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Cozy Glow Hypnosis

By HypnoMCThreadArchive
Created: 2023-10-10 23:32:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:51:47
  3. >After Cozy glow was captured and arrested for her crimes she was going to be sent to Tartarus.
  4. >however with the help of your slave twilight you managed to convince the other princesses.
  5. >that even though she wasn’t sorry we should still try to reform her, because it was the right thing to do, as she was just a little filly and she should not spend the rest of her life in Tartarus.
  6. >so even if it would be hard to make her a better pony we should still try.
  7. >after your rant about forgiveness, bringing up how starlight turned out after i said twilight and I would take her to safe location and she would be bound the other princess agreed.
  8. >so we put cozy in cuffs, the wrapped her wings in a heavy black material preventing her from flying.
  9. >Now Cozy twilight and I are in a magic carriage taking the bound Cozy to her new prison.
  10. >Cozy wriggles about in her restraints, glaring at the two of you with shifty eyes “what is this you two! What do you want?
  11. >If you’re trying to reform me or make me a better pony arent you supposed to trust me?
  12. >Give me something like, I dunno… getting these restraints off me?”
  13. >she grinned in her semi-sickly sweet voice, still struggling to free herself from her bonds.
  14. “Oh no Cozy we know you know how to be “good” what we are planning here is educating and training you until you want to be a good pony.
  15. >Once we arrive in our new home you will be given accommodations like food and books but even if you are to have these luxury’s you will still have duties and you are still our prisoner. Right now we are trying to reform you so we can put that mind of yours to good.” >by good I meant world domination, it is ironic if you think about it how cozy wanted to take over equestria, and in her failure gave she me a great tool, too take over not only equestria but the world.
  16. >I think to myself as the magic powered carriage was close to arriving at our destination.
  17. >“But I do want to be a good pony! Seee I’m so good already! I haven’t done anything bad yet, have I? It was just an accident what all happened, a bunch of weird series of events, come onnn. I’m cozy! I wouldn’t REALLY wanna hurt anyone!”
  18. >*she tried to lie again even though her smirk was a bit more strained, less confident and more annoyed about the situation she found herself in. After all she was a good liar but she despised being beholden to anyone*
  19. “Cozy I want to believe you I do but if you’re going to try and trick me you’re going to have to lie a lot better than that.”
  20. >i say with a smile*
  21. “ but I guess this just shows how much work we will have to do to get you to comply with authority.”
  22. >I say thinking of raping her filly cunt, is it really rape if they ask me to do it though hmm I suppose that’s a moral question.* “cozy when we arrive you will be punished for that lie.” *I say sternly but also disappointed*
  23. >”I-I’m not lying alright! Why would I lie? I-I really am being honest! Lying would only make my situation worse right!”
  24. >*She continued with her bluff, dropping the act could only get her in even more trouble as she lied there nervously.
  25. >You could actually already see her filly folds, her entire young body on full display, small little teats hanging as well as her folds, currently dry as sand but soon they’d be stuffed with your seed*
  26. “Well Cozy if your not lying then perhaps, you can take our rehabilitation test and if you show that what you are saying is the truth and you are going to be better, then we will let you go and say it is all a misunderstanding.”
  27. “Well Cozy if your not lying then perhaps, you can take our rehabilitation test and if you show that what you are saying is the truth and you are going to be better, then we will let you go and say it is all a misunderstanding.”
  28. >she looks at you confused before saying.
  29. >”Wait if I show that I am a good filly during this test you will let me just let me go.”
  30. >she asks surprised.
  31. >”and what if I fail, will it increase my sentence.”
  32. “Oh course not cozy.”
  33. >cozy thinks to her self how easy it should be to pass it, but if they are letting me go if I pass it perhaps it is hard then again, I only have to convince twilight and the human, twilight is constantly spewing things like we should care for one another, and helping other out of the goodness of our heart and anon is focused on building magical things with twilight, a lot of which fail so perhaps this is a based on the technology he is making if so I should be able to beat it.
  34. >”sure I will take your test and show everypony that this is a big misunderstanding, I don’t know what came over me, twilight I really don’t but I think I might have been controlled or had a situation similar to nightmare moon and Princess Luna, please believe me.”
  35. >you pull out a weird pair of goggles and cozy looks at you confused.
  36. “Cozy I am going to put these on you.”
  37. >she nods, as you attach the hypno gear to her face, the visor coving her eyes, you place the earbuds inside her adorable ear flaps, then the hypnogear clicks into place, and then feels a sharp pain in her both her temples.
  38. >”what the buck, that hurt you moron, are you sure you put this thing on properly.”
  39. >she says, letting the stress of today and the pain overcome her act, before remembering that she was trying to act nice so she could escape.
  40. >the goggles turn on and start showing spirals, well the earbuds start playing a noise that sorta like a song, it seems to have a tune or something, but she can’t quite make it out, after a bit of thinking she responds.
  41. >”oh I am sorry anon, I didn’t mean to say those rude things, it’s just that these goggles hurt me a bit.”
  42. “It’s okay cozy we all make mistakes, tell me about what you see and feel.”
  43. >”I am sorry sir, it’s just that these goggles hurt me and I have had a very bad day.”
  44. >Cozy says without even considering what she would say, the sheer change in normality and the googles causing her to not notice that she called me sir.
  45. “It is okay cozy we all make mistakes, and the mistakes made earlier, helped us to realize just how talented and intelligent you are.”
  46. >cozy looks at you surprised.
  47. >”thanks sir, umm if you don’t mind me asking what is the test I am supposed to take i am still a bit curious.”
  48. >you smile knowing that she can do nothing about it now.
  49. “Well Cozy the hypno gear will hypnotize you and from there we will be able to mould your mind into what ever I want, I think you will make an excellent slave.”
  50. >she looks at you with a surprise, and horror.
  52. >Cozy yells out, trying to remove the googles, before the googles say resistance detected, and the goggles start blasting Cozy with subliminals to not remove the googles well their magic keeps her limbs moving slowly. As she tries to reach and remove the googles her hooves move slowly, before stoping close to the googles.
  53. >no matter how hard she tries, she can’t even touch the hypnogear as it blasts more and commands and thoughts into her little filly mind.
  54. >”Buck, Buck How do I get out of this, I don’t want to listen to master.”
  55. >Cozy says her thoughts, without meaning to, or even realizing, Cozy then starts flapping her cute little wings, then flies upside down, hoping that the hypno gear will fall off forgetting that is attached to her via her temples. Twilight is about to cast some magic to try and stop Cozy, but you grab her horn stopping her.
  56. “It’s okay twilight she is not trying to escape.”
  57. >Cozy thinks to herself, I have to escape, escape yes. She then starts slamming herself into the carriage with her flight, not paying attention to which direction she is going just trying to do something.
  58. >the hypno gear blurts out. >”Erratic movements detected.”
  59. >the hypnogear, gear then starts blasting commands not to move and to sit down.
  60. >Cozy’s movement’s become less and less violent, she crash’s into the cart less and less, then she slows down more and more, as she gets back on her seat and lets her hooves fall down, as her wings stop flapping.
  61. >once the command to not move anything other than her mouth has been forced into her mind, the hypnogear starts to put Cozy in a trance again, filing her head with commands, making it hard and harder for her to think for herself, her bright thoughts coved in the warm, wonderful blanket of submission, and becoming dimmer and dimmer. a short while after this Cozy speaks.
  62. >”What the buck are you doing... master, this is wrong, illegal... Celestia would not allow this to happen you... evil, handsome, perfect monster, I will never submit to you.”
  63. >cozy says, alternating between anger and admiration.
  64. “You say that but you are calling me master Cozy.”
  65. >”what are you taking about master, I am not calling you mas..ter, Wait yes I am.”
  66. >Cozy feels the hypnogear overflowing her mind, no matter how hard she fights she is losing, and each time it over takes her, it feels great and it is harder and hard for her to break free, as she tries to think of ways out of this situation she gradually falls into despair as she realizes it’s just a matter of time before she succumbed completely.
  67. “Yes you are cozy you just did call me master.”
  68. >as Cozy finally comes to that realization her tough facade shatters, and she starts crying and begging.
  69. >”PleASe TUrn thIS Off I don’t Want To BE A SLave, I Will BE a gOOD filly I Promise I will actually make amends, and try to be better, I AM sO SOoRy For every...thing I did, I just... Don’t want to”
  70. >her face then becomes blank, as if she has entered a peaceful sleep though there are still some tears.
  71. >you then hear a chime followed by “Mind successfully overrrided. Please install desired personality traits!"
  72. >as you look over to twilight you notice she is pleasuring herself, of course she is, she always finds it hot, when you enslave ponies.
  73. “Cozy can you hear me,”
  74. >”yes.”
  75. “Okay from now on, whenever I give you an order or ask you to do something, you will feel a strong urge to do it, if you don’t do it immediately, you will feel bothering like you have an itch you can’t scratch, Constantly reminding you what I asked, this will continue to grow until you do what I said, understand,”
  76. >”yes.”
  77. “When ever you fulfil my order, you will feel a surge of pleasure, and you will feel the urges grow stronger with every order and request of mine you obey.”
  78. >she just looks at you blankly, her mouth open, drool coming down her filly lips.
  79. “Understand.”
  80. >”yes.”
  81. >Cozy says in the same monotone.
  82. “You will also feel a surge of pleasure whenever you fulfil a request of mine, understand.”
  83. >”yes.”
  84. “Cozy do you know what sex is.”
  85. >”yes.”
  86. “How do you feel about sex and attraction.”
  87. >”I have never wanted to sex or do anything like that with any creature, I don’t understand it, as for attraction I understand it but have not had any strong feeling about any creature.”
  88. “Really that’s good, Twilight take of all my clothes.”
  89. >twilight horn lights up and starts taking of your clothes, all the while rubbing her cunt with her hoof, eventually she gets all your clothes off.
  90. “Now Cozy, you find me attractive very attractive, in fact you want me sexually, just thinking about my cock makes you very horny, all the feelings of desire and horniness normal fillies in puberty have that are directed at a bunch of other creatures, Will instead be focused on me, you will especially find it arousing, in situations where I am dominating you or showing my power over. You will also find being mind controlled to be super hot, do you understand”
  91. >”yes.”
  92. “Okay that’s great, now cozy you will never try to mind control me, directly or indirectly, you will not try to escape where I am training you, and you will not communicate, or try to communicate what i am actually doing to anyone that is not myself or another one of my slaves, if you come up with a plan to harm me in any way or that could harm me, you will not do it and instead walk towards me, stay in place and tell me your plan, and stay there until I tell you to move, also if I ever ask to mind control you again you will not resist my command, and you will let me mind control you, you will also not move until I give you permission if I tell you to freeze, also you will not try to find any loopholes, or ways to get around my orders, or ways to not do what I mean, this will be true for the rules here as well as for my orders outside. if you somehow find a way to get around my rules or a loop hole you will will not use it or use them, do you understand and if so can you give me a shortened version.”
  94. >”I will not try and get free, not try and mind control you, if I come up with a plan that could do that I will not do it and tell you, also I have to be mind controlled and can not move if you ask me to.”
  95. >well this might seem like overkill you don’t want to risk anything with cozy.
  96. “Cozy also I want you to devolve another personality in your mind, this personality will be able to take over your body at any time, it will be able to know all your thoughts and feelings, this personality will observe you and your mind and if you ever try to mind control me or do anything to get in the way of my domination, of you and others, it will immediately take over, and tell me she will stay in control until she feels the threat to me has passed it’s only goal is to be a good slave for me, and all the same rules I gave you will also apply to her but more the two of you will not communicate with each other, and you will not know she exists, understand.”
  97. >”yes.”
  98. “in fact you will not remember this conversation, and your response to it, the last thing you remember is yourself telling me the shortened version of the things I told you earlier, this suppression of memory will take effect five seconds after this response understood.”
  99. >”yes I understand.”
  100. >you really don’t want to mess this up, so you wait five seconds and five more and another five thinking about if you have anything else you want to add to her.
  101. >eventually you decide that you have nothing to add right now, and decide to wake her up.
  102. >you place your hand on the hypnogear
  103. “Cozy glow wake up, and hypnogear unlock, you quickly add.”
  104. >you remove the hypnogear from her head, and she looks at you, she blushes as she looks at your naked body, after a briefing pause she then yell.
  106. “Well mind controlled you duh
  108. “Hey cozy can you stop yelling.”
  109. >”well okay.”
  110. >she twitch’s in pleasure, a smile coving her beet red face
  112. “cozy quite voice.”

Mind Control Thread Archive

by HypnoMCThreadArchive