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Mayor's Master Green [Ebonyglow]

By HypnoMCThreadArchive
Created: 2023-10-10 23:42:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:31:16
  4. >you peek your head out the study's door, glancing down the long, cavernous crystal hallway and towards the front door.
  5. >as you would expect, there's Mayor Mare, curiously glancing around while trotting alone through the castle.
  6. >alone. perfect.
  7. >ensuring she doesn't see you, not yet at least, you swiftly swing back into the room and turn towards your slave.
  8. "Okay, Starlight. Here's the plan."
  9. >she tilts her head.
  10. >she's clearly listening carefully, eagerly even.
  11. >you glance over your shoulder, hearing the town's mayor call out for your slave and the Princess a second time.
  12. "Hello? Is anypony here? I can come back later if you need!"
  13. >whipping your head back, knowing you had limited time before Mayor Mare gave up and left, you look at Starlight.
  14. "You're gonna hide for now, okay? I want to try some things before we…'add' her to our little collection."
  15. >she raises a brow curiously.
  16. "Why hesitate, Master? We can make her your slave easily!"
  17. >she shimmers magic in her horn, smiling over at you.
  18. >you wave your hands in front of you, dismissing her notion.
  19. "N-no! Not yet, okay? I want to test my luck with her first, then you can step in."
  20. >she bows, lowering her torso to the ground.
  21. "If that's what you wish for, Master."
  22. >you eye her ass again, as it remains in the air.
  23. >god damn if you weren't the luckiest guy on earth to have her as your fucktoy slave.
  24. >she rises back up, tapping her chin with a hoof.
  25. "When will I know it's time to help you?"
  26. >you quickly think to yourself, hearing the Mayor's voice grow ever closer and more impatient, and come up with an idea.
  27. "Okay, cast a camouflage spell on yourself and wait in this room. I'll outright tell you it's time when I want you to use some spells on her, okay?"
  28. >she nods.
  29. >you turn making your way to the door, before looking back and seeing the puddle of juices covering the floor.
  30. "Oh, uh, clean that up really quick too."
  31. >she ignites magic into her horn, smiling at you.
  32. "Of course, Master."
  33. >you turn, confidently walking out the door, the sounds of magic being casted behind you as you leave.
  34. >you just had to convince Mayor Mare to come into the study.
  35. >then, you could test a few things.
  36. >even if they went sour, it wouldn't matter.
  37. >she'd end up as your slave all the same.
  38. >turning to your right, looking rather far down the hall, you saw the mayor.
  39. "Hey, Mayor Mare!"
  40. >you give her a friendly wave, before quickly running over to meet her.
  41. >she pauses her trot, surprised at the sudden outburst, before turning her head and looking right at you.
  42. >she smiles, seeing a familiar, and what she thinks is friendly, face.
  43. "Oh, hello Anon!"
  44. >you stop feet from her, giving her a warm smile.
  45. >she eyes you up and down, before glancing around.
  46. “You wouldn’t happen to have seen Starlight Glimmer or Princess Twilight today, would you?”
  47. >you wipe some sweat off your brow, before putting your untrained acting skills to the test.
  48. "Hmmm, no, can't say I have. Twilight's in Canterlot with the others, and I haven't seen Starlight at all today.”
  49. >Mayor Mare scrunches her muzzle.
  50. “Ah, well, alright. I suppose I could come back another time then.”
  51. >she turns away from you, intending to head back out the way she came.
  52. >with her flank towards you, your eyes immediately dart towards her ass.
  53. >you never really looked at her much, for some odd reason, but now that you were focusing on her, you cursed yourself for never having done it before.
  54. >curvy, plump, and a wondrous sandy color, her rear was horribly alluring.
  55. >thick, juicy thighs lay just a bit lower, looking just as good as Starlight’s.
  56. >even for an older mare, you were downright shocked by how hot she was.
  57. >you couldn’t let her get away.
  58. “Hey, hang on!”
  59. >she pauses, looking back at you from over her shoulder with a brow raised.
  60. “What is it, Anon?”
  61. >you swiftly come up with a suggestion.
  62. “I think Starlight was in the study earlier actually. Maybe, if you wait around with me there for a bit, she’ll show up.”
  63. >the mayor pauses for a moment.
  64. “I’d hate to intrude.”
  65. >you wave your hand, dismissing her concern.
  66. “Nah, you’re always welcome! It’d be nice to chat for a bit anyway.”
  67. >she pouts her lips for a moment, before cracking a smile and looking up at you.
  68. “Well, alright. I’ve got most of my work done for the day, so hanging around a bit couldn’t hurt.”
  69. >you return her smile, watching as she turns back around and faces you again.
  70. >part of you already missed looking at her ass.
  71. >you’ll be looking at it, and a whole lot more, soon enough.
  72. >turning on your heels, you begin to walk towards the study, motioning her to follow.
  73. >she does so, trotting behind you.
  74. >the walk is brief, with neither of you exchanging any words, only the sound of her hooves clicking against crystal reverberating in your ears.
  75. >finally, you get to the study’s door, creaking it open and peeking in.
  76. >it’s spotless.
  77. >Starlight did a wonderful job.
  78. >you push the door open fully, holding it open for the older mare behind you to trot in.
  79. >she had no idea what just transpired in this room.
  80. >nor what WAS going to transpire soon enough.
  81. >glancing around briefly, you saw that Starlight was nowhere to be found.
  82. >you knew she was in here, somewhere, but invisible to the naked eye thanks to the camouflage spell you ordered her to use.
  83. >grabbing a lounge chair, you scooted it over to the center of the room.
  84. “Here ya go, mayor.”
  85. >she smiles at you, trotting over and hopping onto the seat, leaning back and releasing a sigh.
  86. “Thank you Anon, today’s been rather tiresome, so it’s nice to have a moment to relax.”
  87. >you smile at the older mare, watching as she lays comfortably in her chair.
  88. >she definitely seemed stressed, but that wasn’t what your focus was on.
  89. >having leaned back a bit, she had parted her hindlegs slightly, giving you a clear view of her plump pussy.
  90. >her marehood was a wondrous site, looking far more enticing than you could’ve imagined.
  91. >even if she was older, that pussy of hers looked just as good, if not better, than some of the best ones you saw in the porno mags you had back at your house.
  92. >you could only imagine how tight she might be, even with her age.
  93. >you could already see it in your head, her desperately bent over, tail flagged in the air while she swayed her thick, fuckable ass at you.
  94. >begging for you to claim her.
  95. >that'd be the case soon enough.
  96. >wrenching your eyes from her cunt, reminding yourself you’ll quite literally own it in time, you reply to your companion.
  97. “You’re welcome, Mayor. I gotta say, why is it that you never really relax?”
  98. >she opens her eyes and leans forward a bit, sighing.
  99. “There’s just so much work to do. I’ve been mayor for years and I’ve never even had a week off!”
  100. >you lean forward as well, tilting your head a bit.
  101. "It's that nonstop, huh?"
  102. >she nods her head, adjusting her glasses a bit.
  103. "It really is, I never have much time to myself."
  104. >she looked at the papers she had brought, originally meant for Starlight or Twilight.
  105. "I mean, even now I'm technically supposed to be working. I can't stay here for too too long."
  106. >realizing you were indeed on a time limit of sorts, you went ahead and accelerated your plan.
  107. "So you really have no consistent free time?"
  108. >she nods again.
  109. "Yes, like you just said, it's truly nonstop. I'm lucky if I'm even able to find the time for a movie."
  110. >you decide to start doing that ‘testing’ you spoke to Starlight about.
  111. “So, I guess that prevents you from seeking out any romantic endeavors too?”
  112. >she looks at you, seemingly a little thrown off by your question, but replies regardless.
  113. “Yes, I suppose it does. I haven’t even gone on a date in a few years…”
  114. >truthfully, the testing you were intending to go through with was all about just pushing your luck.
  115. >you figured every mare in this land didn’t want to bed you, no matter how good looking you were.
  116. >being so, you never really tried to strike up a conversation with one about romance or sex.
  117. >but, being she would end up as your mindless puppet regardless, there was truthfully no harm in being reckless with what you were discussing.
  118. “How does that effect your sex life?”
  119. >her eyes go wide, as she looks right at you with a bewildered expression.
  120. “I-I’m sorry what?”
  121. >you chuckle to yourself, enjoying her flustered reaction.
  122. >she wouldn’t leave her with her mind intact, so why not go even further.
  123. “You know, when’s the last time you had a roll in the hay with a stallion? Or mare, whichever works.”
  124. >she sits further upright, totally taken aback by your question.
  125. “W-what?!”
  126. >you sigh, standing up fully, stretching yourself out.
  127. “I’m asking when’s the last time you got fucked, Mayor.”
  128. >her jaw has nearly dropped, your sudden change in demeanor taking her wholly off-guard.
  129. “A-Anon! What has gotten into you!”
  130. >you point a finger at her, smirking while towering over her.
  131. “Nothing at all, Mayor. I’m simply asking you an honest question.”
  132. >she scrunches her muzzle, averting her eyes from your own.
  133. >a blush spreads across her face.
  134. “C’mon, don’t be shy, when was the last time?”
  135. >she turns her entire head away from you, uncomfortable with your straightforward questioning.
  136. >you keep pressing her.
  137. “I take that as you telling me it’s been quite some time since you were thoroughly rutted, hmm?”
  138. >she recoils a bit.
  139. >nonchalantly, you unbuckled your pants, grabbing your waistband.
  140. “Well Mayor Mare, do I have something special to offer you.”
  141. >she watches as you begin to lower your pants, before raising her forelegs and waving them.
  142. “N-no! Not with you!”
  143. >you pause.
  144. >she looks at you, eyeing the exit.
  145. “Y-you’re just not…I couldn’t! It’s…it’s just wrong!”
  146. >is that why none of them looked at you sexually?
  147. >did they all see it as wrong?
  148. >she starts stammering, properly disgusted with your implication.
  149. “Y-you’re out of your mind if you think I would! I-it just isn’t normal!”
  150. >she scurries out of the chair, hurriedly making her way to the door.
  151. >you can’t help but feel angry, finally finding out just why you were denied carnal affection from the mares of this world.
  152. >if you were to ever have a villain origin story, this would be it.
  153. >then again, at the rate you were going, the term villain didn’t sound too far fetched to label you with.
  154. >though you were mainly focused on the Mayor’s curvaceous rump swiftly moving further away from you, something in the corner of your eye grabbed your attention.
  155. >as if from an invisible horny faucet, you see lewd, marish juices dripping down from the empty air and into a puddle on the ground.
  156. >seems you found Starlight, and she was horribly aroused over what she knew was coming next.
  157. >Mayor Mare continued quickly trotting towards the exit of the room.
  158. “I-I’m sorry Anon, but I…”
  159. >she pauses, shaking her head while still heading towards the door.
  160. “NOPONY could, it is just too wrong!”
  161. >she’s nearly at the door.
  162. >she didn’t want to fuck you.
  163. >it seemed nopony did.
  164. >all just because you were human?
  165. >that wasn’t fair.
  166. >you’d fix that issue.
  167. >starting with her.
  168. >glaring at Mayor Mare, you heave air into your lungs.
  169. “Starlight, now.”
  170. >With magic wrapping around it, the door to the study was slammed shut directly in front of Mayor Mare.
  171. >shocked, she turns around.
  172. “What is happening - wah!
  173. >before she can react, a spell from out of nowhere hits her.
  174. >she clenches her eyes as a magical aura shimmers over her.
  175. >at first nothing happens, but as she opens her eyes and makes to move, she finds herself stuck.
  176. “W-what the!?”
  177. >you smirk, looking to the side of the room.
  178. >she follows your gaze.
  179. >with a shimmer of magic, Starlight reveals herself.
  180. >horny and eager to please, she happily looks over at the now trapped mayor.
  181. >Mayor Mare looks on in utter shock, as she sees what has become of Starlight.
  182. >the hearts in her eyes and the augmented cutie mark - something was clearly going on.
  183. >struggling in place, Mayor Mare winces.
  184. “Starlight Glimmer! What the hay is going on here!”
  185. >the unicorn smirks, before happily trotting over and standing beside you.
  186. “Master gave me the signal, so now you’re stuck!”
  187. >you had no idea what the spell Starlight just used was.
  188. >you assumed she would just cast the slave spell when you gave her the signal, but it seems she was getting creative.
  189. >Mayor Mare blinks wildly, panic setting in on her.
  190. “M-Master?! What are you on about?”
  191. >you look at your next victim, before disregarding her question and looking down at your slave.
  192. “What did you do to her?”
  193. >she snickers, looking up at you with eyes of pure adoration.
  194. “I figured using the same spell right away would be boring, Master. So I went ahead and used a paralysis spell instead!”
  195. >she points a forehoof at Mayor Mare, smiling happily.
  196. “Now you can have some fun with your next slave BEFORE we ruin her!”
  197. >Mayor Mare recoils, or at least tries to, as she is forced back into position.
  198. >you eye the now trapped mare.
  199. “Can she move at all?”
  200. >Starlight’s tail starts to wag, her excitement clear as day.
  201. “No - well, not on her own at least. She’s stuck in place, but you can move her as you please, Master.”
  202. >huh, that’s a neat spell.
  203. >you glance over to the ancient book you had found the day before, thinking to yourself.
  204. >speaking of spells, you realize you hadn't gone beyond that first version of the enslavement spell.
  205. >there could be other versions of it within.
  206. >Starlight had a point.
  207. >doing the same method over and over would get old, no matter how hot the mare or stallion you claimed was.
  208. >if there was even a chance to have more variety with the spell, you weren’t gonna waste it.
  209. >you lovingly slap Starlight on the ass, earning a moan from the mare as you watch her flank jiggle.
  210. >you point at the book, the very one that shattered what was her old self.
  211. “Do me a favor, look further into the slave spell section and tell me if there’s anything interesting in it.”
  212. >she bows.
  213. “Yes, Master.”
  214. >you turn your attention back towards Mayor Mare, who’s still struggling against her binding.
  215. “I’ll be busy attending to our dear mayor.”
  216. >The sounds of Starlight trotting off behind you sound in your ears.
  217. >She’ll busy herself with the book, searching through its forbidden pages for different ways to apply the slave spell.
  218. >In the meantime, you’re inclined to entertain the trapped mare before you.
  219. >A mare who’d without a doubt become your next slave too.
  220. >Struggling intensely against her invisible arcane bonds, Mayor Mare writhes in place.
  221. >You have to say, her struggles were rather entertaining, hell, they were downright admirable.
  222. >You can only imagine just how hard that experienced mind of hers would oppose you.
  223. >Not that it’ll matter in the long run.
  224. >She pauses her struggles for a moment, breathing heavily while sweat streaks down her forehead.
  225. >She looks right at you, worry filling those light blue eyes of hers.
  226. >”Anon! What do you mean by attend me? Why is Starlight calling you Master? How am I stuck like this? What is going on!”
  227. >You chuckle, beginning to slowly walk around the mare.
  228. “Oh, don’t worry about it, Mayor. The information you gave me, regarding why nopony in this land is down to do the deed with me, was the final nail in my morality’s metaphorical coffin.”
  229. >She continues to squirm in place, as you walk to her side.
  230. >”W-what do you mean?”
  231. >You roll your eyes.
  232. >So many damn questions.
  233. “Well, you see Mayor, I have no reason to hold my desires back anymore. The little devil on my shoulder is gonna get his way, because otherwise I’d never get MY way.”
  234. >You feel like you’re talking like a cheesy villain.
  235. >Guess you really were embracing this new role.
  236. >The mayor gulped, trying to turn her head to look at you.
  237. >The spell denied her the right.
  238. >”Please…j-just have her let me go!”
  239. >You tsk, tilting your head while waving a finger.
  240. “Oh Mayor, I can’t do that! No after you dared to defy me in such an audacious manner!”
  241. >You continue to walk, coming up to her rear.
  242. >Her tail was clamped down against her ass, and her legs were tucked closely together.
  243. >That wouldn’t do at all.
  244. >”A-Anon, what are you doing back - ah!”
  245. >You didn’t give her time to reply, as you reached down, grabbed her hindlegs, and spread them.
  246. >Her legs were now wide apart, leaving one more obstacle in your way.
  247. >“S-stop it! Don’t grab me like that! Who do you - ack!”
  248. >Once again you silence her, as you grab the base of her dock and flip her tail up.
  249. >The sight that greeted you was outright divine.
  250. >The thick, plump lips of her marehood were revealed to your eyes, blessing them with their grace.
  251. >Just above it, a delectable ponut rested, just waiting to be besieged.
  252. >She wasn’t wet at all, not that you expected her to be, but you intended to change that soon enough.
  253. >She gasped in shock, registering how you forced her to present herself.
  254. >Her struggles only increased.
  255. >”What are you doing! S-stop this!”
  256. >You chuckle, drinking in the phenomenal sight of her nethers.
  257. >You knew she was an older mare, though not by much, a few years at most - either way her goods were as delicious as any other pony.
  258. >You messed around with the spell a bit, pushing her legs closer together and further apart again.
  259. >As you’d hoped, her body simply obeyed however you positioned it.
  260. >Something akin to a poseable action figure kind of.
  261. >An action figure you’d be sure to plow like a field in spring sooner than later.
  262. >Just to lower any concerns you had, you glance over towards Starlight.
  263. >She was leaning on the table, legs spread with her tail flagged, furiously rubbing her snatch while reading through the book’s pages.
  264. >You smirk.
  265. >She was presenting herself, putting on a stupendous show of degeneracy, and you knew she was beyond happy to do so.
  266. >Tuning out more of the mayor’s cries, you call out to your slave.
  267. “Starlight!”
  268. >She looks over her shoulder back at you, smiling.
  269. >“Yes Master?”
  270. >You could have sworn you saw her rub her snatch even faster as she said that.
  271. “Just how long does this paralysis spell last?”
  272. >She chuckles, a gush of her marish juices surging out of her slickened lower lips.
  273. >“About an hour! But don’t worry, I’m looking over an alternate version of the spell right now!”
  274. >An evil grin splits your face, as you look back over the terrified, trapped mayor.
  275. “I might as well warm her up then.”
  276. >You lean forward, putting your face right next to her ear.
  277. >You sigh, letting out hot air.
  278. >Though the spell is locking her in place, you’re certain she shivered.
  279. >”A-Anon…what’re you going to - ah!”
  280. >She lets out a loud yelp, as you firmly slap her ass.
  281. >You take a moment to glance back, drinking in the subtle jiggle it has.
  282. >With a body as hot as this, she had to have taken the wrong career path.
  283. >You turn your face towards her again.
  284. >She’s biting her lip.
  285. >”D…don’t do this!”
  286. >You roll your eyes, before leaning forward and whispering in her ear.
  287. “You’re going to be all mine, Mayor. A slut. A slave. Nothing more than a puppet for me to control.”
  288. >She gulps, trying her hardest to turn her head to look at you.
  289. >”Stop saying that! T-that isn’t true!”
  290. >You pinch her cheek.
  291. >She’s so adorable like this.
  292. >Submissive. Vulnerable. At your mercy.
  293. >You gesture over towards Starlight, watching as her eyes follow.
  294. >It takes her a moment, but it clicks.
  295. >”Is…is that what you did to Starlight?”
  296. >You chuckle, giving her another firm slap on the ass.
  297. >You’re greeted by another yelp.
  298. “No, not exactly. She used it on herself.”
  299. >Her eyes go wide.
  300. >”Why…w-would she do that?!”
  301. >You bring your hand to her flank, grabbing it softly.
  302. ”Because she trusted me.”
  303. >You grab harder, as a blush splits across her muzzle.
  304. “Now she’ll never go back.”
  305. >You drag a finger under her chin, tilting her head up a bit.
  306. “And you’ll be joining her soon.”
  308. [Rest is on Fimfiction]

Mind Control Thread Archive

by HypnoMCThreadArchive