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Sweetie Belle Hypnotizes Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara
By HypnoMCThreadArchiveCreated: 2023-10-10 23:36:12
Expiry: Never
Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:58:40
>Silverspoon snatches her glasses back from Sweetie Belle and put them on. Already something appeared strange. Sweetie Belle grinned madly at her through a yellowish filter.
“Wait. These aren’t my glasses. Ouch!”
>Silver spoon felt a pin stab into her temples. She grabbed the goggles and tried pulling, but it was too painful to take off.
“Yay! It worked!” Sweetie Belle’s voice squeaked as she gave a jump for joy.
“Was this some kind of prank? It’s not funny! Get them off!”
“Oh, it’s not funny? Neither were the ten million horrible things you did to me and my friends! But now it’s payback time. With these hypnogoggles, I’m going to correct your personality.”
“Hypnogoggles?” Sivlerspoon failed to take them off again. “You’re seriously enough of a dork to believe those kinds of things? Did you get this from the back of some lame comic book or something?”
“It’s not lame! They can make you do or think anything I want you to.”
“Oh? Can they make me see you as less of a loser? Fat chance!”
“That’s exactly the plan!” Sweetie Belle’s smile filled her vision. “Goggles, activate brainwashing. Um. You will see me as your princess from now on. You’ll think I’m perfect in every way. I’m the prettiest and most talented pony and my voice is the greatest thing in the world. You don’t have any right to question me.”
“Yeah, sure.” Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. “You’re a princess. Totally. Can you take these off n-“
<Sweetie Belle was a princess, Silver Spoon thought. She really was perfect in every way…
>Silver Spoon shook her head. She didn’t think that! Did she?
<Sweetie Belle was so beautiful! That smile that annoyed her a second ago now shone like the sun and-
“Gah! What’s happening?!” Silver Spoon tried to take the goggles off again, failing.
>Spiral patterns and flashing lights began to emerge. The intrusive thoughts ran came back, stronger than before.
<Sweetie Belle was perfect! Silver Spoon stopped to stare in awe at how beautiful she was. She felt almost ashamed to stand next to such a perfect.
“No!” Silver Spoon grit her teeth.
<Sweetie Belle was a princess! Silver Spoon knew she had no right to question a pony this great…
>Sweetie Belle giggled madly.
<It was the most beautiful sound in the world! Silver Spoon wanted to do anything she could to make Sweetie Belle laugh.
<Sweetie Belle is perfect.
<Sweetie Belle is perfect.
>No! No!
”Daw! You look so cute struggling like this!” Sweetie Belle booped her nose. “Look at your scrunched up little muzzle. I could just watch this all day.”
<Her touch felt amazing. Sweetie belle was perfect.
“N-no!” Silver Spoon winced as hard as she could. “You won’t get what you want! You’re not…
>Silver Spoon contorted her face in all kinds of ways, much to the amusement of Sweetie Belle.
<Amusement that was totally worth it.
<Sweetie Belle was perfect. She was a princess!
<Sweetie Belle was perfect. She was a princess!
>But the goggles wouldn’t let her close her eyes long. She felt them forced back open, forcing her to look at the swirl and colors once more.
>“There there.” Sweetie Belle sat down next to her. “It’s okay for you to struggle like this. It’s really satisfying watching you squirm around. But you gotta accept you won’t be doing anything but amusing me from now on. I already won, silly.”
<Silver Spoon looked at Sweetie Belle in awe. Her voice was perfect. Her face was perfect. Sweetie Belle was perfect.
<She was so nice to help Silver Spoon like this, comfort her when she was going through such a hard transition.
“I won’t! You’re not being nice, you’re…”
>“Shh. Shh.” Sweetie Belle stroked her back. “Just relax, okay. We’ll be friends once you accept that I’m your princess now.”
“You’d… really be my friend?”
<Silver Spoon looked up at Sweetie Belle In awe of her perfection.
“Nnnn! No… You’re not…”
>”Perfect? That’s what you’re going to believe, right?”
<Sweetie Belle was…
>Sweetie Belle was perfect.
>She… really WAS a princess.
>Silver Spoon got it now. She never had the right to talk back to or question such a perfect being in the first place. Looking at her radiant smile, she knew there was nothing more beautiful in all the world.
>The spirals vanished. Silver Spoon tapped the goggles, but knew she no longer needed them to see the truth any more.
“Feeling better now?” Sweetie Belle smiled smugly and pressed her cheek against Silver Spoon’s
“I… yes.” Silver Spoon blushed. “Ma’am? Can… can I call you princess? It’d feel weird otherwise.”
“Heee! Of course you can!” Sweetie Belle patted her on the head. “You’ll be giving me a lot more respect from now on!”
“Of course!” Silver Spoon nodded eagerly. She NEEDED the approval of such a perfect pony. “I would never tease you! There’s… nothing to tease! I don’t even know what I was thinking before!”
>Crticising Sweetie Belle seemed like an oxymoron at this point. You couldn’t crticisie perfection!
“I’m glad you’re starting to see the truth! But the gap between us isn’t big enough. I need to be even more vastly superior to you. It’s what I deserve after all the bullying you put me through.”
“I agree,” Silver Spoon couldn’t even imagine questioning her at this point. “But how can that even be possible? I mean, you’re already perfect in every way…”
“The only way for me to be better is for you to be worse.”
“What to you mean?” Silver Spoon asked.
“Ahem!” Sweetie Belle cleared her throat. “Brainwashing activate! Silver Spoon, I want you to be believe you’re a total loser barely worthy of licking my hoof. Zero self-esteem, please! You’ll see yourself as the worst filly in class in every way. Even Snails is cooler than you.”
>The spirals appeaered once again.
by HypnoMCThreadArchive