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[NSFW] Equestria Girls mooning

By ponk
Created: 2020-12-18 14:26:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Thread OP: "Which Equestria Girls do you think would moon someone on a dare?"
  3. >”Aww, do I really have to?”
  4. >”A bet's a bet, Pinkie Pie. You lost fair an' square.”
  5. >You are Anon, but you're not sure if you really want to be right now.
  6. >”Not fair!”
  7. >Pinkie shakes her head remonstrative, the signature lock of her hair bouncing with the motion.
  8. >”I was cheated, AJ! You didn't tell me Rainbow hadn't eaten for two days, how was I supposed to eat more hot dogs than her?”
  9. >You are currently in an empty classroom of your school, half an hour after final bell.
  10. >Upon closing, the two girls had asked you to stay behind for a moment so they could - in their words - settle something.
  11. >And besides you getting along quite well with both of them, past experiences taught you that things like these rarely turn out well for you.
  12. >You’re still not sure what exactly is going on, but they have been arguing for a while now.
  13. >From what you can gather, Pinkie once again bit off more than she could chew and ended up with another debt.
  14. >And that’s something you have learned to stay clear of.
  15. “Hey guys, so it sounds like you’ve got some things to smooth out, so I think I’ll better be on my way.”
  16. >Your attempt at nonchalantly walking towards the door is sternly interrupted by the golden-haired country girl.
  17. >”You stay where you are, Anon. And you...”
  18. >She turns to Pinkie Pie once more, a devious grin on her lips.
  19. >”You better start showing me some o’ them cheeks soon.”
  20. >What?
  21. >Before you can put any questions into words, Pinkie throws her arms up in mock surrender.
  22. >”You know what: FINE, you big, cheating meanie!”
  23. >The half-hearted insults only lead to Applejack’s grin widening.
  24. >And before you even fully understand what’s happening, the girl gives you one last shrewd smile before turning her back towards you, locking her knees and bending down at the waist.
  25. >Resting her arms on a nearby chair, your classmate is now giving you quite the view of her ample backside.
  26. >After a few confusing seconds of staring at Pinkie’s skirt-framed ass, you regain enough of your composure to look away in a futile attempt of decency, only to be stopped by Applejacks commanding voice once again.
  27. >”Don’t be shy now, Sugarcube. Don’t worry, this will be fun for you. Come on Pinkie!”
  28. >The girl lets out an annoyed grunt, before bringing one of her hands to the brim of her skirt and - in one quick motion - pulling it up to expose her rosy and plump ass cheeks to you.
  29. >While AJ can’t hold herself together any longer, holding her stomach in a fit of laughter, your brain is once again too slow to comprehend what’s going on, instead now putting all of your mental strength into gawking at Pinkie’s behind.
  30. >Before you lie two round and juicy pillows, framed by a thin and lacy black thong.
  31. >Pinkie’s slightly curvy figure is amplified by her bent-over position, putting even more emphasis on her deliciously thick ass.
  32. >Her creamy thighs run down in a well-rounded and squishy curve toward her petite, sneaker-clad and slightly spread-apart feet.
  33. >Even though her choice of underwear leaves little to imagine, it does hide her most private parts, only giving you a playful hint of the soft, puffy parts beneath it.
  34. >In contrast to your head, your lower half is quicker to react and you try to subtly shift position as to not be too obvious about it.
  35. >The exposed girl turns her head to look back at you, her cheeks - surprisingly visible despite her natural complexion - a hot, bright shade of pink.
  36. >Still, true to her usual demeanor, Pinkie sports a smug grin, the uncomfortable position you’re in not lost on her.
  37. >”Hope you like what you see, Nonny,” she winks, as she gives her butt the slightest hint of a shake, making her lower cheeks jiggle just a tiny bit with the motion.
  38. >And as quick as she started, Pinkie pulls her skirt back down, rises up and once again stands before you with a grin and a look of innocence that makes you question if what you just witnessed actually happened.
  39. >”Alright, that should do it. Be sure to keep that image in mind, Nonny! It might come in handy later.”
  40. >”See ya, Anon. Hope you can appreciate your luck.”
  41. >Another wink is followed by a small wave, as both girls turn to leave the room.
  42. >You sit in silence for a few more minutes, waiting for your heart to stop pounding and the giant smile to leave your face again.
  45. >You are Anon and it’s been about a week since Pinkie Pie had been compelled to show you what was basically her naked butt.
  46. >And even though you’d like to think of yourself as not a total loser, it’s not surprising that such a thing is not exactly business as usual.
  47. >The image of her round, plump ass has certainly left its mark in your mind, forcing you to balance between excitement and awkwardness whenever she was around.
  48. >Attempts of trying to convince yourself that it wasn’t even that big of a deal have only been mildly effective.
  49. >A harmless wager tied off with a slightly daring debt of which you just happened to be lucky enough to be on the receiving end at.
  50. >Happens all the time, right?
  51. >And so, you sit above your government-issued tray of food during lunch break, once again contemplating if speaking to Pinkie about the incident would help you put this whole thing behind you quicker.
  52. >”Hey, don’t space out on me, dude!”
  53. “Hmm…?”
  54. >An irritated-looking Rainbow Dash points her fork at you from across the table.
  55. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
  56. >”About what?” she inquires sharply.
  57. >It’s not at all uncommon for you to sit with Dash during lunch, and even though she and her friends are usually a tight-knit association, they know each other well enough to realize everyone needing some distance from the core group once in a while.
  58. >The rest just kind of happened on its own, resulting from a similar range of interests and a great deal of classes you shared with her; and before the two of you knew, you had become pretty good friends.
  59. “Oh, you know – homework, assignments, upcoming tests – the usual.”
  60. >”Yeah, seems like we’ve been getting quite the workload recently.”
  61. >Apparently satisfied with your explanation, Rainbow lets up and continues wolfing down her lunch.
  62. >Where does that girl put all that food?
  63. >Your slightly disgusted expression does not go overlooked.
  64. >”Whaf? Ah need ta eaf ta keep ma strengf up,” she manages to choke out, cheeks filled to the rafters with meatloaf.
  65. “You’re a pig, Dash,” you chuckle and she responds by giving you a big, toothy grin.
  66. “You even managed to take down Pinkie in an eating contest. That’s insane.”
  67. >Rainbow stops chewing, magenta eyes fixed on yours, and after a few seconds of mutual staring, you realize what topic you just breached.
  68. >Of course it’s no secret to her who Pinkie revealed her backside to, but up until now it seemed the two of you were in silent and mutual agreement not to bring it up.
  69. >So much for that.
  70. >It takes Dash a considerable amount of effort, but she manages to gulp down the food in her mouth, following up with a big sip from her glass of water.
  71. >”So, uh… since you’re broaching THAT subject, I gotta ask.”
  72. >She leans across the table, her eyes still searching yours, motioning for you to mirror her action and get closer.
  73. >A discreet look to both sides that makes you wonder if you’re about to discuss something illegal, and Rainbow speaks up again.
  74. >”Did she actually show you her ass?”
  75. >The question is whispered, clearly embarrassing for the girl to ask as is evident in her quickly reddening face.
  76. “Yes.”
  77. >You answer quickly and as nonchalantly as possible, trying to divert from your own cheeks heating up at the confrontation.
  78. >”That slut!”
  79. >Rainbow pulls back, slamming her hands on the table with a bit more force than necessary.
  80. >”I can’t believe she actually did it.”
  81. >She’s smiling, but you can see something else in her expression too.
  82. >Concern?
  83. “It’s not that big a deal, really.”
  84. >”I’m sure it’s not,” she grins smugly, arms crossed in front to her chest.
  85. “Really. It was like two seconds, I barely even saw anything. Don’t worry about this too much, Dash.”
  86. >”Yeah, yeah, I bet she let you have a real nice look. Probably wore her tightest pair of panties too.”
  87. >A small jolt of excitement runs down your spine as you force yourself to refrain from reaching for a napkin and wipe the slowly accumulating sweat from your forehead.
  88. >A hopeful look towards the giant clock at the end of the hall tells you it’s about five minutes until the end of lunch and your salvation from the awkwardness of this conversation.
  89. “Look, let’s just forget about this thing and focus on actually finishing our lunch in time, okay? I don’t want to talk about this any more than you do.”
  90. >Rainbow is not convinced, instead now angrily stuffing her face with more meatloaf.
  91. >”Sure, YOU would like to forget about this. It’s not like YOU were called out by her or anything.”
  92. “What?”
  93. >”What?”
  94. >Her head jerks upwards, her gaze jumping from the contents of her plate to your face, strands of coiffured, polychromatic hair whipping with the sudden flick.
  95. “What?”
  96. >”Nothing!”
  97. “What did you mean?”
  98. >”Nothing.”
  99. “Come on.”
  100. >”No.”
  101. “Dash.”
  102. >”…”
  103. >With a sigh, you lean back in your chair, getting ready to leave the table.
  104. “Fine.”
  105. >It’s about time to start heading to class anyway, so you might as well be there early if Dash doesn’t want to talk anymore.
  106. >It’s biology next period, so you’ll have to swing by your locker to get some books.
  107. >You’re halfway out of your chair as you feel a small but surprisingly strong hand grip your wrist.
  108. >To your surprise, an embarrassed-looking Rainbow Dash is motioning for you to sit back down again.
  109. >”Fine, I’ll tell you.”
  110. >Her voice is back to a whisper.
  111. >”But don’t you dare laugh.”
  112. >You nod, still not entirely sure what all this is even about.
  113. >”So, the other day Pinkie Pie told us about how she settled her debt and apparently AJ was there for it to make sure she wasn’t lying.”
  114. >Nodding again, you push the images of a laughing Applejack next to Pinkies jiggling ass out of your mind.
  115. “Yeah, she was with her.”
  116. >”I know she was,” Rainbow hisses, trying her hardest not to let her voice rise up above the chatter of the slowly clearing cafeteria.
  117. >”So… I kinda told Pinkie that what she did wasn’t even that big of a deal and that anyone could do something like that.”
  118. >You raise an eyebrow, fighting to keep yourself from grinning as to not upset her any more than she already is.
  119. “Why?”
  120. >”I don’t know, I thought she was lying anyway. So she called me out and dared me to do it, if it was that easy.”
  121. “So don’t, what’s the problem?”
  122. >”Anon, I HAVE to do it now. I wasn’t going to because I was convinced she didn’t either, but now that I now she did…”
  123. >Her voice falters, realization of what she’s gotten herself into dawning on her.
  124. >Even though you feel for your friend, you have to admit it’s quite refreshing seeing her out of her debt for once, head buried in her arms on top of the table.
  125. >Still, she’s your friend.
  126. >And you should be trying to help her right now.
  127. “I mean, it’s not that big a deal if you think about it, right? You said so yourself. Plenty of people see you in your gym short during the running competitions and that’s never bothered you.”
  128. >”…”
  129. “Just go up to someone, flash him real quick and get away. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle this. I’m here if you need me.”
  130. >Rainbow raises her head, her almost unnaturally bright eyes slowly creeping over the edge of her arms.
  131. >”So… you’ll help me then?”
  132. “Of course.”
  133. >You try to look as reassuring as possible.
  134. “We’re friends.”
  135. >”Yeah…”
  136. >She gives you a smile, her usual energy quickly returning to her.
  137. >”Okay, so meet me after school behind the gym. We’ll get it over with and tomorrow I’ll call Pinkie out on being the biggest slut of them all!”
  138. >Jumping up and out of her chair, she quickly makes to leave with the stream of people now exiting the hall.
  139. “Wait, what?”
  140. >”Huh?”
  141. >A confused look crosses her face, looking back over her shoulder towards you.
  142. “What are you talking about?”
  143. >”Uh… about, you know… showing you my butt and all.”
  144. “ME?”
  145. >”Yes, YOU!” she hisses, cheeks puffed and face red.
  146. “Why me?”
  147. >”Because it has to be you. Pinkie showed you hers, so now I gotta follow up. Besides…”
  148. >She fidgets with her hands.
  149. >”I don’t really have anyone else to ask. So see you later, be punctual!”
  150. >With that, Rainbow disappears into the crowd, leaving you to sit alone at the table trying to make sense of what just happened.
  152. >It’s ten minutes after final bell, and once again you’d rather not be yourself right now.
  153. >Sticking to the instructions given to you, you’ve quickly made your way towards the back of the gym where a nervous Rainbow Dash was already waiting for you.
  154. >”Okay, are you ready?”
  155. >Her voice is higher and faster than usual and you can see her hands shaking despite the fists she’s balled them into.
  156. “To be honest, not really. I’m not sure if this is such a good idea, Dash.”
  157. >”Yeah well, tough shit, here we go.”
  158. >With a quick motion, Rainbow spins in place, slightly bending forward in the process.
  159. >Like always, she’s wearing a light jacket and a pair of tight-fitting, black running shorts.
  160. >Hiking up her jacket to reveal the skin of her lower back, she proceeds to hook her thumbs into the elastic of her shorts and pulls them down under her butt in a swift jerk, offering you a view of her exposed and slightly pushed out backside.
  161. >Unlike Pinkie’s, hers is slimmer, more toned and all in all more petite.
  162. >A tightly-cut pair of red panties accentuates her creamy pale skin and hugs her round cheeks.
  163. >Where Pinkie’s looked soft and squishy, Rainbow’s backside is looking firm and muscular, yet curvy enough to punctuate on her her seldom-shown femininity.
  164. >You catch the sparkle of a pair of magenta eyes looking back your way.
  165. >She’s biting the corner of her lower lip lightly, attentively searching your expression for any hint of emotion.
  166. >Apparently satisfied with the grin you give, she quickly gives herself a slap on the right cheek, leaving a hint of red in form of her hand and quickly pulls her shorts back up afterwards.
  167. >”Alright, that’s all you’re getting, perv.”
  168. “I’m the perv? You’re the one who couldn’t wait to show me your ass, Dash.”
  169. >”Shut up!” she chuckles, giving you a playful if forceful punch on the arm.
  170. >Surprisingly free of awkwardness, the two of you return to the school proper and quickly make to leave.
  171. >”Since I showed you my butt, you’ll have to buy me an ice cream on the way home now!”
  172. “Yeah, yeah.”
  175. “Seriously Trixie, it’s Friday afternoon and all I want to do is go home and watch some TV. You wouldn’t believe the week I’ve been having.”
  176. >You are Anon and you’ve had just about enough of this.
  177. >Not only did two of your friends suddenly decide it would be cool to show you some extra saucy portions of skin, but apparently the rumor about it has spread to other people too now.
  178. >As if you didn’t have enough to deal with already, now you got guys coming out the wazoo trying to get some juicy bits of information and what can only be described as lewd narratives of the events in question.
  179. >Or wanting to congratulate you, subtly poking if these hearsays are actually true.
  180. >Flash straight up high fived you in the hallway, gave you the double thumbs up and asked if you happened to have your cellphone handy for the events.
  181. >”You know, for documentary purposes,” he had grinned.
  182. >Prick.
  183. >Reactions from the girls have been mixed, ranging from disgust over doubt to open amazement at your rumored bravado.
  184. >Dash has been avoiding you, whether because of embarrassment or self-preservation you don’t even know anymore.
  185. >She seemed cool with it at the time.
  186. >All in all, it hasn’t been the most relaxed kind of week, with the glowing silver lining of weekend the only thing keeping you going for the past two days.
  187. >And now, with that finally in reach, another annoyance, taking the form of a blue-tainted, boastful girl obsessed with self-narrating her presence to anyone she’s in contact with, has decided to rain on your parade.
  188. >”Trixie is stunned by the lack of appreciation you’re showing at her generous gesture to stay behind and talk to you. You would be wise to indulge her by being more excited.”
  189. >Something about the way she talks sends shivers down your spine, just rubbing you the wrong way.
  190. >Mentally already preparing yourself for your two days away from all these crazy people, you try to respond in the most monotone manner you can muster, displaying your absolute lack of interest in her shenanigans.
  191. “What do you want?”
  192. >Flustered, Trixie puts her hands on her hips, displeased by your failure to play along.
  193. >”Not that you deserve it, but Trixie has come to give you a chance at explaining yourself.”
  194. “Excuse me?”
  195. >”You know, Anonymous, there has been quite the amount of distasteful rumors going around. Rumors concerning you and some other students. Trixie is actually rather disgusted.”
  196. “Yeah well, get in line.”
  197. >With that, you push your locker door closed, turn around and begin to walk away from Trixie, and with her from everything you just can’t be expected to deal with anymore right now.
  198. >About three steps into your escape, you’re stopped by a set of delicate blue fingers on your shoulder.
  199. >This bitch.
  200. >”Tell Trixie,” she commands.
  201. >”Tell her if you forced those girls to expose themselves before you, you creepy pervert.”
  202. >You don’t know what, but something about the words she chooses and the tone in her voice manages to snap the last bit of your patience, and before you even see anything else than white hot flashes in your vision, you abruptly spin around and grab her upper arms.
  203. “Trixie.”
  204. >To your surprise, the girl seems much more prepared for your reaction than expected, quickly giving you an impetuous shove in the chest and freeing herself from your grip.
  205. >Maybe this was her objective all along.
  206. >To make you lose your calm.
  207. >”Tell Trixie!” she demands once more, her eyes sternly searching for yours.
  208. “Fine! You want to know what happened? It’s true.”
  209. >”Trixie knew it!”
  210. >Her voice carries pride in having accomplished her goal of subduing you as well as her usual arrogance.
  211. >”And she thought better of you, Anonymous.”
  212. “It’s not like I MADE them do it, for God’s sake. They just keep making stupid bets and dares, forcing each other to moon me. ”
  213. >Your outburst is a little more angry than planned, but still manages to shut Trixie up.
  214. “You’re all crazy! And somehow I’m supposed to be at fault for all this. There’s not much I can do when they just suddenly pull down their pants. And you know what: I LIKED it. They’ve got great asses. I can hardly stop myself from thinking about it.”
  215. >Wait what?
  216. >You didn’t plan on saying that last bit.
  217. >You don’t even really feel that way, do you?
  218. >Well, to be fair, both Pinkie’s and Rainbow’s cheeks have been haunting you for a while now.
  219. >And certain parts of your body seemed to enjoy it every time.
  220. >While you’re still working on sorting out your thoughts, Trixie seems to have regained her composure.
  221. >She speaks, albeit quieter and more serene.
  222. >”They did it on their own?”
  223. “Yes.”
  224. >”You didn’t force them to?”
  225. “No.”
  226. >For a few seconds, you and Trixie just stand silently, the awkwardness of the conversation finally getting to both of you.
  227. >You’re about to try and make your escape for the third time that day when the girl speaks.
  228. >”Well, this puts things in a new light.”
  229. >She’s even quieter now, barely rising above a whisper.
  230. “How?” you ask, as you again begin walking to get out of school and finally make it to your home, not really concerned with her answer anymore.
  231. >”Anonymous, wait!”
  232. >Nope.
  233. >Not again.
  234. >Not today.
  235. >In about fifteen minutes you’ill sit on your couch, beer in hand, frozen pizza in the oven and getting ready to marathon the trashiest Anime you can find on nyaa to thoroughly purge your mind from this week.
  236. >Something with big-breasted and flatly-written characters solely existing to pander to their out-of-touch viewership.
  237. >You can already see some green-haired girl with way to many sparkles in her eyes telling Onee-chan he’s feeling up the wrong hole.
  238. >But again, reality catches up to you in the form of an angry yell down the hall.
  239. >”Wait, Trixie can’t let this stand!”
  240. >Huh?
  241. >Perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps simply out of shock, you turn your head once more to find a surprisingly angry Trixie stomping back towards you.
  242. >”The Great and Powerful Trixie is the most daring girl in this school and she will not sit by and let some random floozies upstage her.”
  243. >Call it intuition, but you already know where this is going.
  244. “No!”
  245. >Your command does nothing to stop the girl or even lessen her vigor.
  246. “I swear, if you’re about to do what I think you are…”
  247. >”Trixie will show you what a daredevil she is!”
  248. >Both hands stretched out to stop her, you try and order her one last time.
  249. “Show me your butt and you’ll regret it, Trixie! I mean it, you crazy bitch! I won’t stand for this anymore.”
  250. >”Give me your best shot, stud, and marvel at Trixie’s unparalleled body.”
  251. >You don’t get in any other words.
  252. >Having finally caught up with you, the blue girl sporting the red face pulls down her tight pair of yoga pants all the way to her ankles.
  253. >Hello darkness my old friend.
  254. >While a small part of your mind is rightfully questioning your heterosexuality, the larger part is busy once again sucking in the sight before you.
  255. >And true to her word, Trixie offers a sight to behold.
  256. >Where the other girls simply showed you their backsides, she is still facing you, her pants now in a small, crumpled-up ball to her feet.
  257. “Trixie…”
  258. >This can’t be happening.
  259. “…you’re not wearing panties.”
  260. >”Of course Trixie isn’t wearing panties, you daft moron. How could she be the single most daring individual in school if she did?”
  261. >Did she plan for this?
  262. >You don’t even hear her angry bickering anymore.
  263. >Your cognition is completely focused on one thing.
  264. >The tiny, neatly-trimmed strip of blue heir between her thighs.
  265. >”Trixie sees her utterly lewd body has left you speechless,” she boasts, an unnaturally big grin on her face.
  266. >Her figure is indeed stunning, wide hips giving way to creamy and curvy thighs.
  267. >She’s definitely in shape, but not nearly as much as Dash.
  268. >And even though your THICK senses are tingling, her roundness is a bit more subtle than Pinkie’s.
  269. >Something tells you she doesn’t have to work all that hard to keep her figure, instead working with what she’s got and emphasizing on her features.
  270. >Her delicious, naked-from-the-waist-down features, such as the slight gap of air between her closed thighs or the puffiness of her mons, just barely visible from your point of view.
  271. >”Now behold her Great and Powerful ASS!”
  272. “I’m serious, don’t!”
  273. >Trixie turns around and bends at the waist, pushing her juicy butt out towards you.
  274. >Jesus.
  275. >It’s plump, round and perfectly peach-shaped, and where Rainbow’s and Pinkie’s underwear had playfully concealed, Trixie offers you a view of her flower with a smile on her lips.
  276. >It looks squishy and is just the slightest bit opened.
  277. “That’s it, I’ve warned you, you crazy slut.”
  278. >Despite your excitement and the hardening sensation in your own groin, you have to set a signal here.
  279. >You can’t let this happen, lest you’ll be branded as the school pervert for the rest of your life.
  280. >Taking a confident pace forwards, you step behind Trixie and raise your right hand.
  281. >And bring it down on her ass cheek with a thunderous crack.
  282. >The delicious and satisfying sound is only made sweeter by the surprised yelp escaping the girl’s lips.
  283. >Yet she remains in her position, unwavering in her effort despite her quickly reddening flesh.
  284. >Again, you give her ass a hearty slap, this time eliciting a sharp gasp.
  285. >”More! Give Trixie more!” she pants, seemingly lost in bliss.
  286. >How crazy is she really?
  287. >She’s actually enjoying this.
  288. >Not one to step down from a challenge, you continue to slap her cheeks around, ignoring the now painful erection in your pants as well as the series of pants, moans and mewls coming from Trixie.
  289. >”Play with Trixie’s pussy. Please…” she begs, making you slightly rub around her opening.
  290. >”Ahh!”
  291. >You quickly find a pace, alternating between spanking and caressing her cheeks and playing with her labia.
  292. “How do you like this, huh?”
  293. >”The Grrrreat and Powerful Trixie is unaffected by your subpar skills at- hhnng.”
  294. >You interrupt her pressing your thumb just below her asshole.
  295. >”Trixies is- ahh.”
  296. >”Trixie…”
  297. >Feeling the wetness on your fingers growing, you begin to pump into her slit with hard and fast motions while kneading the entrance to her upper hole, drawing the last breaths and coherent sentences from the arrogant slut.
  298. >She’s moaning heavily now, soaking your fingers in fluid and grinding her ass against your motions, trying to take in as much of you as she can muster.
  299. >You can feel how close she is.
  300. >”Trix- Trixie is… cumming.”
  301. >As if on cue, Trixie’s legs begin to shake as her pussy tightens and spasms around your fingers.
  302. >You help guide her down, her legs no longer able to support her weight.
  303. >Lying on the floor, she’s panting heavily, a dopey smile settling on her face.
  304. >Your dick is throbbing, but you managed to keep it in your pants and away from her glistening and inviting opening.
  305. >Something inside you is angry at yourself for that, but even though you wanted nothing else than to slam into her and make her subjugate to your meat, something tells you that that would’ve been overstepping your limits.
  306. >Instead, you watch the blue-skinned girl slowly regain her breath, her purple eyes just now managing to focus on you again.
  307. >”That was… that was great.”
  308. >It seems the previous static between you two has been washed away some by Trixie’s orgasm.
  309. >”Thanks, you creepy weirdo,” she exhales while getting herself up.
  310. “No problem, you fat-assed slut.”
  311. >And before you can regret your earlier decision of restraint, you turn and leave for the final time of the day.
  312. >But not before receiving a small, embarrassed peck of a kiss on your cheek.
  315. >You are Anon and you’re currently too drunk to care anymore.
  316. >It’s still Friday and – barring an unforeseen run-in with what you now realize was a repressed sexual deviant – you’ve stayed true to your word and used the evening to thoroughly withdraw from everything.
  317. >Having gotten tired of staring at your phone, it’s blinking LED undoubtedly informing you of new unread messages filled with either insults or threats, you’d decided to shut the damn thing off a couple of hours ago and thus completing your separation from the outside world.
  318. >The whole of your reality is now stuffed inside this room, consisting of your soft and comfy couch, a widescreen TV and as much alcohol as you felt comfortable getting without running the risk of seriously fucking up your weekend.
  319. >For you, everything else might as well be dead right now.
  320. >”Kyaa~~! Senpai, that’s the wrong donut hole!”
  321. >You chuckle, emptying the contents of another bottle with a quick and practiced swig.
  322. >The brown container joins its defeated brethren on the coffee table, immediately replaced by a new and invitingly cold surrogate.
  323. >Your modus operandi has been pretty much the same for the past hours, resulting in a by now sufficiently sauced Anonymous about to fall into the welcoming abyss of dreamless, alcohol-induced coma.
  324. >To be fair, you might have overdone it with the booze a bit, but you felt you needed it nonetheless.
  325. >This week has just been too shitty.
  326. >Getting up from your sofa, you fumble for the TV remote and – after a few false starts – manage to hit the circular red button and turn off the screen.
  327. >Fighting the urge to sit back down again and collapse, you stumble in the direction of the bathroom, taking the half-finished beer bottle with you.
  328. >It takes a little longer than usual, but you manage to find your way there, pull down your pants and successfully aim well enough to do your business without creating a mess your future self would scold you for having to clean up.
  329. >You flush, take another sip of beer and search for the little yellow plastic bottle of painkillers you keep in one of the cabinets.
  330. >Might as well take one now and save yourself the brunt of the hangover tomorrow.
  331. >Crunching down on the white, featureless pill and letting its bitter flavor bloom on your tongue, you wash it down with the last of the contents of your bottle for good measure.
  332. >You look into the mirror.
  333. >A tired face with heavy bags below glassy eyes looks back.
  334. >Not your proudest moment.
  335. >And you’re ready to tie it off with a nice ten-hour nap.
  336. >You’re two steps out of the bathroom and on the way to your bed when a knock on the door interrupts your drunken stupor.
  337. >You stop, another knock echoing through your apartment, and squint at the clock.
  338. >Who the hell is banging at your door at one in the morning?
  339. >Fuck it, you’ll just go to bed.
  340. >Whoever it is, they’ll get the message.
  341. >You’ve almost reached the bedroom when the knocking rises up once more, now swelling into a continuous series of bangs and thumps.
  342. >Come on…
  343. >Like you need to deal with this too.
  344. >Letting out a sigh, you turn around and make your back way to the front door.
  345. “Alright, alright, calm the fuck down.”
  346. >You pull back the chain and turn the handle.
  347. “This better be good, what the fuck is-”
  348. >Oh, what fresh hell is this?
  349. >”H-hey, Anon…”
  350. “Dash?”
  351. >Rainbow is standing at your door, a black hoody shielding her from the cool of the hallway and covering most of her form.
  352. >”How’s it going?” she asks, unable to keep her obvious nervousness out of her voice.
  353. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
  354. >You slur the words out, partly due to your annoyance and partly because of the generous amount of alcohol making its way through your bloodstream.
  355. >Even though you usually don’t mind the girl, right now you really don’t want to see her.
  356. >”I was just, you know…”
  357. >You raise an eyebrow.
  358. >”I was in the area. Thought I’d drop in.”
  359. “It’s not a good time, Rainbow.”
  360. >You’re too tired for this.
  361. >Too tired to argue, too tired to call her out on her bullshit, too tired to keep shivering in this freezing hallway instead of sleeping the sleep of the blissfully dead.
  362. “So, if you’ll excuse me.”
  363. >You begin to shut the door in your friends face only to be stopped by a surprising amount of resistance in the form of a blue hand on the outer handle.
  364. >”Dude, come on! Let me in, what is this?”
  365. “Go away, I’m not in the mood.”
  366. >”Anon, let me in!”
  367. >For a few seconds, the two of you struggle for control of the door, before Rainbow makes you lose your grip.
  368. >”I’m worried about you and I’m not going to leave.”
  369. >The handle slips from your fingers, followed by an agile Rainbow Dash wedging herself between the door and its frame and shimmying herself into your apartment.
  370. >She closes the door behind her with a barely audible click.
  371. “Fine, you know what? Do what you must, I don’t even care.”
  372. >Muttering, you begin to make your way to your bed again.
  373. >If Rainbow wants to stay here that’s fine with you, all you care about is falling asleep at this point.
  374. >You make it about halfway into the living room when your drunkenness finally catches up with you.
  375. >Your vision has beer blurry for a while now and the new sensation of the room shaking and spinning around you forces you to sit down on the couch lest you fall flat on your face next to the coffee table.
  376. >You sit for a minute, waiting for the world to line itself up with your brain again, when you feel a warm weight settling on the upholstery next to you.
  377. >You look towards your left, a pair of bright magenta eyes staring back through the haze of your vision.
  378. “M’fine, Dash. Jus a little drunk ish all.”
  379. >She’s unconvinced.
  380. “Needed to get a load on an’ I did. So y’can-”
  381. >”I’m sorry.”
  382. >You blink.
  383. “You sorry for showin’ me your ass?”
  384. >Even in your current state, you manage to crack a smile.
  385. >”I’m sorry for keeping away from you these past days.”
  386. “Yea? Well thanks fo that. A lotta good that’s gonna do now.”
  387. >”I’m serious!” she spits out angrily.
  388. >”I don’t know why I did it but somehow they all started talking about it and I didn’t know what to do and then they all asked me and your phone was off and I thought maybe-“
  389. >She stops herself ranting, a sharp choke of a breath catching in her lungs.
  390. >”I’m sorry, Anon.”
  391. >You stare at her a little longer.
  392. “…Ish fine, Dashie.”
  393. >You’re realizing you’re not just telling her what she wants to hear.
  394. >You’re not mad at her.
  395. >You can understand her reasoning, separating herself from you for self-protection and as to not start more rumors.
  396. >”Really?”
  397. >You nod, your head suddenly feeling sluggish and heavy.
  398. >You can barely keep your eyes open as you begin slumping back into the comfort of your couch.
  399. “Y’my friend an’ I like you an’ you have a nice ass…”
  400. >It’s fine.
  401. >It’ll be fine.
  402. >Letting your head drop onto Rainbows shoulder, the last thing you feel is the cozy warmth radiating from her body and the sensation of her hair tickling your face before you drift into the pleasant void of sleep.
  405. >You place the last of your books on the shelf inside your locker and push the door closed, the metallic sound echoing in the empty hallway.
  406. >Another school day is about to be over.
  407. >And all things considered it’s been a rather normal one.
  408. >Sure, you got the occasional disapproving glance thrown your way but that’s nothing unusual.
  409. >Apart from that you can’t remember anything – no passing girls whispering things to each other under their breaths, no school whiteknights shaking their heads at you and – most of all – no psychopathic bitches trying to expose their fleshy bits.
  410. >Rainbow had been sitting with you for lunch, which is a plus also.
  411. >All in all it looks like the swarm consciousness of the school’s populace is starting to forget about you, shifting its focus to more important and current matters.
  412. >Like the emerging reports of a love confession behind the gym the other day or a certain incident involving a slightly wall-eyed student accidentally misplacing her pants during lunch break, for which you sadly weren’t present.
  413. >So yeah, seems like the great wheel continues to turn, slowly pushing you and your tales of indecency below the shadow of the horizon.
  414. >It’s late afternoon and it looks like your extracurricular activities have kept you here longer than most of the others students again.
  415. >The warm orange light of the slowly setting sun is flooding through the windows, drawing out lingering shadows on the linoleum floor.
  416. >Turning a corner, your eyes fall on a door.
  417. >It’s slightly ajar, allowing the hard artificial light and the multiple voices from behind it to reach you.
  418. >Even though it’s nothing too unusual to see students still in at this time of day – with the amount of afterschool clubs and activities offered being plenty and comprehensive – you can’t help yourself but be curious as to who exactly is in there.
  419. >They say curiosity killed the cat, don’t they?
  420. >Eh, last time you checked, you weren’t a feline, so you should be fine.
  421. >Getting closer to the open door, the volume of the voices coming from behind it increases.
  422. >”-can’t believe you’re that stupid!”
  423. >”Yeah well, you better believe it!”
  424. >You continue to sneak forward.
  425. >Sounds like students arguing with each other.
  426. >Female students.
  427. >”Okay! How about we… turn it this way?”
  428. >”I can’t believe I’m friends with you.”
  429. >You pick up the sounds of rustling paper.
  430. >”Oh yeah?”
  431. >”Yeah!”
  432. >You should leave.
  433. >Now.
  434. >Seriously, Anon, you know better than this.
  435. >Don’t peek in.
  436. >You peek inside the room, being careful not to disturb the door or make any sound that would give you away.
  437. >”Girls, let’s just throw this one out and start over.”
  438. >”Oh my god, are you serious?”
  439. >”For realsies.”
  440. >You’re close enough to see who’s inside now, making out three figures you wouldn’t have expected to be here at this hour.
  441. >”This is the THIRD one! I’m not going to-”
  442. >Three sets of eyes turn towards you as you clumsily stumble into the door.
  443. >”HEY!”
  445. >Shit.
  446. >At least you can’t say you didn’t see this one coming, can you?
  447. >Maybe you should learn to listen to yourself once in a while.
  448. >”You’re Anon, right? What are you doing here spying on people?”
  449. >Aria, Sonata and Adagio walk closer to you.
  450. “I was- I was just-”
  451. >”Shut it!” Adagio commands, anger clear in her voice.
  452. >”I guess the rumors about you were true. You are a pervert after all.”
  453. “Come on, I’m not a pervert. I was just…”
  454. >Well they DID catch you eavesdropping, significantly lowering your chances of talking yourself out of this one.
  455. “What are you guys doing here?” you ask, trying to shift the topic in a more neutral direction and diverting attention from your intrusion.
  456. >”Uh!” Sonata pipes up.
  457. >”We were in the middle of designing our banner for the band tryouts next week.”
  458. >She does a sweeping gesture around the room, making you follow her movements with your eyes.
  459. >Looking around, you take notice of the various scattered arts and crafts utensils.
  460. >Paints, brushes and scissors of various sizes are dispersed among heaps of colorful paper and cut-out letters.
  461. >A big, beige-colored poster is lying in the middle of the workspace, an array of notes and instruments drawn onto it along with the unfinished slogan ‘WELCOME TO THE BAND TRYO’.
  462. >Seems like the creators made the letters too big and ran out of space for the remaining three.
  463. >Two similarly failed precursors – one with a spelling error and one missing a word from the slogan – have been abandoned in the corner.
  464. >”Somehow we keep messing up,” she adds with a grin.
  465. >”We keep messing up because YOU’RE in charge of the writing, Sonata.”
  466. >Aria looks about ready to slap the blue-haired girl.
  467. >”Well maybe I could concentrate on writing more, if I wouldn’t be CRITICIZED for every little thing all the time!”
  468. >Both of then continue to yell at each other, with Adagio the only of the trio who doesn’t seem like she’s forgotten your presence.
  469. >”Girls!”
  470. >Ceasing their bickering, the girls’ focus snaps back to their ringleader, who in turn stares you down with a quizzical expression.
  471. >”What are you doing here, Anon?”
  472. “I was about to leave and I noticed the door was open.”
  473. >You point back towards the ajar piece of woodwork.
  474. “And I wanted to check who’d still be here this late. So now that I have, I’ll just be on my way.”
  475. >As soon as the words come out of your mouth, Aria grabs your arm.
  476. >”I don’t believe you.”
  477. >Her face is uncomfortably close to yours.
  478. >”I bet you were sneaking around trying to creep on people.”
  479. >She’s whispering the words into your ear.
  480. >”Trying to see something…”
  481. >You can feel her hot breath tickle your ear, the sensation sending jolts of electricity down your spine.
  482. >”…naughty.”
  483. >Adagio steps up to you, her hips swaying generously with the motion.
  484. >She’s sporting a devious smile.
  485. >”Well, well Anon. It looks like we’ll just have to evaluate how much of a pervert you really are.”
  486. >Aria lets go of your arm only for Adagio to give you a heavy push to the chest, making you fall over backwards.
  487. >You land in a surprisingly soft cushioned chair Aria must have pulled from the corner just in time for you to not fall flat on your ass.
  488. >”So…”
  489. >Adagio keeps walking, only stopping when she lifts one of her legs over yours and sits down in your lap facing you.
  490. >”I hear you’ve got a thing for asses,” she breathes.
  491. >Aria moves her hands to rest on your shoulders from behind while Adagio continues her offense.
  492. >”Now what shall we do about that?”
  493. “I don’t-”
  494. >One of Adagio’s hands finds its way towards your crotch, stopping your ability to reasonable respond to her.
  495. >And what she feels is already standing at full attention.
  496. >”Ohhh.”
  497. >”So quick to get excited, this one. How about a little show then? Sonata, lift up your skirt!”
  498. >The third girl, who until was fine with just leaning against a table a few meters in front of you, jerks her head at the sudden call to attention.
  499. >”Eh?”
  500. >”Your skirt. Lift it up and show Anon here what a nice booty you’ve got.”
  501. >”B-but, Adagio…” Sonata whispers.
  502. >”I can’t do that.”
  503. >The golden-haired leader rolls her eyes, lifting herself up from to walk over to Sonata.
  504. >”Keep him occupied, Aria,” she winks.
  506. >As commanded, the slender hands on your shoulders begin snaking their way down your front, slowly but surely making for the button of your jeans.
  507. “Alright girls. This was fun and all, but that’s enough, right? Adagio?”
  508. >Instead of replying, Adagio proceeds to turn her attention towards a now clearly nervous Sonata.
  509. >”Turn around.”
  510. >”D-do I have to?”
  511. >Disregarding her fidgeting, the girl in charge firmly grabs Sonata by the shoulders, spinning her around.
  512. >”Yes, Sonata. You have to,” she grins.
  513. >In the meantime, Aria has made quick work of your zipper, now wrapping her slender fingers around the bulge in your shorts.
  514. >You could honestly just stand up and walk away – it’s not like any of the three could really overpower you and you doubt they’d even try – but something is keeping you glued to the chair.
  515. >Something primal.
  516. >Animalistic.
  517. >And you can’t help the moan escaping your lips when Aria finally pulls your erection free of its confines, quickly and forcefully grabbing the stiff shaft.
  518. >”Hey, look what I found. Looks like a penis, but smaller!” the girl teases as she begins to feel up your length.
  519. >”Now tell me, Anon…”
  520. >You can feel her breach on your ear again; her form wrapped around you from behind with her face so close to yours you can sense her radiating heat.
  521. >A quick jerk up and down your shaft makes you breathe in sharply.
  522. >”…do you want to get off?”
  523. >She’s got you right where she wants and she knows it; a shark in the water circling its prey, ready to sink rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth into soft flesh at the first sign of a wrong move.
  524. “Yes,” you press out through gritted teeth.
  525. >”Then you better enjoy the show,” she says as she begins stroking.
  526. >Looking towards Adagio and Sonata, you see the latter being bend over the table with a few well-placed pushes, putting her already slightly ridden-up signature mini skirt on full display.
  527. >The fabric is only covering about half of her ass by now, revealing two juicy cheeks below.
  528. >As Aria pumps up and down, Adagio finishes pulling the third girl’s skirt up.
  529. >”What do you think, Anon? Quite the sight to behold, right?”
  530. >She emphasizes her word with a quick slap to Sonata’s butt, making the round pillows jiggle slightly and eliciting a soft yelp from the girl.
  531. >Sonatas underwear consists of a small strip of fabric in form of a purple thong visibly outlining her mounds.
  532. >”Now how about we peek a little further?”
  533. >”Dagi, wait…”
  534. >The plea falls on deaf ears as Sonata’s thong is quickly pulled down to her knees.
  535. >”Mmmh, what a lewd pussy. Wouldn’t you agree, Anon?”
  536. >You can only stare, tranced by the sight of the glistening lips and Arias steadily increasing pace on your cock.
  537. >As if it wasn’t hard enough to try and stay focused with her admittedly well-applied technique, she now deliberately tries to make you lose your breath by adding small variations to the motion.
  538. >Sometimes her thumb is making a small rubbing motion on your head, other times she proceeds to lightly pinch your scrotum.
  539. >Her hands alternate between stroking, massaging your balls and sometimes stopping for a few seconds altogether, making you buck your hips slightly in an attempt to feel her hands again.
  540. >Your dick, as well as Arias hands, are quickly becoming slick with your precum.
  541. >You won’t be able to stand too much more of this.
  542. >Adagio licks her fingers, coating them in a glistening layer of saliva before putting two to Sonata’s entrance.
  543. >”Adagio, for realsies this is- ahh.”
  544. >Not being allowed to finish her sentence, she instead gets two of her friend’s fingers pushed inside of her.
  545. >”What’s that Sonata? I didn’t quite get that,” Adagio smirks as she starts pumping rapidly, quickly adding another finger to the motion.
  546. >”Something like ‘Please finger fuck my slutty pussy harder’? Well I’m happy to oblige.”
  547. >The girl with the blue ponytail can only moan in response, drooling with her face on the tabletop.
  548. >”Come on, show Anon how nice you can squirt.”
  549. >As Adagio once again quickens the pace, now using her second hand to rub Sonata’s clit, the fingers working your shaft also pick up.
  550. “Aria…”
  551. >You gasp the words out.
  552. “I’m close.”
  553. >”Good,” she whispers.
  554. >”You want to cum? Want to make a big, creamy mess all over the floor? Maybe we could get Sonata here to lick it all up afterwards, provided she can still stand up after Adagio is done with her.”
  555. “…”
  556. >”Then again, why go through the extra work.”
  557. >As your breathing picks up, so does Sonata’s.
  558. >You see her thighs getting weak as she drenches Adagios hands in her nectar, eliciting a giggle from the girl.
  559. >You’re about to join the orgasmic bliss, when Aria once again decides to stop her motion dead in its tracks.
  560. >This time however, she fully lets go of you, instead quickly stepping around and kneeling down between your legs.
  561. >She grins, eyeing your pulsating meat.
  562. >”Here we go.”
  563. >You feel your body slackening as Aria bends forward and takes your dick into her warm and wet mouth.
  564. >Unloading, you release strand after strand of thick cum while the girl expertly tries to suck you dry.
  565. >After a few seconds, she pulls back, slurping as much liquid as she can get without it spilling out of her mouth.
  566. >You cock falls onto your stomach, wet with saliva, cum and smeared lip gloss.
  567. >Grinning up at you, the girl gulps heavily, followed by an exhausted gasp for air.
  568. “Jesus.”
  569. >”All gone, see?”
  570. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  571. “You guys are crazy.”
  572. >To your surprise all three of them laugh at this.
  573. >Not a spiteful, manic cackle but actual girly giggling.
  574. >Well Sonata is more panting, her upper body still lying on the table, but she’s smiling, her fluids slowly trickling down the insides of her thighs.
  575. >”We’re not crazy,” Adagio states.
  576. >”Just passionate.”
  577. “No shit.”
  578. >You pull your underwear and pants back up over your rapidly softening erection and Adagio proceeds to roll Sonata’s panties back over her cheeks and pulls down her skirt in a rather bizarre display of affection.
  579. >You get the feeling this might not be something entirely uncommon for them, but are wise enough not to inquire.
  580. “So… can I go now?”
  581. >”Yes, Anon, you best get going. We’ve still got a poster to finish, right Sonata?”
  582. >”Mhm...”
  583. >You stand up, pulling the still kneeling Aria up with you.
  584. “Thanks, I guess?”
  585. >”No problem, stud,” she winks.
  586. >”Until next time.”

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