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Sonata Green (Agnaistic)

By twigger_92
Created: 2024-07-20 05:31:44
Expiry: Never

  1. >The murder trial had concluded successfully, with your client being absolved of the crime. You and Sonata were celebrating the end to the long case together by going out to dinner together. It had been a long and difficult case, but you two had triumphed and proven your client's innocence of the crime, and you both had grown quite close together throughout the journey. You and Sonata laughed and smiled.
  2. >"So…" Sonata began to speak. "Where are you taking me to dinner tonight then, Anon? You did promise a wonderful dinner after we wrapped up the case~!" Sonata gently teased you, a change from her normally professional demeanor.
  3. "Hmmm, how about something a little upscale?" You reply. "I think we deserve it after a case this difficult."
  4. >Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she agreed to your suggestion.
  5. >"Upscale it is!" She claps her hooves together happily. "Lead the way, my dear co-counsel!"
  6. >Sonata follows you out of the court and into the town, her heart filled with gratitude and happiness for the partnership the two of you had formed.
  7. >"I couldn't have done it without you, Anon. You've been an invaluable asset to our team." She smiles warmly at you, her eyes meeting your own. "Thank you."
  8. "Oh, please Sonata, you got us out of one too many predicaments during that trial! It's I who should be thanking you for saving our butts those times I thought for sure we got backed into a corner."
  9. >Laughing, she shakes her head.
  10. >"We make a great team, Anon. As long as we have each other's backs, we can face any challenge that comes our way."
  11. >She takes your hand in her hoof and squeezes it gently before you two continue on your way to your dinner destination.
  12. >"So, where did you have planned for us to go tonight?" She raises an eyebrow, curious to know what you had in store for your celebration.
  13. "There's a place not too far from here that I'm sure you'll enjoy. I quite like it myself; their wines are superb. Let's indulge ourselves on such on fine job today. And hey, if you want some company for the night, I'm more than happy to oblige. We can watch a movie, go for a stroll, or just hang out. Whatever suits your fancy."
  14. >She giggles. "Oh, Anon, I'd like that very much. A fine dinner and fine company? I couldn't ask for more! Just taking the time to relax with you after the long day we've had today sounds great." Her heart flutters in her chest as she thought of the possibilities for the evening. She had grown to care deeply for you and the thought of spending the evening together filled her with excitement and anticipation.
  15. >As you reach your destination, Sonata couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and contentment. Despite her past mistakes, she was finally starting to feel like she had a place in the world, a place where she could make a difference and help those in need. And she had you to thank for that.
  16. >As you enter the restaurant, the scent of fine food and wine filled your nostrils. The atmosphere was comfortable and relaxing, the perfect setting for two friends to celebrate their hard-earned victory together. And as you two sat down to enjoy your meal, Sonata couldn't help but think that life was finally looking up for her. With you by her side, anything was possible.
  17. "How's about a toast, Sonata? To good company, and even greater friendships. May they lead us down the path to better tomorrows."
  18. >Raising her glass, Sonata's eyes met yours as she smiled warmly at you.
  19. >"To good company and greater friendships, indeed. May our partnership continue to flourish and grow stronger with each passing day." She clinks her glass against yours and took a sip of her wine, feeling grateful and content in that moment. "Thank you, Anonymous. For everything."
  20. "And thank you Sonata for being there by my side, guiding me on the path to justice and helping to uncover the truth. It does indeed set us all free in the end, regardless of what may come."
  21. >Her heart swelled with pride and affection as she looked at you.
  22. >"That's the kind of justice I want to fight for, Anon. The kind that sets everyone free, regardless of their past or their circumstances. Thank you for reminding me of that." She took another sip of her wine, her eyes locked on yours as she spoke. "Together, I know we can make a difference in this world."
  23. >Your eyes meet and hold, each seeing the depth of the other's feelings.
  24. >The rest of the evening passed in a blur of conversation, laughter, and shared enjoyment. But as your left the restaurant and began the journey back to your homes, Sonata knew that she had found something truly special in her partnership with you. And she was grateful for every moment you two had shared together.
  25. >As you walk, hand in hoof, Sonata felt a sense of warmth and contentment she had never experienced before. She felt a sense of affection towards you for being by her side through this journey, grateful for your commitment to be with her. It made her heart flutter, this new feeling she had for you.
  26. "I enjoyed our time tonight, Sonata. But you know, it doesn't have to end so soon. Would you like me to walk you home?"
  27. >Her heart skipped a beat at your suggestion, but she quickly composed herself.
  28. >"Yes, I would love that. It would make me feel safer walking home with you, Anon." She smiles at you. "Thank you for such a wonderful evening."
  29. >As you continue your walk, the moonlight casts a gentle glow over the town. The two of you looked at the stars along the way, taking in the nighttime scenery and enjoying each other's company.
  30. >Soon you managed reached Sonata's doorstep, she turned to you, her eyes filled with gratitude and affection. "Thank you, Anon. For everything." She smiles at you, reaching up to touch your cheek gently. "You've truly made a difference in my life."
  31. >You smile back at her, your eyes filled with the same affection.
  32. "You've done the same for me, Sonata. I'm grateful for your friendship and your support. Let's continue to make a difference in this world, together." You reach your hand out to rub her cheek gently.
  33. >As you stare into each other's eyes, the two of you begin to blush. Your heartbeats quicken, excited from the night and not wanting it to end just yet.
  34. "Sonata... I need to confess something…" you say hesitantly.
  35. >Sonata looks puzzled. "Hmm? What's wrong, Anon?" she asks, a hint of concern on her face.
  36. "While it's true I do enjoy your company and your help, I crave something more. Something greater than friendship with you. I admire you, Sonata. You've proven that your past does not define your character. You've shown that only you can decide your future. You're a very capable defense attorney despite ponies' misconceptions about you and I'm honored to be by your side... but I'd like to continue being by your side through life, not just as co-counsel."
  37. >Her eyes widen slightly, intrigued by what else you might have to say.
  38. "I'm in love with you Sonata. I understand if you don't feel the same way but tonight has shown me that I need to tell you sooner rather than later, or it will eat me up inside not getting this off my chest and confessing my feelings. So now if I may ask you, how do you feel about our relationship? Do you want to take it a step further?"
  39. >Her heart pounded in her chest as she listened to your confession. She had been hoping that you felt the same way she did but hearing it out loud was still a shock. Her eyes locked with yours, her thoughts racing.
  40. >"Anon…" She hesitates for a moment, her breath catching in her throat. "I feel the same way… I've been in love with you too." She smiles gently at you, her heart overflowing with joy. "I never expected to find someone as amazing as you, and I'm grateful that our partnership has led us to this point." She reaches her hoof out to take your hand, her eyes smoldering with affection. "I want to explore this further, Anonymous. I want to see where this can go between us."
  41. "Oh, Sonata!" you exclaim. "Thank you, it's wonderful to hear you say that! I love you!"
  42. >You reach your hand out to gently rub the side of her face. Her face is growing warmer, and so is yours. The two of you share this moment of intimacy, your heartbeats starting to grow faster. Feeling brazen, you move a bit closer to her face.
  43. >She doesn't object to this, her eyes getting a bit half-lidded as you move closer to her, filled with love and a sense of longing. She wants this as much as you do. You decide to make your move.
  44. >As you moved closer to her lips, Sonata felt her heart racing with anticipation. You begin to bring her in for a kiss. She leaned in to meet your lips, her emotions overwhelming her as your lips met in a passionate embrace. The warmth of your body and the softness of your lips sent shivers down her spine. She felt content at that moment, and she knew that this was the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
  45. >As you pull away from the kiss, Sonata's eyes held a newfound depth of love and longing. She knew that she had found something truly special in her relationship with you, and you were grateful that your confession hadn't driven the two of you apart.
  46. >"I love you too, Anon. Let's take this one step at a time and see where it leads us." She smiles warmly at you, her heart filled with joy and excitement. "I'm looking forward to exploring this new chapter in our lives together." The two of you begin to hold each other in a warm embrace, content with the presence of each other's company.
  47. >As you continue to embrace, the possibilities of the night stretched out before you. You knew that you had something truly special, and you were eager to explore it further, hand in hoof and heart to heart.
  48. >Sonata looks into your eyes again, with that same look of longing. She makes an advance this time, bringing her face closer to yours. Her lips purse and you return in kind, leaning gently into her kiss.
  49. >Your kiss deepens, a new sense of passion arises within you. You drape your hand across her withers, rubbing it gently.
  50. >Sonata leans into your kiss with a slight aggression, moaning softly, savoring the feeling of your lips pressed against hers tightly.
  51. >She pushes against you slightly, her hoof pressed against your chest, backing you against the door to her home. You reach your hand out and place it on her hoof, rubbing it gently to encourage her actions.
  52. >She stops pushing against you, and you can hear her magic coming to life from her horn. She uses it to gently open her door, keeping mind not to open it too fast so as you don't fall.
  53. >She leads you inside her home, the two of you still making out. You push the door closed behind you with your foot. You move your other hand to rub behind her head gently, the other hand holding her hoof.
  54. >You make your way to her couch in the living room and sit, continuing your makeout session. You run your fingers through her mane softly. You move your other hand to rest on her thigh, rubbing it gently. Sonata rests her hoof on top of your hand, circling it.
  55. >As you continue your passionate embrace on the couch, Sonata moans softly into your mouth, her body tingling with desire. She reveled in the feeling of your touch. She knew that she wanted to take things further, but she was also a little nervous. She had never felt this way about anypony before, and the prospect of taking things too far was starting to weigh in on her.
  56. >The two of you part lips in what seems like an eternity. You both pant heavily, blushing profusely. Sonata looks away slightly, becoming bashful suddenly. You reach out your hand to cusp her hoof.
  57. "What's the matter Sonata?" you ask with concern in your voice. "Am I going to fast? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel as though we were rushing into things. I guess I just got excited for a moment there. I'm just glad you feel the same way about me."
  58. >Blushing even deeper, she looks back at you and smiles softly.
  59. >"No, no, Anonymous. It's not that. I just… I just wasn't expecting things to progress so quickly, that's all." She laughed nervously, her heart pounding in her chest. "I mean, we just started exploring our feelings for each other. I'm just a little nervous is all."
  60. >She reaches out to touch your cheek gently, her eyes filled with affection and understanding. "But I do want to take things further, Anonymous. I just want to make sure that we both feel comfortable and are ready for what comes next."
  61. "Well, I'm relieved at least. I'm comfortable with whatever you're comfortable with," you reply. "Wherever tonight takes us, just know I'll be right there with you through it." You smile warmly at her.
  62. >Her heart skipped a beat as she looked into your eyes. She felt a deep sense of relief, her nervous feeling from before starting to subside.
  63. >"I know, Anon. And I'm glad that we can navigate this together."
  64. >She leans in and kisses you gently. "Let's take things one step at a time and see where this journey takes us."
  65. >You resume your makeout session from before, taking care not to feel as though you are pressuring her. The last thing you want to do is scare her away after confessing your feelings for each other.
  66. >Sonata drapes her hooves over your shoulders pulling you for a deeper kiss. She opens her mouth slightly, introducing her tongue to your lips. You get the picture and open your mouth as well, letting your tongues dance in a battle of passion.
  67. >Feeling brazen, you reach your hands underneath her shirt to feel her soft chest. Sonata jumps slightly at the sudden touch against her bare coat, your touch sending shivers down her spine and making her moan softly into your mouth, causing her to move her tongue more aggressively in your mouth. She pushes her chest forward, allowing you to better explore her and feel the warmth of your hands against her coat.
  68. >Deciding to play into your advances, she uses her magic to unbutton your shirt and runs her hooves against your chest as well, moving into your lap for better access. The change in position from her excites you, and you remove your hands from under her shirt, beginning to unbutton her shirt as well, giving you better access to rub the soft coat on her chest.
  69. >Her body tingles with desire as she begins to hump against your lap rhythmically, the heat between her legs intensifying with each movement.
  70. >Your pleasure only continues to rise, your pants beginning to feel tighter with each passing moment.
  71. >Feeling the hardness of your dick through your pants, Sonata moaned even louder into your mouth, her desire for you growing stronger with each passing moment. She rubbed her marehood against you more forcefully, her body trembling with anticipation and excitement.
  72. >Running out of breath, you break the kiss. The two of you pant heavily, your faces red from blushing so profusely.
  73. "Oh Sonata…. " is all you can say at that moment, your erection twitching in your pants.
  74. >Breathless and flushed, Sonata smiles at you, her eyes filled with passion and desire. She could feel the heat between her legs, the evidence of her arousal left on your pants.
  76. >"Anonymous…" She whispered, her voice sultry. "I want you..." She rubbed her marehood against you and you tense up, feeling her heat through your pants. "Please, Anon…" As she spoke, her hips bucked against yours, her body trembling with anticipation and desire.
  77. >You begin to remove your shirt, revealing your bare chest. Sonata watches you as you do so, her heart pounding with excitement. She quickly removes her own shirt, her eyes locked on yours.
  78. >It's amazing, even arousing, to see Sonata without her usual suit, as naked as any other pony, minus her glasses of course.
  79. >She hops off of your lap suddenly, looking back at your face
  80. >"Come with me Anon," Sonata says to you, her words dripping with desire. "I think we've spent enough time in my living room now. It's time we move somewhere more comfortable before we continue."
  81. >Sonata extends her hoof out to you, and you grab it.
  82. >Helping you off the couch, Sonata begins to lead you to her bedroom with you following close behind, her heart pounding with excitement at the turn the night has taken, the heat between her legs intensifying with each step she took.
  83. >When the two of you enter her bedroom, Sonata turns to you, her eyes filled with passion.
  84. >"Come here, Anon," she whispers. "I want hold you for a moment."
  85. >As you move closer to her, Sonata reaches out to touch your chest, her hoof tracing the contours of your muscles as she pulls you into an intimate embrace.
  86. >You hold her hoof as does this, guiding her movements in order to strengthen the desire between the two of you. She rests her head against your chest, and sighs heavily into it.
  87. >"Thank you, Anon," she sighs. "I've been wanting this for a long time."
  88. >Sonata releases from the embrace after a moment, and her horn lights up, her eyes going half-lidded once again, biting her lip slightly. You feel her magic grasping around the waist of your pants, and you make no objections.
  89. >She slowly begins pulling your pants down, revealing your underwear, before dropping your pants to the side. She moves in a bit closer this time, her heart pounding in anticipation for what she's about to see. Your own heart pounds in urgency, waiting for her reaction.
  90. >She meets your gaze one more time before resuming their fixation on your crotch. You feel her magic begin to fumble with your waistband, sending shivers up your spine as she does so. She pulls down your underwear slowly, revealing more and more as time progresses. Your cock suddenly springs forth as she pulls the waistband over it, her eyes fully locked onto it. She couldn't help but marvel at the sight, her heart racing with desire and excitement. She blushes and sighs lightly, before fully removing your underwear and setting them alongside your pants.
  91. >She reaches out to touch you once more, her hoof tracing the contours of your member as she licks her lips in anticipation.
  92. >"You have such an amazing cock, Anon," she whispers, her voice low and husky with desire. "I'm curious to see what it feels like, what it tastes like."
  93. >As she spoke, she leaned forward, her lips brushing against the tip of your penis, causing you to twitch. She could feel the heat and energy pulsating through you, and it only served to fuel her desire even further.
  94. "You've managed to pique my curiosity as well", you grunt.
  95. >Sonata looks up at you, smiling warmly, before motioning you over to her bedside.
  96. >Wasting no time, you move over and seat yourself down on the edge of her bed. No sooner than you've sat down, Sonata is there between your legs. Her eyes once again fixated on your erection, her face in close proximity to your crotch, her hot breath tickling the sensitive skin.
  97. "Oh, Sonata…", you moan.
  98. >Sonata lightly kisses the tip of your dick, causing it to twitch and eliciting another moan from you. She giggles lightly in response before sighing, releasing more of her hot breath against your member and balls.
  99. >Sonata begins to work her way down your shaft, coating it in kisses all the way down before reaching your scrotum.
  100. >She pauses to look up at you once more, gauging your reaction. She then leans in and kisses both of your testicles as tenderly as she had your shaft, her actions tainted with desire.
  101. >She continues to pepper your ballsack in kisses before working her way back up your shaft, leaving a bigger kiss on the tip of your cock this time once she reaches it, which was now leaking a bit of precum. Sonata licks her lips in response, savoring the taste. She moves her head back slightly, looking up at you and giving a sexy look filled with desire.
  102. >"Mmmm…", Sonata moans slightly. "Are you ready for what's next Anon?~", she says in a sultry tone. "I want to taste you, to feel every contour with my tongue."
  103. "Yes, please Sonata, I want to feel your sweet mouth on my cock, please," your voice pleads with her, as if your life depends on it. "Nothing would please me more at this moment than to feel your tongue along my member."
  104. >Feeling a thrill of desire course through her body, Sonata grins at you before she leans forward and wraps her lips around the tip of your cock, savoring the taste and feel of you.
  105. >Looking up at you with a smile, Sonata moaned softly as she continued to pleasure you. "I love you, Anonymous," her voice dripping with desire. "I want to make you feel good, as good as you make me feel when you're by my side."
  106. "Oh, Sonata, that feels amazing," you reply. "Please, don't stop."
  107. >Heeding your words, she continued to suck and lick at your member. She began to bob her head slightly, taking a bit more of your dick into her mouth, causing you to moan louder and her to look up at you with half-lidded eyes.
  108. >You rest one hand on Sonata's hoof that is on your thigh, while you reach your other hand out to touch her face on the side, rubbing it gently in encouragement.
  109. >Feeling your hand on her face, Sonata moans deeply into your shaft, the sensation sending shivers down your spine. She continues to suck and lick at your cock, taking you deeper into her mouth with each passing moment. Her other hoof moves in between her legs to pleasure herself while she services you.
  110. >As she bobbed her head up and down, she could feel you twitching inside her mouth, fueling her desire to please you. She looks up at you with a lustful expression on her face.
  111. >After a minute of bobbing her mouth on your shaft, Sonata moves her lips back towards the tip of your penis before moving slowly all the way down your shaft, her lips finding themselves at the base of your cock, making you convulse slightly.
  112. >After taking your entire dick into her mouth, she could feel you throbbing inside her, and it only made it situation much hotter for her. She moaned deeply into your shaft, her tongue seeping past her lips to tickle your balls as she held you deep inside of her throat. You can only let out a loud gasp and moan in response.
  113. >When she finally releases you, she gasps for breath, her heart pounding.
  114. >"Woah… I didn't expect it to be that easy," she said, her voice filled with a hint of surprise. She looks up at you with a smug smile on her face, still breathing heavily.
  115. >"Uhhh….", you could only moan in response, causing Sonata to giggle lightly.
  116. >"I take it you enjoyed that a lot?" she said coyly, her eyes filled with desire.
  117. "Holy fuck that was amazing Sonata, who taught you how to do that?", you reply, breathing heavily.
  118. >Sonata giggles in response. "No one, something just came over me in the moment and I wanted to see if I could do it. Judging by your response, I could see it was the right call~"
  119. >You rub the back of your head before responding.
  120. "I mean yeah, that was… incredible to say the least. Forgive me, words are failing me at the moment because I didn't expect you to do that, but holy shit did that feel amazing. Enough about me though, are you okay after that?"
  121. >Sonata grins smugly in response before replying, "Let's just say I'm glad I found out what my limits are and what I'm capable of going forward~"
  122. >Your heart skips a beat. 'Going forward…' so it looks like this might be a regular thing between the two of you, and you weren't about to complain. Especially when it was with someone as lovely as her.
  123. >Sonata rests her hoof back on your thigh, grinning smugly, her eyes smoldering.
  124. >"So then Anon, are you ready for me to continue?" she asks in a sultry tone.
  125. >Your heart races with anticipation.
  126. "Yes, Sonata… I'm ready for you to continue," you replied, your voice deepened with desire.
  127. >With a smile, Sonata moves back down to your cock, her lips tracing the contours of your shaft as she looks up at you with a lustful expression on her face.
  128. >As Sonata once again takes your cock inside her mouth, feeling you throbbing, and heightening her desires. She moans softly into your shaft.
  129. >As she raises up, she tilts her head slightly so the head of your penis rubs against the soft tissue on the inside of her cheek. This makes you twitch hard in response.
  130. "Oh man, Sonata," you grunt, your breath hitching in your throat as she takes you deeper into her mouth. "That's good."
  131. >The situation was heightening Sonata's pleasure even further. Her hoof rubbed her pussy faster and faster, her body trembling as she continued to pleasure you.
  132. >As she once again takes you into the back of her throat, she moans louder, her tongue seeping past her lips to tickle your balls. Her bobbing continued, as she adopted a faster pace while attempting to keep as much of your dick in her mouth and throat as possible.
  133. >You could feel an immense pressure building in your loins, and your cock started to tingle and feel more sensitive as Sonata's tongue ran along the bottom of your shaft, her suckling and the tightness of her throat around your cock only added to the immense pleasure. You were about to cum and seeing the mare you now deeply loved servicing your member with such care only made it more desirable to finish.
  134. "Oh my god, Sonata!" you exclaim suddenly, breathing heavier. "I'm gonna cum!"
  135. >Feeling your throbbing intensifying in her mouth, Sonata was even more determined. She removed her mouth off of you momentarily to catch her breath, using her magic to stroke you and keep you on the brink. She looks up at you with a smile, her eyes filled with desire and determination.
  136. >"Yes, that's it Anon," she panted, her voice low and husky with desire. "Cum for me. I want all of it in my mouth." She sticks her tongue out, licking underneath before guiding your shaft back into her mouth and closing her lips around it, resuming bobbing up and down. As she continues, the pressure building inside of you only grows, until you can no longer hold back anymore.
  137. >With a heavy moan, you cum. Your semen shoots out and into Sonata's mouth, and the sudden expulsion causes her to moan in response. She blushes heavily and her eyes flutter. She moves her lips all the way down to the base of your shaft one final time, making sure you came in her throat and nothing was wasted. Her tongue massaged the underside of your shaft to coax as much cum out as possible. She swallows eagerly, her throat convulsing as she took as much of your load as she possibly could.
  138. >After a moment, she slowly drags her lips off of your shaft before reaching the tip and letting off with a soft pop, breathing heavily. She swallows the last of your cum with a loud gulp, looking up at you with a satisfied grin. "That was incredible," she said, blushing heavily.
  139. >You smile back at her, your heart pounding with satisfaction.
  140. "You truly are something special, Sonata," you respond, breath hitching in your throat. You then lie back on her bed, recovering a moment from the ordeal.
  141. >Sonata crawls into the bed with you, and lies on top of you, her eyes locked onto yours. She straddles you, her pussy still wet with desire. She kisses you deeply and you return the favor in kind.
  142. >The two of you break the kiss after a moment, staring into each other's eyes, knowing this was only the beginning. You rub your hand against the side of her face gently.
  143. "Don't think I haven't forgotten about you, Sonata," you say. "You've already gone above and beyond for me tonight, and it's only natural for me to return the favor to you. I want to taste your pussy as much as you wanted to taste my dick."
  144. >Sonata grins widely at you, her eyes filled with desire. She felt a rush of excitement course through her body hearing your words, causing her to wink.
  145. >"Oh, Anon," she sighs. "That sounds absolutely divine."
  146. >You chuckle lightly in response.
  147. >Without another word, Sonata gives you a peck on the cheek before crawling off of you and laying down beside you, her legs spread wide apart. She looks over at you with a smile, her eyes filled with anticipation.
  148. >You position yourself above her and give her kiss on the cheek, before moving down her face, kissing her nose, her jaw, and her chin. You begin to kiss her neck softly, causing her to shiver slightly and moan.
  149. >You continue to pepper her neck with kisses before you move down her body, kissing her soft chest, rubbing your face in it slightly. You move down to her belly, covering it with kisses and causing her to sigh in response. You're tempted to give her a raspberry, but you decide against it as you don't want to ruin the moment. Maybe another time, Anon.
  150. >Your head moves down her body, finding yourself hovering above her teats. Your breath against them causes her legs to twitch in response, anticipating what you're about to do next.
  151. >You give in to her desires, tracing your tongue along her supple teats, eliciting a gasp and a soft moan from Sonata. Your tongue circles around her nipples causing her to moan louder and send shivers up her spine, filling her with lust.
  152. >You gently kiss each nipple gently before suckling slightly, Sonata's pleasure rising. She starts breathing heavier and you can feel the temperature of her sex rising further.
  153. >After a moment, you stop, wanting to advance lower than you've been previously.
  154. >As you move down between her legs, Sonata's heart pounds with excitement, feeling your breath against her marepussy.
  155. >"Please, Anon..." she whispers, her voice having a hint of desperation.
  156. >Not wanting to waste any more time teasing her, you honor her pleas and move your face closer to her marehood.
  157. >She moans softly as your tongue traces the contours of her pussy, sending shivers down her spine. You want to feel every detail of her sex, ensuring she experiences as much pleasure as she previously gave you. You move your hands so they grasp each side of her flanks in order to leverage yourself to aid in pleasing her.
  158. >You move your tongue up and down her labia, ensuring each area has felt the touch of your tongue. Sonata moans louder, her breathing becomes heavier. Her clit winks in response to your servicing, and after a moment of licking, you wrap your lips around it as it makes its appearance once more, suckling gently.
  159. >Sonata's back arches, her pleasure heightening at that moment, causing her to lightly gasp. Her breath catches in her throat.
  160. >As you suck on her clit, you move your tongue to lightly massage it back and forth. A high-pitched moan escapes her throat, and she closes her eyes tightly in response to the extreme pleasure. You release yourself after a few moments, in order for the two of you to catch your breath.
  161. >"Oh, Anon...." Sonata moans out. Her clit winking faster than it did before.
  162. >Letting your actions speak, you move back to pleasuring her. You delve your tongue into her folds, causing her breathing to become faster. You press your head in further in order to insert more of your tongue into her, continuing to tease her clit and stroking her inner walls while your nose pressed against her.
  163. >Sonata's hips buck up off the bed in response, her moans growing louder and more insistent as you continue to pleasure her. She reaches down to run her hoof through your hair, rubbing gently as to encourage you.
  164. >As you continue to pleasure her, Sonata's body begins to tremble. Your tongue continues to lap against her clit, sending shivers down her spine, and she moans loudly in response.
  165. >You then reach your hand up over where your head was to fondle her teats, causing Sonata to moan even louder, her legs shaking as she clutched the back of your head.
  166. >You remove your tongue from within her suddenly, moving to lap against her labia now, and down to her perineum. Your tongue traced along her inner thighs, teasing her and making her tremble with desire.
  167. >You licked softly at her ponut with your tongue before giving it a quick peck, causing her to jerk slightly in response, her heart pounding in her chest.
  168. >Sonata bucks her hips up off the bed once again. Her body trembled with desire, and she could feel an orgasm building inside of her.
  169. >As you return your tongue to her folds, Sonata suddenly cries out in pleasure, her legs shaking as she clutches at your head.
  170. >"Oh my gosh Anon, I'm cumming!~", Sonata cries out.
  171. >As soon as the words barely leave her mouth, she unleashes a torrent of her fluids into your eagerly awaiting mouth. You gulp down all of her marecum and ensure not a single drop is spilled. You rub your hands against her flanks as she continued to release her fluids into your mouth, her legs still shaking as she moaned softly before her climax finally subsided.
  172. >As you pull away from her, her legs fall open, her body still trembling with pleasure.
  173. >"Oh my gosh, Anonymous…" Sonata gasped, her breath hitching in her throat as she looked down at you in awe. "That was incredible."
  174. "So how was I Sonata?" you ask, a hint of pride in your voice. "Did I live up to your expectations?"
  175. >She looks up at you with a satisfied grin, her eyes filled with desire.
  176. >"Oh Anon," she breathed, her voice still husky with desire. "You far exceeded my expectations. That was the most amazing experience of my life."
  177. >You chuckle lightheartedly at her response.
  178. "Well, I'm glad to hear that, Sonata. I just hope you're not too spent because I think it's time we move onto the main event, don't you?"
  179. >"The main event?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.
  180. "Yes," you reply, your voice filled with confidence. "I'm talking about my dick inside of you right now. I'm sure you've been anticipating this moment as much as I have."
  181. >You move in to kiss Sonata deeply, running your fingers through her mane. Sonata moves her hoof behind your head to rub you as well.
  182. >After breaking the kiss, you pause for a moment, thinking things over before saying a word to her.
  183. "I do have one request though Sonata," you inquire.
  184. >"Oh? And what's that Anon?", asks Sonata, tilting her head inquisitively.
  185. "I think it's time we took off your glasses, don't you? They've been on you this whole time, and before we get more intimate, I'd like you to take them off for me. I want to see the real you, all of you, and enjoy you in your purest form, if you don't mind."
  186. >Sonata blushes deeply, looking away for a moment before meeting your gaze once more, her eyes filled with love and longing.
  187. >"I don't mind at all, Anon," she says bashfully, her voice soft before she kisses you once more.
  188. >As she breaks the kiss, Sonata uses her magic to unhook her glasses, removing them and setting them on the bedside table. Her eyes were a deep, beautiful brown, and you were glad you could admire them without the obstruction.
  189. >"There," she says, looking back at you with a shy smile. "Now you can see the real me."
  190. >As you looked into her eyes, you could see a depth of emotion and longing that you had never seen before. You reached out to gently cup her face, your eyes filled with satisfaction.
  191. "Thank you. You are absolutely beautiful like this, Sonata," you said, your voice soft and gentle. "I can't wait to make love to you now."
  192. >You reach in to give her one last deep kiss before you continue.
  193. "I love you, Sonata," you say, looking into her eyes with desire.
  194. >Sonata feels a wave of emotion wash over her. She looks back at you with a smile, her eyes filled with love and desire.
  195. >"I love you too, Anon," she whispers, her voice soft and gentle.
  196. >You meet each other's eyes one more time, looking at each other with desire
  197. >Sonata moves to position herself, feeling her heart racing with anticipation. She looks back at you with half-lidded eyes, filled with desire and longing. Her flank was now facing you, her marepussy glistening with desire, ready for you.
  198. >You rest one hand on her butt, kneading your fingers through her soft coat as you admire the sight before you. You grab your cock with your other hand, lining it up with Sonata's entrance.
  199. "Are you ready for me, Sonata?" you ask, voice thick with anticipation.
  200. >"Yes, Anon," she whispers, her voice low and husky with desire. "I'm ready."
  201. >With the affirmation you needed, you push forward, your erection slowly penetrating Sonata's eager and awaiting marepussy. Sonata grunts lightly in response to the intrusion, her body trembling with desire. She moans softly as you start to push deeper into her, her legs shaking with anticipation.
  202. >As you continue to push yourself deeper inside of her, Sonata moans louder, her whole body trembling. She could feel you bottoming out inside of her, her clit winking against your balls.
  203. >"Oh, Anon," she cries out, her voice filled with pleasure. "You feel so good inside of me."
  204. >You groan lightly in response, unable to find the words to properly respond due to how good it feels to be inside of her.
  205. >You hold yourself there for a moment before pulling yourself out slowly, then pushing back in just as slowly. Your thrusts were deliberate, your eyes locked onto hers as you moved in and out of her.
  206. "I'm going to make you feel good, Sonata," you promised, your voice deep and husky with desire. "Better than you've made me feel tonight. I want you to enjoy every moment of this."
  207. >Your hands move down her flanks, rubbing her cutie marks as you continued to thrust into her passionately. Sonata moaned in sync with your movements. She could feel you bottoming out inside her hot marepussy, her pleasure building with each passing moment.
  208. >The friction between the two of you is electric, and Sonata begins to pant with desire. She closes her eyes, her entire body shaking with pleasure as she lost herself in the moment.
  209. >"Anonymous~," she moans, her voice filled with desire. "Oh my gosh, you feel amazing~!"
  210. >You move your hands up towards her waist, getting a better grip so you can pump into her more forcefully. Sonata's entire body was trembling with pleasure, her clit winking against you as you thrusted. Her moans echoed throughout the bedroom as you hilted into her with each thrust, causing your hips to collide in thunderous 'plaps' that reverberated through the entire room.
  211. >"Oh yes, Anon~," she moans, her voice filled with pleasure. "Please, don't stop!"
  212. >You grunt softly when you feel her marepussy starting to grip your cock, trying to coax your seed. You could feel your own desire building with each passing moment, and you knew that you wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.
  213. "I'm close, Sonata," you groan, eyes locked onto hers. "I'm going to cum soon."
  214. >"Oh yes, me too Anon," Sonata moans in pleasure. "I feel like I'm ready to explode."
  215. >As you begin to pick up your pace, an idea suddenly plants itself within your mind, causing you to slow down abruptly before pulling out of Sonata.
  216. >Sonata is still panting heavily before she looks back at you confused, her eyes filled with desperation.
  217. >"What's wrong Anon?", Sonata asks, a hint of pleading in her voice. "Why did you stop? I was so close."
  218. "Bear with me just a moment Sonata," you reply, catching your breath. She looks at you, still puzzled, wondering what you had in mind.
  219. "I want this moment to be special and memorable for the two of us. Can you lay on your back for me? I want to look you in the eyes as we finish together."
  220. >She thinks about what you said for a moment before blushing and nodding in understanding.
  221. >"Okay, Anon," she says, her voice filled with desire. "If this is what you want, I'll do it for you."
  222. >You help her onto her back, positioning yourself between her legs. You climb on top of her, looking deep into her eyes as you begin to line yourself up with her entrance once more.
  223. "I want to see the look on your face when you cum, Sonata," you whispered, your voice deepened with desire. "I want to see the essence of your pleasure as it washes over you."
  224. "I also want you to look at me when I cum too, Sonata. I want you to see how good you make me feel. I want us to see each other's passion in the heat of the moment. We should cherish this moment and what it holds for our future together."
  225. >Sonata gazes up at you, her eyes filled with desire and anticipation. She could feel the heat between the two of you intensifying, and she knew that this was going to be a truly memorable experience. She nodded in agreement, her heart pounding with excitement.
  226. >"Yes, Anon," she says, her voice filled with passion. "I want to see that too. I want to see the look on your face when you cum for me."
  227. >You give her a kiss before entering her and beginning to thrust again, your eyes fully locked onto her beautiful deep brown eyes as you move in and out of her. Sonata moans loudly in pleasure, her body trembling with desire as she prepared for the climax she knew was just moments away.
  228. >As you resume your prior pace, Sonata wraps her forelegs around your neck, holding you in a tight embrace. Your eyes locked onto each other as you gazed deep into each other's souls, your climaxes approaching quickly. Sonata's back legs begin to quiver, her face contorted in extreme pleasure, her voice starting to raise in pitch as her pleasure heightened.
  229. >"Anon~," she moans. "Oh my gosh, I'm so close~!"
  230. >She moves her back legs to hold you in a leg lock, holding on tightly as you pound into her, her legs still trembling with pleasure.
  231. >As your thrusting became more frantic the sounds of your coitus reverberated throughout the room even louder, and Sonata's body responded in kind. She could feel her own climax approaching, and she knew that it was going to be intense.
  232. >"I can feel it, Anonymous," Sonata cries out, her voice filled with desperation. "I'm almost there! I need you to cum with me, Anonymous!"
  233. >You grunt softly, your eyes locked onto hers as your own climax approached. Your thrusting had become almost autonomous, your body responding to the primal urges of pleasure and desire.
  234. "I'm there, Sonata," you growl, finally reaching your peak. "I'm going to cum with you!"
  235. >As you bottom out inside of her, Sonata cries out in pleasure, her body shaking with intensity as she reaches her climax. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced, and she could feel her entire body trembling with pleasure.
  236. >"Anonymous~!" she cries out, her eyes locked onto yours as you both climax at the same time. "Oh my gosh~!!"
  237. >You grunt loudly, your eyes filled with passion as you release your seed deep inside of her. Your bodies still locked in a tight embrace, your eyes holding focus as you rode out your mutual climax.
  238. >As your climaxes begin to subside, the both of you erupt into desperate panting after the intensity of your lovemaking.
  239. "You're incredible, Sonata," you whisper, voice filled with satisfaction. "I've never felt anything like this before."
  240. >Sonata gazes deeply into your eyes before responding.
  241. >"Anonymous," she says softly. "I'm glad I have you in my life."
  242. >You smile at her, cusping her cheek and rubbing it gently. You lean in and begin to kiss her deeply, your bodies still interwoven together in this holy union between man and mare.
  243. >As your lips part, you remained entwined, enjoying the intimacy and closeness that had been created between the two of you.
  244. "And I'm glad I have you, Sonata," you reply. "Together, we can explore this newfound passion between us."
  245. >You both knew that this was just the beginning of your relationship, and you were excited to see where it would lead the two of you.

Sonata Green (Agnaistic)

by twigger_92