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Heart of War- Act XXIII

By ThingPaste
Created: 2024-02-28 03:29:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >…
  2. >While initially you just wanted to leave the soldiers behind keep heading back to Griffonstone in the night, you decided against it.
  3. >Partially because you don’t need any more pressing issues thrown at you right now.
  4. >But also because you consistently rest easier without a bed.
  5. >Somehow it feels much more natural to sleep on the road now.
  6. >Right now, you’re just sitting far off from all the others.
  7. >Enjoying the cool mountain breeze during a rare moment you’ve been able to take your armor off.
  8. >While you should be worrying about your not-so-little band of mutineers, or the griffon’s political situation, or how well harvests are coming in, or any other hundreds of problems, you’re just content to relax.
  9. >You can just sit back and think about…
  10. >Well, there’s nothing else to really think about.
  11. >But you get to lean back and not think, so that’s got to count for something.
  12. >Even though things are still fairly loud do to the sheer number of soldiers in your vicinity, and very rarely a far off cannon echoes through the mountains, that noise doesn’t really bother the… serenity of your little spot.
  13. >The noise that does bother you is the a group of approaching soldiers trampling over some twigs.
  14. “What?”
  15. >You utter rather callously before glancing back to see the ponies.
  16. “Oh, it’s just you.”
  17. >The girls.
  18. >And here you were thinking you might just get a nap in.
  20. >…
  21. >You’re standing at the base of a hill, looking over the small valley in the plains to another rise in the ground.
  22. >The troops have organized at the top of it, jeep at the center flanked by unicorns.
  23. >The hill you’re on should be where the creature comes from.
  24. >Rifle in hand, you glance at the group again before turning to scale the hill.
  25. >Stepping through the tall grass, you prepare yourself for another battle.
  26. >For a moment, you actually realize the severity of the situation.
  27. >When it comes to one on one combat (giant monsters notwithstanding), you haven’t had many proper challenges in the past years.
  28. >But now even with Harvey empowering you and having lost a decade of age from the ‘fountain of youth’ you found, it hasn’t made much a difference.
  29. >Even though Harv’s abilities have really jumped the shark since your last encounter, you don’t think quicker response time can really help you in this fight.
  30. >In a sick way, it’s kind of funny.
  31. >The only time you’re fully- or at least mostly- shocked out of this stupid way of thinking and acting, is when you’re actually facing a real threat.
  32. >Maybe on a subconscious level you properly understand that your ‘nemesis’ is the most consistent proper enemy you’ve faced in quite a while.
  33. >But, a part of you still wonders if Harvey is holding something back, and he’s had the silver bullet to this foe in his back pocket this entire time.
  34. >Or even worse, you’re so far gone that Harv has put you on a perpetual power trip.
  35. >Because you sure as hell feel like you’re on one.
  36. >In this split second, you’re able to see through it.
  37. >You haven’t acted like yourself for a long time.
  39. >Even back on the boat while your guard was down, you were in an almost buzzed state speaking with Tiara, Port, or some of the others.
  40. >The way you’ve been treating this ragtag batch of explorers and soldiers is more akin to how you’d have treated friends back in you college days rather than as an officer of Equestria.
  41. >Sure you’ve been casual with your subordinates, but never to this extent.
  42. >Besides Lancer, and only when you were heavily intoxicated, you’ve only let yourself be this free with Harvey in your mind- and that doesn’t really count.
  43. >Well, maybe with Shining.
  44. >But that’s only because he was your first true friend in this world.
  45. >He was the one who helped you separate your old life from your new life in Equestria.
  46. >Without him-
  47. >Well, you didn’t have any practical skills in your new home.
  48. >Sure you knew Earth history, but that was practically about it.
  49. >He stuck his neck out on the chance that you could hone yourself into something greater.
  50. >And although he saw some initial results, Shining was never able to personally see how far you would change warfare.
  51. >But simply put- the level of unprofessionalism you’ve put forward to this group is unprecedented.
  52. >It’s either due to Harvey’s subconscious influence, or the East eating away at your sanity.
  53. >Or both…
  54. >But all this is neither here nor there.
  55. >Because here is only the endless expanse of hilly grassland as far as the eye can see.
  56. >Other than a single dark figure approaching you from afar.
  57. >Even with the dying light, you’re able to get a clear view of it.
  58. >Probably due to Harv…
  59. >But you can get its appearance.
  61. >Even though it’s about a hundred yards away and notably different from your last encounter.
  62. >The entire body has arms and legs, and arms and hands.
  63. >While you can make out distinct fingers on each hand, the toes still blend together into a single mass.
  64. >And the recalled muscly sinews that made up its body are partly remaining.
  65. >But in sparse parts, you see a sort of skin growing between sinew and sinew.
  66. >If there was more present, you’d be viewing a zebra of muscle and skin.
  67. >Only crossed instead of in neat lines.
  68. >Almost like, despite its unnatural properties, it’s trying to mimic you.
  69. >Among its… face, you see that proper cheeks are starting to form.
  70. >Still, it has feet, not hooves or paws.
  71. >You’re the only sentient biped in this world that has feet.
  72. >Between physical attributes, fortitude, and resiliency, it’s almost as it’s a perfect counter to everything you are.
  73. >You can’t simply cut it to bits, and you can’t even kill it with fire.
  74. >But!
  75. >Each time you’ve fought it, you didn’t have a fresh batch from Harvey’s arsenal.
  76. >Now it’s time to see just how well it can take a bullet or ten.
  78. >Lining up the first shot, you prepare to fire at the creature as it approaches.
  79. >It keeps pace, closing the distance at a walking speed.
  80. >So, you take the shot.
  81. >The crack of gunfire rings out as you hit the center of its mass.
  82. >While the creature doesn’t fall over, it stops for a moment.
  83. >Before continuing towards you at a quicker pace.
  84. >Cycling the action, you fire again.
  85. >And it barely recoils from the impact as it continues up the hill towards you.
  86. >You don’t even bother firing at it any more.
  87. >Instead, you opt to fall back.
  88. >Turning, you rush down into the small valley between your hill and where the unicorns are lined up.
  89. >When you start to reach the jeep, you look back and see your buddy just cresting over the hill.
  90. “Ready!”
  91. >You keep your eyes on the creature as you step up onto the jeep and get behind the machine gun.
  92. >It stays for a moment on top of the hill.
  93. >For a moment, you thought it was inspecting the group.
  94. >But it’s not.
  95. >It’s just looking at you.
  96. >As you pull back the bolt on the heavy gun, the creature starts walking down the hill.
  97. >Straight towards you.
  98. “Hold.”
  99. >Let it get a bit closer.
  100. >So all the unicorns can get a good hit in…
  101. “Hold.”
  102. >Let it get to the bottom of that hill.
  103. >Just a-
  104. “Fire!”
  106. >You can see a wide array of colored beams shoot out at the creature.
  107. >Many hit, others are near misses.
  108. >Either way, the magical barrage had more of an effect than your bullets.
  109. >The creature was staggered back, but only slightly.
  110. “Again!”
  111. >While a second wave goes out, the creature falls down to a knee.
  112. “Fire at will!”
  113. >You let the unicorns put up a continuous stream of magical attacks, as you properly start to aim the gun.
  114. “Cease fire!”
  115. >As the array of hues and shades comes to a close, you see the creature starting to get back onto its feet.
  116. >But it’s struggling.
  117. “Now cover your ears!”
  118. >You don’t give them much time before you start firing.
  119. >Harvey works to dampen your hearing as you settle into the rapid chunking of the M2.
  120. >Spent shell casings and the belt remains start literally raining into the jeep and onto the ponies to your right.
  121. >You’ve had to kept up sustained fire for two or three minutes before the gun stops firing.
  122. >It probably wouldn’t have it Harvey didn’t force it to pause every now and then.
  123. >As you rack the bolt back, you take a moment to inspect the creature.
  124. >Hundreds of fifty caliber rounds shredding through its body have literally shredded most of the torso.
  125. >You fire off a couple rounds to properly inspect it.
  126. >The burst goes into a leg.
  127. >A single shot is easy enough for it to absorb, but under sustained fire the creature looks to be unwinding sinew by sinew.
  128. >But the others are getting a good view on why you’re treating it so seriously.
  129. >Each individual bit blown apart is beginning to crawl back together.
  130. “Hit it again!”
  131. >Only a few unicorns on the fringes of the formation responded at first, but the others soon joined into the new volley.
  133. >They fire for a few moments before going quiet again.
  134. >From what you can see, the creature’s movement has slowed down considerably, but the larger bits are still showing clear signs of movement.
  135. “Ears!”
  136. >This time, you methodically fire sustained bursts at the body.
  137. >When you’re tearing up the creature this time, you’re not getting your hands dirty.
  138. >And this time, you don’t let up until the largest chuck of flesh left is bigger than a breadbox.
  139. >As you’re quite literally wading in shell casings, you then let the weapon rest.
  140. >But down in the alley, the bastard is still moving.
  141. >Parts inching together.
  142. >The unicorns don’t bother waiting for an order before coating the area with more magical blasts.
  143. >As they work the body, you look to the skies.
  144. >Behind you, the fliers have wrangled a paltry little cloud.
  145. >You wave up to them, then close your fist and swing your arm over towards the target.
  146. >The pegasi and griffons begin moving the cloud into position.
  147. >Some of them start circling around it and begin to condense the puffy white wisp into a tighter chunk of grey.
  148. >They better be far enough away, because you’re currently standing on a huge chunk of metal.
  149. >You don’t care about rubber tires; because unlike magic, lighting could actually kill you.
  150. >When the cloud gets into position, the unicorns let up.
  151. >Hairs stand up as the bolt is released.
  152. >The crack of thunder accompanies the tiny lighting strike.
  153. >You can only wonder what it feels like for the pegasi and griffons that are on top of the clouds stomping it out.
  155. >With the strike done, the fliers begin to dissipate and let the cloud free.
  156. >Not seeing any movement, you step out of the pile of brass and onto the ground.
  157. >Then start walking towards the remains while the others watch in silence.
  158. >They look completely still.
  159. >But before you can take a dozen paces down the hill, you see the charred and torn bits of flesh twitching back to life.
  160. >You can’t keep this up forever, day after day.
  161. >Looking back to the group, you yell to them:
  162. “Get Rusty over here! And someone keep blasting the remains.”
  163. >Walking back over to the jeep, you fish out your backpack.
  164. >As you shake it clear of spent brass, the minotaur finishes jogging up to you.
  165. >”What do you-“
  166. >You push the pack into his chest.
  167. “Don’t lose it.”
  168. >As he takes it, you bark orders to the group:
  169. “Alright! You have five minutes to run as far as you can as quick as you hooves’ll take you. Stay together, and don’t let anyone fall behind. I’ll be catching up shortly.”
  170. >You really wished it wouldn’t come to this…
  171. >But the only other option you can think of is to let it reform, lure it into the forest, and hope the tribal’s tree-god decides to pick a fight with it.
  172. >So you’re going with Harvey’s plan.
  174. >…
  175. >You drive the jeep down to the site of the creature’s writhing remains.
  176. >As you park next to it, you leave the engine on while you exit the vehicle.
  177. >Glancing down, you see that among the larger chunks of flesh- a full foot has reconstituted.
  178. >At this rate, you’d guess it’ll be fully formed in twenty or thirty minutes or so.
  179. >Thankfully, the surrounding grass has all been shredded from the barrage of attacks.
  180. >That makes digging out a decently sized rock a non-issue.
  181. >You bring the stone back to the jeep, and place it atop the gas pedal.
  182. >While the engine revs in park, you then lean over to the gas tank.
  183. >Unscrewing the lid, you let it fall aside as you get a glimpse at the bright cascade of a near blinding spray of the magical sunshine and rainbows that powers this machine.
  184. >Drawing your dagger, you bring the blade up to your left palm and slice into it.
  185. >You then bring your hand over the open tap, clench your fist, and let blood drop into it.
  186. >As it drips in, you hear the engine’s hum shift into a much lower tone as it starts to periodically chug.
  187. >As you wipe off the blood from your dagger and sheathe it, you notice that the creature’s remains are now starting to convulse on the ground.
  188. >It’s stopped pulling itself together.
  189. >You didn’t see it, but you’d guess that started when you opened the tank up.
  190. >All the excess magic pouring out is probably what’s stopped it in its tracks.
  191. >As you look down onto the pile of flesh aimlessly wriggling around, you offer a last word to the creature:
  192. “Have fun at the end of the line waiting for me in hell.”
  193. >You then unsling your rifle and look in the direction you sent the others.
  194. >Less than five minutes before…
  195. >Should stop wasting time.
  197. >…
  198. >The group had two or three minutes head start on you, but you caught up in about the same time.
  199. >While still ticking the seconds in your mind, you kept them running for a while longer.
  200. >Not having to run full out, you sling your rifle back over your shoulder.
  201. >Thirty seconds left.
  202. >At the head of the group, you slow up, then turn around.
  203. “Down this hill people! NOW!”
  204. >As you watch the couple hundred soldiers hustle over the hill-
  205. >Twenty.
  206. “HUSTLE!”
  207. >Come on stragglers.
  208. >Ten.
  209. >Cupping your hands around your mouth, you bark some final orders:
  210. “Alright, this’ll have to do. Get down! Stay down! Cover your ears! It’s gonna be BIG!”
  211. >You slide down to the ground, using the peak of the hill as cover.
  212. >Should be now.
  213. >No.
  214. >As another half minute passes, still no activity from the-
  215. >Rusty, who’s decided to stand up next to you, then yells:
  216. >”Is it gonna be today!”
  217. “Rusty, get your ass down!”
  218. >Then, the early night’s sky lights up in a flash that makes it look brighter than any daylight you’ve seen.
  219. >Magical energy glows and blasts dirt far into distance- even over your head.
  220. >Recoiling from the shockwave, Rusty is blown further down the hill, tumbling into some ponies.
  221. >As fast as the flash appeared, the night returns.
  222. >But while the ground trembles and your ears ring- despite bracing them- dirt continues to rain down onto you.
  223. >It’s hard to say, but you think you just made the end of the blast radius.
  224. >As you get back up on your feet, you start to look over the others.
  225. >No one looks injured, but most of the people are visibly shaken and disoriented.
  226. >Pacing over to Rusty, you help the minotaur to stand.
  228. “The jeep.”
  229. >”WHAT?”
  230. >You just pat the deafened minotaur on the shoulder.
  231. >Hope that’s not permanent damage…
  232. >You then look to Sir Sterling, who is stumbling your way:
  233. >”What in the name of Celestia was that?”
  234. “… Superior firepower.”
  236. >That bastard better stay dead.
  237. >You just hit it with- well, not quite a nuke.
  238. >But anything inside of five hundred yards would have been demolished.
  239. >Then the shockwave would have still been deadly for a few hundred more.
  240. >You lean in and snap at the side of Rusty’s ears, trying to provoke a response.
  241. >Nothing yet.
  242. >But still, the sprint you did to catch up has you panting- even with all of Harvey’s assistance.
  243. >Speaking of which…
  244. >You still have no idea why he built in a self-destruct, but right now you won’t look the gift horse in the mouth.
  245. “Alright people, now we can make camp.”
  246. >Rusty then speaks very loudly towards you:
  247. >”So does that mean no more music?”
  248. >You’re missing the machine gun a bit more than the radio…
  249. “And someone get a medic over here to check out his ears!”
  250. >That was…
  251. >You think you can still see some remnants of a rough mushroom cloud in the distance.
  252. “Hot damn!”
  253. >Hopefully an arcane blast of that size doesn’t cause magic tumors or anything.
  254. >Because if it did give off any magical radiation, everyone with you definitely got a lethal dose.
  255. >Every time you think you’ve actually jumped the shark, there’s just something bigger.
  256. >And…
  257. >With how your mind…
  258. >You think you could actually use some sleep.
  259. >For the first time in weeks.
  261. >…
  262. >Before you let yourself doze off, you start making the rounds to make sure everyone is okay.
  263. >Professor Fortitude is pretty exhausted from having to run so quickly- so much for his ‘I can keep up with you whippersnappers’ speech.
  264. >Some of the unicorns are really disorientated from the magical discharge, several were puking.
  265. >But aside from Rusty’s loss of hearing, which a medic assured you should be temporary, no one has any real damage.
  266. >And while many are upset over the loss of the jeep as both a mode of transportation and the firepower it carried, after they saw what the creature could do, no one was really complaining.
  267. >So while you’re wrapping a rag over the cut on your palm, the others are making camp.
  268. >And they’re arguing over who should be taking the first watch of the night.
  269. >From what you overhear, consensus is falling onto the griffons and pegasi.
  270. >After all, the flight was a lot easier on them than the run on the others.
  271. >Overall, you’d say that today was a blast.
  272. >You just can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store.
  273. >That nap does sound pretty good though.
  274. >And a growl from your stomach seems to indicate that you should get a bite before it.
  275. >There aren’t any fresh kills from the griffon hunters, but you still have some rations in your pack.
  276. >From the corner of your eye, you see Harvey approaching you in his usual human form and brown pinstripe suit.
  277. >”Helllllllooo A-non!”
  278. >You whisper under your breath:
  279. “What do you want now?”
  280. >He walks all the way up to you, then puts his right hand up.
  281. >”Give me five!”
  283. >What the hell is he doing?
  284. >Just go to the blank space already.
  285. >”Oh such a shame to leave a friend hanging.”
  286. >The little shit.
  287. >He then grabs you by the shoulder and…
  288. >Turns you around to see the others staring at you.
  289. >”Smile for the crowd.”
  290. >You just look over to him and speak in a normal tone:
  291. “Harv?”
  292. >”In the flesh.”
  293. >You reach out and push against his shoulder.
  294. >You then look over to the nearest pony.
  295. “Are you seeing this?”
  296. >Several nods from the onlookers.
  297. >Arctic Breeze then asks:
  298. >”Who is that?”
  299. >Prompting you to look over at Harvey.
  300. “Discord?”
  301. >”Harvey.”
  302. “How are you-“
  303. >”You’re going to have some serious withdrawal pretty soon.”
  304. >The pegasi then reiterates:
  305. >”Sir, who is that?”
  306. “This is Discord, kind of. He goes by Harvey. Don’t worry, he’s a frie- he’s on our side.”
  307. >Harvey then comments to Breeze:
  308. >”He can’t even utter the word ‘friend’ and that’s how you know it’s genuine.”
  309. “Shut up Harv.”
  310. >”Also, by pretty soon, I mean right about… now.”
  311. >You start to feel what’s probably going to be a blistering headache.
  312. >And you’re starving.
  313. >You’ve had to go for days or more without food before, but this is by far the worst hunger you’ve ever felt.
  314. >That’s not even toughing that you’ve been up for literal weeks without slee-
  315. >As you start to rub your forehead, you barely manage to brace yourself as you collapse onto the ground.
  316. >-
  318. >…
  319. >Once you had arrived back in Griffonstone and had Thunder’s regiment of lost souls sent on march back to Canterlot, you took the time to enter the city.
  320. >And as you walk through the streets, you found the city alive with the bustle of change.
  321. >On street corners and in the marketplaces, speakers addressed crowds and those passing by.
  322. >The debate for the future of the Griffon state has begun.
  323. >From the lines you’ve heard through the streets and read off of posters thrown on the sides of buildings, you start to get an idea of what’s being thrown around.
  324. >Once you boil away rhetoric, several systems are being proposed.
  325. >Most common are local nobles or businessmen campaigning for the throne, however if their crowds are anything to go by, they’re not that popular.
  326. >Probably because they lack any proper claims, and the populace has been dealing with an ineffective king for years now.
  327. >Some are advocating for a policy instead of governing system- whatever happens a few are calling for a strict isolation towards Equestria until ‘their war’ is over.
  328. >Others, primarily soldiers and veterans, are arguing for a strict stratocracy.
  330. >From what you’ve heard, their primary focus is on maintaining security in wake of the Taratus situation and are saying that military rule is preferable.
  331. >They’re calling out the plutocratic anarchy before the monarchy’s restoration and subsequent passing of the throne to a weak child as proof that only the fighting class of society will consistently serve the griffon people.
  332. >You’ve also heard one of the veterans say that if it’s working in Equestria, it will work in Griffonstone.
  333. >Another popular option among the crowds is to form what is essentially a council of oligarchs and aristocrats to better service the needs of local populations.
  334. >Although that batch seems split between isolation and participation in the current crisis.
  335. >Likely, once the individuals vying for the throne realize they don’t have a chance, they’ll fall in line with this faction.
  336. >The speakers with the biggest crowds are those who want the people themselves to have a permanent say in the state.
  337. >But by biggest crowds, you mean angry mobs.
  339. >As soon as a speaker finishes or takes questions, the people present almost immediately break into argument as they all try to get their two bits in.
  340. >You even saw some soldiers have to break up a fight as three or four groups started to clash.
  341. >From what you’ve picked up from these scuffles, a wide array of representative forms are in the air.
  342. >Pure democracy, representative officials, an alliance of city state councils, temporary dictators with short terms.
  343. >From what you’ve seen and heard so far, there’s one other group worth mention.
  344. >On their own posters or on graffiti, some griffons want an immediate expulsion of foreign soldiers from their borders.
  345. >You even heard one speaker saying that the Tartarus incursion was just an equine plot to take over.
  346. >It’s hard to guess, but you’d say that overall no faction has anything close to a majority of support.
  347. >And the battle lines between the groups are already pretty divisive.
  348. >Maybe a referendum was a mistake.
  349. >At least there’s time for you to get back to Canterlot and make the decision on Thunder and be back in time for the national convention where all these ideas will be thrown at one another.
  350. >Which means you’ll have to find someone to run things here while you’re gone.
  351. >Because of the implications, you won’t just let one of your officers in charge.
  352. >The king’s loyalist officers are out of the question, and even the commanders he had imprisoned were staunchly anti-Equestrian.
  353. >Because most of the local politicians and other influential griffons are making their bids, you don’t want to legitimize anyone.
  354. >Thankfully, you have a griffon in mind for the job.
  355. >If he isn’t dead already.
  357. >…
  358. >Well, he isn’t dead… mostly.
  359. >You found the officer in a field hospital.
  360. >His left wing is in bandages from a close encounter on the walls.
  361. >The griffon can still walk, but he’s pretty bruised up.
  362. >As he lays in a stretcher, you speak:
  363. “Captain Galix?”
  364. >This was the young officer you encountered when you first arrived in the siege.
  365. >In the moment, you gave the Lieutenant a promotion so that somebody could coordinate the defense while you dealt with the king.
  366. >”Mmmm.”
  367. >He groans as his eyes push open.
  368. >”What?”
  369. >As he notices who you are, he leans up and clutches at his chest.
  370. >”Princess, I-“
  371. “How are you holding up?”
  372. >”Well I should be-“
  373. “Cut formalities.”
  374. >”Barely.”
  375. “How much have you heard about the situation?”
  376. >”I know reinforcements broke the siege, but I’ve been in here since the battle.”
  377. “Well, the last pit has been closed, and only cleanup is left.”
  378. >”Does that mean I get to go home now?”
  379. “Nope. I have a job for you.”
  380. >”I hope this isn’t another-“
  381. “Congratulations. I’ll be leaving Griffonstone for a while, and you’re going to be the acting commander of all forces.”
  382. >”I’m not a general. I’m not even a captain really.”
  383. “Well thankfully, I don’t need a general.”
  384. >”What does that even mean?”
  385. “Long story short, there’s going to be a referendum on what happens to the griffons. What government will take over shortly. As you can imagine, people are pretty divided. But from what I’ve picked up from other soldiers, you’ve become something of a local war hero for your work in the defense of the city.”
  387. >”But I was just a conscript.”
  388. “Twice over, you could say.”
  389. >”Can’t you just have one of your officers run things?”
  390. “Some people still don’t like ponies, but most people respect you.”
  391. >”Can I say no?”
  392. “You can. But, I’ve already sent out word that you’re Acting Commander of the allied forces here. So you’re not getting out of it that easily.”
  393. >After a long sigh, he relents.
  394. >”What do I have to do?”
  395. “Just keep the peace here for a few weeks until whatever new government takes power. My officers will be overseeing the remaining beasts, so you just have to remain impartial and make sure the groups don’t kill each other.”
  396. >”I’d prefer helping with the beasts…”
  397. “For what it’s worth, I’m strictly forbidding you from taking any sides in the political debate. I’m hoping that with you in charge, it’ll keep any other officers from launching a coup. All you have to do is make sure that your people don’t fall into anarchy.”
  398. >”That simple?”
  399. “Look on the bright side, you’ll actually get to go home once this is all dealt with.”
  400. >”Or I’ll just be conscripted a third time.”
  401. “I don’t think any government would want to press a renowned war hero into service against their will. Especially a new government that wants to stabilize and secure the transitory period.”
  402. >”When do I start?”
  403. “Right now, because I’m heading back to Canterlot immediately.”
  404. >”I don’t even get to finish my nap?”
  405. “Nope. And don’t worry, I’m going to be leaving Ambassador Blunt Force with you. He’s head of a minotaur clan and has experience with politics. If you need any advice, just talk to him.”
  406. >”Great…”
  407. >He utters sarcastically.
  408. “I’ll be back in a few days, don’t worry.”
  410. >…
  411. >Everypony.
  412. >No, not everypony.
  413. >Most ponies.
  414. >Most ponies…
  415. >But almost everypony.
  416. >Almost.
  417. >Twenty-one thousand five hundred an one ponies.
  418. >That’s how many ponies.
  419. >How many?
  420. >How many you left.
  421. >How many you gave hope.
  422. >How many who died.
  423. >All of them.
  424. >All of them.
  425. >Most of them.
  426. >Gone.
  427. >Because-
  428. >”Hey pops!”
  429. “NO!”
  430. >Not him.
  431. >Not who he says.
  432. >You know the truth.
  433. >He’s just-
  434. >You have to stop him.
  435. >Pain.
  436. >You tried.
  437. >But just pain comes from it.
  438. >You broke free, just for a moment.
  439. >And tried, but pain.
  440. >That’s what met you.
  441. >You’re not-
  442. >You haven’t lost it.
  443. >No, he has.
  444. >He just doesn’t know it.
  445. >Can’t know it.
  446. >Won’t know it, yet.
  447. >He will.
  448. >You do, and he will.
  449. >Soon.
  450. >How soon?
  451. >Not soon enough.
  452. >It’s already lost.
  453. >Everything is already lost.
  454. >For him at least.
  455. >And that’s bad.
  456. >Bad bad.
  457. >It won’t…
  458. >Won’t…
  459. >Won’t work.
  460. >And he’ll know it soon.
  461. >How soon?
  462. >Soon soon.
  463. >Not soon enough.
  464. >You tried.
  465. >Could have stopped it.
  466. >Not all of it.
  467. >Not for him.
  468. >But for others.
  469. >Now?
  470. >More pain.
  471. >A different pain.
  472. >Hard pain.
  473. >Not a smooth hard pain.
  474. >Not like the crystal.
  475. >Just a hard pain.
  476. >Rough.
  477. >Empty.
  478. >Alone.
  479. >Trapped.
  480. “No! You’re making a mistake!”
  482. >Locked.
  483. >Away.
  484. >Out of sight.
  485. >Out of mind.
  486. >But you know better.
  487. >Nothing out of sight is out of mind.
  488. >Ever.
  489. >How long until…
  490. >Two days.
  491. >Maybe three.
  492. >Maybe she can…
  493. >No.
  494. >It’s too late for him.
  495. >He’ll feel it too.
  496. >But not like you.
  497. >He won’t understand.
  498. >How to stop it for others.
  499. >You know.
  500. >But you’re trapped.
  501. >Here.
  502. >Out of sight.
  503. >They think you’re lost, but they’re lost.
  504. >You know.
  505. >You feel.
  506. >All of them.
  507. >Lost and found.
  508. >How many are lost now?
  509. >Ten.
  510. >Twelve now.
  511. >You could have stopped it.
  512. >But you’re trapped.
  513. >They didn’t listen- didn’t understand.
  514. >Now it’s their fault.
  515. >They’ll try.
  516. >But they won’t stop it.
  517. >No, only you can.
  518. >You can feel it.
  519. >Where it is.
  520. >Where it’s going.
  521. >Thirteen, not twelve.
  522. >You were wrong.
  523. >Or maybe it’s changed since then.
  524. >But you’re trapped.
  525. >Hard.
  526. >Cold.
  527. >Alone.
  528. >None of them want to hear you.
  529. >But they’re all thinking about you.
  530. >They don’t understand.
  531. >But they will.
  532. >Eventually…
  533. >Unless you can fix it.
  534. >You have to.
  535. >Or else thirteen will become hundreds.
  536. >And hundreds will become thousands.
  537. >You could stop it.
  538. >But it’s cold.
  539. >Hard.
  540. >Alone.
  541. >You need to…
  542. >You need…
  543. >You want…
  544. >You just want Winter.
  545. >A second chance.
  546. >A second chance you won’t get.
  547. >Ever.
  548. >There are no second chances.
  549. >Ever.
  550. >Not really.
  551. >But it’s already too late for him.
  552. >Maybe he won’t be, but he’s already lost.
  553. >And because he’s already lost, he’s already lost.
  555. >…
  556. >You take a long drag from a cigarette before realizing you’re in your mind.
  557. >Harvey finishes his own before speaking:
  558. >”Alright, we’ve got an unknwons number of perps in the building and it’s just us. No officers will be on site, and if we want any evidence left intact, it’s up to us.”
  559. “It’s up to us to nail this case, I get it…”
  560. >You’re in your mind…
  561. “Damnit Harv!”
  562. >You rip the cigarette from his hand and throw it aside.
  563. “No ain’t no smokin’ in my head. Unless I say so.”
  564. >”Well that’s not my problem. In real life, we have hundreds of fipplenops ready to attack.”
  565. “Just do your damn job.”
  566. >”Your will be done, Herr Anon!”
  567. >-
  568. >In face of the onslaught ahead, you draw your sword.
  569. >You grip the weapon with both hands.
  570. >Hell, you’ve fought dozens of them alone, what’s a few hundred?
  571. >All that matters is you protect the others.
  572. >…
  573. >”Anon!”
  574. >Lancer enters your tent as you look over the map of the battlefield.
  575. “Anon?”
  576. >”General!”
  577. “What is it?”
  578. >”The Arabians have reinforced their north flank.”
  579. >You have a strong defense on that side of the field.
  580. >A strong contingent of pegasi are ready to reinforce it at a moment’s call.
  581. “Send the reserves to the center and south.”
  582. >Lancer knows the strength of the north flank.
  583. >”Calling their bluff?”
  584. “No. They’re calling ours. We left the others relatively unmanned for a reason. They’re feigning an attack north to attack in the south. That’s why the men on the north are our veterans. They’ll easily deal with the attack and be able to break their lines and circle around to cut off the center. The reinforcements should just hold the line, while feigning their own attacks.”
  585. >”I see.”
  587. “That’s the difference between strategy and tactics. While it might seem that a strong southern push is valuable, more is to be gained from the north. After all, their main supply line lies to the north.”
  588. >”But how can you be sure that the real attack is from the south?”
  589. “Partly due to experience, and partly due to intuition. Their commander has faced me before when we made landfall. He’s renown with his subjugation with various nomadic clans, therefore a decent tactician. But, he’ll expect me to continue with established doctrine- so we’ll subvert that expectation.”
  590. >”Then how do you know they’re not calling your own bluffs?”
  591. “That’s the intuition. They have royalist commanders, and thus as ‘yes men’ shouldn’t go deeper than one level of bluffing. Also, Offense is leading the center, correct?”
  592. >”If he wasn’t taken out by skirmishes, yes.”
  593. “Have him, or his second in command press any advantages. We want to encircle as many as possible.”
  594. >”Why not give that order to the southern flank?”
  595. “Because the southern flank is-“
  596. >”Most expectant of getting cut off from supply lines.”
  597. >While Lancer cuts you off, you appreciate that he’s properly understanding your train of though.
  598. “Exactly. Overall, the center will be their weakest point. And if it falls…”
  599. >”Then the southern survivors will either be surrounded, or have to venture into the desert to survive.”
  600. “I’m glad to see you’ve picked something out, old friend.”
  601. >”I’m not old. Not yet at least.”
  602. “Yet… We’ll all get there some day.”
  603. >”I’ll convey those orders.”
  604. “Good man.”
  606. >…
  607. >You slash at another beast, cutting it between the corners of its lips.
  608. >Following up with a jab into its chest- you were just shy of hitting it’s exposed gill, but there’s only so much Harv can do- you fell the beast and turn to the next.
  609. >One o’clock high, jumping at you.
  610. >Preparing your sword to impale the creature, you-
  611. >This is in your mind.
  612. >…
  613. >”General! It worked! The Arabians are in full retreat. Half of the force was encircled and captured. How should we proceed?”
  614. >You knock down a few pieces atop your map.
  615. >The supply line is long, and they’ll be quick to regroup.
  616. “At your discretion, but not a full push.”
  617. >”Because they’ll be quick to defend their only road to supply this area.”
  618. “Correct. What do you think should be the next plan of action?”
  619. >”Get pegasi ready to make our own supply line away from the roads. That way, we’ll be able to hit the next city and cut off any troops left between there and here.”
  620. “Succinct, but I couldn’t put it better myself. Make sure plenty of rations and water are set up for the alternative route. Ground forces will be needed to take the city, and I’ll be leading that personally, you’ll hold the line from here.”
  621. >”Understood.”
  622. “And only keep a few veterans here, I’ll need most of them to properly assault the city. Don’t want to lose recruits to the desert.”
  623. >”Seems fair.”
  624. “We might just make a general out of you.”
  625. >”Honestly, the only thing keeping me in the army is you.”
  626. “The day you retire is the day you die.”
  627. >”So I should lead the troops from the front.”
  628. “Go ahead, you can take care of yourself. And I don’t think the lady back home would take kindly to a letter from random soldiers…”
  629. >”You know me too well.”
  630. “Likewise. Hope we’re never on opposite sides.”
  631. >”Never.”
  632. “I’ll hold you to that.”
  633. >”And my statement won’t change.”
  634. “Now get out there. Still have a battle to win.”
  636. >…
  637. >”Anon.”
  638. >Let me sleep.
  639. >You feel a kick to your side.
  640. “What!”
  641. >Opening your eyes, you see Harvey looking down onto you.
  642. “What!”
  643. >”Wake up!”
  644. >He retorts in your same argumentative mannerism.
  645. “I’m up!”
  646. >Wait…
  647. >This is real… right?
  648. “Is this real?”
  649. >”Yeah.”
  650. >Harv…
  651. >He’s out of your head…
  652. “How long was I out?”
  653. >”A couple days?”
  654. “Days!”
  655. >”We dragged you!”
  656. “That why my back hurts?”
  657. >”Probably.”
  658. “How are you real?”
  659. >”To put it in mundane terms?”
  660. “How are you alive!”
  661. >”I crafted a basic synapse system in the blood droplets you put into the jeep’s fuel tank, then used the magical expulsion to make my own body. If I didn’t absorb the excess energy, everyone here other than yourself would be dead.”
  662. “My cells are magic proof, how is that possible?”
  663. >”Do you want a ten hour lecture on arcane practice?”
  664. “How!”
  665. >”MAGIC!”
  666. “Bastard.”
  667. >”I can jump back into you at any moment, don’t worry.”
  668. >You’re not worrying.
  669. “And how is that?”
  671. >”Because I’m much smarter than you. Despite how hard that might hurt you.”
  672. “Don’t try and-“
  673. >”Oh it does. I’ve been in your ole noggin. You, on some level, are a vain creature. Sure, I am too. But, that annoys you. At a deeper level than you even know.”
  674. “Burn in hell.”
  675. >”Anon?”
  676. “What!”
  677. >”I left a couple longer lasting effects in your biochemistry. Pretty soon, you’ll need to… go.”
  678. “Pretty soon, as in now?”
  679. >Your stomach rumbles and you really feel the need to…
  680. >”Yeah.”
  681. >You haven’t defecated in…
  682. >Harvey offers a hand to help you stand.
  683. >You take it, and feel a bit unsteady on your feet.
  684. >But, you stabilize yourself.
  685. “Harvey…”
  686. >”Hello Anon.”
  687. “We’re going to have a word. More than a few words actually. After a few minutes…”
  688. >”Understandable.”
  689. “And Harv?”
  690. >”Hmm?”
  691. >You strike out at him, punching him in the jaw.
  692. >Unlike with Discord, you actually make contact and he recoils heavily from the strike.
  693. “I promised you that.”
  694. >As he clutches his jaw in pain, he eventually stands up straight again.
  695. >”That’s… also understandable.”
  697. >…
  698. >Well this is as good a place as any.
  699. >You look over to Harvey, who’s followed you as you left the group.
  700. “You mind?”
  701. >”I’ve seen it all.”
  702. “Filthy degenerate.”
  703. >”Did you mean to say that out loud?”
  704. “Take a guess.”
  705. >”Here.”
  706. >Harvey reaches his hand out facing up.
  707. >A roll of toilet paper then materializes on his palm.
  708. >You snatch the roll away from him, then look expectantly.
  709. >”Oh, right.”
  710. >Harv waves, then starts walking away.
  711. >Bastard.
  712. >Every inch of your body is aching, and you feel like a few dozen nails were hammered into your skull.
  713. >If this turns out to be some game of his, you don’t care what it takes- you’ll find a way to kill Harvey.
  714. >And his body while you’re at it.
  715. >But…
  716. >You don’t feel quite as… full.
  717. >Inside your mind, it’s a bit empty.
  718. >Less chaotic, one could say.
  719. >It’s like you woke up with a hell of a hangover, but everything has been cleansed from your system.
  720. >…
  721. >After a rather long and… painful squat, you’ve returned to the others.
  722. >And you decided to get the group to gather round.
  723. >And…
  724. >Well, you have some-
  725. >You’ll just get it out.
  726. >They’re all waiting.
  727. “I have some explaining to do. By now, it’s clear that I wasn’t completely truthful to all of you, and you deserve to know as much as I do. No lies, and no withheld information. I’ve been working as your commanding officer these past weeks, and given the unique circumstances we’re in, none of you should be left in the dark.”
  728. >Where do you even begin.
  730. “Twenty-six years ago, I was taken from my own world into Equestira. And through the years, I rose to lead the Equestrian military. Earlier this year, I found myself fighting against the throne. At first, I had just thought that Celestia had gone mad from years of near constant conflict. But, I was wrong. She and the other princesses had been infected by parasite. This entity was brought into this world, from another one.”
  731. >You pause a moment.
  732. “This creature is magical in nature, it infected parasites native to these lands, and managed to make its way back over the sea. It would feed off of and enhance more negative emotions of the host creatures, eventually growing powerful enough to completely take over the being unlucky enough to become infected. At an unknown time, I was infected by that parasite. While my magic rejecting physiology slowed its influence, eventually I feel under its sway, however Discord fractured his own mind and implanted roughly half of his mind into my own- and together we were able to kill the parasite within my mind.”
  733. >Next is the voyage.
  734. “While I was free, Princess Flurry Heart, the daughter of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, was still infected. When Shining went missing, as a close friend of the family, I was left as the main parental figure to Flurry. I’m the only member of my species here- I can never have children of my own, but I raised and cared for her as if she was my child. I couldn’t help her break free of the parasite, but I could try to stop it at the source.”
  736. >In the East.
  737. “The entity is over here, we’re not anywhere near it yet, but it’s here. I set out to kill it, and free my child. Along the way, the link between Discord’s fractured haves became severed. His body is still out there, but the shard in my mind became Harvey. While Discord left supplies for me along the path, Harvey was trapped in my head. He started to manipulate my own body to achieve better performance.”
  738. >Harv…
  739. “While in my head, he was able to make me react quicker, run faster, barely have to eat or drink or even sleep. I’ve been in hundreds of fights before, But I’m not as… much of a force of nature like you’ve seen. I’m just a man at the end of the day. My only reason for being here is to save the only family I have in this world. If it comes down to it, I’ll gladly lay down my life to accomplish that.”
  740. >Then were the others.
  741. “Until I found you lot, I accepted this as a suicide mission. When I made landfall, I knew it was a one way trip. I want to help you all survive and make it back home, but above all else; I have to stop the entity. This place is deadly, but the thing I have to kill is strong enough to overpower Celestia and all of the other alicorns. I might be immune to magic, but you aren’t. If you want to go your own way, I don’t blame you.”
  742. >You look over to Harvey.
  743. “Harv… can you get these people home.”
  744. >”I don’t have enough power for a mass teleportation over such a distance.”
  745. “But you still have enough to protect them?”
  746. >”Probably.”
  747. “Can you make a boat?”
  748. >”Probably.”
  750. >You then look back to the others.
  751. “He can’t whisk you back home, but he might be able to get you there the old fashioned way. It’ll be a hard road, but you might make it back. I don’t have a way to get back. If you want to go with him, I don’t blame you- hell, I encourage it.”
  752. >Harvey then yell sup to you:
  753. >”You never asked what I want!”
  754. “Harv, You tell me the rest of the path and I’ll find a way. If even one person wants a way out, you’ll damn well get them home!”
  755. >Now.
  756. “Look, I want you to take a while to think over the options. You’ve accepted me as a leader readily, but I denied you critical need to know information. That has a role in a battlefield, but not over here. I’ve rebelled against higher officers for far less. But my mission- my reason for being here remains unchanged. I’m moving forward, straight into the worst that this world and another has to offer. And… I’ve talked too much. You all know what the choice is.”
  758. >…
  759. >You left the others to think and discuss amongst themselves.
  760. >While you’ve been thinking about yourself.
  761. >Who are you?
  762. >What are you, even?
  763. >The past months of your life are both crystal clear and shrouded in a haze.
  764. >Even now, when you decided to let all truths air, you did leave out a certain aspect of your goals here.
  765. >Though that is a bit more personal.
  766. >You want to find out what really happened to Twilight and Shining.
  767. >But…
  768. >Was this always a one way trip?
  769. >You have to save Flurry, no matter the cost.
  770. >But what about her then?
  771. >She’s an adult and can take care of herself, and she’d understand why you never returned from this voyage.
  772. >But from the day Shining entrusted her safety to you.
  773. >And before that, the first time she called you ‘Uncle’ Anon.
  774. >And even before that, the first time you took care of her as baby.
  775. >The way she only fell asleep when you hummed military marches to her…
  776. >In some form, Flurry was always your ground on sanity, your family.
  777. >But even beyond her.
  778. >Lancer, your closest friend.
  779. >Brairheart, the constant voice of caution and reason.
  780. >Wave, who would get any job done.
  781. >Offense, the man who would follow you to hell and back, then ask if you missed anything there.
  782. >Thunder, a protégé that reminds you too much of yourself at that age- just like how Shining felt towards you.
  783. >Amber, someone who you finally felt at peace with.
  784. >Earlier this year, you were ready to either retire a tired old man or die in one last effort.
  785. >But now- only when it’s all so far away from you…
  787. >You understand what you had to fight for.
  788. >What you had to live for.
  789. >How much there actually was in your existence.
  790. >No matter what happens, you won’t let this place kill you.
  791. >You’re not some god of war, a deity to be worshipped.
  792. >You are a soldier.
  793. >Even without Harvey’s influence, you’ve never been beaten.
  794. >Facing hell itself, you’ll resist and bite every step of the way.
  795. >Because your greatest strength isn’t physical.
  796. >And it isn’t even your analysis of the strategy and tactics from the history of two worlds.
  797. >It’s your willpower.
  798. >Through two and a half decades- the majority of your life- you have never let an enemy defeat you.
  799. >Because until Harvey scrambled your head, you never underestimated a foe.
  800. >You never simply relied on your own brute abilities.
  801. >Pride goes before a fall.
  802. >And thanks to the ‘fountain of youth’ you encountered, you’re a decade younger but still a decade wiser.
  803. >The peak of your physical ability combined with the peak of your mental ability.
  804. >War is your art.
  805. >And you’ve spent your life honing that art.
  806. >Right now, you’re in a war.
  807. >Against nature and the entity.
  808. >You are not a force of nature.
  809. >But you are a dealer of thunder and death.
  810. >From your sitting position against your backpack and rifle, you stand.
  811. >Looking across the hills and plains, you take in the view a long while.
  812. >This place will not be your grave.
  813. >You might not have been brought to this world for a reason, but you have one now.
  814. >Then, you hear a yell from towards the others.
  815. >Rusty’s voice.
  816. >”Anon!”
  818. >…
  819. >After getting a couple pegasi driven chariots to fly yourself and friends back to Equestira, you settled into the first train to Canterlot.
  820. >Just one car being pulled, your own private train.
  821. >At least the extensive infrastructure makes command’s need for quick movement still allows the trains to run on time for civilians.
  822. >If you really wanted to bring the apocalypse to Equestira, you’d have a few pits open up at key rail lines at crossroads and in harder to reach areas.
  823. >But, setting aside advice for the enemy, you return to sketching as you roll on through the Equestrian countryside.
  824. >While some of the others bicker, Autumn Leaf trots over to the table you’re sitting at.
  825. >She glances at the paper as you dip your quill to get some more ink.
  826. >”Crossbow bolts?”
  827. “Flechettes.”
  828. >”A what?”
  829. “They’re- let me start from the beginning. One of the biggest assets we have right now is air superiority. But, coming in close is dangerous and the beasts can take dozens of arrows. Grenades are effective, but gunpowder is much more limited a resource than iron.”
  830. >You point to the sketch.
  831. “The entire weapon is made of metal. Obviously, the point is to do damage and the fins help to stabilize it on the way down. Because they’re entirely metal instead of a simple arrowhead attached to a wooden shaft, they have much more weight behind them. Get wings of pegasi high enough for them to achieve terminal velocity on the way down, and gravity will do all the damage we need.”
  832. >”Drop them over large swathes of the battlefield. Like a volley of arrows.”
  834. “And unlike arrows, they’ll be a lot easier to recover and reuse. Even if they’re too damaged to use again, the metal can still be melted down and made into a fresh one. And while a single hit might not kill these things, the momentum and mass behind them will easily break bone… I hope.”
  835. >”Why haven’t we used these before?”
  836. “Arrows usually work, and grenades or just rocks work against more heavily armored infantry groups. Also, military advancement hasn’t usually been even an afterthought until recently.”
  837. >”Makes sense.”
  838. >Totally not adopting weapons from Anon’s world.
  839. >This is all you.
  840. >Now if magic can power a massive full metal airship… there’s not much the beasts could do to an arcane panzer.
  841. >Because if there’s one thing that will win this war, it’s highly cost intensive wonder weapons.
  842. >Absolutely nothing could go wrong.
  843. >Why equip a few divisions worth of minotaurs with full heavy armor when you could have a tank or two?
  844. >As Sergeant Leaf goes off to stop the others from bickering, you start humming a bit.
  845. >These much more practical weapon will let pegasi even go without armor, letting them carry more flechettes with them on a sortie.
  846. >If it even comes down to it, they don’t even need much training.
  847. >Just fly and drop.
  848. >So if things go on long enough to require conscription, air superiority will never be lost.
  851. >…
  852. >As you left your things behind, you rush towards the call.
  853. “What is it?”
  854. >Reaching the minotaur after pushing through crowds, he faces you.
  855. >Then before you can properly stop, he punches you.
  856. >A proper right hook to the jaw.
  857. >It sends you to the ground.
  858. >Et tu Rusty?
  859. >”You gave us hope! You gave ME hope!”
  860. >Forcing yourself to stand, you face the minotaur.
  861. >”Why should any of us trust a word out of your mouth? Even if you insist it’s the truth.”
  862. “I gave you an out. I won’t give another…”
  863. >Instead, he swipes at you again.
  864. >He’s a bit taller than you, so you can lean back to avoid the strike easily enough.
  865. >Afterwards, you take a few steps back.
  866. >”Running?”
  867. >He’s a minotaur.
  868. “Come get me.”
  869. >Most of his weight is in the upper body.
  870. >As he runs forward, you match it.
  871. >And lower your body for a tackle.
  872. >Your shoulder hits low into his stomach.
  873. >While you press against the ground, you play the physics game, and let his momentum flip himself over you and onto his back.
  874. >You slide afterwards, and get quickly back to your feet.
  875. >Then you scramble over to Rusty, draw your dagger with your left hand, and press it against his neck.
  876. >With Rusty on his back, and you on hands and knees to his side, you press the blade tightly against his flesh.
  877. “You were the last I’d have though would-“
  878. >”Hey hey hey!”
  879. >He stops you.
  880. >Then Sit Sterling yells over to you as well:
  881. >”Stop.”
  882. >Rusty continues:
  883. >”Just a test.”
  884. >Finally, Harvey grabs you by the shoulder.
  885. >”Hold on Anon.”
  886. >A hoof grabs your other shoulder.
  887. >Sterling’s voice speaks into your ear:
  888. >”Even without your friend…”
  889. >Rusty then picks up, the blade still at his throat:
  890. >”Were able to kick me down pretty easy.”
  891. “I though you couldn’t hear anything.”
  892. >”The medic worked wonders… I mean: what?”
  893. >You relent and take the blade away.
  895. >As you stand, Rusty remains on his back.
  896. >Sterling then speaks:
  897. >”We’re still with you.”
  898. >And the minotaur finishes:
  899. >”Till the end.”
  900. >He reaches out an arm, and you grab it with your free hand to help him stand.
  901. >Then look to see the entire force looking to you.
  902. “All of you?”
  903. >You hear no words, but see nothing but nods.
  904. >At the top of this hill, these few hundred remain with you.
  905. “My… friends!”
  906. >They deserve something.
  907. “Soon, you will have to fight. You will have to kill other living beings. When that moment comes, when you must kill or be killed, remember my words:”
  908. >Your words.
  909. “You are fighting not only to defend Equestira, but also to defend your home and your traditions. You are defending your people and children. Your descendants, your communities, your very way of life. Because…”
  910. >Because.
  911. “If Equestira falls, all your peoples will fall. And if your people fall, all your homes will fall. Defend your families! So that your children may be free to live their lives. Free to live in peace. Free, because you have fought on this road. Repeat after me:”
  912. >You start.
  913. “I believe!”
  914. >”I believe!”
  915. “I believe with all my heart!”
  916. >”I believe with all my heart!”
  917. “That we will Not fail! Not in this fight!”
  918. >The ragtag group of souls from varying times and backgrounds cheer.
  919. >You whisper below the voices.
  920. “We won’t fail…”
  922. >…
  923. >After your journey, your train finally arrived in Canterlot around midday.
  924. >As you started the walk over to the palace, the populace soon realized that you’re in the city again.
  925. >At first, it was just civilians waving and soldiers saluting.
  926. >Eventually, a child ran up to you.
  927. >She couldn’t be more than seven or eight, still doesn’t have a cutie mark.
  928. >And seeing as she approached from a group of other children, you think she was the only ne brave enough to come forward.
  929. “Well hello there.”
  930. >You stop and lean down a bit.
  931. “How are you doing today?”
  932. >”I- I…”
  933. “Don’t worry, we’re both friends here. Right?”
  934. >”Really?”
  935. “Absolutely. I’m Flurry, you’re?”
  936. >”I’m Maple.”
  937. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Maple.”
  938. >”I- My dad says that I can grow up to be just like you, but my friends don’t believe it!”
  939. >That’s pretty forthcoming.
  940. >By the speed in which she barked everything out, you think she was just trying to get it all spoken in a cohesive sentence.
  941. “They don’t?”
  942. >”No… “
  943. >You place a hoof on her shoulder.
  944. “Well Maple, I think that as long as you put your mind to it, you could accomplish whatever you want to.”
  945. >”Really?”
  946. “You were the only one of your friends to actually come over here. And trust me, while a lot of times it seems like things are way out of our control; most of the time, all you need to do is keep at it. No matter what happens, never give up.”
  947. >”I…”
  948. >She trails off.
  949. “Hey, look on the bright side. You’ll certainly have a story to tell your friends.”
  950. >She giggles a bit.
  951. “Now go on. You tell them that I believe in you.”
  952. >”Thank you Princess.”
  953. “Hey, we’re friends. No ‘Princesses’ here. It’s Flurry.”
  954. >”I…”
  955. >With a wide smile she runs off to the group of kids.
  956. >As you watch her get back to the group, you hear Sunshine speak behind you:
  957. >”Awww, that’s so sweet.”
  958. “It’s the moments like this that make it all worthwhile.”
  960. >…
  961. >While you walk at the head of the group, Harvey comes up next to you.
  962. >He’s not walking.
  963. >Instead he’s levitating in the air while lying on his back at about waist height.
  964. >”Hello Anon.”
  965. “Stand up like a normal human being.”
  966. >”You’re not fun anymore.”
  967. >As he rotates in the air, he ends up pacing next to you.
  968. “I distinctly remember you as a much more grounded person when you were in my head.”
  969. >”You’re still boring.”
  970. >At least he’s evading the question, that means something of Discord is left in there.
  971. “So what exactly is the extent of your powers now?”
  972. >”I am not really sure about that actually. Making arcane mirages and such is simple, as is releasing pure magical energy. And while creating items of a more basic elemental composition is simple, I haven’t quite got the hang of the complex. So no, I can’t make a dozen jeeps for you. Yet, at least.”
  973. “Can’t just teleport some of the loot boxes Discord left over here?”
  974. >”Long range teleportation takes a lot of energy, and I have a limited reserve of it. I absorbed roughly half of the energy from the engine’s explosion, but once it’s gone, it’s gone.”
  975. “Well how can we power you up?”
  976. >”If the unicorns hit me with energy, it would help, but only so much as pouring a cup of water into a lake. However, the ‘East’ is brimming with latent magical energy. If I can find a way to absorb and harness it, then I’ll be…”
  977. “How powerful?”
  978. >”Still not near Alicorn level, but consistently at a near master unicorn’s arcane potential.”
  979. “Will you be susceptible to the entity?”
  980. >”I don’t have a physical brain, so the parasites can’t infect me. However once we… reach our destination, I should probably jump back into your body. Unless you’d like to face it truly alone.”
  982. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
  983. >”Nice to see the clichés are still going strong.”
  984. >You were kind of always like that…
  985. “So could you get a message to your body and get him over here to reunite?”
  986. >”I don’t think. If he shows up, I can jump back into my body with just a touch, but otherwise we’re too far away.”
  987. “Where do think Discord even is?”
  988. >”Your guess is as good as mine.”
  989. “And now that you have a body, should we still just call him Discord?”
  990. >”Again, your guess is as good as mine.”
  991. “Might as well make it easier for the readers.”
  992. >”What?”
  993. “What?”
  994. >”What did you just say?”
  995. “I said: might was well make it easier for simplicities sake”
  996. >What did he think you said?
  997. >”Right.”
  998. “You okay Harv?”
  999. >”Just not used to being alone. In fact I’ve been trying you mentally before realizing that it doesn’t work.”
  1000. “I understand it. Somewhat. In a way, I feel empty. You were only… tagging along for a few months, but it feels like a lot longer than that- years even.”
  1001. >”It certainly does feel like we’ve been on this road for quite some time. And that’s coming from someone who is immortal.”
  1002. “There’ll be peace when we are done.”
  1003. >”Lay our weary heads to rest.”
  1004. “Glad you picked up some musical taste.”
  1005. >”I’ll give it to your world, you have a much better array of artists.”
  1006. “Yeah…”
  1007. >”Well think of it this way. When we’re done: Harvey and Anon’s record studio.”
  1008. >You grin a bit at his statement.
  1009. “Anon and Harvey. Not the other way around.”
  1010. >”Sounds better my way… but…”
  1011. “What?”
  1012. >”Anon?”
  1013. “I already said what.”
  1014. >”I did… enjoy our time together. In a way, I think it’s changed me as much as my fracturing from Discord.”
  1015. “Yeah. On my end, I’m not sure if the after effects are permanent. Even if they weren’t… it was certainly something.”
  1016. >”It was, wasn’t it?”
  1017. “Well, I’ve always hated Discord. But at least some part of him was decent.”
  1019. >…
  1020. >When you eventually arrived at the palace, quickly you found Lancer in the halls.
  1021. >Long story short, he asked about the mares in your entourage.
  1022. >You said that they’re your friends.
  1023. >Not Old Guard, but still your retinue.
  1024. >He had a lower officer get them set up, and the conversation continued a bit.
  1025. >Lancer would go to summon Command to meet, while you headed for the meeting room.
  1026. >After you went separate ways, you arrived at the meeting room, and outside it were Wave and a griffon.
  1027. >The griffon was a young lad, Wave’s adopted son.
  1028. >You exchanged pleasantries.
  1029. >Gregor seems like a nice kid.
  1030. >Eager to join up, even though he’s still a couple years too young to.
  1031. >Wanted to help Equestria and his people.
  1032. >Honest, yet solemn.
  1033. >Just like Wave…
  1034. >But given circumstances, he went his own way.
  1035. >Leaving you and Wave alone outside the meeting room.
  1036. >”Sorry about that.”
  1037. >Wave starts, but you counter:
  1038. “You shouldn’t be. He’s honest and just wants to do his best.”
  1039. >”Ma’am, I’m not forthcoming about my personal life. But…”
  1040. >Despite your insistence, Wave is still by the books.
  1041. >”He’s not my blood, but I’d do anything to protect him. I’d like to think he’s become a good man, but I do not want him going to war in this conflict.”
  1042. “That’s fair. He’s still too young… and I understand not wanting family to go into combat.”
  1043. >”You don’t, but thank you nonetheless.”
  1045. “I get it. To you all, I’m still just a child.”
  1046. >”On the contrary. Time and time again, you’ve proven to be almost as capable as Anon was.”
  1047. “Almost?”
  1048. >”I don’t mean to offend, but-“
  1049. “Relax, it was a joke.”
  1050. >”Princess, you are as capable as any other pony I’ve seen. I didn’t mean to-“
  1051. “Wave, it’s okay. I understand… so how have things been?”
  1052. >”To be succinct?”
  1053. “Succinct is good.”
  1054. >”Lancer and Offense are at each other’s throats. Brairheart and Tiara are at each other’s throats.”
  1055. “Army against army and navy against navy. What about you?”
  1056. >”I’m doing my job.”
  1057. “Good man.”
  1058. >”Despite the bickering, I think it best to wait for the others to arrive and explain their reasons.”
  1059. “That’s fair. What about Thunder?”
  1060. >”He’s secure, but everypony has their points.”
  1061. “Again, fair enough.”
  1062. >You nod to the door to the meeting room.
  1063. “After you, General.”
  1065. >…
  1066. “What took you so long?”
  1067. >You speak to Brairheart, who takes his seat among Lancer, Wave, and Offense.
  1068. >”I’m sorry there’s a country to run.”
  1069. >General Arrow won’t be joining you, as he’s currently in the field checking out training facilities and running war games among the thousands of recruits.
  1070. “Well sit down, we have a problem.”
  1071. >You let Brairheart take his seat.
  1072. “No use beating around the bush. Thunder-“
  1073. >The door is thrown open as Diamond Tiara enters the room.
  1074. >”Starting without me?”
  1075. >To be honest, you were.
  1076. “No, but you seemed to be taking your time.”
  1077. >”Well because the navy doesn’t have much to do, I’ve been looking over resource allocation. And let me say, there are-“
  1078. “In a moment. Right now we need to talk about Thunder.”
  1079. >She silences herself as she heads to an open seat.
  1080. “Now, I want all your opinions on him. Be brief.”
  1081. >You look to Lancer first:
  1082. >”I don’t know. I trust Anon’s judgment, but in this state…”
  1084. >Then to Wave:
  1085. >”When he arrived, he tried to attack my son. Thunder has served with distinction, but he is in no state to continue service. An asylum is the only real choice.”
  1086. >And Brairheart:
  1087. >”I agree with Wave. The Thunder we know is gone, and I don’t think he will ever come back.”
  1088. >Tiara:
  1089. >”If he rebelled once, what’s stopping it from happening again.”
  1090. >Before you can properly even look at Offence, he yells:
  1091. >”You ponies disgust me! He hasn’t done a single thing that any of us has ever done. The only difference between us and him, is that Thunder’s plan didn’t succeed. Time and time again, Anon went around the chain of command and rebelled. We all made the choice to follow him then, but now that we’re on the other end of orders, all of you are singing a different tune. Any stallion who’s given so much is a hero, and you’re treating him like dirt- no, worse than dirt. He’s locked up in a dark cell with-“
  1092. “Offense, that’s enough.”
  1093. >”Is it? We were supposed to be his friends, his mentors!”
  1094. “That. Is. Enough.”
  1095. >You didn’t raise your tone, but Offense knows that enough is enough.
  1096. “There are two issues here. His mental state, and what he’s done.”
  1097. >First.
  1098. “As to his mind, unless anything has drastically changed- he needs help. Between the crystal, the loss of his family, and the failure of his ‘expedition’ he has been completely broken. We owe it to him to help. Thunder doesn’t have a future in the military, not any more. But that doesn’t mean he should be locked away and forgotten. He deserves more than that. Much more.”
  1099. >Then his actions.
  1101. “Yes, he broke the chain of command and left us strategically weak in certain areas. But without the Changeling’s betrayal, who’s to say if his gamble would have worked. I say that because there’s not a pony in this room who hasn’t disregarded command and orders in any way worse than Thunder did- myself included.”
  1102. >Wave starts:
  1103. >”He-“
  1104. “I wasn’t offering a discussion. He’s out but needs our help- he deserves out help.”
  1105. >You don’t let the others get a word in, instead you start on the next order of business.
  1106. “Now, on the topic of the soldiers who followed Thunder into Tartarus, there won’t be any discharges. I’ve sent them on their way to Canterlot. The surviving soldiers clearly want to be on the forefront of the battle, so they will be. They’ll be reformed into a frontline regiment that will be sent to the frontlines against any and all future Tartarus incursions. If they want to fight, they’ll be on the front.”
  1107. >Wave starts:
  1108. >”Are you sure that’s-“
  1109. “That’s the direction we’ll take with them. When this conflict is over, the survivors will be able to retire or continue their careers if they chose. And that is final.”
  1110. >You pause and look at the others to see if anypony will dissent.
  1111. >They won’t.
  1112. “Now what have I missed? As far as I know, everything is contained and under control.”
  1114. >…
  1115. >After some- a lot of- bickering, Tiara decides to make an actual point.
  1116. >”Well, does anypony care to explain where over half of the iron and steel imports from the minotaurs have gone?”
  1117. >Lancer then stops yelling at Offense and Wave once he realizes something is really happening.
  1118. >”What?”
  1119. >”The minotaurs have been sending metals so that Equestrian foundries can make them weapons and armor. They’re getting enough to fully meet the requirements necessary to equip their forces. But as far as I can tell, most of the shipments are being lost after reaching our border.”
  1120. “How are they lost? Do you think there’s some pit near the border and the beasts are getting smarter?”
  1121. >Tiara then responds:
  1122. >”No, they get signed over to us in Manehattan, then nothing.”
  1123. “So there’s some under the table dealings…”
  1124. >Brairheart then speaks up:
  1125. >”Not quite.”
  1126. “Cut the cryptic one-liners.”
  1127. >”I’ve sent the excess resources towards the air fleet. With minotaur and Maretonian iron fulfilling both our needs and that of our allies, I’ve been reinforcing production where we’re lacking.”
  1128. >Oh don’t tell me…
  1129. “And where are we lacking?”
  1130. >”The material resources provided make it feasible to produce a sister ship to the Prydwen.”
  1131. >Yes…
  1132. >Because what we really need right now is another wonder weapon.
  1133. “You can’t be serious.”
  1135. >”While over a battlefield, the Prydwen has turned tides with ease. But most of her time is spent in transit to the next. A second will be able to more properly cover the country.”
  1136. >He’s serious.
  1137. “Well how far is construction?”
  1138. >”About eight percent of the structure is build, we’re waiting on the armaments to finish the rest. And while it’s not identical to the Prydwen, we’ve made updates to vastly improve her role in ground support, as well as reduce the continuous drain on our more scarce resources.”
  1139. >We’ve fixed the design flaws, I swear.
  1140. “Admiral…”
  1141. >”Yes?”
  1142. “You can finish this one, but no more projects of this scale unless I directly say so. Wars aren’t won by individual weapons, they’re won by armies.”
  1143. >”Doesn’t Anon count as an individual weapon?”
  1144. “Anon doesn’t tie up enough resources to equip an entire army. And just so we’re clear- the second we need the metal, this ship of yours is getting melted down.”
  1145. >”I understand.”
  1146. “Good.”
  1147. >”And for the record, she’s called the Caledfwlch.”
  1148. >Ka-led-fulch.
  1149. >Don’t want to ask how it’s spelt.
  1150. “Where did you come up with that name?”
  1151. >”Anon did.”
  1152. “Of course he did.”
  1153. >Welsh probably.
  1154. >From Arthurian legend.
  1155. >At least the names are distinct from other ships.
  1156. >”We planned bigger classes of ships, but I felt that right now it would be better to have another of the same- more or less.”
  1157. “Well, with that done- I have a much more practical solution to ground support.”
  1158. >You toss a satchel you stole from Merry Weather onto the table and pull out your sketches.
  1160. >…
  1161. >Harv has gone his own way to test his abilities.
  1162. >You even saw him asking a unicorn to hit him with magic and see what happens.
  1163. >But, you don’t really need to get the play by play of his experiments.
  1164. >Instead, you got a word in with Rusty.
  1165. “So, did you hold back?”
  1166. >”No, just didn’t expect you to be so quick. I’ll keep that in mind next time.”
  1167. “There’ll be a next time?”
  1168. >”You tell me.”
  1169. “Word of advice: if there is one, stab me in the back and not the front.”
  1170. >”Why’s that?”
  1171. “Minotaurs are strong, but easily knocked off balance. Something to keep in mind when fighting smaller opponents.”
  1172. >”And why isn’t that an issue for you?”
  1173. “Feet have more surface area, I can kick away a pony without getting too uneasy on my other foot. With a hoof though, it’s only one point on the ground. If you have to choose between fighting smart or hard, fight smart every time.”
  1174. >”So no hard feelings?”
  1175. “You were lucky the others stopped me. But no, unless there’s anything else- we’re good.”
  1176. >”Good.”
  1177. “It’s funny actually.”
  1178. >”What is?”
  1179. “The last war I fought was against everyone. Minotaurs, griffons, yaks, Saddle Arabians, Zebras, dogs, and royalist ponies. The enemies of yesterday are today’s allies.”
  1180. >”How did you even manage to win against those odds?”
  1181. “By fighting smart.”
  1183. >Rusty laughs before you offer a better answer.
  1184. “Really though, everyone has their good soldiers. The difference in war, is good officers. I spent a month of the war in a coma from wounds, but while I was out of battle, my replacements were able to hold the line and even knock couple groups out of the war. And once the Equestrian war machine was able to get in full swing, it wasn’t even a real question. When there’s a million battle hardened veterans ready to enter the field…”
  1185. >”A million?”
  1186. “With decent conscription policies, I could have tripled it.”
  1187. >”Why did things only get interesting after my time?”
  1188. “Not having fun here?”
  1189. >”Only a little bit.”
  1191. >…
  1192. >Walking through the dungeons, your hooves echo through the near empty corridors.
  1193. >Not many guards down here.
  1194. >Things are only barely lit by arrays of candles and lanterns.
  1195. >Wave really did toss him into one of the deepest holes he could find.
  1196. >When you do reach Thunder’s cell, you open the door up and step inside.
  1197. >The room is narrow, but deep.
  1198. >Halfway down are iron bars separating the entrance from the cell proper.
  1199. >On your side, only a few candles illuminate the entire room.
  1200. >Past the bars, Thunder is sitting against the corner- just staring forward.
  1201. >The guards said he was getting fed, but barely touched anything.
  1202. “Thunder?”
  1203. >He doesn’t even blink.
  1204. >You approach the bars and ask again:
  1205. “Thunder? You there?”
  1206. >At least this time he blinked.
  1207. >You reach to the keys you grabbed from the guard earlier and unlock the cell before sliding it open.
  1208. >Walking over, he still just sits there.
  1209. “Come on.”
  1210. >You reach down and pull his shoulder up.
  1211. >He stands with ease, and for a moment his eyes dart around wildly before settling back into a blank stare.
  1212. “Let’s take a walk.”
  1213. >Leading him to the hallway, he immediately turns left.
  1214. >Prompting you to grab him by the shoulder again.
  1215. “Wrong way.”
  1216. >His head jets over to look at you, then back and forth a couple times.
  1217. “You need some air.”
  1218. >For just a moment, you think his eyes actually focused before going back into whatever state he’s in.
  1219. >But, he does walk alongside as you head out of the dungeon.
  1222. >…
  1223. >Along the way, despite your attempts to speak, Thunder never responded to you.
  1224. >You did notice his gaze adjusting every now and then.
  1225. >For a moment he would pause to look down a hallway.
  1226. >Other times he stopped to listen to idle chatter.
  1227. >Someone’s still in there.
  1228. >Eventually, you reach the destination.
  1229. >You open the door in front of you, and let Thunder enter first.
  1230. >It’s his room.
  1231. “Anything coming back?”
  1232. >He has stepped over to a mirror and is staring at himself intently.
  1233. “Everything’s just like you left it. Well, I had any weapons removed, but other than that it’s all the same.”
  1234. >After a while, Thunder looks over to the door a balcony.
  1235. “Go on out.”
  1236. >Pacing over, he looks down at the handle before pulling the door open.
  1237. >There are soldiers watching in towers ready to chase if he decides to fly away.
  1238. >Getting a proper glimpse at the daylight, Thunder puts a hoof up to shield his eyes before they settle.
  1239. >As he overlooks the countryside below, you approach.
  1240. “It’s calm, isn’t it. Hopefully a better view than a dark wall.”
  1241. >No response, but you can see that his eyes are scanning the horizon.
  1242. “For what it’s worth, you made the right choice. After the siege, I was planning on bringing it up to the others, we’ve been on the defense for too long.”
  1243. >Still doesn’t provoke a reply.
  1245. “With everything we knew, it was a good plan. If it wasn’t for the…”
  1246. >You don’t think you should mention the changeling.
  1247. “What happened, you’d still have had supplies and an exit plan. Things might have went differently if…”
  1248. >You pause as Thunder turns around and walks over to his bed.
  1249. >Stepping back into the room, you close the balcony door behind you.
  1250. >The bed is still a mess.
  1251. “Like I said, just how you left it… Go on and lay down, I’ll let you get some rest.”
  1252. >He presses a hoof against the mattress before walking over into the corner of the room and sitting down on the ground.
  1253. >And then he leans against the wall, just like he was in the cell.
  1254. “Thunder, look. You walked into and out of Tartarus. If you can survive that… things are going to get better. Just give it some time.”
  1255. >Again, nothing.
  1256. >You’re probably not helping.
  1257. >But really, what can anypony do?
  1258. >Maybe he just needs to work things out himself.
  1259. >At least you can get some professionals to try.
  1260. >Either way, you could use some air.
  1261. >Turning to head back into the hallway, you open up the door.
  1262. >Behind you, you can hear Thunder speak.
  1263. >Not mutter, it’s clear.
  1264. >”He’s dead.”
  1265. “Thunder?”
  1266. >You turn back around and see him sitting still in the corner.
  1267. “Thunder!”
  1268. >Just still sitting there.
  1270. >…
  1271. >Nothing else came from Thunder.
  1272. >So, with the others seeing to other issues, you decided to spend a bit of time in the gardens getting the air you desperately needed.
  1273. >Things back in Griffonstone are probably breaking down already.
  1274. >There’s a rogue changeling on the loose.
  1275. >You can only hope you stopped command away from just bickering with each other.
  1276. >Thunder’s a complete mess.
  1277. >At this point, you’d much prefer just to be out on the battlefield.
  1278. >It’s funny…
  1279. >For most of your adult life, you enjoyed working things out in practical and political issues.
  1280. >Now it just doesn’t seem as important given the severity of the situation.
  1281. >Or maybe you’re just letting the whole ‘Princess of War’ thing go to your head.
  1282. >Most likely, you’re just frustrated.
  1283. >That’s probably it.
  1284. >You glance down the cobbled path as you hear steps coming from around the corner.
  1285. >And here you though this area of the garden was nice and secluded.
  1286. >”Oh.”
  1287. >The boy says as he sees you looking over.
  1288. >It’s Wave’s kid, Gregor.
  1289. “Can I help you?”
  1291. >”No… I was just leaving actually.”
  1292. “Don’t sound particularly enthused about it.”
  1293. >”It’s just, I wanted to help- but he doesn’t want me to.”
  1294. >You can guess who ‘he’ is.
  1295. >Teenagers…
  1296. “Look, It doesn’t seem like it, but the best way you can help is just by staying safe. Your father’s doing important work.”
  1297. >”He said the exact same thing.”
  1298. “Well look at it like this, if you did join up, he’d just go out of his way to make sure you never actually get to a battlefield. I don’t think you want to spend so much time at some low risk guard post. But, there are other ways you can help. I’m sure with so many people heading off to battle, there’s plenty of work that still needs to be done at home. Might not be an adult, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not able.”
  1299. >”I guess there are jobs in town that need an extra pair of hooves.”
  1300. “Hands.”
  1301. >”Right, sorry. I guess it’s just second nature for me to call them that.”
  1302. “Well go on then. Just stay in touch with Wave, he could use a bit of a break every now and then. Even if it’s just to read a quick letter.”
  1303. >”Will do.”
  1304. “And say ‘hi’ to everypony back in Ponyville for me.”
  1305. >”Got it.”
  1306. >The young griffon walks off, and you see his wings in the air soon after.
  1307. >And you…
  1308. >Think you’ll sit here just a little while longer.
  1310. >…
  1311. >South.
  1312. >South west.
  1313. >That way for a while.
  1314. >After, you don’t know.
  1315. >Too far.
  1316. >You tried once.
  1317. >Out of reach now, but…
  1318. >Then another chance, not for what’s gone.
  1319. >For what will follow.
  1320. >Get up.
  1321. >Look at yourself.
  1322. >There you are, in the mirror.
  1323. >Not alone.
  1324. “Hey Winter.”
  1325. >She’s there, behind you.
  1326. >Out of reach.
  1327. >Gone as you blink.
  1328. >Twice in a way.
  1329. >She wasn’t there the second time with the crystal.
  1330. >The crystal…
  1331. >That’s how you can follow, fix things.
  1332. >Not the door- too many eyes.
  1333. >Not the air- too many eyes.
  1334. >But…
  1335. >Changing of the guard.
  1336. >Eyes away for only a moment.
  1337. >Eyes away… now.
  1338. >Move.
  1339. >Jump.
  1340. >Dive.
  1341. >Hug the cliff.
  1342. >And keep moving.
  1343. >Keep moving…
  1345. >…
  1346. >After a while longer in the garden, you headed back to the palace itself.
  1347. >On your way to the meeting room, a messenger stopped you.
  1348. >”Ma’am.”
  1349. “What’s gone wrong now?”
  1350. >”I’m sorry…”
  1351. “No, it’s just a- just… what is it?”
  1352. >”I have General Wave’s weekly report from the 2nd Army, but some other officers said that he just left the Palace. When I heard you were present, I wanted to see if you’d like to take it or should I just send it Lancer’s way.”
  1353. “Wait, where did Wave go?”
  1354. >”I don’t know. Somepony said he left in a hurry.”
  1355. >Well that’s just…
  1356. >Something else HAS gone horribly-
  1357. >The floor trembles a bit as the boom of an explosion echoes through the hallways.
  1358. >Just-
  1359. “DAMNIT!”
  1360. >Life doesn’t get to go horribly wrong right as you think about it.
  1361. >The one consolation is that the building is still standing.
  1362. >The explosion was far too small to be a pit emerging.
  1363. >But it still leaves you running towards the source.
  1364. >…
  1365. >From your best guess, and the soldiers rushing around, you found the room that went up.
  1366. >The meeting room.
  1367. >As you force your way through the crowd of responding ponies, you see Offense leaning against the wall outside the doors.
  1368. >He’s batting away medics.
  1369. >”Get to Lancer!”
  1370. >Offense… doesn’t look good.
  1372. >His left wing is shredded and burnt, you can’t tell if it could properly heal.
  1373. >And his front left hoof doesn’t look much better- pretty torn by shrapnel.
  1374. >Overall, he’s covered with wooden splinters.
  1375. >And his left eye has been reduced to a bloody pulp; you’re certain there’s no fixing it.
  1376. >Then, a medic pushes you back as he exits the room.
  1377. >A stretcher then follows him being levitated by a unicorn.
  1378. >Lancer is atop it.
  1379. >His lower torso is peppered with blood, a large chunk of wood is sticking out of him.
  1380. >And his eyes aren’t open.
  1381. >You stare as he’s taken through the crowd and down the hallway.
  1382. >What in the name of-
  1383. >”Ma’am!”
  1384. >Offense yells over to you.
  1385. >You shoot attention back to him.
  1386. “What the hell is going on!”
  1387. >”We were seeing some officers. Lancer and I stepped aside to get some coffee, then the table just-“
  1388. >He coughs up some blood.
  1389. “Medics!”
  1390. >You don’t care what he says, he needs help.
  1391. >Offense tries to say something, but nothing coherent comes out.
  1392. >Medics start to take him away as you look to the meeting room, where a single soldier walks out.
  1393. >He just shakes his head.
  1394. >You peer inside as you approach.
  1395. >The table is virtually gone, shattered almost entirely.
  1396. >Then there are the bodies.
  1397. >Mid ranked officers.
  1398. >Severed limbs, broken horns, scattered hair and feathers from pegasi wings.
  1399. >All mixed in with shreds of paper and the remnants of the table.
  1400. >And there.
  1401. >That’s Captain Crop.
  1402. >Only the front half of him though…
  1403. >He was the first officer you met after arriving at Fort Expanse.
  1404. >Just when all of this started.
  1405. >What are you going to tell his family.
  1406. >You don’t even know if he has a family…
  1407. >That’s-
  1408. >You hear commotion coming from back down the hall.
  1409. >More commotion, that is.
  1411. >…
  1412. >You force your way through the crowd, and into the doorway that’s open.
  1413. >It’s the back entrance to the throne room.
  1414. >You then glance back to the aides and soldiers just standing around.
  1415. “Quit gawking ponies!”
  1416. >Flapping your wings, you flutter around to stand next to the throne itself, looking down on the scene below.
  1417. >A couple dozen bodies, some from the soldiers on duty, others unarmored but with weapons still next to them.
  1418. >You can see four unarmored ponies kill the last guard standing
  1419. >One of them notices you, then yells to the others:
  1420. >”There she is!”
  1421. >While they’re far off, you can still distinctly make out the ‘II’ brands on their faces.
  1422. >Old Royal Guards who refused reintegration into the military.
  1423. >A few dozen got moved over into the Palace’s dungeons.
  1424. >Meaning they either broke out with impeccable timing, or they were let out.
  1425. >Either way, you’ve had too much of this today.
  1426. >The sole pegasi among the four flaps his wings and starts flying towards you with a bloody sword in hoof.
  1427. >Far too much.
  1428. >You don’t focus your anger- your anger focuses you.
  1429. >A magical aura surrounds the pegasi as it slams to a halt midair.
  1430. >His wings then start to curl backwards, against the direction bone joints naturally fall.
  1431. >Afterwards, the pegasi slams against the floor face first- his body then is pulled back over his head as spinal cords break from the stress.
  1432. >You descend the steps as the pegasi goes limp, the remaining three visibly terrified.
  1433. >One of them lights up before being slammed to the left.
  1434. >Bones break before the wall does as the body is sent through the solid stone.
  1436. >The next earth pony has his sword ripped from his hoof, and the weapon finds its way into yours.
  1437. >As you continue to move forward, the pony is dragged towards you.
  1438. >When he’s close, you thrust the sword up into his body.
  1439. >Letting go of the blade and allowing the pony to fall, you keep walking.
  1440. >The last Royal Guard is thrown into the air, his spear ripped from grasp via magic.
  1441. >The spear then plants against the ground, tip pointed up towards the pony.
  1442. >Said pony then begins to yell:
  1443. >”I surrender! I surrender!”
  1444. >You look back to the soldiers who have entered the throne room behind you.
  1445. “Secure the palace. Top priority is making sure Celestia and Luna aren’t freed, I’ll see to that personally.”
  1446. >One of the Old Guard looks up to the last Royalist in the room.
  1447. “No survivors.”
  1448. >You release the pony and let it impale against the spear.
  1450. >…
  1451. >By the time you reached the wing of the dungeons that house the Princesses, only bodies remained.
  1452. >A dozen Royals tried to break them free, but the soldiers guarding that section were some of the most experienced warriors in the Old Guard.
  1453. >They made quick work of the attack without suffering a single injury.
  1454. >After about an hour, you were confident that the Palace had been secured.
  1455. >So with unicorns currently screening for changelings, you held the lockdown.
  1456. >With the meeting room and throne room… out of operation, you summoned the rest of command to the lounge.
  1457. >And command currently consists of only Brairheart, Tiara, and yourself.
  1458. >Then thanks to the bomb, over a third of the trusted and proven officers from the Palace staff are dead.
  1459. “So… how are Lancer and Offense doing?”
  1460. >You look to Brairheart, who just came from the medical facilities.
  1461. >”Offense is beaten up. He only just passed out from the pain and sedatives. The odds look about even if he’ll ever be able to fly again, at the very least he’s grounded for months. But his eye? Well, there wasn’t anything left to save.”
  1462. “Lancer?”
  1463. >”I… it’s bad. They had to put him into an induced coma to even have a chance.”
  1464. “And how did this happen?”
  1465. >You glance over to Tiara.
  1466. >”Port’s still looking into it, so I haven’t been able to get a proper timeline in yet, but I have a good guess.”
  1468. “Go ahead.”
  1469. >”The bomb and escape were clearly coordinated together. At some point a small timed explosive was placed in the meeting room, the explosive experts think it was attached to the bottom of the table at the center. Seeing as the entrance is constantly watched, the bomb was placed either by somepony with access, or a Changeling posing as one with access.”
  1470. “And the escape?”
  1471. >”A couple soldiers in the dungeons noted that changing of the guard was either late or failed to come at all. We also found several bodies of guards that had been hidden in cells formerly occupied by the Royal Guards. Those who were freed were able to arm themselves and release the others that participated in the attack. And the attack itself had two focuses. The first was to free the other Princesses, and the other group went towards the throne and meeting room- most likely trying to eliminate other high ranked officers.”
  1472. >You…
  1473. “When I went to get Thunder, I noticed that the dungeon seemed pretty quiet. I thought that was always how that wing was staffed.”
  1474. >Brairheart then speaks:
  1475. >”You were lucky none of them tried to attack you.”
  1476. “No, it would have been lucky if they did. Then all this might have been avoided.”
  1477. >Anyway.
  1478. “But, there’s more to it. When I took him out of the cell, Thunder tried to go deeper into the dungeon… then in the hallways, he would stop to listen or look at ponies along the way. I though he was just out of it, but what if he knew something was wrong? And that was the best way he could tell me?”
  1479. >Tiara then counters:
  1481. >”I think you’re looking too far into it.”
  1482. “No, he only said one thing to me… ‘He’s dead.’ I thought it was metaphorical, that Thunder thought he was too far gone. What if ‘he’ is Wave?”
  1483. >They know that Wave left abruptly, and word has been sent out to bring him in.
  1484. >Brairheart then speaks up:
  1485. >”If there’s one pony I’d trust never to be taken off guard by a changeling, or any assassin for that matter, it’s Red.”
  1486. “Then explain why he’s gone. And why he left without a single word to anypony…”
  1487. >”I… can’t give you an answer to that.”
  1488. “Right now there are only two possibilities. Either this Night changeling infiltrated the Palace, or one of our own did it. I don’t know if everypony with access to the meeting room has an alibi, but Wave was certainly in a rush to leave just before the bomb went off.”
  1489. >”Wave wouldn’t do that. Not to Lancer.”
  1490. “Either way, with three Generals out, we need to settle the chain of command. For the time being, you’ll be taking over military logistics and intelligence. Tiara, you’ll be running infrastructure and civilian matters. Send word to recall Arrow, he’ll be overseeing troop deployments and strategy until Offense gets back on his hooves.”
  1491. >Tiara then asks:
  1492. >“What about you?”
  1494. “After I deal with the griffons, I’ll be overseeing the frontlines.”
  1495. >You then look over to Brairheart:
  1496. “Send word throughout the ranks and vital industries to start regular screenings for changelings. Even if it wasn’t Night, he’s still out there.”
  1497. >”Understood.”
  1498. “And Admiral?”
  1499. >”Yes?”
  1500. “Any help Lancer needs, he gets.”
  1501. >”I know.”
  1502. “Now… let’s pick up the pieces. Our men deserve their burials. I just wish their families had the consolation that they died for… something.”
  1503. >Right now, thirty-seven of your men are dead.
  1504. >But Lancer and a couple others are in critical condition.
  1505. “I… I’m going to see Thunder. Maybe he has something more to say.”
  1506. >…
  1507. >You enter into Thunder’s room.
  1508. “Thunder? I knocked, but didn’t expect a… response…”
  1509. >Where is he?
  1510. “Thunder…”
  1511. >After checking every conceivable hiding spot, your fears are confirmed.
  1512. >He’s gone.
  1513. >Enraged, you punch the nearest object- in this case a mirror.
  1514. >Was that even Thunder you led to the room?
  1515. >Your shattered reflection doesn’t give a response.
  1517. >…
  1518. >According to the scouts, you’re reaching the end of the plains.
  1519. >That was reinforced by Harvey’s word, although it being Harvey…
  1520. >What really sold you was seeing the mountains in the distance.
  1521. >Another day, maybe two, and you’ll leave the plains and riverside forest behind.
  1522. >That allows you to focus on the future.
  1523. >Your plans to start from scratch with the group could go much smoother now that Harvey has his own body.
  1524. >From his testing, he can conjure phantoms and images with ease.
  1525. >Pure magic outbursts are simple for him as well.
  1526. >So, if you need damage- he can cover it.
  1527. >But, his power is limited.
  1528. >Harvey’s ‘body’ is pure energy, absorbed from the jeep’s explosion.
  1529. >Once that energy is gone, so is he.
  1530. >His experiments with the unicorns indicate that he can absorb other forms of arcane energy, but the strongest unicorns you have can’t come close to the sheer force of the engine’s blast.
  1531. >Harvey is, in essence, a limited resource.
  1532. >Conjuring matter from energy is difficult for him, but he can repurpose matter with a certain degree of ease.
  1533. >Levitation and short range teleportation of himself are also easy.
  1534. >Overall, his abilities provide a decent tactical advantage, but no real strategic one.
  1535. >And in a small handful of moments, he should be able to fully neutralize most physical threats you encounter.
  1536. >Really it’s thanks to Twilight that you even understood a quarter of what he told you about his status.
  1537. >It’s hard to tell if he’s better off in his own body, but you think it will work out as a net positive.
  1538. >Harv has indicated that he might be able to sap power off of any of the other engines powered by ‘sunshine and rainbows’ that Discord left in your path, so that might drastically shift his potential.
  1540. >But as of right now, you’re just happy to have your mind to yourself.
  1541. >When he was in your brain…
  1542. >Well, there’s no other way to say it.
  1543. >You were on a power trip.
  1544. >Sure, before he was in your head, you might have been a bit prideful.
  1545. >But- those moments of hubris were usually to threaten foes or reinforce your own mentality before a battle.
  1546. >Sure, you enjoyed some of his antics.
  1547. >And speaking plainly to someone who properly understood your world was a nice change of pace.
  1548. >But having Harvey’s presence influence your mind…
  1549. >It was like a taint on your soul itself.
  1550. >Honestly, you’re a bit worried for Harvey.
  1551. >Because it seems like he took Discord’s crazy and your own trip down his rabbit hole with him.
  1552. >One moment he’ll be honest and straight forward, but the next he’ll be worse than Discord with his mannerisms.
  1553. >At least his bouts of ‘crazy’ are fairly harmless.
  1554. >Still, you need to keep an eye on him.
  1555. >Just in case.
  1556. >”Anon?”
  1557. >You look over to the unicorn.
  1558. >Grassy Fields.
  1559. >The medic from Shining’s group.
  1560. “Yes?”
  1561. >It’s dark now.
  1562. >If there was a problem, a scout would be yelling at you.
  1563. >”So… are we going to get to Equestria?”
  1564. “I intend to get you all back home. If that’s possible? I’m honestly not sure.”
  1565. >”Right, you said you were doing this all for… Flurry?”
  1567. “She’s… the closest family I have. The closest thing to a child I can have. I won’t throw any of your lives away, but I’ll put my own out there for her. If it comes down to it, I stand by what I said: I’ll go on alone and Harvey can focus on getting you lot back.”
  1568. >”Would you really let yourself die for it?”
  1569. “If I knew it would protect her- in a heartbeat. You knew Shining and how much he valued his family. He entrusted her to me. She’s his kid, but my daughter- and I won’t let her down. Think about your closest and most loved family- wouldn’t you do the same?”
  1570. >”I… I think I would. I hope I could, at least.”
  1571. “Sorry, I’m sure someone is still back home for you. It’s been a couple decades, but they’ll still remember you.”
  1572. >”I’m not so sure. But it’s nice to hope.”
  1573. “Then hold onto that hope.”
  1574. >”I’ll try to.”
  1576. >…
  1577. >Nothing else has crashed to the ground.
  1578. >Yet.
  1579. >After all the investigations, it seems like Tiara’s guess at the timeline was correct.
  1580. >Only question left is if Wave betrayed you, or was replaced by the Changeling.
  1581. >Either way, you’ll need at least one pony to be promoted to high command.
  1582. >Thankfully, most of the colonels are ready to jump up to general if called.
  1583. >You’ll let Brairheart narrow down a short list for now.
  1584. >After you deal with the griffons, you’ll make the decision.
  1585. >Brairheart himself is struggling with his new position.
  1586. >There’s a lot of work to be done.
  1587. >But, Tiara is thriving in her new position.
  1588. >She has been excelling at coordinating civilian matters.
  1589. >You might just keep her on that position when Lancer gets back on his hooves.
  1590. >Which you’re happy to say he’ll probably recover.
  1591. >He’s not completely out of the woods, but he’s doing better than expected.
  1592. >Right now, you can only thank Anon.
  1593. >He made sure that the best were at command level, but everypony below them were almost just as qualified.
  1594. >Soldiers win battles, but officers win wars.
  1595. >And your officers are ready to win those wars.
  1596. >You’re still unsure who will perform the best under the current circumstances, but at least one of them should do.
  1597. >Tomorrow you’ll head back to Griffonstone.
  1598. >But, before you could leave the lounge- which is still the defacto meeting room- an Old Guard soldier entered.
  1599. >He placed a large bag infront of you.
  1600. >”Ma’am… Anon had me make this. He insisted that one was enough, but given the circumstances…”
  1601. “Well, let’s see what-“
  1602. >You recognize the item he brought to you.
  1603. “Is that a panzerfaust?”
  1605. >…
  1606. “Alright, look Sergeant.”
  1607. >”I’m a Corporal.”
  1608. “Not anymore. Anyway, I’ll take twenty thousand.”
  1609. >”Thousand!”
  1610. “Actually, make it fifty. No, just get as many out as possible. Full mass production.”
  1611. >”You did hear that Anon DIDN’T want that.”
  1612. “Hold on, you did this with just a description?”
  1613. >”Well, yes. But-“
  1614. “Alright. Now stay with me…”
  1615. >…
  1616. >”Ma’am, I’m out of my depth here.”
  1617. “Can it be done!”
  1618. >”Theoretically, yes.”
  1619. “Then head to Brairheart. I’ll take twenty for the first run.”
  1620. >”First?”
  1621. “Yeah, that should work. Do whatever trials to get to the final vision, but once it’s ready- go ahead.”
  1622. >”Are you sure that you want to change things so radically?”
  1623. “We have quantity, we have quality. What we need is complete and utter supremacy on the field. Tartarus attacks shouldn’t last weeks, they should be dealt with in days.”
  1624. >Also…
  1625. “And, I’m done with playing around. The Equestrian war machine can and will achieve much more.”
  1626. >Because at this point, you don’t care if Brairheart gets to smugly say you’re being hypocritical.
  1628. >…
  1629. >You keep watch in the night.
  1630. >The forest was still.
  1631. >A part of you expected a large host of the tribals.
  1632. >Thousands of spear wielding warriors chanting in an unknown language.
  1633. >Met only with a motley crew of soldiers and explorers, resounding with a chorus of Men of Harlech.
  1634. >Once the songs died down, you would shoot your rifle into the air.
  1635. >If they accepted a parlay, you would have the Professor accompany you.
  1636. >Once he understood their tongue, you would be forced to rely on a bluff.
  1637. >That if they attacked, you would personally slaughter the entire force.
  1638. >If they did attack right of the bat, you would stand firm with your men.
  1639. >Have Harv conjure images of other humans- a legion of men to stand against the horde.
  1640. >Praying that they decide to break before lines met.
  1641. >And if they didn’t break, you’d fight as long as your rejuvenated body would allow.
  1642. >But no.
  1643. >Your immense moment of glory seems to have been lost.
  1644. >The locals are either too afraid to venture far outside of their forest, or decided your previous showing was too great to overcome.
  1645. >That’s good though.
  1646. >At the very least it saves your new knees from aching a second time.
  1647. >Unfortunately, it means your watch on the Rhine is for naught.
  1648. >Must be two or three in the morning.
  1649. >Should get a bit of rest.
  1650. >Might as well kick Rusty awake to take over your shift.
  1652. >…
  1653. >Another day, another ride on a private train.
  1654. >When you arrived in Canterlot, you were taken aback by how divided Command was.
  1655. >You left Command with only two ponies ready to serve.
  1656. >And as you left the city, for the first time in your life, you declined to comment to civilian reporters.
  1657. >You just walked along.
  1658. >For the first time in your life, you didn’t care about opinion.
  1659. >In a frightening way, you understood what Celestia did while under the influence of the parasite.
  1660. >But you’re free of the parasite.
  1661. >If you weren’t, then you’d be fully under its control right now.
  1662. >And your mind is your own.
  1663. >Then again, surely Celestia would have said the same…
  1664. >But, if you can’t trust your own instincts, then…
  1665. >Let’s not go there.
  1666. >Not right now.
  1667. >There’s too much at stake to second guess yourself.
  1668. >Even then-
  1669. >”Hey.”
  1670. >You look over to Lieutenant Sunshine.
  1671. “Hey.”
  1672. >”You doing okay?”
  1673. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
  1674. >”Well, you haven’t spoken to any of us for-“
  1675. “I’m fine.”
  1676. >Autumn then butts in:
  1677. >”That’s what ponies say when they don’t have anything better.”
  1679. “Well, of the notable people who won the war and put me on the throne: only one of them isn’t dead, lost overseas, mortally wounded, or possibly a traitor.”
  1680. >No, Arrow is still out there serving.
  1681. “Sorry, not one, two. Either way, after all that fighting we’re still nowhere near a real peace. Every single time it feels like real progress is made, it gets ripped away. Always a circle of unending warfare.”
  1682. >”Well, I’ve been around a bit longer than you have. Your first big loss, not in a battle, but losing the soldiers you’ve been serving with. It doesn’t get much easier, but if we don’t keep fighting then there won’t be peace. Not one worth living in.”
  1683. “Yeah…”
  1684. >The thing that scares you, is that you have no idea what to do in peace.
  1685. >How do you steer Equestria after being in a state of total war for decades.
  1686. >An entire generation has been born with ponies specializing in warfare, whereas previously only a few would be born to be royal guards.
  1687. >The state doesn’t have a military at this point.
  1688. >The military has a state.
  1689. >Literally.
  1690. >You lead a junta.
  1692. >…
  1693. >The next day, the riverside forest finally ended.
  1694. >And the plains have way to light woods that lead up to the mountains.
  1695. >You watch as a pair of unicorns finish cutting through the trunk of a tree with their magic.
  1696. >The oak creaks as it starts to fall.
  1697. >A moment later, the trunk thuds against the ground.
  1698. “Alright boys, get at it.”
  1699. >While more of your unicorns approach, they start to cut the wood into useable parts.
  1700. >First up is making carts.
  1701. >Need to bring resources along with you.
  1702. >While they work their magic, you head over to Grassy Fields.
  1703. >You’ve given her your bag of ammo.
  1704. >She’s been taking bullets out of the near limitless supply, and breaking them apart.
  1705. >Mainly for the brass shells.
  1706. >Harvey then takes the brass, and molds the raw material into nails and bands.
  1707. >The various bindings you’ll need to put everything together.
  1708. “How are we doing over here?”
  1709. >Fields responds first:
  1710. >”Are you sure this is safe?”
  1711. “You might want to keep the bullets a bit further away when you’re breaking them down.”
  1712. >The one held in her levitation field flies a good four feet further away.
  1713. >Harv then complains:
  1714. >”How much more tedium?”
  1715. “Would you rather snap a few carts into existence? Maybe a couple jeeps while you’re at it.”
  1716. >He groans, but doesn’t comment further.
  1717. >You then hear Rusty yell over to you:
  1718. >”Anon!”
  1719. >You leave the manual labor, and head over to meet him.
  1721. “Have the squad ready?”
  1722. >”You, me, a couple minotaurs, couple unicorns, and a couple griffons.”
  1723. “Alright, let’s head out sooner rather than later. Still plenty of daylight left.”
  1724. >Glancing back to Harvey, you yell over to him:
  1725. “Hold down the fort!”
  1726. >”Yes mother.”
  1727. >While the rest hold down base camp, you’ll be headed to the mountains.
  1728. >Need to look for other metals.
  1729. >Some to bring back immediately, but also to scout for other usable resources.
  1730. >Harvey can’t just will things into existence easily, but he can work with what you give him.
  1731. >You’re only taking so few men, because you have to leave the canteen with the group.
  1732. >And you only have enough water skins in your backpack to take a small squad away for a while.
  1733. >Need be, the griffons can get some clouds and refill them.
  1734. >Out there, the small numbers should help you avoid dangers.
  1735. >Back here, the numbers and Harvey’s power should be able to deal with any threat.
  1737. >…
  1738. >You have overwhelming support.
  1739. >But you need more.
  1740. >Something to unify the people.
  1741. >The ethos of your new state.
  1742. >A unified flag, a new anthem.
  1743. >You can think of the latter.
  1744. >Based on Anon’s lullabies, no less:
  1745. >’Here’s the story of Equestria’
  1746. >’A land both fair and great’
  1747. >’Out of our great conflict, an independent state’
  1748. >’This was much against the wishes of certain governments’
  1749. >’Whose leaders try to break us down and make us all repent’
  1750. >’But we’re all Equestrians, and we’ll fight through thick and thin’
  1751. >’We’ll keep our land a free land, stop the enemy coming in’
  1752. >’We’ll keep them out of all our hometowns, till all our blood’s run dry’
  1753. >’And this mighty land will prosper’
  1754. >’For Equestrian’s never die’
  1755. >You catch up with writing as a brief instrumental takes over.
  1756. >’They can send their men to murder, and they can shout their words of hate’
  1757. >’But the cost of keeping this land free can never be to great’
  1758. >’For our men and boys are fighting for the things that they hold dear’
  1759. >’And this land and all its people will never disappear’
  1760. >’Because we’re all Equestrians and we’ll fight through thick and thin’
  1761. >’We’ll keep out land a free land, stop the enemy coming in’
  1762. >We’ll keep them out of all our hometowns, till all our blood’s run dry’
  1763. >’And this mighty land will prosper’
  1764. >’For Equestrian’s never die’
  1765. >Bit longer instrumental.
  1767. >’We’ll preserve our great nation, for our children’s children too’
  1768. >’Once you’re an Equestrian, no other land will do’
  1769. >’We will stand tall in the sunshine, with the truth upon our side’
  1770. >’And if we have to go alone, we’ll go alone with pride’
  1771. >’Because we’re all Equestrians and we’ll fight through thick and thin’
  1772. >’We’ll keep our land a free land, stop the enemy coming in’
  1773. >’We’ll keep them out of all our hometowns, till all our blood’s run dry’
  1774. >’And this mighty land will prosper’
  1775. >’For Equestrians never die.’
  1776. >Short instrumental for the final bit.
  1777. >’Yes, we’re all Equestrians, and we’ll fight through thick and thin’
  1778. >’We’ll keep our land a free land, stop the enemy coming in’
  1779. >’We’ll keep them out of all our hometowns, till all our blood’s run dry’
  1780. >’And this mighty land will prosper’
  1781. >’For Equestrians never die’
  1782. >Last pause for stings before the last repeat.
  1783. >’Because, we’re all Equestrians, and we’ll fight through thick and thin’
  1784. >’We’ll keep our land a free land, stop the enemy coming in’
  1785. >’We’ll keep them out of all our hometowns, till all our blood’s run dry’
  1786. >’And this mighty land will prosper’
  1787. >’For Equestrians never die’
  1788. >And that’s it.
  1789. >Some would say it’s too simple.
  1790. >Lacking grand orchestral overtones.
  1791. >But that’s the point.
  1792. >It’s not about inspiring some batch of aristocrats.
  1793. >The remaining aristocrats have been pushed in line.
  1794. >Opposing ones were dealt with by Anon.
  1795. >Now, the military is the ruling class.
  1796. >You need something to bring together all common ponies.
  1798. >But a simple song is not what will unite the people.
  1799. >What it stands for might.
  1800. >For years, all of Equestrian society has been building up to total and complete mobilization.
  1801. >This will be your finest hour.
  1802. >No.
  1803. >It won’t.
  1804. >Equestria’s finest hour will come once she stands up from this ‘apocalypse’ strong and unified, shaken but never broken.
  1805. >Right now: the minotaurs are full allies, the Saddle Arabians are amenable, the dogs are subdued, and the griffons are in their own talks.
  1806. >While the minotaurs think this is the end of days, you see a beginning.
  1807. >Best Tartarus, and Equestria will never quake again.
  1808. >You just have to best Tartarus.
  1809. >And that’s the problem.
  1810. >Even if each and every battle can be won, how do you win the war?
  1811. >In any encounter, overwhelming quantity or quality can overcome Tartarus.
  1812. >But they just keep coming.
  1813. >No end to the waves of creatures.
  1814. >Countless thousands, and if Thunder succeeded, would it effect anything.
  1815. >Even if you could strike at their breeding grounds, would it make a dent to their numbers?
  1816. >When so many of the beasts are waiting.
  1818. >…
  1819. >Well, you had to scare off some animals with gunshots.
  1820. >But otherwise, the expedition was pretty successful.
  1821. >You were able to find some veins of copper, tin, and iron.
  1822. >Copper and tin make bronze, which is definitely better than rock.
  1823. >Not much iron, but you might find more further in the mountains.
  1824. >Either way, you had the boys lug a good bit of each metal back to camp.
  1825. >And as you return, you don’t bother waking most of the troops.
  1826. >They’ve been working all day, and deserve their sleep.
  1827. >After meeting the forward scouts, you walk among the camp.
  1828. >Heading over to where you left Harvey, you meet Fields.
  1829. >”Anon!”
  1830. “What are you still doing up?”
  1831. >She was working most of the day.
  1832. >”Couldn’t sleep.”
  1833. “Well, where’s Harvey?”
  1834. >”Over there.”
  1835. >She points over to a tree stump.
  1836. >Harvey is sitting on the ground, leaning against it.
  1837. >”He was feeling tired. Wanted to get some rest.”
  1838. >Harv shouldn’t need sleep.
  1839. >He doesn’t even have a physical body, just a magical one he’s made to reflect the world around him.
  1841. >Without responding to Fields, you pace over to Harv.
  1842. “Lazy bastard. Time to get up.”
  1843. >He just sits there.
  1844. “Come on Harv.”
  1845. >Nothing.
  1846. “Harv?”
  1847. >Still nothing.
  1848. >You give him a hefty kick to the kidney.
  1849. >He slumps over, but keeps snoring.
  1850. “Harv!”
  1851. >Fields then speaks to you, having followed you over:
  1852. >”Anon!”
  1853. >You glance over to the nearby ponies.
  1854. >They should have been woken up by the commotion.
  1855. >You can pick out Artic Breeze, one of the closest ponies.
  1856. “Hey Breeze!”
  1857. >He keeps snoring as well.
  1858. “BREEZE!”
  1859. >Nothing.
  1860. >Fields then insists:
  1861. >”Anon!”
  1862. >Shit.
  1863. >You unsling the rifle, point it to the sky and fire off a round.
  1864. >The crack is loud, extremely loud.
  1865. >But while the troops that were still up scramble to their hooves, none of the sleepers wake up from the noise.
  1866. >You leave for less than a day…
  1867. “Everyone on me! Get the scouts in here as well!”
  1868. >”Anon!”
  1869. >Finally, you respond to Fields:
  1870. “Stay awake. Without Harv, you’re the closest thing to a magical expert I have.”
  1871. >”What’s going on?”
  1872. >You cycle the bolt and fire off another round.
  1873. >”That’s… loud!”
  1874. “You tell me what’s wrong. Because it should have woken up someone.”
  1876. >…
  1877. >After the last rail stop to Griffon territory, you had to move by hoof.
  1878. >And as you approached the capitol, Ambassador Blunt Force met you at the gates.
  1879. >”Princess.”
  1880. >You wave at the ponies and griffons welcoming you back before focusing on Force.
  1881. “Don’t you have better things to oversee than the gate?”
  1882. >”They’re…”
  1883. “How bad is it?”
  1884. >”I can’t just punch them to solve problems.”
  1885. >How very minotaur.
  1886. “How. Bad.”
  1887. >”Get three griffons in a room with potential for personal benefit, and they have twelve opinions. And I thought my family was…”
  1888. “I asked a question.”
  1889. >”It’s… bad.”
  1890. >Of course it is.
  1891. “Ambassador?”
  1892. >”Yes?”
  1893. “Your people fully support the war effort, right?”
  1894. >”Completely.”
  1895. “Good. Now where’s the convention taking place?”
  1896. >”In an open air theater. High class, near the palace.”
  1897. “Lead the way.”
  1898. >”What are you-“
  1899. “Ending this.”
  1901. >…
  1902. >With the sun up, you start to inspect some of the bodies in the daylight.
  1903. >Only a few dozen people aren’t asleep right now.
  1904. >And those who are had spent their previous day exerting themselves.
  1905. >Most of them are just trying to keep each other awake.
  1906. >In the night, you were able to check out all of the sleepers.
  1907. >They seem fine, just catatonic.
  1908. >Breathing just fine, some are even snoring.
  1909. >As you kneel over Breeze, you pull his eyelid open.
  1910. >Nothing.
  1911. >You let it fall back down as you look for any injuries or bruises on his head and neck.
  1912. >Again, it doesn’t look like he was hit or bitten by anything.
  1913. >Maybe something in the food the people have been eating.
  1914. >Hannibal is awake right now, and you saw him sleep last night.
  1915. >So if wildlife isn’t affected by something in the grass, some chemical in it could trace up the food chain into what the griffons have been eating.
  1916. >But no one seems to feel any different.
  1917. >Right now, you’re leaning towards a more magical possibility.
  1918. >Fields and the other unicorns are looking at the sleepers and those who are still awake.
  1919. >Hopefully one of them will be able to gather something about the situation.
  1920. >Because this is out of your field of expertise.
  1922. >…
  1923. >After giving your orders to the local pegasi posted in Griffonstone, you continued on your way to the meeting place.
  1924. >Blunt Force decided to question as he waves over his guards to join you.
  1925. >”Are you sure this is how you want to play things?”
  1926. >He thinks you’re completely mad.
  1927. “Oh, you have no idea what I’m planning.”
  1928. >”Is that… bad?”
  1929. “I’m not fighting a battle, I’m not winning a war. Right now? This is the creation of a future.”
  1930. >”Sure you haven’t gone mad?”
  1931. “Do you really think this is the apocalypse?”
  1932. >”The Sundering? I thought it was just old legend, but seeing those things up close made me believe it in full.”
  1933. “Well I’m not waiting for your savior to come and save our hides. Civilization will march into a new golden age, or cease to exist.”
  1934. >”And you’ll lead it?”
  1935. “Equestria lives, and marches on.”
  1936. >”Big words.”
  1937. “If Anon was Caesar, that makes me Augustus.”
  1938. >”What does that even mean?”
  1939. “It means that everything that’s happened in this year is just the start.”
  1940. >”I’m not sure if I’m terrified or exhilarated.”
  1941. “Just hold on tight.”
  1942. >You arrive at the meeting place.
  1943. >A large wooden theater, four stories tall- almost as big as the royal palace in Griffonstone.
  1944. >There are eight or nine side to it, one wall being reserved for the staff and actors, the others being stands.
  1945. >You saw a show or two as a child, when the griffons were allies.
  1946. >Anon said something about it being like a globe, but bigger.
  1947. >Whatever that meant, it’s time to take the stage.
  1949. >…
  1950. >Suffering is your life.
  1951. >All of your life is suffering.
  1952. >Not all…
  1953. >Just the important parts.
  1954. >The meaningful portions.
  1955. >But where does relief from suffering come from?
  1956. >Death perhaps.
  1957. >But somewhere, you can feel that it isn’t the way.
  1958. >Without suffering, what purpose is there in life?
  1959. >What value?
  1960. >Is there any point to existence without struggle?
  1961. >Suffering, struggle, conflict.
  1962. >Could that be the essence of life?
  1963. >No…
  1964. >Overcoming suffering, enduring struggle, surviving conflict.
  1965. >The journey and destination in equal balance.
  1966. >That is the truth of life- your existence.
  1967. >But how do you-
  1968. >You set down onto the ground.
  1969. >In the cool mountain peaks, standing before the mouth of a familiar cave.
  1970. >Stepping into the opening, you enter the darkness.
  1971. >And walk.
  1972. >Until darkness begins to give way to a familiar aura.
  1973. >An ancient resonance calling you forward.
  1974. >For another meeting.
  1975. >Another joining.
  1976. >Between you and…
  1977. >Everything.
  1979. >…
  1980. >You hold back, just out of sight, to listen to the griffons bicker.
  1981. >”Crown a king, now!”
  1982. >”We have a King! Held by ponies and their puppets!”
  1983. >”Let us rule ourselves. No griffon shall be slaves to-“
  1984. >”Break the chains!”
  1985. >There’s then a chorus of unintelligible shouting before a griffon yells:
  1986. >”Order! I said ORDER!”
  1987. >After the crowd silences, another one then half-jokes:
  1988. >”Well if that last minute wasn’t the best argument for military rule, I don’t know what is!”
  1989. >A short outburst of laughter quickly descends into screaming.
  1990. >Well, now’s as good a time as any.
  1991. >As you step out, in view of the multiple layers of stands, the griffons quickly go silent.
  1992. >There are a handful of griffons on the floor, acting Commander Galix is one of them.
  1993. >The other are probably spokesmen for their own factions.
  1994. >You don’t really care- all eyes are on you.
  1995. “Well, you all had so much to say a second ago!”
  1996. >They stay silent.
  1997. “Now, how you decide to live your lives is up to you. I’m here to put forward two of my own ideas. What I want, and what I think you should do.”
  1998. >First.
  1999. “Moving forward, through this crisis and into the future, I want Equestria and her neighbors to move past our conflicts of the last decade.”
  2000. >Hundreds of griffons ready to speak to all of their allies and coalitions look to you.
  2001. “The minotaurs have allied to Equestria, and relations have thawed with Saddle Arabia. I propose that our peoples, and the griffons form an economic and military axis. The Equestrian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Because time and time again, Equestria has proven that she can and will defeat all of her neighbors if pressed.”
  2003. >But.
  2004. “However, mere conquest is not the path to continuing prosperity. The time for war between our peoples is over- let us join together and look outwards. Once Tartarus is defeated, no longer will we look inwards to conflict. Instead, we will push out to explore this largely uncharted world.”
  2005. >The griffons specifically.
  2006. “Your people and my own have fought and died over our border territory. All while swathes of land to our west remain in shadows. Why should we fight while there are nation’s worth of unsettled land just on our doorstep? To each and every griffon in this room, I ask: why die for Vanhoover while there are untapped riches to our west?”
  2007. >Then there’s the other point.
  2008. “Right now, the Griffons are at a crossroads. I am offering to be your friend, and you do not wish to be my enemy. From recent wars with Equestria, you’ve gotten off lightly. If you ally with us, I will value your safety as if it was Equestrian heartland- and the might of Equestria will fight alongside you. If you remain neutral, I will respect that and leave you be. But if you endanger my people again, I will not relent.”
  2009. >What should they do?
  2010. “Now, you have a decision to make. Queen Gilda led your people to prosperity, but her heir doomed your nation. You could release the child and his cronies- letting them once again lead your people to doom. You could crown another sycophant and let them lead you to doom- if you are all very lucky, they’ll just fill their own pockets at your expense.”
  2012. >After monarchy.
  2013. “You could attempt to form a republic with no history of representation- merely hoping that it does not dive into corruption. You could abolish the state entirely- and live in anarchy. You could let the military rule- and hope that the griffon at top and their officers have your people’s best interests in mind.”
  2014. >The Equestrian example.
  2015. “In my nation, the military rules above local authorities. Anonymous and myself have made sure that command and the officers are those who will best suit the state. While most of your officers have been purged by the old king or imprisoned for being cronies, I’ve left the best officer in charge because of one reason. He didn’t want the job, and that usually means they are the best for said job.”
  2016. >In final.
  2017. “I will not sugarcoat the situation. Your people stand at the precipice, and unlike other times- you can’t simply fly away from it. No matter your choice, if you stand with me- you will prosper and stride into a great new era of history.”
  2018. >You won’t take questions.
  2019. >You won’t entertain arguments.
  2020. >Right now, you’ll simply take your leave.
  2021. >And thankfully, you didn’t have to send the signal to send in troops and enforce military rule.
  2023. >…
  2024. >Well, the unicorns weren’t able to find anything wrong with the sleepers.
  2025. >Maybe because there’s nothing they can tell, or because none of them are particularly studied in magic.
  2026. >Either way, there’s no reason as to why your people are sleeping.
  2027. >What is really interesting, is that Rusty fell asleep in the afternoon.
  2028. >You found him leaning against a tree, and kicked him.
  2029. >Then he woke up.
  2030. >Unlike all of the others, he got up.
  2031. >None of the others did.
  2032. >None of them did.
  2033. >None.
  2034. >But Rusty did.
  2035. >Maybe because he was with you when the others went under.
  2036. >Something might have hit the men at camp while you were gone.
  2037. >Right now, Rusty is wide awake.
  2038. >He got enough sleep to keep him up for another day or two.
  2039. >Probably three after you yelled at him.
  2040. >The important thing is, that there wasn’t one single shred of evidence that would point towards what kept most of your men asleep.
  2041. >Now, you’re still out here.
  2042. >Taking a moment to think between taking patrols to kick anyone who’s dozing off.
  2043. >Wondering what tonight will bring.
  2044. >Because maybe the night will-
  2045. >In the distance, between the trees, you can see a slight purple aura.
  2046. >In the dark, you rise.
  2047. >From your stance sitting on the ground, you can feel something happening in the last moments of light.
  2048. >Whatever it is… it’s probably what entrapped your men.
  2050. >…
  2052. >It’s all too-
  2053. >”Soldier… you’re back.”
  2054. “I am.”
  2055. >You didn’t say that.
  2056. >You don’t think you did.
  2057. >Maybe you did.
  2058. >But you’re not sure.
  2059. >”Why?”
  2060. “Can’t you tell?”
  2061. >”I’ve seen everything, thousands of times over. But why are you here?”
  2062. “I… I need something. Something to help-“
  2063. >”That doesn’t seem like a soldier’s thoughts.”
  2064. “… No Sir.”
  2065. >”Why did you come back?”
  2066. “I can’t deal with-“
  2067. >”Yes, you can. That’s just what you tell yourself.”
  2068. “Maybe. But I’m still here.”
  2069. >”Yes you are.”
  2070. >Nothing.
  2071. “Sir-“
  2072. >”Did I ask you to acknowledge me!”
  2073. “No Sir!”
  2074. >”You see what I see, what makes you special?”
  2075. “I…”
  2076. >What does set you apart from any of the other millions of people going through their own…
  2077. “Nothing.”
  2078. >Nothing.
  2079. “Nothing at all.”
  2080. >”Nothing?”
  2081. “…”
  2082. >”You can’t tell?”
  2083. “I can’t.”
  2084. >”And?”
  2085. “And that’s… the point.”
  2086. >”Then, you have the choice. To follow your heart or follow your soul.”
  2087. >What is the difference?
  2088. >Nothing but-
  2089. “No.”
  2090. >”No?”
  2091. “I follow my…”
  2092. >”Your what?”
  2093. “Duty.”
  2094. >”Good.”
  2096. >…
  2097. >What in the name of Bacchus’s left nut is that?
  2098. >That aura.
  2099. >Purple.
  2100. >Almost like…
  2101. >Well, it reminds you of a far better day.
  2102. >But, you’re met with a horrific sight.
  2103. >You walk to the ponies sitting around a fresh campfire.
  2104. >One of the earth ponies has a light purple aura around him.
  2105. >All emanating from his neck.
  2106. >From the back of his neck, not quite on his spinal cord, but on his left side of the neck.
  2107. >There is a small creature, roughly spherical.
  2108. >Like one of the Parasprites that Twilight told you of, long ago.
  2109. >But without wings.
  2110. >Without eyes.
  2111. >Only a mouth, pressed against the pony’s neck.
  2112. >As you watch the creature, you see it growing larger.
  2113. >The sphere starts to grow, not in a complete circle.
  2114. >Instead, the ‘mouth’ part remains the same size.
  2115. >The ‘rear’ of the animal starts to grow outwards- stretching its flank.
  2116. >Like a big tick.
  2117. >A huge tick.
  2118. “Hey!”
  2119. >You yell to the soldiers around the campfire:
  2120. “Stand to!”
  2121. >The men, who were previously just sitting around, jump to their hooves.
  2122. >They were just sitting there.
  2123. “See anything?”
  2124. >”No.”
  2125. >The pony with the creature on his neck says.
  2126. “Feel anything?”
  2127. >You look to the man.
  2128. >”Tired, that’s for sure. But that’s it.”
  2129. >That’s it…
  2130. >With Harv gone, you’re supposed to be sane.
  2131. >Are you losing it?
  2132. >Or have you lost it already?
  2133. >Maybe you’re-
  2134. >You see another of the creatures levitate into view.
  2135. >This one hovers over to a griffon before latching itself directly onto his open eye.
  2136. >You watch as he blinks, but the creature remains static as its rear starts to enlarge.
  2137. >The griffon then speaks to you:
  2138. >”Something wrong?”
  2139. >Oh yes…
  2140. “Definitely. Just look around.”
  2141. >You’re on your own.
  2142. >But.
  2143. >Are you even awake right now?
  2145. >…
  2146. >”The Equestrian Co-Prosperity Sphere?”
  2147. “It was that or the Axis.”
  2148. >”Well that one sounds much better.”
  2149. “I didn’t ask you.”
  2150. >”No you didn’t.”
  2151. >You glance over to Blunt Force and raise an eyebrow.
  2152. “If you have something to say…”
  2153. >”No, I approve in full. It’s like what I wanted my people to do, but…”
  2154. “But?”
  2155. >”What’s stopping the other people from being puppet regimes to Equestria?”
  2156. “What stopped us from beating all of you in wars?”
  2157. >”Nothing.”
  2158. “Only the will of who’s in charge of Equestria. Ally us, we’ll treat you fair. Leave us alone, we’ll leave you alone. But enemies won’t be slapped on the wrist anymore.”
  2159. >”You’d make a good minotaur.”
  2160. “… Thank you.”
  2161. >You’re just getting started.
  2162. “Also we’ll be leaving for Canterlot tonight.”
  2163. >”Already?”
  2164. “I don’t think I’ll be needed here much longer. The griffons know I’m not playing around. And with what’s happened to Command, I need your help.”
  2165. >”Mine?”
  2166. “I want you overseeing the minotaur soldiers who will be supplementing my own. The battle here is already over.”
  2167. >”Fair enough. But-“
  2169. >The door opens, and a griffon enters.
  2170. >It’s Acting Commander Galix.
  2171. >”I hope you’re happy.”
  2172. “Why should I be?”
  2173. >”A third of the delegates want the military to take control, and another third want you to become Queen.”
  2174. “And both of those options leave you in charge.”
  2175. >”I just want to go home.”
  2176. “That’s why you’re best for the job.”
  2177. >”I barely have any idea what I’m doing!”
  2178. “Well I don’t want to be Queen, so you better get an idea.”
  2179. >”I…”
  2180. “What do you want. Not right now, but overall what do you desire from your life?”
  2181. >“All I want is for my family to be safe.”
  2182. “And will they be safe when beasts from Tartarus break down their doors? Will they be safe if your people descend into civil war?”
  2183. >”No.”
  2184. “Galix. It’s time to stop being a soldier and to even stop being an officer. The only way things work out for your family and your people is if you can start being a leader.”
  2185. >”I don’t know if I can.”
  2186. “Well, you better. Because I’m leaving.”
  2187. >You sit up from the chair and beckon Force.
  2188. “Come on, I sent a messenger ahead to gather the journalists in Canterlot. You’ll want to see what I’ve got to say.”
  2189. >The griffon protests:
  2190. >”You’re just leaving me here?”
  2191. “Yes. Yes I am.”
  2193. >…
  2194. >In the night, you picked up a torch and followed one of the creatures as it levitates through the forest.
  2195. >The sac bugs are floating south, towards the mountains.
  2196. >Strolling through the darkness, you walk between the trees.
  2197. >”Anon?”
  2198. >You glance back, only now noticing that Fields has been following you.
  2199. >The unicorn has one of the bugs latched onto her forehead.
  2200. >”Where are you going?”
  2201. “I’m following… you don’t see it.”
  2202. >”Don’t see what?”
  2203. “Maybe I’m crazy.”
  2204. >”What don’t I see!”
  2205. “You sure you feel okay?”
  2206. >”Well… not really. I’m tired, sure. But also… I don’t know, I feel weaker.”
  2207. >You reach out with your free hand to grab onto the bug.
  2208. >And you actually contact it.
  2209. >The sphere squirms as you pluck it free from Fields’ head.
  2210. >”Ow! What was that?”
  2211. “Right now, it’s in my hand.”
  2212. >”There’s nothing there.”
  2213. >As the creature tries to get free, you squeeze it.
  2214. >It crushes rather easily.
  2215. >While a bout of innards coats your hand, a large green cloud escapes and flows over into the unicorn.
  2216. >”Where did that come from!”
  2217. >She shouts as she looks at the dead bug in your grasp.
  2218. >Throwing it to the ground and wiping of your hand, you respond:
  2219. “Some kind of parasite. How do you feel now?”
  2220. >”Better. A lot better.”
  2221. “I think it was feeding off of magic. Invisible to its victims… And I was only able to see it because there’s not an ounce of magic in my body.”
  2222. >”So where are you going.”
  2223. “Following one to the nest.”
  2225. >…
  2226. >You know what you have to do.
  2227. >Facing a large degree of resistance, you pull your left hoof away.
  2228. >In a heartbeat, you go from seeing everything to seeing only yourself.
  2229. >Your hoof was up against the crystal wall, and the crystals had grown out several inches towards your torso.
  2230. >As your hoof gets free, you can see that everywhere that was in contact has lost all of its fur.
  2231. >And towards the tip of your hoof, the crystal had eaten into your skin.
  2232. >The crystal eats away, but you have what you need from it.
  2233. >You’ve reached clarity.
  2234. >You will not fight for revenge.
  2235. >This is so all the suffering you’ve been through hasn’t been for nothing.
  2236. >But your struggle is just one of many.
  2237. >The world faces fundamental change.
  2238. >Beyond a mere thousand years of darkness.
  2239. >If this is lost, then life as you know it is lost forever.
  2240. >So many fronts all part of the same war…
  2241. >But you?
  2242. >You need to stop the Changeling.
  2243. >Not that one.
  2244. >Night.
  2245. >He’s already claimed new victims.
  2246. >But you know where he’ll be next.
  2247. >Which means you have a cave to exit and some flying to do.
  2249. >…
  2250. >There it is…
  2251. >Hanging from a branch of an oak tree.
  2252. >It’s like a beehive.
  2253. >But more sinews and less hexagons.
  2254. >To be honest, it reminded you of a bug hive from some video game you played back on earth.
  2255. >One of the ‘Resident Evil’ games, you think.
  2256. >Either way, Fields wasn’t able to see it.
  2257. >But she was able to see the flames when you put your torch to it.
  2258. >The buds just stayed attached to the hive as it lit.
  2259. >One after one, they died.
  2260. >And with each death came a release of arcane energy that shot over towards the camp.
  2261. >While the nest burnt, eventually a large bout of magic shot free.
  2262. >In a blinding rainbow of color, the energy left.
  2263. >You think that was Harvey’s power.
  2264. >When the hive was but a broken husk that fell to the ground, Fields could see it.
  2265. >”Was that it?”
  2266. “I can only hope.”
  2267. >…
  2268. >When you returned to camp, you found that the others had all awoken.
  2269. >All you said was that it was a long story.
  2270. >Not that long, but you wanted to get some sleep in.
  2271. >Now that the others would be safe in the night.
  2273. >…
  2274. >After a long march in the night and a long train ride back to Canterlot, you arrived in the capitol.
  2275. >When you reached the Palace, you met the crowd of locals and news reporters.
  2276. >But as you looked up at a balcony to address the people from, you decided against it.
  2277. >Instead, you beckoned the ponies to follow you.
  2278. >You walked to the area of the city still left in ruin from the old Royal Guard’s plot.
  2279. >While major roads have been rebuilt, and buildings along those roads are mostly complete.
  2280. >But beyond that row of the reconstruction, the city is still in ruins.
  2281. >And while much of the rubble has been cleared , a few building husks remain.
  2282. >Seeing one of the husks, you fly to the top of a broken tower.
  2283. >Your wings have almost completely healed now, there’s not much pain when you exert them.
  2284. >But, you reached the top of the tower.
  2285. >You’re not sure how it remained standing from the explosions.
  2286. >But it did, and you can see the thousands of ponies looking to you.
  2287. “Friends! Ponies! Equestrians! Lend me your ears!”
  2288. >That’s enough with that.
  2289. “Look around. Take a long look around. A thousand years of peace and prosperity, all leading to this.”
  2290. >Even though crews have been clearing out the debris, large portions of the city are barren.
  2291. “Celestia had her millennia of peace, but we have all faced decades of war. The crux of said war pits our civilization against pure destruction… They’ve attacked the Crystal Empire, Baltimare, Vanhoover, the minotaurs, and the griffons. Make no mistake, this battle is one of pure survival.”
  2292. >Despite the size of the crowd, you can only hear the wind.
  2294. “But while Tartarus attacks, Equestia will stand strong! For over a generation we have fought hard, and we will continue to fight hard! We had our millennia of peace, but now… now we will begin our millennia of victory!”
  2295. >You let your words echo.
  2296. “The might of the Equestrian war machine will resound through the world once more. But unlike the previous years, we will not be bound by fear and necessity- instead our people will join together! Because if Equestria is unified through our bonds by honor and blood, no foe can stand before us. We simultaneously fought each and every one of our neighbors and stood victorious! If we remain united, then Tartarus itself cannot stop us… and I mean that quite literally.”
  2297. >But.
  2298. “And now, instead of looking to our neighbors, the time has come to look inward and outward. Together we will put the full might of Equestria into defeating the fell beasts from the depths that threaten our homes. But afterwards, we can look to the far reaches of the world. Ponies will be the heart of the Equestrian Co-Prosperity Sphere, an alliance with our comrades in arms to expand further into the far reaches of the world.”
  2299. >And what does the ECPS entail?
  2300. “Equestria will lead civilization towards the future- and no corner of the world can stop our combined will to endure. With the minotaurs, Saddle Arabians, griffons, and all others who will aid join our hegemony- we shall lead a truly global axis to explore the globe, expand our borders, and ensure a future for our people.”
  2301. >But.
  2303. “However, while we stand on the precipice of global dominance, the current war must still be won. I call upon each and every Equestrian to stand against the onslaughts of Tartarus. Because I will continue to lead the charge personally against the hell-spawn that would devour our homes.”
  2304. >The war must be won.
  2305. “The end of an era draws near. But it is time to attack! For only through a complete and total effort can we drive back Tartarus and ensure that a new era of Equestrian history begins.”
  2306. >No armistice, only victory.
  2307. “Now we are in a time of troubles. The minotaurs believe this to be their apocalypse- a deciding event which decides if civilization shall continue or end. I say that Equestria lives! And we will not sit idly by while Tartaran spawn ravage our country. Amongst the army, it has often been said as a sign of devotion that one would follow a leader to Tartarus. Now… that time has come.”
  2308. >The final war.
  2309. “It takes one to win a battle, but it takes a people to win a war. All I ask is that you join together as Equestrians and fight in your own way to preserve our nation. Because only together can we make Equestria greater than she has ever been before! I can and will give my life to my nation, I only ask if you will as well.”
  2310. >Finally.
  2311. “When we do endure this great struggle, Equestria will rise higher than she ever has before- that I promise you.”
  2313. >…
  2314. >”Nice speech.”
  2315. “Personally, I think it was one of my weaker ones.”
  2316. >You walk alongside Blunt Force as you enter the palace.
  2317. >”If that’s weak, I’d like to see-“
  2318. >He’s cut off by a familiar pegasi.
  2319. >”Ma’am!”
  2320. “Corporal Call… Aren’t you supposed to be dealing with our changeling?”
  2321. >”Well as it turns out, it’s hard to track down a single changeling.”
  2322. “Just… what’s the news?”
  2323. >”Do you want the good or bad first?”
  2324. >Of course.
  2325. “Good.”
  2326. >”We found a Saddle Arabian heading north. The one who developed the engines that powered their air ships. He’s currently held in the dungeon.”
  2327. >Not really good, but not bad.
  2328. “The other news?”
  2329. >”We figured out why Wave left.”
  2330. “He was the changeling?”
  2331. >”He…”
  2332. “What?”
  2333. >”Wave is still unaccounted for, but…”
  2334. “What!”
  2335. >”Well…”
  2336. “If I have to say what one more time…”
  2337. >”You knew he adopted a griffon as his son, right?”
  2338. “Gregor? He seemed like a decent lad.”
  2339. >”His body was found in Ponyville. Mutilated almost beyond recognition… I saw the remains, it was unspeakable.”
  2340. “What!”
  2341. >”He never came to visit Canterlot… that was Night.”
  2342. “That…”
  2343. >You talked to him.
  2344. >You thought he was a good son.
  2345. >No worse than any other kid his age.
  2346. >He could have attacked you.
  2347. >You were exhausted at that time- he might have killed you.
  2348. >What are you thinking?
  2349. >Wave…
  2350. >He-
  2351. >”Wave was last seen in Ponyville, at his son’s residence. He saw the body- what was left of it.”
  2352. >That…
  2353. “Where’s Wave now?”
  2354. >”Doing my job for me. He went off the grid, trying to track down Night.”
  2355. “Find the changeling and put him down.”
  2356. >”You don’t want to-“
  2357. “He’s trapped thousands of ponies in Tartarus, bombed command, and murdered a child in cold blood. When you find him, you kill him.”
  2359. >…
  2360. >You enter into the room, a single Saddle Arabian sits at a small table- two Old Guard stand ready behind him.
  2361. “So you’re the man Mushir Khidr has at the top of his list. I could by a small city for what he’s offering.”
  2362. >He doesn’t respond.
  2363. >This is the one who built an engine able to burn their Sahar sand, allowing the Arabians to build their own airships.
  2364. >Younger than you expected, mid-twenties maybe.
  2365. “I know you speak Equestrian. What I want to know is why you were sneaking through my country.”
  2366. >”North, to the griffons or yaks. There is nowhere else to go. My people want me dead, your people want me dead, the minotaurs are with your people… My family is already dead…”
  2367. “The Mushir killed your family?”
  2368. >”No. His enemies took my parents and forced me to make them weapons. When they lost the war, they killed them. But that does not matter to you or to Khidr.”
  2369. >He’s not looking at you, just down into the table.
  2370. >”Just kill me. Please. I don’t want to endure what Khidr will put me through.”
  2371. >Light brown coat, black hair.
  2372. >He then looks at you.
  2373. >”I beg of you. End me quickly. I am ready to be judged.”
  2374. “Why would I kill you?”
  2376. >”I…”
  2377. “As far as I know, you’re just an inventor from Manehattan. What did you say your name was?”
  2378. >”Ha-“
  2379. “No, I’m sure that wasn’t it.”
  2380. >He finally picks up on what you’re getting at.
  2381. >”My name… it was… Muharak.”
  2382. “I’m not sure why you dyed your hair though. It was a dark red, not black.”
  2383. >”The look… does not work for me. I should cleanse it out.”
  2384. “It would definitely look better. Sorry about this misunderstanding, but while you’re here.”
  2385. >”What do you want?”
  2386. “Honestly, your ideas haven’t been that popular so far, but I think they show promise. I’d like to introduce you to one of my soldiers- he’s currently working on developing new military technologies to fight against Tartarus. The pay would be good, and the job much more secure than your previous ones. Think of it as a fresh start. A new city, a new career, and a new life.”
  2387. >”The offer is… unexpected.”
  2388. “Don’t worry. I know that the records in Manehattan had some issues a while back, but your family has been in Equestira before the conflict between our nation and Saddle Arabia. Both of your parents and half of your grandparents were born here after all. We’ll make sure to confirm that heritage.”
  2389. >”That would be nice.”
  2390. “Does that mean you’ll accept the job?”
  2391. >”It does. After all, Yakyakistan is cold this time of year.”
  2392. “That it is. Guards- take Muharak to our Sergeant Tinkerer.”
  2393. >Tinkerer isn’t his name, but it might as well be.
  2394. >And your new inventor will be watched closely.
  2395. >But his abilities might just help your ideas become reality.
  2396. >Under duress, he was able to replicate magical abilities for a people who lacked magical prowess.
  2397. >What could he develop as a willing participant?

Heart of War- Prologue

by ThingPaste

Heart of War- Act I

by ThingPaste

Heart of War- Act II

by ThingPaste

Heart of War- Act III

by ThingPaste

Heart of War- Act IV

by ThingPaste