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Uncommon Practices Green [Ebonyglow]
By HypnoMCThreadArchiveCreated: 2023-10-10 23:40:53
Expiry: Never
Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 21:45:40
You can find the full story here:
>You weren't exactly sure where it came from, but this spellbook had shown up on your doorstep earlier in the night.
>Having cautiously peeked out your door, unsure of who could've possibly delivered something at such a late hour, you slowly scooped up the abstract tome.
>Decorated in odd runes, you couldn't help but open it up to survey its contents.
>Its wording was unlike any of the other books you've read from this land, though you didn't read much to begin with unless Twilight asked, or on occasion forced, you to, but you could still understand it clearly.
>part of you was glad the creatures of this land coincidentally spoke English just like you.
>talking to a bunch of magical equines while being the only human in the world would've been even weirder with a language barrier.
>shaking your head, dismissing the off topic thought you were traveling towards, you refocused on the book in your hands.
>Having your interest peaked, you continued perusing through the fragile, aged papers within the leather bindings.
>The book had a strangely large focus on cutiemarks. It seemed to focus on them from the beginning, with general spells about changing talents, finding talents, etc etc. But, coming to a certain section of the book, you paused.
"The following contents contain dark magic practices. The spells within this section can, and possibly will, have permanent effects."
>Well that only made you want to read it further.
>Gingerly flipping to the next page, you were greeted with a large symbol.
>It seemed like a heart, with a circle made of chains around it.
>Reading the text below it, you felt your heart skip a beat.
"The following spell specializes in manipulating a pony's cutiemark to warp their mind, body, and soul. When the following spell is casted on a pony, its process may vary. Regardless, it will change a pony's cutiemark to the depiction shown above, and, in turn, make them entirely obedient to whomever is assigned as their Master."
>Holy. Shit.
>A part of you hoped this was legit, because dear Celestia did it sound hot, but it seemed way too farfetched.
>Sure, like being able to casually enslave ponies was a REAL thing in this world.
>You had your doubts about this book, but now you were even more skeptical.
>You kept reading the information on the spell.
"The pony that has been enslaved can only be freed by their assigned Master. If their Master does not free them, or is not present, their state will last forever.
>Turning any pony you want into a permanent slave. Hot, but again, no chance this was real.
>Deciding to simply cave in to your curiosity, you decided to read the spell listed.
>Yup, you've got no fucking idea what any of this shit means.
>Grumbling to yourself, still not believing the insane stuff in the book, but wishing to have your curiosity sated, you think to yourself.
>YOU may not know a single damn thing about magic, especially cutiemark magic, but there IS a particular unicorn that does.
>having woken up and made yourself some coffee, you begin the walk towards the towering abomination across town that was Twilight's castle.
>having your ominous tome tucked under your arm, you casually make your way through the town.
>you wave to several ponies on your way there, finding yourself eyeing their flanks whenever they weren't looking.
>you had no idea why, but ever since you ended up in this world, you've become increasingly attracted to these pastel equines.
>shame for you, because none of them seem to have any interest in getting you laid.
>you glance at the book under your arm.
>you shake your head. surely you weren't THAT fucked up right?
>though, having a harem of obedient pony sex slaves DID sound quite enticing...
>you sigh, tossing aside the notion.
>the odds of the book being for real were basically zero anyways, so no reason to get your increasingly fucked up thoughts going.
>before long, you find yourself at the front door of Twilight's castle.
>you still can't believe her library was replaced by this eyesore.
>rolling your eyes, you quickly walk up the stairs and press open the gargantuan doors that were the entrance.
>the empty, near cavernous hallways greet you.
>you weren't unfamiliar with the place's layout, after all you were here nearly every day.
>after ending up in this world, you had become rather close to Starlight Glimmer.
>not sure how or why, but you two just clicked, and eventually a good friendship grew.
>you couldn't lie though, sometimes you wished it'd go beyond just a friendship.
>her plump flanks, juicy thighs, and the lovely marehood you occasionally were blessed to catch sight of - it all concocted into a FINE specimen of a mare.
>but again, like every other mare, she definitely only saw you as a friend and nothing more.
>traipsing through the crystal corridors, you make your way to the castle's study.
>more often than not, you'd find either Twilight or Starlight in that room.
>swiftly moving towards the room, you make your way inside.
>sure as shit, with her ass facing towards you, Starlight was stooping down towards the ground sorting through some scrolls.
>you can't help but find your attention darting straight to her ass.
>with her bent down like that, flank up in the air, Anon Jr. was already stirring in your pants.
>you shake your head; your goal was to get some insight on the spell, not ogle the sexy specimen before you.
>clearing your throat, you make your presence known.
>with her ear twitching, hearing you, Starlight stands up straight and wheels around.
>raising a foreleg, she happily waves at you.
"Oh hey Anon! Didn't know you were coming by!"
>you give her a friendly smile, before pulling the book out from under your arm.
"I need you to look at something for me."
>Starlight read over the pages of the book, furrowing her brow.
"This is definitely similar to the magic I used to work with, but something seems off about these entries..."
>You glance over at her, meeting her eyes with your own.
"Trust me, wait till you get a bit further."
>your words seem to ignite her interest, as she begins speeding up her reading.
>flipping through the pages, she gets to the same warning you were greeted with the other night.
"Dark magic? Where the hay did you find this book?"
>you shrug.
"I shit you not, it just appeared on my doorstep last night."
>she eyes you briefly, a hint of suspicion in her gaze, but she returns her focus to the book nonetheless.
>eventually, she turns to the page with the emblem on it, tilting her head curiously.
"A heart with a circle made of chains? That's something new..."
>she turns to you, raising a brow.
"Have you ever seen anything like this?"
>you look at her with an unamused expression.
"Do you seriously think I'd know what that is?"
>she rolls her eyes, looking back at the book and reading over its text.
>she eventually starts going over the actual spell, mumbling it under her breath.
>her focus seems to have intensified, and you're honestly shocked she seems to understand it right off the bat.
"You can understand what all that means?"
>she arcanely lays the book on the near table, leaving it open on the spell's page.
"It's writing is a bit off, and old for sure, but yeah, I can make it out."
>you glance over at the book, and then back at her.
"So, now what?"
>she taps her hoof with a chin, before unsurely glancing over at the tome.
"I would ask Twilight about it, but she's off in Canterlot with the girls."
>you scratch your chin, before pointing at the book.
"You think she knows the spells in that?"
>Starlight raises a brow, before frowning.
"Honestly, probably not. She didn't know the cutie mark magic I used when we first met, so I doubt she'd know this one. Regardless, she isn't here."
>The increasingly horny lightbulb in your head goes off.
"Why don't we try it?"
>she whips her head towards you, puzzled.
"Did you not read the summary of the spell? It turns ponies into slaves!"
>you raise a finger and wave it.
"IF it works. Plus, if it does, you'd be the first pony in who knows how long to discover and use this spell."
>she recoils a bit, seemingly thinking to herself.
>the devious side of you intends to push her further.
"You don't need Twilight to help you with everything, Glimmy. I'm sure she'd be impressed seeing you research new kinds of magic."
>she looks up at you, before eyeing the book.
"Well...I mean, if anything, confirming if it's real or not would be wise. It could be really dangerous in the wrong hooves."
>or hands.
"Exactly! If it's for real, then we know we have to destroy it! Can't risk such powerful spells being out and about yknow!"
>she furrows her brow, still clearly unsure.
"Well, I'd need somepony to test it on..."
>you pause for a moment, glancing around.
"Is anyone in the castle?"
>she grimaces at you.
"Do you really think I'd cast it on just anypony? I learned my lesson the last time I messed with cutie mark magic."
>the horny little lightbulb in your head shimmers even more.
"Well, why don't you cast it on yourself?"
>her eyes go wide.
"O-on myself?!"
>you crouch down a bit, giving her a warm smile.
"Yeah! What's the worst that could happen?"
>she raises her brow, looking at you with a dumbfounded expression.
"Oh, I dunno...turning myself into a mindless, obedient slave doesn't exactly sound optimal now does it?"
>you roll your eyes, doing your best to provide her with comfort.
"Oh c'mon, the spell says that as long as the assigned Master allows it, the enchanted pony can be freed from its effects."
>she perks up, a realization dawning upon her.
"But if I were to do that...then you'd have to be..."
>you lightly pat her on the head, smirking.
"Oh c'mon Glimmy, you act like I wouldn't let you go the second I find out it's real - if it even is."
>she bites her lip, looking up at you nervously.
"You would, right?"
>you nod.
>truth be told, you didn't have faith the spell would work. You were just having fun with the concept.
>plus, she WAS your closest friend in this world, you wouldn't take advantage of her like that.
>at least you were trying to convince yourself as such.
>the horny devil in your mind was a powerful thing, and deep down you knew your libido could and would conquer your morals if the circumstances aligned themselves.
>she shuffles awkwardly in place, clearly nervous.
"So if I cast the spell, and it works, you'll let me go right away, right?"
>you nod again.
"Of course!"
>she grits her teeth slightly, tapping her hoof nervously on the floor.
"You promise?"
>you nod yet again.
"I promise."
>she eyes the tome.
"You REALLY promise?"
>you roll your eyes, scoffing lightly.
"Starlight, cmon. Are we gonna do this all day?"
>she takes a deep breath, before glancing at the ominous book of forbidden magic.
"W-well...for the sake of research..."
>you smirk at her.
"Aaaand impressing Twilight."
>she smiles, chuckling lightly. You seem to have quelled her nerves by a fair margin.
"You will let me go if it works, right?"
>you stifle a chuckle, having to go over the same promise again.
>or lie, it really depended on how things played out.
>you do the motions of a signature Pinkie Pie Promise
"Cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."
>Pinkie would kill you if she found out there's a good chance you're about to break that promise.
>Starlight gulps, before levitating the book back over to her.
>she reads over the spell one more time, before setting the tome back onto the table.
" goes nothing..."
>you watch as she pauses for a second, before dark magic starts channeling into her horn.
>you didn't even know she knew how to do that, being she never had done it before.
>Twilight must've taught her a thing or two.
"A-alright! It's starting!"
>slowly a crimson hue emanates out of her horn, purple trails forming from the corners of her eyes.
>she looks like she's straining at bit, but eventually she shrouds herself in a magical aura.
>her face contorts even more.
"Tch! O-okay, I can do this!"
>you can only assume since she's casting the spell on herself, its making the process in general a whole lot harder.
>though, she was willingly letting this happen, so it should work a LOT faster than on somepony who was resisting it.
>you direct your attention to her flank.
>damn that juicy ass of hers.
>but right now you're focused on her cutie mark.
>it's flashing, kind of like how Twilight and her friends' cutie marks do when they're called by the map.
>a few more seconds pass, the magic around her begins to pulse with energy.
>she lets her mouth open, her tongue lolling out as the magic around her intensifies even more.
"Haaa! M-mmph!"
>well, that wasn't expected.
>she focuses more magic into her horn, her eyes starting to glaze over.
>with a particularly large surge of magic, she releases a throaty moan.
>the spell didn't mention anything like THIS happening.
"Uh, Starlight? You okay?"
>no direct response, just the sound of her panting and grunting in return.
>you couldn't lie, hearing her making these sounds was painfully arousing.
"B-buck...! S-sooo good!"
>her sudden outcry whips your focus to her face.
>her eyes are slowly rolling back, as she bites her lip.
>some movement on her behind catches your attention.
>her tail is starting to flick.
>no way.
>you quickly move to the side, positioning yourself behind her.
>sure as shit, her tail flags itself.
>you're greeted with the clear sight of her dripping, and wantonly winking, marehood.
>it is literally the hottest thing you've ever seen.
>either she had a penchant for dark magic, or this spell had some VERY arousing side effects. Both for the pony affected and for the devious human spectating.
>she's starting to buck her hips back, her ass swinging towards you with every single motion.
>the magic around her is shining even brighter.
>she arches her back, lowering her torso but keeping her flank in the air.
>she keeps bucking back.
>Anon Jr. is VERY much so awake.
>with an intense surge, the aura around her explodes outwards.
>rubbing your eyes, your vision slowly clears.
>you take a moment to adjust, but soon find your gaze frozen in place.
>laying before you, in a massive puddle of her own juices, was Starlight.
>she must've came from the spell.
>more importantly, you looked at her flank.
>to your subconscious glee, there it was.
>rather than the familiar cutie mark you saw on her, there was a heart surrounded by chains.
>holy shit. it actually works.
>you sit still for several moments, staring at the pony before you.
>she isn't moving besides the slow rise and fall of her chest, and the occasional twitch of her tail.
>it did work, right?
"H-hey there?"
>her ear twitches.
>you watch as she stirs a bit, before slowly rolling onto her stomach.
>her eyes are shut, which is a bit odd.
>slowly, she rises up onto her legs again.
>she turns towards you, opening her eyes.
>there's fucking hearts in them.
>the second she sees you her tail flags itself fully, again.
>she smiles at you.
"Hello, Master~"
>you're frozen in place, awestruck from what you just heard.
>there's hearts in her eyes.
>she flagged her tail the second she saw you.
>she fucking called you Master.
>No. Fucking. Way.
>your mind was racing, your breath was locked in your lungs, and you blinked wildly in disbelief.
>she called you fucking Master.
>you gulp nervously.
"U-uh...hey Starlight, are you?"
>she smiles at you.
"I am well, Master. How may I serve you?"
>you gulp again.
>is this really happening?
>you figure you need to test it.
"You'll do anything I say?"
>she perks up, her smile never fading.
"Of course, Master. I exist to serve you."
>why not start with something subtle.
"Uh, okay. Hmm...bark like a dog."
>she gives a hearty 'woof' in response, her tail fidgeting a bit behind her.
>hooooly fuck, really?
"Spin in a circle."
>she does so without question, her tail flicking more once she finishes the command.
>wait, does obeying you turn her on?
>seeing how she's listening to you, your confidence begins to grow.
"Starlight, does listening to me excite you?"
>she slowly sways her hips, looking right at you.
"Yes it does, Master. Unless you don't want it to."
>really fucking hot.
>where the hell did the spell mention it makes the pony horny when they obey you?
>a part of you was glad it didn't say it, because it would've definitely made Starlight reject your proposition.
"No, that's...that's good. How excited are you?"
>she tilts her head.
"Would you like me to show you, Master?"
>you're not entirely sure what she means by that, but sure why not.
"Yeah, go ahead and show me.
>your jaw nearly drops as she spins around.
>lowering her torso, keeping her ass in the air, she shows off her nethers.
>she ignites her horn with magic, arcanely spreading her drooling lower lips right in front of you.
"I'm this excited!"
>Anon Jr. is quite literally fighting for his life right now.
>you have never been more turned on in your life.
>you glance at your crotch, seeing Anon Jr.'s struggle with your own eyes.
>you look back up at your slave.
"You'll do anything to please me, right?"
>she glances back at you, still holding her scandalous position.
"Of course, I exist to serve."
>you're pretty sure you aren't gonna keep that Pinkie Pie Promise.
>you glance between Starlight and your crotch.
"You'll really do ANYTHING I say?"
>she sways her hips.
>she stops spreading her marehood with her magic, perking up a bit.
"Yes, Master. You own me."
>you gulp, feeling your cock twitching in your pants.
"A...alright, then..."
>you hesitate.
>she was your friend, right?
>you promised you'd let her go right away.
>you eye her, gazing at the glorious sight of her happily presenting herself before you.
>her pussy gives a particularly enthusiastic wink.
>yeah, no, you couldn't resist the temptation.
>you could have a little bit of fun with her, and then let her go.
>you just had to hope she wouldn't remember any of this.
>quickly you unzip your pants, throwing them off.
>there's Anon Jr. standing at attention.
>you look over at the mind controlled pony.
"S-Starlight, come suck my cock."
>without a single ounce of hesitation, she rises back up, turns around, and trots over to you.
>you quickly grab a chair, sitting back in it as she reaches you.
>pausing mere feet from you, she smiles at you warmly.
"Of course Master, whatever you demand."
>you swear to Celestia, your heart was about to burst out of your chest.
>she stoops down, leveling her muzzle with the head of your cock.
>you still had doubts this was real.
>slowly she parts her lips, letting her tongue crawl out of her maw.
>this was totally a dream, right?
>she lowered herself a bit more, her hot breath clashing against your stiff member.
>this just can't be real. it's too good to be true.
>she lowers herself more, gingerly engulfing your cock into her mouth.
>her tongue bathes the underside of your manhood, as she presses her muzzle further, bringing more and more of your dick into her mouth.
>your entire body seizes, the warm and wet sensation of her mouth overwhelming you.
>holy fuck this was really real.
>she slowly begins bobbing her head up and down, taking half your cock into her mouth with each motion.
>she's caressing your tip with her tongue on every rise, and dragging it along the underside of your dick with each bob downwards.
>you feel your legs quivering.
>you want more.
"F-fuck...g-go all the way..."
>you watch as she pauses for a moment, looking up at you.
"Yesh Mahster"
>she throws her muzzle downwards, engulfing the entirety of your manhood into her maw.
>your cock slips down her throat, and you hear her moan around your tool.
>you were pretty damn impressive in terms of size, rivaling even some of the most well-hung stallions around.
>yet she began throating you like a seasoned whore.
>she begins bobbing her head up and down again, her tempo increasing gradually as she services you.
>to say she felt great would be an understatement - no, she felt fucking DIVINE.
>she's going all out now, taking your entire cock in rapid succession.
>you were seriously beginning to doubt if you'd let her go.
>ever since you ended up in this world, you had gone without any sexual stimulation from the colorful inhabitants here.
>but now, you quite literally had one worshipping you with every fiber of her existence.
>you grimace, feeling yourself quickly approaching a climax.
"Glk! Glk! Glk!"
>the sounds of Starlight slurping on your cock were only helping you rapidly approach your limit.
>the combination of how the spell made her look, the fact she was nothing more than a puppet for you to control now, and the feeling of her deepthroating you - it was all too much to bear.
>gritting your teeth, you grab the back of her head, forcing her head down as you thrust up into her.
>you're quite literally facefucking her with everything you had.
>taking some initiative, feeling your cock flaring in her mouth, she ignites her horn with magic.
>you feel a tingling sensation on your balls, as her aura shrouds them.
>she begins massaging them with her magic.
>the pleasure you're enduring has now surpassed your wildest dreams.
>thrusting your hips, slamming yourself into her face, you feel your balls pull up to your groin.
>your climax reaches you with cataclysmic force.
>barely holding onto reason, you manage to stutter out a command for your slave.
"S-swallow it all!"
>you feel her mumble around your cock, as the first ropes of your semen spew out of your cock.
>molten hot cum shoots into her mouth, and you feel her eagerly swallowing every last drop.
>you're slowly rocking your hips, pushing your cock in and out of her throat as you ride out your orgasm.
>she's still happily swallowing the essence that you're gracing her with.
>eventually you reach the end of your blissful journey of lewd euphoria.
>she's still sucking your cock.
>catching your breath, fending off the pleasure of her continued service, you look down at her.
"Sta - ah fuck...Starlight."
>her ears twitch, hearing you call her name.
>she is still blowing you with passion.
"Starlight, stop sucking my cock."
>she immediately complies, pulling her head back and releasing your cock from her maw.
>a trail of saliva connects her tongue to your dick.
>god that's hot.
>she tilts her head, looking up at you.
"What would you like now, Master?"
>you stopped for a moment, conflicted.
>it was true, if you let her go you'd likely never get your dick wet by one of these equines again.
>you couldn't give this up.
>true she was your friend, but your endless libido conquered all.
>she made for a great sex slave.
>YOUR sex slave.
>You eyed her, the devious thoughts in your mind overpowering those that told you to let her go.
"You're my slave, isn't that right?"
>she nods.
"Yes, Master."
>you take a deep breath.
"And we're gonna keep it that way."
>she smiles, happy to hear your confirmation.
"Thank you Master! I'm so happy to serve you forever! What do you wish to do next?"
>you pause for a moment, thinking to yourself.
"You can still use the spell from the book, right?"
>Starlight perks up, glancing over at the book and then back at you.
"Yes I do. Why do you ask, Master?"
>an evil little scheme starts brewing in your mind.
"And would you be able to use it on other ponies?"
>she nods, briefly shimmering magic into her horn before stopping again.
"Yes, I'd be able to. If you wish for me to do so, of course."
>you can't help but smirk.
>you never really saw yourself as a bad guy, but with what you were scheming, you were definitely shaping up to be one.
>you feel your cock beginning to grow erect again, as a devious thought crosses your mind.
>you weren't sure if this newfound power dynamic was warping you, or maybe deep down you were a devious degenerate with a disregard for morals all along.
>either way, you liked the idea you were brewing in your head.
>why stop at just having ONE slave.
>the way you saw it, you could build a harem of mindless, eager pony sex slaves.
>Starlight would just be the key player in this lewd game.
>you quickly throw on your pants again, though you figured they wouldn't be staying on for long.
>not with the sexy mare that now existed to serve you mere feet away.
>you walk up to your new slave - your former friend made fucktoy.
>you look into her eyes, hearts looking back into yours.
>a bit of sweat was beading down her face.
>must've been from the effort she exerted when she was milking your cock dry.
>you affectionately stroke her mane.
"You'll be a good slave and use that spell on other ponies for me, won't you?"
>she bites her lip, shivering as you guide your hand along her back and grip her ass.
"Yessss Master ~ I'd love to show more ponies the bliss of servitude."
>you chuckle, gripping her ass a bit harder.
>you reminded yourself that you definitely had to fuck her senseless later.
"Good girl. You're making Master very happy."
>her tails starts wagging, as she gives you a massive smile.
"I'm glad, Master! I live to please!"
>you ruffle her mane, showing your toy a bit of affection.
"That you do, and I gotta say, you're very good at it."
>she presses her head against your palm, nuzzling you.
>okay, she was sexy AND cute.
"So Master, who would you like to claim first?"
>you pause, realizing you hadn't thought that out yet.
>you couldn't go out in public, not with her like this.
>her cutie mark would be a dead giveaway that something was up.
>you tap your chin, thinking to yourself.
>just how exactly were you going to roam around outside with her like this?
>how were you going to test if she could add more slaves to your collection?
>your thinking is interrupted, as you hear a voice shouting near the entrance of the castle.
"Princess Twilight? Starlight Glimmer? It's me, Mayor Mare! I'm here with those permits you asked me to get for you! Hello?"
>welp, time to get the answer to one of your questions at least.
by HypnoMCThreadArchive