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/gj1/ Old stories

By ponk
Created: 2024-09-08 11:11:53
Updated: 2024-09-10 07:56:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >Someone once told you that dreams are messages.
  2. >That you’d do well to pay attention to them.
  3. >So, what does that mean for you then?
  4. >Maybe that there's nothing left.
  5. >Maybe that it’s way too late to matter anymore.
  6. >Your name is Twilight Sparkle and you haven’t remembered your dreams in a long, long time.
  9. >You’ve forgotten again.
  10. >Long ago that might have scared you.
  12. >You’re on your way home.
  13. >At least you think so.
  14. >No… that can’t be right.
  15. >You’re in what looks like an old-timey candy shop, although it’s too dark to tell clearly.
  16. >Your steps are swallowed by the heavy floorboards and the stained leather benches.
  17. >Mason jars filled with sticky things are lining the wall behind the counter.
  18. >A door to the side leads somewhere deeper but is locked with way too many chains and deadbolts.
  19. >Everything is touched by the sickly glow of the few lamps scattered across the tables.
  20. >The darkness is muddy somehow.
  21. >Greasy.
  22. >The air is heavy with sugary-fruity scents, mixed with something more complex you can’t place.
  23. >The corners of the shop are blurry, hiding shadows that melt away whenever you try to look closely.
  24. >And yet, despite the eerie sensation gnawing at the back of your mind, the place has some half-remembered familiarity.
  25. >Have you been here before?
  26. >The memory is hazy.
  27. >Something was here once but only a vague idea remains.
  28. >The taste in your mouth is stale, bitter, and it won’t go away no matter how much you try to spit it out.
  30. >A noise makes you turn.
  31. >Something is bent over the next table, feeding with wet, squelchy noises.
  32. >You probably should have noticed the gulping, grunting mare sooner.
  33. >Her coat is a muddy pink, and her mane is falling down her neck in long, oily-slick strands.
  34. >You recognize her but you don’t know why.
  35. >She is devouring what might be some type of large pastry but her eating is all wrong.
  36. >Beastly.
  37. >The swollen belly of the pastry is filled with something red and viscous.
  38. >Maybe marmalade or jam, but it’s too chunky—too crusty and black at the edges.
  39. >It’s threatening to turn your stomach.
  41. >Luscious golden eyes find yours as the mare glances over.
  42. >The light makes it seem like they’re completely filled with metal, glinting with a predator’s hunger.
  43. >They’re untouched by the smile she flashes you, revealing pointy, razor-sharp teeth.
  44. >A shark’s smile.
  45. >It makes your skin crawl.
  47. >"Sorry." Her voice is strained, more used to growls than speech. "I’ve been told I’m a messy eater."
  48. "Do I know you?"
  49. >Not the politest greeting but you’re not trying to make friends.
  50. >Turning fully, large chunks of the reddish-brown jam sticking to her fur, the mare shakes her head.
  51. >"I don’t think so," she lets out a poisonous giggle. "Not right now."
  52. >Her scent is sweeter, richer than the rest of the shop, like the decay-stink of a rotting fruit.
  53. >It’s making you queasy, reminding you of something you’d prefer stayed buried.
  54. >Just your luck.
  55. >All the strange, back-alley stores and you had to pick the weird one.
  56. "Never mind," you mumble. "I didn’t–"
  57. >A grunt interrupts you.
  58. >"And here I thought we’d be past this, Twilight," the mare pouts playfully. "You of all ponies should know how much it stings to be forgotten. And by a friend, no less."
  60. >A wave of adrenaline washes over you.
  61. >She knows your name?
  62. >The question leaves your mouth before your mind can stop it.
  63. >"Of course I do, Twilight! You told me."
  64. >The mare’s teeth turn her laugh into something grotesque.
  65. >"You told me the first time we met. You told me your name and I told you mine."
  66. >You can feel the change in her emotions.
  67. >"Although I BOTHERED to remember it!"
  69. >The cloying scent is getting heavier as the mare creeps closer, exhaling more of her miasma.
  70. >Before you can even try to stumble away, she has closed the distance, her mouth twitching, struggling not to snap at you.
  71. >A familiar panic rises as you try to gain some room.
  72. >"Twilight!"
  73. >Her words are getting mangled, having a harder time making their way around a mouthful of razorblades.
  74. >More of the viscous liquid runs from her maw, and it’s darker now, too.
  75. >"Tell me you haven’t forgotten AGAIN!"
  76. "I…"
  77. >It’s at this moment—with the uncanny mare shoving herself into your face and you trying not to trip over your hooves—that your brain decides to give you something back.
  78. >You wish it hadn’t.
  80. >You’ve been in here before.
  81. >You’ve met this mare before.
  82. >You couldn’t begin to guess how often.
  84. >You breathe the name of your oldest friend like a forgotten curse.
  85. >A prayer to banish spirits.
  86. >And as if a switch had been flipped, the mare’s features soften.
  87. >"You remember, right?" Pinkie Pie smiles bashfully, bringing her hooves to her cheeks. "Twilight remembers me."
  88. >She’s giggling to herself with her neck and chest still stained by whatever that filthy jam is.
  90. >You remember her, alright.
  91. >You remember what usually happens when you find yourself in this place.
  93. >"What’s wrong, Twilight?" Pinkie notices your anxiety.
  94. "I-I have to…" you trip over your own thoughts, stumbling away from her.
  95. >"No, no, no! It’s fine. It’s fine, Twilight. I’m fine."
  96. >She finally lets you take a step back.
  97. >"I’m not going to hurt you, see?!"
  98. >Pulling at her own cheek, Pinkie reveals the corner of her mouth.
  99. >"No more icky schtuff."
  100. >She traces her hoof over her chest in a weird motion, working the black ichor deeper into her coat.
  101. >"Cross my heart, hope to die."
  102. >You’re not buying it.
  103. >Where is the damn exit?
  104. >"Gosh, Twilight! Will you relax?! It’s okay, I’m not going to eat you!"
  105. "You mean like you tried a minute ago?"
  106. >"Yes."
  107. "Or last time?"
  108. >"Yes," Pinkie squirms, "but… but in my defense, you did forget again, that time. Just tell me you know what to do and you’ll be fine."
  110. >Your brain will not stop sending danger signals.
  111. >You’re trying to let Pinkie persuade you into relaxing, if only to keep her from getting angry, but every bit of your subconscious is screaming at you.
  112. >"So?"
  113. "Where… where am I?" you breathe, working to bite down your instincts. "How did I get here? I was just…"
  114. >Why can’t you remember?
  115. >"You forgot again?"
  116. >Pinkie looks genuinely hurt.
  117. "What are you talking about? What’s all this about remembering and forgetting? Are you talking about…?"
  118. >Damn it.
  119. >You can feel there is something to her words.
  120. >Something vital.
  121. >Something you swore you wouldn’t let go.
  122. >It’s at the tip of your tongue.
  124. >"You did forget, didn’t you?"
  125. >Your head is swimming, struggling to focus on something you think you knew a lifetime’s worth of bad decisions ago.
  126. >You’re gasping for air underwater.
  127. >Trying to puzzle a shattered mirror back together while every piece is reflecting a different face.
  128. >"Twilight?"
  129. >Pinkie’s mouth is twitching again.
  130. >"You promised, Twilight! You promised you’d get it right this time."
  131. "Yeah, well. Looks like I broke that promise!"
  132. >"Fine!" the make barks, the sound reminiscent of a hacksaw going through gravel. "Fine! What do I care! Keep forgetting! Keep it up for a million billion more years! It’s not like you have anyone left to disappoint anymore!"
  133. >The edge of a giggle is creeping back into her words.
  134. >"And you’ve got ME to keep reminding you, right?"
  135. >You instinctively back away.
  136. >"It’s important, Twilight. Will you listen to me? You wouldn’t ignore a friend, would you? Well, we kinda know you will though."
  137. >Pinkie’s smile is too full of knives for your liking.
  138. >Whatever it is she keeps oozing is back to spilling from the corners of her brutal mouth, jet black and bringing with it the odor of spoilt preserves.
  139. "Tell me from over there, then!"
  140. >"Why do you always have to be so rude, Twilight?" Pinkie takes a step forward. "And here I am trying to help you. This isn’t easy for me, too, you know. But you need to hear."
  141. "I don’t!"
  142. >"Yes, you do. You know you do."
  143. >You hate that she’s right, that the nails stuck in the back of your brain won’t ever stop pounding otherwise.
  144. >You can only stare at her.
  146. >"The Elements!" Pinkie finally spits out the words, and the embers that had been smoldering in your mind flare up into a wildfire.
  147. >Your every fiber is resonating at the sound of the syllables even though you haven’t heard them for what feels like centuries.
  148. >You remember power.
  149. >And the trap you had sprung.
  150. >You remember souls stuck at the edge of eternity.
  151. >The locked door at the back of the shop is starting to shake as if someone was trying to twist the handle from the other side.
  153. >Pinkie, unfortunately, is affected by your revelation, too.
  154. >"Get them," she growls painfully. "I’m sick of it. I’m sick of their wailing."
  155. >More filthy drool comes up as she talks.
  156. >Her golden eyes sparkle in the darkness.
  157. >You’re still reeling from the aftershocks of an entire life crashing over you.
  158. >You know what happens next.
  160. "S-sure, Pinkie. I’ll just… need to find my way home and I’ll be out of your mane."
  161. >"I think I know a way,” Pinkie displays her teeth. "But I doubt you’ll like it very much."
  162. >Her muscles flex.
  163. >Her tail of muddy pink swings in anticipation.
  164. "I don’t think–"
  165. >Pinkie flinches forward before you can finish the sentence, her mouth gushing black jam, her fangs ready to bury into your neck.
  166. >You try to get away but are too late, the teeth catching you with a revolting squelch.
  167. >You land hard on your back, with Pinkie coming down on top of you.
  168. >Pain blossoms from the wound as her maw pulls back, ripping muscles and tendons.
  169. >You can hear the sensation more than feel it.
  170. >Your blood mixes with the dripping jam into a clotted soup of red and black.
  171. >You scream, flailing your hooves to try and throw the sick thing off, but you only manage to thrash around in terror.
  172. >Pinkie is much stronger than you expected, keeping you pinned under her body.
  173. >Under the weight of your past failures.
  174. >She’s crunching on your flesh with a pleased expression.
  175. >The door is rattling loudly now.
  176. >Whatever is on the other side is desperately trying to break through.
  178. >Pinkie grins after gagging down the chunk of gore that was your shoulder, her face smeared, her golden eyes mad with excitement.
  179. >You try to struggle again but the pain is robbing your strength.
  180. >Blackening the edges of your vision.
  181. >You watch helplessly as she bends down.
  182. >She’s going to eat you.
  183. >You will die here, in this lightless place filled with things too deplorable to remember.
  184. >The sick jam is running freely now, heavy globs hitting your face like tar.
  185. >You’re being drowned.
  186. >Pinkie’s mind is hidden somewhere in the flavor, forcing its way in.
  187. >Old, bitter memories.
  188. >Regret burning on your tongue like acid.
  189. >The thing that you used to call a friend bites into the wound on your shoulder.
  190. >Your consciousness is mercifully fading.
  192. >The last thing you hear before slipping into the dark is the giggle of a betrayed mare gone insane with time.
  193. >A white-hot flash of pain.
  194. >A spark of light as your eyes shoot open.
  197. >You’re strangely on edge for having just woken up.
  198. >Like you dreamt something thrilling.
  199. >You wonder what it was.
  200. >It doesn’t really matter though.
  201. >You haven’t remembered your dreams in a long, long time.

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