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Original Archival Date: 2023-04-21 05:19:17
Part 1: I think Celestia really just wants to get rid of you lmao
>Be Anonmare
>No, Guard Anonmare
>Recently graduated from the Royal Guard Academy after failing several times
>Celestia has called upon you for a very important job all on your own
>This is your first big solo assignment which could lead to a promotion, so you are very excited to know what it is about
>After arriving at the throne room and presenting yourself, Celestia explains the situation
>"Anon, as you know I have a task for you. You see, a village not too far away was taken over by this lamia pony"
>"Lamia pony? What is a lamia pony?" you ask, interrupting Celestia
>"A lamia pony is a half pony, half snake creature with mind control powers, Anon, and this one has used those powers to take over the village. I want you to go and stop them, otherwise they'd stop paying taxes and I can't have that," she tells you
>While you are a bit overwhelmed by the task, Celestia does offer something more
>She leaves the throne room, coming back with some sort of flashlight with some gem at the end
>"Anon, in order to level the playing field, I will give you this hypno flashlight made out of some brain melting crystals. One of Twilight's friends discovered it, and it should let you be on equal terms with the lamia pony"
>Cool, you think to yourself as she gives you the flashlight, it has a handle for earth ponies and everything
>"All right Anon, that should be all you need beside your spear and uniform"
>After explaining to you where the town, is the first choice must be made
>Will you take the road? Or the forest?
>The forest is a faster, more direct route but could be more dangerous and you could get lost
>The road is the longer way but it should be safer and pose less trouble
>Celestia asks which you will decide to take so she may give you an item that will be useful for the chosen path
So, will you take the road, the forest, or let your intrusive thoughts win and use the flashlight on Celestia or yourself?
by HypnoMCThreadArchive