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/sun/ /Completed/ Celestia crotchbreastfeeding Anon (NSFW)

By Appreciationproject
Created: 2020-10-22 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-22 19:31:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >The massive gilded doors with an enormous sun ornament open before you.
  2. >You step in, looking around with a slight anxiety. This is the first time that you find yourself in Celestia's private chamber.
  3. "Come hither, Anonymous. No need to fear."
  4. >The words, said in rich and powerful yet gentle contralto tone, have filled the room like a melody.
  5. >You look in front of yourself in awe.
  6. >The alabaster white coat. Elegant long muzzle adorned with a slight smile. Bottomless magenta eyes.
  7. >Celestia herself stands before you in all her divine glory. With your head just slightly above her withers.
  8. "Anonymous, my Sister told me about a rather particular scene she had seen. Scene, that seems prevalent in your dreams for some time now."
  9. >You gulp nervously. That's the peril of living close to the most powerful telepaths ever imaginable.
  10. "Well, Your Majesty, I can explain..."
  11. >She interrupts you, although her voice lacks any hint of displeasure.
  12. "Look at me. Look me in the eyes!"
  13. >You comply. As soon as you meet her gaze, you realize that you simply can't avert your eyes.
  14. >You are drowning in this pool of magenta, black and white.
  15. >It feels rather comfy actually. You feel warm and relaxed.
  16. >In the corner of your conscience you hear a quiet gentle whisper.
  17. >You are trying to reach it. You feel an urge to open up to it. To share everything and anything...
  18. "I see. So this is truly what you desire."
  19. >The charm breaks. You blink and look around.
  20. >Celestia is circling you in a slow pace. You can't help but admire flexing of her well defined muscles.
  21. "Very well, Anon. I feel this is important to you. In a way that you haven't full understanding of, actually."
  22. >She stops and turns her side to you.
  23. "Suit yourself, you poor unwilling planewalker."
  24. >Full of indecisiveness you approach her. With a reverence you put your hand on her flank.
  25. >Her coat feels like a velvet. Warm and delicate to touch.
  26. >You give her a slight hesitant pet. Involuntary your hand slips closer to her hindquarters, resting on the golden sun of her cutie mark.
  27. >She lashes you with her tail.
  28. "A-ano-on!"
  29. >She chides you in a singsong voice, with playful undertones.
  30. >But the strike of her multicolored tail leaves faint marks on your exposed skin.
  31. >You move your hand on her back for an anchor and bend under her belly.
  32. >Two medium sized dark nubs of flesh contrasting the pristine white fur around greet your gaze.
  33. >They seem ripe and full, almost as if...
  34. "Your Majesty are you... Are you foaled recently?"
  35. >You ask in a shock.
  36. >Celestia laughs gently.
  37. "My body is mine to command! Although, one can say that I indeed have foals. In a way. Millions of them, to take care of and protect. To raise and nurture."
  38. >She went silent. Then spoke again.
  39. "Come on, try it."
  40. >You put your face closer and inhale.
  41. >Her coat smells like a fresh air in the midst of a spring morning.
  42. >But her teats... You feel like the fragrance have done something to you.
  43. >Your mouth begins to salivate. You feel some pleasant, long forgotten emotion. You feel like a child again.
  44. >You carefully poke her teat with your nose.
  45. >Then open your mouth and take it in, caressing with your tongue.
  46. >Trying to remember how to suckle properly.
  47. >In an awkward way you cover your teeth with your gums, in an attempt not to bite the divine flesh.
  48. >Celestia shifts on her hooves and inhales slightly. Even in this position you hear the beat of her heart.
  49. >Nature finally comes to your help activating the nursing instinct, long since dormant.
  50. >Your teeth give her nipple a gentle squeeze.
  51. >Stream of warm, creamy liquid floods your mouth.
  52. >Inexpressible taste makes you ecstatic.
  53. >It's sweet, fresh, rich, savory!
  54. >You think that it's what the divine nectar of legends must have tasted.
  55. >You continue to suckle with a great deal of greed.
  56. >Hugging the Princess around her barrel, basking in a gentle warmth of her body.
  57. >You feel tears forming in a corners of your eyes.
  58. >You feel better, stronger, healthier already!
  59. >To drink her milk is like to drink the life itself.
  60. "My my, aren't you a thirsty one?"
  61. >Celestia's voice coos softly above you.
  62. "It's alright, my new subject. Drink as much as you wish. Learn, what an untamed, untainted and triumphant force of life tastes like. Become touched by it, become the part of my world."
  63. >She opened her majestic wing and brushed your back slightly.
  64. "It must've been rather awful and desolate plane you came from, judging by your reaction."

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