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/jacky/ IF Scenario T: Twinspark

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2023-09-22 01:34:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >With the week almost over, you've been feeling pretty relaxed
  2. >D&D campaigns are progressing
  3. >Cooking skills are improving
  4. >The neighbors that complain about the noise the most moved out three days ago
  5. >It really feels like things are finally at that peak mix of routine and fun
  6. "...What the hell is this?"
  7. >Or so you thought
  8. >You plop the rather hefty box down in the living room, each pony sitting from a different angle
  9. "And since when did you need a pseudonym? Seriously, "Sparline Shinron"?"
  10. >Sparkler grins with malicious intent
  11. >"Shut up, it's smart. And what I got..."
  12. >The box begins to glow with the unicorn's aura
  13. >The cardboard peels itself like a banana, revealing a-
  14. "Oh shit."
  15. >It's a box
  16. >The surprise isn't that the box contained a box, but that the box contains a red unicorn
  17. >"Ha. You look like you're gonna be sick... is it really that bad?"
  18. >Jacky circles around, stopping in mid-step the second she sees the duplicate of her second best friend
  19. >"Wh... what is this?"
  20. >She doesn't sound as negatively impacted
  21. >She still backs away under the existential threat of seeing a double
  22. >"It's me, Jacky. I mean, it's probably some... cheap copy of me. But it's me. I did some digging and if this really is true... well."
  23. >As cocksure as she is, she still manages to only gaze at her double for only a second before breaking eye contact and visibly shivering
  24. >"It means that we have Nona to "thank". And it means that she will be able to use magic too. If we have two of me, we can probably do whatever we want to get answers out of her. And we've all been wondering, right?"
  25. >Despite her focused tone, neither of the girls are into the idea
  26. >To be honest, you aren't either
  27. >Part of you was scared this might happen
  28. >Now that it has, now what?
  29. >"Come on, are you telling me that all of you lost your fight?"
  30. "To be honest, we didn't have all that much of a fight to start, once everyone got together."
  31. >"Yeah?!"
  32. >Shine whips her head at you
  33. >The manic energy in her voice gives you a keen hint that she isn't purely happy about this confirmed revelation
  34. >You don't submit to her gaze
  35. >As much as you can feel her aggression, you won't let her just have a win on this
  36. >"One hole in your logic, Sparking... if I remember what I was told, you couldn't do magic when you first woke up. What makes you think this double is any different?"
  37. >As if she were remembered of an old shameful memory, her lips twitch into a bitter grimace
  38. >"...Well I learned. So she can too. We just need to go through some of the same steps I went through."
  39. "You say that as if we can just... fake it all. And there are some things that really shouldn't happen again."
  40. >"I'll say."
  41. >Jacky's patented gunmare's glare goes from Shiner to Shiner
  42. >"I don't want her trying anything funny. You're already enough of a pain in the butt sometimes."
  43. >"Yeah well you come up with a better idea. I'm freeing her now."
  44. "Ah crap."
  45. >Unable to come up with a way to stop her in time, you watch her peel the packaging to ribbons
  47. >The twin red mare lays out on the floor, unresponsive to the world
  48. >"...How does it work? How do we wake her up again?"
  49. >Shiner looks up at you, the initial rush of excitement already wearing away due to the reality of the situation
  50. "I don't remember."
  51. >"Wh-are you telling me you don't treasure that memory?"
  52. "I remember you threatening to kill us when you first woke up so forgive me if I forget the minor details of what I did to make you pop up."
  53. >"I don't remember either, Anon... but when I came to, I remembered everything like I hadn't missed a step. And Jacky, you..."
  54. >The yellow pony shrugs
  55. >"Iunno. I woke up in the dark and then we met and... the rest just fell into place."
  56. >Shiner sighs
  57. >"Well fantastic. We all have picturesque origins in this world, and other-me is playing Sleepy Beauty. All we need left is a Pri..."
  58. >Sparkler grins
  59. >This can't be a good idea
  60. >"Anon. Go wake her up. If she's even half the me she is, you'll do the trick."
  61. >You give Jackenstein a shared look of concern
  62. "How about no to that particular option."
  63. >"Ugh. Whatever. Just... get her up. If I use my magic on her, that might..."
  64. >She strains herself to come up with an answer
  65. >You can hear the strain in this elongated grunt
  66. >"Blow me up or something. Or her. I don't know what'll happen. So you do it."
  67. "Oh Jesus. You know, if we all die I'm gonna kill you."
  68. >"Deal. Now get her up."
  69. >You scoot over to the sleeping double
  70. >She looks...
  71. >At peace
  72. >Kinda like the first time you saw her
  73. >Trying to ignore the piercing, attentive, and curious stare of the three mares around you, you clear your throat
  74. "Hey... hey, fireball. Time to wake up. You've been out for a while, haven't you?"
  75. >While still sitting, you lurch over her and bring your hand to her mane
  76. >Right behind the ear too
  77. >Not that you know that's a weak spot or anything
  78. "Up an'attem."
  79. >After a few moments of petting, she stirs
  80. >You freeze at the movement
  81. >After your finger slides over the back of her ear again, her eyes open
  82. "Gy-"
  83. >Rather than focus on you, they seem to roam over the room
  84. >Without much care of what's going on, she sets herself up from laying, to sitting
  85. >"...Wow. This is kinda... new."
  86. >She sure sounds like Shiner
  87. >The biggest difference that tips you off that she's different is her tone
  88. >It has no sense of maliciousness
  89. >No friction
  90. >"Hey, me. Welcome to Earth. What's the last thing you remember?"
  91. >Shiner's horn ignites for a second to be sure to grab her double's attention
  92. >"W-woah?! You're... wait. You're me...?"
  93. >Double Shine looks at you as if for confirmation
  94. >Sparkler clicks her tongue
  95. >"Hey, eyes on me hot stuff. We need to get you up to speed, ok? You got a long way to go before you're as good at me, and I need that to happen sooner than later."
  96. >Double Shine looks between you and her
  97. >She peeks around to see Jacky and lights up
  98. >"Oh... Jacky, you're here too?"
  99. >Jaquinox flashes a smile
  100. >"I am! Do you remember me by chance...?"
  101. >"Well... yeah. Why wouldn't I? Where are we?"
  103. >Though it feels surreal, you listen to everyone fill in all of the gaps
  104. >"Wow... so I eventually learn to use magic."
  105. "You do. You are actually pretty awesome at it. You just needed the right motivation. It wasn't being violent that made it work, but wanting to help out."
  106. >"Yeah yeah yeah, don't worry about the right motivation. You need to level up, pronto, so we can fry the bitch who did this to us. And why I say "bitch", I mean she's worth every bad word in the book."
  107. >Double Shine seems to understand her twin's urgency
  108. >But she doesn't seem to care
  109. >"Anon and Jacky... why am I not surprised?"
  110. >Rather than be frustrated, she looks like she's accepted defeat in a battle she didn't know she was in
  111. >"I could see why I'd be mad about that. Faint Prism always made it out to be the "sophisticated" thing to do. And then I was always just some..."
  112. >You hold a hand up
  113. "You can hold off on that sentiment. You're important to all of us. Don't let your past get in the way."
  114. >Jacky speaks up, not hiding a slight hint of envy all that well
  115. >"And you got away with kissing him... not that you didn't pay for it after the fact."
  116. >Double Shine blushes
  117. >You didn't think you'd see Red blush like that
  118. >It's honestly a captivating sight
  119. >"...Really?"
  120. >Shiner pokes her hoof into Double's
  121. >"Hey, stop day dreaming. I bought you so I can have someone to help me fight. Is that you or do I gotta throw you out?"
  122. >Double's first expression is one of shock
  123. >It melts into a murky sorrow
  124. >"...I can fight. Sure..."
  125. >Where is this aggression coming from?
  126. >You scoop up Double by reflex, plopping her on her lap
  127. >Like a lazy cat that has no concept of danger, her legs just flip up and her belly remains exposed
  128. >Jacky's eyes watch her move, just to go back to her original second best friend
  129. "Hey, calm down man. You--she--just woke up. After who knows how long. Go easy on her."
  130. >"Easy?"
  131. >Shiner looks at you in disbelief
  132. >"Easy?! That loser?"
  133. >She points a hoof at Double
  134. >"Stop acting weak, it isn't working on me. You know better. Start acting like it."
  135. >Double looks up at you, trying to not directly engage
  136. >"...Is she... am I usually like this?"
  137. >As much as you want to poke at her, you sigh and shake your head
  138. "No, a lot of the times you're far better. She's been scheming and we've been playing a lot of D&D so she's kinda in character."
  139. >"What's D&D?"
  140. >Before you can answer, Double gets hoisted up into the air through deep red aura
  141. >"No-no. No! We're not going down that path. You aren't getting anywhere with that "woe is pitiful me" act."
  142. >Holding the floating Double clear to her face, Shiner looks
  143. >You can barely describe it
  144. >It's like she was looking at something rancid
  145. >"You. Are gonna help me. And I don't care what you think, you can get as powerful as I am right now. So stop wasting time and do it."
  147. >As if that triggered something, Double returned Sparking Shine's glare
  148. >"You can lift me up and set a little spark... you're telling me I'm the weak one because, what, I don't know your petty little tricks?"
  149. >The red aura around her flexes
  150. >Shimmers
  151. >Double's hooves land on the floor, despite Sparking's increasingly concerned gaze
  152. >"W-what are you doing?"
  153. >"I'm getting you off of me."
  154. >Hearing the same voice speaking in two very different tones...
  155. >Are you sober enough to be ok with this?
  156. "Girls, I know that look. Why don't we-"
  157. >"Not now."
  158. >Both of them speak at the same time
  159. >In the same tone
  160. >"...This isn't gonna end well, is it."
  161. "Nope. Prism, get the fire resistant blanket."
  162. >"Already got it."
  163. >Knowing better than to get involved when your means are limited by pride and self-respect, you drag Jacky back a few yards
  164. >"What the hell makes you think you can stand up to me, you worthless gutter rat?"
  165. >"What the hell makes you think you can push me around, you spoiled leech?"
  166. >Neither of them are ceding any ground
  167. >Shiner's horn re-ignites
  168. >What started as a dark crimson shifts to something almost pure white
  169. "Hey, don't burn this place down. Remember where we live."
  170. >Maybe you should get the extinguisher
  171. >Double's own horn glows
  172. >But the glow is dim
  173. >It is enough that you can tell that it is there, but it isn't some overwhelming presence
  174. >"I'm gonna beat that weak piss out of you. We're gonna show them we can do it, since they don't want to."
  175. >"And if I don't want to?"
  176. >"Then you're worthless to me."
  177. >Their stare-off continues
  178. >They're within mutual headbutting distance
  179. >Neither seem to mind the obvious visual difference in magic control
  180. >Or is it merely magic power?
  181. >"What are you waiting for? Anon got your tongue?"
  182. >Double breaks the tense silence with a smirk
  183. >It's her alright
  184. >Even if it isn't
  185. >Is it?
  186. >"I'm waiting for an excuse to roast you. You fucking wimp. You good-for-nothing waste of-"
  187. >"Speak for yourself. I just woke up and from where I'm standing, you have a chance to have it all and you still want more."
  188. >"Damn right I do. She's stopping us from staying safe."
  189. >"She's the reason any of us are here to begin with."
  190. >"And she's the reason why there is two of me."
  191. >"And you can't stand that. Afraid I'm gonna be the new favorite?"
  192. >"I'm afraid you're gonna be resistant to burning."
  194. >As if they came to an accord through some esoteric Sparking Shinese, Double disengages complete
  195. >She turns her flank to the fired up Sparking, giving you a smile
  196. >"So, Anon, is it alright if I get some food too?"
  197. >You glance over at Prism, who has kept her wings folded over Jacky
  198. >She simply gives you a clueless shrug
  199. >Not a clue between the two of you, apparently
  200. "I... uh. Sure. I don't see why not. Wanna see if we stock your favorite stuff?"
  201. >"Maybe, did my tastes change when I became an egomaniac?"
  202. >While she trots by, Shiner glares at you
  203. >The fire of her horn darkens until it goes back to a deep red
  204. >Even without saying anything, you can tell on her face
  205. >"This was a bad idea"
  206. >You're not sure if she's wrong
  209. >Despite the apparent fail of buying a duplicate fire flinger, everything has felt...
  210. >Pleasant
  211. >Almost like everyone has been welcoming home a long, lost friend
  212. >And to be fair, she was lost
  213. >Except that she hasn't
  214. >You haven't found it in yourself to treat her like a clone, or a doppelganger or whatever she may be
  215. >She's still her
  216. >What else matters?
  217. "So tell me what's on your mind. This must be a trip and a half."
  218. >Because you are the unicorn whisperer, you've been unofficially tasked with taking care of her while the other two deal with her more volatile...
  219. >Sister?
  220. >Self?
  221. >Who knows at this point
  222. >"You really want to know?"
  223. "Of course I do. Count Jackula and I may be two peas in a pod, but you're my best friend otherwise. We do a ton of things together. When it comes to more serious topics... for better or worse, you're also the best source of a second opinion."
  224. >Double Shine watches your face while you speak
  225. >You don't feel an ounce of anger from her
  226. >Or frustration
  227. >Or near anything negative
  228. >"Wow. I must really be something."
  229. >You clear your throat... and check that the glass door is indeed closed behind you
  230. >The patio has always been the best place for solid straight talk
  231. >Nothing around but the sky and tops of trees
  232. >Maybe the neighbors below if they're out
  233. >You can only imagine the dark secrets they must live with that come from a man living with three nutty ponies
  234. "Well... you've kinda gone a little too far. A few times. I... I don't know what to make of it. For one reason or another I can't stop it full. And Jacqueline has headbutted you a few times for the shit you've pulled."
  235. >Double Shine chuckles, as awkward as it must be for her
  236. >"I guess that sounds like me."
  237. "It does..."
  238. >You hold up your soda bottle
  239. >She declines with a quiet "nah"
  240. "I just gotta know. What's on your mind with all of this? Why are you so..."
  241. >"Reserved?"
  242. "Non-hostile?"
  243. >"Short-fused?"
  244. "Normal?"
  245. >"Sensible?"
  246. "Safe to be drunk around."
  247. >You enunciate each word of that sentence with a tone of authority
  248. >Double Shine can't stop a giggle
  249. >"Hey, if I have a reputation to uphold..."
  250. >She trails off and watches the trees
  251. >"I... I think I knew I was stuck in a box. I thought I died."
  252. >She speaks with such an aloof tone
  253. >"I had a lot of time to think on how things went. How I was always following Jacky and Faint Prism. How I was always this... backstabber. How my horn never worked."
  254. >The way she hangs on some words
  255. >She really sounds like your Shiner
  256. >But she just seems so lax about it
  257. >"And I guess I thought that if I ever met them again, I would do better. Be better. Try to make up for lost time. And how bad I was."
  258. >You remain silent so her words can linger in the air
  259. >Repentant
  260. >Would that sum her up the best?
  261. >Your Shiner has never been so much that
  262. >Her growth has been undeniable but not without friction
  263. >Or failures
  265. "To be fair, your horn was never the issue. I mean, you saw her yourself. She-you-contain a lot of power. Your ability to use magic is absolutely busted. In a good way. Out of all of us, you could probably do the most if you put your mind to it."
  266. >While she would still only be a pony in a world full of humans, how could she not end up living in the lap of luxury?
  267. >"So you said I learned because I had motivation. Was it really to help out?"
  268. "Kinda."
  269. >"Kinda?"
  270. "Kinda. From what I recall, it was to impress me. There was this period of time and... ah. It was a mess."
  271. >You grumble the end out
  272. >You wouldn't want to go down that sort of history if you could help it
  273. >It is a little embarrassing
  274. "But you are really deft with magic. Lot of fire and I guess "basic" magic. I don't know if you could reliably do more."
  275. >God help you if you mention the one time she made ice
  276. >"I could see that. So, Anon. Can you really tell me why she's so upset?"
  277. "What, you mean like you need my take?"
  278. >"Yeah. If she likes you so much, I probably should too."
  279. "Well you shouldn't anything. Not like that I guess."
  280. >"In that case, I see why she does."
  281. >There really is two of them, isn't there
  282. "...Man, Madjack is gonna go ballistic..."
  283. >You can't afford to be caught flat-footed by this
  284. >She may be a clone but she's still Shiner
  285. "So. Upset. Why."
  286. >She nods
  287. "We've been playing D&D a lot--which is basically just a made up game we all play where you get to play as a character with unique abilities."
  288. >"Is it fun?"
  289. "Massively. So... ok."
  290. >You shake your head
  291. >It's maddening to think of the logistics of all of this
  292. "Should I refer to Shiner as you, or her?"
  293. >"Go with her. Can you give me a pet name like one of the ones you call Jacky?"
  294. >Yup
  295. >She's as Shiner as can be
  296. "...Y'alright, sure. I hereby dub thee as Twinspark."
  297. >You move your hand to christen her so
  298. >The gesture and title makes her grin
  299. >"Twice as hot?"
  300. "Twice as..."
  301. >That look on her face
  302. "...likely to fail. I know your moves, lady."
  303. >She can't even try to stop herself from looking as pleased as pie
  304. "So, anyway. Her. Right."
  305. >If only you had a notebook to keep track of this stuff
  306. "She's starting to really embrace her evil alignment. And, on top of that, she's been getting frustrated because we haven't been going after the only lead that may explain where you all came from, for sure."
  307. >The mare does a good job at biting her tongue on questions
  308. "And... because you're here. And she's here too. The woman I got all of you from is named Nona. I got Jacky first-"
  309. >Twinspark opens her mouth to speak but you both stop
  310. >That freakish mutual sense of understanding makes it so you don't have to explain why you got her first
  311. >Not that you genuinely had that strong a reason to start
  312. "...And she remembered you. And Prism. She couldn't remember much about herself, and she didn't even really know what all you were about. But she remembered that you two were thicker than thieves."
  313. >"Nice wording."
  315. "Notice I said "thicker than"."
  316. >You take a swig from your soda
  317. "So we got you first. Why you and not Prism? I... I don't remember. I think it was because she remembered you better at the time."
  318. >You remember when she smiled while still in the box
  319. >It wasn't a finished box either
  320. "And then, we eventually went back to get our good ol' Dashie. It... cost me. A lot. Last time we saw her, Sparky tried... something. And it caused her to absolutely lose her shit. I had never heard her scream such bloody murder."
  321. >Best if you don't tell her what she tried to do
  322. >Last thing you need is to have your head probed again
  323. >"Did she do..."
  324. "The thing, yeah, that."
  325. >Unlike Shiner, Twinspark seems to understand when to stop pressing
  326. >"Oh... oh that's not good."
  327. "No. And for the last few... years, now?"
  328. >"All of you have been here for entire years?"
  329. "Yeah. Almost four now, if you can believe it."
  330. >"Woah... how can she still be so angry?"
  331. "She finds a way. And right now, I think she's just mad that we aren't making it a priority. She wants answers. And... if I found out I could buy myself? I wouldn't know what to feel."
  332. >"Yeah... I guess I would be like that too. I guess right now, I'm just shocked that she has it so good. What did we ever do to deserve this?"
  333. "You worked for it I suppose."
  334. >Saying it feels like a lie
  335. >But it would be a lie to exclude that detail too
  336. "She, I mean. There was a lot of pain. Lot of time."
  337. >"Do you think I could get to be as good as her?"
  338. "Well she's you... so yeah. If anything, you have a head start I guess."
  339. >You finish off your bottle and hold your head in your hands
  340. "I'm so lost."
  341. >"I don't think I'm in any better position. I don't know how two of me can exist. And I remember Jacky, and Faint Prism. So are my memories false?"
  342. >That implication is distasteful at best
  343. >Deeply unsettling at worst
  344. "I don't think so. I think you're just you. And she's her."
  345. >Twinspark sighs
  346. >"This makes my head hurt. And my stomach growl."
  347. "Snack wasn't enough, huh?"
  348. >"Is it bad if I tell you I remember having less than half of a snack for an entire day?"
  349. "Yup. And from what you can probably see, the girls eat pretty well."
  350. >"I'll say. When did she get so shapely?"
  351. >Rather than fall for that bait, you clear your throat
  352. "I have no clue what you're referring to."
  353. >"Oh? You're telling me that you smell like pony and you don't know?"
  354. "You are gonna have to ask your twin, I'm not going there."
  355. >"...Oh ok. Is she just as pushy as me?"
  356. "Worse."
  357. >"Good. As long as I'm not as bad as her."
  358. "I guess so."
  359. >Twinspark looks back at the glass door and shrieks
  360. >You aren't as easily jumped but you recoil at the sight
  361. >It's Jacky
  362. >With her face positively smushed against the glass
  363. >You squint at her and poke at her eyes
  364. >The tink of fingertips against glass works in making her head dart back
  365. >You slide open the door, satisfied with the tactic
  366. "Hey there Jack-o-lantern. Twinspark and I were kinda hashing things out."
  368. >Jaqen H'ghar wordlessly slinks onto your lap
  369. >Making an effort to slither and roll into herself as if to mark her territory
  370. >You have long stopped trying to ask her to explain herself
  371. >Only when she's comfortable does she speak up
  372. >"Sparky said she was going out with Dashie for a walk so... I think she'll be ok. What's been going on out here?"
  373. >"Anon told me more about your best friend. Why she got me and why she's upset with things. I would be too but right now I guess I'm just kinda jealous."
  374. >Whether it's her tone or wording, Jacky's offensive drops immediately
  375. >"Hey, you're my best friend too. Just because you've been here with us before doesn't mean you can't still be new."
  376. >You furrow your brow and pull back on her mane
  377. >She looks right up at you
  378. "Did that make sense in your head?"
  379. >"You don't make sense in your head."
  380. >You purse your lips and force a smile
  381. "Mm."
  382. >You release her mane and gently pet her head
  383. "Carry on."
  384. >"Thank you."
  385. >"...Jacky, did that buck to the head do something to you?"
  386. >Twinspark's incredulous tone is flavored with some genuine concern
  387. >"I don't know, but to be fair, I've been pretty happy for a while."
  388. >"I can tell. I don't think I've ever seen you so well-fed and clean."
  389. >"We got plenty to eat, too. Our kitchen is full of stuff. Pantries, closets, fridge, freezer. Sparks is pretty good at cooking too. It's easier for her so she's kinda our go-to chef around here."
  390. "To be fair, she's actually really good."
  391. >"Wow."
  392. >Any conversation momentum starts to slow down until everyone is just... sitting
  393. >Everything had run the gamut from weird, to alerting, to draining to just plain normal
  394. >As normal as anything else around here
  395. >Jacky and Twinspark keep watching each other
  396. >It must be some sort of pony thing
  397. >You want to speak up but it feels like you're interrupting something
  398. >"So that's how that is."
  399. >"Yeah. Did that answer everything?"
  400. >"I... I think so."
  401. >Twinspark's face spreads to a smile
  402. >Warm
  403. >Comfortable
  404. "Do I wanna know what happened? Did you really do the-"
  405. >"She didn't."
  406. >Well her horn didn't light up
  407. "I'm so confused."
  408. >"It's ok, Anon. Just... I think I get it."
  409. "Get what?"
  410. >"That she's at home, goofball."
  411. >Jacky rolls onto her back, smiling up at you
  412. >"What else does she need to know? None of us are telling lies. None of us don't want her around. She's home now."
  413. "I don't disagree with any of that. So. Welcome home, Twinspark."
  414. >The red mare smiles
  415. >"Can I get a hug?"
  416. >"From who?"
  417. >Jesus, that reply came out lighting fast
  418. >"...F-from both of you. I guess. If that's ok."
  419. >Jacky glances at you from the side of her eye, and back
  420. >"...Oh. Well yeah, bring 'er in!"
  421. >Twinspark rushes you, flopping onto Jacky
  422. >She isn't quite all skin and bones, but she certainly looks physically weaker than Shiner
  423. >That's an accomplishment
  424. >One hand goes to her head while the other goes to Jackington's shoulder
  425. >"This is nice... this is really nice. Tell me this always happens."
  426. >"Don't get any funny ideas, Sparky Two."

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon