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A Diamond's Best Friend

By Reposed_Dragon
Created: 2024-07-18 08:50:25
Updated: 2024-07-21 01:03:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anonymous.
  2. >Be stripped of all clothing.
  3. >The only thing adorning your body is a platinum necklace with three baby blue sapphires cut into lozenges.
  4. >You are are currently nuzzling Rarity's flank affectionately as she rests on an elegant sofa.
  5. >She does not pay you any mind. Her attention is on a magazine.
  6. >You need to steal her attention, though tactfully.
  7. >You are hungry.
  8. >You change your approach to licking the diamonds gracing her marshmallow ass.
  9. >This never fails.
  10. >As if realizing you are there, Rarity acknowledges you, putting down her magazine.
  11. >She does smile kindly despite your interruption.
  12. >"Yes, my little human?"
  13. >To maximize your odds of getting what you want, you shuffle over to her chest and rest your head against it.
  14. >You beg contritely.
  15. "May I have something to eat, please?"
  16. >"Tsk. A couple hours until dinner, dear birdie."
  17. "Cheep."
  18. >Rarity smirks and cocks a brow.
  19. >"Sing, little birdie."
  20. >Abandoning any iota of dignity you possess, you do what you need to do.
  21. >You cheep like a hungry hatchling calling for its parents.
  22. >Rarity titters and rubs your head.
  23. >"There. There. Momma will indulge you."
  24. >Score.
  25. >Rarity makes for the kitchen with you in tow.
  26. >Following behind, you eye her shapely flanks and fashionable tail.
  27. >Acclimating around ponies had brought with it an appetite for their disproportionately sexy bodies.
  28. >Ponies are sexy for their small stature.
  29. >Rarity is the cream of the cream and it is one factor that has destroyed your self-respect.
  30. >You will do anything for this mare's approval.
  31. >You both step into the kitchen and you take your place sitting on the floor.
  32. >Rarity prepares for you grilled cheese sandwiches and reheats tomato soup.
  33. >You can do nothing but watch her.
  34. >Rarity does not trust the hairless ape to do anything for itself, much less cook.
  35. >That will risk a fire as Rarity once explained.
  36. >You cannot blame her.
  37. >In your past life you were a NEET that mastered the art of edging to trashy visual novels and gained encyclopedic knowledge of FromSoft lore.
  38. >You were not prepared to lead an independent life on Earth nor here in Equestria.
  39. >The ponies treat you as a clever animal that did not learn to survive in the wild.
  40. >You are wholly dependent on Rarity.
  41. >In return, you amuse her and bear doing small tasks fit for a helpless fuck-up of your caliber.
  42. >Rarity's sing-song voice puts a stop to your thinking.
  43. >"It is done, my little birdie."
  44. >You express your gratitude by licking her knee.
  45. "Thank you, Rarity. You are the best."
  46. >"Oh you flatterer. Now get ready for your feeding."
  47. >Complying, you move to sit besides a table, still remaining on the ground.
  48. >Rarity levitates the food onto the tabletop and seats herself on a chair.
  49. >You ready yourself for the humiliation ritual that is eating.
  50. >Rarity bites into a sandwich, chews, and spits into your waiting mouth.
  51. >You swallow the pre-chewed morsel.
  52. >Just like a hatchling.
  53. >You are not allowed to eat without her aid.
  55. >You have conflicting feelings about this practice.
  56. >You are capable of feeding yourself, but your erection indicates you approve.
  57. >In Rarity's mind, she is doing what is necessary for your welfare. Your beautiful angel is nourishing you by her own effort.
  58. >You swallow each bite she graces you with until the first sandwich is gone.
  59. >"Wet your whistle with this tomato soup, little birdie."
  60. >Rarity levitates spoonfuls of soup to your lips, which you obediently sip up.
  61. >Your hunger is satisfied for now, so you stop Rarity's feeding with a palm rested on her flank.
  62. >"Do you feel better now with some food in your belly, dear?"
  63. >Rarity rubs the back of your head and smiles down at you like a doting mother.
  64. >You point to the last sandwich.
  65. "For you, Rarity."
  66. >She hesitates.
  67. >"Should I? I am feeling peckish, although I do want to adhere to my diet. Mares like Fleur de Lis are so fashionably lithe that it puts me to shame."
  68. >You lay your head on her flank and gently urge her again.
  69. "Please eat, Rarity."
  70. >Your insistence is rewarded.
  71. >"Oh If I must. I am eating for two, after all."
  72. >With more enthusiasm than what she let on, Rarity eats what remains of the food.
  73. >You, meanwhile, look at her swollen teats with longing. Her breasts promise more for later.
  74. >Your brazen ogling is either ignored or unnoticed as Rarity polishes off her soup.
  75. >"I feel much better - energized. Reading that magazine cannot substitute."
  76. >Rarity moves towards the sink, levitating the dishes along with her.
  77. >She pauses at a sudden call to nature and then looks back at you.
  78. >"Come help me, dear. I need to relieve myself."
  79. >Being in a state of heightened sexual arousal brings a man to do things he would normally resist.
  80. >Pent up, you forget all inhibitions and dive behind Rarity, your lips contacting her pussy.
  81. >Rarity sighs with relief as she urinates into your willing mouth.
  82. >You gulp it as if to quench your thirst.
  83. >Dutifully, you drink all which she gives you and when it runs out you clean her with your tongue.
  84. >Even the drops on the floor are not wasted.
  85. >Rarity chuckles at your thorough search for her stray piss no less.
  86. >Your duty done, you lie down on the floor and stare at the wall, reflecting how deep into depravity you have sunk.
  87. >The object of your obsession washes the dishes.
  88. >The only sounds are the running water and Rarity's humming.
  89. >You do have consolation that Rarity has never done something to make you regret devoting yourself to her.
  90. >She is a saint that dirties her hooves playing with the detritus that is Anon.
  92. >"There is time to spare this evening and I want to continue reading my book. I require your..."
  93. >Rarity clears her throat in a lady-like fashion.
  94. >"...erotic skills for my literary experience."
  95. >Rarity has "work" for you to do.
  96. >The distinction between work and pleasure blurs in service of the lady.
  97. >You stand up at attention and bow slightly.
  98. "Of course, Ms. Rarity."
  99. >Rarity beams and leads you back to her bedroom.
  100. >Inside, Rarity makes herself comfortable on her bed.
  101. >She lies on her stomach with her rear end on the edge.
  102. >A book levitates towards her.
  103. >You know this romance novel.
  104. >Rags Into Silk.
  105. >It is about a seamstress in the royal family's employ. The crown prince and the seamstress fall in love with each other, but the difference of their social status draws the nobility's ire. Their love ultimately prevails through trials.
  106. >It's corny, but appropriate for a hopeless romantic like Rarity.
  107. >You take position at Rarity's ass.
  108. >You need this more than her and the anticipation growing in your cock is painful.
  109. >She opens the volume at where she had previously left off and begins reading.
  110. >Your hands massage both her flanks.
  111. >They are soft and yielding.
  112. >Hidden underneath a healthy layer of fat is powerful muscles.
  113. >You bury your face into her ass cheek, nuzzling and kissing her reverently.
  114. >You give her elegant cutie mark similar treatment.
  115. >The physical manifestation of Rarity's talent is a sacred icon - it represents who she is.
  116. >Rarity responds favorably with a throaty hum.
  117. >Her hind legs unfold and spread, her tail raises, inviting you to delve deeper.
  118. >Your manly instincts kick into overdrive and it takes godly restraint to maintain a slow, teasing pace.
  119. >With your hands clasped onto Rarity's marshmallow buttocks in adoration, your servicing shifts inwards between her legs.
  120. >Your tongue traces her pussy's lips and laps the slit, though you don't push further just yet.
  121. >Wetting your tongue with saliva often, you patiently work Rarity up teasing her like this.
  122. >She winks and dribbles lubrication.
  123. >Eventually, your teasing becomes too much for Rarity. She clears her throat loudly to make clear you are loitering.
  124. >You thrust your tongue into her hungry snatch and make love to her.
  125. >For Rarity's part, she is no longer reading the book and is instead enthralled in the cunnilingus.
  126. >She growls hungrily.
  127. >"That's right. Tongue-fuck your goddess."
  128. >You heed your lover, giving her pussy the tongue-lashing she craves.
  129. >Rarity gasps in pleasure.
  130. >"I am coming."
  131. >Your efforts draw out a lustful squeal and her orgasm fills your mouth.
  132. >You swallow your lover's fluids.
  134. >You savor it.
  135. >Rarity comes down from her orgasmic high.
  136. >"Sweet Celestia," she exclaims under her breath.
  137. >Her sensitivity fades and you lick her pussy clean.
  138. >Your mind is swimming from Rarity's flavor and feminine scent and from the pliant flesh of her flower.
  139. >It is intoxicating.
  140. >"Gently now" is her terse command.
  141. >You stimulate your mare, though only teasing her as before.
  142. >Rarity returns to her reading.
  143. >Time passes without exchanging words.
  144. >Your focus is broken by whimpering.
  145. >You find Rarity's head on the pages of the book.
  146. >You hazard to move to the side of the bed to look at her face.
  147. >You find her cheeks glistening with tears and her makeup bleeding.
  148. >Placing a comforting hand on her withers, you manage a soft, concerned tone.
  149. "Why are you crying, Rarity?"
  150. >Her sorrowful blue eyes meet yours.
  151. >"Where is my 'happily ever after?'"
  152. "What do you mean, dearest? Please tell me."
  153. >"My friends, all whom I trust implicitly, think I am a great mare. I am my generation's protector - Equestria's champion. The princesses honor my contributions. My peers in fashion respect my craft. I am by all measures accomplished and yet no stallion has taken an interest in courting me. Where is my 'happily ever after?' Am I not adequate?"
  154. >Rarity closes her teary eyes, downcast.
  155. >She looks so vulnerable, unlike her characteristic grace and poise.
  156. >Her voice wilts.
  157. >"Don't I deserve the love of a stallion and to bear his foals?"
  158. >You struggle to blink back the tears forming in your eyes. Her heartache hits your gut.
  159. >You are not good at forming the words others need to hear, but you damn will try for Rarity's sake.
  160. "You are all of those things, Rarity. You are adequate. You are deserving. Stallions that do not recognize that you are a precious gem are fools. You should be treasured. Please do not cry for what others do not see - it is their loss. Your friends and I do see your worth and we love you."
  161. >God you sound corny, but you mean every word.
  162. >You wipe away the tears from her cheek.
  163. "I love you, Rarity. I regret not being able to give you the happiness you deserve."
  164. >Rarity sniffles. She manages a weak smile.
  165. >"Please do not apologize. Show me how much you love me."
  166. >Answering her challenge, you bring Rarity into a kiss.
  167. >Her breath hitches and she cries pitifully, but she tries to reciprocate despite it.
  168. >Her forelegs circle your back to pull you in closer.
  169. >You tenderly kiss her lips until her muzzle opens to welcome advances.
  170. >She moans into your mouth when your tongues meet.
  171. >You both kiss until she is convinced she is a mare worthy of love.
  172. >When it ends, Rarity smiles at you. She appears in better spirits now.
  173. >"I love you, too, my dearest. I will not take you for granted again."
  174. >You simply smile back. No words are necessary.
  176. >Rarity's hoof caresses your cheek.
  177. >Your mistress entreats you.
  178. >"Make me feel beautiful, Anon. Please."
  179. "At once."
  180. >Without hesitation, you steal her breath away with a firm kiss.
  181. >She sounds a needy groan.
  182. >Your kissing follows a trail along her body that starts from her chin, down the crook of her neck and to her stomach.
  183. >You stop to nuzzle her abdomen.
  184. >Your mare licks her lips and spreads her hind legs, receptive to your loving touch.
  185. >You grab a handful of her teat and brush your fingers over the nipple.
  186. >You tweak her tit, causing her to shudder.
  187. >"More."
  188. >There is only so much you can comfortably do from your position, so you move Rarity to have her ass-end facing your direction.
  189. >She giggles playfully. She is eager for you to ravish her.
  190. >You can now lick between her swollen breasts, which are heavy with milk. You also treat the insides of her thighs with licks.
  191. "You are delicious."
  192. >Rarity bites her tongue.
  193. >"Give it to me, stud."
  194. >You hurriedly stand up and line your cock with her entrance.
  195. >You disregard her order and half-heartedly penetrate her, but your attempts to further tease Rarity are met with a forceful use of magic.
  196. >Rarity pushes your hips forward, making you hilt her on the first stroke.
  197. >"Now" she impatiently demands.
  198. >Filled with the fear of God mixed with burning arousal, you get serious and start thrusting hard in a mating press.
  199. >Apart from Rarity's telekinetic grip forcing your hips forward, she passively takes your cock.
  200. >Her tongue lolls out.
  201. >"Oh Celestia yes."
  202. >The sensation around your cock surpasses imagination.
  203. >Rarity's snatch tightly grips your penis, threatening to make you orgasm prematurely.
  204. >You wield your long experience of edging to outlast Rarity.
  205. >You firmly hold her waist and roughly jackhammer.
  206. >Rarity contorts from pleasure and moans.
  207. >Both of your bodies share a mind to fuck as hard and long as possible.
  208. >To your credit, you bring Rarity to climax multiple times while denying your own release.
  209. >Rarity lets you know when she is coming and you hasten your pace, forcing her to orgasm and overstimulating her, to then repeat it.
  210. >She sheds tears, though now from being overwhelmed from coming so many times.
  211. >Mercifully for Rarity, you do finally break your streak.
  212. >You plunge your cock into her pussy one last time and give her the validation she desperately wants.
  213. >You grit your teeth to steel against the explosive ejaculation.
  214. >Your mare's hungry womb greedily takes all of your seed with a toe-curling squeeze.
  215. >Overcome with exhaustion, you brace your hands against the bed to prevent yourself from collapsing.
  216. >Rarity smiles tiredly and pants.
  217. >Basking in the afterglow, she feels fulfilled.
  218. >She feels beautiful.
  220. >You both take time to regain your faculties.
  221. >Rarity praises you through deep, shaky breaths.
  222. >"You were marvelous, darling."
  223. >You smile goofily and respond by petting her mane.
  224. >Pleasing your goddess fills you with pride and joy.
  225. >"As much as I want this moment to never end, it is nearly dinner time. We should bathe and then eat."
  226. "Yes, Ms. Rarity."
  227. >You reluctantly pull your cock out of your mare's pussy and step back.
  228. >You admire her creampie.
  229. >Rarity begins to roll onto her side, but then she stops and grimaces in discomfort.
  230. >She whines cutely.
  231. >"My legs are dreadfully sore. Such a ruffian."
  232. "Shall I be gentler next time?"
  233. >"Celestia forbid it! Don't you change or I will find you lacking."
  234. >She manages to get onto the floor and stiffly walks toward her bathroom.
  235. >With Rarity facing away, you take the opportunity to discard the offensive book into a dust bin.
  236. >"What was that sound?"
  237. "I threw that horse apple book into the trash. It made you cry. In fact, I think you should stop reading trashy romance novels. They are making you depressed."
  238. >She turns her head to look back at you, clearly annoyed, but she does not argue with you.
  239. >It is rare for you to assert your will.
  240. >Rarity turns her nose up haughtily and huffs.
  241. >"Well, you are going to have to work much more diligently to remain in my good grace."
  242. "Of course, Ms. Rarity. I only have your best interest at heart. I hope someday I earn your forgiveness."
  243. >You mean every word.
  244. >Reminding Rarity you are subservient to her is always a good tactic to calm her ire.
  245. >"Very well. Come."
  246. >Without further delay, you both proceed into the bathroom.
  247. >Rarity levitates your necklace off and enters the shower stall with you.
  248. >The shower is uneventful.
  249. >You did perform penance by cleaning her hooves and kissing them.
  250. >Clean, you both towel off and Rarity returns the necklace to your neck.
  251. >She finishes by brushing her mane and tail before tightly coiling them around curlers.
  252. >It never ceases to impress you how swift and exacting Rarity is when her talent comes into play.
  253. >She makes it look effortless.
  254. >She speaks to you with warmth now, seeming to have already pardoned your earlier transgression.
  255. >"Let us eat, my love. You must be famished after your earlier performance."
  257. >You gather into the kitchen.
  258. >Again, your seat is the cold, hard floor tiles.
  259. >Rarity prepares for herself a generous helping of leafy greens and cut fruits.
  260. >She hums a tune whilst working.
  261. >You know she prefers to eat light foods to maintain her figure and energy.
  262. >Being mindful of Rarity's inclinations, emotions and cues is simply part of your role as her pet.
  263. >You don't hate your lot in life, but you instead embrace it.
  264. >If you had not met Rarity, you would have certainly continued on course wasting away in front of a screen until your precious life expires.
  265. >Becoming Rarity's plaything was the best thing that ever happened to you.
  266. >You now have love, security and purpose.
  267. >Your thinking is interrupted as Rarity takes her seat at the table.
  268. >She sits with her hind legs spread open for easy access to her teats.
  269. >She invites you with her sweet voice.
  270. >"Come eat, birdie."
  271. >Your hunger and love for your mare quashes an instinctual hesitation to nurse at your age.
  272. >Your mind regresses as you latch onto her nipple and suckle.
  273. >Rarity's hoof rubs the back of your head.
  274. >"There's no shame in this. All that matters is momma is here to feed and love you. You are okay just as you are."
  275. >She softly repeats "you are okay."
  276. >Her delicious, nourishing breastmilk fills your stomach, working its magic to strengthen your body and reverse the negative effects of aging.
  277. >You have never experienced such a feeling of vitality as when breastfeeding.
  278. >She keeps a reassuring hoof on you while she eats her own food.
  279. >The only worry on your simple mind is drinking your fill.
  280. >When you and Rarity retire for the night, you both will sleep cuddled together in bed.
  281. >When a new day begins, life will continue in a comfortingly predictable way:
  282. >You will serve your goddess wholeheartedly and she will generously shower you in her love.
  283. >The End.

It's Time to Stop Posting: Intervention

by Reposed_Dragon

A Diamond's Best Friend

by Reposed_Dragon

Character Card Greeting: Princess Celestia's Office

by Reposed_Dragon