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Shining Armor Journal Entries

By HypnoMCThreadArchive
Created: 2023-10-10 23:38:40
Updated: 2023-10-10 23:45:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Archival Date: 2023-02-15 23:11:36
  3. >Shining Armour journal entry one.
  4. >Your little sister Twilight sparkle and her colt friend anon are visiting the crystal empire.
  5. >Well you will admit the human is different you can see how happy he makes your sister and he makes her happy so you are happy they are together.
  6. >they also brought these weird goggles which could help ponies, communicate and store information, they suggested how they could be used fo the crystal empire defence force.
  7. >and after trying them out, you gave them to the rest of the guards and some other government officials to test them out.
  8. >Shining Armour journal entry two.
  9. >time one month
  10. >in the month that the crystal empire had acquired the googles, the nation had been running great.
  11. >the guard made great use of the instant communication abilities the goggles granted, completing many exercises which otherwise would have been near impossible to them.
  12. >teachers used them to look up and send material to their students which would have taken ages to find previously.
  13. >you already asked for more of these goggles, and if a few days, the first shipment would arrive.
  14. >the added communications made everything easier and left the ponies that used them a lot more free time to focus on things they loved.
  15. >Cadence has been really taking advantage of all the time she has to try and spice up the bedroom.
  16. >almost every day, she wears something different.
  17. >last night, she wore these beautiful black stockings and a pair of bright blue panties that hugged her ass.
  18. >I could not take my eyes off the garments. They looked so good. My cock went out of its sheath just looking at them.
  19. >she smiled at me as she backed up and started rubbing her flank in my face.
  20. > I could not stop myself after that. I just mounted her and started rutting her.
  21. > I thought about taking the panties off, but it would be a shame if some pony were not wearing them, and they felt great against my cock as I shoved my cock into her tight pussy.
  22. >the fabric felt like a warm, soft velvety glove wrapped around my cock, combined with my wife's Vice-like grip, had me cumming within only a few minutes.
  23. >Shining Armour journal entry three
  24. >it has been two months since Shining started his journal and wearing the goggles.
  25. >it has been a long and fruitful month.
  26. >the next shipment of goggles arrived, and now most of the crystal empire wears them, including everypony that works in the castle.
  27. >the company even set up an office here to help ponies find the goggles that are best for them and thanks to the crystal empire subsidizes, the goggles are free for anypony.
  28. >well, some ponies in court ask that they are made mandatory, some are objecting saying that there are not enough goggles in the empire, which is sadly true.
  29. >on a more positive note, the goggles have helped lots of ponies open up different and usually more modern stores.
  30. >including a lot of sex shops, and well, I don't want these shops in the open and am happy they are hidden. I am still proud the empire I manage is becoming a more modern nation.
  31. >on a more depressing note, I have found it hard and shared to keep up with my wife, Cadence.
  32. > I do everything I can to try and keep up with her, but she is an alicorn, and I am not.
  33. >every night after we finish, I am exhausted, and she still has tons of energy.
  34. >the nights where I can't even make her cum once are happening all the more frequently, and i feel terrible I just want to please her and have her happy, but I just can't.
  35. >the worst part is that Cadence is not mad at all.
  36. >In fact, she is still trying to make me happy and find new ways to satisfy me.
  37. >after noticing how much feminine clothes turn me on, she suggested I try them on, and i loved them and now wear them in our bedroom all the time.
  38. >that was two weeks ago
  39. >last night she spent 20 minutes making me look pretty.
  40. >by the time she was done, I was wearing these pretty blue panties that cuddled my cock.
  41. >a pair of dark purple stockings that were raised to my ass.
  42. >then she put on some nice pink lipstick on my puffy lips, some eyeliner, some blush and then did my mane.
  43. >once she was done, I looked in the mirror and instantly got hard from how I looked and gave my all to pleasing cadence but I only lasted a few minutes and thrusts after i came i kept thrusting as hard and as fast as I could even as my cock softened.
  44. >she then told me to stop and gave me a loving smile which told me she appreciated me, and that hurt more than anything.
  45. >I am a failure as her husband.
  46. >so why does she have to be so nice?
  47. >Shining armour journal entry 4.
  48. >my entry for the third month since I started writing this journal.
  49. >in these three months, a lot has changed.
  50. >Now everypony wears the goggles.
  51. >They really have made life a lot easier.
  52. >sex shoppes are becoming far more common, and the crystal ponies have started to adopt a far more modern view on sex, well not common you can sometimes see ponies fucking outside and in public though most of sex is done in brothels and other forms of private property.
  53. >I could not be happier that the empire and its citizens are finally learning how great sex can be.
  54. >speaking of sex, my sex life has taken a lot of weird turns as of late.
  55. >as much as I have been trying to satisfy my wife I just kept failing I tried everything to last longer, but it was ultimately futile.
  56. >I even started taking and buying more of those drugs and potions, which everypony says are very unhealthy.
  57. >I did not care I just wanted to please her, but even with the extra drugs I still was not able to please her.
  58. >eventually Cadence noticed how I felt and I told her how I felt like a failure, she pulled me into a sweet hug and told me that she did not care if I could not satisfy her and that she loved me no matter what.
  59. >somehow, that hurt more.
  60. >noticing the pain I was in she mentioned that she wanted to try pegging me and that she did not want to stop until she was satisfied.
  61. >I eagerly accepted, and it was great.
  62. >well I was intimated when she entered our bedroom wearing the strap-on.
  63. >but after ten whole minutes of fucking, I changed my mind.
  64. >after she was finished we split my cum and her on top has become the norm.
  65. >well it feels like something is missing it still felt way better than any other time we have had sex recently.
  66. >she also called me princess which I thought was a cute name for the bedroom until I realized that she legally changed my title to princess, which I must admit fits me more, what with the feminine clothes and attitude.

Mind Control Thread Archive

by HypnoMCThreadArchive