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Ska Anon x Sweetie Belle

By gollygolly
Created: 2024-01-10 14:10:50
Expiry: Never

  1. "What? Oh, come on, chill the fuck out. She's way to young to know what "groupie" actually is. It's just for fun!"
  2. >"She's fourteen! She knows exactly what a groupie is!"
  3. "Psh. You're just being paranoid. Oh, hey Sweetie!"
  4. >Sweetie Belle peers around the backstage door, scowling at Rarity, and her face then brightening when she sees you
  5. >"Hey, Anon! Like my oufit?"
  6. >She steps inside, and... dayum
  7. >You don't want to toss the word "slut" around, but...
  8. >She's showing a *lot* of skin
  9. >Rarity's jaw drops
  10. >"Sweetie! This is absolutely inappropriate!"
  11. >"Why? I'm fourteen! I can dress however I want!"
  12. >"Absolutely not! The green in that halter top clashes horribly with the navy in those shorts! And those shoes are so seventies vogue! Not appropriate for a 90's-themed venue at all! You're going to embarrass me!"
  13. >Sweetie just looks confused at this point
  14. >"And I guess it's too revealing too. But what were you thinking with those colors!?"
  15. >Rarity grabs Sweetie Belle by the arm, trying to drag her out of the room, but Sweetie twists away, sprinting back into the main area of the club
  16. >"Ugh! This is all your fault, Anonymous!"
  17. "My fault? How? What, was I the one who told her to dress like a skank?"
  18. >"Don't you dare call my sister that!"
  19. "I'm sorry! Was I the one who taught her to dress like a woman of questionable morals?"
  20. >"There's nothing questionable about her morals! The one who deserves questioning is you!"
  21. "Well, that'll have to wait. We're on in ten minutes."
  22. >As if on cue, Rainbow and Twilight walk into the room
  23. >Since the Rainbooms disbanded, the three of them invited you into their band, and you've formed the punk-ska sensation Horse's Arse
  24. >Rainbow is the first to speak up
  25. >"Dudes! The warmup band just finished! We gotta get out there!"
  26. >Rarity shoots you a look that promises that this isn't over
  27. >The bar isn't super crowded, so you can spot Sweetie pretty easily
  28. >She's standing right in front of the stage, hoping excitedly when she sees you
  29. >Turning, she grabs the arm of a girl next to her, looking about her age
  30. >Her friend's hair is a cherry bed, tied back by a pink bow twice the size of her head
  31. >She's dressed even less than Sweetie, wearing what looks like a sports bra top over jean shorts
  32. >Oh God, Rarity's not gonna be happy about this
  33. >You look up towards you band's keyboardist to find her grinding her teeth at you
  34. "You ready, Rares?"
  35. >"Anonymous, the moment this is over, you and I are having a *long* conversation."
  36. "I can't wait."
  37. >You hoist your bass over your shoulders, step up to the mic, and the gig begins
  40. >As soon as the first song starts, Sweetie looks like she's in heaven
  41. >Her bow-toting friend isn't quite as into it, but Rarity's sister is jumping and screaming the entire way through
  42. >When it finishes, she's a sweaty mess, and keeps trying to catch her eye
  43. >As soon as you look at her, she winks
  44. >Rarity steps between the two of you, blocking your vision
  45. >You're not sure why she's so paranoid, Sweetie's just being friendly, right?
  47. >After the second song, you notice that Sweetie and her bow-wearing friend are joined by a third girl
  48. >Impossibly, she's showing even more skin than the other two, her skimpy top covering barely more than a bikini and her shorts...
  49. >Well, they don't leave much to the imagination
  50. >All three crowd around the front of the stage, reaching out to try and touch you as you play
  51. >Once again, Rarity manages to insert herself between you and them
  52. >God, she's no damn fun
  53. >The three girls are clearly desperate to get at you, but Rarity positions herself strategically every time, keeping the from even seeing you for half the show
  54. >What a killjoy
  55. >Then, at some particular moment, she steps back to switch patches on her keytar, leaving you open
  56. >Immediately, something small and soft hits you in the face
  57. >You shake your head, and the ball of cloth drops away
  58. >Looking down, you realize its a pair of panties
  59. >And guess who's giving you the biggest perverted grin you've at you when you look back into the crowd
  60. >Sweetie's face is beet red, and she blows a kiss at you
  61. >Her short-haired friend slings an arm around Sweetie's shoulders, throwing her head back in laughter
  62. >You know, maybe Rares was onto something...
  64. >After the show, you're a sweaty mess, though you're nothing compared to the three fangirls screaming at you
  65. >Sweetie and the short-haired girl are completely frantic, but the bow-wearing one between the two of them just looks a little... overwhelmed
  66. >You can't help but feel a little bad for her
  67. >When Sweetie notices you watching, she gestures with her head towards the exit
  68. >You raise an eyebrow in question, and she mouthes something that looks like "come on" in response
  69. >Well... shit, what do you have to lose?
  72. >"Dude! Sign my tits!
  73. >The minute you step outside after them, ending up in a tiny, cramped, grungy little alley, the short-haired girl is pressing herself onto you, a Sharpie in her hand
  74. >"That was fucking awesome, man! Sign my tits!"
  75. "Uh... hold on..."
  76. >Sweetie grabs her friend and drags her off you
  77. >"Scootaloo, stop! That's so weird!"
  78. >She tries to maintain a serious tone of voice -- sound almost exactly like her sister in the process -- but collapses into a giggling fit at the end
  79. >Scootaloo presses herself against you again
  80. >"Come on man, sign 'em! Nobody's watching!"
  81. >She pushes the Sharpie into your hand and pulls her bikini top away from her chest, revealing her flat, nubby breasts
  82. >Sweetie cackles at her no-so-well endowed friend, and the one with the bow in her hair just turns away embarrassed
  83. >Scootaloo clearly isn't embarrassed by the flatness of her chest, pressing against you harder
  84. >"Come on! Sign 'em!"
  85. "Okay, okay, hold on..."
  86. >Sounding a lot calmer than you feel, you uncap the marker and scribble "Anonymous" across her breasts
  87. >"Ha, fuck yeah! Come on, Sweetie, get him to do yours!"
  88. >Sweetie falters for a moment
  89. >"Um... uh..."
  90. >"Come on! You were just gushing over how much you wanted his dick!"
  91. >"Y-yeah, but if my sister sees..."
  92. >"Since when does your sister see your tits? Go on!"
  93. >Scootaloo shoves Sweetie Belle towards you
  94. >Slowly, she begins to lift up her top...
  96. >A furious Rarity appears around the door
  97. >Fortunately, Sweetie's friends are blocking her from view, but she quickly drops her shirt back down
  98. >"Y-yeah?"
  99. >"What are you doing out here?"
  100. >She catches sight of you
  101. >The mishmash of emotions that run through her are truly a sight to see
  102. >"You... Anonymous! How dare you!"
  103. "What? We were just talking!"
  104. >About touching underage breasts, sure, but she doesn't need to know that
  105. >"Get in here! We need to finish packing!"
  106. >The girls part on both sides of you
  107. >You roll your eyes, but follow her
  108. >As you pass Sweetie Belle, you swear you feel a tiny hand grab your ass
  110. >As usual, you have to help Rarity carry most of her equipment
  111. >She scowls at you the entire way
  112. >"I'm watching you, Anonymous. You keep encouraging this behaviour, and I'll--"
  113. "What behavior? She's just a highschool girl. Let her have fun with her friends."
  114. >"You... you... THAT IS NOT THE KIND OF FUN I WANT HER HAVING! She's needs to learn to be respectful! To be a proper lady!"
  115. "And it's my fault she isn't learning that?"
  116. >"You're a bad influence! You share some of the blame!"
  117. "Psh. If it's really such a big deal, why don't you try, you know, talking to her? Instead of yelling at me?"
  118. >"That's... a pretty good idea, actually. But I've still got my eye on you!"
  119. "Of course. Love you too, Rares."
  120. >She growls in frustration, running outside to confront her sister
  121. >Once you've got every part of your equipment packed into your car, you head back into the club, leaving the vehicle unlocked
  122. >Pretty irresponsible, sure, but no one's going to bother stealing cheap equipment weighing nearly a hundred pounds
  123. >So you head in, looking for Rarity
  124. >She's sulking in a corner, while Rainbow tries to convince Twilight to take some shots
  125. >"Come on, dude! It tastes fine, I promise!"
  126. >"No! I hate rum, and besides, I'm driving! Stop!"
  127. >Leaving the two to their squabble, you approach your keyboardist
  128. "How'd it go?"
  129. >"Hmph. Fine. She promised she'll stop dressing like this, and said she was going home with her friends."
  130. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"
  131. >Rarity just rolls her eyes
  132. >"I'm serious, Anon. This is my little sister we're talking about. You can't keep encouraging this behavior."
  133. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, Rares. I'll try to tone it down."
  134. >That seems to placate her, slightly
  135. >"Thank you, Anonymous. I'll see you for practice tomorrow?"
  136. "Yeah, sure. See ya."
  138. >You grab a beer, drinking it slowly while Rainbow and Twilight finish their argument
  139. >You bid your other band-mates goodbye before heading back to your truck
  140. >As you get into the driver's seat, however, a tiny voice squeaks out from behind you
  141. >"H-hey, Anon..."
  142. "Sweetie? How the fuck--"
  143. >"I told Rarity I was going home with my friends. And you kinda left the door unlocked."
  144. >She crawls out from the back seat and into the passenger side
  145. >"So... will you sign me?"
  146. >She hands you the Sharpie from earlier
  147. "Sign? I, uh... won't that piss Rarity off?"
  148. >"She won't know. I promise."
  149. "I dunno..."
  150. >"Please?"
  151. >A hint of desperation has entered her voice
  152. >"Come on, you can't just do it for Scootaloo and not for me. I've been your biggest fan since the band started!
  153. >Her voice has risen to an indignant squeak, and you realize no amount of insistence on your part is going to get her to let this go
  154. >"I promise, I won't tell!"
  155. >She sits up straight, grabbing the hem of her halter top
  156. "I... I guess. But Rarity doesn't get to know."
  157. >"She won't."
  158. >Sweetie's practically shivering with excitement as she lifts her top up over her head, a perverted grin on her face
  159. >"C-can you sign it with a little heart, too?"
  160. "Yeah, sure..."
  161. >Sweetie's breasts are larger than Scootaloo's, though not by much
  162. >Barely B-cups
  163. >Still... you're not complaining
  164. >You reach out, your hand surprisingly steady, and scribble a "<3 Anonymous" on her tits
  165. >She giggles, squirming a little as the marker's point tickles her
  166. "Alright. There you go."
  167. >"Thanks, Anon. Is it, um... would you mind taking me home?"
  168. "Home? Yeah, sure."
  169. >She still hasn't put her shirt back down
  170. >Instead, she leaves it rolled up, signed breasts exposed, leaning back in her chair
  171. >You try to avoid staring at her developing breasts, focusing instead on getting your truck started
  172. >As always, it's a pain
  173. >"You're so cool, you know?"
  174. "Yeah? I think a couple people would disagree..."
  175. >"Just my sister. She's... ugh, she's been on my ass so hard! Like, she just can't accept that I don't want to be all froo-froo fancy like she is! I just want to, you know, figure myself out! I want to have fun with my friends, but for some reason that's a problem for her."
  176. >Sweetie pouts, crossing her arms over her stomach
  177. "She's just worried about you, Sweetie. She wants you to be happy."
  178. >"Well she's doing a shitty job at it. She doesn't get me the way you do. You see who I want to be! That's why I like you so much!"
  179. >You pull onto the freeway to make the short drive to Rarity's neighborhood
  180. >"Can you get off here?"
  181. "Here? I thought your exit was the next one."
  182. >"It is. Just get off here, alright."
  183. "Okay?"
  184. >You take the unfamiliar exit, finding yourself in a sprawling factory district
  185. "Where are we going?"
  186. >"Can you pull into that lot there?"
  187. >Sweetie's voice is a nervous, tittering squeak, but she tries her best to look collected
  188. "That lot? Why?"
  189. >"Just do it, alright?"
  190. >You pull in, acting as if you can't already see exactly where this is going
  191. >Sweetie unbuckles herself, lifting her shirt the rest of the way off
  192. "Sweetie?"
  193. >Before you can get another word out, she throws her arms around your neck, trying to kiss you
  194. >You manage to her a hand between her face and yours, blocking her
  195. >"Hey! What are you doing? Don't you want this?"
  196. "I..."
  197. >Fuck, you knew this would happen
  198. >Why did you bring her here?
  199. >This is wrong, right?
  200. "Rarity will kill me..."
  201. >"So? She doesn't have to know."
  202. "But what if she finds out? I could get in a lot of trouble..."
  203. >"She won't. I promise, Anon. Come on, let's just enjoy this..."
  204. >You try to protest, but your strength is failing
  205. >Sweetie pushes your hand out of the way, mashing her mouth against yours
  206. >Her lips are so soft, quivering slightly with her nervousness
  207. >She leans her weight against you, pressing you against the door of the car as she grabs one of your hands, lifting it up to her bare breasts
  208. >You just sort of awkwardly cup it, not really sure what to do with the tiny bump
  209. >"Come on, play with it..."
  210. >She breaks the kiss just long enough to whisper to you
  211. >"They're... they're not too small, right?"
  212. "What? No, they're great..."
  213. >"Then play with them a little..."
  214. >She lifts her arms up over her head, her chest on full display
  215. >You tweak her right nipple, and she sucks in her breath
  216. >Sweetie grabs your hand, lowering it down to her crotch
  217. >"I'm so, so wet... oh God this feels so weird..."
  218. >Your hand slips under the waistband of her shorts, finding that she never recovered the panties she chucked at you
  219. >As your finger slips into her, a stream of liquid squirts down over your knuckle, creating a wet spot on the front of her shorts
  220. >Sweetie collapses against you, shuddering in pleasure as you curl your finger against her insides
  221. >"G-guh... more..."
  222. >She presses her mouth against yours for another kiss, and you slip a second finger inside her
  223. >Her hips buck against your hand, forcing your fingers deeper in
  224. >You can feel her getting wetter and wetter, her crotch becoming a slippery mess
  225. >"Nyuh... nyuh... Anon, I'm gonna... you're making me... f-fuck..."
  226. >She breaks off the kissing, biting your neck and letting out a whiny, amorous squeal as she cums
  227. >You let her slump back into her seat, her shorts soaked in her juices
  228. >"Oh my God... that was... oh my God..."
  229. >She takes your hand, holding it up to her mouth
  230. >And she begins to lick it clean, holding eye contact the entire time
  231. >"You want your turn, now?"
  232. >When your hand is licked clean, she adjusts herself in the car, her shorts sagging to reveal a little of her ass
  233. >Her head goes right for your crotch, and she begins to fiddle with your zipper
  234. >A pair of headlights illuminate the inside of your car
  235. >Your heart jumps into your throat, as you wait for the car to turn on flashing lights
  236. >But it doesn't
  237. >Instead, as if pulls closer, you realize with a splash of relief that it's Twilight's car
  238. >And then your body goes even colder, chills running down your back
  239. >Why the fuck did Twilight follow you?
  240. >Oh God, did she see you and Sweetie...
  241. >Sweetie's ducked down, hiding in the space between the dashboard and your seat
  242. >She's still half naked, but there's no time to worry about that
  243. >What you're more focused on is the fact that her head is still cradled between your thighs...
  244. >Twilight's car pulls up alongside yours, and she rolls her window down
  245. >"Anon! Hey! What're you doing here?"
  246. "Uh... nothing. It's just where I come to think sometimes, you know."
  247. >"Really? Me too! That's awesome!"
  248. >She leans out of her car window, staring up the sky
  249. >Sweetie, meanwhile, finishes unzipping your jeans, and gets her hands in your fly
  250. >Oh God, why now...
  251. >"Anon? You okay?"
  252. "Y-yeah! Totally fine!"
  253. >Sweetie pulls your now-very-erect shaft out through your fly, and you can feel her hot, muggy breath against your tip
  254. >Oh God, act natural, act natural...
  255. >"Oh, alright. So, what're you thinking about?"
  256. >Twilight leans back in her seat, clearly ready for a nice, long conversation
  257. >Goddammit, Sparkle, you fucking autist
  258. >Now's not a good fucking time!
  259. >Sweetie's lips touch the tip of your cock, and she slowly slides you into her mouth, her little tongue lapping at you the entire way in
  260. "F-fuck..."
  261. >You arch your back, pressing yourself into the back of her throat
  262. >She lets out a wet, gagging cough
  263. >"Anon? What was that?"
  264. "U-uh, me! My voice is thrown off from singing! Heh!"
  265. >"Oh! Yeah, you were really giving it your all. I love the melodies you've been injecting into our songwriting. Very preppy! It's reminiscent of post-90's punk music, in my opinion. Was that what you were going for?"
  266. "Yeah... yeah, definitely..."
  267. >Sweetie manages to fit your entire length into her mouth, your tip ramming the back of her throat
  268. >She gags again, and you can see saliva dribbling down her chin
  269. >The two of you make eye contact, and she winks, using her tongue to tease the very tip of your cock
  270. >"Isn't this such a pretty place to think? I really like the architecture in these districts! So brutalist, you know?"
  271. "Totally, Twi..."
  272. >"Is this one your favorite? I really like the NuCore plant. It's so creepy! All that twisted iron girdle and concrete embankments, it's like something out of Blade Runner!"
  273. "Yeah, Twi... yeah... just like that..."
  274. >You're going to cum
  275. >Should you warn Sweetie?
  276. >How the hell can you warn her without Twilight realizing?
  277. >Sweetie, as if realizing what's about to happen, takes you all the way to the back of her throat, letting you pump your seed right down her gullet
  278. "F-fuck, oh my God..."
  279. >"Anon? Are you sure you're alright?"
  280. >Twilight opens her car door, stepping out
  281. "I'm fine! Totally fine!"
  282. >"Are you sure?"
  283. >She walks toward you, her eyes full of concern and blissful ignorance
  284. >As nonchalantly as you can, you grab a bag of cables and drop it in your lap
  285. >It lands right on Sweetie's head, and she squeaks in surprise
  286. >Twilight recoils in surprise
  287. >"Anon? What was that?"
  288. "Uh... my car! Making noise!"
  289. >Twilight reaches your window, resting against the door of your truck with her face only inches from yours
  290. >"Huh. You're acting kinda weird. Are you sure you're okay? I was reading this book about performance anxiety and how, even if you aren't nervous during the performance, the stress can still cause some minor problems."
  291. "Oh? Heheh, really now..."
  292. >Sweetie is, you hope, completely obscured by the bag of cables
  293. >However, she refuses to stay still
  294. >Slowly at first, she licks along your still sensitive shaft, causing you to convulse
  295. >"Oh my God! Anon, you're twitching!"
  296. "Y-yeah! It's... dehydration! I really need some water?"
  297. >"Water? I'll go get you some!"
  298. >She runs to her car, giving you enough time to hiss at the girl between your legs
  299. "What the hell are you doing!?"
  300. >Sweetie just giggles in response
  301. >"Anon! You okay with just water?"
  302. "Yeah! Sure, water's fine!"
  303. >Twilight reappears, two bottles clutched in her hand
  304. >Why does she have two?
  305. >Oh God, no...
  306. >"Mind if I stay with you for a bit? Even though we're in the band together, it seems like we don't talk much."
  307. "Honestly, Twi, I should probably get home soon..."
  308. >"Home? Why?"
  309. "I'm... I'm really tired."
  310. >"Oh..."
  311. >Twilight's face falls
  312. >"That's understandable. You really gave it your all! Plus you've been staying up late studying the past nights, haven't you?"
  313. "Um, yeah, totally..."
  314. >"That makes sense. I hear fatigue can set in for long periods of time when you're not getting proper sleep, and can be exacerbated by--"
  315. "G-gah!"
  316. >Sweetie has your entire limp cock in her mouth now, continuing to suckle at you even though you can't get hard
  317. >Your fingers grip the arm rest of your car door
  318. >"A-Anon! Are you sure you're okay?"
  319. "I'm f-fine!"
  320. >"Here, let me take your temperature! If you have a fever, I have some over-the-counter remedies I can recommend!"
  322. >Sweetie coughs
  323. >Not a little, girly cough, but a hacking, wet, "I have a cock in my throat" cough
  324. >Twilight's eyes go wide
  325. >"What was--"
  327. >You start the engine, and Twilight jumps back as you tear out of the parking lot, heading for Sweetie's neighborhood
  328. "What the hell were you thinking?"
  329. >Sweetie, now fully dressed again, except for her missing panties, just grins
  330. >"Why? You complaining?"
  331. "You could have gotten us caught?"
  332. >"So? What's Twilight gonna do?"
  333. "Tell Rarity?"
  334. >Sweetie groans
  335. >"Ugh, why do you care what she thinks? She's not in charge of your life! And she's not in charge of her life."
  336. >She crosses her arms over her chest
  337. >"You shouldn't be listening to her. You're cool! You actually care about me! Why do you care what she thinks?"
  338. "Because I don't want to be kicked out of my own band? And I don't want word about this getting around?"
  339. >"Word about what? Are you embarrassed of me?"
  340. >She squeaks indignantly at you
  341. "I'm not embarrassed of you, Sweetie. You're fucking awesome."
  342. >Your compliment seems to placate her, but you can still sense the tension brewing in her little heart
  343. "It's just... I don't want anything to complicate this. You know that's what Rarity wants to do."
  344. >"Yeah... you're right."
  345. >She pouts
  346. >"Stupid Rarity. Why won't she just let me be who I want to be? Ugh, she's so awful sometimes!"
  347. "Hey, hey. She's just trying to look after her sister. Even if she doesn't always do it the right way."
  348. >"Maybe."
  349. >Just as you pull in front of Rarity's house, Sweetie throws her arms around your neck, kissing you
  350. >"We'll do this again, right?"
  351. "Again? I mean..."
  352. >"Come on! We could... I dunno... could we try dating?"
  353. "Dating? Sweetie, you're... you're cool and all, but... you're still young."
  354. >"So? I won't tell anyone, I promise! We'll keep it super secret!"
  355. "That's... no. That's not gonna work."
  356. >"Come on! Please?"
  357. >She tries to kiss you again, but you hold her away
  358. "I... I don't think that's a good idea, Sweetie. I'm sorry."
  359. >"But... but what just happened... you felt something, right?"
  360. "I did, but..."
  361. >"But what? Anon, don't tell me I was just another lay to you... come on, all the stuff you said to me, when I was hanging out at your practices? You said I was awesome! That I was a cool girl for my age! That meant so much to me!"
  362. "I know, I know. And I meant it. I like you, Sweetie, but... us dating would be... it'd be risky."
  363. >"So? I'm worth a little risk, right?"
  364. >She stares up at you with wide, sapphire eyes, her bottom lip sticking out
  365. "I... yeah. You are."
  366. >She squeaks with joy, and this time you let her kiss you
  367. "But we're taking this slow, alright? We're gonna be careful."
  368. >"I'm be super careful!"
  369. >She peppers your face in little, enthusiastic kisses
  370. >"Alright, I'm gonna go! But I'll see you tomorrow, okay? At practice?"
  371. "Yeah. Totally."
  372. >"Yay! Alright, bye!"
  373. >She gives you one final kiss, and sprints back into her house
  376. >The next morning, you wake up to a text from Dash
  377. >[yo dude. shopping today?]
  378. >When Dash says "shopping," she means "loiter at the Canterlot Music Supply with the excuse that you're 'testing' new equipment"
  379. >So, way better than another kind of shopping, really
  380. >You shoot her a text back
  381. [sure. gimme ten minutes]
  382. >And then you head off to get dressed, last night's events feeling more like a bizarre dream than anything else
  383. >Did you really agree to try dating Sweetie Belle?
  384. >Are you fucking insane?
  385. >You weren't drunk, what the fuck were you thinking?
  386. >You shake your head, pulling on a faded, ironic band tee
  387. >God, you're such hipster trash
  388. >Okay, even if you did agree, it's not like you'll end up having to do anything, right?
  389. >She's fourteen, she probably thinks dating just involves a bunch of trips to the park together or some shit
  390. >Then again, she's not exactly a regular fourteen-year-old...
  391. >Fuck it, why are you overthinking this so hard?
  392. >The kid's cute, and she's clearly okay with it, so just...
  393. >Just chill, man
  394. >You're doing nothing wrong, right?
  395. >Just ride this out while it lasts, and enjoy it
  397. >Dash is waiting for you outside the Canterlot Music Supply, leaning jauntily against her beat-to-shit 90's Cadillac
  398. >"Sup, dude."
  399. >She tosses you a bottle of something as you approach
  400. >Looking down at your hands, you find that it's a bottle of... Mountain Dew?
  401. >Seriously, Dash?
  402. >"They've got a new flavor, man! Try it!"
  403. >You roll your eyes, throwing the soda back at her
  404. "How old are you again, Rainbow? Like, ten?"
  405. >"Ten and a half, dickwad."
  406. >She punches your arm, and the two of you head inside
  407. >You end up fucking around with this new distortion pedal, while Dash pretends to be able to shred
  408. >She's alright as a rhythm guitarist, but as a melodist she's fucking terrible
  409. >The employees are starting to give her looks as she attempts to play through a chromatic scale, sounding more like she's ripping the guitar apart than playing it
  410. >You begin to edge away from her, back into a smaller section of the store
  411. >Dash finally calms the fuck down, quieting just enough for you to hear the doorbells jingle as someone new enters
  412. >You busy yourself looking through a row of synthesizers, wondering if you could convince Rarity to buy something with a better tone than that gaudy keytar she loves
  413. >It's kinda peaceful, now that Dash is no longer trying to mutilate musical theory
  414. >You hear the sound of footsteps behind you and, assuming it's just another random customer, ignore them
  415. >Until they end up right behind you, and you feel two slender arms wrap around your waist
  416. >"How's it going, asshole?"
  417. "Scootaloo? What the fuck are you doing here?"
  418. >You pull away from her embrace, backing up against the keyboards
  419. >Scootaloo rests a hand on her hips, grinning devilishly at you
  420. >She's wearing more than she was last night, but that's not saying much
  421. >A generously-cut tank top covers her top half, making it incredibly obvious she's wearing nothing underneath
  422. >Her shorts are high cut and look almost uncomfortably tight
  423. >"Lookin' for you, dude. I wanna know what happened with Sweetie."
  424. "That's... uh... nothing! Nothing happened! Just drove her home, you know..."
  425. >"Yeah, man. Suuuuuure..."
  426. >She presses closer to you
  427. >"I'm not gonna tell, man. Don't worry. I just want my turn."
  428. "Your... turn? Oh..."
  429. >Scootaloo licks her lips
  430. >"Come on, man... don't be shy..."
  431. >She pulls down her tank top just enough for you to see that she still has "Anonymous" scrawled across her bosom
  432. >Oh God, you're starting to sweat
  433. "I, uh... I don't think that's such a good--"
  434. >Scootaloo cuts you off by kissing you, worming her tongue deep into your mouth
  435. >You suck in your breath, accidentally encouraging her to kiss you harder
  436. >Her hands begin working their way under your shirt, but you grab her shoulders, and push her away
  437. >You're completely breathless now, and Scootaloo has this uncomfortable, hungry look in her eye
  438. >"Don't act like you don't want this..."
  439. "I... I..."
  440. >You finally tear your eyes away from her face, feeling like you'll be unable to disagree if you continue staring into those purple eyes
  441. >And that's when you notice Dash standing in the doorway, her mouth gaping
  442. "I... I gotta go..."
  443. >"A-Anon! Wait!"
  444. >Scootaloo tries to grab ahold of your arm again, but you brush past her, practically sprinting out of the store
  445. >Dash follows you, keeping up easily with her soccer conditioning
  446. "That... that wasn't what it looked like, I promise!"
  447. >"Oh? You weren't just making out with a high schooler?"
  448. >Dash is the picture of smug as she follows you to your car
  449. "That's not what happened! She... she came onto me, and--"
  450. >"Hey, dude, no worries. I'm not gonna tell anyone."
  451. >She sits back against the hood of your car
  452. >"I mean... not as long as you let me have a crack at her too."
  453. "Are you serious?"
  454. >"Do I look like I'm kidding?"
  455. >A perverted gleam flashes in Dash's eyes
  456. >"I've had my eye on her since Sweetie started bringing her to our shows. You get me in on this, I'll forget everything I saw. And I won't tell Rarity about you and Sweetie."
  457. "How did you--"
  458. >"I didn't. But now I do."
  459. "You're evil."
  460. >"Says the guy banging a highschooler."
  461. "We didn't bang! We just... got pretty close."
  462. >"Well, you're about to get even closer."
  463. >She gestures with her head, and you see Scootaloo running out of the store, heading right for the both of you
  464. >"Hey! What's the big deal!"
  465. >She stops short of your car, glaring at you
  466. >Then she turns to Dash, a slight shade of pink coloring her cheeks
  467. >"H-hey, Rainbow."
  468. >Dash smiles at her
  469. >"Hey, Scoots. Me and Anon were just having a little chat."
  470. >"That's cool! Really cool!"
  471. >Scootaloo straightens up, trying to act casual
  472. >"So, uh... you guys are practicing tonight, right?"
  473. "Yep."
  474. >"Cool. I'm totally gonna be there."
  475. >She sticks her hips out to the side, putting on her best cool-face
  476. >It doesn't work so well, given that she's still blushing like a schoolgirl front of Dash
  477. >Dash raises an eyebrow at you
  478. >"So? Anon? You gonna tell her about our little 'arrangement?'"
  479. "Tell her? Why do *I* have to tell her?"
  480. >"Because you're the one who started all of this, genius. So go on. Tell her."
  481. >"Tell me what?"
  482. >Scootaloo grabs ahold of your arm, leaning up against you
  483. >"Come on, Anon, you're not keeping secrets from me, right?"
  484. >She's regained a little of her cool, and manages to bat her eyelashes at you
  485. "Well, uh... uh..."
  486. >Oh God, how the fuck do you do this?
  487. >You're inviting a highschool kid to a threesome!
  488. >What the fuck is wrong with you?
  489. >"Yeaaaah?"
  490. >Scootaloo is clinging to you like an animal now, and you desperately hope no one's watching
  491. >Given your track record for secrecy lately, though, you wouldn't be surprised if the entirety of Fox News was getting this on video
  492. "Me and Dash were talking, you know, about..."
  493. >"Yeah?"
  494. >She sounds like she already knows exactly what she wants, her voice dripping with lust
  495. "Well, we were wondering if you wanted to, um... you know, join us. Tonight after practice."
  496. >"You... and Dash? At once?"
  497. "I mean..."
  498. >She pitches backwards, looking like she's about to faint
  499. >Both you and Dash lunge forward at the same time, steadying her
  500. >Scootaloo stares at the two of you in a daze
  501. >"Yeah... yeah, totally... I'd be cool with that..."
  502. >And that's how you made quite possibly the most bizarre, unethical decision of your life so far
  504. >You get to practice early, meeting Dash in front of Rarity's house
  505. >The fashionista isn't home yet; apparently she's caught in traffic, which is probably code for "bought too much flashy, glittery junk and can't figure out how to transport all of it home"
  506. >Either way, for now, it's just the two of you
  507. >Dash gets out of her car, carrying a large and suspiciously-bulging dufflebag
  508. >When she notices your horrified stare, she just grins
  509. >"Yeah dude. I came prepared."
  510. "I don't even want to know."
  511. >"Oh, you'll find out soon enough."
  512. >The two of you manage to jimmy open Rarity's garage, carrying your stuff inside
  513. >And by "stuff," you mean your bass, and Rainbow's bag of sex toys
  514. >At least, you *hope* it's only sex toys
  515. >Who knows what sort of eldritch horrors are lurking inside?
  516. >Rainbow plugs in her beat-up Stratocaster, and the two of you jam for a bit while you wait for the others
  517. >On the outside, you look pretty calm
  518. >You're playing well, and you're not sweating a bit
  519. >But, inside, you're a torrent of "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, what am I thinking?"
  520. >A threesome with a highschooler, and the biggest dyke you know?
  521. >Well, not really a dyke, you've seen her hit on dudes plenty
  522. >But there's no doubt she's munched some serious carpet in her time
  523. >Seriously though, the two of them?
  524. >What the fuck are you going to do?
  525. >What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fu--
  526. >"Hey Anon!"
  527. >Sweetie runs through the open garage door, throwing her arms around your waist
  528. >Oh, right
  529. >Of course she's here
  530. >Applebloom files in after Sweetie, looking a little nervous
  531. >Actually, scratch that, she looks *really* nervous
  532. >Both of them are actually dressed semi-decently now, not the groupie trash from the show
  533. >Sweetie Belle, in particular is wearing a handmade tee-shirt with "Horse's Arse" shakily hand-embroidered across it
  534. >"You like it? I made it myself!"
  535. >She does a little twirl, letting you admire the entirety of her shirt
  536. >Great, now you get to feel guilty too
  537. "It... it looks awesome, Sweetie!"
  538. >She giggles, wrapping you in an even tighter hug
  539. >Dash just wiggles her eyebrows at you, and you wish desperately that your arms were free so you could flip her off
  540. >Even so, you hope the withering look you give her is enough
  542. >Sweetie watches, transfixed, for the entirety of your and Dash's jam session
  543. >Applebloom just sort of hangs out in the corner, looking like she has no idea what to do with herself
  544. >Finally, Rarity shows up, her corvette pulling up in the driveway
  545. >As expected, she gets out with her arms full of sparkly shit
  546. >Cloth, gems, lace...
  547. >All of it overly expensive and incredibly gaudy
  548. >"Sweetie Belle! Would you be a dear and help me get this upstairs!"
  549. >Groaning, Sweetie runs over to help her sister
  550. >While the siblings disappear into the house, Scootaloo finally shows up, zipping down Rarity's street on her scooter
  551. >She makes a beeline right for you
  552. >"Hey dude."
  553. >No-so-discretely, she grabs your ass before looking over at Rainbow
  554. >"We're still on for tonight, right? Right?"
  555. >She bounces in place, giddy with excitement
  556. "Yeah. I guess--"
  557. >"What Anon means to say is hell yeah!"
  558. >Dash throws her arms around the two of you, pulling you against her
  559. >You really hope she doesn't show Scootaloo what's in the box...
  561. >When Twilight shows up, the four of you can finally start practicing
  562. >As usual, she's completely anal about every single missed note and off-beat chorus, and Dash just goes back to attempting to shred every time your nerdy drummer speaks up
  563. >Rarity fusses about her new clothing, and how she can't shake the feeling she forgot something
  564. >And you just sort of stew in... apprehension?
  565. >Excitement?
  566. >You don't even know what you're feeling at this point
  567. >You still can't shake the feeling that this is all some weird dream, and any moment you'll wake up
  568. >Preferably to a nice, long shower, so you can scrub any sinful residue of this carnal rampage from your body
  569. >"My tiaras! I bought a brand new box of tiaras, and I forgot them!"
  570. >She slaps her head, sprinting to her car
  571. >"Rarity!"
  572. >Twilight runs after her
  573. >"Where are you going?"
  574. >"Back to the mall!"
  575. >"But... but practice!"
  576. >Twilight tries to stop Rarity, but she can barely slow her down
  577. >"We'll practice tomorrow, darling. I need to grab those tiaras! Sweetie, come with me!"
  578. >Sweetie pouts
  579. >"Why me?"
  580. >"Because I'll need more help carrying them! Come on! I'll buy you dinner on the way!"
  581. >"No! I wanna stay with Anon!"
  582. >"Absolutely not! You're coming with me!"
  583. >Sweetie stamps her foot, giving you a longing, sorrowful look before joining her sister
  584. >Rarity's car pulls away, leaving you, Rainbow, Twilight, Scootaloo, and Applebloom alone in her garage
  586. >Twilight excuses herself, as does Applebloom
  587. >Leaving the three of you
  588. >"Alright! Let's fucking go!"
  589. >Dash grabs her bag, opening the door connecting the garage to the house proper
  590. "Wait... you're not seriously gonna do this in there, are you?"
  591. >"Why not? Rarity's got a jacuzzi, remember?"
  592. "She's not gonna let us use her jacuzzi!"
  593. >"Dude, it's Rarity. She'll let anyone use anything! Hell, I'm surprised that girl hasn't given her own house away yet. Come on!"
  594. >Without hesitation, Scootaloo sprints in after Dash
  595. "This is a really bad idea..."
  596. >You run in after them
  598. >Rarity's jacuzzi is on the third floor, in a room of its own, surrounded by bubbled glass
  599. >Rainbow is the first in, dropping her bag to the floor
  600. >It lands with a heavy, rubbery clunk
  601. >"Well..."
  602. >She turns to Scootaloo
  603. >"Clothes off, kid."
  604. >Scootaloo immediately tugs her tank top off, nearly ripping it in her haste
  605. >You barely have time to blink before she's completely naked, shivering slightly in the chill room
  606. >Dash grins
  607. >"Good girl. Now, where do we start..."
  608. >She twists the knob on the jacuzzi, starting a flow of warm water into the basin
  609. >"Get in."
  610. >Scootaloo obeys, clambering into the middle of the pool
  611. >"Face down. Butt up."
  612. >Again, Scootaloo obeys without question, assuming the position
  613. >She still has your name scribbled on her chest, and this seems to give Dash an idea
  614. >Reaching into her bag, she pulls out a glittery sharpie of her own, and scrawls "<3 RD" over the girl's ass cheeks
  615. >Scootaloo giggles, wiggling her hips slightly
  616. >"C-come on... you're not gonna leave me here, right?"
  617. >"Nope."
  618. >Dash smacks her ass, hard
  619. >"You'd better get ready, kid. I've been a little pent up lately..."
  620. >She quickly disrobes, dropping her clothes into a messy pile on the ground
  621. >You just sort of sit back, content to watch, for the time being
  622. >That's not illegal, at least
  623. >...right?
  624. >Dash is significantly better built than Scootaloo, though still not terribly well-endowed
  625. >Still, she has a sleek beauty to her, and you're starting to understand why she was so popular during highschool
  626. >The soccer star clambers into the tub after Scootaloo, running her hands over the younger girl's body
  627. >Scootaloo groans, wiggling her hips and teasing her butt at Rainbow
  628. "Hurry up..."
  629. >Both girls glance over at you
  630. "Uh, I mean... don't mind me... woo..."
  631. >You pretend to whistle
  632. >"Faster, huh? I can go faster."
  633. >She grabs Scootaloo's butt, bringing it to her face
  634. >Her tongue trails down Scootaloo's cheeks to her thighs, then makes its way to her crotch
  635. >Scootaloo yelps as Rainbow's mouth meets her clit, the soccer star's tongue lapping against the younger girl's tender folds
  636. >"D-Dash... oh my fuck..."
  637. >She presses her hips back into Dash's mouth, her entire body shivering
  638. >"This is... oh m-my God..."
  639. >She mashes her cunt against Dash's face, eyes rolling back in her head
  640. >"More... more... oh God, more..."
  641. >Dash happily obliged, her tongue working furiously against Scootaloo's clit
  642. >Meanwhile, her right hand gets a little, well, "friendly" with Scootaloo's anus, one slender finger slowly worming its way inside
  643. >Scootaloo lets out a sound halfway between a moan and a gurgle, her toes curling
  644. >You're pretty sure she just came
  645. >Dash surfaces, her face smeared in juices
  646. >"So? How was it?"
  647. >"G-guh... that w-wa... oh m-muh god..."
  648. >Scootaloo collapses into a shivering mess
  649. >Dash licks her lips, plants a quick peck on Scootaloo's butt, then beckons you over
  650. >"Hey, Anon... grab that bag for me, will you?"
  651. >You unzip the bag for her, revealing...
  652. >...fruit?
  653. >A fuckton of bananas, carrots, eggplants...
  654. "Oh my God..."
  655. >"Throw me that big cucumber, will ya?"
  656. >You hand it to her, halfway between absolutely horrified and intrigued
  657. >Dash grabs a bottle of lube from the bag, squirting a generous dab over the cucumber
  658. >"W-wait... what are you gonna do with that?"
  659. >For a moment, Scootaloo's nonchalant demeanor fails, and she lets out a nervous squeak as the tip prods her butthole
  660. >"H-hold on!"
  661. >"Nope!"
  662. >Dash shoves the entire vegetable's length inside her, and Scootaloo's eyes roll back in her head
  663. >"O-Oh God! It's so f-fucking big!"
  664. >She puts her tongue out, her entire body convulsing as Dash thrusts into her with the vegetable
  665. >When Dash removes it, it slides out with a loud, popping *squelch*
  666. >Scootaloo shudders
  667. >"D-do you have anything bigger? That was a-awesome..."
  668. >"Nothing bigger, but I think Anon can help you out..."
  669. >Dash spreads Scootaloo's butt cheeks, then beckons you closer
  670. >"Come on, man. Don't just stand around like a loser..."
  671. >Well, you're in too late to back out of this now
  672. >Plus... you're somewhat shamefully aroused
  673. >You lose your clothes, clambering into the tub behind Scootaloo
  674. >The water reaches halfway up your calves, and caressing you in warmth as you kneel down behind her
  675. >You take Scootaloo's ass in your hands, wondering what the fuck you're doing, and why you ever thought this was a good idea
  676. >Then you feet her ass press against you, your tip poking into her
  677. >Oh, right, that's why
  678. >She's tight, almost impossibly so, her body seeming to grip you as you force your way into her
  679. >"N-nyuh!"
  680. >She twitches, eyes rolling back in pleasure
  681. >"Harder... you fucking faggot, harder!"
  682. >You ram into her, fingers digging into her butt cheeks
  683. >Dash sits back on the edge of the tub and uses her big toe to tilt Scootaloo's chin up
  684. >"Hey, you. I think you still owe me for earlier, right?"
  685. >Scootaloo grins, drooling from ecstasy
  686. >"T-totally...
  687. >She buries her face in Dash's crotch, her little tongue flicking across the older girl's nether regions
  688. >Dash whistles
  689. >"Damn, kid... you learn fast..."
  690. >She sucks in her breath, toes curling in the soapy water
  691. >Normally, you like to think of yourself as a guy with pretty good stamina
  692. >But Scootaloo rides you like a fucking demon, and within a minute you find yourself unable to take anymore
  693. "F-fuck...
  694. >Gripping your ass, you unload inside her
  695. >Dash, seemingly satisfied now that you've gotten off, pats Scootaloo's head
  696. >"Good girl."
  697. >Scootaloo sits back, doglike, beaming with pride
  698. >"Now... go get me something to drink, 'kay?"
  699. >"Drink? L-like what?"
  700. >Scootaloo still hasn't caught her breath
  701. >"I dunno, see what Rarity has. She won't mind."
  702. >Scootaloo gets out of the water, and you a little bit of white dribble from between her cheeks
  703. >Just as she's about to dress, though, Dash stops her
  704. >"Ah ah, nope. No clothes."
  705. >Scootaloo grins
  706. >"Heh, right."
  707. >But Dash isn't done yet
  708. >"And plug yourself up, before you leave."
  709. >She passes Scootaloo the cucumber
  710. >Scootaloo's tongue flops out of her mouth as she shoves it inside herself, the vegetable just barely poking out between her cheeks
  711. >Walking a little funny, she heads out of the room and towards the kitchen
  712. >"Great kid, huh?"
  713. >Dash is lounging in the water, basking in the afterglow
  714. "Y-yeah... holy shit..."
  715. >Sweetie's face pops into your head, bringing with it a wash of guilt
  716. >You quickly push thoughts of her away
  717. >After all, the two of you aren't official, or even serious
  718. >This was just to... to get it out of your system
  719. >You get out of the tub and dress yourself, heading out of the bathroom while Dash enjoys the jacuzzi
  720. >What's taking Scootaloo so long?
  721. >Stopping by the window, you take a cursory glance at Rarity's front yard
  722. >Strange, why's her car still here?
  723. >Didn't she leave?
  724. >Rarity's car door opens, and the fashionista herself steps out with her sister in tow
  725. >Both have their arms laden with boxes of something silver and glittery
  726. >And both are heading for the front door
  727. >Which leads to the kitchen
  728. >Where a naked Scootaloo is currently trying to find something to drink
  729. >Oh
  730. >Great
  733. >You sprint down the stairs to Rarity's kitchen
  734. >If they find her here, they'll...
  735. >"Scootaloo?"
  736. >You stop just short of the doorway to the kitchen, hiding in the darkness of the hallway
  737. >"Why are you in my house, darling?"
  738. >Sweetie Belle chimes in after her sister
  739. >"And... why are you naked?"
  740. >You peer around the doorway, seeing Sweetie Belle and Rarity standing in the kitchen, with Scootaloo in front of the fridge
  741. >She has her back to the wall, thankfully, disguising the vegetable buried between her buttocks
  742. >Scootaloo blushes, running a hand through her hair
  743. >"Oh, well, you know, my old clothes were just *so* out of vogue, or whatever, and..."
  744. >Wow, she does a pretty good Rarity impression
  745. >"...and, uh, I thought I'd ask you to make me some new ones. You know, because I just can't wear that drab old shit anymore, right?"
  746. >She forces a smile, trying her best to act casual
  747. >Which, as you'd imagine, is a little difficult to do when you're naked with a cucumber up your ass
  748. >Just a little, though
  749. >"You... stripped naked... and came into my house... to ask me to make you an outfit?"
  750. >Rarity raises an eyebrow
  751. >"Uh... yes."
  752. >Rarity shrugs
  753. >"Well, I don't see why not! Come with me!
  754. >"Wait, right now?"
  755. >"Of course, dear. You do want something to wear, right?"
  756. >"Y-yeah! But, uh... could I go to the bathroom first?"
  757. >She not-so-subtly reaches behind her, pushing the cucumber further in to keep it from falling out in front of Rarity and Sweetie
  758. >"Of course, dear. Now, has anyone seen Anon? I had the most *genius* idea for out next album art, and I need his second opinion!"
  759. >Scootaloo bustles past you, heading for the bathroom, trying her best to keep her back to the wall
  760. >Next around the corner is Sweetie Belle
  761. >She barrels right into you, falling back against the wall
  762. >"A-Anon! What are you..."
  763. >Her face goes pale
  764. >"You... you didn't..."
  765. "No! It's not what it looks like, don't worry. I just, uh..."
  766. >How the hell do you talk yourself out of this one?
  767. "I heard something upstairs. I think Dash is using Rarity's jacuzzi, and I had to make sure it wasn't some creep sneaking around, you know? Eh?"
  768. >Sweetie doesn't look entirely convinced
  769. >"Dash is... in my sister's jacuzzi? And Scootaloo is running around my house completely naked? And you had *nothing* to do with this?"
  770. "Not in the slightest."
  771. >You pull the single worst pokerface of your life
  772. >She wraps her arms around your stomach, leaning her little head against your chest
  773. >"I knew I could trust you, 'nonny..."
  774. "Yeah, of course you can. When I give my word, I mean it."
  775. >You can physically feel the glass on your moral compass shatter
  776. >"So... do you wanna go do something? My sister's gonna be busy making clothes for Scootaloo, and--"
  777. >A piercing shriek rattles down the halls
  778. >"Rainbow Dash! Why are you in my jacuzzi!? And for the love of God, why are you NAKED!?"
  779. "Heh, yeah, let's go! Let's do something! Wee!"
  780. >You grab Sweetie's hand and practically drag her out of the house
  782. >The two of you get to your truck, and you speed away like a madman before things can get weirder
  783. >Hopefully Dash is smart enough to come up with a decent excuse
  784. >But that requires trusting Dash's intelligence, and you'd sooner put your faith in a cookout hosted by Hannibal Lecter
  785. >"So, I was thinking about the band, and what kind of new merch we could make!"
  786. "Yeah?"
  787. >"I even put together some designs myself. They're not as good-looking as my sisters, sure, but they're way cooler!"
  788. >She pulls out a notebook, where she's scribbled out mugs, shot glasses, tee shirts, scarves, hats, and a million different tee-shirts, all with your band's logo
  789. "Damn. When did you have time for that?"
  790. >"I skipped school."
  791. "Skipped? But--"
  792. >"Oh, come on, school sucks! You say that all the time! I wanna be in a band like you!"
  793. "That's... uh... okay, yeah, sure. Maybe I said something like that at one point. But school is still important, because... uh..."
  794. >"See? Come on, Anon, don't try to be the responsible one! You sound like my sister."
  795. >Oh God, her sister
  796. >Rarity's gonna blow a gasket when she hears about this...
  797. "Yeah, well... uh... listen, okay? If you're sister hears that you're skipping school, she'll blame me, and guess what'll happen next?"
  798. >"What?"
  799. "I don't want to know what. So, yeah, it sucks. But I graduated. And you can too."
  800. >Sweetie grumbles
  801. >"I don't wanna! I wanna be a part of your band, not a... a whatever you call a person who goes to school!"
  802. "A student?"
  803. >"Yeah, that!"
  804. "Yeah, you definitely shouldn't be skipping school..."
  805. >"Hey!"
  806. >Sweetie whacks your arm, pouting
  807. >"You sound just like Rarity!"
  808. "Well, even Rarity is right sometimes. Listen..."
  809. >Fuck, you really shouldn't say what you're about to say
  810. >But you need to do something to redeem your horrible moral state, and you're kinda panicking right now
  811. "If you stay in school, and do good... we can date for real."
  812. >"You mean it?"
  813. >All traces of anger gone, she grabs onto you, eyes shimmering
  814. "Yeah. But you need to take care of yourself, okay? I'm not gonna be responsible for you fucking up your life."
  815. >"I will! Straight A's, I promise!"
  816. >She kisses your cheek, then collapses back into her seat, giggling
  817. >At this point, you're pretty sure whatever deity exists is going to have to invent a brand new hell just for you
  818. >"So, whaddaya wanna do? Hang out behind the movie theater and smoke? Or maybe... we could stop somewhere... maybe in a factory lot..."
  819. >She tries to adopt a devious look, but the childish joy on her face shines through, making her look like a five-year-old trying to slyly ask for candy
  820. "Actually... let's just, you know, go chill somewhere."
  821. >"Chill somewhere? But... don't you want to do cool things? I can smoke! I tried it with Scootaloo once! I'm, like, a total pro at blazing it!"
  822. "Yeah... let's just go to the park and chill for a bit."
  823. >Sweetie Belle crosses her arms
  824. >"Fine. But I can handle it, you know!"
  825. "Sure. But I don't smoke."
  826. >"You don't? Oh... nevermind."
  827. >Sweetie's face is beet red, and she stares at her feet for the rest of the ride there
  829. >"Is this really all you wanna do?"
  830. "Yeah? Why? What's wrong with it?"
  831. >"I dunno, I thought we'd do something... you know, cool. I can go to the park any time."
  832. "Well, what would you rather do?"
  833. >She shrugs
  834. >"I don't know, just... something I can't do with other people!"
  835. >The two of you finish your second circuit around the park's lake
  836. >Sweetie Belle is hanging on your arm, and you desperately hope you're not getting any weird looks
  837. >People will probably just assume she's your sister, hopefully
  838. >Your very, very attached little sister
  839. >"Don't you want to, you know, go hang out somewhere we shouldn't be? Like that parking lot! That was awesome!"
  840. "Dating isn't all hanging out in parking lots, Sweetie."
  841. >"Yeah, I know, but... it shouldn't just be walks in the park, either."
  842. "What's wrong with walks in the park?"
  843. >"They're boring! You're not supposed to be boring!"
  844. >She stomps her foot, but still won't let go of your arm
  845. "Whoa, whoa, hold up. I can be boring if I want to."
  846. >You find a bench and sit down, watching the sun sink below the horizon, its fringes of purple, red, and gold splaying across the water
  847. >Sweetie sits next to you, still pouting
  848. >"Fine. But after this, we can do something cool, right?"
  849. >You shrug
  850. >Sweetie folds her hands in her lap, rocking impatiently
  851. >"How long are you gonna sit there?"
  852. "I dunno. For a while, probably."
  853. >She gives an exasperated sigh
  854. >"This is so stupid..."
  855. "You don't have to be here if you don't want to."
  856. >"W-what?"
  857. "Do you not want to hang out with me? I'm not gonna force you to stay at the park. If you wanna go home, I'll drive you home."
  858. >"I don't wanna go home!"
  859. "Then what's the big deal?"
  860. >"I told you! I wanna do something cool!"
  861. "Well, I don't. I wanna relax for a bit, and enjoy the sunset with a cool girl."
  862. >"Well, I--"
  863. >She freezes, the anger draining out of her
  864. >"...did you just call me a cool girl?"
  865. "Yep."
  866. >"You... you suck."
  867. "Yep again."
  868. >Sweetie finally stops rocking, and she leans against you
  869. >"It... it is kinda nice."
  870. "Told ya."
  871. >"Do you come here a lot?"
  872. "Every couple days, when it's nice out. Helps me think."
  873. >"I... I never thought you were the kind of guy who liked watching the sunset."
  874. "Yeah? What kind of guy did you think I was?'
  875. >"I dunno."
  876. >She nuzzles her chin against you
  877. >"But I think I like whatever kind of guy you actually are."
  879. >You take Sweetie through the local Coldstone after leaving the park
  880. >She doesn't say much as you drive her home, but she looks happy
  881. >"So... you sure you don't want to pull over anywhere? I promise, I'll make it quick."
  882. >She tries to give you a seductive smile, but the ring of chocolate around her mouth diminishes the effect
  883. "Nah. It was a nice night. We don't have to fuck on every date."
  884. >Plus you're completely drained from Scootaloo, but she doesn't need to know that
  885. >Christ, you're such a piece of shit
  886. >"That was a... date?"
  887. >She bites her bottom look, looking like she's about to squeal again
  888. >"Oh. Okay. That's good."
  889. >She kicks her feet against the seat, doing a happy little wriggle
  891. >When you reach her house, you open the door for Sweetie
  892. >"So... a good date ends with a kiss, right?"
  893. >You bend in, and let her peck you on the mouth, her lips tasting of chocolate ice cream
  894. >Rarity emerges when you walk her sister to the door, arms folded
  895. >"And where were you two?"
  896. >"Anon took me for ice cream. And to the park."
  897. >Rarity's eyes widen
  898. >"He... did?"
  899. >"Yeah. And he told me I need to stay in school, or we won't hang out anymore."
  900. >"He... wait, really?"
  901. >She stares at you as if seeing you for the first time
  902. >"Oh. Um... that's good, I guess. Now go upstairs and wash up Sweetie, your face is a mess. And I need to talk to Anon for a bit."
  903. >Sweetie reluctantly tromps up the stairs, and you hear water running from Rarity's bathroom
  904. >"Is... is what she said true, Anonymous?"
  905. "Pretty much."
  906. >Rarity sighs
  907. >"I don't like the two of you spending so much time together."
  908. "You don't trust me?"
  909. >"I don't trust either of you. She takes you way too seriously, and you don't realize how seriously she takes you."
  910. "Well, that's why I'm trying to be a little better with her."
  911. >"I suppose. Just... be careful with her, okay?"
  912. >Rarity leans against the wall
  913. >"I guess... I know, rather, that I can't stop the two of you from spending so much time together. My sister's always been far beyond my control. Just... I'm asking you, as my friend... look after her. She really looks up to you, you know."
  914. "I've gotten that impression."
  915. >"Yes, well, it's true. It's a lot of responsibility, and I know you didn't ask for it... but I hope you'll do the right thing. Take care of Sweetie, alright?"
  916. "I will, Rares. I promise."
  917. >As much as you'd like to think that was the right thing to say, you still feel scummy
  918. >Rarity wraps you in a soft, chaste hug
  919. >"Thank you, Anonymous. And... is it alright if I ask you for one more thing?"
  920. "Yeah? What is it?"
  921. >"Don't ever, ever, ever let Rainbow Dash use my jacuzzi again. Ever. I spent the last twenty minutes digging rainbow hairs out of the drain. And I don't think most of them came from her head."
  922. "That's... incredibly disgusting. I'm so, so sorry."
  923. >"Yes, well... we all face our little tragedies."
  924. >Rarity lets go of you
  925. >"I suppose I'll see you at our show this weekend?"
  926. "Yeah. Night, Rares."
  927. >"Goodnight, Anonymous. And again... thank you."
  928. >You bid her goodbye, and head back out to your truck
  929. >You are, beyond a doubt at this point, a pretty shitty person
  930. >But maybe, just maybe... you can bring a little bit of good into Sweetie's life?
  932. >You don't get another chance to see Sweetie again until the weekend, on the night of your next gig
  933. >As usual, Horse's Arse is taking its trashy ska-punk act to another seedy dive bar
  934. >The place smells like cigarettes, stale piss, and shame, and the floors are covered in a solid centimeter of grime
  935. >Still, it's the perfect kind of place for you to play, and you immediately set to unloading your gear
  936. >Rarity, unsurprisingly, fusses the entire time
  937. >"This place is filthy! Look at the walls! Those posters are completely inappropriate!"
  938. >You tune her out, heading up to the stage to plunk down your bass amp
  939. >"Yo, dude."
  940. >Dash sits on top of your amp, scowling
  941. >"What's eating Rares? She's even pissier than usual."
  942. "Dunno. You know how she gets sometimes. Must be that time of the month."
  943. >"Nah, it ain't that. I'd know, we're synched."
  944. "Good to know."
  945. >"You don't think she's mad that I shaved my snatch in her jacuzzi, is she?"
  946. "You... you shaved in her jacuzzi?"
  947. >"Yeah? So? She had this really nice set of razors!"
  948. "You used her razors to... Jesus Christ, Rainbow..."
  949. >"What? Oh, come on, don't you start on me too! You're all so uptight, goddamn!"
  950. >She stomps away, all sulky
  951. >As you watch her go, you notice Sweetie and her friends walk in the side door
  952. >They're dressed much the same as last time, each sluttier than the last
  953. >Only this time, somehow, Sweetie has managed to up even Scootaloo in the "trashy" department
  954. >She's wearing only a bikini top, flip flops, and shorts that look like they're about to split open at any moment
  955. >Something inside your loins twitches, and you force yourself to focus on setting up your equipment
  956. >"Anon! Hey, Anon!"
  957. >You wave at the three girls as they clamber onstage
  958. >Sweetie leads the pack, and she runs right into your arms, her exuberance nearly enough to bowl you over despite the difference in mass between the two of you
  959. "Oof! Hey, Sweetie!"
  960. >You return her hug, and the other girls stare on in confusion
  961. >Scootaloo gives you the biggest shit-eating grin you've seen
  962. >"Hey, 'non. You ready for round two?"
  963. >The blood drains from your face, and Scootaloo's smile widens
  964. >Does she... know
  965. "Round two of what?"
  966. >You try to sound nonchalant, and you pull it off pretty well, but you feel like something was just cut out of you
  967. >"You know..."
  968. >Sweetie locks eyes with you, worried
  969. >"What's she talking about, Anon?"
  970. "Uh... she wants the two of us to fight."
  971. >"Huh? Fight?"
  972. "Yeah... well, you know how Scoots is. Scrappy little kid and all. She thinks she's going to kick my ass if I give her enough opportunities."
  973. >"I think I might do something a little different, but whatever..."
  974. >She wiggles her eyebrows at you, but Sweetie doesn't notice
  975. >The poor girl has eyes only for you
  976. >"Oh. Well... be careful, okay? I don't want either of you two getting hurt."
  977. >She hugs you again, nuzzling your chest with her cheek
  978. >"Sweetie Belle!"
  979. >Rarity pokes her head in through the backstage door
  980. >"Come help me get this monitor unloaded, dear!"
  981. >Sweetie Belle grumbles, and runs off to join her sister
  982. >Applebloom gives you a meek little wave, then kind of just melds into the corner
  983. >Scootaloo, however...
  984. >She's nowhere near kind enough to leave you alone
  985. >"So. You and Sweetie, huh?"
  986. "Shut up."
  987. >"Nah dude, it's cool. So did this start before or after you railed me in the ass."
  988. >The grin is back, and it's even worse than before
  989. >She looks like her smugness itself it going to swallow your soul
  990. "It wasn't official until after."
  991. >"Right, yeah. Will Sweetie say the same thing if I tell her?"
  992. "You... you wouldn't."
  993. >"I totally would, dude. You think I'm not gonna brag to my friends that I got fucking railed in a threesome two nights ago?"
  994. >She licks her lips, savoring the memory
  995. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
  996. >"Hey, my self-control is a fragile, expensive thing."
  997. "Expensive? Oh Christ... I'm a college student. I don't have money to throw at you, Scoots."
  998. >"I don't need money. I just need you to buy me one thing, and I need a favor, okay?"
  999. "I'm not going to buy you a car, if that's--"
  1000. >"Nah, dude, it's not a car. Here, check it out."
  1001. >She pulls out her phone
  1002. >"See? I just need one of these."
  1003. "A-anal Dominator 9000?"
  1004. >"Yeah, dude!"
  1005. "It's as thick as a baseball bat!"
  1006. >"Thicker."
  1007. >Her eyes roll back in her head as she imagines it
  1008. "I'm not buying you a fucking dildo."
  1009. >"Yeah? Is that so?"
  1010. "You're not gonna tell Sweetie."
  1011. >"Of course not, dude. Hey, Sweetie!"
  1012. "What the fuck!"
  1013. >You clamp your hand over her mouth
  1014. >A few bar-goers shoot dirty looks your way, and you quickly let her go
  1015. >"You're not gonna get an easy way outta this, genius. You hit me, you do *anything* to me, everyone's gonna blame you. Unless you don't want Sweetie finding out..."
  1016. "Great. Still not buying you a fucking ass-dildo."
  1017. >"Come on! Please! I promise I won't tell!"
  1018. >She grabs your arm, trying to keep you from just walking away
  1019. >"I'll... I'll let you watch, if you want! Come on! Or I'll let you borrow it, if that's what you're into!"
  1020. "Not happening. Christ, this is weird."
  1021. >Scootaloo throws herself on top of you
  1022. >"Please? Pleeeeeease?"
  1023. "No! Jesus Christ, I'm not buying you an ass dildo."
  1024. >"Then... then I'll tell Sweetie!"
  1025. "Tell me what?"
  1026. >Sweetie pops out from backstage, holding a box of Rarity's cables
  1027. >"Anon fucked me in the ass!"
  1028. >Sweetie blinks twice
  1029. >"What? No he didn't. I was gone for like five minutes."
  1030. >"No! Like, he did it two days ago! Me, him, and Dash had this *huge* threeway. It was awesome."
  1031. >Sweetie looks between the two of you, her face unreadable
  1032. >Deep inside, you can feel the remains of your heart shrivel and die, their dusty leftovers dropping into your gut
  1033. >Fuck
  1034. >You're lost this girl's trust, and probably Rarity's as well
  1035. >You'll be lucky if you're not kicked out of the band
  1036. >Well... it was nice while it lasted
  1037. >You prepare for tears, for accusations of betrayal, for the overwhelming guilt of poor destroyed Sweetie
  1038. >"Scoots..."
  1039. >And here it comes...
  1040. >"You're so full of shit."
  1041. >Sweetie Belle shakes your head
  1042. >"Even for you, that's crazy."
  1043. >"No! It's true! Rainbow Dash put a cucumber up my butt!"
  1044. >Scootaloo covers her mouth in her hands
  1045. >"I mean, uh... like, that's what happened, but... it sounds kinda stupid now that I say it out loud...
  1046. >Sweetie Belle throws her head back, laughing so hard she can hardly breathe
  1047. >Scootaloo stares at the ground, her face crimson
  1048. >Sweetie grabs onto your arm, leading you towards the bar
  1049. >"Come on, Anon. You should buy me a beer."
  1050. "I'm not buying you a beer."
  1051. >"Aww, why not? I'll give you the money for it."
  1052. "No. Your sister will kill me."
  1053. >Sweetie stares at the ground, grumbling about Rarity ruining her fun again
  1054. >The two of you sit down at the bar together, and you order a beer for yourself
  1055. >And a chocolate milk for Sweetie Belle
  1056. >"Hey! Now you're just making fun of me!"
  1057. "What, you don't want it?"
  1058. >You reach out to take the milk away from her, but she holds onto it protectively
  1059. >"I didn't say that! Just... bleh!"
  1060. >She sticks her tongue out at you, then takes a long sip of her drink
  1061. >"Wow... that's really good."
  1062. "Told ya. The worse the bar, the worse every other drink is, the better chocolate milk they have. It's a rule."
  1063. >Sweetie gulps the entire glass worth down in barely five minutes, leaving a chocolate ring around her mouth
  1064. >You reach over and wipe it off with the back of your hand, and she thrashes and fusses the entire time
  1065. >Looking up, you notice a vaguely-familiar girl walking through the door
  1066. >She's Applebloom's older sister, you think
  1067. >Applejack, you think her name is?
  1068. >You've only had cursory interactions with the girl, and she's usually come across as *way* too hick for your liking
  1069. >Still, not like you dislike her, she's just not really someone you have a lot of vested interest
  1070. >Which is why it comes across as a bit of a shock when she sits next to you
  1071. >"Hey. Anon, right?"
  1072. "Yeah. What's up?"
  1073. >"Can I talk to ya for a minute? In private?"
  1074. "Um..."
  1075. >You glance back at Sweetie, who shrugs
  1076. >Guess she doesn't know what's going on any better than you do
  1077. "Yeah, sure. Follow me."
  1078. >You pat the back of Sweetie' hand, letting her know you'll be back soon, and lead AJ over to the cramped, dingy backstage area
  1079. "So, what's up?"
  1080. >"I notice y'all have been hanging around my sister a lot, lately."
  1081. >Oh, great
  1082. >She's going to go all Rarity on you, isn't she?
  1083. >Except with a country accent
  1084. >Fuck, you hate your life sometimes
  1085. "I mean, a bit. She comes to my shows. And practices, sometimes."
  1086. >"I see. So you see her a fair bit, then?"
  1087. "I... guess?"
  1088. >"Have y'all been doing anything funny with her?"
  1089. "Wh-what? No! I haven't!"
  1090. >"So y'all haven't tried to molest her?"
  1091. "Ew, no! I haven't laid a hand on her!"
  1092. >AJ looks offended
  1093. >"And why not!?"
  1094. "Because--"
  1095. >You blink, your brain grinding to a complete halt
  1096. "Wait, what?"
  1097. >"Why haven't y'all molested my sister yet? She's been hanging around you for weeks, and you haven't even tried? Not even a little?"
  1098. "I... you... what the fuck is going on?"
  1099. >"What's going on is you're not living up to your roles as a negative male influence, mister!"
  1100. >AJ jabs a finger into your chest
  1101. >"Every Apple gets molested as a kid! It's what makes us such good farmers! Our childhood years are ruined, so we throw ourselves into mindless physical labor in an effort to cleanse our horribly dirty self-images! It's family tradition!"
  1102. "You... are you fucked in the head?"
  1103. >"As a matter of a fact, I am! You think I'd spend all day harvesting these damn apples if I wasn't?"
  1104. "That's... a surprisingly good point. But I'm not molesting your sister."
  1105. >"And why not?"
  1106. "Because that's disgusting?"
  1107. >"Oh, come on. She wants it, I promise you. Look at her, she's randier than a pup in the springtime!"
  1108. >Applejack opens the backstage door a crack, where you see Applebloom sitting next to Sweetie Belle
  1109. >The bow juxtaposes horribly with her groupie-slut getup, you realize
  1110. >She looks nervous, and keeps trying to position herself in a way that covers as much of her body as possible
  1111. "I'm not doing it. Get Big Mac."
  1112. >"Disgusting! That's absolutely out of the question!"
  1113. "Yeah? And why's that?"
  1114. >"Because he's the one who molested me! You can't share a molester, especially not with your sister! That's sick!"
  1115. "Oh, right, of course. That'd just be *too* far."
  1116. >"Are you laughin' at my family tradition?"
  1117. "Trust me, I'm not laughing. I think I'm trying not to throw up."
  1118. >"Oh, like you're anyone to talk. I've seen the way you hang around Sweetie Belle."
  1119. "Whoa, what? What's that supposed to--"
  1120. >"Anon, I know. And all I'm saying is it's not fair for you to only be molestin' her! Applebloom deserves some attention too!"
  1121. "I... I'm not listening to this. I have a beer to get back to."
  1122. >AJ grabs your arm
  1123. >"Dammit, Anon! Why can't you see how important this is to me? And to her!"
  1124. "..."
  1125. >You point over her shoulder
  1126. "Oh my God! Look at the size of that apple!"
  1127. >AJ whirls around, looking for the promised fruit
  1128. >You book it out of there, sprinting back to your spot next to Sweetie Belle
  1129. >"So, what did AJ want?"
  1130. "She wanted... uh... money. For... apples."
  1131. >"Oh. Does she ever talk about anything other than apples?"
  1132. "...well, that and fiddling her younger sister..."
  1133. >"What was that?"
  1134. "Nothing. So... you want more milk?"
  1136. >You're grateful when the time for you to take the stage finally comes
  1137. >AJ's been sitting at the end of the bar, glaring at you, for the past twenty minutes
  1138. >Every time you look over at her, she gestures towards her sister and mimes... stuff
  1139. >Stuff even *you* didn't know was possible
  1140. >And you hang around Rainbow!
  1142. >Sweetie and Scootaloo hang out right in front of the stage, watching you with wide, expectant eyes
  1143. >Or, rather, Sweetie's watching you, and Scootaloo's watching Dash
  1144. >Which you don't mind, really
  1145. >The more attention she pays to the rainbow-haired soccer star, the last that's ending up on you
  1146. >The manager announces your band's name, and Sweetie applauds, bouncing with anticipation
  1147. >As soon as the announcement is done, you step up to the mic, and your first song begins
  1150. >The crowd seems mostly unimpressed, but Sweetie goes crazy
  1151. >Her and Scootaloo jump and spin in some sort of clunky, awkward dance, cheering the entire time
  1152. >Their exuberance serves to charge the band up a little more
  1153. >Rarity wails on her horn VST's, Dash attempts to shred, and Twilight thumps the hell out of her drums
  1154. >All-in-all, the show goes pretty well
  1155. >The rest of the crowd -- all ten people -- seem to enjoy you enough, even if everyone stays in their seats
  1156. >As the songs progress, Sweetie and Scootaloo get bored of dancing by themselves and end up dancing with each other
  1157. >And... damn
  1158. >Who the hell taught Sweetie how to move like that?
  1159. >Judging the embarrassed crimson shade creeping up Rarity's cheeks, you start to think she might have taught her younger sister a few things during her "wild" years
  1160. >And boy, were they wild...
  1161. >By the end of the song, the two girls are grinding on each other, much to Applejack's chagrin
  1162. >She keeps pushing Applebloom toward the dance floor, but the bow-toting girl just sort of stays in the shadows
  1163. >Sweetie and Scootaloo finish their dance, finally, both of them sweating heavily
  1164. >Scootaloo is bent over with Sweetie's hands on her ass
  1165. >Sweetie looks over at you, and winks
  1166. >F-fuck
  1167. >You're kinda glad there's a guitar covering your crotch right now
  1168. >The two girls lean against each other, screaming in excitement for your final song
  1169. >This time, a pair of underwear goes sailing past you, instead of at you
  1170. >It smacks right into Scootaloo's face
  1171. >Where the fuck did that come fro--
  1172. >You look back at Rainbow, who has this smug, perverted grin on her face
  1173. >You glance at your other bandmates, expecting some sort of outrage
  1174. >But no one is even paying goddamn attention
  1175. >Right, of course
  1176. >Any time you show interest in a younger girl, everyone and their dog has to stop by to visit
  1177. >But if Dash does it, no one bats an eye...
  1178. >Scootaloo raises Dash's panties to her face, eyes rolling back in her head as she takes a long, long sniff
  1179. >Fucking gross
  1180. >You no longer need the guitar to cover your crotch
  1181. >Rarity steps up to the mic, and the four of you begin your final song
  1184. >It's one of the fashionista's favorites, for obvious reasons
  1185. >You even let her do the high-range vocals
  1186. >The minute the song starts, Scootaloo and Sweetie begin a new dance
  1187. >This time, Sweetie is the one bent over, shaking her butt while Scootaloo humps it like a mad dog
  1188. >You know, can this even really be considered "dancing" at this point?
  1189. >They look like incredibly-horny moneys on mescaline
  1190. >Rarity, despite the fact that her little sister is shaking her ass just eight feet from her, manages to sing the song quite well
  1191. >A little too well, fucking showoff
  1192. >Ska isn't supposed to be pretty, dammit!
  1195. >When the show ends, Sweetie throws herself into your arms the minute you reach the main floor
  1196. >You return her hug, lifting her up off the ground
  1197. >A few patrons give you strange looks
  1198. >You look over at Rarity, waiting for some sort of anger, or "we'll talk later" glance
  1199. >Instead, though, she just nods at you, giving you a small smile
  1200. >Have you... won her approval?
  1201. >That's... unexpected
  1202. >But pretty cool, if it means she won't be breathing down your shoulders the entire time
  1203. >You spin her in a circle, before setting her back down
  1204. >"That was great! You guys sounded so good!"
  1205. "Heh, yeah? I mean, it wasn't our best, but..."
  1206. >"It was awesome! I can't believe no one else was dancing!"
  1207. >Sweetie wipes some of the sweat from her brow, giving you an exhausted grin
  1208. >"Need help carrying your stuff out?"
  1209. "I guess."
  1210. >You give one last look at Applejack
  1211. >She mimes... oh God, is that even *possible*?
  1214. >The two of you haul your bass, amps, and various pieces of PA equipment out to your truck, storing it in the back
  1215. >When the last chunk is loaded, Sweetie leans against the hood, her arms crossed
  1216. >"So?"
  1217. "So what?"
  1218. >"You gonna take me home?"
  1219. "Didn't you ride here with your sister?"
  1220. >"Yeah, but we don't have to go back together. She'll be cool, if I ride with you."
  1221. "Alright. Hop in."
  1222. >You wave goodbye to your bandmates and open the door for Sweetie to hop in
  1223. >The drive home is silent
  1224. >At least, you think it is
  1225. >The shoddy monitor system basically blew your eardrums, so Sweetie Belle could probably be singing a fully opera and you wouldn't hear it over your tinnitus
  1226. >"You wanna stop somewhere?"
  1227. "Sure. Where?"
  1228. >"I dunno. Anywhere."
  1229. >You take the same exit you did last time, heading down into the factory district
  1230. >It doesn't take long to find a spacious, empty parking lot, which you pull into
  1231. >Sweetie squirms in here seat, eager to begin... well, whatever she has planned
  1232. >As soon as you kill the engine, you feel her hand atop yours
  1233. >"Hey, Anon?"
  1234. "Yo."
  1235. >"Would it be cool if we, like... laid in the back of the truck, for a bit?"
  1236. "In the back? I mean, there's a ton of stuff back there, but... fuck it, sure."
  1237. >The two of you get out of the car, and you rearrange some of your musical equipment to leave just enough space for the two of you to lie together
  1238. >Or, rather, it's enough space for Sweetie to lie down
  1239. >You're way too tall, and your head ends up resting against a monitor
  1240. >It's uncomfortable as all fuck... until Sweetie joins you
  1241. >She lies along your side, curled against you, and you loop your arm around her shoulders
  1242. >It feels... cozy
  1243. >This relationship has been filled with so much drama and insanity, you almost forgot it could feel so simple
  1244. >Sweetie rests her head on your chest, and you use your free hand to stroke her hair
  1245. >She lets out a contented sigh, closing her eyes
  1246. >You stare up at the stars -- or, rather, what you can see of them -- and allow yourself to finally unwind a bit
  1247. >Sweetie shifts to where she's lying on her stomach, her face inches from yours
  1248. >"Anon?"
  1249. "Hm?"
  1250. >"Let's do it."
  1251. "Do it? Here?"
  1252. >She nods
  1253. >"I want to. And for real, this time."
  1254. >She places her hands on your chest, crawling on top of you
  1255. "I dunno, Sweetie, if someone sees..."
  1256. >"Well, we'll just have to hope nobody will."
  1257. >She bends in, her mouth meeting yours in a long, tantalizing kiss
  1258. >Something begins to stir within you, and you circle your arms around Sweetie's back
  1259. >She's practically naked already; she's removed her flip flops, leaving only compressive booty shorts and a bikini top to cover her lithe, skinny form
  1260. >Goosebumps raise along her skin as your fingers explore her back, heading towards the tie for her bikini
  1261. >Which, for some reason, she double-knotted
  1262. >Goddammit
  1263. >She breaks the kiss, smiling coyly at you
  1264. >"Having trouble?"
  1265. "A little... how the hell did you tie this?"
  1266. >"Practice."
  1267. >Sweetie Belle sits up, straddling you
  1268. >"Wen you have Rarity as a sister, you have to learn to use your fingers."
  1269. >You chuckle, and Sweetie blushes as she realizes what she just said
  1270. >"N-not like that! I just mean..."
  1271. >She pouts, reaching behind her to undo the tie
  1272. >The bikini top falls away, bearing her chest
  1273. >The signature you left last time has faded, but Sweetie's made up for it by sharpie-ing little hearts over her nipples
  1274. >You caress the soft, flat mound of her right breast, and she lets out a tiny gasp
  1275. >"Ah~... okay... okay..."
  1276. >She hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts, and begins to slide them down
  1277. >"I haven't done this before, but I've practiced a lot! My sister has a bunch of toys and I took one and I tried really hard to do a good job but--"
  1278. >She cuts herself off, realizing she's rambling
  1279. >"If I do anything wrong, tell me, okay? I promise, I won't be offended, just--"
  1280. >You sit up to, cutting her off with a kiss
  1281. "You're gonna do great, Sweetie. Don't worry about me."
  1282. >You hug her against your chest, kissing her forehead
  1283. "I'm going to make sure this is perfect for you."
  1284. >Sweetie freezes for a moment, stunned
  1285. >And then presses her mouth against yours, tackling you backwards onto the bed of the truck
  1287. >You hit the back with an *oomph*, with Sweetie landing on top of you
  1288. >She peppers your face in kisses, her hands scrabbling with the buttons of your shirt
  1289. >You reach up to caress her body, and she shudders in pleasure as your hands make their way down to her hips
  1290. >As soon as your thumbs hook under the waistband of her shorts, she kisses your ear
  1291. >"Be gentle, okay...?" she whispers
  1292. >You nod, and begin to slide the shorts down
  1293. >Sweetie Belle groans as the air hits her exposed nethers
  1294. >You crane your neck back, staring up at the sky
  1295. >...and right into Applejack's angry face
  1296. >"...that ain't Applebloom, Anon."
  1297. "OH SWEET JESUS!"
  1298. >Sweetie follows your gaze, and screams
  1299. >She falls off you, curling against the back of the truck, attempting to cover her exposed breasts and pull up her shorts at the same time
  1300. >"A-Applejack! What are you... we weren't... it's just..."
  1301. >Applejack doesn't even pay attention to the younger girl
  1302. >"Oh, I see how it is! Got all the time in the world to molest her, but not to fiddle my sister? Y'all make me sick!"
  1303. "Get the fuck out of here!"
  1304. >You try to shove Applejack away from her truck, but she dodges nimbly away
  1305. >"What's wrong with Applebloom? Why can't I trust you with one simple task, you disgusting human being!"
  1306. "I'm disugsting because I won't molest your sister?"
  1307. >"Exactly! Finally, I'm getting through to you!"
  1308. "Fuck off!"
  1309. >You look around for something to throw at her, but everything nearby is either breakable or too heavy to lift
  1310. >So instead you flip her off, before wrapping the terrified Sweetie Belle in your arms
  1311. >"I'm not letting this go, Anon! You're gonna play my sister's fiddle whether you want it or not!"
  1312. >And with that, she's gone, leaving only the vague smell of sweat, shame, and apples behind
  1313. >Sweetie buries her face in your chest, shivering
  1314. >"She saw... she saw me..."
  1315. "I know. I'm sorry, Sweetie. I can't believe I let her sneak up on us like that."
  1316. >"You don't think she's going to tell anyone... do you?"
  1317. "Nah. If she does, I have way, way worse things I can spill about her."
  1318. >You stroke Sweetie Belle's hair until she calms down, then carry her back into your truck
  1319. >"Do you... do you have anything I could wear? I don't know where my top went..."
  1320. "Yeah, here."
  1321. >You fish out a spare, ragged t-shirt from under your seat, and toss it to her
  1322. >She pulls it on, looking comically small in the oversized garment
  1323. "Better?"
  1324. >"A little..."
  1325. >She buries her face in her hands, groaning
  1326. >"Oh God, that was so embarrassing..."
  1327. "Yeah. Fucking Applejack..."
  1328. >You start the car, turning the heat up to warm poor shivering Sweetie
  1329. "Want me to take you home?"
  1330. >"Actually... could I stay at your place, for a little bit?"
  1331. "I dunno..."
  1332. >"Not the night. Just... a few hours, maybe? I don't wanna be alone right now..."
  1333. "Alright. But call your sister first, so she doesn't worry."
  1334. >"Call her?"
  1335. >Sweetie Belle sticks out her lower lip
  1336. >"But... but she won't let me! Come on, it's okay if she worries for a few hours!"
  1337. "I've barely got her trust as it is, Sweetie. Let's not give her a new reason to accuse me of anything, alright?"
  1338. >"But... ugh, fine."
  1339. >She rolls her eyes in a decidedly fourteen-year-old fashion before pulling out her phone
  1340. >You turn your music down, focusing on the road as she dials her sister
  1341. >"Hey, Rarity? Is it alright if... if I stay at Anon's for a bit?"
  1342. >You hear Rarity's muffled tones through the speaker of Sweetie's phone
  1343. >She's not yelling, at least
  1344. >"Um... no, not for the night, I was just going to-- wait, what?"
  1345. >A look of genuine surprise crosses Sweetie's face, and she falls silent for a moment
  1346. >"I... it's okay? I mean, I'll ask him, but... y-yeah!"
  1347. >She covers the speaker, turning to you
  1348. >"Rarity says it's alright if I stay the night, as long as you get me home in time to watch Opal tomorrow morning."
  1349. "Wait, what?'
  1350. >Rarity's okay with Sweetie staying at your house?
  1351. >What the hell is going on?
  1352. "Well, yeah. If she's really okay with it. Are you sure you're not talking to a really convincing Rarity impostor?"
  1353. >"Are you really sure it's okay, Rarity? Yes. Yes, I'll be careful. And yes. Alright, see you tomorrow."
  1354. >She flips her phone closed, storing it back in her purse
  1355. >"She's okay with it. And she says hi."
  1356. "Huh. Well, I'm mentally preparing for when we find out she's secretly a zombie clone, or some shit."
  1357. >You pull off the street, heading for the local Dairy Queen
  1358. "You want anything to eat?"
  1359. >Sweetie perks up at the mention of food
  1360. >"Oh, yeah! Yes, please!"
  1361. >You pull up into the drive through, ordering some burgers and ice cream for the both of you
  1362. >Best after-show meal in the universe, really
  1363. >You reach the window, take your food, and reach into your pocket for your wallet
  1364. >But when you open it, you find your debit card is missing
  1365. >A spark of panic ignites in your chest, and you scrabble around to see if you dropped it anywhere
  1366. >The card is nowhere to be found
  1367. >"Something wrong?"
  1368. "No, just lost something."
  1369. >You grab a wad of bills from the glove compartment and pay for your dinner, then drive off
  1370. >Fuck, you lost your debit card?
  1371. >Or maybe you just left it at home...
  1372. >You really hope it's the second one, because you're barely making it by as it is
  1373. >They could probably bankrupt you after an adventurous day at McDonald's, if someone stole your card
  1374. >You hand Sweetie her food, which she immediately digs in to
  1375. >"Are you alright, Anon?"
  1376. >She asks through a mouthful of burger, a giant ketchup smear across her chin
  1377. "Yeah. Lost my debit card."
  1378. >"Oh shit. Do you wanna go back and look for it?"
  1379. "Nah. I'll look for it when we get back to my place, and if I can't find it, I'll cancel it. It's no big deal."
  1380. >"Alright."
  1381. >She relaxes against the car seat, the giant shirt looking more like a blanket on her than a garment
  1382. >"Thanks. For tonight."
  1383. "Don't mention it. Thanks for coming to my bullshit shows so much."
  1384. >"They're not bullshit! You guys are awesome!"
  1385. >You chuckle
  1386. "Well, I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong. But seriously though, there's *way* better bands out there."
  1387. >"Oh, yeah, there's tons."
  1388. "Ouch."
  1389. >"No, but... you guys are different! I know you! I know that you're not just a good musician, you're... you're pretty cool. You're nice to me, you respect me, you don't try to force me to act a certain way, or only talk to certain people, you just... you let me be me. And you make me feel... good. About myself."
  1390. >She tucks her legs against her chest, pulling the front of her shirt over them
  1391. >It's almost painfully adorable
  1392. "Well... shit, Sweetie. I don't really know what to say, heh..."
  1393. >"You don't have to say anything. Just... thanks. For everything."
  1394. >Sweetie closes her eyes, resting her head against the window
  1396. >When you get back to your apartment, Sweetie helps you carry your stuff inside
  1397. >And then it hits you
  1398. >You have a fourteen-year-old girl in your house, expecting to be entertained
  1399. >What the fuck are you supposed to do?
  1400. >What do girls her age even do?
  1401. >Aside from dress like sluts and hang out at bad ska concerts, of course...
  1402. >Sweetie sets the last monitor down, then sets to exploring your living room
  1403. >She gravitates toward your record collection almost immediately
  1404. >"Are all these yours?"
  1405. "Yep. Used to be my dad's, back when he was around. This one was always his favorite..."
  1406. >You pull the cracked, faded album down from the shelf, turning it over in your hands
  1407. >"Can we listen to it?"
  1408. >Sweetie bumps your hip, staring hopefully up into your eyes
  1409. "You want to?"
  1410. >She nods, swishing her oversized shirt like a dress
  1411. "Fuck it, let's go."
  1412. >You lift the cover off your turn table, and slap the old record down on top of it
  1415. >The music is a little scratchy, and it skips in a few parts, but Linda's wonderful voice sounds right through
  1416. >You step back, hypnotized by a moment by the slow, gentle spinning of the record
  1417. >Then you feel Sweetie's hand in yours
  1418. >She pressup against you, wrapping her free arm around your back
  1419. >"You know, I got to dance with Scootaloo all night..."
  1420. >She begins to spin in a slow, clumsy circle, and you follow her
  1421. >"But I've never gotten to dance with you."
  1422. "Yeah? Well, prepare to be heavily disappointed. I've met paraplegics who dance better than I do."
  1423. >Sweetie grins, nimbly pushing you backwards, then twirling with you, her body still snug against yours
  1424. >"Then I'll just have to teach you."
  1426. >Turns out her method of "teaching" is pretty sink-or-swim
  1427. >She starts with some simple two-steps, holding your hands as she tries to guide you through the motions
  1428. >Neither of you speak; she moves, and you try your best to follow
  1429. >Once you've got the hang of that, she allows you to twirl and guide her around you as you step
  1430. >And when a slow song comes up, she pulls herself against you, and the two of you attempt a clumsy waltz
  1431. >As the song winds down, you find yourself holding Sweetie close, one hand on her hip and one at the back of her neck
  1432. >She looks up at you and puckers her lips
  1433. >You bend in, your mouth an inch from hers... and then pull away
  1434. >"H-hey! You're supposed to kiss me!"
  1435. "Oh, right, right. Here."
  1436. >She tilts her head back again, ready for a kiss
  1437. >You bend in... and pull away at the last minute again
  1438. >"You... you're doing that on purpose!"
  1439. "What, me? No way!"
  1440. >Growling, Sweetie grabs your head in her hands and forcefully kisses you
  1441. >The two of you tumble backwards onto the couch, landing with her on top of you
  1442. >She kisses you viciously, practically tearing your clothes in her enthusiasm to get them off
  1443. >"Wait... wait, Sweetie, slow--"
  1444. >She shuts you up by kissing you, her tongue worming into your mouth
  1445. >When she pulls away, you continue
  1446. "Slow down."
  1447. >"Huh? Why?"
  1448. >You take her in your arms, running a hand through her hair
  1449. "This is your... your first, right?"
  1450. >"Wh-what? No! I mean... with another person, sure, but... I mean, I practiced with Rarity... with one of Rarity's toys! She had these... you know..."
  1451. >Sweetie covers her face in her hands, blushing furiously
  1452. >"It's my first."
  1453. "Then I'm gonna make sure it's perfect."
  1454. >You take her hands in yours, kissing her nose
  1455. >"You don't have to. I promise, I'll like it, no matter what."
  1456. "I know you will. But I'm gonna make sure you *really* like it."
  1457. >You stand up from the couch, selecting another record and slapping it on the turntable
  1460. >And then you fall back into Sweetie's embrace, the two of you intertwining your bodies as your mouths connect
  1461. >It's not hard to get her undressed; she's only wearing the oversized shirt and her skimpy shorts, after all
  1462. >You slip the shirt off her, revealing her developing breasts and the ghost of your signature
  1463. >Sweetie gasps as you trail kisses from her navel up to her neck, paying special attention to her chest
  1464. >"A-Anon... get the sh-shorts off, please... I'm s-s-so wet, I can't..."
  1465. >You hook your thumbs under the waistband of her shorts, tugging them and discovering that she wasn't lying
  1466. >Her panties are soaked, and the smell of her arousal wafts up to your nose almost immediately
  1467. >You lay Sweetie back against the couch, pressing your face against her crouch
  1468. >She shivers, thrusting her hips up into your face
  1469. >You lick along her privates with long, lapping motions, the alkaline taste of her juices coating your tongue
  1470. >"A-Anon! F-fuck! I'm gonna..."
  1471. >Her thighs clamp around your head, holding your face in perfect position
  1472. >She humps your mouth like an animal, and you can feel her quiver and shudder as she orgasms
  1473. >You pull away, a long, silvery stream of saliva and goo connecting your tongue to her crotch
  1474. >Sweetie is a shivering mess, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her chest heaving in her pleasure
  1475. >"That w-was... o-oh my God..."
  1476. >She tries to sit up, but ends up falling back to the couch, body spasming from the aftershock
  1477. >"I f-feel like I'm on the moon..."
  1479. >You don't end up getting laid that night
  1480. >Still, you don't really mind
  1481. >Naked Sweetie cuddles with you for a while, basking in her afterglow
  1482. >But eventually she starts to shiver, and so you fish some old pajamas out of your room for her
  1483. >Your debit card is nowhere to be found, sadly, and you make mental note to cancel it as soon as the banks open back up
  1484. >You just hope you're not about to wake up with a three-thousand-dollar Candy Crush charge on it, or something
  1485. >"Hey. You coming back?"
  1486. >Sweetie peeks out from the living room, making no attempt to conceal herself
  1487. >She's... incredibly pretty, really
  1488. >Makes sense, considering she's related to Rarity, but Sweetie Belle's figure is so much more... lithe, than her sisters
  1489. >Skinny without being scrawny, her curves understated and her poise perky, she's a treasure
  1490. >It's almost a shame she's about to cover herself up again
  1491. >Sweetie pulls on the pajamas, then lays back on the bed
  1492. >You lay down with her, the two of you ending up stretched out together over the cushions
  1493. >You stroke her hair as your record finishes playing, and she lets out a contented sigh
  1494. >"I guess we can do the entire thing some other time?"
  1495. "Yeah. Without Applejack to interrupt us. I'm going to make sure it's special."
  1496. >"It doesn't have to be special. It just has to be the two of us."
  1497. >She nuzzles you, crossing her leg over yours
  1498. "Right, right..."
  1499. >"I think I'll make you breakfast in the morning. What do you want?"
  1500. "You don't have to..."
  1501. >"Nah, I want to. What do you want?"
  1502. "I dunno. The usual."
  1503. >"Got it."
  1504. >She plants a kiss on your cheek
  1506. >You wake up late next morning, as is your habit, to the smell of...
  1507. >Oh God, you don't even know what
  1508. >It smells like a chemical plant burned down, then the fire was extinguished with cheap beer
  1509. >You roll off the couch, your chest sore from supporting Sweetie's weight for the entire night, and tromp into the kitchen
  1510. >"Morning!"
  1511. >She's still dressed in the PJ's you gave her, stirring happily at a pot of... something
  1512. >"I made scrambled eggs!"
  1513. "Those are... eggs?"
  1514. >"Yep! Can't you tell?"
  1515. >She holds a spoonful of the amorphous sludge up, waiting for you to taste-test
  1516. "Uh..."
  1517. >"Come on, you want some, right?"
  1518. >She gives you a hopefully smile, shifting from one foot to the other as she waits for you to try her food
  1519. >"R-right?"
  1520. >Are you really going to do this?
  1521. >Sweetie holds the spoon up to your lips
  1522. >Closing your eyes, you take a bite...
  1523. >"So? How is it?"
  1524. >The worst coughing fit of your life hits you, and you try desperately to keep the "eggs" down
  1525. "Agh! Ah, fuck... it's great! Really good!"
  1526. >Eyes streaming with tears, you give her a thumbs up
  1527. >"Great! I made bacon too!"
  1528. >Oh sweet Jesus...
  1529. >She pulls a tray out of the oven, covered in what looks like strips of leather
  1530. >"Smells good, right?"
  1531. "Y-yeah... really good."
  1532. >Could you make biting your own tongue off look like an accident?
  1534. >Breakfast is truly a magical experience
  1535. >You sort of just zone out, trying to enter a zen state as you choke down bite after bite of Sweetie's food
  1536. >She beams with pride after each one, serving you seconds and thirds
  1537. >You're pretty sure some sort of highly-exothermic chemical reaction is going on in your stomach; it feels like you swallowed a small nuclear reactor
  1538. >"So, what do you wanna do today?"
  1539. "I dunno. I gotta take you back to your sister, remember?"
  1540. >"Yeah, you do... but we could hang out later, right?"
  1541. >She clasps her hands together in front of her chest
  1542. "Yeah, totally. We're probably gonna have a practice session tonight, if Rarity can tear herself away from her stupid sewing club."
  1543. >"Yay!"
  1544. >Sweetie is about to take a bite of her own breakfast, then remembers something
  1545. >"Oh! A package came for you!"
  1546. "A package?"
  1547. >"Yeah! Postman delivered it really early in the morning. It was marked for express delivery, or something."
  1548. "What? I didn't order anything..."
  1549. >You have a really, really bad feeling about this
  1550. >Could someone be making purchases on your missing debit card?
  1551. >Probably, but who?
  1552. >It's only been lost for a few hours, and why would they ship the item they bought to you?
  1553. >Doesn't make any sense
  1554. "Alright, did they leave it outside?"
  1555. >"Yeah. Here, I'll go grab it! You just enjoy your breakfast."
  1556. >She jumps up from the table, running towards the front door
  1558. >A minute later, she saunters back inside, struggling under the weight of the package
  1559. >"This thing weighs a ton! What did you order?"
  1560. >Without waiting for your answer, she plonks the box down on the kitchen counter, and starts to open it
  1561. "No, Sweetie, wait--"
  1562. >She gets the box open, and her eyes go wide
  1563. >"A-Anon..."
  1564. >At the angle you're at, you can just barely peer into the box
  1565. >What you see inside is large, black, rubbery, and vaguely horsedick-shaped
  1566. >Oh God, no...
  1567. >"Anon, you're into this stuff?"
  1568. "Wh-what? No! It's... it's Scootaloo's!"
  1569. >Great going, Anon, that totally didn't sound like a bullshit excuse or anything
  1570. >Sweetie Belle raises her eyebrows
  1571. >"For Scootaloo? Anon, come on... I'm not gonna judge you, if you like this stuff."
  1572. >She runs a finger along the thing's impressive -- no, scratch that, terrifying -- length
  1573. >"In fact... that's pretty hot."
  1574. >Her cheeks are bright red, and you really, really don't want to know what's going through her head right now
  1575. "I'm serious, it's not for me! Scootaloo took my debit card to order a giant dildo!"
  1576. >Sweetie Belle actually laughs this time
  1577. >"Anon, chill! Seriously, we're dating now, right? You don't have to keep any more secrets from me! And, come on, Scootaloo? There's no way she could handle this. If you'd told me it was for my sister, maybe then I'd have believed you."
  1578. >She scoops her hands under the massive horsecock, lifting it out of the box
  1579. >Exertion shows on her face as she strains to get it up in the air, its massive shaft nearly smacking her in the face
  1580. >"You know... I wouldn't mind watching you try it out, if that's okay..."
  1581. >She pops the thing's massive head in her mouth, making full eye contact with you as her tongue swirls around it
  1582. "Uh... I, uh..."
  1583. >Your mind has gone completely blank
  1584. >Sweetie Belle gets a shocking amount of the sex toy into her mouth, nearly choking as it its the back of her throat
  1585. >She raises here eyebrows, as if to say "you're next"
  1586. >Oh God
  1587. >You know, maybe this isn't such a bad deal after all
  1588. >As if in a trance, you drift towards Sweetie, ready to feel the sweet embrace of her lips once again...
  1589. >Your front door opens
  1590. >"Yo! Anon! Did someone deliver a horse dick here?"
  1591. >Both you and Sweetie turn to see Scootaloo standing in the doorway
  1592. >Sweetie yelps in surprise, immediately pulling the dildo out of her mouth, wiping away her saliva with the back of her hand
  1593. >"N-nothing happened! It's not what it looks like!"
  1594. >Scootaloo stamps her foot, indignant
  1595. >"It's exactly what it looks like! How dare you use my Anal Destroyer 9000 without permission?"
  1596. >"Yours? But..."
  1597. >Sweetie glances between you and Scootaloo
  1598. >"Yeah, now gimme! Oh, yeah, Anon, I've got your card. Thanks for the purchase, bro."
  1599. "You..."
  1600. >You clench your fists, ready to end this little abomination
  1601. "Scootaloo..."
  1602. >"Yeah, dude?"
  1603. "I am going to FUCKING KILL YOU!"
  1604. >You grab for the nearest murder weapon you can find
  1605. >Which just happens to be a massive dildo dripping in Sweetie's spit
  1606. >"A-Anon! Calm down, dude! It was just a prank!"
  1607. "Graaaaaah!"
  1608. >You charge at her, swinging the rubber cock
  1609. >Scootaloo yelps in terror, and sprints out of the room
  1610. >You follow her out into the hallway of your apartment building, chasing her like a crazed animal, swinging the dildo with enough force to shatter cinderblocks
  1611. >Scootaloo's quick, you'll give her that, but you have longer legs and a blinding desire to kill
  1612. >Each step brings you that much closer to her, the swings of your mighty horse dildo getting closer to her face
  1613. >She throws you for a loop by taking the secondary exit instead of heading towards the lobby, and you charge after her
  1614. >Scootaloo hits the door to the outside, charging into the parking lot
  1615. >You follow her, bellowing in rage
  1616. >She races towards a vaguely-familiar corvette, with little diamond insignias emblazoned across the front
  1617. >The car's door opens, and Rarity steps out
  1618. >Both you and Scootaloo freeze, you with the dildo in mid swing
  1619. >Rarity removes her glasses, gaping at you
  1620. "Uh..."
  1621. >Rarity narrows her eyes, mixed horror, disgust, and shock fighting for control of her face
  1622. "Um..."
  1623. >You poke Scootaloo with the dildo
  1624. "Tag! You're it!"
  1626. >"So. You've got a *lot* to explain."
  1627. >Rarity, Scootaloo, and Sweetie sit across from you at your kitchen table
  1628. >Sweetie just looks confused, but her sister glares at you
  1629. >Scootaloo has eyes only for the massive dildo, which is currently on your side of the table
  1630. >The dildo is on your side of the table, drooping under its own massive weight
  1631. >Scootaloo licks her lips, reaching towards it
  1632. >You smack her hand away, as you've done about a dozen times already
  1633. "I told you. This one here..."
  1634. >You gesture to Scootaloo
  1635. "Took my debit card, bought it, and ordered it to my house."
  1636. >"As if I'd believe such an obvious lie! Scootaloo would never--"
  1637. >"Nah, I did."
  1638. >She grabs for the toy again, and you smack her hand away
  1639. >Rarity gapes
  1640. >"You... you what?"
  1641. >She glances between the two of you
  1642. >"That's... you... what?"
  1643. >"Yeah. I took his card and bought the dildo. I was gonna pay him back when I save up enough!"
  1644. >"Scootaloo! This kind of behavior is most unbecoming of a lady!"
  1645. >Sweetie Belle speaks up
  1646. >"Since when? You've got ones even bigger."
  1647. >Rarity's eyes go wide, and her cheeks turn a marvelous shade of pink
  1648. >Scootaloo grabs ahold of the fashionista's arm, her eyes wide with excitement
  1649. >"Wait, you do!? Where!? What kinds!? Can I borrow one!?"
  1650. >"Absolutely not! I mean... I don't even have any! I would never!"
  1651. >Sweetie continues, oblivious
  1652. >"Yeah you do. You've got an entire drawer of them, right above your yarn drawer."
  1653. >Rarity's face goes full-on crimson
  1654. >"Sh-shut up, Sweetie! Those were... um... fancy doorstops!"
  1655. >"Shaped like cocks?"
  1656. >Rarity clamps a hand over her sister's mouth, scowling
  1657. >Sweetie pulls away, clearly enjoying this a little more than she should
  1658. >"And there's that double-ended one that you and Coco Pommel love so much. Is that a doorstop too?"
  1659. >"I... how did you know about that!?"
  1660. >"I didn't. But now I do~."
  1661. >Rarity howls in frustration, slamming her head on the table
  1662. >Scootaloo takes the opportunity to attempt to swipe the dildo again, but you slap her away
  1663. >You don't even know why you're still protecting this thing, but if she took fifty dollars' worth of your money to pay for it, then she'll get it when she gives you fifty dollars
  1664. >"Come on, gimme!"
  1665. >She lunges for it, but you shove her away
  1666. >Rarity finally straightens up, trying her best to maintain her posture
  1667. >Sweetie's grinning like an idiot, still dressed in the pajamas you lent her
  1668. >"Anyway. Anonymous. Suffice to say... you have lost my trust. Behavior like this is not something I can expose my sister to in good conscience."
  1669. "Are you seriously going to act like this is my fault?"
  1670. >"I trust you to keep my sister away from such perversion!"
  1671. "Yeah? Doesn't seem like you've done such a good job of it yourself."
  1672. >Rarity winces
  1673. >"Okay... noted. But..."
  1674. >Her lip begins to quiver
  1675. >"Never mind. I see there's nothing I can do here."
  1676. >Rarity stands, her head hung
  1677. >"Please have Sweetie home by this evening, Anonymous. I'll see you at practice."
  1679. >"What's up with her?"
  1680. >Rarity's gone now, and you finally managed to physically haul Scootaloo out of your apartment, leaving you and Sweetie alone at the kitchen table
  1681. >With a giant fucking dildo between the two of you
  1682. >Really romantic
  1683. "I have no idea. Was it something I said?"
  1684. >Sweetie shrugs
  1685. >"Rarity's always been a little sensitive. Guess she just didn't like us teasing her?"
  1686. "Yeah... that's probably it..."
  1687. >You know full-well there's more to it than that, but the inner workings of Rarity's byzantine emotional state have always eluded you
  1688. >And besides, Sweetie has other things on her mind
  1689. >"So? Whaddaya wanna do today?"
  1690. "I dunno..."
  1691. >You poke the giant dildo, and it flops over onto the table with a *thunk*
  1692. "We're getting rid of this thing, first of all."
  1693. >"Rid of it?"
  1694. >Sweetie sounds a little disappointed
  1695. >"But... come on..."
  1696. >She pulls it closer to her
  1697. >"It's so huge... seems like such a shame to waste it..."
  1698. >She takes the toy in her hands and licks along its shaft, eyes locked on yours
  1699. >Something twitches in your loins
  1700. "W-well... I mean, we could always just... throw it in the closet somewhere..."
  1702. >Eventually, after a fair amount of pestering from Sweetie, you agree to take her shopping
  1703. >Which, at least from your shopping experience with Rarity, you're expecting to be an absolute trek through hell
  1704. >But, it turns out, Sweetie differs from her sister with respect to mall trips as well
  1705. >You give her another of your shirts to wear, since it wouldn't exactly be fitting for her to walk around in a bikini top and booty shorts in public
  1706. >She keeps the shorts on, of course, but the shirt is more than long enough to hide them
  1707. >When you get to the mall, she doesn't sprint for the Forever 21, or the Hot Topic, but instead for the Hollywood Video
  1708. >"Can I rent a game, Anon?"
  1709. "I dunno. How much is it?"
  1710. >"Not that much, just a couple dollars. They've got a bunch of super-old classics!"
  1711. "Yeah? Since when are you into old games?"
  1712. >"Since forever? They're the only kind Rarity lets me play. Come on, let's see if they've got Super Metroid!"
  1713. >She drags you by the hand into the shop, through aisles of DVD's and into the video game section
  1714. >"You've got a Super Nintendo, right?"
  1715. "Yeah, somewhere. Hasn't been dusted off in a while."
  1716. >"That's okay! If yours doesn't work, I can borrow Rarity's."
  1717. >Rarity plays SNES?
  1718. >You mentally take back the last few times you insulted her
  1719. "Alright, well, pick a game or two and we'll get 'em for the week."
  1720. >Sweetie squeals in excitement, dropping to her knees to scan games on the bottom shelf
  1722. >She ends up grabbing some weird Japanese game with a title you can't pronounce
  1723. >Apparently, though, she read online that it's supposed to be amazing
  1724. >You don't really give a shit, but her enthusiasm is infectious
  1725. >Eventually she does drag you into the Forever 21, but the trip is short
  1726. >She buys herself a new pair of shorts -- slightly more modest than the ones she has on now, but that's not saying much -- and some knockoff Ray Bans
  1727. >They look like the douchiest glasses in the world, but you don't have the heart to tell her
  1728. >After your brief shopping excursion is done, you take her to the food court, where the two of you shoot the shit over hot dogs
  1729. >Turns out, she knows *way* more than a kid her age should know about retro games
  1730. >It's a little disconcerting, really
  1731. >Even you, a kid so 90's you were practically a Nickelodeon test-tube baby, can't keep up
  1732. >"So, you've played Contra, right?"
  1733. "Hell yeah I played Contra."
  1734. >You fold your arms over your chest, giving her a self-satisfied grin
  1735. "And I beat it too."
  1736. >"With the Konami code?"
  1737. "Well, yeah. Of course. You can't do it without the code."
  1738. >"Ha. Maybe not if you suck."
  1739. >She sticks her tongue out at you
  1740. "Oh, so what, you're saying you beat it *without* the code?"
  1741. >"I did."
  1742. "Gimme a break. Not possible, unless you were in two-player."
  1743. >Sweetie's chinks turn pink
  1744. "Were you?"
  1745. >"It was me and Rarity! That's what we used to do after school, before she got all fussy and no-fun!"
  1746. "Doesn't count."
  1747. >"It does to!"
  1748. "Nope. Gotta be on your own."
  1749. >"Says the guy who needed the code..."
  1751. >Needless to say, you haven't had so much fun arguing over games in a while
  1752. >You and Sweetie head back to your apartment, but not before you stop to buy some good old-fashioned junk food
  1753. >Because what's a video game binge session without snacks?
  1754. >Turns out the game she bought is one-player only, but you don't really mind
  1755. >You lounge on the couch with her in your lap, holding her while she grinds through the new RPG
  1757. >Eventually, band practice rolls around, and you and Sweetie hop in your truck to head back to her home
  1758. >Rarity and the rest of the band are already set up, waiting for you
  1759. >She doesn't even look at you when you enter, just keeps her eyes down on her keyboard
  1760. >Yeah, something's definitely wrong with her
  1761. >Scootaloo's hanging out by Dash, sitting on her amp and watching intently as her idol attempts to play some warm-up scales
  1762. >God, how can one person butcher a blues box so easily?
  1763. >Of everyone there, only Twilight seems happy to see you
  1764. >She waves you down the minute you enter, trying to twirl a drumstick with the other hand
  1765. >"Hey, Anon!"
  1766. "Hey, Twi."
  1767. >You wave back, heading to your corner to get set up
  1768. >Mimicking Dash, Sweetie takes a seat on your own amp, watching with wide, attentive eyes as you run through your own warmups
  1770. >Practice is... not great
  1771. >The first song starts pretty good, but as soon as Rarity's supposed to come in, she completely botches her part
  1772. >A series of dissonant, messy keyboard notes bring the song to a quite-literally screeching halt
  1773. >You, Twilight, and Dash turn to Rarity, waiting for an explanation
  1774. >"Oh! Sorry, everyone, just... wasn't paying proper attention..."
  1775. >The song resumes, and she comes in fine, but messes up against after only a few measures
  1776. >It doesn't even sound like she's trying; Rarity's playing is sloppy and, as far as you can tell, not even in the proper key
  1777. >She doesn't even look embarrassed
  1778. >You catch her staring at you and Sweetie Belle, but she quickly looks away
  1779. >"I think... I might just be a little off-kilter today. Please, do carry on without me."
  1780. >She switches her keyboard off, and heads back into the house
  1781. >The rest of you look at each other, each wondering the same thing
  1782. >Dash probably doesn't give enough of a shit to comfort Rarity, and Twilight's too autistic
  1783. >So...
  1784. "I'll go talk to her."
  1786. "Rares?"
  1787. >You find Rarity in her studio, methodically passing a circlet of fabric through her sewing machine
  1788. >She doesn't look up when you knock
  1789. "Everything all right?"
  1790. >"Perfectly fine, darling. Just felt that I had to do some last-minute sewing."
  1791. >She passes the circlet through again
  1792. >And again
  1793. >And once again
  1794. "Um... you know there's no thread in the machine, right?"
  1795. >Rarity blinks twice
  1796. >"Y-yes darling, of course I noticed that."
  1797. >She switches it off, leaning back in her seat
  1798. "So? What's wrong?"
  1799. >You sit down on her bed, wrinkling the pristine sheets
  1800. >"It's nothing, dear. You know how I get sometimes. I'm just feeling a little... off, today."
  1801. "Rarity, if you've seen you be 'a little off' before. Any time you're 'a little off,' you throw an absolute fit over every little thing. But when you're really hurting, you do this. Just shut yourself away."
  1802. >Rarity turns away from you, fiddling with some scraps of silk
  1803. >"Can you keep a secret, Anonymous?"
  1804. "Of course."
  1805. >"Even from Sweetie Belle?"
  1806. >Oh fuck, you have a *really* bad feeling about where this is going
  1807. "Even from her, if I have to. What's wrong?"
  1808. >Rarity sighs
  1809. >"I'm jealous."
  1810. >Fuck, you guessed it
  1811. "Well, um... shit, Rares, I didn't know you felt that way. I mean, I've always liked you a lot as a friend, but--"
  1812. >"No, Anon. Not jealous of her for having you. Jealous of you... for having her."
  1813. >...oh
  1814. >Now THAT you didn't guess
  1815. "What?"
  1816. >Rarity stares down at her hands, face red
  1817. >"Sweetie and I used to be... close, Anonymous. Very close."
  1818. >Oh God
  1819. >"Maybe a little closer than sisters should be..."
  1820. >OH GOD
  1821. >"And... well, suffice to say, we've grown apart in the past two years or so."
  1822. >There are no words to describe how not okay with this you are
  1823. >But some sick fascination holds you in place
  1824. >Who in this town isn't perving on their younger sister?
  1825. >"And I thought I was okay with it at first, you understand? I thought I was okay with going back to just being regular sisters. But... seeing you with her, it hurts me, Anon. Especially since... since it seems like she hates me now."
  1826. >Rarity squeezes her eyes shut, teeth gritted in pain
  1827. >"Is that all I am to her now? The nagging older sister? Is everything we were... is that all worthless now?"
  1828. >You try to say something, but you're pretty sure the only sound you're currently capable of producing would sound like a cross between Christina Aguilera and a banshee from hell
  1829. >So... two banshees
  1830. >She shakes her head
  1831. >"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be unloading all of this on you. But I suppose you deserve to know."
  1832. "Gah..."
  1833. >Rarity nods
  1834. >"I agree. It's wrong, and I hate myself for feeling this way about her. But... she's the only one who ever really understood me, Anonymous. She looked up to me too, and I thought she wanted to follow in my footsteps. I thought that, one day, maybe we could even be partners. But I suppose..."
  1835. >Rarity dabs at the corner of her eye with one of her silk scraps
  1836. >"That's all gone now..."
  1837. "I need to take a really long shower..."
  1838. >"What was that, darling?"
  1839. "I... I think I'm gonna go. You want to talk to Twilight? You should talk to Twilight about this."
  1840. >"What? No! I could never tell Twilight! No one can know!"
  1841. "Well, I wish that had included me! I'm gonna--"
  1842. >Rarity grabs your arm, holding you back with a strength you'd never have imagined she possessed
  1843. >"No! Wait, darling, please! You promise you won't tell anyone, right?"
  1844. "Rarity, then minute I leave, I'm going to pretend I never heard any of this."
  1845. >"But... that's not okay either! I need... I need someone to know!"
  1846. "You're sending some *really* mixed signals."
  1847. >"No, just... listen to me, okay?"
  1848. >She clings to you, staring up at you with pleading eyes
  1849. >"I'm not a bad person, right? Maybe a little weird, maybe a little gross... but I'm not a bad person for still wanting her, right? Right?"
  1850. "Rarity, you fucked your own younger sister. I'm pretty sure that qualifies you as a 'bad person.'"
  1851. >"Fucked? Anon! We would never do something so crude!"
  1852. "Oh thank God..."
  1853. >"It was so much more than simple 'fucking!'"
  1854. >You make a gagging noise, clamping your mouth shut to avoid hurling all over the room
  1855. "Jesus Christ! Rarity, that's disgusting!"
  1856. >"It is not! It was love, Anonymous! The purest love I've ever known!"
  1857. "Agh! Stop!"
  1858. >You make a cross with your fingers
  1859. "Begone, incestuous she-demon!"
  1860. >Rarity folds her arms, pouting
  1861. >"Anonymous, this is serious! I'm asking you for help!"
  1862. "Well, I'm not gonna help! This is so fucking wrong!"
  1863. >"How dare you! You know nothing of my and Sweetie's love!"
  1864. "...yeah, I'm out!"
  1865. >You throw Rarity's bedroom door open, power-walking out of the room
  1866. >"Anonymous! Get back here!"
  1867. >Rarity, displaying a rarely-seen (for her, at least) amount of athleticism
  1868. >She grabs your arm, trying to haul you back into her room
  1869. "What the hell do you want?"
  1870. >"I need your help, Anonymous!"
  1871. "Help with what? If you think I'm going to help you get back with your sister, then you're crazy."
  1872. >"No! Just... help me find someone new. Anyone new. Please."
  1873. >She makes the biggest, bluest puppy dog eyes up at you
  1874. >You're starting to see where Sweetie learned some of her tricks
  1875. "Rarity... I really think I'm not the person you should be talking to about this..."
  1876. >"Then who? Who can help me, Anon, please?"
  1877. "Um... a psychiatrist, maybe?"
  1878. >Rarity pulls away from you, her face falling
  1879. >"So... so that's how it is. It looks like my love means nothing to Sweetie... nor to you. I understand."
  1880. "Um... I mean, that's not what I said."
  1881. >Rarity holds up a hand
  1882. >"I understand, Anonymous. It's okay. Go enjoy your time with Sweetie."
  1883. "Uh... are you sure you're gonna be okay, Rares?"
  1884. >"I'm quite alright, darling. I understand everything now."
  1885. "Um... well, great! So, we gonna get back to practicing?"
  1886. >"Of course, dear. Just give me a minute. I need to... freshen up."
  1887. "Yeah, right, awesome."
  1888. >You try to give Rarity a jovial smile, but it probably looks more like a grimace
  1890. >Well... you guess things are fixed?
  1891. >Rarity seems diffused for now, at least
  1892. >Though she's been "freshening up" for a while now
  1893. >Maybe that was just lady code for "taking a fat shit?"
  1894. >You, Dash, and Twilight jam for a bit, the younger girls watching wide-eyed
  1895. >Sweetie in an "impressed fangirl" way, Scootaloo in more of a creepy, pervert way
  1896. >But hey, whatever
  1897. >Jamming has put you in a surprisingly good mood
  1898. >Seems like you've finally diffused the last of the tension around your and Sweetie's relationship
  1899. >Scootaloo has Dash to obsess over now, instead of you, and Rarity...
  1900. >Well, she seems alright now, right?
  1901. >Right?
  1902. >As if to shatter your hopes, the garage door opens, and out steps Rarity wearing...
  1903. >Oh God, what fresh hell is this?
  1904. >She's dressed almost exactly like... you?
  1905. >Faded chino pants, ironic band tee, unbuttoned flannel...
  1906. >Only, unlike you, she's wearing these gay-as-fuck aviator shades
  1907. >Indoors
  1908. >"Oh, what's up, darling-- I mean, dudes."
  1909. >Rarity leans across her keyboard, folding her arms
  1910. >The entire room stares at her
  1911. >Sweetie is the first to actually speak up
  1912. >"Um, Rarity? You okay?"
  1913. >Rarity waves her sister's question away, though you can see her cheeks redden slightly under Sweetie Belle's attention
  1914. >"What? Yeah, Sweetie, I'm, like, totally fine, man."
  1915. >Rarity glances over at you, then tries to adopt the same posture
  1916. >"It's all good, dude."
  1917. >A long, awkward silence falls over the practice room
  1918. >Twilight, blessed by her lack of any and all social graces, finally breaks it
  1919. >"So, um... are we going to keep practicing?"
  1921. >As it turns out, you are
  1922. >And that was probably the worst idea she could have had
  1923. >You, Twilight, and Dash resume your jam session earlier, this time accompanied by Rarity's keyboard
  1924. >And goddamn, does she play
  1925. >She hooks up her keytar, giving Dash a run for her money with the amount of pelvic thrusts and flashy twirls she puts into her performance
  1926. >Even Rainbow herself is starting to look a little uncomfortable
  1927. >Sweetie, meanwhile, can't even bear to look at her sister
  1928. >She scoots further and further into the corner, face crimson with embarrassment
  1929. >When the song ends, Rarity leans jauntily against the garage wall, her face shining with sweat
  1931. >"So, what'd you think darlings-- I mean, dudes? Pretty sick jam, huh?"
  1932. >She lowers her sunglasses just enough that you can see her eyebrows wriggle
  1933. >Sweetie Belle looks like she wants to fucking die, and Dash and Scootaloo are trying really, really hard not to laugh
  1934. >So, it comes down to Twilight's autism to break the silence
  1935. >"Hey Rarity, why are you acting like a version of Anon with Down Syndrome?"
  1936. >Rarity goes pale
  1937. >"Excuse me, darling? I mean, uh... what's up, bro?"
  1938. >"Yeah, that. Why are you sound exactly like Anon that time he dropped acid and watched Saved By the Bell Reruns for two days?"
  1939. >"I... I have no idea what you're talking about dear-- dude. I'm just being totally rad, yo."
  1940. >She flips a poor attempt at a gang sign, and scoots closer to Sweetie Belle
  1941. >Sweetie curls into a ball, trying to pretend Rarity isn't there
  1942. >"So, Sweetie? You wanna hang later? Yo?"
  1943. "Alright, yeah, that's enough."
  1944. >You grab Rarity's arm, and haul her back into the house
  1945. "What in the literal fuck are you doing?"
  1946. >"I'm winning my sister back!"
  1947. "No you're not! You're making yourself look like a bigger sperg than Twilight!"
  1948. >"Um... I can hear you guys."
  1949. "Just kidding, Twi."
  1950. >You lean in close to Rarity, dropping your voice to a whisper
  1951. "Listen. I don't know what the hell your deal is, but you're acting like an idiot. I thought you were happy for Sweetie!"
  1952. >"I am! She's doing better in school, and she seems a lot happier than before, but... but it's not fair! Why does she get to go off and have a good life, and I'm left here alone?"
  1953. "Is... that a trick question? Because it probably has something to do with you dancing around acting like a fucking spaz the minute things don't go your way."
  1954. >"Wh-wha...? Why, I would never!"
  1955. >You raise an eyebrow
  1956. >"Never before today!"
  1957. >You raise both eyebrows
  1958. >"Okay, maybe I *sometimes* get a little carried away. But still, this should only prove how passionate I am about my love for Sweetie!"
  1959. "I don't think your lack of passion is what's causing the problem..."
  1960. >"Hey! Don't act like you understand us!"
  1961. "Oh, believe me, I don't."
  1962. >"Well then... you... ugh, why do you make everything so difficult?"
  1963. "Hold up. I'm the one making things difficult? Last I checked, I wasn't the one perving on their little sister."
  1964. >"I'm not perving! Our love was pure!"
  1965. "Pure insanity, maybe. I'm seriously wondering if I'm in some fucked-up episode of the Twilight Zone right now."
  1966. >"If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you! I'll win Sweetie back, somehow!"
  1967. "Rarity. Listen to me."
  1968. >You put a hand on the fashionista's shoulder, trying to be as gentle as possible
  1969. >Even though, right now, you'd like nothing more than to shove her away from you
  1970. >Seriously, everything about this is fucking nasty
  1971. "It's not gonna happen. Sweetie's happy with me. We've got a good thing going and, if you really love her, you shouldn't try to ruin that."
  1972. >Rarity stares back at you, opening her mouth to retort
  1973. >But no words come
  1974. >Instead, her bottom lip begins to shake
  1975. >"I... I..."
  1976. >She collapses against you, wailing
  1977. >"I knooooooooow. Anonymous, why? Why must my life be so filled with misery? Why am I fated to be so alone? Aren't I worth love? Aren't I?"
  1978. >Holy sweet Jesus, she's crying really hard
  1979. >You try to dislodge yourself from Rarity, but you know it's not gonna work
  1980. >You learned long ago that when she goes into cling mode, she fucking *clings*
  1981. >In fact, you think she might have broken one or two of your ribs, she's squeezing you so hard
  1982. >Great
  1983. >So, not gonna lie, the whole "lack of oxygen getting to your brain" thing combined with the awkwardness of holding a distraught Rarity kinda gets to you
  1984. >And you something stupid
  1985. "Hey, hey, it's alright, Rares."
  1986. >She looks up at you, her face a mess of tears and running mascara
  1987. >"How on earth is is alright, Anonymous? My life is a sham! A bad joke! I'm just something for you and the others to laugh at. Nobody... nobody really loves me."
  1988. >Jesus, pouring it on a little thick, huh?
  1989. "Actually, Rarity, you're wrong. I, uh.. I know someone who's had their eye on you for a while."
  1990. >"Y-you do?"
  1991. >Her death grip slackens, if only slightly, and she wipes a tear away from her face
  1992. "Yeah, totally. They, uh... they're kinda shy, though. And they're not sure if you'll like them."
  1993. >Rarity puffs out her chest
  1994. >"I guarantee I will give them a fair chance! Oh, thank you, Anonymous!"
  1995. >She hugs you again, and this time you're pretty sure you *do* here something crack inside you
  1996. "D-don't mention it."
  1997. >Rarity squeals in delight
  1998. >"Tell me about them! Are they handsome?"
  1999. "Yeah. A real looker. And super, super romantic."
  2000. >"That sounds fabulous! Oh, I'm sorry about being so rotten to you today."
  2001. >She comes in for another hug, thankfully gentler this time
  2002. "Eh, you know, no problem. Just... don't ever impersonate me again. Ever."
  2003. >"Never! But... when can I meet this stranger? Soon, right?"
  2004. "Um... yeah! Real soon! I'll set up a date for this weekend."
  2005. >Rarity squees, hopping in place with excitement
  2006. >"Thank you, Anonymous, thank you! I'll make the best impression I can, I promise!"
  2007. >She wipes some of the smeared mascara from her face, blushing
  2008. >"And... I promise, I'll support you and Sweetie in anyway I can. Even if it may not be entirely pleasant for me..."
  2009. >She sucks in her breath
  2010. >"The two of you deserve it."
  2012. ---
  2014. >"You did what?"
  2015. "I panicked, alright?"
  2016. >"You told her you have a date for her, when you don't actually have a date for her?"
  2017. "Pretty much."
  2018. >"You're gonna kill her, dude. My sister can't take that kind of rejection."
  2019. >Sweetie reclines in her seat, lapping at the ice cream you bought her
  2020. >The two of you are chilling in your truck, which is currently parked in the tiny grass lot outside the park
  2021. >Sweetie Belle has her bare feet up on the dashboard, and you rolled the windows down
  2022. >All in all, it's a pleasant way to spend an autumn day
  2023. >You're not enjoying it too much, though, given your current state of panic
  2024. >You've got two more days to find Rarity a date
  2025. >Unfortunately, most of the guys you've talked to already know her histrionic reputation from high school, and they're none to keen to spend any more time with her than they have to
  2026. >Makes you feel pretty bad for the poor girl
  2027. >Pretty as she is, nobody wants anything to do with her
  2028. >Maybe that's why she and Sweetie were a thing...
  2029. "I know she can't. Which is why I'm stressing out about it a little."
  2030. >You lean your head into your hands, fingers intertwining with your hair
  2031. >Sweetie lays her hand on your shoulder
  2032. >"Hey. Don't worry about it, alright? If you can't find anyone, just tell her that her "date" had to reschedule, or something."
  2033. "Yeah. That'll buy me a little time, I guess. But it won't fix much."
  2034. >"Well... why does it have to fix anything?"
  2035. "Hm?"
  2036. >"My sister's love life isn't your responsibility, you know."
  2037. "I know, but... I feel bad for her."
  2038. >Sweetie adjusts herself in her seat, her bare toes flexing against the windshield
  2039. >"Why? What's she ever done for you? Seems like she's just been breathing down our necks the entire time we've been trying to... you know, to be together. All she ever does is ruin other people's fun. Why do you want to help her so bad?"
  2040. >You shrug
  2041. "I dunno. Maybe I'm just a big sap. But she's been my friend since I started school, even if she's a little... difficult."
  2042. >"I guess..."
  2043. "Like, has she ever told you about how we first met?"
  2044. >"No? Rarity's usually not one for stories."
  2045. "Well, it's not super interesting. I was such a dweeb back then, you have no idea. Obsessed with comics and 90's shit. I had like, no friends."
  2046. >"You? But you're..."
  2047. >Sweetie toys with her hair, leaning herself against you
  2048. >"You're, like, really cool. What happened?"
  2049. "No idea. Your sister just started hanging out with me. It was weird. We had like no common interests, but she just started talking to me, taking me to parties, helping me meet people... and eventually we formed our stupid band. She was still overbearing, and whiny, and loved to start meaningless drama... but she was my only friend, for a while."
  2050. >"That's... huh."
  2051. "Pretty crazy, huh?"
  2052. >"That doesn't sound like my sister..."
  2053. "It doesn't. But she looked out for me, for no reason other than that felt like it. So... I feel like I owe her."
  2054. >"I guess when you put it like that..."
  2055. "Yeah."
  2056. >"But who are you gonna find to go on a date with her? No one around here really likes her that much..."
  2057. "Well... now we're back where we started. I've got no clue."
  2058. >Sweetie shrugs
  2059. "You wanna get some real food? Or just do something to get out of this car?"
  2060. >"Eh. I'm not super hungry."
  2061. "Neither am I."
  2062. >"We could just go be boring at the park."
  2063. "Hey, now..."
  2064. >You scoot out from underneath Sweetie, firing up your truck's engine
  2065. "What's wrong with being boring?"
  2066. >"Oh, nothing. Not as long as it's getting me ice cream, at least."
  2067. >She sticks the rest of the cone into her mouth, swearing white all over her lips
  2068. >You try not to laugh as you pull out of your parking spot
  2069. >"What? What's so funny?"
  2070. >She pouts, only making her look goofier
  2071. "N-nothing. Nothing at all."
  2073. >By the time you get to the park, her face is still covered in vanilla
  2074. >You're halfway tempted to just let her walk around the park like that, but...
  2075. >Well, letting a fourteen-year-old girl follow you around with white goo smeared all over her mouth probably isn't the best idea
  2076. >Sweetie tries to hop out as soon as you park, but you grab her arm, pulling her back inside
  2077. >"Hey! What are you doing!?"
  2078. "Hold still, will you?"
  2079. >"Mmf! Lemme go!"
  2080. >You start dabbing at Sweetie's mouth with the corner of your shirt, as she thrashes
  2081. >When you finish, a very indignant-looking Sweetie Belle follows you out of the truck, grumling
  2082. >"I could have cleaned it myself..."
  2083. "Yeah. But where's the fun in that?"
  2084. >The two of you reach the crest of a hill, staring out over the rest of the park
  2085. >Suddenly, Sweetie tackles you from behind, and the two of you hit the ground together, tumbling one-over-the-other down the muddy slop
  2086. >By the time you reach the bottom of the hill, both you and Sweetie are dizzy, breathless, and covered in mud
  2087. "Hey! What was that for?"
  2088. >She pulls herself on top of your chest, pinning you in the mud
  2089. >"Payback."
  2090. >She winks, wiping at your face with the back of her hand
  2091. "I hate you so much."
  2092. >"You too."
  2093. >She bends in, kissing your mouth
  2094. >You wrap your arms around Sweetie, pulling her muddy body against yours
  2096. >The two of you sit by the lake, washing as much of the mud off yourselves as possible
  2097. >Sweetie dips her feet in the water, and the two of you watch as the sun slowly dips behind the horizon
  2098. >"It's really peaceful out here..."
  2099. "Yeah..."
  2100. >"You know... Anon, can I ask you something?"
  2101. "Yeah?"
  2102. >"Do you... when you think about me -- or about us, I guess -- do you think... do you think, maybe, eventually, we'll--"
  2103. >She's interrupted by the sound of boots on the grass behind you
  2104. >The both of you whirl around, to find a tall, angry-looking Applejack behind you
  2105. >"Anon... are you mud-wrestlin' with girls that aren't Applebloom?"
  2106. "For fuck's sake, AJ. Haven't you ever heard of privacy?"
  2107. >"Haven't you ever heard of doin' your civic duty? You can't keep all this molestin' to just one girl!"
  2108. "Jesus Christ..."
  2109. >"Don't take that attitude with me! You know damn well you owe Applebloom! She needs you!"
  2110. "No, she doesn't! This is messed up!"
  2111. >"What's messed up is you givin' this one all the attention! How do you think poor little Applebloom feels?"
  2112. "I honestly don't even want to imagine."
  2113. >"Exactly! So get to sharin'!"
  2114. >You're about to tell AJ to get fucked, when a stroke of brilliance hits you
  2115. >Well, probably not brilliance, probably just a desperation-fueled Hail Mary
  2116. >But it's better than nothing, right?
  2117. "You know what... fine. I'll... I'll take care of your sister."
  2118. >AJ folds her arms over her chest, giving you the smuggest grin you've ever seen on the cowgirl pervert
  2119. >"Now that's more like it."
  2120. >"Anon! You can't--"
  2121. >You wrap your hand over Sweetie's mouth, reducing her complaints to muffled, angry mumbling
  2122. "I'll meet you in the industrial park's lot tonight, okay?"
  2123. >AJ nods
  2124. >"We'll be there. Ten o'clock?"
  2125. "Sounds good."
  2126. >AJ sweeps her hat off her head, holding it across her chest
  2127. >"You're doing the right thing, Anon. The entire Apple family thanks you."
  2128. "I bet they do..."
  2130. >When AJ finally leaves, you take your hand off Sweetie's mouth, and she gasps for air
  2131. >"I can't believe you! You can't just--"
  2132. "I'm not."
  2133. >Sweetie blinks in surprise
  2134. >"Huh? But you said..."
  2135. "Yeah, I lied. We're not gonna do anything to her. Instead, she's going on a date."
  2136. >"A date... oh my God. Are you serious?"
  2137. "One hundred percent."
  2138. >"You can't set her up with my sister. That's..."
  2139. "What, weird? From what I've seen, Rarity has no problem with younger girls..."
  2140. >"Th-that was different! We had a bond!"
  2141. "Sounds like someone's jealous."
  2142. >"I'm not jealous! You can't set my friend up with my sister! That's weird!"
  2143. "Why? Rarity's letting me date you. Why not her and Applebloom?"
  2144. >"Because... because..."
  2145. >Sweetie's face goes red
  2146. >"I don't know, okay? But that's still super weird!"
  2147. "Oh, right, THAT'S what's weird here. But you and her being a thing was...?"
  2148. >"It was special!"
  2149. "Uh huh. Look... it'll make both of them happy, right? Your sister gets to have someone, Applebloom gets to avoid being molested..."
  2150. >"Assuming it works. Why would they ever actually, you know, want to be a thing?"
  2151. "No idea. But it'll work."
  2152. >Sweetie rolls her eyes
  2153. >"You can be such an idiot, sometimes."
  2154. "A genius is never understood in his own time. You'll see. This is gonna go so well."
  2156. "This was the worst idea I've ever had."
  2157. >"Told ya."
  2158. >The two of you pull into the industrial park, where AJ's giant white van (seriously? Is she even trying?) is waiting for you
  2159. "Just... wait in here, okay? If things get weird, just run, okay? Don't worry about me."
  2160. >"Things are already pretty weird..."
  2161. "Yeah, I mean... if they get weirder."
  2162. >"Can't see how anything could get weirder. And I'm not gonna leave you behind. We're in this mess together now."
  2163. "Hmm... fine. But stick close to me if something goes wrong, alright?"
  2164. >"Quit worrying. It's just Applejack."
  2165. >You stop the car, and get out
  2166. >Sweetie stays inside, but you can feel her watching you
  2167. >Applejack exits the van, leading Applebloom by the hand
  2168. >The poor girl looks terrified out of her mind, and shivers in the chilly night air, dressed in a huge, baggy hoody
  2169. >Only a baggy hoody
  2170. >It's long enough to cover her lady bits, fortunately, but it doesn't look like it's providing much shelter from the cold
  2171. >"Go with him, Applebloom."
  2172. >AJ pushes her sister towards you, and Applebloom shambles forward, looking horrified
  2173. >You wish you could say something to comfort her, but you need to keep up appearances
  2174. "I'll have her back by tomorrow night."
  2175. >"Perfect. Now remember what we talked about, Applebloom. The minute you need to, assume the position."
  2176. >"The position. Right."
  2177. >The poor bow-toting girl sounds like she's about to cry
  2178. >AJ steps back, looking disgustingly proud
  2179. >"Alright, Anon. She's all yours. Take good care of her, alright? But not *too* good..."
  2180. >She winks at you, before climbing back into the van
  2181. >Wordlessly, you lead Applebloom to your truck
  2182. "Hey... relax, alright? I'm not gonna hurt you."
  2183. >"I kn-know. I'm just r-r-really nervous. Sorry..."
  2184. "Don't worry about it. You want something to eat?"
  2185. >She thinks for a moment, then shrugs
  2186. "I'll take that as a yes. What do you want?"
  2187. >Again, she shrugs
  2188. "I'll ask Sweetie Belle, then."
  2190. >You help Applebloom clamber into the back of your car, and drive off towards your home
  2191. >The ride is... awkward, to say the least
  2192. >Applebloom sits silently in the back sweat, fidgeting with the hem of her hoody in an attempt to keep herself covered
  2193. >It... doesn't work so well
  2194. >She accidentally flashes you on more than one occasion, her face immediately going red with shame
  2195. >But as weird as this is for you, Sweetie's clearly not okay with any of it
  2196. >She looks like she's about to be sick, and it's not hard to imagine why
  2197. >Seeing her childhood friend getting treated like this...
  2198. >You make a mental note to try and make tonight as comfy as possible for the both of them
  2199. >What the fuck is wrong with Applejack?
  2200. >Her poor sister...
  2201. >Should you call child protective services?
  2202. >Before now, the situation seemed so ridiculous, not like something so... twisted
  2203. >You're glad you got Applebloom before someone else did, at the very least
  2204. >For now, you and Sweetie can take care of her
  2206. >You decide to take a detour on the way back, pulling into the local Kroger
  2207. >Applebloom still hasn't spoken; you're starting to suspect she's in shock
  2208. >Sweetie keeps giving you worried looks, and you wish you had something more encouraging to offer than snacks
  2209. >But still... what can't be improved by snacks?
  2210. >You park the car in a dark corner of the lot, and get out
  2211. "I'm gonna go get us something to eat. Watch over Applebloom, okay?"
  2212. >"Y-yeah."
  2213. >Sweetie clenches her hands between her thighs, repressing a shiver
  2214. "There should be some extra clothes in the back. Can you try to find her some pants?"
  2215. >Sweetie nods
  2216. >You poke your head into the back seat, trying to give Applebloom an encouraging smile
  2217. >It doesn't help much
  2218. "Hey. Sure there isn't anything you want, while I'm here?"
  2219. >She shrugs again
  2220. >"M-maybe... something chocolate? If that's not too much trouble..."
  2221. "No, at all. Just wait here, okay? I'll be back soon."
  2222. >"Alright. I'll get in The Position."
  2223. "Position? What posit--"
  2224. >Without waiting for you to finish, Applebloom lays face-down along the backseat of your truck, raising her bare butt into the air
  2225. "Jesus shark-humping Christ!"
  2226. >You cover your eyes, praying there's no one around to see this
  2227. "Sweetie... find her some pants, please..."
  2228. >Cheeks red, Sweetie tosses her friends a pair of your old, pockmarked jeans
  2229. >Applebloom stares between the two of you, confused
  2230. >"But... my sister said..."
  2231. "It's okay. Just put the pants on. Please."
  2232. >You keep your eyes closed until you're sure Applebloom is decent
  2233. >The jeans are comically large on her, but they at least provide her with a little decency
  2234. "Alright. I'm gonna go get some food. You two just sit tight, okay? And... keep your clothes on."
  2235. >You shake your head, running a hand through your hair as you head into the store
  2237. >Deciding to splurge a little -- the girls deserve it, after all -- you fill up a shopping cart with everything you can imagine a pair of fourteen-year-olds could want
  2238. >Chips, soda, chocolate for Applebloom, Pizza Rolls, tiny cakes, hot dogs, frozen chicken...
  2239. >There's hardly enough room for it, to the point where you're starting to think you should have grabbed one of those little mobility scooters
  2240. >Just as you're about to reach the checkout lane, though, you hear a familiar voice behind you
  2241. >"Hey! Anon! Fancy seeing you here, huh?"
  2242. >Twilight Sparkle bounds up to you, a shopping basket full of various vegetables tucked under her arm
  2243. >Since when does she eat vegetables?
  2244. "Uh, hey, Twi..."
  2245. >"Hey! I haven't gotten to see you in a while!"
  2246. "It's... been, like, four days."
  2247. >"Yeah! But I've got some really cool new theories I came up with."
  2248. "That's awesome."
  2249. >Her 'theories' are usually just batshit interpretations of her favorite books
  2250. >Or, even worse, her favorite fanfictions
  2251. >"It is! It's about you!"
  2252. "Wait, me? Huh?"
  2253. >"Yeah! About why you're constantly thrust into sexual situations involving underage girls!"
  2254. >Despite not drinking anything, you miraculously manage to pull off a pretty impressive spit-take
  2255. >"It's okay, Anon."
  2256. >Twilight scoots up close -- maybe a little too close -- to you, giving you a coy little wink
  2257. >"I won't tell anyone."
  2258. "Well, yeah, because there's nothing to tell! Sweetie and I are just friends!"
  2259. >Twilight gives you the single smuggest grin you've ever seen, wriggling her eyebrows
  2260. "I swear!"
  2261. >You turn away from her, trying to ditch her on your way to pay for your food, but she follows close behind
  2262. "Would you leave me alone?"
  2263. >"Not until you listen to my theories! Look! I even printed them on composition notebooks, so you know they're legit!"
  2264. "Fine. What's your dumb theory?"
  2265. >You start passing your snacks to the cashier, a bored-looking blonde with crossed eyes
  2266. >"So, you've read my Power Ponies fanfictions, right?"
  2267. "Uh... yeah. Definitely."
  2268. >"Good! Because, after my extensive study of internet fiction, combined with my above-average knowledge of theoretical physics, outer-dimensional manifolds, and blah blah blah..."
  2269. >Your favorite part of having Twilight as a friend is how easy she is to tune out
  2270. >Even though her little rants can be kinda fun, sometimes
  2271. >But you're not in the mood for one of her comic book speeches right now
  2272. >You've got a broken little apple to take care of
  2274. >As you're heading out to your car, she still hasn't given up
  2275. >"And that's how I've come to the conclusion that we're all living in some weird, twisted, perverted fanfiction!"
  2276. "Wait, what?"
  2277. >"Come on, weren't you listening? Extra-dimensional spaces, combined with the metaphysical concept of possibility generation, guarantee that every world has to have been birthed through through the actions of another! Our entire world is someone, somewhere's story!"
  2278. "Twi..."
  2279. >You just shake your head, pushing your cart back into the return banks before grabbing your bags out
  2280. >Twilight follows you to your truck, skipping along
  2281. >"It's cool though, right?"
  2282. >You chuckle to yourself, stopping short of your truck
  2283. >Even if Twilight does somehow know what's going on, you don't really want her seeing you with Sweetie out past eleven o'clock
  2284. >And the whole situation with Applebloom probably won't be the easiest to explain...
  2285. "Hey, uh, so... I really got getta home."
  2286. >"Can I come over?"
  2287. "Um... I mean... it's kinda late..."
  2288. >"We can have a sleepover! I haven't spent the night with you since we were kids!"
  2289. "I mean, uh... I think the context behind you spending the night at my place is a little different, now..."
  2290. >"So? Who cares! We're just gonna watch cartoons and stuff. You even got lots of good snacks!"
  2291. "I dunno, Twi, I'm kinda tired..."
  2292. >"Please? I don't wanna spend my Friday by myself..."
  2293. >She kicks at the ground
  2294. >From behind you, Sweetie yells for you to hurry up
  2295. >Twilight glances over your shoulder at her
  2296. >Applebloom peaks out of the window just long enough for her to be spotted too
  2297. >Twilight's face falls
  2298. >"You'll let them come over, but not me?"
  2299. "It's not like that, Twilight, it's..."
  2300. >"No... I get it..."
  2301. >She looks like she's about to cry
  2302. >Goddammit
  2303. >You normally like to think of yourself as a pretty stoic guy, but sad Twilight is one of the few things you can't stand
  2304. "Alright, alright. You can come over. But you're just spending the night, got it? Nothing funny is gonna happen."
  2305. >"Of course! I mean, why would I ever want to have sex with you?"
  2306. >She says it with a bluntness that stings like a smack to the face
  2307. "Uh... y-yeah. Right."
  2308. >You clear your throat
  2309. "Anyway... let's get going, I guess."
  2311. >"Oh my God, this is so exciting! I haven't been to a for-real sleepover in forever!"
  2312. >Twilight is quite literally bouncing anticipation, her excitement making your truck rock slightly
  2313. >Applebloom is curled up on in the corner of the back seat, eyeing her suspiciously
  2314. >Sweetie, meanwhile, is giving you a look that clearly spells out "why?"
  2315. >You try to look apologetic, but it doesn't have much effect
  2316. >"I read a few WikiHow articles on how to throw great slumber parties! I mean, sure, I'm not actually throwing this one, but it's the same thing, right? They've got a huge list of activities! What do you guys wanna do first? Tell scary stories? Make popcorn? Watch cheesy 80's movies? Play video games?"
  2317. "I think we'll let Applebloom decide, Twilight."
  2318. >"Okay! What do you wanna do, Applebloom?"
  2319. >Twilight turns the brunt of her sperginess toward the poor apple sister, who shrinks away immediately
  2320. >She mumbles something under her breath, which none of you catch
  2321. >"Huh? What was that?"
  2322. >Clearly unfazed, Twilight scoots closer to her, practically shoving her phone into Applebloom's face
  2323. >"Here's the list! What do you wanna do, huh? I mean, I understand if you can't decide. I can't either! There's so many good options!"
  2324. >Applebloom takes a deep breath, and squeaks
  2325. >"G-get molested?"
  2326. >"Uh...'
  2327. >Twilight adjusts her glasses, scanning the article again
  2328. >"I don't think that was on the list."
  2329. >"Oh. Sorry."
  2330. >Applebloom begins to raise her butt into the air, again
  2331. >"Should I g-get in the position, then?"
  2332. "No! No getting in the position!"
  2333. >You nearly crash the truck as you twist around, forcefully pushing Applebloom back into a sitting position
  2334. >She squeaks
  2335. >"Sorry..."
  2336. >Twilight glances between the two of you
  2337. >"This is... not the kind of sleepover I was imagining."
  2338. >She immediately whips out a notepad and pen
  2339. >"I can't wait to learn more!"
  2341. >"Tell me more about this position, Applebloom! Does it help to facilitate the molestation?"
  2342. >"Well, um..."
  2343. >You shoulder the door to your apartment open, and the three girls follow you inside
  2344. >Twilight's now wearing one of those old-timey reporter hats (you know the one, the fedora with a slip of paper in it), and you have no idea where the hell it came from
  2345. >"My sister said that it it'd help them get inside my--"
  2346. "Alright! Enough!"
  2347. >You grab Applebloom, dragging her away from Twilight, trying to protect...
  2348. >Well, you're not really sure whose innocence you're protecting here
  2349. >Probably your own
  2350. >Twilight follows you, notepad still in hand
  2351. >You smack it out of her hands, glaring at her
  2352. >"What? What'd I do? I'm just trying to take notes!"
  2353. "Twi, just... let's all just chill for a second, okay? I've seen a lot of shit tonight that I never wanted to have to see. Let's just... let's just slow it down a notch, alright?"
  2354. >"Oh, slowing it down! That's a great idea!"
  2355. >Twilight tries to grab up her notebook, but you kick it under the couch
  2356. "Anyway, I'm gonna go get some snacks started. Sweetie, will you come with me into the kitchen?"
  2357. >"Yeah. Sure."
  2358. >The dryness in her voice is unmistakable
  2359. >You're in for a fourteen-year-old bitch rant, aren't you?
  2360. >The minute you get in the kitchen, Sweetie corners you
  2361. >"What are you thinking, bringing her here? Are you crazy?"
  2362. "Hey, easy now. Twilight's my friend."
  2363. >"And you had to hang out with her *now*? This is crazy!"
  2364. "I know, I know. But I think she'll be good for Applebloom."
  2365. >"How!"
  2366. "She's good with kids."
  2367. >From the living room, you hear Twilight's voice:
  2368. >"So, you wanna demonstrate that position for me again? I wanna get a sketch for my notes!"
  2369. >Sweetie's the picture of smug as you sprint into the living room
  2370. >Applebloom is face-down on the couch, pants down, ass in the air
  2371. >Twilight is watching her intently, trying to scribble down a rough sketch
  2372. >"Fascinating. So is this a custom for your style of sleepover, Anon?"
  2373. "No! It's not a custom! And it's gonna stop!"
  2374. >You throw a blanket over Applebloom
  2375. >"Hey! I didn't finish my drawing!"
  2376. >You rip the notebook out of Twilight's hands, tearing the drawing out of it
  2377. >"Give that back!"
  2378. >She tries to wrestle the drawing back from you, but you're a good deal faster than her, sprinting to the bathroom and flushing the drawing down the toilet
  2379. >"What was that for? I was taking important notes!"
  2380. "You were drawing naked pictures of an underage girl!"
  2381. >"So? I do that all the time!"
  2382. "I--"
  2383. >You close your mouth
  2384. "I'm not even gonna touch that one."
  2385. >"Come on, Anon! I wanna learn! And I can't learn if you keep destroying my notes!"
  2386. >Twilight stamps her foot, pouting
  2387. "You wanna learn? Okay..."
  2388. >You take a step back, trying to calm down
  2389. "Okay. Let's learn something else though, alright? How about we, uh... I've got some old documentaries! We could watch those!"
  2390. >Now, normally, you're not one for coming up with genius plans
  2391. >But this one hits the mark perfectly
  2392. >The very mention of "documentaries" is enough to light Twilight's face up
  2393. >"You do? Why didn't you say so? What kind of documentaries?"
  2394. >She grabs your arm, giddy
  2395. "Uh... well, let's go find out..."
  2397. >You put on some documentary about horse-breeding, and Twilight's glued to the TV like a magnet
  2398. >She watches it like a child on Saturday morning, ocasionally whispering under her breath
  2399. >"Wow... that's crazy... I never knew that..."
  2400. >Applebloom finally pokes her head out from under the blanket
  2401. >"So, um... do I get molested now? Because I'm r-ready."
  2402. "You're not getting molested. Now what do you want to eat?"
  2403. >She shrugs
  2404. >"Do you have any--"
  2405. "If you ask me if I have any apples, so help me God..."
  2406. >"I was gonna say 'hot dogs'..."
  2407. "Oh, yeah, sure. C'mere. You want anything, Twi?"
  2408. >"Huh?"
  2409. >She doesn't even look up from the documentary
  2410. "You want anything to eat?"
  2411. >"Eh."
  2412. >No wonder she's so skinny...
  2414. >You and Sweetie Belle prepare two huge trays worth of snacks
  2415. >As you carry them into the living room, you notice that Applebloom's still in your ragged jeans, and the hoody AJ put her in
  2416. >Turning to Sweetie, you motion towards Applebloom with your head
  2417. "Can you find her something a little more dignified to wear?"
  2418. >"Yeah, sure."
  2419. >She leads Applebloom back to your bedroom, and you sit down next to Twilight
  2420. >"Wow... this is so cool..."
  2421. >She's sitting with her nose barely two inches from the TV
  2422. "Glad you like it."
  2423. >"Did you know mares' estrus cycles can last up to almost a week? That's so crazy..."
  2424. "Absolutely thrilling. You want some popcorn?"
  2425. >Without taking her eyes away from the screen, Twilight grabs a fistful of popcorn, and stuffs it into her mouth
  2426. >Well, at least you don't have to worry about her getting bored...
  2427. >You've got an entire dresser drawer full of old, weird documentaries inherited from your dad
  2428. >At least someone's finally getting some enjoyment out of them, you suppose
  2429. >Applebloom and Sweetie Belle plod back into the room, Sweetie Belle leading her friend by the hand
  2430. >Applebloom is dressed in a pair of your shorts which, while they don't fit her in the slightest, are at least clean
  2431. >And offer her a little more decency
  2432. >She's wearing one of your ironic graphic tees, which appears stretched and baggy on her tiny frame
  2433. >Still, it's a lot better than what her sister had her in
  2434. >She looks almost like a regular teenage girl at a regular sleepover
  2435. >Except you don't think you'd call this sleepover 'regular...'
  2436. >"Wow, Anon, look! They've actually got video of the mating process! Look at that horse wiener..."
  2437. >Yeah, you're gonna go find a different video...
  2439. >Ten minutes later, you've got a nice, relaxing documentary about the life of Albert Einstein playing
  2440. >Which seems to engross Twilight even more than the horse-fucking one, thank Christ
  2441. >You sit on the couch with Sweetie Belle in your lap, while Applebloom tries to watch the documentary over Twilight's shoulder
  2442. >The snacks are slowly whittled down as you trace through Einstein's early years in a patent office, and his first publications on the Photoelectric Effect
  2443. >It's pretty boring but, honestly, boring is welcome right now
  2444. >Sweetie Belle curls up against you, laying her head atop your shoulder as you stroke her back, allowing yourself to finally relax
  2445. >"So..."
  2446. >She whispers into your ear
  2447. >"You gonna tell Applebloom about the plan for tomorrow?"
  2448. "About the date with Rarity? Yeah... guess I should."
  2449. >You glance over at the girl, who's munching on a few chips
  2450. "How do you think I should break it to her?"
  2451. >"I dunno. It was your idea."
  2452. "Yeah, yeah..."
  2453. >You raise your voice enough for Applebloom to hear you
  2454. "Hey, AB?"
  2455. >She turns toward you
  2456. >"Yeah? Is it time to be molested?"
  2457. >She's really not gonna let that go, is she?
  2458. >What kind of crazy shit was AJ drilling into her head, anyway?
  2459. "No, Applebloom. You're not getting molested, remember?"
  2460. >"Right."
  2461. >She nods, but you can tell she doesn't quite believe you
  2462. "So, um... how would you feel about going on a little date tomorrow?"
  2463. >Sweetie Belle groans
  2464. >Okay, maybe that wasn't the smoothest way you could have brought it up, but...
  2465. >Applebloom just shrugs
  2466. >"I'd be fine with whatever."
  2467. "Oh. Well, um, that's good..."
  2468. >The awkwardest of awkward silences falls between the two of you
  2469. >You've never been so thankful to be interrupted by Twilight
  2470. >"Oh! A date! I know all about dates!"
  2471. >She jumps in between the two of you, clapping her hands in excitement
  2472. "Since when? Haven't you been single, like, your whole life?"
  2473. >"Well, yeah, sure. But I've studied them extensively! It's why I write such amazing shipfics!"
  2474. "Right, of course..."
  2475. >"So who's going on the date?"
  2476. "Um, Applebloom and--
  2477. >You pause, hardly able to believe your own words
  2478. "--and Rarity."
  2479. >"Oooo, Scandalous! Let's see, slightly-older girl and younger highschool girl..."
  2480. >She pulls a tablet computer out of... somewhere... and begins flicking through it
  2481. >"Ah, here we go! Unusual romantic encounters, chapter seven!"
  2482. "Why is there a book on dating kids?"
  2483. >"There's books on everything!"
  2484. "Yeah, but... okay..."
  2485. >Why do you even try with her?
  2486. >"Okay, cool. This chapter gives a comprehensive guide on age-difference lesbian relationships!"
  2487. "Seriously, why is that a chapter..."
  2488. >"Because clearly it's useful! Duh!"
  2489. "Clearly."
  2490. >"So, according to the book, you should try to attempt to make a joke to diffuse the awkwardness of dating someone so much older or younger than you."
  2491. >Twilight glances up from the tablet
  2492. >"Applebloom? Do you have any good jokes?"
  2493. >"Um..."
  2494. >Applebloom cocks her head
  2495. >"Please don't molest me?"
  2496. >Twilight considers her jokes
  2497. >"A little risqué... but it could work!"
  2498. "Okay, this is a *horrible* idea--"
  2499. >Sweetie Belle clamps her hand over your mouth
  2500. >"Just let this happen. Maybe she has some good ideas? I mean, Applebloom has no experience either..."
  2501. >You worm out from her grip
  2502. "You just want to see how stupid this gets, don't you?"
  2503. >"I mean... maybe."
  2504. >She tries to give you an innocent face, but completely overdoes it
  2505. "Alright, fine. But the minute anyone mentions 'the position,' I swear to God..."
  2507. >Okay, sure, you've had some bad ideas before
  2508. >In fact, you've had some *really* bad ideas
  2509. >But this... actually might not be one of them
  2510. >Once you give Twilight permission to "instruct" Applebloom in proper dating etiquette (yes, the irony is not lost on you), she immediately sets to transforming your kitchen into a mock restaurant
  2511. >"Perfect for your first dinner date!"
  2512. >She sits across from Applebloom at your table, with menus scribbled on looseleaf paper out in front of them
  2513. >In place of actual meals, they've both got plates full of snacks, and the ambiance is provided by a couple candles you keep in case of emergencies
  2514. >Applebloom seems confused by the whole ordeal, but...
  2515. >Well, it's hard to tell with her, but she seems a lot happier
  2516. >Twilight, on the other hand, is bouncing with excitement over the opportunity to share her dating knowledge
  2517. >Again, the irony is not lost
  2518. >You're pretty sure Twilight's never even held hands with anyone, let alone gone on an actual date
  2519. >"Anon! Quit brooding!"
  2520. >The sound of Twilight's voice snaps you out of your musings
  2521. >"We need you to play the waiter!"
  2522. "The waiter? You've already got food."
  2523. >"Yeah, but this is important! The waiter is a critical role! See?"
  2524. >She points to a page in her book, showing a diagram of a guy in a chef's hat talking to a cartoon little girl
  2525. "Um... alright?"
  2526. >You step away from Sweetie, heading over to the table
  2527. "So, um... can I take your order?"
  2528. >"I'll take the chicken tendies, and my date here will also have the chicken tendies."
  2529. "Um... okay."
  2530. >"Alright, thanks!"
  2531. "Wait, that's it? Are you serious?"
  2532. >"Yep! You did great, too!"
  2533. "You... but... that was completely pointless!"
  2534. >"It was not! You had to set the scene!"
  2535. "Twilight... I swear to God..."
  2536. >"Just trust me, Anon! Now, Applebloom..."
  2537. >She leans her head on her hands, staring at the younger girl
  2538. >"Yes?"
  2539. >"Tell me about yourself."
  2540. >Twilight flutters her eyelids at Applebloom, making her blush
  2541. >"I, um... I like apples?"
  2542. >That's about the most succinct description of an Apple Family member you've ever heard
  2543. >"That's wonderful! And you should practice calling me Rarity, okay?"
  2544. >"Alright."
  2545. >Twilight opens her mouth to speak, then gets that absolutely-terrifying "I had a new, even worse idea" look on her face
  2546. >"Wait! I need to get properly into character first! Anon, do you have a purple wig?"
  2547. "Um... no?"
  2548. >"Do you have anything purple?"
  2549. "Like a t-shirt, maybe, but--"
  2550. >"Perfect!"
  2551. >Without waiting for your permission, Twilight runs into the back room and returns with your purple They Might Be Giants shirt
  2552. >She wraps it around her head, and tries to get one end to curl similar to Rarity's hairdo
  2553. >It... doesn't work in the slightest
  2554. >You didn't think you'd ever say this, but Twilight looks even more ridiculous than you expected
  2555. >"Alright, darling. Tell me all about yourself, darling!"
  2556. >"I, um... like what should I say? Most about me is kinda boring."
  2557. >"Just tell me, darling, what you like to do, darling! And I sure hope it's dresses, darling, because 90% of my life revolves solely around making dresses."
  2558. >You get the vague impression Twilight is working through some issues here, but you keep your mouth shut
  2559. >Next to you, Sweetie Belle has her hands clamped over her mouth, trying to resist laughing at Twilight's Rarity impression
  2560. >You have to hand it to your spergy friend, her Rarity voice is actually pretty spot-on
  2561. >"I, um... I don't really like dresses a lot."
  2562. >"YOU DON'T, DARLING?"
  2563. >Twilight brushes her hand over her face, acting as if she were about to faint
  2564. >"I simply cannot even!"
  2565. >Sweetie Belle can no longer contain herself
  2566. >She doubles over, spitting all over your leg as she laughs like a maniac
  2567. >You roll your eyes
  2568. >Unfortunately, her outburst has just encouraged Twilight
  2569. >"You simply must like dresses!"
  2570. >"Oh. Okay."
  2571. >"No! Don't say that!"
  2572. >"Sorry, Rarity."
  2573. >"No, I'm speaking as Twilight now!"
  2574. >"Sorry Twilight."
  2575. >"You have to stand out! See, it says it right here!"
  2576. >She points to yet another diagram in the figure, showing a little girl cartoon talking to a woman twice her size
  2577. >"Rarity will want to see the real you! You have to talk to her about your true self!"
  2578. >"Applejack usually spanks me when I talk about things that aren't apples..."
  2579. >For a moment, even Twilight is thrown off guard
  2580. >But goddamn, does she have some impressive recovery time
  2581. >"Well, Applejack isn't here! So...?"
  2582. >"I, well, um..."
  2583. >Applebloom begins to squirm in her seat, casting nervous glances at the windows as if expecting to find her sister staring through them
  2584. >"I always k-kinda thought Chemistry was really cool..."
  2585. >You swear Twilight just came in her pants
  2586. >"Me too!"
  2587. >All pretense of being Rarity is immediately lost
  2588. >"It's my favorite subject! Have you heard about the ORNL laboratories developing methods for extracting uranium from seawater? This could meet nuclear power demands for millennia!"
  2589. >She leans across the table, beaming at Applebloom
  2590. >"I, um... not really. If Applejack catches me reading about chemistry, she spanks me."
  2591. >"Oh..."
  2592. >"She says that it's just one step away from witchcraft, believing in evolution, and voting Democrat."
  2593. >"Well... she's not here! You should come read with me!"
  2594. >"But aren't we supposed to be practicing?"
  2595. >"Eh, you get the basics. This is way more fun!"
  2596. >She grabs Applebloom by the hand, and pulls her into the living room
  2597. >Sweetie Belle finally straightens back out, tears streaming down her face
  2598. "You alright?"
  2599. >"That was... the single funniest... oh my God. I wish I'd recorded that."
  2600. >She wipes her face, leaning against you
  2601. >You wrap around arms her shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze
  2602. >"Told you this was a good idea."
  2603. "Yeah... you were right."
  2604. >"I've never seen Applebloom that happy."
  2605. "You can tell?"
  2606. >She nods
  2607. >"It's not easy. But she's having a great time."
  2608. "Thank Christ. She deserves it. Poor kid."
  2609. >"Yeah..."
  2610. >You and Sweetie follow the other two into the living room, where Twilight is already cozied up with Applebloom on the couch, holding her tablet between them
  2611. >"See! Ocean water has a naturally high level of uranium, so if they can find a stratifying material..."
  2612. >Now that you look more closely, you can see exactly what Sweetie is talking about
  2613. >She's not smiling, but Applebloom is definitely way happier
  2614. >She curls up against Twilight, resting her head on the older girl's shoulder as they scroll through various chemistry articles
  2615. >Sweetie pokes you in the stomach
  2616. >"Think we should give them some alone time?"
  2618. >You lead Sweetie Belle back into your room, collapsing with her onto your bed
  2619. >She lays her head on your chest, sighing
  2620. >"We did something good today, didn't we?"
  2621. "I really think we did. Somehow that unmitigated disaster turned out okay."
  2622. >"Yeah... and speaking of unmitigated disasters..."
  2623. >Sweetie begins to worm out of her t-shirt, revealing a flat training bra over her stubby breasts
  2624. >She winks at you as she hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts, tugging them down
  2625. >"Where's that giant dildo?"
  2626. "Are you serious?"
  2627. >"Yeah! I mean... you didn't throw it away, right?"
  2628. "No. But... are you sure? It's like the size of your arm."
  2629. >"If Scootaloo can handle it, so can I!"
  2630. "See, you say that..."
  2631. >"Come on, just lemme try! I'll let you watch~"
  2632. "That's like offering to let me watch a train wreck. But alright..."
  2633. >You roll off the bed and root through your closet, finding the giant horse schlong
  2634. >Christ, it's like gets bigger every time you see it
  2635. >Sweetie's eyes go wide, and you're pretty sure she just had a similar thought
  2636. "You still wanna try this?"
  2637. >She licks her lips, nodding
  2638. >"I can do it. Just... gimme some space."
  2639. >You sit on the edge of the bed, while Sweetie takes the middle portion, holding the dildo in her lap
  2640. >"Alright. Alright. Here goes nothing..."
  2641. >She unclasps her bra, letting it fall away and revealing her perky, developing breasts
  2642. >Your signature has all but faded from them now
  2643. >She catches you staring, and winks
  2644. >"So? How do I look?"
  2645. "Adorable."
  2646. >"Come on, that's it?"
  2647. "What?"
  2648. >"Just look at this!"
  2649. >Now clad only in her pair of musical note-speckled panties, she raises her arms behind her head, puffing her chest out
  2650. >It... doesn't make her chest any less flat
  2651. >In fact, it kind of just highlights it
  2652. >"This is way more than just adorable... right?"
  2653. "Yeah, yeah, you're right."
  2654. >You wrap an arm around her, pulling her body against yours as you kiss her
  2655. "It's *super* adorable..."
  2656. >"Ugh, you're so lame."
  2657. "Yeah? Then why are you blushing?"
  2658. >"B-because... never mind."
  2659. >She starts rubbing her hands along the dildo's rubber surface, licking her lips
  2660. >"Can 'adorable' do this?"
  2661. >She pops the head of the dildo into her mouth, her tongue swirling over the huge, swollen head of the horsecock
  2662. >When she catches sight of your arousal, she grins, pulling the dildo from her mouth
  2663. >It's coated in her saliva now, glistening in the dim light of your bedroom
  2664. >"So? Maybe you've got a better word, this time?"
  2665. "'Skilled' comes to mind."
  2666. >Sweetie shrugs
  2667. >"I think I can live with that."
  2668. >She passes the dildo to you
  2669. >"Your turn."
  2670. "My turn to...?"
  2671. >"Get it wet for me! I can't put that thing in me dry, duh."
  2672. "Uh... yeah, no. If you think I'm putting this thing on my mouth, you're--"
  2673. >"Pleeeeeease? It'd be *so* hot, you have no idea..."
  2674. >She starts to fan herself, blushing
  2675. "Not happening. Plus, your spit's already all over it. That' unsanitary."
  2676. >"You were just kissing me!"
  2677. "That's so different."
  2678. >"How? Spit is spit."
  2679. "Ugh..."
  2680. >"Come on, please?"
  2681. >She makes the biggest, greenest puppy-dog eyes you've ever seen at you
  2682. "No."
  2683. >Her bottom lip starts to quiver
  2684. "No!"
  2685. >She clasps her hands in front of her naked chest, whispering
  2686. >"Please?"
  2687. "Alright, fine! But if I get, like, E. Coli or something..."
  2688. >"I don't think that's how it works."
  2689. "Whatever."
  2690. >You open your mouth, grasping the dildo and putting its head to your lips
  2691. >Sweetie Belle sits back on her feet, watching with bated breath
  2692. >You can see the wet spot already forming on her panties
  2693. >The rubber is warm, thankfully, and doesn't smell unpleasant
  2694. >Stretching your jaw, you pop as much of the dildo as you can into your mouth, flicking your tongue along it
  2695. >It's... not that bad, actually
  2696. >Sweetie sucks in her breath, rubbing her thighs together
  2697. >"T-Try to deepthroat..."
  2698. "Fuh nuh..."
  2699. >You take it out of your mouth
  2700. "Fuck no."
  2701. >"Please? Please please please?"
  2702. "Fine. The things I do for you, Sweetie..."
  2703. >You push it all the way to the back of your throat, nearly gagging
  2704. >Sweetie sucks in her breath, slipping a hand into her panties
  2705. >"K-keep going..."
  2706. >Gentle *schlick* sounds emanate from her crotch as she begins to rub herself, her whole body quivering with her arousal
  2707. >You roll your eyes, and perform some incredibly awkward fellatio on the toy
  2708. >Sweetie squeaks, furiously fingering herself now
  2709. >Without warning, she grabs the toy from your hands, holding it between her thighs as she slides her soaked panties down
  2710. >Her pussy dribbles down her legs as she positions the toy against it
  2711. "Are you really sure that's gonna fit?"
  2712. >Now that you see it up against her body, there's no way she can actually insert it
  2713. >The rubber head is the size of her fist, and Sweetie's a pretty tight girl to begin with, if you get my drift
  2714. >"Yeah! Dude, I'm so wet..."
  2715. >She sucks in her breath, starting to grind herself against the dildo
  2716. >"I got this..."
  2717. >She pushes the head against herself, trying to insert it...
  2718. >And it won't go in
  2719. >She starts to struggle a little, her muscles straining as she forces the cock against herself
  2720. >"Hnn... agh..."
  2721. "That doesn't hurt, does it?"
  2722. >"N-no! I got this! Just watch!"
  2723. >She pushes again, but it's like trying to stick a watermelon into a keyhole
  2724. >"I j-just gotta change position. Hold on."
  2725. >She gets on all fours, resting her face on the bed as she tries to push the toy into her from behind
  2726. >It's still not going in
  2727. "Sweetie, you don't have to force it. I don't want you to get hurt."
  2728. >"No! I got it! J-just gotta stretch myself out first!"
  2729. >She puts two fingers up inside her pussy, grunting as she tries to spread herself
  2730. >Scooting along the bed, she turns so that you can watch the action as she crams a third finger in, her juices now running down her palm to her wrist
  2731. >Sweetie spreads herself, opening the pink folds to you
  2732. >"O-okay... I think I got this...
  2733. >She sits back up, positioning the toy underneath her
  2734. >Sweat breaks out across her face as she strains
  2735. >"I... I c-can feel it going in! It's about to--"
  2736. >*pop*
  2738. ...
  2740. >"Ow. Ow, ow, ow..."
  2741. >Sweetie cuddles against you, shivering
  2742. "I told you that was a bad idea..."
  2743. >"Sh-shut up. Ow. I s-still fit it. Ow, ow, ow."
  2744. "Well, you were right. You fit, what, two whole inches?"
  2745. >"Something like that. Ow. Ow. Ow..."
  2746. >You stroke her hair, trying to calm her down
  2747. >She isn't bleeding *down there*, thankfully
  2748. >But goddamn, did that look painful
  2749. >"Ow, ow, ow..."
  2750. "'s alright."
  2751. >"That was the worst idea I've ever had. Ow. Ow. Ow."
  2752. "Yeah. As an expert on bad ideas, you definitely fucked up."
  2753. >"Ow..."
  2754. >She lays her head on your shoulder, and you squeeze her against you
  2755. "Should I kiss it and make it better?"
  2756. >"I w-wouldn't mind... ow..."
  2758. >Twenty minutes later, Sweetie is sprawled across your bed, exhausted, letting out tiny, squeaky little panting breaths as she calms down
  2759. >"Th-that... definitely helped... oh my God..."
  2760. "Just another excellent idea from yours truly."
  2761. >You lay next to her, smacking your lips as you savor the remnants of her taste that linger on your tongue
  2762. >Sweetie rolls over, her naked, sweaty body curling against you
  2763. >"You're so awesome... when you're not being a retard."
  2764. "So I'm awesome like ten percent of the time?"
  2765. >"Nah, more like fifteen."
  2766. "Damn. High praise."
  2767. >"It's just the afterglow talking, probably."
  2768. >She giggles, smooching your neck
  2769. >"But, like... when are we gonna do it *for real?* This feels super good, but... I want us to really go all the way."
  2770. "When we're ready."
  2771. >"But when is that? Come on, man... I wanna really go there. With you."
  2772. "So do I. But you're important to me, Sweetie. I want to make sure the time is right. Because you're worth that."
  2773. >Her eyes light up
  2774. >"You really mean that?"
  2775. "Of course. I'm an idiot, sure, but I'm not a liar."
  2776. >"Then... can you tell me something? Truthful?"
  2777. "Yeah, sure."
  2778. >"Did something happen with you and Scootaloo? Like, for real? I thought she was just bragging, but... I dunno, she keeps talking about it. You two aren't..."
  2779. "No. I mean... we did. Once."
  2780. >"When?"
  2781. >You tell Sweetie the story of what happened between you and her friend, leaving out some of the messier details, though
  2782. >"Right after you said you wanted to try dating? After our night together?"
  2783. "I... yeah. I'm really sorry, Sweetie. I didn't realize how much I meant to you, I guess."
  2784. >She sits up, sighing
  2785. >"And it hasn't happened since?"
  2786. "No, of course not. And it won't."
  2787. >"Can you promise me?"
  2788. "Of course."
  2789. >You hang your head, taking hold of Sweetie' hand
  2790. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie. If there's anything I can do..."
  2791. >"Oh, there is."
  2792. >She scoots closer to you, patting your back
  2793. >"I actually had something I wanted to ask you... about my sister."
  2794. "Yeah?"
  2795. >"When Rarity and I were kids, we used to go up to Baltimare with our family once a year. Just to be at the beach, you know? It was really important to us. We... we have a lot of good memories there. I think it'll make her really happy if we went again. Could you take us?"
  2796. "Yeah! Totally!"
  2797. >"And..."
  2798. "And what?"
  2799. >"Would you be okay if Rarity and I had once last night together?"
  2800. "Sweetie, what the fuck?"
  2801. >She smacks you
  2802. >"Not like that, you idiot! We haven't done that together in years!"
  2803. >She realizes what she just said, her eyes go wide
  2804. >"I mean... uh... never! We haven't done that in ever!"
  2805. "In ever? What?"
  2806. >"Sh-shut up!"
  2807. >She pouts, fidgeting with her toes
  2808. >"Just, like... a night for her and me, I guess. As sisters, and... I guess a bit more than sisters. Since you got a day with Scootaloo... I can have a night with her, right?"
  2809. "I mean, that's fair. Are you sure she's not gonna come between us?"
  2810. >"I'm sure. It'll be okay. She'll be happier like this, I think. We can finally get closure on whatever the hell messed-up relationship we started."
  2811. "Awesome. I think there's a three-day weekend coming up next week. I'll make plans for then, alright?"
  2812. >"Yeah..."
  2813. >Sweetie kisses your nose
  2814. >"Thanks, Anon. You fucked up pretty bad, but... I think you've made up for it."
  2815. "I hope I have. And I meant what I said. You're super important to me, Sweetie."
  2816. >"Mhm..."
  2817. >She nuzzles closer to you, and you wrap the two of you in a cocoon of blankets before heading off to sleep

Love Games

by gollygolly

Icarian Love

by gollygolly

I'll think of a title when I'm done writing (Apple Bloom story)

by gollygolly

Freshmen, Drama, and Prom

by gollygolly

Of Sweetie Bots and Young Love Part 1

by gollygolly