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Just Desserts
By I-Like-Cream-PiesCreated: 2024-06-14 18:42:38
Updated: 2024-06-14 18:42:52
Expiry: Never
>Be Anon.
>You been trying to pick up hobbies lately, do something actually productive. Through trial and error you manage to actually find one you enjoy!
>That being baking.
>You weren’t the BEST at it but it was pretty damn fun, and you got to fill your mouth with something, so that’s a plus!
>Though you're now running into a… Problem, putting it lightly.
>A stupid bat pony won’t stop stealing your food.
>Every time you would bake something remotely sweet and try to let it cool on your windowsill…
>Its gone without a trace… Well, there’s the occasional crumb or too but other than that, gone without a trace. And it got annoying, fast.
>Obviously, the smart thing would be to stop letting it cool on the windowsill and just let it cool naturally… But that’s boring.
>Actually catching the culprit and giving them their rightfully earned ass whooping however? That sounded a lot more up your alley. So you got work and prepared a trap!
>Using some leftover pancake batter, and some spare chocolate you had in the fridge, you would make some chocolate muffins.
>One for the thief… And the five others for you.
>You set the muffin, right on the windowsill like you usually would, and then waited.
>And waited…
>Anddd waited…
>Andddd waited…
>Ok, this was gonna take longer than you thought it would.
>A couple of minutes had passed, and they still haven’t took the bait…
>As a way to past the time, help with your plan, and combat the boredom you were getting from waiting, you would try your best to remember what exactly the pony looked like.
>Every so often, you would manage to get a glance or two of your culprit as you tried (and failed) to stop them. Which gave you a basic understanding on what they looked like, or the features they had.
>It was a bat pony for one, the teeth that would manage to to bite into whatever sweet treat you had definitely had some sort of fangs, and you swore they had reddish looking eyes as well.
>They were also very pink, or at least a very pink coat. Their mane looked pretty messy too, but that was probably due to your last… ‘attempts’ at capturing her before.
>But other than that, that was all you knew about the mysterious pink pony stealing your treats!
>But that was gonna change soon enough, as soon as she comes your gonna grab that pony and make sure they never steal from you again!
> Just any second now…
>Those couple of minutes transformed into a half of hour, and you were starting to give up on your one man stakeout.
>Maybe you should give up, not be so hard headed and just let your confectionery delights cool in the house like a normal perso-
“Oooo, what’s this?”
>You would hear a voice that was definitely not your own, it was much more feminine and bubbly sounding.
>You hid, not wanting to scare the pony off, you had to do this perfectly for your plan to actually work…
>Peeking your head out ever so slightly, you would get to see what she was doing, and get to catch her red handed! (Or would be red hoofed in this case?)
>Without any hesitation, she would fly up and plop the muffin into her mouth. Tasting it with pure delight on her face.
>As she began to devour her treat, you would slowly creep, creeping towards the pony outside your windowsill before…
>You would grab the pony, dragging her into your home as she let out a yell. You closed the windows, a feeling of victory quickly
>Fuck yeah, you actually did it! All there was left to do is… Actually finding a way to punish the pony that was now before you!
>Yeah you probably should have thought this plan through…
>Your eyes quickly drifted to the caught pony at hand, crumbs all over her mouth and a sheepish expression spread across her face. Even though you were trying to get rid of this pink pest ever since she began stealing food from you, you couldn’t deny… That look was kind of cute.
>But you couldn’t let that distract you! You had to think of an actually good punishment!
>As soon as you mentioned punishment, your mind would drift back into your childhood. Whenever you had gotten caught stealing from the cookie jar, after getting told not to, your mother would give you a couple of swift smacks on your bottom before telling you not to do it again or it’d be worse.
>A smirk would spread to your faces as you were given an idea, that conveniently placed memory had given you an idea…
>Before she could even comprehend what was happening, you would strike one right on her ass.
>She would practically leap into the air as felt the blow hit, a yelp rushing out her lips.
>She would quickly try to run, but a quick tug on her tail would put her back into her place. And soon enough, you would do enough hit.
>And another…
>And another…
>And anoth- Oh that was an extra hard one!
>By the time you were finished, her flanks were as red as her eyes, (though with how red her face looked, it could easily rival both!) hand marks all over her hindquarters, Your momma would be proud!
>You would let go of her tail before walking over and opening the windowsill, signaling that she was free to go… Not without one last swat on her haunches though.
>The additional smack was she needed to get the hell out of there, quickly flying off out of your window with red cheeks and an embarrassed look on her face.
>Now THAT should get her out of your hair for awhile!
by I-Like-Cream-Pies