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Hypnogear Compilation
By HypnoMCThreadArchiveCreated: 2023-10-10 23:25:10
Updated: 2023-10-10 23:26:28
Expiry: Never
Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:54:08
These aren't all from the same author I don't think but can't be assed to figure out who's who. You can find one of the parts here:
>Pinkie's hypnogear plays a little jingle as she her eyes become glassy and she stares forward with a big, drooling smile.
>"Congratulations, master! Mind successfully overrrided. Please install desired personality traits!"
>Moments later, Fluttershy follows with a similar announcement.
>And she waits obediently for programming, enjoying her mindless bliss.
>Dash looks at this with horror and renews her struggles.
>She moves her hoof to try and pull off the hypnogear but... it doesn't work! The gear scrambles her thoughts as soon as she tries. Her mind filling with nonsense until she forgets what she's even doing.
>By the time she recovers, the hypnogear is once again working to blank her mind as it did Pinkie. Taking them off wouldn't work. She just had to resist the device until somepony showed up to rescue her.
>She focused hard. Thinking became more dificult. Not thinking became pleasureable. She just had to keep thinking.
>Her thoughts became heavier and heavier, more exhausting.
>Her brain and eyes hurt now. How long had it even been? Seconds? Hours?
>She just needed a break from intense focus, she decided. Just for one second, to get her grip back!
>The moment she relaxed a wave of pleasure overtook her.
>Not thinking was SO GOOD. She was such a good girl for not thinking. Finally, Dash had everything she ever wanted and all she had to do was keep-
>"NO!" Dash winced. "I- I can!"
>Thinking became so much more painful and difficult now.
>She struggled on her hooves, wiggling about as she tried to think of anything.
>If only she could be a good girl again...
>Dash allowed herself to slip again. She allowed herself to become a good girl... it felt so great!
>She didn't want to think anymore, just be a good girl for her good girl glasses.
>At last her body relaxed. Her last thought was how silly it was to resist this wonderful feeling. Who wouldn't want to be a good girl.
>A big smile comes over her face as the goggles pump her full of bliss.
>"Congratulations, master! Mind successfully overrrided. Please install desired personality traits!"
>You decide to reprogram Dash first. She’d resisted the most and you wanted to ensure she was your slave forever.
“Thank you, master!” Dash mindlessly repeated what the goggles told her too, not even aware of what she was saying anymore. “Request one installing. Installing standard slave personality traits.”
>Thoughts of YOU began to fill Dash’s mind. You were the only thing she could think about as pleasure filled her mind. You were pleasure. You were happiness. You were everything, the most important thing in Dash’s world. The only thing.
>The resentment she had towards you fore forcing these goggles on her was quickly replaced by gratitude. The hypnogear quickly found the love Dash had for all of her friends, her family and her hobbies and rewired them all to you. It didn’t delete or diminish them, merely gave you priority over everything else.
>You were the more important than everyone else combined. You were the most important thing. You were perfect in every way. Dash had to do anything she could for you.
>She HAD to be your slave. Nothing else seemed appropriate. She couldn’t be equals with you. You were so great you really were more like a master to her.
>The hypnogear made sure thinking of submitting to you filled her with pleasure and comfort.
>Submitting was pleasure. Being a slave was pleasure. Dash wanted nothing else.
“Congratulations, Master,” Dash still had no awareness. “I have been successfully converted to your loving, submissive slave. Fulfilling request two. Installing desire to make my friends your slaves.”
>Dash welcomed the changes the hypnogear tried to make in her now. It was what made her realize you were her master and she was a slave, after all. She eagerly awaited what it would show her next.
>Dash suddenly remembered her old friends. Her love for them was still there. Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, Flitter… Dash still cared about all of them
>…and NONE of them were your slaves! It was the worst possible thing! How could Dash call herself the element of loyalty when she was leaving her friends in the lurch like that.
>She knew all of them would be so much better off as your slaves. She HAD to make sure they all got enslaved! That they all saw how perfect you were! They all needed to experience
>Her loyalty to her friends made Dash want to take off right now! But the hypnogear told her to relax again and she did so immediately. The hypnogear knew best. You were the one in control of it afterall and Dash had to submit to you.
“Congratulations, Master!” Dash announced. “Desired personality traits installed. I will now have a strong desire for ponies I care about to be your slave! Hypnogear patented slave-gurantee programming will make ensure no one else but you can program me from now on. I am now truly yours. Feel free to install or change personality traits of your new slave any time. Thank you for using Hypnogear. Rebooting.”
>Dash snapped back to consciousness, shaking her head.
>She looked up at you, blushing and mouth slightly agape in awe of you.
“Omigosh I’m so sorry, Master!” Dash immediately bows down as low as possible. She’d never felt more embarrassed. “I shouldn’t have tried to resist you like that! I don’t know how I didn’t see it at first, but you’re the most awesome person ever! Please, please, please let me be your slave!”
>The look of total elation on her face when you agree to her terms! It’s clearly the best day of her life.
“Thank you so much, Master!” Dash bows even lower to kiss your feet. The absolute relief washing over her, the warm blanket of submission wrapping around her. It’s all enough to bring a tear to her eye. “I can’t believe I really get to serve you from now on! This is so awesome! It’s like ten times better than becoming a wonderbolt!”
>Dash’s mind swam, excited about all the things she’d get to do for you from now on.
[Okay Twilight let me get your goggles]
>Dash bites her lip at the suggestion.
“Ah, yeah! Turning Twilight into your slave would be so great. You deserve more slaves and Twilight deserves to be your property. Plus, once she’s seen how great you are, the whole town will be under your control. It’ll be like they’re all your mini-slaves!”
>You notice Dash shifting about on her hooves. The thought of making other ponies into your slaves was irreistable to her. She couldn’t imagine a more pleasing sight than all of her friends bowing down to you in total submission.
>Dash was determined to do anything to make her new fantasy a reality.
[Twilight would be nice, But what about pinkie and fluttershy.]
>You give Fluttershy the same two commands next while Pinkie keeps drooling off to the side. Fluttershy takes even less time before she happily announces:
“Congratulations, Master,” said Fluttershy. “I have been successfully converted to your loving, submissive slave. Fulfilling request two. Installing desire to make my friends your slaves.”
“Heh! Well it looks like Fluttershy is coming to terms with the way things should be.” Dash bites her lower lip at the thought of Fluttershy becoming a fellow slave. “Guess if you want to program anything else into her or change her personality to suit you better, now would be a good time.”
[Since she is a princess she could help expand anons power base. Also are you okay writing smut.]
“Well, duh! Master, I became your property the second you put those goggles on me. You can do whatever you want with me! You wouldn’t ask your right hand permission before using it to get off so I don’t see why you’d ask me. You’re so awesome and I’d love any chance to serve and pleasure you.”
“You gotta try these goggles on, Twi!” Dash shoved the hypnogear in front of Twilight. “They’re so awesome! Go on.”
“Hold on. What do they even do?” Twilight held them at a cautious distance.
“It’s a surprise!” Dash smirked. “Just put them on. Come one! You won’t regret it.”
“I dunno. This sounds like a prank.”
>Twilight turned to Fluttershy. Fluttershy would never prank her.
“It’s not a prank,” Fluttershy promised. “It’s, um, like a kaleidoscope. It just shows you pretty patterns. It’s nice.”
>Tehnically the truth.
>Twilight still gave Dash a skeptical look. She doubted Fluttershy was lying, but Dash seemed just a little too excited for this to be some odd kaleidoscope.
“Well I suppose it can’t hurt, at least.” Twilight sighed and pulled them up. Even if it was a prank, Twilight trusted her friends wouldn’t do anything TOO mean to her.
>Little did she suspect that they now put their loyalty to you far about their loyalty to her.
>Dash and Fluttershy both bit their lips in anticipation and Twilight moved the hypnogear to her face. You’d swear they were even more excited for Twilight to become your slave than you were!
>The hypnogear latches onto Twilight with a click. She feels a sharp prick in either one of her temples. Your pony slaves both cheer at a job well done. It’s already too late for her to go back now.
“Ouch! What was that?” Twilight grabs the hypnogear and tries to remove it.
>Of course, removal at this point was quite impossible. The hypnogear had connected directly to her brain. There was no way to pull it out without also removing her skull.
>Twilight’s efforts to pull it off are rewarded only with a sharp pain.
>Then the hypnogear began to work its magic. You see a pleasant swirling pattern. Twilight?
>She feels her pupils begin to rapidly dialate and contract. Every color appears and vanishes in flashes. Shapes and patterns appear in every direction. Twilight’s eyes dart about rapidly as she tries to keep up.
“W-what is this?!” Twilight staggers back and falls on her plot.
“Just relax, Twilight.” Dash sits next to her and begins to rub a hoof down her back. “It’s just going to turn you into Master’s slave! He’ll have total control over your brain in a few minutes.”
>Twilight shook her head. Did you… was this mind control? And you already used it on these two?
>Words and ideas were beginning to flood Twilight’s mind.
>There were so many! Every thought and idea pounded her mind in every direction. Twilight couldn’t manage to concentrate on anything. Her sight, sound, smell… even her thoughts were being overwhelmed with excessive information.
>Only one thought seemed to be possible to focus on.
>’Good girl’. ‘Submit’. ‘Obey’. ‘Relax’. ‘Become Master’s property’.
>Anything else… if she thought anything else her mind would scatter. She moved to this train of thought just to gain some relief.
>Good girl. Twilight thought, mirroring the hypnogear’s thoughts. I’m a good girl. I belong to master. I’m his property. I must submit-
>Twilight clenched her jaw and shook her head. She knew where this was going now! She had to fight! For her friends!
“I won’t submit to you!” Twilight growled through the barrage.
“It’s okay for you to try and resist, Twilight,” said Fluttershy. She nuzzled your side lovingly. “I’m pretty sure Master gets off on it, so you’ll be pleasing him either way.”
“You better get used to pleasing Master,” Dash added. “That’s basically your life now.”
>Twilight got her horn to glow for one second. If she could just summon enough concentration to teleport the hypnogear off!
“I won’t… let you!” Twilight winced, summoning all of her strength.
>She might actually pull it off… it you let her, that was.
>As Twilight’s horn begins to spark more and more, you simply walk over to Twilight and pick her up.
>The surprise is enough to send Twilight back to square one. But that’s only the start.
>You set Twilight on your lap and lean her back, Twilight unable to resist at all. Then you move a hand between her legs and Twilight gasps, realizing she never stood a chance to begin with.
>You put your index in a come-hither pose and your thumb on her clit, then slowly begin to message.
“You can’t!” Twilight clenches her jaw, unable to elaborate.
“Heh!” Dash snirks. “You became his property the second you put the hypnogear on. He can do anything he wants to you from now on.”
>It was too much! Twilight bit her lips. Her eyes rolled up into their sockets as you continued ot molest her.
>She could no longer keep her mind from going to those thoughts now.
>Twilight had to submit. She had to submit and let you do this. She was a good girl who submitted. You were her master and she submitted to you.
>Every so often, Twilight would try to pull herself away from the thoughts. Yet each time she allowed them in they felt better. Each time she deviated it felt more painful.
>Twilight panted heavily as you kept up you massage.
>Soon enough Twilight learned that submitting to you was the only safe haven in the world. It was the only thing that could give her pleasure.
>And she stopped resisting.
>Twilight let out a small yelp of ecstasy, a miniature orgasm in itself. Then the hypnogear was free to blank out her mind with no further resistance from the pony.
>Twilight straightens up, a smile on her face.
“Congratulations, Master!” Twilight announces, following the hypnogear’s prompt without thought. “My mind has been successfully blanked! Please install desired personality traits in me.
>Rainbow Dash's moans at the sight of enslaving Twilight were audible above the wet squenching noises you're making with each smooth motion inside her.
>Twilight's breath came in deep gasps, only the complete domination of her mind and the implanted desire to hear your every word keeping her from melting into your embrace.
>The gentle motions of your hand come to a halt, giving her one last rub and squeeze before holding it still.
>Her haunches firm and tensed in your lap, you look over her shoulders to see her marehood gleaming with fluid, clit bumping against the pad of your thumb.
"Hnnng, that's so *hot*" Dash groans out. "Haah, d-did I look like that when you programmed me, Master?"
>Ignoring the peanut gallery, your head tilted slightly to whisper in Twilight's perked ears.
"Tell me, how are we feeling, Twilight?"
>Twilight's ear flapped slightly from your breath, before replying "I'm feeling hot. Relaxed. Very horny. Frustrated. I don't know how you feel, Master." like she's dictating readouts from one of her scienctific instruments.
"Very good." you whispered, "Why are you feeling hot, horny, and frustrated? Be specific."
>Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she responds "I feel hot because of how flushed I am from physical arousal. I'm feeling horny because you were skillfully masturbating me. I am feeling frustrated because I am horny and no longer experiencing genital stimulation."
"Do you want to 'experience genital stimulation' again, Twilight?" you ask.
>"Yes." came the whisper, "I really want to."
"Teach me." you command, as you start drawing circles on her clit with your thumb. "Tell me what would make you feel even better."
>"Ruh-rub l-larger circles faster" - "Use a few of your f-iiingers to stroke like you were before, but firmer and slooo-h-wer" - "Deeper, dee-right there! Push right there! Haarder, ah! Yes! Rub right there!" - "Suh... spread them out more, stretch me - yes! juuussst like th-that...".
>With her guiding your motions, she started blushing harder, low moans escaping in time with the twitching and shivering of her tensed limbs.
"Are you getting close?"
>"Yessssssss" she hissed, her teeth grit - " so goood, soooooo close.".
>Lifting your free hand and setting it on her cheek, you gently turned her face until she was staring up at you.
>Her eyes are lidded, and her lips are parted as she drew stuttering breaths.
"Doesn't this feel sooo good, Twilight?" you rhetorically ask.
>Too overwhelmed to respond with anything but panting and whimpers, she closed her eyes and slowly nodded yes.
Leaning over, you kissed her gently on the lips, turning her even redder than before. "Use your magic. Don't think about it, but take over for what I'm doing."
>Another flicker from Twilight's goggles as the beautiful shapes and sounds wrapped around her thoughts, pushing them away from her horn even as they began controlling her magic, performing those perfect motions to stimulate her again and again.
"Twilight, when I set you down you're going to ignore how heavy those goggles feel on your head. You're going to forget that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy gave you the goggles. You're going to remember letting them in the door. You're not going to notice your friends behaving oddly or that I'm here, no matter what happens, but you will obey any commands I give you."
>You picked her up off your lap, thin strands forming as she's pulled off your pants.
>Watching as her eyes slowly unfocus, you order "Tell me, do you want to stop feeling this good, Twilight?"
>She's so close to the edge, shaking her head with an emphatic no.
"Okay, you asked for it. Forget that I ordered any of this, and obey: Don't cum." you command with a grin as you set her down.
>The hypnogear flickers as it begins to warp her senses and thoughts; the last few minutes of her memory replaced with subconscious commands, implanted to utterly forbid release no matter how much Twilight or her body needed it.
>Twilight's suddenly standing in the middle of her library, with the worst heat she's ever had. She wants to cum. Her friends are here. It is an ordinary day. Nobody else is in the room with her. She needs to cum.
>Rainbow Dash perked her head to the side, before suddenly grinning at Twilight. "Oh, this is gonna be *so much fun*. Twilight, let's demonstrate that unicorn-pegasus mating ritual you were just telling Fluttershy about."
You'll let her have her release. You 'll just have to come up with some way for her to earn a leap over the edge she's holding herself against. You'll think of something eventually. Probably.
“Hmmm! So what to you think about hyponosis, Rarity?” Dash bobbed up and down on her hooves, excited to share her newly discovered passion with another friend.
“Hypnosis?” Rarity didn’t look at all amused.
“Like Mind control! Having somepony completely dominate your mind. Rewrite your personality to suit them. Make you their submissive mind-controlled slave? That kinda thing?”
>Rarity merely raised an eyebrow.
“Rainbow Dash. You’d better not be talking about some disgusting uncouth fetish with me! Did you forget to take your mediation or something? There isn’t anything ‘hot’ about such degenerate.”
>Dash’s frown deepens. She takes out the hypnogear.
“And what is that? ‘Hypnogear’? My! Even if I shared your lowly tastes, I would still despise that design! And you know, hypnotized ponies look drunk besides. So…”
>Dash slaps the hypnogear onto Rarity’s face.
>Rarity winces as the needles insert into her temples. A moment later she’s gasping and her eyes are darting all around.
>Dash began prancing in place. She loved this part so much!
>Sadly, Rarity didn’t struggle enough for Dash to get off on it, but that little jingle the hypnogear made was always satisfying.
“Congratulations, Mistress,” Rarity announces. “Mind has been successfully blanked. Please install desired personality traits.”
“Heh! No worries. You’ll be Master’s slave soon enough but might as well have some fun first. Hmmm! I want you to have a MASSIVE fetish for hypnosis and mind control from now on. Like just talking about it will make you wet. Specifically, you and anypony you like getting mind control will get you off like nothing else! In fact, you can’t even orgasm unless you think about your mind being totally dominated.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Rarity announced. “Fetish successfully installed.
“Hmmm! What else would be fun?” Dash licked her lips. “Oh. For security reasons. If you ever try to tell anypony about the hypnogear, you’ll instead run home and masturbate furiously while thinking about how great it’d be to be mind controlled.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Rarity soon announced, the hypnogear drilling in the new trigger. “Trigger installled.”
“Heh! And just so you can’t take your mind off it, I want you to randomly think about mind control three times a day. Heehee. This is the best prank ever! You’ll be begging Master to turn you into his slave in no time.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“Good! Now take off the glasses.”
>Rarity obediently removed the goggles, blinked, then turned to Dash.
“What just happened?” Rarity asked.
“I just used the hypnogear to… mm.. correct your stance on hypnosis fetishes.”
“My…?” Rarity took a step back, pressing her rear legs together.
>That sounded so… delightfully erotic! Normally Rarity would be complaining about how terrible ‘hypnosis’ was but for some reason she felt aroued just by this much.
“Don’t you get it?” Dash started walking up to Rarity. “Master turned me into his mind controlled slave! I’m loyal to him now and want to make all my friends his slaves too. Now that I’ve given you this fetish, it’s just a matter of time before you BEG him to make you his slave.”
>Rarity looked like she was going to pop. She blushed heavily and rubbed her rear legs together as she listend. It was all she could do to keep from reaching a hoof back there. Dash giggled at her all the while.
>Rarity had been completely dominated and humiliated… controlled so easily. Something so deep and fundamental changed merely for Dash’s satisfaction!
>But she couldn’t even be angry about it… it was just too arousing a thought! Rarity felt as though she were pinned under the most masculine stallion the world. It was all she could do to keep from moving a hoof between her legs right here in front of Dash!
>Dash would probably love it… and that made it all the more tempting.
“Well.” Dash folded her forelegs. “What do you think about hypnosis fetish now? Maybe I could use it again to force you to only dress as a maid? Oh! Or to become a tomboy? Hehehe. Or you could go get enslaved right now.”
>Rarity found each of those suggestions thrilling!
>She opened her mouth to agree, then shut it again.
>No, no! She was getting too worked up. Rarity was refined. She could resist a bit of temptation. But she needed to get help. She needed to tell somepony that…
>Rarity shook her head. On second thought, getting this out of her system was priority once! She’d go home, pleasure herself ONCE then tell everypony about this unfolding plot.
>Rarity dashed off home, biting her lip the whole way, while Dash fell over laughing.
“How did anypony live without the hypnogear?” Dash asked.
>With four of the mane six enthusiastically supporting your aims and Rarity poised to join them soon enough, you began to slowly expand the number of mares under your influence.
>Your current slaves kept an eye out for any pony who might be on to you. Cloud Chaser was identified saying your new slaves were acting ‘weird’ early on and so Dash brought her to you. In just a few minutes she became an eager servant who wanted nothing more than to see you win.
>Those who would challenge you would be the first to become your supporters. You’d go slowly at first, savoring your game and avoiding suspicion.
>Your next target would be Flitter, whom your newest slave warned you was also wary of ‘suspicious behavior’.
>Without realizing she was walking into a trap, Flitter unwittingly presented herself to you upon following Cloud Chaser to the library. She didn’t notice Dash quickly locking the door behind her.
>Flitter, upon seeing you, scrunches her muzzle in a look of disdain. Flitter had always been warry of you.
“What is HE doing he?”
“Please forgive me sister, Master.” Cloud Chaser, to Flitter’s horror, bows down to you.
“M-master?!” Flitter gasps.
“Master is going to be in charge from now on. You really should just accept it, Sis. It’ll be a lot easier for you. Bow to him with me.”
“Okay! There really is something wrong here! I’m getting help!”
>Flitter turned to leave only to bump into Dash and have the hypnogear shoved in her face. She winces at the feeling of her temples being penetrated and her fate is sealed.
>Flitter tries and fails to take the glasses off like all the mares before her. Moments later, she’s literally spinning around the room as the hypnogear overwhelms and exhausts her senses. She makes a cute little display of resistance for you, but in the end her little brain just can’t take it all.
>Just like Dash and Cloud Chaser before her, Flitter soon finds thoughts of submission to be her one safe haven from the confusion. Before long, the hypnogear luls her mind into a comfortable emptiness.
“Congratulations, Master!” Flitter mindlessly repeats the prompt. “Please install desired personality traits.”
>And just like that she’s all yours.
>You run your fingers through Dash’s mane while deciding what to do with Flitter, now completely at your mercy. You might as well have some fun with your latest toy. She existed for your enjoyment now, after all.
“First, I want you to develop romantic feelings for Cloud Chaser. Your new goal in life is to marry her. You’ll be irresistibly attracted to her. We’ll add in a general incest fetish and strong attraction to mares just to be safe.”
>She waits for a moment before responding.
“Thank you, Master. Do you have any other changes you’d like to make?”
“Yes. Install general slave mentality. However, keep it suppressed in your subconcoius for now. It will be triggered and fully replace your current mentality on the following trigger: If your sister causes you to orgasm.”
“Trigger and suppressed personality installed, Master!”
“That’s enough.”
“Thank you for using Hypnogear, Master. Rebooting.”
“Cloud Kicker. Please seduce your sister and bring her to orgasm.”
“Yes, Master!” Cloud Chaser says it with enthusiasm.
“No, no! Don’t!” Flitter pleads.
>Compared to you, Cloud Chaser’s sister was nothing to her now. She didn’t need to consider who to obey for even one second. She confidently strides over to her sister.
>Flitter backs away, shaking her head furiously but blushing even more intensely. Being in this situation was now having her ultimate fantasy being fulfilled. She KNEW she should run away and tell somepony… but!
>Her heart is already beating hard. Her knees are weak. She’s begning to leak. The thought of having sex with he sister should make her disgusted, but she can’t see it as a bad thing no matter how hard she tries now!
“I- I can’t – not with my own sister!”
>Cloud Chaser reaches her sister and gives her a tiny kiss on the nose and giggles. Flitter’s heart melts! She really is the perfect mare.
“There you go.” Dash sits down on your lap facing you. “As your friend, I’m telling you it’ll be easier if you just accept your fate. So hurry up and become another one of master’s possessions.”
>Dash lifted her rump and slowly sheathed herself on you, determined to help you enjoy the show as much as possible. She wiggled her hips slowly and rthymically for your pleasure, not wanting you to cum just yet.
>You rub her left ear and she slows down. The right would make her speed up. Dash responds to your desires now without question or concern for anything but your pleasure. She really was your toy now.
>Flitter regains some control after seeing your shameful display of ‘enjoying’ her predicament. She tries to summon the courage to leave. She had to warn somepony!
>But she hesitated too long. Cloud Chaser kissed her on the lips this time! Flitter’s hind legs wobbled and her heart skipped a beat.
>Cloud Chaser grabs her head and gives her a much deeper kiss this time. She kissed her deeper and deeper each time. Flitter felt herself sinking ever deeper into a blissful quicksand. Cloud Chaser would only get more passionate from here.
>Part of her knew what would happen. This was all part of your plan to enslave her! But Cloud Chaser…
>She was so beautiful! Flitter loved her so much and no matter how she tried having sex with her was nothing short of a dream come true!
>Cloud Chaser pinned Flitter on the floor. Eager to obey your commands, she began rubbing a hoof over Flitter’s body, caressing her. Then caressing turned into molestation as Cloud Chaser moved a hoof between her sister’s leg.
>Flitter had never been so horny! She let out an adorable eep. You motioned for Dash to start grinding faster.
>Just like the hypnogear, Cloud Chaser had now overwhelmed your little pony’s senses. Flitter, recently trained to seek refuge in submission and surrender, soon found herself kissing back. It felt good to just stop fighting… just like it had moments ago.
>You see Cloud Chaser wiggle her little rump victoriously. She takes a step back and burries her muzzle between her sister’s legs. At last she begins in earnest to convert her sister into your slave.
>Flitter barely manages more than some howling. She puts both hooves on her sister’s head but makes no further attempt to escape her fate. She loves her sister too much.
>She isn’t going to last long. You motion for Dash to pick up the speed again and now your slave is humping you as fast as she can.
>Flitter begins yelping as orgasm overtakes her and her mind is rewritten. Only then do you allow yourself to cum inside Rainbow Dash and take in the satisfaction of a job well down.
>Dash’s eyes sparkle and she smiles in euphoria feeling your cum. Getting you to ejaculate is better than orgasming herself, Dash decides. Pleasing you really is the ultimate pleasure.
“Thank you so much for letting me help you, Master!” Dash kisses and nuzzles you as you come down from your orgasm.
>You hug and caress Dash, still mounted on your cock, as you wait for Flitter to recover and her new personality to take hold.
“Do you feel better now?” You ask Flitter.
>Flitter understood now! You really were the greatest person!
> She accepts this is simply who she is now. You wanted her to have sex with her sister for your own amusement… and she did it. You had absolute control over her and it felt good!
“Yes, Master.” She bowed to you on shaky legs. “I wish to be your slave. Please give me orders!”
"Congratulations, Sis!" Cloud Chaser cheered for her sister. "I knew you'd want to bow down to Master!"
>Your first request is for her to clean you and Rainbow Dash us. Flitter eagerly obeys.
>You woke up late in the day, in the king sized bed that used to be Twilight’s with three mares at your side. You preferred to make Twilight sleep in a small pet bed so there was no confusion as to who was in charge.
>You had Rainbow Dash, Flitter and Cloud Chaser all draped over you. Each one was just as much your property as your pillows and blankets, existing only to comfort you.
>You always woke up to a chorus of ‘good mornings’ from whichever pets were lucky enough to sleep in your bed. The sisters were soon making out for your amusement while Dash rubbed your back to help you wake up.
>Lightning Dust trotted into the room, carrying a big plate of waffles she’d made fresh. After a few days of resistance, Lightning Dust decided it’d be easier to just quit her old job and move in to the castle to be your maid.
>She had the standard uniform on twenty-four seven. Her tail was tied up with a bow, making it perminently lifted so one could see the white panties accentuating her plot. Those were important as they stained quickly were she to ever get wet... which was often enough as she now got off on serving you.
>Getting to dress up and be your maid was the absolute best, in her opinion! Lightning Dust could hardly believe she’d ever wasted her time with all that vulgar sports nonsense. Getting to wear such dainty and frilly things filled her with a sort of inner peace she’d never felt as an athlete. Bringing you your food and tea was more satisfying than any silly race she’d ever won.
>Just thinking back to the days when she’d compete with Rainbow Dash made her cringe.
>Of course, what she’d forgotten was that she’d been hypnotized to believe all of that. The hypnogear made it so that she could only remember her tomcolt days as embarrassing. Any time she tried to be boyish, she’d start to feel sick, and acting feminine and domestic made her feel sweet serenity.
>With no further programming than that, Lightning Dust chose to lock herself in lace and become your maid. She’d certainly resisted at first, but that was ultimately just for your amusement. She was no longer her own mare and didn’t get to have any personality you didn’t want her to.
>You slap her butt hard, causing her to lift one leg and let out an ‘eep’. Any other guy who did that would get a buck in the face right then. But from you?
>Lightning Dust could only giggle and blush, flattered that YOU found her so cute that she warranted a playful slap on the butt. She felt so pretty whenever you perved out on her.
>Dash, meanwhile, giggle madly behind you as you grabbed her buttcheek and gave it a squeeze. She saw it as both hilarious and right that her former rival had no choice but to enjoy being groped by you now.
>You ate your waffle with one hand while fondling her with the other hand. Lightning Dust smiled genuinely, happy you were enjoying her and her service. You molested her just enough for the wet spot to form.
. >Lightning Dust always worked harder when she was frustrated.
>And she’d come to enjoy being sexually frustrated just as much as she enjoyed being a slave.
>Dash would be getting wet soon, too. But as your favored slave, she’d actually get to be pleasured. It seemed fair to let her come as much as she wanted in front of those she’d helped enslave.
>At the end of the day, Dash was in the same position as her. She LOVED seeing other ponies get their minds fucked with like this. What they both had in common was that their brains belonged to you now. They would think and believe whatever you wanted them to.
“Thank you, Master.” Lightning Dust was the one to thank you for the privilege of servitude. “Do you need anything else?”
“You’re welcome.” You cut into your waffles. “And no. You can go about your business.”
>Lightning Dust smiled and nodded humbly, waiting on you in the corner.
>One of the best things about being a maid was that even when you didn’t actively have an order for her to obey, there was always some bit of dusting or chores she could be doing for you.
>A knock came at the door. With Master still indisposed, Lightning Dust gave another nod and trotted off to answer it for you.
>She opens the door and.
“Ah! Spitfire!” Lightning Dust smiles. “How delightful to see another ex-flier. I’m afraid Master is busy with Rainbow Dash and a few of his other toys at the moment, but Lady Twilight can receive you.”
>Dust was specifically asked to make sure her taunt you tastefully about the fact that Dash was allowed to orgasm but not her.
>She could see why Spitfire was deemed deserving of ridicule. She was a sweaty mess! Clearly the old captain hadn’t been taking good care of herself at all.
>Spitfire barely recognizes Dust in her current getup. Long hair put up in a ponytail? Makeup? A big-puffy dress designed for panty-shots? She hardly looked the same as before.
“L-lightning Dust?” Spitife gaped in disbelief.
“The same. After talking to my master, I realized just how undignified my attempts to be a stunt flier really were. Tee hee! Isn’t it silly I tried competing with Lady Dash? I assume you’re here for similar help?”
“I…” Spitfire merely lowered her head.
“Well no worries, darling.” Lightning Dust fluttered her eyes. “Our master is kind. I’m sure he’ll have you just. Like. Me. In no time. Follow me.”
>Lightning Dust turned, revealing the wet spot.
>Spitfire shuddered. Such a promising young flier completely destroyed for your satisfaction… and yet Spitfire was so long gone she couldn’t even get angry.
>She could only get jealous that Lightning Dust had found some measure of relief! If only Spitfire could be totally corrupted like that… maybe then you’d take mercy on her?
”Congratulations, Master! Mind Blanked! Please install desired personality.”
>Roseluck gave you the now-familiar smile.
>Dash rubbed her clit furiously, enjoying yet another success. The only difference this time was the presence of Rarity.
>She’d been previously hypnotized to find this just as arousing as Dash but she was not yet a slave, nor did she see it was good.
>Rarity had resisted for days. She’d been hypnotized to masturbate thinking about mind control whenever she attempted to resist or oppose you. So he days of struggling did nothing but solidifying her new desires ever more.
>She found herself increasingly unable to do anything but get off on the creeping corruption of the town. The burning in her loins got only worse with each passing day, each time Dash bragged about who she ‘screwed’ this time or rubbed Rarity’s condition in.
>And now?
>She could no longer resist! Rarity HAD to come here and watch it herself.
>She said nothing as Roseluck put the glasses on. Part of her knew she should help… yet her stronger half thought it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen! Watching Roseluck struggle only to give up and become helpless…
>Rarity wiggled and crossed her hind legs. It took all of her willpower not to plop down next to Dash and masturbate alongside with her. These days, it seemed more like Dash was the normal one.
“And… and now you’re going to turn her into a… a slave?” Rarity panted and sweated, bitting her lip, trying hard to keep from touching her sopping-wet pussy.
>You grab Rarity and set her on your lap. A moment later, your hand is between her hind legs.
>Rarity wiggles and protests, but doesn’t make any serious attempt to get free. It’s what she wants… to get off to this without taking the responsibility of doing it herself. She’d spent days training herself to want to be defeated by you, to want you to take advantage of and dominate her just like this.
>She wanted you to ‘fuck her’ in the least literal sense. Molestation was a good start to that.
>You kept fingering her until she was making cute little sounds with each motion, getting ready to orgasm. Only then did you give the command for Roseluck to become a slave, so Rarity could watch the change on the edge of orgasm… and fully enjoy the sight.
“Install standard slave personality.”
>This was it! Rarity’s heart beat out of her chest! She was about to come! She was watching a mare loose her ponyhood to become nothing more than a piece of property to you and it was SO HOT! Rarity just wanted to come and come!
“Thank you, Master! I am now your slave.”
>But right when she should have orgasmed, she instead felt you pull your hand away.
>Rarity looked up at you with more indignation than when you’d begun to molest her.
“W-what are you doing?! I d-deserve to come right then! That would have been the perfect moment and you ruined it. I need this!”
“No,” you said. “What you need is to be hypnotized further.”
“Yep!” Dash took out a second hypnogear and offered it to Rarity. “Just put it on yourself and we’ll know you’re ready for the next level. Hehe! If you think Master screwed you over already just wait to see the absolute total fucking your brain will get this time!”
>Rarity’s heart raced at the mention of her mind getting fucked. It was always hotter to imagine herself being taken advantage of like this.
>Rarity knew she absolutely SHOULD say no. All her friends were mind controlled by you. Rarity was the only one free…
>Yet she also knew she’d already lost. All of her attempts to defy you ended with her coming while she thought about how great you were! All of her friends were slaves and clearly wanted to remain that way so… maybe it wasn’t so bad to give in?
>There was nothing she could do. You already won and Rarity was yours… so… so it was okay!
“You’re right!” Rarity shoved the glasses on. “I NEED this!”
>A second later, her mind was blanked and ready for more input. They couldn’t resist the second time.
“I want you to keep your mane and tail shaved from now on,” you began. “No more makeup. I want you to pump iron and eat protein every day. The goal is to become as buff as possible. You’ll speak with a rough Manehattan accent from now on. You won’t be able to wear anything but armor and your passion for dressmaking will be replaced with a passion for martial arts.”
>Dash giggled along as you went on.
“Thank you master,” Rarity said, her voice now far more course… a bit raspy like Dash’s and rough like Babs’. “New personality installed.”
>You took off the glasses and allowed a moment for Rarity to realize
“Hey! What’s the big idea? Why’d you do THAT of all things?” She asked, unable to summon her old accent.
“You’re going to lose your soft, feminine looks.” You began fingering her again. “You’re my property, meaning I can do whatever I want with you. Your old personality is mine to throw away. So you’re going to become my personal guard.”
>Rarity bit her lip as she realized just how badly you’d screwed her over. She’d lost completely and…
>She came HARD to the thought. It was so hot.
>All she wanted was to become a good bodyguard for you now.
[Bonus mini-green]:
>As a gentle glow spread across her horn, Rainbow Dash scooted closer to you, adding "I think horns are like, really sensitive too, Master? Especially when they're doing magic."
>A shaky nod from Twilight prompts you to bend down, and with pursed lips you blow a gentle stream of breath against her horn, drawing out a full-body shiver in response.
"Twilight, tell me. Are you confused? Is something wrong?" you ask, a grin on your face as you slowly drag your tongue up the bumps of her spiraling horn.
>No longer able to resist a direct order, no matter how overwhelmed she might otherwise be, she whimpered out "Nnnnggghhh! Ah- I n-neeed to cuuum!".
"Don't think about it, but use your magic to do whatever you think might help you cum, and don't stop." you ordered, trusting in your previous absolute command to keep her from toppling over the edge no matter what she tried.
>Lewd visions flashed through her mind as the hypnogear guided her intellect toward getting off, and suddenly her horn flared with light. You watched as she began to roughly molest herself.
>A vibrating band of magic was squeezing her clit and gently pulling it taut in a permanent wink, another pair tracing the rims of her lower lips and a third bundle wildly flailing inside her, stretching her tunnel and stroking every sensitive spot she could find as they whipped around and shifted sizes.
>Eyes squeezed shut, her breath catches at the sudden overstimulation, a gasp turning into a shout but cut off with a "glkk" as her barrel freezes.
>It still wasn't enough, would never be enough, and you watched as more ribbons of magic begin to roughly grasp her nipples.
>Another flare and they begin to elongate and thicken, and her teats slowly grew under the command of her magic. Those too were grasped by strands and squeezed, forcing beads of white from her engorged nipples.
by HypnoMCThreadArchive