelching mixed with the forceful winking nearly echoes in the room
  158. >Your other hand is on the mare's spongy flare
  159. >With your palm against the front of her flare, you twist your hand back and forth with some strength in your fingers
  160. >It's like trying to open a flat, slimy door
  161. >"Almost there... u-uhnn... gonna... take it?! Yeah, t-take it!"
  162. >This customer is rather odd
  163. >On top of having a rainbow mane, she insisted on keeping some sort of handkerchief over her eyes
  164. >It has an apple embroidered on it
  165. >You get the feeling that she doesn't want it to be messy so you fight her thin flight stick and angle it to the side
  166. >Despite being maybe half the size of the mare from yesterday, it's surprisingly stiff
  167. >Your hand slides over the flare and grabs her from right under
  168. >Treating it like a weed in your garden-if you had a garden-you give a sharp tug
  169. >The sharp tug is enough for the blue pegasus scream
  170. >Something something with the word "sonic" in it?
  171. >You give the mare an odd look and watch her spray her first volley
  172. >She shoots it hard enough that it flies onto the floor
  173. >The second, third, fourth shots manage to hit the far corner
  174. >The sixth, seventh, and tenth spurts land on the table and her own belly, quickly soiling her coat with her shameless satisfaction
  175. >You only stop when it wilts
  176. >You'll admit, maybe you were just curious to see how much it would go
  177. >Given the pony's open jaw with tongue lolled out, you're guessing that she came herself into a coma
  178. >Even if you want to mutter that she made a mess, you know that pony hearing can be pretty good
  179. >Even in comas
  180. >Especially while in comas
  181. >Instead, you set yourself to work and begin to clean things up
  182. >A while back, you installed a few drains in the floor for this exact thing
  183. >Once you cleaned the customer, your rubber broom pushes most of the pegasus syrup down the drain
  184. >The rest that's on the wall will have to be cleaned by hand
  185. >Not only does it cost a fortune to commission rubber gloves, it just didn't make sense to be all hung up about that part of the job
  186. >It takes maybe a full hour to clean up
  187. >Yet the pegasus still seems to be sleeping
  188. >While not unusual, you want to at least go outside for a few hours
  189. "How do we feel? Relaxed and ready for the world?"
  190. >"Man... that felt... AWESOME!"
  191. >The pony goes from laying on her back to standing up
  192. >You finally see her face
  193. >She looks proud of herself
  195. >"I can't wait to go see the look on her face when I told her I was able cum so hard I was seeing stars! Let's see how she likes THEM apples!"
  196. >You have no clue what she means by any of this
  197. >But you are a man of commitment and poise
  198. "I think you were seeing more than just stars. Speaking of apples, yours seem much healthier now. Have you been trying to hold back for something?"
  199. >Said "apples" were not big at all, even by pony standards
  200. >But they still were at least three times as big when she first trotted in
  201. >Compared to now, she seemed almost pathetically desperate
  202. >Some of them are just like that
  203. >Or too proud to take care of themselves
  204. >"Uhhh, yeah dude? Ever heard of tryouts? You gotta be on edge and FULL of aggression, or else you just won't make it!"
  205. >Is that how that is?
  206. >You haven't had any true aggressive bone in your body for years now and you think you've done well for yourself
  207. >Relatively speaking
  208. "Ah, I see. That makes sense. Did it help?"
  209. >Her pride is immediately bruised
  210. >She avoids your eyes and scrunches her face up
  211. >"...I mean, maybe I was too backed up to focus..."
  212. >Suddenly going to the handkerchief and tucking it into one of her wings, she hops down onto the floor
  213. >"Anyway, I sure appreciate it! When I make it big, wanna be my personal masseuse? You'll get rich that way!"
  214. >And end up having to live in the clouds?
  215. >Screw that
  216. "I'm sorry but it's my calling to help all ponies. If I helped only you, can you imagine how many would be left unhappy?"
  217. >You speak as you go to the door
  218. >As always, you open it and stand aside
  219. >"Pah, who cares about them? They gotta be the best to get the best! Anyway, gotta make like an egg and beat it!"
  220. >With a grin and wink, she zooms off so hard she leaves a multi-colored trail behind
  221. >Can't quite say you've ever seen a pegasus take off indoors like that before
  222. >You smirk while checking the donation plate
  223. >Either these ponies can't count well or they're leaving bigger tips
  224. >Maybe this is proof that your reputation is building
  225. >You fondle the bits and...
  226. >Wait
  227. >If your reputation is building...
  228. >Does this mean that more ponies know that you're that sort of guy?
  229. >Despite the chunky sum now in your pocket, you can't help but feel bittersweet at the revelation
  230. >Do you really want that sort of permanent reputation?
  231. "Ah... oh well."
  232. >You can deal with that unhappy train of thought later
  233. >Despite the sun having set, you opt for a bath
  234. >Even if it is late, you want to take a walk
  235. >You first thought it would be important to keep regular "business hours", but after so long you've realized just how much time you've spent underground
  236. >How much time you've spent in that parlor, either reading or playing card games against yourself
  237. >Or by doing what you do
  238. >The entire situation is unappealing
  239. >Worse yet, as you're below ground there is only so much you can do to expand or remodel
  240. >At least the basement bathroom works for you
  242. >Clean, refreshed and dressed like you have someone to impress, you make your way up the stairs to the main bar
  243. >"Hey, there he is! We got a surge of visitors thanks to you, why not sit down? We got a few fa-"
  244. "Sorry, I gotta step out for a bit. Please let them know that I'll be back either late tonight or will be available in the morning. I'll make it up to them for waiting, I promise."
  245. >You don't stop for Low Breeze but you do keep your professional face and tone
  246. >You don't pay attention to who the visitors are
  247. >Some of them look familiar
  248. >With a gentleman's rush, you break for the only entry and exit point
  249. >Even when you're outside, you don't stop for at least a minute
  250. "Finally..."
  251. >You sigh once you slow down
  252. >That place feels comfortable
  253. >But gravely stifling
  254. "Maybe it's just me."
  255. >You kick at a pebble with your nice shoes
  256. >First of their kind and made so well you'd think they would fit a king
  257. "Let's be honest with yourself, Anon, you like being popular. Hell, that feels better than the pay."
  258. >Due to the wide open starscape and deep purple night sky, you can navigate the streets just fine
  259. >You aren't alone, of course
  260. >Drunk ponies and those out on dates are doing their own thing
  261. >Sometimes you see them doing their own thing and can't help but think that it should at least be done indoors
  262. >Pony society eludes you, so you just do your best to blend in
  263. "And if you wanna be completely honest, you and Sleaze..."
  264. >You're pretty sure that if you told Low Breeze that you were going to claim her, she would be happy and the marriage would be in a matter of weeks
  265. >But would you really care for that?
  266. >The bar's been your home since you came to Ponyville
  267. >Her cider recipes suck but some of them have stuck to you
  268. >Who would have thought that banana-cinnamon-maple would haunt your dreams for years?
  269. >She's not a bad cook either
  270. >The few times she actually cooks for you and doesn't just use store-brand frozen goods
  271. "That... nah... maybe not."
  272. >You wish you could just stumble into some mare and immediately hit things off and next thing you know, relationship
  273. >You blame having grown up with those corny comedic romances
  274. >Realistically, if you let yourself get too sappy you'll weird out a customer
  275. >Or what once would have been a customer
  276. >Given you're the only human with hands around, even if conversations about your parlor are hushed behind polite society they certainly are talking about you
  277. >You stop and sit on a nearby bench
  278. >You're in town but away from the most popular blocks
  279. >The night life doesn't really exist in Ponyville
  280. >Outside of the bar, which is open nearly at all hours, you can count maybe two or three places that you know of
  281. >One of those is the theater
  282. >Another is some late night snack hut
  283. >You kick out your legs and stair up at the stars
  284. "You're doing well for yourself, Anon."
  285. >A reminder you apparently need
  286. "...but what's next? Do you just keep doing this and stop thinking?"
  287. >"I know what you should do!"
  289. "Yeah? What's that?"
  290. >A cheerful mare's voice comes up
  291. >Your eyes travel from the sky down
  292. >A pink pony in a long trenchcoat is standing in front of you
  293. >She even has one of those old derby hats
  294. >"You should... SCREAM!"
  295. >She jumps up on her hind hooves and opens the trenchcoat, revealing an erect cock long enough that she could swallow a good portion of herself
  296. >Between the swinging pair she has and the flare pulsating, she would put that pegasus to absolute shame
  297. >Between your exposure to the more lewd pony behavior and your natural poker face, your eyes go from the throbbing staff to the mare's crazy grin
  298. >She looks like she's having the rush of a lifetime
  299. >Would it be ethical to rain on her parade?
  300. "...I should be scared but I can't help but think you're happy to see me."
  301. >The mare giggles and wags her hips back and forth
  302. >The weighted staff almost dances from the gyrations
  303. >"Super happy! So happy I just can't hide it!"
  304. >Could anything hide that?
  305. >"And my special party cannon will DEFINITELY make you happy too!"
  306. >If you didn't live in such a sexual world, you'd probably be more excited
  307. >You lean forward with one hand on your knee and the other on your chin
  308. >Close enough that you're an inch from the blooming end
  309. >Your eyes remain glued to hers
  310. "Hm..."
  311. >Do you remain professional?
  312. >Is this because she knows you're the magical mare massager?
  313. >You pull away and go back to your previous stance
  314. "We could both be happy. Have a seat nearby. You a fan?"
  315. >While you're taking the steam out of her flashing, you're remaining friendly enough
  316. >The mare in question stands there for a moment
  317. >She isn't frozen in place because you can see her sack rise and fall from the flexing tension
  318. >She eventually drops down to all fours and sits on the bench
  319. >But due to how she's sitting, on her butt like you, her staff ends up pointing straight up and obscuring the front of her view
  320. "Much better."
  321. >As much as your instinct is to pet her, you can't just do that
  322. >You can't help that most ponies are just soft to the touch
  323. >"...I thought you would kinda freak out. Or scream more. H-heh."
  324. >She sounds awkward but you don't mind
  325. >It'll make for an entertaining story at least
  326. "Yeah... if you've probably heard of me, you know that I see beautiful mares nearly every day. Even your gorgeous form can only keep me speechless for so long."
  327. >You don't mean to be so suave but outside of Low Sleaze, it has become your default
  328. >The flared and prepared mare giggles
  329. >She begins to box against her staff
  330. >It wobbles with each gentle hit
  331. >Most likely a tactic to stop her from shrinking
  332. >"Heehee, I bet you say that to all the mares!"
  333. "Only the best ones."
  334. >If you were anyone else, you probably wouldn't feel so natural and comfortable around the pervert
  335. "You look pent up. You been frustrated with something?"
  337. >"Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah, Rainbow Dash and me were trying to have a race and she said that getting pent up makes you run faster so I thought "hey Pinkie, you can win easy!" and so I started to avoid doing things but I found out the longer I waited the more it itched and the more it itched the bigger it grew and now it's been this big for an entire day straight and I can't show any of my friends because they'll be like "Oh dear Celestia, you've been cursed! Let's read about it in my big book of silly stuff!" and I'll be all "girls, it's fine! I just haven't popped my balloon in enough time to make me go crazy" and wouldn't you know, I feel like I am going crazy! Isn't that funny?!"
  338. >The tones and voices she slips in and out of is impressive
  339. >What's even more impressive is that the more she talks, the faster she boxes her cock
  340. >It gets to the point that it sounds like she's going at a speed bag, with it retaliating with a hard slap to the front of her snoot after the last punch
  341. "...yeah. I guess so. But it can be dangerous too, you know. Some depraved stallion could lure you in with promise of all the balloons you could pop. Next thing you know, you're tied to a chair and that rudder there is used as his springboard to dive into a pool of Pinkie water."
  342. >You presume that her name is Pinkie from her rant
  343. >She gasps at the comment
  344. >"Omigosh, you're RIGHT!"
  345. >In her gasp, she ends up swallowing her own flare
  346. >And then some
  347. >Like a wood pecker, her head darts down on itself fast enough to be a blur
  348. >To be honest, you aren't even surprised at this
  349. >You kinda wish you could just go back to stargazing
  350. >But this is ok too
  351. >It's the sort of company you ask for
  352. >Apparently
  353. >She pulls her head back and resumes her gasp, which sounds a fair bit more ragged
  354. >"That COULD happen! Good thing you wouldn't do anything like that, right?"
  355. "Probably."
  356. >You wish you could be just a bit more animated about this situation
  357. >"Your name is Anon, right? I heard one of my medium-best friends talk about you a few days ago!"
  358. >What's a medium-best friend?
  359. "Yeah, that's me."
  360. >"I knew it! I really hoped I could have surprised you, but she was right. You're a super pro!"
  361. "I appreciate it."
  362. >"She also said that while you gave her a super big happy ending, you looked a little sad."
  363. "Sad?"
  364. >You?
  365. >What do you possibly have to feel sad for?
  366. >"Yeah! She said that you looked like you were just going through the motions. She had been to you like... a million times, and that you still don't remember her!"
  367. "I... really?"
  368. >Crap
  369. >You really can't dispute that
  370. >How could you?
  371. >You don't keep a log or anything
  372. >You mentally go on auto-pilot for a lot of customers
  373. "Ah... i-if that's the case, I apologize. I suppose I..."
  374. >You can't stop this plane from crashing but you can put it into a controlled landing
  375. "Should go on a vacation soon. All work and no play, right?"
  377. >"Exactly! And since I'm all backed up and you're all backed up from being happy, I thought we could be friends! And friends help each other out all the time, especially when they're backed up!"
  378. >She gasps again
  379. >"Wait, that's it!"
  380. "What's it?"
  381. >"We can all meet up and I can re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-reintroduce you to her! It'll be amazing!"
  382. >You aren't even going to count how many "re"s that is
  383. "With your friend?"
  384. >"Medium-best friend!"
  385. "I guess that wouldn't be bad. But where? I can't really have anyone over at my parlor. It's not the most... casual place."
  386. >"That's fine, we can meet you there too!"
  387. >But you really don't want to, because you know how it'll go
  388. "I'd rather not. How about we meet up here in say..."
  389. >"Tomorrow!"
  390. "Tomorrow?"
  391. >"Tomorrow!!!"
  392. >That's a little sudden, isn't it?
  393. >But you would like to know about this mare who apparently likes you
  394. "Well... alright."
  395. >What else do you have to do?
  396. >"Yaaaaaaaay! I'm so excited, I could just-"
  397. >Pinkie lunges forward and swallows half of her staff in an instant
  398. >She begins to violently convulse in various ways, her sack spilling over the edge of the bench
  399. >She has a nice set of teats but they seem to be outshined by everything else
  400. >You watch with morbid curiosity while she facefucks herself to the point her eyes start to roll back in her head
  401. >That could also be her just pounding the everloving crap out of her throat
  402. >With a few sudden whimpers, she curls up into herself and flinches
  403. >Her ears go flat and her rolled back eyes go wide
  404. >You can actually hear the torrent of Pinkie pie filler spraying into herself
  405. >After the third round, the fourth sends a sudden spray of seed out of her nostrils
  406. >You must be going crazy because it sounds like a pair of party horns going off
  407. >Cum violently shoots out of her nose with each pump, staining not just the innocent bench but the grass below
  408. >Each pump, her face warps to a more and more obscene expression
  409. >Until it stops
  410. >Her entire body goes slack and leans forward
  411. >It leans forward enough that she rolls onto her head, falls, and lands on the saturated grass with a splat
  412. >Apparently the landing caused one last throat stroke because she uncurls with one last audible spray
  413. >It's like the sound of a bottle filling up with water and being right at max capacity
  414. >Satisfied by her own mouth, she simply lays there
  415. >At least her staff has gone soft
  416. >Not smaller
  417. >But more just some flopping, oozing water balloon that lost most of it's pressure
  418. "...I..."
  419. >Well that was certainly a sight
  420. "...alright then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
  421. >You calmly stand up and distance yourself from the scene
  422. >These freaking ponies, man
  423. >You'll never understand them
  426. >Today you have a...
  427. >Is it a date?
  428. >You aren't so sure
  429. >You dress well regardless
  430. >For the first time since you've started, you're finally taking a full day to yourself
  431. >Sleaze was just as surprised to see you waltzing out
  432. >"And he... well there he is... hey. Hey! HEY! ANON! You got a trio over here that have heard'a you!"
  433. "Nope, sorry, I'll be back soon I promise but I gotta get out."
  435. "Nope my legs are moving, bye!"
  436. >The trio in question look surprised that you're walking away
  437. >White unicorn
  438. >Orange pegasus
  439. >Yellow earth pony
  440. >...
  441. >They couldn't possibly want to be taken care of at the same time
  442. >Good thing you're already out the door
  443. >A few blocks' worth of distance away makes you feel like a new man
  444. >When was the last time you've gone out in public with the sun up?
  445. >Many ponies watch you as you go by
  446. >Of course, you're popular with the flare mares
  447. >Not many of them live in Ponyville
  448. >Many normal mares know you well
  449. >And at least two stallions that managed to trick you
  450. >As your grand pappy once told you, "They call them traps for a reason, kid. And like a dumb but tough rat, I fell for many traps but still lived."
  451. >You have no clue why he said that to you
  452. >You were just trying to get him to teach you how to play that old card game that was played on motorcycles
  453. >"Oh hey Anon! Glad to see you taking a day off!"
  454. >A passing mare greets you with a warm smile
  455. "Oh yeah, sure. Thanks."
  456. >That was nice of her
  457. >Not ten paces later, you get another mare
  458. >This one wearing an apron
  459. >Your tainted, expert eyes spot why the strings are tied around so tightly
  460. >She's excited to see you
  461. >"Woah, you read my thoughts!"
  462. "That I get a day off to see you smile? Darn right!"
  463. >"Y-yeah! That's what I meant!"
  464. "I gotta go do something important but I'll see you later?"
  465. >The stain at the top of the apron darkens
  466. >"You better believe it! I got grapefruit danishes you can't even hold with both of those big hands!"
  467. >Given the excitement on her face and in her voice, you can't help but wonder if she means something other than pastries
  468. >Outside of the unspoken fact that the local town mare molester is going out for a casual stroll, you feel welcomed
  469. >To be honest, it feels like how it does when you first started with your petting therapy gig
  470. >Maybe you just really need to not be such a workaholic
  471. >Though you're a little hesitant to go back to the scene of the crime where that nutty pink pony went at it her own nuts bruised her face, you feel confident that no one saw you
  472. >"Look, there he is!"
  473. >Aw crap
  474. >A pair of trendy looking mares with one too many accessories on their ears trot up to you
  475. >"Are you the one that caused that mess?"
  476. >"Like, is it true?"
  477. "I... huh? Is what true?"
  479. >"That you made a pony burst until she turned into a skeleton!"
  480. >They speak in unison, giggling
  481. >"Like, I heard that you can turn a pony into a mummy!"
  482. >"Yeah well I heard that you can make any pony sing like a choir filly!"
  483. >Judging by how many jollies they're getting out of this, it isn't in bad faith
  484. >You shrug
  485. "I mean, not everything you hear is true..."
  486. >You play coy with a dubious expression
  487. "But... I mean there has to be some truth in there. Right?"
  488. >While they made their excited noises and bicker between themselves you create distance
  489. >Sure enough, the mess that was mostly dried on the grass-and on part of the bench-was plain for all to see
  490. >"Wowee, look at that! What happened, do you think?"
  491. "Personally? I think you had some--g-gah!?"
  492. >You turn to the pony asking the question only to see that it's the flasher!
  493. >Or at least the head of the flasher
  494. >And the legs
  495. >Her body had turned to a banana
  496. " that a banana suit?"
  497. >"Eeeeeeeeeeyup!"
  498. "Can I ask you why?"
  499. >"I'm advertising!"
  500. "Advertising perverted pony banana bonanzas?"
  501. >"No! But oohhhhhhh, can I use that later?"
  502. "I."
  503. >This is absurd
  504. "Sure. Listen, did you say that you had someone that wanted to meet me?"
  505. >"I sure did!"
  506. >You don't exactly see anyone nearby that you recognize
  507. "Can I ask where?"
  508. >"Oh. Oh! Yeah, ta-da!"
  509. >She sidesteps to reveal an entire pony that was standing behind her
  510. >How in the world did that happen
  511. >You're at least three times taller
  512. "Oh. Hey there... uh..."
  513. >Wait a tick
  514. >Orange mane
  515. >Purple fur
  516. "Dairy girl!"
  517. >You point at her with your eyebrows raised
  518. "Wait, no, not farm. Wagon girl!"
  519. >She sheepishly smiles and trots up to you
  520. >The bounce in her step is undeniable
  521. >"Hi! Hi hi, um. Hi."
  522. >"Aw, it's love at first sight!"
  523. >You frown at the banana-wielding banana mascot
  524. "At first sight? We've seen each other before."
  525. >You focus on the mystery mare
  526. "...right?"
  527. >"Aaaaaaaaaaat least seven times now."
  528. >Seven times?!
  529. "...I'm sorry?"
  530. >"Okyoutwohavefunmyjobisdoneherebyenowwheeeeeeeeeeeee!"
  531. >The pink perv makes like a banana and split
  532. >Literally, the banana suit splits open and she peels out in a full gallop
  533. >At least the suit follows her due to some fabric catching to her tail
  534. "...I'm gonna be honest; I have no clue what her deal is. Do you?"
  535. >"Me? No... not really. But she... has her good points?"
  536. >Outside of her awkward tone, she doesn't seem so sure of her words
  537. "Well... I guess that's good enough."
  538. >You kneel down and extend your hand
  539. "I'm sorry I didn't remember you sooner. Let's start over, I'm Anonymous."
  540. >The mare gives a nervous giggle and puts both of her front hooves on your palm
  541. >Of course, this gives you enough of a peek to see that even if it's faint, she's happy to see you
  542. >"I'm super excited to meet you, Anonymous! I'm Grape Dream. I-I'm sorry but I'm... uh... my dad doesn't own a wagon. And I'm not a baker. Or a guardsmare. Or a faraway Manehattan nomad."
  543. >She's doing her best to smile but you can see how actively she's cringing
  545. >"In fact, I'm a bit of a nopony. I work at one of those soda bottling places-plants-things. And I thought "wow, I've heard about this guy, maybe he could help me out" and then you did and next thing I knew, I was kinda sorta... stopping by often and noticed that you always treated me like I was new so I started to act like I was a different pony each time to try to see if you would notice me more?"
  546. >The more she speaks, the faster she goes
  547. >This probably answers your question as to why she and pink are friends
  548. >"And now Pinkie said you'd love to meet me and can we go get lunch? Pretty please?"
  549. >She's sounding higher and higher pitched the more she's speaking
  550. "If I say "yes", will you feel better?"
  551. >Your answer is a frantic nod
  552. >Well you can't say "no"
  553. "Well alright then, let's find a place."
  554. >She catches you off-guard with a mighty exhale
  555. >"Great! That's really great!"
  556. >She practically bounces off of your hand, trotting in place
  557. >She's
  558. >...
  559. >Oh...
  560. >...
  561. >It's not just a trot
  562. >She's doing
  563. >Uh...
  564. >She's doing a full little dance to herself
  565. >This is happening
  566. >Don't say anything, Anon
  567. >Don't do it
  568. >Grape stops in mid-bounce, like she just now noticed that she did something weird
  569. "You're excited, I take it."
  570. >Rather than speak, she tries her best to smile
  571. >"I'm sorry. Am I being weird?"
  572. >God yes
  573. "Not at all."
  574. >Dammit
  575. "I guess I'm just surprised, is all. I suppose I never thought I attracted that much attention. The job's the job but I don't think anyone would think highly of me. Walk and talk?"
  576. >You point to the road and Grape nods with enthusiasm
  577. >"Oh-sure. And yeah! I mean, I was one of your first customers! Remember when you would read from a book and pet? I was the one who would kinda ask you for the belly rubs as well as the back of the ears."
  578. >To be honest, a lot of ponies asked for that sort of thing
  579. "Oh yeah... was it the adventure book or that, uh..."
  580. >"The magazines!"
  581. "Oh... right. Man, you enjoyed listening to that? It was all lame tabloids!"
  582. >"Super lame! But coming from you, it worked wonders on me!"
  583. >She's not lying
  584. >You were quick to run out of reading material, so to keep from being monotonous you'd buy whatever you could from news stalls and racks
  585. >Soon you were reading cooking recipes and snarky reviews by dainty stallions that had never even touched a knife before, much less knew how to boil water
  586. "That's... that's legit. I never knew."
  587. >Even if she had her little dancing moment, you feel like you're the one at the disadvantage
  588. "Why... don't I remember you better? I'd certainly remember your name."
  589. >"Iiiiiiiiiiii never gave you my name, maybe?"
  590. >Another awkward laugh
  591. >"I mean I always wanted to tell you but I kept thinking that it would be seen as creepy so I didn't but then I kept visiting and you kept treating me like a princess and why spoil the first timer's bliss?"
  592. >Pretending to be a new mare every time isn't creepy?
  593. >That's more a failing on your behalf than hers
  595. >You glance down at the mare on the road
  596. >She's leading you to the proposed lunch destination, so you'll trust her aim
  597. >Besides
  598. >It gives you a chance to see that not only is her pair bouncing with every other step, but she's already winking
  599. >A lot
  600. >Just how easy could you get her to stain the street, even with witnesses around?
  601. >...
  602. >Bad Anon
  603. >You mustn't use your powers for evil
  604. >"Not to mention the feeling that I got that you actually knew it was me because every visit, you'd do more and more to me at once... oh gosh... did you know I had to skip work for two days after that one time you kissed me at the end?"
  605. >You...
  606. >You don't do that with your customers
  607. >That's one of the few rules you do enforce
  608. "I... don't think that happened. If we're sharing the same memory, I think you sprayed so much I thought you died and I might have checked if you were still breathing."
  609. >Was that her?
  610. >She looked like she had absolutely died
  611. >At least, you think it was her
  612. >"Oh... oh yeah, I guess that was closer to reality huh."
  613. "Hey, Grape?"
  614. >She comes to a sudden stop but doesn't look behind
  615. >"W-what's up?"
  616. >You kneel down and put your hand on her shoulder
  617. >You wanted to put it on her flank but judging by her rising flag pole, it might seem a little too obvious
  618. "There's no reason to be worried. We're gonna have a nice lunch, right?"
  619. >"AndserioussessionafterwhereImakeyoupainttheceiling."
  620. "What was that?"
  621. >"N-nothing! Come on, let's go! Where I know, they have fresh pizza! And I could seriously use a bit of a fancy drink!"
  622. >If this keeps going, you're going to need a drink too
  623. >But you can't just turn her down either
  624. >Maybe she knows a good place, that would give your day off some extra flair
  627. >"Well, hello there! Grape, it's great to see you again! Lemme guess, orange sherbet-grape soda slurry and one of my world famous pizzas?"
  628. >"Yeah, two please! One for me, and my date!"
  629. >"Your date?! Well color my coat, that's awesome! And who's the lucky guy?"
  630. >Something's wrong with this picture
  631. >You want to be nice about it
  632. >But you just can't ignore this
  633. "Sleaze, cut it out."
  634. >"Who's that, sir? My name is Low Breeze an-"
  635. "And I know the secret behind your pizzas."
  636. >Your 2% irritated tone leads to the barmare backing away with an awkward smile
  637. >"R-right... I'll be back with those drinks."
  638. >Breeze turns to trot away
  639. >But turns her head back to Grape
  640. >"By the way, love. Be careful with him."
  641. >She leans in and whispers loud enough for it to be room volume
  642. >"I heard he pets on the first date."
  643. >Remain composed, Anon
  644. >Sleaze is testing you
  645. >And it...
  646. >Is
  647. >NOT
  648. >Going to prevail
  649. >Not right now, anyway
  650. >Your annoyance fades the second Grape Dream squees at you
  651. >"H-heh, how great a date would it be if it led to after-eating petting?"
  652. >You slip into your charm like a comfortable glove and lean forward
  653. "Even better, I can pet with one hand and hold with the other."
  654. >THUNK
  655. >That
  656. >Came from under the table
  657. >The excited look on Grape's face is admittedly pretty cute
  658. "I gotta ask, am I doing something special for you?"
  659. >"Without a doubt!"
  660. "Yeah? How's that?"
  661. >"Well you don't look at me funny because I'm a little different! And I've really never felt better than after spending time with you."
  662. >Sounds more like lust than anything else
  663. "Well when you get to relax a whole lot when you get to let loose and lose a few pounds."
  664. >THUNK
  665. >You get the feeling she just isn't going to calm down unless something is done
  666. >"W-well, I mean... of course. But being read to helped a lot too. To be honest, I remember those times far more vividly."
  667. >Easy to say when being read to doesn't involve getting wrung bone dry
  668. >But despite your pragmatic view, you miss just reading to ponies
  669. "Yeah... to be honest, I kinda forgot about those days. It felt like it has been forever ago since I'd just read. Are you a big bookworm?"
  670. >"Not one bit!"
  671. >The bright smile she gives when answering is infectious
  672. >"I was never all that book smart, I guess. And if I had to read for an entire hour without breaks, I'd go cross-eyed. But when I can listen to you and be able to relax..."
  673. >She audibly swoons
  674. >"Nopony has ever done that. My parents were always busy with stuff so I had to try to read myself to sleep and it didn't work so well."
  675. >Before you can react, her smile turns apologetic
  676. >"S-sorry. Too much information?"
  677. >It seems like she's asking to share information about herself
  678. "No, not at all. To be honest, if you like and we think we should have more dates, we could always do a sort of... book date?"
  680. >"Woah... can we?! Name the time and place and I'll be there!"
  681. >Grape clops her front hooves on the table almost too fast for eyes
  682. >Then she stops
  683. >"E-except for when I have to go to work. But outside of that, I'll totally be there!"
  684. "Well I don't want to be presumptuous but just in case? I'll go look for some new favorites for us."
  685. >You are being genuine but you can't seem to turn off your work charm
  686. >She may seem enraptured but you can't help but feel like your words are empty
  687. >"Alright lovebirds, I got a pair of Grapange bombs! Pizzas are in the oven and on the way!"
  688. >Sleaze carefully bucks her hip-mounted trays toward the table
  689. >Two tall glasses of... something are delivered
  690. "Grapange bomb?"
  691. >Grape nods and licks her lips
  692. >"You see, my cutie mark is soda pop fizz--if you've ever looked at my flank--and that's how I ended up at a bottling plant! I have three places that let me try out different things, this is one of them! I love grapes and oranges so I thought to combine them and it's like a root beer float!"
  693. >Grapes and oranges
  694. >Orange mane and purple fur
  695. >Somehow you aren't surprised
  696. >Ponies seem to just operate on an entirely separate level of logic
  697. "Well, I do like sherbet. Cheers."
  698. >You hold up your glass and clink it against Grape's
  699. >Ignoring the straw given the chunks of frozen orange treat, you take a generous sip
  700. >...
  701. >Another sip
  702. >...
  703. >A third sip for good measure
  704. "...dang."
  705. >"Dang?"
  706. >Grape is unsure of how to react
  707. >On one hand, your eyebrow is raised and you're trying to analyze the flavor
  708. >On the other hand, you just gulped down half your drink
  709. >You lock eyes with her
  710. "That's a serious talent. I don't just drink anything, you know."
  711. >"Aw yeah, that's awesome! I knew that this one would catch on!"
  712. >Grape chomps onto the straw in her glass and gulps down two full mouthfuls of sugar concoction
  713. "Now you have my full attention. You give yourself too little credit for being an innovator. What other flavors have you tried mixing?"
  714. >The purple mare nods and covers her mouth with her hoof for a second before replying
  715. >"Well! I tried cherry and mint. That..."
  716. >She narrows her eyes
  717. >"Actually? I liked that one. But... other ponies, not so much."
  718. >She shrugs away the memory
  719. >"Another was lemon and lime! But it turns out that a few bigger companies already made that so... it was a wash."
  720. >She keeps her eyes on you, idly chewing on the tip of her straw
  721. >"I think... the weirdest one I made was a blueberry and cactus soda."
  722. "Blueberry I get but... cactus?"
  723. >Grape nods
  724. >"Yea-up! But... I kinda found out that cactus needles are really hard to get out by hoof. So I tried aloe-vera instead. And it came out kinda... slimy."
  725. >From her grimace and inflection on "slimy", it was probably a mess
  726. >"I never got around to adding the fizzy to it, so it was never a real soda. But it kinda... turned into a nice jelly? I think?"
  727. "Nice, so you have a hoof both in the beverage and food markets. Remember me when you make it big, alright?"
  729. >Your compliment sends Grape into a nervous giggle fit
  730. >"Oh, I could never forget! You already helped me make it big more times than I can count!"
  731. >She giggles more until she sees your creeping smile
  732. >Only now does she understand what she said
  733. >...
  734. >...
  735. >...
  736. >THUNK
  737. >THUNK
  738. >"...I-uh. I didn't mean to say it that way..."
  739. "You are one distracted mare."
  740. >Don't say it
  741. "After we eat, how about we find something to read and get that taken care of?"
  742. >Dammit Anon
  743. >You're on a date, you can't just offer that
  744. >"Yes! Absolutely! Full belly, empty b..."
  745. >As much as you are trying to ignore it, her volume and antics have been attracting some stares
  746. >It's either that, or the fact that you're on a date right above your work place
  747. >Ponyville really isn't so weird but either because of you or Sleaze, a lot of flaring mares tend to stick around
  748. >Understandable, if not every mare or stallion is comfortable with the dual-teamers
  749. >"Uh... y-yeah. Yes please."
  750. >"And the sparks are flying! Thankfully things haven't gotten too hot, because the pizza certainly is!"
  751. >Low Breeze hip checks two sliced up pizzas on the table
  752. >They are very plainly obvious freezer pizzas
  753. >Which aren't bad
  754. >But it's criminal how she's so proud of herself
  755. >"Only the best ingredients, perfect for a date... uh."
  756. >Breeze twists her head back to a clock
  757. >And back
  758. >"Lunch! Yeah. Date lunches."
  759. >She gives you a coy glance
  760. >"Perfectly normal time for a date, I'm sure... either way, you two let me know if anything is missing!"
  761. >Barmare trots off, pleased with herself
  762. >You can't be the only one who knows her secret
  763. >She doesn't even try to hide it
  764. >"Alright, pizza time! You know, if I were good at baking? I bet I could make a pizza too! But it'll never be as good as what's made here."
  765. "Oh, I wouldn't think that. Home made is unbeatable."
  766. >"And that's what she made us! Home made pizza, custom drinks, she's the best!"
  767. >Hardly
  768. >If Sleaze is even attempting to take credit for Grape's drink idea, you're going to have to geld her
  769. "Well.... true, I guess."
  770. >Egos aside, you're still plenty hungry

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon