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Letters He Will Finally Read

By Steam_Powered_Anon
Created: 2024-10-19 11:10:10
Updated: 2024-10-19 15:08:14
Expiry: Never

  1. I read “Letters he will never read” and it gutted me. So, here’s a cope ending for myself.
  2. [Time dilation plays a kinda important part, (You) can figure it out]
  4. >You are Anon
  5. >And a decade of research, subterfugue, bribery, and blood has finally come to fruition.
  6. >You hold in your hands a leather-bound tome, the cover cracked and dulled with age, the pages yellowing and the ink fading.
  7. >It contained the last scraps of archaic formulae for the rift-tearing ritual.
  8. >The journey here had cost you an arm and a leg.
  9. >Quite literally - your left arm and leg are void of their biologic nature, replaced by cold steel and warm servos.
  10. >It was worth the price.
  11. >It was the way back to Equestria.
  12. >Back to your friends.
  13. >The place where you truly belong.
  14. >
  15. >Twilight had told you that the portal would be two-way, that you could come and go as you please, that everypony you had come to care for would visit.
  16. >The last thing you saw of Equestria was her waving, before the rift between your worlds closed.
  17. >It did not re-open.
  18. >
  19. >You waited.
  20. >Seconds turned to minutes.
  21. >Minutes to hours.
  22. >Hours to days.
  23. >You lost hope a month in.
  24. >
  25. >You were deep into thaumaturgic research within the year.
  26. >Doing whatever was necessary to study the weird, the wild, the esoteric.
  27. >You just wanted to see your friends again.
  28. >It was all so…
  29. >Bleak. Tiresome. Depressing.
  30. >The happy memories kept you going for a while.
  31. >While they have not faded, they stopped driving you after four years.
  32. >
  33. >The next six were powered purely by spite.
  34. >At God, Allah, Odin, the Flying Spaghetti Monster - whoever ran the show behind the curtains.
  35. >You would break the chains of this world if it was the last thing you did.
  36. >
  37. >And now, here you stand.
  38. >Within a room lit only by candlelight, thaumaturgic formulae spread before you in rings of chalk and your own dried blood.
  39. >Within your hand of cold steel lies your collection of notes, research, runes, and other assorted items.
  40. >All so you can leave this world behind.
  41. >Beside you is a well-worn medium-sized backpack, full of what few belongings you chose to keep over the years.
  42. >Mostly extra research, or things you thought ponies would find nice.
  43. >You breathe in a shaky breath.
  44. >It’s time.
  45. >
  46. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  47. >And your daily routine has remained unchanged for the past year.
  48. >Wake up, dried tears over the bags under your eyes.
  49. >Re-read the portal spell for the thousandth time.
  50. >Try it again.
  51. >Spike brings you breakfast.
  52. >You ignore it until you almost collapse from hunger.
  53. >You eat what little you can bear.
  54. >You re-read the spell again. Quintouple check everything
  55. >You try it again.
  56. >And again.
  57. >And. Again.
  58. >Spike brings you lunch.
  59. >You eat what little you can bear.
  60. >You. Keep. Trying.
  61. >You’ve hardly seen your friends since he left…
  62. >It’s your fault.
  63. >YOU did something wrong.
  64. >It’syourfaultit’syourfaultit’syourfaultyouFAILURE
  65. >You collapse, sobs racking your body.
  66. >You have to keep trying. There HAS to be a way to fix this…
  67. >…Maybe another letter would help.
  68. >
  69. >This is the 375th letter to Anon you’ve wrote now.
  70. >You know he will never read them, but…
  71. >It still helps.
  72. >Sometimes.
  73. >Your face remains soaked in tears as you sigh, stowing your quill and ink once more.
  74. >With slow hoofsteps, you begin your pilgrimmage.
  75. >Back through the library.
  76. >Up the stairs.
  77. >Two rooms down from yours.
  78. >Anon’s room.
  79. >At least…it was.
  80. >You’ve done this enough times to wear a shallow groove in the floor.
  81. >You gently grasp the handle in your magic, opening the door the same as always.
  82. >Expecting to walk over to his desk, and place the letter on the ever-growing pile.
  83. >Letters from yourself.
  84. >From your friends.
  85. >Neighbors.
  86. >A Princess or three.
  87. >Except…
  88. >That is not what happens.
  89. >Instead of the desk and letters burned into your frontal lobe, a tall, familiar shape stands before the desk, shuffling through the letters.
  90. >A worn bag at his side.

Letters He Will Finally Read

by Steam_Powered_Anon