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Anon and Celestia play in the snow by Anon
By DelightCreated: 2023-11-22 14:45:47
Updated: 2023-11-22 14:57:22
Expiry: Never
Anon and Celestia play in the snow by Anon
>"Anon, come on, It's time to wake up."
>you hear your mother, Princess Celestia, say softly
>you open your eyes just a crack, the soft blue world of early morning greets you
>Celestia kisses you on the forehead and lowers her lips to your ear, you're mesmerized by her breath
>"It's snowing." she whispers, her mouth forming into a small smile
>you sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes
>"Huh?" You ask groggily, wondering why you were woken up so early
>"It's snowing, anon. The first snow of the year...I woke you up so we could enjoy it together, alone." says Celestia
>"Thanks Celly." you grin, hopping out of bed and blanketing your mom in a warm hug
>"T-That's Mother, anon." she corrects you, rubbing your back with her hoof
>You make your way outside and into the hall, your footsteps bouncing off of the walls and floor, pattering away ahead of you
>"Where is everyone?" you ask in wonder, hopping ahead of Celestia two hops and spinning around to face her
>"They're all asleep, nobody needs to wake up for another few hours.Today is a holiday. Just for you and I, little Anon." she says, closing her eyes and flashing you a smile that could melt the hearts of lesser boys
>"Cool!" you exclaim, before remembering that everyone is asleep
>you both find your way into the gardens, and so begins your first encounter with snow
>"It's really cold out here..." you say, unsure of the completely white topped garden around you
>Celestia nudges you forwards gently
>"It's okay, snow is supposed to be cold." she laughs "Your clothing will help, trust me."
>you nod and take a step off of the stairs, into the snow
>next thing you know you're face down in a patch of deep white snow
>"H-Help!" you say, flailing about clumsily
>you feel yourself being picked up by the collar of your jacket, until you're upright and standing again
>"Thanks Mom, I-I can do it this time." you smile to her embarassedly
>you try again, this time taking careful steps into the snow
>"See?" you look over to Celestia and point towards your feet
>she nods and laughs
>"I'm proud of you, anon." She says happily, watching you
>you decide to build something like you always saw in the books she would read you, a snowmare to be precise
>wasting no time, you quickly ball some snow in your hands and place it on the ground in front of you, sticking your tongue out in concentration
>Celestia watches on curiously, sitting down and opening her thermos of hot chocolate
>"What are you making, anon?" she calls, taking a sip from the steaming cup hovering in front of her
>"It's a secret!" you exclaim in a muffled voice, the snow around you combined with the hood of your jacket making it difficult to speak
>"All right dear." she says, you could tell she was curious though
>you begin packing in snow for the snowmare's body, then you slowly try to shape the head
>after a few tries, you manage to get the head to stay on the body, and stand proudly in front of your creation
>"It's not done yet...needs some more stuff." you mumble to yourself
>you look around the garden and a few rocks and sticks half buried under the snow, and quickly race to grab them (only falling over once)
>Celestia watches on, an amused smile across her mouth
>finally, you got everything you need and could begin working on the finishing touches
>you press a large stick into the middle of the snowmare's forehead, and add two pebbles down further as well
>then you add a stick at the flank and two sticks on either side of the back
>"Hmmm. Perfect." you say proudly, then run back to your Mother
>"Mom, I made something!" you say excitedly, tugging on her wing
>"Oh?" she says, pretending not to have seen you working away only a few meters in front of her
>you lead her to the snowmare and point at it, grinning happily
>"Do you like it?" you ask, patting a loose bit of snow down "It's you!"
>"It's wonderful, my little Anon." she laughs, looking over it proudly
>all of a sudden, the snowmare's head falls off, causing you to frown
>"I guess It's not very good, huh?" you say, looking down
>you really wanted it to be perfect for your mother
>from the corner of your eye, you see a glow and the snow that was formerly the snowmare's head lifts back onto It's shoulders
>Celestia pats it down, then looks over to you with a sweet smile
>"It's the best snowmare anyone has ever made me." she says softly, wrapping you in a warm hug, her hair tickling your face
>"I love you Mom. Snow is really cold, isn't it?" you say flatly, pressing your face into her coat
>Celestia laughs, then steps back
>"I love you too, Anon. Let's go back inside and have some hot chocolate, shall we?"
by Delight
by Delight