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Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:52:59
>be me
>watching Twilight swing around a pocket watch
>”You are getting very sleepy…”
“You know Twilight, we’ve been trying for a half hour, I don’t think this is working.”
>She just looked at me with a look full of irritation
>”I don’t know why it isn’t working! It worked just fine for my fear of heights!”
“Twilight I don’t know how to tell you this but hypnotism was seen as hacky on earth.”
>”Yeah... I guess you are right,” she said with a sigh, “perhaps it’s just because you are a human. It works on ponies just fine.”
>That was interesting.
“Can I give it a try?”
>”Sure Anon!” said Twilight brightly, “I could use help dropping a couple pounds if you catch my drift.”
>She accentuated this by running her hoof around her belly
>I really couldn’t see much weight there, but I simply nodded
>I picked up the watch and began to swing it, not really expecting much to happen
“Twilight, I want you to focus on this watch. I want you to focus on it’s steady swinging.”
>It was super cute watching her eyes follow the watch around.
“Notice how steady the moment is, like breathing or a heart beat and focus on it. I want you to forget everything else in this room except for my voice and the back and forth of the watch.”
>Her face shifted subtly almost turning away slightly before turning back
>Her mouth slowly dropping open
“As you watch the watch move back and forth, you feel your resistance towards me leaving your body with each swing.”
>A little bit of drool began to form at the edge of her lips as her eyes slowly widened and dilated. I continued swinging for a bit, enjoying the look she had on her face
“When I snap my hand once, you will forget about the watch and focus entirely on my voice. You will follow any commands or suggestions I give you. When I snap again, you will awaken and forget everything that was said during the time you were in the trance. You will still follow any orders I give you under the trance but subconsciously rather than consciously.”
>Her eyes and mouth were wide open now, which really awakened something in me.
>I continued swinging for a moment before snapping my fingers and putting away the watch
>I waved my hand in front of her face, and got no response. She just sat there quietly with her mouth open.
>I guess Twilight wasn’t kidding, hypnotism actually does work on ponies.
>Especially with the blank stare she had on her face
>However I wasn’t quite sure how hard I could push just yet
“Twilight from now on when you are tempted to eat unhealthily your mind will fill with healthier alternatives which will be very desirable. You will also feel the need to go on more walks, especially to visit your friends.”
>”...yes” said Twilight blankly
>That should help with Twilight’s weight problem and should be where I stop
>But why waste this opportunity
“Furthermore, you are pleased with all the changes that I am making to you while in a trance. You trust me to change you, because I would never harm you. Everything that you notice or that is pointed out to you which I have changed is a positive thing.”
>”...yes” said Twilight again
>Lets push this further
“Tomorrow you will feel the need to be hypnotized by me again. You will not be puzzled by this because you know it comes from your secret desire to be hypnotized, to be controlled. You have finally found a person who you trust to hypnotize you and it excites you.”
>She squirmed a bit in her chair with this one, her face tensing a bit. She was clearly resisting such a change
>I was scared for a moment that she would break free but then she returned to her normal blank face
>careful now
“Further, you will realize that you have a large crush on me. At the same time, you will feel the need to follow any orders I give you. For every order of mine that you follow, you will receive a jolt of pleasure and excitation. This is normal and you seek to feel these jolts.”
>Some slight resistance with this order showed on her face but it was much less than the last order
>The commands must be compounding
“Lastly, you will greatly resist any attempts to hypnotize you from anyone other than me. You trust me but no one else with your mind. Anyone else could ruin the positive changes that I am giving you.”
>No resistance this time, just a simple blank “yes”
>Let’s not push it further today
>I snap my fingers and Twilight quickly returns to her bright nerdy self.
>”Wow Anon!” she said excitedly, “I went under really fast! You are good at this!”
“I just used some stuff I had read about.”
>”Did you even change anything?” she stood up scratching her head “I don’t feel any different.”
“Just what you wanted,” I said with a smirk.
>”Well I’m sure I’ll see a change with time.”
“You sure will,” I responded, “Hey Twilight, fetch me a glass of water before I head out will you? All this talking has made me thirsty.”
>Her horn was immediately surrounded by a purple glow as I heard a cupboard open and a glass fill with water
>As the glass floated into my open hand I watched Twilight through the corner of my eye, her face filled with a small blush and her face broke into a content smile.
>I quickly chugged the whole glass before holding it out for Twilight to take
“Thank you Twilight.”
>She blushed even heavier before muttering out a “What are friends for.”
>I stood and moved to the door
“See you tomorrow!” I shouted happily
>”She responded with a “See you!” of her own that sounded almost sad to see me go
>As I walked out I suppressed the urge to chuckle evilly to myself
>I could certainly work with this
>I walked away from Twilight’s library with a smile on my face
>After a couple steps I realized that I had accidentally pocketed Twilight’s watch
>Oh well, I’ll just order her to give me it tomorrow. She’d probably like that
>Eventually I made my way to my office
>It was just a small building, but it had my office on the bottom and my apartment up above
>My day job was a bookkeeper. I managed the numbers for a lot of businesses in Ponyville
>Turns out as such a non-competitive species, ponies are pretty terrible with money
>”Howdy Anon!” says a cheery voice from outside of my office
>Speaking of terrible with money
>My office door nearly flew open as an orange pony galloped her way into my office
“How is it going Applejack?” I asked
>”I’m great!” said Applejack with a smile “I brought those papers you needed.”
>She pulled the papers out of a side bag and placed them on my desk
>I had been managing Sweet Apple Acres’ money for a while now, they had been bleeding money until I took over their finances.
>As Applejack took a seat I began reading through the papers, it seems like it had been a good season for the Apples
>Absentmindedly I spun around the pocket-watch that I had taken from Twilight
>”Hey Anon,” said Applejack “Isn’t that Twilight’s watch?”
Looking up from my work I responded “I was helping Twilight out with her weight, and I pocketed it by accident. I’m going to return it tomorrow.”
>”How in heck does a pocket-watch help with a weight problem?”
“Hypnotism, I can’t say that I believe in it much but Twilight said that it sure works on you little ponies.”
>”Hypnotism… is that where you wave a watch around a couple times and cause somepony to act like a chicken?”
“Yes,” I said simply and returned to my papers.
>”C-could I give it a try?” said Applejack bashfully
>I looked up from my papers
“Sure,” I said.
>This was going to be easier than I thought
by HypnoMCThreadArchive