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2931 17.11 KB 250
Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:54:32
>Be Rarity, a week later.
>Your body is soaked.
>Your hooves have gone numb.
>Your hips ached, your back screamed, and your womb burned.
>But your mind turned.
>That damned blue demon's orders bounced around in your head ever since she forced the Hypnogear on your face.
>'Massive fetish for hypnosis and mind control.'
>'You and anybody you like getting mind controlled will get you off like nothing else.'
>'In fact, you can't orgasm unless you think about your mind being totally dominated.'
>'If you ever try to tell anypony, instead run home and furiously masturbate about how great it'd be to be mind controlled.'
>You grunted, sweat pooled on the floor, flecks sprayed onto the book in front of you as the ropes grew tighter.
>The book swallowed the sweat greedily, infused with its essence.
>These orders, commandments handed down through the light of the heavens, implanted into her brain by a false angel, were designed to encircle her in chains.
>They were tailored into a feedback loop: resistance into submission, until she hit her break-point.
>That blue demon wanted you to squirm, to watch you beg for submission, for release.
>It lost itself in it's own pleasure, and it wanted you to become just like it.
>Green magic flared and pulled the ropes tighter.
>Your hind legs, bound together, squished into each other.
>They pulled together around the rope between your legs, pressed into your vagina.
>You rocked back and forth, sluice long breached, fluids dripped freely.
>However, that blue demon was no Twilight.
>Contradiction existed within it's commands.
>'Can't orgasm unless you think about your mind being totally dominated.'
>However, almost an afterthought;
>'...anybody you like getting mind controlled will get you off like nothing else.'
>Hope shone through.
>You closed the book and traced the intricate designs on the front cover with a hoof.
>Green magic flowed from it into your horn.
>Green magic glowed through your eyes.
>Funny, once upon a time your friends saved you from yourself, from the rampant generosity this book brought out in you.
>Now, this book would help you save your friends.
>A glance at the clock, your magic flared, and the ropes fell away.
>The stench of sweat and marecum and desperation remained.
>You levitated over a crystal from your supply bin.
>Small, blue, diamond-shaped, nearly identical to the ones on your flank.
>Material for an order of cheerleader uniforms, requested by the Wonderbolts.
>Magical green thread whirled it's way around the crystal.
>The levitation field flickered out of existence.
>The crystal dangled by a thread, a lifeline to keep it afloat above the abyss.
>The thread held taught, the crystal an anchor to the world below.
>You sighed.
>Rainbow Dash had been corrupted, who she was became her undoing.
>Loyalty for her friends set to undermine her friends.
>It felt so good to serve her master, so why shouldn't she share that with her friends?
>You glanced to the side.
>Cheerleader uniforms, complete with socks.
>Shibari ropes, knots pre-tied.
>Crystalline pendant, circled by magical thread.
>Rainbow Dash shared the pleasure of submission, quite the generous act.
>To receive such a gift and give nothing in return would be quite rude,
>and after having edged yourself to oblivion this past week, unable to purge these recurring hypnotic thoughts from your mind,
>let's just say that you were feeling /quite/ generous.
>Three knocks at the door, before it burst open.
>The blue demon slid inside.
>She panted with exertion, her tail flagged, juices dripped onto the floor.
>"Rarity, I'm here! Omigosh, I'm so excited!"
>"In here, Rainbow Dash."
>She bounded into the next room, your workshop.
>"Are you finally ready to give into Master? I brought the Hypnogear, so we can get you fully programmed! It's gonna be so hot."
>Her eyes lit up when she saw you.
>Your face was flushed, coated in sweat and exertion and desperation.
>Hair bound into a ponytail, blue and yellow band tied tight.
>A simple necklace traced the gaze downwards, with a blue crystal pendant that shone brilliantly.
>Your torso bore a simple white and blue tank top, adorned with electric yellow accents.
>The miniskirt buzzed with the same sensual energy as the top.
>Blue and white socks completed the ensemble.
>The outfit highlighted your uncovered portions even further.
>Midriff exposed, shoulders bare, thighs a magnet for the gaze.
>Dash smiled.
>"Master is gonna love this."
>You panted and smiled in response.
>"I worked on these all week long. I've got even more in the back, enough for everybody."
>"Awesome!" Dash said as she brought the Hypnogear up towards your face. "Let's get you programmed right away, so we can bring these to Master! Both of us, surprising Master with these outfits, sensually dancing for Master, it's making me wet just thinking about it."
>Not like she wasn't already wet when she got here.
>Your magic flared up as she closed in.
>Her eyes went wide as she found a barrier between her and achieving the orgasm she so desperately sought.
>She looked up, confused, before she tried to push her way through again, to no avail.
>"Not yet... I'm not ready yet." You say and let out a deep breath. "Surrendering yourself completely, it sounds so intense. How can I trust your Master to make me feel good? How can I trust you?"
>Dash sat down, resting the Hypnogear on her thigh.
>"Oh, that's easy! With this, Master reprogrammed part of me so that obeying Master would be the most pleasurable thing. No matter what Master says, if I obey, it feels /so/ good."
>"That sounds so hot..." You said, before you shook your head clear. "That doesn't explain everything though. What else did he program you with? How else does he make you feel good?"
>"Well, Master is perfect, the most important thing in the world to me now. Submitting feels relaxing, submitting feels good. I like submitting to Master."
>A glance to your floor revealed that even talk about it turned her on.
>"Another thing," Dash continued, "helping my friends submit makes me feel good too! It's so hot that I get to watch what happened to me happen to them. It's almost like I can experience it again."
>One hoof slid down between your legs, underneath your miniskirt, and pressed into your soaked panties.
>"The last thing, the most important one. Only Master can reprogram me, so that way I'm always his. If he gets bored of me, he can change me, so that way I'll get to serve him forever!"
>Dash dripped onto the floor, one of her hooves slid between her legs too.
>"How loyal of you, to serve your Master so faithfully," you said as you walked towards Dash, "but how much of that loyalty is just an excuse to chase your own pleasure?"
>Dash paused, brow furrowed.
>She sat in the center of your workshop, covered in sweat and her own marecum, for what?
>You could see as the gears turned in her head, but you knew the answer she'd reach.
>"I serve Master, and Master makes me feel good. It shows how much he cares for me. I'm his most trusted slave."
>Your horn glowed and levitated a cheerleader's miniskirt over.
>You slipped it around Dash's legs without any struggle.
>"Yes, and his most trusted slave can set hypnotic commands on other ponies, right?"
>"Yep! Master loves it when I enslave other ponies for him. He commanded me to do it, so it feels good to watch other ponies obey Master."
>The tank top was next, slipped over her head, fit snug around her torso.
>"Master is perfect, right? He could never give a bad order?"
>"Master is the most perfect being in the entire world. His orders must be obeyed, and it feels so good when you do!"
>Her hair was bound into a cute ponytail.
>"So you giving orders to other ponies is just an extension of Master's will? Your orders are as perfect and infallible as his, since your orders come from obeying his?"
>Dash's mind turned, hypnotic commands clashed against each other as they tried to process this logic.
>All the while, your magic slipped white and blue socks around her legs.
>"Yes!" Dash affirmed. "If I follow Master's orders, and those orders include giving orders, then those orders are Master's too!"
>You smiled.
>Rainbow Dash's perky cheerleader uniform was almost in-place.
>Socks adorned her hooves, tank top snugly wrapped around her torso, miniskirt teased traces of thigh.
>Just one more accessory.
>"When you first hypnotized me, you gave me an order. Specifically, 'you and anybody you like getting mind controlled will get you off like nothing else.' I want to obey that order, I want to obey Master, and I need your help."
>You dropped the magical barrier around you.
>Dash leapt up excitedly, Hypnogear at the ready.
>"You're ready to fully give yourself up for Master? Sweet, we can start the programming right away! Just put-"
>You placed a hoof on her mouth and sushed her gently.
>You gently lowered the Hypnogear to the floor.
>"Anybody I like getting mind controlled will get me off like nothing else. That is the order Master gave me, through you."
>At the same time, you wrapped the crystal pendant around her neck.
>Her uniform now mirrored yours perfectly.
>How generous of you, to bestow such a gift onto her.
>"Only Master can reprogram you, but Master wants me to mind control anybody I like."
>Your horn glowed with a sickly green light, your eyes followed suit shortly after.
>Magical thread stretched out from the shadows of the ceiling, crept towards the unsuspecting mare below.
>You leaned in towards Rainbow Dash, muzzle inches away from her ear.
>"Fortunately, I like you."
>Like a coiled snake with its fangs bared, the magical green thread lunged forwards from the shadows of the ceiling.
>Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide as the thread wound it's way around, then into her pendant.
>"Rarity, what is this?"
>"Just a little gift, from me to you. Repayment for this /lovely/ fetish you've thrust on me." You leaned close.
>Your eyes glowed a ghastly green, cheshire delight abundant.
>Dash's hoof shot up to rip the pendant off, but another thread snapped out.
>It sunk into the blue and white sock and froze her hoof in-place.
>"How could you disobey Master like this?!" Dash shouted.
>"Disobey? Please, I'm following Master's orders to the letter!"
>Thread continued to wind through her sock, deeper and deeper.
>"If you're obeying Master's orders, then why don't you let me mind control you with the Hypnogear? You can't orgasm unless you're thinking about mind control. Imagine how hot it'll be to finally live out those fantasies!"
>You leaned onto Dash's shoulder.
>"I haven't finished once since you forced those orders into me." You whispered.
>"That's the difference between you and I. You're a slave to your passion, tugged along by its puppet strings. I've enslaved my passion. I tug along at its puppet strings to guide me where I need to go."
>You lifted up your cheerleader miniskirt.
>Underneath your panties, barely visible, laid rope.
>Shibari knots, pulled taught around your pussy.
>Every step, every shake, every twitch sent pleasure coursing through you.
>Even now, your breath was ragged and heavy.
>"At first, I tried to resist it. I tried to supress those thoughts that crept in. I tried to supress the arousal, the need to be dominated. Then I remembered who did it to me, and why they did it to me. One of my closest friends, her Loyalty twisted and perverted."
>Magical green thread snapped out from the ceiling.
>It latched onto Rainbow Dash's miniskirt.
>Slowly, magical green knots began to form underneath.
>She whimpered.
>"So, I've matched you. My Generosity has taken control of my mind, my soul. It courses through my very being! Now, after a week of experiences, thanks to your hypnotic orders, it's only natural to do the generous thing."
>Your eyes glowed green, an almost-sadistic expression matched them.
>A pendant floated in front of Rainbow Dash.
>Blue diamond, magical green thread.
>"It's only natural to share them with you."
>With a gentle tug of telekinesis, the pendant swung.
>Rainbow Dash's eyes locked onto the pendulum as it gently rocked back and forth.
>Glowing green thread and pulsing blue crystal alternated with flashes of color
>"Wait, Rarity...what are you...?"
>Dash's body sagged in the air as the tension in her limbs evaporated.
>Rarity smiled.
>"Relax, dearie. Don't fret over it, just watch."
>Dash's eyes widened.
>Her body suspended by green puppet strings, locked and unresponsive from the enchanted outfit on her, she did the only thing she could do.
>"You're trying to hypnotize me! You're trying to take me away from Master!"
>Dash's eyes snapped shut as she scrunched her face.
>Her body tightened, the type of wince that comes before a punch.
>"Jokes on you! Only Master can reprogram me. Once I get out of here, I'll make sure that he fucks your brain until it dribbles out your ear!"
>Rarity pouted.
>"Such vulgarity. Once Master's new orders take root, I'll have to take care of that mouth of yours."
>Dash froze.
>"Master's new orders?"
>"Yes!" Rarity clapped her hooves together. "Master ordered you to order me to do this, remember?"
>"B-but only Master can reprogram me!"
>Rarity pressed her forehoof into Dash’s chest, right over her heart.
>"Master is, through me!"
>Dash's mind raced as new hypnotic commands conflicted with the old.
>Her face screwed up tight.
>"No, you can't trick me like that! I serve Master, not you!"
>Rarity leaned close, muzzle inches from Dash's ear.
>"Master wants you to feel good, Dashie. Master loves it when you cum your little bird brain out for him."
>Rarity ran a hoof along Dash's back and rubbed circles into her exposed flank, kneading her toned rump sensually.
>"Why else would Master give me the order to mind control anybody I like? More importantly, why would you be here?"
>Dash's right eye crept open.
>Just a hair, but a hair was enough.
>Green and blue pulsed directly into her brain.
>She loosened ever-so-slightly.
>Rarity's hoof continued to trace circles on Dash's flank.
>Up and down, from skin to sock.
>Good, good.
>"Just look at yourself, the mirror is right there. After all, reflections never lie.”
>Dash's other eye crept open.
>Her face was beet red.
>Sweat dripped down her face, slickened fur shimmering along her form.
>Her cheerleader clothes were already damp, skin-tight cloth revealed what lay underneath.
>Green puppet threads bore their way around her limbs, into her clothes.
>Finally, the most damning piece of evidence, the steadily-growing puddle on the floor beneath her.
>Her eyes widened in shock.
>All the while, the pendant continued to swing in front of her.
>Dash's eyes sagged.
>Her body grew looser by the second.
>Her arousal only grew.
>Yet she still had a little fight left.
>"But why...?"
>Rarity leaned in and traced a forehoof to Dash's inner thigh.
>"You love this. You can't deny it."
>Rarity let out a giggle, her own arousal rising with every passing moment.
>"The struggle, the temptation, slowly feeling your barriers crumble before my will."
>The green puppet threads disconnected from the ceiling and wound their way into Dash's cheerleader clothes.
>Rarity's hoof traced Dash's lower lips
>The pegasus’ marish juices coated the pristine, white fur on her hoof.
>She just had to push her a little further..
>"You love letting yourself go. You think you can't, because you're the almighty Rainbow Dash. If someone /forced/ you into it though, then your ego is safe."
>Rarity nuzzled Dash's glistening muzzle.
>Dash whimpered.
>The puppet threads were gone from view, but she still felt them around her.
>They lined her clothing, gripping onto her within the fabric.
>Her tank-top pulsed with magical warmth and tickled her skin.
>Her miniskirt draped over her thighs, teasing at the supple flank underneath.
>Her socks pulled her limbs along and sunk between her legs.
>She kneeled onto the ground and grinded into her forelegs.
>"So, my dearest Dashie." Rarity said as she brought her pendant closer. "Master wants you to feel good. I want you to feel good. I’m certain you want me to feel good too - deep down. The only one who's stopping all this is yourself."
>Dash panted, eyes locked onto Rarity's pendant.
>They widened, entirely focused on the swinging device before them.
>The final touches were now in order.
>"But deep down, you know you want to feel good. You need to feel good. Isn't that right?"
>Dash swallowed, then nodded.
>"Then look deeper. Watch as my pendant whisks away your resistance, swing by swing."
>Dash leaned forward slightly, like she was watching an intense moment in a race.
>Rarity positioned herself behind Dash, her socked thighs locked Dash's head in-place.
>Dash's eyes fluttered.
>"Dive deeper, drift away, and just listen to my voice."
>Dash nodded, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.
>"Sink deeper, and cum for me."
>Dash's eyes rolled up into her head.
>Her face scrunched, her body tensed up, and she released a deep, throaty moan.
>Her marecum burst onto the floor beneath her, almost doubling the size of the puddle.
>A few ragged breaths, a sway to the left and then the right.
>Then Dash was gone.
>Her eyes shut tight, serenity on her face.
>All while her ears stood tall, in-wait.
>Rarity sighed, and then smiled.
by HypnoMCThreadArchive