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/flutterrape/&/rgre/ Theraponies

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2023-02-14 02:54:33
Updated: 2023-02-24 04:51:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >You're the only human in Equestria
  2. >No more human companionship
  3. >Your friends will never know what happened to you
  4. >Your family will never have closure regarding your fate
  5. >"Hey stud, you would look so much cuter if you smiled!"
  6. >"Looking good, pretty colt. Wanna come to my party?"
  7. >"I'll pay you ten bits if I can see your hangy bits, handsome."
  8. >And you're surrounded by mares that only seem interested in you sexually
  9. >You coomed yourself into an early grave when you first popped up after getting piles of compliments
  10. >But now they just feel so... shallow
  11. >It didn't help that your good Catholic upbringing made you refuse the call of the manwhore
  12. >Make no mistake, you would drown a full third of these technicolor talking ponies if given the chance
  13. >But
  14. >And it's a big, hairy "but"
  15. >If you succumb to such lusts, will you still be worthy of having a wife?
  16. >The dilemma has left you exhausted and lethargic
  17. >"Hey, Anon!"
  18. >It's Fluttershy
  19. >Out of all of the mares in Ponyville, she is the one most sexually starved
  20. >Every day, she asks you about what it takes to get your wood polished
  21. >Every day, without fail, she tries to brush up against you or outright pet you
  22. >And every day, she gets more curious about why you've been no-selling her latest tactics
  23. "Hey."
  24. >You don't have much to do but you have taken to scribbling in a blank book an older mare gave you at a discount
  25. >Contrary to most days, she seems cautious
  26. >"Some of the girls and I have noticed that you're starting to look really sad lately... are you ok?"
  27. "I guess so."
  28. >You just don't feel like having it out with her today
  29. >You turn away from her, scribbling some sort of clouds and hills from the Mario games
  30. >You miss video games something fierce
  31. >"Please let me help."
  32. >Her tone makes you pause
  33. >She has never sounded that serious
  34. >You're doubtful, personally
  35. >Despite your gut instinct, you take the bait
  36. >You put your pencil between your pages and close the book
  37. >Booklet, rather, on account of the size
  38. >You face her, looking down at the pony
  39. >Something that small can't possibly hold so much horny energy
  40. "Why do you want to help?"
  41. >"Because every pony in Ponyville is worried! But none of them know how to handle exotic creatures."
  42. "And so you'd like to handle me, yourself."
  43. >Your flat wit doesn't cause the reaction you thought it would
  44. >"No, I want to help you feel safe! Being this sad isn't healthy!"
  45. >She stamps her hoof down, doing her best to convince you that she's assertive
  46. >"You need help and I know enough about all kinds of animals to know that if I don't save you, you... you might die of heartbreak!"
  47. >She thinks you're heart broken?
  48. >House broken, sure
  49. >But you don't think you're heart broken
  50. >...
  51. >Are you?
  52. " mean that? Can that happen?"
  53. >"Oh my, yes! I once knew snake that couldn't find a mate. Last winter he went left to hibernate... and I haven't seen him since! And it's almost Summer!"
  54. >That does sound concerning
  56. >You haven't been here for even a winter, nevermind a full year
  57. >Could you really survive this place alone?
  58. >She wouldn't lie about something this dire
  59. "Well... alright. In that case, will you please help?"
  60. >"Of course! Every pony chipped in and we even made a special room for you to stay in! It has a shallow pool, a nice, big sofa for you and even has a desk!"
  61. >It sounds like it's just some sort of enclosure
  62. "What makes that so different from where I'm staying?"
  63. >"It's all made with love!"
  64. >Fluttershy pushes out her front hooves, rearing back for a hug on the word "love"
  65. >...
  66. >...
  67. >...
  68. >You simply stand and stare at her
  69. "If I hug you, you're going to say something weird in my ear again."
  70. >Fluttershy returns to all fours, blushing
  71. >"You didn't seem to dislike it the first time..."
  72. >True
  73. >You didn't
  74. >But you aren't going to tell her that
  75. "Well..."
  76. >You could use a distraction from your perpetual pity party of one
  77. "Alright. Let's go check it out."
  78. >"Yay! Thank you, Anon! You'll feel like a thousand bits after staying there, I just know it!"
  79. >You follow Fluttershy to what seems like a repurposed greenhouse
  80. >It definitely looks like an enclosure, even if the furniture inside actually looks good
  81. >The blankets on the bed are even your favorite color
  82. >The sofa is a tastefully complimentary color
  83. >The desk has more books and a variety of colors of pens
  84. >The pool itself looks like a repurposed pond, so freshly repurposed to the point there's still a frog chilling on a lily pad near the center
  85. >"Ta-da! It can even be heated in case you want to stay warm!"
  86. >She rushes forward and stands near the door
  87. >She nudges a hoof forward, pushing a potted plant until it is between you and the only entrance
  88. >"This is for you, too! It smells beautiful, and it might help you relax! Like how tea can make you feel relaxed!"
  89. "So is it a tea plant?"
  90. >You reach down to pick it up
  91. >It's smaller than a rose, and just as vibrant
  92. "You know, if a lot of ponies chipped in to get this set up... where are they?"
  93. >You hadn't seen any other four-legged creature since you agreed to take up Fluttershy's offer
  94. >You bring the flower closer to your nose to smell it
  95. >The flower itself shudders from the proximity, releasing a small cloud of what could only be spores
  96. >You recoil, but too late
  97. >In five seconds, you feel fatigue
  98. >True fatigue, to the point you stumble to your knees
  99. >"Oh my... please don't hurt yourself, Anon! It won't be so bad, I promise!"
  100. >Hurt yourself?
  101. >Why can't you...
  102. >She set this up, didn't she?!
  103. >You frown and try to focus on Fluttershy's shimmering twin
  104. "You... trick..."
  105. >You fall back, laid out completely from the flower
  106. >The last thing you can hear is another pony
  107. >"That did it! Good job, you really do know how to talk to animals!"
  108. >Who are...
  109. >They calling an animal?
  112. >The sunlight causes you to wake up
  113. >You must have fallen asleep with the window open again
  114. >You don't know why...
  115. >You...
  116. >You rub your eyes with your hand
  117. "...crap."
  118. >This isn't your normal bed
  119. >It's too comfy
  120. >You sit up
  121. >If you somehow don't open your eyes, you'll find yourself in your normal bed
  122. >Right?
  123. >Your eyes kill your hopes
  124. "Crap."
  125. >You're inside of the greenhouse
  126. >Worse, the door has a comically large lock on it
  127. >You watch the door for an uncomfortable amount of time
  128. >You're not busting out of here
  129. >You slip out of bed, standing tall with your arms up
  130. >...
  131. >Part of you hoped you'd reach the roof
  132. >No dice
  133. "...ah... crap."
  134. >"Whoa, greenhouses can grow trees! Check out that branch..."
  135. "What?"
  136. >Dead ahead of you is a white unicorn with a pair of admittedly swanky glasses over her eyes
  137. >You look down
  138. >...
  139. >...
  140. >Well you are a healthy man that rises with the sun
  141. >You quickly sit down and put a lump of blanket over your lap
  142. "Hey, this ain't a peep show, lady."
  143. >"You got that right, buddy. I haven't paid a bit."
  144. "Yeah well I'm gonna bit you in a minute."
  145. >Her only retort to your quasi-threat is a wide grin
  146. "What's going on here? You wanna use that pony magic and get me out of here?"
  147. >"Nah."
  148. "Nah?"
  149. >"Nah."
  150. >She shakes her head once
  151. "What the hell. Why not?"
  152. >"Because she's here to help, Anon."
  153. >You hear a voice behind you the same time you feel a hoof on your back
  154. "JESUS!"
  155. >You jump out of your skin, stumbling from the bed and very nearly close to the pond
  156. >It's Fluttershy
  157. "You! You got a lot of gall, you know that? Did you think it was ok to have some sort of plant fart in my face? What if it kills me?!"
  158. >"Watch out, he's ornery!"
  159. >You point at the unicorn while... you're pointing at Fluttershy
  160. "And you! Shut it, Shades, or you're next."
  161. >"Come and get me, big boy, I have the throat muscles of a mongoose. I can take that snake."
  162. "Gah!"
  163. >There's no talking to these mares
  164. >You switch your deathly stare to the orchestrator of your imprisonment
  165. >Her face is scrunched
  166. >Her eyes
  167. >Are not aimed at your face
  168. "Eyes up here or I'll poke 'em out."
  169. >She shifts to your face
  170. >"...sorry. I promise, it's for a good reason! I asked Vinyl Scratch to help us. You're far too sad, we have to find a way to help!"
  171. "And you think that's going to help, sticking me in a glass house like a zoo exhibit?!"
  172. >"I'll let you give me a big tip if you let this turn into a petting zoo."
  173. >Jesus Christ there are two of them now
  174. >"It'll be ok, Anon, I promise! She has something called "music therapy"! It involves a blindfold, the super softest earmuffs in Equestria, and really nice music! It'll be like a spa!"
  175. >Since when did spas use music?
  176. >You're expecting her to bring up something about if blindfolds are your fetish
  177. >She looks... almost serious
  178. "What's the catch?"
  179. >"I swear there's no catch, Anon. It's no fun to see you be so sad all the time, and you wouldn't listen to me otherwise."
  180. >So her answer is to lock you up?
  181. >Whether you like it or not, her logic holds up
  183. >You scratch the back of your head
  184. >There's no escaping this, is there
  185. "Alright. Whatever. Let's get it done then. But you're gonna need to unlock that door."
  186. >Unless she unlocks the door
  187. >Devilishly clever, Anonymous
  188. >"Oh, that's ok. There's a panel on the roof that I can fly things in and out through!"
  189. >Dammit
  190. >You sit on the bed, concerningly close to the yellow pony
  191. "Alright, let's make it happen."
  192. >"Yay!"
  193. >Her ASMR-quality voice is contrasted with a strong pull on your shoulders
  194. >You end up flopping on the bed
  195. >In an instant, your head is wrapped tight to the point your entire world is blacked out
  196. >A fluffy but tight pair of earphones are quite literally slapped onto your noggin
  197. >Your hands clench, fighting the reflex to rip them off
  198. "Alright, are we sure this isn't going to make me have a seizure or something?"
  199. >You don't know how loud or quiet you are but you make an effort to speak up
  200. >"Nah, it's totally safe bro. But it will blow your mind!"
  201. "What d-"
  202. >"And if it's so good you blow a load, feel free to do that too. For our first session I'm gonna have to remain behind the glass. I don't want my hardware glazed."
  203. "There's no getting rid of your voice, is there."
  204. >"No way, hombre. Relax for a bit."
  205. >As if that's on cue, you feel something go over one of your arms
  206. >Then the other
  207. >You struggle to mov--yeah, no you're stuck
  208. "...this ain't gonna end well."
  209. >"Don't worry, it's for your safety more than anything else. Joking aside, my soundscapes? They're legit. I specialize in harmonizing with a stallion's very soul. It's great stuff, usually leaves them questioning reality."
  210. >You're screwed, aren't you?
  211. >You could try kicking around but what will that honestly accomplish?
  212. >"Gimme a few more minutes and we can get started. And, to help, Fluttershy is gonna stay in there. Not only is she restraining you but she's gonna act as my hooves for this. Which means, in practical terms, she's going to synchronize the sound with the touch. She's also the one in charge of making sure you're gonna get the full experience. Among other things, that means your blindfold should be tight. It is, right?"
  213. >She zooms from topic to topic
  214. >All you can do is shrug and try to keep up
  215. "Ah... uh, I guess so. Yeah. I can't see anything and I can't hear everything except for you."
  216. >"Ooh... in that case, it's just you and me, big guy. I'm gonna have Fluttershy do and say a few things. Tell me if you notice anything."
  217. >...
  218. >...
  219. >...
  220. >You don't notice anything
  221. >"You still awake, hot stuff?"
  222. "Yeah. Did she do anything yet?"
  223. >"Yup. Nice nuts, by the way. Mind if I motorboat them later? I promise I'll give you a special song."
  224. "W-what?!"
  225. >You decide now is the appropriate time to kick and lash out
  226. >You attempt to but your leg snags
  227. >You're stuck with your pants around your ankles
  228. >How the hell did she manage to do that?
  229. "Oh come on, don't do this!"
  230. >"Too late! You know, for having a funny looking thing I kinda like it. It's like a pillar."
  232. >This is humiliating
  233. >Well and truly
  234. >"Alright, Fluttershy gave me the hoof's up! Let's get started!"
  235. >What the hell is a hoof's up?
  236. >Your frown is met with a low droning noise
  237. >It quickly ramps up into a quick pace of beats with an infuriated guitar
  238. >A second comes in after the first riff; a slow bass that plays off of the guitar
  239. "This is a little too loud, I can't possibly focus wit-"
  240. >Oh shit
  241. >Oh shit you're feeling it
  242. >The guitars cut off to a keyboard ramping up some form of tension
  243. >The abyss you've been restricted to warps to some form of tower
  244. >You're at the very bottom
  245. >The keyboard fades out, leaving only the low grumbling of the guitar
  246. >And something else
  247. >You didn't even notice that the tempo matches your mind
  248. >Or is your mind matching the song?
  249. >Regardless, you enter the tower
  250. >It isn't a slow, confident stride but a hellish, frantic scramble
  251. >Countless monsters in your way glare at you
  252. >Things you've never imagined, poised to strike
  253. >Everything goes red
  254. >The keyboard returns with the furious guitar
  255. >You feel something white hot on your belly and right below
  256. >The heat and pressure drives the tempo up to the point it feels like it's all incompressible noise of battle
  257. >Driven by anger and panic, you lash out at the beasts to the point it feels like you're the winner of the biggest Tekken tournament
  258. >Fists crush bone, claws shatter against your knuckles
  259. >You ascend the tower at a rate you can't describe
  260. >The heat and pressure on your body builds up, leading to an ascending riff from both the guitar and the bass
  261. >You're getting closer
  262. >You're going to rescue her, and destroy this damnable den of monsters
  263. >You reach the end
  264. >Blood drips from your chin and fists
  265. >Something else is dripping on you
  266. >Your chest?
  267. >It feels like it's dripping all over
  268. >The twin guitars regroup into a new tune entirely
  269. >It isn't your theme
  270. >It's the theme of the tower mistress
  271. >It's that unicorn!
  272. >Bouncing and warping with the beat, she flies at you in a blaze of bright blue magic
  273. >You grab her by the horn and, like a dart, fling her against the nearest wall
  274. >You pounce on her like a beast
  276. >You have no clue if you've been speaking but you scream so loud you can hear yourself
  277. >The heat on your crotch and belly spreads to the rest of you
  278. >Your theme starts to overtake the fight as you trade blows, fist for hoof
  279. >The repeated punches lead to entire chunks of the tower falling apart until you're fighting in the sky
  280. >The sky itself rends until there is only the infinite cosmos
  281. >Ready to finish it, you hold your arms up for a spirit bomb
  282. >It's coming
  283. >The energy is building
  284. >Your theme is blaring, bringing the power to the sun up from your feet to your core
  285. >IT'S COMING
  286. "I'M COMING!"
  287. >At the absolute height of your ecstasy, your entire body clenches as hard as human possible
  288. >Every ounce of your energy is shot out at once toward the tower mistress
  289. >You roar at the final riff of the guitar, victorious
  290. >She's finished
  292. >When you come to, you're still blindfolded
  293. >Low, slow ambient beach sounds are playing
  294. >You feel drained
  295. >Better than drained
  296. >You feel like your stress has been blasted into the cosmos
  297. >"Hey there, big shooters. Thought we lost you. You awake now?"
  298. >You don't mind the darkness of the blindfold
  299. >It feels nice
  300. >You don't have anything to worry about
  301. "...yup."
  302. >"Heheh... so how was it?"
  303. "...not bad."
  304. >"Not bad, huh?"
  305. >She sounds beyond amused
  306. >"So how you feeling now?"
  307. "Good... I feel warm."
  308. >"Yeah, I bet. I gotta say, I'm pretty jealous of what you got going on. I wish I could nap like that after taking such a wild ride. I bet even my wings wouldn't work."
  309. "I don't have wings."
  310. >That was a stupid thing to say
  311. >She should know that humans don't have wings
  312. >"That may be but boy do you give them. You, uh... you get some more rest, ok? Fluttershy's giving me the go ahead. I don't think she can go another round to be perfectly honest with you but she's the one payin' so... ready for another adventure?"
  313. >You feel the warmth on your torso shift
  314. >Tight, hot pressure pushes against your lower belly again
  315. "Let's beat pony."
  316. >"Ha! You got it, big boy!"
  317. >You're going to tear that tower apart this time even faster
  320. >"Anon, are you feeling better?"
  321. >Your first answer is a groan
  322. >Your second answer comes more slowly
  323. "My head... is killing me."
  324. >You've kept the blindfold on since you came to from Vinyl's...
  325. >What even was that?
  326. >You don't remember any of it
  327. >The only thing you do remember is that you never felt joyous
  328. >Of course, that led to such a severe crash in the form of a skull-splitting migraine, an intense sensitivity to light, and an incredibly sore penis
  329. >You...
  330. >Refuse
  331. >To ask what happened
  332. >The less you know, the better
  333. >But you know Fluttershy had planned it
  334. >"I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't think her music would be so powerful!"
  335. "Well, you know, you did basically blast my brain with dubstep and metal for long enough for me to start frothing at the mouth."
  336. >The bitterness in your tone is palpable
  337. >"...but it helped, didn't it? It's like a big party! With the... after party..."
  338. >She tries to sound hopeful but even she realizes the recoil you had to deal with
  339. >As rough as you want to be to her, you can't deny that you have never genuinely felt anything like it
  340. >You reach out, hoping to randomly touch the top of her head
  341. >You find it quickly
  342. >You must be good at finding thins while blind
  343. "As much as I don't want to admit it... yeah. It was alright. But until this migraine ends and I can handle anything more than absolute darkness, don't do that again."
  344. >"Yay!"
  345. >Fluttershy ducks out from under your hand
  346. >You can hear her stomp around on purpose
  347. >It gives you an idea of where she's going at least
  348. >With her helping you out with everything, it's almost enough to forgive her for tricking you into a glass box
  349. >Almost
  350. >You sit in quiet contemplation while trying to listen to what you can
  351. >The water of the pond
  352. >The wind from the emergency exit on the roof
  353. >The pony's hooves hitting the grass
  354. >None of this has solved any of your existential woes
  355. >But you can at least keep breathing
  356. >And listen
  357. >And breathe
  358. >And listen...
  359. >And breathe...
  360. >And...
  361. >"Wow... he looks so tranquil."
  362. >"He is, but that's only because of Vinyl Scratch and-"
  363. >"And that magical trick she does for colts?"
  364. >"Yes, that's the one!"
  365. >"And he still isn't better?"
  366. >"I'm afraid not, Berry..."
  367. >When did they start talking?
  368. >"Trust me, whenever I get to feeling blue? I go to this."
  369. >"But Berry Punch, you always go to that."
  370. >Silence
  371. >A sigh
  372. >"That's why I know it works."
  373. >"Oh..."
  374. >"So what else you got for the stud?"
  375. >"I don't know. I was hoping he might like a nice dinner."
  376. >"Classical approach, eh? Is he the type?"
  377. >"Oh my, yes! I've tried to get Pinkie Pie to bake some types of breads that he used to talk about missing."
  378. >"Why not just give him a taste of your buns?"
  379. >You hear mutual giggling
  380. >Is this coming from inside the greenhouse?
  381. >"You know, he's sleeping... why not give him a few good dreams?"
  383. >She wouldn't dare
  384. >"I couldn't!"
  385. >Whew
  386. >"Why not?"
  387. >"Because he's still sore there."
  388. >"Oh... did a number on him, did you?"
  389. >"Oh, I wish... but I did use my hooves. I... think I got too into it. I didn't mean to hurt him."
  390. >So that's what happened
  391. >At least it wasn't the worst thing you imagined
  392. >You want to pitch in but you would rather listen to more of her plans
  393. >"...but I gotta say, I've never seen him spray that much out. It covered my coat, my mane, and even my wings!"
  394. >More open giggling
  395. >"You're kidding, your wings?!"
  396. >You gulp
  397. >You don't want to hear this
  398. >But if you "wake up", neither of them will spill the beans
  399. >"Well, I thought they would help. Vinyl told me that all sorts of stallions love wings, even if they don't know it."
  400. >"Is that really true?"
  401. >Silence...
  402. >...
  403. >More giggling
  404. >"You animal!"
  405. >Ok, this is going on long enough
  406. "Do you really need to share that information when I'm right here?"
  407. >Your flat comment leads to both mares screaming
  408. >Berry Punch immediately starts going into a cackling fit
  409. >"A-anon! You're awake!"
  410. >"Well that's my cue to leave, isn't it? Enjoy your drinks, big guy. And cheer up, Fluttershy loves ya enough to have sticky wings."
  411. >"B-berry!"
  412. >You sit up, rubbing your temple
  413. >Maybe it just took an extended sleep to get rid of that migraine
  414. >By the time you take the blindfold off to test your vision, you hear the massive padlock go back into place
  415. >So it was unlocked for a while
  416. >It's evening
  417. >Your eyes, unfocused as they are, go to a trio of lit candles on a table tall enough for a pony to sit at
  418. >"H-hey! How is your head? Are you ok?"
  419. >Fluttershy trots into your view
  420. >Her face is bright red and her smile is wide
  421. >You shake your head and sigh
  422. "Better, I-I guess."
  423. >"That's good. And... um... hey! You're awake almost in time for dinner! I... can't cook much. My brother was the kitchen prince. But I do have the very best mares in Ponyville working on stuff! They should be here any minute now."
  424. >You don't want to complain, but you are starving
  425. >So far the table has only a set of bottles
  426. "Guessing the drinks are part of it?"
  427. >Taking the cue as an excuse to shift topics, she nods
  428. >"Absolutely, they are! Berry Punch said that they're the best drinks that she's ever had! So they'll help you for sure!"
  429. >Her first answer was a mind-blasting rave and hoofjobs that have left you feeling tingly and sore
  430. >Now her second answer is to just get drunk?
  431. >How are these distractions supposed to make everything better?
  432. >Your urge to be mean is outweighed by your instinct to...
  433. >You sigh and shrug
  434. "You really are putting effort into this, aren't you."
  435. >Fluttershy nods
  436. "Do I want to know how many bits it took for you to get all of this to happen?"
  437. >Without missing a beat, she answers while staring into your eyes
  438. >"A year and a half of savings, and delaying Angel's new habitat by another season."
  439. >At the mention of that hellish rabbit, you can't help but feel a shiver go down your spine
  440. "Why?"
  441. >"Because I love you."
  443. >Her answer is...
  444. >It isn't surprising
  445. >Trying to peek on you doing things
  446. >Asking about your fetishes
  447. >Human mating habits
  448. >She never leaves you alone
  449. >But the weight of those words, spoken so plainly and without embellishment...
  450. "...hand me a bottle, Fluttershy. Please."
  451. >"Of course!"
  452. >Fluttershy retrieves a bottle
  453. >She seems to be expecting you to share it or take only a sip
  454. >You guzzle down a full quarter of it before stopping with a staggered gasp for air
  455. >It...
  456. >Doesn't taste alcoholic
  457. >It tastes fruity, but not like it would get you sloshed
  458. "Fluttershy, whaswihhf-"
  459. >The fuck?
  460. >Why is your tongue numb?
  461. >"Oh my..."
  462. >Fluttershy gawks at you with a scrunched muzzle
  463. >"I... I don't think you're supposed to drink that much at once. It's really strong stuff that is mixed with rainclouds and magically delicious. It... it says so on the label."
  464. >You hold up the label
  465. >Damn, you wish you could read ponese
  466. >Both of you stare at the bottle
  467. >Then each other
  468. >And back at the bottle
  469. "...wassum?"
  470. >Half a bottle later, you're both howling with laughter
  471. >"A-and remember when I asked if ponies were your fetish? And you said...!"
  472. "Neigh!"
  473. >The raucous enjoyment continues until your ribs hurt
  474. "Ahh... man. I didn't even know I meant it that way. I mean, I'm a human. I would never fit in."
  475. >"But that's the fun thing, you do! You're as strong as a dragon, as tall as a tree!"
  476. "As screwed as a freshly installed motherboard!"
  477. >"Yeah!"
  478. >While she laughs at your joke, you laugh because it's true
  479. >The energy dies down enough for you to take another swig
  480. >It really is mixed with rainclouds
  481. >It has this sort of... cloudy feel, that remains at the roof of your mouth and the back of your throat
  482. "You're sexually and romantically aggressive, you've imprisoned me without remorse... tell me something. Am I really that special, or do a lot of stallions have to deal with the same thing with other mares?"
  483. >Fluttershy acts like she wants to answer
  484. >Instead, she hooks her foreleg up over your forearm
  485. >You let her drag it down so she can steal a nip from the bottle
  486. >"One? You are very special to me. And two? Most mares just take their stallions out on dates and spoil them."
  487. >You scoff at the absurdity of both answers
  488. "But... like, why? My world never worked like that."
  489. >"That's because of Princess Celestia! Yay Celestia!"
  490. >Fluttershy cheers at full volume
  491. >Which is maybe a sober pony's three-quarters max
  492. >"You see, only mares can be alicorns. There are... princes...? But Princesses are on another level. They're--"
  493. >She hiccups
  494. >Her entire body pops up when she does that
  495. >"They're, uh... where was I."
  496. "The head honchos?"
  497. >"Righ! And like nachos, everyone loves them!"
  498. >You cackle at the complete lack of an answer
  499. >That requires another sippy
  500. >"And because only mares can be alicorns, and be the head nachos... they need sweet, strong, adorable stallions."
  501. >Fluttershy nuzzles you with the affection of a cat that has gone a full five hours without attention
  503. >"And that's you! And... before annnnnnnnny single mare gets her hooves on you, I gotta make sure you're only for me!"
  504. >Fluttershy's wings flap out at their full span
  505. >"And I'll flap on any mare who says otherwise!"
  506. >Her attempt to sounds tough is hilarious
  507. >But not as hilarious as having another sip
  508. >As soon as you bring up the bottle to your lips, you hear a shriek
  510. "Eh?"
  511. >Your head rolls until it finds the source
  512. >Pinkie Pie's at the locked door
  513. "Eeeeeeey!"
  514. >You cheer at the new arrival
  515. >Fluttershy flaps herself silly until she falls over
  516. "What's up, Pink-inna-stink?"
  518. "You got my favorite bed?"
  519. >Your head lolls to the bed you've been sleeping on
  520. >And back to the pink poner
  521. "Nah, you can take it back home!"
  522. >Ponko inhales and screams even louder
  524. >You squint at the pony
  525. >As loud as she's screaming, the greenhouse makes it sound muffled
  526. >Between that and the scent of alcohol in the air, you can safely blame greenhouse gases for once
  527. "WHAT?"
  528. >You blindly reach for Fluttershy until you grab her by the mane
  529. >You bring her up until your faces are side-by-side
  531. >Punko Pop slaps the glass wall with a polka--dotted bag
  532. >"I GOT!"
  533. >Bang
  534. >"YOUR FAVORITE!"
  535. >Boink
  536. >"BREAD!"
  537. >Splat
  538. >You look at Fluttershy
  539. >She looks so completely out of it
  540. >Alas, poor Flutter
  541. >You knew her
  542. >You shake her head and hold the opening to the bottle under her nose
  543. >Maybe it'll work like smelling salts
  544. "Hey. Flubber."
  545. >Her sleepy eyes drag themselves over to you
  546. "Pinochle says she wants to be bred."
  547. >The growing realization on her face changes her from an admittedly pretty, but slathered mare
  548. >To a shocked pony
  549. >To an equine of adequately alcoholic enragement
  550. >She zooms out of your hand and splats against the glass like a fly
  551. >"HE IS NOT! YOUR! FRIEND!"
  556. >The screaming continues until you take another drink from the bottle
  557. >The second the last drop of sweetness hits your tongue is the second you fall over
  560. >Bread?
  561. >Bitchin'

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon