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Created: 2022-11-06 11:57:01
Updated: 2022-11-20 15:18:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >Twilight Sparkle is a cute nerd girl in high school
  2. >She hyperfocuses on getting perfect grades, and is good at it
  3. >She’s the smartest student in school even numerically with her gpa
  4. >All the boring homework and essays everyone else hates, is fun and interesting for Twilight Sparkle
  5. >She is getting super good at solving complicated math equations in her head and on paper really quickly if they’re super complicated
  6. >She memorized all the chemical reactions and stuff from chemistry, memorized what they mean, how they work, all the different terms and equations, and can do everything on a whim with her studious brain
  7. >She excels in social studies, biology, history, language arts, math, chemistry, everything except gym really
  8. >It’s hard for her to do a lot with her slim petite body and weak arms, her strength is her amazing brain
  9. >Twilight still manages to keep herself healthy and have smooth clear skin despite being such a nerd who sits around reading or doing school work all day long
  10. >She manages to stay attractive, but isn’t interested in getting a boyfriend
  11. >Just wants to do school work all day and all night, her pure brain doesn’t care about anything else
  12. >She always dresses super modestly and tries to make herself as non-appealing to the boys as possible
  13. >Never even wears a shirt without sleeves in public
  14. >Twilight Sparkle claims to have ZERO interest in anything sexual
  15. >Even to herself, blocking out anything contrary to that narrative from her mind
  16. >Keeps nerding on with her endless homework, essays, notes, books, textbooks, research projects, research papers, everything that makes up her entire world
  17. >All day, all night
  18. >Everything she talks about, everything she thinks about, is school and knowledge and graduating at the top of honor roll
  19. >The eternal cute nerd girl
  20. >Or is she?
  21. >Twilight Sparkle turned down offers from THREE separate high-end Ivy League schools
  22. >Goes to public college to be with her friends
  23. >Canterlot University
  24. >or rather
  25. >Canterslut university
  26. >One by one, her friends lose their virginities as college goes on
  27. >Except Rarity, who already wasn’t a virgin when she started college
  28. >In fact, Rarity was the one who influenced her friends to join frat parties one by one
  29. >And dress in less clothes
  30. >Pinkie Pie was the easiest to convert, then Sunset.
  31. >Applejack stayed stuck in her traditional views until she drank something stronger than apple cider for once
  32. >The same drink helped nervous Fluttershy flash her huge tits at frat boys
  33. >Rainbow Dash swore she was a lesbian until she took a dick for the first time
  34. >Twilight is the only virgin left, and her college friends are about to have a “bad influence” on her
  35. >Twilight Sparkle saw what the internet said about her
  36. >Calling her “Turboslut” and saying she loves sex
  37. >That can’t be true!
  38. >It can’t be!
  39. >Previously on the corruption of Turboslut:
  40. >Sci-Twi kept her grades as close to 100% scores as possible
  41. >All the other girls at this school aren’t even close to her academically
  42. >She can solve complicated equations entirely in her head
  43. >Sitting her pristine, petite little self at her desk and be the super smart nerd this new school she transferred to never knew it could have
  44. >She’s also almost a mad scientist, except she’s completely sane
  45. >So many experiments and inventions to advance the world with seeing potential beginnings in her personal laboratory she basically lives in outside of school
  46. >Sci-Twi can only think about her studies, studs are a foreign concept to her except beams in construction
  47. >All these other girls at school decided to be total sluts, but Sci-Twi is humbly and politely above all that
  48. >Not interested in sexuality, too obsessed with math and science to even care
  49. >And her classmates have a bone to pick with her because of that
  50. >They want to slander her!
  51. >They have been posting awful things about her online and… implying that she is to be turned into a slut, calling her “Turboslut”
  52. >”I am NOT a slut!” Sci-Twi repeats and repeats. “I would NEVER do what the other girls here do! I respect myself too much and don’t even care about having sex one day! I want to be the smartest most well adjusted student I can be! You people are just confused perverts who don’t understand my character. What happened to Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer is NEVER going to happen to me! I’m not supposed to have sex! I don’t want to be a slut! I am NOT sexy and I am NOT lewd! I am NOT a slut!”
  53. >But the jocks in school keep calling her Turboslut, leering her and telling her they jerk off to the thought of her
  54. >The teachers do nothing
  55. >Sci-Twi gets angry and defends herself and her reputation
  56. >But everyone insists she’s secretly horny when she’s totally not
  57. >And not just for one guy, but for ALL the guys
  58. >If she’s not supposed to have sex or be lewd, then why does she undoubtedly have nipples and a vagina under all her clothes?
  59. >Everyone knows it’s all there, her bellybutton, her hips, her buttcheeks, her cleavage, her areolae, her vulva, her clit, it’s all just under a bunch of clothes
  60. >The horny jocks start bullying the cute petite nerd girl physically
  61. >Swiping her books to the floor so they can lift her skirt up in front of everyone as she bends over
  62. >Twilight desperately doesn’t let them, maintaining her chastity, and wants to go midnight sparkle on them for bullying her
  63. >But midnight sparkle tells her something different
  64. >Give in
  65. >Surrender
  66. >Just accept it
  67. >You’re a Turboslut
  68. >What happened to Starlight Trixie and Sunset is going to happen to you too
  70. >”I am NOT Turboslut! I am Twilight Sparkle!” Sci-Twi convinces herself
  71. >But her inner Midnight Sparkle… wasn’t asking~
  72. >Sci-Twi already has her mind and thoughts straightened out with no room for doubt
  73. >Her jock bullies aren’t breaking her no matter how many times they call her a slut
  74. >They begin to shove her around in the hallway, lightly into lockers, lightly against the wall
  75. >They’re… strong!
  76. >And tall enough to hold her backpack waaaay higher up than she can hope to reach
  77. >They tell her to jump for it and make her boobies inside of her top bounce
  78. >And maybe show a little cleavage next time and they’ll leave her alone
  79. >”I will do NO such thing! I don’t show off my body!” Twilight protests
  80. >Blushing
  81. >The jocks corner their favorite nerd
  82. >Calling her sexy, asking what size and color bra she wears, asking her to lift up her skirt
  83. >They easily could have reached under her clothes but didn’t
  84. >They just push her around and wait for her to do it herself
  85. >Teachers do nothing
  86. >It continues every day
  87. >The tall strong jocks pick on the cute petite nerd girl, bullying her
  88. >She knows she doesn’t stand a chance if they catch her completely alone in a secluded area
  89. >Her evil side wants to unleash Midnight Sparkle on them, but she can’t
  90. >Fear and paranoia distract Twilight from her homework at night
  91. >She did her best not to let her grades suffer, but it’s starting to show a little
  92. >She hates her bullies so much!
  93. >Her weak petite nerd stature can’t fight back against their jock strength
  94. >She stops going outside altogether now when not at school
  95. >Went to see Principal Cadance when she was visiting Celestia and Luna
  96. >Talks a bit, then feels funny as Cadance hugs her
  97. >Cadance’s busty chest outsized Twilight’s by a few cup sizes, and her perfume was thick in the air
  98. >Twilight must have blacked out because she doesn’t remember what happened next
  99. >But her mind starts sending weird signals to her body in the coming days
  100. >Fatigue, more craving for milk, urges to confront her bullies somehow
  101. >She’s worried about her masculine bullies invading her feminine personal space again
  102. >And the teachers still do nothing, days go by
  103. >Weeks go by
  104. >Those tall strong bullies Twilight sees every day are starting to look a little… handsome?
  105. >They routinely have a good time shoving Twilight around, getting kind of grabby sometimes, but she’s almost used to it
  106. >Still rejects when they call her a slut and tells her to show more skin with her school attire
  107. >She thinks about being called Turboslut as she’s doing her homework, convincing herself it’s not true
  108. >Those not-handsome jocks calling her that sure are tall and strong though
  109. >Something feels… right… about them saying it
  110. >Twilight was always a B cup in bra size until recently
  111. >Her grades had dropped down to Bs too, and now they’re dropping down to Cs in some places as her bra size increases towards a C cup
  112. >This can’t be!
  113. >Twi tries to hide her larger bust from her bullies noticing, but her butt has gotten rounder and her hips wider!
  114. >It’s getting… harder to focus on her school work
  115. >More weeks go by
  116. >Twilight can’t do equations so easily anymore
  117. >Her thought process is slowing down as her grades drop lower
  118. >Her brain has been reviving a select few of her puberty signals a lot
  119. >Her chest is a healthy proper C cup now, and her hips got wide
  120. >She motivates to exercise the pounds off
  121. >studs in school comment on how her body is noticeably a lot more womanlike under her clothes
  122. >Softer, curvier, bustier~
  123. >Twilight feels every last bit of it subtly happen over a few weeks
  124. >The studs become emboldened, holding onto Twilight longer when they shove and pull her around in the hallway
  125. >Talking about her bra and panties right in front of her
  126. >Make her jump for her bookbag, making her busty chest bounce under that top and sweatervest
  127. >None of the teachers do anything when a stud hugs Twilight with her tits against his pecs
  128. >He gropes her round soft butt and tugs the back of her skirt up
  129. >Twilight's mind spins and panics, she clumsily fumbles with the back of her skirt to keep it down so the studs don’t see her panties
  130. >A second stud gropes her chest from behind, somehow jumbling up her thoughts and escape plan
  131. >Don’t let them see, don’t l-
  132. >Bright deep pink panties!~
  133. >Almost magenta
  134. >The studs get a GOOD LONG look at Twilights bright pink clingy panties hugging her wide hips, round ass and soft crotch with her skirt held up high inside out
  135. >Her exposed soft thighs and underbutt jiggle as she desperately stumbles around with her cute sexy bright magenta panties fully exposed to everyone
  136. >Exactly what a slut would wear, Turboslut~
  137. >The studs spank and grope Turboslut’s jiggling butt half covered by her exposed panties, hands squeezing directly on her soft skin
  138. >Openly saying they’re gonna fap to the thought of it later
  139. ~
  140. >One night when she’s drowsy in her pajamas struggling with homework, Midnight mystically appears behind her
  141. >The embodiment of Twilight’s strengthening libido, Midnight wears a dress with a low cut top that proudly boasts her busty cleavage and displays her smooth armpits and sexy shoulders
  142. >Something Crystal Prep’s dress code would never accept
  143. >She mushes her soft tits onto Twilight’s back and grabs her wrists
  144. >”Forget homework.” She murmurs seductively. “It’s time for us to masturbate!”
  145. >She moves Twilight’s hand to her lap, up her thighs…
  146. >Twilight reluctantly hesitates to dip her hand under the front of her pajama bottoms
  147. >Midnight probes Twilight’s now panty-less crotch though the outside of her pajama bottoms
  148. >Twi looks down to find her own fingers stroking between her soft cameltoe then diving inside her pajama bottoms to her smooth vulva inside
  149. >She stands in front of her room mirror
  150. >Midnight is tugging Twi’s pajama bottoms down while schlicking her “feels good, right?”
  151. >Twi is alone in her reflection, pulling her own pajama bottoms down and thinking of the studs fapping to her
  152. >”F-feels so g-good~”
  153. >”They'll find out”
  154. ~
  155. >”You make me hard”
  156. >The stud’s thirsty voice puts heat into Turboslut as his strong hands grope her soft C cup chest through her clothing from behind
  157. >”N-no I don’t!” Turboslut lies, reluctant to acknowledge how contagious the horny is
  158. >Everyone’s watching
  159. >He gently shoves her against a locker, with his large erect bulge poking her through her skirt and thin panties, spooning between her supple buttcheeks
  160. >”I know you think of me when you touch yourself” He caresses Turboslut’s smooth warm thighs under her slightly lifted skirt
  161. >”I-I don’t… t-touch m-myself!”
  162. >Stud’s strong hands hungrily massage Turboslut’s busty squeezable tits, slowly urging her to admit they’ve gotten bigger
  163. >Gets her to admit they jiggled when she fingered herself in her room, because they were exposed
  164. >She only realized her confession to her tall handsome bully after she said it
  165. >”I want sex, and you DEFINITELY want sex, don’t you, Turboslut?”
  166. >She needs sex, but can’t admit it or fully realize it yet
  167. >She is let go after the stud tugs her skirt up with the help of his stud friends, and refreshes her sexual senses by rubbing his finger between her cameltoe enough to make her admit out loud she did think of him and the other studs too
  168. >Turboslut is told to show more cleavage and thigh tomorrow or else she’ll be stripped totally naked
  169. ~
  170. >She knows they’re horny and fap to her
  171. >They know she’s horny and faps to them
  172. >She reluctantly wears a low cut top and lower cut sweater vest with a short miniskirt
  173. >Her large C cup chest’s exposed cleavage jiggles as she walks, garnering lots of male attention
  174. >One stud catches her alone, calling her Turboslut again
  175. >”I-I’m not!” Turboslut can’t stop leering at his pitched tent
  176. >Can’t look away when he pulls out his full erection
  177. >The sight of big stud cock stuns Turboslut
  178. >She had already wrapped her fingers around it before she knew what she was doing
  179. >Raw instinct
  180. >The long thick shaft is so stiff and meaty to the touch!
  181. >She strokes the warm skin back and forth as the stud finds her cameltoe panties under her skirt as he gazes at her deep cleavage
  182. >Why is she just… letting this act happen?!
  183. >Can’t get herself to let go of the stud’s cock, it’s so… big and hard… and… strokable~
  184. >The stud’s fingers find their way under Turboslut’s cute sexy panties, between her soft vulva lips inside, and play around with her sensitive clit
  185. >How could they NOT think of each other this time?~
  186. >”Say it.” Demands the stud.
  187. >He masturbates her more intensely, sexually pressuring the confession out of her as she can’t resist stroking him back
  188. >All of Twilight’s self-respecting restraint is eclipsed by her own arousal for the erect stud and her own sexiness
  189. >”I…” She reluctantly hesitated until her nethers are activated into a surprise orgasm “I-I’m a slut!” Midnight’s voice belts it out.
  190. >Other students can hear
  191. >”I’m a slut! I AM A SLUT!” Twi cries out in response to her orgasm the stud incited.
  192. >She feels the stud’s huge solid cock jolt and swell in her hand after she confessed
  193. >He grabs the front of her collar and rips the fronts of her top and sweater vest open with his horny climaxing strength
  194. >Just enough to expose her bright magenta bra cups on her jiggling busty boobs
  195. >”Show me your tits, slut!” He strongly gropes her big soft chest, clawing at her bra cups and pulling them away as his diamond cock petrifies in stiff, urgent ejaculation
  196. >Accompanying Turboslut’s sexy ejaculation
  197. >”I’M A SLUT! I AM A SEXY SLUT!” Turboslut wails in shameful acceptance as her mangled bra is pulled apart and her soft perky bouncing breasts are fully exposed
  198. >The stud’s first powerful spurt of cum blasts onto Turboslut’s bare tits, then his huge still cumming cock is jammed between her pushed-together cleavage
  199. >”Take it, slut!”
  200. >She feels his erect shaft tense and its underside swell again and again enveloped between her soft C cup tits
  201. >More hot cum shoots out deep into Turboslut’s jiggling flesh, trickles down inside her clothes to her bellybutton underneath
  202. >Then down to the front of her panties between her moist cameltoe, the trickling feeling making her orgasm again in her panties
  203. ~
  204. >Turboslut has to walk around with her torn, malfunctioning top displaying her jiggling C cup tits, with stud cum she missed wiping off collected in her bellybutton u see her clothes, with her sodden panties only a slight lift of her short miniskirt from her soft thighs away from being viewed
  205. >She has to pretend no one heard any of that, ignoring her aroused shame setting in
  206. >More studs call her Turboslut
  207. >It’s hard to deny it now
  208. >They want their turn now
  209. >She crosses her warm soft thighs in reluctant, denied excitement
  210. >Sitting in class, unable to pay attention to lecture anymore
  211. >Got a 0 on her next homework because she was too busy masturbating to do it
  212. >Spitefully raises her hand in class to prove she’s still smart and begin going back to being smart and non lewd
  213. >”Cocks!” She accidentally lets what was on her mind slip out instead of the answer to the equation.
  214. >No mathematic formulas in her mind anymore, it’s overshadowed by the thought of that thick long meaty erect stud cock in her hands, between her boobs, gushing out loads of hot cum
  215. >It’s all Turboslut can get herself to think about, aside ways she can show more of her own sexy feminine body to make the cocks hard like she wants them
  216. >She wants it
  217. >Turboslut tries to reconquer herself
  218. >Still feels resilience in herself
  219. >She sits in her room trying to read books and write essays for school
  220. >Trying to focus her mind on her studies like she used to
  221. >Always reverts back to thinking about studs
  222. >How they push her around at school with their strong arms
  223. >How their huge dicks in their pants get noticeably hard at the sight of her
  224. >How much she wants their strong muscular bodies to overpower her soft scantily clad slut body in a horny struggle
  225. >How she wants them to restrain her and strip her out of her slutwear while feeling her up
  226. >How she needs to feel their cocks fill her holes
  227. >Turboslut resists masturbating for just the one night and goes to bed
  228. >She has to fix herself
  229. >But her developed voluptuous form turns anything she wears lewd!
  230. ~
  231. >Her grades in school are officially flunking
  232. >Her critical thinking, code and equation cracking, and problem solving traits of her brain have become eroded
  233. >She must build it all back up
  234. >But her bullies noticed her wearing that thin clingy top to school
  235. >With a thin bra that allows her busty chest to bounce a little as she tries to scurry away before they approach her
  236. >Her C cup tits are almost D cups now
  237. >She’s been trying to reverse this but her craving for milk in her diet became too strong
  238. >Her brain also kept sending signals to her body to further develop and expand her big breasts
  239. >Happens every time she thinks about sex with studs
  240. >Preparing her body to lure studs in and get them horny for her and eager to mate, with minimal effort required
  241. >The rumors about Twi being Turboslut have already been around school
  242. >Rumors she couldn’t hope to quell
  243. >Rumors that she lets studs give her a cummy tummy so they can all get off
  244. >Turboslut’s warm soft thighs shake, not covered by the miniskirt as she runs, her wide hips stifling her stride and speed
  245. >The strong, fast, horny studs already caught up
  246. >Twi denies being one who does cummy tummies, says she never had one before, and is right for only the next minute or so
  247. >Stumbling around, Turboslut’s soft endowed body in a clingy top and miniskirt unintentionally puts on a show for the studs on its own
  248. >Turboslut’s boobies bounce, her hips sway, her cute sexy tummy peeks out after the studs untuck her shirt after grabbing ahold of her
  249. >They’re too strong, there’s too many of them
  250. >Turboslut gets pulled into a crowd of studs bullying her with one taking his phone out to film
  251. >Shoving her around and groping her tits
  252. >Untucking her shirt and tugging it up when they hold her arms back
  253. >With strong hands kneading her busty tits through her top, Turboslut squirms in aroused resistance as her cute soft bellybutton and tummy are exposed by force on camera
  254. >”W-wait… I…”
  255. >The stud filming isn’t concerned with filming Twi’s face this time around
  256. >Taken aback when studs pull their cocks out and begin to stroke them, Turboslut breathes heavily, making her bellybutton rise and fall with her bare tummy
  257. >The studs stroke and stroke and stroke, drooling cock heads aiming at Turboslut’s exposed tummy and midriff
  258. >Holding Twi down on her back as her soft defenseless tummy moves up and down with each panicked breath
  259. >Unable to pull herself out of the way before the studs start going faster and faster
  260. >Turboslut is getting a cummy tummy right here and now
  261. >It’ll be posted all over porn sites, a thought Turboslut must not confess to being excited by
  262. >The studs hold her still in place with her sexy tummy and cute soft bellybutton exposed in the open
  263. >Getting closer… and closer…~
  264. >Their ropes of hot semen squirt out one by one, wetly landing onto Twi’s smooth, soft skin of her abdomen
  265. >She makes a few turned on squealing sounds as multiple ejaculating stud cocks bombard her bare tummy, landing cum all over it with lewd quiet splats
  266. >The thick warm globs of cum trickle and run around Twilight’s tummy as she bucks and sways her hips while held down
  267. >So much of it collects into her soft bellybutton and fills it up with murky white
  268. >”Say it!” The stud pointing his phone camera commands
  269. >Twi shudders in reluctant arousal as several thick loads of cum glaze her abdomen and midriff, dripping to the floor off the sides
  270. >”M-my name is Turboslut… a-and this is my c…c-cummy t-tummy. My sexy cummy tummy.” She declares with her glazed tummy and murky overflowing bellybutton softly jolting lower for the camera on it from her speaking
  271. >The video ends
  272. >Gets posted on multiple porn sites
  273. ~
  274. >Twilight sits in her room, watching the video over and over again, privately admitting how turned on she is by watching horny studs at school give her a cummy tummy
  275. >Still embarrassed though
  276. >She could get in a lot of trouble if people find out it’s her in the video
  277. >The school could get in trouble, because the teachers openly let this happen every time
  278. >Twi goes to sleep without even thinking of homework
  279. >Mind too conditioned as it sends yet more signals to continue filling out her breasts to full D cups now
  280. >The event in that video has established and activated an… ultimate, irreversible craving
  281. >It just… keeps cumming back, no matter how many times she finds relief
  282. >The horny always comes back!
  283. >Turboslut keeps telling herself it’s not true, but deep down, she wants another cummy tummy
  284. >But this time, INSIDE her tummy~
  285. >Twilight developed so much lately!
  286. >Her skirts shorter and tighter on her soft warm thighs and round cushiony butt
  287. >Her tops more strained whether she wears a bra or not; grew another cup size!
  288. >Soft, full D-cup breasts jiggle inside her increasingly clingy tops as she walks
  289. >Her report card shows many D’s too
  290. >Slipping on her homework, quizzes and essays
  291. >Can no longer focus on academics she used to dominate
  292. >She can’t deny her cravings anymore
  293. >Can’t stop thinking about studs
  294. >Their big erect cocks~
  295. >Their firm sculpted muscles~
  296. >Their strong hands that long to grope her all over her body~
  297. >The thought of them getting hard in their pants in RESPONSE to her sexy slutty body… excites her!
  298. >Her voluptuous form demands to burst out of her dress shirt and slip out from her miniskirt
  299. >Calling for tall strong hunks to help it escape, and those hunks heard it
  300. >Their big dicks in their pants get gradually erect for sexy Turboslut; she loves having huge stud cock at full mast for her!
  301. >Loves her own newfound sexiness as much as the studs do
  302. >Mustn't admit it!
  303. >”Stop making me think this way!” She cries at Midnight Sparkle
  304. >Beside her is her libido, a carefully balanced artifact in danger of being tipped over again
  305. >Midnight struts over in her revealing little dress that cuts off low at the chest, letting her displayed, busty, soft cleavage jiggle on purpose “You know you like us like this~”
  306. >Twilight needs both hands to keep her libido balanced, but Midnight hugs her from behind, mashing her soft boobs into her back
  307. >”You’re not me!” Twilight swears “I’m not a slut!”
  308. >”Then why do we love studs ravaging us so much? We let them strip us down and cum on us, and they want more, we want more too!”
  309. >The libido gets harder to hold up balanced when Midnight reaches up inside Twilight’s shirt, lifting it a little as she infiltrates her bra cups and gropes her
  310. >”M-my… mmymmphhh” Twilight barely detected the french kiss until Midnight’s tongue caught hers
  311. >The deep kiss takes time to break
  312. >”Our boobies?” Midnight fills in for her, gently squeezing Twilight’s D-cups she just can’t hide or deny anymore. “Aren’t they sexy?”
  313. >The groping aroused Twilight into a lustful state “Y-yes…” she confesses
  314. >The wobbly libido is poorly defended now
  315. >Midnight gives it these ever so slight nudges as Twilight tries to hold it still
  316. >Twi doesn’t remember her bra getting unhooked, she’s spun around in a horny panic
  317. >Her shirt is magically made weak enough to gently rip open and apart
  318. >Midnight makes Twi fumble with her loose undone bra
  319. >Pulls the top of her slutty dress down and symmetrically docks exposed D cup breasts with topless twilight
  320. >”Mmmmm” She french kisses her once more
  321. >Twi can’t find her libido to balance it anymore
  322. >Midnight bumps into it with her swaying hip, tilting it over once more
  323. >It falls
  324. >Twilight climaxes to her slutty undressed reflection with her hands groping her own tits
  325. >Turboslut can’t stop thinking about studs, and their primal male strength versus her voluptuous slut body
  326. >Her grades are all failing
  327. >Her once sharp mind is dulled and scrambled into a hopeless mess of sexual thoughts
  328. >Raises her hand in class to answer, but blurts out “cocks!”; it’s all she can think of
  329. >Her once plain body has undergone a “special puberty” that encouraged soft, curvy, sexual development in response to a more dairy, carb and sugar based diet her horny brain craved
  330. >No matter how much Twilight tried to lose the calories, they stayed and obeyed her brain’s new signals to… develop~… her… body… in all the *right* places
  331. >Her once modestly petite chest has now expanded into a big soft pair of fully developed D cup breasts with pointy, perky nipples under any clothing that protrude visible bumps and even full on nipple outlines if she wears a bikini top or bra that’s thin enough
  332. >Twi’s big boobies WILL jiggle no matter what she does about it, and they WILL burst out of her old tops
  333. >All the guys at school stare at her cleavage after her dress shirt can’t be buttoned up all the way, and the male attention excites her inside
  334. >Twilight’s warm soft thighs are now thick and often brush together, barely reached by the plaid miniskirt she reluctantly chose in the morning out of shameful arousal
  335. >She has to keep pulling the back down to cover her soft underbutt, of her round jiggling buttcheeks that her bright magenta panties won’t cover all the way
  336. >Her wide breeding shaped hips make the miniskirt situation even harder by adding more fabric stress
  337. >She notices the tall handsome studs with stiff bulges in their pants from seeing her unhideable feminine form and hormone-inducing pheromones her very slutty nature sends to them
  338. >She craves those huge erect cocks trapped in their pants and their strong muscular bodies to overwhelm her with horny advances
  339. >But she tries her best to deny this to herself
  340. >Tries to be a math tutor to the studs despite her failing grades
  341. >It’s to rejuvenate her own mind too
  342. >Sits alone with five of them after school on the library couch
  343. >Trying to prove she’s a smart nerd girl and not their Turboslut
  344. >Filling out math problems and quizzing them
  345. >They’re not following along
  346. >Their eyes wander to her chest, where they can see into her top and leer at her deep cleavage and the rim of her magenta bra cups
  347. >”C-can you please stop looking at my chest?” She tries to pull her increasingly lewd top up to cover it more
  348. >It keeps slipping back down, showing more of her soft cleavage to the perverted studs
  349. >Twi starts messing up on her equations
  350. >Trying to focus, but a stud slightly gropes her chest after putting an arm around her
  351. >She slaps his hand with a ruler, pretending to hate it
  352. >Minutes later, he gropes her soft chest again
  353. >Her mind stumbles and loses track of the equation
  354. >y=3x… =… strong stud hand cupping her soft tit through her shirt, gently squeezing it~
  355. >No matter how many times she seats their hungry hands away, they keep coming back to grope her
  356. >Can’t think about the equations, just the strong stud hands gently but assertively ambushing her personal space and feeling her up
  357. >They’re all hard in their pants, all five of them!
  358. >Twi gets her glasses swiped away
  359. >Vision’s too blurry to see the equation she’s trying to solve
  360. >More stud hands now massage her body, too many to swipe way
  361. >They fondle and grope, caress and feel up Twi’s alluring features
  362. >Twi… T-Turboslut knows it feels so good
  363. >Her softness and curvy properties being eagerly enjoyed by strong stud hands
  364. >The touching feel of her sexy body is making them get so… h-hard~
  365. >Twilight tries to shoo their hands away and finish the equation
  366. >”Let’s talk about your sexy tits instead, Turboslut.” One stud says
  367. >”I-I’m n-not… a…” Twi can’t even finish
  368. >”You make me so horny. I’m so hard.”
  369. >His adventurous fingers slip under her tops opening and caress the smooth skin of her soft cleavage
  370. >Finding the frilly edge of her bright magenta bra cup
  371. >”P-please… that’s my b-bra!” Twi whimpers, reluctantly aroused
  372. >She weakly, half heartedly swats at his hand, but his fingers make their way to her soft perky nipple inside of her frilly bra cup
  373. >Another stud lip locks Turboslut, she excitedly whimpers into his kissing mouth while slowly surrendering to the groping hands reaching into her shirt
  374. >Both of her perky nipples are now being played with
  375. >She can’t help but shudder in shameful arousal for all the studs to hear
  376. >”I’m n-not a s-slut…” She croaks in pure dishonesty
  377. >But her nipples get stiff and erect against the studs’ fingers, just like how the other sluts had their aroused bodies give them away
  378. >Turboslut is no exception
  379. >She says she’s not a slut, but her stiff, perky, erect nipples against stud fingers confess for her against her will that she is, in fact, a horny slut~
  380. >The math homework already fell to the floor
  381. >Strong, horny stud hands unbutton and open up Turboslut’s slutty little top and pull her thin, clingy, frilly bra cups open and fully expose her big, jiggling, perky breasts in the public library
  382. >Her opened top is peeled down past her soft bellybutton just like every other slut
  383. >Turboslut has been quickly made topless in the public library and wraps her hands around big erect stud cocks as they’re pulled out for her
  384. >She strokes their thick meaty shafts as they surround her and continue to reach down and grope her big soft exposed perky tits
  385. >Her bare sexy tits sway and jiggle as her arms and hands work the stud cocks harder, stroking them with lots of movement and effort
  386. >”Say it.” A stud presses the dripping head of his cock against Turbo’s quivering lips
  387. >”I’m a… s-sexy Turboslut…” She caves in, opening wide when his throbbing cock pushes its way past her lips into her mouth
  388. >All of it is caught on candid video when a nearby nerd pulls out his phone to film
  389. >Topless in a cute sexy little miniskirt in the public library, Turboslut gives the studs a combined double handjob, blowjob, and titjob
  390. >Sitting in the final stud’s lap on the floor and letting him slip his cock into her frilly little panties
  391. >She fully submits and commits to working their throbbing shafts with her huge soft and perky D cup torpedo tits wobbling, swaying and jiggling around as her arms and their pelvic areas keep moving back and forth
  392. >Turboslut feels their sexy stud cocks tense and jolt
  393. >In her hands, her mouth, and her cleavage pressed together from behind by the stud with his precum leaking cock in her panties!
  394. >One stud puts Turbo’s glasses back onto her just in time
  395. >Turboslut’s pursed lips kiss around the base of the blowjob cock with her chin bumping his ballsack; his stiff veiny shaft thrusts in and out harder and harder until the underside of his shaft swells against her tongue like it’s supposed to from rushing ejaculation
  396. >Turboslut obeys her swallow reflex as the blowjob stud cock unleashes powerful hot ropes of cum deep into her increasingly filled mouth and throat
  397. >The tangy taste overtakes Turboslut as the throbbing cock jumps and tenses enveloped within her closed pursed lips and jolts and still swells at the underside atop her pinned, caressing tongue
  398. >Thick and creamy stud cum overflows inside Turboslut’s mouth, more than she can swallow despite her THIRSTY efforts to swallow it all
  399. >It leaks and dribbles down her chin and out her nose
  400. >Turboslut endures the brief cum choking just long enough for the tall and handsome stud to finish pleasing himself by ejaculating his massive load into her mouth down her throat
  401. >Once he’s done, he pulls out so she can breathe
  402. >A long bridge trail of cum saliva spans from the top of the stud’s huge cock to Turboslut’s mouth, forking between her dripping chin and lips
  403. >She sees she’s being filmed, and keeps stroking the cocks in shameful acceptance
  404. >Too horny to care, horny enough to want it all filmed
  405. >Turboslut kneels topless in her miniskirt in the public library
  406. >Letting the cum dribble down from her chin to her soft, busty jiggling perky tits that sway to the motion of the double handjob-titjob she’s giving the horny studs as another ejaculates into her frilly panties
  407. >The other studs start ejaculating
  408. >Turboslut aims the cocks towards her cum dripping face, ready to catch as much hot stud semen as she can~!
  409. >”I AM A SEXY SLUT! I AM A SEXY TURBOSLUT!” She once again declares out of horny, shameful acceptance~
  410. >Ropes of hot cum land all over Turboslut’s smooth shoulders, dripping face, cute sexy tummy with drops running down to her soft bellybutton, and her big soft and fully exposed D cup breasts with stiff perky nipples
  411. >The stud cock between those sexy tits shoots out a fountain of cum up to Turboslut’s lopsided glasses
  412. >Turboslut feels the cocks swell in her grasp and between her tits
  413. >Her panties get soaked by her own ejaculate and the cum the final stud released into there
  414. >She hyperventilates to catch her breath
  415. >Her soft, exposed busty chest heaving with each aroused, satisfied breath as the last of the stud cum is filmed coating her topless slutty beauty in the public library
  416. >The cum coating her drips and runs down along her clammy skin, all over her soft perky tits, dribbling down her chin and neck between those soft perky tits…
  417. >”I’m such a sexy fucking slut…” Moans Turboslut, fingering herself while exposed on her knees and coated in stud cum “Ohhhh, fuck~”
  418. >The cum she swallowed is speeding up her transformation into full capitulation into shameless slutdom
  419. >She learns to thirst for more in the future
  420. >Doesn’t even remember the math homework’s existence anymore
  421. >A stud grabs her by the ponytail and jams his cock back into her mouth, going into round two!
  422. >She welcomes his huge cock and pleases his underside with her tongue once more until it swells and ejaculates again
  423. >Turboslut cums in sync with the stud, hornier and sluttier than she’s ever been yet, in shameful acceptance
  424. >If there ever was any going back up to this point, there’s no going back now
  425. >Turboslut is losing badly against her libido
  426. >Stud cum has been officially introduced to her diet
  427. >And it’s accelerating the crucial final stages of her transformation
  428. >The plentiful special hormones from stud seed rouses Turboslut’s body into obediently developing even more, exclusively to acclimate maximum sex for maximum semen intake
  429. >Her soft, smooth, curvy, busty body is designed for attracting studs and receiving their hot semen, and her horny mind adjusts accordingly to support this need she’s been sexually conditioned into
  430. >Twi’s own mind and own body won’t stop betraying her will to stop being sexual
  431. >She tries and tries to drop the pounds of flesh she gained in all the right places, but her confused heart is no longer in it
  432. >All the while, Twi’s increasingly exposed voluptuous body ignores her own desperate resistance and continues rapidly developing into proper, D+ cup, wide hipped, round assed, smooth tummy, alluring shouldered, thick thighs, frequently horny, smooth puffy vulva, suckable perky nipples, peak breedability~
  433. >Studs shove her around in the hallway with their buff masculine strength
  434. >Often cornering her and groping her in various lewd places through her now undersized school uniform like the hunky perverted bullies they are
  435. >They feel up and grope Turboslut’s chest, her butt, her crotch, her thighs, her midriff… all while telling her how much of a fucking sexy slut she is~
  436. >Turboslut tries as hard as she can to suppress her increasingly obvious arousal
  437. >Her school uniform is failing almost as hard as her grades now!
  438. >Miniskirt hiking up to and then soon past her wide hips
  439. >Her bright panties keep peeking out!
  440. >And her button down top won’t stay buttoned up
  441. >Soft thighs and even softer D+cup cleavage are unhideable
  442. >Her cute soft bellybutton slips out every time she lifts her arms and makes her top ride up her smooth sexy midriff
  443. >She reluctantly shows her fully developed slutty self off on purpose
  444. >Drawing endless male attention from erect studs leering her sexy body
  445. >”Please… snap out of it!” She whispers
  446. >She can’t
  447. >Must obey her new nature
  448. >Can’t go five minutes without daydreaming about cocks
  449. >Long, thick, strokable, suckable, erect, ejaculating cocks
  450. >Erect because of her sexy body~
  451. >Penetrating her sexy body and fucking her hard until they fill her with hot sweet cum!~
  452. >”Are you paying attention?” Asks the teacher
  453. >Turboslut eventually sits in the back so she can masturbate in class to try and get keep horny at bay
  454. >Classmates watch her, it only turns her on even more!
  455. >She gets sent to the principal’s office
  456. >Not for fapping, but for breaking the dress code
  457. >She’s showing so much… goods~
  458. >But she’s told she’s actually not showing enough!
  459. >There is now a specific dress code for Turboslut at school
  460. >She’s required to only wear more revealing outfits that show her cleavage and bellybutton at all times
  461. >Any pair panties she wears must be a thong, otherwise, she can go nopan in her required miniskirts
  462. >With this, Turbo now comes to school in little miniskirts with her hot magenta panty straps on display rising above the little low riding miniskirt and hugging her wide round hips
  463. >She has on a cute and sexy little belly shirt that exposes her smooth midriff tummy and bellybutton to everyone to enjoy
  464. >The top is cut low as well to boldly display her soft jiggling cleavage for all to stare at
  465. >Sometimes she wears a thin bra, sometimes she “forgets” to wear a bra
  466. >Turboslut’s perky fully developed tits bounce when she walks no matter what she does about it
  467. >All of this gets Turboslut “bullied” even more by the tall, strong and perverted studs who love to fuck just as much as she loves to fuck
  468. >She hesitates and tries to ignore them
  469. >But they keep catching up to her and “bullying” her with loving groping and fondling
  470. >Now more insistently than before because her lewd outfits have gotten even sluttier just for them!
  471. >She still can’t stop thinking about cocks, and needs release
  472. >Her craving to swallow more cum keeps coming back due to her new whoremones
  473. >She battles and battles it in her mind all day and night
  474. >But there’s such a strong need for more cum from stud cock now
  475. >It only gets more and more urgent
  476. >She’s continuously ogled at and trying to keep her slutty wardrobe from malfunctioning on her sexy body
  477. >The studs are horny… Turboslut is horny…
  478. >In shameful surrender to her urges and needs, Turboslut sometimes catches one of the studs alone right before class
  479. >Can’t explain what she… w-wants… to him in words, but he already knows
  480. >Turboslut drops to her knees and opens his pants
  481. >His huge stiff cock flicks out, and part of Turboslut questions her own dignity
  482. >She couldn’t resist being used again, just to pacify her sexual urges for a while
  483. >Reluctantly yet thirstily purses her lips and gives the head a kiss
  484. >I-it’s just a kiss!~
  485. >But the tangy taste of the drop of precum keeps Turboslut from pulling away
  486. >She… must n-not…!~
  487. >Voluntarily sucking his cock because she wanted it badly without even being bullied into it?!
  488. >This isn’t who she… used to be…
  489. >Fight the urge to o-open!
  490. >But her heart’s no longer in it like that.
  491. >She missed this too much.
  492. >This slut is too hungry for cock and thirsty for cum to resist anymore!
  493. >In her head, she IS Midnight Sparkle now
  494. >Prancing and scurrying around in her super revealing, slutty little dress
  495. >Her glowing glasses outline flickers in cyan flames with her slut alicorn horn too
  496. >Her huge jiggling boobies spill out of her top, areolae peeking and slipping out
  497. >Her libido is now a group of tall handsome studs in her head
  498. >Her most desired fantasy is them, specifically them dominating her, dicking her down and cumming buckets into her on a regular basis
  499. >Midnight has magical powers and wants to stand up to her libido
  500. >But they’re her horny heroes, and she’s their sexy villain
  501. >Midnight struts around in her own heads challenging her pack of studs libido to a battle
  502. >She stands no chance, and they’re already eyeing the slivers of her nipples slipping out of the top of her tiny dress
  503. >She doesn’t flee, advancing on them until they surround her
  504. >She uses magic beam on the studs, but it only makes them stronger and their cocks harder
  505. >She tries a few fight moves on them, but they grab her arms and legs and easily overpower her in the one-sided battle
  506. >The studs used groping and tongue kissing, it immobilizes Midnight and turns her all the way on for them
  507. >They then use grabbing at the rims of her slutty little outfit she has on
  508. >Midnight’s libido studs restrain her and rip her sexy little dress apart off her body in opposite directions
  509. >Midnight Turboslut tries to fight them naked, but the studs of her libido are now extra powerful and horny as they directly fondle, grope, and feel her up all over her soft, curvy, defenseless naked body
  510. >Clumsy from overwhelming arousal, Midnight frantically and aimlessly uses magic beam, it misses every time and does nothing
  511. >The studs of her libido keep using groping and kissing, and feeling her up all over her sweaty and exhausted naked body’s soft curvy goods
  512. >Before Midnight can use her next move, the studs use penetration!
  513. >Their cocks push their way onto then into Midnight Turboslut’s holes
  514. >With her hopelessly horny side cheering and surrendering, Turboslut rejoices in defeat!
  515. >The stud in the hallway asserts his erect cock deep into Turboslut’s gaping mouth
  516. >Same as before, she massages the underside of his shaft with her tongue, until she feels it swell onto her tongue as hot thick loads of cum rush through his cock then out deep into Turboslut’s mouth and throat in a proper facefucking blowjob
  517. >This is the sensation Turboslut becomes addicted to, sucking stud cock in the hallways and swallowing his cum in eager, welcoming gulps
  518. >~
  519. >Turboslut barely asked for it to be kept secret
  520. >Word spread, and studs take turns “running into” her alone between classes
  521. >Turboslut becomes dependent on sucking down stud cum, letting it all finalize her body’s slutty nature
  522. >From her skimpy slutwear to her prominently fertile properties to her wild man-hungry mentality
  523. >She skips class half the time, hoping to “stand up to” the studs at school
  524. >With her butt, hips and crotch in her thong and miniskirt, and her sexy tummy exposed, and her braless, perky D+cup tits bouncing on purpose inside a skimpy, flimsy crop top, Turboslut walks up to the studs in the hallway
  525. >Part of her is seeking revenge, but the stronger part of her wants her sexual fantasy to come true
  526. >She managed to get her mind straightened out one last time
  527. >In front of everyone, Turboslut tries to push the studs around
  528. >Knowing it won’t work but trying anyway
  529. >They watch her soft busty cleavage and underboob jiggle around with her efforts
  530. >Her big perky nipples poke through her thin slutty crop top, obvious and totally noticeable
  531. >Turboslut’s skimpy little crop top fails at containing those huge, soft, bouncing boobies
  532. >She’s trying to bully the perverted studs back, but they’re only getting horny watching her breasts become increasingly exposed
  533. >She has to pull her slutty crop top back up over her busty braless chest
  534. >But she’s not scaring anyone; the studs are aroused!
  535. >They surround her, calling her the sexy slut she is
  536. >Turboslut must prove them wrong someh-
  537. >Can’t pretend she doesn’t love feeling their firm muscles -mostly their pecs and biceps- overpowering her with their horny male strength as they push her around and then hold her standing in place
  538. >Turboslut can feel their hard cocks in their pants poking her as they intentionally bump them into her
  539. >She’s hot and ready for them
  540. >A stud backs up into a locker with his strong muscular arms around Turboslut, holding her in a tight hug with his strong hands groping her soft round butt through the miniskirt
  541. >Two more studs restrain Turboslut’s arms as she realizes the stud hugging her has her thong in a sexy wedgie by its thin whaletail in his strong hand
  542. >”W-wait…” Turboslut reluctantly but lustfully whimpers. “My panties!”
  543. >The stud gives her a powerful thong wedgie between her soft drooling vulva barely under her miniskirt
  544. >”My panties! Ohhhh my panties!” Squeals Turboslut
  545. >Her stretched thong is pulled back and forth
  546. >Exciting her pussy as the rest of the studs watch and call her a whore
  547. >Turboslut’s soft underbutt peeks out from her skimpy miniskirt
  548. >Her buttcheeks are made to jiggle with the jolting thong wedgie
  549. >Turbo’s thong snaps and gets pulled all the way apart by the studs
  550. >Turboslut’s bullies gave her a wedgie then stripped her sexy little panties off and away~
  551. >They gently shove her around, pulling her by the arm and making her slutty little crop top start falling down again
  552. >Turbo WANTS to lose but can’t admit it yet
  553. >The horny studs all grab the bottom of Turboslut’s miniskirt and tug it up
  554. >More of her soft underbutt is exposed, then peeks of her bare, smooth, moist vulva lips still agitated from the wedgie
  555. >”You make me so hard, slut” The lead stud says
  556. >Turboslut’s busty chest inside her thin, flimsy, clingy crop top gets groped as her nude, jiggling ass and bare pussy get fully exposed after her miniskirt is pulled all the way up past her waist in front of everyone like a soft mangled belt
  557. >”M-my pussy!” Turboslut responds to the strong stud hand cupping her soft crotch and fingering her
  558. >Her helpless, slutty little crop top fails and lets her perky nipples slip all the way out
  559. >Strong stud hands grope Turboslut’s jiggling, fully exposed tits
  560. >hounding on their horny, sexy prey
  561. >Her flimsy little crop top over her soft busty chest is easily torn open by strong stud hands
  562. >Torn all the way open then ripped away, just like Midnight’s little dress
  563. >Busty Turboslut is completely topless in school, and her miniskirt scrunched up away from her bare bottomless ass and pussy
  564. >She ogles the studs’ muscles and reluctantly lets them have their way with her slutty body
  565. >the more they kiss, grope, and feel her up in their horny male advances, the more she LOVES it!
  566. >But denies it to herself until she feels something pressing on her vulva lips
  567. >The tip of the stud’s huge cock pushes onto and teases Turboslut’s clitoris like a little button
  568. >She yelps out in aroused responsive joy
  569. >No matter how many times it’s done, sex just works every time on sluts!
  570. >And Turboslut is certainly no exception~
  571. >studs play around with Turbo’s perky nipples once again, provoking them into getting stiff against their fingers in response
  572. >It works every time with every slut
  573. >A sexy slut’s stiff erect nipples always tell the truth about how horny she really is~
  574. >The slippery head of the stud’s fully erect cock nuzzles it’s way between Turboslut’s soft vulva lips
  575. >Parting them completely before assertively pushing its way inside
  576. >The stimulation of sex forces a loud YES out of Turboslut’s quivering mouth
  577. >Her brain tries to protest, but her moans and grunts of joy digress
  578. >Her sexy stiff nipples get licked and sucked on
  579. >The erect stud cock’s shaft stuffs her awaiting pussy with heartfelt thrusts of very male assertion upon receptive female softness
  580. >Turboslut is overpowered by this feeling her slutty nature always desired
  581. >Still tries to protest inside, but her mind is like a string
  582. >Each time the stud cock thrusts its way back up her soft warm walls, that string gets tangled with lust
  583. >Turboslut spends the slow intervals between the thrusts trying to untangle the string
  584. >But he will then ram his cock in again and tangle up the string more than before~!
  585. >She had her innocence stolen by her own sluttiness
  586. >But some things deserve to be stolen from
  587. >Turboslut’s string keeps getting more and more tangled up each time the cock rams her!
  588. >She can’t think
  589. >Only capitulate to the studs at school in horny, shameful acceptance
  590. >topless, bottomless, and pinned to her back as another stud cock enters her mouth
  591. >She Orgasms as their erect cocks start cumming and fill her with hot loads of semen~
  592. =EPILOGUE=
  593. >Even in sleep, Turboslut has wet dreams about tall, strong, handsome studs stripping her sexy body naked in public and ramming their huge throbbing cocks into her
  594. >She wishes she could speedrun her hot corruption all over again
  595. >Twilight stands at the beginning of a long school hallway dressed in her normal school uniform, heading to the other end
  596. >Horny studs watch her pass by, soon following her
  597. >Ogling her
  598. >Her skirt starts shrinking
  599. >They start touching her and feeling up her thighs
  600. >She tries to walk forward but her shoes turn into properly named fuck-me heels
  601. >She can’t keep her balance easily or walk away, and the strong studs grab her
  602. >They pull her to the side so they can grope her tits
  603. >The feeling of it makes them grow cup sizes inside of her top from slut magic
  604. >Her top shrinks as the studs untuck it and reach up inside to feel up her smooth tummy and frilly bra
  605. >The studs walk her further down the hallway in their horny hold now
  606. >Her skirt shrinks even more, and strong stud hands tug it up
  607. >Twi’s nervous and embarrassed at first, trying to keep her skirt down
  608. >But the strong stud hands outnumber and overpower her
  609. >Scrunching and pulling her skirt up until her cute little panties and soft underbutt are exposed
  610. >Their hands grope onto her soft skin, making everything rapidly develop
  611. >Twilight’s top is lifted all the way up with studs swarming their strong hands all up and down her exposed torso
  612. >Her legs get wobbly as she tries to balance on her fuck-me heels clacking on the marble floor
  613. >The erect studs hold her on her feet while feeling her up
  614. >She feels many manly hands enjoying her exposed midriff and soft bellybutton, her thick smooth thighs, and start pulling at her cute frilly undies~
  615. >It arouses her, making sigh and moan
  616. >They walk her further down the hallway, enhancing her body and shrinking her clothes
  617. >All the studs get hornier and hornier as Turboslut’s body they’re feeling up is increasingly sexy and on display
  618. >Her top falls to the floor
  619. >Turboslut clumsily dances with the studs with jiggling cleavage as they grope her and pull her bra apart, rendering her topless at school
  620. >Her panties were already pulled halfway down her legs, now falling to her fuck-me heels
  621. >Turboslut’s tiny skirt can’t cover anything now
  622. >Stud cocks jut against her bare crotch and ass until finding their way in
  623. >Their lengths fill Turboslut’s holes and she is walked closer to the end of the hallway
  624. >Once she’s there, her corruption is complete
  625. >Busty and topless in a miniskirt with panties around her fuck-me heels
  626. >Slutty feminine features soft and bountiful to the touch, jiggling with each pound from the studs’ cocks until they cum
  627. >Turbo throws her head back and rolls her eyes
  628. >Taking in all the cum like she does every day now
  629. >Soon free to pull her little panties back up after her skirt is “confiscated”
  630. >She walks around school in nothing but fuck-me heels and panties, leaking cum overflow into them
  631. >She wakes up with the urges for taking stud cock ever stronger
  632. >She came in her sleep and loves that she did
  633. >Turboslut fully accepted who she is now
  634. >She goes to Canterslut High in the morning in a braless front-tie top with busty cleavage and midriff with her cute soft bellybutton on full display, and a clingy miniskirt with thong straps rising out and cameltoe peeking out the bottom between the top of her thick smooth thighs
  635. >Easy access slutwear, as per school dress code
  636. >Her now school mandated fuck-me heels clack against the floor just like in her wet dream she wants to make real
  637. >The studs at school automatically recognize the sound of Turboslut’s fuck-me heels approaching
  638. >The sound itself instantly gets them hard in their pants
  639. >Turboslut desperately searches for them, falling apart inside because she’s been away from her studs’ advances for too long
  640. >She now needs it to simply get through the day!
  641. >Her big tits jiggle and bounce with perky nipples poking through inside that small thin top as she clumsily stumbles around the hallway in search of her studs
  642. >She wants them
  643. >She needs them
  644. >She sees them!
  645. >Her soft jiggling underbutt peeks out from the back of her miniskirt and a sliver of her puffy vulva cameltoe from the front as she calls out to her studs
  646. >They approach her, letting her throw herself into their strong arms
  647. >She BEGS for sex, not in words, but in dry-humping
  648. >The studs take turns deeply kissing Turboslut on the lips as they gently squeeze her soft braless breasts through the tiny thin top, and reach under her miniskirt to cup her kneadable buttcheeks in their strong hands
  649. >Turboslut let’s out a satisfied yet wanting sigh as she thirstily capitulates in full horny acceptance to her hungry studs as they gently ravage her like a piece of meat
  650. >Their thumbs play with her visibly perky nipples through the top and make them get stiff and erect
  651. >She let’s them tug her miniskirt above her cute little thong panties
  652. >Her legs trying to keep balance on her fuck-me heels do a sexy little clumsy dance, making her soft exposed buttcheeks and thighs shake and jiggle for the phone video
  653. >Turboslut wants the world to know she’s sexy and horny
  654. >Ready to take miles of long thick stud cock in front of millions watching
  655. >She announces on video “I’m such a horny, sexy slut! I love showing off my body and being fucked by studs! I love it! I can’t stop thinking about cocks!”
  656. >Turboslut’s bare, sexy, frantically kicking legs spread open wide, making her smooth vulva lips slip out the sides of her thong
  657. >The horny studs give her a sexy thong wedgie
  658. >Strong stud hands mess with Turboslut’s thin little front tie top, making the front knot loosen and letting her huge jiggling perky tits gradually slip all the way out in the collective groping
  659. >Her areolae start slipping out
  661. >Erect stud cocks poke the scanty outside of her panties and fleshy lips of her wedgie’d vulva
  662. >She eagerly grinds on them as she falls completely to her spread out knees for them, craving them so badly~
  663. >They position themselves under and behind her with their cocks out, one of them holding his phone taking video
  664. >They push and push their throbbing erect cocks against her soft supple goods until finding their way past her thong and envelop their cock heads in Turboslut’s awaiting ass and pussy
  665. >She shudders in uncontrollable arousal as she feels the cocks pushing their way inside
  667. >The huge erect stud cocks drive their entire lengths in and thrust in and out of moaning and wailing Turboslut who capitulates, surrenders in wanton satisfaction~
  668. >Everything is better now
  669. >Huge stud cocks drive inside of her once again~
  670. >She NEEDED this!
  671. >Turboslut lets her perky breasts get fully exposed and directly groped when strong stud hands pull the front of her top completely open
  672. >Turboslut lets her bare tits bounce and jiggle for the studs as they PLOW her~
  674. >She glances at the phone camera as another erect stud cock sways by her face, sigh-speaking between labored breaths and the pounding thrusts from the studs filling her holes
  675. >”I always… think… about… c-cocks!~ I… love getting… fucked by… cocks!” She turns to the stud’s awaiting member, starting to drool “I LOVE SUCKING STUD COCKS!”
  676. >She kisses the tip
  677. >Her saliva and his precum make her lips slippery enough to part easily
  678. >He drives his thick length into her mouth past her gaping jaw
  679. >Turboslut moans then croaks a little as the stud cock atop her tongue rams into her mouth towards her throat
  680. >The phone camera films Turboslut SHOWING how much she loves sucking cocks while getting plowed between her legs and cute butt
  681. >Another stud put his cock between her big soft tits like before, pushing them together and fucking them
  682. >Like all the other times, the studs release hot loads of semen into thirsty Turboslut
  683. >Their cock heads and undersides swell in slut-induced ejaculation
  684. >Turboslut had missed her horny studs so much~
  685. >She stays with them even after they’re done fucking her like a wild animal
  686. >Misses all of her classes
  687. >Doesn’t matter, she can drop out after graduation and make a living doing porn
  688. >Until then, her tall, strong handsome studs enjoy her every second of each day at school
  689. >Groping her supple tits, tickling her cute soft bellybutton, running their strong hands along her thighs to up inside her miniskirt
  690. >She feeds and pacifies their endless arousal as they do for hers
  691. >When a stud bumps his erect crotch onto her behind, she willingly leans back into him, pushing her cute soft ass back onto him by instinct
  692. >She lounges with her studs, letting them reach under her skimpy easy-access slutwear and play with her sexy body to their heart’s content
  693. >Tugging her panty straps up her wide round hips, lightly spanking her half exposed underbutt, caressing her bare thighs, massaging her on-display midriff, feeling up her cleavage and reaching into her top and teasing and flicking her soft perky nipples into getting stiff against their fingers
  694. >Turboslut loves it when studs lick the side of her neck
  695. >They plant kisses down along her shoulders until they reach her cleavage that makes them so horny
  696. >They lift and open her slutty little top and pull Turboslut’s bra open or out of the way if she’s even wearing one
  697. >Then kiss and suck on her exposed, stiff perky nipples
  698. >Turboslut constantly gets her skirt lifted up in the hallways
  699. >She hugs onto the strong bodies of her studs as they pull her skirt up in front of the whole school to see
  700. >Turbo loves it when they catch her on a day she’s not wearing panties
  701. >She moans and arches her back as the studs grab her, keeping her upright on her sexy fuck-me heels
  702. >Their strong stud hands grab her miniskirt and lift and pull it up
  703. >Bunching and tangling her miniskirt at her hips, leaving her jiggling buttcheeks and smooth puffy-vulva pussy bare and exposed in plain sight!~
  704. >“Oooh, I’m so embarrassed~!”
  705. >Sexy bottomless Turboslut twists around with her fuck-me heels the only thing touching the floor, getting manhandled by a pack of studs spreading her legs and feeling up her slutty, scantily clad body
  706. >She lets them use her
  707. >”F-fffuck me~!”
  708. >A stud with his huge cock out wedges his way up between her soft smooth thighs
  709. >Asserting his hard erect cock between her puffy vulva lips and slowly drives it deep into her pussy
  710. >”YES YES YES!” Turboslut groans
  711. >The stud pounds her bottomless pussy with his cock
  712. >He plows her so hard that her perky tits slip out of her loose half open top on their own
  713. >His stiff throbbing length stuffs her soft feminine walls and drives in and out with
  714. >”Cum for me! I want you to cum for me!”
  715. >Turboslut climaxes in sync with the powerful burst of cum exploding into her and dominating her sexy, exposed, voluptuous slut body as unstoppable, irresistible orgasm crashes through it~
  716. Cum.


by AWD

Turboslut 1

by AWD

Kinkie Pie Short

by AWD

Rarislut Short

by AWD

RD Trapslut (Futa)

by AWD