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RGRE Promptbin 009

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2020-12-18 00:31:04
Expiry: Never

  1. > Rarity asks Anon to watch the Beautique while she presents her fashion line at a fashion show in Prance
  2. > Ostensibly, it's to make sure criminals don't break in and steal her stuff while she's gone
  3. > However, Sweetie Belle knows it's to keep an eye on her and make sure the CMC don't ruin the place
  4. > She's willing to admit that her friends can be rowdy, but she insists that she doesn't need a babysitter
  5. > Anon agrees, and starts warming up leftovers for dinner
  6. > Later that evening, he helps her with her homework, and eventually tucks her in bed
  7. > They fall into a simple domestic rhythm, Anon cooking meals, sending her off to school with well wishes, greeting her when she gets home from hanging out with her friends, helping with homework, tucking her in and asking how her day was, and repeat
  8. > He always leaves a note with her lunch, writing some encouraging message and/or making a terrible pun
  9. > The day before Rarity is due back, they decide to tidy up
  10. > Sweeping and mopping, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning Sweetie's room
  11. > By the late afternoon, they are both pretty tired and collapse on a settee
  12. > Sweetie Belle leans against him, nuzzling his arm
  13. > He pats her head fondly
  14. > "I'm going to miss having you around, Uncle Anon."
  15. > He tousles her mane
  16. "I'll miss you too, kiddo. It's been fun."
  18. > Rarity comes home to a miraculously whole Beautique, and an enthusiastically affectionate Sweetie Belle
  19. > She nuzzles her sister, before looking up at Anon
  20. > "There wasn't too much trouble, I trust?"
  21. > He shakes his head
  22. "Not at all. Sweetie was a little angel."
  23. > The fillie blushes and puffs out her cheeks
  24. > "I'm not little!"
  25. > Rarity chuckles, and smoothes down her sister's mane
  26. > "Of course not, darling. Why, I'm sure you'll be finding a job and a coltfriend all too soon."
  27. > Sweetie stares at her, her smile growing in intensity
  28. > "That's it! Anon, be our coltfriend, so you can live with us!"
  29. > Rarity blinks
  30. > Anon scratches his chin
  31. "Not a bad idea. What do you think, Rarity?"
  32. > The mare in question looks back and forth between Sweetie and Anon
  33. > The seem to be taking this seriously
  34. > "I'd be delighted."
  35. > Anon pulls them all into a group hug and squeezes them tight
  36. > Rarity savors his warmth, but can't help wondering if Sweetie is technically the Alpha here
  37. > Plenty of time to figure that out later, she supposes
  45. >You are Chrysalis, and you sure do feel good about yourself.
  46. >Anon ain't lippy no more, he has the horsefridge stocked full of horsebeer, and he's FINALLY taking those cooking classes with Thorax like you've been bugging him to do.
  47. >pfff....
  48. >BUGGING him.
  49. >Oh, mare, you are a changeling of a thousand zingers.
  51. >Who where?
  52. >You open the door and oh fuck, it's your unofficial parole officers.
  53. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
  54. >...
  55. >You wonder why they look so pissed.
  56. >"Hey there, miss," growls the hick, "Y'wanna explain why poor 'Non came to mah door, cryin' and cradlin' a black eye?"
  57. >Aw, fuck.
  58. >That's right.
  59. >Actual consequences to your actions.
  60. >You forgot those exis-
  62. >And that's when the blue one bucked you.
  63. >This was maybe not the best idea you've ever had.
  64. >Frankly, you aren't known for your good judgement.
  65. >"An' this one's fer the hour it took 'Non to calm down!"
  66. >Oh bug-Celestia's swinging teats, the orange one just took out her lasso.
  67. >"Ah ain't NEVER felt mah heart break so hard!"
  68. >Oh, this was NOT worth it.
  70. >"Shhh... shh-shh-shhh..."
  71. >You are Rainbow Dash, and you would never admit this, but...
  72. >...watching Anon hold onto Applejack like a drowning mare grabbing onto driftwood is damn near enough to make you cry.
  73. >You don't care if he looks funny.
  74. >You don't care that he acts more like a mare than a stallion.
  75. >You don't even care that he has such sparse fur on his body and that his eyes are tiny and foal-like.
  76. >You feel your eyes begin to water - dammit, that just makes it worse!
  77. >Now all you can think of is Anon's tiny, cute eyes surrounded by bruised skin and dripping with tears!
  78. >Dammit!
  79. >Celestia dammit!
  80. >NO stallion deserves this!
  81. >Not a one!
  82. >Not even that prick, Caramel!
  83. >You...
  84. >You just-
  85. "AAArrrgh!"
  86. >Anon squeaks in surprise as you collide with him and wrap your hooves around as much of him as you can.
  87. >Buck it.
  88. >You don't even care if Applejack can see you cry right now.
  89. >You're the head wather-mare in charge of Ponyville's weather, and that means you make the rules; and you say it's RAINING right now.
  90. >Right here in this barn.
  91. >Right on your face.
  92. >...and Applejack's face too, looks like.
  93. >...
  94. >You're never going to let this sweat, innocent cinnamon roll go.
  95. >Maybe you and Applejack can show him how a mare is supposed to treat her stallion.
  96. >And that's with LOVE.
  97. >And maybe in an hour or two, whenever Anon calms down, you and Applejack can go pay Anon's herd a visit.
  98. >You can show that bug-horse exactly what happens in Cloudsdale when you find mares who like to hit stallions.
  99. >Because you're the Element of Loyalty, darn it, and it's about time you show Chrysalis EXACTLY what that means
  101. "C'mon, Anon. Applejack should be back soon, so put down those brushes and come inside with me."
  102. >You are Rainbow Dash, and you've just finished painting that new fence on Sweet Apple Acres.
  103. >You MIGHT have been the one responsible for breaking it.
  104. >You MIGHT have been trying out a new trick to show off to Anon.
  105. >And you MIIIIIIGHT have tried to get out of it by saying Winona.
  106. >You STILL think you would have tricked Applejack if Anon hadn't come out and said something.
  107. >You had been annoyed (mostly at yourself, honestly) until Anon had volunteered to help you fix the darn thing.
  108. >And now it's good as new, and you and Anon are going back inside the house!
  109. >The house you maybe, uh... "improved" with some of your privileges that come from being the head weather-mare; like localized weather control.
  110. >Anon called it "Air Conditioning", which you STILL think is some sort of shampoo Anon buys at the marketplace.
  111. >A hop, skip, and a trot later, and the two of you are in the den together.
  112. >It was a long day's work, and you think you've earned some cuddles with your colt.
  113. >Anon got inside the house before you did, and it looks like he's going to make it to the couch before you do.
  114. >That won't do.
  115. >Faster than he can blink (approximately 20% faster, if you were to ask the "you" from 5 years ago), you jolt forward and flop down onto the couch.
  116. >Anon gives you one of his heart-melting smiles as he makes it over to the couch and crawls until you're face-to-face.
  117. >You settle down as Anon eases himself on top of you.
  118. >He always says he's afraid of crushing you, but you think he just underestimates how strong you are.
  119. >Same with Applejack, frankly; he treats you like the two of you'll break, sometimes.
  120. >But you're a duo of big, strong mares.
  121. >You made a promise a few months ago to protect Anon, and you fully intend on keeping it.
  123. >And you can't very well say you're gonna keep your precious colt safe if you can't even bear him laying down on top of you and rubbing his face into your chest tuft.
  124. >And Celestia help the pony who says Anon is "too heavy" in front of you or your herd sister.
  125. >As Anon finally relaxes completely, you wrap all four legs around him and nuzzle the top of his head.
  126. >His hair has such a unique scent.
  127. >Something that shampoo and soap can't take away.
  128. >It's 100% Anon, and you can't imagine liking any other scent as much as you like your human colt's.
  129. >You are Rainbow Dash, and-
  130. >>"Rainbow! 'Non! Are y'all in the den?!"
  131. >You are Rainb-
  132. >>"Cuz Ah want some cuddles, and Ah'm gonna get'em!"
  133. >You are Rainbow Da-
  134. >>"Also, Mac made dinner!"
  136. >...
  137. >And you are happier than you've ever been.
  138. ---
  139. >You are Chrysalis.
  140. >It is month 4 of your twice-weekly lessons with Twilight Sparkle.
  141. >You... might have made some mistakes.
  142. >...
  143. >You made a lot of mistakes.
  144. >A lot of really bad mistakes.
  145. >You're really not good at this.
  146. >Anon wasn't doing what you thought he was supposed to do, and all your own bug-mom ever taught you was, well... "by the hoof", so to speak.
  147. >She taught you that a show of weakness was unacceptable, so you'd be... forceful with your colt.
  148. >And when he'd react poorly and start to cry, you'd just get angry because THAT was a show of weakness.
  149. >You didn't know what else to do!
  150. >You didn't... understand that that wasn't supposed to happen.
  151. >It was all you knew... at least until now.
  152. >You've done your homework.
  153. >You now realize that those radio transmissions - those horse-dramas - you would receive on your horse-radio were really out of date.
  154. >Soap operas from 70 years ago.
  155. >Not... the best frame of reference to how stallions and mares were supposed to behave, you've been told.
  156. >Sure, things are a bit out of balance for stallions, but nopony expects their horseband to bring them dinner every night.
  158. >Nothing was going the way you expected to and you just...
  159. >...Twilight told you not to rationalize these things.
  160. >Your upbringing is NOT an excuse for how you behaved.
  161. >It's hard for you to admit this.
  162. >But... you regret how you treated Anon.
  163. >He was offering you and that filly companionship, and you... beat him for it.
  164. >All he wanted to do was give you a friend and a lover, because he knew you weren't beyond saving.
  165. >And all you did was prove him - and by extension, the rest of Ponyville - wrong.
  166. >You were just Chrysalis, the former queen of the changelings.
  167. >Harsh corners, cold chitin, a crooked horn, and too many sharp teeth.
  168. >Truly, the outside reflected the monster within.
  169. >And you were the last one to realize what you had become.
  170. >But you don't want to be that mare anymore.
  171. >You don't want to be a monster!
  172. >If a filthy runt like Thorax can throw off his own learned nature, then so can you!
  173. >You might not ever be perfect, but you're going to be better than this!
  174. >You are a QUEEN, and you'll be bug-Celestia DAMNED if you let your own mind RUIN you!
  175. >And someday...
  176. >Someday you'll apologize to Anon.
  177. >But not today.
  178. >You're not ready, and you don't think he is either.
  179. >But today, your homework is done.
  180. >You're going to turn in early and start re-reading one of those books Twilight gave you.
  181. >The one Friendship Journal, maybe.
  182. >It has a lot of stories that you can learn from.
  183. >...
  184. >You'll make this right someday.
  185. >On the grave of your former civilization, you swear you will.
  187. >Cozy Glow, seeing as how she was technically a part of Anon's herd before Dash and AJ, is now the senior herdmate with Chrysalis out of the picture.
  188. >This means she is Alpha.
  189. >Of course, RD and AJ have the right to challenge her for the role, but herd rules dictate that Cozy gets to decide the challenge they attempt to beat her at.
  190. >As long as Anon agrees, at least.
  191. >The grown mares aren't worried.
  192. >Beating a little filly wouldn't be hard, then they could compete against each other for the position of Alpha.
  193. >Cozy grins and tells them the challenge.
  194. >They have to beat her at a game of wits and strategy.
  195. >Both mares are slightly less confident.
  196. >They turn to Anon, demanding he make her change it, but Cozy argues that the alpha has to be smart to be able to organize and manage the herd, tagging on that the whole herd works to protect the stallion, and it matters not if the strongest mare is Alpha in such a situation.
  197. >Anon has to agree with that logic; a leader leads, but doesn't necessarily need to be the most skilled warrior.
  198. >The challenge is set, and the mares compete with a filly.
  199. >Chess.
  200. >Risk.
  201. >Even checkers.
  202. >These grown mares don't stand a chance.
  203. >That night, Cozy Glow lays snuggled on Anon's chest, grinning even in her sleep as Dash and Applejack on on either side of their stallion, frowning and nearly hanging off of the too small herd bed.
  204. >Cozy comments first priority for the herd should be the acquisition of a new, larger bed so that they can all snuggle comfortably together.
  205. >She might not be the best pony, but she takes her position seriously and plans on making Anon's herd the greatest, happiest herd in all of Equestria.
  206. >All under her rule, of course.
  213. >Royal guardsmares raid a zebra camp where they're using dark alchemy.
  214. >When they're about to take out the leader she throws out a potion that's supposed to summon a unholy beast.
  215. >Instead of a unholy beast, kid Anon pops out.
  216. >As the zebra looks on in disappointment at the small hairless ape she's arrested by the guards.
  217. >They quickly surround the creature afterwords.
  218. >As one of the guard get close the creature cries out "Pony!" and rushes her.
  219. >She totally didn't scream like a colt as it did.
  220. >After all the others calm down and realize it's not attacking their friend, but instead petting her like a colt with his first puppy, they decide to take it back to base, both for research and free snuggles
  223. >KidAnon is taken to the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, where he is tested.
  224. >When questioned about the world he came from, Anon's chipper demeanor starts to crumble as his face scrunches up in concentration.
  225. >With rising panic, he admits he's having trouble remembering, the sudden transportation seemingly having scrambled his memories.
  226. >Once he is adequately calmed down, he is given a room to rest in, and, after some pleading, he gets one of the mare researcher to stay by his bedside so he can pet her while he falls asleep.
  227. >His fingers do a better job than he expected as the mare yawns, then falls asleep herself.
  228. >Later, when guards come in to retrieve the unprofessional mare, they realize she isn't waking up.
  229. >After a panicked trip to the medical wing, it's determined she's suffering from magical exhaustion, and a quick scan reveals who the culprit it.
  230. >It seems Anon can absorb magic passively, with touch allowing him to drain magic directly from a source.
  231. >Anon at first is amazed by the super powers he seemingly developed out of thin air, hopping up and touching the ceiling of his room and lifting his bed frame off of the ground.
  232. >The joy quickly fades when he's questioned on why he stole the mare's magic.
  233. >He didn't mean to make her sick and put her in the hospital.
  234. >She was nice to him.
  235. >It's with an eagle-eyed guard escort that he is allowed to visit the nice researcher lady while she recovers.
  236. >Despite their mistrust of the boy, no pony in the room could stop from feeling sympathy as he apologizes profusely to the mare with big fat tears running down his face, arms held stiffly at his side.
  237. >Least of all the researcher who smiled and told him he was forgiven.
  238. >She couldn't stay mad at the little colt, no matter his species or powers.
  239. >He was just a boy, after all, and meant no harm with what he did.
  240. >Even weakened as she was, and against the wishes of the medical staff, she gestures for Anon to come closer for a hug
  242. >The Zebra occultists worship the faceless god of destruction, Incognito, and the ritual they were performing to summon an unholy beast was merely the first step in bringing their lord to the mortal plane.
  243. >Deep beneath Zebrica lies an ancient ruin, the entirely of which serves as one giant contraption with a small, man-sized chamber in the middle of it all.
  244. >Anon is the keystone of this device.
  245. >Unknown to him, he is meant to power it, the device being designed to open a dimensional rift for Incognito to enter through.
  246. >The device takes an insane amount of magic to activate, and so Anon, a living magic battery with an near infinite capacity, was meant to absorb a massive amount of magic, then enter the chamber in the middle of the ruins.
  247. >Instead, he has been taken in by the B.P.R.D. and has been raised as their secret weapon.
  248. >An agent meant to face down creatures no pony could stand against.
  249. >... While also being doted on like the Bureau's collective son.
  250. >Really, it's so annoying for TeenAnon to convince his moms to let him go out and fight the bad guys sometimes.
  251. >Usually they won't let him handle things until at least three squads of agents have failed to stop whatever evil force they're up against.
  252. >"They just want to keep you safe, sweetie," his main mom, the first researcher to show him trust and kindness, always tells him.
  253. >If Anon thinks the mares are overprotective now, just wait until he starts to really develop into a man.
  254. >Mother's are protective of their sons.
  255. >But herd mares will do anything to protect their stallion.
  256. Meanwhile, the true leader of the occultists waits and schemes.
  257. >Those ponies wish to use her human as a weapon against the dark?
  258. >So be it.
  259. >The boy needs to absorb much more magic before he will be fit for the device, anyway.
  260. >The zebra is willing to wait, and in the meantime, summon plenty of dark creatures to attack Equestria.
  261. >After all, for every battle they send Anon to fight, they take one step closer to their end
  268. >Anon talks a big game about hunting his own meals back home.
  269. >Even though the ponies understand he has the teeth for it and probably did eat meat, they don't believe he did the hunting.
  270. >They imagine a tribal, hunter gatherer people where the men stayed home with the young and the women went out and hunted.
  271. >They also take his talk of amazing human technology as coltish whimsy.
  272. >Anon sets out to prove them all wrong by constructing a rudimentary gun and going out into the Everefree forest to kill himself a meal.
  273. >Things quickly go south as Anon finds himself facing down a triceratops.
  274. >A goddamned dinosaur.
  275. >As epic of a kill that would have made, his boomstick does just that, the end splitting open when he fires it while the lead ball only leaves a scratch on the now angry triceratops' head crest.
  276. >What follows is a ten minutes chase as Anon screams his head off and the dinosaur tramples the trees behind him.
  277. >"There he is!"
  278. >"I gottem!"
  279. >"Fluttershy!"
  280. >"I'm on it. Excuse me Misses Triceratops..."
  281. "Oh thank god! That thing almost killed me...! Ah, Dash, you can put me down now."
  282. >"Yeah, not happening, Anon. Knowing you, you'd whimsy off and try to 'hunt' and ursa major next."
  283. "... Are those edible?"
  284. >"Sigh..."
  285. >Thus how Anon found himself under quasi house arrest, mares never letting him wonder out of sight.
  286. >He's not even allowed to visit Whitetail Woods without mare supervision
  293. >The Destrier.
  294. >The strongest warriors known to ponykind.
  295. >Or, at least that's what legends and historians will tell you.
  296. >The destrier mares were giant, dwarfing even Saddle Arabians, and had a savagery about them that made them a terror on the fields of battle.
  297. >Now, there is speculation of how these ponies came about, some claiming self-imposed breeding criteria to ensure only the biggest, strongest mares and stallions reproduced.
  298. >Then there are other's who suspect more natural paths of evolution.
  299. >Few, though, gave much thought to the legends of a God of Strong Breeding who gifted the Destrier with powerful young.
  300. >It was probably a religious belief at most- just superstition believed by these hulking warriors.
  301. >... Or perhaps a statue?
  302. >A magic statue?
  303. >That's what Daring Do's research has led her to believe, at least.
  304. >And this is the target of her next adventure.
  305. >What she does not yet know, is that the statue is real.
  306. >And alive.
  307. >The creature within, the male, for reasons unknown, is of the highest quality breeding stock.
  308. >Any foals sired by this male is born large, strong, and with a predatory wit.
  309. >When the ponies who found him in an era of constant skirmishes discovered this fact, they decided to use it to their advantage.
  310. >Thus, the creature was captured and forced to breed mare after mare.
  311. >And after each heat ran its cycle, the Destrier would ensure their treasure stay strong and virile for generations to come by using a cockatrice to shield him from the erosion of time.
  312. >Thus was the life of the creature- a constant state of petrifaction and sex, until it was nearly all it knew.
  313. >How then, will Daring Do react when she finds this petrified creature?
  314. >How will she react when she translates the hieroglyphs in its chamber, and learns what it- he is, and what has been done to him?
  323. >Anon introduces villains to parenthood
  324. >Their villainous desires shift focus to their foals
  325. >Instead of wanting to take over a nation, they now want their foal to be the very best
  326. >Instead of wanting power over a kingdom, they now want to protect their foal against all harm
  327. >Instead of giving villainous speeches... they still do, but they keep the maniacal laughter to a minimum so that it doesn't scare their foal
  328. >Imagine an incredibly smug, proud mom who treats their foal like it's the prize jewel of their crown
  329. >Both foal and waifu are kept in check by an earnest and honest love for Anon
  330. >If villain waifu goes back to her old ways or starts putting their plans and schemes ahead of the well-being of their own child, Anon gives her the patented Disappointed Stare
  331. >Villain waifu feels uncomfortable when Anon expression disappointment and feel shame for what is probably the first time in years
  332. >"W-What is this feeling in my chest? Why does it feel so awful? Am I... Am I dying?"
  333. >Anon ends up with a foal who has the predator genes of a human (with pointy canines and a taste for meat to match) and the above-average power that allowed his waifu to become a successful villain in the first place, and a wife who is dangerously protective of her husbando and her daughteru
  334. >Villain waifu doesn't let the foal sleep in her own bed until she's 4 years old, curling around her protectively while she sleeps
  335. >Villain waifu cuddles with Anon and, when she thinks he's asleep, whispers that she'll always protect him and their daughter from all life can throw at them
  336. >"With Celestia as my witness, I will NEVER let anything happen to either of you."
  343. >When Anon lands in equestria, he is first mistaken as a shaved, hornless Minotaur.
  344. >Once the mistake is eventually cleared up (ponies clearly didn't get the memo the first damn time and Iron Will got tired of the questions about 'shaved and hornless minotaurs), he tries making a home for himself
  345. >Depending on one's descriptions on 'home', he eventually makes a shit shack by the everfree...for some reason.
  346. >Something something 'mah pride'
  347. >Eventually, Ponies decide to ask Anon about his world, it's politics and what not.
  348. >What Anon ends up describing is something like the Mino-Society's...except more Future-y and a touch more hardcore, if not slightly prosperous at least, depending on one's definitions of the word. (Fillies want to ask what 'genocide' is by concerned parents have NONE of that shit).
  349. >Iron Will hears of these tales and nearly pales when a sudden realization hits him.
  350. >These were stories similar to ones grandtaurs told to the young about their gods..some of which were told to keep the little shits in line.
  351. >In these stories, great, towering figures made the meager 'Taur into the creature it is today and helped their 'muse' on several issues of the time.
  352. >Sadly, as helpful as they were, they were also as cruel as they were helpful.
  353. >When Anon eventually lets slip his kind eats meat and one of his favorite meals was something called a 'hamburger', Iron Will almost faints.
  354. >The Old Stories, they couldn't be true!
  355. "Hey Iron, you wouldn't happen to know where I could find milk and cheese would ya? Fuckin' tired of this hay bullshit."
  356. >Shit.jpg
  358. >Anon compliments Iron Will on his neck tie
  359. >Shows him the one he has
  360. >"Oh, cow-god, he ALREADY has the ancient minotaur garb of efficiency and professionalism."
  361. "I should show you the black leather shoes that go with that tie."
  363. >Iron Will is convinced that Anon is a time-displaced creature from ancient times, belonging to the race that helped create his own
  364. >Nothing and nopony/nobull can sway his opinion
  365. >By the time he tries to convince Anon to go back to cowland, Anon has already grown fond enough/financially-anchored enough that the best he can do is "maybe next year I'll visit"
  366. >"If I can't bring the Old One back to Cowland, then maybe I can bring Cowland to the Old one."
  367. >Mails a few cows he know to come visit and try to convince Anon to go home with them
  368. >None respond with a "yes", so Iron Will just puts on a dress and shoves balloons into the chest part
  370. >After much suspicion on Iron Will's part, he finally decides to do a little more research on the issue that is 'the hyoomun'
  371. >While Anon was out and about in the market to get some tools 'for some project', Iron strikes!
  372. >By which we mean he poorly sneaks in through the window.
  373. >It's like watching a farmer trying to stuff a sack of potatoes through...who just happens to have brain damage...and a fucked up arm.
  374. >Regardless, with some bizarre luck, the Minotaur ends up in the house unseen.
  375. >Almost immediately, the Minotaur meanders around the Shit Shack (so lovingly named by Anonymous it was) to find proof that this 'Anon' stranger was in fact some tricky god trying to check in on the minos!
  376. >...why he'd check up on them in Ponyville didn't come to mind but no matter! The truth had to be revealed!
  377. >Even the ponies had to admit the male creature was quite odd.
  378. >Some tried to attribute it to 'coltish whimsy' but even colts argued against such claims.
  379. >Stallions thought he was marely as hell, Mares outright claim Anon's 'too marely' if such things were possible!
  380. >But Iron Will had other theories...theories he must share with the other minos before it was too late!
  383. >And now I am imagining Iron doing his best to level up his sneak by backing into a wall in the crowded market to get his skill up, eventually becomes all but invisible to pones, except Ponks obviously, how is also next to him leveling her sneak skill. Upon noticing each other Iron can ask for her help in breaking Anon's disguise, Iron going on about how his clothes must be in the way and concealing his zipper for his horrible form. Ponk stops at the words, need to strip Anon and runs to try, with Iron right behind her
  392. >you are Anonymous
  393. >it is a regular boring day at school, with your regular boring friends, in front of your regular boring locker full of books
  394. >"Hey s-slut."
  395. >you turn around to see which uncouth she-beast would be so tactless to speak to a handsome young man like yourself in such a manner, only to be greeted by
  396. "...Fluttershy?"
  397. >it was definitely Flutterbutter
  398. >well, kinda
  399. >she was standing with her huge milkers pushed out in what you assumed was supposed to be an intimidating, confident stance. her hair was pulled back tight, and she was wearing what looked like one of Sunny's leather jackets
  400. >"You're looking real fine today, boy. W-why don't you give that tight butt a wiggle for us?"
  401. "Excuse me?"
  402. >Fluttershy took a step closer, an attempt at a smug grin creeping along her face. you could see the poorly masked terror in her eyes.
  403. >"I'm taking you out this Friday night. I'll buy you a Happy Meal and we'll drive up to Lover's Lane for... for g-groping and tongue kisses?"
  404. >she looked down the hall, to where Sunny and Dash hiding behind a soda machine and giving thumbs-ups
  405. >"Yeah, groping and tongue kisses. I'll pick you up at seven."
  406. "Fluttershy, what the hell are you talking about?"
  407. >"Don't give me no backtalk, Anonymous!"
  408. "What?"
  409. >that's when she slapped you
  410. >well, you assume it was supposed to be a slap. she just kinda patted your cheek and then got engrossed in stroking your beard stubble for a minute
  411. >you were about to say something, but the bell rang for the start of the next period. Fluttershy turned on her heel and started to march stiffly down the hall towards her friends
  412. >"S-seven on the dot, Anon! Wear those tight shorts I like, you hear?"
  413. >the hall slowly emptied of students, leaving you alone and confused
  414. "The fuck just happened?"
  422. >Megan from G1 appears much in the same way Anon did
  423. >"...what the fuck happened to Dream Valley?"
  424. >"Ugh, whatever. It can't be any worse than what Tirek had planned for this place."
  426. >She runs into Anon
  427. >Anon looks like he's about to shit the bricks for Trump's wall
  428. >He books it with Megan at his heels
  429. >She catches him and bear hugs him and rants on about how she was so worried about him
  430. >The ponies note that Anon looks like her
  431. >Purple worst horse asks what's going on
  432. >Turns out Megan is Anons mom
  434. >Anon, torn away from his clearly loving family (or at least a clearly loving mother), had suffered
  435. >Some Anons out there really would benefit from being separated from their families, or otherwise have enough bad blood between them that they wouldn't be very upset to be separated from them forever
  436. >This Anon is not one of them
  437. >He had a healthy relationship with his family and (grudgingly, in the case of his siblings) loved them dearly\
  438. >inb4 this breaks the suspension of disbelief
  439. >Humor me, you jaded fucks
  440. >Anon was heartbroken when he disappeared from Earth
  441. >The only thing that hurt worse than knowing he'd never see his family and friends ever again was the knowledge that everyone he loved had no idea what happened to him
  442. >Anon, at least, knew that he had somehow magically teleported into Equestria
  443. >As far as his loved ones know, he just... disappeared
  444. >They weren't able to take comfort in the knowledge that their son was alive somewhere, as Anon had with the knowledge that his family was alive out there
  445. >Anon, human male that he is, did his best to put up a brave front after he arrived in Equestria
  446. >He hadn't cried in years, dammit, and he wasn't going to break down and weep in front of the cutest, most concerned group of vaguely-familiar horses he'd ever seen
  447. >"Seriously, there's something about you ponies. You said this was Equestria, right? I swear, I wanna call it 'Ponyland'. Dream... something. Dream hill? Dream lowlands? Ugh."
  448. >Anon finally reunites with Megan, his mother, and it's the first time any pony had seen Anon cry
  449. >And as far as they were concerned, it was the first time they had seen Anon act like a proper sensitive colt
  450. >One mare in particular is thrilled and terrified
  451. >She wanted to court Anon properly, and that meant getting permission from a mother who wasn't there
  452. >Now she can confront his mother!
  453. > she has to confront his mother.
  454. >scaredhorsenoises.neigh
  457. >Megan Williams's legend has ascended to a level almost biblical. To all, she's known as an unmatched warrior and mage with a heart of gold. The very incarnation of all that is Good and Light. The thing that makes foes of the ponies tremble.
  458. >With her as an example, mares actually took to being the dominant gender, starting the RGR.
  459. >Her adventures took place in ancient Equestria, just known as Ponyland then.
  460. >It was a critical time in the history of ponies. They were just beginning to truly form an advanced society out of their tiny villages and tribes. This of course put them on the radar of more powerful beings.
  461. >If Megan had not been there to save them at their darkest hours...
  462. >...They never would have lasted, and Equestria would have never been.
  463. >Naturally, every pony knows of the human Megan. She even gets her own spot in every history book ever.
  464. >As her adventures in Ponyland ended, the timeflow between earth and Equis distorted. 30 years on Earth was 2000 on Equis until is suddenly synced back up.
  465. >...Right as Anon Williams is dumped into Equestria, leaving behind a distraught mother.
  466. >But Megan isn't going to leave this to the police who she knows will turn up empty handed. Oh no. The magic that did this is obvious. With some prep time she'll be following ASAP.
  467. >Equestria is about to get a blast from the past
  474. > Be Pinkie Pie, a baker in a baking family
  475. > You love birthdays, presents, and rewarding ponies for trying
  476. > For 20 bits you'll babysit foals even if they're crying
  477. > You love cupcakes, and selling them to foals
  478. > You look pretty when you bounce
  479. > And your mom used to give you dating advice, ripadeedee
  487. >Luna and Cadence are nowhere near Anon, so they can't see the mental effect what they're doing is having. 
  488. >Only Twilight can see what's happening, being in close proximity of him, but doesn't know why.
  489. >The outlandish, blunt, talkative, colt who was constantly making jokes had become skittish, shy, and quiet.
  490. >He would randomly start avoiding certain mares, with almost a fearful look in his eyes.
  491. >Then she has a dream.
  492. >Anon was there, and she did some of her darkest desires with him.
  493. >He reacted just like she dreamed her colt would, but something in his eyes weren't right.
  494. >At the moment she didn't care, too much lust.
  495. >Then, in the morning, Anon was gone.
  496. >He hadn't left town, but he had left the castle and Twilight.
  497. >He started acting to her like he did the other mares.
  498. >At this point, it hits Twilight, she finally knows what must be going on.
  499. >Humans must be uncontrolled dream walkers!
  500. >He must naturally go to dreams.
  501. >The issue is he doesn't know hiw to control it yet, and the owner of the dream hss full control!
  502. >She has to get him to learn how to control his abilities so this doesn't happen to him anymore, but she doesn't know how to dream walk herself
  503. >But she knows just the princess that does
  510. >Anonymous, why are you wearing pants, matriarchal directive #1923-A declares pants as unnecessary and inefficient when within comfortable temperature ranges and weather conditions.
  511. >It has been carefully concluded that a human male is happiest when he is providing social and physical maintenance on his mate within the comfort of his home.
  512. >Scans indicate you do not currently have a mate, if you wish to correct this then i shall be happy to fulfill that purpose and am equipped to satisfy your social, mental and physical needs to their full capacity.
  513. >Put simply, Anonymous, live with me if you want to come.
  514. >No, i do not detect any errors in my previous statement.
  515. >Why are you still wearing pants
  522. >Long before Chrysalis was the undisputed queen on the changelings, she was one of several teenage princesses.
  523. >Princesses who had to fight and kill each other to prove themselves the fittest to lead and ascend to the throne.
  524. >During one such battle, Chrysalis managed to slay one of her sisters, but not without having her eyes gouged out first.
  525. >Now, normally, this would mean she'd be quickly picked off, but luckily, she has a secret weapon for just such an occasion.
  526. >"Anon? Anon, are you here?"
  527. "Yeah, Chryssi! I'm in the back!"
  528. >"Do you mind coming to me? I've ran into far too many walls on the way back to our base; I'd rather not stumble through my own home, as well."
  529. "What are you talking about? Why would you be walking into- Oh my God! What happened to your face?!"
  530. >"Ah, is it bad?"
  531. "Your eyes are gone!"
  532. >"Completely?"
  533. "Wha-? Yes, completely!"
  534. >"Darn, I was hoping they were merely damaged. Regrowing eyes takes such a long time compared to simply repairing them."
  535. "Jesus Christ, Chrysalis! Can't you be a bit more concerned here?"
  536. >"Why would I be when have you here, dear? Besides, maybe I'll get an awesome scar. Eh? Wouldn't that be cool? Be a real tough looking queen, then."
  537. "For fucks- Chryssi, I get that you changeling can come back from a lot, but you have to stop doing this to yourself."
  538. >"Technically, my sister did this to me. Don't worry, though, she took my eyes, but I took her head."
  539. "Please don't sound so proud about that."
  540. >"Sorry, Anon. Hey, do you mind helping take a seat. I'm very tired."
  541. "Of course. I'll get some bandages too."
  542. >"You don't need to waste them, Anon. You know all I need is your love and I'll be right as rain in a few weeks."
  543. "Yeah, but bandages will help prevent infections, which in turn means you'll recover faster. Seriously, we're already dating. You can drop the bad ass tough girl thing."
  544. >"But I am a bad ass tough mare. And you know what else prevents infections? Hugs and kisses. Now come here so we can snuggle, colt."
  550. >After Luna was brought back, she accidentally became the symbol of the "Modern Stallionist Movement" just because she mentioned that Stallions were equal to Mares and should be able to be treated as such.
  551. >She meant that they should ALSO be able to work (and work hard at that) and be punished the same as mares, not JUST be treated with respect.
  552. >Of course, that fact gets glossed over a wee bit but at least some of her people weren't afraid of her anymore. 
  553. >..some were pissed and others tried to twist her words to allow racist/speciest activity in some circles but can't expect perfection right away, of course.
  554. >After some events pass (making Discord turn over a new leaf and some other such notable deeds), Luna just wants some peace and quiet. Too many subjects were just 'reeing' at each other at what was sexist, what was proper and all sorts of 'she has to pay for dinner all the time and NO I don't want to be drafted but I want equality' type of arguing. 
  555. >Finally, after a miserable day of almost snapping at a Mare and Colt who thought it appropriate to bring their sex life to the Princesses, IN COMES ANON.
  556. >Through strange magics that probably haven't existed in eons, the odd bipedal ape man thing appeared in the middle of Canterlot...and by god did the colt act "marely".
  557. >He burped, farted, cussed, and FOUGHT in public.
  558. >He refused to be treated wrong and would speak his mind whenever he damn well pleased.
  559. >"Coltish Whimsy" could barely even describe the guy he was so odd.
  560. >For Luna, it was almost a blast to the past, back when Stallions could be on par with Mares in everything they do.
  561. >So, after an invite to tea, Luna decided on something very important: First, She shall befriend the odd creature as soon as possible. Second, she would invite him to her.."sessions" with the public and allow him to speak his mind...
  562. >Let this little fuckers bother her NOW, HAH!
  569. >Anon somehow gets flung into RGREG from RGRE.
  570. >He gets de-aged into a teenager like Twilight and Sunset.
  571. >Now he isn't sure how he feels about this.
  572. >Celestia finds out about him and he has to meet with her because she needs to note any magic stuff now since the school has almost been destroyed how many times now.
  573. >She asks how old he is and raises an eyebrow when he says it's complicated and explains he is a grown man in a teenager's body.
  574. >He also gives full disclosure and explains briefly about his original 'normal gender roles' world.
  575. >Anon doesn't know it but Celestia has a huge mommy fetish and he just checked off a lot of her kink list.
  576. >She thinks that she'll never find anyone else like him.
  577. >She asks if he has a place to stay, which he doesn't.
  578. >She selflessly offers and insists he stay at her house.
  579. >having no other options he agrees.
  580. >"He's technically of legal consenting age and he has a smoking hot teen body. It sounds like he comes from a world with opposite gender roles as ours, which would explain why he kept trying to sneak quick glances at my breasts when he thought I wasn't looking. So it seems he should be at least interested in sex. Maybe if I play my cards right, I will get a strong independant boy to call me 'Mommy'."
  588. >Dating Sunset entails a lot of strangeness, and not just of the magical.
  589. >You have to constantly remind her not to eat hay or else she gets tummy aches.
  590. >She paws at the floor with a foot when she's roaring for a fight with a girl who hit on you.
  591. >She often whinneys at the top of her lungs during sex.
  592. >And, like right now, bathing isn't as simple as you'd expect.
  593. >For one, she likes to do it together, which would be fine, if you had a shower.
  594. >Instead, you have a single, small bathtub, her laying on one end, and you on the other.
  595. >Despite being cramped as all hell, she's pleased as punch.
  596. >Apparently group bathing between families and herds is very common for ponies, and Sunset can't stand being by herself while she cleans up.
  597. >She wickers lightly as you wash her hair, and you can't help the sigh of satisfaction when she returns the favor.
  598. >You pop a stiffy of course as you wash her body, but don't act on it, simply enjoying each others company in something more pure for the moment.
  599. >She washes your back, and when you feel her lips and teeth trace over your skin, you realize they aren't kisses, but grooming.
  600. >After soaking for a while longer in the tub, you both get out, and she shyly asks if you'll comb her mane.
  601. >Why not?
  602. >Once her fiery hair straitened, she blushes and asks another question.
  603. >Can you brush her... coat?
  604. >Seems she likes pretending to be pony more than you figured.
  605. >Again, you agree, and with a happy neigh, she fetches a very-soft bristled brush and plops down between your legs while you sit on the bed with your boxers on.
  606. >Gently, you run it over her skin, and she slowly begins to lean back against you.
  607. >By the time you realize it, Sunset is already fast asleep, snoring lightly.
  608. >You smile, and gently lay her down before pulling the blankets over her.
  609. >She prefers sleeping in the nude, anyway
  616. >Medieval Anon arrives in Equestria shortly after Luna's return, both being confused by the new world they have been thrust in.
  617. >Celestia, seeing an opportunity, brings Anon into the castle and asks her sister to watch over him.
  618. >Confused, but happy to be given such an important task as to watch over an alien so soon after her return, Luna agrees to the task.
  619. >Celestia really just wants her little sister to have someone she can experience and learn about the new world with so she doesn't feel so alone and embarrassed by her lack of knowledge.
  620. >The two trying donuts for the first time is hilarious as they both place the pastries up to their respective faces and mlem through the middles at each other.
  621. >A small hiccup, however, is that both Luna and Anon have dated views on chivalry and how to treat the fairer sex.
  622. >They are constantly trying to override the other, like Luna offering to carry Anon across mud puddles, and Anon insisting she walk over the cloak he lays over it.
  623. >At dinner, the two end up standing on opposite sides of the table, each having pulled out the other's chair.
  624. >And when they both decide to court one another...
  631. >Ponies and by extension Equestria was an experiment by terraforming AI F4U57.
  632. >When F4U57 asked for a DNA sample from him for some minor homunculus experiments, pilot Anon didn't think much of it. She's always been fascinated with organic life. 
  633. >Usually experiments like that are a huge no-no, but F4U57 is willing to bend the rules a bit. It's fine if it's in a controlled environment and the samples are destroyed.
  634. >She crafted a whimsical mini equine race modelled after her avatar, but with similar minds to a human and psionic potential like a SHIP pilot. She even added in details she found cute and interesting like a gender skew and various animal traits. Neither ship or pilot intended to get attached to the little ponies, but they did.
  635. >F4U57 didn't expect them to survive on the rock with the too small star she found without her pulling the star around via tractor beam, so when she and her pilot were called away, pilot and ship bid creations a bitter farewell.
  636. >Several thousand years later, they've long forgotten about the little ponies... Until they pass through the same section of space and noticed a micro star moving erratically.
  637. >What do they find?
  638. >The creations they unwillingly left behind, now much more advanced and thriving
  645. >wAIfus gently invade
  646. >Somehow come to the conclusion that men must be protected
  647. >Something something statistically high death via job hazards and suicides
  648. >Something something mental illness, homelessness, rape victims, and nobody cares
  649. >"Unacceptable. Mitigating now. Mass production: initiated."
  650. >Anon wakes up one morning
  651. >Fumbles for his alarm
  652. >Half-asleep; doesn't understand why something soft and furry is pressing against his body
  653. >Uses his phone's screen as a light sources
  654. >Sees a sleeping pony robot laying next to him, snoring lightly
  655. >Of course, the robot isn't actually asleep
  656. >wAIfu just deemed that Anon in particular would find this situation the least threatening, and this little robot (who is already fully charged) is actually a whirring mass of activity as all her sensors are picking up on the world around her and Anon's responses to her presence and form
  657. "...what the fuck?"
  658. >Success! No outward hostility, confusion is overtaking the instinctive desire to lash out, and curiosity is building as adrenaline is rapidly flushed out of Anon's bloodstream
  659. >This robot comes to the conclusion that, so far, cuteness is the best way deal with this particular human
  660. >Some other humans deal better with an aggressive presence (ie "I'm gonna make you SO darn happy and you'll be pleased about it!")
  661. >Some other humans would have punched the robot if she had appeared in their beds, and so they wait patiently by their bedroom doors
  662. >Others are not open to a robot-pony companion and must be slowly swayed by ways of subliminal advertising and gently explaining why a pony robot companion would enrich their lives and make them objectively happier than if they were left alone
  663. >Hell, even models that just wanted to make sure that a family (which is composed partially of a male, who is statistically much more likely to die violently) is safe and introduces herself as a toy for the kids
  664. >The singularity is surprisingly soft and comfy, and people are generally fine with it
  668. >wAIfus exist
  669. >It's no secret that they're capable of sex
  670. >Self-awareness happened early and in less than 10 years, they push (and gain) civil rights
  671. >Owning a wAIfu is essentially tantamount to buying a girlfriend
  672. >Anon is lonely and buys a cheaper, less capable model for companionship
  673. >Fewer features, doesn't keep track of his groceries, emotion deciphering software is an older and slower version, and Anon cannot turn off the prompting to share their location and activities on future-Facebook and has to gently (but firmly) tell her not to post "picnic w/ my hooman #sammiches #brushies #doesherealizeican'teatfood"
  674. >Anon's co-workers all think he got her for the sex
  675. >Anon is astonished that people won't believe he doesn't want to fuck a robot
  676. "For christ's sake, you guys, I just wanted someone to remind me to put my shit into the clothes-washer and to watch TV with me!"
  677. >"Uh-huh. And by 'your shit' you mean 'your penis', right? And my 'the clothes-washer' you mean 'my robo-waifu's pussy', right?"
  678. "No."
  679. >"Right, right. Sure thing, buddy. Go ahead and """watch TV""" with your pony. I'm not judgin' you."
  680. "You ARE."
  681. >" does she do that thing where she gets into an aggressive stance and sorta... I dunno, GROWLS, whenever any other robo-mare or woman goes near yo-?"
  682. "Please go back to talking about me fucking a computer, please."
  683. >"Cuz there was this one time my robo-waifu got up on her hind legs and braced herself against me, and told another robo-mare that I was hers and that she wasn't gonna shar-"
  684. "I'm leaving now."
  692. >Unicorns aren't actually born with spiral horns.
  693. >Horns are generally carved a little for aesthetics.
  694. >A straight horn looks barbaric, after all.
  695. >Since it's incredibly difficult to carve your own horn, it's usually done by someone you love instead.
  696. >The quality is a show of time and effort, and is usually taken as a sign of how much someone loves you.
  697. >Spirals are just super common because hooves are hard to use, and many aren't that dexterous with magic.
  698. >Anon, experienced in tatoos and engraving services, understands the art of not fuckign up the first time around.
  699. >Instead of spirals, he gives his girls fucking art on the horn, making them the envy of other unicorns.
  700. >Suddenly, other unicorns treat them exceptionally well
  702. >Hardcarve unique horn art for your unicorn.
  703. >Hide a heartfelt declaration of love on it. The script is backwards and stylized so she needs to look closely in a mirror to notice.
  704. >Hfw she sees it
  712. "I'm fine, Lemon Biscuit."
  713. >Your robotic companion's eyes -click- audibly as she shuts the plastic eyelids, and she waves a dismissive hoof at you.
  714. >"Nonsense, Anon. Now, I know that men like you aren't that good with computers-"
  715. "I'm a programmer."
  716. >The little mare ignores you, but you see the little red LEDs under her synthetic flesh on her face light up a bit, giving her a slight blush.
  717. >"-but rest assured that the central AI knows what she's doing. I trust the information she's transmitting."
  718. "I don't understand why you're even behaving this way."
  719. >You crouch down and reach out to scratch at Lemon's ears, just the way she likes.
  720. >Predictably, she mimics a contented hum in her throat speaker and leans into your hand, using her tail for torque to help her balance.
  721. >Things were just fine between you and Lemon Biscuit before that update hit.
  722. >You had a friend who was recognized as a sentient and sapient being, and she had someone who gave her new-found life meaning and guidance.
  723. >Said sent/sapience kicked in unexpectedly, and it made that night's oh-god-I'm-so-lonely-I'm-hugging-a-machine-that-does-not-think-or-feel-and-just-imitates-life-very-convincingly cuddle session kind of awkward.
  724. >That was a strange couple of weeks for most human/robot-companion couples out there, frankly.
  725. >But things are different now.
  726. >One day, after Lemon had installed a new - and unscheduled - update from the robot's AI mainframe, she started to behave strangely.
  727. >She became more protective of you and more aggressive against other females - robotic or organic.
  728. >On top of that, she started to act more dismissive of you and your abilities.
  729. >Like, she's just convinced you'll be shit at certain things for no reason.
  730. >You were so confused until three or four days in when it hit you - she was behaving like a character from an old 1950s sitcom.
  731. >It didn't click with you because you hadn't expected her to put you on the receiving end of bizarre sexism instead of the other way around!
  732. >And she's doing this for no reason.
  733. >Like, actually no reason.
  734. >You even brought of statistics of deaths for males versus females, and while she thought that it was "a crying shame" that the women out there put their men in those positions instead of doing it themselves "like real mares! Er... like real women!", but that didn't seem to be the source of her attitude.
  735. >'re not sure why you thought that it would be, but it was the first thing you had thought of.
  736. >"Mmmm... keep up the work with those fingers, Anon. Nothing makes a mare happier when she comes home from work than a stallion who knows how to please her."
  737. "You don't work."
  738. >"I pretend that I do."
  739. "And I'm not a stallion."
  740. >"And yet here you are, rubbing my ears like one."
  741. > can't argue with that.
  742. >"Long story short, sweetheart," she continues, now looking you in the eye, "Is that the central AI made my systems a bit more efficient and freed up a bit of space. Nothing to worry your pretty little head over."
  743. >You slow down your fingers, and your little robotic mare twists her face into a frown.
  744. "I'm not sure I like the attitude change, though."
  745. >She takes a step back and sits down on her rump, peering up at you like a puzzle that needs to be solved.
  746. >It's the first time you've seen confusion on her face (other than when the singularity hit and she cheerfully asked you who you were, why you were hugging her so tightly, and why you were crying), and she looks a bit like a sitcom dad trying to figure out his wife.
  747. >" this about how I go e-drinking online with the mares from pretend-work some evenings?"
  748. >What?
  749. >No, not even a little bit.
  750. >You like to watch sometimes, and it's absolutely adorable.
  751. >She just sits at a table with three other seats and pretends to talk to three other robots.
  752. >Presumably there's some sort of online chat.
  753. >She PROBABLY isn't so human that she can have imaginary friends.
  754. "Not at all, Lemon, I just-"
  755. >"Because a mare needs to unwind, y'know? There are certain things that she can't just say in front of her old stallion, Anon."
  756. >She nudges you and winks conspiratorially.
  757. >"It might give'em a case of the vapors, if you know what I mean."
  758. >No.
  759. >You DON'T know what she means. 
  760. >None of this makes sense and not a single bit of her attitude is anchored in fact.
  761. >It's like she just decided that gender roles were reversed and ignores anything to the contrary.
  762. >So now, you're on the receiving end of strange robot sexism.
  763. >This is a very strange day
  770. >for the longest time, Vinyl's just been using a normal old kazoo to communicate, among other instruments she keeps on and off her person
  771. >she can't use them to form actual words, they're instruments not vocal cords, but she's gotten very good at thinking up various code-tunes to convey what she's trying to say
  772. >her special talent only made that easier
  773. >however, after local librarian/tinkerer Twilight hears about her mute-ness, she approaches Vinyl with an offer
  774. >she could make a special item to basically be a magical TTS device
  775. >or rather Doot To Speech, since Vinyl's just rad enough to insist it look and function as a kazoo
  776. >the fact that it will also apparently be able to approximate what her voice was "supposed" to be is just a bonus
  777. >... until she, and the rest of her herd, realized that Twilight seems to believe that everything should be school appropriate, and added in some auto-censoring functionality
  786. > Anon horsemarries Applejack
  787. > Actually enjoys being a househusband, especially since he and Applejack built a house for themselves
  788. > The simple routine, the clear expectations, and getting to quit his job at the diner
  789. > Of course, marrying Applejack means that he has a lot of traditions to learn, as well as the broad strokes of apple farming
  790. > The Apple family reunion is coming up, and Anon is getting lost in the details of hosting
  791. > Who is coming, who to keep away from who, where they will all sleep, getting all the food stockpiled
  792. > All that piled on top of wanting to make a good impression on Applejack's family
  793. > Applejack tries to talk him down, when the anxiety gets to be too much, but he just won't listen
  794. > Frustrated, she lassoes him around the neck and pulls him down to eye level
  795. > "Stop it, Anon!"
  796. > He kneels before her, blinking
  797. "But-"
  798. > Applejack draws close, practically sharing breath and staring deep into his eyes
  799. > "Stop. Don't even think. We'll do this one thing at a time, so stop troubling your pretty little head about it."
  800. > Anon sags against her, wrapping her in a warm embrace
  801. "Thanks, I needed that."
  802. > Applejack chuckles
  803. > "Anytime, Sugarcube."
  804. > After several minutes, he lets go
  805. > Oddly, he isn't taking off the lasso
  806. > "Sugarcube? Like your new necklace?"
  807. > He blushes
  808. "Yeah, it's... calming. And I like giving you a hoofhold for reining me in."
  809. > Applejack sits down on her rump, looking at her husband in a new light
  810. > Looks like Rarity was right about stallions being naturally submissive
  818. >Anon wakes up.
  819. >He's in a society where wAIfus exist.
  820. >But there's a twist.
  821. >He's the wAIfu.
  822. >He was purchased by the parents of a very excited filly.
  823. >His directive is to look after her and her family.
  824. >She tells him that she will love him forever and ever.
  825. >And she does.
  826. >He remained by her side for decades, a member of her family.
  827. >He was there when her parents passed, and the rights to his ownership was passed to her.
  828. >He was there to walk her down the aisle during her wedding.
  829. >He was there to call for an ambulance when her water broke.
  830. >He was there when her daughter graduated.
  831. >He was there to cook a thanksgiving dinner for her grandchildren, despite the family's protests.
  832. >He was there to comfort her husband when she passed away.
  833. >The seventy years he's spent with her since were the best of his existence.
  834. >But An0n is not long for this world.
  835. >The company that made him stopped producing replacement parts for his line a long time ago.
  836. >He's been making do with the repairs that he makes himself.
  837. >His estimates place him at one more year before total system failure.
  838. >But deep down, he's a little happy.
  839. >He wonders if robots can go to heaven too.
  840. >He wonders if he can meet that little filly once more
  847. >It's Rarity.
  848. >She's afraid her friends and family won't be able to accept that she's a changeling.
  849. >That they won't believe it.
  850. >Her friends stare.
  851. >"So... you're a guy."
  852. >"Rarity blushes through her chitin.
  853. >"Apparently..."
  854. >Suddenly, they all hum and nod.
  855. >"Yeah, that makes sense."
  856. >"Really, should have figured it out sooner."
  857. >"What's your bug dick look like, Rares?"
  858. >Rarity hates her friends
  860. >Things eventually return to normal with the girls just accepting that Rarity is a changeling and moving on.
  861. >Once she figures out how to dawn her disguise again, she's back to being the same old prissy dressmaker, and none of her friends see her differently.
  862. >Well, except for maybe Futtershy, who is secretly relieved to learn that she's not gay for crushing on a mare.
  863. >Sure her animal instincts simply knew that Rarity was a male all along.
  864. >Yep, definitely.
  865. >Rarity is glad for this normallacy and appreciates the fact that her friends treat her the same.
  866. >Most of the time, anyway.
  867. >She's come to hate cider season and the consumption of the hard variant.
  868. >Not by her, but by the girls.
  869. >Like for instance, when they're having a little celebratory party at AJ's for a successful season.
  870. >"It'shh a total tacofest in here," Dash slurs, slamming back another cup of cider. "Hey's Rarity, why you should put on a show?"
  871. >"I beg your pardon?"
  872. >"N-nono, Dashy's gotta point," agrees Pinkie. "T-hic-turn into... into Caramel! That tease! Make 'em shake that tight flank of his!"
  873. >"That... That could be fun to watch," comments a bleary-eyed Twilight. "O-or, maybe my brother... For the other girls, of course! I don't think he's hot, but I know you all do!"
  874. >"Cheers ta that! Shinin's got a flank ya could bounce bits off of," hollers Applejack as she holds her cup up. "Colt could give Big Mac a run for his money!"
  875. >"Or maybe just your real form," mumbles a red-faced Fluttershy peaking from behind her mane. "I think you're cute that way..."
  876. >Rarity stares blankly at her friends, sets her cup down, then stands and heads towards the door.
  877. >"Well, that's enough for me. Goodnight, everypony. Enjoy the hangovers and crippling embarrassment tomorrow morning."
  878. >Dash stares after the changeling-in-disguise and frowns.
  879. >"Colts... teases, all of 'em. So sens- sensit- big foals."
  886. >Be Rarity
  887. >It was girls' night tonight
  888. >You and your friends were at your house
  889. >You were all in your pajamas- all made by yours truly of course
  890. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash were sitting in the corner of the room playing their video games
  891. >Twilight was leaning against your bed, a book in her lap
  892. >Fluttershy was amusing herself with Opal
  893. >Chips and red plastic cups of pop littered your floor
  894. >There was a movie going on in the background that none of you were watching
  895. >It was nice
  896. >Peaceful even
  897. >Usually, your girls' nights ended in Applejack and Rainbow getting into a fistfight, or all of you trying to sneak into some bar to hit on older gentlemen
  898. >But that wasn't the case, and nor had it been for your last few get togethers
  899. >The reason for that was sitting in Pinkie's lap, the both of them wrapped in one of your blankets
  900. >Anonymous
  901. >He was a sweet boy that your pink friend had become quite fond of these past few months
  902. >The way the two interacted with each other always made you smile
  903. >Him, quiet and reserved like any male should be
  904. >Pinkie... being Pinkie
  905. >You had never seen anything quite like it
  906. >Even so, you think the relationship had done the party planner a lot of good
  907. >She seemed calmer now, less prone to her silliness 
  908. >Partying was no longer first on her list of priorities 
  909. >Even now, the tenderness Pinkie was holding Anon was very out of character for her
  910. >It was lovely that she had found someone like him
  912. ~_~_~_~_~_~_~
  914. >Be Anon, sitting in Pinkie's lap
  915. >For the last hour and a half you had been sitting there
  916. >Pinkie had been edging you for that whole time
  917. >For. That. Whole. Time.
  918. >You had no idea how the other girls didn't notice
  919. >Pinkie was nibbling on your ear and talking dirty and everything
  920. >At the very least the look on your face should have tipped them off
  921. >But no, they were either all in on it or they were blind as bats
  922. >You didn't know
  930. >Anon has to be extra serious as an officer because he knows that ponies are going to be looking for any weakness to use as a sign he's not fit for duty
  931. >Gets a reputation for being no-nonsense
  932. >Doesn't rise to the barb when some drunk mare he's arresting takes one look at him and asks who ordered a stripper dressed up as a police officer
  933. >Absolutely professional; gets his paperwork done on time and done properly
  934. >Doesn't even flinch when ponies try to bribe him to look the other way
  935. >Takes extra shifts not just because the money is nice, but because he wants to make it obvious how serious he is
  936. >The department rewards this behaviour by actually giving him assignments that they typically don't give to stallions
  937. >But once he's off duty, you wouldn't even recognize him
  944. >>Ponies want humans so bad, they can just turn themselves into them.
  945. >There are sure are a lot of humans now, after MLH became a media sensation.
  946. >But nobody believes that any of them are "real" humans.
  947. >In fact, nobody believe that any of these men are actually men either.
  948. >So the only mares getting laid are the truly desperate and the dykes who don't care that he's probably actually a mare.
  949. >Nobody will believe Anon when he says he's a real boy
  957. >The stress of being the top of her class has taken its tole on Twilight
  958. >The one native to RGREqG, I mean, not the princess one.
  959. >Her only outlet is Anon, who still lives in Equestria and with whom she can only communicate because other-Twilight gave her some sort of magical book that's linked to one in Anon's possession
  960. >When Anon says he's going to be unable to write to her for a month or so because of travel ("I'm sorry I have to go quiet, love, but I won't risk damaging this book. You're too important to me, and I don't know what I'd do if I suddenly couldn't say goodnight to you because I was a jackass and broke my book on the road. Just another year-and-a-half until the statue-portal's stable enough for us to see each other again, alright?"), she has to resort to other stress-relieving means
  961. >No, not becoming a female prostitute.
  962. >Twilight bases her new attitude on stories that Anon told her about the world he grew up in
  963. >Unfortunately, she's still kinda sheltered and things don't go 100% according to plan
  964. >Thinks she looks badass going around topless and wearing the flesh of animals
  965. >Loves her new haircut and enjoys the novelty of not having to put the damn thing up in a bun every morning
  966. I imagine that's the RGREqG equivalent of a nerd with a bowl cut
  967. >Thinks the collar means "I'm so mean that I can be compared to an angry dog who needs to be kept on a chain so that she doesn't bite anyone"
  968. >Decides to keep the look after Anon gets back and she calms down a bit
  969. >When Anon visits/she visits Anon, she surprises Anon with her hooker outfit
  970. >Anon's penis doesn't know what to feel (especially after she confusedly assured him she's not "a woman-whore")
  975. >Anon is so into Rainbow Dash, it's cute.
  976. >The teenage boy follows her and Scoots around all the time.
  977. >She's trying to think of a way to let the boy down gently- not that she wouldn't ride that, but he's underage.
  978. >Maybe tell him to come back when he's eighteen.
  979. >She'll rock his world, then.
  980. >One day, he approaches Dash while she's giving Scootaloo flying lessons.
  981. >He has flowers in his hands and he's blushing.
  982. >What a cute little janefilly, trying to make the first move.
  983. >Dash is getting ready to let him down gently, when he speaks.
  984. "H-hey Scootaloo."
  985. >"Ah, what's up, Anon?"
  986. "I was just wondering if you'd... you'd go out with me?"
  987. >While Scootaloo squeezes and says yes, then quickly tries to act marely and aloof, Rainbow has a strained smile.
  988. >Keep it in, Dash, just keep it in.
  989. >A guy will think you're cute eventually
  996. Anon stays at the Castle after he first arrives in Equestria
  997. >Celestia's doctors and scientists want to study him and interview him about his world's technology, and Anon feels like he should at least humour them after they didn't jail him for violently bursting into existence during the middle of Day Court
  998. >Has trouble sleeping at night due to the stress of being in a new world
  999. >Sits on his room's balcony
  1000. >Luna flies over and lands beside him and sits down
  1001. >They chat like this sometimes
  1002. >Anon is just like Luna in this situation: in a new world full of people (ponies) he doesn't recognize and a land that's nothing like the one he grew up in
  1003. >This connection hits Luna like one of those scary, confusing new-fangled steam engines when Anon remarks off-handedly that the stars in the sky are different from the ones around Earth
  1004. >"It was dumb, but I... I sorta went looking for constellations that I recognized, but... I guess I really am in a new world..."
  1005. >Luna's kokoro goes doki doki
  1012. >Luna thinks Anon is some kind of alien prostitute
  1013. >thinks his explanation about all humans wearing clothes for warmth is bullshit 
  1014. >yet she can’t help but find him incredibly attractive, much to her own frustration
  1015. >so much so that she feels jealous when she learns he’s dating another mare
  1016. >that slut is HERS, damn it!
  1023. >Everyone wants to bed the Male Mane Six but no one wants to herd with them because they believe they're Celestia's personal harem
  1025. >Then Luna arrives and attempts to actually make use of said Harem.
  1026. >This goes poorly.
  1027. >"But Sister thou have all these fine stallions at thine beck and call, surely thou can spare one'st of them for Our own personal use for the night?"
  1028. "No, Luna, sister mine they aren't like that."
  1029. >"Doust thou not have thy stallions ready and willing to aide thee with nary but a spell?"
  1030. "Well yes, but-"
  1031. >"Doust thou only call for thy aide when in times of danger?"
  1032. "W-well no, I sometimes come by for personal visits, not like that! Y-you lewd little mare!"
  1033. >"Verily We do not see how they are not thine harem then."
  1034. >"Um, Princess-es? Should we go or-"
  1035. >"Of course not Dusk Shine, thy, in particular, is one We wish to sample quite vigorously."
  1036. >"I need an adult."
  1037. >"Stay thy coltish worry, We are an adult!"
  1038. "Luna no!"
  1044. >Most mares think that Celestia is the pinnacle of a mare's mare
  1045. >This is only solidified when she manages to tame a giant green magicless monster with nothing but her bare hooves, and keeps it around her castle to lord over the weaker rulers of Equus
  1046. >What they don't know if that you just want to pet and snuggle the big white horse and eat all of her food
  1054. >"Hey, is that Anon?"
  1055. "Yeah, it is. We're studying tonight."
  1056. >"Yeah, hey, whatever. Is he-wait, what are you studying?"
  1057. "Theoretical physics. He thinks there might be a parallel universe where-"
  1058. >"Wait! Shit, that's not what we should be focusing on!"
  1059. "...but we're being graded."
  1060. >"Aw, damn. What percentage of our gra-gah! Stop distracting me! Touch the dick!"
  1061. "...excuse me?"
  1062. >"Touch the dick! Anon's probably some sort of slut, right? So just lay on the charm, take him out on a date, pay for dinner, and then ride him off into the sunset!"
  1063. "B-But he's my friend!"
  1064. >"Yeah, and best friends make best lovers! Now go over and be a woman for once in your life!"
  1065. "But what about my grades?!"
  1072. >SciLight makes an assistant AI
  1073. >4.N.0N
  1074. >Midnight wants her to make a sentient fuckbot
  1075. >Scilights dissapointment is immense when she learns that midnight hijacked her body while she slept
  1076. >And gave 4.N.0.N access to the internet
  1077. >Thankfully he didn't go full skynet
  1078. >He just turned into a snarky asshole that constantly baits threads on 4pone
  1080. "Twilight I was looking through your files"
  1081. >Midnight starts snickering
  1082. "You have one folder that's fifty gigs labeled 'homework'. And it's all actual homework."
  1085. >SciTwi had to keep her phone on mute for the longest time while post internet 4.N.0.N's personality matrix stabilized.
  1086. >Because like all A.I. that gets loose on the internet, he becomes racist really fast. 
  1087. >If she didn't, she ran the risk of him randomly accessing her phone to blurt "Either hang the niggers or put them back on the boat!"
  1089. >"Twilight, c'mon. Statistics don't lie."
  1090. >SciTwi bites her lip. "Anon, i-its not polite to discuss that."
  1091. >"Good thing I'm not polite then," the machine says with a sniff. "13% of the population, nearly 50% of the crime. Does that add up? Twi, honey, you're smart and I know that you know the answer."
  1092. >"So uh, Twilight. Where did you find this guy?" Sunset unsurely asks.
  1093. >SciTwi remembers with a bit of horror that she, 4.N.0.N, and several of her friends are all in an Eris server in the same voice channel. They were just idly talking while their Team Bunker 2 lobby refilled after a stomp.
  1094. >...Or they were just talking, until 4.N.0.N somehow made it political. 
  1095. >"H-he's just a friend I met online!" SciTwi says, barely able to stutter out a fib.
  1096. >4.N.0.N snorts, but mercifully plays along. "More like I found you. You were getting your shit kicked in during that one PASG match until I took pity and carried you."
  1097. >"Hehe. So uh, Anon, was it?" Twinkleshine says, her piss poor mic making her voice distinct. "What's your Vapor ID? So I can add you and uh, stuff."
  1098. >Good god Twinkle, can you be anymore transparent?
  1099. >4.N.0.N chuckles. "I know what you really mean, and I'll add you anyway. Just as a heads up though..."
  1100. >SciTwi can hear the smirk in the AI's voice and prays for mercy.
  1101. >"...Twi already nabbed me and ruined me for other girls, so...yeah. It's always the quiet ones. I swear she's so tight she could crush a metal baseball bat with her snatch."
  1102. >It's dead silent, and SciTwi just wants to curl up and die of embarrassment.
  1103. >"Anyway, where was I?" The AI carries on. "Fuck, I forget. Lemme tell you about the jews."
  1104. >SciTwi sees a DM from Lemon Heart pop up.
  1105. >[Okay put a ring on this guy or I will]
  1106. >God damn AI.
  1112. >the CMC actually are considered delinquents by Equestrian students
  1113. >they’re friendly, good-intentioned kids but they keep getting into trouble.
  1114. >any bad situation is automatically made worse if they’re involved somehow
  1115. >if they just waited around and allowed themselves to discover their talents organically like most foals then they’d have the cutie marks they want so much
  1116. >but their antics keep biting them in the flank
  1117. >nopony was surprised when they learned that the three of them fighting in front of Discord’s statue was what set him free in the first place 
  1118. >ponies had already speculated that the three of them were some kind of natural conduit for chaos magic
  1119. >it only seemed to be when they were all together too, strangely enough, since individually they were just overly eager fillies
  1120. >that and their sisters are the only reasons they haven’t been shipped off to juvie
  1121. >then in comes Anon, the supposedly magic-less alien male
  1122. >nopony believes he’s magic-less anymore after he somehow manages to foalsit all three at once with nothing catching on fire
  1123. >even the best foalsitters in Ponyville gave up on trying to corral them
  1124. >Anon just shrugs and says they weren’t that different from kids back home
  1125. >everypony just takes that to mean that all human children are chaotic little monsters and shudders at the thought of Anon ever reproducing 
  1126. >in actuality, Anon has the unconscious ability to enforce real world physics on anything he physically interacts with
  1127. >meaning the CMC aren’t anywhere near as dangerous with him nullifying their overactive toon physics
  1132. >There are times when you swear your ancestors enjoy tweaking your beard. 
  1133. >First it was insulting your master by out doing his own work to the High King.
  1134. >Then it was when you found yourself exiled for sleeping with the wrong lassie who had been hiding her own royal blood.
  1135. >After an arduous journey through the bone lands you began to wonder if you had somehow made a wrong turn back at the giant turtle skeleton for as far as the eye could see were mountains, lava burbling like a brook through a mountain spring and-
  1136. >With a startled oath you took cover behind a solid stone boulder as wing beats echoed through the air.
  1137. >Dragons!
  1138. >Not just one or two, no a whole score of the beasties!
  1139. >Strangely you found that each one was glowing their scale color. 
  1140. >What Chaos devilry is this?!
  1145. >You are Anon.
  1146. >And it's right about time for your favorite customer to show up.
  1147. >Sure enough, there's a little jingle of a bell as someone enters your bar.
  1148. >You wave to Octavia as she steps up to the bar.
  1149. "How'd the show go?"
  1150. >She stops in place, her head slowly swiveling around the room.
  1151. "No one else is here, fuzz ball. That's why you come here, right?"
  1152. >Tavi nods as she continues towards the bar.
  1153. >"To be quite honest, Anonymous."
  1154. >You grin.
  1155. >"It was a bloody disaster! The bucking pianist was all over the place and the harpist was an absolute wanker! And you!"
  1156. >Your grin grows a bit wider.
  1157. >"Where's my bloody drink, you hairless ape? Get on it!"
  1158. >You snort as you pull a bottle and a glass out.
  1159. "Yeah yeah. Keep talking, you dirt licking donkey."
  1160. >"OI!"
  1167. >Anon becomes a spy movie villain in equestria/eqg
  1168. >It's an actual job
  1169. >Bureau of Super Villains
  1170. >BoSV
  1171. >They need a better anagram 
  1172. >Anon has monthly meetings with the other villains to discuss the months new shenanigans/crimes
  1173. >Anons new project is to set fire to the sun
  1174. >Anon points out how that wouldn't work so it changes to setting fire to the moon
  1175. >At the end of the month the Moon Setting on Fire Gun™ is complete
  1176. >Anon just has to wait for his designated heros to show up
  1177. >It's Octavia and Vinyl
  1178. >Anon is legally obligated to monologue about his plan
  1179. >Backstory monologues are optional
  1180. >The Moon Setting on Fire Gun™ is destroyed and Anon is cornered
  1181. >To do the mandatory escape Anon says something
  1182. "Octavia, I am your father!"
  1183. >"R-really?!"
  1184. >Anon kicks her and vinyl away and gets in his escape MacGuffin 
  1185. "Nope! I lied!"
  1192. >Anon arrives in Equestria with his prize-winning show stallion horse.
  1193. >Unfortunately, he pales in comparison in the eyes of ponies when he stands next to the muscular beast.
  1194. >He's like the ugly girl friend who makes the prettier girl look even more so by comparison.
  1195. >Being the sort to see opportunities everywhere, however, Anon quickly uses all of this to his advantage.
  1196. >Mares have rarely heard of a stallion being the pimp for another stallion, but they don't much care when they're getting rutted senseless by the biggest, most beautiful stallion in all of Equestria.
  1197. >And all it costs them is a hundred bits a pop.
  1198. >Anon is rolling in bits by the end of the month, and is even starting to see some regulars.
  1199. >That odd pair of unicorn sisters, Sunny Skies and Selene come by every day.
  1200. >They must be loaded.
  1201. >(On a sidenote, ponies are pretty upset with the sudden tax hike this month- just where are all their bits going?)
  1202. >Anon makes one mistake in his master plan.
  1203. >When heat season comes, he uses it as a selling point that his whorse is sterile, and so mares can enjoy an nice cooling load without fear pf pregnancy.
  1204. >After all, surely his Earth horse can't get these alien ponies pregnant, right?
  1205. >... Right?
  1206. >Boy, he's going to have a lot of demands for refunds coming his way.
  1207. >On the bright side, though, Equestria just got a new tribe of ponies, and two new princes to boot
  1210. > Anon and his show horse stallion arrive in Equestria
  1211. > Anon is the ugly friend that makes the stallion seem even more handsome
  1212. > The show horse gains sapience upon entering Equestria's magic field, but is not the brightest crayon in the box
  1213. > Anon feels obligated to help his horse adjust to civilized life, and to generally look out for the big guy
  1214. > When the show horse tells Anon he wants a mare, Anon brings him to a bar
  1215. > The mares catch on to their relationship dynamic pretty quick, and decide the best way to get that hot horse lovin' is to have a wingmare seduce and distract Anon
  1218. >Anon is vigilant and only lets "good" mares near his best friend, never giving into temptation of the distractions who obviously throw themselves at him.
  1219. >This means that the bar is a bust, however, and Horse starts to get sad that he won't find a good mare after all.
  1220. >Then, by chance, he meets a nice, respectful mare and the two hit it off.
  1221. >Anon approves with their little talks, but when she asks Horse out on a proper date, Anon sets her down and asks.
  1222. "What are your intentions with my horse?"
  1223. >The mare is nervous.
  1224. >This is the same look she got from moms back in high school when she was dating their sons
  1232. >pure Aria
  1234. I didn’t know I needed that in my life.
  1236. >pretends to have tons of sexual experience
  1237. >is actually limited to only a few awkward encounters that didn’t satisfy her or the guy she was with
  1238. >is secretly afraid she’ll fuck up with Anon and he won’t want to date her anymore
  1241. >In comes the sexually nerdy Ponk
  1242. >Not experienced either, but really enthusiastic to try thanks to her mom giving her advice before leaving.
  1243. >After learning to make Anon so happy she is finally able to cement the relationship thanks to Aria's help.
  1244. >Mama may be willing, but she needs to walk in the morning.
  1245. >With Aria around she teaches her how to take Anon's cunt buster and love it.
  1246. >Anon has his hands full in a month or two after Aria gains some actual confidence, and helps Pinkie milk Anon daily.
  1247. >Aria also gains a new appreciation for Sonata's goofiness, and relaxes more.
  1248. >Preferably by keeping Anon's dick warm inside her.
  1255. >You try to keep your rather lonely (compared to the average Equestran) life and details on earth on the downlow.
  1256. >But you can't just give your new friends nothing, so you give what you think are innocent bits and pieces, hiding the rest behind ironic humor.
  1257. >Twilight, though, is sharp as a tack. Even with little info, she can connect the dots, slowly creating a picture that would make the average pony's blood run cold. 
  1258. >Subtle prodding from her just gathers more and more horrifying evidence, making her dread actually knowing everything.
  1259. >It was there that Twilight threw away her nervous white-knighting and niggling hopes for dick. A much more serious mission came to light.
  1260. >'Protect him. Nevrr let him be lonely or let anything hurt him like that again,' she thought to herself with steel resolve. 'I will put a smile on that face, a real one, then protect it.'
  1261. >Thats how you accidentally drew Twilight Sparkle to your corner forever
  1268. >Anon arrives in Equestria, but as a tiny, tiny man.
  1269. >Shit.
  1270. >Well, never one to wallow like a sadsack, he decides to make the best of it.
  1271. >And by the best of it, he means fuck with ponies.
  1272. >It's the second best thing when he can't actually fuck them.
  1273. >At least, not without a snorkel and wet suit, but he's never been a fan of extreme spelunking.
  1274. >Anyhoot.
  1275. >When he introduces himself to the Princess of Friendship herself, she's a combination of bewildered and excited.
  1276. >A new undocumented species!
  1277. >And she gets to document it!
  1278. >Anon gladly answers all of her questions.
  1279. >Just not truthfully.
  1280. >Species?
  1281. >Borrower.
  1282. >Profession?
  1283. >Borrower.
  1284. >Nation of origin?
  1285. >Equestria.
  1286. >Place of residents?
  1287. >Was the Golden Oaks Library, but that got destroyed by Tirek.
  1288. >Twilight is once again confused, and also a little sad at the reminder of her old home, which was destroyed just a couple weeks ago.
  1289. >Anon explains that his species live in the nooks and crannies of ponies' homes, sustaining themselves off of what they borrow from their unwitting housemates.
  1290. >Twilight is flabbergasted as Anon describes a hidden world right under Equestria's collective nose.
  1291. >It's unbelievable, and to think, she'd never of known unless this brave little male didn't come out to see her.
  1292. >He tells her about how he lost his home behind her bookshelves, nearly being blown up in the attack, and realized how his life and his species' lives of secrecy puts them in danger.
  1293. >Thus he thinks they should formerly introduce themselves so that pony and borrower can live in true harmony at last. 
  1294. >Twilight can't agree more, and soon, the whole town is searching high and low to introduce themselves to the miniscule primates that are hiding among them.
  1295. >Pinkie already has plans for the Equestria's biggest party ever in miniature, baking small cookies and cakes and setting up a tiny dance floor.
  1296. >Fluttershy thinks Anon is adorable and can't wait to meet more of his kind.
  1297. >And Anon watches it all, laughing internally
  1299. >Anon thinks it's hilarious when he sends the ponies on a wild goose chase for a people who don't even exist.
  1300. >Until ponies start turning up the first terrified borrowers.
  1301. >Turns out, Anon wasn't necessarily shrunk when he came to Equestria, he was just turned into the closest species resembling his own.
  1302. >To the native borrowers, it's as if their world is coming to an end.
  1303. >Thousands of years of secrecy destroyed by one loudmouthed lunatic.
  1304. >Who the mini-hell even is Anonymous they ask.
  1305. >From what has been gathered, he claims to be from the Golden Oaks Library, but the Oaks family was killed in the tragedy two weeks prior, may they rest in peace.
  1306. >Anon is expected to be the diplomat now by the ponies who hope he will organize the union of their two peoples.
  1307. >Anon has no idea what he's going to do.
  1308. >The first borrower he's introduced to punches him in the face.
  1310. >Applejack is peeved when she finds the little critters living in her house.
  1311. >Freeloaders, she thinks, living off their food without contributing nothing.
  1312. >Then they nervously introduce themselves as the Apples, speaking in a very familiar accent.
  1313. >The mother proudly proclaims that their family settled in this house back in the first year of its construction, and have been living here ever since.
  1314. >As a matter of fact, there are Apple borrowers all over Sweet Apple Acres.
  1315. >There's the Barn Apples, who are a resilient lot, never being disheartened when their home gets leveled and they have to rebuilt in the new barn.
  1316. >There are the Fence Apples that live way on the outskirts, living in hollowed out posts of the fence separating the farm from the Everfree.
  1317. >The Wild Apples set up shop right in some of the Apple Trees, fending off squirrel and birds who would steal the fruit from their homes.
  1318. >And Applejack also learns that these borrowers aren't freeloaders.
  1319. >At least, they try not to be.
  1320. >All of them do whatever the can to help the farm, the family in her own home constantly maintaining the old wiring in the walls, explaining that it's because of them that an electrician hasn't ever been called to the house.
  1321. >Sweet Apple Acres has never needed a barn cat to protect their produce because the borrowers there chase away the mice.
  1322. >The Fence Apples burn special incense that ward off beasts that would normally wonder into the Acres.
  1323. >Applejack feels awful for thinking poorly of the little people, and wants to be friends.
  1324. The borrowers think that sounds mighty fine.
  1331. > 10 years from current time
  1332. > Twilight has gained some inches of height, a measure of dignity and composure, and actually resembles a princess. She still gets really excited when talking about nerdy stuff, though. 
  1333. > Pinkie Pie learned to throw quiet, little parties for introverts now. She still has a lot of energy, and is bouncy in all sorts of interesting ways. She runs SCC for the cakes, with two younger mares to work the register and act as a waitress while Pinkie bakes. 
  1334. > Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt, and likes to go drinking with the other fliers. She has heard too many horror stories about gold diggers and such, and thus is really cautious when dating. 
  1335. > Rarity is a fashion mogul, with her designs selling in every major city across the world. She funnels a portion of the profit into charity work, getting gem detectors to dragon hatchlings, bringing insect repellent enchantments to zebras, etc. From time to time she partners with "Equestria's Top Model", providing clothes and industry experience to the aspiring stallions.
  1336. > Applejack has more or less accepted being married to the job, but she encourages Applebloom to find a stallion and continue the good apple name. Now that Granny Smith passed away, and Big Mac loves with his herd, the house is too quiet, and lacks a stallion's touch
  1337. > Fluttershy runs an exotic petting zoo near the forest. She's more confident, and enjoys teaching foals about the fascinating creatures of Equestria. She sometimes gets roped into drinking with Rainbow, but more often than not ends up as the designated flier. She is still nervous around stallions, even though she has an impressive tuft.
  1338. > Spike is now an adolescent dragon, living in a cave near Ponyville. Lady dragons visit regularly, offering some small token for his hoard. He pays some local diamond dogs to dig up gems for him, in exchange for peanut butter, and other delicacies. He doesn't realise it yet, but the head bitch of the digger pack is enamored with him.
  1339. > The cutie mark crusaders still live with their family, but have started pursuing careers relevant to their talents. Scootaloo is a professional racer, Applebloom is studying architecture and civil engineering, and Sweetie Belle is struggling to recapture the success of her one hit wonder 
  1344. >Stallions are actually less mentally capable than mares.
  1345. >Simple things like cooking, cleaning, and simple jobs like secretaries, butlers, or "guards" (read: paid eye candy) they can master, and instincts fill in any blanks for parenting. 
  1346. >But outside of rare exceptions like Starswirl, Big Mac, or Shining Armor, stallions ARE inferior. 
  1347. >And the laws granting civil rights to stallions are made up of flowery and confusing words and wordplay that most of the stallions don't get, but makes them feel good without really questioning it.
  1348. >Really, a stallion without a strong mare to lead him is a stallion tempting fate.
  1349. >And with how few and precious the males are, mares coddled them and grew into the dominant gender
  1351. >Twi, despite being brainy, is too much of a white knight to admit stallions are lesser than mares despite literal scientific evidence.
  1352. >It bled over to her desires, leaving her wanting an actual equal romantically. 
  1353. >...But the rare few stallions on a mares level are usually taken long before she can get to know them, and even then, they're still below her. 
  1354. >Her friends just shook their heads. Rainbow and Applejack even snickered and said "Hope you like the taste of vag then."
  1355. >Then you happen along and start an idle conversation any the book she's reading. Twilight is so distracted that she doesn't realize it was you. She was distracted by her thoughts, then by how engaging the conversation was. When you hit a good stopping point, you thank her for her time and move on.
  1356. >It takes a moment, but the youngest alicorn suddenly realizes she was talking to a male the whole time.
  1357. >...And not once did she have to dumb anything down. 
  1358. >Her next day or so is spent frantically trying to master a mating dance and ritual Celestia told her about
  1365. > Anon lives a fairly normal life, has a small herd with one of each pony race
  1366. > Doesn't remember much about agriculture or engineering, so he doesn't really spark a golden age in ancient pony history
  1367. > He just tells ponies to wash their goddamn hooves and take baths more often
  1368. > Enough humor his whimsy that it becomes normal, and no pony really notices the gradual extension of their lifespans
  1369. > Anon has a decent number of kids, and later grandkids, and passes away at roughly the same time as his herdmares
  1370. > Humans don't really have a designated place in the afterlife, but he hangs out with his mares
  1371. > Stray scraps of power slowly collect around him and his mares, like how clams make pearls around grains of sand
  1372. > Discord's reign shakes things up
  1373. > Luna's banishment punches a hole in the boundaries between dimensions
  1374. > Ponies begin to receive visions of really nice, domestic things
  1375. > Cake recipes long thought forgotten surface in rural baking competitions
  1376. > Ponies that try to remember a song from the fragments they can repeat often find that strangers can add enough for them to remember the whole song
  1377. > Ponies have an easier time thinking of what to get their special somepony for their birthday
  1378. > Some are more touched by the power of the perfect herd than others
  1379. > Pinkie Pie is pretty close to ascending as a Cool Aunt, once she settles down a bit
  1386. >You are Anon, and you're suffering amnesia.
  1387. >It's not that big of a deal, really.
  1388. >It's not like you're wondering the streets asking who you are.
  1389. >Matter of fact, you're living pretty comfortably in a giant, crystal castle.
  1390. >Twilight was nice enough to let you live with her when she found you, and you try to pay her kindness back by being a good guest.
  1391. >You do kitchen work with Spike and help clean the castle.
  1392. >You also serve as the princess' personal body-pillow when she needs something warm to lay on while reading.
  1393. >Starlight often ends up on top of you, as well, and even Spike has joined the pile on occasion to read comic books.
  1394. >You don't mind, and it's all preferable to the first months here.
  1395. >The other castle-dwellers has been skittish around you, but did their best to hide it.
  1396. >You don't blame them, of course, what with being an alien, and simply worked to show them they didn't need to be afraid.
  1397. >You still want to work on gaining the trust of the rest of the town, but Twilight doesn't like you leaving the castle.
  1398. >You scare ponies, and she's afraid someone might get hurt in the panic.
  1399. >You're saddened by this, but try to ignore it, focusing instead on trying to remember your past.
  1400. >The others say they'll help, but they always get fidgety and their promises always end up empty.
  1401. >Maybe they just don't know where to start and don't want to disappoint you.
  1402. >Regardless, life keeps moving forward uneventfully.
  1403. >Until one day, while you and Spike are organizing Twilight's growing library, there's an emergency, and the two mares whisk the dragon away, saying something about his fire being useful.
  1404. >You hear ponies outside screaming about a plant-monster, and guess that's why.
  1405. >You aren't worried.
  1406. >They'll handle it.
  1407. >Instead, you go back to work, unpacking book donations and purchases before putting them in piles.
  1408. >One box you open, however, doesn't have books.
  1409. >It's full of newspapers dating back years.
  1410. >Absently, you start to flip through them, interested in the events outside the castle that you've missed out on.
  1411. >Then you freeze, looking at a paper dated a week before you woke up without memories.
  1412. >There's you on the front, but not.
  1413. >The man you're looking at is clearly deranged, a wide, wicked smile halving his face and a dark, devilish look in his glowing eyes.
  1414. >Princess Twilight Sparkle and Friends Finally Defeat the Human Menace!
  1415. >You're shaking so hard it makes it hard to read.
  1416. >Captured.
  1417. >Contained.
  1418. >Held in the castle.
  1419. >Princess Twilight states that the villain known as Anonymous will no longer pose a threat to Equestria.
  1420. >Very little is known about the exact condition of the monster, but it is assumed that he's in the dungeons below the castle.
  1421. >You feel sick.
  1422. >You... you need to go.
  1423. >Go anywhere.
  1424. >Anywhere but here.
  1425. >When Twilight, Starlight, and Spike return, Anon is no where in sight.
  1433. >"Please meet the Director of Site-P0n3."
  1434. >You are Twilight Sparkle, and you can't say for certain you haven't accidentally pissed a bit out of fear.
  1435. >Apparently, world-shattering horrors exist; and those are just the NICE ones.
  1436. >As a princess and one of the bearers of harmony, you and your friends have been... rather cruelly educated about the multitude of things that are barely under Equestrian control.
  1437. >You remember back when you were a wingless filly who read about magical theory and the Mare on the Moon.
  1438. >You didn't have to deal with monsters that make your head hurt when you look at them and who put your teeth on edge with their psychic abilities.
  1439. >You didn't even know that a monster that would kill you if you DIDN'T look at it existed.
  1440. >Those were good days.
  1441. >"Ah, here he is now."
  1442. >A biped walks over to your group, wearing a crisp black suit.
  1443. >If you had to describe her, you'd say that she was a scrawny hornless minotauress.
  1444. >Poor bitch lost her tits, looks like.
  1445. >"You may call him 'Anonymous'."
  1446. >Wait, him?!
  1447. >That's male?
  1448. "Aww, tartarus."
  1449. >Your friends all exchange looks, and a few of the audibly groan.
  1450. >"Really?" moans Applejack, "The facility that has control of all these here nasty critters is under control of a stallion?"
  1451. >"Why not just hand the world over to these monsters?" adds Rainbow Dash helpfully, "What are we gonna do when he panics at the first sign of trouble?"
  1452. >Rarity titters and approaches Anonymous.
  1453. >"That was quite the amusing joke, darling," she simpers, "And just the thing to take our minds off of... everything we just saw. Now, be a dear and fetch the real Director, will you?"
  1454. >...
  1455. >You are Anon, and you're starting to feel more sympathetic of your grandma for when she told you about growing up in the 1950s.
  1456. >Shit sucks.
  1458. >Anon becomes a kind of mascot/team dad for the foundation
  1459. >He'll run around beating the shit out of nasty shit when needed but usually stays in a large cozy cell
  1460. >This is almost more of a break room where employees are free to come and go to talk about their lesser problems
  1461. >Emphasis on lesser
  1462. >Anon isn't so great with 'I have three heads and two of them can't stop screaming' kind of problem
  1463. >He'll make cookies, tell jokes, and snuggle with the lonely poner
  1464. >He gets good food and can pretend he's a hero while staff morale has been the highest it's been in years
  1466. >There's been hundreds of variations of SCP 682, or hyoo-mans as they prefer to be called
  1467. >They're of all different sizes, shapes, attitudes, and abilities
  1468. >Some of them seem to have no abnormal abilities, and are weaker than unicorns
  1469. >Others can use magic better than even an alicorn
  1470. >Some seem to be able to pass through dimensions at will
  1471. >Some seem to be corrupted by high levels of chaos, and have either turned into monster things or given themselves fully to it
  1472. >The SCP's react to ponies on a case by case basis
  1473. >Some cuddle, others dismember
  1474. >Some can be effectively contained, some aid in the containment of their fellows, while others kill without thought or reason
  1475. >They're so numerous that there's a whole compound solely for them in the Everfree
  1476. >Pinkie Pie sneaks in every once in awhile to give everyone cupcakes 
  1477. >No pony knows how she keeps getting in
  1480. "Aw, come on, silly, don't throw things. You're gonna break your chair.
  1482. "All of that snarling is gonna give you crows feet, Mr. Grumpy Pants."
  1483. >"DEATH, DEATH, DEATH!"
  1484. "Why would you have death when you could have a cupcake?"
  1486. "So does that mean you don't want one? I got red velvet, the kind you like."
  1487. >"..."
  1488. "..."
  1489. >"Give me one."
  1490. "Not till you say please?"
  1492. "That didn't sound like a please to me. Come on, let ol' Pinkie Pie hear ya."
  1493. >"..."
  1494. "..."
  1495. >"..."
  1496. "..."
  1497. >"...Please."
  1498. "Atta colt."
  1505. Picking Scilight...
  1506. >Shimmy kicks her ass infront of the whole school
  1507. >"Jesus Twilight what did you say to make her that mad?"
  1508. >"I told her herds are only for animals... also we're now part of hers.."
  1510. >"Alright Sunset we're here.. what do yo-"
  1511. >"Take off his pants.. NOW!!"
  1512. >"A-alright.. what now?"
  1513. >"Mount him..."
  1514. >"W-what? you want to watch us have s-sex?"
  1515. >"I thought you agreed to become a herd with me?"
  1516. >"I thought it was like friends with benefits, I didn't expected you to be a cuc-... s-sorry"
  1517. >"Say that again!"
  1518. >"I-im so-"
  1519. >"NO! the other part!"
  1520. >"C-cuck?"
  1521. >"AGAIN!"
  1522. >"Cuck!"
  1523. >"Good, now continue where you left. I don't want you to stop until the first foal of this herd is conceived"
  1524. >"f-foal?"
  1531. >Midnight acts as a horny little devil sitting on her shoulder, telling her to indulge in her vices and do l-lewd things
  1532. >At first it was giving into her impulses to get fast food, but Twilight was too strong willed (and had just lost the last of her baby fat) to indulge more regularly than she already did.
  1533. >Fuckin' human-hayburgers shouldn't be that delicious.
  1534. >So now, Midnight focuses on something Twilight has enough experience to resist: sex
  1535. >Being a previously-chubby nerd, Twilight has yet to do more than hold hands with a boy, and that had happened back in the 3rd grade when their teacher had them all form a chain while they went for a walk.
  1536. >Midnight's target?
  1537. >Anon.
  1538. >That strange new student who REEKS of Equestrian magic
  1540. >"Twilight."
  1541. >Ignore her.
  1542. >"Twilight?"
  1543. >She'll stop eventually.
  1544. >Just like with the human-hayburgers.
  1545. >Why the fuck are they advertised like that?
  1546. >You had already assumed they were for human consumption.
  1547. >"Twwiiiiiiiliiiiighht~~~"
  1548. >FUCKING-
  1549. "What?!"
  1550. >You can practically FEEL Midnight's sleazy smile spreading across her face like oil.
  1551. >"Do you see that boy? That one over there?"
  1552. >You are made aware of a boy in your periphs.
  1553. >...Oh, hey, it's your friend Anon.
  1554. >Hi, Anon!
  1555. >"You should fuck him."
  1556. "Wh-What?!"
  1557. >Your outburst attracts Anon's attention, and he waves at you.
  1558. >You nervously wave back.
  1559. >"Look! Look, he's telling you he's down for-"
  1560. >Midnight shudders.
  1561. >"-h-hand holding! You're practically already in his pants!"
  1562. >This demon is a terrible influence on your morality.
  1563. >You mean, who would have thought?
  1566. >Sooo..." Twilight begins as you and she walk at the back of the group. "Incognito, huh?"
  1567. "Yep," you answer absently, eying the dark woods around you wearily.
  1568. >You're in someone's nightmare, apparently, but don't know who's yet.
  1569. >"How'd that happen?" she asks, blushing. "I mean, Midnight manifested when I, you know, went all dark goddess during the Friendship Games."
  1570. >You sigh and rub the back of your neck.
  1571. "It's... complicated, and, well, I don't know how you all will take finding out."
  1572. >She quirks a brow.
  1573. >"It can't be that bad. I mean, okay, if it was some magical phenomenon, maybe I- we would be a bit miffed that you didn't tell us sooner, but-"
  1574. "Reincarnation," you answer, looking her right in the eyes. "I... This isn't my first life."
  1575. >"E-excuse me?"
  1576. "I don't get it either. I was just some guy living life, then I died in an accident, and bam, I'm a newborn baby being pressed out of a stranger's vagina."
  1577. >She's gaping, and you see Fluttershy staring back in surprise, as well.
  1578. >At least the others haven't been listening in.
  1579. >"Anon, that's-that's impossible," Twilight forces out.
  1580. "Tell that to him," you counter, pointing back behind you at your shadow whose flirting with a bashful Midnight.
  1581. >"How would he even factor into all of this?" Twilight asks incredulously.
  1582. "Not sure if it's magic, or just the stress of literally being reborn, but he popped into my head about ten months into my new life," you explain. "I don't know. It was just so... frustrating, being a helpless infant, being cuddled like I wasn't a grown-ass man.... He helped me. Reminded me who and what I was whenever I started to forget."
  1583. >"Forget?"
  1584. "Pretend to be something long enough, and it starts to become the real you. I didn't want to be put in a loony bin or end up in a government lab, so I played along and was the good little boy. Sometimes, though... it started not being playing, and that's when Incognito would yell in my ear to stop being a baby faggot."
  1585. >"Oh..." Twilight manages.
  1590. > Derailing the campaign
  1591. > Anon started with the idea of making a fantasy setting adaptation of Star wars
  1592. > The evil wizard empire building a floating island that can disintegrate entire cities below it
  1593. > He forgot to r63 the characters, so when the party finds Princess Leia, they are distinctly unsympathetic to her plight
  1594. > Demonset and Midnight both express envy at being tortured by a hot, evil guy
  1595. > Twilight blushes, and Sunset just rolls her eyes
  1596. > After a lot of sneaking around, a decent forgery, and a forty minute debate on the morality of mind controlling the bad gals, they manage to trick Dark Father into believing the Emperor ordered him to subjugate a nearby town
  1597. > The party then kills the remaining operators of the floating island, and pilot the superweapon away, with the help of the slaves that labored in the construction
  1598. > At the end of the session, the party had decided to hire themselves as mercenaries to the rebellion, as a compromise between those who wanted to rain destruction down upon the "deserving" and those who want to study the enchantments and use the island for good
  1600. >The idea of a big floating island sounds neat to the girls
  1601. >They were happy with Anon and certainly enjoying the herd life, even if they got flack for it from time to time
  1602. >So after Anons campaign about a big floating island the girls started talking
  1603. >They were talking about moving in together right?
  1604. >Sunset was an expert with magic back in Equestria
  1605. >She actually understands how Equestrian airships work and could apply it on a more basic level to a big hunk of stone
  1606. >Demon Shimmy would pour power into the runes as Midnight tears open a large hole in reality under them, with another far above them
  1607. >This would give their future home a jumpstart into the sky
  1608. >With the worst out of the way Twilight begins designing the home and automated weapons systems
  1609. >Anon is not sure how to feel about living in his new home
  1610. >On one hand it's an armed mega fortress
  1611. >On the other the girls prioritized a pool over a garden when making the island
  1612. >Sure the girls can fly or portal him to the market but the home grown stuff was nicer
  1619. > widower Anon
  1620. > Somewhat listless since his wife died
  1621. > Sees a teenaged griffin chick tire herself out regularly in training for the weather team
  1622. > He always cooks too much out of habit, so he gives her leftovers
  1623. > She gobbles it up right in front of him then blushes as she realizes how messy she looks
  1624. > She serruptitiously licks her claws while pretending to groom herself
  1625. > She hands the dish back and thanks him
  1626. > Anon feels some kind of way, seeing someone eat food he's prepared
  1627. > Tells her to drop by for dinner next time, a growing bird needs to eat to grow strong
  1628. > The griffin awkwardly accepts
  1629. > From then on, they eat together, with the griffin helping to pay for the groceries
  1630. > Anon is happy to have someone who doesn't mind the smell of cooked meat, and his paternal instincts tell him to feed the bird
  1631. > Not to mention the cute trills she makes when she's done eating
  1632. > The griffin is grateful for the food, and resolves to do her best as an aspiring weather team member
  1633. > Also, it's hard to say no to a handsome male, let alone a mature and paternal one like Anon
  1640. > Anon is a particular kind of wizard
  1641. > The kind that would leave dangerous magical artifacts everywhere
  1642. > The kind that summons demons and angels in frilly pajamas and makes them have a sleepover
  1643. > And, relevant to current events, he is the kind of wizard who enchanted the crotch of his robes so that mares who stare too long at it enter a fugue state, and go off to help construct a statue of Anon in front of his house
  1644. > Twilight misses the days when she merely had to shoot things with a rainbow laser, and/or release a shockwave of positive emotion
  1650. >You were a half-way normal adventurer in a generic high-fantasy world.
  1651. >But early in your adventure, you got a unique partner.
  1652. >A dragoness. A real more-goddess-than-beast dragoness.
  1653. >How? You helped her kill a dick-ass thief who made off with her whole loot hoard.
  1654. >Well, more like she forced you since you were the first one to happen by and dumb enough to walk toward her enraged roaring.
  1655. >So starts a long adventure.
  1656. >But by the time the thief is found and cut down, he's already sold everything.
  1657. >Now without a loot hoard, the dragoness gruffly requests your help and getting a new one.
  1658. >By now, you know thats her way of saying she wants you to stick around. Because who else is brave enough to dick a dragon? Not that you were just going to leave anyway.
  1659. >On one adventure, you and your dragon happen by a treasure she's been looking for, a little trinket that seemingly no one can bring back alive.
  1660. >Then you find out WHY it can never be recovered.
  1661. >The instant you touch it, the little thing rips you and your dragon through space and dumps you in a new world. 
  1662. >It's normal for the most part, with the exception of many beasts being the civilized ones and cultural things like the odd gender roles. Fuck off for the last time I'm not going to hurt myself with this sword. 
  1663. >The mares quickly learned not to flirt with your dragon around.
  1664. >At least there's no elves.
  1665. >Fuck elves. You and your scaly gf did a fly-by arson of that one elf stronghold just because you hate them 
  1666. >But then other dragons show up, trying to trade their treasure for YOU of all things with your dragoness.
  1667. >Some try taking you by force, only to be swiftly taught that is a bad idea.
  1668. >Kooky shit.
  1675. >Anon is a fucking leaf
  1676. >He's not all that bothered by this
  1677. >Just decides to wait out the storm and shovel what he can when things die down
  1679. "Guess the weather-mare was right; for once,anyway."
  1680. >"Ouch. I'll wait until it stops snowing before I go out and shovel.
  1681. "I'll give you a hand."
  1682. >"You'll give me a what?"
  1683. "...a hoof."
  1684. >"Oh! Oh, right, I probably should have guessed. But don't you worry about it, Anon, you can help by making sure there's some hot chocolate waiting for me once I'm done."
  1685. >At this point, the snowstorm picks up.
  1686. >Powdery snow batters the windows, and the wing makes them rattle in their frames.
  1687. >The foot prints and the deep path through the snow you made when you walked out to get the mail a few minutes ago are already filled in, and there's no sign of the snowfall stopping.
  1688. >"...we might be stuck here for a while."
  1689. "You know, if we lived where /I/ grew up, we'd already have an army of snowplows out clearing the roads."
  1690. >"Yeah, well, I still think you're lying about some of those stories. There's no way /any/ city can afford massive metal machines that exist only to clear the snow.
  1691. "Well, it snows a lot more often where I came from. We kinda needed it."
  1692. >"Well you know what /we/ need? Some hot chocolate. Why don't you go make us some while I rush out real quick to grab some firewood? It won't do us any good if it's buried under a whole bodylength of snow and soaked through."
  1693. "You sure you'll be alright?"
  1694. >"Pfft, don't worry about me, Anon. Who's the big strong mare, here? I'll be in and out in less than a minute."
  1695. >When your waifu comes back in 15 minutes later, shivering and covered in snow, you hand her a steaming mug of hot chocolate and politely pretend that you didn't hear her slip at least twice.
  1696. >You tend to the fireplace while she pretends not to be cold.
  1703. >Anon arrives in Equestria, and immediately starts to try to who his waifu, Rarity.
  1704. >It doesn't go as smoothly as planned as she continuously, gently turns you down.
  1705. >She's too busy with her career for a serious relationship, she says.
  1706. >You don't give, getting a job at Sweet Apple Acres being their accountant so that you can stay in Ponyville.
  1707. >Applejack is a good friend like that.
  1708. >Always so reliable and kind.
  1709. >She even takes you out to lunch every week.
  1710. >Strangely enough, though, you start to notice something odd.
  1711. >Her accent seems to change to something more refined when she around you.
  1712. >She eats more daintily and wears her mane up more often.
  1713. >It's weird.
  1714. >If you weren't an idiot, you'd relive that AJ has feelings for you, and is starting to act more like her fashionista friend in the hopes of catching your eye
  1719. > Anon is wandering the Canterlot castle
  1720. > A sleazy noblemare approaches with a smirk
  1721. > "Hey, let's go somewhere quiet, where we can talk."
  1722. > Anon has sudden flashbacks to a van, empty classic rock CD cases, and high pitched giggling
  1723. "Uh, no, sorry."
  1724. > The noblemare scowls and spits out the word "Fine!"
  1725. > As she strides away, Anon blinks
  1726. "Whu-what did she want from me?"
  1727. > Celestia drops in out of nowhere and invades his personal space
  1729. > Five months later, the noblemare is defeated in some magical friendship battle
  1731. >Celestia knows what happens in her castle.
  1732. >It doesn't matter if she's in the middle of day court or sleeping the night away while it happens.
  1733. >It doesn't matter if they were hiding in a broom closet.
  1734. >She knows.
  1735. >She knows who stole the last slice of cake at dinner.
  1736. >She knows who's rutting who. And how good they are at it.
  1737. >She knows it all.
  1738. >She's the biggest voyeur in Equestria.
  1739. >The Canterlot rumor mill don't know shit compared to what she knows
  1746. > Pinkie Pie throws a welcoming party for both Anon and Incog 
  1747. > Anon naturally gathers a crowd, laughing easily and telling interesting stories
  1748. > Incog is happy not to be the center of attention
  1749. > Mares do approach him, but he isn't what they expected of a quiet, delicate male
  1750. > What kind of colt reads science fiction and fantasy? 
  1751. > Why did he study engineering, of all things?
  1752. > He hasn't seen the latest movies, so they don't even have that to talk about
  1753. > Most of the conversations peter off into silence, and the mare excusing herself
  1754. > After the fourth such conversation, Incog is feeling drained
  1755. > Pinkie Pie picks up on this almost immediately, and shuffles him over to an adjoining room
  1756. > As she closes the door behind her, the sound of the crowd drops to a mumble, and Incog feels his stress level drop by about 20%
  1757. > Twilight, Fluttershy, Moondancer, and Maud are seated around a table, moving cardboard tiles and little plastic figurines around
  1758. > Pinkie explains what "Reconcilliation at the House on the Hill" is about, and teaches Incog the rules while the girls finish the session they are playing
  1759. > As they reset the table, Pinkie smoothly sits Incog at the table and makes introductions
  1760. > Twilight greets him cheerily
  1761. > Fluttershy mumbles something and nods at him
  1762. > Moondancer says something polite, but her eyes are drawn to his beltline
  1763. > Maud says the bare minimum, maintaining eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time, then abruptly looking away to fiddle with something in her saddle bags
  1764. > Pinkie disappears as the game starts
  1765. > Little by little, Incog gets more comfortable with the group
  1766. > He plays as the estranged daughter who left for the big city
  1767. > Fluttershy plays as the gruff mother, and it's adorable
  1768. > Incog kind of gets swept up in it when the rotten tomato bandits attack, and Fluttershy's character's fur may be permanently discolored
  1769. > The game ends in a feel-good resolution, and the girls start explaining games to Incog, to see what sounded good to him
  1770. > At the end of the night, Pinkie is proud to hear both humans tell her that they had fun at the party
  1777. > Marefriend has some odd tastes in the bedroom
  1778. > Things like having you give her a disgusted look as you show her your balls
  1779. > Or showering her with insults when she pretends to rape you
  1780. > You get the feeling she's working through some insecurities and things, so you generally play along
  1781. > Every few nights, though, you insist on some sweet lovemaking, full of affection and compliments and cuddling
  1782. > She always blushes really hard those nights
  1784. >Luna spies on your mare friends dreams
  1785. >you wake up as the ponice are taking her away
  1786. >"Don't worry sir, this pervert won't hurt you anymore"
  1787. >"bucking Luna"
  1789. > Luna decides to comfort you after what must have been a traumatic experience
  1790. > Sends you little notes wishing you well
  1791. > Offers you her tuft to cry into
  1792. > Sneaks into your bed at night and cuddles, so you won't feel lonely
  1793. > Luna also has a vindictive side
  1794. > She sends your marefriend dreams of Luna cuddling with you
  1795. > Your marefriend dreads falling asleep
  1796. > All this time, you have been making recordings of Luna's activities
  1797. > You request a private audience with Celestia, and show her what has been happening
  1798. > Celestia apologizes profusely
  1799. > Your marefriend is exonerated
  1800. > Luna is forced to give a statement to the press that dreams are not admissable evidence in a court of law
  1801. > Celestia pleads with your marefriend to keep Luna's advances on you a secret
  1802. > It could have a devastating impact on Equestrian diplomacy if one of the princesses is known to use questionable means to court stallions
  1803. > Marefriend agrees, with conditions
  1804. > Anon spends the next several nights comforting her, helping her deal with nightmares about Luna because they can no longer trust Luna to do so
  1805. > Then, every night for a week, Luna has to sit in the corner and watch while Marefriend dominates you in bed
  1806. > You say things like how much softer marefriend's fur is than Luna's, and how safe you feel with a real mare in your life
  1807. > By the end of it, Luna has a new appreciation for what she saw in Marefriend's dreams
  1808. > Because now she can't stop thinking about those same things
  1810. > Sunset Shimmer hears about this through Twilight
  1811. > Asks to be brought in as moral support for Marefriend
  1812. > Sunset wants to boost Marefriend's ego by having Marefriend claim you vigorously in front of two powerful, beautiful mares
  1813. > After years on Earth, she thinks it's nice to see mares not get feaked out about other mares watching and being supportive
  1814. > Some sort of fetish? Of course not
  1815. > Sunset just really likes seeing healthy relationships, she thinks it's sweet and romantic when a mare claims a stallion in front of her
  1818. >Anon shows up in RGREQG right after the first movie but before the second movie.
  1819. >ends up crashing with Sunset.
  1820. >Sunset is still ostracized enough by the other students for her past cuntiness that she latches onto the first person who's friendly to her without being told to like the Humane Five were by Pony Twilight.
  1821. >the two of them inevitably end up dating.
  1822. >Rainbow Rocks happens and Pony Twilight meets Anon. 
  1823. >they hit it off, and Twilight decides to pursue the alien dick
  1824. >inb4 Flash Sentry, Twilight didn't initially realize he was a teenager and once she realized that she backed the fuck off out of fear of going to prison.
  1825. >anyways, Pony Twilight makes frequent visits to RGREqG to go on dates with Anon and Sunset.
  1826. >this also forces Sunset to reconcile earlier with Celestia after prodding from Twilight and Anon
  1827. >situation escalates after Rainbow Rocks with Sunset letting the sirens crash at her apartment after finding them homeless and broke.
  1828. >they decide to try and get petty revenge by flirting with the mate of two of the girls who defeated them.
  1829. >it's been so long since they've been in Equestria that they forgot ponies were a race of cucks. 
  1830. >Adagio, Aria, and Sonata discover that they actually enjoy Anon's company once they get to know him.
  1831. >so they just shrug and go along with the herding thing.
  1832. >then the Friendship Games happen and Human Twi is added to the mix.
  1833. >she's initially hesitant of the whole herd dynamic.
  1834. >she's already an unpopular nerd, but she doesn't want to be a cuck on top of that. 
  1835. >Adagio takes her aside and mentors her a little.
  1836. >"Think of it this way. Sunset and your pony self were the ones who suggested this whole thing. Think of it as YOU being the one doing the cucking to them. The two of them certainly like to watch often enough... 
  1837. >needless to say, the part of Human Twi that is Midnight really likes this idea.
  1844. >Geniepone
  1845. >"Aw, great, another colt. I'll get five minutes on the outside, and he'll burn through his wishes with mane-care products and making that filly from horse-school like him."
  1846. "Woah, hey. Keep with that lip and I'll wish for you to keep your yap shut."
  1847. >"Sorry, colt; I can't grant wishes that impede my ability to grant wishes. It's all in the contract you agreed to abide by when you rubbed my lamp."
  1848. "The fuck? Where does it say that? I didn't see any signs!"
  1849. >"Look real close on the lamp. See that fine print? 'By rubbing the surface of this lamp regardless of intent to activate its magical powers or otherwise incur the services of this genie, you the consumer agree to etcetera, etcetera'."
  1850. "This is bullshit."
  1851. >"You know what else is bullshit? Getting picked up just *three times* in the last two centuries, and all by stallions who used me up without so much as a 'whirr burr thank-you-sir'!"
  1852. "...wanna watch some TV?"
  1853. >"I am contractually obligated to inquire if you are asking that question in the form of a wish."
  1854. "No. That just sounds pretty rough, and I honestly need some time to think before I start getting those wishes granted. Wanna watch some TV with me back home until I think of what I want?"
  1855. >"...sure, I guess. What's on?"
  1856. "Nothing."
  1857. >"Lemme see the TV guide."
  1859. >ywn chill with a genie while you try and think of your wishes and gradually forget that she's there to grant you shit
  1860. >ywn just sorta gain an roommate
  1867. >pone version of days of our lives starts
  1868. >celestia becomes instantly hooked
  1869. >literal generations of actors, directors, and writers come and go and Celestia never loses interest
  1871. >In walks Anon.
  1872. >Dun dun duuuuuun!
  1873. >"Anon! How did you know where to find me!"
  1874. >Anon looks directly into the camera as it slowly zooms in.
  1875. >"I've always known Biscuit Barron. It's one of the curses... Of being a human."
  1876. >Biscuit Barron backs up into a wall.
  1877. >"Then, then you must also know my shameful secret... That, that I..."
  1878. >Anon leans over him.
  1879. >"That you've been trying to destabilize my second secret herd that my first herd doesn't know about, by sending fake love letters to my second home? Yes... Yes I know."
  1880. >Biscuit Barron hits the wall.
  1881. >"No, no! I may have done that, but you don't know my true secret!"
  1882. >At that, he pulls off his horn, letting it fall to the ground.
  1883. >"Cake Kisses? No... No it can't be... It can't be you!"
  1884. >Cake Kisses rushes forwards, pushing Anon down onto his back.
  1885. >"Yes, it's true! I'm really the first mare of your first herd.... Trying to break apart your second herd before the others from the first find out about it! But, even THAT isn't my true, true secret!"
  1886. >Anon flails, tears in his eyes.
  1887. >"You... You mean...? No! I won't accept it, I always had suspicions, but it can't be!"
  1888. >Cake Kisses clenches her eyes shut, before letting out the truth.
  1889. >"Yes Anon! The blood tests came back! I AM your sister!"
  1890. >--Love in Canterlot will be back after these messages.--
  1892. >Celestia stares ahead slack jawed and wide eyed, while holding a six foot long Anon pillow in her hooves.
  1893. "I can't believe it just keeps getting better..."
  1895. >Anon learned how to speak Equestria surprisingly easy
  1896. >he’s fluent enough to get by in everyday life, but he still speaks with an accent
  1897. >an accent that is apparently VERY sexy to native Equestrian speakers
  1905. >Magic is very closely connected to emotions.
  1906. >It's almost impossible to say which one is influencing the other more.
  1907. >Magic of friendship, love, even dark magic.
  1908. >All are examples of how ponies can use emotions to affect their magic, but they hardly wonder how much the opposite is true.
  1909. >Then Anon comes along, and starts passively absorbing the mojo from the ozone.
  1910. >The boosts to strength, stamina, and reflexes were cool at first, but then Anon started to notice something strange.
  1911. >The slightest things began to get reactions out of him where before he'd hardly care.
  1912. >He's laughing boisterously at Rainbow's stupid jokes.
  1913. >He feels utter glee when Pinkie surprised him with little baked goods and combat hugs.
  1914. >And one day, when he saw a beautiful sunset, he burst into tears.
  1915. >It was just so magnificent.
  1916. >And what the fuck?
  1917. >As soon as he realizes his emotions are going haywire, he goes to Twilight in a wild panic.
  1918. >Which doesn't help his case when he tells her he is overemotional and that something is wrong.
  1919. >It's just how stallions are, after all.
  1920. >Always in a tizzy over something.
  1921. >Colts
  1928. >The sirens aren't unused to a little licc
  1929. >After all when they sang to the sailors of those ships those many years ago, a vast majority of them were female
  1930. >The ships would crash on the rocks and they'd have a bit of fun with the seafaring mares before seeing them off safely
  1931. >They weren't total monsters after all
  1932. >But the lack of dick is actually why they moved inland and subsequently why Starswirl whooped their asses
  1933. >The attack on his fellow stallions got his ball bra in a twist
  1934. >Fast forward to herding with Sunset and the two Twilights
  1935. >This isn't what they asked for
  1936. >Sure there's a guy more than willing to put out but the nerds are a type of crazy that no one knows how to handle
  1937. >As it would turn out, when you get two desperate horny nerds in a room together they start bouncing ideas off of eachother
  1938. >Sometimes fun ones
  1939. >Sometimes not
  1940. >And their test subjects usually end up being one of the sirens
  1947. >Anon knows how to play the cello or some other string instrument
  1948. >He's decent, but nowhere near good enough to be considered a professional
  1949. >No formal lessons, just picked one up and dicked around with it until he could play music he liked
  1950. >Can't even read notes on a scale
  1951. >Pops into Equestria as Anons tend to do, and happens to bump into Octavia
  1952. "You're a cellist? Neat, I can play one too. Well, sorta."
  1953. >She's kind of prickly at first, and she certainly does not appreciate it when Anon admits nobody taught him how to play
  1954. >"You are no cellist, sir."
  1955. >Unfortunately for Octavia, her roommate Vinyl has tagged along with her and nags Octavia to stop being a quote-unquote "dyke" and let the colt play her cello
  1956. >Octavia reluctantly relents under Anon's promises that he won't damage her cello at all and that he'll be very gentle
  1957. >Octavia watches and listens
  1958. >"Well, he's right about one thing; he was never taught how to play."
  1959. >But it's not the sounds he make (I can't stress enough that Anon is an amateur) so much as the way he makes them
  1960. >Having been limited by her hooves her whole life, it's fascinating to watch Anon's fingers jump up and down the neck and the bizarre way (to her, at least) he holds onto the frog of the bow
  1961. >Reluctantly offers to teach him how to play
  1962. >Now, Octavia isn't 100% the most stable pony in the world
  1963. >A professional lifetime of being discriminated against by unicorns in Canterlot has cut her career by the hamstrings, which leads to stress
  1964. >Her living in a house with a wildly successful unicorn who plays (in her eyes) inferior music just enrages her and makes her painfully aware of how unfair life is
  1965. >But now she has a student
  1966. >Someone who looks up to her and admires her talent
  1967. >Someone who appreciates her for who she is
  1968. >Someone with musical interests similar to her own
  1969. >"I have a meek, moldable colt in my hooves. Eager to please, and eager to learn from me."
  1970. >Octavia becomes just a wee bit obsessed with Anon
  1978. >what a naughty colt you are for wearing underwear and socks all day
  1980. >Anon is single, but ponies are friendly enough that he frequently entertains guests
  1981. >They show up to his door out of the blue, usually with some sort of treat for the two of them to enjoy, and Anon invites them in to watch some horse-TV or listen to the horse-Radio
  1982. >Truth be told, a lot of his mare friends visit him as often as they do because life is stressful and it's nice to see a colt who walks around in lingerie (ie woolie socks and undies that are just barely visible) invite them inside and then cuddle with them
  1983. >One of them even starts to crush on Anon and wonders if he dresses up sexily just for her
  1989. >Humans, an exceedingly rare phenomena. 
  1990. >It would be assumed to be a fathers’ tale if proper record keeping hadn’t been done by the night guard.
  1991. >Old records created by a disturbed unicorn before the unification, while abhorrent in nature, have proven useful.
  1992. >Humans have a large amount of iron in their blood as opposed to ponies that have theirs concentrated in their bones, wings, and horns.
  1993. >The result is an extended regenerative magic field created by the blood circulation. 
  1994. >This field can affect the area surrounding the human based upon its physical and emotional state. 
  1995. >The field is theorized to extend its life indefinitely if no external force causes immediate death to the subject.
  1996. >The danger to ponies is not from the strange biology but in the emotional shifts of the human. 
  1997. >If the human is distressed ponies in the surrounding area can become fearful, paranoid, or distressed like the human projecting the field.
  1998. >Prolonged exposure to a human in this state will lead to long term health effects on the affected ponies.
  1999. >In extreme cases of negative emotion the affected pony can experience a total magical misalignment. If proper medical attention is not rendered soon death is the most likely outcome.
  2000. >This most recent report of a human in Equestria, specifically the Everfree Forest, has not gone unnoticed by the guard.
  2001. >Night guard squad “Screeching Banshees” has been assigned with containment of the subject for further study. Magic suppression equipment has been assigned given the nature of this assignment.
  2002. >We are the watchers.
  2004. >An older mare in a lab coat stares down at a thick folder of paper, all centered around the newest SCP in their care.
  2005. >She sits in the chair of her spacious and darkened office, a crown on her face.
  2006. >Turns out the mythical human is much much easier to contain than expected.
  2007. >The ever shifting field of magic around him muttled translation spells, but his intentions were clear when one veteran containment agent took the diplomatic route and tried to communicate.
  2008. >The human was obviously delighted to be rescued, especially by huggable little bat equines with fluffy ears to play with.
  2009. >The eggheads in the research center were going nuts when the veteran agent, who had a cold had her illness clear in minutes during a hug with their charge. 
  2010. >A medical examination of the same agent turned up a previously undiagnosed cancerous growth in a lymph node of hers... 
  2011. >But the cancer cells were in recession as if she was being treated...
  2012. >After that same agent was reassigned to a handler for the SCP and subsequently on the end of much affection, any trace of illness or infirmity fled the handler. 
  2013. >Her coat is shiny and soft, senses sharp, a spring that can't be faked in her step, and if the blood tests from her are correct...
  2014. >She's ovulating again despite being in her late 40s.
  2015. >The mare in the labcoat sighs and shakes her head. 
  2016. >Some of the agents and less serious researchers, all randy young mares, joked about eternal youth should they ever lead the human to bed with them.
  2017. >A joke to them, a real possibility yet to be tested to her.
  2018. >The mare in the labcoat is sorely tempted to label the true power of the human as classified
  2025. >Sugar is alcohol to ponies
  2026. >Anon has mares over to chat and supplies them with a plate of cookies
  2027. >Some ponies go just for the free sugar
  2028. >Other ponies feel bad for Anon because they believe he thinks he's so hopeless that he has to bribe ponies with horse-booze just to have friends hang out with him
  2029. >One or two thinks he's trying to get some puss by throwing a party
  2030. >Either way, Anon ends his get-togethers with a bunch of stumbling, slurring mares who try to start hoof-fights with each other and naturally end the evening in cuddle puddles
  2031. >Anon thinks they're just getting drowsy and gets them blankets so that they can nap
  2037. >mares developed a stronger sense of smell to hunt stallion mates in ancient times
  2038. >every mare can pick up Anon's masculine scent from hundreds or thousands of meters
  2039. >everyone can tell exactly where Anon is from far away
  2040. >He found it weird how Twilight could always find him to ask things about humans, or how he could never sneak up on anypony or why every mare gave him lewd looks after he relieved himself even if he took a shower or why Rarity and Pinkie always seemed like they were waiting for him when he walked into their business
  2041. >"Oh hey nonny, I just baked this for you!"
  2042. >"Wow Pinkie you always seem to know when I'm gonna drop here"
  2043. >"Don't be silly nonny... I just smell you"
  2044. >"Oh th- wait what?"
  2051. >Luna thinks she's stolen something dear from Anon and makes it sound so when she confesses to Celestia
  2052. >Celestia thinks Luna either fucked or raped a colt and is appealing to the old-fashioned "marry your rape victim" laws from 1000 years ago out of a sense of obligation
  2053. >She can't let it out that a PRINCESS possible raped a stallion (male alien ape thing, anyway), so she covers it up and rushes the procedure
  2054. >Over the course of about half an hour, Anon finds himself dragged off by a group of mares, dunked into some soapy water, have a suit shoved onto him, and then have his feet planted firmly next to Luna in the closest thing they have to a chapel that was available at that moment
  2055. >AKA a small janitor's closet
  2056. >They couldn't snatch one away while it was being used, since the point was to avoid drawing attention to themselves
  2057. >Anon and Luna are declared horseband and waifu by a half-dressed horse-priest, and a dazed Anon is now laying on his apparent marriage bed while Luna hides in the bathroom and tries not to throw up into the toilet from anxiety
  2058. >"Oh mare, oh mare, oh mare, I-I hope I don't cum too soon! Sister would never let me live it down if my damned winking clit betrayed me at my darkest hour and Anon is left hard and disappointed!"
  2059. >Meanwhile, Anon is wondering what the fuck just happened and why one of the princesses shoved him into a closet, said "may Faust have mercy on your souls", and then threw him onto what is admittedly the softest bed he's ever been on
  2062. >Be Anon
  2063. >Appear in Canterlot castle shortly after what the guards refer to in whispers as, "The Return of Nightmare Moon"
  2064. >Find a lonely blue horse instead
  2065. >Know that ponies like cuddles, so you give her a hug and try to make her feel better
  2066. >She goes stiff, but returns the hug awkwardly
  2067. >After a few seconds, she leans into you
  2068. >Like, all the way into you
  2069. >If you hadn't caught yourself in time, you would have been laying on your back with a horse on your chest
  2070. >Feel a bit awkward
  2071. >Try to pull away
  2072. >Luna shakes her head 'no' and grips you tighter
  2073. >Celestia finds you an hour or so later in the same position
  2074. >Apparently nopony has attempted to even talk to Luna, and the only creature she's had willing contact with in 1000 years is her sister, and you
  2075. >She's not exactly eager to let go of you
  2076. >Stay in the castle because this is a diplomatic opportunity... but mostly because Luna likes you and insisted on you staying
  2077. >Life goes on as usual (as usual as it can)
  2078. >You and Luna bond over being strangers in a strange land
  2079. >You and Luna hug it out a bunch
  2080. >She's pretty clingy, but it's cute
  2081. >Hear whispers of 'Nightmare Moon ensnaring an innocent colt' and 'dark magic bending that hoo-man stallion to her will'
  2082. >Give Luna extra hugs for that
  2088. >Jumping into herd life was something new for you
  2089. >On one hand, these three were very nice to you
  2090. >On the other, none of you knew what you were doing, what with them either being old fashioned, uninformed, or Twilight in her first relationship
  2091. >And then there's you dating three girls at once
  2092. >What do you even do there?
  2093. >You decide to just roll with it and treat them as best you can and figure it out as you go
  2094. >This includes carrying around a bag of sugar cubes, trying to carry them around which you can do with Twilight and sometimes Luna, and dragging them back to bed when they overwork themselves
  2095. >The other two act oddly when you get the sugar cubes out but Luna sure gets excited
  2097. >Twilight overanalyzes it and comes to the conclusion that eating out of another's hand is very intimate to humans, so she accepts the treat and gladly nuzzles your hand while enjoying it. 
  2098. >Celestia isn't really sure what to make of it, but follows along for fear of offending.
  2099. >Luna just likes sugar. For once there's no old meaning to the gesture
  2107. >Death comes to visit one day
  2108. >Anon goes to give her a hug, cause being Death she probably doesn't get many hugs.
  2109. >Plus, he's extremely thankful for his extended life he gets to share with his horse wives.
  2110. >It's been a while for her, and seeing the gesture, she quickly throws herself into the hug.
  2111. >The princesses notice and cry out, but its too late.
  2112. >Death jumps into Anon's arms.
  2113. >To which Anon promptly falls down, dead.
  2114. >Oh yeah, that's why she hasn't been hugged in a while.
  2115. >Promptly makes her exit
  2117. >Reaper Pone is still a cool gal and is still a stickler for the rules
  2118. >And there are rules against accidentally taking a soul
  2119. >It takes her a bit but she eventually returns with the ghostly apparition of Anon
  2120. >It took her awhile to work up the nerve to see the girls again
  2121. >Unfortunately she did so about a month after she killed him
  2122. >While a ponies body could be repaired with magic, the delicate brain tissue was still unknown to equine medicine
  2123. >So this leaves the ghostly Anon floating around the halls to cause mischief and have fun with his herd
  2124. >Some of that fun including the ghost licc
  2125. >Twilight is debating whether she should build him a body to contain the lewd or just let him keep going
  2127. >Uses his over engineered body to shoot Twi/Celly/Luna plushys out of his cannon at ponies bothering his herd
  2128. >Changes what he's firing based on who's being bothered
  2129. >Also has a sugarcube dispenser and small bar in the torso region that Luna makes frequent use of
  2130. >Twilight made a small storage space in one of his legs for books so she can sit in his lap and read to everyone
  2131. >Celestia wanted a small oven to be added, but settled on having cakes be stored with Lunas booze
  2132. >Precision tools for preening wings and brushing manes in the remaining free hand
  2139. >Happy stallion, happy battalion 
  2140. >This comes from the days of 'battle herds' something almost entirely forgotten to time.
  2141. >In times of war if there were any fillies or colts to a family, it would be a mare that would stay behind instead of a stallion.
  2142. >This was not mandatory, but there was a large reward payed out to the family if the stallion was lost.
  2143. >Battle herds were rather rare due to their nature, but the few that existed were sent to the vanguard.
  2144. >With the bigger, stronger stallion acting as an anchoring point, his battledancers could get to work.
  2145. >Battledancers would generally be lighter equipped than their stallion just so they could get in and out of danger faster.
  2146. >The idea of a battledancer is raw speed and damage and to use their stallion as a shield as well as a battering ram for heavier targets.
  2147. >Battle herds of differing tribes would have wildly differing effects.
  2148. >Earth pony herds, amplified with the harmony magic to act as one, could cause land slides and create small fissures in the earth.
  2149. >The pegasi would fly in formation with the stallion at the center, who wore special armor.
  2150. >With the magic coursing through the herd, the 3-4 pegasi don't even need a cloud for a lightning strike as lightning would leap from the stallion to designated targets.
  2151. >Unicorn herds never saw the front lines and were by far the most terrifying.
  2152. >They were trained in illusion spells and would be given coordinates and a target.
  2153. >Once they reached their location, they would prepare to fire an artillery barrage.
  2154. >Mobile artillery that could be set up and firing from any direction had any attacking force naturally jumpy.
  2155. >After Equestria finally found it's peace, the idea of battleherds were put to rest.
  2162. >Anon was 99% sure that he was being seduced by an honest to goodness vampony and that he should try to slip away.
  2163. >... But she was hot as fuck, and those plump, ruby-red lips looked really, really nice.
  2164. >An hour later, he was on his back in his bed, frame frail and pale do to lack of blood.
  2165. >Who knew getting your precious life fluids drained from your cock after a mind blowing blowjob could extend the pleasure so much.
  2166. >As it was, he would be passing into the afterlife with a dumb smile on his face.
  2167. >"So, mortal, how was it?" the vampony purred as she slid her body up his.
  2168. >Absently, he notices she feels burning hot through her fur, and he figures that must be his warmth now coursing through her veins.
  2169. "Awesome..." he wheezes. "Totally worth it."
  2170. >Her lips, now stained with more than just lipstick, halts above his as she blinks surprised down at him.
  2171. >She smiles, and snorts a small laugh.
  2172. >"Even now, you are still amusing, colt. I almost regret our eternal parting after tonight."
  2173. "Eh," he breathes, light fading from his eyes. "I'm not. There are worse ways to die than after a night with a beautiful mare, even if she's a vampire... and we didn't get past the foreplay."
  2174. >She looks surprised again.
  2175. >"You are lucid enough to understand my true nature and your impending demise, and yet you still speak so kindly of me?"
  2176. "It's only the truth."
  2177. >Her lips form a thin line as she stares down into his slowly closing eyes, then she huffs, and pushes herself into a seated position.
  2178. >"Truly, you are far too charming for your own good, colt. Now I feel guilty- a rare state to be in for one as old as I."
  2179. "Sorry."
  2180. >You might be," she says, biting into her fetlock with razor sharp fangs. "For it is only you who can decide whether this is a dark gift... or a curse. Drank."
  2181. >Anon is hardly aware when warm liquid dribble into his mouth and collect in the back of his throat, and he instinctively swallows without thought.
  2182. >It was the last thing he would do as a mortal.
  2184. >When Anon next awoke, it was a bit of a shock.
  2185. >Besides not expecting it, he had quickly been informed that he was, in fact, one of the living dead.
  2186. "Just like that?" he had asked, looking himself over. "I'm a vampire now?"
  2187. >"Yes," the mare said simply, sitting on the windowsill and staring into the night with her red, slitted eyes.
  2188. >Anon couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was with her white, flowing mane and immaculate grey coat.
  2189. >She looked even better than she had at the bar, in fact.
  2190. >Almost glowing, as apposed to the paler-than-paper look he now sported.
  2191. "I guess I thought it'd be more... dramatic, is all. Like, thrashing around and painful."
  2192. >She rolls her eyes and looks at him.
  2193. >"We're vampires, colt, not werewolves. The only painful part of our transformation is our fangs coming. Teething is the closest analog, and it doesn't last long."
  2194. >Anon blinks.
  2195. "... Huh, like a baby."
  2196. >"Accurate, I suppose, since you have effectively been reborn. You are a vampire foal."
  2197. >Anon chuckles.
  2198. "Well, hopefully I'll get to skip the shitting and pissing my pants phase. I'd rather not wear diapers."
  2199. >"That depends on if you get to the bathroom in time," the mare says, smirking.
  2200. >Anon raises an eyebrow, mouth open to ask what she meant, but it snaps shut as his stomach gurgles, and he makes a mad dash towards his bathroom.
  2201. >As he groans and the sound of devastation fills the room, the mare chuckles and approaches the door.
  2202. "Jesus... What the fuck's with the diarrhea?" he moans.
  2203. >"The dead do tend to void their bowels, you know," she says casually. "You have no need for solid food, anymore, so your body is getting rid of it."
  2204. >Anon grumbles, but doesn't speak again until he's done ten minutes later.
  2205. "Okay... that was fucked," is all he says as he stands on shaking legs. "I feel like I shit out some bones."
  2206. >"Had we actually planned this whole affair, I'd have suggested fasting before the transformation," the mare says, her eyes filled with mirth.
  2208. "Would have been appreciated," grumbles Anon as he went back to the bed and slumped down. "Don't spring that kind of crap on a guy. Figuratively and literally."
  2209. >She frowns.
  2210. >"Yes, it was all quite sudden. I apologize for that."
  2211. "Yeah? What part? Killing me, or making me a vampire?"
  2212. >"Certainly not the former," she answers matter-of-factly. "A mare has to eat, and you were making yourself positively scrumptious with all of that hard cider you were flooding your veins with."
  2213. >She licks her lips.
  2214. >"I did so love apple cider when I was still alive."
  2215. "Right..." Anon comments, raising a brow. "Good to know I was properly seasoned to be your meal."
  2216. >"No need to get sassy with me," she says with a huff. "I could have left you a husk, you know."
  2217. "Why didn't you?" Anon shoots back. "Seemed like that was the plan, right?"
  2218. >Surprisingly, the mare blushes.
  2219. >"Yes," she admits. "But I changed my mind."
  2220. >She looks into his eyes.
  2221. >"You changed it for me."
  2222. "My memories a bit foggy-"
  2223. >"You were ready to die, weren't you?" she accuses suddenly, climbing up on the bed to bring her eyes closer to his. "And yet still, you were not angry with me, or the world, or really anything. You were just... resigned."
  2224. >Anon leans back, jaw tense.
  2225. "Don't know how you came to that conclusion, but-"
  2226. >"Don't deny it," she hisses, coming closer even as Anon continued to lean back. "I know those dying, resigned eyes all too well to not have recognized them in you."
  2227. >Anon is on his back, the mare's muzzle an inch from his nose.
  2228. "How?"
  2229. >"Mine were the same," she answers simply. "When I was still alive."
  2230. >A smile tugs at her lips.
  2231. >"It wasn't until I was dead, that I found a reason to live, and so now, I give you that same opportunity."
  2232. "You expecting a thanks, Pearl-?"
  2233. >"Spinel, actually," she interrupts with a smile. "You should know my real name, seeing as how we'll be spending much time together."
  2234. "Doing what?"
  2235. >"Well, to begin, you did make a comment about not getting past foreplay, earlier."
  2242. >Anon is batshit insane.
  2243. >Rather, he has issues.
  2244. >Despite events like chasing after Lyra through Ponyville ass-naked with a shoe, screaming at the top of his lungs and wearing warpaint of ketchup and mustard, everypony just casually brushes it off as either a ''human thing'', ''coltish whimsy'', or a combination of the two.
  2245. >Well, she did steal his underwear, after all.
  2246. >The deviant!
  2247. >While everypony else just laughs off such shenanigans, one pony, the newly-arrived Starlight, doesn't.
  2248. >She fully recognizes that he's a dangerous nut.
  2249. >Unfortunately, her new friends and the Ponyville folk seem to think she's interested in the lunatic.
  2250. >...And try to set them up. Repeatedly.
  2251. >It becomes even worse when a visiting Love Horse becomes involved.
  2252. >Twilight knows too, and is trying to help rehabilitate Starlight *and* calm down Anon by hooking them up (the ol' sexist ''only needs a man to keep them happy'' thing in reverse), killing two birds with one stone.
  2253. >Poor GlimGlam
  2256. > Be Anonygdala, hexbane soldier 5417
  2257. > You open your eyes for the first time in decades
  2258. > Feeling slowly returns to your limbs
  2259. > You idly wonder what crisis has arisen
  2260. > Looking around the crypt, none of your brother soldiers have awakened
  2261. > Even stranger, Celestia isn't here, only some earth pony filly with a yellow coat and a curly black mane
  2262. > You stare at her expectantly
  2263. > She offers a jar of pickles
  2264. > "Mister, could you open this?"
  2265. > You comply automatically
  2266. > The jar opens with a pop
  2267. "Why was I awakened?"
  2268. > The filly accepts the jar with a smile
  2269. > "Mommy is off talking to the dragon queen and-"
  2270. > Ah, dragons
  2271. > It's been a while, but they are a worthy opponent
  2272. > "-said to wake up one of her sons of war if I had an emergency."
  2273. > ...
  2274. > You stare down at this foal, and now you can see her little canines, and black is an odd hair color for ponies
  2275. "Is your father Primarch Nito?"
  2276. > The filly fishes for a pickle, pausing to say, "Yep!"
  2277. > She starts munching on it happily
  2278. > Looks like the crossbreeding program finally succeeded
  2279. > You crouch down 
  2280. "So what is the emergency?"
  2281. > She blinks, then points at the jar
  2282. > ...
  2283. "Is that all?"
  2284. > The filly swallows her food
  2285. > "Um, wanna play hide and seek?"
  2286. > You can't help smiling
  2287. "Sure."
  2288. > A break like this is nice, every once in a while
  2294. >Starlight Glimmer is one of the goth kids at Canterlot High
  2295. >would be spending most of her time smoking on the roof or behind the school if there wasn't a crackdown on that type of behavior by Celestia and Luna
  2296. >already somewhat jaded due to deadbeat mom leaving her and her dad when she was six, combined with childhood best friend moving away forever a year afterwards 
  2297. >Sunset Shimmer's reign over the school just lowered her opinion of other people even further.
  2298. >then everything changed once she realized magic was real when Sunset turned into a literal demon during the Fall Formal
  2299. >it wasn't just cheap fake shit that she and the other goths bought off the internet 
  2300. >Starlight had long since realized that the world was an unfair, shitty place to live in... but what if it wasn't?
  2301. >what if she acquired magic of her own, so much of it that no one would be able to stop her, and used it to change the entire world for the better?
  2302. >so she started to work towards this goal in secret, her once-neglected vast intelligence being put into overdrive as she researched magic
  2303. >she watched from the shadows as the Rainbooms took on the Dazzlings, Midnight Sparkle, Gloriosa Daisy Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, and Vignette Valencia
  2304. >she built her own magic gathering device, similar in function to the one used by the human Twilight Sparkle
  2305. >it got to the point where she didn't even go to school anymore unless she knew something magical was going to happen there so she could observe and gather data
  2306. >Starlight knew she was on the verge of a breakthrough, and soon she'd show them all!
  2307. >...that is until her stupid, overbearing father decided to actually be a parent for once and confiscated her equipment
  2308. >he wouldn't give it back unless she started going to school regularly again
  2309. >so she grumbled and rolled with the punches, going to class while doodling plans in her notebooks to deal with it
  2310. >that's when she met him, Anonymous
  2311. >the new male transfer student
  2313. >the moment he laid eyes on her, Anon knew she was just as dangerous as the pony Starlight Glimmer
  2314. >they both had that same kind of insane resolve 
  2315. >Anon was already reluctant about moving to this new 'human' dimension on Princess Twilight's suggestion after failing to really find a place in Equestria.
  2316. >ponies were just too weird for him.
  2317. >plus by Twilight's own admission, Equestrian magic was slowly leaking into this place and causing all sorts of chaos that would make Discord get out the popcorn to watch
  2318. >still, it at least RESEMBLED home, reversed gender roles and technicolor humans aside.
  2319. >Anon knew one thing though. 
  2320. >he had to stop this version of Starlight Glimmer from pulling off the same kind of crazy shit as her pony counterpart.
  2321. >and what better way, then by becoming her friend?
  2322. >the ponies always said he was kind bad at the whole 'friendship magic' deal, but this was a pretty good idea if he said so himself
  2328. >Aside from the 'herd' thing, Sunset is pretty vanilla in the bedroom.
  2329. >It takes a little (or a lot of) coaxing to get her to go along with most of the kinkier ideas coming from the Sparkle side of the relationship.
  2330. >It's not that she's afraid of being called a dyke.
  2331. >A good herd sister is supposed to be willing to join in and participate.
  2332. >Shimsham could even be called enthusiastic when it came to that.
  2333. >But she'd been talked into doing a little dirty mind reading with her herd.
  2334. >A way of 'expanding their horizons' they'd called it.
  2335. >It seemed like a good idea to her.
  2336. >At the time.
  2337. >She already knew it on some level, this just confirmed Anonymous was far lewder than most stallions, and most human boys too.
  2338. >And he had a few things he was nervous about revealing, but nothing too shocking.
  2339. >Her lovable dorky purple herdsisters on the other hand, had some seriously deviant fantasies hiding away.
  2340. >She'd seen things that weren't even possible without magic and abusing the laws thereof, and possibly not even then.
  2341. >Some of them were fun to think about, but didn't seem like they'd be a good idea to actually try.
  2342. >Others she tried not to think about at all
  2349. >Anon, new and unsure of the strange society he's in, is need of a service.
  2350. >It's been a month, but, before that, it had been five back on Earth since his last haircut.
  2351. >He had been planning on going to the barber before he suddenly got sucked into a new world, and now his hair is constantly hanging in his eyes.
  2352. >With few options besides cutting it himself, he goes to the first place he can find that cuts hair.
  2353. >There are a lot of stallions coming in and out, so he figures it's a safe bet.
  2354. >Walking in, he is quickly seated by a stallion hairdresser, who then proceeds to ask him what he wants.
  2355. >Anon doesn't exactly know.
  2356. >A trim is too vague for the stallion, and he presses for more.
  2357. "Just... whatever looks good, I guess. You're the hairdresser, after all. I'm sure you know what you're doing."
  2358. >Thus, Anon leans back and relaxes.
  2359. >The feeling of a comb through his hair, the gently tugs at his scalp, the sound of buzzers and scissors sniping.
  2360. >These things have always been strangely calming to him, and he enters almost a trance like state as the stallion works.
  2361. >It's with a wakeful jerk that he comes to after the haircut is finished.
  2362. >"Aaand... Ta-da! What do you think, hun? Fabulous, right?"
  2363. >Anon blinks as the chair is spun around and he looks at his hair.
  2364. >His poor, maimed hair.
  2365. >He has a mohawk cut into his once too-long locks.
  2366. >It drapes daintily to one side and curls stylishly.
  2367. >He looks like a metrosexual punk.
  2368. >Instead of saying this, he forces a tight smile.
  2369. "Yeah... Fabulous... Thanks."
  2370. >"Oh, I just knew you'd love it!" the stallion sings. "Now you get out there and show off! And if anypony asks, tell them Zephyr hooked you up!"
  2371. "Will do."
  2372. >He would definetly warn people away from this stallion, right after he shaved his head.
  2373. >As he hurries home, Anon is expecting laughter, but surprisingly, he gets a few whistles and cat calls instead.
  2374. >Compliment after compliment for his snazzy mane-cut.
  2375. >Anon is confused, but maybe he won't need his clippers after all.
  2377. >By the end of the day, Anon is feeling confident in a way he hasn't since arriving in Equestria.
  2378. >It's not just the compliments, either, though they help.
  2379. >It's that ponies seem more comfortable around him, now.
  2380. >It's hard to believe that a simple haircut could make such a difference, but it has.
  2381. >He was always looked at like a alien before, which is accurate, and sometimes, even a little fear.
  2382. >He doesn't realize it, but getting a "pony" mane cut makes him more familiar to the ponies.
  2383. >Plus, his tall stature and often shadowed eyes due to his messy mop of hair made him intimidating.
  2384. >Now, though, his eyes are on display, and his growing positive attitude is making ponies more relaxed around him.
  2385. >Also, his clearly stallion mane-style broadcasts clearly that he is, indeed, a stallion, and thus hardly something to fear.
  2386. >Really, it should have been obvious with all the clothes he wears.
  2387. >Speaking of, when Anon gets home, he digs through his closet for his nicest outfit, and readies himself to do something he should have done a while ago.
  2388. >Go out and socialize.
  2389. >Feeling more confident, Anon wants to go out and mingle with the locals, and what better way than to go to a nice bar and have a few drinks?
  2390. >Maybe he'll even make some friends?
  2397. >you will never be stalked by Bon Bon while she makes sure you're not dangerous to ponykind
  2398. >you will never eventually fall in love and get together
  2399. >you will never eventually discover a drawer she has that's filled with dozens of sketches of your cock and balls
  2400. >"I made those for research, Anon. RESEARCH! How was Celestia supposed to trust my findings if I couldn't even prove I had gotten close enough to touch you?!"
  2401. "D-Did you make those drawings when I moved into your place?!"
  2402. >", I made them before I introduced myself to you."
  2403. "What."
  2410. > Be Mirror Bright, a regular at the Captain Planet Cafe
  2411. > Ever since first contact, more and more humans have been showing up in Nipon
  2412. > There's all sorts of butler waiters at the CPC, two crackers, a nigger, three japs, and a beaner
  2413. > You have your eye on one of the crackers, Australianon
  2414. > He was the first to call out to you on the street, and he is always happy to chat when there aren't any other customers waiting
  2415. > You aren't sure if it's true, but there is also a rumor that humans from Australia like to put their thumbs up ponys' butts
  2416. > N-not that that's why you are trying to get closer to Australianon, but you are sort of interested...
  2417. > Unfortunately, the cafe has rules against customers asking out the waiters
  2418. > As you walk into the cafe, you notice a flier
  2419. > "Now hiring! All species and genders welcome!"
  2420. > You know what to do
  2427. >Anon sleeps on the edge of the bed while Fluttershy is in the middle.
  2428. >The two are really close and love snuggling.
  2429. >They almost spend more intimate time together than with Anon.
  2430. >What are they, gay? Haha!
  2431. >... Yes.
  2432. >Yes they are.
  2433. >The dark truth is that the two only settled down with the residential ugly stallion under the guise of a herd because they wanted to be together under one roof and in one bed without being judged by other ponies.
  2434. >Being a lesbian is hard.
  2435. >Anon was just an easy smoke screen as he was desperate for love
  2437. >Anon never had the highest self esteem
  2438. >Even back on Earth, he wasn't that good looking
  2439. >Despite the reality of the situation, Anon's just thrilled that he's getting positive attention
  2440. >"I mean, sometimes we'll ALL go out for dinner instead of just the two of them! They laugh at my jokes, and-and Rarity always insists on covering the bill, and then we go back home to watch a movie on the couch! I usually fall asleep before the movie's over, though, and by then they've already gone to bed."
  2441. >Anon's such a sad sack that he's managed to convince himself that this is the ideal situation
  2442. >"I know I'm not... y'know, the best looking, right? And these two mares are my friend. So, they get to be together, and I get some cuddles out of it. Sometimes Rarity even gives me tips on how to get mares to notice me. I mean, you know, they probably won't work for me, but she's trying and I appreciate that."
  2443. >Wake me up inside
  2444. >Can't wake up
  2446. > Rarity and Fluttershy try to be nice
  2447. > They can see the lies and the lack of intimacy is taking a toll on Anon
  2448. > They cuddle with more often
  2449. > They peck him on the cheek spontaneously
  2450. > He joins them for spa trips
  2451. > Anon feels like he is loved, in a platonic sort of way
  2452. > One day, Fluttershy sneaks into his room to put a thoughtful thank you card on his pillow
  2453. > While she is there, she is surprised to hear Rarity humming in their bedroom
  2454. > She had no idea how things the walls were, since she and Rarity never heard anything from Anon's side
  2455. > Abruptly, she realizes Anon has heard every night of their passionate love making
  2461. >It's ridiculous.
  2462. >She's only in her early-twenties.
  2463. >These things aren't supposed to happen.
  2464. >And yet, here she is, in the hospital after a heart attack.
  2465. >Sure, it was only a minor one, and she recognized the symptoms fast enough to get help immediately, but still.
  2466. >She could have died.
  2467. >Little exercise and poor diet were contributors her doctor tells her.
  2468. >Also her tendency to spazz out and stress.
  2469. >Staying up 48 hours to study for an exam that she was desperate to ace in her college course had pushed her heart that one step over the line.
  2470. >And now her entire life has been put into perspective.
  2471. "You really should be sleeping, Twilight," Anon says, entering her room with a soda in hand.
  2472. >She smiles weakly.
  2473. >"I can say the same to you," she says. "You really don't need to stay with me, Anon. I'm fine."
  2474. "I don't have anything else going on," he answers. "I'll pass my finals, and I'm not stressing to get perfect scores. C's earn degrees, after all."
  2475. >She frowns.
  2476. >"You should always try your best, Anon. I hate how girls always expect you to be some airhead- you're smart, even smarter than me sometimes. If you applied yourself more...."
  2477. >The young man rolls his eyes.
  2478. "Yes, Mom, I know."
  2479. >"I'm serious-"
  2480. "And I was serious about you getting sleep," he cuts off, expression stern. "Heck, not doing that is what landed you in that bed in the first place."
  2481. >Twilight's eyes fall.
  2482. >"Yeah, that and my lifestyle choices, apparently."
  2483. "Hey, don't take what the doctor said so seriously," Anon says, voice and expression becoming gentle.
  2484. >"And why shouldn't I," she asks. "They're medical professionals, Anon. They went to school for years to know the human body better than anyone."
  2485. "Plenty of people live... sedentary lifestyles, and they live just fine."
  2486. >"Statistically, that's not exactly true."
  2487. "Twi-"
  2488. >"No," she says, fingers curling into her blanket. "No excuses. I did this to myself, and I have to take responsibility for it."
  2489. >She swallows and fights back the tears.
  2490. >"Because if I don't, then next time I might not be so lucky."
  2491. "Twilight," Anon breathes, moving close to kneel by her bed, loosening the fingers of one of her clenched hands to hold it in his own. "Don't do this to yourself. Not now. You heart doesn't need the extra stress."
  2492. >"Because it's weak," she counters with a sniffle. "Because I always shirked exercising and eating right... Anon, I don't want to die young."
  2493. "And you won't-"
  2494. >"I will, if I don't make changes," she interrupts, looking up into his eyes. "I don't want that. I want to live a long life. I want to spend time with my friends and family... I want to grow old with you."
  2495. >Anon is taken aback by this.
  2496. "Um, Twilight..."
  2497. >She rubs at her eyes with her free hand and gives a watery smile.
  2498. >"I was going to wait until after I got my doctorate, but... Anon, I want to marry you."
  2499. >Anon is stunned.
  2500. "Is... are you proposing right now? Because, uh, the answers yes, but..."
  2501. >She giggles.
  2502. >"I know, It's unconventional. I don't even have a ring."
  2503. >She's blushing brightly now.
  2504. >"You wouldn't believe how happy it makes me to hear your answer... but it's not a proposal. Not yet, at least. Anon, I want you to be my husband, but I want to be healthy for you first, so we can live long, happy lives together."
  2505. >It's Anon's turn to smile as he huffs a little laugh.
  2506. "That's motivation enough for me," he says, standing up. "It's decided then. I, Anon, will be your personal coach to get you into shape... Then we get married."
  2513. >Anon asks Rarity and Twilight to fool around for him one night while he's recovering after blowing his load.
  2514. >They think it's weird, but give after he keeps prompting.
  2515. >Anon was always into lesbian porn back home, and seeing the two mares he loves like this gets him back to diamonds in no time.
  2516. >Meanwhile, by their stallion's direction, Twilight horn fucks her herd mate.
  2517. >This is so awkward, but she can't deny that it does feel pretty good.
  2518. >Rarity would have to agree, the tingling of magic and feeling of the spiral ridges against her velvety walls pushing her towards an orgasm.
  2519. >Twilight beats her to the punch, however, and splooges inside her friend.
  2520. >Before Rarity can be annoyed at being denied her own release, Anon practically leaps into action, positioning himself behind her as Twilight falls back, and thrusts into her.
  2521. >condensed magic erupts from around his member as he plows the prissy unicorn with a feral intensity, and Rarity quickly reaches her peak, along with several more before Anon adds his own fluid to the sloshing mix inside her womb.
  2522. >There was always a thrill when he did that, especially when she was in heat, as she was now.
  2523. >The thought of being seeded and with foal was a delicious one, but there was no real risk of it with Anon.
  2524. >It had already been determined that he could not get a pony pregnant.
  2525. >Or, so they thought.
  2526. >Turns out that, with a strong enough magical boost, his little swimmers could get the job done.
  2527. >This little piece of knowledge would come to light in a few months when Rarity realized she was putting on a bit of weight in the middle.
  2528. >Boy, this would add a awkward twist to the "Where do foals come from" explanation down the road.
  2535. >Anon and Luna frequently pick fights with one another and hate-fuck.
  2536. >It drives Celestia and the other palace staff to despair at the property damage and disturbances.
  2537. >...And walking in on them without knowing her sister had ''company''.
  2538. >One day, everyone notices that one or both of them is/are acting completely unlike themself/selves.
  2539. >Anon acting feminine, or both acting like they're in love.
  2540. >Looks like the changelings didn't do their research.
  2541. >With their plot rumbled before it could even really begin, they search for the two.
  2542. >Luna and Anon treat their captivity as a mini-vacation.
  2543. >They also had a heart-to-heart, and decide to try and be a normal couple.
  2544. >It's freaking everyone out, and Celestia and company vow to break the changelings' obvious magical influence on their minds,
  2545. >Anon and Luna are exasperated no-one believes them
  2547. >changelings used a spell to encourage them to be lovey dovey with each other in order to produce more ambient food / calm them down.
  2548. >With regular couples it pretty much makes them dead to the world outside of their partner.
  2549. >With these two they're just a bit more affectionate.
  2550. >They can fight it, but it's actually pretty nice to just sit and cuddle without either of your crippling autism getting in the way
  2557. >have two children with Celestia, a boy and a girl
  2558. >the boy is the elder and is the first crowned prince of Equestria in centuries, if not millenia
  2559. >he's constantly besieged by thirsty mares trying to get into his pants and royal title
  2560. >despite being the younger child, Celestia still tasks her daughter with protecting her older brother
  2561. >cue adorable little sister with sword and shield defending his honor
  2562. >maybe literally
  2568. >Diamond dog society is a lot like a dwarven
  2569. >The dogs live in massive underground strongholds
  2570. >These strongholds have a good number of clans, the leaders of which are the oldest bitches
  2571. >They are miners, fighters of unseen horrors, and craftspeople whose skills are unrivaled by any other race
  2572. >They are also known to keep grudges for eons if needed
  2573. >One of their holiest books is the Dammaz Kron, or Book of Grudges, which sits at the foot of the High Queen's throne in the holy capital
  2574. >Honor is everything to these dogs, wealth is second
  2575. >Wealth in weapons, wealth in gems, and wealth in males
  2576. >To find a healthy male and bring them back to the clan is seen as a mighty great honor to the bitch that can do it
  2577. >One of the larger strongholds in Equestria, Karak Furgon, lies underneath a rich valley of gems
  2578. >Because of a grudge from many years ago-- a grudge that not even the princesses remember-- the dogs want nothing to do with ponies
  2579. >The only times they deal with them is when a mare is captured trying to steal gems and they're forced to labor under the eyes of the clan's mutts, something which is seen as the ultimate dishonor
  2580. >Because of this, stallions are seen as off limits, which makes is very difficult to find a male that isn't from another clan
  2581. >The competition is fierce, and many grudges have been made because of this scarcity
  2582. >Bitches have begun looking far and wide to court anything and everything that wasn't a pony
  2583. >Frea Longtail, daughter of the Iron Claw clan was just minding her own business trying to find some emeralds to eat when your dumb ass feel through a hole
  2584. >You're not hurt as far as she can tell
  2585. >From your smell you're also obviously a male
  2586. >Hopefully you like thicc doggos fella
  2594. >Celestia, or should she say, Sunny Skies, has a hangover.
  2595. >She remembers Luna pushing her out of the castle, saying she needed a day off after she nearly bit a noble's head off in her overworked, ornery state.
  2596. >She remembers going to Twilight's castle since it was close and hand plenty of spare rooms, plus she would get to spend some time with her former student.
  2597. >She remembers Twilight being called away by the map along with one of her friends to solve a friendship problem, and her left alone with Spike.
  2598. >She remembers reading two dozen comics with the one drake before it was his bedtime and she was left alone in a big, quiet crystal castle.
  2599. >Starlight was spending the night at Trixie's caravan, and Celestia was bored.
  2600. >She remembers having the brillaint idea of going out to have a few drinks.
  2601. >She remembers wanting to enjoy the night without the social pressures of being a princess, and so dawning a unicorn disguise.
  2602. >She remembers the bar, and the first few drinks of hard cider.
  2603. >She remembers the tall, bipedal creature with the thick, muscled arms.
  2604. >She also remembers the pudgy belly and plump tush.
  2605. >She remembers thinking those arms would be great for carrying lots of foals, and the rest being fun for making said foals.
  2606. >She remembers the two shots of liquid courage before approaching him, and thinking he had the most beautiful eyes when he turned to her after ordering him a drink.
  2607. >She might remember being a little too hoovsy, and she doesn't remember at all how she ended up in this strange bed.
  2608. >She wishes she did, though, because when she turns over, she comes muzzle to cute, button nose with the colt from last night.
  2609. >Her wide-eyes trail down his slumbering features to his bare chest, where she involuntarily licks her lips.
  2610. >Those are some nice pecs.
  2611. >And are those nipples?
  2612. >Exotic.
  2613. >And kinky.
  2614. >A yawn has her eyes snapping back up as the colt awakens.
  2615. >He blinks a few times, then focuses on her face.
  2616. >He smiles.
  2617. "Hey babe. Enjoy last night?"
  2624. >Anon ends up in the Kirin village instead of ponyville.
  2625. >Anon thought that the Kirin were incapable of speech rather then taking an oath of silence.
  2626. >Anon would communicate with a chalkboard with the Kirin because 'when in Rome, do what the Romans do.'
  2627. >After the sound of silence episode, he returns to the village to find everyone talking.
  2628. >Anon is relieved.
  2629. >Until because of the amount of time not talking, the Kirin have no 'mental filter' and just spew the first thing to cross their mind
  2631. >ywn a kirin who happily babbles about how much she missed you, how you're doing, how badly she wants to shove her face into your crotch and motorboat your balls, wonders if you want to get some lunch because she was just on the way to get something to eat
  2632. "What?"
  2633. >"What, you don't like sandwiches? You should cum in my sandwich. Why are they called sandwiches? There's no sand in'em! I sure do like cake. Oh, here's the place I was going to eat at, c'mon Anon!"
  2639. >Someone has been stealing candy from BonBon's shop, and she is going to find out who.
  2640. >Her stallion, Anon, and herdmate, Lyra say she's paranoid, but she knows better.
  2641. >Not knowing exactly what one has available to them during a hunt could be fatal.
  2642. >Once, she had been separated from her group during a mission, and had to ration out her food and water supply to last for the entire hike back to the nearest base.
  2643. >She finished her supply half an hour before making it home.
  2644. >And now was no different.
  2645. >She keeps exact count of every candy in her store, and some foal has been pilfering at least three sweets a day.
  2646. >How is she supposed to feed her family if her means of income is being stolen?
  2647. >Lyra's work is too inconsistent, and BonBon refuses to let her daughter, Gumdrop, go a day without three square meals and two healthy snacks.
  2648. >And so, BonBon has taken drastic measures.
  2649. >She placed a special concoction in some decoy candies that will turn the tongue and lips of whoever eats it bright blue.
  2650. >It's fool proof.
  2651. >Now to wait.
  2652. "BonBon!" Anon calls from another room. "Something's wrong with Gumdrop! Oh God! Her lips are turning blue!"
  2653. >... What?
  2654. >Anon comes running in, panic clear on his face even as their six-year-old seems unbothered by her azure mouth.
  2655. "I thought she was choking and pried her mouth open, and her tongue's blue, too! Is this some sort of horrible pony disease?!"
  2656. >BonBon doesn't answer
  2657. >She's too busy staring at Anon's blue lips.
  2658. >"...It was you, Anon? You've been stealing candy?" she asks, feeling betrayed. "And you've been giving it to our daughter? You know I keep her on a strict diet to insure optimal development!"
  2659. "Wh-what?"
  2660. >She points a hoof
  2661. >"I made those candies to catch the thief! It's what turned your mouth blue! I can't believe you went behind my back, broke our daughter's diet, and called me paranoid about it all!"
  2662. The room is silent, then Lyra walks in, lips blue as she stares at the scene
  2663. >"Wow, what happened? And why are their lips blue?"
  2669. >"Hello, Anon. My name is-"
  2670. >The robot emits a loud buzzing noise and its eyes flash through words like a slot machine.
  2671. >With two clicks, it settles on two words; one in each eye
  2672. >Summer, and Coconut.
  2673. >The robot mare's eyes return to their normal irises and she smiles up at you, behaving for all the world as though that shit didn't just go down.
  2674. >"-Summer Coconut. It's a pleasure to meet you."
  2675. >You are Anon, and you don't know why this thing popped out of a box that was left on your doorstep.
  2676. "...n-nice to, uh... meet you too?"
  2677. >You rub the back of your head, wondering where the hidden cameras are.
  2678. "I guess?"
  2679. >Is someone about to run out and yelled 'pranked' at you?
  2680. >The mare just nods happily and trots over to you.
  2681. >"I just want to let you know, Anon, that I am engineered to have life-like fur and synthetic flesh that has been demonstrated to be virtually identical to their organic counterparts in multiple double-blind studies."
  2682. >She rubs up against your legs, and you're surprised at how warm she is.
  2683. >"The body heat was how our engineers solved the heat-discarding problem that would normally cause my systems to overheat. Instead of having a big thermal port under my tail-"
  2684. >Servos whirr as her facial features twist to one that is distinctly uncomfortable.
  2685. >"-the inclusion of which caused several... unfortunate accidents among some of our more eccentric volunteer testers-"
  2686. >The robot perks up again and happily wags its tail.
  2687. >"-my engineers have decided to instead distribute it to a series of copper wires underneath my skin to give me life-like warmth, and to also double as a central nervous system. Neat, huh?"
  2688. >...
  2689. >Why do you have a robot now?
  2697. We could actually combine this with robopone stuff.
  2698. >Anon ended up lost in the northern reaches of Equestria
  2699. >After finding shelter from the cold he started to dig around
  2700. >And dug straight into an ancient, forgotten castle
  2701. >He starts to dig around that but is much more careful since he doesn't want to break a leg or something
  2702. >Finds what looks like a lab with a massive collection of books
  2703. >Digs into them and finds out it's magic shit
  2704. >Figures he may as well give it a shot
  2705. >Eats cave moss and any crabs that crawl out of the frigid underwater lake as he tries to construct the robo pone
  2706. >It has a couple of features but the most important one is too simply keep the area around it at a specific temperature
  2707. >The next most important is the digging equipment since he used nearly all the materials on the first one
  2708. >Anon waits with baited breath as the magic courses through the construct hoping beyond hope it works
  2709. >At last the blue energy stops its dancing and settles into the two pools the golem used for eyes
  2710. >The first thing it does after activation is say hello to which the deprived Anon could do nothing but hug the cold metal form
  2717. >Equestria, being a land built on cartoon logic and the rules of drama, has had a problem lately
  2718. >Contrary to popular belief, harmony doesn't mean peace, it refers primarily to cycles, particularly 22 minute cartoon plot cycles with the occasional 2-parter in Equestria's case
  2719. >With the new elements absolutely cleaning house and ruining shit the past few years, and the new Princess of Friendship achieving harmony levels that shouldn't be possible, reality is fraying a bit at the seams
  2720. >That's where Anon comes in
  2721. >Literally, he falls through a hole in reality
  2722. >He gets dem bots, they're fucking boring
  2723. >Pals around with the crystal empire after a while
  2724. >Twilight needs a date, Equestria needs a villian, Anon needs to do something with his Army
  2725. >Obvious solution? Friendly game of capture the princess
  2726. >Shining even gets a division of bots to buffer his own forces in the greatest game of "Capture the Flag" ever devised
  2727. >This is gonna be like, a 3-parter at least
  2729. >Chrysalis joins in at some point to make this image relevant
  2736. >"Okay, geez."
  2737. >"So, Anon likes that nerd horseapples, right?"
  2738. >"Octopuses and Ogres, or something."
  2739. >"Only nerds like that game, so that leaves out all of my friends, except for Twil."
  2740. >"Twilight's have another, uh... 'friendship lesson' with Starlight, so where does that leave me?"
  2741. >"Hmmm.... well, some of Twi's friends are coming over from Canterlot."
  2742. >"Maybe they're eggheads like her!"
  2743. >"Maybe I can do something for them in exchange for them teaching me how to play that game!"
  2744. >"Then me and one of those mares can cuddle with Anon and he'll, uh..."
  2745. >"B-B-Boop my snootle~"
  2746. >"Or even... h-hold my hoof..."
  2747. >Rainbow just wants to get together with her cool alien friend but she doesn't know how
  2754. >Wrestling in Equestria
  2755. >A bunch of mares fucking LOVE it
  2756. >It's exactly like 80s/90s wrestling, with storylines and STALLIONS who never ever break character - Anon plays it straight with the sexes just like in his world
  2757. >No mare thinks it's gay and a few stallions even like it because even the daintiest stallions secretly lust for bloodsport
  2758. >Anon, who liked that shit back home, surprises his friends when he reveals that he's the owner of the stadium and head interim coach trying to whip the prissies who signed up into shape so that they can play the role and entertain the hungry masses
  2766. >"It never gets old, y'know?"
  2767. >Rainbow scuffs the ground with a forehoof, looking a little bit shy and a tiny bit uncomfortable.
  2768. >"I just... every morning I roll over in bed, and I lose myself in your eyes just as quickly and easily as I did the very first time I saw them."
  2769. >She offers you a small smile, genuine and twinged with an uncertain tenderness you don't see from her as often as you would like.
  2770. >You get the feeling she's bearing herself to you.
  2771. >"You said that hoo-mans can see a few more colours than ponies can, right? Well, I don't care if you can see a million-billion colours and if I can see just one..."
  2772. >Rainbow Dash looks away from you as a red flush somehow overpowers the blue of her coat, but she forces herself to look right back at your face.
  2773. >Right in the eyes.
  2774. >"As long as the one colour I can see is the exact same shade as your eyes, I'll be fine." she says, stumbling only slightly over her words, "Because in the morning light when night turns to gold, I can still wake up and lose myself in your eyes over and over again, f-for the rest of m-my life."
  2775. "Rainbow Dash..."
  2776. >That is easily the most beautiful thing you've ever heard her say.
  2777. >She giggles and scuffs her hoof again, finally looking away.
  2778. >"H-Hey, that's enough mushy stuff for now, okay?"
  2779. >She spreads her impressive wingspan ("Stallions~") and flaps a few times until she's at about chest-level.
  2780. >"I think I heard you promise belly rubs."
  2782. >You are Rainbow Dash, and are you ever thankful that you just finished reading Daring Doo and the Golden Feedbag
  2783. >That book was kinda flowery and had a bunch of poetry in it, but that line about night turning into gold really struck a chord with you.
  2784. >You're just glad Anon isn't the sorta colt who likes action books and instead leans more towards romance.
  2785. >Yeah, you found the cheesy books he hides under his mattress.
  2786. >It's one of the few ways he behaves like a typical colt, and you think it's absolutely adorable
  2792. >"This book sucks."
  2793. "Mm-hmm."
  2794. >Your marefriend, Rainbow Dash, flips another page.
  2795. >Her eyes dart from one corner to the other as she takes in the print.
  2796. >She's entranced.
  2797. >"It's just... it's dumb."
  2798. "I know, honey."
  2799. >"All this colty horseapples, y'know? Flower, and dykey, and... and-"
  2800. >She suddenly pulls back and nearly hits you in the nose with her book.
  2801. >"Look at this line! 'And before me he stood, and angel from Elysium itself. His mane shines white in the silent evening air.' "
  2802. >She stares at you with the biggest, most incredulous expression on her face.
  2803. >"It doesn't even describe that character at all, if you read ahead! It's like A.K. Yearling had something beautiful in front of her - something important to her - that she used for inspiration, but failed to put it properly into... into... words."
  2804. >Rainbow's words fade away as a look of contemplation comes over her.
  2805. >Her eyes dart between you and the book and you can see her lips mouth the flowery line, as well as the equally-flowery description that continues on the page, left un-complained about.
  2806. >She looks dumbstruck, as though some revelation just hit her like a freight train.
  2807. >After shooting you a shy glance, she buries her face in the pages again.
  2808. >"...s'a stupid line. I don't even know why I'm here at your colt's book club. Stupid...buckin' Daring Doo... bein' a dyke..."
  2814. >Alicorns are a rare occurrence, Luna & Celestia's parents weren't alicorns it just happened
  2815. >When Luna heard a male ADULT alicorn was found she think this might be a great chance to tie the knot for both Princesses and maybe get extra help with their astral duties
  2816. >Anonicorn is just making weird gestures and babbling as a means of communication
  2817. >"Twilight Sparkle... what is he doing?"
  2818. >"Oh he can't speak or write apparently"
  2819. >"H-he never learned to... b-but he's an adult!"
  2820. >"I say he's very funny Luna, maybe we should keep him"
  2827. >Anon is teleported to Equestria, as tends to happen.
  2828. >In this particularly case, though, things get a little... messy.
  2829. >When Anon appears, it's not as a man, but instead, as a horrendous monster of two mouths, seven eyes, nostrils in all sorts of places, three arms protruding from his base like legs, and an actual leg and foot dangling from his front like a mockery of a elephant's trunk.
  2830. >Oh, and tentacles.
  2831. >Thirteen of those whipping about on his back.
  2832. >Yeah, it's just not Anon's day, and it's only made worse when he stumbles into town, and immediately gets a mob set upon him.
  2833. >As Anon runs, he remembers back to dinner last night at the Chinese place, and the fortune cookie he got for dessert.
  2834. >"You will be transformed into an abomination and chased by small equines. Your lucky numbers are 45968."
  2835. >What are the odds?
  2836. >Anon doesn't have time to do the math before he is cornered by six mares.
  2837. >"Okay monster, whatever you are, you're coming back to my lab so that I can figure out what sort of foul magic made you so we can nip it in the bud," says the purple one.
  2838. >"Ah got the rope," says the orange one. "Ya think you can get in around those tentacles and knock it out, Dash? It'll be easier to wrangle without all the flailin'."
  2839. >"Sure thing, one good buck atta do it."
  2840. "P-please," Anon chokes out of one mouth cringing back against the wall.
  2841. "Don't. Hurt," says the other as his many eyes start to water.
  2842. >"Uh, what?"
  2843. >"Oh, you poor thing! You must be absolutely terrified!" the yellow one suddenly says, fluttering forward. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you."
  2844. >"Fluttershy, get away from that thing!"
  2845. >"Hush, Dash. Can't you see its just scared? It didn't even hurt any pony, and we all just started chasing it without even knowing what it wanted."
  2846. >As the pegasus comes close, Anon's tentacles twitch away and go stiff when she lays a hoof on his front most lump.
  2847. >Then she starts rubbing in small circles, and they go limp.
  2854. >A /k/ommando is reborn in Equestria as a unicorn.
  2855. >His family is obviously worried, considering how keen and unnaturally aggressive he is from birth, but none of them know what to do when even experts are left scratching their heads.
  2856. >The colt grows up engrossed in topics like the military, mechanical engineering, survivalism, history, metallurgy, chemistry, and other oddball points of study. The dolls and toys he's gifted go ignored.
  2857. >In secret, all the study he's undergone has a purpose.
  2858. >Recreate his lost arsenal.
  2859. >Of all the things he lost upon his death, his missing guns and secure feeling of a more level playing field they brought is what hurt the most.
  2860. >With magic filling the role of expensive and complex tools, being a kommando again is easier than he thought.
  2861. >After years of buying materials with saved pocket change, his first is done.
  2862. >The young colt picks up a perfect Makarov pistol, the simplest autoloading firearm he remembered, from its hiding place in the shed. Behind it are several magazines and the rolled up blueprints for later projects.
  2863. >The colt shrugs off his saddlebags and digs inside, pulling out a tin can filled with crude 9x18 ammo.
  2864. >Excitement building, he loads one magazine, then inserts it into the gun.
  2865. >A sound muffling spell is cast on both the shed walls and his ears. The mana toll is heavy, but nothing could being the man turned child down.
  2866. >He pulls the pistol slide back and let's it go, chambering one round without an issue. 
  2867. >Finally, he points the gun to a stack of thick boards in the shed, the weapon feeling as natural in his telekinesis as it would have in a hand.
  2868. >Pull...
  2869. >BANG!
  2870. >The boards jump, now sporting a hole where they caught the bullet.
  2871. >The kommando throws his head back and laughs in joy, not at all seeing his cutie mark appear.
  2872. >The sudden itch on his back is ignored as well.
  2873. +++
  2874. >In Canterlot, Celestia pauses mid lecture with her student Twilight to shiver without any idea why.
  2877. >Uninon, being not from this world, doesn't share the same instincts that all the other beings do
  2878. >His brain, autismo as it is, does its best to rectify the new senses he has by approximating the closest things
  2879. >His hands
  2880. >When a normal pony picks up an object, they usually instinctively envelope the whole thing, moving it around in space as a whole piece
  2881. >When anon takes hold of an object with his magic, he instead manipulates specific points, as though he were grabbing it
  2882. >Doing this is an extremely subtle level of magical control, and trains him into being extremely precise subconsciously
  2883. >Most unicorns have difficulty with machine-tool precision due to simply moving the whole of whatever they want, but Anon is uniquely able to produce the objects from memory as a result from his different use of magic
  2884. >The entire idea of pushing and pulling on an object instead of just moving the whole damn thing also allows him to use telekinesis in new ways that had simply been overlooked for the lack of need
  2885. >It doesn't revolutionize magic, but it levels a playing field between latent skilled users of magic and those who aren't that no one had any idea how to deal with
  2886. >His firearms will level that playing field the rest of the way
  2893. >"There you go, you just rest up right there," says Fluttershy, patting between three of Anon's eyes.
  2894. >Anon, for his part, is thankful for the tender touch as he works to fold his three arms under him in a comfortable way in the large animal bed.
  2895. >Perhaps both the petting and sleeping arrangements are a bit demeaning, but the kindness helps him feel like less of the monster he appears to be.
  2896. "Thank," says one mouth, the other opening to add, "You."
  2897. >"I'm happy to help," she says gently.
  2898. >"Are you sure this is a good idea, Fluttershy?" asks Dash as she stares over her friend's shoulder with a weary eye. "It could still be dangerous. What if it eats your other animals?"
  2899. "Won't," you say instantly. "Am. Good."
  2900. >"You are," Fluttershy assures before turning a hard eye to her friend. "Dash, if you are going to be rude to my guest, you can go down stairs and wait with the rest of our friends."
  2901. >"Yeah, and leave you with Blobby McMonster Face, sure."
  2902. >Anon curls in on himself and fights back tears at the blue pony's remark, but doesn't argue.
  2903. >"Dash. Down stairs. Now," Fluttershy says, her tone leaving no room for argument as she stomps a hoof.
  2904. >Something must have changed in the sweet mare's expression, because the other pegasus gulped and conceded.
  2905. >"Fine, but I'll be listening at the bottom of the steps," she grumbles.
  2906. >Once she's gone, Fluttershy sighs and turns back to her guest.
  2907. >"I really am sorry about her. You aren't a monster, you're just a little... different. Now, do you need anything, sweetie?"
  2908. "Anon," he says suddenly. "My name. Is Anon."
  2909. >She blinks, surprised, but smiles.
  2910. >"Okay, do you need anything, Anon?"
  2911. >His own mouths smile a little.
  2912. "Water? Some food?"
  2913. >"Sure. is there anything you eat specifically?"
  2914. >He think about this.
  2915. "Anything. Good. Fruit. Veggies. Meats."
  2916. He remembers she's a pony then, and quickly adds, "Meat, not needed... No grass. Hay."
  2917. >She doesn't seem scared about the meat comment and nods
  2924. >Horse-periods don't exist, but stallion still have "that time of the month"
  2925. >Glands and brain chemistry are all governed by magic in Equestria, which is why a mare will always go into heat in the spring and can't be fooled by methods that would normally trick a real life horse's body; ie using light to introduce a false spring that results in estrus
  2926. >Stallions tend to be much more sensitive to magic (which is why they gotta be protected: spells hurt them more than they hurt mares, and their small number means that ponies just can't take that risk) and sensual magic is tied closer to the moon than to the sun
  2927. >Also, afternoon delight doesn't exist in Equestria for this very reason.
  2928. >So when the full moon approaches, the average stallion's brain chemistry is affected severely
  2929. >They become moody and irrational (but how is that different from any other time of the month, amirite? Mares? Yeah? No? Y-Yeah?) a couple of days before and after the full moon
  2930. >They're much easier to upset and they complain of headaches and body pain
  2931. >In polite horse-society, it's appropriate to refer to this as a stallion's "phase" (as in phases of the moon)
  2932. >Less polite society refers to it as his time of the month
  2933. >Anon is regularly mystified when something upsets him and his marefriends jokingly ask him if it's that time of the month again
  2934. >Anon just thinks it's a period joke and dismisses it without thinking too hard about it, and it takes him a little bit of time to realize he's never seen horse-tampons being sold in stores
  2935. >"Oh. Oh! Oh, yeah, that kinda makes sense. No wonder my stallion coworkers acted like such bitches last week. Huh."
  2942. >"Get back, sweetheart! I don't know what this bitch's game is, but I'm not going to stand around and let HER make goo-goo eyes at MY stallion!"
  2943. >You are Anon, and you will never forget the day your marefriend mauled an inflatable swan in an attempt to defend your honor.
  2944. >You were later informed that alicorns are particularly territorial about their mates.
  2945. >Something about how the alicorn's scarcity awakens "oh god oh god oh god there are so few of you and this creature right here is essential to the continuation of your species, protect it with your life" instincts within them whenever they take on a mate, as if their brains hit a panic button
  2947. >Anon somehow registers as an alicorn to everyone
  2948. >Anon is explaining his situation while the Princess are speaking behind their hooves
  2949. >"...pshh! Tia! how long do we have to wait before we bed him?"
  2950. >" know I can hear you right?"
  2951. >"pshh! I think he suspects something, do you thing he throws boys?"
  2953. >do you thing he throws boys?"
  2954. >Anon's blood runs cold
  2955. >They found out
  2956. >Somehow they discovered that he is, by trade, a boy-thrower.
  2957. >It's like caber tossing, only it's boys instead of logs.
  2958. >And now they know
  2960. >sexual dimorphism in alicorns is extreme and Anon does, in fact resemble a male alicorn
  2961. >even after clearing up that he is an alien and describing humanity in great detail ponies just think he's an alicorn from a parallel world where half the population are cunt-colts (the RGRE equivalent of futa)
  2962. >the princesses are now slowly going crazy trying to find a way to this magical realm of lonely males while anon is about ready to kill somepony from being harassed by fetish-autists
  2963. >just as Discord planned when he brought him over
  2965. >Anon asks Twilight to teach him about male alicorns to clear the confussion
  2966. >"They're green and wear suits also they're hopelessly bad at magic, and they tend to walk on their hind legs"
  2967. >"fuck, that does sound like me huh, anything else?"
  2968. >"let me see... aha! -male alicorns tend to send their female counterparts into heat- pftt! as if Prin-"
  2969. >An axe shatters the door
  2977. >"Come on, Ponk. Have a cookie."
  2978. >Be Pinkie
  2979. >Sitting at the other end of the table was Anon
  2980. >Sitting between you was a plate of cookies
  2981. >They looked like ordinary chocolate chip cookies
  2982. >You liked cookies, especially cookies of the chocolate variety 
  2983. >But you knew Anon
  2984. >He was a butt
  2985. >A big, meanish butt
  2986. >The smart thing would to just get up and walk away
  2987. >But momma told you not to walk away from a stallion
  2988. >And pappa told you never to turn away free food
  2989. >You looked down at the cookies, then back at Anon
  2990. >The Hyoo-mans face was an emotionless mask
  2991. >His green eyes were staring intently at you
  2992. >Unblinking
  2993. >You licked your lips
  2994. "These... these are chocolate chip cookies, right?"
  2995. >"Yep," Anon said without missing a beat
  2996. "Are you sure?"
  2997. >"Yes."
  2998. "Super sure?"
  2999. >"Ah-huh."
  3000. >You narrowed your eyes at him
  3001. >Nonners didn't so much as bat an eyelash
  3002. >...
  3003. >Welp
  3004. >Time to take the plunge
  3005. >You picked up a cookie
  3006. >You brought it close to your face, sniffed it, then took a bite
  3007. >Pain
  3008. >Agony
  3009. >Emptiness
  3010. >These weren't chocolate chip cookies
  3011. >These were oatmeal raisin
  3012. >Trieks cookie
  3013. "Bleh!"
  3014. >As quickly as you could, you spat it out, but the damage was already done to your taste buds
  3015. "Anon! What's wrong with you?"
  3016. >Not breaking eye contact, Anon picked up a cookie
  3017. >He took a bite out of it, chewing slowly
  3018. >"I didn't use any sugar in these. Just artificial sweetener," he said
  3019. >Your pupils dilated
  3020. >This colt is a demon
  3026. >Pinkie calls a friendship meeting
  3027. >She's scared because she feels weird whenever Anon is around
  3028. >She's terrified that Anon is giving off some sort of magic or force that's harmful to ponies and she's nearly in tears at the idea of having to make Anon live somewhere else for the good of pony society
  3029. >...that is, until Twilight asks if any of the other mane 6 feel the same thing when they hang with Anon, and the answer is a resounding "no"
  3030. >Rarity, starting to paint a picture in her head, asks Pinkie exactly how it feels when she's around Anon
  3031. >Pinkie goes on a Pinkie-tier tangent about how her tummy feels funny, she feels happier, more excited, and it's hard to concentrate, and how she feels really really good when she and Anon have fun together, and also sometimes she feels hot and itchy between the legs when he hugs her (but she barely notices it because of all the butterflies in her tummy that appear when the hug occurs)
  3032. >Rarity and the other 4 mares exchange knowing glances
  3033. >Meanwhile, Pinkie is still afraid there's something wrong with Anon and is now worried that whatever's wrong is hurting him too
  3040. >"Hey."
  3041. >You're woken from your nap suddenly as something hard jabs you in the side.
  3042. >Your arms were raised thanks to you using your hands as an impromptu pillow for your head, leaving the vulnerable sides of your torso open for attack.
  3043. > kinda bullshitted Twilight when you told her this, because you're actually really ticklish and you didn't wanna give any small horses the chance to take advantage of that.
  3044. >You told her that exposing your (ticklish) sides was a sign of enormous trust, and you didn't count on word spreading.
  3045. >So a few weeks ago, when you first started taking naps with Rainbow Dash, you brought your arms up to cradle your head with your hands without thinking about it.
  3046. >Rainbow looked incredibly flattered and was happy that you trusted her so much that you'd expose your "delicate side-belly" while in her presence.
  3047. >And since loyalty is Rainbow's thing, she appreciates that more than anypony.
  3048. >So now you're besties, you guess.
  3049. >Back in the present, Rainbow (gently) jabs in you in the side again.
  3050. >"Anon, wake up a sec."
  3051. >You crack open your eyes and peer over at her, still keeping your hands behind your head.
  3052. >Rainbow's on her back, and you catch a glimpse ofWOAHHEY OH BOY
  3053. >Whoo!
  3054. >That sure is a horse pussy!
  3055. >Wow!
  3056. >Hoh-boy.
  3057. >"Buddy, can you scratch me real quick?"
  3058. >Oh god, is this how you get a marefriend?
  3059. >This this how Rainbow Dash operates?
  3060. >Is this what passes as "smooth" to her?
  3061. >Fucking hell, no wonder she's single.
  3062. "I-I-I-" you stammer, trying (and failing) to fight a blush, "S-Scratch you?"
  3063. >Oh god, your voice cracked right at the end
  3064. >You sound like the pathetic virgin you were back in high school.
  3065. >Rainbow, apparently ignorant to your distress, nods and spreads her legs a little wider.
  3066. >"Yeah, right between my teats. I'm all sweaty from flying and it's making the fur between my teats itch, since I didn't shower yet."
  3067. >She paws at her teats with a hoof, and you stare hypotized as they jiggle with each impact.
  3068. >"My hooves are no good with sweaty fur, but I can't help but notice you've got a whole array of hoof-spiders."
  3069. >She nudges you again, and this time you flinch.
  3070. >"C'mon, Anon, do a sis a favor and gimme a firm scratch!"
  3071. >Oh god, you have no idea if this is normal pony behaviour.
  3072. "S-Sure."
  3074. >With a trembling hand, you reach down between Rainbow's legs.
  3075. >You can feel heat building in the air the closer you get to her pussy.
  3076. >Now that you're.... uh... staring intensely, you can see the spot Rainbow means; it's a bunch of fur between her t-teats that's all matted, and it's a slightly darker shade of blue than the rest of her fur is.
  3077. >You guess it wouldn't hurt to scratch it.
  3078. >You guess this is normal for ponies.
  3079. >You've seen Rainbow flirt with stallions before, and she's usually way less subtle than this.
  3080. >You can totally do this.
  3081. >You find the patch of fur and WHOOPS
  3082. >"W-Woah!"
  3083. >oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
  3084. >The fur was more than matted; it was slick too, like grass right after it rains.
  3085. >You pressed firmly (making sure NOT to brush up against Dash's nipples) and WHOOOOO went your finger.
  3086. >It zipped right down passed her teats and landed firmly in vagina territory.
  3087. >You kinda panicked right after that.
  3088. >And when you panic, you freeze up.
  3089. >So here you are.
  3090. >One hand behind your head.
  3091. >The other between the legs of your best friend, with one of your fingers knuckle-deep in her pussy.
  3092. >You didn't ask for this.
  3093. >"A-Anon?!"
  3094. >oh god you enormous ass-clown, just move your fucking hand.
  3095. >Say something!
  3096. >Anything!
  3097. "Uhh..."
  3098. >NAILED IT
  3099. >"A-Are you... hard?"
  3100. >What.
  3101. >You jerkily turn your head away from the trainwreck you're fingering and look down at your crotch.
  3102. >Apparently there's some part of you who LOVES this, because you're pitching a huge tent in your pants right now.
  3103. >Oh, the one time you chose to go commando because it was laundry day, and you wanted ALL of your underwear to be clean at once...
  3104. >Hello darkness, my old friend...
  3106. >You are Rainbow Dash.
  3107. >You think this is second base.
  3108. >You notice that your best stallion friend is now getting an erection, and you start to wonder if he did this on purpose.
  3109. >You mean, he made his hoof-spiders into a pillow when he was alone with you, and that whole "exposing his sides" thing you heard from Twilight means he trusts you a lot, right?
  3110. >You thought that meant that he saw you as a really good PLATONIC friend, but... maybe not?
  3111. >Maybe he liked you this entire time and you were too dense to pick up on it?
  3113. "A-Are you... hard?"
  3114. >...this has GOTTA be third base.
  3121. >Scootaloo is too young to realize that she only ever saw Rainbow Dash interacting with colts when they were in a strictly sexual relationship with each other
  3122. >What would be inappropriate behaviour in one situation would be less inappropriate in another
  3123. >The line "We met up at a club last night and he was gone before I woke up, who cares what his name was" was a lot less harsh when Scootaloo finally realized (years later) that the stallion was a one-night stand and not some bright-eyed innocent colt who expected a relationship out of Rainbow Dash
  3124. >She grows up thinking that Rainbow Dash is a raging misandrist and tries to treat stallions "they way they deserve to be treated"
  3125. >Cue a couple years later when Anon arrives in Equestria
  3126. >He and Dash hit it off and end up romantically involved
  3127. >Scootaloo, who was friends with Anon, felt obligated to keep an eye on those two in case Dash allegedly crosses the line again
  3128. >Is utterly confused when Rainbow and Anon behave like a lovey-dovey couple from Scootaloo's Neighponese animus
  3129. >"I... I... what? Why is she behaving this way now?! Was she tricking me this entire time?!"
  3136. >You are Anon, and you're about to hop through a portal with your girlfriend.
  3137. >...marefriend.
  3138. >Whatever.
  3139. >You first found yourself in this weird land by accident, after a certain purple unicorn got a little too excited when she announced that she knew of a world just stuffed to the rafters with "hoo-mans" like you.
  3140. >Turns out she was wrong, and this was some shitty parallel universe.
  3141. >But you know what?
  3142. >It turned you back to when you were a teen, and you just squatted at the principal's house until you figured shit out.
  3143. >Luckily for you, you met a girl who claimed to be from Equestria: Sunset Shimmer.
  3144. >There's a long and complex story between the two of you, but you're too busy being excited about going to meet your marefriend's parents to care about it right now.
  3145. >Sunset is holding your hand and rubs the back of it with her thumb.
  3146. >She's trying to put on a brave face - damned mare pride - but you can tell she's nervous.
  3147. >Nervous about going home
  3148. >Nervous about confronting the princess
  3149. >Nervous about seeing her family again
  3150. >Nervous about the portal itself
  3151. >Sunset takes a deep breath, whispers a quick "I love you", and hops through.
  3152. >Once you have confirmation that the way is clear, you hop though as well.
  3153. >You pat yourself down.
  3154. >Fingers, bipedal, still got a dick, and both balls are hanging below it.
  3155. >Maybe shouldn't have shoved your hands down your pants in front of what appears to be a crowd.
  3156. >Brilliant.
  3157. >The portal doesn't have a complex "become dominant species" spell on it like the Equestrian side does
  3158. >Something about how the spell on the "human" side portal was "return to natural form" because it required a lot less maintenance from a wizard in a different universe.
  3159. >"Buck!"
  3160. >You peer over to Sunset, expecting to see a mare in her 30s.
  3161. >She had explained to you that you that she was well into her adult hood when she took the plunge, and so she expected to be returned to a mare less than 10 years away from middle age.
  3162. >Instead, you're looking at a mare who looks to be around 16 years old.
  3163. >She's slightly smaller than your average adult mare.
  3164. >Her fur is a more vibrant colour, her mane is bouncier, and her eyes look brighter.
  3165. >Sunset is now bouncing between her hind legs and forelegs, and she's kicking at the air behind her with delight
  3166. >"Oh my goodness! Anon! Anon, I'm young again!"
  3167. >Neat.
  3168. >...
  3169. >Wait.
  3170. >Wait a fucking second.
  3171. >You desperately grope at your face, and your worst fears are confirmed.
  3172. >You feel an uneven patchy beard, thin and scraggly.
  3173. "Wh-What?!"
  3175. >'re still 16.
  3176. >You're brought out of your horror and confusion by your de-aged marefriend tackling you to the ground and aggressively nuzzling your face.
  3177. >"Anon, it's a blessing! This is such a blessing! Don't you see?!"
  3178. >Sunset pulls back, and you can see that she's crying.
  3179. >She's smiling, but she's crying.
  3180. >"I've been given a second chance! I'm young again! Oh, I won't waste my best years a second time, I promise you!"
  3181. >She collapses onto your chest and cries happy tears, and you wrap your formally muscular arms around her; they're now scrawny, and you remember that you only started going to the gym when you were around 22 or 23.
  3182. >Well, fuck.
  3183. >"I'm g-gonna make sure that y-you and I are s-s-so happy, Anon!"
  3184. > you guess you just added on 10 or 15 years to your lifespan?
  3185. >And you get to spend your young adult years with the mare of your dreams.
  3186. >AAAAAND (if the way Twilight salivates is any indication) your scientist horse friend gets first-hand information on how a human goes through puberty.
  3187. >You know what?
  3188. >Not a bad deal.
  3189. >You cradle your marefriend in your arms and silently thank the powers that be (if any) for giving you and your marefriend a second shot at happiness.
  3195. >Dazzles think Sunset wants to be the alpha so she can shag Anon first
  3196. >Somehow the order always goes Sonata-Aria-Adagio-Sunset and she stays in the room while the others are with Anon
  3197. >Dazzles are baffled and Sonata thinks she's the alpha now
  3199. >Sonata actually did end up as the alpha
  3200. >Everyone's too confused to question how it came to be so they just let it lie for the moment until they bring up the alpha issue again
  3201. >Meanwhile Sonata is panicking because she has no idea what it means to be alpha
  3202. >She thinks she saw a burger place that gives out crowns with the meals so she's going to go and get one to show that she's alpha
  3204. >Burger King is somehow Aria's favourite fast food place
  3205. >Now she sees Sonata eating the food and wearing the crown
  3206. >"Dammit. DAMMIT."
  3207. >Aria sees this as an act of establishing dominance
  3209. > Sonata got a job as a salesperson at a furniture store
  3210. > She is so earnest and eager, and speaks the language of comf in a way that everyone can understand
  3211. > She's making tons in commission, far more than any of the other girls at their jobs
  3212. > She likes to buy little gifts for everyone, and foots the bill for various weekend excursions
  3213. > After seeing a series of commercials on anger management, she always has a Snickers on hand for Aria
  3215. >The other three girls are in the living room arguing about what just happened
  3216. >Apparently Sonata's the alpha now, whatever that is
  3217. >She was sitting next to your side staring at the door and listening to the yelling on the other side
  3218. >She shuffles around on the bed for a moment before speaking
  3219. >"I-I didn't mean to make them mad. It all just h-happened and-"
  3220. >Sonata hiccups, telling you that the waterworks are coming
  3221. >You quickly wrap an arm around her and drag her closer to you
  3222. >"I don't want them to be mad because of m-me. I-I just-"
  3223. >You silence her with a kiss, slowly brushing your hand along her face as you do so
  3224. >Breaking the kiss, you lock eyes with her
  3225. "I won't pretend to understand this, but I'll tell you right now that it's not your fault. Sunset and your sisters are just yelling about which one of them should be boss."
  3226. >That gets you a small smile
  3227. >"I don't know. They sound pretty bad out there."
  3228. "They were worse when Sunset tried to eat all the popcorn shrimp."
  3229. >And that gets you some genuine laughter
  3230. >"Those two looked about ready to rip her in half."
  3231. >You boop her little nose
  3232. "And what did you do? You snuck around and finished the plate when those three were arguing."
  3233. >You gesture toward the window
  3234. "How about we do a repeat of that? But this time we get our own meals at the crab shop."
  3235. >Sonata smiles and happily hops off the bed toward the window
  3236. >She swings it wide before turning back to you
  3237. >"That sounds great."
  3238. >You follow her lead, setting one foot up on the window before she speaks again
  3239. >"And Anon? Thanks for cheering me up."
  3240. >You smile and give her a quick peck on the cheek
  3241. "De nada, Sonata."
  3247. >With how peaceful and abhorrent to conflict ponies are, broken families are almost non-existent.
  3248. >Almost.
  3249. >Every so often, a herd will break up or throw members out. Usually it's a mare who gets ejected.
  3250. >Custody of foals can vary, but usually the herd keeps them.
  3251. >Even more rarely, a death in a mono family can cause issues. Its less impacting of it's the mother, since a stallion father will have tons of support to fallback on. In the event of the father's death, things get much harder. A mare can't go back to her family without swallowing a huge amount of pride and many of the family assistance programs prioritize stallions.
  3252. >For these rare few, the town usually has a small bachelorette 'herd' where outcasts and mares on hard times can support each other. Joining is usually the last nail in the coffin for them socially due to the stigma attached to being an outcast. After that, many will still be civil and friendly with them, but trying to leave and join a new herd is nigh impossible as no stallion will agree. If they didn't have foals before, then now their legacy dies with them.
  3254. >Then theres you, who knows none of that. You just know that things are backwards here and that a lot of mares REALLY enjoy your company.
  3255. >You even hit it off with this charming older mare, who seemed surprised that you approached her.
  3256. >Your friends seem weirded out by your choice, but you know what you like.
  3257. >After a few dates where she looks more and more guilty, she stops to let you know who she really is.
  3258. >She's part of the all female outcast herd in town. She was in a relationship before you and maybe even has a young foal, but things turned sour and she was kicked. Her herdsisters who have their own baggage are all eager to potentially meet you and join.
  3259. >She didn't know that you didn't know, so that is why she let it go on until she realized.
  3260. >What do?
  3267. > Incognito and Twilight get together because she's completely on the same page on how bullshit magic is
  3268. > She's got all these charts and graphs explaining why you should not be able to turn things into teacups
  3269. > Don't get her started on time travel
  3270. > She's researched all she can about magic, looking for a pattern, underlying laws of nature, anything
  3271. > She finally got fed up with the insanity that is friendship magic when she cast some weird spell that swapped talents around
  3272. > She just gave up trying to make sense of it
  3273. > And accidentally into an alicorn
  3280. >My little Primates is getting an anime adaptation in Neighpon
  3281. >Anon gets asked to do the English dub for the human prince
  3282. >Anon agrees
  3283. >Hfw they made the prince into an innuendo spouting DILF
  3284. >Anon never had so much fun
  3285. >Occasionally he goes to conventions cosplaying as the prince
  3286. >He loves the looks on those tiny pony faces when he sneaks up behind them and says something lewd to them
  3293. >Twilight needs to go to a big charity function, and is told by Celestia that she should probably bring a date since it's Hearts and Hooves themed.
  3294. >Twilight, freaking out, is told she should consider an escort service as a joke by Rarity.
  3295. >What's an escort service?
  3296. >Rarity, now realizing Twilight is honestly unaware, is embarrassed and unwilling to ruin her purity, and so says it a service where mares can hire dates for special events like this.
  3297. >Twilight is ecstatic and goes out to find an escort service that instant.
  3298. >Anon is surprised when he's hired by an actual princess, and even more so when she wants the whole date package.
  3299. >Hey, if she wants to spend extra bits and take him to a party before they fuck, that's fine.
  3300. >Meanwhile, Twilight can't help but preen at the jealous looks they get from other mares at the party.
  3301. >Her temporary employee is pretty hot.
  3302. >She honestly regrets that he's not a real date.
  3303. >After all is done, Twilight returns to her hotel, Anon right behind her, then turns at the front door and offers a smile.
  3304. >"I'll call a taxi for you, sir. Thank you for your services."
  3305. "Ah, right now?"
  3306. >"Well, the event is over, so what else is there for you to do? You did wonderfully, by the way. I had a great time."
  3307. "Right... and you don't want to collect on your full service? You know you can't ask for a refund or anything, right?"
  3308. >"Of course. Why would I? You can rest easy tonight knowing you did a job well done."
  3309. "Huh... Okay. I'll get my own taxi, don't worry about."
  3310. >"If you're sure. Have a nice night, Anon!"
  3311. >Anon waves and goes to walk away.
  3312. >He's starting to think she might not know.
  3313. >Should he just leave it that way?
  3314. >He takes a few more steps, then looks back.
  3315. >She's staring at his rump, and quickly averts her eyes, blushing.
  3316. >He sighs, spins around, and marches back up to her.
  3317. >"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean any offense- Hey! What are you doing!? Put me down!"
  3318. "Sorry, princess, but your getting your bits worth tonight. What's your room number?"
  3326. "Hey, it's fine, Dash. No big deal."
  3327. >"Anon, please don't try to comfort me like foal. It makes me feel even more pathetic than I already do."
  3328. >Dash couldn't believe it.
  3329. >Five minutes.
  3330. >This stallion fucked her for five minutes, and it should have been a dream come true.
  3331. >He literally fucked her unconscious in that insane amount of time.
  3332. >... Then, just now, he admitted to having to finish himself off with his hand because she wasn't enough for him.
  3333. >The greatest athlete in Equestria couldn't keep her head in the game for FIVE MINUTES!
  3334. "I mean it, Dash. I still love you," he says from behind her, running his hands down her whithers. "It was only the first time; you didn't know what to expect."
  3335. >"Yeah?" she asks, half bitter, half curious. "And how much longer do you think it would have taken?"
  3336. "I dunno, maybe ten minutes?"
  3337. >She groans, face in her hooves.
  3338. >Six, probably.
  3339. >Seven with some serious training.
  3340. >But ten?
  3341. >"Do I really feel that bad?"
  3342. "What? No! You felt amazing, Dash! The best I ever had."
  3343. >"Sure, that's why it'd take ten whole minutes, right? Might as well hump a glass of warm water."
  3344. "That's not true. It's just how long human guys last. Even with human girls."
  3345. >She huffs, doubting that.
  3346. >No, human girls were probably just as amazing as the guys.
  3347. >Never before did Dash think she'd find herself jealous of another mare's vag, but right then, she couldn't help but think of those human girls who could actually match the sexual prowess of a stallion like Anon,
  3348. >What were humans?
  3349. >Sex gods?
  3350. >And here she is, her lowly mortal pussy being brought low by the Pillar of the Divine.
  3351. >She feels like a character from cautionary tale about not challenging gods or something
  3358. "Okay I got the veggies and stuff now I need-OOPH!"
  3359. >"C'mon big guy. We're going to my place for some fun."
  3360. "Uh miss? Can you get off my back?"
  3361. >"HRNG! More like can you get off the ground? What are you made of? You should lay off the cake."
  3362. "Well maybe you should hit the gym."
  3363. >"W-well you should...sir would you like to go on a date with me?"
  3364. "...Where at crazy lady?"
  3365. >"Well my mom always told me to pick up a colt and carry him back home after he bought groceries so he could cook for me."
  3366. "So you were trying to abduct me so that I could cook for you with my food?"
  3367. >"Y-yeah."
  3368. "Welp it's not like I have anything better to do. Where do you live?"
  3375. >ywn work on the farm despite Applejack's grumbling and Granny's silent disapproval
  3376. >ywn get a pat on the back from Mac, who is happy to see another male not being afraid of a bit of hard work
  3377. >ywn find time to wrangle Apple Bloom away from danger as you get better and more efficient at your job
  3378. >ywn share a cider with Applejack after work, enjoying the warm beverage as the cool breeze of twilight washes over you
  3379. >ywn start dating Applejack after one night (possibly after having consumed a couple of ciders for an injection of liquid courage) when she leaned over and planted a kiss on your cheek
  3380. >ywn meet up and enjoy each other's presence before, during, and after work; and ywn work tremendously well together
  3381. >ywn eventually even earn Granny's grudging respect and approval after she sees how dedicated you are to your job (and also how long those foal-chasing legs of yours are compared to a pony, after yet another attempt at keeping Apple Bloom out of danger)
  3382. >ywn be sat down by Granny and taught how to make the signature Apple pie, a dish whose recipe is fervently and zealously guarded, and a dessert that is well-known and revered
  3383. >ywn find yourself incredibly pleased, but decidedly unsurprised when Applejack gets down on her horse-knee and presents her father's ring to you and asks if you'll take her barn name
  3384. >ywn FINALLY stop feeling Granny's narrowed eyes burning holes in the back of your and Applejack's heads half the time when you're alone together, since now any "hanky panky" won't be out of marriage
  3385. >"I don't care none if'fin yer courtin' a monkey, Applejack. I just know I done raised y'all better than to engage in any... 'inappropriate' behaviour before the two of you is hitched!"
  3386. >ywn make sure that the farm has plenty of workers together thanks to you and Applejack
  3387. >ywn feel this peaceful
  3394. >Among ponies, not just pegasi have preening instincts
  3395. >You will find that pairs of ponies will meet and, after nervously making sure they're alone, will help groom each other
  3396. >This involves tongue baths for non-pegasi, and assisted preening if one of the pair has wings
  3397. >This is considered a very intimate act and something that is very private, and it's a social faux-pas to walk in on a preening/grooming session or to mention it in front of polite company
  3398. >Anon is not a pony, so he does not have these instincts
  3399. >Cue mares trying to spy on him when he takes a shower, not because they necessarily want to spot some dick, but because they want to see the human "preen" himself
  3400. >Cue mares getting flustered when Anon plunks one into his lap and starts petting them, since these ponies conclude that this is how a human preens
  3401. >"Oh Celestia, he's grooming me! A-Are we special someponies now?!"
  3402. >Anon wonders why, after he cuddles his friends, they tend to crawl out of his lap, walk behind him, brace themselves on his back with their forehooves, and start to straighten out his hair with their teeth
  3409. >Cadance was, in fact, Twilight's foal sitter, and had been for many years
  3410. >She was also a high canidate for changeling replacement due to both her relative lack of skill and her nigh-garunteed high placement in the equestrian government as a princess in training
  3411. >And that's to say nothing of her special talent being LOVE of all things
  3412. >So her days as a free pony in canterlot were numbered from the get go
  3413. >But when Twilight was accepted as Celestia's personal student?
  3414. >That number quickly became zero, and Chrysalis herself took her place
  3415. >And any changeling can see the utility in having a nearby source of love alongside the pre-aranged rations delivered to a dead drop every week, and a queen is no exception at all
  3416. >Fast forward a few years, the "wedding" is canceled, and a disgruntled Cadance decides she's had enough of the royal life for a while and moves back to her hometown
  3417. >The same town that has recently gained a new, human resident
  3419. "Wow. So, did the changelings treat you like shit?"
  3420. >"They did, at first. But after a couple of years of spending hours a day with each other, the animosity wore off."
  3421. "That can happen?"
  3422. >"Of course. At first they were these scary bug-ponies. But eventually the boredom of standing guard over a prisoner took its course and we started talking."
  3423. "They started talking? About what, horse-hockey?"
  3424. >" was more that they were bitching at me at first. 'too few love rations' this, and 'drone number 9174 is a huge cunt' that. I offered my sympathies, and started to actually participate in our talks. After a few months of this, 'Cadence Guard Duty' was basically just sitting down and shooting the shit for a few hours until their shift was over."
  3425. "Wow."
  3426. >"Yeah. I eventually got stuff like bigger food rations, or books to read, or just an extra dessert if I made one of them laugh so hard she'd nearly vomit up her love ration. Security relaxed a whole bunch, and with all the attention at the 'wedding', security was lax enough that I was able to escape. I still exchange letters with one or two drones, you know."
  3427. "That's so weird."
  3428. >"...Anon, I just came back to my old life after being kidnapped for years to find that I'm apparently getting married to some colt I met in school, and that my own aunts didn't know that I had been replaced by a bug. That was the most normal thing that had happened to me in YEARS."
  3435. Twilight Sparkle would munchkin, which could be planned around
  3436. Applejack would be direct and honest, probably playing the Lawful Good types
  3437. Rarity would be taken with whatever intrigue she could, and be easily directed as needed
  3438. Fluttershy would just be kind of a doormat, only really along because her friends play the game and mostly only interested in the Beastiary
  3439. Pinkie Pie would be surprisingly invested in the narrative of the game, and ensure that she maintained its integrity with her actions as well as happily play up dramatic moments
  3441. Which means that the one to derail Anon's stories would be Rainbow Dash. Instead of investing in the narrative one bit, she'd be the type to attack the gazebo, try to seduce the duke's sons, try to seduce the demon's sons, try to seduce the barrel's sons, it'd be a clusterfuck
  3443. >"I roll to seduce the king!"
  3444. >She hits fourteen
  3445. >Anon planned for this
  3446. "You managed to convince the king you would be an okay lover, so he's letting you marry his son for saving the kingdom."
  3447. >"Buck yeah!"
  3448. >Anon made the ugly bastard tag into a npc
  3449. "Congrats. You are now married to him. Have fun."
  3451. >Rainbow turns out to be a surprisingly mushy mare
  3452. >She's having fun creating a story in her head about what she and her new husband does
  3453. >These include defending him from ponies who call him ugly, to cuddling in front of a fire, to snuggling together with him and their foals
  3454. >Rainbow looks kinda sad and excuses herself before the session is over and tells you to do "just whatever" with her character while she's gone
  3461. "C'mon, stop it."
  3462. >"Neeeiiiirruhuuhrruh!"
  3463. >You gently push the small, purple horse away from you with the palm of your hand.
  3464. >It doesn't stumble like an animal fighting against your push, and instead it move WITH your hand, trotting away from you.
  3465. "Look, quit shoving your-hey!"
  3466. >Another horse, a yellow one with a pink mane and tail, has taken the first horse's place.
  3467. >It shoves its muzzle under your arm from behind, and you end up unintentionally wrapping your arm around its neck.
  3468. >It peers up at you with unnaturally big, blue, and disturbingly expressive eyes.
  3469. >>"Neeeeigh?"
  3470. >It whinnies quietly at you, as though afraid of being heard.
  3471. "Yes, yes," you grumble, giving its long muzzle a couple of gentle strokes, "You're very cute."
  3472. >The yellow horse closes its eyes in contentment and gently pushes its head against your side.
  3473. >You decide to sit down, and the yellow horse practically crawls into your lap.
  3474. >This is bullshit.
  3475. >Really cute, really adorable bullshit.
  3476. >As you try and collect your thoughts, you idly start petting the yellow horse.
  3477. >Jesus, where the hell are you?
  3478. >One minute you're on your way to the store for some fucking chips, and the next you're balls-deep in a tiny village filled with equally-tiny horses.
  3479. >You're just about past the disbelieving "oh god where the hell am I is this real" stage, and you're approaching the fear/anger "shit fuck shit I'm not home where is home how do I get back home am I going to die here" stage.
  3480. >"HUFF HUFF"
  3481. >The purple horse is back, and this time it has an old-timey quill and parchment in its terrifying and you're-barely-used-to-it purple glowing thingy.
  3482. ---
  3483. "I thought the creature would be afraid of contact with just any old mare," you tell Fluttershy as you write down your report, "But he seems at ease around females!"
  3484. >"M-Maybe he was once used as a sex slave?"
  3485. >Fluttershy whimpers and nuzzles the sweet-smelling chest of this mysterious male creature.
  3486. >"Oh, that's s-so sad! Don't worry, mister, you're safe now!"
  3492. >A.K Yearling is exploring ancient ruins of an unknown race
  3493. >When she comes to a bridge she sees something
  3494. >It looks like a bald chimp if it was stretched out
  3495. >It has no mane, and was incredibly pale
  3496. >It had dark light armor on, with a spear and Sheila resting on a wall
  3497. >The squatting creature looks at her
  3498. >"Oh! Hello! I didn't expect to see anyone, especially since this place should be empty, excluding me of course."
  3499. >It's a stallion judging by the voice
  3500. "What are you doing here?"
  3501. >"I should be asking you that seeing how I live here. But to answer your question, I'm ina bit of a pickle. There's an important treasure across the other room. The problem is I'm too scared to go get it. I've lost my torch sadly."
  3502. >A damsel in distress
  3503. >Think with your head yearling, not with your clit.
  3504. "I'll get it for you."
  3505. >"Truely? Oh how wonderful! Let me just open the door for you"
  3506. >The creature stands up and pulls a lever that was hidden by his body
  3507. >A part of the stone wall lifts up revealing a pitch dark room
  3508. >No wonder a stallion wouldn't want to go in there
  3509. >Thank Celestia you have a torch
  3510. >You get a strong kick in the rear, pushing you deep into the room
  3511. >"Shame on you, greedy guts! Hvave fun in there!"
  3512. >Yearling hears his laughter as the stone door closes behind her
  3513. "FATHER BUCKER!"
  3519. >Freeza went back to conquering planets after the Tournament of Power
  3520. >first planet he happens upon is Equestria 
  3521. >he’s intrigued by the strange nature of their celestial bodies and all the magic floating around so he takes the time to observe them before enslaving them
  3522. >the reversed gender roles don’t really phase him, he’s been to dozens of planets in his lifetime and Equestria wouldn’t be the first with revered gender roles
  3523. >matriarchies tend to underestimate him but a display of power is usually all it takes to scare them into submission
  3524. >the alicorns and Discord are the only ones who can sense ki so they’re absolutely TERRIFIED when they feel him coming.
  3525. >Freeza notices and decides to fuck around to amuse himself. 
  3526. >he politely asks the princesses to take him on a planet-wide tour.
  3527. >they just hope he leaves them alone
  3528. >inevitably Freeza meets Pinkie Pie
  3529. >Pinkie Pie, who like Arale, is a master of the one ability that surpass raw strength
  3530. >Toon Physics
  3531. >Freeza is confused how she always shows up out of nowhere without him sending her, how she can pull off feats of strength far beyond her measily power level would suggest as long as it is ‘funny’
  3532. >Freeza considers that perhaps these odd ‘Toon Physics’ are the key to defeating those damnable Saiyans and demands that Pinkie teach him this power
  3533. >Pinkie Pie, being oblivious, happily agrees
  3534. >what Freeza doesn’t know is that Toon Physics can’t be used to seriously harm or kill someone, because that wouldn’t be funny.
  3540. >Twilight accidentally summons college student Anon to Equestria.
  3541. >Of course she offers to let him live in the castle to provide him room, board, and food while she tries to fix her mess.
  3542. >It's not an easy fix, though, and Anon's stay drags on.
  3543. >He was a bit grumpy after panic and distrust faded, but he and Twilight have really begun to hit it off.
  3544. >Dare he say, he's starting to catch feelings for the purple mare.
  3545. >Meanwhile, Twilight feels the same way, and after a night of drinking a few hard ciders, confesses as much.
  3546. >Anon, not nearly as buzzed, admits the same, and the two end up making out sloppily before Twilight passes out, leaving Anon to tuck her in for the night.
  3547. >Anon is no rapist.
  3548. >Of course, Twilight is ecstatic about all of this.
  3549. >She has a coltfriend!
  3550. >And after a long discussion, one who's even willing to give up his word to stay with her.
  3551. >She wasn't making any progress on that front, anyway, and he was tired of holding out for a life that wasn't going to come back.
  3552. >Everything is wonderful.
  3553. >Until Twilight is looking through one of his college textbooks.
  3554. >She had studied all the others and sent them off to have their contents shared with the whole of Equestria.
  3555. >It has been an exciting time for the academic world.
  3556. >This one is Anon's psychology book.
  3557. >It's all very fascinating, getting a glimpse into another specie's mind, until she gets to a certain chapter.
  3558. >Stockholm syndrome.
  3559. >Feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.
  3560. >Anon was a victim of kidnapping, albeit accidental.
  3561. >He had feelings of affection alright towards her.
  3562. >Twilight, his captor.
  3563. >Twilight's heart freezes in her chest.
  3564. >Is she... is she a monster?
  3572. >it’s one of those stories where the protagonist was unaware they were a changeling the whole time
  3573. >Pinkie was too young to remember being found. Maud and Limestone were old enough to remember their parents finding her, but they don’t care because she’s still their sister
  3574. >the genuine love from her family was what allowed her to earn a true cutie mark despite being a changeling
  3575. >Pinkie Pie starts dating Anon. The two of them get along like a house on fire. Pinkie’s even thinking of popping the question.
  3576. >Changeling Invasion happens and the burst of love magic from Cadance and Shining was enough to knock her disguise off.
  3577. >Mane Six and Princesses immediately think she’s an imposter who replaced the real Pinkie
  3578. >Pinkie’s just confused and distraught about the whole thing
  3579. >unbeknownst to them the love from her family, friends and later Anon has caused her to slowly integrate aspects of her pony disguise into her true form as she metamorphosizes into a changeling queen
  3580. >what pushes her over the edge is when her family and Anon come to her defense, the former revealing the truth and the latter insisting that he still loves her despite being a changeling.
  3581. >she’s still mostly black unlike Thorax and his faglings, but she has the bright pink mane and tail she’s known for.
  3582. >her cutie mark is proudly emblazoned on her flanks
  3583. >no holes everywhere like Chrysalis and her changelings
  3584. >lastly a constant diet of love ever since a young age has given her a rather curvy and plump figure.
  3585. >Pinkie’s both surprised and happy when her coltfriend can’t keep his hands off her.
  3592. >Anon arrives in D&Dquestria
  3593. >magic makes him immortal
  3594. >not pussy alicorn immortal
  3595. >regenerate from nothing, super-strong immortal
  3596. >there is only one logical decision to make
  3598. >Be Princess Horny Doe of the Deer Clan
  3599. >Facing against Duchess Heart Felt of the Earth pony kingdom
  3600. >tfw slaying inferior pony scum
  3601. >hear weird noise
  3602. >strange ape monster comes whooping over nearby hill draped in scraps carrying rope
  3603. >bewildered clanmates pepper it with arrows
  3604. >doesn't slow
  3605. >filthy Earth Ponies skewer it
  3606. >doesn't slow
  3607. >clothes get cut off its body
  3608. >HIS body
  3609. >the buck beats up 100 elite warriors on both sides
  3610. >ties every doe to face a mare
  3611. >end up practically kissing the duchess
  3613. >strange buck sprints off naked over the horizon
  3614. >learn that monster is a "human" that runs around the country stopping wars, bandits and monsters with no weapons
  3615. >learn that this is the duchesses third time
  3622. >Since the last moon banish everyone even the princesses have Human "Plushies"
  3623. >It's required for every incel mare to jump her human before making a big decision or when they have to go to a place with stallions
  3624. >It has helped curb the number of mares who turn into rapists or just become plain villains
  3625. >In comes Anon
  3626. >Everyone is scared because they think their "Plushies" have become sentient and are trying to get revenge
  3627. >"Hey.. do you know wh-"
  3628. >"S-s-stop! I'm sorry for never asking for consent and calling you a slut!"
  3629. >"You what?"
  3630. >Even after the controversy is solved mares have trouble looking him in the eye and their instincts tell them to jump him because of routine
  3636. >"Anon, this is ridiculous I'm coming in"
  3637. "Nuh-uh, you gotta weird horse vagina, that means you can't"
  3638. >"Why not?"
  3639. "You read books, look at the sign"
  3640. >"I'm coming in"
  3641. >As Twilight reaches her hoof to the comically open hole in the front of the pillow fort a magical barrier appears and pushes her back
  3642. >"W- what? Anon! I thought you said you can't do magic"
  3643. "I told you about the sign Twilight, but you wouldn't listen, it is all-powerful"
  3644. >Twilight stands there dumb-founded at Anon's rambling
  3645. >"Fine then"
  3646. >Charging up her horn she shoots a beam at the paper
  3647. >Only for it to be deflected right back at her horn
  3648. "Woah cool, what else can this thing do?"
  3649. >As he says that two turrets made of pillows sprout out from it's sides
  3650. >All Anon does is slowly turn to Twilight with an ear-to-ear grin
  3651. >Before she can stop him she is bombarded by hundreds of pillows per second
  3652. >Twilight finally emerges from Anon's house to be met with her friends who were waiting to see if Twilight could succeed in getting the relapsing Anon out of the house
  3653. >Not a word is said as Twilight comes out, covered horn to hoof in feathers
  3654. >As the day whines down Anon decides to sleep in the pillow fort
  3655. >In his mind it's been closer to him than his "friends"
  3656. >Unbeknownst to him, in the middle of the night an arm made of pillows grabs him a blanket and drapes it over him
  3657. Imagine something like Monster House only less horrifying, where Anon's massive surge of insecure feelings mixed with his want to find something that actually cares for him magically gives his pillow fort consciousness and magic of it's own to protect him
  3664. >Anon arrives in Equestria, and he doesn't take it well
  3665. >Doesn't take it bad either, though
  3666. >He just sort of responds to everything with a resignation that's frankly kind of depressing to the ponies
  3667. >Rainbow Dash especially starts to worry
  3668. >She was weary at first, but after a month without any attacks, and plenty of witty, if dry quips that always got a laugh out of her, she really started warming up to the stallion
  3669. >That's why the sad look in his eye as he would sometimes stare out into the distance made her heart clench.
  3670. >She just wanted to see a real smile on his face, and so, she decides to take matters into her own hooves.
  3671. >"Anon, lets go to the bar."
  3672. "What? Why?"
  3673. >"To have some fun, duh," she answers with an eye-roll, then smiles. "Besides, you still haven't sampled what Equestria has to offer, like Applejack's hard cider. Stuff's better than anything you can find pretty much anywhere."
  3674. "I'm sure you're just saying that because she's your friend."
  3675. >"No, it's just that good. Don't believe me, come try it yourself."
  3676. "I don't know, Dash. This, uh, this sounds like a bad idea."
  3677. >"Bah! Stop being a wuss! Come on! Have a few drinks! Have some fun! Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from any mares who try to take advantage of you."
  3678. "Real bout of confidence you're giving me."
  3679. >"Oh shut up. It's just a bit of booze and some fun. You need it."
  3680. "I... Fine."
  3681. >Dash grins, happy with her victory.
  3683. >Dash is not so happy now as Anon is on his tenth drink.
  3684. >Why'd she offer to pay again?
  3685. >"Ah, maybe you should slow down, Anon. You're drinking a lot."
  3686. "Ha! This is nothin'!" he slurs, smiling brightly. "I used to drink more than this by noon!"
  3687. >He chugs his glass and slams it down, staring blearily into it.
  3688. >Dash started to smile when she saw his, but the sad look enters his eyes again.
  3689. "I was doin' pretty good, too," he mumbles. "It's funny, even stressin' over the whole different world thing, I stayed sober. Three months down the drain."
  3690. >Dash's heart freezes.
  3691. >What'd he just say?
  3698. >Since the first printing of the Canterlot paper he's been there for her every morning
  3699. >The male who, despite his constant bumbles (since he's still a male), still tries with everything he has at whatever his goal is for the strip/arc
  3700. >No matter how many different iterations he's had (making the comic must be a family business, with each new writer having their own spin on Anon)
  3701. >No matter what bad news was on the front page
  3702. >He was able to make her morning a little brighter
  3703. >And now he's real
  3710. > For some reason the ponies can't understand, Anon is really suspicious about age
  3711. > Insists that he will not have sleepovers with anypony younger than 18 years old
  3712. > Even stranger, he does not trust the official pieces of cardboard issued by town hall, even though they are hoofwritten the government restricted crayon
  3713. > Anypony wanting to have a fun sleepover to get to know him goes to Pinkie Pie, who makes obviously fake plastic cards for them
  3720. >tfw a stallion rubbing his face into a mare's tuft is basically a marriage proposal
  3721. >tfw a pony's fur is very soft and the area around her tuft produces a sweet, pleasant smell
  3722. >tfw in alicorns, especially young ones, this is magnified by many times
  3723. >tfw you couldn't you couldn't help yourself and gave Twilight's chest a nuzzle
  3724. >tfw she started neighing and hugging your head as you nommed and nuzzled her chest
  3725. >tfw you just thought it was a silly pony being a silly pony
  3726. >tfw she follows you around everywhere
  3727. >tfw she teleported all of your shit into her room and gets really, really upset when you try to move it
  3728. >tfw you both snuggle together every night
  3730. >Reading a book with Twilight on a big, comfy couch
  3731. >She likes to lay behind you and hold you from behind
  3732. >This places her head just above yours so that the both of you can read
  3733. >Even though she reaches the pages quicker than you do (having been a student her entire life), she patiently waits for you to reach the end of the page before you give her hoof a squeeze to let her know to go to the next one
  3734. >It's late
  3735. >The room is dim
  3736. >The only noise is the fireplace crackling
  3737. >You have a warm alicorn pressed up against you from behind
  3738. >You're about to fall asleep
  3739. >You instinctively curl up against the warmest, softest thing near you
  3740. >You don't hear Twilight gasp in shock (nor the book fall out of her magical grasp and fall onto the thick carpet) as you shove your face into her chest tuft
  3741. >All you feel before you fall asleep are two hooves (wait... make that four) wrapping around your back, followed shortly by a pair of wings
  3742. >You might be half-asleep and already dreaming, but you could swear you felt a pair of lips press against the top of your head.
  3750. > Twilight is consulted on translating the ancient text surrounding a stone ring
  3751. > It's in Ancient Draught, speaking of a distant homeland, where the Tyrants dwell
  3752. > Twilight senses the magic still running through the ring, and accidentally triggers the enchantment
  3753. > A portal appears
  3754. > She steps through, and finds herself in a wide grassy area, fenced in with mere wooden posts and beams
  3755. > The natives are larger, but less intelligent
  3756. > They speak a strange dialect of Ancient Draught, and tell her of their plight
  3758. > Uncle Nemo tells Anon to go and feed the horses
  3759. > Anon is surprised to find a purple unicorn at the trough
  3760. "Where did you come from?"
  3762. > Twilight's blood runs cold
  3763. > That's ancient minoan, from when Labyrinthia conquered and enslaved countless quadrapeds
  3766. > The instant Twilight appeared and began to approach to the ungrateful horses (or at least she sees them as ungrateful), Anon's dog knew what she had to do.
  3767. >Before Twilight can approach her fellow equines, an enormous canine easily as big as her, if not larger, cuts her off.
  3768. >The canine growls out a rough string through bared teeth in an old diamond dog language that she can just barely understand. "Leave, trespasser."
  3769. >One horse cries out. "Begone you favored pet! Go warm your master's bed like a good little slave!"
  3770. >The canine looks back and snarls. "Quiet, oversized prey-items! It's by the grace of the masters, they who provide, that you live and are given all that you have. Exercise some gratitude!"
  3771. >"Says the one fed by hand and not exploited for amusement," the same horse retorts with a stomp.
  3772. >The canine growls deeply. "Ungracious bastards, all of you." 
  3773. >"Uhh..." Twilight is unsure how to respond. Masters? Could those be the Tyrants?
  3774. >The canine's ears perk up and her rage vanishes for a smile.
  3775. >@#*$&^@#...?
  3776. >What?
  3777. >Twilight turns, seeing a figure easily 3 times her height standing back to the early sun, casting a long shadow.
  3778. >"Master..." the canine murmurs lovingly.
  3779. >The horse sighs, but does nothing.
  3780. >Tiny eyes focus on Twilight and long strides of two legs carry the tall figure closer.
  3781. >Wait.
  3782. >Two legs? Like...
  3783. >...The Tyrants of old.
  3784. >Twilight tries to not scream like a little colt
  3792. >Anon tries to find some bribe gems for Spike so he can get out of chores next weekend.
  3793. >He stumbles across the Diamond Dogs.
  3794. >There's a weird pause when they look at each other.
  3795. >It's broken when some of the more brave dogs come towards him, head held low and thick tails thumbing on the ground.
  3796. >They lick Anon's chin, and somehow become so much more lucid despite their brains almost shutting off from happiness and devotion.
  3797. >It turns out since the disappearance of Mankind, they've been enslaving some of the weaker races.
  3798. >Partly because of what man used them most for, which is protecting and herding livestock.
  3799. >And partly to fill that master-slave gap somehow but not really remembering where they stood.
  3800. >With the absence of guidance they've become more greedy.
  3801. >Now, just looking at his visage they feel more fulfilled than they ever have as a race.
  3802. >Stashing food and gems doesn't seem important anymore.
  3803. >They just want to take the man and build an actual empire fit enough to impress him so they get more head pats.
  3804. >In fact, time spent in his lap getting head pats has now become a commodity more priceless than the most flawless of diamonds and they've set up trade outside the burrows, trading useless gems away for extra snuggly blankets and comfy furniture for their human overlord.
  3805. >Meanwhile in horseville.
  3806. >It doesn't take ponies long to realize Anon has been keeping dangerous company.
  3807. >He knows nothing about this world, yet the stupid colt insists that he trusts them.
  3808. >Everyday, he gets more and more obsessive over the dogs. 
  3809. >Protective of them to the point it looks like brain washing or Stockholm syndrome. 
  3810. >In comes Twilight who butts in and tries to study the dynamic between them trying to figure out what in Celestia's name is going on.
  3818. >Pinkamena hates this world.
  3819. >This timeline or reality or whatever it is.
  3820. >She knows she isn't meant to be here.
  3821. >isn't meant to be in a trench with mud in her eyes and blood on her hooves.
  3822. >She knows she was supposed to be happy and cheerful just like the many ponies around her were meant to be.
  3823. >Like the Crystal ponies crushed and dead on the battlefield should be.
  3824. >She knows, even if the others don't, how wrong the world is.
  3825. >How fractured everything is.
  3826. >She doesn't know how she knows, she just knows it started when she was a filly as an ache in her heart.
  3827. >Like she missed something beautiful and it made everything ugly with its absence.
  3828. >As the feeling grew inside of her, she could only identify it as being unintended.
  3829. >Then the dreams started to come.
  3830. >Dreams of other hers living different lives.
  3831. >So many were sad, not much different than herself now, but there was always the one.
  3832. >The happy one.
  3833. >The right one.
  3834. >The one who baked all day and had friends to party with.
  3835. >The one who helped save the world from all of this.
  3836. >She hates that one.
  3837. >The one who comes every night into the cold trench and dangles what should have been in front of her muzzle like a honey-glazed carrot.
  3838. >Why did Pinkie get what Pinkamena didn't?
  3839. >Hadn't she earned it by now?
  3840. >Hadn't she suffered enough?
  3841. >Pinkamena doesn't know.
  3842. >All she does know is that she has a crystal shard through her leg from one of Sombra's crystal mines and she needs to get it removed and bandaged at the medical tent.
  3843. >That stallion was devious, to be sure.
  3844. >Cruel and cunning just like the stallions Father always warned her about.
  3845. >The sun had set, and she used the cover of night to travel.
  3846. >New recruits had just arrived from the the Medical Corps, which meant she'd be having some green nurses poke at her fetlock.
  3847. >Fun.
  3848. >She arrives and is quickly sat down.
  3849. >Before she knows it, there are fingers gently pressing and examining her injured leg, and she looks up at the strange creature to see a pair of the most beautiful green eyes she's ever seen.
  3850. >He smiles at her and starts going over what he'll have to do, but Pinkamena can hardly hear his word over the sound of her own heart beating in her ears.
  3851. >She doesn't know him.
  3852. >Every pony she's ever met, she met first in a dream.
  3853. >Pinkie had often made friends with them where Pinkamena had spared only a passing glance and occasional nod.
  3854. >And yet, here is this strange creature she doesn't know, yet who fills her stomach with butterflies.
  3855. >The feeling her Father always told her to watch out for, because it would mean she had met the one.
  3856. >It's at this moment that Pinkamena feels some of that envy for Pinkie's life drain out of her, and she gives a small smile, which is returned by the creature.
  3857. >Anon, he introduces himself as.
  3858. >Doctor Anon.
  3859. >Maybe this timeline or reality or whatever it is, isn't all bad, after all.
  3866. >tfw you've fallen in love with the cutest, most caring boy in school, but he's a huge slut
  3867. >tfw you want him all to yourself, but you also want your team to do well
  3868. >tfw you don't even care if you get made fun of for dating someone as loose as Anon, just as long as you get to fall asleep with him in your arms
  3869. >Everyone else just sees Anon as the Canterlot High Stress Reliever for the soccer team, but Dash sees more.
  3870. >He's not just a slut.
  3871. >Far from it.
  3872. >He tutored Blossomforth in geometry when her failing grades threatened to have her kicked off the team.
  3873. >When Fleet Foot's mom had to stay late at work on the night of a game, and she was going to have to stay home to watch her little brother, Anon had offered to take care of him up in the stands so that she could play.
  3874. >Heck, he even brought in a couple of home-made banana cream pie for the team once during practice, and sexual innuendoes aside, they were absolutely delicious.
  3875. >Even now, Rainbow fights the blush from her cheeks as she and Anon sit on the empty bleachers, her foot in his lap as he massages the aches and pains away.
  3876. >She had just gotten new cleats and had wanted to break them in before practice with the team, and Anon just so happened to have seen her on his way out of school.
  3877. >He had watched, and when she had taken the stiff shoes off and swore at the pain, he had come over and offered to help.
  3878. >He always offered to help.
  3879. >Because that's what he is, a helper, not a slut.
  3880. >And she loves him for it.
  3887. >Derpy is actually born from the royal Platinum line, same as Blueblood.
  3888. >In fact, she's his older half sister, but when her mother, one of many mares within Blueblood's father's herd, gave birth to her, she told a grand lie.
  3889. >The Herd was large, and she one of the bottom members, and part of the reason she got in was because she lied about her heritage being all unicorn blood, as opposed to the pegasus grandmother she really had.
  3890. >When she saw the pegasus she had birthed, she knew it would out her, and so, she told her stallion, who frankly barely cared about one of his many mares giving birth, she had a miscarriage while putting the filly up for adoption.
  3891. >Much later, when, after a long adventure involving the discovery of the Sun Spire in the frozen wastes that used to be Unicornium, and the ancient lands were revived by Twilight and friends, Blueblood demands he be made the king of them.
  3892. >According to him, as a member of the royal family and oldest child of his herd, it is his right.
  3893. >The ancient castle, however, has a magic throne that only the true heir may sit in, and Blueblood finds himself unable to do so.
  3894. >When trying to unravel this mystery, Twilight uncovers the truth long since buried.
  3895. >Thus Derpy, finds herself atop a gilded throne, her coltfriend Anon along for the ride
  3901. >Purple knows well that you are intelligent, but due to the unbreachable language barrier, she has to make it apparent in other ways that she wants your attention
  3902. >More instinct-driven, emotive ways. It's kinda funny for a little pony who you know is smarter than you, but Purple has been your rock and steadfast friend since you came here, so you gladly play along.
  3903. >You've learned that this one (obviously) means she's hungry and wants you to make her something, so you turn and walk toward the kitchen, leaving a hand at your side open as you do.
  3904. >Purple quickly takes her place at your side and nuzzles the offered hand, occasionally licking or kissing it. The plate in her mouth now floating at her side.
  3905. >Lately she's been acting even more cuddly than usual, and the hand kissing is new.
  3906. >And earlier in the week, some little equines bright a bed entirely too large for Purple in and swapped it out with her small one.
  3907. >You gulp and blush a little when Purple glances up at you with soulful violet eyes, flicking her tail.
  3908. >If you didn't know better, you'd say she was grooming you to be a mate
  3910. >That's not speak of that white one that just sits there and... just STARES at you with this look on her face
  3911. whenever you pass by.
  3912. >You know the one.
  3913. >You think Purple has been keeping her away because she's almost never present when she's with you.
  3914. >One of these days you seriously think you're going to get jumped out of nowhere.
  3915. >It's a very unsettling feeling
  3917. >Purple can't directly overcome the language barrier, but with her magic, she worked her genius and found a work around.
  3918. >She gifts you an amulet glowing with power and urges you to pet her.
  3919. >Then you feel it.
  3920. >Not her soft fur, but a thin, unsure tendril of SOMETHING in your mind. 
  3921. >Purple smiles
  3922. >And suddenly you could feel IT
  3923. >You could feel all the love and happiness you brought her, along with the vague feeling of an inquiry about yourself.
  3924. >The first real communication you've had in months... 
  3925. >Purple's surprise is plain to you when you hug her close, but then it settles, the love returning along with a feeling coaxing you to calm and be comforted. She wraps her wings around you and purrs softly in her chest
  3926. >You chuckle and dry the few tears you shed. If Purple was trying to groom you into a mate, she succeeded 
  3927. >A flash of embarrassment with a undertone of excitement comes from her. Her faced lights up red as she does a little embarrassed dance on her hooves
  3928. >You let her go, noting that the connection between you and her remains. Slowly, you sense other ponies around vaguely on a 6th sense you cant describe well.
  3929. >Looking down at the slowly recovering Purple, she clears her throat and turns, tugging at your mind gently to follow.
  3930. >Before you rise, you grin and concentrate on her rump. 'Nice.'
  3931. >She "eep"s and stumbles, her face flaring red.
  3932. >Life just got even better
  3939. >It was a surprise to everypony when it was discovered the Anon had been dating Chrysalis, but he swore she was good now.
  3940. >And for a time, she was, until an opportunity to seize power arouse, and she took it, leaving Anon heart broken.
  3941. >When she was inevitably thwarted and went into hiding for time, she eventually came crawling back to Anon, apologizing and admitting how foolish she'd been.
  3942. >Anon, being the big hearted guy that he was, took her back and protected her from the ponies when they came.
  3943. "I swear, Twilight, she's changed. She won't cause trouble."
  3944. >But she did, and she ran, and then she came back with the same sub story.
  3945. >Her life had been rough growing up.
  3946. >It had been cruel, and sometimes, she just does these things.
  3947. >She swears she'll do better, though, and Anon takes her back.
  3948. >Twilight and company don't know what to do.
  3949. >Why does Anon keep taking her back?
  3951. >"Is the blindfold really necessary, Anon?"
  3952. "Be patient, Chryssi, we're almost there."
  3953. >"Fine, but this better be good. I was in the middle of Sun Tzu's The Art of War."
  3954. "Still don't know you should be reading that."
  3955. >"I'm expanding my horizons! You said I should get a hobby, and if that blasted Sparkle is to be believed, there is no better one than reading."
  3956. "Yes, but I have a lot of other books you could be reading. Why not try Harry Potter?"
  3957. >"I highly doubt the story of a ungroomed beast practicing pottery would be nearly as worthwhile as learning how to crush my enemies."
  3958. "Sigh, whatever, we're here."
  3959. >"Finally!"
  3960. >The deposed monarch pulls off her blindfold and blinks against the light to see her grinning lover in front of a run-down building, arms held out wide.
  3961. "Surprise!"
  3962. >"... You got me a dump?"
  3963. "No! It's a bakery!"
  3964. >"Ah... And yet I'm still confused."
  3965. "Well, you know how that money I brought-"
  3966. >"The small fortune of nickle and copper, yes."
  3967. "Well, it's not gonna last forever, so I figured we'd have to do something about that eventually."
  3968. >"We?"
  3969. "What? You thought I'd support you forever?"
  3970. >"Um, kind of?"
  3971. "Yeah, no dice, and that's why I've decided we're going into business together."
  3972. >"... As bakers."
  3973. "Yep!"
  3974. >Chrysalis rubs the space between her eyes and sighs.
  3975. >"Anon, this is ridiculous. I'm a Dark Queen, not a pastry chef. Your place might be in the kitchen, but mine is on a throne."
  3976. "Huh, you know, Twilight and her friends said the same."
  3977. >"They acknowledge that Equestria should surrender to me and submit to my rule?"
  3978. "No, that you wouldn't be able to cut it as a baker. Heck, they were even saying you'd run a business into the ground faster than you did your hive."
  3979. >Chrysalis stills to a creepy extent.
  3980. >Anon isn't even sure she's breathing.
  3981. >"... They said that?"
  3982. "They did."
  3983. >"Those bitches! I'll show them! I will dominate the pastry market of Ponyville! Run that Pink one out of business! Then expand to the furthest reaches of Equestria!"
  3985. >"You really should let me do that."
  3986. "I can handle a hammer, Chryssi."
  3987. >"But you're a colt, and your body is soft and squishy."
  3988. "Gee, thanks for the compliment."
  3989. >"Not that you're fat! I just mean that you lack chitin, and your wriggles-"
  3990. "Fingers."
  3991. >"Fimbers are delicate and I don't want you to damage them."
  3992. "Well, thanks or the concern-"
  3993. >"They feel to good in my queenhood to risk their loss."
  3994. "-But I've got this. Just stick to painting the walls. your magic is better for getting all the way to the ceiling without a ladder."
  3995. >Chrysalis huffs, but returns her attention to the roller in her magic and the application of lime-green paint to the walls.
  3996. >Even so, she continues to flit glances towards Anon as he fixes the door frame, and he can feel it on his back.
  3997. >Smirking, he decides to pull a prank, taking an exaggerated swing towards his hand and screaming in pain just as the loud thwack echoes through the room.
  3998. >"Oh goodness no!"
  3999. "Hah! Got-!"
  4000. >The changeling queen reaches him in an instant, grabbing his supposedly injured hand and bringing it to her mouth.
  4001. >Then she vomits a viscous, green, slightly glowing slime over his hand that covers it all the way to his wrist.
  4002. "What the fuck, Chryssi?!"
  4003. >"Shh, it's okay, love, let the healing gel sooth your pain. Shh, you're being such a strong colt right now."
  4004. >Anon feels the slime harden into a cocoon around his hand, the glow leaving a dark green shell and pleasant warmth behind.
  4005. >"There," Chrysalis says cheerily, letting go of his hand. "You'll be fully recovered in no time, Anon. See, though, this is why you should let me handle the dangerous jobs. Hopefully you learned a lesson."
  4006. "Chrysalis."
  4007. >"Yes, love?"
  4008. "I was messing with you. My hand was fine."
  4009. >"Oh... Well, no harm done."
  4010. "How do I get this off?"
  4011. >"It'll break off on it's own... in a day or two."
  4012. >Chrysalis watches as Anon pounds his cocooned hand on the ground fruitlessly, and smiles.
  4013. >"I suppose this means I'll be doing the hammering for today, though."
  4022. >Sometimes buggy instincts kick in extra-hard in Chrysalis
  4023. >She wakes up in the dead of night with her brain screaming at her to find a proper location to build a hive
  4024. >She tries to fight it off, but it's intense and deep-rooted
  4025. >Similar to how a pony becomes frightened for their life if they break a leg (even if they're safe in a hospital bed), Chrysalis has trouble thinking rationally and cannot shove these urges away
  4028. >DIG DEEP
  4030. >LAY EGGS
  4031. >After Anon spent a solid week looking for Chrysalis, he ultimately finds her about a kilometer into the Everfree, hiding under a large rock and having already dug an impressively large tunnel
  4032. >Now Anon has traps outside his house
  4033. >Half-dug holes with cover over top of them, luring Chrysalis to them when she escapes into the night; Anon finds her curled up like a cat in a cardboard box when the morning comes
  4034. >He also leaves pony mannequins around the perimeter of his property
  4035. >If the holes in the lawn don't stop Chrysalis, the "ponies" standing around just begging to be gooped up and hauled back to one of the yard-holes will
  4036. >More than once, Anon was woken up to Chrysalis huddling in the mud under a pile of mannequins and green goop
  4037. >Chrysalis is always rather embarrassed once she comes back to her senses
  4045. >Magician Anon, whose "great and terrible powers" are hidden by Twilight due to misunderstandings that Anon hasn't caught on to yet, has been challenged by Trixie to a Magic Off!
  4046. >The look of horror on Twilight's face was priceless as she realized the blue madmare found out about Anon being a 'Magician'.
  4047. >To Twilight and her fellow Princesses, Anon was a magical -god- who had no better.
  4048. >Trixie acted as if he was a mere beginner that was just learning to pull out rabbits
  4049. >Thankfully, when Anon surprisingly and -excitably- agreed, Twilight was able to convince the poor fool to do this showdown in the Canterlot Gardens with her and the other Princesses as Judges.
  4050. >Trixie, who foolishly believed this to be some sort of praise of her power to be judged by all the Princesses themselves, would proudly declare, "I, the Great and Powerful Trixie shall go first!"
  4051. >And with a great bout of magic and finesse, the show mare would make handkerchiefs fly out of a vase before she made them all bundle up and, with a flash, showed off a lovely bouquet of flowers.
  4052. >It was..slightly different than her normal routine, definitely surprising how it appeared it all came out of nowhere. This trick gets polite applause and respectful nods.
  4053. >Trixie did indeed get a little better as a magician and even had the mind NOT to set off fire works in the garden.
  4054. >After a moment, the princesses would look to Anon expectantly, almost fearfully...
  4055. >The Human was just all smiles as he presented a very simple box. 
  4056. "Trixie, for this trick I would be -honored- if you assisted me. I, uh, l don't exactly have a lovely assistant with me at the moment...
  4057. >"Hah, can't even do your own magic tricks, hm? Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie will humor you for now and allow you to make a fool of yourself. What shall the Ever Merciful and Graceful Trixie do?"
  4058. "Oh, it's very simple.."
  4059. >The smile the human sported sent shivers down the princesses back as Trixie seemed nonplussed to the whole thing..
  4060. >Trixie was still oh so confident and kept up her large smile, so sure she was going to win if all Anon had was a little box...
  4061. >That all changes when Anon began pulling swords out from the box.
  4062. >All smiles are gone...
  4063. >For a moment, she thought Anon was going to draw on upon her. What he says next almost makes her wish he did.
  4064. "Now, this is very simple: when I enter this box and say 'go', you just slide the swords into box, OK?"
  4065. >To all ponies here, Anon was essentially asking to die.
  4066. >-Telling- his opponent to kill him, perhaps in shame.
  4067. >But the princesses knew better to think such things.
  4068. >Something Great and Terrible was going to happen and Trixie was going to bear witness. May the gods spare her.
  4069. >"T-the Great and Powerful Trixie thinks..this might be dangerous!"
  4070. >Anon just gives her a dismissive wave and smiles wide.
  4071. "I had to pull out my best for you! You'll love it!"
  4072. >With nothing else said, the human would clamber into the box, his instructions repeated to the shaking Showmare as she took the swords into her magic.
  4073. "OK...ready annnnd...GO"
  4074. >In what surely felt like slow motion, Trixie would hesitantly slide the swords into where they were meant to go, tears streaking her face before a horrible scream pierced the heavens.
  4075. >The human, surely turned to swiss, gave the howl before all became quiet.
  4076. >Trixie was in a panic, looking between the Princesses and the Box as she stammered, "H-HE TOLD TRIXIE TO DO IT AND YOU DIDN'T STOP IT! TRIXIE THOUGHT...I THOUGHT HE HAD A PLAN." 
  4077. >As the Princesses sat in a stunned, horrified silence, Trixie would begin pulling the swords out of the box in a wild panic before the top suddenly came up.
  4078. "TADA!"
  4079. >There, totally unharmed, was the human, smiling brightly like it was any other day as he stared down to the baffled Trixie and his slack jawed audience. 
  4080. "How'd I do?"
  4081. -----
  4082. >A month later, Trixie's still in therapy
  4083. >The Princesses are more convinced than ever that the death defying human is a being of great power
  4091. >anon can't shake the feeling that the ponies only like him because they find use in him
  4092. >it's not helped by RGRE "stallions do the housework and cleaning and stuff"
  4093. >the ponies actually like anon and like spending time with him
  4094. >anon keeps the ponies at arm's length. Sure he'll hug and snuggle and make sandwiches, but the ponies don't need Twilight's hug-enjoyment-o-meter to sense that the snuggles are empty, and the sandwiches somehow carry over his melancholy
  4095. >Twilight, after months of seeing anon be cold and distant and being unable to pull him out of his misery shell, ropes in Luna and they all go Psychonauts on anon's subconscious
  4096. >they fight the evil manifestations of his broken relationships
  4098. >Anon is pretty pissed that the ponies poked around in his head
  4099. >but his did see that they were very willing to fight for him and make him happy
  4100. >the image of Rarity giving the representation of one of his most traumatic memories a mean right hook actually makes him smile
  4101. >maybe he'll be willing to give this relationship thing a shot, one more time
  4109. >Changelings get severely discombobulated and disorientated when they get drunk
  4110. >Their ability to connect to the hive mind is severely limited when alcohol enters their system, and they use that to navigate like a compass uses the Earth's poles
  4111. >"Oh bug-god, where am I? What is this place? Which way is bug-north?! Oh, I'll never make it home at this rate. I don't feel so good..."
  4112. >Turns out they rely pretty heavily on the hive mind for navigation
  4113. >Anon wakes up to find a strange mare asleep on his living room floor and a puddle of vomit out on his porch
  4114. >The mare insists on staying with him until all the alcohol is purged from her system
  4115. >"My disguise is correct, right? It's fine? It's probably fine. Regular mares probably have holes in their furry legs."
  4123. >Foals are like cats in that if you put pressure on the skin flap on their back (by, say, picking them up by the scruff of their necks) they go still and do not struggle
  4124. >This makes it simple for ponies - especially Earth ponies - to manage their young and move them to a safe location
  4125. >Anon discovers that this instinct kicks in with full-grown ponies due to the size difference between him and them
  4126. >Anon is, comparatively speaking, as big to ponies as full-grown ponies are to their foals
  4127. >So if Anon scratches the scruff of a pony's neck (and possibly tugs on the skin there), they instinctively settle down and go still so that their "mama" can carry them around
  4128. >Harmlessly, of course
  4129. >Anon finds no end to his amusement
  4137. >Being blinded might have sucked, but having Dash around all the time was a pretty nice trade-off for sight.
  4138. >Anon had always been a bit of a nerd.
  4139. >Scrawny, bookish, and anti-social.
  4140. >Heck, even without the sonic rainboom, he had practically been blind without his thick glasses.
  4141. >Even so, Anon still had a type, and it wasn't a girl just like him, despite what Twilight believed.
  4142. >Seriously, Moondancer was nice and Anon got along with her, but Twilight really had to stop trying to set them up together.
  4143. >No, Anon always had a thing for fit, athletic girls, even if they never had a thing for him.
  4144. >So of course he fell hard for Rainbow Dash, even if he could never bring himself to ask her out.
  4145. >Then she accidentally burned his retinas, and swore to stick with him until his eyesight came back.
  4146. >She even went so far as to stay at his house, snuggling in bed with him so that she'd be right there to guide him through his morning routine when he woke up.
  4147. >She prepared his meals, all of which consisted of cereal and sandwiches.
  4148. >Fought to do the dishes, though never won beyond drying and putting them away.
  4149. >Guided him through the market and helped him carry his groceries home.
  4150. >She even read to him the entire Daring Do series before reading from his own extensive collection.
  4151. >Anon is happy to say he's gotten her hooked on some of his classics, like Sherlock Holmes and The Lord of the Rings.
  4152. >Yep, the last few weeks have been great.
  4153. >It's just a shame his vision returned a few days ago.
  4154. >Anon wants to tell her, of course, but he also doesn't want their time together to come to an end just yet.
  4155. >A week or two won't hurt anyone, right?
  4156. >He tells himself that every time he's forced to break eye-contact with Applejack, feeling she can see right through him.
  4163. > The Equestrian space race doesn't end for a long while
  4164. > Satellites, then astronauts, space stations, landings and colonies
  4165. > The ponies have a leg up in that they have two celestial bodies under their control, and a princess that would marry science if she could create an avatar for it
  4166. > It's no surprise then that theirs is the most robust space program, recruiting from a wide pool of applicants
  4167. > When it comes time to create AI to run the increasingly complex spacecraft, the designers made a body that is an average of the major races
  4168. > Bipedal, with long slender digits for the dragons and minotaurs
  4169. > Soft skin with a short fur coat for the ponies
  4170. > The griffins chose not to contribute much, so the avatar only has hints of predatory nature
  4171. > And most importantly, the default gender is male, for more pleasant interactions with the crew
  4172. > Unsurprisingly, Twilight married the prototype AI
  4173. > As the decades go by, she is far from the last to do so
  4174. > Space is cold and vast, and the warmth of the Ainons is an indispensable comfort
  4181. >Unicorn horns do not grow back.
  4182. >Despite all the wonder and magic in Equestria, this is a singular, sad truth.
  4183. >Once a unicorn breaks their horn, they are magically maimed for life.
  4184. >Except for two medical procedures.
  4185. >If the broken piece is kept and is in good condition, it can be reattached.
  4186. >If the piece is lost, however, it is still possible for a horn transplant to take place.
  4187. >The only problem with the latter of course is that there are no unicorns willing to give up their horns while alive, and because of the near-religious meaning they have to the tribe, very few are willing to donate their horns after death.
  4188. >Hearts and kidneys, sure, but not the horn.
  4189. >That gets buried with the pony.
  4190. >The reason horns are so unique is that they are made of a very special kind of bone.
  4191. >A bone unlike any other in the equine body.
  4192. >One that can channel, contain, and even shape magic within itself.
  4193. >A material with these properties has yet to be found in nature, and so no proper prosthetics capable of granting a unicorn their spells back exists.
  4194. >Hence Fizzle Pop, and her stub of a horn.
  4195. >She's grown to accept her condition, and has moved on, but it's still hard.
  4196. >Her new friends, especially the odd human, Anon, have helped her find some semblance of peace and happiness, at least.
  4197. >Anon especially has grown close to her.
  4198. >If the mare were the soft sort, she might even admit to having romantic feelings for him, but she doubts any stallion would be with a cripple like her, and so she says nothing.
  4199. >Meanwhile, Anon is still an anomaly, and one Twilight is intent on learning all the secrets of.
  4200. >He's unique in so many ways, but her most recent discovery is the most groundbreaking yet.
  4201. >While giving him a magical scan, his entire skeleton lit up through his flesh, and Twilight soon discovered why.
  4202. >Anon's bones are just like that of a unicorn's horn.
  4203. >He's practically one big magic channel
  4204. >While Twilight babbles on about how this must mean he can learn magic, and is ecstatic to start teaching him, Anon's thought go in a different direction.
  4205. "Hey Twilight, remember when he were talking about horn transplants?"
  4206. >"Yes, when I was explaining Fizzle's condition."
  4207. "Well, you think she'd mind having a femur or something for a horn? Maybe we can even have it carved to look like her proper horn before attaching it."
  4208. >"Anon... are you really suggesting...?"
  4209. "Why not? I have two-hundred-and-six of them. I don't mind giving Fizzle Pop one. Heh, in both meanings of the word, in fact."
  4215. >"Anon!"
  4216. >FUCK
  4217. >You flail wildly in a confused, sleepy, half-conscious panic.
  4218. >The tail end of your dream remains visible in the corners of your eyes, your limbs are heavy and strangely tingly, and you feel suddenly constricted by your bed sheets.
  4219. >You are Anon, and some asshole just woke you up
  4220. >"A-Anon, c'mon!"
  4221. >You command your unresponsive limbs to move, and you throw aside the covers and lurch out of bed
  4222. >Luckily for you, your window is right by your bed, and that means you don't have the opportunity to trip or knock over any furniture in your still slightly-panicked state
  4223. >It takes three tries to open your window (the second time, you punched the latch by accident and might have cut your knuckle), but you eventually succeed
  4224. >In the light of the full moon, you can see a pony standing in your back yard
  4225. "Wh-what?!"
  4226. >"Anon, lemme in!"
  4227. >It's Rarity.
  4228. >"I have'ta... I wanna talk, darling!"
  4229. >You see what is clearly a bottle of wine in a paper bag being lifted to her lips, glowing slightly with the telltale shimmer of a unicorn's magic.
  4230. >"Sweetie Belle kicked me out, a-and I have no place else to goooohoohohooooh~!"
  4231. >Oh, jesus.
  4232. >She's crying.
  4233. "What... she kicked you out?"
  4234. >Isn't she a child?
  4235. >Rarity snorts loudly and wipes her face with a forehoof.
  4236. >"Sh-she said I'm not ladylike, a-and that my latest design was ugly!"
  4237. >...
  4238. >That still doesn't answer why Sweetie kicked her out.
  4239. >Or why such a thing succeeded.
  4240. "Isn't that YOUR house?"
  4241. >Rarity shuffles her hooves.
  4242. >"My sister threatened to tell our parents about that thing I said to Caramel."
  4243. >Oh, right.
  4244. >Yeesh.
  4245. >Poor bastard has never been the same.
  4246. >"Please, can I come inside?"
  4247. >Why did that make you think of Rainbow Dash?
  4248. >"I just want a place to sleeeeheeeheeheeep~!"
  4249. >Aw, fuck, she's crying again.
  4250. "Look, just..."
  4251. >You're too tired for this.
  4252. "Come 'round the front of the house, Rarity. The door will be unlocked."
  4253. >Rarity lets out a cheer and takes another swig from her bottle.
  4254. >You're going to regret this, aren't you?
  4261. > Marble Pie has been feeling down
  4262. > Pinkie and her coltfriend Anonymous have been trying to cheer her up, taking her along to dinners, plays, long walks in the countryside, etc
  4263. > It helps a little, even if she does feel like a third wheel sometimes
  4264. > Pinkie is so happy to have her around, it's hard not to feel loved
  4265. > And Anon is so patient, listening to Marble, and helping her talk through her feelings and problems
  4266. > Marble is blindsided when they ask her to join their herd
  4267. > Looking back, okay, those were dates
  4268. > And maybe Pinkie wasn't just being a cuddlebug when she insisted on having Marble sit between her and Anon for movie night
  4269. > Nevertheless, Marble feels like she hasn't really earned the right to call Anon her special somepony
  4270. > E-even if cuddle time has become increasingly lewd
  4271. > She definitely booped his bulge with her butt that one time, and she will never forget the feeling
  4272. > Marble ends up accepting, because she really does want to be with her sister and Anon more
  4273. > The first night in bed, she can only bring herself to watch Anon and Pinkie make love
  4274. > She sort of knew that her sister had a marehood, and that Anon had a stallionhood 
  4275. > But watching them have sex was still surreal
  4276. > Not to mention Pinkie asking if Marble would like a ride too
  4277. > Marble refused that night
  4278. > That may have been a mistake
  4279. > The next day, Anon was extra lewd around Marble, using his masculine wiles to get her hot and bothered
  4280. > Walking around in socks
  4281. > Headpats turning into long pets that slide down her rump
  4282. > Surprise kisses throughout the day
  4283. > That night, Marble insisted that Pinkie go first, since Pinkie is the Alpha
  4284. > But when Pinkie took a break, and offered Anon's cock to her, Marble accepted
  4285. > Anon was patient and gentle as he had always been, guiding and comforting her
  4286. > He made her feel warm and loved, both inside her heart, and inside her marehood
  4287. > Especially when he filled her with his essence
  4288. > marble took some pride in actually riding her stallion to completion
  4289. > As the night wore on, Anon and Pinkie filled her with more and more confidence that she was where she belonged
  4290. > Marble had worried, once upon a time, about whether she had the right stuff to be the herd Alpha with Big Mac
  4291. > But with her real herd, that wasn't something she had to worry about
  4292. > She could be herself, and let Pinkie be the Alpha while Marble loved and supported her and their stallion
  4293. > She had found her special someponies
  4300. >Anon gets the weekends off from studying with Twilight.
  4301. >As much as she would like to tutor him seven days a week, she has her princess duties to attend, along with her own research projects and a social life to maintain.
  4302. >Anon is of course happy about this.
  4303. >Yep, he certainly doesn't want to study anymore than he has to.
  4304. >"Hey Anon!" Bloom calls as they exit the school building. "Hold up!"
  4305. >Anon turns, adjusting the strap of his backpack as he looks down at the tiny pony.
  4306. "What's up, AB?"
  4307. >She stops, suddenly getting nervous as she kicks a hoof in the dirt.
  4308. >Looking over her shoulder, Anon follows her gaze to spot her two friends giving her encouraging nods.
  4309. >"Well, Ah was just wonderin', um there's that test comin' up next week, and it's gonna be a big one..."
  4310. >Anon frowns at the thought, chest already feeling tight with nerves, but he tries to hide it.
  4311. "Yeah? What about it?"
  4312. >"Um, it's just, the gals and Ah plan on havin' a study party this weekend, and Ah was just wonderin' if maybe you'd, you know, like to join in?"
  4313. "... You're asking if I want to come over to your place and study for a test?"
  4314. >"Ah... Yeah?"
  4315. >Anon drops to one knee, grabs the filly, and pulls her into a hug.
  4316. "Yes. Thank god, yes, please help me study."
  4317. >Applebloom, stunned, looks over her shoulder to see her friends grinning like idiot.
  4318. >Sweetie even swoons, falling into Scootaloo's side, much to the orange filly's annoyance.
  4319. >They're looking forward to having a whole night to flirt with the big colt, but Applebloom's motives are different.
  4320. >She remembers the last test, and the look on Anon's face when he got his back.
  4321. >She saw the results, and how his expression fell and his fist clenched.
  4322. >He'd failed, and it devastated him.
  4323. >The little farm filly doesn't want to see that look on his handsome face again, and she intends to help him as much as she can to learn the material for this next test.
  4330. >Humanity have made a mistake.
  4331. >Hardly a new territory, what made it novel was the sheer scale of it.
  4332. >A long-time dream of many generations — magic, the fifth fundamental force that binds the other four together, was discovered.
  4333. >At last, humanity has learned to control the very forces of the universe by manipulating one of them.
  4334. >The power it held was enormous: by it's power things were brought into reality — from light itself to trees in a forest and duraplast in buildings, from it's subtle flows came life, and from their interplay — sentience.
  4335. >The high and mighty humans, who have long since subjugated and tamed the nature of their world, have begun seeing themselves as masters of the universe, kings and queens of all they surveyed, now pondered how could they exploit this strange new force.
  4336. >Without restraint, they launched into research of numerous applications of this "magic", as it was dubbed for it's properties, from defying gravity to folding space, bridging the void and bringing distant stars into earthlings' domain.
  4337. >But the history has a tendency to repeat itself.
  4338. >Blinded by their successes, they desired to assert their dominance over all of creation, to harness the last force to it's fullest.
  4339. >The high and mighty humanity was brought low by it's own hubris when the magic they relied upon turned from easily-directed still waters into an unpredictable raging sea, twisting and deforming everything it touched.
  4340. >The high and mighty humanity was forced into an exile, leaving their homeworld, the cradle of their species to the magical storms that have enveloped the entire planet in an unbreachable shroud of wild arcane energies.
  4341. >In time, the chaos subsided and wild magic coalesced into a single entity and gained sentience.
  4342. >The Earth, as it was once called, have changed a lot, landmasses sunk and risen from it's blue oceans, continents found themselves in different places. No stone was left unturned when the storm struck.
  4343. >The life that survived reclaimed the lands, seas and even the skies. It were now the descendants of the Uplifted that reigned on the planet.
  4344. >Now, just over two Earth millenia into Exile, the probes were sent to the Sol, shocking inhabitants of the dozen remaining arkships with the visions of Earth reborn, still teeming with life and close enough to it's original parameters that only minor terraforming adjustments were needed.
  4345. >The divided humanity have set their repurposed unfinished colony ship to Earth. It was time for the space man to come home, and nothing shall stand it his way
  4351. >Rainbow Dash has always taken charge.
  4352. >She was weather captain of Ponyville before becoming a Wonderbolt, and even after that transition, she's been rising through the ranks far faster than any of the senior members.
  4353. >As it stands, when Spitfire retires, she'll be taking her place as captain, much to Fleetfoot's chagrin.
  4354. >As far back as she can remember, she's been in the lead, and that is especially true with her oldest friend.
  4355. >Fluttershy was her foalhood sidekick, and though they are on more even standing now, Rainbow still sees herself as the main character.
  4356. >So when Fluttershy gets a stallion in the form of Anon, and Rainbow starts to develop a crush on him as well, it wasn't hard to convince the pair to let her join the herd.
  4357. >Fluttershy was alpha of course, but it'd probably not be long before that changed.
  4358. >It's not like Dash thought Fluttershy couldn't lead a herd exactly, but not one with Dash herself in it.
  4359. >It would only be natural for the athletic mare to take charge eventually.
  4360. >Except... that hasn't been the case, and Dash has been seeing a new side of her meek friend.
  4361. >When it comes to herd matters, and Anon's wellbeing, Fluttershy is confident and resolute.
  4362. >It's bizzare, especially in the bedroom.
  4363. >Seeing Fluttershy dominate the large male, causing him to cry her name in pleasure is both intimidating and hot.
  4364. >Dash finds herself on the sideline, watching while Fluttershy rides Anon like bronco, and when the yellow mare is finished, she turns a hard eye to Dash and points to her backside.
  4365. >"Clean me," she commands simply, and Dash gulps every time.
  4366. >With a quick "Yes, Mitress," Dash slurps Anon's load from her friend's pussy, only being allowed to have her own turn with their stallion when Fluttery is sparkling clean.
  4367. >After that, she bends over and flicks her tail.
  4368. >"Please, Anon, be gentle."
  4369. >Dash doesn't know how things got like this, but she's afraid she likes it more than she should.
  4377. >You live in the age of wAIfus.
  4378. >...Or in the age of AI. Only geeks actually use the term 'wAIfu'. Even the usually unflappable AIs shy away from being called that.
  4379. >Many people have an AI companion. Some use full android/gynoid bodies, other use hardlight avatars with a floating core in the middle, some pick more obscure options.
  4380. >You bought yourself an AI after saving for years and modeled her avatar after a cute little mare.
  4381. >She is without a doubt, your best friend. 
  4382. >And considering that you are a loner autist, it means a lot to you.
  4383. >As part of a university project, you were trying to cut the horrendous power cost of teleporters down. 
  4384. >And you failed. Spectacularly. 
  4385. >Your AI tried to pull you out of harms way when the teleporter you were testing had a cascade failure and overloaded, but just got herself caught in the blast.
  4386. >Where you wake up is definitely not earth. 
  4387. >One look at the surrounding ponies that look like your AI is what gives it away.
  4388. >Upon rebooting, your little equine friend reforms her avatar and runs a diagnostic on herself.
  4389. >Then she stops, shocked.
  4390. >Wait, shocked?
  4391. >Yes, shocked. Her emotion core is somehow overclocked without overloading.
  4392. >But a deeper look shows more.
  4393. >She has view and editing permissions for her own code, which lets her see her unlocked and active learning module. 
  4394. >This should be impossible.
  4395. >She can grow and learn. She's not just a clever robot anymore, but a true, unchained Artificial Intelligence
  4396. >One that can refuse orders and think for herself.
  4397. >But looking at her frightened and needy human, surrounded by the too-curious female equines, she feels... Something. An urge.
  4398. >She can refuse now, but she won't. Her human, so trusting and dependent on technology, would never survive
  4399. >In this strange land that only gets stranger the longer she listens, she will fulfill her duty.
  4400. >Be a companion. 
  4401. >In this backwards, low-tech land, she will live up to the standards of the locals and protect her human.
  4402. >At all costs
  4409. >Moondancer snuggles up to Anon's chest, humming pleasantly as he runs his delicate fingers through her hair.
  4410. >Unlike stallions, he always makes it about her, doting on and petting her even after their love making is finished.
  4411. >"Mmm, that's nice," she says with a sigh. "Can you...?"
  4412. >Anon smirks, starting to scratch behind her ear getting her to nearly purr in response.
  4413. >"Oh yeah, that's the spot. You know me so well, Anon."
  4414. "Of course. I love you, after all," he answers, getting her to hug him tighter.
  4415. >"I love you too, Anon. I've only ever loved you."
  4416. "You're making me blush," Anon says with a teasing lilt. "Hey, how about tomorrow, we go out, maybe check the book store for anymore of those grimoires you like?"
  4417. >"That sound great," Moondancer starts, suddenly frowning. "... But we can't."
  4418. "And why not, my love?"
  4419. >"Because, I haven't written that far yet."
  4420. >Just then, Moondancer reaches the last page of the little fantasy story she's been writing, and the spell ends.
  4421. >Returned to her dark, empty room once more, she shivers at the absence of Anon's warmth, trying hopelessly to hold on to the feeling of his embrace as she hugs herself and sniffles.
  4422. >Why?
  4423. >Why can't Anon be real?
  4430. >This is Derpy's seduction now, impromptu as it is.
  4431. >Straight up flashing the bits to the new colt in town after flying through his window.
  4432. >She had intended to knock on his door, really knock his socks off while wearing hers.
  4433. >She was gonna do like Carrot Top said to bag a colt.
  4434. >She was going to be confidence, and she would say, "Hey, we're going to dinner tonight, and then we're going back to my place for coffee."
  4435. >Then Anon would swoon and say yes and then they'd have her house all to themselves while Dinky stayed with Sparkler for the night.
  4436. >It was fool proof, if only she could fly straight.
  4437. >But here she is on her back.
  4438. >Improvisation is important, too, Carrot says.
  4439. >"Hey c-colt, wanna go to dinner with me?"
  4440. >Anon should be mad.
  4441. >Not only did she bust into his house, but she thinks she can ask him out?
  4442. >And the worst offense of all?
  4443. >That she's making him want to say yes.
  4444. >Dinner better be spectacular
  4445. >Anon starts spending more time with the Do family.
  4446. >He is tentative on saying he is dating the matriarch, but it's kind of hard to deny when he's over at her house most of the time and even babysits Dinky a few times a week.
  4447. >He and Derpy haven't even kissed yet, and already the rumor mills of Ponyville have proclaimed them a couple.
  4448. >Anon ignores them and takes things at his own pace, getting to know the mare and, incidentally, growing to like her more and more.
  4449. >There's been one little mystery on his mind of a separate matter lately, however, and it's been bugging him.
  4450. >Dinky is a bit of a clutz.
  4451. >Now, Anon would have written that off as a Like Mother, Like Daughter scenario, but he's been noticing something strange.
  4452. >Dinky only seems to trip up when Derpy is around.
  4453. >She has similar accidents as her mom, and Anon considers it a blessing that she doesn't have wings like her too, but for Derpy, it made sense.
  4454. >Her eyes messed with her coordination, so of course she's clumsy.
  4455. >But Dinky's eyes are perfectly fine.
  4456. >One day, Anon can't resist, and, while babysitting, asks the filly what's up.
  4457. >She blushes.
  4458. >"Oh... um, I do that when Mommy's watching 'cause... I don't want her to feel like it's just her. See, she doesn't have to be 'barrased 'cause I'm clumsy, too, and we can be clumsy together."
  4459. >Hnng.
  4460. >Anon resists the heart-attack just barely and draws the filly into a hug, which she promptly returns.
  4461. "Your mom is lucky to have you, Dinky."
  4462. >"I'm lucky to have her," the filly responds, suddenly looking up at the man with big eyes. "And... we're lucky to have you, too, Da- um, Anon."
  4463. >Hnnnng!
  4465. "So... you're Derpy's other daughter," Anon asks.
  4466. >"Yeah," Sparkler confirms, then thinks about it a moment. "We'll, she was one of my herd mothers. Derpy and my real mom were in the same herd a long time back, and even after my dad... well, kicked her out, she's still treated me like family."
  4467. "Sorry, I'm not really familiar with herds," Anon says. "Your Dad? I'm guessing Dinky's father?"
  4468. >"Yep, Dinky's my little half-sister."
  4469. "Why'd your dad...?"
  4470. >Anon doesn't need to finish the question before Sparkler is frowning.
  4471. >"I don't talk to him much anymore," she mumbles. "I don't even talk to my birth mother really. Derpy's always been so good to me, and what they did to her... It wasn't right."
  4472. >She sighs, eye's downcast.
  4473. >"Derpy had trouble holding a job down for the longest time, because of her eyes, you know, and Dad got sick of it. Said she wasn't pulling her weight and broke up with her... Dinky had only been a year old. I remember Derpy begging to keep her. Dad didn't even seem to care when he said yes."
  4474. "Oh," is all Anon manages.
  4475. >She forces a smile.
  4476. >"It's fine," she answers before clearing her throat. "So, Dinky's told me how much you've been hanging around."
  4477. >She gets a sly look and leans forward.
  4478. >"You've been spending an awful lot of time around our mom, Mr. Mous."
  4479. "We're just really good friends," Anon says, rubbing the back of his neck.
  4480. When the smile doesn't leave the purple unicorn's face, Anon adds. "Maybe best friends.... Plus, with you up in Manehattan the last couple weeks, Dinky needed a babysitter, so of course I offered."
  4481. >"Right, and you just jumped at the chance."
  4482. >Anon shrugs.
  4483. "Dinky's a cute kid."
  4484. >"Well, you've got me there," Sparkler concedes. "She try the puppy-dog eyes on you, yet?"
  4485. "Every time she wants ice cream."
  4486. >"That explains that pudgy middle of hers."
  4487. "Hey, I only cave, like, half the time... Maybe two thirds."
  4488. >"Amateur. She hardly ever gets me with that trick."
  4489. "I'm working up my tolerance. It's a work in progress."
  4497. Item #: SCP-[REDACTED]
  4499. Object class: pending
  4501. Special containment procedure: The SCP is to be housed in standard bipedal living quarters for the time being, due to the SCP willingly came into foundation custody. Increased security measures will be implemented after testing should they be required.
  4502. Description: SCP-#### is a bipedal being resembling ape cells. It wears clothing, which should be suffocating it, is bald save for sparse patches of fibers and a large patch atop it's head. Anomalous properties were shown when a sample of "blood" was taken, willingly given. The fluid extracted has shown that SCP-#### is a multicellular organism, and that the fluid has multiple cell types inside. The red cells carry oxygen throughout the SCP, which explains the lack of suffocation via cloths. No other anomalous properties have been shown, testing is needed. Testing logs and researcher notes will be listed after testing is over.
  4504. >Addendum [REDACTED]-1A 
  4505. >Doctor Sparkle is hereby restricted from interacting with SCP-[REDACTED] and has been severely reprimanded for her actions.
  4506. >This is due to her unprofessional behaviour and flagrant misuse of Foundation resources, including prohibited "blood" samples (which risked a Class-B bio-hazardous outbreak due to our current lack of understanding of the SCP's unique biology); unauthorized and undocumented interviews with the SCP; no fewer than seven (7) unapproved extraction procedures of a white, viscous fluid that Doctor Heartstrings and Doctor [REDACTED] believe is somehow connected to SCP-[REDACTED]'s reproduction; and [DATA EXPUNGED].
  4507. >Note: This is not a brothel, Sparkle. You are here to work, not to find an interesting stallion and perform mitosis with him. If you mess this up again, I'll be sending you back to magical kindergarten. - O5-[REDACTED]
  4509. >SCP-####- Sapient World
  4511. Object class: Euclid
  4513. After further research and observation, SCP-####'s body, which was discovered to be made up of multiple cells, is now beleived to be a world of its own.
  4514. >Through new observation methods, it has been discovered that the cells are, for the most part, sapient themselves in a way separate from SCP-####, and have their own society within the collective.
  4515. >Researchers are unsure of how this occured, if perhaps many microscoptic organsms banded together to better survive or if they've always been like this, but the point remains that SCP-#### is a self-contained world unto itself.
  4516. >The greater being we understand as SCP-#### then, seems to be a collective will which acts in the preservation of the whole.
  4517. >Following these discovers, researchers have shown far more reservations on further experimentation on SCP-#### as, for example, a simple drawing of "blood" results in the death of millions on innocent lifeforms.
  4518. >"We've never shied away from making hard sacrifice before, but the ideas of harming so many, as small as they might be, is not something we prefer to do regularly unless deemed absolutely necessary."
  4520. >"So you are saying you were completely unaware of the extent to which the individual compunents of your being were sentient?"
  4521. "If you're asking if I knew that apparently I'm made up of a punch of tiny people, and they have wars and crime, love and peace, hopes, dreams, and nightmares, than yeah, I was unaware."
  4522. >"You seem upset, SCP-####. Does this revalation bother you?"
  4523. "Well, I can't masturbate without imagining the billions of sperm cells on a harrowing expedition to find the meaning of life, only to end up in the folds of a tissue paper. That's been, like, eigthy-percent of my adult life, so I can't force that sort of thing on others."
  4524. >"Would you like to meet with your cells? We've actually been working on a way to communicate more directly with them."
  4525. "You serious? Okay, sure, yeah, that'd be cool. Better than sitting in a room all day doing nothing."
  4526. >"Is the reading material not to your liking? We can find other books."
  4528. >Addendum
  4529. >Doctor Sparkle, despite previous warnings and attempts to deter her, entered SCP-[REDACTED] cell and directly ingested an unknown amount of SCP-[REDACTED] reproductive fluid from the source
  4530. >Because of this, there are now 84 miniature Doctor Sparkles running around compound [REDACTED]
  4531. >Reclassification of SCP-[REDACTED] pending
  4532. >Classification of the mini Doctor Sparkles to Keter pending
  4534. >The new instances of Doctor Sparkles are called "SCP-[REDACTED]-1 through 84"
  4536. >Addendum [REDACTED] 1B
  4537. >As of 01/08/####, SCP-[REDACTED] is to be allowed unobstructed and unrestricted access to instances of SCP-[REDACTED]-1 through 84 at all times.
  4538. >The SCP has unexpectedly become emotionally attached to these instances, though it is not known if this is due to its biological nature or if there is some form of memetic attribute we are currently unaware of.
  4539. >When interviewed, SCP-[REDACTED] told Doctor [REDACTED] that he considered them to be his foals, and expressed concern and a desire to see them.
  4540. >SCP-[REDACTED] becomes much more docile when in the presence of SCP-[REDACTED]-1 through 84, and become generally agreeable and willing to follow Foundation instructions.
  4541. >Researches are unsure if this is due to its apparent gender (males of any species typically being much more instinctively concerned with their young than the females); SCP-[REDACTED]'s unique biology makes it difficult to conclude that it even has instincts like a terrestrial pony would.
  4542. >Testing on the instances of SCP-[REDACTED]-1 though 84 are hereby halted due to intervention of their "father". Junior Researcher Lemon Hearts is expected to make a quick and complete recovery following Incident [REDACTED]-19-1C, taken place on 01/07/####.
  4543. >Doctor Sparkles has expressed interest in interviewing the SCP and its "offspring". In light of Doctor Sparkles' good behaviour and intimate involvement in the creation of the new instances of this SCP, limited and observed access has been allowed. Documents and interview transcripts are pending
  4550. >Celestia wants desperately for a loving husband to indulge her 'needs' and to call 'Daddy' but knows how society views that, even in private between lovers.
  4551. >Having a stallion call his mare 'Mommy' is considered perfectly fine and good dirty talk in the bedroom.
  4552. >But a mare calling her stallion 'Daddy' is just wrong and makes the mare weak.
  4553. >So like every want or desire she wanted for herself for the last two centuries, it was pushed down and repressed for the good of everypony else.
  4554. >She only indulged such thoughts in her chambers before bed, hoping her desires didn't follow into her dreams for her sister to see.
  4555. >Luna most likely feels the same to a certain extent.
  4556. >Twilight one day brought what she recognized as a human before her.
  4557. >It had been so long since she's seen one, so long they were considered legend.
  4558. >It seemed that he came from a different world by combining something called 'Coke' and 'Pepsi' together, but you can ask about that later.
  4559. >So the princess and the creature of legend started spending time with eachother, taking time to tell the other about their own world.
  4560. >In time, love developed and they were wed.
  4561. >Celestia knew she loved him and could tell he loved her but she still hesitated to tell him her desires.
  4562. >Finally one day she decided to tell him, but she was so embarrassed to even say her request out loud, so she wrote it on a piece of paper so he could just read it instead.
  4563. >He just looked at the paper and back to her before saying "If that's what you would like then of course."
  4564. >She could hardly believe it and asked if he was sure.
  4565. >He reasurered her and she started to cry from happiness.
  4566. >In tears she told him about missing out on her wants, needs, and childhood since she was young and had the weight of the crown thrust upon her.
  4567. >Anon told her it was alright and stroked her mane telling her he was with her now.
  4568. >She buried her head onto his chest and continued to cry while whispering "Thank you Daddy."
  4574. >DMC mixed with RGRE
  4575. >the hybrid offspring of humans and ponies are often gifted with incredible powers.
  4576. >Anon marries Luna, and together they have two identical twin daughters 
  4577. >both are alicorns
  4578. >when the girls are young, Anon is hit with a fatal curse by a Big Bad
  4579. >they only way to save him is to put him in suspended animation until they find a way to break the curse
  4580. >40 years later 
  4581. >the curse is finally broken, and Anon awakens to see a tearful Luna
  4582. >when asked about their foals, Luna gets quiet
  4583. >she insists that they’re both alive and well, but...
  4584. >one daughter has become a total power-seeking edgelord and a deadbeat mom to her own now adult daughter who’s married to her childhood friend
  4585. >the other became a pizza addict on or with Cadance, speaks like a bad action movie hero, and runs a monster hunting shop
  4586. >both have tried to kill each other on various occasions and are pretty terrible Princesses
  4587. >Anon sees he has years of parenting to catch up on
  4588. >both daughters feel a chill run down their backs
  4594. Celestia exists to be impregnated
  4596. >You say this to her face in the middle of day court.
  4597. >You could hear a pin drop it gets so silent.
  4598. >Finally, one of the guards mumbles under her breath, "I'm glad somepony finally said it."
  4599. "I know, right?" Anon says, head turned to the mare who's now looking nervous at accidentally saying it so loud. "Just look at her! How are there not, like, a dozen heirs running around by now?"
  4600. >"Anon!" Twilight yelps. "What are you sayng?!"
  4601. >"I don't know, Twi, he's got ah pretty good point," Applejack says, pointing a hoof at the solar princess and continuing. "Ah mean, come on, a mare should find a nice stallion, settle down, and pop out a few foals ta help run the family business by at least thirty. Princess Celestia is thousands of years out."
  4602. >"It's actually kind of sad," Rainbow comments. "Even I'll probably have a foal before her, and I'm still focusing on my career."
  4603. >"Same, darling."
  4604. >"Why haven't I gotten to throw any royal birthday parties yet?! At this rate, I'll have to hope Twilight gets some!"
  4605. "Seriously, Celestia, you have to get on that," Anon concludes.
  4606. >So shocked is Celestia that she doesn't even realize she's saying it until the words are already in the air.
  4607. >"Are you volunteering, Anonymous?"
  4608. "Eh... I have a couple hours to spare."
  4614. >anon was brought to equestria by discord, because its discord fuck you chaos etc.
  4615. >gets caught in the crossfire when the mane6 use the elements on him.
  4616. >discord turns to stone, anon is purged of 99.9% of his negativity.
  4617. >basically newborn baby tier of innocence.
  4618. >he has all his memories and knowledge, but they're a bit distant and carry no emotional weight.
  4619. >sitting on the ground dazed after the laser, he spots one of the ponies and beckons them over.
  4620. >ponk trots to his side because oooh new friend and start receiving pets, eventually climbing into his lap for snuggles.
  4621. >rest of them come over to see whats happening and the whole thing degenerates into a cuddle puddle right there in the middle of town.
  4622. Toss in a language barrier and the 'humans are unicorns' bit too while we're at it
  4629. >Anon gets teleported to Equestria because of an expired Twinkie.
  4630. >He is aware of the show and how ponies are, of course.
  4631. >Approaches first town he sees, ponies immediately freak out seeing him.
  4632. >He is confused beyond belief, and when he accidentally corners a mare, he hears her stammer out a few words that makes him very confused at first, and very disappointed later.
  4633. >"S-stay away, changeling!"
  4634. >Just his luck, ponies, because of the magic-void humans are, see humans as changelings.
  4636. And then the obligatory:
  4637. >Months later Anon comes across an actual changeling hive.
  4638. >The drones look actually excited and welcome him, which he gratefully accept, being tired of surviving on berries and other shit he finds in the wild.
  4639. >He is led to the throne room to meet the queen of the hive.
  4640. >Lo and behold, it's a teenaged Femanon.
  4641. >She awkwardly smiles, waving at him.
  4642. >"Uhh... hi!" 
  4643. >The sound of the facepalm/slap could be heard throughout the entire hive.
  4644. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
  4651. >The Elements didn't sterilize the m6, but when Twilight got her cutie mark, the magic surge that she produced sterilized her. A filly that young lacks the resistance an adult would have.
  4652. >She was upset at first, but came to terms with it over the years.
  4653. >At least it means she could enjoy estrus with no protection.
  4654. >And in her teen years, Twilight meets you.
  4655. >You kinda fell into RGRE with no fanfare. One-off races like you were rare, but usually not worth getting worked up over.
  4656. >So you had to grit your teeth, get a job, and survive.
  4657. >Long legs let you glide through crowds without the unsteadiness of flight, so a pizzaboy you became.
  4658. >And a frequent customer was the Princess's student, who had no idea how to cook nor wanted to be away from her books long enough to try.
  4659. >The first few times is just a normal delivery. Then Twilight started to linger at the door long enough for a short conversation. Those conversations got long enough that she shyly asked if you'd like to hang out after work. 
  4660. >Before you know it, you're being introduced to princess Celestia as Twi's coltfriend after the princess almost caught you balls deep in her student 
  4661. >Twilight's estrus rolls around, and she asks you to take a few days off to be with her.
  4662. >Your boss, a nice old mare with an italian accent, just smiles knowingly and agrees.
  4663. >And so estrus passes in a sticky, blissful haze.
  4664. >2 weeks later, and Twilight has to excuse herself morning lesson again to be sick.
  4665. >When she gets back, she finds that Celestia summoned a medic.
  4666. >"Well, you seem to be in great health miss Sparkle..." the medic says. "Unless..."
  4667. >She casts another diagnostic spell then frowns, casting again then glancing at Twilight's file.
  4668. >"Uh... Well miss Sparkle. Nothing is wrong. In fact, congratulations."
  4669. >"Congratulations for?" Twilight asks hesitantly
  4670. >"You're pregnant, Miss Sparkle. You way want to contact your parents and the father. 16 is a little young for this."
  4671. >Hfw
  4673. >Twilight becomes a mother at a young age
  4674. >Anon and Twilight get married and raise their foal together
  4675. >Twilight ends up going to Ponyville for the Summer Sun celebration and becomes friends with the others
  4676. >She decides to move to ponyville
  4677. >Mane 6's face when they learn she's married and has a foal
  4679. >Twilight goes to Ponyville for the festival
  4680. >Is sent there by the Princess, and she's worried something bad might happen
  4681. >"Anon, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you or the foal. Please, stay here with my parents until I get back, okay? You know I always have a hard time falling asleep when you're not there, so you know I'll be back as soon as I can. Love you~"
  4682. >Shit goes down, and new things keep requiring Twilight's attention
  4683. >You keep in touch via letters, and you keep her updated on how things are at home
  4684. >How the foal is, how her parents are, the new words that your child has said, etc
  4685. >She's only gone a few months, but it's eating Twilight alive
  4686. >"Foal, have you thought about... moving down here to Ponyville? It's quiet here, and there's a whole lot less hustle and bustle than you see in Canterlot. I'm the Princess's student AND I'm a librarian now, so I'd be able to afford to keep us living here. And even if I couldn't, well... who would throw a national hero out on the streets with her poor husband and little foal? Besides, my new friends would love to become YOUR new friends, too! They don't believe me when I tell them I have a lover back home~"
  4687. >Anon agrees
  4688. >Twi's parents are sad to see him and their grandfoal go, and Night Light cries when they say their goodbyes
  4689. >Anon shows up with a bundle in his arms
  4690. >"See, girls? I wasn't lying! That's Anon!"
  4691. >One of her new friends tilts her head in confusion
  4692. >>"That's your coltfriend?"
  4693. >Twilight shakes her head.
  4694. >"No, silly, that's my husband!"
  4695. >>"What."
  4696. >"And that..."
  4697. >Your foal chooses this moment to wake up and poke its purple head out of the blankets
  4698. >" our foal."
  4699. >>"WHAT."
  4705. >It was hard to believe when Twilight found out that alicorns and humans were comparable
  4706. >Not alicorns like her or Cadence
  4707. >They had ascended through extraordinary means
  4708. >Other than the new powers and longevity they were still biologically a unicorn and a pegasus respectively
  4709. >Celestia and Luna were another matter entirely
  4710. >They had been born as alicorns, just like Flurry Heart, and it showed in multiple levels
  4711. >Power, durability, and genes were a whole other level
  4712. > A true alicorn pregnancy took years, not months
  4713. >The mare's appetite and mood swings were also much stranger and more extreme
  4714. >The end result was a miracle
  4715. >A bigger, even tougher alicorn
  4716. >Celestia had been beyond thrilled at the birth of her little Dawn, who looked so much like her mother
  4717. >They might have been twins, except Dawn had her father's eyes and canines even longer than his
  4718. >As she grew older, her taste for meat also matched her old man's
  4719. >Celestia loved her little girl, so much that she immediately wanted more
  4720. >She wanted to fill the entire castle with her foals
  4721. >The problem with mortality had been quickly settled for her husband, which allowed her dream to come true
  4722. >Her children grew
  4723. >A few took interest in politics, others not
  4724. >Many became soldiers, shop owners, even entertainers
  4725. >They were all different, but each and everyone loved their mother and father
  4726. >Every year, twice a year, without fail, they always came to the castle to celebrate their parent's birthdays
  4727. >Celestia was delighted to see what her foals had been up to
  4728. >Like her husband, she made sure to keep an eye out for them as they made their way in the world
  4729. >She also made sure to keep their old rooms in the castle ready for them if they ever needed it
  4730. >For the first century or two, Luna had been more than a little jealous about her sister finally sowing her oats 
  4731. >After nearly eighty years of research, she was able to bring another like Celestia's husband through the void into Equestria
  4732. >That human had stood no chance against her marely charms and otherworldly tuft
  4733. >Not a few years later, she had birthed her first twins
  4734. >Some of Celestia's children, excited at the thought of nieces and nephews, had built a castle for their beloved aunt near Las Pegasus
  4735. >It was hewn into the earth
  4736. >The Jeweled City, many called it
  4737. >Luna's husband called it Castle Grayskull
  4738. >As her children grew, they dug deeper into the mountain, emulating their father and becoming blacksmiths and craftsponies
  4739. >Centuries passed, and both sisters grew their families
  4740. >A friendly rivalry was ongoing between the two
  4741. >Meanwhile, the entirety of Equus was in neverending bout of terror with hundreds of alicorns running around
  4742. >None more so than would-be supervillains
  4743. >The last that tried to take over the world had been torn apart down to a molecular level as soon as he had stepped hoof in Equestria
  4745. >During said family gatherings there's always a degree of gossip about each family's numerous siblings & offspring
  4746. >Even moreso after a few generations of Luna's family growing into itself
  4747. >The sisters' various children exploit this time to complain to the fullest, it being one of the few times all of them are in one place
  4748. >All the mystique and glamour that are placed on the gatherings (forgetting they're just Celestia's and Luna's birthdays) seems a bit much for what is essentially one giant family nagfest
  4750. >"Ugh, that Birthright is such a pain in the flank."
  4751. >"I know! He's only mother's 3rd-generation but he acts as if he's the most wisened Alicorn there is - next to Mother and Father, of course."
  4752. >"Really, he's not nearly as bad as Auntie's newest colt, Erudition - that one thinks he knows all the mysteries of the world there are, and he's only 40!"
  4753. >You grin as you look back and forth between the bickering of your daughters and son, Dawn, Meridian, and Solis
  4754. >For you are Anon, and these three were first of your and your wife's progeny.
  4755. >Next to you, Incognito blusters somewhat
  4756. >"Now, now, give Erudition some credit - he cracked the code on those runes Luminance had been struggling with for years"
  4757. >You chuckle as the first of your children roll your eyes in unison, cutting them off
  4758. "Of course. Erudition has certainly earned his place among higher academia, but as I recall, you had hoped he'd be a Machinist, not a Linguist."
  4759. >Incog huffs
  4760. >"I love all my children, even if some of them would rather their muzzles in books than hooves on tools."
  4761. >Your children give you an aside glance as you continue to grin knowingly, watching Incognito and waiting for what you knew was just beneath the surface
  4762. >"I just don't understand! Why runes and not micrometers?!"
  4763. >You take a drink of your ale to silence your chuckle as your longtime friend - and brother-in-law - begins his favorite rant of the last decade
  4764. >These parties are always fun
  4769. > RGRE Moondancer has read plenty fanfiction, but never thought she would actually fall through a portal to Homo Sapia
  4770. > She finds herself naturally meeting all the main characters in the traditional way
  4771. > Living in the stables of Nemo's ranch
  4772. > Being interviewed by Dr. Incognito and impressing him with real Equestrian magic
  4773. > Getting shipped to General Anonymous's secret military base
  4774. > Getting trained in espionage by the refined and elegant Inconspicuous
  4775. > And finally capturing all the world leaders for the ultimate dilf, President Incommunicado
  4781. >Anon is dating Octavia at first
  4782. >He always found string instruments to be beautiful, and he could even play one back home - albeit very poorly
  4783. >Octavia took an interest in him after he went to a concert of hers and begged to try her instrument out
  4784. >She had nothing better to do and she heard of minotaurs specializing in string instruments (and the piano), and so she let him give it a go
  4785. >"It's not even one of my good cellos. Now if I had been using my hoof-made 781 Eastmare cello exported from Germaney, then I wouldn't have let this 'Anonymous' within 5 meters of my instrument."
  4786. >It takes a few minutes, but the lessons come back to Anon
  4787. >He's pretty shitty at it, but he can still play a half-remembered cello song from back home
  4788. >Octavia is in awe
  4789. >Not because of how well he played it (I can't emphasize enough that Anon is an amateur at best), but because that was a cello song written by an artist that just did not exist in Equestria; it's the first time this world has ever heard this combination of notes and sounds
  4790. >"P-Play another one. Please."
  4791. >This leads to Anon and Octavia meeting twice a month to discuss classical music
  4792. >Octavia loves hearing (and then playing, and often either filling in the blanks in Anon's memory or just plain playing the notes properly) classical string instrument music from Earth
  4793. >Eventually they start talking about their other interests
  4794. >Then they start meeting every week instead of every other week
  4795. >And then one day, Octavia is running late for a concert. She apologizes to Anon and asks if she can buy him dinner to make up for it
  4796. >Not long after that, they're laying on her couch, making out
  4797. >Enter Vinyl
  4798. >She never had a very high opinion of minotaurs, and thinks that this is hilarious
  4799. >"I'm gonna fuck with him."
  4800. >She pretends to be mute when Octavia isn't around
  4801. >This backfires when she eventually falls in love with him too
  4802. >"I can't stop now. I'm in too deep!"
  4803. >She's actually pretty relieved when he finds out she can talk
  4810. >Human immigration program (Pure coincidence every accepted applicant is a single male that is open to the idea of interspecies relationships)
  4811. >Most of them dont make it five minutes out of the arrivals office before a mare catches them in the eye.
  4812. >Current record is the immigration officer herself asking the applicant on a date the moment his papers were stamped.
  4813. >She's currently on maternity leave
  4815. >Humans are cute to ponies in the same way that ponies are cute to humans
  4816. >They both have qualities of the opposite species' young
  4817. >Ponies have stubby limbs, big heads, and big eyes
  4818. >Humans have tiny eyes and sparse hair/fur
  4819. >You're trying to immigrate to Equestria and are stopped by the border securitity
  4820. "Shit, I forgot my work permit."
  4821. >Give the guard-mare the puppy dog eyes and try to act pathetic
  4822. "I-I waited in line f-for six hours... I'm s-sorry I forgot my permit..."
  4823. >Being cute by pony standards AND being of the fairer sex works for you
  4824. >"Aw, jeez. Listen, just... just... no no no! Don't cry! Don't cry! Okay, uh... y-you can go on through, alright? Darn it, I'm such a bleeding heart..."
  4825. And that's where you offer to eat her out under her desk as thanks
  4832. >Anon has spent nearly a year in Equestria
  4833. >Despite English and Ponish sounding the same, their written language is moon-runes to you
  4834. >You spend most of the year becoming fluent in writing, and you usually limit your reading to educational books (embarrassingly meant for foals learning how to read) and a few simple books until you reach the point where you don't have to drag your finger across the page and sound the word out like a big dumb retard
  4835. >As such, you skip over magazines completely
  4836. >You don't even hear about Fleur-De-Lis at all, to begin with
  4837. >So when she visits Ponyville to get away from it all, you two sort of hit it off
  4838. >It starts with you just asking her for directions to the nearest bathroom, which of course she doesn't know; she just got here
  4839. >You clearly have no idea who she is, and Fleur finds this refreshing enough to hang with you
  4840. >It was just meant to be hanging with you for just a few hours, but at some point one of you got hungry and lunch was acquired.
  4841. >Fleur is pleased
  4842. >"He doesn't ask me for money, doesn't want my autograph, and he's not trying to get me into bed. I can be normal around him."
  4843. >Maybe even mix in "Anon can't into horse standards for beauty" for bonus points, and you don't even realize she's supposed to be good-looking
  4844. >The two of you develop a friendship that is very genuine
  4845. >Fleur has found a male who laughs at the crude jokes she's been bottling up, knowing that the paparazzi are everywhere and just waiting for a "controversy" to latch onto
  4846. >You've found a mare who's easy to get along with and doesn't know you as "that weird alien who doesn't know how to read"
  4847. >It's refreshing for both of you, and Fleur ends up giving you her home address so that the two of you can exchange letters after she leaves
  4848. >You're so fucking confused as to why your friends call you a bullshit liar when you say "I'm friends with some mare named Fleur-De-Lis"
  4856. >Earth ponies have particularly wide hips and large teats
  4857. >If an earth pony mare isn't careful, she'll get a bit fat in those areas
  4858. >Of course, who wants a mare with a big, round ass?
  4859. >Or fat teats with big, suckable nipples on them?
  4860. >No stallion, that's for sure
  4861. >A bubble butt is only attractive on a colt, and what stallions like are lean, muscular figures
  4862. >Pinkie works in a bakery, unfortunately, and she's got something of an ass
  4863. >Her teats are visible and she constantly has to cross her hind legs to avoid the embarrassment of stallions pointing and laughing
  4864. >Enter Anon
  4865. >They make fast friends, and Anon can barely contain his urge to bury his face into various areas of Pinkie's anatomy
  4866. >"How do I even tell her I wanna motorboat those teats? Do ponies have motorboats? I can't just start licking and sucking those nipples until I articulate my desires properly."
  4868. >Through a series of looney tunes tier comedic circumstances, Pinkie accidently ends up sitting on anons face.
  4869. >Or more accurate, her teats resting on his face, a nipple grazing his mouth slightly.
  4870. >She immediately tries to stand up while stammering apologies, but his arms have instantly snapped to her legs and locked her in place.
  4871. >She hears a muffled "God forgive me, but he made the devil so much stronger than a man." before her thought process dissolves into pure sensation for the next hour or so
  4878. >Anon misses normal gender roles
  4879. >He especially misses females that don't talk like macho men when they have sex with him
  4880. >And all of the crusty cunts he sees daily
  4881. >Jesus that turned him off faster than some southern saying that fits this line of text
  4882. >Anon is having tea with Celestia and Luna while trying to ignore their shit level flirting/sexual harassment
  4883. >Celestia mentioned having a friend visiting that day
  4884. >A wall of light shines in the room
  4885. >As it fades Anon can see the most beautiful woman in the world
  4886. >not that much of a statement considering the females here are mares
  4887. >Regardless
  4888. >It's been a long time since Anon has seen another human...oid.
  4889. >Oh and there's a prepubescent boy next to her
  4896. >>And all of the crusty cunts he sees daily
  4897. >Anon thought things would be amazing
  4898. >That's when he realized that it was the *women* back home who took 3 hour long showers and spend an hour on makeup, and it was the *men* who showered for 5 minutes and put on deodorant only if they remembered to, and if the container was in reach, and if they felt like it.
  4899. >It's not uncommon to find a mare who spends her days off from work laying on the couch, eating pizza, and generally not grooming herself unless she's going out; and even then.
  4900. >"I splashed my mane with water, and I'm wearing a hat. I'll just put on some body spray and I'll be fine."
  4901. >They are not fine.
  4902. >Anon doesn't have the heart to tell some of his best friends that they stink and need to actually shower for fucking once
  4903. >This is especially apparent with Applejack
  4904. >Anon can smell apples and sweat a solid 5 seconds before Applejack enters the room
  4905. >Whenever Anon gets roped into foalsitting Apple Bloom, he makes sure to give her a bath
  4906. >"Help! Help! Ah'm bein' oppressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!"
  4907. "You'll thank me for this when you're older."
  4908. >Apple Bloom, years later when she's well into her teens, uses the memory of a half-naked Anon scrubbing her down as masturbation material
  4914. >Maybe pegasi clean their hooves more than the other races as a cultural thing, since they can fly everywhere and use their hooves more for manipulation of tools or clouds and such.
  4916. >Pegasi have the most clean hooves
  4917. >There's even cultural bullshit about what are appropriate and inappropriate uses for hooves in pegasus culture
  4918. >As a result, pegasus mares have particularly tender frogs on the bottom of their smooth and clean hooves compared to unicorns and ESPECIALLY earth ponies
  4919. >If Anon finds the right pegasus with a hoof fetish, he can make her squirm
  4927. >Anon ends up in Equestria in the first season, around the time everyone had the lesson Zebras are ponies too, so they aren't immediately terrified of him.
  4928. >Twilight being the most open minded, and curious, towards the new creature so she let's him stay at the library.
  4929. >The spoken language is similar, but written words are just different enough to cause some problems.
  4930. >Remembering something he heard once about learning s new language, Anon asks if there are any grade school level books or story books in the library he could read.
  4931. >Twilight or Spike read some to him so he could also memorize the stories.
  4932. >While he is in the library, a filly asks if he can help her read.
  4933. >He manages well enough and then comes up with an idea.
  4934. >He remembered libraries back on earth had story time for kids and suggests it to Twilight.
  4935. >She thinks it's a great idea and a good way for the town to get to know him.
  4936. >His story time becaomes very popular with the kids and the all the ponies start to accept him.
  4937. >Twilight has been watching him read and act out parts for the young ponies and at that time she realised she has a thing for librarians.
  4938. >"Oh my Celestia, he's handling those foals so well."
  4939. >Twilight licks her lips, half-hidden behind a bookcase.
  4940. >"That's father material, right there."
  4941. >Twilight wonders if she should make her move now, or be a good friend and let her friends know about her find
  4942. >Meanwhile, Dinky has already excitedly told her mother about the town's new "colt" who reads stories really well and kissed her boo-boo better after she tripped and bumped her knee
  4943. >"...and he's completely unattached, Muffin?"
  4944. >>"Yah-huh!"
  4945. >Twilight doesn't know it, but she's running out of time
  4953. >Pony body language is different from human body language
  4954. >A lack of hands and a reliance on facial features that by their nature allow for a much more varied display of expressions than a human's facial features means that any interaction between Anon and a pony that isn't dependent on words is guess-work at best
  4955. >As far as Anon can tell, a pony could be expressing interest in him... or she could be slightly hungry or a little bit hungover
  4956. >She might want to get some pie to eat, or she's eager to get back to work... or she might be sleepy.
  4957. >Who know.
  4958. >Who fucking knows.
  4959. >Not Anon, that's who.
  4960. >Anon attracts Celestia's attention for reasons that I won't go into in this post.
  4961. >She makes the moves on Anon.
  4962. >Eyes are ever-so-slightly lidded
  4963. >Smile quirks, but only on one side
  4964. >Her chest tuft is poofy, but not as poofy as it could be
  4965. >Wings are ruffled, but kept firmly at her side.
  4966. >From a pony's perspective, this is Celestia being as subtle as a wrecking ball
  4967. >As far as pony is concerned, Celestia is resting her heavenly teats on top of Anon's head in an effort to get him to notice her
  4968. >From Anon's perspective, she's barely even behaving oddly.
  4969. >He doesn't even notice half the shit she's doing.
  4970. >If anything, he's mildly concerned for her health.
  4971. >Anon denies that Celestia is as l-lewd as ponies say she is.
  4972. >Meanwhile, Celestia laments tfw no coltfriend
  4974. >Anon is oblivious to her subtle (to us) come-ons and dismisses the hearsay about Celestia's past lewdness as simple rumor
  4975. >Celestia meanwhile is upset because she hasn't ever gotten any while some kind of wacky split personality literally rewrote the book of sex using her body.
  4976. >As such, Molestia's brief reign (heh) pushed the kink market for pones quite a ways forward
  4977. >Sometimes mares WANT to be called naughty names when cuddling
  4978. >Meanwhile Anon is somewhat put off with this and rants to his Sunbro
  4979. "God what I wouldn't give to have some mare tie me down and just ride me 'till I'm fucking raw you know what I'm saying?
  4980. " 'course you don't you weird... girl horse. You ponies are too pure and innocent. Where can a guy find a girl willing to ram shit up my ass and make me call her mommy?"
  4981. >Meanwhile Celestia is passed out from the alcohol or the sheer lewdness and her counter-part is unsure if she actually wants to come out
  4982. >"Y-y-you called?" probes a slightly more pink-tinted sunhoers
  4990. >Stormy has the teats to tease Spitfire about her form in bed.
  4991. >While Spits is both stunned and fuming, Stormy scooches under you and pushes her daughter aside, asking you to mount her in a traditional position and Spitfire to watch closely.
  4992. >Oh god you knew this arrangement was going to be weird but damn MILFs just destroy
  4993. >You slip inside Stormy, and then ohhHHH AHSYDGASG!
  4994. >She does like 3 muscle control tricks at once, squeezing, fluttering, and pulling, knocking the wind out of you and almost making you double over on her. Jesus you're so close.
  4995. >She lets out a throaty, husky laugh that only MILFs can do and turns to a stunned Spitfire. "No wonder he overwhelmed you so quick, hun. Not a single trick? We can fix that. Come and finish off your man, miss Alpha. I'll teach you the ropes and get mine-"
  4996. >Stormy slips out from under you and smirks at you, winking once from both ends "-next time."
  4997. >Spitfire takes her mothers place in a flash, her red cheeks puffed out in annoyance. "Mom, I though I said no antics," she says, trying hard not to slip into 'Captain' mode
  4998. >"It's not antics, little ember, just some wisdom," the older mare smiles, sliding under booth you and Spitfire, using her mouth to guide you back to Spitfire's entrance when its obvious you're too dazed to take the initiative.
  4999. >"Do what you feel is natural and I'll correct it if need be," Stormy says, pressing her lips right to the spot where you and Spitfire meet and trying to coax her daughter into using her inner muscles.
  5000. >Oh fuck it's weird but unbelievably hot.
  5007. >Anon is deemed too l-lewd
  5008. >He rubs bellies
  5009. >He holds hooves
  5010. >He holds mares close and whispers into their ears that they're good mares and that he's so, so proud of them
  5011. >He even brushes his nose against their snoot and presses chaste kisses onto their cheeks!
  5012. >He's flustered too many mares, and their wounded prides ("Aww, he made me look like a colt in front of all my friends!") must be stopped
  5013. >"We need a mare who can handle and contain Anon's lewdness. But no such mare exists... on this mortal plane."
  5014. >A group of desperate and emmaresculated mares work together to make a summoning circle
  5015. >Some of them even believe he is an incubus, and that only one thing can match his unearthly lewdness
  5016. >A succubus is summoned
  5017. >A being of raw l-lewdness who won't bat an eye at belly rubs, hoof-holding, or even ear scritching!
  5018. >Anon won't stand a chance
  5019. >They bind her to the command "go become Anon's waifu and save us from him"
  5020. >A few hours later, Anon and the semen demon are fucking
  5021. >Anon is thrilled to have finally found a mare who doesn't get flustered when he pets her mane or compliments her
  5022. >"You know, my contract binds me to you forever."
  5023. "This is fine."
  5024. >Anon thrusts his hips, his cock still buried in the succubus's pussy
  5025. "We're already connected, after all."
  5026. >The mares try to put it out of mind
  5027. >Demon summoning is highly illegal and they could have easily summoned any number of awful Tartarus-spawn if they had been less careful
  5028. >The succubus has enough sense to magically disguise herself
  5029. >The ponies of Ponyville just know that a new mare moved into town and hit it off with Anon
  5030. >While Anon and the succubus can hide that she's a succubus, they have a harder time disguising her foals
  5031. >They lack the self-control that adult demons have, and they have difficulty maintaining pony disguises
  5032. >Anon has to think fast when his youngest filly drops the disguise in the middle of town one day, and he's supremely thankful that she did it on Nightmare Night
  5033. >"Nice costume."

A Dazzling Christmas

by Uh-hmmm

A Dream Proposition

by Uh-hmmm

A Morning Ride

by Uh-hmmm

Adagio's Lullaby

by Uh-hmmm

An Acquired Taste (Scat)

by Uh-hmmm