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The earth was warm,
The fields were green,
The soil was rich
Beneath the tree.
Far in the north,
Where no eyes gazed,
The stars grew cold
With whispers strange.
The dark of night,
The world was still,
The skies did hum
Winter's cold song.
Dreams turned to frost,
And winds like blades,
Crept into hearts,
With chill so deep.
❅ ❆ ❅
The earth grew soft,
So warm below,
It stirred and shook
Beneath the tread.
Mountains sighed loud,
And rivers moaned,
Something ancient
Woke in the north.
The wise ones saw,
In visions clear,
A land of white,
A world of snow.
None could tell how
This call to frost
Had grown so strong—
A yearning cold.
❅ ❆ ❅
The fields once green,
With songs of spring,
Now whispered low,
Of changing times.
The roots grew cold,
The soil turned hard,
The north began
To call them forth.
No call was heard,
No banners raised,
Yet hooves did turn
To distant peaks.
Through forests dark,
Through rivers wide,
The march began,
Silent and sure.
❅ ❆ ❅
It was one alone,
A chieftain wise,
Whose dreams were filled
With winter's light.
Her name was Cirrus Wisp,
A mare of strength,
Who heard the stars
And knew their song.
One night she saw,
In crystal clear,
The Great White Land
Beyond their reach.
The way was hard,
The winds were fierce,
No pony crossed
Without great price.
❅ ❆ ❅
In dreams she stood
At the veil’s edge,
Where stars hung low,
And skies gleamed white.
A shadow rose,
A force unknown,
Before her path,
It barred her way.
"Come forth, dreamer,"
The shadow called,
"Beyond this veil
Lies cold and storm.
But those who pass
Must pay the toll,
For winter takes
What warmth has made."
❅ ❆ ❅
The chieftains met,
At dawn's first light,
With hearts of doubt,
But eyes like ice.
The earth was warm,
Yet stirred with fear,
For something far
Had made its claim.
Cirrus spoke out,
Of stars and snow,
Of visions cold
From northern lights.
"The north is harsh,
Its light a call,
But every step
Will test our fate."
❅ ❆ ❅
In distant north,
Where stars grow cold,
The Veil awoke,
Its will untold.
It hummed and shook
With ancient might,
For snowbound lands
Demand their right.
The Veil was thin,
A wall of light,
That shimmered bright
With frost in flight.
No pony knew
Its full true form,
But all could feel
Its chilling call.
❅ ❆ ❅
The Veil called out
To those who dreamed,
Not with warm words,
Nor voice of peace.
Its voice was wind,
Its song was wild,
And those who came
Would face its test.
With hearts of doubt,
Yet hooves of strength,
The ponies marched
To lands afar.
Cirrus led forth,
Her gaze like steel,
For she had seen
The northern stars.
❅ ❆ ❅
Through forests dark,
Through rivers wide,
They ventured forth
In silent step.
The nights grew long,
The winds blew sharp,
And frost began
To bite their coats.
At last they came
Unto the Veil,
A wall of mist,
Of snow and light.
But as they neared,
The winds grew fierce,
And shadows danced
In Veil's cold glow.
❅ ❆ ❅
From mists emerged
A figure dark,
With eyes of ice,
And voice of stone.
It spoke to them
With winter's breath,
A voice that froze
Their beating hearts.
"No hoof shall cross
This frozen veil,
For ancient laws
Its ancient claim.
You seek the land
Where stars grow still,
But frost’s cold gifts
Must match your will."
❅ ❆ ❅
One by one,
The ponies stood,
Their breath like frost,
Their hearts unsure.
Cirrus stepped forth
With steady hoof,
And faced the shade
At winter's gate.
"I seek the frost,
And know there's cost,
Yet speak your terms—
What must be lost?"
The shadow smiled,
Its grin like ice,
"For you, the price
Is what you were."
❅ ❆ ❅
One by one,
They stepped through frost,
Through veil of mist,
Into the cold.
As they crossed,
Their coats grew thick,
Their hooves turned light,
Their hearts like snow.
The earth they knew
Was left behind,
And winter's breath
Now filled their veins.
No longer bound
To field and stone,
They became stars,
Of frost and wind.
❅ ❆ ❅
Their eyes shone bright
With winter's light,
Their manes like ice,
Their hooves like frost.
They had become
What stars foretold—
The Frostmanes now,
The cold’s own guard.
From heart of frost,
Three gifts arose,
Bestowed on those
Who crossed the veil.
Bound by the chill,
Their hearts were firm,
A steadfast will,
No cold could turn.
❅ ❆ ❅
The Sight of Stars,
So deep and wise,
Their eyes could pierce
The northern skies.
The Silent Strength,
A heart of ice,
That never bends
Or breaks in storm.
The Step of Snow,
So light as wind,
No storm could bind
Their hooves to ground.
Their coats grew thick,
Their hooves grew light,
And winter’s might
Was in their bones.
❅ ❆ ❅
Their first steps fell
On fields of frost,
Their hooves sank not,
The snow gave way.
Light as the wind,
They moved with grace,
Unbound by storm,
At winter’s pace.
Their coats grew long,
In colors pure,
Of browns and grays,
Of earth and stone.
For bright and bold
Had no place here,
Where stealth in snow
Was their great shield.
❅ ❆ ❅
Their coats grew soft,
As if by will,
And fluff became
Their arm and might.
With every gust,
They held the warmth,
And walked in peace
Where frost winds bite.
But in this land
Of endless white,
The snowponies learned
To fight and thrive.
Their hooves grew swift,
Their eyes grew sharp,
For winter's world
Was full of life.
❅ ❆ ❅
In forests dark,
Of ancient pine,
Their villages rose
With logs and light.
They gathered roots,
And berries sweet,
For winter's feast
Was found in trees.
In tundra wide,
Where winds ran wild,
They built their homes
From ice and snow.
Their igloos gleamed
In northern lights,
A beacon bright
In endless night.
❅ ❆ ❅
Upon the seas,
Where waves turned cold,
They fished the depths
With lines of frost.
The icebound catch,
From waters deep,
Filled their hearts warm
Through long, dark nights.
In lands once wild,
Where frost took hold,
The snowponies carved
A home from ice.
They built with frost,
Their strength from snow,
And named it Snowpitt,
A village bright.
❅ ❆ ❅
The shamans spoke
To northern winds,
And called the ghosts
Of frost and snow.
With hairs of frost,
From coats they wove
Great charms of strength
And magic deep.
For snowponies knew
That frost held will,
And magic lived
In every flake.
They called the ghosts
Of ancient days,
Who wandered still
Through snow and sky.
❅ ❆ ❅
But not all ponies
Knew the gift
To walk on snow
With steps so light.
The snowtrot was
A sacred skill,
Passed down by those
Who knew the way.
Young fillies learned,
Through toil and test,
To place their hooves
Like feathers soft.
The greatest ones
Could gallop swift,
Without a flake
Disturbed in flight.
❅ ❆ ❅
In northern nights,
Where windigos roamed,
The snowponies learned
To guard their hearts.
For hatred brought
The winds of death,
And anger fed
The frozen beasts.
But snowponies knew
The ancient law:
The balance held
'Tween fire and ice.
They stoked their hearths
With careful flame,
But never let
Their hearts grow warm.
❅ ❆ ❅
Beyond the gate
Where cold winds hold,
Where glaciers gleamed
And shadows slept,
There roamed great beasts
Of ice and flame,
Leviathans deep
In frozen seas.
The snowponies fought
With frozen spears,
Enchanted blades
Of magic bright.
Their warriors bold
Would guard the night,
To shield their homes
From winter's blight.
❅ ❆ ❅
In Snowpitt bright,
Beneath the stars,
The tribes would come
From far and wide.
Through endless night,
Where the sky grew dark,
They gathered close
In frost and flame.
They sang the songs
Of winter’s might,
And danced below
The northern lights.
For though they thrived
In ice and cold,
The snowponies held
Their hearts as one.
❅ ❆ ❅
The snowponies rose,
With strength and peace,
Their hearts ablaze
With winter’s gift.
They held the balance
Of snow and flame,
And walked the world
With steps of light.
Though frost did bite,
And storms did wail,
Their hearts stayed warm
Like hearths of flame.
For love was born
Beneath the snow,
And friendship’s bond
No cold could break.
❅ ❆ ❅
They gathered close
In huts of ice,
And shared the warmth
Of voice and light.
Their laughter rang
Through winter’s night,
And in their eyes,
The stars shone bright.
For though they’d changed,
Their hearts stayed true,
As fierce as storm
As wild as gale.
Through endless nights,
They stood as one—
Snowponies bound
By love and trust.
❅ ❆ ❅
When tempers froze,
When frost crept in,
Their warmth arose,
And melt the cold.
For when the winds
Were fiercest blown,
They never gave
A cold shoulder.
They laughed aloud
In frost-kissed air,
While snowflakes danced,
In winter's wonder.
Each one a vow
Softly laid,
As gentle as
The frost that flakes.
❅ ❆ ❅
In every flake
Of snow that fell,
A quiet grace
Of wonder bloomed.
For even when
The world grew dark,
Their love remained
A winter’s glow.
Through winters long,
Through endless storms,
Their bond endured,
Forever warm.
And in the heart
Of snow so deep,
Their love would hold
And never sleep.
by Glane