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/jacky/ XXX Scenario N: Neglected

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-09-18 03:01:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >Another summer night
  2. >Things have mellowed greatly, despite the mix-up of having three working mares under you
  3. >You've decided to spend your night in your room with Shiner
  4. >You lay on your side with three pillows under your head while she's trying to play some old RPG with self-imposed challenges rules
  5. >Apparently, only the protagonist and one other character are allowed to fight at all
  6. >Everyone else has to be killed and stay dead
  7. >You never saw the point of playing a game that way but it is entertaining
  8. >The frustrated growls and muttered curses are just a bonus
  9. "You sure it's possible to actually play it this way? It seems like you're getting your shit rocked."
  10. >"Oh, you fu... shut up."
  11. >She's mad
  12. >Actual mad
  13. >She goes from sitting up to flopping to her side, laying opposite of you
  14. >You nearly avoid one of her hind hooves that happened to see your chin as direct opposition
  15. >"How about some moral support for once? At work you're quick to remind me if I make a mistake, Jacky got to choose music for this morning and it sucked, I've been stuck grinding here for an hour and now I'm-"
  16. "You're trying to fight a boss that doesn't actually need to be killed."
  17. >"But it's there!"
  18. "And it doesn't really give you anything special."
  19. >"Screw you!"
  20. >Her argument is pretty solid, all things considered
  21. >By reflex you pat her flank with a lazy, heavy hand
  22. "Yeah... alright."
  23. >You shift so both of your arms are more free
  24. >You rest your other hand on her flank
  25. "So, what would you prefer? I beat on your butt like a bongo drum and act as a bard to buff morale?"
  26. >If one flinch from your pat wasn't enough, her leg reflexively hikes up when she feels both of your hands at the ready
  27. >"...well."
  28. >She sounds nervous
  29. >"'s so I can beat the boss."
  30. "Sure."
  31. >You clear your throat with the theatrics of a stage performer and gently flex your fingers
  32. "Lord Ochu, your shit is weak. My Shiner ain't even at her peak."
  33. >Rather than actually beating her butt like a bongo drum, you're more patting her like some slam poetry hippy
  34. "You try to make poison her demise but she sees through that lame scheme with her sharp eyes."
  35. >Sudden drum solo that follows up with a sharp spank
  36. >Her only audible reaction is a sharp snort
  37. "Metal, blood, noise and fire... your death. Is her desire."
  38. >You end the drum beating with another solo that leads to your hands working on their own
  39. >Eyes on the screen, one hand goes for the mare's dock and the other goes right below
  40. >You pull up her tail and press your palm against her with genuine pressure behind the gesture
  41. >...
  42. >...
  43. >She's a lot thinner than Jackdown
  44. >Not just her flank but her labia too
  45. >...
  46. >...
  47. >Ah crap
  48. >You weren't supposed to go that far, were you?
  49. "..."
  50. >Expecting some sort of reaction, you hesitantly shift focus to Shiner's face
  51. >You expect some sort of smart reaction
  52. >Instead, she's staring dead ahead with wide eyes
  53. "..."
  54. >"..."
  55. >Her eye flickers over to you and straight back to the screen
  56. >Your hands remain in place and against her
  57. >Sure enough, she actually does perform better
  58. >It's a very slow process but between summoning smarter and turning it into a battle of attrition rather than some reckless bum rush...
  59. >She actually wins
  60. >Barely
  61. >One of her two playable character is dead and the other is on red health
  62. "Woah...nice."
  63. >"...y-yeah."
  64. >The cocky mare sounds breathless
  65. >"...wanna tell me what's going on there?"
  66. "...yeah. Sorry."
  67. >"Don't be."
  68. >The bedroom door shimmers in faint red and closes without a sound
  69. >A pair of stray floor-strewn shirts shimmer and push against the bottom of the bed
  70. >As if that is enough privacy for her, she wiggles in place and exhales
  71. >The force of that exhale is enough to lift some invisible weight off of her shoulders
  72. >"So... has Jacky really been so bad lately?"
  73. >Rather than try to make a story, you decide to own up to your slip
  74. >Your fingers flex and curl, petting in a downward motion
  76. >Your index and middle finger slide past her nub
  77. >Her entire body shudders
  78. "A little. Ever since we started working, she's been looking at me... differently? I don't know."
  79. >Your sense of mare affinity kicking in, your stroking devolves into just your two fingers sliding down
  80. >Her grunt matches a sudden forceful wink
  81. >Even if she's smaller than Jacky all around, her clit feels roughly the same size
  82. >If not a little bigger
  83. >There's no telling if that's it's natural state or due to something else
  84. >"M-makes sense. She's planning a lot of things with Prism, you know."
  85. >Another stroke
  86. >It causes another wink, hard enough to cause a wet squelch
  87. >"Guuaahhwd... t-that freaking boss was such a pain."
  88. >Shiner shakes her head, letting her tongue loll out for a moment
  89. >She hikes up her leg, breathing hard enough to make it sound like she actually had to do physical labor
  90. >This probably is the only thing magic can't solve
  91. "Yeah. Tell me about it."
  92. >Rather than stroke her sensitive little horn, you switch to spread her open
  93. >Her opening satisfies four out of your five senses
  94. >You feel how easy it is to open her
  95. >You see that she's aroused enough that she's already drooling
  96. >Drooling hard enough to have already stained the bed sheets
  97. >...
  98. >Not a unique stain to add, all things considered
  99. >You hear the delicious sound of her lower mouth opening, like she had been bubbling up far before you even touched her
  100. >And her scent
  101. >You've become long familiar with her scent
  102. >But now?
  103. >It's more potent
  104. >Full-bodied
  105. >It threatens to overwhelm the near permanent lingering scent of her earth pony sister
  106. "Guess work has been taking a toll on you too, huh?"
  107. >"Y-yeah... I guess so. Like yesterday wh-"
  108. >The beast in you doesn't let her finish
  109. >You shove your head down against her and give her clit a hard, quick lick
  110. >"Whe-eeEN?!"
  111. >Her sharp whine is met with a forceful wink that seems to want to fight back
  112. >Not one to turn down a fight, you shift tactics to give it a sharp suck
  113. >Starshine reacts with a sharp "uooh?!"
  114. >She repeats herself a few times, unable to stop from a sudden jet of liquid to spray out
  115. >You hold the base of her tail and lift up her leg, not allowing her even a chance to hide it
  116. >The thick consistency of her unicorn juice pools onto the bed, threatening to stain it so badly that it might even go through the mattress protector
  117. >You learned through Jacky early on that you needed something nearly industrial strength
  118. >And yet this little runt is going to seek to defeat it, apparently
  119. >Her head drops on the mattress, at a complete loss for words
  120. >Not only is her crotch slick and shining with mare slime, but the puddle is starting to go toward your torso
  121. >Her scent is nearly overwhelming
  122. >There's no way you could cover this with anything
  123. >The beast within isn't satisfied with this
  124. >You listen to her give some sort of defeated mewl and pull her close
  125. >Locking your arms around her lower legs, you devour her
  126. >You go between burying your face in her to find the fabled source of her nectar and sucking on her bead with enough force that you cause at least another two squirts
  127. >You're experienced enough to not be stop even after being blinded with hot victory
  128. >Which, in turn, only causes more tortured half-words from Shine
  129. >With Jacky, you've both learned the optimal pace
  130. >It's comfortable
  131. >Satisfying
  132. >...Makes for a good dessert, too
  133. >But with this cocky "empress"?
  134. >You want to show her how low leveled she is
  135. >You want to show her how far she has to go before she can genuinely compete
  136. >By the time you've finished, the unicorn is catatonic
  137. >You wipe your face against her flank, taking the chance to rub yourself all down her leg
  138. >It was shaking, and actively fighting you
  139. >At one point
  140. >Now it's just laying there, limp as a well-boiled noodle
  141. >You can finally see
  142. >And yet...
  143. >You can't smell anything
  144. >Her scent has permeated everything to the point your body can't register anything else
  146. >With some man handling, you grab Shine's mane
  147. >You lift her entire head up by it and shift her so she's laying on her side, on the same side
  148. >Her shoulder hits the warm puddle she made with a light ᵖˡᵃᵖ
  149. "So. What's next on your challenge run?"
  150. >Sparking Shine's eyes say it all
  151. >The lights are flickering and no one's home
  152. >She opens her mouth to speak but instead she sticks her tongue out
  153. >"...kss...?"
  154. >You think you know what that means
  155. >Putting your hand in your mane again and crossing an arm over her chest, you pull her in for a kiss
  156. >You're...
  157. >Used to kissing pony by now
  158. >An experience and skillset you never thought you would claim the title to
  159. >And yet here you are
  160. >You put that title to good use by further bullying her
  161. >Your tongue beats hers and coats the inside of her mouth with her shame
  162. >Her actions are slow and fatigued, like she's giving it her all
  163. >And you know she is
  164. >That's why, like in every fighting game, you have to not just win
  165. >But you have to dominate
  166. >You have to conquer
  167. >Through that kiss, you physically conquer the magic mare
  168. >You release her, only to lick her lips after
  169. >The beast inside has such an alien thrill at her taste
  170. >At how much smaller and weaker she is
  171. >She must be able to see it
  172. >That glossy, empty look in her eye shifted to something else
  173. >Something a little more...
  174. >Is it fear?
  175. >Or excitement?
  176. >Her gasping for breath is somehow the least telling sign of what's running through her mind
  177. >"A...non...!"
  178. "Hm?"
  179. >You don't have the mental capacity to use your words
  180. >"...d-do it."
  181. >That's all you need to hear
  182. >You pull down what little clothing you have below and lift yourself up
  183. >Your side is utterly drenched
  184. >Now that you see it, so is the majority of the bed now
  185. >And in the center, soaking it all in with her vaguely longer coat and ruined, wild mane
  186. >The cause of all of this
  187. >Is laying there on her back
  188. >Terrified
  189. >Exhilarated
  190. >And trying to open her hind legs are far as they can possibly go
  191. >Rather than simply impale her, you lean back on your knees and aim yourself skyward
  192. >You've never seen that particular look on her face when she realizes what you are
  193. >The true differences between fillies and colts
  194. >And, especially now, the difference between a man and a mare
  195. >You bend it down so it goes between her teats
  196. >There isn't much there but her nipples are poking out through her coat
  197. >More so than usual, anyway
  198. >With Jacky, you can usually play with those but you think that would just kill her from the anticipation
  199. >You push forward, showing her just how far inside it will go
  200. " it?"
  201. >She nods just enough to let you know that she would never live it down if you simply stopped there
  202. >So you don't
  203. >You pull back and aim toward her
  204. >Resting one hand on her ribcage, you push forward in one go
  205. >Shine's soul nearly leaves her body in that instant
  206. >Her eyes widen and her jaw drops like she's trying to scream
  207. >Actually, she is
  208. >But a glowing red shimmer around her throat stops it from being more than some quiet whining noise
  209. >Due to the positioning, you aren't all the way in
  210. >The fumbling alone causes another thick squelch of mare cream to gush onto you
  211. >And more onto the mattress
  212. >Good thing it couldn't tell stories
  213. >It wouldn't shut up for at least two full years
  214. >You push again and hilt the unicorn
  215. >Finding the right way to enjoy her, you end up on top of her with your full weight holding her down and both arms wrapped around her
  216. >Face in her neck, you begin to pump at her
  217. >What starts as slow and deliberate turn to faster and more forceful
  218. >Harsh, for a virgin like her
  219. >It's been how long since you've felt this good...?
  220. >Almost everything is completely different
  221. >But it's what you're used to
  222. >It is what your body has been conditioned to crave and prefer, above all else
  224. >Before you even realize it, you falter in your pump just long enough to feel yourself twitch
  225. >You're cumming
  226. >Unwilling and unable to stop yourself or even slow down, you squeeze the gaming mare with all of your strength and stab into her like your life depended on it
  227. >You feel another hot gush erupt against your lap
  228. >She's trying to kick you away but her hind legs are only good at scraping your sides
  229. >Or is she trying to leg lock you?
  230. >The red shimmering at her throat bubbles upward until it covers her head
  231. >Then your head
  232. >Then the bed
  233. >The entire room
  234. >The ear-piercing scream she emits hurts enough that you transfer it into one last stand of brutalizing her the way only a man can
  235. >It falters and revs back up between your motions and yet another orgasm being reached
  236. >By the time you stop, you've buried yourself into her by the hilt
  237. >You felt like you've relieved yourself no less than ten times
  238. >Of course, that couldn't happen naturally
  239. >You must have just been that severely pent up
  240. >The red bubble of the room starts to deflate until it's covering just your head and hers
  241. >It must be acting as some sort of magic muffler
  242. >" win. I..."
  243. >The use of magic must have made her find some of her lost marbles
  244. >Or maybe she came herself out of her coma
  245. >"I-I submit. My emperor."
  246. "That's a good empress."
  247. >You orally seal the accord between powers
  248. >This time, it is more of a mutual exchange of affection
  249. >You're less battering down her barriers and seeking a killing blow
  250. >And more leading her, letting her explore and even push back enough to the point her tongue invades your mouth
  251. >"Stay."
  252. "Alright."
  253. >The beast has won
  254. >Rather than get out from on top of her, you pass out on the pony, your heroic lance buried in the heart of the sorceress
  256. >You awaken to someone clearing their throat
  257. >You recognize tha-
  258. >Oh shit
  259. >Oh fuck
  260. >"...hey there, Anon."
  261. >Jacky is sitting on the bed with you
  262. >On a pillow, looking down at you
  263. >"You had fun there?"
  264. >You're beyond paralyzed
  265. >Your eyes go down
  266. >That pillow is... shiny
  267. >They go down further
  268. >Speaking of, Shiner is awake
  269. >She looks completely satisfied with herself
  270. >"Do what you need to do, Jacky. I've already won."
  271. >Jacky gives an angry snort
  272. >The death squint she's giving you
  273. >It...
  274. >It...
  275. >Something about it
  276. >It's kinda working for you
  277. >Shiner gasps and looks at you
  278. >"W-what are you doing? Now? Seriously?!"
  279. "...I'm not doing anything."
  280. >You lock eyes with the Count Jackula
  281. >"J-jacky, get him off of me! He's waking up."
  282. >"I know."
  283. >"You know?!"
  284. >Rather than sound angry, she sounds downright horrified
  285. >"He's WAKING UP!"
  286. >"I know."
  287. >That tone and that stare
  288. >She leans back and lifts up one of her hind legs
  289. >She's aroused
  290. >The stone-cold death glare does seem especially sharp
  291. >Is it due to that?
  292. >"...the deal was that I let Anon do this and you'll make sure I can have foals. Right?"
  293. >"What the hell are you talking about, I can't feel ANY of my body, get him off of me he's a freaking animal!"
  294. >"Anon?"
  295. "...y-yeah?"
  296. >"You're gonna get it. But first, SHE is gonna get it. And what you're gonna do is more than I ever could."
  297. >"W-what are you saying? W-we're sisters, right? Best friends?"
  298. >"That's right. But Anon tends to catch his second wind in the morning. And the harder the night went, the harder he would bounce back."
  299. >Shine starts to genuinely struggle underneath you
  300. >Maybe not... genuinely
  301. >Her hips are vigorously curling upward in an attempt to swallow more of you
  302. >You can see the gleam in her eye
  303. >This isn't some sort of game to her
  304. >Is it?
  305. >"G-get him off! I'll trade places, I won't do it again!"
  306. >"Too late for that, Sparky. Get 'er, Anon."
  307. >With the door open and the cat out the bag, you begin to work yourself against Sparking Shine
  308. >The longer it goes on, and the more you watch Jack
  309. >The more a sadistic smile creeps along her face
  310. >"By the way, when you're done, remember that we're now only an hour late for work."
  311. >You can hear Prism casually speak and trot by, as if this entire situation somehow isn't beyond the realm of possibility to her
  312. >"You hear that, Anon? We're calling in sick."
  313. >The frantic screaming and squelching from the unicorn carries throughout the entire apartment complex
  314. ...
  315. ...
  316. ...
  317. >Three days later, you get a series of strongly worded letters under your door that range from threats of calling the leasing office to calling the police under the excuse of murder
  318. >You ignore them
  319. >It was only attempted murder

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon