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/bootleg/ 2022 Week of Terror: Faint Prism

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-11-01 04:00:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hey, Dashie! Can you help me out with this?"
  2. >"Prism, I'm preparing something for Anon. I need an extra pair of hooves."
  3. >"Hey Faye, let me run something by you..."
  4. >Every day was the same for Faint Prism
  5. >Even if she was left out of their activities, she was easily the most important part of their many schemes and plans
  6. >Even with the open bickering and fantasizing they had about becoming mothers, she played along and did her part
  7. >Work, play, rest
  8. >All of it came to an end
  9. >All it took was one day
  10. >"Dashie, check it out! It finally worked!"
  11. >Prism was enjoying some cinnamon black tea in a large mug
  12. >She had bought a pink silly straw to drink through
  13. >It made everything taste better
  14. >The austere mare turned her gaze from the patio treeline t-
  15. >She spat out what tea she still had in her mouth
  16. "J-jacky, what in the world happened?!"
  17. >Just yesterday, the yellow pony was as fit as ever
  18. >Now she looks bloated to the point she's nearly three times as wide around the belly
  19. >"I'm gonna be a mom! This morning Sparky used an x-ray spell and it's triplets!"
  20. "I..."
  21. >Never once did Prism imagine that a man could genuinely procreate with a pony
  22. >Too much just did not fit
  23. "I'm... excited for you. But how did it happen? It felt like just yesterday that you..."
  24. >"Yesterday? I've been like this for months. Didn't you notice?"
  25. "W... w-what?"
  26. >Did she not only just now exclaim about her impending motherhood?
  27. >Prism hopped up to her hooves, ignoring her tea
  28. "I couldn't have ignored that. I'm sorry Jacky, I didn't know."
  29. >"Yeah... I know..."
  30. >Jacky sighed and trotted away
  31. >She appeared more sad than irritated
  32. "Wait, Jacky!"
  33. >Prism followed, only to... where was she?
  34. "Jacky?"
  35. >It was like Anon's bedroom, but it was twice as big and twice as full
  36. >Three beds, side by side
  37. >A large entertainment center, covered in childish DVDs and... picture books...?
  38. >On second thought, it wasn't at all like his room
  39. >"Excuse me, you're in my way."
  40. "O-oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I was just..."
  41. >Prism turned to face the young voice
  42. >She could feel a severe chill go down to her heart
  43. >It...
  44. >It's Jacky!
  45. >Just like she was when they were fillies
  46. >The only difference was that her mane was long, long enough to nearly touch the floor
  47. >Or maybe she was just that small
  48. "Jacky! Your mane! You can't leave it that long, it'll get dirty!"
  49. >The filly gave her a confused frown
  50. >"...Mom says it's pretty. And dad told me that it's ok because I braid it when we leave so it doesn't hit the floor."
  51. >Mom?
  52. >Dad?
  53. "Jacky... you've never had parents. Remember? It was just us."
  54. >The filly gasped and ran off in a full sprint
  55. >"Dad, a stranger's in the house! She said I don't have parents!"
  56. >Prism followed the distraught foal
  57. >Before she knew it, she's face to face with a yellow mare with her orange mane in a lopsided bob cut
  58. >"...Prism?"
  59. >"Who is it, Jack?"
  60. >A man's voice
  61. >Prism couldn't do anything but stand and watch in shock
  62. >It was Anon and Jacky
  63. >But they look... different
  64. >More mature
  65. "It's me..."
  67. >"Woah, hey Faye! Man, where've you been? When did you get into town?"
  68. "I... I never left, Anon."
  69. >Jacky scoffs
  70. >"Oh come on, don't tell me that stuff again."
  71. >She pokes a hoof at Prism's chest
  72. >"You high-tailed it out of here as soon as things got hard, as you've done before! You really let me down, you know that?"
  73. >What made her tone turn so condescending?
  74. >"Some big sister you are."
  75. >"Mom, she's your sister?"
  76. >The foal speaks out, protected and curled up in Anon's arms
  77. >He has always been understanding
  78. >"No, she ain't. Your aunt Sparky has always been there, she's the only sister I got."
  79. >She couldn't say that
  80. >She could never mean that
  81. "A-anon. Please, explain what is going on. There has to have been some misunderstanding. I swear, I never knew!"
  82. >Anon shrugs at the pegasus
  83. >He pulls out the bracelet she made for him all those years ago
  84. >Only the feathers have turned coal black
  85. >"I don't know what to tell you, man. I asked you to stay but you just... well, you wanted to explore the world. I can't blame you for choosing your path. But you missed out."
  86. "No, I didn't go anywhere!"
  87. >"Sure. Well, we're having a cook out. Good timing I suppose. Wanna meet everyone else?"
  88. >Rather than wait for an answer, he takes his foal and walks around a corner
  89. >Jacky sighs again and clips through the floor until even the top of her head sunk below
  90. "J-jacky, get back here! That's dangerous!"
  91. >Without any further clue of where to go, Prism trots to follow Anon
  92. >The corner leads into a cottage
  93. >What
  94. >How . . . ?
  95. >How did she end up here?
  96. >As confused as she was distressed, she galloped at full force toward the door
  97. >She skidded to a stop and stomped her front hooves against the wood
  98. "Anon?! Jacky! I didn't go anywhere that time, you two did!"
  99. >Rather than hand or hoof, the door glows red and opens on it's own
  100. >What met Prism was a pair of unicorns
  101. >A red one with a dark streak through her equally red mane
  102. >And a little red filly, with her mane cut prim and proper
  103. >But it's too long and obstructs her eyes
  104. "...Sparking Shine."
  105. >The dull surprise in her voice causes the unicorn to squint
  106. >"Oh. What are you doing here?"
  107. >"What's she doing her, mother?"
  108. "M-mother?! You? Was Anon serious about that...? How could he be so disgusting?"
  109. >Prism had heard of their little pipedream about magic allowing procreation
  110. >And, of course, she had heard plenty about Sparking Shine's "price" for helping
  111. >What sort of two-faced man would agree to such terms?
  112. >"That's father's name..."
  113. >"Yes. It is. If you've come here just to insult Anon, go away. We have more important things than to give you money or listen to whatever you have going on now."
  114. "M-me? Ask for money?"
  115. >Prism couldn't even imagine debasing herself to such an extent as to ask for money
  116. >She was well-employed
  117. >...
  118. >Right?
  119. "Why are you all the way out here? Why aren't you at the house with Anon and Jacky? Don't tell me he banished you."
  121. >"Mother, what does she mean by banished?"
  122. >The filly had such a dull tone, barely tilting her head up toward her mother
  123. >Her horn seemed so tiny, like it is jutting out from her mane just enough to seem like a mane ornament
  124. >"She believes that your father is a man of low honor. Pay her no mind, please return to your studying. When I am done talking with her, we will test out your level two fire spell."
  125. >The filly gave the most modest of smiles and nods
  126. >"Yes, mother. I will exceed your expectations this time."
  127. >Small as she was, she trotted in place like a wind-up toy and went off back into the fog of the interior
  128. >"Thank you. Now you..."
  129. >Sparking gave Prism a grimace
  130. >"What is it you want?"
  131. "I..."
  132. >When did this happen?
  133. >When did all of this happen?
  134. "Please, Sparking Shine. Sparky. I... I feel desperately lost. Please, can you help me?"
  135. >"...well, for old time's sake, I guess so."
  136. >Sparking stepped outside of the cottage, her magic closing the door behind her
  137. >"So... what. Do I pretend that you just magically popped up out of nowhere after a few years?"
  138. >There was no answer to that
  139. "...y-yes. Please."
  140. >Sparking sighed and rolled her eyes
  141. >"Alright. So. A few years ago, Jacky was pregnant with her three hay nippers. Shortly after, I was blessed as well with my bundle of magic."
  142. >A hot blush spreads on Prism's face
  143. "Y-your magic actually helped them conceive?"
  144. >Sparking grins
  145. >"To be honest? I never figured out how to help. But I think they just lucked out. And because none of us figured it out...well, I still helped."
  146. "That's... horrible."
  147. >Prism couldn't even try to hide her discomfort with that
  148. >"Oh shut up. All of the things you did and led us into, who are you to say what is or isn't good? Starburst is everything I could never be and more. She's a natural magical expert. She's loved by both her mother and father."
  149. "She has three-half siblings!"
  150. >Sparking Shine looked at Prism as if she were looking at a broken microwave that could only go for five seconds before shutting down
  151. >"...and? She loves them and her aunt. You just don't get it. You never did."
  152. >With a roll of her eyes, Sparking turned her back to Prism
  153. >If she walked off, she would no doubt be lost to time again
  154. >Prism put a hoof against the unicorn's back
  155. "No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to insult your daughter. I just... I'm so lost."
  156. >"Yeah... you are. Just go away. You're the only one who never got it. Stay here if you want. In two more days we'll be returning home anyway."
  157. >Sparking huffed, shrugging off the hoof
  158. >"If you're hard up for money, take something of mine and pawn it. Touch Starburst's books and there won't be enough of you to fertilize a daisy."
  159. >All it took was one blink for the red mare to vanish
  160. >Where even was the cottage?
  161. >Where was their home?
  162. >Where was Prism's own home?
  163. >...
  164. >She did have a home
  165. >Didn't she?
  166. >She looked down at her own hooves
  167. >They're dirty
  168. >Filthy
  169. >Like she hasn't taken a bath in...
  170. >Far too long
  172. >"Oh hey, you're one of those talking ponies, ain't cha?"
  173. >Prism looked up at the voice
  174. >A male
  175. >A human male
  176. >"Hey there, sweetie... why don't you come home and take a bath? I'll even get you some dinner."
  177. >His words are kind enough
  178. >But the tone
  179. >And the look in his eyes
  180. >Just like those stallions
  181. >Just like back then
  182. "I... I'm waiting on someone."
  183. >"Yeah? Who's coming?"
  184. " mom."
  185. >It was a silly excuse
  186. >No one ever believed it
  187. >But it usually worked
  188. >"Huh... alright. See if I offer it again."
  189. >Prism finally looked up
  190. >Grey sky
  191. >Buildings, skyscrapers everywhere
  192. >Still the human world
  193. >How long did she spend in this concrete labyrinth?
  194. >She raised up her hoof
  195. >
  196. >This wasn't a flash back
  197. >She was right back where she started
  198. >Back in a gutter
  199. >Back without a bit, or a dollar, or anything to her name
  200. >Back without any power
  201. >She slumped against a trash can
  202. >She felt her soul drain from her body
  203. >Not again
  204. >She did her best for so long, for Jacky's sake
  205. >But now?
  206. >She had a full family
  207. >Even that red tramp had made her own family
  208. >But she was alone
  209. >Again
  210. >What did she do wrong?
  211. >The longer she sat, the less strength she had
  212. >The less strength she had, the less she cared that her mane had become filthy
  213. >The less she cared that her coat was dirty and itched with insects
  214. >Another man approached her
  215. >This one wore a uniform with a large net
  216. >"Hey there, girl... let's be easy and stay calm, ok? We gotta get you to the pound. Then maybe a good, hot meal. How does that sound?"
  217. >What was she, an animal?
  218. >A stray dog with wings?
  219. >She glared at him but lacked the strength to speak
  220. >She...
  221. >She could speak
  222. >Couldn't she?
  223. >His hand went for something
  224. >A syringe
  225. >He jabbed it into her shoulder
  226. >Prism lacked the energy to care
  227. >"There we go. Just in case. Can't have you bite me, can you?"
  228. >No...
  229. >...She supposed that it would not be good if she bit him
  230. >She could have...
  231. >Diseases
  232. >Her eyelids grew heavier with every heart beat
  233. >Maybe
  234. >This was always her fate
  235. >Maybe
  236. >This wasn't so bad
  237. >It was what she grew up with
  238. >It was what she felt the most comfortable with
  239. >The others...
  240. >They never needed her
  241. >Prism's eyes roll into the back of her head
  242. >"There we go. Such a shame..."
  243. >The human grabs the limp body by the back of the neck
  244. >"Maybe she was a runaway... oh well."
  245. >There was no telling where Prism's body went
  246. >There wasn't even a feather to leave a trace
  247. >Eventually after that, no one remembered her name
  248. >And all was right in the world

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon