3913 22.09 KB 376
3913 22.09 KB 376
Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:55:22
>sighing to yourself, you grab the door handle to your home, turning it.
>slowly the door creaks open, as you make your way inside.
>you’re fully expecting to see your roommate, ‘Anon Filly’, as you’ve deemed them, fucking about.
>needless to say, you were right.
>looking towards the corner of the living room, stationed at a computer setup YOU worked hard to afford, was your companion.
>the little shit is, as usual, causing problems on boards
>she’s chuckling to herself, as you watch her attach a picture of Rainbow Dash to a post.
>she fails the captcha 4 times in a row, yet her determination never ceases.
>only then are you starting to realize which board she’s on.
>and it definitely isn’t /mlp/.
>god dammit not again.
>you dealt with her enough to know she had this inherent desire to be a royal pain upon any threads her malicious eye deemed worthy of her attention.
>at least that’s how she worded it.
>she won’t stop getting your IP banned by constantly breaking gr15
>coming home every day and having to immediately reset your ip was getting tiresome to say the least.
>grumbling to yourself, not yet making yourself known, you eye the bag you were carrying with you.
>you squint at it, reminding yourself of a recent purchase.
>you had just procured something that could more than alleviate the issue at hand, if it was real.
>though it was from some sketchy pony in a back alley, you had picked up a small little headset from them.
>looking akin to a headset with a visor, you were informed that it was some kind of brainwashing or mind control device.
>as far fetched as it sounded, your gullible ass purchased it on a whim.
>mind control sounded really fucking hot.
>seeing the little, giggling form of your roommate in the corner of your eye, you have an idea.
>it couldn’t hurt to try it out on the distracted pony feet in front of you.
>at worst, she’ll barrage you with insults.
>at best, you’ll literally fucking own her.
>silently setting your bag onto the ground, you quietly pull out the headset you had purchased.
>she’s chuckling to herself more, completely ignorant of your presence.
“Hehehe, that’ll fuckin annoy them!”
>she’s shimmying in her seat like a child.
>slowly you start creeping towards her, tiptoeing your way towards the unaware pony.
>she’s still rapidly browsing the boards, avidly avoiding /mlp/ so she can continue her little streak of mischievous pony posting.
>you glance down at the visor in your hands, then back at your unaware companion.
>near inches behind her, she looks at her screen curiously.
>oh fuck she sees your reflection.
“Anon, what the fuck are you - tch! Wha?”
>before she can properly react, you quickly slam the headset onto her head, catching her off guard.
>you press the button on the side to turn it on.
>you watch as the purple-tinted screen starts coming to life, colors swirling within it.
>Anon Filly is squirming in front of you, trying to get you to let go of her head.
“T-the fuck are you doing!? Get the hell off me!”
>you hold her, and in turn the headset, in place.
>her smaller form made it incredibly easy to overpower her.
>you watch as the visor continues swirling, though nothing much else is happening.
>you remember something that the shady pony who sold you them told you.
>you had to input commands for the visor to relay into its victim.
>quickly you clear your throat.
“You’re a good girl. You follow all board rules. You don’t post pony on other boards.”
>the visor shines brighter, seemingly registering your words.
>Anon Filly is still squirming in your grasp.
“W-what the hell is that? Get it away from me you stupid fa-”
>her words die in her throat.
>she made the mistake of glancing directly into the visor's swirls, her vision soon being fixated on them.
>nearly immediately, her muscles loosen, as she begins to relax.
“I’m a good girl…I follow all board rules…I don’t post pony on other boards…”
>holy fucking shit it’s working.
>you decide to push those thoughts into her even more.
“That’s right, you’re a good girl, you follow all board rules, you don’t post pony on other boards.”
>her jaw opens, hanging, as her tongue lolls out of her mouth.
>saliva drips from her maw, sliding down her tongue and dangling.
>she’s quite literally drooling
“I’m a good girl…I follow all board rules…I don’t post pony on other boards…”
>she winces, struggling.
>in her mind, something was going horribly wrong.
>she wasn’t a girl!
>and she definitely wasn’t a good one!
>then why did it feel so good to say it?
>the visor kept forcing this resolute mantra into her head.
>Good girl. Follow Rules. Don’t post pony.
>the pieces of the headset over her ears begin to play a sweet, calming sound.
>the commands she was given now playing over and over into her, flowing right into her mind.
>her mind continues to grow fuzzy, as her eyes slowly gloss over.
>yes, this did feel right, this felt nice even.
>her hindlegs slowly begin to part, a bead of her nectar connecting her now moist lower lips to her plump inner thighs.
>it catches your attention, causing your eyes to go wide.
>was she getting turned on by this?
>a devilish idea soaked its way into your mind.
>she was always so determined on insisting she was truly a guy, even with the sexy feminine body she owned.
>it annoys the shit out of you.
>the devilish thought in your mind furthers.
>why stop at fixing her online etiquette?
>here you are, with this absolute banging female as your roommate, and she’s too stubborn to accept the fact that she’s best fit as your fuckbuddy.
>or the way it was shaping up, your slave.
>you look down between her parted hindlegs, catching a glimpse of her marehood giving a particularly enthusiastic wink.
“I’m a good girl…I follow all board rules…I don’t post pony on other boards…”
>she keeps repeating this mantra as a dumb, empty smile splits her muzzle.
“I’m a good girl…I follow all board rules…I don’t post pony on other boards…”
>you decide to go even further.
>reaching your arm around her, you slowly guide your hand down towards her teats.
>they’re a modest pair of tits, nothing too large but definitely big.
>they look exceptionally hot on her smaller form.
>you know she hates them, she always makes it clear how much she despises the two soft bosoms.
>she says she’s a dude, so they were apparently embarrassing to have.
>yet as you lightly grab one, twisting her hardening nipples with your fingers, she releases a throaty moan.
>a pleasant, lovely gush of her arousal surges out of her winking cunt.
>the scent of mint, mixed with some wild berries, finds its way into your sinuses.
>you never could have expected such a pleasant smell coming from her, but you weren’t gonna start complaining.
>she winces, biting her lip.
>her eyes come back to life a bit, leaving their glazed over state.
“S-stop it…you fucking…fa…fa…”
>seems she was trying to get a little retort out at you, cute.
>you had to assume since the visor was from some shady back alley, it wasn’t exactly perfect.
>you whisper in her ear, continuing to tease her tits.
“Shhhhh, let it take you ~ I’ll shape you up to be a real good toy.”
>she scrunches her muzzle, trying hard to resist.
“F-fuck you!”
>you couldn’t lie, her insistent defiance was pretty hot.
“I-I’m a guy! Y-you fucking…fucking…”
>but also unwanted.
>her eyes glaze over fully again.
>time to keep pushing her.
>you grab her plump teats again, playing with them in your hands.
“What are these, hmm?”
>drool drips from her mouth.
>you snicker, watching as her marehood winks yet again.
“And how do you feel about them?”
>she tilts her head a bit, staring off into nothingness.
“Hhhh…hate them…”
>you twist her nipple, listening to her cute squeak of pleasure.
“Why do you hate them? You’re a good girl.”
>she barely moves from your words, still emptily staring off into the distance.
“I’m…I’m a good girl…yes…”
>you massage her breasts more.
“And good girls love their tits. They want to be a sexy, horny mare for their Master.”
>she winces again.
“N-no…don’t want…”
>you repeat yourself, your voice far more firm.
>she relaxes a bit.
“G-good girls…love their tits…I want to be…a sexy, horny….mare for you…”
>she was already seeing you as her Master?
>fucking hot.
“And you’re a good girl, right?”
>she moans again.
“Y-yes…I’m a good girl.”
>she’s relaxing even more, like putty in your hands.
“So what do you think of these nice, big tits of yours?”
>she smiles a bit, giggling.
“I…love them! Make me…sexy…horny…for Master.”
>you reaffirm her.
“For me, right?”
>she giggles again.
“Yes…for you, Ma…Maaa…”
>she shakes her head furiously.
“N-no! C-cut it out! Agh!”
>seems her defiance really knew no bounds.
“G-get it off! Fuck you! You fucking fa-”
>you clamp your hand over her mouth, holding her in place.
>you grab onto her with your other hand, ensuring the headset and her both remain in place.
>she’s struggling even more, but as the visor's colors intensify further, she starts relaxing again.
>that was close.
>relaxing a bit yourself, you slip a finger into her mouth.
>she starts sucking on it, bobbing her head forward a bit.
>you move your other hand back to her tits.
“For me, right?”
>she’s giggling again, even with your finger within her mouth.
“Yesh…for you, M-Mahster…”
>you let her continue suckling on your finger, feeling her tongue swirling around it.
>you continue swapping between each of her tits, making sure both get some attention.
>you press your finger a bit more into her mouth, watching as she’s eagerly sucking on it.
“Good girl. You want to be my slave, right?”
>she winces yet again.
>though it's far weaker, her defiance is ever prevalent.
>you take your hands off her tits, slowly caressing her body as you make your way up.
>you stop under her chin, carefully stroking her cheek.
“You know you do, I’ll help you see the light~
>you take the finger in her mouth out.
>it’s now slick with her saliva.
>swiftly, you put your pointer finger on your other hand into her mouth, and she immediately starts sucking on it.
>taking your now slickened finger, you slowly make your way down to her crotch.
>you pass her tits this time.
>pausing right over her marehood, watching as it is now wantonly winking, you snicker.
>time to finish her off.
>gently, you tease her cunt, prodding her lips with her fingertip.
“Tell me, you love your pussy too, right?”
>yet again, for hopefully the last time, she winces.
“N-nhooooo…I havsh…I havsh…a chooock.”
>you prod her pussy more, seeing it pulse with need.
“No you don’t. You’re a good girl, and good girls use their pussy for Master.”
>she scrunches her muzzle, before relaxing her face even more.
“I’m…a good girl…for Master…
>you slowly sink your finger into her, feeling her walls clench onto it.
“That you are, slave. Let’s end this.”
>she leans back, throwing her head to the sky and releasing a long, guttural moan.
>you start pushing your finger deeper into her.
“You love your pussy, right?”
>she’s lightly bucking her hips forward.
>you give her what her body thirsts for, thrusting your finger into her.
>you're pushing it in and out rapidly, all while feeling her squirm.
>you guide your thumb to her engorged clit, starting to tease and massage the sensitive bud.
>she’s screaming out in pleasure, muffled by the finger you’ve slid into her maw.
>she’s thrusting her hips hard into your hand, desperate to feel more and more.
>she’s sucking on your finger harder than ever.
>her walls are constricting around the finger in her pussy like her life depended on it.
>you can hear her breathing starting to hitch, a climax surely close.
>the visor is pulsing nonstop with color, reshaping her mind.
>it’s finishing up the final steps, so you need to solidify your commands into her.
“You’re my slave now.”
>she moans.
>you keep going.
“You’re my needy, horny, good girl.”
>she bucks against you harder.
“You live to serve me. You obey me. I own you.”
>she heaves air into her chest, slurring out her proclamation of obedience.
“Yyesssh Mahster!”
>you can hear her breathing become ragged, surely moments away from the bliss of her orgasm.
>it’s time.
“You’re gonna cum all that silly free will of yours away.”
>she moans in response.
“You’re gonna cum away that false sense of masculinity you held onto.”
>she moans more.
“You’re gonna cum and become mine.”
>you feel her body stiffen, her marehood seize upon itself, and her breath hitch.
“Now cum.”
>she complies immediately, throwing her head back further, thrusting into your finger with all her might.
>she quite literally howls with ecstasy as her climax shatters any shreds of the pony she once was away.
>years of life, her memories as a male, her time before this world, all of it vanish into thin air in an instant
>in its wake, thoughts of obedience.
>thoughts of servitude.
>thoughts of serving YOU.
>her small frame convulses in your grasp, her body being overloaded with pleasure as her mind is reformed into that of a slave’s.
>her orgasm continues, as you pull your finger free of her maw.
>she starts screaming out.
“Yes Master! Yes Master! Yes! Yes! I serve! I serve Master! Yesssssssss!”
>that’s insanely fucking hot.
>she continues to shake intensely.
>gradually her body begins to calm.
>she leans back, her eyes finally shutting.
>she’s breathing heavily, panting like a dog.
>your chair is stained with her juices and your hand is covered in them too.
>you didn’t really care, not with what was going on right now.
>you carefully lift the headset off of her, watching as her ears twitch in response.
>placing it down on the desk, you turn towards her.
>her eyes flutter open.
“Hello Master, how may I serve you?”
>you have no idea how to respond, but all you know is you’re fucking horny.
>you look her up and down, nearly feeling giddy.
>this sexy, little plump specimen of a pony was now all yours.
>why the fuck didn’t you find this technology sooner?
>you stand upright, towering over her.
>your crotch was perfectly leveled with her face.
>you’re painfully horny.
>good thing your former friend is now much more open to accepting her true self.
>not that she had any mind left in there to decide things for herself anymore.
>you unbuckle your pants, letting them drop to the floor.
>she’s still staring at you with eyes of pure adoration.
>you throw off your underwear.
>your manhood springs out, stiff and hard as a rock.
>she eyes it, licking her lips.
>whatever side effects that headset came with, it seemed like one of them made her a total, horny slut.
>you stroke yourself lightly, before placing your cock right onto her muzzle.
>you rub your cock against her face, watching her eyelids flutter as your musk invades her sinuses.
>you know for a fact her marehood is winking like all hell.
>you keep grinding your dick on her face, watching her squirm.
>she inhales more of your scent, releasing a moan.
>you snicker.
>might as well let her have what she wants.
>she submitted to you, surrendering the pony she thought she was for the pure bliss of mindlessly serving you.
>she earned a reward.
“Slave, suck me off.”
>without an ounce of hesitation, she throws her muzzle forward and hungrily shoves your cock down her throat.
>mere minutes ago, she would’ve despised the mere thought of an action like this.
>priding herself on her masculinity, even while a female’s body.
>but now, as you watched her guide a forehoof towards her snatch, she knew.
>her true role was that of a cocksleeve, nothing more than a body to be filled and used.
>used by her Master.
>used by you.
>she brings her hoof to her winking snatch, beginning to rub herself furiously.
>her hoof is soaked in her juices near me instantly.
>she keeps bobbing her head forward, throating your entire cock with passion.
>you sigh, her lips sending bolts of pleasure through you.
>she’s damn good at this.
>she was built for this.
>you just finally showed her the truth.
“Thank me for enslaving you, bitch.”
>she looks up at you while slobbering on your cock.
>there is nothing but mindless obedience in those eyes.
“Mmmph ~ Mhank Yhou Mhaster”
>she can barely speak as she continues to bob her head forward.
>fuck does it feel good.
>you spent so many hours, days, weeks even, dealing with her shit.
>now she finally was in the position to pay for the troubles she caused you.
>forever under your control, nothing more than a tool for your pleasure.
>you gave her what she deserved - that useless fuck was only ever causing you trouble.
>now, now she was something good.
>you had years of pent up frustration to unleash on her.
>you grab the back of her head, forcing her forward.
>you hear and feel her gasp around your cock.
>without any remorse, you start jackhammering your hips forward.
>you start to absolutely fuck her face.
>her small frame makes it more than easy to manhandle her.
>you can’t help but to actually enjoy her presence.
>she was definitely better now than the obnoxious bitch she once was.
“Just a useless, good for nothing bitch! That’s all you used to be!”
>she struggles around your cock, the imprint of your tool bulging in her throat.
“Glk! M-mhm! Glk! Yesh!”
>you continue to demolish her throat, lavishing in the sensations she provided you.
“Now, now you’re something better! A mindless, worthless cocksleeve for me to use and nothing more.”
>she moans around your cock, rubbing her snatch even more.
>she tries her best to lick the underside of your cock.
>she had never done anything like this.
>constantly claiming the mere thought of it was “gay shit.”
>yet here she was, throating you like the whore she truly is.
>”I’m a guy” yeah fucking right.
>no dude could take cock this well.
>no dude had a pussy that plump.
>an ass that thick.
>thighs that soft.
>or a goddamn throat this good.
>you continue to swab her throat with fury, pounding into her face.
>she lets you use her, fulfilling her newfound role in life with pure joy.
>she reaches up with a free foreleg, wrapping it around your hip.
>she starts going with your motions, throwing her head forward as you pull her down.
>for her first facefuck, she was taking it like a champ.
>good, since there were certainly many more to come.
>you grimace.
>even with her worshiping you, it wasn’t enough.
>for all the trouble she caused, she deserved to have any semblance of her old self utterly demolished.
>you wanted to defy the very thing she used to stand for.
>yet you weren’t satisfied.
>not yet at least.
>you started slowing your thrusts.
>she still kept throwing her head forward, fucking her face on her own volition now.
>I guess she had some will left, but it was solely dedicated to fulfilling your every desire.
>you grab her hair, forcefully wrenching her head back and off your cock.
>she releases a pained gasp, before her wet pussy starts winking even faster.
>fucking masochist.
>panting, with her tongue lolling out, she looks up at you.
>saliva stained the edges of her mouth, with a trail of it connecting her tongue to the underside of your cock.
>you look her over once again.
>she definitely was better off as a sex slave.
>you feel your cock throbbing, eager to finish.
>you knew just what you wanted.
>you licked your lips.
“Slave, turn around and present yourself.”
>She perks up, registering your command.
“Yes - cough - Master!”
>Seems the girl was still recovering from that thorough facefucking you gave her.
>She hops off the chair, slowly turning around.
>She’s swaying her hips while doing so, clearly trying to entice you with her feminine figure.
>She always has had incredibly nice hips, which only show off her curves even more.
>The lazy fuck she once was would’ve hated to see herself like this.
>She finishes her brief 180.
>With her rump to you, she raises her forelegs and places them on the chair.
>Now mounted on top of the damp chair, the very chair she spent the final moments of her previous life on, she spreads her hindlegs apart.
>Looking back at you, hearts in her eyes, she flags her tail.
“I’m all yours, Master.”
>You were greeted with her wondrous lower lips.
>Delicious, juicy, plump pony pussy graced your vision.
>Her shapely ass rounded out her figure, and just above her slavering folds was her pulsing, desperate asshole.
>You already knew you’d be fucking her senseless - for as long as the device’s effects were on her.
>But for now, you have to claim her for the first time.
>Watching her marehood wink, primal fluids dripping down her thighs and forming a sticky puddle on the floor, you lick your lips.
>You decide to have even more fun with her.
“Beg for it.”
>Her eyes widen, as she bites her lip.
>She reaches back with a foreleg, grabbing the soft flesh of her ass.
>She slowly pulls back, spreading her buns apart for your viewing pleasure.
>Her marehood is now partially spread, showing you her lovely pink interior.
>Not only that, but her pucker was partially spread too, reminding you to rut that hole into oblivion sooner than later.
>She pulls a bit more, before looking right into your eyes.
“Please, Master, rut me. Use me like the cocksleeve I am. I deserve to be punished for being such a bad, little filly. I resisted you, but you showed me the light. Fuck me as much as you want. Use me. I need you. I need your cock. I’m your fucktoy. Please let me serve you, Master.”
>Hearing those words, coming out of HER mouth, AND having them directed at you…
>You could barely control yourself.
>Here was your usually smug, obnoxious, and irritating roommate begging you to plow her like a field in spring.
>And you were absolutely going to do that.
by HypnoMCThreadArchive