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Luna Dream Hypnosis Orgy

By HypnoMCThreadArchive
Created: 2023-10-10 23:35:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:57:03
  3. >Be Princess Luna, one of the diarches of equestria.
  4. >you decide to look out the window to see your beautiful night, your small bright starts, creating many bright and elegant patterns, to light up your subjects and every other creatures nights.
  5. >you spend a few minutes just looking at the multicoloured stars, in your and your sisters sky, before turning your slender neck, to look at the center piece of the sky your moon, as you, look up at your work in awe.
  6. >you wonder how any creature could prefer your sisters giant ball of flame to your night sky, you sigh before Opening the curtains to your bed, and laying down in it.
  7. >you look to the clock in your room and realize, that it is probably time to due your duty in the dream world.
  8. >you close your eyes and begin to sleep.
  9. >as you fall asleep, you start to look among the dreams of your ponies fighting the constant hoard of nightmares, and ensuring the safety of your subjects.
  10. >you patrol the dreamscape looking for nightmares, you spend many hours hunting their kind, finding naught be weaklings, honestly nothing more than negative thoughts, given an unstable form.
  11. >after defeating them, you go to the ponies who were most effected, and make sure they are okay.
  12. >once that is done, you look around and notice three more of their kind.
  13. >you light up your horn and with a swift action you obliterate them.
  14. >honestly your job is never done.
  15. >you sigh again, looking at the dreamers in the dreamscape, before noticing, something very very weird, you notice a dreamer, you think, having dreams that on the outset look like nothing you have seen before
  16. >you decide to have a closer look and actually enter this dream.
  17. >it looks like tonight will not be so boring after all.
  18. >you force yourself through the dark curtain surrounding the dream and enter the reality.
  19. >as you look around you see, the familiar store of sugar cube corner.
  20. >normally when a nightmare has taken over the setting Is twisted or, the dreamer is in a different place entirely.
  21. >but this place looks normal, how peculiar.
  22. >you decide to look around some more.
  23. >as you look around you notice the unicorn Lyra, your friend twilight told you about her time with the mint unicorn.
  24. >as you look the dream projection up and down You notice she looks happy and mostly normal, the only thing out of place is the necklace, no it’s more of collar around her neck.
  25. >as you focus on the collar you notice it is emanating weird magic, but Lyra looks normal enough.
  26. >so it is not an emergency, but I should still pay attention.
  27. >and the mare looks happy enough, you notice she starts talking.
  28. “Oh princess Luna it is so great to see you here, you are just in time for the ceremony.”
  29. >”ceremony?”
  30. >you say aloud wondering what the ceremony is that said if it is a nightmare it is probably at this ceremony, so that is probably the best chance to defeat it.
  31. >that said this one seems a lot stronger than the others you have fought in a long while, if you had to say it’s power may even almost comparable to that of the nightmare that possessed you.
  32. >that said you are ready and you doubt it is stronger than that nightmare otherwise it would have acted already.
  33. >so you decide to follow the fake Lyra, and as you walk out the doors you are greeted, by an unpredictable sight,
  34. >you see serval ponies all wearing the magic collars.
  35. >as you look further mares Are making out with each other, some of them are on the ground kiss and wrestling as they make out well others are rubbing their hoofs against the others pussys, well they sit on the bench.
  36. >and Lyra seems to not care at in fact all of them act like they don’t care and that this is somehow normal.
  37. >you decide to press her on it even if she was a dream construct, she should know something is up, right.
  38. >”Lyra do you notice Anything werid, going on.”
  39. >she looks at you before sighing.
  40. “Ya I know it’s a bit out of the ordinary but don’t worry, once we get to the ceremony, everything should be back to normal.”
  41. >well that’s a relief you think to your self.
  42. >as you follow the mint pony.
  43. >you see the cutie mark Crusaders, fucking their teacher with strap-ons
  44. >you away to see diamond Tierra, getting eaten out by her friend.
  45. >as you look around you see more and more depraved acts all around you.
  46. >what the hay is going on.
  47. >as you take in your surroundings, you hear the mint pony say.
  48. >”oh princess Luna we have arrived.”
  49. >look around, you notice what looks to be an all mare orgy around you and as you glance around, the scene and look into the center you see a creature that look like a a... hairless diamond dog,
  50. >but far different it had digits like dragons, you noticed serval of his claws, rubbing a purple ponys tits, wait as you look closer
  51. >you notice that he is playing with Your friend Twilight Sparkle.
  52. >or far more likely a copy of her,
  53. >but as you see this thing play with even her imagine, it starts to enrage you.
  54. >how dare this Nightmare thing, force you to see all that debauchery, only for you to see him using your friend like his his sex toy.
  56. >you say angerily in the royal canterlot voice.
  57. >after you finish, you notice their is no more Cries of pleasure instead it looks like every has stoped what they were doing and is now looking at you.
  58. >the creature looks at you his small eyes staring into you, you notice he has a arrogant smile across his.
  59. >however it seems like his attention is still more focused on the hopefully fake twilight, as he turns away and starts rubbing her cunt again.
  60. >the fake twilight let’s out whoreish moan, of pleasure.
  61. “Well honestly I don’t really summon you here, one of my slaves just brought you here, my guess is that she was hoping I would enslave you and add you to the harem which is probably what I will do.”
  62. >you don’t know what angered you more, What this creature intended to do, or the completely casual way he said.
  63. >”how dare you, say just things fowl beast.”
  64. >you charged magic into your horn, your blue aura covering your horn, then you began to cast an attack spell.
  65. >once ready you fire the controlled magical energy at what you can only describe as the beast.
  66. >but before your attack can connect, your blue beam, dissolves upon a purple shield.
  67. >you start to hear mares panicking and talking, their silence ended.
  68. >your eyes go wide, as you look down and see the fake twilight, her horn glowing as she generates the shield, as you look further down you notice her face, her expression pure hatred In her eyes, filled with what look like pure death, if looks could kill, you believe you would have already been dead, or at least this form dissipated.
  69. >you consider leaving the nightmare right now, it is confirmed that this is not twilight, and this nightmare seems to be a lot more powerful that you thought, and more than that it seems intelligent as well which is going to be a big problem.
  70. >as you contemplated you feel something slammed onto your head, some visor of something, then all of a sudden you feel pain, coming from your temples.
  71. >“what the”
  72. >you scream in total confusion, the visor starts to show you colours that middle obscure your view.
  73. >you gather your aura and cast a spell to destroy the glasses, and you even more surprised when your magic does nothing to glass.
  74. >from a family voice, you hear.
  75. “Got her master.”
  76. >you look up to see rainbow dash heading towards the cre, to her master, you don’t know why the fake rainbow is serving him, but it still annoys you to see your freinds treated like this.
  77. >you see rainbow, land next to that creature
  78. >well you are looking at that powerful being, and HIS SLAVES tend to him, you notice his tool.
  79. >his massive cock throbs, you notice his cock shine, with saliva, and his cum,
  80. >it was, so different from any cock you knew about it did not have a flair or a ring or anything else,
  81. Instead it was long like a tree trunk, with a long pink top kinda like a mushroom or a spear.
  82. >you suppose the tip was perfect for penetrating just like a spear.
  83. >you shake your head and notice some saliva on the ground, you then notice that you were drooling as you looked at this handsome creature.
  84. >what’s happening to you, why are you drooling what are these goggles why did Rainbow put them on you.
  85. >as you think, you find your mind getting more and more hazy.
  86. >why did, he put the googles on you, do they restrain you in anyway.
  87. >no, they don’t, or you don’t think they do.
  88. >do they prevent you from using magic.
  89. >no you charged your horn earlier so it doesn’t look like it does that.
  90. >even though you are staring a hypnotized orgy of mares it takes a while for you to come to realization that these googles are controlling your mind.
  91. >but if that’s the cases why aren’t you already mindless, sombras magic works like that, and chrysalis has similar magic, why does this creatures magic take so long to take effect.
  92. “Cre… crea… creat… be.”
  93. > why can’t I call creature or beast, **because he is far to perfect to be called that.**
  94. >I suppose that makes sense.
  95. “Oh Handsome powerful creature, what do these goggles do, do they mind control me.”
  96. >he smugly smiles, at you
  97. >”why yes Luna they do, and Don’t worry in a short while you will be just like twilight over here, now Luna why don’t you get a closer look, at twilight and come over here.”
  98. >you start walking towards, towards your, your master.
  99. >okay I have to to get out of this now.
  100. >so you decide to leave this dream, you close your eyes, and focus on leaving the dream, after a few seconds you open them again expecting to see the void between dreams, but instead you see the same goggles in front of you, and your master in front of you.
  101. >your master, moves his weird flesh sticks, towards your rear, well you sit my face on the ground panting like a bitch in heat.
  102. >his not claws finally reach your rear, running them across, your flank.
  103. >you feel a surge of warm pleasing warmth starting in your cunt, before washing over your whole body.
  104. >you moan in orgasmic pleasure as he touches you for the first time.
  105. >do u like my hands Luna.”
  106. >you answer in without thinking your words.
  108. >so that’s what those weird flesh claws were called hands.
  109. >”That’s good to hear, Luna you are going to get a lot more acquainted with them.”
  110. >He then squeezes your flank, his hands pushing deep onto your soft rear.
  111. >your cutie mark being stretched and covered by his hands.
  112. >he is grabbing, squeezing and coving the symbol that marks your destiny.
  113. >your lip quivers as you let out another moan, as you realize that as he is playing with your flank, he is also demonstrating that your destiny is his.
  114. >a shrinking part of you, is telling you that this is wrong, but the googles fight it off, before it can effect your thoughts anymore.
  115. >”Wow Luna, you really are horny, are you normally this pent up.”
  116. “Yes master, We have not had sex since before our banishment.”
  117. >he pauses for a second, in what you hope is surprise.
  118. >”Why have you not done anything in that long, I would have thought that you would have had serval chances.”
  119. >he says in utter surprise.
  120. ”well we had serval ponies, show interest we are above them all and, since we got back the only pony we considered, was our sister, we wished to continue things with her, but she has been quite hesitant, so we have been suck with our magic and hooves.”
  121. >”wait you have fucked your sister, Luna that’s so hot she is such a fine piece of ass.”
  122. “Yes she is, master.”
  123. >you say without thinking.
  124. >you notice that you can’t hear that voice anymore, you know it’s still there, but the googles are silencing it now, it’s as if any idea of disobedience, is being drowned out in the googles white noise.
  125. >”But Luna have you ever had anyone other than your sister.”
  126. “Uhh no We have not master.”
  127. >”Might I ask why Luna.”
  128. “Well master We never felt that anyone else was worthy of me, sure some of the mares were cute or good looking, but they couldn’t really compete with my sister, well I sometimes had them play with them self for us, I never really felt the need to do something with them.”
  129. >”what about the stallions Luna.”
  130. “We were never really interested in stallions, but sister had some stallions preform for us.”
  131. >”what do u mean by preform.”
  132. “Sister wanted us to know how sex worked and well we had a practical understanding, we had never seen it, and after the first demonstration, we had the stallions show us a the basics.”
  133. >”can you elaborate, on what you saw and felt.”
  134. “first, we saw a stallion, fuck a mares pussy, she moaned like a total whorse, and well it looked like she enjoyed it, we didn’t think it was for us. After that we saw a different couple do anal, and it looked like and felt the same, then we saw oral sex and what a blowjob is.”
  135. >you say your tone shifting.
  136. >”did you not enjoy seeing that mare suck cock.”
  137. “Of course we didn’t enjoy it, the whole thing was completely vulgar, no proud pony would allow themselves to be debased in such a manner.”
  138. >you say confidently, hoping master would agree, as you turn to face him, you are disappointed when you notice how his face does not show compete agreement, but instead looks confused.
  139. >”so you have never sucked a dick before or thought about sucking one Luna.”
  140. >he says amused.
  141. “Of course we have not debased ourselves so master, we have never even touched a dick before much less sucked one, and thinking about sucking one, makes us want to vomit, we are a noble princess of equestria and we would never humiliate ourselves so.”
  142. >”really Luna, tell me who owns your holes.”
  143. “Why you master of course, as you own all of us.”
  144. >you say confused.
  145. >”yes I do Luna, and that is why I can order you to suck my cock,”
  146. >as he says those words, the shrinking part of your resistance, which you could not hear for so long screams out, yelling at you to resist, as master brings up a subject which you have had complete and utter disgust for, serval millennia.

Mind Control Thread Archive

by HypnoMCThreadArchive