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Anon Hypnotizes Cozy Glow
By HypnoMCThreadArchiveCreated: 2023-10-10 23:37:38
Updated: 2023-10-10 23:44:57
Expiry: Never
Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 23:16:28
>Cozy Glow walked through ponyvile, carrying things in her saddle bags and wearing her collar, a scowl on your face.
>you understood why you had to wear her collar to make the stupid ponies around her think she was being punished and could not walk around freely but did your master have to taunt you about it so much?
>you knew ponies were still quite worried about you after your villainous behaviour, and well, master put you in your place and reshaped your mind and filled it with serval triggers. But, of course, they did not know that.
>the ponies and other creatures, ponyvile thought your master Anon was trying to reform you and make you a better pony.
>well, they weren't wrong about master doing that.
>Cozy snickered, as she thought, but instead of words and friendship, he used mind control and his cock to make me a 'better pony.'
>you knock on Anon's door, and like a good puppet, you wait for him to respond.
>after a short while, you hear his footsteps and notice that he is standing right behind his door.
>you patiently wait for Anon to open, but he doesn't, so after a few minutes, you fly towards the open window next to the door and go through it. After closing the window, you
see Anon looking at you, smiling.
>as you enter his house, you hear.
> "what are you doing, Cozy Glow, and why did you enter through the window."
"I was returning with the groceries you asked me to get, and I went through the window because you were not opening the door."
>" I more meant why did you not wait for me to open the door."
>you reply in your signature know it all voice.
>" Well, master, you were sitting there and doing nothing, so I thought I would fly through the window so I didn't have to wait."
>Anon smiles as he picks you up and walks into his room.
>" Oh, cozy I was waiting there to teach you patience. So that's why I didn't open the door and left you out there.”
>” but why? That is just a waste of our time, and if you don't like something about me, you can change it in a far easier way.”
>as you both enter his room, he sets you down on a chair.
>” Oh, Cozy, you are just such a CUTTIE when you are confused.”
>as soon as he said, CUTTIE, one of your triggers.
>you felt a wave of arousal wash over you. The warm wave causes your body to ache with need, especially in your nether region.
>You can feel your mouth, cunt and ass begging to be claimed again by your master's cock.
>but it was not just your holes that wanted attention.
>You could feel your entire body craving his touch.
>You just wanted to throw yourself at his clothed body.
>”Cozy Glow, STAY ON the chair you are sitting in.”
>But before you could rush your master's sexy body, he said another trigger, this one preventing you from leaving a place your master sets or moving at all if he wishes. In this case, it is the chair you are sitting in right now.
>you wonder what master is going to do next.
>He has put so many triggers in your pony mind, and you only know some of them, and well, you would normally make an effort to learn them all.
>You know, if your master wanted you to know them, he would have told you.
>as you think, you keep rubbing your rear on the chair, hoping to get some relief.
> you rub your cunt on the cushion, hoping the friction will fulfil your rear lips.
> Even as your actions start to stain the cushion with your juices, you don't care.
>You keep rubbing yourself hard and faster before then moving a hoof to your teats.
>The hoof runs along your mosquito-like teats, hoping to get relief.
>it moves rapidly and in sync with your chair, humping as your hoof slaps and rubs your teats; however, all your actions do is increase your frustration.
“Please fuck me Anon I need your amazing human cock in my small slutty holes please give me what I need.”
>your desperate cry comes flying out of your mouth.
>Anon sits on his bed and slowly takes off his shirt.
>”hmm I don't know if I want to fuck you right now Cozy.”
>Anon puts a finger to his lips and makes a shh noise in the middle of your speech, and you suddenly shut up, your shooting coming to a quick end as you are unable to talk.
>after a shirt while he removes his finger from his lip,
>”Cozy I want you to tell me what you are.”
“I am your slave, master.”
>you reply instinctively.
>” that's right, you are, but it looks like you might have forgotten that as you are making demands of me right now.
>that very idea horrifies you, but before you can defend yourself, Anon raises his finger to his lips, and you can't speak again.
>"Well, I know you want to be and think of yourself as my slave Cozy."
>you feel a brief sensation of warmth as master reminds you of your place before it is taken away.
>"but you still have some problems fully accepting that I know best that my will is your law."
>you try to argue, but you can't speak.
>it's so hot; how he can stop me from speaking like that. >You are again reminded of your inability to cum, and your strong desire to do so.
>Master, seemingly recognizing your desire to say something, removes his finger from his lips and places his hands on his pants.
>now that you can speak again, you rush to defend yourself
"Wait, master, I know you think I am being disobedient and am not listening to your will, but I am your loyal slave. I know that you are always right, I know that your thoughts are superior to mine, your thoughts will always take priority over mine, and I will always obey you with gleeful devotion like the submissive slave that I am."
>master looks at you and smiles.
>"Cozy, I am loving your energy, but you are contradicting yourself you are saying that my thoughts override yours, but at the same time, you are arguing with me, telling me to adopt your view."
>the realization of what master just said hits you like a truck, he was right you were supposed to be his perfect slave, yet you were arguing with him and even dismissing his thoughts he was right you were very flawed.
"I am sorry, master, that I have been such a bad slave, master."
>you say meaning every word.
>"Thank you, Cozy Glow, that's better .. but this is not fully your fault, you have lived the past serval years being way smarter and having more understanding than everyone around you. So it is understandable that you became deeply self-centred and narcissistic, so much so that it became a core, if not the core, trait of your personality. So I can understand why you are still so self-important after only one mind-control session.
>you shake your head, realizing how much you still have to go if you want to be a good slave.
>"another thing that probably added to your narcissism was your cutie mark and how you viewed it, tell me, Cozy, What do you think your cutie mark means?
>a bit taken back by the question you answer.
"Well, master I know my Cutie mark shows my ability to manipulate others; it's a chess piece, and like how others move chess pieces on a board, mine shows how I can turn others into pawns and move them around like chess pieces."
>master looked at you with a knowing look before saying.
>"well, that's partially correct the answer is also Incomplete."
>What do you mean the answer is incomplete, you think to yourself and are horrified when you realize how right master is about your training.
>but now that you know your wrongs, you can better fix them, so instead of making an outburst with your previous thought, you calmly respond with.
"What do you mean, master can you tell me what I am missing, and you were right about me having thoughts that contradicted what you said about me."
>"well, Cozy, it's good to hear that you are learning what's wrong with you, and it's good to see your progress."
>you blush as a wave of pleasure courses through your body, completely overpowering the feeling of your hoof on your little cunny.
>"and to answer your previous question Cozy Glow, well you are right about how chess is involved in your talent. Why is your cutie mark a rook, if your cutie mark was all about you manipulating people and using them as your chess pieces, then shouldn't the mark be your hoof on a pawn or that of a king, but instead, it's a rook why is that?"
>Well, you understand his question you don't have an answer, so you shamefully say.
"I don't know, master. Can you please tell me?"
>"Cozy well your mark says that you are good at controlling others and making them your pawns. However, you have to remember that a rook, well far more important, is still a piece on the chess board that the player controls. Do you understand Cozy?
"I think, are you saying that my cutie mark is about not just getting others to obey but also obeying someone else."
>"Yes, Cozy. Remember, Cutie marks can be linked to a pony's destiny, and I believe that it is your destiny to obey me. So I think you will be a very important and reliable piece of mine, much like a rook."
>you nod your head.
"I understand, master."
>"Well, that's good to hear.
>master takes this opportunity to take off his pants and underwear; as he slowly takes the last of his clothes off, pulling them off his body, and when they leave his crotch, you find yourself drawn to his cock. You can't take your eyes off the thick meaty domination rod. That is his cock. You start to drool seeing his perfection, and visions of him claiming the holes that are by all rights his and that you happen to be using fill your head.
>"Cozy, well I was going to make you wait an hour for relief. But, you have shown some amazing growth, so I am only going to make you wait five more minutes, okay, CUTTIE."
>as soon as he says your trigger, you feel another rush of arousal.
"oh fuck."
>you cry out then, trying to get some more relief then what you are getting from just rubbing your hoof on your Nethers You try to jam your hoof inside your cunt, imaging it's the glorious rod in front of you, to sate your urges and well, it felt good, it by no means satisfies your urges.
>master them gets up and you are crestfallen as he turns away, preventing you from seeing his front side.
>master then walks away to his nightstand then, turns around, and once more, you see his cock, and your face lights up again, you think he has something in his hand but it is too hard to look away from his rod, and onto something else, eventually he sits on the bed, and you can see what looks to be a book from your side vision.
>"Oh Cozy, I loved how you became immediately crestfallen after I turned around only for you to regain all you excitement upon seeing me again. You are such a CUTTIE."
>Fuck I need him more you start panting and fall over on the chair, still looking at him and trying to shove one of your forelegs up your pussy. You then take the opportunity to use on of your rear legs to try and penetrate your asshole, but it's too tight.
"Master, that's not fair. I don't know how much more I can take."
>"What did you SAY CUTTIE."
>you hear him chuckle.
>you yell out
>"all right fine I will do you the honour of cutting your short punishment even shorter and fucking you right now."
>his hand touching your belly.
>you feel a surge of pleasure as Anon touches you
> and well, it feels better than your hoof it's not what you need, no you can only gain the relief you need with his cock.
>he slams his toy onto his bed, grabbing your forelegs and pushing them to the mattress.
>effectively binding you there, and before you can do anything else, he also jumps on the bed.
>His form takes up your vision as he holds you there.
He doesn't waste another moment as he thrusts his cock into your aching pussy.
>As his cock makes contact with your pussy you let out a whorish moan.
>you yell as your Arousal leaks all over his bed, as you squirt in the middle of his first thrust.
>you squirm trying to better accept him pumping into you, but it hard with the comical difference in size between the two of you and with him hold you in place.
>but eventually, he stops pinning your forelegs and starts to stop bending his back.
>You take the opportunity to his crotch.
>Once again, Anon collapses on top of you, pinning you there, but this time with his chest instead of his hands.
>you feel the warmth on your belly as his chest rubs against you during his thrusts.
>each thrust feeling better than the first one filling you with inexplainable pleasure as he gets deeper and deeper inside you.
>his Chrotch now slamming into your teats after every thrust pushing you against the deep mattress.
>you squirm, and your moans become jibberish as the sound of slapping fills the room.
>master just keeps fucking you, and you lose track of time as you become completely lost in the depraved act.
>The room is filled with the pleasant scent of your lovemaking, your screams of pleasure and devotion becoming more and more incoherent.
"Mash TER thqaK YoouUU."
>your vision just filled with his thrusting chest.
>However, all that was nothing compared to what you felt as he thrusted into you your little slave cunt, which radiated pleasure, and as that pleasure fried all your higher thought, all you could do was instinctively hump him hoping your action would let his cock give you more pleasure.
>during your animal-fueled debauchery, you soaked the sheets and blankets with your sweat, cum and drool. Eventually, you were soaked in these liquids, and they had formed a puddle which you were being smashed into again and again as master thrusted into you.
>master started to increase his pace and said, between grunts.
>"CozZZy, I am going to cum take it all.... take it like a good filly."
>It was then that he started cum, sending his warm seed into your thirsty quivering cunt.
>The Hot injection into your deepest area brought you to new highs of pleasure, and well, you would have loved to say that you took all of masters glorious seed like you were supposed to; that would be a lie.
>as during his Climax, you passed out.
>More than Thirty minutes later, you would wake up to the smell of sex filling the room.
>groggily, you looked around and noticed the stained bed and master sitting in his chair reading a book.
"Ah, hello master."
>he looks over to you and says.
>"it's good to see that you are up, Cozy. I was a worried when you passed out. Well, I was fucking you."
>As master says that, you start to worry that you didn't bring him enough satisfaction and that you failed him.
>nervously, you ask.
"uhh, did I do well, master? I mean, I loved every second of I, but you passed out when I started to cum right after I told you to take it all, so I ended up having some of my cum stain the bed instead of filling your filly cunt like I wanted.
You also couldn't clean my cock with your mouth since you were passed out. But other than that, I guess you were good."
>you had failed, master. That was the message that filled your mind, and it caused you heartache.
"can I clean your cock now, master? You know, give you a quick blowjob to clean you up."
>you say, giving him your best seductive face.
>"No, I already cleaned up Cozy I was just watching over you until you woke up, to make sure you were fine."
>he then exited the room, and you felt awful, you were supposed to be his rook somepony who was reliable and then you passed out in the middle of sex and thus could not do your job.
>you exit the room feeling down as Masters words come back to you.
>you head to the bathroom as if on autopilot and start to
>you remember how he complained about how your brainwashing took so much effort and time and how you still complained afterwards, and On top of that, you were unreliable, the one thing he said you should be.
>You sigh and keep thinking to yourself. Master didn't deserve a failure of a slave like you; he deserved someone better.
>In fact, the only reason you were lucky enough even to be enslaved by him was that he said he would reform you. But that was not the whole truth. He wanted to test his device on you and make you his pet.
>If only there was another pony that had been in your place instead, he could have gotten a far better slave and would have been happy with her.
>wait, is this what shame feels like? You had never felt it before, but this felt what like you thought it would feel like.
>At the realization, another thought pops into your head
if you felt shame about being master's slave, then that would mean that it would have been wrong for him to enslave you, and you know that master told you that this was not a mistake, so there had to be a purpose.
>supressing your shame, you think, well, I am certainly not worthy to serve master, as I am now, but as a good filly, I should try. I am also smart, so what is a way that I could always be able to keep up with master's orders?
> after a few minutes, you realize there is simply no way that you could always keep up with everything your master wants you to do.
>that is it; that is what you will do.
>first, you head back to master's room and change the sheets and blanket for the bed, putting the old ones in a washing machine
>Then you head to the bathroom, get in a bathtub, and start cleaning yourself using way too much soap to get rid of the scent of sex.
>once you are triple sure you smell normal
>like master said you had to after we had sex so ponies would not be suspicious, you dry off.
>After that, you get the stuff you need and put them in your saddlebags and walk out the door.
>as you walk around ponyvile you think.
>Well, you could not provide for all master's wants and needs yourself, but if you had help it would be a lot easier, but who would make a good slave for master.
>You remember him talking about how he loved fucking your filly body the first time he fucked you.
>So it would have to be a filly, but if you enslaved a filly, you would also have to make it, so there was not trouble with their guardians, so who?
>Well, lots of fillies crossed your mind, like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who would both be great, since not only were they quite fuckable they were both the only heirs to massive fortunes.
>But the problem of guardians came up again and again, you knew it would be very hard to get either's parents alone to brainwash, and you didn't want to cause more trouble for master, so for now, you had to find somepony else.
>you then thought of the young six but most of them were not ponies, and you didn't know the effect of the device on.
>after a bit more thinking, the perfect pony came to mind.
>so you developed a plan; and with that out of the way you headed to Carousel Boutique
>before you get there you, make sure that Sweetie is playing with her friends and will be busy for the next few hours.
>Once you confirm that Sweetie Belle is with her friends, and apparently they are helping some ponies figure out what their cutie marks mean, after looking into it you realize that they were booked for serial hours.
>with Sweetie out of the way, you can begin your plan.
>you knock on Rarity's door.
>Rarity opened the door with a smile on her face.
>" Hello, Cozy Glow. What are you doing here."
"Well, Rarity, I am here for a few reasons. First I want to say that I am sorry for how I acted, especially If I hurt you. I also wanted to ask you for some advice if you would be willing."
>" Of course, I can give you some advice, Darling, come in, and let's talk."
>Rarity turns around and walks inside.
>" come along, darling and let me give you some advice."
>you shut the door and follow Rarity inside her house.
"Thanks, Rarity, I really appreciate it."
>she goes to her room, you follow her when she gets to her room she falls on her couch.
>" so darling what do you need my advice for."
"Well Rarity I wanted your help in marketing a kinda fashion product, and with you being so good at marketing fashion, I wanted your advice."
> Rarity looks at you surprised before her face beams
>" oh that is great to hear, darling. Also what made you want to go into fashion darling."
"Well, I have always been good at reading ponies and knowing what they want, so I figured that maybe I could try and use this talent to figure out future trends."
>"oh that's wonderful to hear, Darling it's always good to see ponies turn over a new leaf, do you have your fashion ‘product’ with you cozy.”
“Oh yes, I do, Rarity. I had the idea when I realized how unfashionable most glasses are, so I made a visor that could change its colour depending on the situation, it checks for any eye problems, and after calibrating, it gives you the optimal viewing experience.”
>” oh, that's great to hear glasses are so unfashionable. However, I understand why they are needed, and all but ponies could at least put some effort into making them look good, right.”
“That's right, I wanted to give those ponies the chance to look better in a way no pony had really thought of before.”
>you pull out the hypno gear from your saddle bag and place it on the table.
>you can tell Rarity is a bit shocked at the design.
“I know they look a bit weird, but they are a prototype, and it was harder than I thought to get everything working, I was hoping you could try them on and then we could go over making them look better, after we take some notes.”
>”oh that's a great idea, Cozy.”
>you turn on the hypno gear on a lower setting, not wanting to scare Rarity.
> You then pick it up, walk over to her, put the visor on her head, right above her eyes and put the headphones in her ears.
>you smile as the goggles work.
>Rarity looks a little confused before saying.
>”Uhh cozy, it's a bit hard to see properly out of these things, and do you really need things in your ears to help you see.”
“Oh Rarity, that's just the calibration phase, it's used to see if you have any eye problems and then correct them. It will only last a while it's best to just not worry about that; now Can you please start modelling them. I want to know what style fits these glasses best."
>you don't mention the headphones; hoping she will just start putting on dresses and modelling for the goggles.
>"sure, that sounds like a great idea, Cozy."
>this was perfect Rarity loves modelling and wearing tons of different dresses, by the time she finishes trying them, all on the Hypno gear will have changed her mind.
>you sit down and rarity comes out wearing dress after dress looking at herself in the mirror for a bit before going back and changing.
>each time she comes out she looks happier and happier. >After about 20 minutes pass, Rarity walks over to you, with a smile on her face.
>"Oh, Cozy. I must admit I was a bit skeptical at first, but after a while, I was struck. With all sorts of inspiration for these glasses, I can imagine a whole new style that's techno-based, is there anything I can do to repay you cozy
>"Rarity, you are already doing me a favour by modelling these glasses, in fact I should be repaying you, for modelling them but if you really like them I could show you a few other things they could do."
>her face lights up
>"really can you show them to me?"
"of course, rarity."
>you go into your saddlebags and pull out a remote First you lock the hypno gear on her head and then turn the effectiveness from the lowest setting to the highest one.
>the needles jab into Rarity's head and her face scrunches for a second before her emotions start to melt.
>"Cozy... isss happening."
"don't worry about it just relax, this is meant to help you relax you want to relax don't you Rarity."
>"yess relaaax."
"you trust the glasses and what they say right."
>"Whaaat theeey saaayyyy Thiiings."
"Yes they do and you like listening to them remember."
>"yeeesh I do."
"that is good just watch and listen."
>"waatch annd Lissten."
>you then wait for the glasses to do there work and start looking around for a book to pass the time. you find a book on the history of fashion well rarity's mind is being rewritten.
>you sit down, start reading, and bring a hoof to your cunt, and play with yourself, watching Rarity's blank face
>you remember when you were in her situation, having your mind blanked then being rewritten to suit master's wants, oh my god it was so hot.
>after about an hour and a half. You notice that Rarity's mind has been completely rewritten.
>you walk over to Rarity a pool of drool under her. The goggles probably finished their work a while ago.
>well, you were going to turn them off and talk to masters newest slave, an idea came to mind.
"Rarity can you hear me."
>"yes I can."
>Rarity responded without a hint of emotion in her voice.
"Rarity masters cock is perfect and just the thought of it gets you wet right."
>"yes it does master is so perfect."
>she says happy to say the words.
"yes he is in fact he and his cock are so perfect that if he fucked fillies with it you would get so wet right."
>"yes it would get me wet."
"You would find it so arousing maybe even more than sex with him, right."
>"uhh maybe."
"well, just think about him fucking fillies, you know, and rub yourself to the idea."
>you didn't know how effective this would be, but it should, at the very least, make her a lot more aroused at the idea of master fucking fillies.
>all you could do was wait as Rarity played with herself robotically, another puddle forming under her as she came and came still without showing any expression.
>eventually, you decide enough is enough and walk over to her and turn the Googles off.
> you then put them back into your saddlebags and her blank expression starts to fill with emotions again.
>"oh, thank you, darling. That was not at all what I expected, but I would not change a thing."
"that is good to hear, Rarity, but can you tell me how you feel."
>"oh great, now that you have made me one of Masters slaves , Thank you Cozy, I can't wait to please our master, I hope he likes my mouth and flank."
“Oh, that is wonderful, but I am afraid you will have to wait a bit longer, Rarity. We still have some stuff to do Before going back.”
>Rarity smiled a coy smile.
>”Oh and what do we have to do, Cozy glow.”
>this is the moment when you see how effective your chat with Rarity when she was tranced was.
“Well Rarity we still need to enslave your little sister Sweetie Belle. Can you imagine our riding master's cock well we worship his balls like the good little slave mares we are.”
>she shudders at your words and you don't have to be behind her to know that she is winking.
>” Oh my, that sounds so hot I feel like I can hear Sweetie cry out in pleasure as master thrusts into and out of her cunt over and over again, her tiny form bouncing on his cock, Sweetie’s moans and cries would quickly lose meaning, her words becoming a slurry of noises which we know nothing about other than how much she loves pleasing her master.”
>you interrupt, Rarity’s rant with a cocky tone
“I am sorry but isn't her sole purpose to please master anyway, so I don't think we would see the difference.”
>Rarity chuckled
>” I suppose your right, darling.”
“So Rarity, do you know when Sweetie belle is coming back I certainly want to get back to master, and I am sure your new whorish self would love to start sucking his cock.”
>”oh she should be back soon in fact I should probably get her it is getting pretty late.”
>Rarity then adds in a far more amused tone
>”Also it's quite rude to call me whoreish Cozy Glow, I am a virgin also I think you should more polite you don't want master to punish you for being a bad filly, though I would most certainly enjoy watching master put you and sweetie bell over his lap and give you both a spanking.”
“why would Sweetie belle also be punished.”
>” Well, you know how much trouble they cause. I am sure master has a few pent-up grievances.”
“Well, I suppose that's true, But what do you want to do now, well we wait for Sweetie”
>”well you could tell me all of master’s plan, I know it involves mind-controlling myself and my sister but can you explain the rest.”
>feeling very embarrassed you say.
“Here's the thing master does not really know about this.”
>Rarity says, completely and utterly perplexed.
by HypnoMCThreadArchive