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The Bag (Oneshot?)

By LobosNumber5
Created: 2022-11-08 22:29:37
Updated: 2022-11-11 17:41:36
Expiry: Never

  1. > luna was not looking forward to visiting ponyville
  2. > what awaited her in the unfussy hamlet but the jeers and stares of ponies a thousand years removed from her patronage?
  3. > actually, that wasn't true at all--she had been requested to attend a party, after all
  4. > whose party? hers, naturally
  5. > the ponies of ponyville, led by a pink earth mare she could not recall the name of, had conspired to throw her a "welcome back from the moon!" party in honor of exactly that
  6. > she didn't think it was necessary, but celestia had chided her, saying that her reclusive behavior had been the very reason why she had been banished in the first place
  7. > okay, maybe she hadn't said it EXACTLY like that, but
  8. > "Princess, we're nearly to Ponyville."
  9. > luna withdrew from her thoughts and suddenly observed her surroundings
  10. > ponyville looked as cozy as ever from her gilded perch, which was tugged through the air by a pair of stout pegasus guards
  11. > still, the nagging feeling that she did not belong ate at her heart
  12. > celestia, again, had insisted the only way to remove such a feeling was to reintegrate, but luna wasn't so sure
  13. > as her carriage neared a narrow strip of pathed earth in the center of town, luna briefly considered jumping out of the chariot and flying all the way home
  14. > unfortunately, the welcome committee that awaited her robbed her of the chance
  15. > "Princess Luna!"
  16. > luna turned to regard the purple unicorn trotting up to the chariot as it touched down
  17. > who was she again?
  18. > ah, right
  19. > "Twilight Sparkle, was it? Thank you for the welcome, I suppose."
  20. > luna departed the chariot after it had well and settled; she thanked the guards as they flew away and glanced at the rest of twilight's entourage
  21. > though her memory of the night she had returned to equestria was foggy, luna recognized the five other ponies that walked alongside twilight to greet her--two pegasi, two earth ponies, and a second unicorn
  22. > however, another creature accompanied the six
  23. > a creature she had never seen before
  24. > a creature with a peculiar headpiece
  25. > luna couldn't help but interrupt twilight, who had begun to reintroduce her friends to the princess after they had all recovered from a reverent bow
  26. > "Forgive me, but what -is- that?"
  27. > luna gestured with a foreleg to the biped that flanked the rest of the mares
  28. > it appeared to look at luna, though with what expression she could not tell
  29. > it wore a paper bag over its head, after all, complete with a crude pair of ponylike eyes and folded-over ears barely visible from the front
  30. > "Oh, right. I guess I figured Princess Celestia would have mentioned him to you before you arrived. Princess Luna, this is Anonymous! He just moved here from Canterlot."
  31. > anonymous extended an appendange toward the princess; the thing ended in a terrifying near-dozen fleshy claws that made luna's skin crawl
  32. > still, she tried not to forget her manners entirely
  33. > "Very well, Anonymous. Pardon my rudeness, but I have simply never seen a creature quite like you."
  34. > luna kept her eyes on anonymous' outstretched limb for a good while before he simply retracted it
  35. > perhaps she was meant to grasp it?
  36. > twilight frowned at the princess, cocking her head curiously
  37. > "Princess, what do you mean? Anonymous is a pony."
  38. > luna stared at twilight in disbelief
  39. > "Dear Twilight, although I have not been returned to Equestria long, I have not forgotten what a member of my own species looks like. This... 'thing' could hardly be further removed from a pony."
  40. > the princess inwardly winced at her unwelcoming tone, but she was not a patient princess and tended to spare little time for jokes at her expense
  41. > the white unicorn behind twilight spoke up; luna began to regret interrupting twilight before she had the chance to refresh luna's memory of their names
  42. > "Princess, although Anonymous may seem a little rough around the edges, he is no less a pony than any of us..."
  43. > the unicorn batted her lashes at the creature in a coy display as she trailed off
  44. > "And might I add what a dashing stallion he is indeed."
  45. > the blue pegasus hovering near the unicorn rolled her eyes and scoffed
  46. > "You just think he's cool because he's from Canterlot, Rarity. You do this every time somepony from up there moves down here."
  47. > luna glanced back at the creature, who had broken her concentration by scratching his head
  48. > the bag crinkled a bit under his claws
  49. > was she missing something? perhaps they had simply overlooked his poor disguise
  50. > "What then of the paper sack around his head? It seems he has simply scrawled a pony's crude likeness upon its face. Can none of you see his disguise?"
  51. > in a bout of mild frustration, luna flicked her foreleg up to gesture at anonymous' face
  52. > well, his pretend face at least
  53. > twilight simply shook her head
  54. > "Princess, Anon isn't wearing anything on his head. Are you talking about his mane? I mean, it's definitely brown like a paper bag, but I don't think I could mistake one for the other."
  55. > twilight ran her forehoof through anon's "mane" for emphasis; it crinkled under her hooves like a pony trotting through a pile of autumn leaves
  56. > luna was beginning to grow weary of the creature's charade
  57. > "I cannot believe this."
  58. > an orange earth mare to her left spoke up
  59. > "Princess, ain't nopony tryin' to fool ya here. He's a pony just like the rest of us."
  60. > the creature nodded his head shortly before the pink earth mare popped her head out from between his legs
  61. > "Eeeexactly! I mean, if Anon wasn't a pony, what would he be? A rhino? A giraffe?" she gasped. "Wait, I've never even seen a rhino! Maybe he -is- a rhino. I mean, if I've never seen one, how do I know I haven't already seen one? And if I've already seen one, then-"
  62. > the pink one prattled on while the rest of twilight's friends began performing various gestures and providing various anecdotes to prove anonymous' ponyhood
  63. > all the while, the creature remained silent, fixing luna with the beady expression upon his bagged head
  64. > luna gestured for the ponies to quiet with all the authority she could muster
  65. > "And what says the creature in question? He has yet to speak to his own defense."
  66. > having been silenced by their princess, the ponies looked up to anon expectantly
  67. > he raised a limb to his face and cleared his throat
  68. "Hey."
  69. > luna quirked a brow
  70. > "'Hey?' Have you not anything else to say to your Princess, o stallion of the great Canterlot?"
  71. > twilight fidgeted a little at luna's rudeness but remained silent
  72. "Not really."
  73. > luna snorted at the creature's seeming nonchalance
  74. > they were questioning his very identity here and he seemed to not have a care in the world
  75. > luna felt like an idiot for even entertaining the idea that the creature was a pony and not some strange, alien biped that had somehow managed to fool the very ponies that had banished the evil from her heart
  76. > but more than that, luna felt like everypony else was even dumber than she for going along with the ruse
  77. > was she being tricked? was everypony in on the joke and waiting to yell "gotcha!" much like her sister did whenever she put toothpaste in luna's shoes or filled luna's room with a flock of geese or dyed luna's mane pink while she slept?
  78. > luna suddenly noticed that a sizable crowd had appeared, looking at the debate with curiosity and a touch of fear
  79. > ponies were of the easily intrigued sort, and any sort of commotion in town tended to draw onlookers
  80. > she tried to ignore the chatter around her; the ponies in the crowd were discussing among themselves the ponyness of the creature, no doubt
  81. > "You may have these ponies fooled, but I am a wiser sort. I have lived for thousands of years, and I will not suffer the indignation of being treated like the butt of some joke."
  82. > the creature snickered under his breath
  83. "Heh. Butt."
  84. > luna nearly slapped the creature
  85. > "We should have you imprisoned for your insolence! If my sister were here, she would certainly not stand for this sort of behavior."
  86. > luna knew that perhaps celestia might stand for this sort of behavior, the trickster she was, but throwing celestia's name around had always carried with it the authority she had never managed for herself
  87. > why was she always reduced to wielding her sister's power in situations where her own did not suffice?
  88. > twilight spoke up, looking to appease the princess
  89. > "Princess, if it makes you feel any better, I could write to Princess Celestia and ask her to help sort this out?"
  90. > luna nodded, if somewhat miffed that her sister was being called upon yet again to solve luna's problems for her
  91. > "Bring her then. We shall sort this out before I lose my temper."
  92. > twilight's friends glanced nervously among one another, and luna felt a little foolish for clearly having already lost her temper
  93. > however, she was right!
  94. > if her sister needed to be brought into the mix to dispel this misunderstanding, then so be it
  95. "Neigh."
  96. >
  97. > luna's jaw nearly dropped to the ground
  98. > "Tia, you can't be serious!"
  99. > celestia, in all her regal glory, affixed her sister with a very serious look and nodded
  100. > "Luna, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Anon is definitely a pony, and a very good friend of mine at that. His parents were advisors of mine some years ago, and he was even a student of my school before moving to Ponyville."
  101. > luna stamped her four hooves in the dirt in a stationary trot, enraged
  102. > she stuck an accusing hoof out at the thing
  103. > "Tia! Look at him! He's a... well, I don't know what he is, but he is definitely -NOT- a pony! Am I the victim of some cruel prank? Have I gone mad?"
  104. > the lunar princess trotted around anonymous like a circling shark, looking him up and down for any signs of ponyhood she had perhaps missed
  105. > she looked for a tail, or perhaps hooves hidden beneath his shoes to no avail
  106. > celestia shook her head with pity
  107. > "Luna, I don't know what to tell you. Anonymous is as pony as either of us. Furthermore, I believe these ponies are waiting for you to attend your homecoming ceremony, are they not? Perhaps we can save this discussion for another day, sister."
  108. > luna had all but forgotten about the party
  109. > however, surrounded by these lobotomares as she was, luna could scarcely entertain the thought of attending her own party
  110. > luna desperately looked to the crowd for validation
  111. > instead, she was met with despair
  112. > the ponies of ponyville had assembled some sort of organized union of support for anon while the argument had carried on
  113. > many mares and stallions held signs with anon's likeness, though he had been drawn to resemble the pony everypony around her thought they could see
  114. > many more ponies wore paper bags on various parts of their body in a display of solidarity with the creature
  115. > as the crowd edged closer toward the encircled princesses and element bearers, members of the royal guard who had arrived with celestia pressed in to quell the more unruly ponies
  116. > exasperated, luna tore her gaze away from the festival of lunacy and once again regarded the creature
  117. > "You! You will not get away with this. I do not know what sort of dark, twisted magic you have cast upon my ponies, but I will never fall to your lies. NEVER!"
  118. > luna disappeared in a flash of blue magic, drawing many gasps and confused mutterings from the audience
  119. > twilight shook her head, placing a supportive hoof on anon's shoulder
  120. > "Sorry Anon, I don't know what came over her. Maybe she's still having some trouble adjusting to life back in Equestria?"
  121. > celestia and the other mares nodded thoughtfully
  122. > "Perhaps I should have a talk with her about how to treat our subjects with a little more respect," said celestia
  123. > anon shrugged
  124. "Meh, it's all good. Anyway, wanna go get that party started? If Luna's not gonna be there, I'll take her share of cake and booze."
  125. > the mares around him chuckled, and the element of loyalty clubbed anon on the back playfully
  126. > "Not if I get to it first, big guy! Whaddya say to a..."
  127. > the blue pegasus blinked as anon's paper bag slipped off of his head, courtesy of the force with which she had slapped him
  128. "Oh shit!"
  129. > the hushed mutterings of the large crowd of future partygoers quieted completely, and all eyes were suddenly upon him
  130. > celestia simply blinked, eyes darting from the bag, to anon's face, and back to the bag again
  131. > twilight held a hoof against her gaping maw, trying desperately to process what she was seeing
  132. > the bag drifted down from anon's crown, tumbling lazily in the autumn breeze, before collapsing into itself as it met with the earth
  133. > amid the stares, anon knelt down and quickly grabbed the bag
  134. > he fumbled around with it a little bit, trying to get his bearings of its pony-faced surface
  135. > finally, after at least a minute of nervously fooling with his cheap pony mask, he finally slipped it back into his head
  136. > twilight stared
  137. > celestia stared
  138. > the rest of twilight's friends stared
  139. > the crowd stared
  140. > anon cleared his throat
  141. "Uh... Neigh?"
  142. >
  143. > the ponies looked at each other, shrugged, and departed town square in the direction of sugarcube corner
  144. > it seemed as though luna's party would commence without her
  145. > twilight's friends crowded anonymous, showering him with apologies for luna's behavior while simultaneously praising his good looks and attitude
  146. > after sharing a moment with twilight, celestia gathered her guards and left for canterlot, no doubt to have a firm chat with her sister about her rude and indecent behavior
  147. > the night continued on, and luna's party went off without a hitch, later being hailed as one of the greatest of local party planner pinkie pie's popular parties
  148. > and nopony had any idea that anonymous was a human with a paper bag over his head pretending to be a pony the whole time
  149. > well, except for poor luna

Griffon on the Rocks (Anon x Gilda)

by LobosNumber5

Griffon on the Rocks - Chapter 2

by LobosNumber5

Hard Day's Work (Anon x Mayor Mare)

by LobosNumber5

Christmas is Magic (Anon x Twilight)

by LobosNumber5

Once in a Thousand Moons (Anon x Luna)

by LobosNumber5