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/bootleg/ Jacky Part 13: Anticipation

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2023-03-04 15:38:58
Updated: 2023-03-04 21:49:20
Expiry: Never

  1. >The cold has not been bad
  2. >The lack of wind and slush-causing rain has kept everything bright and white
  3. >It used to be so much more harsh
  4. >Prism reseats herself on the patio
  5. >A plain, ratty towel was perfect to protect her flank from the cold
  6. >Due to the washing machine chewing it up, the only other fate for it was the trash
  7. >So high above the ground, it is impossible to miss anything
  8. >"This is what this feels like" is what she said, the first time she sat outside
  9. >The feeling of being above others
  10. >The feeling of being so far away from the dirt and grime of the ground
  11. >"Incoming, think fast."
  12. >The patio glass door slides open, then closed
  13. >It's Sparking Shine
  14. >She looks haggard, with her mane even less kempt than normal
  15. "Anon running you through the ringer?"
  16. >"Worse. That freaking boss... night two and neither of us can win."
  17. >That's right
  18. >She and Anon have been distracted yet again by another challenging video game
  19. >The weekend nights are full of desperate screams, joyous cheers and angry threats
  20. >They truly feed off of each other
  21. >Jacky has been able to give support but it is apparent that sort of hard core challenging isn't for her
  22. "That's a first. Usually you two are able to go further, faster than that."
  23. >Sparking sighs and shakes her head
  24. >The snow on the patio wood around her melts in seconds in a perfect circle
  25. >Her mastery over her own magic is awe-inspiring
  26. >"Well we're playing it on a harder mode. And I don't think we're supposed to tackle this part so early. So basically we get melted in two hits. Or one."
  27. >Judging by her tone, she is defeated
  28. >Prism smiles at this
  29. >Her wing extends out far enough to rest over the unicorn's shoulders
  30. "You'll figure something out. If you can, you can always try to level up more."
  31. >Sparking sighs
  32. >"We can try to. We can't even return to the main part of the game until we pass that part. We got locked in."
  33. "Maybe you should take a break."
  34. >Sparking lays down, the circle of warmth emanating from her forming an oval rather than a circle
  35. >"I have to. Anon and Jacky are having smooch time so he's probably clearing his head too."
  36. >Jacky...
  37. >Prism nods with a heavy sigh
  38. "Among other things... sometimes I still find it hard to believe she's grown. Like that, anyway."
  39. >"What, doing things like they do?"
  40. "Yes. It changes you. To do those sorts of things. It changed her."
  41. >Prism's mouth flickers, fighting the urge to frown
  42. "It changed me, too."
  43. >"I could go for that sort of change..."
  44. >Her grumbling is capitalized by a huff
  45. "You could?"
  46. >"Well yeah. Obviously. Do you see how proud and happy she is at work? Mrs. and Mr. Jacky. The kids don't even pause to call them that anymore. Everyone seems fine with it."
  47. >Her tone turns mocking at mentioning their names
  48. >The more the man and her little sister talk about family and relationship matters, the more apparent it is that Shine is losing her competitive edge
  49. "Well, they may be parents sooner or later. I can't say I blame them for wanting to embrace the part."
  50. >"I guess..."
  51. >Sparking's horn starts to glow
  52. >The red light focuses to the very tip, and spits out
  53. >It is a little thrown ember, lobbed to the steel patio railing
  54. >It hits the metal and dissipates in a hiss
  55. >"You're worldly and crap."
  56. "I suppose I am."
  57. >Prism liked to consider herself as such
  58. >She has been deeply humbled since getting used to the human world
  59. >Getting a human job
  60. >Realizing that even human children can tower over her
  62. >"What's it like? To have that sort of thing. Like... we already get to hang out a lot. And no one cares if we sleep next to each other. Now that I think about it, I've been able to get away with doing a whole lot of things with him..."
  63. >She chuckles
  64. >It is a mischievous chuckle
  65. >But out of the corner of Prism's eye, it's obvious that the chuckle does not include a smile
  66. "It..."
  67. >She doesn't recall ever mentioning certain things about her past
  68. >At this point, does it matter?
  69. "It was nice. I think."
  70. >Prism swallows hard
  71. >It feels sickening to even bring up that life
  72. "I... do not think about that sort of thing, anymore. I'm not comfortable admitting if it was out of love, like what Jacky has. Or if it was for help. Or."
  73. >Prism's wings retract, hugging closely to her own body
  74. "...I don't know. It wasn't like how Jacky is."
  75. >"Yeah. That airhead didn't even look both ways before crossing a road. And now she's..."
  76. "Matured."
  77. >"Yeah..."
  78. >The air is awkward between them
  79. >Prism's consistent nightmare has stuck with her for months now
  80. >As much as she wants to say more things, she can't bring herself to risk the backlash
  81. "If it means anything, you have matured fine enough under your own power. Look at what you can do with magic. And video games. And work, too."
  82. >"I know... and I want to say "but"."
  83. "But?"
  84. >"Yeah. I want to complain... but I really can't. I just wish my magic could help them. Because then they can help me in return."
  85. "They, or he?"
  86. >"Same thing, isn't it?"
  87. >Prism's eyes wander out to the snowy landscape
  88. >She shrugs and closes her eyes
  89. "I suppose so. Be careful what you ask for, is all I can say. Jacky... I don't think can go back to how things were. And I'm the picture of what happens when you're alone but still know what it was like. Which would you rather be?"
  90. >Prism expected that to be the end of the conversation
  91. >"Neither. I would rather be myself. And do things the way I want it to be done. And get to enjoy what I like without feeling embarrassed over it."
  92. >That's a very appropriate answer
  93. >It is far less pessimistic than what Prism thought of, even if it was out of reflex
  94. "A question, if I may."
  95. >"Go for it."
  96. "About that... deal..."
  97. >"Which one?"
  98. "The one about magical conception."
  99. >"Heh..."
  100. >Another light focuses on the tip of Sparking's horn
  101. >The ember grows to nearly three times the size of the first one
  102. >Instead of it being lobbed, it compresses until it shoots out
  103. >It goes straight up in the air like a torch
  104. >It remains for a number of seconds before sputtering out
  105. >"What about it?"
  106. >Sparking has to be aware of how ironic it is that she's so envious despite having such enviable powers that never seem to have any inherent cost associated
  107. "..."
  108. >What is the best way to proceed?
  109. >She has always wanted to ask about that deal
  110. >Not just the terms but the reality of it
  111. "If it works... and then... it works for you. How are you going to reconcile that?"
  112. >"Well, it means that I'll have a new way to show that I'm better and then it can lead to a bigger family. Obviously."
  113. "I never took you for one who would want a big family."
  114. >"To be fair, I still don't know if I do or not. But... I don't want to be left out. And you hear it between them all the time if you pay attention. They have such silly, sappy goals. I can't help but feel like I should want the same thing. Besides, it..."
  115. >Sparking trails off
  116. >She sniffs
  117. >"I don't know. I've asked myself if it was worth doing. If I have no pride or sense of shame, to want to latch onto even that sort of thing. But... I don't think I care about the pride. I can be prideful and feel like I kept my morality high. But who cares if I maintain that but never have a chance for anything more?"
  118. "Indeed. What can an empress rule over, without a dynasty?"
  120. >Prism gives a smirk
  121. >In their D&D campaign, her character has caught the bug of ambition
  122. >They're still one group, but she has been going out of her way to get access to higher level spells sooner
  123. >She is still quick to use that color spray spell to surprise enemies
  124. >But she is expertly meticulous in her schemes
  125. >"See? You get it. I guess I'm not driven in that way like, Jacky is. But I would be missing out really bad if I couldn't have that too."
  126. "It almost seems petty."
  127. >"Me? Petty? Naaaaah..."
  128. >Judging by their mutual flat tones, they are both aware of how poor this conversation on conduct is
  129. >It is such a despicable grey area
  130. >But it is not purely out of spite, or jealousy
  131. >Even if the seeds remain pure in their origin
  132. >"I guess... if I have to admit it. Being a.... you know. A wife. That would be kinda cool. But. It would be cooler to be a mom. I mean, I'm awesome. Everyone can see that."
  133. "Of course."
  134. >"And I never needed any of those stupid schools and books to learn how to do my voodoo. Imagine if I had a little mini-me who could learn to control it too. Except sooner, and better. I may be good now but she could be great. In a world like this, it means that she could do anything, anywhere. I made you watch those videos with those street magicians, and they suck. Imagine if we could show humans real magic. She could be a millionaire before she could even count to a million."
  135. "Can you count to a million?"
  136. >"No, but out of choice."
  137. >The little poke is enough to bring some positivity into the conversation
  138. >Not a lot
  139. >But enough to matter
  140. >"It just seems neat... that's all. If I'm talking to him, I can make it sound so much less silly. But some of that comes from me also offering something huge. I even spoke to Jacky about it and-"
  141. "You spoke to Jacky about the deal?"
  142. >She shouldn't be surprised, but she is
  143. >"Of course I did. And Jacky doesn't seem to care. I mean, she got really mad for a while. But that's kinda because I think I teased her about it. Really didn't go at the right angle."
  144. "She's liable to hurt you if you keep doing that."
  145. >"Already well aware of that, thank you."
  146. >For never having been the violent filly, Jacky has grown to be quite proud of getting physical if her place in life gets sullied or tarnished in even hypotheticals
  147. >Prism can only be proud of such willingness to be assertive
  148. >Possessive, even
  149. >"Anyway, I brought it up with her and... I think, as of now? Work has done a great job at changing her mind. I brought up that she could be a mom and an aunt and... I think she likes the sound of that."
  150. >For the first time since their socializing started, Sparking looks at Prism directly
  151. >Her expression is neutral
  152. >Fatigued but neutral
  153. >"Did she always have this potential? Did you ever know she could turn out so... well?"
  154. "Me? Of course I did."
  155. >Prism smiles
  156. >For the first time in a long time, she feels proud of herself
  157. "I did my best. I tried to. So that she wouldn't have so many scars keeping her from being happy."
  158. >"I guess you really did, huh..."
  159. >Sparking sits up
  160. >"I think... I'm gonna get some sleep now. I was gonna burst in there and try to cause some mayhem but... I think I'm just gonna let her have this one."
  161. >She stretches in a variety of ways, yawning
  162. >"Don't stay up too late. You get to choose music and if you're sleeping, I'll steal your turn."
  163. >Prism chuckles
  164. "You can have it. I think I'll come back in after a while."
  165. >With that, the pegasus is left alone outside yet again
  166. >Prism nods to herself
  167. "She really has grown up."
  168. >She wants to just lay down and sleep outside but she knows that she can't
  169. >Not when it is winter
  170. "I wish I could have had just a little more time with her before then."
  173. >Prism was starting to enjoy working
  174. >It helped that she only had to work for four hours
  175. >Like Anon, she learned that one can... not quite sit on the clock, but busy themselves with menial tasks
  176. >Perhaps he wasn't such a diligent worker, compared to the so-titled Mrs. Jacky, but he had his positive moments
  177. >She had heard a few words between her employers that they were considering reducing his hours more to the point he would lose benefits
  178. >All four of them would still work, so it would not put them in any dire straits
  179. >But...
  180. >Would it be ok still?
  181. >He had taken such a leap of faith on Jacky's whim
  182. >It was a positive sign of their bond
  183. >But was it smart?
  184. >The patio was a perfect place to think it over
  185. >While they, and Sparking, got to enjoy themselves and live the day to day
  186. >Prism...
  187. >She thought
  188. >She contemplated
  189. >She wondered
  190. >But
  191. >She was also getting better at no longer being so lonesome
  192. >She strolls into the living room, having visited the little mare's room before
  193. >It is another movie night
  194. >One of countless
  195. >Anon is laying on his side
  196. >Jacky is acting as his pillow and rotated just enough that they can share an intimate moment without warning
  197. >And there is almost never a warning
  198. >Sparking is laying in front of Anon, showing no shame in her connection
  199. >Ever since that...
  200. >Dream?
  201. >Night terror?
  202. >Whatever it was, Prism has come to see that maybe she shouldn't concern herself too much of what should or shouldn't be
  203. >Knowing Sparking more, she understands the...
  204. >Loneliness
  205. >"Yo, gonna join us?"
  206. >Anon has a laptop hooked up to the TV
  207. >How did he ever survive without having one within arm's reach?
  208. "Depends, what's on the menu?"
  209. "True Lies. It's a sort of spy movie. But with more explosions."
  210. >Prism's eyebrow raises
  211. "Sounds different."
  212. >...
  213. >...
  214. >...
  215. >"Yo, wanna join us?"
  216. >Another night after work
  217. >Everyone is visibly tired, far so to the point antics are out of the question
  218. >The only thing different is that while Jacky is Anon's pillow again, Sparking is draped over him like a ragdoll
  219. >She must be half-asleep as is
  220. "Depends, what is lined up this time?"
  221. >"Child's Play."
  222. "Well that... doesn't sound normal."
  223. >"It's not, it's about a possessed doll that kills."
  224. >Prism's eyebrow raises
  225. "That's new."
  226. >"So new it came out at the end of the 80s."
  227. >...
  228. >...
  229. >...
  230. >"Yo, hang out with us."
  231. >Yet another night
  232. >How many has it been?
  233. >Work-socializing with humans-has made the pony's days all bleed together
  234. >It feels like this has become the default, outside of video games
  235. >Even Jacky has stopped mentioning the Harmony Quests
  236. >Not due to boredom, but sheer forgetfulness
  237. >Rather than laying on his side, Anon is laying on his back
  238. >Both Jacky and Sparking are sharing a large blanket with a pillow in between them to act as a headrest
  239. "I take it that it's something good?"
  240. >"Definitely. It's about the struggle of business ownership and dealing with nutty city folk. Some of which are just dogs when push comes to shove."
  241. "That sounds surprisingly insightful. What is it called?"
  242. >"Ghostbusters!"
  243. >...
  244. >...
  245. >...
  246. >"Eaaaaaagle!"
  247. >Prism watches Anon spin around in place, holding Jacky up with his arms and the bulk of her shape on his shoulders
  248. >For some unknown reason, they've been rough housing all day since work
  249. >It has been weeks since she first heard of the possibility of his hours getting cut
  250. >Whether or not it happened, he seems just as fine as always
  251. >She does too
  252. >Maybe it is their way of getting through hard times?
  253. >...
  254. >...
  255. >...
  256. >"Alright, fella... we're... going... to bed!"
  257. >Prism watches from an open fridgerator
  258. >Jacky is dragging an unconscious Anon on her back
  259. >It is just enough of him to be moved across the floor
  260. >The weight doesn't seem to bother her but the size difference is making the move slow
  261. >Prism cocks her head to the side and lowers it
  262. >Sure enough, Anonymous truly is asleep
  263. >Perhaps he has finally gotten sick?
  264. >...
  265. >...
  266. >...
  269. >"Soup... soup..."
  270. >Prism pokes her head out from the mass of quilts that feel the best for her
  271. >Anon is checking the pantry
  272. >Without finesse
  273. "Can you please slam the doors a little gently?"
  274. >"A-ah. Sorry."
  275. >Anon's rummaging immediately slows
  276. >"Jackling's sick."
  277. >How could that have ever happened?
  278. >He sounds rather healthy now, compared to...
  279. >How long ago was it?
  280. >Days?
  281. >Even with the addition of work, she has been losing track of time
  282. "I didn't know humans could get ponies sick."
  283. >"Neither did I. Even if that isn't the case, I can't do nothing."
  284. >Despite his concern, Prism hears a satisfied exclamation
  285. >"There we go, tomato and basil. Yeah, sorry to wake you."
  286. >Prism lets her head drop and nuzzles it into the nearest source of fabric
  287. >It brings back some sense of warmth that she has never grown out of
  288. >Thankfully it does not also carry the sense of dread that would come from having to ferret out rodents or insects
  289. >...
  290. >...
  291. >...
  292. >Prism crawls out from under her comfortable mass of bedding
  293. >A small glance outside shows that it is far too late to be awake
  294. >Despite the hour, there is still plenty of sounds to pay attention to
  295. >The laptop computer behind her is playing some sort of dull-voiced narrator explaining frame data
  296. >Sparking Shine is probably sleeping
  297. >She only ever puts that on when she is too tired to do anything else
  298. >Letting her wings expand and flap so they lose their stiffness, the pegasus approaches the sleeping unicorn
  299. >A pillow is between her lower legs, underneath her head, and there are three more over her body
  300. >Only under her are some blankets
  301. >She is such a hot shot, it is difficult to ever imagine her being cold again
  302. >Of course...
  303. >She used to shiver too
  304. >Maybe it is her magic
  305. >Or the fact that even without a blanket, the apartment isn't so bad
  306. "..."
  307. >She would like to awaken her...
  308. >Friend
  309. >...
  310. >But it would be rude
  311. >Giving a nod to the peaceful pony, Prism instead makes way to see the other half of their video game party
  312. >In D&D terms, it would be the commander and his right hand
  313. >She has been reading more of the books outside of their campaign
  314. >Some of it seems to stoke some sort of fire in her chest
  315. >It is difficult to explain
  316. >Before she nudges open the door, she can hear something playing
  317. >A movie, as usual
  318. >But with someone talking over it
  319. >Prism stands still and listens in
  320. >It certainly isn't either Anonymous's or Jacky's voice
  321. >The words are capped off with a chiding "ding" noise
  322. >...
  323. >No comments
  324. >Or
  325. >Other noises
  326. >Prism ultimately decides to push the door open enough with the side of her face to peek inside
  327. >Despite her meager hope, Jacky is not available to talk
  328. >She is laying with her human, sharing a blanket and sleeping more peacefully than she's ever seen before entering this world
  329. >His arm is her pillow, she is facing him with her back to the screen
  330. >Just how long has she been ignoring the visuals?
  331. >Despite their size difference, she is laying where they are directly face to face
  332. >How many of these romantic gestures and thoughts...
  333. >Where did they come from?
  334. >Prism may have been just as... influenced, once
  335. >Maybe
  336. >But she never allows that sort of substance to visibly show
  337. >Despite her responsibilities, wit, and expanded interests Prism can not stop herself from simply seeing the little filly that just refused to be left alone
  338. >Is she a follower or is she leading whatever it is she has...?
  339. >Prism blinks
  340. >How long had she been watching?
  341. >It may be rude to continue
  342. >She slips away, her mind working
  343. >The holidays are coming up
  344. >Maybe she should look into what she can get everybody
  345. >She has money now, after all
  346. >Far too much that she would feel comfortable spending on herself
  349. >Prism has studied the human world
  350. >The seasons
  351. >The people
  352. >The cultures
  353. >The holidays
  354. >And with it being Christmas, she expected...
  355. >Something different
  356. >Instead, everyone is in Anon's room
  357. >Again
  358. >Anon is playing a handheld game while he and Jacky bob their heads to the music
  359. >They are a hopeless pair
  360. >Sparking is playing a game with a controller
  361. >The pair of lockets she got them are sitting on the dresser
  362. >They haven't been worn once since they got them...
  363. >As for that little notebook...
  364. >That vanished fairly quickly
  365. >But she did make an effort to be thankful
  366. >Who knows what is in that sort of thing
  367. "Do you want me to take all of your plates?"
  368. >Rather than a traditional Christmas dinner, it was mutually agreed that the more lazy solution was better
  369. >Anon said that gifts were on the way
  370. >Jacky explained that she was going to be late because she can't decide on some things
  371. >Sparking merely shrugged and had said that she was simply going to make gift baskets for gifts
  372. >While it doesn't sound impressive, Prism had learned that those baskets would be full of very expensive treats and drinks with personal preferences in mind
  373. >For a while, she felt so silly for going in as much as she did
  374. >"Mine and Anon's, sure. Keep Jacky's. She's acting like she's too good for pleb food."
  375. >"I am not! My stomach is just kinda messin' with me."
  376. >For being sick, she isn't acting like Anon when he is sick
  377. >Could it be a different illness?
  378. >"You stay like this for much longer, I'm going to have to carry you around everywhere and stick you on the welcome table at work. You'll be like one of those lazy cats that get Instagram accounts and wear little hats."
  379. >Jacky's only reaction is to slink her head around and whisper some form of sultry meow into the man's ear
  380. >Prism watches Anon's face contort
  381. >"...that's the good stuff."
  382. "...Alright. I'll grab some medicine as well. Sparking, if I may?"
  383. >"Hold on... alright."
  384. >The console game goes through a flurry of menus before hitting a presumed stopping point
  385. >"I'll help out. Christmas means helping and whatever. Sometimes."
  386. >Prism clamps down on the pair of plates, careful to keep the nice knives and forks from falling off
  387. >It has never not been awkward to deal with human-sized kitchenware
  388. >Sometimes she wishes she could have just a little bit of magic on her own
  389. >Sparking follows the pegasus out of the room and into the kitchen
  390. >Rather than having to go through the trials of reaching the sink, red magic glows around the kitchenware
  391. >It effortlessly floats into the sink and lands with a gentle clatter
  392. >"There we go. Did you really want to bring me out just for that?"
  393. >Prism turns to face Sparking
  394. >Her face is neutral, with a complex sense of force coming from the back of her throat
  395. >" alright?"
  396. >Sparking cocks an eyebrow
  397. >She's aware that something is going on
  398. >Prism fails to stop herself in time
  399. "Did you use magic to allow Jacky to get pregnant already?"
  400. >The red mare's eyes nearly pop out of her head
  401. >"...What?"
  402. "She has been puking up every other meal, she doesn't seem to have a fever, she's acting like normal otherwise..."
  403. >"...No. That's not that that is."
  404. >Sparking speaks with authority, burrowing her brow
  405. "Are you sure? When was the last time you even saw her get sick? She doesn't even get sick of watching the same movies."
  406. >"Why haven't any of us gotten sick? Remember what we used to have to eat?"
  407. >Sparking shrugs
  408. >"Maybe we're just built tougher."
  409. "You have a point. But will you humor the thought with me for a moment?"
  410. >Prism's voice lowers
  411. >Going by the handheld game's volume, those two oddballs are in their own little world
  412. >Which is almost always the case, she has learned
  414. >Prism has studied the human world
  415. >The seasons
  416. >The people
  417. >The cultures
  418. >The holidays
  419. >And with it being Christmas, she expected...
  420. >Something different
  421. >Instead, everyone is in Anon's room
  422. >Again
  423. >Anon is playing a handheld game while he and Jacky bob their heads to the music
  424. >They are a hopeless pair
  425. >Sparking is playing a game with a controller
  426. >The pair of lockets she got them are sitting on the dresser
  427. >They haven't been worn once since they got them...
  428. >As for that little notebook...
  429. >That vanished fairly quickly
  430. >But she did make an effort to be thankful
  431. >Who knows what is in that sort of thing
  432. "Do you want me to take all of your plates?"
  433. >Rather than a traditional Christmas dinner, it was mutually agreed that the more lazy solution was better
  434. >Anon said that gifts were on the way
  435. >Jacky explained that she was going to be late because she can't decide on some things
  436. >Sparking merely shrugged and had said that she was simply going to make gift baskets for gifts
  437. >While it doesn't sound impressive, Prism had learned that those baskets would be full of very expensive treats and drinks with personal preferences in mind
  438. >For a while, she felt so silly for going in as much as she did
  439. >"Mine and Anon's, sure. Keep Jacky's. She's acting like she's too good for pleb food."
  440. >"I am not! My stomach is just kinda messin' with me."
  441. >For being sick, she isn't acting like Anon when he is sick
  442. >Could it be a different illness?
  443. >"You stay like this for much longer, I'm going to have to carry you around everywhere and stick you on the welcome table at work. You'll be like one of those lazy cats that get Instagram accounts and wear little hats."
  444. >Jacky's only reaction is to slink her head around and whisper some form of sultry meow into the man's ear
  445. >Prism watches Anon's face contort
  446. >"...that's the good stuff."
  447. "...Alright. I'll grab some medicine as well. Sparking, if I may?"
  448. >"Hold on... alright."
  449. >The console game goes through a flurry of menus before hitting a presumed stopping point
  450. >"I'll help out. Christmas means helping and whatever. Sometimes."
  451. >Prism clamps down on the pair of plates, careful to keep the nice knives and forks from falling off
  452. >It has never not been awkward to deal with human-sized kitchenware
  453. >Sometimes she wishes she could have just a little bit of magic on her own
  454. >Sparking follows the pegasus out of the room and into the kitchen
  455. >Rather than having to go through the trials of reaching the sink, red magic glows around the kitchenware
  456. >It effortlessly floats into the sink and lands with a gentle clatter
  457. >"There we go. Did you really want to bring me out just for that?"
  458. >Prism turns to face Sparking
  459. >Her face is neutral, with a complex sense of force coming from the back of her throat
  460. >" alright?"
  461. >Sparking cocks an eyebrow
  462. >She's aware that something is going on
  463. >Prism fails to stop herself in time
  464. "Did you use magic to allow Jacky to get pregnant already?"
  465. >The red mare's eyes nearly pop out of her head
  466. >"...What?"
  467. "She has been puking up every other meal, she doesn't seem to have a fever, she's acting like normal otherwise..."
  468. >"...No. That's not that that is."
  469. >Sparking speaks with authority, furrowing her brow
  470. "Are you sure? When was the last time you even saw her get sick? She doesn't even get sick of watching the same movies."
  471. >"Why haven't any of us gotten sick? Remember what we used to have to eat?"
  472. >Sparking shrugs
  473. >"Maybe we're just built tougher."
  474. "You have a point. But will you humor the thought with me for a moment?"
  475. >Prism's voice lowers
  476. >Going by the handheld game's volume, those two oddballs are in their own little world
  477. >Which is almost always the case, she has learned
  479. >"...well, if that's true. Then... I have no clue if I helped with that."
  480. >Sparking purses her lips
  481. >The look in her eyes show that she is at a complete loss
  482. >There isn't even a hint of frustration or anger in her eye
  483. >"I... I mean, I kinda tried some happy thoughts. And I thought about it then shook Jacky around."
  484. "You... shook her around."
  485. >Sparking nods with a professional's sense of confidence
  486. >"I lifted her up and shook her like a salt shaker."
  487. >Prism tilts her head just enough to show her complete confusion
  488. >"Whaaaat? She said it was like learning what one of those roller coasters was like. Besides, you don't know how cathartic it was to get that out of my system."
  489. >She smirks with a sense of knowing
  490. >The smirk doesn't last with the growing comprehension that she may have indeed helped with their special martini
  491. >"...oh shit."
  492. "Do you understand what this means?"
  493. >"...if it's true that I helped make it happen?"
  494. >Prism was wanting to focus on the fact that it happened at all
  495. >But from what she knew...
  496. >That "deal"
  497. >Was it truly a deal, or just a way to cope with her jealousy?
  498. >As normalized as it may be to them, Prism has always been aware of her boundary pushing antics
  499. "...that too..."
  500. >Sparking sits down
  501. >The more time passes, the more a growing sense of concern grows in her eyes
  502. >Or is it a greater sense of panic?
  503. >"What... what do we do?"
  504. "We wait and see if this is the real thing. We get either of them all excited about it and they'll go off the deep end."
  505. >Sparking was not sold
  506. >"I don't think they'll go that nutty."
  507. "Maybe. But what would happen if it isn't a false alarm?"
  508. >"Crap... you're right, aren't you."
  509. >The two sit in the kitchen with an extended looming blanket of silence
  510. >"Are we ready?"
  511. "We?"
  512. >"Yeah. We're going to be... what, aunts?"
  513. >The word, and the weight attached to it, hits Prism
  514. "..."
  515. >Aunt Faint Prism
  516. >Her mind floods with memories of when she and Jacky were mere fillies
  517. "...oh. I suppose so."
  518. >Just a hint of disdain spreads on her face
  519. "I...I don't know how well I'll be able to help with that."
  520. >Sparking gives a bemused, sly laugh
  521. >"What, don't want to be the cool aunt that flies her around?"
  522. "More like I would never forgive myself if I taught her something wrong..."
  523. >"Have you seen who the parents are going to be?"
  524. >Sparking's smirk is powerful enough to work in defusing Prism's concerns
  525. "...I shouldn't admit it. But... I can't say you're wrong."
  526. >"Of course you can't."
  527. >She stands up to stretch
  528. >Despite her face, she shakes overly hard from the ribs down to her flank
  529. >"...I... am gonna grab a drink. And I'm gonna pretend that Anon doesn't owe me."
  530. "And I am going to continue to pretend that entire thing doesn't concern me."
  531. >"Don't worry, you don't have to pret... wait. Has Jacky been drinking any? That's bad, right?"
  532. >A jolt goes down Prism's spine
  533. >What would happen if she unknowingly did something deleterious?!
  534. >As quickly as it came, her eyes darted to the counter top
  535. >The shock subsided, if only marginally
  536. "Nevermind... whew. See the cinnamon vodka? Anon bought that before Thanksgiving. Seal is still on it."
  537. >I smile at that safe revelation
  538. >I-
  540. >"...hey. Are you ok?"
  541. >...
  542. >...
  543. >I
  544. >"Prism. Hey. Psst."
  545. >I?
  546. "I gotta look after her. If this is real..."
  547. >"Big "if", remember."
  548. >I stand up
  549. >I flex my wings out
  550. >They are big wings, aren't they?
  551. >They protected Jacky
  552. >They kept her safe
  553. >Kept her warm
  554. >I can feel a fire stir in my chest
  555. "I'm going to go sit with her. Thanks for the talk."
  556. >"Sure."
  557. >With my goal in sight, I quickly step to the bedroom
  558. >Without a word I walk beside the mattress and plant myself near Jacky's head
  559. >Anon has been using her flank as a pillow
  560. >Smart move, both in the event that she's sick
  561. >Or something else
  562. >I lean down to nuzzle my face against hers
  563. >Jacky, while not expecting the affection, returns the gesture
  564. >"Well hey there, fancy meeting you here. Can you convince Anon that I'm better as a fencer? He turned me into an assassin."
  565. >"Jackly Hack, the assassin class skills rely on daggers, same as your rogue class."
  566. >"But what about my ability to switch between causing poison and bleed?"
  567. >"My character has those passive skills to inflict one stack of both per attack, and the samurai class allows him to hit all enemies so it's redundant. As an assassin you can cause big de-buffs and still do sneak attacks."
  568. >"Oh... I thought we kept that sub-class just so I could steal."
  569. >"Nope. That's why your dagger has the mug ability, you try automatically."
  570. >"Sweet. In that case, you don't have to convince him."
  571. >I hug my little sister with both of my wings
  572. "I love you, Jacky."
  573. >"Well I love you too, Dashie. What's up?"
  574. "Nothing. I just feel like things finally clicked into place for me."
  575. >"Well that's awesome! What made you feel better?"
  576. "You."

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon