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Cadance Ships Zephyr and Rainbow

By HypnoMCThreadArchive
Created: 2023-10-10 23:31:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:04:41
  3. “Dang it, Zeph! Will you stop hitting on me, already?!” Dash all but snarled at the stallion.
  4. >Zeph had to take a step back. Dash had, at least, let him down a bit more gently than this up till now.
  5. “I don’t love you. I don’t even LIKE you! Hell, I borderling hate you at this point!” Dash pressed her forehead against his, making him sweat already. “Why would I like you, huh? Why would ANY mare like you? You’re a creep. You’re ugly. Your breath stinks. You’ve never had a job and still mooch off your parents. You cock is small. You’re a jerk to your sister. Those anime bullshit you watch is pure cringe. There isn’t a single redeeming thing about you. Do you get it now?”
  6. >Zephyr opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything.
  7. “And you think you can go out with ME?! I’m the top wonderbolt! I’m the hero of Equestria. I’m rich, famous and have a smoking hot body. 10/10’s don’t go out with 1/10’s and that’s being way too generous for you. I’m so far out of your league we’re not even on the same planet. So STOP hitting on me. Maybe you can date one of those body pillow things. You look like you’d be into that and it’s the closest thing to a girl you’ll ever get.”
  8. >Zephyr bowed his head and stepped back, cowed for once.
  9. “Can I make this any more clear, pin-dick? Come on! Answer me! Am I interested in being your marefriend?”
  10. >Zephyr trembled. He didn’t want to say it out loud, but there was no denying it. All he wanted was to get out of this horrible situation as fast as possible.
  11. >“I… no. You’re not.” He hung his head down in total defeat.
  12. “Feel that?” Dash asked. “That awkwardness is how you ALWAYS make me feel. For years! Don’t talk to me again.”
  13. >In a huff Rainbow Dash turns and leaves.
  14. >Zephyr falls to a sitting position. Maybe he really never would get a girlfriend… at least he’d always have his body pillows, as Dash said.
  15. >”Guess I’ll just give up on dating,” said Zephyr. “That’s about as well as all my attempts with the ladies go! Mares just kinda hate me. It’ll save everypony a lot of trouble if I just stay single.”
  16. “EXCUSE ME?!”
  17. >Cadence nodded with sympathy. >Zephyr nearly falls over at the booming voice. A large pony lands in front of him. He gets up only to nearly fall over again as soon as he sees who it is.
  18. >”P-princess Cadence?!” Zephyr gasps. “I! Uh! Did you see all that?”
  19. “Yes.”
  20. >Oh no! She was here to punish him for all those years he spent creeping out on mares.
  21. >”I can explain!” He put his hooves up in defense but… Cadence didn’t look angry at all.
  22. >She gave him a look of absolute pity and sympathy. He’d never gotten ANYTHING like that from a mare before…
  23. “Oh, you poor thing.” Cadence nuzzled him lovingly and grabbed him in a hug. “So starved of female attention! All you want is a loving wife. Who is Rainbow Dash to deny you that just because she thinks she’s more successful than you.”
  24. >Zephyr gaped, awestruck. Never in a million years did he think Cadence would side with HIM over Dash.
  25. “Well… well yes!” He tried puffing himself up. “I’ve been trying to tell her that for years but she won’t give me a chance.”
  27. “Say no more,” said Cadence. “Helping out the lonely and heartbroken is what I do. I’ll use my magic to make sure Rainbow Dash falls madly in love with you. She’ll likely resist at first, but she’ll be all yours soon enough. It’s what you deserve.”
  28. >Cadence gave him a kiss before slowly trotting off in the direction Dash went. Zephyr’s face slowly contorted into a smile. Was he really about to win after all these years?
  29. “Stupid freaking Zephyr.” Dash grumbles. “Always staring at my ass. Always-“
  30. >Cadence appears at the window, stifling a giggle with a hoof. Her horn glows and Dash’s eyes turn pink, her irises taking the shape of hearts.
  31. “I guess it is kinda impressive how he never gives up, though.” Dash blushes. “Most guys would have given up after one rejectiong, but that guy never quits!”
  32. >If he was that dedicated to Dash… maybe he really did like her?
  33. >Dash shook her head as hard as she could. What a stupid idea! The guy was a total loser! Of course he liked Dash, he liked any piece of meat he bumped into.
  34. >Her eyes turned back to normal shortly afterwards and she trotted to the sink to get ready for bed.
  35. >Cadence frowns. It wouldn’t be easy overcoming this much animosity. But turning hate into love was just what she was here to do! Her horn glowed even brighter this time and kept glowing.
  36. >As Dash finished washing her face with a cloth, she opens them again to reveal her eyes glowing pink with hearts in them once more.
  37. >Now it’s Dash’s turn to frown. Was she… too hard on the guy? She suddenly felt bad about how often she yelled at the poor guy.
  38. >He had a nice mane, at least. And he was dedicated and compassionate!
  39. >Dash winced, trying to summon her anger from before. He’d cat called her so many times! She’d been angry at him so many times! But she simply couldn’t feel anything but pity for him right now.
  40. >He didn’t have a girlfriend even after all that hard work…
  41. “Hard work?” Dash slapped herself. “The hard work of creeping out? What am I thinking?! Guh!”
  42. >But the pink only faded for a moment.
  43. “Maybe… maybe I’ll think more clearly tomorrow…”
  44. >Dash finished up getting ready for bed, the spell not fading for a second. She couldn’t feel anger, only melancholy and regret over what she said.
  45. >As she settled into bed, Cadence’s smile grew enormous.
  46. “That’s right, Dashie,” she whispered. “Have nice, sweet dreams.”
  47. >Shortly after falling asleep, a love-dream overtook Dash’s mind. A construct of the spell.
  48. >Zeph was in the room with her. Instead of flirting, he simply walked up onto her bed, grabbed Dash in a hug and kissed Dash!
  49. >And it felt… so right! He wasn’t asking. He was just taking what he wanted like a real stallion.
  50. “Z-zeph!” Dash pulled away, trembling and blushing. “Y-you can’t just-!”
  51. “Of course I can, Dashie.” That smile he made… so masculing, so debinare. “You’re mind.”
  52. “I’m…” Dash shuddered. She felt her pussy starting to get wet. “Yours?”
  53. >Instead of saying, he simply showed her. He grabbed her once again and repeatedly kissed her on the lips, open-mouthed.
  54. >Dash kept her mouth shut, but it became harder with each passionate kiss from Zephyr. He was dominating her, claiming her, and it was so hot!
  55. >Why did she hate him again? He was supposed to be a creep and a loser… but Dash’s ovaries practically screamed at her to kiss this stud back.
  56. >Dash slowly opened her mouth and soon the two were making out passionately. It felt so perfect being in his embrace.
  57. “You see?” Zephyr pulled back to Dash’s disappointment. “I knew I just needed to wear you down. Now, I know what you really want.”
  58. >He leaned back and opened his hind legs. Dash looked down to find his cock, unsheathed, throbbing up above his balls.
  59. >Looking at it… Dash’s heart began to beat rapidly. It was inches away from her sopping wet pussy. He-
  62. >Dash bolted upright in bed.
  63. >She was do damn horny… and sweating hard.
  64. >Had she dreamed about making out with Zephyr? And GOTTEN OFF ON IT?!
  65. >Dash ahd never been so horny before! The dream disgusted her on one level but… well when she was horny that worked out too.
  66. >Zephyr fucking her… that was the most humiliating thing that could ever happen. And yet…
  67. >She moved a hoof between her legs and started rubbing. Zephyr’s cock was stuck in her mind. It wasn’t very big at all and yet…
  68. >Dash bit her lip. She wasn’t seriously going to cum for Zephy, was she? The biggest loser of all time?
  69. >She got closer to orgasm and the images of him only got stronger in her mind. She bit her lip in one last token act of resistance against Zephyr’s penetration of her mind and yet…
  70. >With clear image of his cock in her mind, Dash orgasmed harder than she usually did.
  71. >Cadence smiled happily as he listened to the yelps of pleasure. The pink faded into Dash’s mind rather than fading away this time.
  72. >The effects were officially permanent! Dash would no longer feel any resentment to Zephyr! She’d see his advancements as a mark of determination on his part and be flattered by them.
  73. >But this was only phase one. To turn her around so hard would take a few more nights… then she’d be totally in love with Zephyr.
  74. “See you tomorrow, Dashis,” Cadance whispered.

Mind Control Thread Archive

by HypnoMCThreadArchive