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SFX and Music errors

By Synthbot
Created: 2024-04-19 10:24:45
Updated: 2024-04-19 10:53:39
Expiry: Never


"acend" should be "Ascending". (If you want to use "Ascend", I can point out where "Ascending" is used so those can be changed too.)
./s02e07_sfx.txt:1180.107493    1180.970057 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e07
./s02e14_sfx.txt:452.031510 452.965954  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e14
./s02e14_sfx.txt:477.764672 478.423575  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e14
./s01e20_sfx.txt:306.551202 307.388004  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e20
./s01e20_sfx.txt:709.991396 710.687231  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e20
./s01e20_sfx.txt:1251.314846    1251.746744 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e20
./s02e17_sfx.txt:359.275919 359.994722  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e17
./s03e01_sfx.txt:449.326668 450.057197  Boing, Acend ~ FiM_s03e01
./s01e24_sfx.txt:585.610660 586.666485  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e24
./s01e24_sfx.txt:631.311064 632.486868  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e24
./s01e24_sfx.txt:808.341638 808.917542  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e24
./s02e13_sfx.txt:199.268943 199.875664  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e13
./s02e13_sfx.txt:383.748300 386.307343  Acend ~ FiM_s02e13
./s03e12_sfx.txt:700.925643 701.454407  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s03e12
./s02e02_sfx.txt:230.424416 231.622422  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e02
./s02e02_sfx.txt:266.232806 267.287051  Rise, Acend ~ FiM_s02e02
./s02e02_sfx.txt:397.306610 398.223084  Grunt, Exertion, Acend, Spike ~ FiM_s02e02
./s03e02_sfx.txt:793.542840 794.214856  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s03e02
./s03e03_sfx.txt:241.433732 242.225751  Acend, Look up, Pop ~ FiM_s03e03
./s03e03_sfx.txt:553.621144 554.299160  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s03e03
./s03e03_sfx.txt:1111.022377    1111.958399 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s03e03
./s02e26_sfx.txt:1198.005835    1198.536002 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e26
./s02e05_music.txt:248.095000   255.351629  Anxious, Building tension, Acend ~ FiM_s02e05
./s02e03_sfx.txt:101.435142 102.731984  Decend, Acend, Throw, Peek ~ FiM_s02e03
./s02e03_sfx.txt:296.590271 296.834364  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e03
./s03e10_sfx.txt:456.083565 457.032938  Look up, Acend, Realisation ~ FiM_s03e10
./s03e10_sfx.txt:1081.918615    1082.282141 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s03e10
./s02e12_sfx.txt:815.626239 815.913761  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e12
./s01e23_sfx.txt:784.073803 784.817627  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e23
./s01e23_sfx.txt:1014.827006    1019.050003 Zoom, Whoosh, Descend, Acend ~ FiM_s01e23
./s01e23_sfx.txt:1015.642812    1019.050003 Descend, Acend ~ FiM_s01e23
./s02e22_sfx.txt:415.947578 416.396830  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e22
./s02e22_sfx.txt:767.957593 768.772236  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e22
./s01e26_sfx.txt:833.681749 834.283320  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e26
./s01e22_sfx.txt:141.444489 142.248356  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e22
./s01e22_sfx.txt:156.945913 157.581807  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e22
./s01e22_sfx.txt:536.946749 537.642633  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e22
./s01e22_sfx.txt:1026.495376    1026.957300 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e22
./s01e17_sfx.txt:744.627171 745.323006  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e17
./s01e17_sfx.txt:817.407887 818.901533  Peek, Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e17
./s01e25_sfx.txt:529.400003 529.867926  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e25
./s01e25_sfx.txt:530.515818 532.651463  Tip toe, Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e25
./s01e25_sfx.txt:650.387893 650.807823  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e25
./s02e05_sfx.txt:398.336895 398.672336  Slip, Acend ~ FiM_s02e05
./s02e01_sfx.txt:849.637621 850.943447  Shifty eyes, Acend, Descend ~ FiM_s02e01
./s02e01_sfx.txt:954.738661 956.308048  Shifty eyes, Acend, Descend ~ FiM_s02e01
./s02e01_sfx.txt:1166.150726    1166.773689 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e01
./s02e10_sfx.txt:58.948875  59.495588   Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e10
./s02e10_sfx.txt:591.519395 591.957967  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e10
./s03e08_sfx.txt:430.967243 434.043692  Magic, Acend, Paper rustling ~ FiM_s03e08
./s02e21_sfx.txt:99.194872  99.865755   Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e21
./s02e21_sfx.txt:241.664704 241.961211  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s02e21
./s03e05_sfx.txt:1081.033665    1081.729681 Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s03e05
./s01e21_sfx.txt:525.907111 526.650934  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_sfx.txt:525.979094 527.430749  Look up, Acend, Look down, Descend ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_sfx.txt:762.151567 762.646892  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s01e21
./s03e06_sfx.txt:723.735057 724.192370  Look up, Acend ~ FiM_s03e06

"Affimation" should be "Affirmation"
./s02e03_sfx.txt:1191.284886    1192.986568 Agreement, Affimation ~ FiM_s02e03
./s02e03_sfx.txt:1198.592721    1200.054288 Agreement, Affimation ~ FiM_s02e03

Should be "Anxious":
./s03e07_music.txt:725.351296   728.138928  Anxous, Reveal, Realisation ~ FiM_s03e07

Should be "Apple Bloom":
./s03e04_sfx.txt:257.706118 258.270132  Gasp, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e04_sfx.txt:411.693774 412.293788  Sigh, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e04_sfx.txt:421.642010 422.962042  Sigh, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e04_sfx.txt:641.661234 643.149269  Evil laugh, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e08_sfx.txt:200.029272 201.735740  Laugh, Applejack, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e08
./s03e08_sfx.txt:202.012140 203.310017  Laugh, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e08
./s03e08_sfx.txt:401.068004 405.201982  Snoring, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e08
./s03e08_sfx.txt:750.244966 753.766058  Swish, Land, Hit, Wilhelm, Applebloom ~ FiM_s03e08

./s03e03_sfx.txt:191.900000 192.532571  Laugh, Applejac ~ FiM_s03e03
./s06e23_sfx.txt:1078.724226    1079.643181 Gasp, APplejack ~ FiM_s06e23

./s01e21_music.txt:0.914389 13.908331   Western Train, Opening, Appleoosa ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_music.txt:125.271234   134.800126  Opening, Western, Appleoosa ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_music.txt:387.604503   393.283337  Opening, Western, Appleoosa, Train ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_music.txt:395.208366   473.845783  Western, Appleoosa, Generic background ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_music.txt:498.967406   525.580926  Sad, Explanation, Western, Banjo, Appleoosa ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_music.txt:920.861480   951.252869  Annoyed, Arguing, Banjo, Western, Appleoosa ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_music.txt:1134.780280  1182.617240 Battle, Stampede, Dramatic, Appleoosa, Western ~ FiM_s01e21
./s01e21_music.txt:1236.999297  1275.860811 Happy, Western, Appleoosa, Conflict resolution ~ FiM_s01e21

./s06e01_sfx.txt:1095.757304    1099.603639 Crowd, Cheering, Appluase ~ FiM_s06e01

s01e21_music.txt:773.813360 786.711051  Argueing ~ FiM_s01e21

Capitalization, maybe:
./s02e13_sfx.txt:529.769929 532.148757  Ba Dum tss ~ FiM_s02e13

It's usually spelled "Badass" rather than "Bad ass":
./s01e18_music.txt:621.254846   626.380234  Guitar riff, Intro, Bad ass ~ FiM_s01e18
./s01e05_music.txt:451.077264   469.402579  Guitar, Bad ass, Introduction ~ FiM_s01e05
./s01e05_music.txt:572.515586   580.919705  Guitar, Bad ass, Introduction ~ FiM_s01e05
./s01e05_music.txt:595.994143   615.065955  Guitar, Bad ass ~ FiM_s01e05
./s01e05_music.txt:1017.139257  1019.836281 Dramatic reveal, Bad ass, Gilda ~ FiM_s01e05
./s01e05_music.txt:1066.239542  1074.354694 Antagonising, Dramatic, Bad ass, Gilda ~ FiM_s01e05

Not sure what "Baltte" is:
./s02e10_music.txt:934.694400   967.277600  Dramatic, Baltte, Monster ~ FiM_s02e10

Consistency issues:

"Admiring" vs "Admiration":
./s05e14_sfx.txt:411.326863 424.310056  Gasp, Happy, Chatter, Admiring, Crowd ~ FiM_s05e14
./s05e14_sfx.txt:542.054181 552.798893  Happy, Crowd, Chatter, Admiring ~ FiM_s05e14
./s05e24_sfx.txt:75.381099  77.941390   Crowd, Ohh Aah, Admiration ~ FiM_s05e24
./s05e18_sfx.txt:1110.977883    1115.376415 Crowd, Cheer, Chatter, Admiration ~ FiM_s05e18

Should be "Agreement" rather than "Agree" to match the others:
./s03e01_sfx.txt:576.031676 578.851743  Tired, Agree, Mane 6 ~ FiM_s03e01
./s03e09_sfx.txt:960.633219 961.955130  Agree, Mane 6 ~ FiM_s03e09

Should be "Animals, Forest", both of which are used elsewhere:
./s01e02_music.txt:313.526131   324.900792  Animals in forest ~ FiM_s01e02

Should be "Anxious, Rarity":
./s04e03_sfx.txt:977.299955 978.367058  Scream, Anxious Rarity ~ FiM_s04e03

Babs vs Babs Seed:
./s03e04_sfx.txt:331.999882 333.403915  Laugh, Babs Seed ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e04_sfx.txt:344.108170 346.088217  Hit, Kick, Babs Seed ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e04_sfx.txt:588.925982 594.002102  Laugh, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Babs Seed ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e08_sfx.txt:754.078510 755.232178  Sigh, Babs ~ FiM_s03e08
./s03e08_sfx.txt:1239.412375    1239.990000 Laugh, Babs ~ FiM_s03e08
./s03e04_sfx.txt:331.999882 333.403915  Laugh, Babs Seed ~ FiM_s03e04
./s03e04_sfx.txt:344.108170 346.088217  Hit, Kick, Babs Seed ~ FiM_s03e04

These all have some mismatch between the label and the audio file. Usually the character name is different or the character name is placed to the wrong side of the tilde ~

"Grunt, Annoyed, Rainbow ~ FiM_s01e05",30.687292,31.413654
"Hit, Crash, Grunt, Rainbow ~ FiM_s01e05",44.230041,44.980415
"Groan, Annoyed, Pained, Rainbow ~ FiM_s01e05",51.541685,52.742283
"Grunt, Anxious, Rainbow ~ FiM_s01e05",119.279440,120.684140
"Panting, Rainbow ~ FiM_s01e05",144.455986,148.357931
"Sigh, Rainbow ~ FiM_s01e05",176.620015,177.652529
"Laugh, Rainbow ~ FiM_s01e05",229.002118,230.791009
"Laugh, Rainbow, Pinkie ~ FiM_s01e05",905.275123,907.820391
"Laugh ~ Applejack, FiM_s01e05",372.209482,373.950350
"Laugh ~ Rainbow, FiM_s01e05",977.347038,978.787756
"Laugh, Giggle ~ Pinkie, FiM_s01e05",410.400514,411.030828
"Laugh ~ Pinkie, FiM_s01e05",927.678287,928.746820
"Laugh ~ Pinkie, Rainbow, FiM_s01e05",426.878725,431.609082
"Groan, Annoyed ~ Gilda, FiM_s01e05",479.560978,480.667192
Fast Flying ~ FiM_s01e05,529.763996,537.471837
"Scream, Angry ~ Pinkie, FiM_s01e05",716.721162,717.345473
"Sigh ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e05",720.346968,721.379483
"Sigh, Sad ~ Pinkie, FiM_s01e05",733.337442,734.345944
"Crying, Galloping ~ Fluttershy, FiM_s01e05",824.078661,826.828031
"Slip, Fall, Hit ~ Gilda, FiM_s01e05",1106.483391,1111.357820
"Surprise, REalisation ~ FiM_s02e20",592.544571,597.494457
"Happy, Generic Background ~ FiM_s02e05",658.478971,674.049486
"Fall, Hit ~ Rainbow, FiM_s01e04",711.815409,713.788563
"Sigh ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e04",1227.265871,1228.312606
"Dragonfire letter arrives ~ Spike, Fim_s01e02",13.820695,15.134082
"Gasp, long, surprised ~ Pinkie, Fim_s01e02",22.905964,24.785675
"Magic, Evil laugh ~ Nightmare Moon, Fim_s01e02",86.779985,90.467110
"Zoom, flying ~ Fim_s01e02",103.866074,105.191511
"Fall, hit ~ Fim_s01e02",119.964111,120.662978
"Whoa, fall ~ Rainbow, Fim_s01e02",132.573838,133.067864
"Hit, bounce ~ Fim_s01e02",158.576505,159.059988
"Bounce, jump ~ Pinkie, Fim_s01e02",162.326889,162.742595
"Magic, book, pages flipping ~ Fim_s01e02",164.227687,167.176784
Spooky wind ~ Fim_s01e02,288.125936,290.885255
"Long scream, hit ~ Twilight, Fim_s01e02",291.343133,293.777118
"Magic charging, Monster roaring ~ Fim_s01e02",306.133807,312.224793
"Thud, gasp ~ Twilight, Fim_s01e02",325.450547,326.197612
Monster Roaring ~ Fim_s01e02,456.842035,460.252023
Fighting a monster ~ Fim_s01e02,331.552077,333.865567
"Growling, Scream, Zoom, Run away ~ Rarity, Fim_s01e02",339.366131,341.571176
"Whoa, Fighting a monster ~ Applejack. Fim_s01e02",348.782759,351.572202
"Fast flying, Zoom ~ Fim_s01e02",705.066288,707.524372
"Whoa, Fighting a monster, Fast flying ~ Rainbow. Fim_s01e02",355.940120,360.363021
Hit ~ Fim_s01e02,361.265882,361.997970
"Ding, Blink ~ Fim_s01e02",382.027133,382.557308
"Magic, Spooky ~ Fim_s01e02",417.753689,420.717848
"Shudder, Groan ~ Rarity, Fim_s01e02",422.766251,423.814551
Hoofsteps in muddy water ~ Fim_s01e02,427.084280,429.550079
Scream ~ Fim_s01e02,442.527314,443.563565
"Monster roaring, Scream ~ Fim_s01e02",446.660268,455.064744
"Laugh ~ Pinkie, Fim_s01e02",465.656192,466.590023
"Bleh, Funny faces ~ Pinkie, Fim_s01e02",463.782506,465.656192
"Magic, Boing, Sparkles ~ Fim_s01e02",506.937534,508.353342
"Crowd, Gasp ~ Fim_s01e02",508.570232,509.353445
"Laugh ~ Mane 6, Fim_s01e02",538.928767,544.308837
"River, Water splashing, Crying ~ Steven Magnet, Fim_s01e02",556.020881,562.370930
Bite ~ Fim_s01e02,626.985991,627.314324
Poke ~ Fim_s01e02,627.443869,627.952953
"Slice, Cut ~ Fim_s01e02",633.501720,634.110216
"Faint, Fall ~ Steven Magnet, Fim_s01e02",634.110216,637.532253
River ~ Fim_s01e02,637.559365,639.270383
"Magic, River ~ Fim_s01e02",640.390980,647.006117
"Gasp ~ Twilight, Fim_s01e02",1154.275010,1154.997976
"Hoofsteps, Jumping, Bounce ~ Fim_s01e02",677.509245,680.310737
Hoofsteps ~ Fim_s01e02,680.533652,682.850000
"Magic, Disappear ~ Fim_s01e02",799.847093,803.269131
"Hoofsteps, Spooky wind ~ Fim_s01e02",812.770105,816.041525
Magic ~ Fim_s01e02,850.611336,852.274157
Galloping ~ Fim_s01e02,1221.956650,1224.246042
Coughing ~ Twilight ~Fim_s01e02,892.663842,893.941081
"Evil laugh ~ Nightmare Moon, FiM_s01e02",895.248444,897.049834
"Galloping, Magic charging ~ Fim_s01e02",913.406933,917.762801
"Evil laugh, Glass smashing ~ Nightmare Moon, FiM_s01e02",945.458413,950.452901
Spark ~ Fim_s01e02,971.888834,973.009431
Sparkles ~ Fim_s01e02,1034.536826,1035.103149
"Magic, Sparkles ~ Fim_s01e02",1049.728143,1058.515627
"Magic charging ~ Nightmare Moon, Fim_s01e02",1068.763228,1100.377916
"Gasp ~ Fluttershy, Pinkie, Fim_s01e02",1122.524766,1123.157361
"Gasp, Anxious ~ Luna, Fim_s01e02",1185.995131,1186.597602
"Whoa, Fall ~ Pinkie, Fim_s01e02",1201.894352,1202.846257
"Overly dramatic crying ~ Pinkie, Fim_s01e02",1212.268910,1216.305835
"Bounce, Galloping ~ Fim_s01e02",1220.691460,1221.932551
"Galloping, Chariot ~ Fim_s01e02",1224.318338,1228.481416
"Crowd, Happy, Cheering ~ Fim_s01e02",1284.276295,1290.005163
Gasp ~ Fim_s01e02,1294.398305,1294.909916
Nature ~ FiM_s02e17,1188.116743,1216.278229
"Sigh, MAne 6 ~ FiM_s01e25",1218.757419,1220.485132
"Happy, Explanation, Generic background ~ FiM_s02e03",1184.680657,1218.945400
MLP intro instrumental ~ FiM_s02e07,75.185400,110.627543
"Surprise, Regveal, Let down ~ FiM_s02e07",1174.660743,1180.559757
"Galloping, Jump ~ FiM_s02e14",0.742764,27.278590
Hoofsteps ~ Fim_s01e03,23.532534,24.625000
Throw ~ Fim_s01e03,3.027419,3.135864
"Laugh, Smug ~ Applejack, Rainbow, Fim_s01e03",14.471364,14.820797
Lick ~ Fim_s01e03,42.383865,42.883916
Bite ~ Fim_s01e03,45.625161,46.492720
"Gulp ~ Spike, Fim_s01e03",48.733914,49.113471
Dragon mail ~ Fim_s01e03,1275.534434,1278.601014
"Scroll unfurl, Paper rustle ~ Fim_s01e03",60.072426,60.813462
"Ka ching, Sparkles ~ Fim_s01e03",175.653775,177.204921
Bounce ~ Fim_s01e03,177.494108,179.271398
"Whoa, Fall, Crash ~ Rainbow, Fim_s01e03",185.687719,188.242198
Whoosh ~ Fim_s01e03,201.204060,201.860256
"Fast flying, Crowd cheering ~ Fim_s01e03",239.693258,243.157469
"Magic, Crowd cheering ~ Fim_s01e03",247.416942,251.868761
"Magic, Fast flying, Crowd cheering ~ Fim_s01e03",263.978881,269.642113
"Spit ~ Applejack, Fim_s01e03",279.606990,280.251634
"Zoom, Rush ~ Fim_s01e03",290.397253,291.439529
Stomach growl ~ Fim_s01e03,997.716785,999.481980
"Struggle, Pull ~ Applejack, Rainbow, Fim_s01e03",332.775094,337.118913
"Hit, Fall ~ Fim_s01e03",344.957066,346.680134
Squeeze through ~ Fim_s01e03,350.620297,351.283016
"Gasp ~ Rarity, Fim_s01e03",426.037671,426.483500
"Gasp ~ Fluttershy, Fim_s01e03",520.113584,520.716056
"Jump, Bounce ~ Fim_s01e03",523.412115,523.654610
"Arguing ~ Mane 6, Fim_s01e03",625.413541,637.191857
"Magic, Stampede ~ Fim_s01e03",728.514174,731.478636
"Rain, Galloping ~ Fim_s01e03",771.874345,775.037320
"Rain, Zip up ~ Fim_s01e03",785.213062,786.128819
Shaking off water ~ Fim_s01e03,803.961973,805.757338
Sparkles ~ Fim_s01e03,894.308589,896.230472
"Zomm, Run away ~ Fim_s01e03",861.089530,861.711872
"Nervous laugh ~ Rarity, Fim_s01e03",900.146537,900.875527
"Throw, Land, Hit ~ Fim_s01e03",915.672080,916.756674
"Crowd, Surprise, Party ~ Fim_s01e03",1008.247985,1010.959107
"Fall, Hit ~ Fim_s01e03",1026.322128,1027.430675
Shake ~ Fim_s01e03,1029.358584,1030.358687
"Zomm, Run away, Stampede ~ Fim_s01e03",1058.632671,1060.644925
"Magic, Teleport ~ Spike, Fim_s01e03",1103.269779,1106.426729
Doors slamming ~ Fim_s01e03,1113.053915,1116.006025
Light switches ~ Fim_s01e03,1116.060247,1117.777291
"Scream ~ Twilight, Fim_s01e03",1121.428268,1123.036866
Paper rustle ~ Fim_s01e03,1185.784266,1186.598504
"Dragon mail ~ Applejack, Fim_s01e03",1237.422092,1240.783882
"Gasp ~ Mane 6, Fim_s01e03",1252.001761,1253.135761
"Crowd cheering ~ Mane 6, Fim_s01e03",1254.863640,1257.761527
Magic charging ~ Fim_s01e03,1270.292933,1272.648596
"Laugh ~ Spike, Fim_s01e03",1281.275987,1282.848438
"Guitar riff, Fast Flying ~ FiM_s02e01",252.324029,272.796371
NAture ~ FiM_s02e14,171.564000,190.570600
"Scene transition, Happy, Banjo, Applejack",707.712691,711.707126
"Opening, Dramatic ~ Fim_s01e02",73.724652,106.549904
Spooky ~ Fim_s01e02,219.733379,251.736662
"Spooky, Dramatic, Run away ~ Fim_s01e02",250.290730,272.799063
"Build up, Happy, Climax ~ Fim_s01e02",273.112348,291.523875
Animals in forest ~ Fim_s01e02,313.526131,324.900792
"Dramatic, Running ~ Fim_s01e02",324.900792,361.964834
"Dramatic, Climax, Reveal ~ Fim_s01e02",362.302218,373.098506
Magical forest ~ Fim_s01e02,373.435890,392.955965
"Dramatic, Jump scare ~ Fim_s01e02",457.155320,462.143783
"Happy, Animals, Generic background ~ Fluttershy, Fim_s01e02",395.992421,416.572845
"Building tension, Stalking ~ Fim_s01e02",416.572845,425.465323
"Spooky forest, Owls ~ Fim_s01e02",426.911254,434.912075
"Dramatic, Reveal ~ Fim_s01e02",672.478609,675.298175
"Generic background, Opening, River ~ Fim_s01e02",543.381031,549.911821
"Generic background, River ~ Fim_s01e02",572.564747,615.990887
"Dramatic, Building tension ~ Fim_s01e02",780.248698,793.695860
"Fall, Sad, Happy ~ Fim_s01e02",634.402414,648.861729
"Happy, River ~ Fim_s01e02",651.440306,670.478403
"Happy, Majestic, Dramatic, Reveal ~ Fim_s01e02",675.442768,699.903108
"Happy, Triumphant ~ Fim_s01e02",793.695860,808.203372
"Dramatic, Indecisive, Triumphant ~ Fim_s01e02",740.581979,771.042934
Happy ~ Fim_s01e02,811.071136,815.939105
"Happy, Majestic ~ Fim_s01e02",816.806664,851.123437
"Spooky, Dramatic, Building tension ~ Fim_s01e02",851.123437,880.957822
"Dramatic, Anxious, Running ~ Fim_s01e02",882.355555,934.698273
"Happy, Heavenly choir, Reveal ~ Fim_s01e02",934.698273,940.819383
"Building tension, Anxious, Dramatic, Climax ~ Nightmare Moon, Fim_s01e02",940.819383,971.762315
"Happy, Triumphant, Heavenly choir, MLP Jingle, Climax ~ Fim_s01e02",972.991357,1106.330334
"Happy, Royalty, Introduction, Birds, Triumphant ~ Fim_s01e02",1136.935882,1188.603832
"Happy, Birds ~ Fim_s01e02",1156.287265,1211.304955
"Happy, Parade, Party, Triumphant ~ Fim_s01e02",1219.787753,1282.830363
"Happy, Crowd cheering, MLP Jingle, Ending ~ Fim_s01e02",1283.697922,1295.506362
MAgic ~ FiM_s02e20,351.754585,353.228518
"MAgic, Quill scratching ~ FiM_s02e20",777.415500,778.697702
"Hit, Grunt ~ Spike, FiM_s01e01",176.016937,176.792030
"Whoa, Fall, Ow ~ Spike FiM_s01e01",251.530414,253.502196
"Dragon mail ~ Spike, FiM_s01e01",333.853042,337.200030
"Long gasp ~ Pinkie, FiM_s01e01",434.949301,436.935948
"Sad, Sigh ~ Spike, FiM_s01e01",442.257755,443.263119
"Laugh, Muffled ~ Spike, FiM_s01e01",482.683014,483.748579
"Ahem ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",484.091727,484.925803
"Spit, Vomit ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",539.752297,541.084420
"Nervous laugh ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",541.216863,541.939280
"Groan, Water drip ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",586.512418,587.614104
"Laugh, Water drip ~ Rainbow, FiM_s01e01",589.672993,590.943243
"Water drip, Laugh, Wings ~ Rainbow, FiM_s01e01",592.841612,594.615530
Laugh ~ Rainbow FiM_s01e01,595.729257,596.418984
"Stifled laugh ~ Rainbow, FiM_s01e01",620.183077,623.006524
"Laugh, fall ~ Rainbow, FiM_s01e01",623.042645,626.486166
"Laugh, Fall ~ Rainbow, Spike, FiM_s01e01",626.486166,628.418632
"Sigh ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",638.424110,639.104386
"Fast Flying, Zoom, Clearing Clouds ~ Rainbow, FiM_s01e01",675.472069,684.357800
"Stifled laugh, Wings ~ Spike, FiM_s01e01",706.740691,709.455775
"Grunt, Annoyed ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",709.455775,710.166152
"Whoa, Whinny, Hoers, Surprised ~ Rarity, FiM_s01e01",752.526887,753.770047
"Sigh ~ Spike, FiM_s01e01",818.751469,819.798974
"Squeak ~ Fluttershy, FiM_s01e01",888.573086,889.704873
"Groan, Annoyed ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",945.999228,947.576506
"Gasp ~ Pinkie, FiM_s01e01",1041.627487,1042.303454
"Faint, Fall ~ Spike, FiM_s01e01",1220.307038,1221.727791
"Evil laugh ~ Nightmare Moon, FiM_s01e01",1275.878976,1277.420133
"Gulp, Anxious ~ Twilight, FiM_s01e01",1274.861572,1275.349204
"Evil laugh, Thunder, Lightning ~ Nightmare Moon, FiM_s01e01",1286.085000,1293.054444

Tags I haven't checked yet:

    "Bandage": "Bandage",
    "Banjo": "Banjo",
    "Bark": "Bark",
    "Barking": "Barking",
    "Bats": "Bats",
    "Battle": "Battle",
    "Bear": "Bear",
    "Beatbox": "Beatbox",
    "Beatboxing": "Beatboxing",
    "Bees": "Bees",
    "Belch": "Belch",
    "Bell": "Bell",
    "Bell ring": "Bell ring",
    "Bell ringing": "Bell ringing",
    "Bells": "Bells",
    "Benny Hill": "Benny Hill",
    "Big cat": "Big cat",
    "Big gasp": "Big gasp",
    "Big Mac": "Big Mac",
    "Big sneeze": "Big sneeze",
    "Big spell": "Big spell",
    "Big Spell": "Big Spell",
    "Bild up": "Bild up",
    "Bird call": "Bird call",
    "Birds": "Birds",
    "Birds flying away": "Birds flying away",
    "Bite": "Bite",
    "Bleh": "Bleh",
    "Blink": "Blink",
    "Blow": "Blow",
    "Bog": "Bog",
    "Boing": "Boing",
    "Bong": "Bong",
    "Bongos": "Bongos",
    "Boo": "Boo",
    "Book": "Book",
    "Book close": "Book close",
    "Bored": "Bored",
    "Bounce": "Bounce",
    "Bounch": "Bounch",
    "Bouncing": "Bouncing",
    "Bowl": "Bowl",
    "Bowling": "Bowling",
    "Bowling pins": "Bowling pins",
    "Braeburn": "Braeburn",
    "Break": "Break",
    "British Grenadiers": "British Grenadiers",
    "Bubbles": "Bubbles",
    "Buck": "Buck",
    "Bucket": "Bucket",
    "Buffalo": "Buffalo",
    "Bugs": "Bugs",
    "Buildding tension": "Buildding tension",
    "Building": "Building",
    "building tension": "building tension",
    "Building tension": "Building tension",
    "Building tenstion": "Building tenstion",
    "Building tesnion": "Building tesnion",
    "Building tesnsion": "Building tesnsion",
    "Build up": "Build up",
    "Builing tension": "Builing tension",
    "buliding tension": "buliding tension",
    "Bump": "Bump",
    "Burp": "Burp",
    "Bushes": "Bushes",
    "Butterflies": "Butterflies",
    "Buzz": "Buzz",
    "Caballeron": "Caballeron",
    "Cadance": "Cadance",
    "Cadence": "Cadence",
    "Calm": "Calm",
    "Calming": "Calming",
    "Camera": "Camera",
    "Campfire": "Campfire",
    "Canterlot": "Canterlot",
    "Capfire": "Capfire",
    "Carnival": "Carnival",
    "Carousel boutique": "Carousel boutique",
    "Carousel Boutique": "Carousel Boutique",
    "Cart": "Cart",
    "Cat": "Cat",
    "Catch": "Catch",
    "Cat purring": "Cat purring",
    "Catter": "Catter",
    "Catwalk": "Catwalk",
    "Cauldron": "Cauldron",
    "Cave": "Cave",
    "Celestia": "Celestia",
    "Celestia's Ballad": "Celestia's Ballad",
    "Ceremony": "Ceremony",
    "Chains": "Chains",
    "Change": "Change",
    "Changeling change": "Changeling change",
    "Changeling": "Changeling",
    "Changeling changing": "Changeling changing",
    "Changelings": "Changelings",
    "Chaotic": "Chaotic",
    "Charging": "Charging",
    "Chariot": "Chariot",
    "Chase": "Chase",
    "Chasing": "Chasing",
    "Chatter": "Chatter",
    "Check": "Check",
    "Cheer": "Cheer",
    "Cheerilee": "Cheerilee",
    "cheering": "cheering",
    "Cheering": "Cheering",
    "Cheerleading": "Cheerleading",
    "Cheese Sandwich": "Cheese Sandwich",
    "Cherr": "Cherr",
    "Chicken": "Chicken",
    "Chickens": "Chickens",
    "Chrysalis": "Chrysalis",
    "Chuckle": "Chuckle",
    "Cider pour": "Cider pour",
    "Cimax": "Cimax",
    "Clapping": "Clapping",
    "Classical": "Classical",
    "Cleaning": "Cleaning",
    "Clearing Clouds": "Clearing Clouds",
    "Clear throad": "Clear throad",
    "Clear throat": "Clear throat",
    "Cliff hanger": "Cliff hanger",
    "Cliffhanger": "Cliffhanger",
    "Climax": "Climax",
    "Climb": "Climb",
    "Climbing": "Climbing",
    "Clock": "Clock",
    "Clock ticking": "Clock ticking",
    "Clock tower": "Clock tower",
    "Closing": "Closing",
    "Clothers rustling": "Clothers rustling",
    "Clothes rusting": "Clothes rusting",
    "Clothes rustle": "Clothes rustle",
    "Clothes rustling": "Clothes rustling",
    "Cloud busting": "Cloud busting",
    "Cloudsdale": "Cloudsdale",
    "CMC": "CMC",
    "CMCLaugh": "CMCLaugh",
    "Cock a doodle doo": "Cock a doodle doo",
    "Cockatrice": "Cockatrice",
    "Cockerel": "Cockerel",
    "Cocoon": "Cocoon",
    "Coins": "Coins",
    "Collapse": "Collapse",
    "Coloratura": "Coloratura",
    "Comedy": "Comedy",
    "Competition": "Competition",
    "Competitive": "Competitive",
    "Complaining": "Complaining",
    "Concern": "Concern",
    "Conclusion": "Conclusion",
    "Conflict resolution": "Conflict resolution",
    "Confused": "Confused",
    "Confusion": "Confusion",
    "Construction": "Construction",
    "Contemplative": "Contemplative",
    "Cooking": "Cooking",
    "Couch": "Couch",
    "Cough": "Cough",
    "Coughing": "Coughing",
    "Countdown": "Countdown",
    "Cow": "Cow",
    "Cozy Glow": "Cozy Glow",
    "Crack": "Crack",
    "Cranky": "Cranky",
    "Craok": "Craok",
    "crash": "crash",
    "Crash": "Crash",
    "Crazy": "Crazy",
    "Crazy laugh": "Crazy laugh",
    "Creak": "Creak",
    "Creaking": "Creaking",
    "Crickets": "Crickets",
    "Crockery": "Crockery",
    "Crowd arguing": "Crowd arguing",
    "Crowd chatter": "Crowd chatter",
    "Crowd cheering": "Crowd cheering",
    "Crowd": "Crowd",
    "Crowd screaming": "Crowd screaming",
    "Crows": "Crows",
    "Cry": "Cry",
    "Crying": "Crying",
    "Crysalis": "Crysalis",
    "Curious": "Curious",
    "Curtain": "Curtain",
    "Cut": "Cut",
    "Damatic": "Damatic",
    "Dance": "Dance",
    "Daring do": "Daring do",
    "Daring Do": "Daring Do",
    "Dash": "Dash",
    "Dear Princess Celestia": "Dear Princess Celestia",
    "Decend": "Decend",
    "Deflate": "Deflate",
    "Deflation": "Deflation",
    "Denied": "Denied",
    "Derpy": "Derpy",
    "Descend": "Descend",
    "Desolate": "Desolate",
    "De-stoning": "De-stoning",
    "Destruction": "Destruction",
    "Detective": "Detective",
    "Devious": "Devious",
    "Diamond Tiara": "Diamond Tiara",
    "Dig": "Dig",
    "Digging": "Digging",
    "Ding": "Ding",
    "Disagreement": "Disagreement",
    "Disappear": "Disappear",
    "Disappointment": "Disappointment",
    "Disapproving": "Disapproving",
    "Disbelief": "Disbelief",
    "Discord": "Discord",
    "Disgust": "Disgust",
    "Dismissive": "Dismissive",
    "Disorientating": "Disorientating",
    "Disrupted": "Disrupted",
    "Diving board": "Diving board",
    "Dizzy": "Dizzy",
    "Dog bark": "Dog bark",
    "Dog": "Dog",
    "Dog growl": "Dog growl",
    "Dogs": "Dogs",
    "Donkey": "Donkey",
    "Doop open": "Doop open",
    "Door bell": "Door bell",
    "door close": "door close",
    "Door close": "Door close",
    "Door Close": "Door Close",
    "Door closing": "Door closing",
    "Door open": "Door open",
    "Door opening": "Door opening",
    "Door shut": "Door shut",
    "Door slam": "Door slam",
    "Doors slamming": "Doors slamming",
    "Drag": "Drag",
    "Dragging along the ground": "Dragging along the ground",
    "Dragon": "Dragon",
    "Dragon fire": "Dragon fire",
    "Dragonfire": "Dragonfire",
    "dragonfire letter arrives": "dragonfire letter arrives",
    "Dragonfire letter arrives": "Dragonfire letter arrives",
    "Dragon mail": "Dragon mail",
    "Dramatic": "Dramatic",
    "Dramatic end": "Dramatic end",
    "Dramatic entrance": "Dramatic entrance",
    "Dramatic reveal": "Dramatic reveal",
    "Dramitic": "Dramitic",
    "Drawing": "Drawing",
    "Dream": "Dream",
    "Dr. Hooves": "Dr. Hooves",
    "Drink": "Drink",
    "Drinking": "Drinking",
    "Drmatic": "Drmatic",
    "Drop": "Drop",
    "Drum roll": "Drum roll",
    "Drums": "Drums",
    "Duck": "Duck",
    "Eagle": "Eagle",
    "Eagle screech": "Eagle screech",
    "Eat": "Eat",
    "Eating": "Eating",
    "Egg": "Egg",
    "Eh": "Eh",
    "Electric mixer": "Electric mixer",
    "Elements of harmony": "Elements of harmony",
    "Empty": "Empty",
    "Ending": "Ending",
    "End of class": "End of class",
    "End of list": "End of list",
    "Energetic": "Energetic",
    "Enter": "Enter",
    "Everfree": "Everfree",
    "Everfree forest": "Everfree forest",
    "Everfree Forest": "Everfree Forest",
    "Everything's fine": "Everything's fine",
    "Evil laugh": "Evil laugh",
    "Evil Laugh": "Evil Laugh",
    "Excited": "Excited",
    "Exersion": "Exersion",
    "Exertion": "Exertion",
    "explanation": "explanation",
    "Explanation": "Explanation",
    "Explantion": "Explantion",
    "Exploring": "Exploring",
    "Explosion": "Explosion",
    "Extreme sport": "Extreme sport",
    "Eye of the Tiger": "Eye of the Tiger",
    "Facehoof": "Facehoof",
    "Facepalm": "Facepalm",
    "Fade out": "Fade out",
    "Fade to black": "Fade to black",
    "Fade to Black": "Fade to Black",
    "Fade to echo": "Fade to echo",
    "fail": "fail",
    "Fail": "Fail",
    "Failure": "Failure",
    "faint": "faint",
    "Faint": "Faint",
    "Falg unfurl": "Falg unfurl",
    "fall": "fall",
    "Fall": "Fall",
    "Falling down": "Falling down",
    "Falling": "Falling",
    "Fall Spike": "Fall Spike",
    "Fall to ground": "Fall to ground",
    "Farm": "Farm",
    "Fas flying": "Fas flying",
    "Fash flying": "Fash flying",
    "Fashionista": "Fashionista",
    "Fashion show": "Fashion show",
    "Fashonista": "Fashonista",
    "Fast": "Fast",
    "Fast flying": "Fast flying",
    "Fast Flying": "Fast Flying",
    "Fast paced": "Fast paced",
    "Faucet": "Faucet",
    "Fear": "Fear",
    "Fearful": "Fearful",
    "Feint": "Feint",
    "fight": "fight",
    "Fight": "Fight",
    "Fighting a monster": "Fighting a monster",
    "Fillies": "Fillies",
    "Film": "Film",
    "Finger snap": "Finger snap",
    "Fire": "Fire",
    "Fireworks": "Fireworks",
    "Fit": "Fit",
    "Fizzle out": "Fizzle out",
    "Flag": "Flag",
    "Flag flapping": "Flag flapping",
    "Flag fluttering": "Flag fluttering",
    "Flag flying": "Flag flying",
    "Flag unfurl": "Flag unfurl",
    "Flag unfurling": "Flag unfurling",
    "Flag waving": "Flag waving",
    "Flash back": "Flash back",
    "Flashback": "Flashback",
    "Fliers": "Fliers",
    "Flies": "Flies",
    "Flugelhorn": "Flugelhorn",
    "Flutter": "Flutter",
    "Flutterhsy": "Flutterhsy",
    "Fluttering tarp": "Fluttering tarp",
    "Flutterrshy": "Flutterrshy",
    "Fluttershy": "Fluttershy",
    "Flying": "Flying",
    "Flying overhead": "Flying overhead",
    "Foals": "Foals",
    "Footsteps": "Footsteps",
    "Forced": "Forced",
    "Force field": "Force field",
    "Forest": "Forest",
    "Forrest": "Forrest",
    "France": "France",
    "Frantic searching": "Frantic searching",
    "Frog croak": "Frog croak",
    "Frog": "Frog",
    "Froliking": "Froliking",
    "Fun": "Fun",
    "Funny face": "Funny face",
    "Funny faces": "Funny faces",
    "Gag": "Gag",
    "Gallop": "Gallop",
    "Galloping": "Galloping",
    "Gallpoing": "Gallpoing",
    "Garbage": "Garbage",
    "Gasp": "Gasp",
    "GAsp": "GAsp",
    "Gasp. Twilight": "Gasp. Twilight",
    "Gate": "Gate",
    "Generic background Chatter": "Generic background Chatter",
    "generic background": "generic background",
    "Generic background": "Generic background",
    "Generic Background": "Generic Background",
    "Generic backround": "Generic backround",
    "Giddy": "Giddy",
    "giggle": "giggle",
    "Giggle": "Giggle",
    "Gilda": "Gilda",
    "Glass": "Glass",
    "Glass smashing": "Glass smashing",
    "Goat": "Goat",
    "God rays": "God rays",
    "Godzilla": "Godzilla",
    "Goran": "Goran",
    "Grab": "Grab",
    "Granny Smith": "Granny Smith",
    "Graon": "Graon",
    "groan": "groan",
    "Groan": "Groan",
    "Growl": "Growl",
    "Growling": "Growling",
    "Grown": "Grown",
    "Grumble": "Grumble",
    "Grunt": "Grunt",
    "Guitar": "Guitar",
    "Guitar riff": "Guitar riff",
    "Guitar Riff": "Guitar Riff",
    "Gulp": "Gulp",
    "Gulp Spike": "Gulp Spike",
    "Gustave le Grande": "Gustave le Grande",
    "Gutter": "Gutter",
    "Gypsy": "Gypsy",
    "Hair drier": "Hair drier",
    "Hammer": "Hammer",
    "Hanging": "Hanging",
    "Happer": "Happer",
    "Happy Crowd": "Happy Crowd",
    "happy": "happy",
    "Happy": "Happy",
    "Happy transition to dramatic": "Happy transition to dramatic",
    "Harmonica": "Harmonica",
    "Harp": "Harp",
    "Harshwhinny": "Harshwhinny",
    "Heart bubbles": "Heart bubbles",
    "Hearths warming": "Hearths warming",
    "Hearths Warming": "Hearths Warming",
    "Heart monitor": "Heart monitor",
    "Heavenly chior": "Heavenly chior",
    "Heavenly choir": "Heavenly choir",
    "Heavenly Choir": "Heavenly Choir",
    "Heavy breathing": "Heavy breathing",
    "Heavy footsteps": "Heavy footsteps",
    "Heavy mechanism": "Heavy mechanism",
    "Hee hee": "Hee hee",
    "Helicopter": "Helicopter",
    "Hiccup": "Hiccup",
    "Hiccups": "Hiccups",
    "High class": "High class",
    "High Class": "High Class",
    "High Speed": "High Speed",
    "Hip": "Hip",
    "Hiss": "Hiss",
    "Hit Crash": "Hit Crash",
    "hit": "hit",
    "Hit": "Hit",
    "Hi yah": "Hi yah",
    "Hm": "Hm",
    "Hmm": "Hmm",
    "Hoers": "Hoers",
    "Hoers noises": "Hoers noises",
    "Honk": "Honk",
    "Hoof bump": "Hoof bump",
    "Hoofbump": "Hoofbump",
    "Hoof Bump": "Hoof Bump",
    "Hoofstep": "Hoofstep",
    "hoofsteps": "hoofsteps",
    "Hoofsteps": "Hoofsteps",
    "Hoofsteps in muddy water": "Hoofsteps in muddy water",
    "Hoofsteps on wood": "Hoofsteps on wood",
    "Hoot": "Hoot",
    "Hopeful": "Hopeful",
    "Hop skip and jump": "Hop skip and jump",
    "Horn": "Horn",
    "Hot": "Hot",
    "Howl": "Howl",
    "Huff": "Huff",
    "Hug": "Hug",
    "Huh": "Huh",
    "Humming": "Humming",
    "Humourous": "Humourous",
    "Humph": "Humph",
    "Hyperventilating": "Hyperventilating",
    "Hypnosis": "Hypnosis",
    "Ice skating": "Ice skating",
    "Idea": "Idea",
    "Incorrect": "Incorrect",
    "Incredulous": "Incredulous",
    "Indecisive": "Indecisive",
    "Inflate": "Inflate",
    "Informative": "Informative",
    "Inhale": "Inhale",
    "Inquisitive": "Inquisitive",
    "Insects": "Insects",
    "Interest": "Interest",
    "Interrogation": "Interrogation",
    "Intimidating": "Intimidating",
    "Introduction": "Introduction",
    "Intro": "Intro",
    "Investigative": "Investigative",
    "Ironic": "Ironic",
    "Iron Will": "Iron Will",
    "Jackhammer": "Jackhammer",
    "James Bond": "James Bond",
    "Jar open": "Jar open",
    "Jet engine": "Jet engine",
    "Journey": "Journey",
    "Joyful": "Joyful",
    "Juggling": "Juggling",
    "Jumping frogs": "Jumping frogs",
    "Jumping": "Jumping",
    "Jump": "Jump",
    "Jump on cloud": "Jump on cloud",
    "Jump scare": "Jump scare",
    "Jumpscare": "Jumpscare",
    "Ka ching": "Ka ching",
    "Ka-ching": "Ka-ching",
    "Karate": "Karate",
    "Kettle whistling": "Kettle whistling",
    "Kick": "Kick",
    "Kiss": "Kiss",
    "Knock": "Knock",
    "Knock on door": "Knock on door",
    "Kung fu": "Kung fu",
    "la la la": "la la la",
    "La la la": "La la la",
    "Landing": "Landing",
    "Land": "Land",
    "Lasso": "Lasso",
    "Laugh Applejack": "Laugh Applejack",
    "Laughing": "Laughing",
    "laugh": "laugh",
    "Laugh": "Laugh",
    "Laughter": "Laughter",
    "Launch": "Launch",
    "Lean in": "Lean in",
    "Leaves rustling": "Leaves rustling",
    "Lemon Hearts": "Lemon Hearts",
    "Let dow": "Let dow",
    "Let down Fail": "Let down Fail",
    "Let down": "Let down",
    "Letter": "Letter",
    "Lick": "Lick",
    "Lift": "Lift",
    "Lighting": "Lighting",
    "Lightning": "Lightning",
    "Light switches": "Light switches",
    "Lily Valley": "Lily Valley",
    "List": "List",
    "Lock": "Lock",
    "Long gasp": "Long gasp",
    "Long groan": "Long groan",
    "Long Hmm": "Long Hmm",
    "Long inhale": "Long inhale",
    "Long": "Long",
    "Long No": "Long No",
    "Long scream": "Long scream",
    "Long sigh": "Long sigh",
    "Look around": "Look around",
    "Look down": "Look down",
    "Look up acend": "Look up acend",
    "Look up": "Look up",
    "Loopty hoop": "Loopty hoop",
    "Love is in bloom": "Love is in bloom",
    "Love": "Love",
    "Luagh": "Luagh",
    "Luna": "Luna",
    "Lustrous": "Lustrous",
    "Lyra": "Lyra",
    "Machinery": "Machinery",
    "Magical forest": "Magical forest",
    "Magic charging": "Magic charging",
    "Magic": "Magic",
    "MAgic": "MAgic",
    "Maigc": "Maigc",
    "Majestic": "Majestic",
    "Mane 6": "Mane 6",
    "MAne 6": "MAne 6",
    "Mane-iac": "Mane-iac",
    "Marching": "Marching",
    "Matilda": "Matilda",
    "Mean 6": "Mean 6",
    "Mean Fluttershy": "Mean Fluttershy",
    "Mean Rainbow": "Mean Rainbow",
    "Mean Rarity": "Mean Rarity",
    "Mean Rartiy": "Mean Rartiy",
    "Mean Twilight": "Mean Twilight",
    "Meditative": "Meditative",
    "Melodic": "Melodic",
    "Memory": "Memory",
    "Menacing": "Menacing",
    "Mesmerising": "Mesmerising",
    "Messy eating": "Messy eating",
    "Mh hmm": "Mh hmm",
    "Mh Hmm": "Mh Hmm",
    "Microphone": "Microphone",
    "Military": "Military",
    "Mine!": "Mine!",
    "Minuette": "Minuette",
    "Mischief": "Mischief",
    "MLP jingle": "MLP jingle",
    "MLP Jingle": "MLP Jingle",
    "Mm Hmm": "Mm Hmm",
    "Moan": "Moan",
    "Mocking": "Mocking",
    "Money bag": "Money bag",
    "Money": "Money",
    "Monster growl": "Monster growl",
    "Monster": "Monster",
    "Monster roaring": "Monster roaring",
    "Monster Roaring": "Monster Roaring",
    "Montage": "Montage",
    "Moo": "Moo",
    "Moon Dancer": "Moon Dancer",
    "Movement": "Movement",
    "Move": "Move",
    "Mud": "Mud",
    "Muffled crying": "Muffled crying",
    "Muffled": "Muffled",
    "Mumble": "Mumble",
    "Murmur": "Murmur",
    "Muttering": "Muttering",
    "Mutter": "Mutter",
    "Mysterious": "Mysterious",
    "Mystical": "Mystical",
    "Nature": "Nature",
    "NAture": "NAture",
    "Negative": "Negative",
    "Neigh": "Neigh",
    "Nervous laugh": "Nervous laugh",
    "Nervous laughter": "Nervous laughter",
    "Nervous": "Nervous",
    "Nicker": "Nicker",
    "Nigh": "Nigh",
    "Nightmare Moon": "Nightmare Moon",
    "Night": "Night",
    "Nod": "Nod",
    "No!": "No!",
    "No": "No",
    "Noooo": "Noooo",
    "Nudge": "Nudge",
    "Octavia": "Octavia",
    "Ohh Aah": "Ohh Aah",
    "Oh well": "Oh well",
    "Oink": "Oink",
    "Old film": "Old film",
    "Ominous": "Ominous",
    "Oof": "Oof",
    "Ooh aah": "Ooh aah",
    "Ooh ahh": "Ooh ahh",
    "Ooh Ahh": "Ooh Ahh",
    "Ooh": "Ooh",
    "Opeing": "Opeing",
    "Opeining": "Opeining",
    "Opening Explanation": "Opening Explanation",
    "Opening": "Opening",
    "Open": "Open",
    "Opnin": "Opnin",
    "Order up": "Order up",
    "Over enthusiasm": "Over enthusiasm",
    "Overly dramatic crying": "Overly dramatic crying",
    "Overly dramatic": "Overly dramatic",
    "Owlowiscious": "Owlowiscious",
    "Owl": "Owl",
    "Owls": "Owls",
    "Ow": "Ow",
    "Pacing": "Pacing",
    "Pages flipping": "Pages flipping",
    "Pages turning": "Pages turning",
    "Pained": "Pained",
    "Paint": "Paint",
    "Panic": "Panic",
    "Paniked": "Paniked",
    "Panting": "Panting",
    "Pant": "Pant",
    "Paper": "Paper",
    "Paper rip": "Paper rip",
    "Paper rustle": "Paper rustle",
    "Paper rustling": "Paper rustling",
    "Paperwork": "Paperwork",
    "Parade": "Parade",
    "Parasprite music": "Parasprite music",
    "Parasprite": "Parasprite",
    "Parasprites": "Parasprites",
    "Parasprites reproducing": "Parasprites reproducing",
    "Parasprite wings": "Parasprite wings",
    "Parasptires": "Parasptires",
    "Party blower": "Party blower",
    "Party cannon": "Party cannon",
    "Party Cannon": "Party Cannon",
    "Party": "Party",
    "Party preparation": "Party preparation",
    "Peak": "Peak",
    "Peek": "Peek",
    "Pen on paper": "Pen on paper",
    "Performing": "Performing",
    "Pfft": "Pfft",
    "Pharynx": "Pharynx",
    "Phew": "Phew",
    "Philomena": "Philomena",
    "Photo Finish": "Photo Finish",
    "Piano": "Piano",
    "Pig": "Pig",
    "Pigs": "Pigs",
    "Pikie bounce": "Pikie bounce",
    "Pinkamina": "Pinkamina",
    "Pinke": "Pinke",
    "Pinkie chasing Rainbow": "Pinkie chasing Rainbow",
    "Pinkie": "Pinkie",
    "Pinkie Promise": "Pinkie Promise",
    "Pinkie's helicopter": "Pinkie's helicopter",
    "Pinkie swarm": "Pinkie swarm",
    "Pke": "Pke",
    "Place": "Place",
    "Plane sounds": "Plane sounds",
    "Plane Sounds": "Plane Sounds",
    "Plants rustling": "Plants rustling",
    "Playing": "Playing",
    "Play": "Play",
    "Plot": "Plot",
    "Poke": "Poke",
    "Pomf": "Pomf",
    "Poof": "Poof",
    "pop": "pop",
    "Pop": "Pop",
    "Potion": "Potion",
    "Pour": "Pour",
    "Preparation": "Preparation",
    "Preparations": "Preparations",
    "Prepare for battle": "Prepare for battle",
    "Prepare for Battle": "Prepare for Battle",
    "Preparing for Battle": "Preparing for Battle",
    "Prod": "Prod",
    "Puff": "Puff",
    "Pull": "Pull",
    "Punch": "Punch",
    "Puppy": "Puppy",
    "Puppy whine": "Puppy whine",
    "Purr": "Purr",
    "Pursuit": "Pursuit",
    "Push": "Push",
    "Quack": "Quack",
    "Question": "Question",
    "Quicksand": "Quicksand",
    "Quill": "Quill",
    "quill scratching": "quill scratching",
    "Quill scratching": "Quill scratching",
    "Quill scratch": "Quill scratch",
    "Race car": "Race car",
    "Race": "Race",
    "Radar": "Radar",
    "Radiance": "Radiance",
    "Rainbow Dash": "Rainbow Dash",
    "Rainbow": "Rainbow",
    "Rain": "Rain",
    "Raise": "Raise",
    "Ralisation": "Ralisation",
    "Random background screaming and grunting": "Random background screaming and grunting",
    "Raor": "Raor",
    "Rapid breathing": "Rapid breathing",
    "Rapid movement": "Rapid movement",
    "Rapid shake": "Rapid shake",
    "Rarity getting railed": "Rarity getting railed",
    "Rarity": "Rarity",
    "Raspberry": "Raspberry",
    "Rave": "Rave",
    "Realiasation": "Realiasation",
    "Realisaion": "Realisaion",
    "Realisation Let down": "Realisation Let down",
    "Realisation": "Realisation",
    "REalisation": "REalisation",
    "Realistaion": "Realistaion",
    "Rebut": "Rebut",
    "Recap": "Recap",
    "Recoil": "Recoil",
    "Record scratch": "Record scratch",
    "Record Scratch": "Record Scratch",
    "Relaisation": "Relaisation",
    "Relaxed": "Relaxed",
    "Relief": "Relief",
    "Relieved": "Relieved",
    "Reminiscent": "Reminiscent",
    "Research": "Research",
    "Retch": "Retch",
    "Reveal Dramatic": "Reveal Dramatic",
    "reveal": "reveal",
    "Reveal": "Reveal",
    "REveal": "REveal",
    "Reveal. Ta-da!": "Reveal. Ta-da!",
    "Reveal Transition": "Reveal Transition",
    "Revelation": "Revelation",
    "Ribbit": "Ribbit",
    "Ribit": "Ribit",
    "Ride of the Valkyries": "Ride of the Valkyries",
    "Ring": "Ring",
    "Riot": "Riot",
    "Rip": "Rip",
    "Rise": "Rise",
    "River": "River",
    "Roar": "Roar",
    "Rockhoof": "Rockhoof",
    "Rocking chair": "Rocking chair",
    "Rocking": "Rocking",
    "Rock": "Rock",
    "Rodeo": "Rodeo",
    "Royalty": "Royalty",
    "Rub": "Rub",
    "Rummage": "Rummage",
    "Run away": "Run away",
    "Running": "Running",
    "Rush": "Rush",
    "Rustle": "Rustle",
    "Rustling": "Rustling",
    "Sad": "Sad",
    "Salt": "Salt",
    "Sapphire Shores": "Sapphire Shores",
    "Sarcastic": "Sarcastic",
    "Scared": "Scared",
    "Scene transition": "Scene transition",
    "Scheme": "Scheme",
    "School bell": "School bell",
    "School Bell": "School Bell",
    "Science contraption": "Science contraption",
    "Science": "Science",
    "Scissors": "Scissors",
    "Scoff Annoyed": "Scoff Annoyed",
    "Scoff": "Scoff",
    "Scootaloo": "Scootaloo",
    "ScootalooScream": "ScootalooScream",
    "Scootatloo": "Scootatloo",
    "Scooter": "Scooter",
    "Scootlaoo": "Scootlaoo",
    "Scotaloo": "Scotaloo",
    "Scowl": "Scowl",
    "Scratch": "Scratch",
    "Screaming": "Screaming",
    "Scream": "Scream",
    "Screws": "Screws",
    "Scroll unfurl": "Scroll unfurl",
    "Scrub": "Scrub",
    "Scuttle": "Scuttle",
    "searching": "searching",
    "Searching": "Searching",
    "Search": "Search",
    "Set down": "Set down",
    "Sewing machine": "Sewing machine",
    "Shake": "Shake",
    "Shaking off water": "Shaking off water",
    "Shaking": "Shaking",
    "Shatter": "Shatter",
    "Sheep": "Sheep",
    "Shh": "Shh",
    "Shifty eyes": "Shifty eyes",
    "Shimmer": "Shimmer",
    "Shine": "Shine",
    "Shining Armor": "Shining Armor",
    "Shivering": "Shivering",
    "Shiver": "Shiver",
    "Shock": "Shock",
    "Shop": "Shop",
    "shouting": "shouting",
    "Shouting": "Shouting",
    "Shout": "Shout",
    "Shower": "Shower",
    "Show off": "Show off",
    "Shrug": "Shrug",
    "Shudder": "Shudder",
    "Shuffle": "Shuffle",
    "Sigh": "Sigh",
    "Silverspoon": "Silverspoon",
    "Silver Spoon": "Silver Spoon",
    "Sip": "Sip",
    "Skid": "Skid",
    "Skid to stop": "Skid to stop",
    "Skid to Stop": "Skid to Stop",
    "Skid to to stop": "Skid to to stop",
    "Slaking": "Slaking",
    "Slam": "Slam",
    "Slap": "Slap",
    "Slash": "Slash",
    "Sleeping": "Sleeping",
    "Sleep": "Sleep",
    "Sleepy": "Sleepy",
    "Slice": "Slice",
    "Slide down": "Slide down",
    "Slide on glass": "Slide on glass",
    "Slide": "Slide",
    "Slime": "Slime",
    "slip": "slip",
    "Slip": "Slip",
    "Slow Dance": "Slow Dance",
    "Slow motion": "Slow motion",
    "Slow": "Slow",
    "Slow to stop": "Slow to stop",
    "Slurp": "Slurp",
    "Smash": "Smash",
    "Smile": "Smile",
    "Smile smile smile": "Smile smile smile",
    "Smoke": "Smoke",
    "smug": "smug",
    "Smug": "Smug",
    "Snake charming": "Snake charming",
    "Snake": "Snake",
    "Snakes": "Snakes",
    "Snap": "Snap",
    "Sneaking": "Sneaking",
    "Sneak": "Sneak",
    "Sneak up behind": "Sneak up behind",
    "Sneeze": "Sneeze",
    "Snicker": "Snicker",
    "Sniffle": "Sniffle",
    "Sniff": "Sniff",
    "Snip": "Snip",
    "Snore": "Snore",
    "Snoring": "Snoring",
    "Soarin": "Soarin",
    "Sob": "Sob",
    "Sombra dies": "Sombra dies",
    "Sombra": "Sombra",
    "Sonic rainboom": "Sonic rainboom",
    "Sonic Rainboom": "Sonic Rainboom",
    "Sparkle": "Sparkle",
    "Sparkles": "Sparkles",
    "Spark": "Spark",
    "Spa": "Spa",
    "Spike": "Spike",
    "SPike": "SPike",
    "Spikes": "Spikes",
    "Spill": "Spill",
    "Spinning bowl": "Spinning bowl",
    "Spinning eyes": "Spinning eyes",
    "Spinning plates": "Spinning plates",
    "Spinning": "Spinning",
    "Spin": "Spin",
    "Spitfire": "Spitfire",
    "Spit": "Spit",
    "Splash": "Splash",
    "Splat": "Splat",
    "Splutter": "Splutter",
    "Spooky forest": "Spooky forest",
    "Spooky": "Spooky",
    "Spooky wind": "Spooky wind",
    "Spotlight": "Spotlight",
    "Spotlights": "Spotlights",
    "Spy": "Spy",
    "Squeak": "Squeak",
    "Squeaky hinges": "Squeaky hinges",
    "Squeek": "Squeek",
    "Squee": "Squee",
    "Squeeze": "Squeeze",
    "Squeeze through": "Squeeze through",
    "Squirrel": "Squirrel",
    "SSCS6k": "SSCS6k",
    "Stacking higher": "Stacking higher",
    "Stacking high": "Stacking high",
    "Stack": "Stack",
    "Stadium": "Stadium",
    "Stalking": "Stalking",
    "Stammering": "Stammering",
    "Stampede": "Stampede",
    "Starlight": "Starlight",
    "Starstruck": "Starstruck",
    "Startled animals": "Startled animals",
    "Startled chickens": "Startled chickens",
    "Startled": "Startled",
    "Startlight": "Startlight",
    "Startstruck": "Startstruck",
    "Steam": "Steam",
    "Steven Magnet": "Steven Magnet",
    "Steve": "Steve",
    "Stifled laugh": "Stifled laugh",
    "Stinging": "Stinging",
    "Stomach growl": "Stomach growl",
    "Stomp": "Stomp",
    "Stop": "Stop",
    "Stopwatch": "Stopwatch",
    "Storm": "Storm",
    "Straight hair": "Straight hair",
    "Straw": "Straw",
    "Streets": "Streets",
    "Stress eating": "Stress eating",
    "stretch": "stretch",
    "Stretch": "Stretch",
    "Strike": "Strike",
    "Struggle": "Struggle",
    "Struggling": "Struggling",
    "Strutting": "Strutting",
    "Stumble": "Stumble",
    "Stuttering": "Stuttering",
    "Stutter": "Stutter",
    "Suction cups": "Suction cups",
    "Sugar Belle": "Sugar Belle",
    "Sunburst": "Sunburst",
    "Surprised": "Surprised",
    "Surprise!": "Surprise!",
    "Surprise": "Surprise",
    "Suspicious": "Suspicious",
    "Swallow": "Swallow",
    "Swarm": "Swarm",
    "Sweak": "Sweak",
    "Sweeping": "Sweeping",
    "Sweep": "Sweep",
    "Sweet Apple Acres": "Sweet Apple Acres",
    "Sweetie Belle": "Sweetie Belle",
    "Swish": "Swish",
    "Switch": "Switch",
    "Swollow": "Swollow",
    "Swoon": "Swoon",
    "Sword": "Sword",
    "Ta da": "Ta da",
    "Ta-da!": "Ta-da!",
    "Tail Twitch": "Tail Twitch",
    "Tape": "Tape",
    "Teacup": "Teacup",
    "Tear": "Tear",
    "Tease": "Tease",
    "Teetering": "Teetering",
    "Teleport": "Teleport",
    "tension": "tension",
    "Tentative": "Tentative",
    "Theatre": "Theatre",
    "The show is fucking ruined": "The show is fucking ruined",
    "The stare": "The stare",
    "Thinking": "Thinking",
    "Throw": "Throw",
    "Thud": "Thud",
    "Thug": "Thug",
    "Thun der": "Thun der",
    "Thunder": "Thunder",
    "Tick": "Tick",
    "Tick tock": "Tick tock",
    "Tick Tock": "Tick Tock",
    "Timber wolf": "Timber wolf",
    "Timberwolf": "Timberwolf",
    "Time passing": "Time passing",
    "Tip toe": "Tip toe",
    "Tiptoe": "Tiptoe",
    "Tired": "Tired",
    "Tirek": "Tirek",
    "to guitar riff": "to guitar riff",
    "to happy": "to happy",
    "Totally legit construction noises": "Totally legit construction noises",
    "Train": "Train",
    "Transition to annoyed": "Transition to annoyed",
    "Transition to Annoyed": "Transition to Annoyed",
    "Transition to anxious": "Transition to anxious",
    "Transition to Anxious": "Transition to Anxious",
    "Transition to dramatic": "Transition to dramatic",
    "Transition to Dramatic": "Transition to Dramatic",
    "Transition to energetic": "Transition to energetic",
    "Transition to guitar riff": "Transition to guitar riff",
    "Transition to happy": "Transition to happy",
    "Transition to high class": "Transition to high class",
    "Transition to High class": "Transition to High class",
    "Transition to Menacing": "Transition to Menacing",
    "Transition to montage": "Transition to montage",
    "Transition to ominous": "Transition to ominous",
    "Transition to sad": "Transition to sad",
    "Transition": "Transition",
    "Transtion to anxious": "Transtion to anxious",
    "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
    "Tree Hugger": "Tree Hugger",
    "Tribal": "Tribal",
    "Trip": "Trip",
    "Triumphant": "Triumphant",
    "Triumph": "Triumph",
    "Trixie": "Trixie",
    "Troip": "Troip",
    "Trolley": "Trolley",
    "Trombone": "Trombone",
    "Tropical": "Tropical",
    "Trumpet fanfare": "Trumpet fanfare",
    "Trumpet Fanfare": "Trumpet Fanfare",
    "Trying to open locked door": "Trying to open locked door",
    "Tumbleweed": "Tumbleweed",
    "Turn to stone": "Turn to stone",
    "Turn": "Turn",
    "Twilight Negative": "Twilight Negative",
    "Twilight": "Twilight",
    "Twiligh": "Twiligh",
    "Twinkleshine": "Twinkleshine",
    "Typewrites": "Typewrites",
    "Uh huh": "Uh huh",
    "Uh Huh": "Uh Huh",
    "Uh": "Uh",
    "Uh uh": "Uh uh",
    "Uh Uh": "Uh Uh",
    "Um": "Um",
    "Unfurl": "Unfurl",
    "Unstable": "Unstable",
    "Unveil": "Unveil",
    "Upbeat": "Upbeat",
    "Vacuum": "Vacuum",
    "Vase": "Vase",
    "Villain": "Villain",
    "Vomit": "Vomit",
    "Wahoo": "Wahoo",
    "Walking": "Walking",
    "Watching": "Watching",
    "Water drip": "Water drip",
    "Water drops": "Water drops",
    "water drop": "water drop",
    "Water drop": "Water drop",
    "Waterfall": "Waterfall",
    "Water pour": "Water pour",
    "Water splashes": "Water splashes",
    "Water splashing": "Water splashing",
    "Water splash": "Water splash",
    "Water": "Water",
    "Wedding": "Wedding",
    "Wedigo": "Wedigo",
    "Weehee": "Weehee",
    "Wendigo": "Wendigo",
    "Western Train": "Western Train",
    "Western": "Western",
    "Wester": "Wester",
    "Whack": "Whack",
    "Whee": "Whee",
    "Wheeze": "Wheeze",
    "Whimper": "Whimper",
    "Whinny": "Whinny",
    "Whip": "Whip",
    "Whispering": "Whispering",
    "Whistle": "Whistle",
    "Whistling": "Whistling",
    "Whoa": "Whoa",
    "Whoo hoo": "Whoo hoo",
    "Whoosh": "Whoosh",
    "Who": "Who",
    "Wiki": "Wiki",
    "Wilhelm": "Wilhelm",
    "Wimper Fluttershy": "Wimper Fluttershy",
    "Wimpering": "Wimpering",
    "Wimper": "Wimper",
    "Wind chimes": "Wind chimes",
    "Wind": "Wind",
    "wings": "wings",
    "Wings": "Wings",
    "Wins": "Wins",
    "Winter": "Winter",
    "Winter Wrap Up": "Winter Wrap Up",
    "Wobble": "Wobble",
    "Wolf": "Wolf",
    "Wonder bolts": "Wonder bolts",
    "Wonderbolts": "Wonderbolts",
    "Wonder": "Wonder",
    "Woo hoo": "Woo hoo",
    "Woo Hoo": "Woo Hoo",
    "Worried": "Worried",
    "Yankee Doodle": "Yankee Doodle",
    "Yank": "Yank",
    "Yawn": "Yawn",
    "Yelp": "Yelp",
    "Yowl": "Yowl",
    "Zap": "Zap",
    "Zecora": "Zecora",
    "Zen": "Zen",
    "Zip up": "Zip up",
    "Zip": "Zip",
    "Zomm": "Zomm",
    "Zoom Whoosh": "Zoom Whoosh",
    "Zoom": "Zoom",

Pony Preservation Project - /mlp/con 2021

by Synthbot

Pony Preservation Project - /mlp/con 2020

by Synthbot

Preservation Project History - 2020 to 2021

by Synthbot

Missing music

by Synthbot

Animation format

by Synthbot