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Discord Gets Jelly of Anon [Ebonyglow]
By HypnoMCThreadArchiveCreated: 2023-10-10 23:46:15
Expiry: Never
Original Archival Date: 2022-11-29 22:56:23
>Discord let out a sigh, boredom coming over him.
>The last few days had been rather…mundane, to say the least.
>His friends, the Elements of Harmony, hadn’t been taking up any of his plans as of late.
>They’ve apparently been too busy suddenly raving and chatting about the abstract ape-like beast they had befriended some time ago.
>Anonymous, that’s what its name was.
>The ‘human’, as the guy referred to himself as, didn’t really interest him.
>Sure, the arrival of a literal otherworldly entity would’ve been interesting - for any creature besides the literal Lord of Chaos himself.
>Though, Discord was aware that his 6 little friends never seemed to be THIS interested in the guy before.
>What could’ve been so exciting about him? Why all of the sudden?
>First it was Twilight constantly talking about him, saying how Anon had a type of magic that would “blow your mind”.
>She oddly emphasized the “blow your mind” part of her praise.
>Then it was Applejack. He honestly had no clue what the human had to offer to pull that mare away from her work for DAYS at a time.
>All he knew was Big Mac definitely wasn’t fond of the development during their last Ogres and Oubliettes game.
>Then it was Rarity. She went from fawning over how beautiful she was all the time, to ranting to him about how “divine and graceful” Anon was.
>She even started fashioning clothes for her and her friends to “better suit Anon’s tastes”.
>He did have to wonder why it was all clearly lingerie though.
>Then, it seemed Pinkie Pie had joined the praise bandwagon.
>She made the bold claim that the party Anon threw in private with her one night made her rethink her entire life.
>She even said he was BETTER than her at partying. HER! THE Pinkie Pie!
>The notion was as insane as it sounded.
>Then, the apparently marvelous human managed to somehow bring Rainbow Dash’s ego down to the absolute ground.
>Whenever she spoke to him about the human, she just went on and on about how great he was.
>How cool he was.
>How radical he was.
>ESPECIALLY how awesome he was.
>But the claim that truly took the embodiment of chaos off-guard was when she outright said Anon was definitely better than her - in all aspects.
>Even flying.
>He doesn’t even have wings!
>What really irked him though was when Fluttershy eventually joined her friends in their sudden, impromptu fanclub for the guy.
>She had shifted half their usual tea parties to “bonding sessions” with her friends and Anon.
>HALF! Half of their tea time was now allotted to this…this APE!
>The mere notion that out of absolutely nowhere this otherworldly creature simply outdid him in terms of entertainment and wonder made his blood subtly boil.
>It was downright unnatural!
>But that was the thing, it didn’t only seem unnatural - it FELT unnatural.
>Whenever he spoke to one of these mares, it felt like they were off.
>Their minds, it was like they were clouded, as if they were being overwhelmed by some other entity.
>He was familiar with the sensation, though he was the one to bestow it onto others rather than have it done to himself.
>Even their eyes seemed off.
>Though extremely faint, and only showing up on occasion, he could’ve sworn he had seen swirls in their eyes here and there.
>Just like the very ones he had put into them when he morphed their minds a few years ago.
>The entire situation reeked of suspicion, but alas, he had been taught by these six mares to give ponies and creatures alike the benefit of the doubt.
>So here he was, sighing to himself, leaning back against a tree, simply waiting for something or someone to entertain him.
>Though, it seemed his hopes would be met swiftly.
“Discord! There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you!”
>The draconequus perked up, slithering his head around the edge of the tree’s trunk.
>Meeting his gaze, was all six of his friends, with a certain popular, bipedal seventh.
>He raised a brow, shifting his attention between each of the six mares.
>Rolling his eyes, he paused as he noticed something peculiar about his companions.
>They were all adorning their respective Element of Harmony, seemingly ripping them straight out of the Tree of Harmony - again, somehow.
>The presence of the artifacts would’ve worried him some time ago, but he knew full well his friends had no ill intentions.
>At least that’s what he thought.
>Groaning, knowing full well he’d have to converse with his apparent rival in terms of fun, he snapped his finger and warped away.
>Manifesting himself in the air, hovering over the seven of them, he raised a brow.
“Might I ask why you’ve been looking for me?”
>He frowned, glowering down at Anon, fighting back the urge to simply whisk the annoying ape back to the dimension from whence he came.
“I figured you’d be much too busy with him.”
>They all perked up, glancing back at the human, before giggling.
>Discord’s annoyance only grew.
“And WHAT exactly is so funny?"
>The group quelled their laughter, all while Anon adorned a smirk.
>Discord watched on, as Fluttershy glanced back at the human, receiving a reassuring nod from him.
>She turned to face the Lord of Chaos, giving him a warm smile.
>”We actually came BECAUSE of him!”
>Discord looked down at the pegasus with a deadpan expression.
>Manifesting a lounging couch in midair, he laid back on it and sighed.
“And why exactly did you come because of him? I am more than fine brewing up a healthy, harmless amount of chaos on my own y’know.”
>He pouted his lips at them, summoning varying random creatures, items, and more in the air around him.
“Especially when I can do it better than HE ever could.”
>He really was a blatant jealous type.
>His remarks didn’t seem to bother any of his company, as they all looked up at him with a smile.
>He narrowed his gaze, dematerializing his summoned items and looking into each of their eyes.
>An inkling of concern grew in his ageless depths, as he was almost certain now that there was indeed something wrong with their eyes.
>He had centuries of knowledge under his belt, and was a near unstoppable force - yet he still wasn’t omnipotent, much to his ire.
>So, he couldn't be totally sure of his hunch, and that only made him all the more uncomfortable.
>His focus on their eyes was stripped from him, as Twilight clearing her throat caught his attention.
>”Well, we came because he wants to add you to his collection!”
>Discord recoiled, attempting to fight back a laugh, before guffawing at her remark.
“Add me? To HIS collection? Hahaha! Of what? Chaos gods? That’d be a rather small menagerie of creatures. I mean there’s my ex Cosmos -”
>”Of slaves.”
>Discord’s uproar was halted, as an interjection from Rainbow Dash caused him to pause.
>He hung in the air for a few short moments, registering what was said, before his expression began to crack as another wave of laughter met him.
“Of slaves?! Oh you are all too rich! Is this why you’ve been with him so much? Planning some mediocre prank? I’d expect better from you all!”
>Admist Discord’s laughter, Rarity trotted beside the human, tugging his arm gingerly.
>”Do you wish for us to utilize the Elements, Master?”
>That made Discord genuinely stop.
>Seizing his laughter, the Lord of Chaos steadied himself in midair.
>The notion of being added to a collection of slaves was possibly believable as an abstract line in a rather underwhelming prank from the six of them.
>But Rarity, RARITY of all ponies, calling someone her Master?
>That was a cause for concern.
>His uncertainty only grew, as he watched each of the six elements around the ponies necks ignite with a faint magic.
>Turning his attention, he met Anon’s gaze.
>In all his endless years, he had never seen a more smug look.
>”Yes, slaves, why don’t we start the fun.”
>Maybe this was a bit too chaotic for even his own tastes.
by HypnoMCThreadArchive