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/flutterrape/ No Flut November

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2022-11-09 00:48:57
Updated: 2022-11-21 02:25:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are not a weak man
  2. >You believe that you are stronger than average
  3. >Given you live amongst ponies of all colors, shapes, sizes, scents and flavors...
  4. >You are only but a man
  5. >And you do have urges
  6. >Most of them, you are able to handle when alone
  7. >But all of that has ben weakness
  8. >Well, most of it has
  9. >No man alive can endure everything that you've seen and felt, regardless of intent
  10. >To remedy this, you've decided to embrace nature
  11. >Not only do you touch grass like you were a natural at handstands, but you've been camping for the last week
  12. >Your only income comes through odd jobs so it isn't like you need to worry about vacation hours
  13. >Despite the cold, you have decided to go full caveman
  14. >Mostly because with it being so chilly out, there's no way your body will betray you and activate
  15. >...
  16. >...
  17. >...
  18. >It's fucking cold out today too
  19. "Alright, lad... five more minutes then back to the fire, eugh."
  20. >Because you're roughing it and finally feel some semblance of facial hair grow despite your genes' best efforts, you've adopted the accent of the manliness man you've ever known
  21. >Jason Statham
  22. >You don't remember many action movies so he's the only choice you have
  23. >After another stretch, you dip into narrow creek
  24. >Despite it being maybe twenty yards wide it goes up to your waist a whole lot quicker than you'd think
  25. >The icy flow of the river is frigid enough for your entire body to go stiff
  26. >Most of it, anyway
  27. >If you can effectively deaden your crotch and focus your mind, you can become more and more immune to the maddening scent of mares
  28. >You were immune before but not enough
  29. "...t... two more minutes... p-p-poppit..."
  30. >You weren't counting time at all but surely it had to have been three minutes already
  31. >Right?
  32. >...
  33. >There's no way your lads are going to survive this torture
  34. >You wade out, sucking in a harsh gasp
  35. >Not only are you wet but a stray gust saps even more heat
  36. "Oh crumpets, my biscuits."
  37. >You're pretty sure that's something those guys say
  38. >A few more steps and you drop to the admittedly soft grass
  39. >At least all of you is out of the water
  40. "T...t-this is bullshit."
  41. >Why do they always get away with the training montages without complaining?!
  42. >"Anon, you're freezing!"
  43. "Y-yer damn right I am!"
  44. >You must be getting frostbitten all over now
  45. >Death has come to you as a delusional voice
  46. >"What are you doing out here? I stopped by your home a few times and saw that even your bathroom light was out!"
  47. "Because I-"
  48. >Wait
  49. >Death sounds a whole lot like a certain pony you know
  50. >You lift your head up to see a very concerned Fluttershy
  51. >With saddlebags on, no less
  52. "...what are you doing out here?"
  53. >You would normally be embarrassed to be seen naked by any pony
  54. >But...
  55. >Fluttershy is an exception
  56. >She's the one who tipped you over the edge and forced you into this attempt at a transformation
  57. >Besides
  58. >You're sure you're a eunuch now
  59. >Sorry kids, your father was but a fool
  61. >"I thought I would try to find you, and help! And the weather is great so I thought I would try to go camping too."
  62. " go camping?"
  63. >She tilts her head and frowns at your gruff English cherry boy accent
  64. >"Oh no... you're not sick... are you?"
  65. "Eh?"
  66. >You furrow your eyebrows
  67. >Then it clicks
  68. >You clear your throat and fall back into your natural tone
  69. "N-no? I'm... fine..."
  70. >You flop back onto your butt and sit with your legs crossed
  71. >She's not even dressed up in a coat
  72. >For some reason that makes the life threatening chill of being wet in a breeze far more manageable
  73. >You don't even comment on her eyes very visibly flickering down to your lap and other parts
  74. "Well... I guess I don't mind sharing camping grounds. But can you kinda not be around here for a while? I'm doing something."
  75. >Far more curious than insulted, the pony smiles
  76. >"Oh, I can see that! It's so nice to see you shed those messy, ill-fitting clothes. I think it is fine if you talk to Rarity, those were her first attempts after all."
  77. "Messy?! I washed them two we-"
  78. >...
  79. >Maybe think this one out
  80. "It's not that. I'm..."
  81. >Your eyes travel over her body as freely as her eyes do to you
  82. >Out of all ponies, she's the only one who's shown interest in you
  83. >As overly forward or as creepy it would be
  84. >And here you always thought you'd like clingy girls
  85. >Maybe the best title for her is "inconvenient"
  86. "I'm doing a challenge that guys like me used to do, way back home."
  87. >Fluttershy gasps and beams
  88. >"Oh, that's amazing! Challenges can be so hard, but so rewarding too! What is it about?"
  89. >If she were any other pony, you'd leave it there
  90. >But because it's her
  91. "I can't masturbate for a month. Which means I have to chain up my sexual side, no matter what, and abstain."
  92. >The pegasus's mouth goes from a beam... and degrades to a lukewarm smile
  93. >It further melts into a nonplussed expression
  94. >Is it concern that is in her eyes?
  95. >Or something worse?
  96. >"...y-you can't do that."
  97. "Yeah, it fucking sucks. Right? But I gotta. I have to prove it to myself that I can be above my urges."
  98. >Fluttershy looks down at the ground
  99. >To be fair, she's partially the cause of it
  100. >"...can I help you?"
  101. >You snort
  102. >And scoff
  103. >In that particular order
  104. "What? No way. With me being out here and you being you, if you tried to "help" me you would drain my nuts dry to the point I would be a mummy."
  105. >Despite your accusatory tone, a creeping smile grows
  106. >" that bad, Anon...?"
  107. "I..."
  108. >...hold on now
  109. >Outside of the cold
  110. >There is precisely nothing stopping that from becoming your new reality
  111. >And more
  112. >...
  113. >What would Jason Statham do?
  114. "...yes, it is. I've already lost my wit-"
  115. >"And other fluids."
  116. "-y-yeah. I've lost control of myself a lot already. And I've had enough. I can't be so weak and easy to boss around or lead by the scrote. So I have to do this."
  117. >Perhaps due to her animal affinity, she seems to accept your ways
  118. >"I see... that really is a good reason, isn't it..."
  120. "Yeah..."
  121. >As openly predatory as she's been before, it feels nice to have this real sort of conversation with her
  122. >For better or worse, there's no one else in Equestria that would understand how dire your straits are with this
  123. >"Can I join you?"
  124. "W-huh?"
  125. >Fluttershy brings up her head, looking as serious as you felt a few hours ago when you spent half of your day freezing to death in the near bottomless river
  126. >...Maybe the freezing crotch really has messed with your sense of time
  127. >"I... I want to stop masturbating for a month too! And... other naughty things! If I can go through it with you, maybe I won't be so tempted!"
  128. "...huh?"
  129. >"Y-yeah! Let me join you! And together we'll stop masturbating so much!"
  130. >Something about this doesn't click
  131. " masturbate?"
  132. >Your blood is too frigid and your mind too atrophied to realize what you had just asked
  133. >Fluttershy nods like a madmare, strands of her mane falling out of form
  134. >"Oh my, yes! In fact, I masturbated three times this morning! Four times yesterday, and then the day before. And then after the Halloween party we had, I-"
  135. >Future children, your father is no longer a eunuch
  136. "'re not kidding, are you?"
  137. >You lean inward, cutting her off with raw curiosity
  138. >Feral curiosity, even
  139. >Fluttershy gives an introverted smirk
  140. >Her head sinks down but she maintains direct eye contact
  141. >"I... I'm not. I-I'm... I'm kind of a naughty pony."
  142. >After years of her antics?
  143. >You hadn't once noticed
  144. >"Please keep it a secret?"
  145. >Who in the world doesn't know her habits?!
  146. >You've been soft banned from Sugarcube Corner because of her
  147. >And at least a few fruit stand mares are too embarrassed to even take your bits
  148. "...sure. As long as you keep me being out here a secret too."
  149. >Her smirk widens
  150. >"Y-yeah. Ok, Anon. This'll be our secret, ok?"
  151. >She sounds...
  152. >More excited than she should be
  153. >This isn't a game
  154. >Not to you, anyway
  155. >This is a battle for your mortal soul while demonic female ponies tempt you into dire sin with no escape
  156. >And this mare just came up to you, expressed how common she masturbates, and asked to join you
  157. >Nevermind that all of this has been in part to how often she's done things to you
  158. >It's like inviting a wolf to a jerky rack and hoping it won't just make off with the meat
  159. >The painfully pulsating secondary brain won this round
  160. >Her eyes flicker down to it for just long enough to tell you that she probably knows that she's playing an angle
  161. >God damn this weak mortal shell
  162. >But you will prevail
  163. >So you welcome this challenge
  164. "...sure..."
  165. >"Yay! I get to take a human challenge!"
  166. >Fluttershy pounces up on the very tips of her hooves, swaying and trotting in place
  167. >Good lord forgive you but this mare has curves made for human hands to grip onto
  168. >"Oh! I almost forgot!"
  169. >She stops in mid-baby making sway fast enough that you get whiplash
  170. "H-huh? What is it?"
  171. >"What's the challenge called, anyway?"
  172. "Oh. That? It's called..."
  175. >Fluttershy's addition to your exile...
  176. >Has actually helped to distract you
  177. >You helped set her up near your camp site
  178. >To be honest, the only blockade between your two firepits are a few bushes
  179. >Whether you want to admit it or not, she's going to be around to stay
  180. >Which means no more accents
  181. >For now
  182. >With the sun setting, the twin fires provide more than enough light and warmth
  183. >"What do we do now, Anon? It's too dark to go out walking around, especially since we're so vulnerable..."
  184. >What is this "we"?
  185. >She's always naked
  186. >Most ponies are
  187. "Well... uh... I don't know. Usually I just go monk mode and kinda reach my zen until I pass out. My tent has some extra blankets so they keep me warm."
  188. >One of them is folded under you to be a good cushion
  189. >"What's monkey mode?"
  190. >Despite you and her sitting back to back, there's no need to raise your voice
  191. "No, monk mode. Like... the dudes in D&D who can break necromancer skulls with their fists and punch their way through adamantium armor like it's gift wrap paper."
  192. >Fluttershy gasps, in awe
  193. >" can punch through armor?"
  194. "No, it's in..."
  195. >...
  196. "Y-yeah. But only sometimes."
  197. >You know her well enough that she sometimes does just have a critical misunderstanding of human culture
  198. "Anyway, outside of D&D, going monk mode means focusing. Meditating, emptying your mind."
  199. >You close your eyes
  200. >You've been doing alright for the last week
  201. >But the scent of that pegasus...
  202. >You swear that you haven't gained superhuman senses
  203. >She's just a very keenly-scented mare
  204. >It is a scent you're familiar with
  205. >You could probably pick her out in a crowd with your eyes closed, your arms tied behind your back and a gag stuck in place
  206. >...
  207. >Maybe you shouldn't be focusing on that
  208. >You focus instead on your demons
  209. >Your sensual
  210. >Coy
  211. >Sensitive
  212. >Little yellow demon
  213. >No!
  214. >Bad Anon
  215. >Your mind wanders to the Halloween party
  216. >You've been trying to remember what happened but you were drinking
  217. >Apparently, drinking enough that you've somehow blacked out
  218. >You've never done that before
  219. >There had to be a bigger reason for that
  220. >Some sort of temptation or decision that led to so many ponies saying that you needed to "tone it down"
  221. >That is the key to why you took up this challenge as hard as you have
  222. >You were dressed up as a Dracula, and when you were being given your first drink, it was by-
  223. "...what are you doing?"
  224. >"S-Sorry, Anonymous. I'm kinda scared of the dark. I just don't want to risk it."
  225. >Just like that, your train of thought is ruined
  226. >You can't think beyond how her soft wing is against your back
  227. >Maybe you can transcend it
  228. >"Anon...?"
  229. "...yeah?"
  230. >"Can I ask you about your fetishes?"
  231. >Fucking
  232. "If you can help out long enough... sure. I'll tell you."
  233. >You clear your throat and continue
  234. "But-and this is a big, soft butt-you have to actually help me. If you're trying to just mess with me I'll know."
  235. >"Oh, I bet! But how should I help?"
  236. "I don't know. Make sure I don't start going at it I guess."
  238. >"That would be terrible if you did! I would at least like to watch. If that's ok with you."
  239. >You are going to be the bigger brain and say nothing to that
  240. "I just need to keep my mind occupied. And anyway, what about you? What is your plan to abstain?"
  241. >"To be around you!"
  242. >Ouch
  243. >That comment reminds you of your highschool days a little too hard
  244. "That doesn't make sense."
  245. >"Well, if I start rubbing myself or doing something naughty, and you're around, you'll keep me on the straight and narrow!"
  246. >The pride in her voice is emboldening
  247. "You really trust me that much, huh?"
  248. >"Absolutely, Anon! If you're keeping me from doing something bad, I know I'll win!"
  249. >She has a point
  250. "...what happens if I'm not around? I won't always be right there to slap your hooves away."
  251. >"If slapping my hooves away doesn't work, try a slap on the cheek!"
  252. >...
  253. >This pony is talking mad shit for being in slapping distance
  254. >Because her back is against yours, you can't see if she's being devilish or herself
  255. "You know that didn't answer my question."
  256. >"I know. I'm sorry. I guess my only real answer is to find you... or to hope that you find me. Would you be angry if you caught me masturbating, Anon?"
  257. >Is this playing with fire?
  258. "Not really? I mean, I'll have to tell you to stop."
  259. >"Or make me stop..."
  260. "...yeah."
  261. >Maybe you need another dip in the river, because you've been so worked up that you can almost feel yourself drip
  262. >But this is good
  263. >This is accountability
  264. >If you were by yourself, you probably would have already painted a suggestively formed tree white
  265. >"It's really dark out... do you really sleep out here all on your own?"
  266. >Finally, a distraction
  267. "That's right. I haven't had any issues so far. I'm not pony-sized so I'm guessing I don't look as delicious a meal to any predators."
  268. >"Oh no, Anon, it isn't so bad out here. But... I really do hope that I don't look too delicious for any predators! Especially the types that are sneaky, and-and, do things like eat ponies whole-so scary!"
  269. >...
  270. >Was it just you or did you interpret that as "eat pony's holes"
  271. >You truly are a lost cause at this rate
  272. >It isn't even halfway through and you're unable to stop yourself
  273. >But you are a third of the way
  274. "...Hm..."
  275. >You sigh and get up
  276. >Fluttershy rolls onto her back as you rise, letting it show just how much she was leaning against you
  277. "I'm gonna turn in for the night."
  278. >"Alright, Anon! Have a very good sleep. I'll go to bed in a little bit."
  279. "Sounds good."
  280. >You choose to wipe your short-term memory of seeing her out of the corner of your eye
  281. >The passing almost-sight of her laying on her back, hind legs spread as far as they could go, one hiked up to ensure that you can see everything
  282. >Whether she's tempting you or if it's just your pent up mind, who knows
  283. >As long as you'll sleep on your back without covers on below the waist, you'll be fine
  284. >Can't have accidents if there's nothing there to have physical contact with
  288. >"Hah... haa... ha~ Haa..."
  289. >You can hear some sort of monster
  290. >"Oh my, that's right. Wakey for momma..."
  291. >A monster is speaking to you
  292. >It sounds like something nearby
  293. >"O-oh no. Y-you can stay asleep. No, it's ok, really."
  294. >You grumble and raise your hand, idly swatting it at any vocal monsters
  295. >Nothing
  296. >It takes a moment for you to open your eyes
  297. >You're still in your tent
  298. >That's good
  299. >The tent doesn't look shredded either
  300. >That's a bonus
  301. >That monster...
  302. >It definitely sounded female
  303. >That must be a first, you've never had a nightmare like that before
  304. >You push your blanket off of your torso, everything below your stomach c-
  305. >Actually...
  306. >Strike that
  307. >Your lap feels warm
  308. >Frowning, you take note that you are... at full mast
  309. >It wasn't this bad yesterday or the day before
  310. >If it keeps going at this rate, will you unleash some new power upon the world?
  311. >...
  312. >That thought alone sounds kinda exciting
  313. "Roight. Risen'shine, cupcake."
  314. >A decidedly limey whisper grumbles out of your throat
  315. >You're ready for the day
  316. >You're ready for breakfast at least
  317. >Retaining your wild man strategy, you revisit the outside world without a shred of decency
  318. >Or dignity
  319. "Oh hey, you're up already. Didn't take you for an early riser."
  320. >You put your hands on your hips, watching Fluttershy panic over the smoldering remains of last night's fire
  321. >"Y-y-yeah! Yup, that's me! I.."
  322. >She keeps her face to you, red as it may be
  323. " alright?"
  324. >"Y-yeah! Of course! I'm..."
  325. >She sits down
  326. >But not completely down
  327. >It looks like she's sitting off-center
  328. >"'s as tough challenge..."
  329. "Oh..."
  330. >If you weren't already used to her sexual antics, you'd feel yourself a little more worked up
  331. >Or maybe you've already passed that zenith of sexual repression
  332. "Yeah it is. But I slept perfectly! I don't feel stiff at all."
  333. >You raise your fists to the sky and roar out to the sky
  335. >As if to prove to Celestia that you have overcome the worst hump of the challenge, everything that can point skyward does
  336. >...and only seconds later the morning sun itself seems to hide behind a lump of clouds
  337. "...well that can't be good news. Oh well."
  338. >You shrug and make way to the side of your tent
  339. >You fashioned together a caveman-style rucksack to bring with you
  340. >In it, you've stocked enough food for a month solid
  341. >Or... so you thought
  342. >Instead, it is enough for a week if that
  343. >You didn't realize how hungry you felt after spending hours just walking around and freezing your lads off
  344. "'ere we go, poppit."
  345. >A big bottle of milk in a jar that you were told keeps milk fresh forever
  346. >The salesmare seemed a little giggly but you would be giggling mad too if you were selling magical preservation jars for dirt cheap
  348. "And... ha!"
  349. >A bag of oats and a few cinnamon sticks
  350. >To mix things up-and celebrate your new comrade in arms-you can just make a huge thing of oatmeal
  351. >Slipping a stick of cinnamon in the corner of your mouth, you return to the campfire
  352. >Fluttershy is still there, paralyzed and biting her lip so hard you get the impression that she might bite off part of her face
  353. "Hungry?"
  354. >"Dear Princess Celestia, I'm starving."
  355. >She sounds like she's about to die
  356. "Oh, well good news! I'm gonna fill you up with the hot stuff. And by hot stuff..."
  357. >You hold up your jar
  358. >She's probably never seen a magic preservation jar before
  359. >You grin at her, as proud as can be
  360. "Want some of my milk?"
  361. >Fluttershy makes a...
  362. >A noise
  363. >You aren't sure if that came out of her mouth
  364. >For just a moment, her eyes cross before they attempt to refocus on you
  365. "...I'll... take that as a yes."
  366. >"C-challenge... not... failed..."
  367. "That's right!"
  368. >Focusing more on your stomach than anything else, you sit opposite of her
  369. >Using your patented fire poking branch, you shuffle around the embers
  370. >Some extra twigs, dewy grass, your tin pot...
  371. >Add a little mandatory desperate plea for fire
  372. "Ah ha! I still got it."
  373. >You had someone watching so you couldn't have a mental breakdown this time
  374. >Man's first best friend: fire
  375. >If your best friend needed to be contained or else he would steal anything and everything important to you in a selfish blaze of hell
  376. >You pluck the stick of cinnamon from the corner of your mouth and stick it between your front teeth to gnaw on
  377. "So, I had a few plans today of what I wanted to do. I was thinking of doing a little rock climbing. Or hiking. Whatever sounds more impressive. Because I'm not wearing anything and don't want to-I'm kinda enjoying the freedom-I want to do whatever is safer because if I get a bad scrape somewhere... it's no good."
  378. >Your mind is alight with progress
  379. >It isn't that you want to show off
  380. >...
  381. >Ok, you do
  382. >You want to impress her and make sure she tells everyone else that you have gained enlightenment
  383. >But you actually want to do the things too
  384. "What... do you wanna do?"
  385. >Your momentum enters a muddy patch when you see Fluttershy's face
  386. >She looks somewhat ashamed, distracted, and completely pre-occupied
  387. >"C... can't we just cuddle?"
  388. >Her squeak of a question elicits a proud "ha!"
  389. "Later if it gets colder? Sure but there's gotta be some sort of barrier in play. Can't let any accidents happen, right?"
  390. >"Y-yes... any protrusions would sting. Like... a bee's sting. Or, or ah... a snake bite. With a lot of dangerous venom..."
  391. >Her breathy words drool out from her lips
  392. >She looks nearly intoxicated
  393. >She...
  394. >She couldn't have
  395. " didn't get into that special cider, did you? That's my halfway point drink."
  396. >"N... no, Anon. I haven't gulped down anything of yours..."
  397. >She sounds so dejected
  398. "W-well, hold on now. I'm... I'm not saying you can't. Just not right now, ok? But later I'll share it, halfway."
  400. >The mare's body makes another noise
  401. >Now that you're watching her face, you can tell that it must be coming from...
  402. >Elsewhere...
  403. >She lets out a muffled "unnnnnf-ah" and shivers
  404. >Oh
  405. >...
  406. >OH
  407. "...o-oh. That..."
  408. >Fluttershy attempts to look at you
  409. >In your general direction
  410. >One of those things
  411. >You were on fire but now you can't help but know that she-
  412. >No
  413. >Nope
  414. >Nada
  415. "R-right. Challenge not failed, anyway! Fluttershy!"
  416. >Your loud, sudden bark at her causes her to jolt upright
  417. >"Y-yes?!"
  418. "Come on, talk to me. You like hot oatmeal? These cinnamon sticks have really been growing on me. I have some ginger too. I was told they would help with me running around, but I'm not soo bad a cook I just throw it all in."
  419. >If you can keep talking
  420. >Keep focused
  421. >You can ignore the sweet, heavy scent of what can only be the yellow pony's lust
  422. >And you can ignore that the noise coming from her is a repeating squelch that causes her shoulders to shake
  423. >Surely the oatmeal will taste sweeter
  424. >By your cooking
  425. >Not by her adding her own twist
  426. >...
  427. >What would Mr. Statham do in this situation?
  430. >This was good
  431. >This was a very good idea
  432. >It's flawless, even
  433. >" where are we going again?"
  434. "We're on... The Path!"
  435. >You stop in mid-step to kneel in perfect Dark Souls warcry gesture
  436. >Fluttershy, a few steps in front of you, doesn't turn back to face you
  437. >That was the perfect solution: if you are too far ahead, she'll be watching you
  438. >If she's too far ahead, you'll be watching her
  439. >And if you're exactly side-by-side, she's at risk if she ever looks toward you
  440. >So the only possible option is that she walk in front of you and to the side by a few steps
  441. >The lack of cooming has spiked your IQ by at least 5% to allow for such logistics
  442. >"...which path? We've been walking for a long time now but that log is starting to look familiar."
  443. "It's The Path, man! The... uh."
  444. >You stand back up, feeling your motivation come and go by the second
  445. >After breakfast, you were ready to run for miles
  446. >A half hour after you started on your trek, you were bored
  447. >It must have been at least two hours and now you're just bored
  448. >You're ultimately aiming to just tire yourself out until you can't even think of it
  449. >At least you put your shoes back on for this
  450. "It's... a metaphor. And literal. The literal path is just a circle I made."
  451. >Fluttershy sits for a moment and looks around the woods
  452. >"I... I don't remember that log being there before."
  453. >Ah crap
  454. >You're lost, aren't you
  455. >Of course you're lost
  456. >The only thought you've had for the last hour focused purely on the sounds the yellow mare has been making
  457. >You feel like you're a wolf two seconds away from pouncing on the lump of fresh pony hole
  458. "That... well maybe it's true. Can you fly up and re-direct us?"
  459. >You swear that you had this all plotted out
  460. >She must have been gumming up the works
  461. >Fucking Fluttershy
  462. >"Oh, I can do that! Absolutely, please hang on!"
  463. >She immediately takes off after a few trotting steps
  464. >Damn it
  465. >Crap
  466. >You wish you were home playing video games
  467. >Instead you had to come out into the woods and torture yourself for days straight
  468. >All because of this challenge
  469. >...
  470. >This drastic moodswing has happened every single day after the second day
  471. >Jason Statham probably isn't even real in Equestria
  472. >That thought alone sinks your morale to the bottom of your bare ass
  473. >At least you aren't aroused
  474. >And no other pony has found you
  475. >You aren't sure how you would react to a stray mare finding a naked human grumbling about his frustrations while harder than a steel beam
  476. >Are pony police a thing?
  477. >Maybe Celestia would strike you with a bolt of lightning
  478. >...
  479. >Nah
  480. >You've seen her but the only thing fancy about her is that she has wings and a horn and is big enough to ride
  481. >You doubt she could hear you
  482. >...
  483. >Where is that pegasus punk, anyway?
  484. >You thought Equestria was so peaceful and pure
  485. >You knew that ponies had sex but it was out of sight and out of mind
  487. >All of that shattered the day she visited you and politely asked to come inside
  488. >Once in your home, she introduced herself and politely asked if you wanted to stuff your balls into her mouth like sticking a pair of potatoes into an oven
  489. >You were so flabbergasted that you could only say "I'm good" and listen to her explain that she would gladly do it the second you change your mind
  490. >Then she would ask daily
  491. >"Hey, Anon! My parents don't live in Ponyville, wanna come over for some Mareflix and chill?"
  492. >"Anon, good morning! Do you want to see my latest impression of a woodpecker?"
  493. >"Anon, save me, I'm stuck in this bush and need you to pull me out!"
  494. >That last one wasn't so sexual until you realized that she was biting onto the base of the bush itself and actively bucking against you
  495. >That is when she started to get...
  496. >Creative
  497. >She would ask you about your fetishes
  498. >Send you anonymous letters
  499. >Sneak into your home
  500. >There was the one time where she led you on a wild goose chase
  501. >You thought a new mare in town wanted to date you
  502. >You've been around ponies for so long that your sexual thoughts just naturally started to curve toward mares
  503. >In the end, it was Fluttershy
  504. >And you didn't mind it...
  505. >But it just felt a little too awkward
  506. >You thought you were stood up at first
  507. "What a mess, man..."
  508. >She is such a confusing sort of girl
  509. >And she really doesn't seem to do this with anyone else
  510. >Now she's doing this sort of crap
  511. >And why, because you are?
  512. >"Anon! Up here!"
  513. >You stand up, giving your legs a stretch
  514. >Your eyes go skyward to
  515. >Very very apparent pegasus vulva
  516. >You feel like you can see for two miles unaided by a lens
  517. "...can angels come in yellow?"
  518. >"I found out where we can go! Follow me, I'll fly over there!"
  519. >She's maybe thirty or forty yards above you, it wouldn't be difficult to watch
  520. >Rather than shout out, you give her a thumbs up
  521. >If it wasn't her, you don't know if any pony would understand that symbol
  522. >At least this will take you back to camp
  523. >You're gonna give all of this nature shit another day then just go back home and think of something else
  524. >Isolation wasn't working and now you're not even isolated anymore
  525. >You follow her direction while mumbling dark, defeatist fragments
  526. >Thankfully she moves like a humming bird, managing to flap and...
  527. >Flutter
  528. >In place
  529. >A few minutes away you come across a
  530. "What the hell is this?"
  531. >Fluttershy floats down to your side, content with herself
  532. >"It's a pond! I thought that we could use a little break and you could use a wash because I noticed your skin is dirty and sweaty and it's important to human health to be clean, especially in certain places."
  533. >You aren't sure what to say
  534. >Should you be annoyed that this isn't your camp?
  535. >Is this a scheme?
  536. >Do you fucking care?
  537. >Your legs are sore, your crotch is sweaty and dirty from the way you've been sitting, your mood is somewhere between "shit's fucked" and "I could fuck near anything right now"
  538. "...Thanks, Fluttershy."
  540. >Shoes off and deep enough where you can sit and be up to your neck, you feel good
  541. >The water is clean and smells good
  542. >When you were standing above it, you could almost see down to the floor
  543. >From where you are right now, the reflections and sunlight make it impossible to see anything
  544. >But that's fine
  545. >Fluttershy said she would go off and try to find some berries or edible crap
  546. >She's a nature lover, she could probably tell what every plant is by a glance
  547. >Maybe that transfers to others kills
  548. >...
  549. "Huh. Is she an apothecary?"
  550. >That would be interesting if true
  551. >You lean back, having taken a seat on a flat rock
  552. >You "washed" yourself there for no more than ten seconds
  553. >Two seconds was all it took for you to regain your vitality
  554. "This is nice... little bit o' are'an'are."
  555. >You grumble back into that particular accent
  556. >Now you're feeling it again
  557. >You got this
  558. >You got this by the ba-
  559. >You let out the most manly of girly screams
  560. >Something has got you by the balls
  561. >You rush to stand up but slip on the muddy stones
  562. >Your head goes under
  563. >The suction is intense, enough that you are unsure if they are in danger or outright existential peril
  564. >You flail against the pond monster, quickly losing your sense of which way is up
  565. >You keep trying to grab at whatever is grappling your lads but it thrashes around to the point you reflexively pull your hands away
  566. >What if it has a thousand spines?
  567. >Or if touching it will make it chomp down?
  568. >It's like trying to deal with a spider biting your hand, there are no winning options because it's biting you
  569. >But you don't want to fucking touch it
  570. >While fighting for your life you feel something chomp onto your wrist
  571. >Sweet baby Jesus Christ it must have separated them and is now devouring the rest of you
  572. >Except rather than bite down, it's pulling you
  573. >Your head consistently breaks the surface long enough so you can scream for air
  574. >It's Fluttershy!
  575. >She has your hand and is trying to swim to the edge
  576. >Apparently you ended up in the middle
  578. >You're sure you've never made that voice before today
  579. >Flailing with the might of Hercules, you make it to the pond and flop out
  580. >You end up on your back
  581. >Your heart is racing to the point you're not sure if you'll have a heart attack next
  582. >Fluttershy simillarly hurls herself out of the pool and onto you
  583. >Your tip immediately presses into something that is just a little darker yellow than the rest of her body
  584. >She's panting just as hard as you are
  585. >"A-Ah... ah-non! I-I came as soon as... I could!"
  586. >You hug her close with full strength
  587. "H... holy shit."
  588. >If she wasn't there, what would have happened?
  589. >"I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know you would..."
  590. >She's attempting to apologize
  591. >You pat her soaked mane and swallow hard
  592. "Nah... nah, you're good. Fucking wildlife. Fuck nature, man. Fuck that."
  593. >You feel her push herself down on you
  594. >"Y... yeah... you should..."
  596. "Fuck it hard, seriously. After I make sure I didn't shit my soul out, I'm getting my shoes, we're going back to camp and I'm going home."
  597. >You focus on steadying your breathing
  598. >The way she's hugging onto you for dear life, she must have been terrified to see you thrashing against some Equestrian nightmare
  599. >Upon realization that you're possibly within range of getting grabbed again, you sit up without warning
  600. >You
  601. >Enter
  602. >The mare
  603. >Fluttershy screams at a pitch so high you're sure only dogs could hear her
  604. >In blind reflex, you realize you've been pinning her to your body
  605. >Your first instinct, for her sake, is to let go and push her off
  606. >As soon as you do, you double over
  607. >The revelation matched with the tight, yellow-hot warmth of your blade's new favorite home is almost too much to bear
  608. >You hold your hands up, clenching them
  609. >Nope
  610. >Not gonna pop
  611. >You can't
  612. >The challenge
  613. >Jason Statham
  614. >Thinking of the most cool of guys is enough to pull you back from the brink
  615. >Just like in Crank Two
  616. >Exactly like then
  617. >You puke out enough air for you to realize that you have been holding your breath ever since the penetration
  618. > one saw that
  619. >Right?
  620. >There was no one on the planet that could see what happened for such a short split second
  621. >You look over at Fluttershy
  622. >She's laying on her back and gyrating like a snake with it's head cut off
  623. >Oh shit
  624. >She's acting like someone actually stabbed her
  625. >And...
  626. >To be fair
  627. >You did
  628. "F... Fluttershy?"
  629. >You're afraid to ask
  630. >Fluttershy stifles a whinny between clenched teeth
  631. >You watch without the capacity to rip your eyes away
  632. >She eventually calms down with her legs crossed
  633. >You didn't think ponies could cross their legs that hard
  634. "Y... y-you... alright...?"
  635. >Maybe it's a retarded think to ask
  636. >But you can't just say nothing
  637. >"Challenge..."
  638. >She gurgles out a word despite drool streaming out from her lips
  639. >"Not... failed!"
  640. >Good lord
  641. >She fought through that without Flutterbusting all over the grass
  642. >The awe-inspiring sight is almost enough to make you ignore how harsh her vagina is winking
  643. >It looks like it's one push away from shooting off
  644. >And you stabbed right up into that
  645. >...
  646. >...
  647. >...
  648. >Oh crap
  649. >What were the challenge rules about sex?
  650. >That didn't count
  651. >Did it?
  655. >Humans have such curious cultures
  656. >You've done as much as you could to learn about Anon, and you've only wanted him more and more with every passing fact
  657. >This... is one of the least favorite facts about humans
  658. "Weren't you going to spend all of this month outside?"
  659. >"Ahhh... well, I wanted to. But to be honest? It sucks. I miss playing video games."
  660. >You're on your path to leave the forest with Anon
  661. >You've offered to help carry some of his belongings to make it easier on him
  662. >What he doesn't know is that you have one of his pairs of boxers in your sights
  663. >While it is a true shame to natural beauty to see the human dressed, it only gives your mind the fuel it needs to know that he must be painfully constrained
  664. "That is true... you can't play them out here. May I go with you?"
  665. >You have found your way into his home multiple times
  666. >But rarely have you ever been explicitly invited
  667. >"Well... to be fair, we're both dangerous at this point..."
  668. >Anon's eyes narrow down to thin slits
  669. >What's with that weird voice he's making?
  670. "...Do you need a drink, Anon?"
  671. >"I'm right as rain, luv. But we're both at the stage we could fuck a mountain into a pile of rubble. We need to quarantine ourselves from the rest of the world. Any mare sticks around me for too long... they're proper fucked."
  672. >Your entire backside seizes up from pure bodily shock
  673. >You wink so hard your vision goes hazy for a split second
  674. >Sweet filly Celestia, you don't know if this is actual dirty talk but you're willing to be subjected to it
  675. "Th... that sounds... dangerous."
  676. >You let the D word roll off of your tongue
  677. "In that case, doesn't that mean I shouldn't be around?"
  678. >Anon stops for a moment
  679. >Looks down at you
  680. >Chuckles and leans down to pet the back of your head
  681. >"Oh, don't worry. You're not a mare to me, you're Fluttershy. You're like..."
  682. >His lover?
  683. >Wife-in-training?
  684. >Sister who he also enters a forbidden relationship with?
  685. >"...Kinda like my friend. But also my stalker. There's no way I'd ever do something with you. I mean... not while I'm sober, anyway."
  686. >You deflate at his answer
  687. >But
  688. >He did specify sobriety
  689. >You leer up at him with the most sexually predatory smile, revealing your true self to the man
  690. >If only he truly knew
  691. >If only if he looked at you now, where you could do so much to him
  692. >"I guess, with this situation, you're like a comrade. I genuinely believe that you won't let me fail this. I mean, as long as those weren't lies about caring about me and... you know. That sort of stuff."
  693. >His faux accent melts away
  694. >He's getting visibly uncomfortable
  695. >You giggle and hide behind your public face of the caring, selfless, harmless little pegasus
  696. "Oh, of course! I care about you a whole bunch! Like sunshine and rainbows and making sure you always succeed!"
  697. >And he's going to succeed inside of you one way or another
  698. >...
  699. >Not masturbating for a few days has really turned you into a little villain, hasn't it?
  700. >"Y-yeah... y... uh. You too..."
  702. >You make it to Anon's home without further discussion
  703. >As much as you would like to tease Anon, you have realized that you can't teeter on the edge nearly as well as he can
  704. >That moment he speared into you
  705. >Claimed your filthy body in the name of humanity
  706. >Turned you from a blossoming filly that... never gained much attention from the local stallions...
  707. >Into a full-fledged mare
  708. >Or maybe it is to say that stallions never interested you
  709. >Being with animals?
  710. >Now that was your natural state of being
  711. >Anon may not be as big and as scary as a manticore, but between the two?
  712. >He's far more exotic
  713. >Far more friendly too
  714. >Far more...
  715. >Dangerous
  716. >In the good, safe way
  717. >Anon drops his bags without a care the second he enters the home
  718. >"Fhew! Back home, safe and sound."
  719. >He immediately kicks off his shoes, making a direct bee-line to the bathroom
  720. >"Make yourself at home, I'm gonna take a real shower. Standing in freezing water for hours at a time is for the freaking birds."
  721. "But Anon, birds don't-"
  722. >"Yup, I'll be right back!"
  723. >He closes the door quick behind him
  724. >You were hoping he would at least officially show you around
  725. >Like introducing a new marefriend to his friends
  726. >His friends being... a sofa, the kitchen table, the bed, the big window that would lead to dozens of witnesses...
  727. >The wandering thought causes another muscle spasm in your body
  728. >Your eyes roll up hard for a split second followed by a loud squelch
  729. "O... oh my..."
  730. >You can't even begin to understand what Anon is feeling if he's been doing this for far much longer than you
  731. >Is that part of his human culture
  732. >Or is it more like biological stamina?
  733. >He didn't even notice when he-
  734. >Your hind legs buckle to the sound of another wet, hard vaginal flex
  735. >Celestia save you
  736. "...I can't fail."
  737. >If you can manage this hardship with him
  738. >You'll be far closer
  739. >Forget about the other inevitable rewards, Fluttershy!
  740. >This is about showing him you're a true friend!
  741. >Someone willing to suffer through the same cultural tribulations!
  742. >Someone who is more than willing to weather the storm!
  743. >From some unknown internal muscle group, you feel a strain somewhere deep inside
  744. >Through it, you are able to refind your footing on the...
  745. >Oh
  746. >Oh no
  747. >You look down at the floor
  748. >You may have left a tiny mess behind
  749. "Oh... fiddle."
  750. >You set down your load and go to his kitchen
  751. >It's relatively clean
  752. >The empty bags of snacks and punch bowl from the Halloween Party are still in a neat pile in the corner
  753. >Maybe you should clean those up
  754. >You are partly to blame for the way that party turned out, after all
  755. >With Anon in the shower-because you peeked to make sure when you started to hear singing-you get to work!
  756. >While you are an expert at watching animals court and mate, you're also a natural home maker and domestic alicorn
  757. >Princess of Animals!
  758. >Now that says "Fluttershy" all over it
  759. >It's a much more positive spin than when Rainbow Dash just calls you a busy body
  761. >While you're at it...
  762. >You preheat the oven
  763. >Maybe he would like some food, too?
  764. >You know you would
  765. >And as his guest, it would only be suitable to ready whatever he has for mutual enjoyment!
  766. >You decide on two Peetzer brand pizzas
  767. >You've heard that even Princess Cadence recommends them, but you personally believe that she signs off on anything if it can be marketed as a cheap dating meal
  768. >With the pair of pies in the oven and the timer set, you trot back to Anon's couch and flop down on it
  769. "..."
  770. >You flop onto your back
  771. >You notice something
  772. >With the goal solidified in your mind and the sense of accomplishment around you
  773. >You're in the den of your most prized target in Equestria
  774. >But you aren't huffing his boxers like they're the only thing keeping you alive
  775. >You haven't peeked on him more than twice
  776. >You haven't masturbated on all of his pillows so he'll fall asleep to your scent
  777. >Even thinking that hasn't caused much of a twitch
  778. "...Is this the power of the challenge?"
  779. >You surely have not numbed yourself
  780. >But you feel like you're in a new sort of operating mode
  781. "Wow... did his ceiling always have that little thing in the corner?"
  782. >You even feel like you're looking at the world through new eyes
  783. >Maybe once the challenge is over, you can actually try to pull back on yo-
  784. >Your ears prick up
  785. > that Anon?
  786. >You roll off of the couch and back onto your hooves
  787. >It sounds like it's coming from the bathroom
  788. >The closer you get, the more it sounds like some form of...
  789. >Spirited chanting?
  790. >You've never heard this before
  791. >You carefully tiptoe to the door
  792. >"Aye-tees, ess-tees, aye-tees, ess-tees!"
  793. >What in Celestia's name...?
  794. >You nudge open the door with the very tip of your nose
  795. >Just enough to look inside
  796. >You see Anon, naked as he was outside, with pinkened skin
  797. >The bathroom is a complete ball of hot fog
  798. >But you can see him hopping from leg to leg, with his arms following
  799. >"Aye-tees, ess-tees, aye-tees, ess-tees!"
  800. >Dear Princess Luna has this human lost his mind?
  801. >What is he doing?
  802. >Do you stop him?
  803. >You fight it with all of your might but you are but a pony and can not resist the very visible swaying and bouncing of his male appendages
  804. >After a few more chanting hops he plants his feet and raises his arms
  805. >"Star destroyers! I'm not gonna cuuuum!"
  806. >The high pitched voice he makes you question if you've gone delirious
  807. >What makes you not question anything anymore, however, is the sudden lightning bolt you feel go from your brain down to your nethers
  808. >You squelch and recoil so hard you fall to the ground
  809. >This challenge is going to kill you
  810. >Pony kind was not meant to endure such trials
  814. >"Aw man, thanks for cleaning up! You really didn't have to, you know."
  815. "Y-yes! I'm. I'm happy to help. And it was nothing."
  816. >"Oven's just about pre-heated, I'll pop the pies in. Good taste, by the way."
  817. >To be fair they were the only ones in his freezer
  818. "Y-yup!"
  819. >Anon found you outside his bathroom
  820. >Apparently you fainted and left a mess
  821. >Thank Celestia he insisted on hard wood flooring
  822. >To help, he's bundled you up in a blanket
  823. >The bundling is so tight that you're effectively a pony burrito
  824. >A poor, defenseless, vuln-
  825. >NO
  827. >The challenge must not fail!
  828. >Or
  829. >At least...
  830. >Not unless he would like you to fail it?
  831. >It does seem like a challenge that truly separates responsible mares from silly little fillies
  832. "...A-anon, did you have to wrap me up so tight?"
  833. >"To make sure you don't go doing something you shouldn't? Yes."
  834. >You nod in solemn acceptance
  835. >That makes sense
  836. >He comes back, mostly clothed despite your inner wishes
  837. >"...So that chant..."
  838. >He chokes out his words, clearing his throat
  839. >"Jason Statham isn't gonna be enough to help me through to the end. I need aid. And when I think of aids... I think of Rich Evans. You know?"
  840. "Ohh... I do!"
  841. >You absolutely do not
  842. >"Good. So... yeah. It's getting kinda weird."
  843. "It absolutely isn't!"
  844. >It absolutely is
  845. "Everyone has their own habits, don't they? And I'm sure they're very important humans back in your home."
  846. >You smile with your words, happy to learn more about him and his land
  847. >You would certainly never do it
  848. >But it would be maybe a little fun to tease Twilight about how you know more of something than her
  849. >"They... kinda are? It's hard to say. But they're who come to mind for me."
  850. >They come to mind when he's aroused...
  851. >Or is it that they come to mind when he needs help?
  852. "Well, now that we're waiting on dinner to be ready, and I'm all bundled up..."
  853. >You can't stop yourself from trying to sound enticing
  854. >You try to flop onto your side to reveal your flank to him
  855. >But the mountain of a blanket has turned you into Mount Fluttershy
  856. >And she's already dangerously close to blowing
  857. >"Oh! Yeah. Well, since you're here... gaming is probably off the table. How about an old movie of mine? I always wanted to watch it during a time like this."
  858. "You always wanted to watch it during a no masturbation challenge?"
  859. >"Yeah, I..."
  860. >Anon's face contorts
  861. >" Not because of that. But because it's November!"
  862. >Your face lights up
  863. "That's wonderful! Is it like a Christmas movie?"
  864. >"Almost! It's a puppet movie."
  865. "Wow! I haven't seen puppetry since before I saw my first bear! You see, the puppet wa-"
  866. >"Yeah yeah, hold on."
  867. >Anon gets up, leaving you frowning and cut off from your story
  868. >He quickly returns with a soda
  869. >Two of them
  870. >One has a straw in it, even
  871. >Your frown melts when he tilts the straw-soda toward your mouth
  872. >"Sorry. Kinda realized you'd maybe need a drink after drenching the floor."
  873. >His smile is mellow
  874. >With maybe 2% disappointment
  875. >"You know. Again."
  877. "Why thank you!"
  878. >You lean forward and lash your tongue out to capture the tip
  879. >You do and take a pair of slow, deep gulps
  880. >While maintaining eye contact
  881. >You release the straw-having chewed on the tip a few times-and let out a satisfied "phaw~"
  882. "Thank you, Anon. If you promise to feed me, I don't think I'll ever mind if you bind me up like this!"
  883. >The straw seems to catch his attention the most
  884. >"...Y-yeah. Sure. Just. You know."
  885. >He clears his throat again and shakes off the tension you created
  886. >"Anyway, what was that story about?"
  887. >He takes a sip of his own drink
  888. "Oh, it is just about when I thought I found a chicken, but a unicorn was puppeteering it. I didn't know it but I could see a rooster no matter where I was! With how colorful and big they are, it's really easy for me to spot one from even above the clouds!"
  889. >The story fits well, you think
  890. >You used to help hens keep their eggs warm all the time
  891. >It wasn't boring as long as you had a good book or two to read
  892. >"That's a pretty neat trick. Kinda like a natural predator's eye or something?"
  893. "Oh no, not like that! I could never eat a rooster. Their talons make them kinda scary."
  894. >"Well..."
  895. >He looks like he wants to talk more but he shrugs it off
  896. >"It's still a neat thing. Shows you have an eye for quality too, I bet. Anyway, movie time?"
  897. "Yes please!"
  898. >You watch Anon put his technology to use
  899. >You don't understand much of it-nobody does-but it works off of electricity like a lot of other things in big cities do
  900. >Satisfied, he chuckles to himself and sits near you
  901. >You were warm before, but feeling him put his arm around you gives you a special sort of warmth that even defeats your ever-smoldering lust
  902. >"My favorite blanket, too. Good stuff."
  903. >The movie starts with a lot of narration
  904. >It seems like you should expect a lo-
  905. "W-whoa?! What are those?"
  906. >From bird monsters to... four-armed things?
  907. >The way they move is so natural but something about them seem off
  908. >Anon pats your shoulder and leaves you with no answers
  909. >There is so much to take in, you're at a loss for words
  910. >Tiny, fuzzy little balls that move around
  911. >So many creatures
  912. >And, of course, the protagonist!
  913. >He reminds you of Anon
  914. >If he had a different face
  915. >And different ears
  916. >And longer hair
  917. >And stringy limbs
  918. >...
  919. >Maybe he reminds you of Anon because he's just exotic
  920. >When Anon gets up, you don't even seem to mind
  921. >What do most of those creatures eat?
  922. >How dangerous would it be for you to be there...?
  923. >Your laser focus is broken only when Anon sits down, setting two massive saucers nearby
  924. >"Hungry?"
  925. >Only giving enough attention to beam at the idea of being handfed, you rattle your head
  926. >During any other time, you would love to put on a show of taking Anon's slices into your mouth
  927. >But...
  928. >Right now?
  929. >You kinda want to just keep watching

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon