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/aie/ A Quick One Before The Eternal Worm Devours Equestria

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2024-04-15 05:19:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hey. This ain't normal, is it."
  2. >The sun
  3. >The sun is broken
  4. >Shaped like the crescent moon with
  5. >With fucking teeth marks on it
  6. "I... nah. I don't think it is, Applejack."
  7. >You were inside comparing notes about how to streamline her family business
  8. >Least you could do with your professional past is put it to good use in the land of technicolor knockouts and beauties
  9. >That all came to an end the second you heard the crunch of someone biting into a glass saucer
  10. >That's what it sounded like to you anyway
  11. >"This is bad. I think we should get Twilight."
  12. "I think so too but..."
  13. >With hardly any strength you lift your arm
  14. >The brown path of a road going from the family house to the barn had twisted into a licorice-like spiral that looked like something out from an old video game
  15. >The grass around it, spreading out to infect the rest, had started to melt into a mesh of grass blade-topped sharks
  16. "I don't think I can make that jump."
  17. >You've heard of this before
  18. >Not this situation, but of reality falling apart
  19. >It has only ever meant one thing
  20. >"Discord. Discord must be doing this. That don't make sense, Fluttershy told me-"
  21. "I don't think Discord is causing this..."
  22. >"Who else could be doing this?"
  23. >You exhale a laugh
  24. >If a single "ha" counts as a laugh
  25. "Whatever ate the sun."
  26. >You hear Applejack say something but it's out of your depth to pay attention to what you see versus what she wants you to hear
  27. >Four blips in the sky
  28. >Brilliant, shining orange
  29. >Aurora streaks of blue and purple
  30. >A shining purple star
  31. >A jagged spike of green
  32. >All of them
  33. >All of them are surrounded by a pure, complete void
  34. >There wasn't a void moments before
  35. >In the time it took for you to realize that, the spike of green warped and... burst
  36. >The grass blade storm of sharks sprang from the earth and launched up toward the bursting star
  37. >Even the licorice path whipped out, leaving behind editing stills and pencil sketches of the path from two seasons ago
  38. >"What in... what. What are they doing up there?"
  39. >The shock in the pony's voice is so dull you'd think you were looking at half-baked fireworks
  40. >Was she really this used to this sort of chaotic exposure?
  41. >Were you?
  42. >The entire sky fills with grass sharks
  43. >And licorice spears of gravel
  44. >And giant letters from the earth itself that spell out
  45. >You don't know what it spells out
  46. >Ponies don't use English letters
  47. "Fighting? Don't you guys have those Elements?"
  48. >No answer
  49. >You break away from the sight of a second sun being born to look at Applejack
  50. >Her face
  51. >If you ever thought you'd have another chance to sleep, you'd be kept awake by her face
  52. >"D... did you see that?"
  53. "Which part?"
  54. >You go back to the sky
  55. >The green star has become it's own planet
  56. >Countless letters so big even visible in the growing abyss that used to be the sky swirl around like a comet field
  57. >The aurora visage of night had flickered out, leaving the cosmos available to the naked eye
  58. >And naked was the cosmos
  59. >"That was Princess Luna. Did you see it?"
  61. >"Something ate her. Something with teeth opened and-and she's gone."
  62. >Impossible
  63. >There is nothing that could have done that
  64. >Not up there
  65. >Not so impossible to see when the sky could be so barren
  66. >Barren save for the sun, the gleam, and the star
  67. >And something else
  68. >You hadn't realized it but your legs gave out
  69. >For a glimpse you see it
  70. >Impossible numbers of long, needle spines opening in the void
  71. >Like an etch-a-sketch, the green star vanishes
  72. >The entire battalion of reality it stripped from the very earth vanished too
  73. >Closed around the gaping maw of
  74. >Of
  75. >
  76. >If you had a word to describe it, it wouldn't be
  77. >Only the second sun and purple gleam remained
  78. >The second sun had to be at least five times brighter than the one that had been...
  79. >Where was it?
  80. >It was up there not moments ago
  81. >Though it burned your mind, the light from the second sun gave you insight
  82. >It wasn't the night sky you were looking at
  83. >Not some ceaseless abyss of space
  84. >Segments
  85. >Black segments
  86. >Segments that blotted out the sky in it's entirety
  87. >Segments that pulsed and coiled around everything, everywhere
  88. >Segments so big that even the second sun looked like a mole on an otherwise unremarkable face
  89. >Laughing
  90. >Applejack is laughing
  91. >Not one to be outmatched, the purple gleam had been darting around the ether
  92. >While it did not muster a sun, the darting purple bullet-trailed by a thin myriad of colors-sped up until it became a solid figure
  93. >A circle with so many figures that it may as well had become a solid figure
  94. >Rather than vanish like the green star, the second sun revealed that it wasn't teeth of any sort but more segments that would spell demise for the purple plate
  95. >Segmented tendrils
  96. >Or fingers
  97. >Scooping down at the purple plate
  98. >Swiping or scraping at it, just to have no effect
  99. >Only after an hour's worth of evading passed in a second did the entirety of the purple emblem vanish
  100. >All it took was one tendril to hit the right, singular spot
  101. >No more purple then
  102. >Next was the second sun
  103. >Segmented abyssal loops tried to coil around it
  104. >You can only assume so, as loose strands tried to get in front of the second sun
  105. >It failed
  106. >It failed
  107. >It failed yet again
  108. >Until a hole appeared in the very center
  109. >Small
  110. >A needle's point in a zeppelin bulk
  111. >As soon as you noticed that needle, the second sun blotted out complete
  112. >The entire sky fell to complete darkness
  113. >No more stars
  114. >No more moon
  115. >No sun
  116. >Either of them
  117. >Nothing
  118. >Nothing but Applejack laughing
  119. >You're speechless
  120. >You don't hear when the laughter stops
  121. >Or the horrific shrieks from Ponyville
  122. >Were they truly only just now?
  123. >You only see what you can't anymore
  124. >It's all over
  125. >You never knew

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon